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Activity Communication Style Self-Assessment On each line, read the 4 choices, and select (by placing a checkmark) the

e word or phrase that is most descriptive of you. There is no such thing as a best style, so do not choose what sounds best . !hoose one per line working from left to right, going across.

1.__ Like to analyze __ Like to interact 2.__ Objective .__ Lo!ical &.__%onsistency ). __Order +. __Val"e details /.__ %ontrolled 2.__ %omposed 4.__ %a"tio"s 15.__ 6ormal 11.__Detac$ed __ Emotional __ Enco"ra!in! __ 'pontaneity __ %ooperation

__Like to Decide __ Practical __ #o t$e Point __ Determination __ *es"lts

__Like to Explore __ Visionary __ %reative __ (nsi!$t __ %oncepts __ Val"e ideas

__ ,ored -it$ details__ Val"e .acts __ Personable __ Empat$etic __ Ent$"siastic __ (n.ormal __ 'entimental

__ 0ction1oriented __ Dreamer __ 3"ick __ 'ensible __ 7otivatin! __ (mpatient __ (mplementer __ Plain talk __ Driven __ *eality __ Direct __ Val"e present events ______#otal __(ntellect"al __ Ori!inal __ (nspirin! __ Preocc"pied __Developer __ Possibilities __ Distant __ %$an!e __ %omplex __ Val"e ."t"re ______#otal

12.__Problem1solver__'"pporter 1 .__Data 1&.__ %ritical 1). __ #r"t$ 1+.__ Precise __ 6eelin!s __ 7oody __ 8armony __#act."l

1/.__ Val"e __Val"e 0cc"rate past #ime tables events ac$ievements ______#otal ______#otal

Characteristics of the Four Styles of Communication

Positives Thinkers 0re !ood at p"ttin! t$in!s in order. 8ave a talent .or analyzin! a problem or sit"ation 7ake objective decisions based on lo!ic #end to be brie. and b"sinesslike Val"e acc"racy and preciseness #reat people .airly 6ollo- policies and r"les 0re so"!$t o"t .or problem solvin! abilities

Negatives Thinkers %an be overly ca"tio"s or too slo7i!$t miss t$e .orest .or t$e trees %an $"rt ot$er9s .eelin!s 7i!$t not !ive eno"!$ positive .eedback #$eir knack .or rememberin! policy: ad$erin! to policy and attention to detail can ca"se a 6eeler to t$ink t$e #$inker is lookin! .or t$in!s to criticize

Feelers 0re !ood at b"ildin! rapport and comm"nicatin! tact."lly %onsider t$e impact on ot$er people -$en makin! decisions 8ave a talent .or empat$izin! and creatin! $armony 0re nat"rally .riendly and $ave a !ood sense o. $"mor #ake an interest in t$e person be$ind t$e job #reat eac$ person "ni;"ely

Feelers Overly personalize sit"ations *elations$ips can clo"d j"d!ment 7i!$t overlook important details Lack o. plannin! can ca"se disor!anization 7ay spend too m"c$ time socializin! 0sk a .eeler <$o- are yo"= and t$ey -ill tell yo" more t$an yo" ever -anted to kno-.

Positives Sensors 0re reso"rce."l: determined: practical and do-n1to1eart$ 8ave a talent .or !ettin! t$in!s done 7ake decisions ;"ickly based on .acts and past experience 6oc"s on actions: res"lts and re-ards Like to !et to t$e <bottom line= or <c"t to t$e c$ase= Enjoy t$e present moment >ork steadily -it$ a realistic idea o. $o- lon! it -ill take.

