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Washington Gets Poles to Portray Past Struggles 20 Passengers in the attention of the world.

With the
Pacific cleared of German naval bases,!,
the little gunboat, of only 1,600 tons,
J French Socialists thetheinternational, passed this judgment
German Socialists, which expresses

Aero Chiles Plans Pullmans Scalded put out from Tsing-Tau, China, to con-1
Explain Refusal ofdestinies
all peoples, and
have already responded *.ve
of free

For Ocean Flight For Liberty July Pageant As Train Passes By

in 4 voy the German steamer Lockson to
Honolulu, arriving there on October 15. j
The next day came a threat from the
United States government to close the
party which 'A
the peoples to decide their
To Meet Germans! national.' partdefinitivoconsider
off from
rights thus
cuts itself
the inter¬
Marconi station at Honolulu for flash¬ for
should be
our we
i Living ing word of her arrivnl, and thereby supported and put into execution.
Pictures and Tableaus Feature March of Patriots
to threatening America's neutrality. "We shall only be prepared to re-
Seven Methods of Making Interior of New Haven Ex¬ The Geier took many days to coal Fifteen Deputies Approve' gard the German Socialists as men
the Crowing Are Ready to Take Place in Allied Battle Lines.
press Sprayed by Blast
and more to make
Meanwhile the Japaneseengine
worthy of our esteem and our col¬
laboration when, either being unable
30.000 to Pledge Loyalty and Asama were reported off the en¬ Position of American ofor not daring into their
overthrow the idol
Suggested of Live Steam
trance of the harbor, waiting for her
to put out, and the Japanese
Labor Federation autocracy country, they
requested Embassy]
at Washington have at least, following the example of
was that she Karl Liebknecht, reformed themselves
Poland's glorious though tragic past, A float representing Poland resur-
either be forced to leave or else sub¬ and repudiated any connection with a
mit to internment.
Three Distinct Routes her present activities and aspirations rectcd, will close the pageant.
Many Cut by Glass On November 8, 1914, having refused
Will Back War to
militarism responsible for the most
and her vision of a bright future will
be portrayed in an historical pageant
which will introduce the Polish sec¬
Once the most powerful state in
Kastern Europe, the savior of the
culture of the West, when the Tar¬
to run the gantlet the previous mid-
night, the vessel was
lulu. Meanwhile two interned officers
at Hono-t
and two
End; terrible war that the world has yet
known, with an oppressive imperial¬
ism the threat of which «till lies
Foot 'Planes of Different tars, and later the Turks, forced their
domination upon the greater portion Official» Are Unable to Ex¬ Francisco men, having deserted, reached San
Support of
heavily on the whole of humanity.
"Like you, we consider that this war
May Start at
tion in the loyalty parade in this city on the Pacific Mail steamer Inter-AIHed Con- means the opposition of the past and
Make« on the Fourth of July. of Europe, Poland was brought to ruin
by the lawlessness and egotism of her plain Accident to Im¬ Korea and were there interned and
ference in the future.reaction and progress, tradition of
A our is
the Same Time The pageant will present in living nobles, the "srlachta."
In June, 1917, it was announced that
London U tyranny and liberty, autocracy when London had
and that no
pictures and tableaus the beginnings The crafty Empress of Russia, Cath¬ portant Flier the Geier was to be used by the United Now Assured democracy; and that socialism, the
paved men'sstreets coat
of Poland a« a state, her first kings, erine II, was quick to take advantage States navy, and that? her name had party of the future, the highest ex-
Alan R. nawley, president of the her of Poland. In 1796, due largely to her
struggle against Germanic invad¬ machinations. Poland ceased to exist been changed to Schurz. pression of human ideals, cannot, with¬ tails
out being false to those ideal?, come touched the
NEW LONDON, Coan., June 23..A
Aero Club of America, declared yes- j at ers, crowned by <he decisive victory as an independent state. The American Alliance i'or Labor and to any agreement with militarism and ground. Buttons were
Gruenewald under the
tarda? that plans for a transatlantic her national hero, Jagello.leadership of members
night had reached a stage where noth- andWashington'.- generals, Kosciusko that fell under Russian
Revolt followed revolt in the torn
of Poland, especially the
part seriously,
of people
a compressed
rule. The last on a passing locomotive on the New
valve Charges Laxity Democracy, of which Samuel Gompers tyranny. Either the cause of civiliza-
tion and right
is president, yesterday made public ai world will be thrown for centuries into will triumph, placed
or the
line and
the waist
raised at¬
ing remained to be settled except the
»election of one of four types of Danbrowski and Napoleon's armies,
the chiefs of the attempt to regain independence was
made in 1863, after Napoleon III prac- York,
Poniatowski, will re¬ tically promised the Poles his assist¬ way blew out to-night and sprayed
New Haven & Hartford Rail¬ In Location of statement
of the
the French Cham-
ber of Deputies, approving the position
forty an abyss of reaction and iniquity."
