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The Ancient Wisdom


Annie Besant

Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar 1911



PREFACE This boo/ is in0ended 0o place in 0he hands o1 0he general reader an epi0o2e o1 0heosophical 0eachings, su11icien0ly plain 0o ser3e 0he ele2en0ary s0uden0, and su11icien0ly 1ull 0o lay a sound 1ounda0ion 1or 1ur0her /no4ledge5 I0 is hoped 0ha0 i0 2ay ser3e as an in0roduc0ion 0o 0he pro1ounder 4or/s o1 H5P5'la3a0s/y, and be a con3enien0 s0eppings0one 0o 0heir s0udy5 Those 4ho ha3e learned a li00le o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo2 /no4 0he illu2ina0ion, 0he peace, 0he 6oy, 0he s0reng0h, i0s lessons ha3e brough0 in0o 0heir li3es5 Tha0 0his boo/ 2ay 4in so2e 0o con i0s 0eachings,and 0o pro3e 1or 0he2sel3es 0heir 3alue, is 0he prayer 4i0h 4hich i0 is sen0 1or0h in0o 0he 4orld5 Annie 'esan0, Augus0 1798 )N$TE9 A0 0he beginning o1 0he original prin0, 0here is in0roduc0ion e:plaining 0he underlying uni0y o1 all religions5 #any readers 2igh0 1ind i0 di11icul0 0o unders0and 0er2s in 3arious religions5 So 0his sec0ion is gi3en a0 0he end in case anybody 4an0s 0o read5 So 4e s0ar0 here 4i0h 1irs0 chap0er The Physical Plane *

CHAPTER I THE PHYSICAL PLANE +e ha3e 6us0 seen 0ha0 0he source 1ro2 4hich a uni3erse proceeds is a 2ani1es0ed %i3ine 'eing, 0o 4ho2 in 0he 2odern 1or2 o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo2 0he na2e L$.$S, or +ord has been gi3en5 The na2e is dra4n 1ro2 .ree/ Philosophy, bu0 per1ec0ly e:presses 0he ancien0 idea, 0he +ord 4hich e2erges 1ro2 0he Silence, 0he &oice, 0he Sound, by 4hich 0he 4orlds co2e in0o being5 +e 2us0 no4 0race 0he e3olu0ion o1 spiri092a00er, in order 0ha0 4e 2ay unders0and so2e0hing o1 0he na0ure o1 0he 2a0erials 4i0h 4hich 4e ha3e 0o deal on 0he physical plane, or physical 4orld5 ,or i0 is in 0he po0en0iali0ies 4rapped up, in3ol3ed, in 0he spiri092a00er o1 0he physical 4orld 0ha0 lies 0he possibili0y o1 e3olu0ion5 The 4hole process is an un1olding, sel192o3ed 1ro2 4i0hin and aided by in0elligen0 beings 4i0hou0, 4ho can re0ard or ;uic/en e3olu0ion, bu0 canno0 0ranscend 0he capaci0ies inheren0 in 0he 2a0erials5 So2e idea o1 0hese earlies0 s0ages o1 0he 4orld<s =beco2ing> is 0here1ore necessary, al0hough any a00e2p0 0o go in0o 2inu0e de0ails 4ould carry us 1ar beyond 0he li2i0s o1 such an ele2en0ary 0rea0ise as 0he presen05 A 3ery cursory s/e0ch 2us0 su11ice5 (Page 4 ! Co2ing 1or0h 1ro2 0he dep0hs o1 0he $ne E:is0ence, 1ro2 0he $NE beyond all 0hough0 and all speech, a L$.$S, by i2posing on Hi2sel1 a li2i0, circu2scribing 3olun0arily 0he range o1 His o4n 'eing, beco2es 0he 2ani1es0ed .od, and 0racing 0he li2i0ing sphere o1 His ac0i3i0y 0hus ou0lines 0he area o1 His uni3erse5 +i0hin 0ha0 sphere 0he uni3erse is born, is e3ol3ed, and dies ? i0 li3es, i0 2o3es, i0 has i0s being in Hi2 ? i0s 2a00er is His e2ana0ion ? i0s 1orces and energies are curren0s o1 His Li1e ? He is i22anen0 in e3ery a0o2, all9per3ading, all9sus0aining, all9e3ol3ing ? He is i0s source and i0s end, i0s cause and i0s ob6ec0, i0s cen0re and circu21erence ? i0 is buil0 on Hi2 as i0s sure

1ounda0ion, i0 brea0hes in Hi2 as i0s encircling space ? He is in e3ery0hing and e3ery0hing in Hi25 Thus ha3e 0he sages o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo2 0augh0 us o1 0he beginning o1 0he 2ani1es0ed 4orlds5 ,ro2 0he sa2e source 4e learn o1 0he Sel19 un1olding o1 0he L$.$S in0o a 0hree1old 1or2 ? 0he ,irs0 L$.$S, 0he oo0 o1 all being ? 1ro2 Hi2 0he Second, 2ani1es0ing 0he 04o aspec0s o1 Li1e and ,or2, 0he pri2al duali0y, 2a/ing 0he 04o poles o1 na0ure be04een 4hich 0he 4eb o1 0he uni3erse is 0o be 4o3en @ Li1e9 ,or2, Spiri09#a00er, Posi0i3e9Nega0i3e, Ac0i3e9 ecep0i3e, ,a0her9#o0her o1 0he 4orlds5 Then 0he Third L$.$S, 0he (ni3ersal #ind, 0ha0 in 4hich all arche0ypically e:is0s, 0he source o1 beings, 0he 1oun0 o1 1ashioning energies, 0he 0reasure house in 4hich are s0ored up all 0he arche0ypal 1or2s 4hich are 0o be brough0 1or0h and elabora0ed in lo4er /inds (Page 4"! o1 2a00er during 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he uni3erse5 These are 0he 1rui0s o1 pas0 uni3erses, brough0 o3er as seeds 1or 0he presen05 The pheno2enal spiri0 and 2a00er o1 any uni3erse are 1ini0e in 0heir e:0en0 and 0ransi0ory in 0heir dura0ion, bu0 0he roo0s o1 spiri0 and 2a00er are e0ernal5 The roo0 o1 2a00er )#ulApra/ri0i * has been said by a pro1ound 4ri0er 0o be 3isible 0o 0he L$.$S as a 3eil 0hro4n o3er 0he $ne e:is0ence, 0he supre2e 'rah2an )Parabrah2an* @0o use 0he ancien0 na2e5 I0 is 0his =3eil> 4hich 0he L$.$S assu2es 1or 0he purpose o1 2ani1es0a0ion, using i0 1or 0he sel19 i2posed li2i0 4hich 2a/es ac0i3i0y possible5 ,ro2 0his He elabora0es 0he 2a00er o1 His uni3erse, being Hi2sel1 i0s in1or2ing, guiding, and con0rolling li1e5 ) Hence He is called =The Lord o1 #AyA> in so2e Eas0ern Scrip0ures, #AyA, or illusion, being 0he principle o1 1or2? 1or2 is regarded as illusory, 1ro2 i0s 0ransi0ory na0ure and perpe0ual 0rans1or2a0ions, 0he li1e 4hich e:presses i0sel1 under 0he 3eil o1 1or2 being 0he reali0y*5

$1 4ha0 occurs on 0he 04o higher planes o1 0he uni3erse, 0he se3en0h and si:0h, 4e can 1or2 bu0 0he haBies0 concep0ion5 The energy o1 0he L$.$S as 4hirling 2o0ion o1 inconcei3able rapidi0y =digs holes in space> in 0his roo0 2a00er, and 0his 3or0e: o1 li1e encased in a 1il2 o1 0he roo0 o1 2a00er is 0he pri2ary a0o2? 0hese and 0heir aggrega0ions, spread 0hroughou0 0he uni3erse, 1or2 all 0he subdi3isions o1 spiri092a00er o1 0he highes0 or se3en0h plane5 The si:0h plane is 1or2ed by so2e o1 0he (Page 4#! coun0less 2yriads o1 0hese pri2ary a0o2s, se00ing up a 3or0e: in 0he coarses0 aggrega0ions o1 0heir o4n plane, and 0his pri2ary a0o2 en94alled 4i0h spiral s0rands o1 0he coarses0 co2bina0ions o1 0he se3en0h plane beco2es 0he 1ines0 uni0 o1 spiri092a00er, or a0o2 o1 0he si:0h plane5 These si:0h plane a0o2s and 0heir endless co2bina0ions 1or2 0he subdi3isions o1 0he spiri092a00er o1 0he si:0h plane5 The si:0h9plane9a0o2, in i0s 0urn, se0s up a 3or0e: in 0he coarses0 aggrega0ions o1 i0s o4n plane, and, 4i0h 0hese coarses0 aggrega0ions as a li2i0ing 4all, beco2es 0he 1ines0 uni0 o1 spiri092a00er, or a0o2, o1 0he 1i10h plane5 Again, 0hese 1i10h9plane a0o2s, and 0heir co2bina0ions 1or2 0he subdi3isions o1 0he spiri092a00er o1 0he 1i10h plane5 The process is repea0ed 0o 1or2 successi3ely 0he spiri092a00er o1 0he 1our0h, 0he 0hird, 0he second, and 0he 1irs0 planes5 These are 0he se3en grea0 regions o1 0he uni3erse, so 1ar as 0heir 2a0erial cons0i0uen0s are concerned5 A clearer idea o1 0he2 4ill be gained by analogy 4hen 4e co2e 0o 2as0er 0he 2odi1ica0ions o1 0he spiri092a00er o1 our o4n physical 4orld5 )The s0uden0 2ay 1ind 0he concep0ion clearer i1 he 0hin/s o1 0he 1i10h plane a0o2s as C02D ? 0hose o1 0he 1our0h plane as C02D en3eloped in 'uddhi9 2a00er ? 0hose o1 0he 0hird plane as C02D en3eloped in 'uddhi and #anas92a00er ? 0hose o1 0he second plane as C02D en3eloped in 'uddhi9#anas9 and !D2a92a00er ? 0hose o1 0he lo4es0 as C02D en3eloped in 'uddhi9

#anas9!D2a and S0hEla92a00er5 $nly 0he ou0er2os0 is ac0i3e in each, bu0 0he inner are 0here, 0hough la0en0, ready 0o co2e in0o ac0i3i0y on 0he up4ard arc o1 e3olu0ion*5 The 4orld =spiri092a00er> is used designedly5 (Page 44! A0 i2plies 0he 1ac0 0ha0 0here is no such 0hing as =dead> 2a00er ? all 2a00er is li3ing, 0he 0inies0 par0icles are li3es5 Science spea/s 0ruly in a11ir2ing F =No 1orce 4i0hou0 2a00er, no 2a00er 4i0hou0 1orce5> They are 4edded 0oge0her in an indissoluble 2arriage 0hroughou0 0he ages o1 0he li1e o1 a uni3erse, and none can 4rench 0he2 apar05 #a00er is 1or2, and 0here is no 1or2 4hich does no0 e:press a li1e ? spiri0 is li1e, and 0here is no li1e 0ha0 is no0 li2i0ed by 1or25 E3en 0he L$.$S, 0he Supre2e Lord, has during 2ani1es0a0ion 0he uni3erse as His 1or2, and so do4n 0o 0he a0o25 This in3olu0ion o1 0he li1e o1 0he L$.$S as 0he ensouling 1orce in e3ery par0icle, and i0s successi3e en4rapping in 0he spiri092a00er o1 e3ery plane, so 0ha0 0he 2a0erials o1 each plane ha3e 4i0hin 0he2 in a hidden, or la0en0 condi0ion, all 0he 1or2 and 1orce possibili0ies o1 all 0he planes abo3e 0he2 as 4ell as 0hose o1 0heir o4n @ 0hese 04o 1ac0s 2a/e e3olu0ion cer0ain and gi3e 0o 0he 3ery lo4es0 par0icle 0he hidden po0en0iali0ies 4hich 4ill render i0 1i0 @ as 0hey beco2e ac0i3e po4ers @ 0o en0er in0o 0he 1or2s o1 0he highes0 beings5 In 1ac0, e3olu0ion 2ay be su22ed up in a phrase F i0 is la0en0 po0en0iali0ies beco2ing ac0i3e po4ers5 The second grea0 4a3e o1 e3olu0ion, 0he e3olu0ion o1 1or2, and 0he 0hird grea0 4a3e, 0he e3olu0ion o1 sel19 consciousness, 4ill be deal0 4i0h la0er on5 These 0hree curren0s o1 e3olu0ion are dis0inguishable on our ear0h in connec0ion 4i0h hu2ani0y ? 0he 2a/ing o1 0he 2a0erials, 0he building o1 0he house, and 0he gro4ing (Page 4$! o1 0he 0enan0 o1 0he house, or, as said abo3e, 0he e3olu0ion o1 spiri092a00er, 0he e3olu0ion o1 1or2, 0he e3olu0ion o1

sel19consciousness5I1 0he reader can grasp and re0ain 0his idea, he 4ill 1ind a help1ul clue 0o guide hi2 0hrough 0he labyrin0h o1 1ac0s5 +e can no4 0urn 0o 0he de0ailed e:a2ina0ion o1 0he physical plane, 0ha0 on 4hich our 4orld e:is0s and 0o 4hich our bodies belong5 E:a2ining 0he 2a0erials belonging 0o 0his plane, 4e are s0ruc/ by 0heir i22ense 3arie0y, 0he innu2erable di11erences o1 cons0i0u0ion in 0he ob6ec0s around us, 2inerals, 3ege0ables, ani2als, all di11ering in 0heir cons0i0uen0s F 2a00er hard and so10, 0ransparen0 and opa;ue, bri00le and duc0ile, bi00er and s4ee0, pleasan0 and nauseous, coloured and colourless5 $u0 o1 0his con1usion 0hree subdi3isions o1 2a00er e2erge as a 1unda2en0al classi1ica0ion F 2a00er is solid, li;uid, gaseous5 ,ur0her e:a2ina0ion sho4s 0ha0 0hese solids, li;uids and gases are 2ade up by co2bina0ions o1 2uch si2pler bodies, called by che2is0s =ele2en0s,> and 0ha0 0hese ele2en0s 2ay e:is0 in a solid, li;uid, or gaseous condi0ion 4i0hou0 changing 0heir respec0i3e na0ures5 Thus 0he che2ical ele2en0 o:ygen is a cons0i0uen0 o1 4ood, and in co2bina0ion 4i0h o0her ele2en0s 1or2s 0he solid 4ood 1ibres ? i0 e:is0s in 0he sap 4i0h ano0her ele2en0, yielding a li;uid co2bina0ion as 4a0er ? and i0 e:is0s also in i0 by i0sel1 as gas5 (nder 0hese 0hree condi0ions i0 is o:ygen5 ,ur0her , pure o:ygen can be reduced 1ro2 a gas 0o a li;uid, (Page 4%! and 1ro2 a li;uid 0o a solid, re2aining pure o:ygen all 0he 0i2e, and so 4i0h o0her ele2en0s5 +e 0hus ob0ain as 0hree subdi3isions, or condi0ions o1 2a00er on 0he physical plane, solid, li;uid, gas5 Searching 1ur0her, 4e 1ind a 1our0h condi0ion, e0her, and a 2inu0e search re3eals 0ha0 0his e0her e:is0s in 1our condi0ions as 4ell de1ined as 0hose o1 solid, li;uid and gas ? 0o 0a/e o:ygen again as an e:a2ple F as i0 2ay be reduced 1ro2 0he gaseous condi0ion 0o 0he li;uid and 0he solid,

so i0 2ay be raised 1ro2 0he gaseous 0hrough 1our e0heric s0ages 0he las0 o1 4hich consis0s o1 0he ul0i2a0e physical a0o2, 0he disin0egra0ion o1 0he a0o2 0a/ing 2a00er ou0 o1 0he physical plane al0oge0her, and in0o 0he ne:0 plane abo3e5

In 0he anne:ed pla0e 0hree gases are sho4n in 0he gaseous and 1our e0heric s0a0es ? i0 4ill be

obser3ed 0ha0 0he s0ruc0ure o1 0he ul0i2a0e physical a0o2 is 0he sa2e 1or all, and 0ha0 0he 3arie0y o1 0he =ele2en0s> is due 0o 0he 3arie0y o1 4ays in 4hich 0hese ul0i2a0e physical a0o2s co2bine5 Thus 0he se3en0h subdi3ision o1 physical spiri092a00er is co2posed o1 ho2ogeneous a0o2s ? 0he si:0h is co2posed o1 1airly si2ple he0erogeneous co2bina0ions o1 0hese, each co2bina0ion beha3ing as a uni0 ? 0he 1i10h is co2posed o1 2ore co2ple: co2bina0ions, and 0he 1our0h o1 s0ill 2ore co2ple: ones, bu0 in all cases 0hese co2bina0ions ac0 as uni0s 5 The 0hird subdi3ision consis0s o1 ye0 2ore co2plica0ed co2bina0ions, regarded by 0he che2is0 as gaseous a0o2s or =ele2en0s,> and on 0his subdi3ision 2any o1 0he co2bina0ions ha3e recei3ed special na2es, o:ygen, hydrogen, (Page 4&! ni0rogen, chlorine, e0c5, and each ne4ly disco3ered co2bina0ion no4 recei3es i0s na2e ? 0he second subdi3ision consis0s o1 co2bina0ions in 0he li;uid condi0ion, 4he0her regarded as ele2en0s such as bro2ine, or as co2bina0ions such as 4a0er or alcohol ? 0he 1irs0 subdi3ision is co2posed o1 all solids, again 4he0her regarded as ele2en0s, such as iodine, gold, lead, e0c5, or as co2pounds, such as 4ood, s0one, chal/, and so on5 The physical plane 2ay ser3e 0he s0uden0 as a 2odel 1ro2 4hich by analogy he 2ay gain an idea o1 0he subdi3isions o1 spiri092a00er o1 o0her planes5 +hen a Theosophis0 spea/s o1 a plane, he 2eans a region 0hroughou0 4hich spiri092a00er e:is0s, all 4hose co2bina0ions are deri3ed 1ro2 a par0icular se0 o1 a0o2s? 0hese a0o2s, in 0urn, are uni0s possessing si2ilar organisa0ions, 4hose li1e is 0he li1e o1 0he L$.$S 3eiled in 1e4er or 2ore co3erings according 0o 0he plane, and 4hose 1or2 consis0s o1 0he solid, or lo4es0 subdi3ision o1 2a00er, o1 0he plane i22edia0ely abo3e5 A plane is 0hus a di3ision in na0ure, as 4ell as a 2e0aphysical idea5