Negatives Sensors (mp"lsive %ompetitive 0!!ressive (mpatient Disre!ard lon!1term conse;"ences o. actions?decisions @nder stress may alienate ot$ers 7ay be poor listeners o.ten interr"pt 7i!$t create Amesses9 .or ot$ers to Aclean "p=

Intuitors 0re visionary: seem to see into t$e ."t"re and are !ood: lon!1 ran!e planners Love to learn ne- skills 8ave !reat ima!inations 6oc"s on $o- t$in!s can be improved 0re able to identi.y creative sol"tions and .res$ and novel approac$es

Intuitors 0bsent1minded= scattered Lon! on vision: s$ort on action 0void nitty1!ritty: $ates p$one covera!e 8ard to read 7ay come across as As"perior9: arro!ant: or condescendin! 7ay not .ollo-1t$ro"!$ on tasks 7ay procrastinate


Everyone $as t$eir o-n major and minor comm"nication style t$ey can "se in t$eir -ork and personal li.e based "pon .o"r primary styles. 0lso: t$ere are be$avior patterns associated -it$ eac$ styleB STY ! #$inker FUNCT"ON 0nalyzin!: orderin! in lo!ical .as$ion


*elatin! to and "nderstandin! experience t$ro"!$ emotional reactions and response to .eelin!s Experiencin! mainly based on personal sensory perceptionsC9j"st do it9 style %onceivin!: projectin!: ind"cin!



6O@* 70DO* '#ELE' O6 %O77@F(%0#(OF Feeler#

8o- Primary 6eelers typically ."nctionB Primary 6eelers are likely to be perceived as bein! dynamic and stim"latin!. #$ey are likely to be <-arm= and closely in to"c$ -it$ ot$ers. #$ey "s"ally are able to demonstrate t$e ability to be sensitive to t$e needs and -ants o. ot$ers. #$ey are able to note discrepancies bet-een speec$ and expression or bet-een o"t-ard be$avior and inner .eelin!. #$ey are sensitive to t$eir o-n motives and t$ose o. ot$ers. #$ey are o.ten seen as perceptive and insi!$t."l. Ot$ers -ill seek t$em o"t .or t$eir abilities to sort o"t complex emotional problems and sit"ations: to interpret t$e meanin!s o. be$avior or to assess t$e climate or morale o. a !ro"p. #$ey are likely to be e..ective in anticipatin! or predictin! t$e -ay ot$ers may respond or react to a projected c$an!e or action. Primary 6eelers at t$eir bestB 0t t$eir best: t$ey are likely to be tr"ly perceptive and a-are G skilled in comm"nication and a patient: empat$etic listener and observer. #$ey can o.ten read and assess or!anizational politics -it$ acc"racy and insi!$t. #$ey are people -$o can promote c$an!e in -ays t$at -ill red"ce resistin! .orces <be.ore t$e .act= and t$"s increase t$e likeli$ood o. cooperation: team-ork and pro!ress. Primary 6eelers at t$eir least e..ectiveB #$ey may be seen as people -$o are more concerned -it$ t$e process o. interaction t$an -it$ t$e content or action t$at people are interactin! abo"t. #$ey may be seen as $avin! m"c$ less interest in developin! concepts: plans or pro!rams Hor in systematically !ettin! t$em to ."nctionI t$an t$ey do in analyzin!: comm"nicatin! and interpretin! -$atever is takin! place. 7any -ill see t$em as people -$o rely less on lo!ic and t$o"!$t t$an on <!"t .eel <or t$e -ay people and t$in!s emotionally <strike= t$em. #$ey may seem more preocc"pied -it$ makin! an emotional impact on ot$ers or pers"adin! t$em to move: t$an bein! concerned as to -$et$er or not s"c$ movements $ave been t$o"!$t o"t or care."lly planned. #$ey seem to take t$eir o-n emotional reactions and -$at t$ey t$at ot$ers .eel: as representin! A.act.= %onse;"ently: t$ey .re;"ently act on t$e basis o. t$eir .eelin!s abo"t t$in!s. 'ome may see t$em as de.ensive and over1reactive and ot$ers may criticize t$em .or t$eir s"bjectivity.