tached thereto when
'plane. Plans for the flight, which call Poland's response
have been worked out for some time liberty in other lands.
to the call of ance. passengers aboard the Gilt-Edge Ex¬
Nitrate Plants! ttken by the American Federation of Steel Interests Are muddy.

by the club and have been submitted Thrice Partitioned Made Gallant Fight press with
The Poles made a gallant fight. ments of shattered coach windows. I
scalding steam and frag- i Labor in refusing to confer with repre- Hence the custom of back
o the government, include <*c\*en meth-
ods of making the trip and three dis¬ will
The agony of the three partitions When
between Austria, Prussia and Russia sioned General Muravie.ff was commis¬ The accident happened when the two
¿entatives of labor from enemy coun-
tiies during the war. Blamed for Ban buttons
on dress coats, frock
close the story.
to put down the uprising, the
Czarina begged him, with tears in her trains ran past each other at Saybrook. Representative Snell Says "German Social Democrats." they; coats cutaways
tinct routes.
Xearly 30,000 Polish
It was suggested yesterday by Rob- in France, and severalpatriots are eyes, to conceded
days ago rograd
save at least Lithuania. Pet¬
The locomotive responsible for the
possible loss of mishap was hauling xrain No. 105, and Muscle Shoals Has Water say, "are less worthy than ever of tak-
.ng part in any general conference."
On Concrete Ships prevails.
still I
.rt J. Collier, a member of the board the Polish standard was unfurled Poland.
Power Months in Year The announcement of this decision If conservation isthe
/ governors cf the club, that when the on the firing lines.
Poles are in trainingTwenty thousand Muravieff, whom history named "The was just leaving the station when the 9
attempt is made the machines of all vided by the Canadian
in a camp pro¬ Hangman," "saved" Poland, and did it express came by on the next track. The by so considerable a number
Socialist Deputies is a direct result of of French
Fear Loss of Business Af¬
order of day, why
the waste
.four of the manufacturers start at ! Niagara-or.-the-Lake, andgovernment
at so effectively that the quiet of a cerne- valve was forced out under heavy the visit buttons?
gation of labor menEurope
it is expect¬ bery reigned to the unfortunate land, recent to of a dele-1
and the escaping steam ex-
.nee. utilizing all three routes, thus ed a complete realization of the effort until the thunders of the great war pressure,
raking a sort of competition of the on the Western front. place not less than 100,000 troops opened before her the brilliant vista ploded with a roar and swept through
Representative Bertrand H. Snell, of American
Potsdam, N. Y., is Federation
convinced that when ¡ James Wilson, president of the Pattern of
Labcr, of
which War, Say Believers
flight and enabling valuable conclu- l.'nits of this army, led by the Polish
of a new life. the windows of the three rearward the history of the present great war is Makers, was
chairman, and Chester 51. Craft in New Thanks (or rather no
-ions to be- drawn as to route and
machines. Military ^Commission, and Ignace J
It is expected that more than thirty Pullmans.
thousand Poles will on the Fourth of
written one of the leading curiosities Wright, secretary of the American thanks!) to New York
United Passengers suddenly aroused by the of legislation incident to it will be the Alliance for Labor and Democracy, sec-
Seven Methods Suggested
Paderewski, its head, will march ir July pledge their loyalty to the
the next division. States. scalding blast left their berths in a government's adventure in the building an rotary. The announcement is in effect (¿picxal Dispatch tx> The Tribune)
weather, men are already
The methods suggested by the Aero
Club are: |
panic, and several arc
been kept from jumping from the
said to have of nitrate plants. amplification of verbal
made during the conferences in Paris.