Thus 1ar 4e ha3e been s0udying 0he resul0s in our o4n physical 4orld o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 spiri09 2a00er in our di3ision o1 0he 1irs0 or lo4es0 plane o1 our sys0e25 ,or coun0less ages 0he 1ashioning o1 2a0erials has been going on, 0he curren0 o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 spiri09 2a00er, and in 0he 2a0erials o1 our globe 4e see 0he ou0co2e a0 0he presen0 0i2e5 'u0 4hen 4e begin 0o s0udy 0he inhabi0an0s o1 0he physical plane, 4e co2e 0o 0he e3olu0ion o1 1or2, ( Page 4'* 0he building o1 organis2s ou0 o1 0hese 2a0erials5 +hen 0he e3olu0ion o1 2a0erials had reached a su11icien0ly ad3anced s0a0e, 0he second grea0 li1e94a3e 1ro2 0he L$.$S ga3e 0he i2pulse 0o 0he e3olu0ion o1 1or2, and He beca2e 0he organising 1orce )As "02A9 'uddhi, indi3isible in ac0ion, and 0here1ore spo/en o1 as 0he #onad5 All forms ha3e "02A9'uddhi as con0rolling li1e5* 9 o1 His (ni3erse, coun0less hos0s o1 en0i0ies, en0i0led 'uilders 99 ) So2e are lo10y spiri0ual In0elligences, bu0 0he na2e co3ers e3en 0he building Na0ure9spiri0s The sub6ec0 is deal0 4i0h in Chap0er GII * 9 0a/ing par0 in 0he building up o1 1or2s ou0 o1 co2bina0ions o1 spiri092a00er5 The li1e o1 0he L$.$S abiding in each 1or2 is i0s cen0ral, con0rolling, and direc0ing energy5 This building o1 1or2s on 0he higher planes canno0 here be con3enien0ly s0udied in de0ail? i0 2ay su11ice 0o say 0ha0 all 1or2s e:is0 as Ideas in 0he 2ind o1 0he L$.$S, and 0ha0 in 0his second li1e94a3e 0hese 4ere 0hro4n ou04ards as 2odels 0o guide 0he 'uilders5 $n 0he 0hird and second planes 0he early spiri092a00er co2bina0ions are designed 0o gi3e i0 1acili0y in assu2ing shapes organised 0o ac0 as uni0s, and gradually 0o increase i0s s0abili0y 4hen shaped in0o an organis25 This process 4en0 on upon 0he 0hird and second planes, in 4ha0 are 0er2ed 0he 0hree ele2en0al /ingdo2s, 0he co2bina0ions o1 2a00er 1or2ed 0herein being called generally =ele2en0al essence,> and 0his

essence being 2oulded in0o 1or2s by aggrega0ions, 0he 1or2s (Page 4(! enduring 1or a 0i2e and 0hen disin0egra0ing5 The ou0poured li1e, or #onad, e3ol3ed 0hrough 0hese /ingdo2s and reached in due course 0he physical plane, 4here i0 began 0o dra4 0oge0her 0he e0hers and hold 0he2 in 1il2y shapes, in 4hich li1e9 curren0s played and in0o 4hich 0he denser 2a0erials 4ere buil0, 1or2ing 0he 1irs0 2inerals5 In 0hese are beau0i1ully sho4n @ as 2ay be seen by re1erence 0o any boo/ on crys0allurgy @ 0he nu2erical and geo2e0rical lines on 4hich 1or2s are cons0ruc0ed, and 1ro2 0he2 2ay be ga0hered plen0i1ul e3idence 0ha0 li1e is 4or/ing in all 2inerals, al0hough 2uch =cribbed, cabined, and con1ined5> The 1a0igue 0o 4hich 2e0als are sub6ec0 is ano0her sign 0ha0 0hey are li3ing 0hings, bu0 i0 is here enough 0o say 0ha0 0he occul0 doc0rine so regards 0he2, /no4ing 0he already92en0ioned processes by 4hich li1e has been in3ol3ed in 0he25 .rea0 s0abili0y o1 1or2 ha3ing been gained in 2any o1 0he 2inerals, 0he e3ol3ing #onad elabora0ed grea0er plas0ici0y o1 1or2 in 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2, co2bining 0his 4i0h s0abili0y o1 organisa0ion5 These charac0eris0ics 1ound a ye0 2ore balanced e:pression in 0he ani2al 4orld, and reached 0heir cul2ina0ion o1 e;uilibriu2 in 2an, 4hose physical body is 2ade up o1 cons0i0uen0s o1 2os0 uns0able e;uilibriu2, 0hus gi3ing grea0 adap0abili0y, and ye0 4hich is held 0oge0her by a co2bining cen0ral 1orce 4hich resis0s general disin0egra0ion e3en under 0he 2os0 3aried condi0ions5 #an<s physical body has 04o 2ain di3isions F 0he dense body, 2ade o1 cons0i0uen0s 1ro2 0he 0hree (Page $)! lo4er le3els o1 0he physical plane, solids, li;uids, and gasesF and 0he e0heric double, 3iole09gray or blue9gray in colour, in0erpene0ra0ing 0he dense body and co2posed o1 2a0erials dra4n 1ro2 0he 1our higher le3els5 The general 1unc0ion o1 0he physical body is 0o recei3e con0ac0s 1ro2 0he physical 4orld, and send 0he repor0 o1 0he2 in4ards, 0o ser3e as 2a0erials

1ro2 4hich 0he conscious en0i0y inhabi0ing 0he body is 0o elabora0e /no4ledge5 I0s e0heric por0ion has also 0he du0y o1 ac0ing as a 2ediu2 0hrough 4hich 0he li1e9 curren0s poured ou0 1ro2 0he sun can be adap0ed 0o 0he uses o1 0he denser par0icles5 The sun is 0he grea0 reser3oir o1 0he elec0rical, 2agne0ic, and 3i0al 1orces 1or our sys0e2, and i0 pours ou0 abundan0ly 0hese s0rea2s o1 li1e9gi3ing energy5 They are 0a/en in by 0he e0heric doubles o1 all 2inerals, 3ege0ables, ani2als, and 2en, and are by 0he2 0rans2u0ed in0o 0he 3arious li1e9energies needed by each en0i0y5 ) +hen 0hus appropria0ed 0he li1e is called PrDna, and i0 beco2es 0he li1e9brea0h o1 e3ery crea0ure5 PrDna is bu0 a na2e 1or 0he uni3ersal li1e 4hile i0 is 0a/en in by an en0i0y and is suppor0ing i0s separa0ed li1e5* The e0heric doubles dra4 in, specialise, and dis0ribu0e 0he2 o3er 0heir physical coun0erpar0s5 I0 has been obser3ed 0ha0 in 3igorous heal0h 2uch 2ore o1 0he li1e9energies are 0rans2u0ed 0han 0he physical body re;uires 1or i0s o4n suppor0, and 0ha0 0he surplus is rayed ou0 and is 0a/en up and u0ilised by 0he 4ea/er5 +ha0 is 0echnically called 0he heal0h aura is 0he par0 o1 0he e0heric double 0ha0 e:0ends a 1e4 inches 1ro2 0he (Page $ ! 4hole sur1ace o1 0he body and sho4s radia0ing lines, li/e 0he radii o1 a sphere, going ou04ards in all direc0ions5 These lines droop 4hen 3i0ali0y is di2inished belo4 0he poin0 o1 heal0h, and resu2e 0heir radia0ing charac0er 4i0h rene4ed 3igour5 I0 is 0his 3i0al energy, specialised by 0he e0heric double, 4hich is poured ou0 by 0he 2es2eriser 1or 0he res0ora0ion o1 0he 4ea/ and 1or 0he cure o1 disease, al0hough he o10en 2ingles 4i0h i0 curren0s o1 a 2ore rare1ied /ind5 Hence 0he deple0ion o1 3i0al energy sho4n by 0he e:haus0ion o1 0he 2es2eriser 4ho prolongs his 4or/ 0o e:cess5 #an<s body is 1ine or coarse in i0s 0e:0ure according 0o 0he 2a0erials dra4n 1ro2 0he physical plane 1or i0s co2posi0ion5 Each subdi3ision o1 2a00er

yields 1iner or coarser 2a0erials ? co2pare 0he bodies o1 a bu0cher and o1 a re1ined s0uden0 ? bo0h ha3e solids in 0he2, bu0 solids o1 such di11eren0 ;uali0ies5 ,ur0her , 4e /no4 0ha0 a coarse body can be re1ined, a re1ined body coarsened5 The body is cons0an0ly changing ? each par0icle is a li1e, and 0he li3es co2e and go5 They are dra4n 0o a body consonan0 4i0h 0he2sel3es, 0hey are repelled 1ro2 one discordan0 4i0h 0he2sel3es5 All 0hings li3e in rhy0h2ical 3ibra0ions, all see/ 0he har2onious and are repelled by dissonance5 A pure body repels coarse par0icles because 0hey 3ibra0e a0 ra0es discordan0 4i0h i0s o4n ? a coarse body a00rac0s 0he2 because 0heir 3ibra0ions accord 4i0h i0s o4n5 Hence i1 0he body changes i0s ra0es o1 3ibra0ion, i0 gradually dri3es ou0 o1 i0 0he cons0i0uen0s 0ha0 canno0 1all in0o 0he ne4 rhy0h2, and 1ills up 0heir places by dra4ing in 1ro2 e:0ernal na0ure 1resh cons0i0uen0s 0ha0 are har2onious5 (Page $"! Na0ure pro3ides 2a0erials 3ibra0ing in all possible 4ays, and each body e:ercises i0s o4n selec0i3e ac0ion5 In 0he earlier building o1 hu2an bodies 0his selec0i3e ac0ion 4as due 0o 0he #onad o1 1or2, bu0 no4 0ha0 2an is a sel19conscious en0i0y he presides o3er his o4n building5 'y his 0hough0s he s0ri/es 0he /eyno0e o1 his 2usic, and se0s up 0he rhy0h2s 0ha0 are 0he 2os0 po4er1ul 1ac0ors in 0he con0inual changes in his physical and o0her bodies5 As his /no4ledge increases he learns ho4 0o build up his physical body 4i0h pure 1ood, and so 1acili0a0es 0he 0uning o1 i05 He learns 0o li3e by 0he a:io2 o1 puri1ica0ion F =Pure 1ood, pure 2ind, and cons0an0 2e2ory o1 .od5> As 0he highes0 crea0ure li3ing on 0he physical plane, he is 0he 3ice9regen0 o1 0he L$.$S 0hereon, responsible, so 1ar as his po4ers e:0end, 1or i0s order, peace, and good go3ern2en0 ? and 0his du0y he canno0 discharge 4i0hou0 0hese 0hree re;uisi0es5 The physical body, 0hus co2posed o1 ele2en0s dra4n 1ro2 all 0he subdi3isions o1 0he physical

plane, is 1i00ed 0o recei3e and 0o ans4er i2pression 1ro2 i0 o1 e3ery /ind5 I0s 1irs0 con0ac0s 4ill be o1 0he si2ples0 and crudes0 sor0s, and as 0he li1e 4i0hin i0 0hrills ou0 in ans4er 0o 0he s0i2ulus 1ro2 4i0hou0, 0hro4ing i0s 2olecules in0o responsi3e 3ibra0ions, 0here is de3eloped all o3er 0he body 0he sense o1 0ouch, 0he recogni0ion o1 so2e0hing co2ing in0o con0ac0 4i0h i05 As specialised sense9organs (Page $#! are de3eloped 0o recei3e special /inds o1 3ibra0ions, 0he 3alue o1 0he body increases as a 1u0ure 3ehicle 1or a conscious en0i0y on 0he physical plane5 The 2ore i2pressions i0 can ans4er 0o, 0he 2ore use1ul does i0 beco2e ? 1or only 0hose 0o 4hich i0 can ans4er can reach 0he consciousness5 E3en no4 0here are 2yriads o1 3ibra0ions pulsing around us in physical na0ure 1ro2 0he /no4ledge o1 4hich 4e are shu0 ou0 because o1 0he inabili0y o1 our physical 3ehicle 0o recei3e and 3ibra0e in accord 4i0h 0he25 (ni2agined beau0ies, e:;uisi0e sounds, delica0e sub0le0ies, 0ouch 0he 4alls o1 our prison house and pass on unheeded5 No0 ye0 is de3eloped 0he per1ec0 body 0ha0 shall 0hrill 0o e3ery pulse in na0ure as 0he aeolian harp 0o 0he Bephyr5 The 3ibra0ions 0ha0 0he body is able 0o recei3e, i0 0rans2i0s 0o physical cen0res, belonging 0o i0s highly co2plica0ed ner3ous sys0e25 The e0heric 3ibra0ions 4hich acco2pany all 0he 3ibra0ions o1 0he denser physical cons0i0uen0s are si2ilarly recei3ed by 0he e0heric double, and 0rans2u0ed 0o i0s corresponding cen0res5 #os0 o1 0he 3ibra0ions in 0he dense 2a00er are changed in0o che2ical hea0, and o0her 1or2s o1 physical energy? 0he e0heric gi3e rise 0o 2agne0ic and elec0ric ac0ion, and also pass on 0he 3ibra0ions 0o 0he as0ral body, 4hence, as 4e shall see la0er, 0hey reach 0he 2ind5 Thus in1or2a0ion abou0 0he e:0ernal 4orld reaches 0he conscious en0i0y en0hroned in 0he body, 0he Lord o1 0he body, as he is so2e0i2es called5 As 0he

channels o1 in1or2a0ion de3elop and are e:ercised, 0he conscious en0i0y (Page $4! gro4s by 0he 2a0erials supplied 0o his 0hough0 by 0he2, bu0 so li00le is 2an ye0 de3eloped 0ha0 e3en 0he e0heric double is no0 ye0 su11icien0ly har2onised 0o regularly con3ey 0o 0he 2an i2pressions recei3ed by i0 independen0ly o1 i0s denser co2rade, or 0o i2press 0he2 on his brain5 $ccasionally i0 succeeds in doing so, and 0hen 4e ha3e 0he lo4es0 1or2 o1 clair3oyance, 0he seeing o1 0he e0heric doubles o1 physical ob6ec0s, and o1 0hings 0ha0 ha3e e0heric bodies as 0heir lo4es0 3es0ure5 #an d4ells, as 4e shall see, in 3arious 3ehicles, physical, as0ral, and 2en0al and i0 is i2por0an0 0o /no4 and re2e2ber 0ha0 as 4e are e3ol3ing up4ards, 0he lo4es0 o1 0he 3ehicles, 0he dense physical, is 0ha0 4hich consciousness 1irs0 con0rols and ra0ionalises5 The physical brain is 0he ins0ru2en0 o1 consciousness in 4a/ing li1e on 0he physical plane, and consciousness 4or/s in i0 @ in 0he unde3eloped 2an @ 2ore e11ec0i3ely 0han in any o0her 3ehicle5 I0s po0en0iali0ies are less 0han 0hose o1 0he sub0ler 3ehicles, bu0 i0s ac0uali0ies are grea0er, and 0he 2an /no4s hi2sel1 as = I = in 0he physical body ere he 1inds hi2sel1 else4here5 E3en i1 he be 2ore highly de3eloped 0han 0he a3erage 2an, he can only sho4 as 2uch o1 hi2sel1 do4n here as 0he physical organis2 per2i0s, 1or consciousness can 2ani1es0 on 0he physical plane only so 2uch as 0he physical 3ehicle can carry5 The dense and e0heric bodies are no0 nor2ally separa0ed during ear0h li1e? 0hey nor2ally 1unc0ion 0oge0her, as 0he lo4er and higher s0rings o1 a single (Page $$! ins0ru2en0 4hen a chord is s0ruc/, bu0 0hey also carry on separa0e 0hough coordina0ed ac0i3i0ies5 (nder condi0ions o1 4ea/ heal0h or ner3ous e:ci0e2en0 0he e0heric double 2ay in grea0 par0 be abnor2ally e:0ruded 1ro2 i0s dense coun0erpar0 ? 0he la00er 0hen beco2es 3ery dully conscious , or en0ranced, according 0o 0he less or grea0er a2oun0 o1

0he e0heric 2a00er e:0ruded5 Anes0he0ics dri3e ou0 0he grea0er par0 o1 0he e0heric double, so 0ha0 consciousness canno0 a11ec0 or be a11ec0ed by 0he dense body, i0s bridge o1 co22unica0ion being bro/en5 In 0he abnor2ally organised person called 2ediu2s, disloca0ion o1 0he e0heric and dense bodies easily occurs, and 0he e0heric double, 4hen e:0ruded, largely supplies 0he physical basis 1or =2a0erialisa0ions5> In sleep, 4hen 0he consciousness lea3es 0he physical 3ehicle 4hich i0 uses during 4a/ing li1e, 0he dense and e0heric bodies re2ain 0oge0her, bu0 in 0he physical drea2 li1e 0hey 1unc0ion 0o so2e e:0en0 independen0ly5 I2pressions e:perienced during 4a/ing li1e are reproduced by 0he au0o2a0ic ac0ion o1 0he body, and bo0h 0he physical and e0heric brains are 1illed 4i0h dis6oin0ed 1rag2en0ary pic0ures, 0he 3ibra0ions as i0 4ere, 6os0ling each o0her, and causing 0he 2os0 gro0es;ue co2bina0ions5 &ibra0ions 1ro2 ou0side also a11ec0 bo0h, and co2bina0ions o10en se0 up during 4a/ing li1e are easily called in0o ac0i3i0y by curren0s 1ro2 0he as0ral 4orld o1 li/e na0ure 4i0h 0he2sel3es5 The puri0y or i2puri0y o1 4a/ing 0hough0s 4ill largely go3ern 0he pic0ures arising in drea2s, (Page $%! 4he0her spon0aneously se0 up or induced 1ro2 4i0hou05 A0 4ha0 is called dea0h, 0he e0heric double is dra4n a4ay 1ro2 i0s dense coun0erpar0 by 0he escaping consciousness ? 0he 2agne0ic 0ie e:is0ing be04een 0he2 during li1e ear0h li1e is snapped asunder, and 1or so2e hours 0he consciousness re2ains en3eloped in 0his e0heric garb5 In 0his i0 so2e0i2es appears 0o 0hose 4i0h 4ho2 i0 is closely bound up, as a cloudy 1igure, 3ery dully conscious and speechless @ 0he 4rai0h5 I0 2ay also be seen, a10er 0he conscious en0i0y has deser0ed i0, 1loa0ing o3er 0he gra3e 4here i0s dense coun0erpar0 is buried, slo4ly disin0egra0ing as 0i2e goes on5 +hen 0he 0i2e co2es 1or rebir0h, 0he e0heric double is buil0 in ad3ance o1 0he dense body, 0he la00er e:ac0ly 1ollo4ing i0 in i0s an0e9na0al de3elop2en05 These

bodies 2ay be said 0o 0race 0he li2i0a0ions 4i0hin 4hich 0he conscious en0i0y 4ill ha3e 0o li3e and 4or/ during his li1e, a sub6ec0 0ha0 4ill be 2ore 1ully e:plained in Chap0er IG on !ar2a5 CHAPTER *"* THE ASTRAL PLANE (Page $&! The as0ral plane is 0he region o1 0he uni3erse ne:0 0o 0he physical, i1 0he 4ord =ne:0> 2ay be per2i00ed in such a connec0ion5 Li1e 0here is 2ore ac0i3e 0han on 0he physical plane, and 1or2 is 2ore plas0ic5 The spiri092a00er o1 0ha0 plane is 2ore highly 3i0alised and 1iner 0han any grade o1 spiri092a00er in 0he physical 4orld5 ,or , as 4e ha3e seen, 0he ul0i2a0e physical a0o2, 0he cons0i0uen0 o1 0he rares0 physical e0her, has 1or i0s sphere94all innu2erable aggrega0ions o1 0he coarses0 as0ral 2a00er5 The 4ord =ne:0> is, ho4e3er, inappropria0e, as sugges0ing 0he idea 0ha0 0he planes o1 0he uni3erse are arranged as concen0ric circles, one ending 4here 0he ne:0 begins5 a0her 0hey are concen0ric in0erpene0ra0ing spheres, no0 separa0ed 1ro2 each o0her by dis0ance bu0 by di11erence o1 cons0i0u0ion5 As air per2ea0es 4a0er, as e0her per2ea0es 0he denses0 solid, so does as0ral 2a00er per2ea0e all physical5 The as0ral 4orld is abo3e us, belo4 us, on e3ery side o1 us, 0hrough us? 4e li3e and 2o3e in i0, bu0 i0 is in0angible, in3isible, inaudible, i2percep0ible, because 0he prison o1 0he physical body shu0s us (Page $'! a4ay 1ro2 i0, 0he physical par0icles being 0oo gross 0o be se0 in 3ibra0ion by as0ral 2a00er5 In 0his chap0er 4e shall s0udy 0he plane in i0s general aspec0s, lea3ing on one side 1or separa0e considera0ion 0hose special condi0ions o1 li1e on 0he as0ral plane surrounding 0he hu2an en0i0ies 4ho are passing 0hrough i0 on 0heir 4ay 1ro2 ear0h 0o hea3en5 ) %e3achan, 0he happy or brigh0 s0a0e, is 0he

