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PHILIPPINE JURISPRUDENCE - FULL TEXT The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Fo n!

ation "#$# No# %&' $arch &() &((% RE* PETITI+N +F AL AR,+SIN+

Republic of the Philippines SUPRE$E C+URT Manila EN BANC

"#$# No# %&' $arch &() &((% RE* PETITI+N +F AL AR,+SIN+ T+ TA-E THE LA./ERS +ATH RESOLUTION

PADILLA) J.: Petitioner Al Caparros Argosino passe the bar e!a"inations hel in #$$%& The Court ho'e(er eferre his oath)ta*ing ue to his pre(ious con(iction for Rec*less I"pru ence Resulting In +o"ici e& The cri"inal case 'hich resulte in petitioner,s con(iction- arose fro" the eath of a neoph.te uring fraternit. initiation rites so"eti"e in Septe"ber #$$#& Petitioner an se(en /01 other accuse initiall. entere pleas of not guilt. to ho"ici e charges& The eight /21 accuse later 'ith re' their initial pleas an upon re) arraign"ent all plea e guilt. to rec*less i"pru ence resulting in ho"ici e& On the basis of such pleas- the trial court ren ere 3u g"ent ate ## 4ebruar. #$$% i"posing on each of the accuse a sentence of i"prison"ent of fro" t'o /51 .ears four /61 "onths 7an one /#1 a. to four /61 .ears& On #2 8une #$$%- the trial court grante herein petitioner,s application for probation& On ## April #$$6- the trial court issue an or er appro(ing a report ate 9 April #$$6 sub"itte b. the Probation Officer reco""en ing petitioner,s ischarge fro" probation& On #6 April #$$6- petitioner file before this Court a petition to be allo'e to ta*e the la'.er,s oath base on the or er of his ischarge fro" probation& On #% 8ul. #$$:- the Court through then Senior Associate 8ustice 4lorentino P& 4eliciano issue a resolution re;uiring petitioner Al C& Argosino to sub"it to the

Court e(i ence that he "a. no' be regar e as co" 'ith the re;uire"ent of goo "oral character i"pose upon those see*ing a "ission to the bar& In co"pliance 'ith the abo(e resolution- petitioner sub"itte no less than fifteen /#:1 certifications<letters e!ecute b. a"ong others t'o /51 senators- fi(e /:1 trial court 3u ges- an si! /91 "e"bers of religious or ers& Petitioner li*e'ise sub"itte e(i ence that a scholarship foun ation ha been establishe in honor of Raul Ca"aligan- the ha=ing (icti"- through 3oint efforts of the latter,s fa"il. an the eight /21 accuse in the cri"inal case& On 59 Septe"ber #$$:- the Court re;uire Att.& >ilbert Ca"aligan- father of Raulto co""ent on petitioner,s to be allo'e to ta*e the la'.er,s oath& In his co""ent ate 6 ?ece"ber #$$:- Att.& Ca"aligan states that7 a& +e still belie(es that the infliction of se(ere ph.sical in3uries 'hich le to the eath of his son 'as eliberate rather than acci ental& The offense therefore 'as not onl. ho"ici e but "ur er since the accuse too* a (antage of the neoph.te,s helplessness i" abuse of confi ence- ta*ing a (antage of superior strength an treacher.& b& +e consente to the accuse ,s plea of guilt to the lesser offense of rec*less i"pru ence resulting in ho"ici e onl. out of pit. for the "others of the accuse an a pregnant 'ife of one of the accuse 'ho 'ent to their house on Christ"as a. #$$# an Maun . Thurs a. #$$5- literall. on their *nees- an begging for forgi(eness an co"passion& The. also tol hi" that the father of one of the accuse ha ie of a heart attac* upon learning of his son,s in(ol(e"ent in the inci ent& c& As a Christian- he has forgi(en petitioner an his co)accuse for the eath of his son& +o'e(er- as a lo(ing father 'ho ha lost a son 'ho" he ha hope 'oul succee hi" in his la' practice- he still feels the pain of an unti"el. e"ise an the stig"a of the grueso"e "anner of his eath& & +e is not in a position to sa. 'hether petitioner is no' "orall. fit for a "ission to the bar& +e therefore sub"its the "atter to the soun iscretion of the Court& The practice of la' is a pri(ilege grante onl. to those 'ho possess the strict intellectual an "oral ;ualifications re;uire of la'.ers 'ho are instru"ents in the effecti(e an efficient a "inistration of 3ustice& It is the s'orn ut. of this Court not onl. to @'ee out@ la'.ers 'ho ha(e beco"e a isgrace to the noble profession of the la' but- also of e;ual i"portance- to pre(ent @"isfits@ fro" ta*ing the la'.er,s oath- thereb. further tarnishing the public i"age of la'.ers 'hich in recent .ears has un oubte l. beco"e less than irreproachable& The resolution of the issue before us re;uire 'eighing an re'eighing of the reasons for allo'ing or isallo'ing petitioner,s a "ission to the practice of la'& The senseless beatings inflicte upon Raul Ca"aligan constitute e(i ent absence of that "oral fitness re;uire for a "ission to the bar since the. 'ere totall.