WASHINGTON, June 28..The sup-, buying their second straw.
Shoved along principally by Southern and is made that American labor, and pression of the concrete ship just Reserves-are here draw
"1--By means of large aeroplanes
capable of making the 3,000 miles be- |
.ween New York and Ireland without a
Tobacco Stock Socialists Raked broken windows by the prompt action members under^the guise of its being ists
of trainmen. a war necessity, the House of Repre¬ the actual
more particularly the pro-war Social¬
in America, may understand clearly
when it has become so successful that on. As
position of the French pro- private capital is prepared to take its
large variety the a as
«top. The construction of such aero-
»lanes is considered possible by promi- Shows Increase In British Labor The express was stopped and ran sentatives, apparently with the ap¬ war Socialists
back to the station, and doctors were proval of the Pres.ident, is "standing ii'terbelligerent conference.
on the question of an chances in building such ships, ¡day'
and the strawhat season
nent aeroplane manufacturers. They summoned from the town and neigh¬ for" an ¿xpenditure cf about $60,000,000 To Confer In Berne
when every possibility of wood and opened.
will he as-sistec! by thy trade winds.
"2.By means of large flying boats
?nd hydro-aeroplanes, starting from
Over Last Year! Chiefs' Manifesto! boring villages
the injured were
of for two nitrate plants to be built near
the Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee Berne, Switzerland,
steel shipbuilding is being exhausted
Such a conference is 'o be held in by the limitations of yards, men, man-
some time next agement, material and transportation.
"JLet there be none
nnenli&ted on that
Now York and flying to Ireland, stop¬ Hospital. The others, after emergency month or August.Berne having been clay.".Woodrow Wilton
ping to take fuel from ships stationed treatment, were carried on to New River, at Sheffield, Ala., in the north¬ selected instead of Stockholm, because is one of the mysteries of the day. Tliij. coming Frida? is National
every -100 milts along the route. London. eastern part of that state. of the unsavory rumors arising from The concrete ship advocates, who
"'! By means of land
large or small, starting from New- aeroplanes,! Survey Indicates Little "Incessant Sniping by An-! The two passengers treated at the
hospital were Miss Molly Murphy, Nor¬ The building of the plants is under previous conferences in that
it Í3 now certain that any delegation
city-.and ¡"ought an uphill fight for months, linal-
Mar Savings I>ay.

Danger ti-National Factionists" Farris, a way. They are commonly supposed to that may attend from France will at ly overcame all direct ODposition and
fotmdland and flying to Ireland, a dis-
tanc" of 1,860 miles, without stopping.
of wich, Conn., and Alden M. Both
porter, Cambridge, Mass. cuts from
were be "hydro-electric" in their character. best
represent only a part of the I persuaded the Shipping Board to make i
Rogers Veet Company
The construction of aeroplanes capable
of doing this is considered easy by Despite Big Exports Brings Warning badly scalded
broken glass.
and that is. plants where water power gen- Socialist party. It also assures French concrete construction a regular part
Railroad officials here had no ex¬ crates about 100,000 horsepower the Allied support to the conference of inter- of the programme, now feel that they Broadway Broadway
prominent manufacturers. They will The head around for and neutral Socialists, which will have won but a hollow victory. They st 13th St "The at 34th St
be assisted by the trade winds. for the
planationbroken valve accident. year the production of elec¬ open in London on June 28. John have the name but not the substance.
