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Programme: Title: Unit Le%el:

BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Bu ine Human Re our!e "anagement (Unit: #$) &C' Le%el (

)u*mitte+ *,:


Ta*le o- !ontent Page no

1. Difference between Personnel and Human Resource Management


$.$) Explain t e t eor! and practice of personnel management and uman resource management. $.#) Explain ow t e functions of Human Resource Management can contribute to organi"ational ob#ecti$es $./) % o are line managers and e$aluate t eir roles and responsibilities $.() Present a brief anal!sis of ow t e legal and regulator! framewor&s impact on uman resource management in business organisations

'. Emplo!ee Recruitment #.$* w at are t e reasons for uman resource planning in organi"ations #.#* explain t e stages in$ol$ed in planning uman resource re+uirements


#./) identif! two organi"ations, and compare t e recruitment and selection process in t ese two organi"ations #.() e$aluate t e effecti$eness of recruitment and selection tec ni+ues in t e c osen organi"ations -two organi"ations selected in '..*

.. Rewarding Emplo!ees for Emplo!ee Moti$ation and Retention /.$) /utline t e $arious t eories on moti$ation and explain t e lin& between moti$ation and reward


/.#) w at are t e factors t at determine pa! and e$aluate t e process of #ob e$aluation /./) /utline reward s!stems in an organi"ation and assess its effecti$eness /.() explain t e met ods organi"ations use to monitor emplo!ee performance

4. Mec anisms for cessation of emplo!ment


(.$) w at are t e reasons for cessation of emplo!ment in an organisation (.#) identif! two organi"ations and explain t e emplo!ment exit procedures in t e two organi"ations (./) outline t e impact of t e legal and regulator! framewor&s in t e aspect of emplo!ment cessation


Human resource management is considered to be one of t e important determinants in context of an organisation. 1t present in competiti$e business world in order to gain competiti$e ad$antage t roug t e efficient use of capable wor& force it is essential to emp asis upon t e uman resource management. 2 e prime acti$ities of uman resources management focuses upon t e efficient use of t e talented wor&force based on t e implication of cultural and personal tec ni+ue. 2 e stud! will emp asise upon t e t eories and concepts of personal and business management. 3n addition to t e recruitment and selection polic! of t e emplo!ees will be also ig lig ted. Moreo$er t e emplo!ee reward sc eme is supported b! t e emplo!ee moti$ation and retention policies of t e organisation mainl! reflected in t is stud!. 4inall! t e stud! will emp asise upon t e termination of emplo!ment in t e wor&place $.$ E0plain the theor, an+ pra!ti!e o- per onnel management an+ human re our!e management. The per onnel management: 2 e personnel management defines t e acti$ities based on obtaining, using and maintaining t e emplo!ees in t e organisation. 3n t is stage t e personnel management reflects upon t e acti$ities based on t e emplo!ee and t eir relations ip wit in t e organisation. 2 e acti$ities of personnel management and administrati$e in nature. 3n addition to it also deals wit t e rules and regulations are related to t e emplo!ment law and wages. 2 e personnel management also ta&es into account t e emplo!ee moti$ation policies, compensation and t e bonus sc eme initiated b! t e organisation. 1ccording to t e pre$ious researc ers it is obser$ed t at personnel management is t e acti$ities based on planning, organising, compensation, integration and maintenance of t e emplo!ees towards t e attainment of t e organisational and indi$idual success. Human re our!e management: 3n order to ac ie$e t e organisational success uman resource management accumulates t e acti$ities of emplo!ee recruitment, selection, management and finall! t e training and de$elopment of t e emplo!ees towards t e ac ie$ement of organisational ob#ecti$e. 3t is t e prime function of t e line managers. 3n t is stage t e uman resource management function emp asis upon t e performance management, ealt and safet! of t e emplo!ees, salaries


and benefits, emplo!ee moti$ation, communication between t e emplo!ee and t e management, 1dministration, training and de$elopment and finall! iring and firing. 2 e uman resource management concept also emp asis upon t e wor&place culture and en$ironment increases t e management of t e wor&force. 2 e efficient use of t e uman resource management pla!s a significant role to me t at emplo!s more producti$e and efficient in order to get t e best possible outcome from t em. 1t present competiti$e business world t e concept of uman resource management reflects upon t e strategic direction of t e uman resource management metrics and measurement based on t e nature and c aracteristics of t e organisation. 3n addition to it is also obser$ed t at it is t e prime function of t e line managers in an organisation to implement t e uman resource acti$ities t at includes t e 5a amas management, ealt and safet! of t e emplo!ees and finall! t e training and de$elopment of t e emplo!ees to ma&e t em capable in order to perform t e responsibilities. 3n addition to t e uman resource management concept also ta&es into account t e efficient use of t e uman resources in order to ma&e t em more efficient and producti$e in context of t e nature and c aracteristics of t e organisation.