irresponsible- irrele(ant an uncalle for& In the #% 8ul. #$$: resolution in this case 'e state 7 & & & participation in the prolonge an "in less ph.sical beha(iorA'hichB "a*es i"possible a fin ing that the participant Aherein petitionerB 'as then possesse of goo "oral character& # In the sa"e resolution- ho'e(er- 'e state that the Court is prepare to consi er de novo the ;uestion of 'hether petitioner has purge hi"self of the ob(ious eficienc. in "oral character referre to abo(e& Before an.thing else- the Court un erstan s an shares the senti"ent of Att.& >ilbert Ca"aligan& The eath of one,s chil is- for a parent- a "ost trau"atic e!perience& The suffering beco"es e(en "ore pronounce an profoun in cases 'here the eath is ue to causes other than natural or acci ental but ue to the rec*less i"pru ence of thir parties& The feeling then beco"es a struggle bet'een grief an anger irecte at the cause of eath& Att.& Ca"aligan,s state"ent before the Court) "anifesting his ha(ing forgi(en the accuse is no less than praise'orth. an co""en able& It is e!ceptional for a parent- gi(en the circu"stances in this case- to fin roo" for forgi(eness& +o'e(er- Att.& Ca"aligan a "its that he is still not in a position to state if petitioner is no' "orall. fit to be a la'.er& After a (er. careful e(aluation of this case- 'e resol(e to allo' petitioner Al Caparros Argosino to ta*e the la'.er,s oath- sign the Roll of Attorne.s an practice the legal profession 'ith the follo'ing a "onition7 In allo'ing Mr& Argosino to ta*e the la'.er,s oath- the Court recogni=es that Mr& Argosino is not inherentl. of ba "oral fiber& On the contrar.- the (arious certifications sho' that he is a e(out Catholic 'ith a genuine concern for ci(ic uties an public ser(ice& The Court is persua e that Mr& Argosino has e!erte all efforts to atone for the eath of Raul Ca"aligan& Ce are prepare to gi(e hi" the benefit of the oubtta*ing 3u icial notice of the general ten enc. of .outh to be rash- te"erarious an uncalculating& Ce stress to Mr& Argosino that the la'.er,s oath is NOT a "ere cere"on. or for"alit. for practicing la'& E(er. la'.er shoul at ALL TIMES 'eigh his actions accor ing to the s'orn pro"ises he "a*es 'hen ta*ing the la'.er,s oath& If all la'.ers con ucte the"sel(es strictl. accor ing to the la'.er,s oath an the Co e of Professional Responsibilit.- the a "inistration of 3ustice 'ill un oubte l. be faster- fairer an easier for e( concerne & The Court sincerel. hopes that Mr& Argosino 'ill continue 'ith the assistance he

has been gi(ing to his co""unit.& As a la'.er he 'ill no' be in a better position to ren er legal an other ser(ices to the "ore unfortunate "e"bers of societ.& PREMISES CONSI?ERE?- petitioner Al Caparros Argosino is hereb. ALLOCE? to ta*e the la'.er,s oath on a ate to be set b. the Court- to sign the Roll of Attorne.s an - thereafter- to practice the legal profession& SO OR?ERE?& Narvasa, C.J., Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Francisco, ermosisima, Jr., Pangani!an and "orres, Jr., JJ., concur. Footnote0 # Resolution- p& 2& The La'phil Pro3ect ) Arellano La' 4oun ation

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