of the weighed about a tricity. Four
"4.By r"oans of flying boats and WASHINGTON, June 23..Small LONDON, June 23. Eight labor pound, and v/as driven through two Spargo, Charles Edward Russell, A. M. They were not contending for forty- Broadway
Simons and Professor George E. Her¬ leisurely built ships.they were con¬ Comers" Fifth Ave
hydro-aeroplanes, starting
foundland and flying to Ireland, 1,860
from New dangei of a tobacco shortage, despite members of the British government windows of one of the sleepers, passing Auxiliary Steam Plants ron are now en route to London as tending for the energetic utilization at Warren at 41* St
miles, taking on gasolene from ships tremendous amounts being shipped have issued a manifesto in which they out on the opposite side of the track. And yet.and here ic where Mr. Snell representatives at this conference of of a new and almost unlimited source
-tationed every 300 miles along the abroad to the army, seems to be shown refer to the unprecedented influence thinks the curiosity part comes in. American pro-war Socialists. of fhips to meet the greatest ocean
"5.By means of land machines,
in a report on the industry by the Bu¬ exercised by labor in the councils of
lar-ro. or small, flying from Newfound- reau of the Census disclosing that
the nation since the war began. Navy Is Blocking there is not sufficient water power in
The statement of the French Social¬ transport
ists, addressed
the Tennessee River to drive these American labor delegation which re¬ building
to members of the
emergency of all time.
All the old ways and capacities for
had been utilized to the
land to the Azores. 1.195 miles, and stocks on hand at the beginning of The men signing the manifesto are
Brokers in War plants more than nine months in the cently returned, asserts that although limit andships still the cry was for more
from the Azores to Portugal, 850 miles. this year amounted to 1,176,234,657 George II. Barnes, Minister without year. This is admitted by the engi¬ the visiting labor men doubtless noticed They had a new source of sup¬ advanced. One even hesitates to state it.
"6- By mean's of hydro-aeroplanes pounds, an increase of 12.6 neers in their reports on the project, "grave differences of opinion" among ships.
lying from Newfoundland
Azore?, ancl from the Azores to Ire-
to the over last
per cent portfolio in the War Cabinet; John
Hodge, Minister of Pensions; G. H. Bids, Says M'Gowan as well as by the sponsors for the leg¬ workingmen's organizations, they may ply
islation authorizing it. The deficiency rest assured of the general agreement of uncongented aource
which matched the emergency.a but it was openly advanced in the cir¬
that promised ships in regions cles of these who have so long fought
rail transportation, for concrete
the in the war aims of the United States. that needed scarcely any of the ma¬ the news." ships,
and is therefore "in
kind, taking on fuel froir. ships sta¬ The total production for 1017 was 1,- Roberts, Minister of Labor; William in wuter power is to be supplied by
tioned 200 miles apart along the route. 190,401,000 pounds, of which 76 use of real and steam. steel ships,
per cent Brace, Parliamentary Under Secretary WASHINGTON, June 23..In pur¬ Mr. Snell the first Week in April What Caused Split terial required lor wood or It is that "the steel interests" have
"7.By means of flying boats
from Newfoundland to the Azoresflying was chewing, smoking, snuff and export for Home Affairs; John R. Clynes, chasing supplies and materials the directed the attention of the House to The question on which the party had man that needed only one-tenth as much the ear of the Shipping Board and h&va
and split, it was pointed out, was whether from power as they.and that not drawn used their access to it to discourage
taking on fuel there." types, 19 per cent cigar types and 5 per Parliamentary Secretary to the Food Navy Department has used every en¬ the have
admitted fact that the plants will efforts
be I should be made in the midst of the ranks of potential workers on j an extensive concrete programme. This
cent imported types. The leading in¬ Ministry; Stephen Walsh, Parliamen-; deavor to eliminate brokers and com¬ at- to driven by steam power for the other ships.and that>*could be seems a fantastic explanation, because
Brancker Favor« Azores Route least three months in the year, war to revive the international. A con- built more rapidly and more cheaply. there isn't steel enough for the ship?:
General Brancker. the British air ex- i dividual type was that produced in the tary Secretary to the Local Govern- mission agents, Rear Admiral Mc- if they are operated continuously, and sklerable French party opposed it. Then They built at San Francisco a 5,000- ordered, and concrete is advanced not
lerl. who recently brought up the topic, "bright yellow district of Virginia, ment Board; George J. Wardle, Parlia- Gowan, paymaster general of the navy, declared the government might avail came the invitation from Russia to ton concrete Faith, has
it was pointed out. leeommended the North Carolina and South Carolina," mentary Secretary to the Board of said to-night in a statement in con¬ itself of the St. Lawrence River, with participate in the Stockholm confer- proved a complete ship, the that as a substitute for steel ships, but as
¡ which
once, making such a conference, in knocked out every important success, and has an additional source of ships over and
Azore- route, for which seaplanes of which there was reported 428,913,- Trade, and James Parker. nection with the Department of Jus¬ an all-the-year-around water power.