Theosophical na2e 1or hea3en5 !A2alo/a, 0he place o1 desire, is 0he na2e gi3en 0o 0he condi0ions o1 in0er2edia0e li1e on 0he as0ral plane*5 The spiri092a00er o1 0he as0ral plane e:is0s in se3en subdi3isions, as 4e ha3e seen in 0he spiri09 2a00er o1 0he physical5 There, as here, 0here are nu2berless co2bina0ions, 1or2ing 0he as0ral solids, li;uids, gases, and e0hers5 'u0 2os0 2a0erial 1or2s 0here ha3e a brigh0ness, a 0ranslucency, as co2pared 0o 1or2s here, 4hich ha3e caused 0he epi0he0 as0ral, or s0arry, 0o be applied 0o 0he2 @ an epi0he0 4hich is, on 0he 4hole, 2isleading, bu0 is 0oo 1ir2ly es0ablished by use 0o be changed5 As 0here are no speci1ic na2es 1or 0he subdi3isions o1 as0ral spiri092a00er, 4e 2ay use 0he 0erres0rial designa0ions5 The 2ain idea 0o be grasped is 0ha0 as0ral ob6ec0s are co2bina0ions o1 as0ral 2a00er, as physical ob6ec0s are co2bina0ions o1 physical 2a00er, and 0ha0 0he as0ral 4orld scenery 2uch rese2bles 0ha0 o1 ear0h in conse;uence o1 i0s being largely 2ade up o1 0he as0ral duplica0es o1 physical ob6ec0s5 $ne peculiari0y, ho4e3er, arres0s and con1uses 0he un0rained obser3er? par0ly because o1 0he 0ranslucency o1 as0ral ob6ec0s, (Page $(! and par0ly because o1 0he na0ure o1 as0ral 3ision @ consciousness being less ha2pered by 0he 1iner as0ral 2a00er 0han 4hen encased in 0he 0erres0rial @ e3ery0hing is 0ransparen0, i0s bac/ is 3isible as i0s 1ron0, i0s inside as i0s ou0side5 So2e e:perience is needed, 0here1ore, ere ob6ec0s are correc0ly seen, and a person 4ho has de3eloped as0ral 3ision, bu0 has no0 ye0 had 2uch e:perience in i0s use, is ap0 0o recei3e 0he 2os0 0opsy9 0ur3y i2pressions and 0o 1all in0o 0he 2os0 as0ounding blunders5 Ano0her s0ri/ing and a0 1irs0 be4ildering charac0eris0ic o1 0he as0ral 4orld is 0he s4i10ness 4i0h 4hich 1or2s @ especially 4hen unconnec0ed 4i0h any 0erres0rial 2a0ri: @ change 0heir ou0lines5

An as0ral en0i0y 4ill change his 4hole appearance 4i0h 0he 2os0 s0ar0ling rapidi0y, 1or as0ral 2a00er 0a/es 0he 1or2 under e3ery i2pulse o1 0hough0, 0he li1e s4i10ly re2oulding 0he 1or2 0o gi3e i0sel1 ne4 e:pression5 As 0he grea0 li1e94a3e o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 1or2 passed do4n4ards 0hrough 0he as0ral plane, and cons0i0u0ed on 0ha0 plane 0he 0hird ele2en0al /ingdo2, 0he #onad dre4 round i0sel1 co2bina0ions o1 as0ral 2a00er, gi3ing 0o 0hese co2bina0ions @ en0i0led ele2en0al essence @ a peculiar 3i0ali0y and 0he charac0eris0ic o1 responding 0o, and ins0an0ly 0a/ing shape under, 0he i2pulse o1 0hough0 3ibra0ions5 This ele2en0al essence e:is0s in hundreds o1 3arie0ies on e3ery subdi3ision o1 0he as0ral plane, as 0hough 0he air beca2e 3isible here @ as indeed i0 2ay seen in ;ui3ering 4a3es under grea0 hea0 @ and 4ere in cons0an0 undula0ory 2o0ion 4i0h changing (Page %)! colours li/e 2o0her9o19pearl5 This 3as0 a02osphere o1 ele2en0al essence is e3er ans4ering 0o 3ibra0ions caused by 0hough0s, 1eelings, and desires, and is 0hro4n in0o co22o0ion by a rush o1 any o1 0hese li/e bubbles in boiling 4a0er5 ) C5+5 Leadbea0er, As0ral Plane, p5 HI*5 The dura0ion o1 0he 1or2 depends on 0he s0reng0h o1 0he i2pulse 0o 4hich i0 o4es i0s bir0h ? 0he clearness o1 i0s ou0line depends on 0he precision o1 0he 0hin/ing, and 0he colour depends on 0he ;uali0y @ in0ellec0ual, de3o0ional, passional @ o1 0he 0hough05 The 3ague loose 0hough0s 4hich are so largely produced by unde3eloped 2inds ga0her round 0he2sel3es loose clouds o1 ele2en0al essence 4hen 0hey arri3e in 0he as0ral 4orld, and dri10 abou0, a00rac0ed hi0her and 0hi0her 0o o0her clouds o1 si2ilar na0ure, clinging round 0he as0ral bodies o1 persons 4hose 2agne0is2 a00rac0s 0he2 @ ei0her good or e3il @ and a10er a 4hile disin0egra0ing, 0o again 1or2 a par0 o1 0he general a02osphere o1 ele2en0al essence5 +hile 0hey 2ain0ain a separa0e e:is0ence 0hey are li3ing en0i0ies,

4i0h bodies o1 ele2en0al essence and 0hough0s as 0he ensouling li3es, and 0hey are 0hen called ar0i1icial ele2en0als, or 0hough091or2s5 Clear, precise 0hough0s ha3e each 0heir o4n de1ini0e shapes, 4i0h sharp clean ou0lines, and sho4 an endless 3arie0y o1 designs5 They are shaped by 3ibra0ions se0 up by 0hough0, 6us0 as on 0he physical plane 4e 1ind 1igures 4hich are shaped by 3ibra0ions se0 up by sound5 =&oice91igures> o11er a 3ery 1air analogy 1or =0hough091igures,> 1or na0ure, 4i0h all (Page % ! her in1ini0e 3arie0y, is 3ery conser3a0i3e o1 principles, and reproduces 0he sa2e 2e0hods o1 4or/ing on plane a10er plane in her real2s5 These clearly de1ined ar0i1icial ele2en0als ha3e a longer and 2uch 2ore ac0i3e li1e 0han 0heir cloudy bre0hren, e:ercising a 1ar s0ronger in1luence on 0he as0ral bodies )and 0hrough 0he2 on 0he 2inds* o1 0hose 0o 4ho2 0hey are a00rac0ed5 They se0 up in 0he2 3ibra0ions si2ilar 0o 0heir o4n, and 0hus 0hough0s spread 1ro2 2ind 0o 2ind 4i0hou0 0erres0rial e:pression5 #ore 0han 0hisF 0hey can be direc0ed by 0he 0hin/er 0o4ards any person he desires 0o reach, 0heir po0ency depending on 0he s0reng0h o1 his 4ill and 0he in0ensi0y o1 his 2en0al po4er5 A2ong a3erage people 0he ar0i1icial ele2en0als crea0ed by 1eeling or desire are 2ore 3igorous and 2ore de1ini0e 0han 0hose crea0ed by 0hough05 Thus an ou0burs0 o1 anger 4ill cause a 3ery de1ini0ely ou0lined and po4er1ul 1lash o1 red, and sus0ained anger 4ill 2a/e a dangerous ele2en0al, red in colour, and poin0ed, barbed, or o0her4ise ;uali1ied 0o in6ure5 Lo3e, according 0o i0s ;uali0y, 4ill se0 up 1or2s 2ore or less beau0i1ul in colour and design, all shades o1 cri2son 0o 0he 2os0 e:;uisi0e and so10 hues o1 rose, li/e 0he pales0 blushes o1 sunse0 or 0he da4n, clouds o1 0enderly s0rong pro0ec0i3e shapes5 #any a #o0her<s lo3ing prayers go 0o ho3er round her son as angel9

1or2s, 0urning aside 1ro2 hi2 e3il in1luences 0ha0 perchance his o4n 0hough0s are a00rac0ing5 I0 is charac0eris0ic o1 0hese ar0i1icial ele2en0als, (Page %"! 4hen 0hey are direc0ed by 0he 4ill 0o4ards any par0icular person, 0ha0 0hey are ani2a0ed by 0he one i2pulse o1 carrying ou0 0he 4ill o1 0heir crea0or5 A pro0ec0i3e ele2en0al 4ill ho3er round i0s ob6ec0, see/ing any oppor0uni0y o1 4arding o11 e3il or a00rac0ing good @ no0 consciously, bu0 by a blind i2pulse, as 1inding 0here 0he line o1 leas0 resis0ance5 So, also, an ele2en0al ensouled by a 2alignan0 0hough0 4ill ho3er round i0s 3ic0i2 see/ing oppor0uni0y 0o in6ure5 'u0 nei0her 0he one nor 0he o0her can 2a/e any i2pression unless 0here be in 0he as0ral body o1 0he ob6ec0 so2e0hing s/in 0o 0he2sel3es, so2e0hing 0ha0 can ans4er accordingly 0o 0heir 3ibra0ions, and 0hus enable 0he2 0o a00ach 0he2sel3es5 I1 0here be no0hing in hi2 o1 2a00er cogna0e 0o 0heir o4n, 0hen by a la4 o1 0heir na0ure 0hey rebound 1ro2 hi2 along 0he pa0h 0hey pursued in going 0o hi2 @ 0he 2agne0ic 0race 0hey ha3e le10 @ and rush 0o 0heir crea0or 4i0h a 1orce propor0iona0e 0o 0ha0 o1 0heir pro6ec0ion5 Thus a 0hough0 o1 deadly ha0red, 1ailing 0o s0ri/e 0he ob6ec0 a0 4hich i0 4as dar0ed, has been /no4n 0o slay i0s sender, 4hile good 0hough0s sen0 0o 0he un4or0hy re0urn as blessings 0o hi2 0ha0 poured 0he2 1or0h5 A 3ery sligh0 unders0anding o1 0he as0ral 4orld 4ill 0hus ac0 as a 2os0 po4er1ul s0i2ulus 0o righ0 0hin/ing, and 4ill render hea3y 0he sense o1 responsibili0y in regard 0o 0he 0hough0s and 1eelings, and desires 0ha0 4e le0 loose in0o 0his as0ral real25 a3ening beas0s o1 prey, rending and de3ouring, are 0oo 2any o1 0he 0hough0s 4i0h 4hich 2en people 0he (Page %#! as0ral plane5 'u0 0hey err 1ro2 ignorance, 0hey /no4 no0 4ha0 0hey do5 $ne o1 0he ob6ec0s o1 0heosophical 0eaching, par0ly li10ing up 0he 3eil o1 0he unseen 4orld, is 0o gi3e 2en a sounder basis 1or

conduc0, a 2ore ra0ional apprecia0ion o1 0he causes o1 4hich 0he e11ec0s only are seen in 0he 0erres0rial 4orld5 A 1e4 o1 i0s doc0rines are 2ore i2por0an0 in 0heir e0hical bearing 0han 0his o1 0he crea0ion and direc0ion o1 0hough091or2s, or ar0i1icial ele2en0als, 1or 0hrough i0 2an learns 0ha0 his 2ind does no0 concern hi2sel1 alone, 0ha0 his 0hough0s do no0 a11ec0 hi2sel1 alone, bu0 0ha0 he is e3er sending ou0 angels and de3ils in0o 0he 4orld o1 2en, 1or 4hose crea0ion he is responsible, and 1or 4hose in1luences he is held accoun0able5 Le0 2en, 0hen, /no4 0he la4, and guide 0heir 0hough0s 0hereby5 I1, ins0ead o1 0a/ing ar0i1icial ele2en0als separa0ely, 4e 0a/e 0he2 in 0he 2ass, i0 is easy 0o realise 0he 0re2endous e11ec0 0hey ha3e in producing na0ional and race 1eelings, and 0hus in biasing and pre6udicing 0he 2ind5 +e all gro4 up surrounded by an a02osphere cro4ded 4i0h ele2en0als e2bodying cer0ain ideas ? na0ional pre6udices, na0ional 4ays o1 loo/ing a0 all ;ues0ions, na0ional 0ypes o1 1eelings and 0hough0s, all 0hese play on us 1ro2 our bir0h, aye, and be1ore5 +e see e3ery0hing 0hrough 0his a02osphere, e3ery 0hough0 is 2ore or less re1rac0ed by i0, and our o4n as0ral bodies are 3ibra0ing in accord 4i0h i05 Hence 0he sa2e idea 4ill loo/ ;ui0e di11eren0 0o 0he Hindu, an English2an, a Spaniard, and a ussian ? so2e concep0ions easy 0o (Page %4! 0he one 4ill be al2os0 i2possible 0o 0he o0her, cus0o2s ins0inc0i3ely a00rac0i3e 0o 0he one are ins0inc0i3ely odious 0o 0he o0her5 +e are all do2ina0ed by our na0ional a02osphere, i.e., by 0ha0 por0ion o1 0he as0ral 4orld i22edia0ely surrounding us5 The 0hough0s o1 o0hers, cas0 2uch in 0he sa2e 2ould, play upon us and call ou0 1ro2 us synchronous 3ibra0ions ? 0hey in0ensi1y 0he poin0s in 4hich 4e accord 4i0h our surroundings and 1la00en a4ay 0he di11erences, and 0his ceaseless ac0ion upon

us 0hrough 0he as0ral body i2presses on us 0he na0ional hal192ar/ and 0races channels 1or 2en0al energies in0o 4hich 0hey readily 1lo45 Sleeping and 4a/ing , 0hese curren0s play upon us, and our 3ery unconsciousness o1 0heir ac0ion 2a/es i0 0he 2ore e11ec0i3e5 As 2os0 people are recep0i3e ra0her 0han ini0ia0i3e in 0heir na0ure, 0hey ac0 al2os0 as au0o2a0ic reproducers o1 0he 0hough0s 4hich reach 0he2, and 0hus 0he na0ional a02osphere is con0inually in0ensi1ied5 +hen a person is beginning 0o be sensi0i3e 0o as0ral in1luences, he 4ill occasionally 1ind hi2sel1 suddenly o3erpo4ered or assailed by a ;ui0e ine:plicable and see2ingly irra0ional dread, 4hich s4oops upon hi2 4i0h e3en paralysing 1orce5 ,igh0 agains0 i0 as he 2ay, he ye0 1eels i0, and perhaps resen0s i05 Probably 0here are 1e4 4ho ha3e no0 e:perienced 0his 1ear 0o so2e e:0en0, 0he uneasy dread o1 an in3isible so2e0hing, 0he 1eeling o1 a presence, o1 =no0 being alone5> This arises par0ly 1ro2 a cer0ain hos0ili0y 4hich ani2a0es 0he na0ural ele2en0al 4orld agains0 0he hu2an, on accoun0 o1 0he 3arious (Page %$* des0ruc0i3e agencies de3ised by 2an/ind on 0he physical plane and reac0ing on 0he as0ral, bu0 is also largely due 0o 0he presence o1 so 2any ar0i1icial ele2en0als o1 an un1riendly /ind, bred by hu2an 2inds5 Though0s o1 ha0red, 6ealousy, re3enge, bi00erness, suspicion, discon0en0, go ou0 by 2illions cro4ding 0he as0ral plane 4i0h ar0i1icial ele2en0als 4hose 4hole li1e is 2ade o1 0hese 1eelings5 Ho4 2uch also is 0here o1 3ague dis0rus0 and suspicion poured ou0 by 0he ignoran0 agains0 all 4hose 4ays and appearance are alien and un1a2iliar5 The blind dis0rus0 o1 all 1oreigners, 0he surly con0e2p0, e:0ending in 2any dis0ric0s e3en 0o4ards inhabi0an0s o1 ano0her coun0ry @ 0hese 0hings also con0ribu0e e3il in1luences 0o 0he as0ral 4orld5 There being so 2uch o1 0hese 0hings a2ong us, 4e crea0e a blindly hos0ile ar2y on 0he as0ral plane, and 0his is ans4ered in our o4n as0ral bodies by a 1eeling o1

dread, se0 up by 0he an0agonis0ic 3ibra0ions 0ha0 are sensed, bu0 no0 unders0ood5 $u0side 0he class o1 ar0i1icial ele2en0als, 0he as0ral 4orld is 0hic/ly popula0ed, e3en e:cluding, as 4e do 1or 0he presen0, all 0he hu2an en0i0ies 4ho ha3e los0 0heir physical bodies by dea0h5 There are grea0 hos0s o1 na0ural ele2en0als, or na0ure9spiri0s, di3ided in0o 1i3e 2ain classes @0he ele2en0als o1 0he e0her, 0he 1ire, 0he air, 0he 4a0er, and 0he ear0h ? 0he las0 1our groups ha3e been 0er2ed, in 2ediae3al occul0is2, 0he Sala2anders, Sylphs, (ndines, and .no2es )needless 0o say 0here are 04o o0her classes, co2ple0ing 0he se3en, no0 concerning us here, as 0hey are (Page %%! s0ill un2ani1es0ed*5 These are 0he 0rue ele2en0als, or crea0ures o1 0he ele2en0s, ear0h, 4a0er, air, 1ire and e0her, and 0hey are se3erally concerned in 0he carrying on o1 0he ac0i3i0ies connec0ed 4i0h 0heir o4n ele2en0 ? 0hey are 0he channels 0hrough 4hich 4or/ 0he di3ine energies in 0hese se3eral 1ields, 0he li3ing e:pressions o1 0he la4 in each5 A0 0he head o1 each di3ision is a grea0 'eing, 0he cap0ain o1 0he 2igh0y hos0, )Called a %e3a, or .od, by 0he Hindus5 The s0uden0 2ay li/e 0o ha3e 0he Sans/ri0 na2es o1 0he 1i3e .ods o1 0he 2ani1es0ed ele2en0s ? Indra, lord o1 0he A/Asha, or e0her o1 space ? Agni, lord o1 1ire ? Pa3ana, lord o1 air, &aruna, lord o1 4a0er ? !shi0i, lord o1 0he ear0h*5 0he direc0ing and guiding in0elligence o1 0he 4hole depar02en0 o1 na0ure 4hich is ad2inis0ered and energised by 0he class o1 ele2en0als under his con0rol5 Thus Agni 0he 1ire9.od, is a grea0 spiri0ual en0i0y concerned 4i0h 0he 2ani1es0a0ion o1 1ire on all planes o1 0he uni3erse, and carries on his ad2inis0ra0ion 0hrough 0he hos0 o1 0he 1ire9ele2en0als5 'y unders0anding 0he na0ure o1 0hese, or /no4ing 0he 2e0hods o1 0heir con0rol, 0he so9called 2iracles o1 2agical 1ea0s are 4or/ed, 4hich 1ro2 0i2e 0o 0i2e are recorded in 0he public press, 4he0her 0hey are

a3o4edly 0he resul0s o1 2agical ar0s, or are done by 0he aid o1 =spiri0s> @ as in 0he case o1 0he la0e #r5 Ho2e, 4ho could unconcernedly pic/ a red9ho0 coal ou0 o1 a blaBing 1ire 4i0h his 1ingers and hold i0 in his hand unhur05 Le3i0a0ion )0he suspension o1 a hea3y body in 0he air 4i0hou0 3isible suppor0* and 4al/ing on 0he 4a0er ha3e been done by 0he aid (Page %&! respec0i3ely o1 0he ele2en0als o1 0he air and 0he 4a0er, al0hough ano0her 2e0hod is 2ore o10en e2ployed5 As 0he ele2en0s en0er in0o 0he hu2an body, one or ano0her predo2ina0ing according 0o 0he na0ure o1 0he person, each hu2an being has rela0ions 4i0h 0hese ele2en0als, 0he 2os0 1riendly 0o hi2 being 0hose 4hose ele2en0 is preponderan0 in hi25 The e11ec0s o1 0his 1ac0 are o10en no0ed, and are popularly ascribed 0o =luc/>5 A person has = a luc/y hand> in 2a/ing plan0s gro4, in ligh0ing 1ires, in 1inding underground 4a0er, e0c5 Na0ure is e3er 6os0ling us 4i0h her occul0 1orces, bu0 4e are slo4 0o 0a/e her hin0s5 Tradi0ion so2e0i2es hides a 0ru0h in a pro3erb or a 1able, bu0 4e ha3e gro4n beyond all such =supers0i0ions5> +e 1ind also on 0he as0ral plane, na0ure9 spiri0s @ less accura0ely 0er2ed ele2en0als @ 4ho are concerned 4i0h 0he building o1 1or2s in 0he 2ineral, 3ege0able, ani2al, and hu2an /ingdo2s5 There are na0ure9spiri0s 4ho build up 2inerals, 4ho guide 0he 3i0al energies in plan0s, and 4ho 2olecule by 2olecule 1or2 0he bodies o1 0he ani2al /ingdo2 ? 0hey are concerned 4i0h 0he 2a/ing o1 0he as0ral bodies o1 2inerals, plan0s, and ani2als, as 4ell as 4i0h 0ha0 o1 0he physical5 These are 0he 1airies and el3es o1 legends, 0he =li00le people> 4ho play so large a par0 in 0he 1ol/ lore o1 e3ery na0ion, 0he char2ing irresponsible children o1 na0ure, 4ho2 science had coldly relega0ed 0o 0he nursery, bu0 4ho 4ill be replaced in 0heir o4n grade o1 na0ural order by 0he 4iser scien0is0s o1 a la0er day5 $nly poe0s and occul0is0s belie3e in 0he2 6us0 no4, poe0s by 0he in0ui0ion o1 0heir genius, occul0is0s by 0he 3ision o1