$.# E0plain ho1 the -un!tion o- Human Re our!e "anagement !an !ontri*ute to organi2ational o*3e!ti%e 2 e functions of uman resource management pla! a significant contribution towards t e ac ie$ement of organisational goal and ob#ecti$es. 3n t is stage t e uman resource management aligns t e emplo!ee6s s&ills wit t e organisational purpose. 1t present t e prime function of uman resource management is to loo& up as coming and de$elopment and s are its existence wit t e top le$el management functions of t e organisation. 2 e functions of uman resource management are mentioned as follows7 Emplo,ee !arrier goal : 2o focus upon t e needs and Mrs it is of t e indi$idual emplo!ees in t e organisation. 3n addition to t e acti$ities of uman resource management needs t at emplo!s an important b! moti$ating t em towards t e designated #ob responsibilities.


Organi ational goal : 2 is is t e prime responsibilit! of uman resource management is to understand and define t e organisational goal and ob#ecti$es. 3n t is stage it is essential for t e organisation to focus upon t e emplo!ee encouragement and engagement wit in t e organisation to words t e attainment of t e strategic ob#ecti$es. Training an+ +e%elopment: 2raining and de$elopment is one of t e important acti$ities of uman resource management. 3n t is stage t e emplo!ees are trained in accordance wit t eir designated #ob responsibilities. Re!ruitment: Recruitment and selection is one of t e important acti$ities of uman resource management in t is stage t e organisations to emp asis upon t e recruitment and selection of rig t people for t e #ob in t e wor&place. 2 e uman resource management s ould ensure t at it is t e number funds during t e in$estment based on t e recruitment and selection. )ta--ing: 3n t is stage is t e responsibilit! of t e ministers management is to emp asis upon t e mission, $ision and ob#ect if of t e organisation to words t e emplo!ees in order to obtain t e best possible outcome from t e uman resources. $./ 4ho are line manager an+ e%aluate their role an+ re pon i*ilitie 5 Line manager : 2 e line managers can be defined as t e indi$iduals w o are responsible to t e firm management of t e team. 2 e prime responsibilit! of t e line managers managing t e operational plans, da!-to-da! operational management, pro$iding tec nical s&ill, monitoring progress, c ec&ing t e +ualit!, dealing wit t e customers and finall! focusing upon t e operational performance of t e compan!. The re pon i*ilitie an+ the line manager are mentione+ *elo1: Emplo,ee engagement: 2 e prime responsibilit! of t e line managers is to encourage t e emplo!ees at wor&. 3n addition to t e line managers establis es t e organisational culture for t e team members. 3n addition to t e line managers focus on t e team members strengt and t e encourage t em to communicate wit eac ot er. 1s a result it will de$elop encouragement and emplo!ee moti$ation in t e wor&place.


Per-orman!e apprai al: 2 e performance appraisal of t e indi$idual wor&force are designed and implemented b! t e line managers. 3n t is stage emplo!ee performance and be a$iour are assessed and related b! t e line managers. 3n t is stage t ere s ould be an effecti$e communication process between t e line managers and t e team members to recei$e t e feedbac&. 2 erefore t e responsibilities of line managers are important in organisational context. $.( Pre ent a *rie- anal, i o- ho1 the legal an+ regulator, -rame1or6 impa!t on human re our!e management in *u ine organi ation