#$ey may be criticized .or t$eir emotionalism -$ic$ many may see as a s"bstit"te .or action. #$ey may be perceived as somet$in! o. an intri!"er -$o: in t$eir -ell1intended e..orts to dra- ot$ers o"t: tend to .an latent emotional sparks into real .ires: all t$e -$ile seemin! disappointed (. ot$ers do not s$are t$eir concerns abo"t t$e importance o. .eelin! as t$e necessary cornerstone .or meanin!."l action and c$an!e. 8o- Primary 6eelers ."nction "nder stressB @nder stress: t$ey r"n t$e risk o. bein! perceived by ot$ers as s"bjective: imp"lsive and ins"..iciently deliberate. #$ey may also be seen as some-$at cavalier abo"t details or pr"dent meas"res val"ed by ot$ers. @nder press"re: o.ten t$ey may be seen as bein! t$in1skinned or over1reactive. #$ey may overstep t $eir desire to be bold and o"tspoken or dramatic and play to t$e !allery G possibly lackin! $"mility or !ood sense. @nder stress t$eir moods may .l"ct"ate ;"ite -idely and react to t$e .eelin!s o. t$e moment ca"sin! some-$at "neven or possibly erratic be$avior. 'ometimes t$is ca"ses ot$ers to ;"estion t$eir credibility.

6O@* 70DO* '#ELE' O6 %O77@F(%0#(OF "ntuitor

8o- Primary (nt"itors typically ."nctionB Primary (nt"itors typically ."nction and are o.ten perceived as .ast and deep t$inkers. #$e o.ten reveal very excellent ima!inations. #$ey tend to ;"estion t$emselves and ot$ers. #$ey are not acc"stomed to takin! t$in!s .or !ranted. #$ey o.ten seem to $ave an "ncanny ability to anticipate or to project G to <kno-= prior to many ot$ers9 kno-in!. #$"s: t$ey ."nction as people -$o seems to $ave !ood vision and ability to see relations$ips bet-een t$in!s t$at many ot$ers to not "nderstand or are "nable to compre$end. 'ometimes people say t$ey seem to be in a -orld o. t$eir o-n. #$ey "s"ally resent bein! placed in a sit"ation -$ere t$ey are: in any sense: A$emmed in= or re;"ired to t$in! or operate in a str"ct"red: -ell1de.ined manner. Primary (nt"itors enjoy creatin! t$eir o-n str"ct"re o"t o. disorderJ t$ey excel -it$ ima!inative tasks and sit"ations demandin! a lon!1term vie-. Primary (nt"itors at t$eir bestB >$en t$ey are at t$eir best: t$ey -ill be seen as leaders and as visionaries G people -$o can c"t t$ro"!$ t$e smoke screens o. tradition or past practices and .oc"s on t$e cr"x o. t$e sit"ation. #$ey "s"ally are able to see pro.itable nedirections or sol"tions o. !reat val"e t$at ot$ers $ave missed. #$ey .re;"ently brin! "p .res$ and novel approac$es and ideas. Primary (nt"itors at t$eir least e..ectiveB 0t t$eir least e..ective: Primary (nt"itors may be seen as <too lon! on visionJ too s$ort on action= #$ey are individ"als -$o may avoid some o. t$e tedio"s nitty1 !ritty. #$ey may o.ten be so convinced o. t$e po-er and val"e o. t$eir insi!$ts and contrib"tions t$at t$ey may not see t$e necessity o. doc"mentin! or provin! t$em to t$e satis.action o. ot$ers. (ndeed: at times t$ey may seem ;"ite impatient and irritated -it$ ot$ers -$o demand detailed evidence or do not see t$e val"e o. t$eir ideas as t$ey do.