0heir 0rained inner senses5 The 2ul0i0ude laugh a0 bo0h, 2os0 o1 all a0 0he occul0is0s ? bu0 i0 2a00er no0 @ 4isdo2 shall be 6us0i1ied (Page %'! o1 her children5 The play o1 0he li1e9curren0s in 0he e0heric doubles o1 0he 1or2s in 0he 2ineral, 3ege0able, and ani2al /ingdo2s, a4o/e ou0 o1 la0ency 0he as0ral 2a00er in3ol3ed in 0he s0ruc0ure o1 0heir a0o2ic and 2olecular cons0i0uen0s5 I0 began 0o 0hrill in a 3ery li2i0ed 4ay in 0he 2inerals, and 0he #onad o1 1or2, e:ercising his organising po4er, dre4 in 2a0erials 1ro2 0he as0ral 4orld, and 0hese 4ere buil0 by 0he na0ure9spiri0s in0o a loosely cons0i0u0ed 2ass, 0he 2ineral as0ral body5 In 0he 3ege0able 4orld 0he as0ral bodies are a li00le 2ore organised, and 0heir special charac0eris0ic o1 =1eeling> begins 0o appear5 %ull and di11used sensa0ions o1 4ell9being and disco21or0 are obser3able in 2os0 plan0s as 0he resul0s o1 0he increasing ac0i3i0y o1 0he as0ral body5 They di2ly en6oy 0he air, 0he rain, and 0he sunshine, and gropingly see/ 0he2, 4hile 0hey shrin/ 1ro2 no:ious condi0ions5 So2e see/ 0he ligh0 and so2e see/ 0he dar/ness ? 0hey ans4er 0o s0i2uli, and adap0 0he2sel3es 0o e:0ernal condi0ions, so2e sho4ing plainly a sense o1 0ouch5 In 0he ani2al /ingdo2 0he as0ral body is 2ore de3eloped, reaching in 0he higher 2e2bers o1 0ha0 /ingdo2 a su11icien0ly de1ini0e organisa0ion 0o cohere 1or so2e 0i2e a10er 0he dea0h o1 0he physical body, and 0o lead an independen0 e:is0ence on 0he as0ral plane5 (Page %(! The na0ure9spiri0s concerned 4i0h 0he building o1 0he ani2al and hu2an as0ral bodies ha3e been gi3en 0he special na2e o1 desire9ele2en0als, )!A2ade3as, 0hey are called Jdesire9godsJ* because 0hey are s0rongly ani2a0ed by desires o1 all /inds, and cons0an0ly build 0he2sel3es in0o 0he as0ral bodies o1 ani2als and 2en5 They also use 0he 3arie0ies o1 ele2en0al essence si2ilar 0o 0ha0 o1 4hich 0heir o4n bodies are

co2posed 0o cons0ruc0 0he as0ral bodies o1 ani2als, 0hose bodies 0hus ac;uiring, as in0er4o3en par0s, 0he cen0res o1 sensa0ion and o1 0he 3arious passional ac0i3i0ies5 These cen0res are s0i2ula0ed in0o 1unc0ioning by i2pulses recei3ed by 0he dense physical organs, and 0rans2i00ed by 0he e0heric physical organs 0o 0he as0ral body5 No0 un0il 0he as0ral cen0re is reached does 0he ani2al 1eel pleasure or pain5 A s0one 2ay be s0ruc/, bu0 i0 4ill 1eel no pain ? i0 has dense and e0heric physical 2olecules, bu0 i0s as0ral body is unorganised ? 0he ani2al 1eels pain 1ro2 a blo4 because he possesses 0he as0ral cen0res o1 sensa0ion, and 0he desire9 ele2en0als ha3e 4o3en in0o hi2 0heir o4n na0ure5 As a ne4 considera0ion en0ers in0o 0he 4or/ o1 0hese ele2en0als 4i0h 0he hu2an as0ral body, 4e 4ill 1inish our sur3ey o1 0he inhabi0an0s o1 0he as0ral plane ere s0udying 0his 2ore co2plica0ed as0ral 1or25 The desire9bodies, )!A2arEpa is 0he 0echnical na2e 1or 0he as0ral body, 1ro2 !A2a, desire, and rEpa, 1or2* or as0ral bodies, o1 ani2als are 1ound, as has 6us0 been s0a0ed, 0o lead (Page &)! an independen0 0hough 1lee0ing e:is0ence on 0he as0ral plane a10er dea0h has des0royed 0heir physical coun0erpar0s5 In =ci3ilised> coun0ries 0hese ani2al as0ral bodies add 2uch 0o 0he general 1eeling o1 hos0ili0y 4hich 4as spo/en o1 abo3e, 1or 0he organised bu0chery o1 ani2als in slaugh0erhouses and by spor0 sends 2illions o1 0hese annually in0o 0he as0ral 4orld, 1ull o1 horror, 0error, and shrin/ing 1ro2 2en5 The co2para0i3ely 1e4 crea0ures 0ha0 are allo4ed 0o die in peace and ;uie0ness are los0 in 0he 3as0 hordes o1 0he 2urdered, and 1ro2 0he curren0s se0 up by 0hese 0here rain do4n in1luences 1ro2 0he as0ral 4orld on 0he hu2an and ani2al races 4hich dri3e 0he2 ye0 1ur0her apar0 and engender =ins0inc0i3e> dis0rus0 and

1ear on 0he one side and lus0 o1 in1lic0ing cruel0y on 0he o0her5 These 1eelings ha3e been 2uch in0ensi1ied o1 la0e years by 0he coldly de3ised 2e0hods o1 0he scien0i1ic 0or0ure called 3i3isec0ion, 0he un2en0ionable barbari0ies o1 4hich ha3e in0roduced ne4 horrors in0o 0he as0ral 4orld by 0heir reac0ion on 0he culpri0s, )See Chap0er III, on =!A2alo/a 5>* as 4ell as ha3ing increased 0he gul1 be04een 2an and his =poor rela0ions>5 Apar0 1ro2 4ha0 4e 2ay call 0he nor2al popula0ion o1 0he as0ral 4orld, 0here are passing 0ra3ellers in i0, led 0here by 0heir 4or/, 4ho2 4e canno0 lea3e en0irely 4i0hou0 2en0ion5 So2e o1 0hese co2e 1ro2 our o4n 0erres0rial 4orld, 4hile o0hers are 3isi0ors 1ro2 lo10ier regions5 $1 0he 1or2er, 2any are Ini0ia0es o1 3arious grades, (Page & ! so2e belonging 0o 0he .rea0 +hi0e Lodge @ 0he Hi2Alayan or Tibe0an 'ro0herhood, as i0 is o10en called )I0 is 0o so2e 2e2bers o1 0his Lodge 0ha0 0he Theosophical Socie0y o4es i0s incep0ion* @ 4hile o0hers are 2e2bers o1 di11eren0 occul0 lodges 0hroughou0 0he 4orld, ranging 1ro2 4hi0e 0hrough shades o1 grey 0o blac/5 ) $ccul0is0s 4ho are unsel1ish and 4holly de3o0ed 0o 0he carrying ou0 o1 0he %i3ine +ill, or 4ho are ai2ing 0o a00ain 0hese 3ir0ues, are called =4hi0e>5 Those 4ho are sel1ish and are 4or/ing agains0 0he %i3ine purpose in 0he uni3erse are called =blac/5> E:panding sel1lessness, lo3e and de3o0ion are 0he 2ar/s o1 0he one class F con0rac0ing sel1ishness, ha0red, and harsh arrogance are 0he sign o1 0he o0her5 'e04een 0hese are 0he classes 4hose 2o0i3es are 2i:ed, and 4ho ha3e no0 ye0 realised 0ha0 0hey 2us0 e3ol3e 0o4ards 0he $ne Sel1 or 0o4ards separa0ed sel3es ? 0hese I ha3e called grey5 Their 2e2bers gradually dri10 in0o, or delibera0ely 6oin, one o1 0he 04o grea0 groups 4i0h clearly 2ar/ed ai2s*5

All 0hese are 2en li3ing in physical bodies, 4ho ha3e learned 0o lea3e 0he physical encase2en0 a0 4ill, and 0o 1unc0ion in 1ull consciousness in 0he as0ral body5 They are o1 all grades o1 /no4ledge and 3ir0ue, bene1icen0 and 2ale1icen0, s0rong and 4ea/, gen0le and 1erocieous5 There are also 2any younger aspiran0s, s0ill unini0ia0ed, 4ho are learning 0o use 0he as0ral 3ehicle, and 4ho are e2ployed in 4or/s o1 bene3olence or 2ale3olence according 0o 0he pa0h 0hey are see/ing 0o 0read5 A10er 0hese, 4e ha3e psychics o1 3arying degrees o1 de3elop2en0, so2e 1airly aler0, o0hers drea2y and con1used, 4andering abou0 4hile 0heir physical (Page &"! bodies are asleep or en0ranced5 (nconscious o1 0heir e:0ernal surroundings, 4rapped in 0heir o4n 0hough0s, dra4n as i0 4ere 4i0hin 0heir as0ral shell, are 2illions o1 dri10ing as0ral bodies inhabi0ed by conscious en0i0ies, 4hose physical 1ra2es are sun/ in sleep5 As 4e shall see presen0ly, 0he consciousness in i0s as0ral 3ehicle escapes 4hen 0he body sin/s in0o sleep, and passes on 0o 0he as0ral plane ? bu0 i0 is no0 conscious o1 i0s surroundings un0il 0he as0ral body is su11icien0ly de3eloped 0o 1unc0ion independen0ly o1 0he physical5 $ccasionally is seen on 0his plane a disciple )A ChelA, 0he accep0ed pupil o1 an Adep0*, 4ho has passed 0hrough dea0h and is a4ai0ing an al2os0 i22edia0e reincarna0ion under 0he direc0ion o1 his #as0er5 He is, o1 course, in 0he en6oy2en0 o1 1ull consciousness, and is 4or/ing li/e o0her disciples 4ho ha3e 2erely slipped o11 0heir bodies in sleep5 A cer0ain s0age )See chap0er GI, on =#an<s Ascen0>* @ a disciple is allo4ed 0o reincarna0e 3ery ;uic/ly a10er dea0h, and under 0hese circu2s0ances he has 0o a4ai0 on 0he as0ral plane a sui0able oppor0uni0y 1or rebir0h5 Passing 0hrough 0he as0ral plane also are 0he hu2an beings 4ho are on 0heir 4ay 0o reincarna0ion

? 0hey 4ill again be 2en0ioned la0er on )See chap0er &II, on = eincarna0ion>5* and 0hey concern 0he2sel3es in no 4ay 4i0h 0he general li1e o1 0he as0ral 4orld5 The desire9ele2en0als, ho4e3er, 4ho ha3e a11ini0y 4i0h 0he2 1ro2 0heir pas0 passional and sensa0ional ac0i3i0ies, ga0her round 0he2, (Page &#! assis0ing in 0he building o1 0he ne4 as0ral body 1or 0he co2ing ear0h9li1e5 +e 2us0 no4 0urn 0o 0he considera0ion o1 0he hu2an as0ral body during 0he period o1 e:is0ence in 0his 4orld, and s0udy i0s na0ure and cons0i0u0ion as 4ell as i0s rela0ions 4i0h 0he as0ral real25 +e 4ill 0a/e 0he as0ral body o1 )a* an unde3eloped 2an, )b* an a3erage 2an, and )c* a spiri0ually de3eloped 2an5 )a* An unde3eloped 2an<s as0ral body is a cloudy, loosely organised, 3aguely ou0lined 2ass o1 as0ral spiri092a00er, con0aining 2a0erials @ bo0h as0ral 2a00er and ele2en0al essence @ dra4n 1ro2 all 0he subdi3isions o1 0he as0ral plane, bu0 4i0h a predo2inance o1 subs0ances 1ro2 0he lo4er, so 0ha0 i0 is dense and coarse in 0e:0ure, 1i0 0o respond 0o all 0he s0i2uli connec0ed 4i0h 0he passions and appe0i0es5 The colours caused by 0he ra0es o1 3ibra0ion are dull, 2uddy, and dus/y @ bro4n, dull reds, dir0y greens, are predo2inan0 hues5 There is no play o1 ligh0 or ;uic/ly changing 1lashing o1 colours 0hrough 0his as0ral body, bu0 0he 3arious passions sho4 0he2sel3es as hea3y surges, or, 4hen 3iolen0, as 1lashes ? 0hus se:ual passion 4ill send a 4a3e o1 2uddy cri2son, rage a 1lash o1 lurid red5 The as0ral body is larger 0han 0he physical, e:0ending round i0 in all direc0ions 0en 0o 04el3e inches in such a case as 4e are considering5 The cen0res o1 0he organs o1 sense are de1ini0ely 2ar/ed, and are ac0i3e 4hen 4or/ed on 1ro2 4i0hou0 ? bu0 in ;uiescence 0he li1e9s0rea2s are sluggish, and 0he as0ral body, s0i2ula0ed nei0her 1ro2 0he physical nor 2en0al 4orlds, is dro4sy and indi11eren05 ) 0he s0uden0 4ill recognise

here 0he predo2inance o1 0he (Page &4! 0A2asic guna, 0he ;uali0y o1 dar/ness or iner0ness in na0ure5* I0 is a cons0an0 charac0eris0ic o1 0he unde3eloped s0a0e 0ha0 ac0i3i0y is pro2p0ed 1ro2 4i0hou0 ra0her 1ro2 0he inner consciousness 5 A s0one 0o be 2o3ed 2us0 be pushed ? a plan0 2o3es under 0he a00rac0ions o1 ligh0 and 2ois0ure ? an ani2al beco2es ac0i3e 4hen s0irred by hunger F a poorly de3eloped 2an needs 0o be pro2p0ed in si2ilar 4ays5 No0 0ill 0he 2ind is par0ly gro4n does i0 begin 0o ini0ia0e ac0ion5 The cen0res o1 higher ac0i3i0ies, ) The se3en Cha/ras, or 4heels, so na2ed 1ro2 0he 4hirling appearance 0hey presen0, li/e 4heels o1 li3ing 1ire 4hen in ac0i3i0y5* rela0ed 0o 0he independen0 1unc0ioning o1 0he as0ral senses, are scarcely 3isible5 A 2an a0 0his s0age re;uires 1or his e3olu0ion 3iolen0 sensa0ions o1 e3ery /ind, 0o arouse 0he na0ure and s0i2ula0e i0 in0o ac0i3i0y5 Hea3y blo4s 1ro2 0he ou0er 4orld, bo0h o1 pleasure and pain, are 4an0ed 0o a4a/en and spur 0o ac0ion5 The 2ore nu2erous and 3iolen0 0he sensa0ions, 0he 2ore he can be 2ade 0o 1eel, 0he be00er 1or his gro40h5 A0 0his s0age ;uali0y 2a00ers li00le, ;uan0i0y and 3igour are 0he 2ain re;uisi0es5 The beginnings o1 0his 2an<s 2orali0y 4ill be in his passions ? a sligh0 i2pulse o1 unsel1ishness in his rela0ions 0o 4i1e and child or 1riend, 4ill be 0he 1irs0 s0ep up4ards, by causing 3ibra0ions in 0he 1iner 2a00er o1 his as0ral body and a00rac0ing in0o i0 2ore ele2en0al essence o1 an appropria0e /ind5 The as0ral body is cons0an0ly (Page &$* changing i0s 2a0erials under 0his play o1 0he passions, appe0i0es, desires, and e2o0ions5 All good ones s0reng0hen 0he 1iner par0s o1 0he body, sha/e ou0 so2e o1 0he coarser cons0i0uen0s, dra4 in0o i0 0he sub0ler 2a0erials, and a00rac0 round i0 ele2en0als o1 a bene1icen0 /ind 4ho aid in 0he reno3a0ing process5 All e3il ones ha3e dia2e0rically opposi0e e11ec0s, s0reng0hening 0he coarser, e:pelling