2 e impact of t e legal and regulator! framewor&s impact on uman resource management in business organisations are mentioned as follows7 E7ual opportunit,: 2 e uman resource management s ould pro$ide e+ual opportunit! in t e wor&place b! de$eloping t e relations ip between t e team members and implementing t e policies and strategies essential to words t e de$elopment of t e management. Compen ation: 2 e organisation s ould follow t e salaries and wages act and demonstrates t e pa! rates, o$er time and t e minimum wages of t e emplo!ees wor&ing in t e organisation La*our relation : 1ccording to t e legal and regulator! framewor&s it is important for t e uman resources management to focus upon t e acti$ities of t e unions. Emplo,ee health an+ a-et,: 3t is t e prime responsibilit! of t e uman resource uman resource

management de$elopment to ensure t e ealt and safet! of t e emplo!ees in t e wor&place. )e0ual hara ment: 3t is one of t e important responsibilities of t e from t e sexual arassment and ostile conditions. uman resource

management under t e banner of legal and regulator! framewor& to protect t e emplo!ees


#.$ 4hat are the rea on -or human re our!e planning in organi2ation 5 Human resource planning in an organisation is considered to be one of t e important acti$ities. 3n t is stage uman resource planning can be defined as t e s!stematic anal!ses of uman resource needs in order to ensure t at current number of emplo!ees wit necessar! s&ills are a$ailable in t e organisation. 2 e prime role of uman resource planning is to ensure t at t e compan! all leaders pauses candidates lineup to ta&e o$er new positions wit out losing time and producti$it!. 3n t is stage uman resource planning in$ol$es gat ering of information, ma&ing ob#ecti$es and ma&ing decisions in order to enable t e organisation to words t e attainment of t e ob#ecti$es. 3t also ma&es possible domination are stuff strategic $alue. 3n addition to t e uman resource planning also fascinated t at carrier planning of t e indi$iduals in t e wor&place t at impro$es t e le$el of moti$ation and #ob satisfaction. 4inall! planning is $er! important to t e da! to da! acti$ities of t e uman resources in e$er! organisation. 3t deals wit t e forecasting, in$entor!, audit, HM resource planning, rationing of land, monitoring and control. 2 erefore it in$ol$es gat ering information for t e managers and super$isors to ma&e sound decision-ma&ing process. #.# E0plain the tage in%ol%e+ in planning human re our!e re7uirement 5 The tep in human re our!e planning are mentione+ *elo1: 'ore!a ting: 4orecasting is one of t e important step in HRM planning to emp asis upon t e s ort term and long term ob#ecti$es of t e organisation based on t e gat ered information. In%entor,: 2 e in$entor! of t e uman resources in an organisation is considered to be one of t e important step in nature planning. 3t en ances to gat er t e actual data of t e number of emplo!ees based on t e age of locations supported b! t e necessar! s&ills. 2 erefore t e in$entor! based on tec nical s&ills and professionalism pro$ides t e necessar! information for t e uman resource planning. 8u+it: 3t is considered to be one of t e important step of uman resource planning. 3n t is stage t e in$entor! based on t e s&ills and expertise of t e wor&force along wit resource management in an organisation. t e demograp ics c aracteristics are in$estigated in t e lig t of t e future prospect of uman


#./ I+enti-, t1o organi2ation 9 an+ !ompare the re!ruitment an+ ele!tion pro!e the e t1o organi2ation 5 The re!ruitment an+ +e-ine+ a the pro!e 1or+ the %a!ant po ition. The re!ruitment an+ ele!tion pro!e in )ain *ur,:


to attra!t the large num*er o- appli!ant to

Internal re!ruitment: 3n context of internal recruitment in 8ainsbur!9s it is obser$ed t at t e recruitment team fast loo&ing at t at 8ainsbur!9s internal talent programme. 2 is programme will focus upon all, emplo!ees of 8ainsbur!9s w o are moti$ated to mo$e forward wit in t e same department are expecting more ig er-le$el position in t e form of promotion. E0ternal re!ruitment: 8ainsbur!9s also use external recruitment process in order to recruit emplo!ees for t e $acancies. 2 e external recruitment process is far from t roug t e usage of 3nternet and 8ainsbur!9s website especiall! for t e managerial position. 3n addition to t e external recruitment also performed t roug #ob centres. The ele!tion pro!e in )ain *ur,: :