O.ten t$ey may be criticized .or bein! overly abstract or t$eoretical. 'ometimes people see Primary (nt"itors as actin! <s"perior= or bein! condescendin! in t$eir comm"nications. Primary (nt"itors o.ten ."nction "nder stressB >$en Primary (nt"itors are "nder stress: t$ey r"n t$e risk o. bein! seen by ot$ers as detac$ed or overly intellect"alized. #$ey -ill be seen as ;"ite indi..erent to t$e reality o. t$e sit"ation and may even be seen as e!o1centered or bein! in an <ivory to-er.= 0t times: "nder stress: Primary (nt"itors can become ;"ite ri!id: "ncompromisin! and impractical. (n t$e last instance: t$ey may seem to be more concerned -it$ t$e development and de.ense o. t$eir ideas t$an in translatin! t$em into more "sable .orms or tryin! to adapt t$em to t$e inp"ts made by ot$ers. #$ey are apt to .eel more satis.ied i. t$eir approac$ is concept"ally so"nd t$an testin! it or $elpin! ot$ers to !ain .rom it in a "tilitarian .as$ion.

6O@* 70DO* '#ELE' O6 %O77@F(%0#(OF Thin$er

8o- Primary #$inkers typically ."nctionB Primary #$inkers typically ."nction in a steady: tenacio"s manner. #$ey rely on t$eir observations and rational principles -$ile avoidin! emotionalism and skepticism to-ard novel depart"res .rom -$at $as been proven o"t in t$e past G at least "ntil s"c$ ideas or plans or pro!rams $ave been t$oro"!$ly analyzed: tested and revie-ed in t$e li!$t o. ot$er possible alternatives. #$ey are o.ten ;"ite skeptical o. t$eir o-n initial reactions and .orm"lations as -ell as t$ose o. ot$ers. #$ere.ore: t$ey .re;"ently -o"ld rat$er <sleep on= a ne- idea and revieit care."lly be.ore takin! a position or makin! a commitment. #$ey conscio"sly avoid !oin! o.. <$al.1cocked= or bein! s-ept alon! by t$e needs o. t$e moment. #$ey very o.ten are seen as consistent prod"cers G lo!ical res"lt1!etters as opposed to individ"als -$o are primarily visionaries or idea people. Primary #$inkers at t$eir bestB >$en t$ey are at t$eir best: t$ey may be seen as consistent .orces .or pro!ress and!$t t$inkers as -ell as doers. #$ey -ill o.ten be seen as people -$o can c"t t$ro"!$ t$e smoke1screens o. "ntested ideas and emotional .ervor. #$ey can very .re;"ently be $i!$ly e..ective in or!anizin! t$emselves and ot$er to researc$ and plan. 8ence: t$ey are o. !reat $elp in exec"tin! a lo!ical: painstakin! and pro.itable project. Primary #$inkers at t$eir lease e..ectiveB 0t t$eir least e..ective: t$ey may be seen as overly1ca"tio"s and conservative G individ"als -$o at times may emp$asize deliberation to t$e de1emp$asis o. action. #$ey may become so involved in -ei!$in!: testin!: researc$in! and c$eckin!: t$at ot$ers perceive t$em as indecisive. 'ometimes t$ey -ill be seen as st"mblin! blocks to actions t$at represent depart"res .rom tradition. >$en t$ey try to deal -it$ c$an!e: basin! t$eir actions on rational principles: t$ey may sometimes be vie-ed as ri!id or do!matic. 6or t$ese reasons: t$ey may be criticized .or bein! mec$anistic or impersonal. O.ten t$ey are acc"sed o. bein! overly ca"tio"s: overly met$odical or overly lo!ical. 'ometimes people see t$em as non1spontaneo"s or <dry= or <cold=.

8o- Primary #$inkers ."nction "nder stressB >$en Primary #$inkers are "nder stress: t$ey may rely too $eavily on t$eir style and can r"n t$e risk o. bein! seen by ot$ers as ri!id: overly ca"tio"s and insec"re. Ot$ers .eel t$at t$ey may be anxio"s to proceed b"t not at t$e expense o. m"c$ risk. #$ey may be seen as more concerned -it$ t$e iss"e o. t$eir correct assessments t$an -it$ t$e reso"rce."l and timely exploitation o. opport"nities. >$en t$eir associates .eel "nder press"re: t$ey may seem ;"ite disinterested in t$e $"man .eelin!s o. t$ose aro"nd t$em and <o"t o. to"c$= in t$e sense t$at t$ey may seem task1oriented and "n-illin! to depart .rom t$eir establis$ed met$ods and ro"tines.