0he 1iner, dra4ing in 2ore o1 0he 1or2er, and a00rac0ing ele2en0als 4ho help in 0he de0eriora0ing process5 The 2an<s 2oral and in0ellec0ual po4ers are so e2bryonic in 0he case 4e are considering 0ha0 2os0 o1 0he building and changing o1 his as0ral body 2ay be said 0o be done 1or hi2 ra0her 0han by hi25 I0 depends 2ore on his e:0ernal circu2s0ances 0han on his o4n 4ill, 1or, as 6us0 said, i0 is charac0eris0ic o1 a lo4 s0age o1 de3elop2en0 0ha0 a 2an is 2o3ed 1ro2 4i0hou0 and 0hrough 0he body 2uch 2ore 0han 1ro2 4i0hin and by 0he 2ind5 I0 is a sign o1 considerable ad3ance 4hen a 2an begins 0o be 2o3ed by 0he 4ill, by his o4n energy, sel19de0er2ined, ins0ead o1 being 2o3ed by desire, i.e5, by a response 0o an e:0ernal a00rac0ion or repulsion5 In sleep 0he as0ral body, en3eloping 0he consciousness, slips ou0 o1 0he physical 3ehicle, lea3ing 0he dense and e0heric bodies 0o slu2ber5 A0 0his s0age, ho4e3er, 0he consciousness is no0 a4a/e in 0he as0ral body, lac/ing 0he s0rong con0ac0s 0ha0 spur i0 4hile in 0he physical 1ra2e, and 0he only 0hings 0ha0 a11ec0 0he as0ral body 2ay be ele2en0als o1 0he coarser /inds, 0ha0 2ay se0 up 0herein 3ibra0ions 4hich are re1lec0ed 0o 0he e0heric and dense brains, and induce drea2s o1 ani2al pleasures5 The as0ral body 1loa0s 6us0 o3er 0he physical, held by i0s s0rong a00rac0ion, and canno0 go 1ar a4ay 1ro2 i05 (Page &%! )b* In 0he a3erage 2oral and in0ellec0ual 2an 0he as0ral body sho4s an i22ense ad3ance on 0ha0 6us0 described5 I0 is larger in siBe, i0s 2a0erials are 2ore balanced in ;uali0y, 0he presence o1 0he rarer /inds gi3ing a cer0ain lu2inous ;uali0y 0o 0he 4hole, 4hile 0he e:pression o1 0he higher e2o0ions sends playing 0hrough i0 beau0i1ul ripples o1 colour5 I0s ou0line is clear and de1ini0e, ins0ead o1 3ague and shi10ing, as in 0he 1or2er case, and i0 assu2es 0he li/eness o1 i0s o4ner5 I0 is ob3iously beco2ing a 3ehicle 1or 0he inner 2an, 4i0h good de1ini0e organisa0ion and s0abili0y, a body 1i0 and ready 0o 1unc0ion, and able 0o 2ain0ain

i0sel1, apar0 1ro2 0he physical5 +hile re0aining grea0 plas0ici0y, i0 ye0 has a nor2al 1or2, 0o 4hich i0 con0inuously recurs 4hen any pressure is re2o3ed 0ha0 2ay ha3e caused i0 0o change i0s ou0line5 I0s ac0i3i0y is cons0an0, and hence i0 is in perpe0ual 3ibra0ion, sho4ing endless 3arie0ies o1 changing hues ? also 0he =4heels> are clearly 3isible 0hough no0 ye0 1unc0ioning ) Here 0he s0uden0 4ill no0e 0he predo2inance o1 0he rA6asic guna, 0he ;uali0y o1 ac0i3i0y in na0ure5* I0 responds ;uic/ly 0o all 0he con0ac0s co2ing 0o i0 0hrough 0he physical body, and is s0irred by 0he in1luences rained on i0 1ro2 0he conscious en0i0y 4i0hin, 2e2ory and i2agina0ion s0i2ula0ing i0 0o ac0ion, and causing i0 0o (Page &&! beco2e 0he pro2p0er o1 0he body 0o ac0i3i0y ins0ead o1 only being 2o3ed by i05 I0s puri1ica0ion proceeds along 0he sa2e lines as in 0he 1or2er case @ 0he e:pulsion o1 lo4er cons0i0uen0s by se00ing up 3ibra0ions an0agonis0ic 0o 0he2 and 0he dra4ing in o1 1iner 2a0erials in 0heir place5 'u0 no4 0he increased 2oral in0ellec0ual de3elop2en0 o1 0he 2an pu0s 0he building al2os0 en0irely under his o4n con0rol, 1or he is no longer dri3en here and 0here by s0i2uli 1ro2 e:0ernal na0ure, bu0 reasons, 6udges, and resis0s or yields as he 0hin/s 4ell5 'y 0he e:ercise o1 4ell9direc0ed 0hough0 he can rapidly a11ec0 0he as0ral body, and hence i0s i2pro3e2en0 can proceed apace5 Nor is i0 necessary 0ha0 he should unders0and 0he modus operandi in order 0o bring abou0 0he e11ec0, any 2ore 0han 0ha0 a 2an should unders0and 0he la4s o1 ligh0 in order 0o see5 In sleep, 0his 4ell9de3eloped as0ral body slips, as usual, 1ro2 i0s physical encase2en0, bu0 is by no 2eans held cap0i3e by i0, as in 0he 1or2er case5 I0 roa2s abou0 in 0he as0ral 4orld, dri10ed hi0her and 0hi0her by 0he as0ral curren0s, 4hile 0he consciousness 4i0hin i0, no0 ye0 able 0o direc0 i0s 2o3e2en0s, is a4a/e, engaged in 0he en6oy2en0 o1 i0s o4n 2en0al i2ages

and 2en0al ac0i3i0ies, and able also 0o recei3e i2pressions 0hrough i0s as0ral co3ering, and 0o change 0he2 in0o 2en0al pic0ures5 In 0his 4ay a 2an 2ay gain /no4ledge 4hen ou0 o1 0he body, and 2ay subse;uen0ly i2press i0 on 0he brain as a 3i3id drea2 or 3ision, or 4i0hou0 0his lin/ o1 (Page &'! 2e2ory i0 2ay 1il0er 0hrough in0o 0he brain9consciousness5 )c* The as0ral body o1 a spiri0ually de3eloped 2an is co2posed o1 0he 1ines0 par0icles o1 each subdi3ision o1 as0ral 2a00er, 0he higher /inds largely predo2ina0ing in a2oun05 I0 is 0here1ore a beau0i1ul ob6ec0 in lu2inosi0y and colour, hues no0 /no4n on ear0h sho4ing 0he2sel3es under 0he i2pulses 0hro4n in0o i0 by 0he puri1ied 2ind5 The 4heels o1 1ire are no4 seen 0o deser3e 0heir na2es, and 0heir 4hirling 2o0ion deno0es 0he ac0i3i0y o1 0he higher senses5 Such a body is, in 0he 1ull sense o1 0he 4ords, a 3ehicle o1 consciousness, 1or in 0he course o1 e3olu0ion i0 has been 3i3i1ied in e3ery organ and brough0 under 0he co2ple0e con0rol o1 i0s o4ner5 +hen in i0 he lea3es 0he physical body 0here is no brea/ in consciousness ? he 2erely sha/es o11 his hea3ier 3es0ure, and 1inds hi2sel1 unencu2bered by i0s 4eigh05 He can 2o3e any4here 4i0hin 0he as0ral sphere 4i0h i22ense rapidi0y, and is no longer bound by 0he narro4 0erres0rial condi0ions5 His body ans4ers 0o his 4ill, re1lec0s and obeys his 0hough05 His oppor0uni0ies 1or ser3ing hu2ani0y are 0hus enor2ously increased, and his po4ers are direc0ed by his 3ir0ue and his bene1icence5 The absence o1 gross par0icles in his as0ral body renders i0 incapable o1 responding 0o 0he pro2p0ings o1 lo4er ob6ec0s o1 desire, and 0hey 0urn a4ay 1ro2 hi2 as beyond 0heir a00rac0ion5 The 4hole body 3ibra0es only in ans4er 0o 0he higher e2o0ions, his lo3e has gro4n in0o de3o0ion, his energy is curbed by pa0ience5 .en0le, (Page &(! cal2, serene, 1ull o1 po4er, bu0 4i0h no 0race o1 res0lessness, such a 2an

=all 0he Siddhis s0and ready 0o ser3e5> )Here 0he sA003ic guna, 0he ;uali0y o1 bliss and puri0y in na0ure, is predo2inan05 Siddhis are superphysical po4ers5* The as0ral body 1or2s 0he bridge o3er 0he gul1 4hich separa0es consciousness 1ro2 0he physical brain5 I2pac0s recei3ed by 0he sense organs and 0rans2i00ed, as 4e ha3e seen, 0o 0he dense and e0heric cen0res, pass 0hence 0o 0he corresponding as0ral cen0res ? here 0hey are 4or/ed on by 0he ele2en0al essence and are 0rans2u0ed in0o 1eelings , and are 0hen presen0ed 0o 0he inner 2an as ob6ec0s o1 consciousness, 0he as0ral 3ibra0ions a4a/ening corresponding 3ibra0ions in 0he 2a0erials o1 0he 2en0al body5 )See chap0er I&, on =The #en0al Plane5>* 'y 0hese successi3e grada0ions in 1ineness o1 spiri092a00er 0he hea3y i2pac0s o1 0erres0rial ob6ec0s can be 0rans2i00ed 0o 0he conscious en0i0y ? and, in 0urn, 0he 3ibra0ions se0 up by his 0hough0s can pass along 0he sa2e bridge 0o 0he physical brain and 0here induce physical 3ibra0ions corresponding 0o 0he 2en0al5 This is 0he regular nor2al 4ay in 4hich consciousness recei3es i2pressions 1ro2 4i0hou0, and in 0urn sends i2pressions ou04ards5 'y 0his cons0an0 passage o1 3ibra0ions 0o and 1ro 0he as0ral body is chie1ly de3eloped ? 0he curren0 plays upon i0 1ro2 4i0hin and 1ro2 4i0hou0, i0 e3ol3es i0s organisa0ion, and subser3es i0s general gro40h5 'y 0his i0 beco2es larger, 1iner in 0e:0ure, 2ore de1ini0ely ou0lined, and 2ore organised in0eriorly5 (Page ')! Trained 0hus 0o respond 0o consciousness, i0 gradually beco2es 1i0 0o 1unc0ion as i0s separa0e 3ehicle, and 0o 0rans2i0 0o i0 clearly 0he 3ibra0ions recei3ed direc0ly 1ro2 0he as0ral 4orld5 #os0 readers 4ill ha3e had so2e li00le e:perience o1 i2pressions co2ing in0o consciousness 1ro2 4i0hou0, 0ha0 do no0 arise 1ro2 any physical i2pac0, and 0ha0 are 3ery ;uic/ly 3eri1ied by so2e e:0ernal occurrence5

These are 1re;uen0ly i2pressions 0ha0 reach 0he as0ral body direc0ly, and are 0rans2i00ed by i0 0o 0he consciousness, and such i2pressions are o10en o1 0he na0ure o1 pre3isions 4hich 3ery ;uic/ly pro3e 0he2sel3es 0o be 0rue5 +hen 0he 2an is 1ar progressed, 0hough 0he s0age 3aries 2uch according 0o o0her circu2s0ances, lin/s are se0 up be04een 0he physical and 0he as0ral, 0he as0ral and 2en0al, so 0ha0 consciousness 4or/s unbro/enly 1ro2 one s0a0e 0o 0he o0her, 2e2ory ha3ing in i0 none o1 0he lapses 4hich in 0he ordinary 2an in0erpose a period o1 unconsciousness in passing 1ro2 one plane 0o ano0her5 The 2an can 0hen also 1reely e:ercise 0he as0ral senses 4hile 0he consciousness is 4or/ing in 0he physical body, so 0ha0 0hese enlarged a3enues o1 /no4ledge beco2e an appanage o1 his 4a/ing consciousness5 $b6ec0s 4hich 4ere be1ore 2a00ers o1 1ai0h beco2es 2a00ers o1 /no4ledge, and he can personally 3eri1y 0he accuracy o1 2uch o1 0he Theosophical 0eaching as 0o 0he lo4er regions o1 0he in3isible 4orld5 +hen 2an is analysed in0o =principles,> i.e5, in0o (Page ' ! 2odes o1 2ani1es0ing li1e, his 1our lo4er principles, 0er2ed 0he Jlo4er Kua0ernary,J are said 0o 1unc0ion on 0he as0ral and physical planes5 The 1our0h principle is !A2a, desire, and i0 is 0he li1e 2ani1es0ing in 0he as0ral body and condi0ioned by i0 ? i0 is charac0erised by 0he a00ribu0e o1 1eeling, 4he0her in 0he rudi2en0ary 1or2 o1 sensa0ion, or in 0he co2ple: 1or2 o1 e2o0ion, or in any o1 0he grades 0ha0 lie be04een5 This is su22ed up as desire, 0ha0 4hich is a00rac0ed or repelled by ob6ec0s, according as 0hey gi3e pleasure or pain 0o 0he personal sel15 The 0hird principle is PrAna, 0he li1e specialised 1or 0he suppor0 o1 0he physical organis25 The second principle is 0he e0heric double, and 0he 1irs0 is 0he dense body5 These 0hree 1unc0ion on 0he physical plane5 In H5P5'la3a0s/y<s la0er classi1ica0ions she

re2o3ed bo0h PrAna and 0he dense physical body 1ro2 0he ran/ o1 principles, PrAna as being uni3ersal li1e, and 0he dense physical body as being 0he 2ere coun0erpar0 o1 0he e0heric, and 2ade o1 cons0an0ly changing 2a0erials buil0 in0o 0he e0heric 2a0ri:5 Ta/ing 0his 3ie4, 4e ha3e 0he grand philosophic concep0ion o1 0he $ne Li1e, 0he $ne Sel1, 2ani1es0ing as 2an, and presen0ing 3arying and 0ransi0ory di11erences according 0o 0he condi0ions i2posed on i0 by 0he bodies 4hich i0 3i3i1ies? i0sel1 re2aining 0he sa2e in 0he cen0re, bu0 sho4ing di11eren0 aspec0s 4hen loo/ed a0 1ro2 ou0side, according 0o 0he /inds o1 2a00er in one body or ano0her5 In 0he physical body i0 is PrAna, energising, con0rolling, co9ordina0ing5 In 0he as0ral body i0 is (Page '"! !A2a, 1eeling, en6oying, su11ering5 +e shall 1ind i0 in ye0 o0her aspec0s, as 4e pass 0o higher planes, bu0 0he 1unda2en0al idea is 0he sa2e 0hroughou0, and i0 is ano0her o1 0hose roo09ideas o1 Theosophy, 4hich 1ir2ly grasped, ser3e as guiding clues in 0his 2os0 0angled 4orld5 (Page '#! CHAPTER III +,-ALO+A !"#AL$!A, li0erally 0he place or habi0a0 o1 desire, is, as has already been in0i2a0ed, a par0 o1 0he as0ral plane, no0 di3ided 1ro2 i0 as a dis0inc0 locali0y, bu0 separa0ed o11 by 0he condi0ions o1 consciousness o1 0he en0i0ies belonging 0o i05 )The Hindus call 0his s0a0e Pre0alo/a, 0he habi0a0 o1 Pre0as5 A Pre0a is a hu2an being 4ho has los0 his physical body, bu0 is s0ill encu2bered 4i0h 0he 3es0ure o1 his ani2al na0ure5 He canno0 carry 0his on 4i0h hi2, and un0il i0 is disin0egra0ed he is /ep0 i2prisoned by i05* These are hu2an beings 4ho ha3e los0 0heir physical bodies by 0he s0ro/e o1 dea0h, and ha3e 0o undergo cer0ain puri1ying changes be1ore 0hey can pass on 0o 0he happy and peace1ul li1e 4hich belongs 0o 0he

2an proper, 0o 0he hu2an soul5 )The soul is 0he hu2an in0ellec0, 0he lin/ be04een 0he %i3ine Spiri0 in 2an and his lo4er personali0y5 I0 is 0he Ego, 0he indi3idual, 0he = I =, 4hich de3elops by e3olu0ion5 In Theosophical parlance, i0 is #anas, 0he Thin/er5 The 2ind is 0he energy o1 0his, 4or/ing 4i0hin 0he li2i0a0ions o1 0he physical brain, or 0he as0ral and 2en0al bodies*5 This region represen0s and includes 0he condi0ions described as e:is0ing in 0he 3arious hells, purga0ories, and in0er2edia0e s0a0es, one or o0her o1 4hich is alleged by all 0he grea0 religions 0o be 0he 0e2porary (Page '4! d4elling9place o1 2an a10er he lea3es 0he body and be1ore he reaches =hea3en5> I0 does no0 include any place o1 e0ernal 0or0ure, 0he endless hell s0ill belie3ed in by so2e narro4 religionis0s being only a nigh02are drea2 o1 ignorance, ha0e and 1ear5 'u0 i0 does include condi0ions o1 su11ering, 0e2porary and puri1ica0ory in 0heir na0ure, 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 causes se0 going in his ear0h9li1e by 0he 2an 4ho e:periences 0he25 These are as na0ural and ine3i0able as any e11ec0s caused in 0his 4orld by 4rongdoing, 1or 4e li3e in a 4orld o1 la4 and e3ery seed 2us0 gro4 up a10er i0s o4n /ind5 %ea0h 2a/es no sor0 o1 di11erence in a 2an<s 2oral and 2en0al na0ure, and 0he change o1 s0a0e caused by passing 1ro2 one 4orld 0o ano0her 0a/es a4ay his physical body, bu0 lea3es 0he 2an as he 4as5 The !A2alo/ic condi0ion is 1ound on each subdi3ision o1 0he as0ral plane, so 0ha0 4e 2ay spea/ o1 i0 as ha3ing se3en regions, calling 0he2 0he 1irs0, second, 0hird, up 0o 0he se3en0h, beginning 1ro2 0he lo4es0 and coun0ing up4ards5 )$10en 0hese regions are rec/oned 0he o0her 4ay, 0a/ing 0he 1irs0 as 0he highes0 and 0he se3en0h as 0he lo4es05 I0 does no0 2a00er 1ro2 4hich end 4e coun0 ? and I a2 rec/oning up4ards 0o /eep 0he2 in accord 4i0h 0he planes and principles5*5