Germans were to take part, cal theoreti¬ beyond the limitations imposed by the
would be most suitable. Both the 604 pounds, or 36.5 per cent of the Representativo
Burley tobacco contributed 177,- The labor leaders say they have tice's investigation into the activity of supplemented the Longworth,
of Ohio, a condition of their continu- objection to concrete ships. available steel.
plans of Handley-Pagc and Canroni, total. statement by calling virtually of the war. Seven days after the Faith was All the steel the country makes could
.rhon*' th< club has asked to submit 206,800 pounds, or 15.Î per cent, and some times had to vote in opposition commission agents who have obtained attention to the past record of the anee "To have refused it," says the state¬ France launched the great German drive in be marketed if not a pound of it were
'.'ids on machines for the trip, it was the tobacco classed as "dark fired a« to their own inclinations, but that this war contracts for manufacturers. Muscle Shoals proposition, showing resulted in the scrapping of the
said, involved the use of large land grown in Clarksville, Hopkinsville and
The department's efforts have been that the proposition to install a gov¬ ment, "would have been to risk the carefully laid plans for gradually mov- going into ships.
The disappointed concrete men will
seroplanes. Paducas districts" amounted to 117,- is a condition of coalition government, ernment power plant there had come loss of the support of the Russian rev¬ ing a million men to France in the tell you, in answer to this argument.
Two of the four types of aeroplanes 118,386 pounds, or 10 per cent. and their colleagues, belonging to so successful. Admiral McGowan said, up again and again, and after investi¬ olution, which was then so full of hope. course of a
year, and precipitated a that, there are some ramifications of
under con;¡deration, according to the Leading Tobacco States other parties, likewise have done so,: that of the 14,000 firms on the bidders' gation and devate had been turned In the interests of France we sacrificed movement at the rate of a million every steel interests that they don't care
our feelings of repugnance and hatred."
Aero Club, are of American construc¬
tion. One was offered to the the club mated Leading tobacco states and the esti¬ because all have sunk their personal| list of the navy's Bureau of Supplies down as unwarranted.
Under the g^uiso of war emergency. revolution Explaining that when the Russian four months. even to hint at, but that the steel men
The need for ships, if acute before, are looking ahead and fear that after
amounts grown by them are as and party predilections. and Accounts only a few do not present
with money being spent by millions and French felt abandoned France the became
by Captain -lames V. Martin, an Ohio follows: Kentucky, 426,600 000 pounds; desperate.
they had the right to with- has stated that in response to the des¬ theA high authority war concrete will supersede steel
manufacturer. It was pointed out that; North Carolina, 201,750,000 pounds; Nevertheless, the manifesto says, in their bids directly. ¡eii3 of millions for supposed war ne¬
draw from the Stockholm in ships, just as steel and iron ousted
as all of the various types of machine Virginia, 129,500,000
pounds; Ohio,1 the course of the last three years These few,deal the admirai said, seem to cessities, Representative Edward B. conference, perate needs of the moment armies are wood after the Civil War.
are being sent to Europe, it would be 99.072,000 pounds; through commission Ahnon, of Alabama, who is steering the the"As statement continues:
being sent to France with no assurance One deiinition of a mystery is that it
ndvantagcous to have them all start 000 pounds; Pennsylvania, Tennessee, 81.810,- greater measures of democratic re- prefer orto brokers. measure through the House, has been to the German Social-Democrats, cf maintenance or supply. is something beyond human reason.