2 e selection process is a reductionist process t at in$ol$es c oosing t e rig t and suitable candidate b! using $arious criteria related to t e emplo!ment law and regulations. 3n t is stage t e :; of t e applicant are carefull! scrutinised b! t e recruitment team to determine t e suitabilit! of t e position. Re!ruitment an+ ele!tion pro!e Re!ruitment: 2 e recruitment process of 2esco is b! performed t roug recruitment process. 3n context of internal recruitment process t e lists of current emplo!ees loo&ing for promotion are ta&en into account in t e form of internal management de$elopment programme. 3n t is stage t e $acancies for t e rele$ant #ob are ad$ertised internall! on t e intranet for two wee&s. External recruitment of 2esco are performed t roug t e usage of t e website and off-line media. 3n addition to 2esco focuses upon t e most cost-effecti$e wa! of attracting rig t

in Te !o:

t e internal and external

applicants b! placing ad$ertisement on <oogle or t e appointment #ournals. 2esco ma&es it eas! for t e applicant to find out about t e political #obs b! simple application process )ele!tion pro!e in Te !o:

2 is is to prosecute t roug w ic it is possible for 2esco to c oose t e most suitable people from t e list of applicants. 3n t is stage it is significant for 2esco to ta&e into account t e emplo!ment law and regulations. 2 e screening of t e candidates is considered to be $ital part during t e selection process. 3n t is stage t e onl! notable buses t at training and assessment centre a$e to face an inter$iew. 4inall! t e selection process emp asis upon t e candidate6s success based on t e re+uirement. #.( E%aluate the e--e!ti%ene o- re!ruitment an+ ele!tion te!hni7ue in the !ho en ele!te+ in #./)

organi2ation (t1o organi2ation The e--e!ti%ene

o- re!ruitment an+ ele!tion in Te !o an+ )ain *ur,:

2esco and 8ainsbur!9s will reall! focus upon t e most cost effecti$e rate in terms of recruitment and selection process in order to minimise t e cost. 3n t is stage t e compan!9s reall! focus upon different electronic media as in order to attract and recruit t e rig t clic&ing t e responsibilities. 3n addition to it is essential for t e organisation to focus upon t e internal and external recruitment process t roug w ic it is possible to emp asis upon t e position a$ailable in different le$els of t e management. 2 e effecti$eness of recruitment and selection in, selection and context of 2esco and 8ainsbur!9s will also reflect t e +ualified wor&force wit #ob satisfaction and problem a$oidance in t e wor&place. 2 erefore t e effecti$eness of recruitment and selection tec ni+ues for 2esco and 8ainsbur!9s needs to attract and moti$ate t e rig t people for t e rig t #ob in t e rig t organisation.

10 | P a g e

/.$ /utline t e $arious t eories on moti$ation and explain t e lin& between moti$ation and reward Emplo!ee moti$ation is considered doing one of t e important determinant of uman

resource management to get t e best possible outcome from t e wor&force. 2 e moti$ated wor&force is considered to be an important capital in$estment for t e organisation. 3n t is stage if t e wor&forces are moti$ated and satisfied t en it is possible for t e organisation to ac ie$e t e expected outcome. /n t e ot er and if t e wor&forces are not moti$ated t en it is not possible for t e organisation to generate expected outcome. 3n order to lin& between t e emplo!ee moti$ation and legal assistance it is also t at t ere are se$eral moti$ation t eories suc as "a lo1: hierar!h, o- nee+ : 1ccording to t is t eor! it is obser$ed t at t e emplo!ee be a$iour in t e wor&place are dri$en b! ierarc ! of needs. Her2*erg; "oti%ation an+ H,giene -a!tor theor,: 1ccording to t is t eor! emplo!ees moderation bonuses are based on moti$ating factors and !giene factors. "! Gregor; Theor, < an+ =7 1ccording to t is t eor! it is also a t e emplo!ee and management relations ip is being determined b! t e t eor! = and >. = indicates t e negati$e attitude and outl!ing deals wit t e positi$e attitude. 3n order to lin& wit t e abo$e-mentioned moti$ation t eories it is obser$ed t at t e

emplo!ees are reworded based on t e intrinsic and extrinsic reward. 2 e intrinsic reward is t e non-financial reward t at moti$ates t e emplo!ees b! means of non-monetar! reward s!stem suc as promotion and appreciation. /n t e ot er and t e extrinsic reward and nonfinancial reward suc as bonus, commission and t e ot er related monetar! reward s!stem applicant in t e organisation. 3n t is stage it is also t at stuff discounts, compan! s are options, discounts in g!m members ip etc are considered to be t e financial reward s!stem applicable in context of 2esco plc. 3n t is stage it is also t at t ere is a significant lin& between t e moti$ation t eories and legal assistance in order to create emplo!ee #ob satisfaction in t e wor&place. /.# 4hat are the -a!tor that +etermine pa, an+ e%aluate the pro!e o- 3o* e%aluation5