6O@* 70DO* '#ELE' O6 %O77@F(%0#(OF Sensor#

8o- Primary 'ensors typically ."nctionB ,asically: Primary 'ensors are doers. 'ensors tend to move a$ead reso"rce."lly and determinedly G movin! sometimes seemin!ly ins"rmo"ntable obstacles o"t o. t$e -ay. #$ey t$rive on -orkin! on a -ide variety o. projects and tasks at once: and yet o.ten to ot$ers demonstrate -$at seems to be an incredible ability to !et t$in!s done. Primary 'ensors .eel com.ortable abo"t committin! to "ndertakin!s or even to ot$er preliminary steps only a.ter t$ey $ave been able to prove to t$emselves t$at t$e proposed action is likely to -ork. (. t$ey cannot "nderstand a proposed action in terms o. t$eir direct experience H-$o -ill do -$atJ $o-J .or -$at p"rposeJ $o- -ill -e kno- it is accomplis$ed...I: t$en t$ey may .ind it di..ic"lt or "ndesirable to proceed ."rt$er -it$ t$e matter. #$is is so beca"se t$ey tend to learn best: not on a concept"al or t$eoretical basis: b"t on t$e basis o. immediate: direct: personal experience. Primary 'ensors -ill "s"ally be seen as decisive. 3"ick decision1makin! is important to t$em beca"se actin! is one o. t$eir primary means o. relievin! anxiety or preventin! -asted time .rom occ"rrin!. Primary 'ensors at t$eir bestB 0t t$eir best: t$ey are likely to be seen as dynamos G A8erc"lean= -orkers -$o: once $avin! committed t$emselves to at task: -ill move mo"ntains to make t$e "ndertakin! a s"ccess. #$ey are seen as reso"rce."l: -ell1or!anized: pra!matic and $ard1drivin!. #$ey "s"ally impose $i!$ standards o. "tility on t$emselves and ot$ers. #o t$is de!ree: t$ey are probably likely to be seen as constr"ctively impatient or tireless. 'ometimes people see t$em as spirited and do-n1to1eart$ 1 able to convey a sense o. mission and p"rpose to ot$ers. Primary 'ensors at t$eir lease e..ectiveB #$ey may be seen as .ailin! to consider s"..iciently t$e lon!1ran!e conse;"ences o. t$eir action. #$ey may be seen as so1action1oriented t$at t$ey <s$ort circ"it= si!ni.icant steps in t$e plannin! process. (n a sense: sometimes t$ey dispense -it$ ca"tion and analysis in a cavalier .as$ion as t$o"!$ t$ey -ere sayin!: <(t9s t$e !ame t$at co"nts: so -$y -aste time talkin! abo"t it or in considerin! alternatives to t$e !ame.= #$ey can be criticized .or imposin! t$eir

expectations .or drive: $i!$1speed and zealo"sness onto ot$ers. #$ey tend to over1emp$asize s$ort1term res"lts and act imp"lsively G tryin! to drive ot$ers to t$eir -ill G rat$er t$an adoptin! strate!ies based on t$e concepts: plans or .eelin!s o. ot$ers. 8o- Primary 'ensors ."nction "nder stressB @nder stress: Primary 'ensors r"n t$e risk o. bein! seen by ot$ers as anti1 intellect"al G as demonstratin! <t"nnel vision= or bein! de.ensively over1reactive to t$e di..erence o. opinions t$at represent resistance .or action and movement. @nder stress: t$ere is a tendency on t$eir part to ride ro"!$1s$od over t$e .eelin!s o. ot$ers. 'ometimes t$ey .ail to assess t$is impact "pon ot$ers and are seen as bein! opinionated or biased. #$ey are likely to constr"e loyalty as a de!ree to -$ic$ ot$ers a!ree -it$ t$em and $elp t$em Heven t$o"!$ t$ey t$ink t$ey are -ron!I. @nder t$e stress o. .ail"res: t$ey may see t$e lack o. s"ccess not as ne!ative re.lection o. t$eir o-n style: b"t as evidence t$at ot$ers are not s"..iciently loyal or ind"strio"s to make t$eir project -ork.