58,100,000 have seen passed than in any agents unable to convince Congress that the they appear to us less than ever
Ihe pounds; South Carolina, 51,120,000 form previous time in the history of the Admiral McGowan denied published best place in the United States to build worthy of taking part in a general con¬ from The Faith came almost as a sign After listening to the efforts of the ex-
nounds; Wisconsin, 45,885,000 pounds; reports that since the volume of con¬ ference. Not only did they not reply perts in concrete ships exegetics one
Connecticut, 29,540,000. and Maryland, country. All this, it is pointed out, tracts has grown so tremendously it two of these nitrate plants is at Muscle to The> forShipping Board responds with is forced to the conclusion that the
Ship Board Fight 22,594,000 pounds. The acreage esti¬ has been brought about by a cessation has been officers
mated for these states ranged from of
political strife and the coming ligence
more difficult for naval intel¬
to investigate the
Can't Quit Work Now
the preliminary
forward by us, but they allowed a
fresh crime of brute force to be com¬ cree
put orders' some forty ships and the de¬ policy of "build-concrete-ships-when-
that no private construction of you-can't-and-don't-when-yon-can" is
On Bone Dry Bill 474,000 for Kentucky to 21,000 for to- standing and reputation of all persons concrete will
mitted at Brest-Litovsk. Even if they government or private account. When be allowed, whether for that kind of a mystery.
Connecticut, and the production per gether of the political parties in the seeking to negotiatesaidwarthe orders. It appears now as though the work did
acre, from 1,400 pounds for Connecti¬ common cause. "The fact is," admiral's ia so far under way the government not actually support it, they had the concrete ship was a venture into
May Goto Wilson' cut and Pennsylvania to 630 pounds
for North Carolina. The higher yields The labor leaders, however, say their statement, "that the responsibility of cannot abandon it without wasting mill¬ neutrality.
contractors was never so thoroughly ions of dollars.
It is understood the money for the democracy
approved of the violation of Belgian the maritime unknown the Shipping Tin Cans Contribute to
They allowed Russian Board would not take a heroic chance
to be crushed. Large num¬ itself, but encouraged private builders Woman's Silk Clothes
are obtained, as a rule, in the locali¬ position has been made difficult by investigated and they were never held bers of us are of the opinion that any to do so. Now that the concrete ship
ties producing the high-priced tyres "incessant sniping on the part of anti-1 to a stricter accountability than they project will be taken from the emer¬ conversation with hostile to
Few women who are proud of the
elementary ideas of liberty builds certainty, Shipping Board fact that they wear hosiery, underwear
been since this country entered gency deficiency fund, a uthorized in the most men so is the
who ha\fe assumed have
WASHINGTON, June 23..Hearings used in the manufacture of cigar.-.
Duringthethe last three-quarters of a the rightfactionists,
national the war. The number of responsible 1917, for armament or fortifications. a few and chokes off private and dresses made of silk, realize that
on the Jones prohibition amendment to; to speak for labor and and right is impossible for Socialists. enterprise.
the $11,000,000 emergency agriculture century growth in tobacco produc¬ are direct bidders has greatly increased, "There is little probability," said "And we ai-e not alone in that old tin cans contribute from twenty to
tion in the United States has not quite trying to divide the nation into war¬ and at the same time the number of Representative Snell yesterday at the Why? three hundred per cent in weight to
appropriation bill will be resumed next kept pace with that in population. ring political sections." agents and intermediaries has been re¬ Union League Club, "that even the first opinion. Quite recently our friend, It is so hard to find a good reason the glossy silks worn fay tRem, re-
Tuesday by the Senate Agriculture Com-¦ ofTue total world's average production They therefore say they desire to duced to a minimum.haveThenotsafeguards of the three plants our Democratic Branting, one of the best minds in the that a rather fantastic one has been marks the "Popular Science Monthly."
