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ENG-737 Digital Spread Spectrum System

Lecture 1


E"G$ E"G$ %&%
Wright State University James P. Stephens Le t!re "#tes

INTRODUCTION T is c!urse is a "t!pic !#er#ie$ %!r graduate stude&ts i&terested i& digital c!mmu&icati!&s as a speciali'ed area !% study( )y !*+ecti#e i& teac i&g t is class is t! pr!#ide a& i&tr!ducti!& t! t e t e!ry a&d pri&ciples !% spread spectrum, t! illustrate applicati!& i& c!mmercial a&d military systems, a&d t! m!ti#ate stude&ts %!r %urt er study( C!urse details are descri*ed i& t e sylla*us( Up!& c!mpleti!& !% t is c!urse, y!u $ill lear& t e %!ll!$i&g-


*. -. &. 1. 2. 6. %. 8. 9. Learn the +e,initi#n #, SS Un+erstan+ the reas#n ,#r !sing SS Learn t# +isting!ish .et/een vari#!s m#+!0ati#n types Learn the #n ept #, signa0 +imensi#na0ity an+ h#/ it re0ates t# pr# essing gain Un+erstan+ the signi,i an e #, P" se3!en es4 their pr#perties4 h#/ t# generate them4 an+ h#/ t# e5p0#it them Un+erstan+ at the .0# 7 +iagram 0eve04 the ,!n ti#n #, ea h s!.system4 i.e. m#+!0ati#n4 +em#+!0ati#n4 a 3!isiti#n4 tra 7ing4 et Learn h#/ t# +etermine system per,#rman e Un+erstan+ a variety #, #mmer ia0 SS app0i ati#ns Gain e5p#s!re t# ne/ areas #, +igita0 #mm!ni ati#ns

.!u $ill lear& !$ t! disti&guis *et$ee& t e #ari!us types !% SS m!dulati!& a&d /&!$ t e stre&gt a&d $ea/&ess !% eac ( .!u $ill u&dersta&d t e reas!&s %!r usi&g spread spectrum( .!u $ill u&dersta&d t e sig&i%ica&ce !% pseud!&!ise 01N2 se3ue&ces, t eir pr!perties, !$ t! ge&erate t em, a&d !$ t! e4pl!it t em( .!u $ill u&dersta&d t e c!&cept !% sig&al dime&si!&ality a&d !$ it relates t! pr!cessi&g gai&( .!u $ill u&dersta&d t e %u&cti!& !% eac su*-system i(e( m!dulati!&, dem!dulati!&, ac3uisiti!& a&d trac/i&g, etc( .!u $ill lear& !$ t! measure t e per%!rma&ce !% a spread spectrum system( .!u $ill u&dersta&d a #ariety !% c!mmercial applicati!&s suc as cellular radi!, G1S, c!rdless telep !&es, L5Ns li/e 678(11, a&d !t er $ireless pr!t!c!ls suc as 9luet!!t ( .!u $ill gai& e4p!sure t! &e$ digital c!mmu&icati!& c!&cepts suc as tra&s%!rm d!mai&, O:D), multicarrier CD)5, a&d U;9( COURSE OUTLINE


: : : : : : : : (vervie/ Digita0 C#mm!ni ati#ns Revie/ Spe tr!m Sprea+ing C#n epts Pse!+#ran+#m C#+es Dire t Se3!en e Systems ;re3!en y '#pping Systems Syn hr#ni<ati#n #, SS Systems App0i ati#ns #, Sprea+ Spe tr!m

5 c!urse i& SS is usually !%%ered as part !% a digital c!mmu&icati!& se3ue&ce( Suc a se3ue&ce is curre&tly e#!l#i&g ere at ;SU a&d s!me !% y!u may a#e ta/e& t is !r similar c!urse( T e %!cus !& t e class $ill *e applicati!&s a&d t e c!urse $ill &!t *e mat ematically rig!r!us( I $ill re#ie$ s!me !% t e digital c!mmu&icati!& t e!ry &ecessary t! u&dersta&d t is material( )y lectures $ill *e suppleme&ted *y c!&sidera*le additi!&al material &!t i&cluded i& t e te4t( S1ECI5L RESE5RC< TO1IC Eac stude&t $ill *e re3uired t! prepare a 17-1= page rep!rt !& a special t!pic i& spread spectrum tec &!l!gy( T e rep!rt $ill *e due !& t e 6t $ee/( .!u $ill als! prese&t a = mi&ute 1!$er1!i&t prese&tati!& t! t e class( Details regardi&g t is assig&me&t $ill *e %!rt c!mi&g( T e purp!se !% t is assig&me&t is t! permit stude&ts t! del#e i&t! a speciali'ed area !% i&terest a&d rep!rt t! t e class $ at y!u lear&ed( 95SIC DIGIT5L CO))UNIC5TIONS O>ER>IE; Generi Digita0 C#mm!ni ati#n System