%$aracteristics 0ssociated >it$ t$e 'tyles

STY ! !FF!CT"%! APP "CAT"ON 'pontaneo"s Pers"asive Empat$etic Probin! (ntrospective Loyal Krasps traditional val"es Dra-s o"t .eelin!s o. ot$ers Ori!inal (ma!inative %reative ,road1!a"!ed %$arismatic (dealistic (deolo!ical (ntellect"ally tenacio"s E..ective %omm"nicator Deliberative Pr"dent >ei!$s alternatives 'tabilizin! Objective *ational 0nalytical "N!FF!CT"%! APP "CAT"ON (mp"lsive 7anip"lative Over1Personalizes 'entimental Postponin! K"ilt1ridden 'tirs "p con.lict '"bjective



@nrealistic <6ar1O"t= 6antasy1bo"nd 'cattered Devio"s O"t1o.1to"c$ Do!matic (mpractical Verbose (ndecisive Over1ca"tio"s Over1analyzes @nemotional Fon1dynamic Over1serio"s: ri!id %ontrolled and controllin!



Pra!matic 0ssertive: directional *es"lts1oriented %ompetitive %on.ident Objective G bases opinions on -$at $e?s$e act"ally sees

Doesn9t see lon!1ran!e 0cts .irst: t$en t$inks Lacks tr"st in ot$ers Domineerin! 0rro!ant 'tat"s1seekin!: sel.1 involved.

7otivatin! and *e-ardin! t$e 6o"r Primary 'tyles

Enjoy personal attention Like bein! $elp."l to ot$ers Like $earin! abo"t and expressin! .eelin!s

Eo" can re-ard t$em byB Praisin! a !ood e..ort 0llo-in! opport"nities .or t$em to $elp Permittin! creative and expressive activities '$arin! t$e personal part o. yo"r reactions

Love to respond to an intellect"al c$an!e Like to t$ink abo"t important !oals and iss"es Feed time and breat$in! space

Eo" can re-ard t$em byB Val"in! t$eir creativity by enco"ra!in! it in disc"ssionsJ allo-in! t$inkin! time 0llo-in! t$em to desi!n t$eir o-n !oals?objectives P"ttin! t$em -it$ people -$o -ill val"e t$eir skills #akin! t$e time to talk -it$ t$em abo"t t$in!s t$at are interestin! to t$em

Love to be ri!$t and $ate to be -ron! Like to take t$eir time to !et t$in!s done

Like -orkin! -it$ ot$ers -$o appreciate t$eir capabilities

Eo" can re-ard #$inkers byB Praisin! neatness Praisin! completion o. -ork Praisin! t$oro"!$ness and detail 0llo-in! t$em to set t$eir o-n learnin! and testin! sc$ed"le Kro"pin! t$em -it$ people -$o appreciate t$em

Love to take action Enjoy takin! a leaders$ip role Like to start ne- projects

Eo" can motivate 'ensors byB Permittin! activities a.ter completion o. ;"iet -ork Praisin! completion o. s"ccess."l projects Providin! opport"nities .or leaders$ip roles Kivin! 'peci.ic: active responsibilities

Dia!nosin! %omm"nication 'tyles in Ot$ers

#elep$one ,e$avior Don9t seem to distin!"is$ bet-een b"siness and personal calls in t$e sense t$at t$ey are likely to be ;"ite in.ormal. (nterject $"mor: personal associations: ;"estions abo"t ot$er9s -ell1bein!: etc. Like to <!ossip.= (n -ritin!: .avor t$e personal note over ot$er .orms. Do not like to -rite at1len!t$: .ace1to1.ace or p$one contact. #end to be more e..ective in oral t$an -ritten comm"nication as t$ey convey m"c$ in.lection: interest: ent$"siasm and impact Dress is more accordin! to o-n mood t$an to s"it ot$ers9 expectations. Like color."l: in.ormal clot$es. #ends to personalize t$eir s"rro"ndin!s: make t$eir o..ices in.ormal and some-$at <$omey.= #$ey like -arm colors: anti;"es: bi! live plants: mementos: snapMs$ots rat$er t$an .ormal p$oto!rap$s o. .amily. Papers and .iles etc. are likely to be messy on t$e s"r.ace: <or!anized= "nderneat$ in a personal -ay only t$ey can "nderstand.