tobacco during the period imme¬ utter a word of warning because "upon against profiteering been re¬ friends in the House propose to build
ntittee, with Chairman Hurley and Bain- diately preceding the war is estimated the people of this country depends laxed, but strengthened. will be ready for the production of
bridge Colby, of the Shipping B<**ard; atthis,4,197,000,000 "The Bureau of Supplies and Ac¬ nitrates in commercial quantities for
Director (¡encrai Schwab, of tue Emer-
Cency Fleet Corporation; Secretary pounds; uced
pounds annually. Of very largely
continental United States prod¬ world." The manifesto continues:
the future freedom of the
counts rejects each month about
1,000,000,000 "Our sea power and our great min- applications to be placed on the bid¬ hoped by the contractors that the first
British India. 1,000,000,000 eral and financial resources, as well as ding list from concerns that cannot unit of the experimental plant will be
Daniel.-- and Postmaster General Burle- pounds; China, 500,000,000 pounds; the bravery of our men in the field, show they are manufacturers or deal- completed this fall. The cost of the
son ns witnesses. Opposition of the European Russia, 230,000,000 pounds; have played and must continue to play crs carrying .in stock the articles they first Dlant will be between $10,000,000
150 two years, or maybe three years. It is
.| Buy War Savings Stamps
Shipping Board to the amendment be¬ Austria-Hungary,Dutch East Indies, 200,000.000 pounds; a decisive part in the maintenance of offer to supply. All bids for navy con- and $15,000,000. They are building in
the tracts are open and the record is connection with plant No. 1 a steam
cause of the effect it might have on the Japan, 120,000,000 170,000,000 pounds; sion. struggle
pounds; Philippines, açainst German aggres- available for the inspection of all in¬ plant of about 10,000 horsepower to in¬
output of ships may precipitate a con¬ 000 100,000,000 pounds, and Brazil, 100,000,- "It therefore manifestly is of su- terested." >- sure, continuous operation when the
troversy in which possible intervention pounds. The total for these coun¬ preme importance that national unity water power Tails in the Tennessee
Hearings en the Jones prohibition
by President Wilson may be a deciding or 81 per centto of3,420,000,000
amounts pounds, be maintained. Even the appearance
the total for the of weakness would leave a most dis-
effect on our Allies. Russia
iU. S. Ship Sunk River in midsummer.

Cost Is $35,000,000
No. 2 is on the lower dam of
the of the last sixteen
amendment to the $11,000,000 emer¬
gency agriculture appropriation bill
Big Increase in Value course
months has furnished an illustration
to data compiled by the of the evils with which we are threat¬ By Tanker; 216 Muscle Shoals. This proposed plant
has an estimated capacity of 110,000
W{H be resumed next Tuesday by the Bureau
.Senate Agriculture Committee, with
Chairman Hurley and Bainbridge farm price ofAgriculture,
of Crop Estimates of the De¬ ened. Notwithstanding that she suc¬
of the average ceeded
of the Shipping Board; Direc¬ United States ontobacco throughout the Emperor, she since has fallen victim to
in throwing off the rule of the
Saved, 1 Killed
tons annually, and will cost between
$35,000,000 and $45,000,000. This plant
is about 10 per cent completed. They Buying Innovation Trunks at Old
tor General Schwab, of the Emergency
fleet Corporation; Secretary Daniels the
«nd Postmaster General Burleson as
witnesses. Opposition of the Shipping was years
1908 to
Deceme-er 1, 1917, was the machinations of the common
24.9 cents a pound, or more than
average for the ten
twice enemy.
"Her people now find themselves in
1917, inclusive, which state of physical starvation and re-
a Continued from pare 1
are building in connection with the
nitrate works a steam plant of 80,000
horsepower. Instead of it abeing
hydro-electric power plant, steam
a Prices is Like Getting a Big Reduction
12.1 cents.
Board to the amendment because of the Imports of tobacco and its products i degradation andunparalleled duced to an depth of plant will be indispensable to keep it bargain A
always expressed not
price in a reduced Sometimes a normal
effect it might have tn the output of into helplessness. We hope going during the drouth periods. in the face
general of increase in costs is even more of an
»hips the United States during 1917 ag¬ that in the near future they again the fall of 1914 to escape Japanese
precipitate a controversy gregated $40,811,539 in value, an will be able to help in the common cruisers and later, after having been and spend the hundred millions, more "I expect the government to go ahead
For instance.
a advantage.
in whichmay possible intervention by Pres¬ amount Everything that goes into the making of trunks has gone way up
ident Wilson about one-seventh as great as cause; but in the meantime it must interned, took a hand in international cr less, with the strong probability that in
price.from Yale locks to labor.
may Do a deciding factor. the estimated value of the American sorrowfully be recorded that they are politics by relaying to Japan wireless the per from ton cost of production of
The $2,000,000.000 sundry civil and ¿obacco crop; and the This is
especially true of the famous Innovation.admitted
bills $12,000,000,000 army appropriation mestic tobacco and its products exports of do¬ beingin exploited by Germany and Tur¬ messages from German agents in the nitrates
during key the interests of militarism. United States.