2 e #ob gi$en direction7 t e #ob e$aluation can be defined as t e determination of t e ladies t e entire #ob for t e purpose of establis ing wage and salar! differentials. 3n t is stage t e #ob description and #ob specifications are t e prime determinant in order to determine t e
11 | P a g e

relati$e wor&. 3n t is stage t e #ob e$aluation is based on t e &nowledge and s&ills re+uired to perform t e #ob, differentiated t in&ing to sol$e problems in t e organisation and finall! responsibilities to perform t e designated #ob responsibilities. 2 e factors t at determine pa! and e$aluate t e process of #ob e$aluation are mentioned as follows7 >o* anal, e : 2 e #ob anal!ses indicates t e information on #ob content, ac+uisition of t e wor&force for t e successful performance and finall! t e o$erall information to perform t e #ob in an efficient manner Compen a*le -a!tor 7 2 e compensable factors are identified as t e eart of #ob e$aluation. 3t is based on t e organisation9s #ob ierarc ! but also as significant relations ip wit t e reward s!stem. >o* tru!ture: 2 e #ob stop structure in$ol$es c oosing an ascending decision-ma&ers, reac ing and recording decisions in setting out t e #ob ierarc !. /./ Outline re1ar+ , tem in an organi2ation an+ a e it e--e!ti%ene

2 e reward s!stem moti$ates t e uman resources in order to impro$e t e le$el of #ob performance. 3n context of 2esco plc it is also t at t e reward s!stem is based on t e financial and non-financial reward s!stem. ?nder financial reward s!stem t ere are some significant elements suc as base pa!, emplo!ee benefits and $ariable pa!. 3t can be also identified as t e extrinsic moti$ation initiated b! t e organisation. /n t e ot er and t e non-financial reward can be identified in a farm of emplo!ee ac ie$ement, de$elopment, responsibilities, group and t e emplo!ee recognition in t e wor&place. 3n t is stage it is answer t at is t e nonfinancial reward s!stem ma! also act as an important moti$ator to impro$e t e le$el of emplo!ee performance. 1t present it is also t at due to lac& of reward s!stem t ere is an increase in emplo!ee turno$er. 2 erefore to remain competiti$e it is significant to focus upon t e appropriate reward polic! in accordance wit t e nature and operational acti$ities of t e business in context of 2esco plc. /n t e ot er and t e reward s!stem in 8ainsbur!9s reflected t at t e compan! strongl! focuses upon t e needs and re+uirements of t e indi$iduals in t e wor&place t at demonstrates t e be a$iour management of t e emplo!ees to words t e financial and non-financial reward s!stem. 3n addition to t e feedbac& recei$ed from t e emplo!ees union are considered b! t e management to reduce t e communication gap between t e emplo!ee and t e management and two utilise t e efficient use of t e uman resources.
12 | P a g e

/.( E0plain the metho+ organi2ation u e to monitor emplo,ee per-orman!e Monitoring t e performance of t e emplo!ees in an organisation is considered to be an important tas&. 3n t is stage it is important to ta&e into account t e sub#ecti$e matters including emplo!ment di$ision, #ob satisfaction and performance. 3n addition to it is significant to focus upon t e plug of moti$ation among t e emplo!ees t roug obser$ation. /n t e ot er and it is also obser$ed t at t e emplo!ee performance it is important to consider t e role of part-time and full-time emplo!ees as well as t eir #ob performance. 3n addition to it is also significant to get t e feedbac& from t e emplo!ees t roug emplo!ee sur$e!. 3t will pro$ide necessar! information to monitor t e performance. 3n addition to t e annual performance appraisal is also considered to be an important determinant to e$aluate t e .0) degree performance appraisal s!stem. Moreo$er it is also important to focus upon t e emplo!ee attendance w ic is considered to be one of t e prime determinant in order to monitor t e emplo!ee performance in organisational context. (.$ 4hat are the rea on -or !e ation o- emplo,ment in an organi ation5 2 e reason for cessation of emplo!ment in an organisation can be defined as follows7 Emplo!ee cessation can ta&e place based on t e poor attendance, wea& performance, poor attitude and be a$iour finall! t e la!off or merger and ac+uisition of t e compan!. 3n t is stage it is also t at in organisational context emplo!s mini to ta&e occasional da! off for sic&ness are famil! affairs. 3n t is stage fre+uent absences and lateness can a$e a negati$e impact upon t e producti$it! and profitabilit! of t e compan!. 3n t is stage t e emplo!ees w o are fre+uentl! come to t e wor&place and lea$e t e #ob before completing t eir designated #ob will be sub#ect to t e ammunition depending upon t e compan!9s wor& sc edule. /n t e ot er and t e emplo!ees ma! also be terminated because t e! lac& t e &nowledge and s&ills needed to fulfil t eir gi$en #ob responsibilities in t is stage it is t e prime position of t e management w et er or not t en emplo!ees wee& performance and result in termination. /n t e ot er and t e emplo!ees are expected to obtain !our le$el of respect in t e wor&place. 3n t is stage t e negati$e attitude and be a$iour ma! result in #ob termination. (.# I+enti-, t1o organi2ation an+ e0plain the emplo,ment e0it pro!e+ure in the t1o organi2ation

