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Logical Security CAP Online Courses

Logical Security is now offering CAP online training courses taught by Michael C. Redman, the current Chief of the Policy and Accreditation Branch for the Space and Missile Command (SMDC) and the Sr. Information Assurance Manager (IAM) for the United States Army Strategic Command (A S! A!). In this course, students will gain an

understanding of the new authorization process and prepare for the CAP certification exam, based on the new SP 800- ! process and the new "ISC# Common %od& of 'nowledge "C%'#( $

Logical Security is now offering online live CAP training courses taught by Michael Redman. These courses will run over several wee s in a fle!ible schedule and students will be "rovided with the most robust and integrated courseware available. !hese "ogical Security CAP security courses are offered online ma#ing them fle$i%le& cost'

effecti(e& and eliminates geographical hurdles associated )ith traditional training.

The Certified #nformation Security Manager $CAP% certification is standardi*ed

measurement of the #no)ledge& s#ills and a%ilities re+uired for personnel in(ol(ed in the process of authori*ing and maintaining information systems. !his highly sought after credential applies to those responsi%le for formali*ing processes used to assess ris# and esta%lish security re+uirements for organi*ations. Indi(iduals in commercial corporations& ci(ilian and local go(ernments& and the U.S. ,ederal go(ernment including the State Department and the Department of Defense (DoD) need to understand the material co(ered on this certification e$am to %e a%le to protect sensiti(e systems and data. "ogical Security-s instructor for this CAP course& Michael edman& is the Chief
#nformation Assurance $#A% "olicy architect and advisor to the & star STRATC'M commanding (eneral, res"onsible for the develo"ment of "olicies and "rocedures related to cyber assurance and data "rotection. Michael "lans, organi)es and e!ecutes ris management and *e"artment of *efense #nde"endent +erification and +alidation $#+,+% activities, identifying security vulnerabilities utili)ing a variety of classic and modern e!"loit tools and techni-ues. Michael has also "rovided networ moderni)ation and design consulting services for the .avy, Air /orce and Marine Cor"s s"eciali)ing in secure virtual infrastructure design and de"loyment. Michael has ma0ored in both Com"uter .etwor ing and .etwor Security, graduating at every level with a 1.2 (PA and twice awarded the .ational Science /oundation Scholarshi" for both awarded ma0ors3 he is recogni)ed as a Sub0ect Matter 4!"ert $SM4% in his field by the Cyber Security and #nformation Assurance Center $CS#AC%. 5is students directly benefit from his education and e!"erience.

CAP is a critical certification for all information security assurance professionals ready to

ta#e the ne$t step in their career. .%taining the CAP credential means higher earning potential and career ad(ancement. !he CAP credential is the glo%ally recogni*ed standard of achie(ement for professionals. !he CAP e$amination tests the %readth and depth of a student-s #no)ledge %y focusing on the se(en domains of the CAP CB/ listed here0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. is# Management ,rame)or# ( M,) Categori*ation of Information Systems Selection of Security Controls Security Control Implementation Security Control Assessment Information System Authori*ation Monitoring of Security Controls

)ogical Securit& pro*ides students with pre-learning material wee+s before the actual class date( Students are pro*ided accounts within the )ogical Securit& )earning ,anagement S&stem "),S# once registered for a course and is pro*ided direct access to proprietar& on-line stud& materials( -raditional training companies o*erwhelm students with the .drin+ing from the fire hose. boot camp approach( /nce a student is at a saturation point, learning stops( %ut this online li*e course approach pro*ides a pro*en, incremental, and successful learning model and en*ironment( !here is a lot of opportunity )hen it comes to careers )ithin the field of information security& %ut it is important to o%tain the certification that is most in demand to properly position yourself. !a#ing "ogical Security-s CAP course is the only real )ay to ensure success )hen it comes to such an important decision in your career. It costs hundreds of dollars 8ust to %e a%le to attempt the CAP e$am& it is time consuming ' so it is important that you pass your e$am on the first try. Get more info on Michael edman and the Logical Security CAP training courses he
is teaching in the u"coming months $htt"677logicalsecurity.com7ca"8online8live8course%. About the Company Logical Security $ is a com"any that "rovides high8-uality information security training taught by the industry9s to" e!"erts. +iew the C.. and /o! :usiness .ews segment about Logical Security at htt"677logicalsecurity.com7who8are8we.

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