these plants will be so
great they will not be able to compete to be the best trunk on the market. by competition
are to be reported to the Senate the
to-morrow. Senate leaders plan to value of $62,017,037. same year represented a total "Consequently an enormous
tional burden has been thrown addi¬
It was in October, 1914, that the with" privately owned plants after the We saw the situation
approaching virtually
and took the whole Innovation
take up the former first. In the House
the $5,500,000,000 fortifications During the fiscal year ended June 30, ourselves and our remaining Allies. upon Schurz, then the Geier, first claimed war months ahead of the later increases. output
appro¬ 1917, the internal revenue collected on America, fortunately, is mobilizing her
priation bill is to be brought up to¬ manufactured tobacco and its products forces and will in time redress
By rushing through the
ures needed by July 1, andmoney
cleaning up
amounted to $103,201,592.

legislative af- R. B. Carnahan, Jr., Killed ever

"In the meantime it is more than
necessary to set our faces
Gimbels Are Exclusive Agents for
JUmerous other
»*irs, leaders ofpressing
both houses of Con-
gfCfa hope that a recess of about three
*eeks can be arranged about July 10
By Accident in Own Home ourrenew
MIDDLETOWN, Ohio, June 23..R.
against disintegrating influencesfirmly
August 5 or 6, while the B. Carnahan, jr., vice-president of the suffered for us on land and sea."
our resolve to be faithful to
and loyal to those who have
McGibbon & Co. Greater New York and Have a Big Supply
<>r 12 until
new revenue bill is for American Rolling Mill Company, acci¬
You Can Still Buy the Famous Innovation at
Presentation to thebeing shapedabout dentally shot himself to death at his ferred to
The "anti-national factionists" re¬
Wiulow Furniture
August l. Hearings on House
Probably will end
!*ter the committee next will
this measure home here late yesterday. His body be the Socialists, who, in
Friday and wasMr.notCarnahan
begin draw- national was a metallurgist of successful in
in the
discovered until this afternoon. in the United States, have England,
manifesto appear
never been
At &0# Sa a vino
$22.50, $30, $33, $38, $45, $60, $75 to $100
'ng up the bill itself. repute. i self with them.
labor identify It- While prices on cheaper trunks have
*8 a
"bile regarding A brief recess now AH remaining pieces of Willow Farnitare comprising Settees, passed them. The only reason, therefore,
..«rprised leaders would not be
if thrir plans fail through
Chaise Longue«, Ara and Side-Chairs, Tablea and Desks, at why anybody wants anything but an
this substantial saying, in Natural, Stained Enameled

tome international or
'ould necessitate Congress that MANHATTAN* finish. Innovation is because they don't know
session throughout tho remaining
Ftartfc Atomc, cor. 25th Street the facts.// that is a reason.
ip "tre is an
sentiment PLEDGE OF
v . Eldridf« St, cor. Rtrinftou St
East Hoaiton
CHAIR CUSHIONS, two-inch borders, welt edges, buttoned
«mong members for declarations of St., eor. Emu St top and bottom covered with good quality chintz or plain
Sereath Ar., bet 48th * 49th Sts>
»»r on

Turkey and Bulgaria and for
'"' Sibeiri* under «)iaPai-e8e PERSONAL PROPERTY Grand
LexiagtoB At., 124th St
St., Clinton St. cor.
. 1.50 each. Vaines I2L50.
E. 72d St., bet. Lexington & 3 An. RE-UPHOLSTERING OF FURNITURE at reasonable cost.
Quiet Day on American THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY Eighth Ar., cor. 127th St.- workmen on our staff. Estimates
All compétent cheerfull?
OF NEW YORK furnished.
Front, Pershing Reports BRONX
vÄ,HlNGT0N' .*«». «.--There Applications for loans ot large \ Conrtlaedt At., cor. 148th St

I !? »ctivity
pd Ï* the y««'-erday at the
in a com-
amounts will be considered
the office at Fourth
Avenue Smith
St, cor. Liringttoa St'
Graham At., cor. DehevoUe St
Î West 37th St. Just off Fifth Ave.
«made public to-night at the and 25th Street. Pitkin At., eor. Rockawir At.
-V* *>«iS»rtme»t. GIMBELS.Fifth Floor

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