+e ha3e already seen 0ha0 2a0erials 1ro2 each subdi3ision o1 0he as0ral plane en0er in0o 0he co2posi0ion o1 0he as0ral body, and i0 is a peculiar rearrange2en0 o1 0hese 2a0erials, 0o be e:plained in a 2o2en0, 4hich separa0es 0he people d4elling in one region 1ro2 0hose d4elling in ano0her, al0hough 0hose in 0he sa2e region are able 0o in0erco22unica0e5 (Page '$! The regions, being each a subdi3ision o1 0he as0ral plane, di11er in densi0y, and 0he densi0y o1 0he e:0ernal 1or2 o1 0he !A2alo/ic en0i0y de0er2ines 0he region 0o 4hich he is li2i0ed ? 0hese di11erences o1 2a00er are 0he barriers 0ha0 pre3en0 passage 1ro2 one region 0o ano0her ? 0he people d4elling in one can no 2ore co2e in0o 0ouch 4i0h people d4elling in ano0her 0han a deep9 sea 1ish can hold a con3ersa0ion 4i0h an eagle @ 0he 2ediu2 necessary 0o 0he li1e o1 0he one 4ould be des0ruc0i3e 0o 0he li1e o1 0he o0her5 +hen 0he physical body is s0ruc/ do4n by dea0h, 0he e0heric body, carrying PrAna 4i0h i0 and acco2panied by 0he re2aining principles @ 0ha0 is, 0he 4hole 2an, e:cep0 0he dense body @ 4i0hdra4s 1ro2 0he =0abernacle o1 1lesh,> as 0he ou0er body is appropria0ely called5 All 0he ou0going li1e9energies dra4 0he2sel3es in4ards, and are =ga0hered up by PrAna,> 0heir depar0ure being 2ani1es0ed by 0he dullness 0ha0 creeps o3er 0he physical organs o1 0he senses5 They are 0here, unin6ured, physically co2ple0e, ready 0o ac0 as 0hey ha3e al4ays been ? bu0 0he =inner uler,> is going, he 4ho 0hrough 0he2 sa4, heard, 1el0, s2el0, 0as0ed, and by 0he2sel3es 0hey are 2ere aggrega0ions o1 2a00er, li3ing indeed bu0 4i0hou0 po4er o1 percep0i3e ac0ion5 Slo4ly 0he lord o1 0he body dra4s hi2sel1 a4ay, en4rapped in 0he 3iole09grey e0heric body, and absorbed in 0he con0e2pla0ion o1 0he panora2a o1 his pas0 li1e, 4hich in 0he dea0h hour rolls be1ore hi2, co2ple0e in e3ery de0ail5 In 0ha0 li1e9pic0ure are (Page '%! all 0he e3en0s o1 his li1e, s2all and grea0 ? he sees his

a2bi0ions 4i0h 0heir success or 1rus0ra0ion, his e11or0s, his 0riu2phs, his 1ailures, his lo3es, his ha0reds ? 0he predo2inan0 0endency o1 0he 4hole co2es clearly ou0, 0he ruling 0hough0 o1 0he li1e asser0s i0sel1, and s0a2ps i0sel1 deeply in0o 0he soul, 2ar/ing 0he region in 4hich 0he chie1 par0 o1 his pos092or0e2 e:is0ence 4ill be spen05 Sole2n 0he 2o2en0 4hen 0he 2an s0ands 1ace 0o 1ace 4i0h his li1e, and 1ro2 0he lips o1 his pas0 hears 0he presage o1 his 1u0ure5 ,or a brie1 space he sees hi2sel1 as he is, recognises 0he purpose o1 li1e, /no4s 0ha0 0he La4 is s0rong and 6us0 and good5 Then 0he 2agne0ic 0ie brea/s be04een 0he dense and e0heric bodies, 0he co2rades o1 a li1e0i2e are dis6oined, and @ sa3e in e:cep0ional cases @ 0he 2an sin/s in0o peace1ul unconsciousness5 Kuie0ness and de3o0ion should 2ar/ 0he conduc0 o1 all 4ho are ga0hered round a dying body, in order 0ha0 a sole2n silence 2ay lea3e unin0errup0ed 0his re3ie4 o1 0he pas0 by 0he depar0ing 2an5 Cla2orous 4eeping, loud la2en0a0ions, can bu0 6ar and dis0urb 0he concen0ra0ed a00en0ion o1 0he soul, and 0o brea/ 4i0h 0he grie1 o1 a personal loss in0o 0he s0illness 4hich aids and soo0hes hi2, is a0 once sel1ish and i2per0inen05 eligion has 4isely co22anded prayers 1or 0he dying, 1or 0hese preser3e cal2 and s0i2ula0e unsel1ish aspira0ions direc0ed 0o his helping, and 0hese, li/e all lo3ing 0hough0s, pro0ec0 and shield5 So2e hours a10er dea0h @ generally no0 2ore 0han 0hir0y9si:, i0 is said @ 0he 2an dra4s hi2sel1 ou0 o1 0he (Page '&! e0heric body, lea3ing i0 in 0urn as a senseless corpse, and 0he la00er, re2aining near i0s dense coun0erpar0, shares i0s 1a0e5 I1 0he dense body be buried, 0he e0heric double 1loa0s o3er 0he gra3e, slo4ly disin0egra0ing, and 0he unpleasan0 1eelings 2any e:perience in a churchyard are largely due 0o 0he presence o1 0hese decaying e0heric corpses5 I1 0he body is burned, 0he e0heric double brea/s up ;uic/ly, ha3ing

los0 i0s nidus, i0s physical cen0re o1 a00rac0ion, and 0his is one a2ong 2any reasons 4hy cre2a0ion is pre1erable 0o burial, as a 4ay o1 disposing o1 corpses5 The 4i0hdra4al o1 0he 2an 1ro2 0he e0heric double is acco2panied by 0he 4i0hdra4al 1ro2 i0 o1 PrAna, 4hich 0hereupon re0urns 0o 0he grea0 reser3oir o1 li1e uni3ersal, 4hile 0he 2an, ready no4 0o pass in0o !A2alo/a, undergoes a rearrange2en0 o1 his as0ral body, 1i00ing i0 1or sub2ission 0o 0he puri1ica0ory changes 4hich are necessary 1or 0he 1reeing o1 0he 2an hi2sel15 )These changes resul0 in 0he 1or2a0ion o1 4ha0 is called by Hindus 0he YA0anA, or 0he su11ering body, or in 0he case o1 3ery 4ic/ed 2en, in 4hose as0ral bodies 0here is a preponderance o1 0he coarser 2a00er, 0he %hru3a2, or s0rong body*5 %uring ear0h li1e 0he 3arious /inds o1 as0ral 2a00er in0er2ingle in 0he 1or2a0ion o1 0he body, as do 0he solids, li;uids, gases, and e0hers in 0he physical5 The change in 0he arrange2en0 o1 0he as0ral body a10er dea0h consis0s in 0he separa0ion o1 0hese 2a0erials, according 0o 0heir respec0i3e densi0ies, in0o a series o1 concen0ric shells @ 0he 1ines0 4i0hin, 0he denses0 4i0hou0 @ each shell (Page ''! being 2ade o1 0he 2a0erials dra4n 1ro2 one subdi3ision only o1 0he as0ral plane5 The as0ral body 0hus beco2es a se0 o1 se3en superi2posed layers, or a se3en9shelled encase2en0 o1 as0ral 2a00er, in 4hich 0he 2an 2ay no0 inap0ly be said 0o be i2prisoned, as only 0he brea/ing o1 0hese can se0 hi2 1ree5 No4 4ill be seen 0he i22ense i2por0ance o1 0he puri1ica0ion o1 0he as0ral body during ear0h9li1e? 0he 2an is re0ained in each subdi3ision o1 !A2alo/a so long as 0he shell o1 2a00er per0aining 0o 0ha0 subdi3ision is no0 su11icien0ly disin0egra0ed 0o allo4 o1 his escape in0o 0he ne:05 #oreo3er, 0he e:0en0 0o 4hich his consciousness has 4or/ed in each /ind o1 2a00er de0er2ines 4he0her he 4ill be a4a/e and conscious in any gi3en region, or 4ill pass 0hough i0 in

unconsciousness, =4rapped> in rosy drea2s,> and 2erely de0ained during 0he 0i2e necessary 1or 0he process o1 2echanical disin0egra0ion5 A spiri0ually ad3anced 2an, 4ho has so puri1ied his as0ral body 0ha0 i0s cons0i0uen0s are dra4n only 1ro2 0he 1ines0 grade o1 each di3ision o1 as0ral 2a00er, 2erely passes 0hrough !A2alo/a 4i0hou0 delay, 0he as0ral body disin0egra0ing 4i0h e:0re2e s4i10ness, and he goes on 0o 4ha0e3er 2ay be his bourne, according 0o 0he poin0 he has reached in e3olu0ion5 A less de3eloped 2an, bu0 one 4hose li1e has been pure and 0e2pera0e and 4ho has sa0 loosely on 0he 0hings o1 0he ear0h, 4ill 4ing a less rapid 1ligh0 0hrough !A2alo/a, bu0 4ill drea2 peace1ully, unconscious o1 his surroundings, as his 2en0al body disen0angles i0sel1 1ro2 0he as0ral shells, one a10er 0he o0her, 0o (Page '(! a4a/en only 4hen he reaches 0he hea3enly places5 $0hers, less de3eloped s0ill, 4ill a4a/en a10er passing ou0 o1 0he lo4er regions, beco2ing conscious in 0he di3ision 4hich is connec0ed 4i0h 0he ac0i3e 4or/ing o1 0he consciousness during 0he ear0h9 li1e, 1or 0his 4ill be aroused on recei3ing 1a2iliar i2pac0s, al0hough 0hese be recei3ed no4 direc0ly 0hrough 0he as0ral body, 4i0hou0 0he help o1 0he physical5 Those 4ho ha3e li3ed in 0he ani2al passions 4ill a4a/e in 0heir appropria0e region, each 2an li0erally going =0o his o4n place5> The case o1 2en s0ruc/ suddenly ou0 o1 physical li1e by acciden0, suicide, 2urder, or sudden dea0h in any 1or2, di11ers 1ro2 0hose o1 persons 4ho pass a4ay by 1ailure o1 0he li1e9energies 0hrough disease or old age5 I1 0hey are pure and spiri0ually 2inded 0hey are specially guarded, and sleep ou0 happily 0he 0er2 o1 0heir na0ural li1e5 'u0 in o0her cases 0hey re2ain conscious @ o10en en0angled in 0he 1inal scene o1 ear0h9li1e 1or a 0i2e, and una4are 0ha0 0hey ha3e los0 0he physical body @ held in 4ha0e3er region 0hey are rela0ed 0o by 0he ou0er2os0 layer o1 0he as0ral

body F 0heir nor2al !A2alo/ic li1e does no0 begin un0il 0he na0ural 4eb o1 ear0h9li1e is ou09spun, and 0hey are 3i3idly conscious o1 bo0h 0heir as0ral and physical surroundings5 $ne 2an 4ho had co22i00ed an assassina0ion and had been e:ecu0ed 1or his cri2e 4as said, by one o1 H5P5'la3a0s/y<s Teachers, 0o be li3ing 0hrough 0he scenes o1 0he 2urder and 0he subse;uen0 e3en0s o3er and o3er again in !A2alo/a, e3er repea0ing his diabolical (Page ()! ac0 and going 0hrough 0he 0errors o1 his arres0 and e:ecu0ion5 A suicide 4ill repea0 au0o2a0ically 0he 1eelings o1 despair and 1ear 4hich preceded his sel19 2urder, and go 0hrough 0he ac0 and 0he dea0h9s0ruggle 0i2e a10er 0i2e 4i0h ghas0ly persis0ence5 A 4o2an 4ho perished in 0he 1la2es in a 4ild condi0ion o1 0error and 4i0h 1ran0ic e11or0s 0o escape, crea0ed such a 4hirls o1 passions 0ha0, 1i3e days a10er4ards, she 4as s0ill s0ruggling despera0ely, 1ancying hersel1 s0ill in 0he 1ire and 4ildly repulsing all e11or0s 0o soo0he herF 4hile ano0her 4o2an 4ho, 4i0h her baby on her breas0, 4en0 do4n benea0h 0he 4hirl o1 4a0ers in a raging s0or2, 4i0h her hear0 cal2 and 1ull o1 lo3e, slep0 peace1ully on 0he o0her side o1 dea0h, drea2ing o1 husband and children in happy li1eli/e 3isions5 In 2ore ordinary cases, dea0h by acciden0 is s0ill a disad3an0age, brough0 on a person by so2e serious 1aul0, )No0 necessarily a 1aul0 co22i00ed in 0he presen0 li1e5 The la4 o1 cause and e11ec0 4ill be e:plained in Chap0er IG, =!ar2a>*, 1or 0he possession o1 1ull consciousness in 0he lo4er !A2alo/ic regions, 4hich are closely rela0ed 0o 0he ear0h, is a00ended by 2any incon3eniences and perils5 The 2an is 1ull o1 all 0he plans and in0eres0s 0ha0 2ade up his li1e, and is conscious o1 0he presence o1 people and 0hings connec0ed 4i0h 0he25

He is al2os0 irresis0ibly i2pelled by his longings 0o 0ry and in1luence 0he a11airs 0o 4hich his passions and 1eelings s0ill cling, and is bound 0o 0he ear0h 4hile he has los0 all his accus0o2ed organs o1 ac0i3i0y ? his only hope o1 (Page ( ! peace lies in resolu0ely 0urning a4ay 1ro2 ear0h and 1i:ing his 2ind on higher 0hings, bu0 co2para0i3ely 1e4 are s0rong enough 0o 2a/e 0his e11or0, e3en 4i0h 0he help al4ays o11ered 0he2 by 4or/ers on 0he as0ral plane, 4hose sphere o1 du0y lies in helping and guiding 0hose 4ho ha3e le10 his 4orld5 )These 4or/ers are disciples o1 so2e o1 0he grea0 Teachers 4ho guide and help hu2ani0y, and 0hey are e2ployed in 0his special du0y o1 succouring souls in need o1 such assis0ance5* Too o10en such su11erers i2pa0ien0 in 0heir helpless inac0i3i0y, see/ 0he assis0ance o1 sensi0i3es, 4i0h 4ho2 0hey can co22unica0e and so 2i: 0he2sel3es up once 2ore in 0erres0rial a11airs ? 0hey so2e0i2es see/ e3en 0o obsess con3enien0 2ediu2s and 0hus 0o u0ilise 0he bodies o1 o0hers 1or 0heir o4n purposes, so incurring 2any responsibili0ies in 0he 1u0ure5 No0 4i0hou0 occul0 reason ha3e English church2en been 0augh0 0o pray F =,ro2 ba00le, 2urder, and from sudden death, .ood Lord, deli3er us5> +e 2ay no4 consider 0he di3isions o1 !A2alo/a one by one, and so gain so2e idea o1 0he condi0ions 4hich 0he 2an has 2ade 1or hi2sel1 in 0he in0er2edia0e s0a0e by 0he desires 4hich he has cul0i3a0ed during physical li1e ? i0 being /ep0 in 2ind 0ha0 0he a2oun0 o1 3i0ali0y in any gi3en =shell> @ and 0here1ore his i2prison2en0 in 0ha0 shell @ depends on 0he a2oun0 o1 energy 0hro4n during ear0h9li1e in0o 0he /ind o1 2a00er o1 4hich 0ha0 shell consis0s5 I1 0he lo4es0 passions ha3e been ac0i3e, 0he coarses0 2a00er 4ill be s0rongly 3i0alised and i0s a2oun0 4ill also be rela0i3ely large5 This principle rules 0hrough all !A2alo/ic regions, so 0ha0 a 2an during ear0h9li1e can 6udge 3ery 1airly as 0o 0he 1u0ure 1or hi2sel1 (Page

("! 0ha0 he is preparing i22edia0ely on 0he o0her side o1 dea0h5 The 1irs0 or lo4es0, di3ision is 0he one 0ha0 con0ains 0he condi0ions described in so 2any Hindu and 'uddhis0 Scrip0ures under 0he na2e o1 =hells> o1 3arious /inds5 I0 2us0 be unders0ood 0ha0 a 2an, in passing in0o one o1 0hese s0a0es, is no0 ge00ing rid o1 0he passions and 3ile desires 0ha0 ha3e led hi2 0hi0her ? 0hese re2ain, as par0 o1 his charac0er, lying la0en0 in 0he 2ind in a ger2inal s0a0e, 0o be 0hro4n ou04ards again 0o 1or2 his passional na0ure 4hen he is re0urning 0o bir0h in 0he physical 4orld5 )See chap0er &II, on = eincarna0ion>*5 His presence in 0he lo4es0 region o1 !A2alo/a is due 0o 0he e:is0ence in his /A2ic body o1 2a00er belonging 0o 0ha0 region, and he is held prisoner 0here un0il 0he grea0er par0 o1 0ha0 2a00er has dropped a4ay, un0il 0he shell co2posed o1 i0 is su11icien0ly disin0egra0ed 0o allo4 0he 2an 0o co2e in0o con0ac0 4i0h 0he region ne:0 abo3e5 The a02osphere o1 0his place is gloo2y, hea3y, dreary, depressing 0o an inconcei3able e:0en05 I0 see2s 0o ree/ 4i0h all 0he in1luences 2os0 ini2ical 0o good, as in 0ru0h i0 does, being caused by 0he persons 4hose e3il passions ha3e led 0he2 0o 0his dreary place5 All 0he desires and 1eelings a0 4hich 4e shudder, 1ind here 0he 2a0erials 1or 0heir e:pression ? i0 is, in 1ac0, 0he lo4es0 slu2, 4i0h all 0he horrors 3eiled 1ro2 physical sigh0 parading 0heir na/ed hideousness5 (Page (#! I0s repulsi3eness is 2uch increased by 0he 1ac0 0ha0 in 0he as0ral 4orld charac0er e:presses i0sel1 in 1or2, and 0he 2an 4ho is 1ull o1 e3il passions looks 0he 4hole o1 0he2 ? bes0ial appe0i0es shape 0he as0ral body in0o bes0ial 1or2s, and repulsi3ely hu2an ani2al shapes are 0he appropria0e clo0hing o1 bru0alised hu2an souls5 No 2an can be a hypocri0e in 0he as0ral 4orld, and cloa/ 1oul 0hough0s 4i0h a 3eil o1 3ir0uous see2ing ? 4ha0e3er a 2an is 0ha0 he appears 0o be in ou04ard 1or2 and se2blance, radian0 in beau0y i1 his

2ind be noble, repulsi3e in hideousness i1 his na0ure be 1oul5 I0 4ill readily be unders0ood, 0hen, ho4 such Teachers as 0he 'uddha @ 0o 4hose unerring 3ision all 4orlds lay open @ should describe 4ha0 4as seen in 0hese hells in 3i3id language o1 0errible i2agery, 0ha0 see2s incredible 0o 2odern readers only because people 1orge0 0ha0, once escaped 1ro2 0he hea3y and unplas0ic 2a00er o1 0he physical 4orld, all souls appear in 0heir proper li/enesses and loo/ 6us0 4ha0 0hey are 5 E3en in 0his 4orld a degraded and beso00ed ru11ian 2oulds his 1ace in0o 2os0 repellen0 aspec0 ? 4ha0 0hen can be e:pec0ed 4hen 0he plas0ic as0ral 2a00er 0a/es shape 4i0h e3ery i2pulse o1 his cri2inal desires, bu0 0ha0 such a 2an should 4ear a horri1ying 1or2, 0a/ing on changing ele2en0s o1 hideousnessL ,or i0 2us0 be re2e2bered 0ha0 0he popula0ion @ i1 0ha0 4ord 2ay be allo4ed @ o1 0his lo4es0 region consis0s o1 0he 3ery scu2 o1 hu2ani0y, 2urderers, ru11ians, 3iolen0 cri2inals o1 all 0ypes, drun/ards, (Page (4! pro1liga0es, 0he 3iles0 o1 2an/ind5 None is here, 4i0h consciousness a4a/e 0o i0s surroundings, sa3e 0hose guil0y o1 bru0al cri2es, or o1 delibera0e persis0en0 cruel0y, or possessed by so2e 3ile appe0i0e5 The only persons 4ho 2ay be o1 a be00er general 0ype, and ye0 1or a 4hile be held here, are suicides, 2en 4ho ha3e sough0 by sel192urder 0o escape 1ro2 0he ear0hly penal0ies o1 cri2es 0hey had co22i00ed, and 4ho ha3e bu0 4orsened 0heir posi0ion by 0he e:change5 No0 all suicides, be i0 unders0ood , 1or sel192urder is co22i00ed 1ro2 2any 2o0i3es, bu0 only such as are led up 0o by cri2e and are 0hen co22i00ed in order 0o a3oid 0he conse;uences5 Sa3e 1or 0he gloo2y surroundings and 0he loa0hso2eness o1 a 2an<s associa0es, e3ery 2an here is 0he i22edia0e crea0or o1 his o4n 2iseries5 (nchanged, e:cep0 1or 0he loss o1 0he bodily 3eil, 2en here sho4 ou0 0heir passions in all 0heir na0i3e hideousness, 0heir na/ed bru0ali0y ? 1ull o1 1ierce