Oral and >ritten %omm"nication

Dress Decor

#elep$one ,e$avior >ordy: sometimes aloo.. (mpersonal. 7ay -onder o.. on tan!ents. Fot mind."l o. time. Letters and memos are idea1oriented: verbose: tec$nically1oriented: and o.ten complex. (n conversation o.ten seem erratic: s-itc$in! .rom lon! silences to <lect"re= mode. 8ard to predict. 7ay be like t$e absent1 minded pro.essor:= 7ay be too -rapped "p in ."t"re !oals to t$ink abo"t daily appearance. Likely to demonstrate t$eir ima!ination in t$eir selection o. t$e ne-est ."rnis$in!s and dNcor. #$ose in <t$ink= occ"pations and pro.essions $ave o..ices resemblin! mini t$ink1tanksJ ro"nd con.erence tables: inspiration1 pads on -alls. O..1beat periodicals. 0dd citations .or idealistic -ork: comm"nity service and pet ca"ses.

Oral and >ritten %omm"nication

Dress Decor

#elep$one ,e$avior <,"siness1like= b"t lack1l"ster. Little voice in.lection. List speci.ics. Ordered: meas"red manner. 'ometimes s"!!est !ro"nd r"les .or p$one conversation: i.e.: <'$all -e be!in -it$ yo"r a!enda or mineO= Letters and memos are lo!ical: easy to .ollo-: -ell t$o"!$t t$ro"!$. O.ten more e..ective in -ritin! t$an speakin! beca"se tone and in.lection may be stripped o. .eelin!: monotonal and <.lat= @s"ally more conservative: <proper= @nass"min!: "nderstated. Dress invariably appropriate to circ"mstances. ,"siness1like in o..iceJ -ell1tailored: <correct= in non1-ork atmosp$ere... #$inkers like t$eir -ork s"rro"ndin!s to be practical and non1distractin!. #$ey select ."rnis$in!s t$at are taste."l b"t conventional. Likely to $ave c$arts .or b"siness "se: reports and re.erence -orks nearby. 6e- to"c$es o. in.ormality and color.

Oral and >ritten %omm"nication

Dress Decor

#elep$one ,e$avior 0br"pt. 'taccato. Ket to t$e point: expect ot$ers to do same. (nterr"pt. Feed to control t$e conversation. *esent $avin! to -rite: see it as a <-aste o. time= or <"nnecessary evil= rat$er t$an as action. Very brie.: sometimes careless in notes and memos t$ey das$ o... >ritten comm"nication is action1oriented: "r!ent. 8andle several p$one calls sim"ltaneo"sly. (n.ormal: simple: ."nctional clot$es are t$e order o. t$e day. >ant to be neat: b"t not .ancy. Kenerate atmosp$ere o. $ard1c$ar!in! cl"tter. 7ementos: i. any: connote actionB $eads o. animals $"nted: tennis trop$ies: mo"nted .is$: racin! prints. Desk is likely to be bi!: messy. 'ensors are too b"sy to be neat: too action1 oriented to be concerned -it$ ima!e "nless t$ey $ave a stron! #$inker back1"p style.