;<5T IS S1RE5D S1ECTRU)? I& t e early days !% radi! $e use t! *e c!&cer&ed $it spectral e%%icie&cy( T at is, usi&g t e smallest am!u&t !% *a&d$idt &ecessary t! carry !ur a&al!g message( ;e $ere c!&cer&ed a*!ut i&ter%ere&ce a&d %idelity !% t e message( I& %act, :) $as ad!pted as a& i&ter%ere&ce %ree m!dulati!&, superi!r t! 5)( T ree t i&gs a#e c a&ged t e $ay $e c!mmu&icate t!day1( T e military $as i&terested i& de#el!pi&g a&ti-+am $a#e%!rms( O% c!urse t is de#el!pme&t $as classi%ied a&d /ept %r!m t e pu*lic a&d c!mmercial use %!r ma&y years( 8( T e gra&d%at er !% m!der& c!mmu&icati!&s, Claude S a&&!&, de#el!ped a t e!ry t at e%%ecti#ely stated t at err!r-%ree c!mmu&icati!&s $as p!ssi*le gi#e& e&!ug *a&d$idt a&d SNR( <e did &!t say !$, !&ly t at it $as t e!retically p!ssi*le( 3( T e pr!li%erati!& !% digital tec &!l!gy, discrete systems, a&d !% c!urse micr!pr!cess!rs a&d digital sig&al pr!cessi&g de#el!pme&ts( DE:INITION

: DE;I"ITI("> Sprea+ spe tr!m ?SS@ is a means #, signa0 transmissi#n in /hi h>
1( T e tra&smitted sig&al !ccupies a *a&d$idt $ ic is muc greater t a& t e mi&imum &ecessary t! se&d t e i&%!rmati!&( 8( Spreadi&g is acc!mplis ed *y mea&s !% a spreadi&g sig&al called a "c!de@ sig&al, $ ic is i&depe&de&t !% t e data( 3( 5t t e recei#er, despreadi&g is d!&e *y c!rrelati&g t e recei#ed SS sig&al $it a sy&c r!&i'ed replica !% t e spreadi&g sig&al(

Spread spectrum is a m!dulati!& tec &i3ue i& $ ic t e tra&smitted sig&al *a&d$idt is muc greater t a& t e *a&d$idt re3uired *y t e i&%!rmati!&( 5&d, t at s!me !t er $a#e%!rm, i(e( spreadi&g %u&cti!&, is used t! i&crease t e *a&d$idt ( T!day, t e term spread spectrum is !%te& used t! descri*e a #ariety !% $ide*a&d sig&al !r sig&als $it a&ti+am 05B2 !r l!$ pr!*a*ility !% i&tercept 0L1I2 pr!perties, *ut $ ic d! &!t meet t e de%i&iti!& !% spread spectrum( .!u $ill lear& t! rec!g&i'e t is( S!me pe!ple l!#e t! argue sema&tics a&d de%i&iti!&s( I *elie#e i% y!u u&dersta&d t e c!&cept $ell e&!ug , y!u are %ree t! discuss t e stre&gt s a&d $ea/&esses $it !ut a#i&g t e &eed t! classi%y( ;<. DO ;E USE S1RE5D S1ECTRU)?
: Inter,eren e S!ppressi#n
A AntiBam apa.i0ity A "at!ra0 inter,eren e reBe ti#n A Se0,$inter,eren e ?m!0tipath pr#te ti#n@

: Energy Density Re+! ti#n

A L#/ pr#.a.i0ity #, inter ept ?LPI@ A L#/ pr#.a.i0ity #, e5p0#itati#n ?LPE@ A "ati#na0 a00# ati#n reg!0ati#ns