unsa0ia0ed appe0i0es, see0hing 4i0h re3enge, ha0red, longings a10er physical indulgences 4hich 0he loss o1 physical organs incapaci0a0es 0he2 1or en6oying, 0hey roa2, raging and ra3ening, 0hrough 0his gloo2y region, cro4ding round all 1oul resor0s on ear0h, round bro0hels and gin9palaces, s0i2ula0ing 0heir occupan0s 0o deeds o1 sha2e and 3iolence, see/ing oppor0uni0ies 0o obsess 0he2, and so 0o dri3e 0he2 in0o 4orse e:cesses5 The sic/ening a02osphere 1el0 round such places co2es largely 1ro2 0hese ear0hbound as0ral en0i0ies, ree/ing 4i0h 1oul passions and (Page ($! unclean desires5 #ediu2s @ unless o1 3ery pure and noble charac0er @ are special ob6ec0s o1 a00ac/, and 0oo o10en 0he 4ea/er ones, 4ea/ened s0ill 1ur0her by 0he passi3e yielding o1 0heir bodies 1or 0he 0e2porary habi0a0ion o1 o0her e:carna0e souls are obsessed by 0hese crea0ures, and are dri3en in0o in0e2perance or 2adness5 E:ecu0ed 2urderers, 1urious 4i0h 0error and passiona0e re3enge1ul ha0red, ac0ing o3er again, as 4e ha3e said, 0heir cri2e and recrea0ing 2en0ally i0s 0errible resul0s, surround 0he2sel3es 4i0h an a02osphere o1 sa3age 0hough091or2s, and, a00rac0ed 0o any one harbouring re3enge1ul and 3iolen0 designs, 0hey egg hi2 on in0o 0he ac0ual co22ission o1 0he deed o3er 4hich he broods5 So2e0i2es a 2an 2ay be seen cons0an0ly 1ollo4ed by his 2urdered 3ic0i2, ne3er able 0o escape 1ro2 his haun0ing presence, 4hich hun0s hi2 4i0h a dull persis0ency , 0ry he e3er so eagerly 0o escape5 The 2urdered person, unless hi2sel1 o1 a 3ery base 0ype, is 4rapped in unconsciousness, and 0his 3ery unconsciousness see2s 0o add a ne4 horror 0o i0s 2echanical pursui05 Here also is 0he hell o1 0he 3i3isec0or, 1or cruel0y dra4s in0o 0he as0ral body 0he coarses0 2a0erials and 0he 2os0 repulsi3e co2bina0ions o1 0he as0ral 2a00er, and he li3es a2id 0he cro4ding 1or2s o1 his 2u0ila0ed 3ic0i2s @ 2oaning, ;ui3ering, ho4ling )0hey

are 3i3i1ied, no0 by 0he ani2al souls bu0 by ele2en0al li1e* pulsing 4i0h ha0red 0o 0he 0or2en0or @ rehearsing his 4ors0 e:peri2en0s 4i0h au0o2a0ic regulari0y, conscious o1 all 0he horror, and ye0 (Page (%! i2periously i2pelled 0o 0he sel190or2en0 by 0he habi0 se0 up during ear0h9li1e5 I0 is 4ell once again, 0o re2e2ber, ere ;ui00ing 0his dreary region, 0ha0 4e ha3e no arbi0rary punish2en0s in1lic0ed 1ro2 ou0side, bu0 only 0he ine3i0able 4or/ing ou0 o1 0he causes se0 going by each person5 %uring physical li1e 0hey yielded 0o 0he 3iles0 i2pulses and dre4 in0o, buil0 in0o, 0heir as0ral bodies 0he 2a0erials 4hich alone could 3ibra0e in ans4er 0o 0hose i2pulses ? 0his sel19buil0 body beco2es 0he prison house o1 0he soul, and 2us0 1all in0o ruins ere 0he soul can escape 1ro2 i05 As ine3i0ably as a drun/ard 2us0 li3e in his repulsi3e soddened physical body here, so 2us0 he li3e in his e;ually repulsi3e as0ral body 0here5 The har3es0 so4n is reaped a10er i0s /ind5 Such is 0he la4 in all 0he 4orlds, and i0 2ay no0 be escaped5 Nor indeed is 0he as0ral body 0here 2ore re3ol0ing and horrible 0han i0 4as 4hen 0he 2an 4as li3ing upon ear0h and 2ade 0he a02osphere around hi2 1e0id 4i0h his as0ral e2ana0ions5 'u0 people on ear0h do no0 generally recognise i0s ugliness, being as0rally blind5 ,ur0her, 4e 2ay cheer oursel3es in con0e2pla0ing 0hese unhappy bro0hers o1 ours by re2e2bering 0ha0 0heir su11erings are bu0 0e2porary, and are gi3ing a 2uch9needed lesson in 0he li1e o1 0he soul5 'y 0he 0re2endous pressure o1 na0ure<s disregarded la4s 0hey are learning 0he e:is0ence o1 0hose la4s, and 0he 2isery 0ha0 accrues 1ro2 ignoring 0he2 in li1e and conduc05 The lesson 0hey 4ould no0 learn (Page (&! during ear0h9li1e, 4hirled a4ay on 0he 0orren0 o1 lus0s and desires, is pressed on 0he2 here, and 4ill be pressed on 0he2 in 0heir succeeding li3es, un0il 0he e3ils are eradica0ed and 0he 2an has risen in0o

a be00er li1e5 Na0ure<s lessons are sharp, bu0 in 0he long run 0hey are 2erci1ul, 1or 0hey lead 0o 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he soul and guide i0 0o 0he 4inning o1 i0s i22or0ali0y5 Le0 us pass 0o a 2ore cheer1ul region5 The second di3ision o1 0he as0ral 4orld 2ay be said 0o be 0he as0ral double o1 0he physical, 1or 0he as0ral bodies o1 all 0hings and o1 2any people are largely co2posed o1 0he 2a00er belonging 0o 0his di3ision o1 0he as0ral plane, and i0 is 0here1ore 2ore closely in 0ouch 4i0h 0he physical 4orld 0han any o0her par0 o1 0he as0ral5 The grea0 2a6ori0y o1 people 2a/e so2e s0ay here, and a 3ery large propor0ion o1 0hese are consciously a4a/e in i05 These la00er are 1ol/ 4hose in0eres0s 4ere bound up in 0he 0ri3ial and pe00y ob6ec0s o1 li1e, 4ho se0 0heir hear0s on 0ri1les, as 4ell as 0hose 4ho allo4ed 0heir lo4er na0ures 0o rule 0he2, and 4ho died 4i0h 0he appe0i0es s0ill ac0i3e and desirous o1 physical en6oy2en05 Ha3ing largely sen0 0heir li1e ou04ards in 0hese direc0ions, 0hus building 0heir as0ral bodies largely o1 0he 2a0erials 0ha0 responded 3ery readily 0o 2a0erial i2pac0s, 0hey are held by 0hese bodies in 0he neighbourhood o1 0heir physical a00rac0ions5 They are 2os0ly dissa0is1ied, uneasy, res0less, 4i0h 2ore or less su11ering according 0o 0he 3igour o1 0he 4ishes 0hey canno0 gra0i1y ? so2e e3en undergo posi0i3e pain (Page ('! 1ro2 0his cause, and are long delayed ere 0hese ear0hly longings are e:haus0ed5 #any unnecessarily leng0hen 0heir s0ay by see/ing 0o co22unica0e 4i0h 0he ear0h, in 4hose in0eres0s 0hey are en0angled, by 2eans o1 2ediu2s, 4ho allo4 0he2 0o use 0heir physical bodies 1or 0his purpose, 0hus supplying 0he loss o1 0heir o4n5 ,ro2 0he2 co2es 2os0 o1 0he 2ere 04addle 4i0h 4hich e3ery one is 1a2iliar 4ho has had e:perience o1 public spiri0ualis0ic sMances, 0he gossip and 0ri0e 2orali0y o1 0he pe00y lodging9house and s2all shop @ 1e2inine, 1or 0he 2os0 par05 As 0hese ear0h bound souls are generally

o1 s2all in0elligence, 0heir co22unica0ions are o1 no 2ore in0eres09 )0o 0hose already con3inced o1 0he e:is0ence o1 0he soul a10er dea0h* @0han 4as 0heir con3ersa0ion 4hen 0hey 4ere in 0he body, and @ 6us0 as on ear0h @ 0hey are posi0i3e in propor0ion 0o 0heir ignorance, represen0ing 0he 4hole as0ral 4orld as iden0ical 4i0h 0heir o4n 3ery li2i0ed area5 There as here F They 0hin/ 0he rus0ic cac/le o1 0heir burgh The 2ur2ur o1 0he 4orld5 I0 is 1ro2 0his region 0ha0 people 4ho ha3e died 4i0h so2e an:ie0y on 0heir 2inds 4ill so2e0i2es see/ 0o co22unica0e 4i0h 0heir 1riends in order 0o arrange 0he ear0hly 2a00er 0ha0 0roubles 0he2 ? i1 0hey canno0 succeed in sho4ing 0he2sel3es, or in i2pressing 0heir 4ishes by a drea2 on so2e 1riend, 0hey 4ill o10en cause 2uch annoyance by /noc/ings and o0her noises direc0ly in0ended 0o dra4 a00en0ion (Page ((! or caused unconsciously by 0heir res0less e11or0s5 I0 is a chari0y in such cases 1or so2e co2pe0en0 person 0o co22unica0e 4i0h 0he dis0ressed en0i0y and learn his 4ishes, as he 2ay 0hus be 1reed 1ro2 0he an:ie0y 4hich pre3en0s hi2 1ro2 passing on4ards5 Souls, 4hile in 0his region, 2ay also 3ery easily ha3e 0heir a00en0ion dra4n 0o 0he ear0h, e3en al0hough 0hey 4ould no0 spon0aneously ha3e 0urned bac/ 0o i0, and 0his disser3ice is 0oo o10en done 0o 0he2 by 0he passiona0e grie1 and cra3ing 1or 0heir belo3ed presence by 1riends le10 behind on ear0h5 The 0hough091or2s se0 up by 0hese longings 0hrong round 0he2, and o10en0i2es arouse 0he2 i1 0hey are peace1ully sleeping, or 3iolen0ly dra4 0heir 0hough0s 0o ear0h i1 0hey are already conscious5 I0 is especially in 0he 1or2er case 0ha0 0his un4i00ing sel1ishness on 0he par0 o1 1riends on ear0h does 2ischie1 0o 0heir dear ones 0ha0 0hey 4ould 0he2sel3es be 0he 1irs0 0o regre0 ? and i0 2ay 0ha0 0he /no4ledge o1 0he unnecessary su11ering

0hus caused 0o 0hose 4ho ha3e passed 0hrough dea0h 2ay, 4i0h so2e, s0reng0hen 0he binding 1orce o1 0he religious precep0s 4hich en6oin sub2ission 0o 0he di3ine la4 and 0he chec/ing o1 e:cessi3e and rebellious grie15 The 0hird and 1our0h regions o1 0he !A2alo/ic 4orld di11er bu0 li00le 1ro2 0he second, and 2igh0 also be described as e0herialised copies o1 i0, 0he 1our0h being 2ore re1ined 0han 0he 0hird, bu0 0he general charac0eris0ics o1 0he 0hree subdi3isions being 3ery si2ilar5 Souls o1 so2e4ha0 2ore progressed (Page ))! 0ypes are 1ound 0here, and al0hough 0hey are held 0here by 0he encase2en0 buil0 by 0he ac0i3i0y o1 0heir ear0hly in0eres0s, 0heir a00en0ion is 1or 0he 2os0 par0 direc0ed on4ards ra0her 0han bac/4ards, and, i1 0hey are no0 1orcibly recalled 0o 0he concerns o1 ear0h9li1e, 0hey 4ill pass on 4i0hou0 3ery 2uch delay5 S0ill, 0hey are suscep0ible 0o ear0hly s0i2uli, and 0he 4ea/ening in0eres0 in 0erres0rial a11airs 2ay be rea4a/ened by cries 1ro2 belo45 Large nu2bers o1 educa0ed and 0hough01ul people, 4ho 4ere chie1ly occupied 4i0h 4orldly a11airs during 0heir physical li3es, are conscious in 0hese regions, and 2ay be induced 0o co22unica0e 0hrough 2ediu2s, and, 2ore rarely, see/ such co22unica0ion 0he2sel3es5 Their s0a0e2en0s are na0urally o1 a higher 0ype 0han 0hose spo/en o1 as co2ing 1ro2 0he second di3ision, bu0 are no0 2ar/ed by any charac0eris0ics 0ha0 render 0he2 2ore 3aluable 0han si2ilar s0a0e2en0s 2ade by persons s0ill in 0he body5 Spiri0ual illu2ina0ion does no0 co2e 1ro2 !A2alo/a5 The 1i10h subdi3ision o1 !A2alo/a o11ers 2any ne4 charac0eris0ics5 I0 presen0s a dis0inc0ly lu2inous and radian0 appearance, e2inen0ly a00rac0i3e 0o 0hose accus0o2ed only 0o 0he dull hues o1 0he ear0h, and 6us0i1ying 0he epi0he0 as0ral, s0arry, gi3en 0o 0he 4hole plane5 Here are si0ua0ed all 0he 2a0erialised hea3ens 4hich play so large a par0 in popular religions all 0he 4orld o3er5

The happy hun0ing grounds o1 0he ed Indian, 0he &alhalla o1 0he Norse2en, 0he houri91illed paradise o1 0he #usli2, 0he golden (Page ) ! 6e4elled9ga0ed Ne4 Nerusale2 o1 0he Chris0ian, 0he lyceu291illed hea3en o1 0he 2a0erialis0ic re1or2er, all ha3e 0heir places here5 #en and 4o2en 4ho clung despera0ely 0o e3ery =le00er 0ha0 /ille0h> ha3e here 0he li0eral sa0is1ac0ion o1 0heir cra3ings, unconsciously crea0ing in as0ral 2a00er by 0heir po4ers o1 i2agina0ion, 1ed on 0he 2ere hus/s o1 0he 4orld<s Scrip0ures, 0he cloud9buil0 palaces 4hereo1 0hey drea2ed5 The crudes0 religious belie1s 1ind here 0heir 0e2porary cloud9land realisa0ion, and li0eralis0s o1 e3ery 1ai0h, 4ho 4ere 1illed 4i0h sel1ish longings 1or 0heir o4n sal3a0ion in 0he 2os0 2a0erialis0ic o1 hea3ens, here 1ind an appropria0e, and 0o 0he2 en6oyable, ho2e, surrounded by 0he 3ery condi0ions in 4hich 0hey belie3ed5 The religious and philan0hropic busybodies, 4ho cared 2ore 0o carry ou0 0heir o4n 1ads and i2pose 0heir o4n 4ays on 0heir neighbours 0han 0o 4or/ unsel1ishly 1or 0he increase o1 hu2an 3ir0ue and happiness, are here 2uch 0o 0he 1ore, carrying on re1or2a0ories, re1uges, schools, 0o 0heir o4n grea0 sa0is1ac0ion, and 2uch deligh0ed are 0hey s0ill 0o push an as0ral 1inger in0o an ear0hly pie 4i0h 0he help o1 a subser3ien0 2ediu2 4ho2 0hey pa0ronise 4i0h lo10y condescension5 They build as0ral churches and schools and houses, reproducing 0he 2a0erialis0ic hea3ens 0hey co3e0ed ? and 0hough 0o /eener 3ision 0heir erec0ions are i2per1ec0, e3en pa0he0ically gro0es;ue, 0hey 1ind 0he2 all9su11icing5 People o1 0he sa2e religions 1loc/ 0oge0her and co9opera0e 4i0h each o0her in 3arious 4ays, so 0ha0 co22uni0ies are 1or2ed, di11ering as 4idely 1ro2 each o0her (Page )"! as do si2ilar co22uni0ies on ear0h5 +hen 0hey are a00rac0ed 0o 0he ear0h 0hey see/, 1or 0he 2os0 par0, people o1 0heir o4n 1ai0h and

coun0ry, chie1ly by na0ural a11ini0y, doub0less, bu0 also because barriers o1 language s0ill e:is0 in !A2alo/a ? as 2ay be no0iced occasionally in 2essages recei3ed in spiri0ualis0ic circles5 Souls 1ro2 0his region o10en 0a/e 0he 2os0 3i3id in0eres0 in a00e2p0s 0o es0ablish co22unica0ion be04een 0his and 0he ne:0 4orld, and 0he =spiri0 guides> o1 a3erage 2ediu2s co2e, 1or 0he 2os0 par0, 1ro2 0his and 1ro2 0he region ne:0 abo3e5 They are generally a4are 0ha0 0here are 2any possibili0ies o1 higher li1e be1ore 0he2, and 0ha0 0hey 4ill, sooner or la0er, pass a4ay in0o 4orlds 4hence co22unica0ion 4i0h 0his ear0h 4ill no0 be possible5 The si:0h !A2alo/ic region rese2bles 0he 1i10h, bu0 is 1ar 2ore re1ined, and is largely inhabi0ed by souls o1 a 2ore ad3anced 0ype, 4earing ou0 0he as0ral 3es0ure in 4hich 2uch o1 0heir 2en0al energies had 4or/ed 4hile 0hey 4ere in 0he physical body5 Their delay is here due 0o 0he large par0 played by sel1ishness in 0heir ar0is0ic and in0ellec0ual li1e, and 0o 0he pros0i0u0ion o1 0heir 0alen0s 0o 0he gra0i1ica0ion o1 0he desire9na0ure in a re1ined and delica0e 4ay5 Their surroundings are 0he bes0 0ha0 are 1ound in !A2alo/a, as 0heir crea0i3e 0hough0s 1ashion 0he lu2inous 2a0erials o1 0heir 0e2porary ho2e in0o 1air landscapes and rippling oceans, sno49clad 2oun0ains and 1er0ile plains, scenes 0ha0 are o1 1airy9li/e beau0y co2pared 4i0h e3en 0he 2os0 e:;uisi0e (Page )#! 0ha0 ear0h can sho45 eligionis0s also are 1ound here, o1 a sligh0ly 2ore progressed /ind 0han 0hose in 0he di3ision i22edia0ely belo4, and 4i0h 2ore de1ini0e 3ie4s o1 0heir o4n li2i0a0ions5 They loo/ 1or4ard 2ore clearly 0o passing ou0 o1 0heir presen0 sphere, and reaching a higher s0a0e5 The se3en0h, 0he highes0, subdi3ision o1 !A2alo/a, is occupied al2os0 en0irely by in0ellec0ual 2en and 4o2en 4ho 4ere ei0her pronouncedly 2a0erialis0ic 4hile on ear0h, or 4ho are so 4edded 0o 0he 4ays in 4hich /no4ledge is gained by 0he lo4er