13 | P a g e

2 e emplo!ment exit procedures followed b! 2esco and 8ainsbur!9s can be identified in t e following7 Re ignation: 3n t is stage t e emplo!ee6s dissatisfaction in t e wor&place or t e en$ironment can be t e prime reason for resignation. 3t is t e letter written b! t e emplo!ee reward personal manager of t e organisation. 3n t is stage t e indi$idual emplo!ee needs to clearl! mention t e reason for lea$ing t e wor&place. Tran -er: During t e transfer process t ere are two met ods a$ailable in 2esco and 8ainsbur!9s. 3n t is stage eit er and emplo!ee want to a$e transfer in particular store or t e manager wants to send t e emplo!ee to anot er placed based on its performance. Termination: 2 e termination of t e emplo!ment is based on t e law and disciplinar! regulation. 3n t is stage t e ammunition can dictate lease is done b! upon t e general running, disciplinar!, exit inter$iew and finall! issuing t e termination letter b! t e organisation. (./ Outline the impa!t o- the legal an+ regulator, -rame1or6 in the a pe!t oemplo,ment !e ation Noti!e to terminate: @otice can be gi$en b! eit er t e emplo!er or t e emplo!ee in accordance wit t e terms of t e contract. 2 e notice gi$en b! t e emplo!er s ould compl! wit t e statutor! minimum periods of notice -ER1 1AA0, s (0*. 3f t e contract is silent about notice, t en t e emplo!ee s ould be guided b! t e statutor! minima. )ummar, +i mi al: 2 is refers to t e instant termination of t e contract. 3t can arise w ere t ere is gross misconduct b! an emplo!ee -e.g. $iolence or t eft* and t ere appropriate in$estigation and a disciplinar! earing. 4rong-ul +i mi al: 2 is is w ere t e contract is terminated in breac of t e contractual terms -e.g. in breac of t e implied term of mutual trust and confidence, or w ere insuffi cient notice is gi$en to terminate t e contract*. 2 e restrictions on ma&ing unfair dismissal claims do not appl!. Con tru!ti%e +i mi al: 2 is arises in circumstances w ere an emplo!ee resigns because of w at is percei$ed to be breac of t e contract of emplo!ment b! t e emplo!er -see abo$e*. En+ o- a -i0e+?term !ontra!t: 2 is refers to t ose contracts t at a$e eit er a specific termination date or w ic end on t e completion of a particular tas&.
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as been

Re-eren!e :o!le-8 apiro, B. 1. -M., C 8 ore, D. M. -'))7*. 2 e emplo!eeEorgani"ation relations ip7 % ere do we go from ereF Human Resource Management Re$iew, 17-'*, :ullinane, @., C Dundon, 2. -'))0*. 2 e ps!c ological contract7 1 critical re$iew. 3nternational Bournal of Management Re$iews, (-'*, 11.E1'A.
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Dorgan, M. -')).*. Emplo!ee as customer7 Dessons from mar&eting and 32. 8trategic HR Re$iew, '-'*, 1)E1'. 8tone, D. D., C Du&as"ews&i, G. M. -'))A*. 1n expanded model of t e factors affecting t e acceptance and effecti$eness of electronic uman resource management s!stems. Human Resource Management Re$iew, 1A-'*, 1.4E14.

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