Oral and >ritten %omm"nication

Dress Decor

'trate!ies .or #"rnin! Less1E..ective ,e$avior (nto 7ore Prod"ctive ,e$avior

One o. t$e main points -e $ave been rein.orcin! in t$is trainin! is t$at e..ective on1site inspection or assistance is not limited to one sin!le style o. dealin! -it$ people. 'tyles !enerally are more e..ective -$en varied -it$ sit"ations and people. E..ectiveness d"rin! on1site -ork is related to $o- -ell inspectors "se t$eir pre.erred style or styles. #$e emp$asis $ere is on tryin! to identi.y yo"r o-n style G rat$er t$an tryin! to c$an!e it G and t$en to blend it -it$ ot$ers yo" -ork -it$: in order to !et t$e -ork done more e..ectively. #o $elp -it$ t$is e..ort: listed belo- are .ive basic strate!ies: ranked $ere in order o. di..ic"lty. Ca(itali)ing #$is strate!y involves .indin! ne- opport"nities to "se yo"r pre.erred style more o.ten. *at$er t$an s-eatin! abo"t -$at yo"9re not: yo" s$o"ld pat yo"rsel. on t$e back .or -$at yo" do -ell and try to do it more. 6indin! people in yo"r .acility "pon -$om yo" can call to a"!ment yo"r style: -$ic$ -ill provide c$ecks and balances to it: is t$e second strate!y. #$is strate!y entails .indin! lo-1risk opport"nities to practice yo"r least pre.erred style: t$e one yo" may be t$e -eakest in. Eo"9re still not tryin! to c$an!e yo"rsel.J yo"9re j"st exercisin! a less1developed set o. m"scles. #$is strate!y involves selectin! a key person -$ose style is di..erent .rom yo"rs and -it$ -$om yo" can develop a plan .or better comm"nication and compatibility. #$is strate!y di..ers .rom t$e ot$ers in t$at it comes into play only "nder de.ensive conditions: -$en t$ere9s stress or con.lict. #$e ot$er strate!ies are "sed in normal everyday sit"ationsJ b"t -$en t$e scre-s ti!$ten: t$e dan!er o. over1 doin! yo"r pre.erred style arises. #$"s: t$e .i.t$ strate!y is to identi.y circ"mstance and people -$o tri!!er yo"r excesses




%ontrollin! Excess

and develop personal plans to control t$e excesses and t$eir ca"ses.

7(''(FK 'L(LL'
People -it$ lo- 6eeler scores may .rom becomin!B 7ore conscio"s o. ot$er people9s .eelin!s. 7ore $elp."l in translatin! ot$er people9s .eelin!s into -ords t$at ot$ers can "nderstand: instead o. j"st criticizin!. 7ore $elp."l in makin! ot$ers .eel com.ortable. 6reer to .ollo- t$eir o-n .eelin!s and be spontaneo"s. People -it$ lo- (nt"itor scores may .rom becomin!B 7ore open to ne- ideas. 7ore -illin! to say <-$at -o"ld $appen i.:= instead o. <t$at -on9t -ork beca"se.= ,etter at talkin! and t$inkin! at $i!$er levels o. abstraction. 7ore creative and innovative. ,etter at .indin! ne- "ses .or old ideas. ,etter at seein! relations$ips bet-een ideas. 7ore interested in t$e ."t"re Hecolo!y: next !eneration: iss"es o. conscienceI and today9s actions9 e..ects on it. People -it$ lo- #$inker scores may .rom becomin!B 7ore str"ct"red and or!anized. 7ore t$o"!$t."l in decision1makin! Hless imp"lsiveI. 7ore !oal1oriented H!et t$in!s doneI. 7ore time1related and on time. 7ore -illin! to c$ecko"t t$eir .acts. People -it$ lo- 'ensor scores may .rom becomin!B 7ore action1oriented 7ore concerned -it$ .inis$in! tasks t$an makin! t$em per.ect. 6reer at or!anizin! ot$er people Htakin! more leaders$ipI 7ore -illin! to $elp a !ro"p la"nc$ projects instead o. explainin! -$y it can9t be done= or <-on9t -ork= 7ore concerned -it$ prod"cts: timeliness and d"e dates t$an process and plannin!. 7ore -illin! to compete even t$o"!$ t$ey may lose.

7ore -illin! to take risks.

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