: 'igh$Res#0!ti#n Ranging : M!0tip0e A ess

A C#mm!ni ati#ns res#!r e sharing A C#mm!ni ati#ns priva y


Spread Signal Data Signal Interference Signal Recovered Data

Spreading Code Synchronized

Spreading Code

: The essen e #, inter,eren e reBe ti#n apa.i0ity in SS systems an .e s!mmari<e+ as>

*. M!0tip0i ati#n #n e .y the sprea+ing #+e sprea+s the signa0 .an+/i+th -. M!0tip0i ati#n t/i e .y the sprea+ing #+e ,#00#/e+ .y ,i0tering4 re #vers the #rigina0 +ata signa0 &. The +esire+ signa0 gets m!0tip0ie+ t/i e4 e4 .!t the inter,eren e gets m!0tip0ie+ #n0y #n e


: Dire t Se3!en e ?DS@ $ A arrier is m#+!0ate+ .y a +igita0 #+e se3!en e in /hi h .it rate is m! h higher than the in,#rmati#n signa0 .an+/i+th. : ;re3!en y '#pping ?;'@ $ A arrier ,re3!en y is shi,te+ in +is rete in rements in a pattern +i tate+ .y a #+e se3!en e. : Time '#pping ?T'@ $ C!rsts #, the arrier signa0 are initiate+ at times +i tate+ .y a #+e se3!en e. : 'y.ri+ Systems $ Use #, #m.inati#n #, the a.#ve. : (thers $ Carrier$0ess .ase+4 trans,#rm +#main systems


: Terms an+ +e,initi#ns : Signa0 an+ system ana0ysis : Digita0 m#+!0ati#n te hni3!es : Dete ti#n #, +igita0 signa0s in n#ise


: In,#rmati#n in its m#st ,!n+amenta0 ,#rm is meas!re+ in E.itsF ?.inary +igits@ : A signa0 /hi h #nveys .inary in,#rmati#n is the .inary +igita0 /ave,#rm
1 8 3 A =

t 0ms2 TE 1ms 8T 3T AT =T

Rs G Sym.#0 ?.a!+@ rate G *H T sym.#0s H se R. G In,#rmati#n rate G *H T .its H se E5amp0e> Rs G *III sym.#0s H se R. G *III .its H se

I";(RMATI(" RATE vs. SYMC(L RATE ?C#ntin!e+@

: Cinary in,#rmati#n an .e #nveye+ .y M$ M$ ary ?m!0ti0eve0@ +igita0 /ave,#rms

T E 3ms T 8T 3T AT

t 0ms2

Rs G sym.#0 ?.a!+@ rate G *H T sym.#0sH se R. G in,#rmati#n rate G *H T L#g-M Where M G n! #, 0eve0s in the M$ M$ary /ave,#rm ;#r the e5amp0e sh#/n> Rs G &&& sym.#0sH se R. G *III .itsH se



PER;(RMA"CE CRITERIA Digita0 vs. Ana0#g Systems

: Ana0#g #mm!ni ati#n systems repr#+! e /ave,#rms ?an in,inite set@ : A ,ig!re #, merit ,#r ana0#g systems is a ,i+e0ity riteri#n ?e.g. per ent +ist#rti#n .et/een transmitte+ an+ re #vere+ /ave,#rms@ : Digita0 #mm!ni ati#n systems transmit /ave,#rms that represent +igits ?a ,inite set@ : A ,ig!re #, merit ,#r +igita0 systems is the 3!antity #, in #rre t0y +ete te+ +igits

;<. DIGIT5L?

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for hatever i! more that the!e, cometh of evil" # $he %o!pel &ccording to St" 'atthe ()*+,: : : : : Demand: Increased requirement for computer to computer communications Signal Regeneration: Resistant to noise, interference, and distortion Digital Signal Processing: Allows error detection and correction; permits ease of encryption and use of AJ techniques echnology: Digital communication systems are more fle!i"le and are "etter suited for future communication needs #conomics: $omponents are "ecoming increasingly more a%aila"le and less e!pensi%e& A"ility to rapidly trou"leshoot and repair systems reduce o%erall maintenance costs as well as increasing system a%aila"ility


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