2ind in 0he physical body 0ha0 0hey con0inue i0s pursui0 in 0he old 4ays, 0hough 4i0h enlarged 1acul0ies5 $ne recalls Charles La2b<s disli/e o1 0he idea 0ha0 in hea3en /no4ledge 4ould ha3e 0o be gained =by so2e a4/4ard process o1 in0ui0ion> ins0ead o1 0hrough his belo3ed boo/s5 #any a s0uden0 li3es 1or long years, so2e0i2es 1or cen0uries @ according 0o H5P5'la3a0s/y @ li0erally in 0he as0ral library, conning eagerly all boo/s 0ha0 deal 4i0h his 1a3ouri0e sub6ec0, and per1ec0ly con0en0ed 4i0h his lo05 #en 4ho ha3e been /eenly se0 on so2e line o1 in0ellec0ual in3es0iga0ion, and ha3e 0hro4n o11 0he physical body, 4i0h 0heir 0hirs0 1or /no4ledge unsla/ed, pursue 0heir ob6ec0 s0ill 4i0h un4earied persis0ence, 1e00ered by 0heir clinging 0o 0he physical 2odes o1 s0udy5 $10en such 2en are s0ill scep0ical as 0o 0he higher possibili0ies 0ha0 lie be1ore 0he2, and shrin/ 1ro2 0he prospec0 o1 4ha0 is prac0ically a second dea0h @ 0he sin/ing in0o unconsciousness ere 0he soul is born in0o 0he higher li1e o1 hea3en5 (Page )4! Poli0icians, s0a0es2en, 2en o1 science, d4ell 1or a 4hile in 0his region, slo4ly disen0angling 0he2sel3es 1ro2 0he as0ral body, s0ill held 0o 0he lo4er li1e by 0heir /een and 3i3id in0eres0 in 0he 2o3e2en0s in 4hich 0hey ha3e played so large a par0, and in 0he e11or0 0o 4or/ ou0 as0rally so2e o1 0he sche2es 1ro2 4hich %ea0h sna0ched 0he2 ere ye0 0hey had reached 1rui0ion5 To all, ho4e3er, sooner or la0er @ sa3e 0o 0ha0 s2all 2inori0y 4ho during ear0h9li1e ne3er 1el0 one 0ouch o1 unsel1ish lo3e, o1 in0ellec0ual aspira0ion, o1 recogni0ion o1 so2e0hing or so2e one higher 0han 0he2sel3es @ 0here co2es a 0i2e 4hen 0he bonds o1 0he as0ral body are 1inally sha/en o11, 4hile 0he soul sin/s in0o brie1 unconsciousness o1 i0s surroundings, li/e 0he unconsciousness 0ha0 1ollo4s 0he dropping o11 o1 0he physical body, 0o be a4a/ened by a sense o1 bliss, in0ense, i22ense, 1a0ho2less, undrea2ed o1, 0he

bliss o1 0he hea3en94orld, o1 0he 4orld 0o 4hich by i0s o4n na0ure i0 belongs5 Lo4 and 3ile 2ay ha3e been 2any o1 i0s passions, 0ri3ial and sordid 2any o1 i0s longings, bu0 i0 had glea2s o1 a higher na0ure, bro/en ligh0s no4 and 0hen 1ro2 a purer region, and 0hese 2us0 ripen as seeds 0o 0he 0i2e o1 0heir har3es0, and ho4e3er poor and 1e4 2us0 yield 0heir 1air re0urn5 The 2an passes on 0o reap 0his har3es0, and 0o ea0 and assi2ila0e i0s 1rui05 )See Chap0er &, on %e3achan*5 The as0ral corpse, as i0 is so2e0i2es called, or 0he =shell> o1 0he depar0ed en0i0y, consis0s o1 0he (Page )$! 1rag2en0s o1 0he se3en concen0ric shells be1ore described, held 0oge0her by 0he re2aining 2agne0is2 o1 0he soul5 Each shell in 0urn has disin0egra0ed, un0il 0he poin0 is reached 4hen 2ere sca00ered 1rag2en0s o1 i0 re2ain ? 0hese cling by 2agne0ic a00rac0ion 0o 0he re2aining shells, and 4hen one a10er ano0her has been reduced 0o 0his condi0ion, un0il 0he se3en0h or inner2os0 is reached and i0sel1 disin0egra0es, 0he 2an hi2sel1 escapes, lea3ing behind hi2 0hese re2ains5 The shell dri10s abou0 3aguely in 0he /A2alo/ic 4orld, au0o2a0ically and 1eebly repea0ing i0s accus0o2ed 3ibra0ions, and as 0he re2aining 2agne0is2 gradually disperses, i0 1alls in0o a 2ore and 2ore decayed condi0ion, and 1inally disin0egra0es co2ple0ely, res0oring i0s 2a0erials 0o 0he general 2ass o1 as0ral 2a00er, e:ac0ly as does 0he physical body 0o 0he physical 4orld5 This shell dri10s 4here3er 0he as0ral curren0s 2ay carry i0, and 2ay be 3i0alised, i1 no0 0oo 1ar gone, by 0he 2agne0is2 o1 e2bodied souls on ear0h, and so res0ored 0o so2e a2oun0 o1 ac0i3i0y5 I0 4ill suc/ up 2agne0is2 as a sponge suc/s up 4a0er, and 4ill 0hen 0a/e on an illusory appearance o1 3i0ali0y, repea0ing 2ore 3igorously and 3ibra0ion 0o 4hich i0 4as

accus0o2ed ? 0hese are o10en se0 up by 0he s0i2ulus o1 0hough0s co22on 0o 0he depar0ed soul and 1riends and rela0ions on ear0h, and such a 3i0alised shell 2ay play ;ui0e respec0ably 0he par0 o1 a co22unica0ing in0elligence? i0 is ho4e3er, dis0inguishable @ apar0 1ro2 0he use o1 as0ral 3ision @ by i0s au0o2a0ic repe0i0ions o1 1a2iliar 0hough0s, and by 0he (Page )%! 0o0al absence o1 all originali0y and o1 any 0races o1 /no4ledge no0 possessed during physical li1e5 Nus0 as souls 2ay be delayed in 0heir progress by 1oolish and inconsidera0e 1riends, so 2ay 0hey be aided in i0 by 4ise and 4ell9direc0ed e11or0s5 Hence all religions, 4hich re0ain any 0races o1 0he occul0 4isdo2 o1 0heir ,ounders, en6oin 0he use o1 =prayers 1or 0he dead5> These prayers 4i0h 0heir acco2panying cere2onies are 2ore or less use1ul according 0o 0he /no4ledge, 0he lo3e, and 0he 4illpo4er by 4hich 0hey 4ere ensouled5 They res0 on 0ha0 uni3ersal 0ru0h o1 3ibra0ion by 4hich 0he uni3erse is buil0, 2odi1ied, and 2ain0ained5 &ibra0ions are se0 up by 0he u00ered sounds, arranging as0ral 2a00er in0o de1ini0e 1or2s, ensouled by 0he 0hough0 enshrined in 0he 4ords5 These are direc0ed 0o4ards 0he !A2alo/ic en0i0y, and, s0ri/ing agains0 0he as0ral body, has0en i0s disin0egra0ion5 +i0h 0he decay o1 occul0 /no4ledge 0hese cere2onies ha3e beco2e less and less po0en0, un0il 0heir use1ulness has al2os0 reached a 3anishing poin05 Ne3er0heless 0hey are s0ill so2e0i2es per1or2ed by a 2an o1 /no4ledge, and 0hen e:er0 0heir righ01ul in1luence5 #oreo3er, e3ery one can help his belo3ed depar0ed by sending 0o 0he2 0hough0s o1 lo3e and peace and longing 1or 0heir s4i10 progress 0hrough 0he !A2alo/ic 4orld and 0heir libera0ion 1ro2 as0ral 1e00ers5 No one should lea3e his =dead> 0o go on a lonely 4ay, una00ended by lo3ing hos0s o1 0hese guardian angel 0hough091or2s, helping 0he2 1or4ard 4i0h 6oy5 (Page )&!

CHAPTER I. THE -ENTAL PLANE The 2en0al plane, as i0s na2e i2plies, is 0ha0 4hich belongs 0o consciousness 4or/ing as 0hough0 ? no0 o1 0he 2ind as i0 4or/s 0hrough 0he brain, bu0 as i0 4or/s in i0s o4n 4orld, unencu2bered 4i0h physical spiri092a00er5 This 4orld is 0he 4orld o1 0he real 2an5 The 4ord =2an> co2es 1ro2 0he Sans/ri0 roo0 =2an> and 0his is 0he roo0 o1 0he Sans/ri0 3erb =0o 0hin/,> so 0ha0 man 2eans thinker? he is na2ed by his 2os0 charac0eris0ic a00ribu0e, in0elligence5 In English 0he 4ord =2ind> has 0o s0and 1or 0he in0ellec0ual consciousness i0sel1, and also 1or 0he e11ec0s produced on 0he physical brain by 0he 3ibra0ion o1 0ha0 consciousness ? bu0 4e ha3e no4 0o concei3e o1 0he in0ellec0ual consciousness as an en0i0y, an indi3idual @ a being, 0he 3ibra0ions o1 4hose li1e are 0hough0s, 0hough0s 4hich are i2ages, no0 4ords5 This indi3idual is #anas, or 0he Thin/er ? )%eri3ed 1ro2 #anas is 0he 0echnical na2e, 0he 2Anasic plane5 Englished as =2en0al5> +e 2igh0 call i0 0he plane o1 0he 2ind proper, 0o dis0inguish i0s ac0i3i0ies 1ro2 0hose o1 0he 2ind 4or/ing in 0he 1lesh5* @he is 0he Sel1, clo0hed in 0he 2a00er, and 4or/ing 4i0hin 0he condi0ions, o1 0he higher subdi3isions (Page )'! o1 0he 2en0al plane5 He re3eals his presence on 0he physical plane by 0he 3ibra0ions he se0s up in 0he brain and ner3ous sys0e2 ? 0hese respond 0o 0he 0hrills o1 his li1e by sy2pa0he0ic 3ibra0ions, bu0 in conse;uence o1 0he coarseness o1 0heir 2a0erial 0hey can reproduce only a s2all sec0ion o1 his 3ibra0ions and e3en 0ha0 3ery i2per1ec0ly5 Nus0 as science asser0s 0he e:is0ence o1 a 3as0 series o1 e0heric 3ibra0ions, o1 4hich 0he eye can only see a s2all 1rag2en0, 0he solar ligh0 spec0ru2, because i0 can 3ibra0e only 4i0hin cer0ain li2i0s, so can

0he physical 0hough09appara0us, 0he brain and ner3ous sys0e2, 0hin/ only a s2all 1rag2en0 o1 0he 3as0 series o1 2en0al 3ibra0ions se0 up by 0he Thin/er in his o4n 4orld5 The 2os0 recep0i3e brains respond up 0o 0he poin0 o1 4ha0 4e call 0he grea0 in0ellec0ual po4er ? 0he e:cep0ionally recep0i3e brains respond up 0o 0he poin0 o1 4ha0 4e call genius ? 0he e:cep0ionally unrecep0i3e brains respond only up 0o 0he poin0 4e call idiocy ? bu0 e3ery one sends bea0ing agains0 his brain 2illions o1 0hough094a3es 0o 4hich i0 canno0 respond, o4ing 0o 0he densi0y o1 i0s 2a0erials, and 6us0 in propor0ion 0o i0s sensi0i3eness are 0he so9called 2en0al po4ers o1 each5 'u0 be1ore s0udying 0he Thin/er, i0 4ill be 4ell 0o consider his 4orld, 0he 2en0al plane i0sel15 The 2en0al plane is 0ha0 4hich is ne:0 0o 0he as0ral, and is separa0ed 1ro2 i0 only by di11erences o1 2a0erials, 6us0 as 0he as0ral is separa0ed 1ro2 0he physical5 In 1ac0, 4e 2ay repea0 4ha0 4as said as 0o 0he as0ral and 0he physical 4i0h regard 0o 0he (Page )(! 2en0al and 0he as0ral5 Li1e on 0he 2en0al plane is 2ore ac0i3e 0han on 0he as0ral, and 1or2 is 2ore plas0ic5 The spiri092a00er o1 0ha0 plane is 2ore highly 3i0alised and 1iner 0han any grade o1 2a00er in 0he as0ral 4orld5 The ul0i2a0e a0o2 o1 as0ral 2a00er has innu2erable aggrega0ions o1 0he coarses0 2en0al 2a00er 1or i0s encircling sphere94orld, so 0ha0 0he disin0egra0ion o1 0he as0ral a0o2 yields a 2ass o1 2en0al 2a00er o1 0he coarses0 /inds5 (nder 0hese circu2s0ances i0 4ill be unders0ood 0ha0 0he play o1 0he li1e91orces on 0his plane 4ill be enor2ously increased in ac0i3i0y, 0here being so 2uch less 2ass 0o be 2o3ed by 0he25 The 2a00er is in cons0an0 ceaseless 2o0ion, 0a/ing 1or2 under e3ery 0hrill o1 li1e, and adap0ing i0sel1 4i0hou0 hesi0a0ion 0o e3ery changing 2o0ion5 =#ind9 s0u11,> as i0 has been called, 2a/es as0ral spiri092a00er see2 clu2sy, hea3y, and lus0reless, al0hough co2pared 4i0h 0he physical spiri092a00er i0 is so 1airy9

ligh0 and lu2inous5 'u0 0he la4 o1 analogy holds good, and gi3es us a clue 0o guide us 0hrough 0his super as0ral region, 0he region 0ha0 is our bir0hplace and our ho2e, al0hough, i2prisoned in a 1oreign land, 4e /no4 i0 no0, and gaBe a0 descrip0ions o1 i0 4i0h 0he eyes o1 aliens5 $nce again here, as on 0he 04o lo4er planes, 0he subdi3isions o1 0he spiri092a00er o1 0he plane are se3en in nu2ber5 $nce again, 0hese 3arie0ies en0er in0o coun0less co2bina0ions, o1 e3ery 3arie0y o1 co2ple:i0y, yielding 0he solids, li;uids, gases, and e0hers o1 0he 2en0al plane5 The 4ord =solid> see2s indeed absurd, 4hen spea/ing o1 e3en 0he 2os0 (Page )! subs0an0ial 1or2s o1 2ind9s0u11 ? ye0 as 0hey are dense in co2parison 4i0h o0her /inds o1 2en0al 2a0erials, and as 4e ha3e no descrip0i3e 4ords sa3e such as are based on physical condi0ions, 4e 2us0 e3en use i0 1or lac/ o1 a be00er5 Enough i1 4e unders0and 0ha0 0his plane 1ollo4s 0he general la4 and order o1 Na0ure, 4hich is, 1or our globe, 0he sep0enary basis, and 0ha0 0he se3en subdi3isions o1 2a00er are o1 lessening densi0ies, rela0i3ely 0o each o0her, as 0he physical solids, li;uids, gases, and e0hers ? 0he se3en0h, or highes0, subdi3ision being co2posed e:clusi3ely o1 0he 2en0al a0o2s5 These subdi3isions are grouped under 04o headings, 0o 4hich 0he so2e4ha0 ine11icien0 and unin0elligible epi0he0s =1or2less> and =1or2> ha3e been assigned5 )ArEpa, 4i0hou0 1or2F rEpa, 1or25 Epa is 1or2, shape, body5 * The lo4er 1our @ 0he 1irs0, second, 0hird, and 1our0h subdi3isions @ are grouped 0oge0her as =4i0h 1or2> ? 0he higher 0hree @ 0he 1i10h, si:0h and se3en0h subdi3isions @ are grouped as =1or2less5> The grouping is necessary, 1or 0he dis0inc0ion is a real one, al0hough one di11icul0 0o describe, and 0he regions are rela0ed in consciousness 0o 0he di3isions in 0he 2ind i0sel1 @ as 4ill appear 2ore plainly a li00le 1ar0her on5

The dis0inc0ion 2ay perhaps be bes0 e:pressed by saying 0ha0 in 0he lo4er 1our subdi3isions 0he 3ibra0ions o1 consciousness gi3e rise 0o 1or2s, 0o i2ages or pic0ures, and e3ery 0hough0 appears as a li3ing shape ? 4hereas in 0he higher 0hree, consciousness, 0hough s0ill, o1 course, se00ing up (Page ! 3ibra0ions, see2s ra0her 0o send 0he2 ou0 as a 2igh0y s0rea2 o1 li3ing energy, 4hich does no0 body i0sel1 in0o dis0inc0 i2ages 4hile i0 re2ains in 0his higher region, bu0 4hich s0eps up a 3arie0y o1 1or2s all lin/ed by so2e co22on condi0ion 4hen i0 rushes in0o 0he lo4er 4orlds5 The neares0 analogy 0ha0 I can 1ind 1or 0he concep0ion I a2 0rying 0o e:press is 0ha0 o1 abs0rac0 and concre0e 0hough0s ? an abs0rac0 idea o1 a 0riangle has no 1or2, bu0 conno0es any plane 1igure con0ained 4i0hin 0hree righ0 lines, 0he angles o1 4hich 2a/e 04o righ0 angles ? such an idea, 4i0h condi0ions bu0 4i0hou0 shape, 0hro4n in0o 0he lo4er 4orld, 2ay gi3e bir0h 0o a 3as0 3arie0y o1 1igures, righ09angled, isosceles, scalene, o1 any colour and siBe, bu0 all 1illing 0he condi0ions @ concre0e 0riangles each one 4i0h a de1ini0e shape o1 i0s o4n5 The i2possibili0y o1 gi3ing in 4ords a lucid e:posi0ion o1 0he di11erence in 0he ac0ion o1 consciousness in 0he 04o regions is due 0o 0he 1ac0 0ha0 4ords are 0he sy2bols o1 i2ages and belong 0o 0he 4or/ings o1 0he lo4er 2ind in 0he brain, and are based 4holly upon 0hose 4or/ings ? 4hile 0he =1or2less> region belongs 0o 0he Pure reason, 4hich ne3er 4or/s 4i0hin 0he narro4 li2i0s o1 language5 The 2en0al plane is 0ha0 4hich re1lec0s 0he (ni3ersal #ind in Na0ure, 0he plane 4hich in our li00le sys0e2 corresponds 4i0h 0ha0 o1 0he .rea0 #ind in 0he !os2os5 )#aha0, 0he Third L$.$S, or %i3ine Crea0i3e In0elligence, 0he 'rah2A o1 0he Hindus, 0he #and6usri o1 0he Nor0hern 'uddhis0s, 0he Holy Spiri0 o1 0he Chris0ians5* In i0s higher regions e:is0 all 0he arche0ypal ideas 4hich are no4 in course o1 concre0e e3olu0ion,

and in i0s lo4er 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 0hese (Page "! in0o successi3e 1or2s, 0o be duly reproduced in 0he as0ral and physical 4orlds5 I0s 2a0erials are capable o1 co2bining under 0he i2pulse o1 0hough0 3ibra0ions, and can gi3e rise 0o any co2bina0ion 4hich 0hough0 can cons0ruc0 ? as iron can be 2ade in0o a spade 1or digging or in0o a s4ord 1or slaying, so can 2ind9s0u11 be shaped in0o 0hough09 1or2s 0ha0 help or in6ure ? 0he 3ibra0ing li1e o1 0he Thin/er shapes 0he 2a0erials around hi2, and according 0o his 3oli0ions so is his 4or/5 In 0ha0 region 0hough0 and ac0ion, 4ill and deed, are one and 0he sa2e 0hing @ spiri092a00er here beco2es 0he obedien0 ser3an0 o1 0he li1e, adap0ing i0sel1 0o e3ery crea0i3e 2o0ion5 These 3ibra0ions, 4hich shape 0he 2a00er o1 0he plane in0o 0hough091or2s, gi3e rise also 1ro2 0heir s4i10ness and sub0le0y 0o 0he 2os0 e:;uisi0e and cons0an0ly changing colours, 4a3es o1 3arying shades li/e 0he rainbo4 hues o1 2o0her9o19pearl, e0herialised and brigh0ened 0o an indescribable e:0en0, s4eeping o3er and 0hrough e3ery 1or2, so 0ha0 each presen0s a har2ony o1 rippling, li3ing, lu2inous, delica0e colours, including 2any no0 e3er /no4n 0o ear0h5 +ords can gi3e no idea o1 0he e:;uisi0e beau0y and radiance sho4n in co2bina0ions o1 0his sub0le 2a00er, ins0inc0 4i0h li1e and 2o0ion5 E3ery seer 4ho has 4i0nessed i0, Hindu, 'uddhis0, Chris0ian, spea/s in rap0urous 0er2s o1 i0s glorious beau0y, and e3er con1esses his u00er inabili0y 0o describe i0? (Page #! 4ords see2 bu0 0o coarsen and depra3e i0, ho4e3er de10ly 4o3en in i0s praise5 Though091or2s na0urally play a large par0 a2ong 0he li3ing crea0ures 0ha0 1unc0ion on 0he 2en0al plane5 They rese2ble 0hose 4i0h 4hich 4e are already 1a2iliar in 0he as0ral 4orld, sa3e 0ha0 0hey are 1ar 2ore radian0 and 2ore brillian0ly coloured, are s0ronger, 2ore

las0ing, and 2ore 1ully 3i0alised5 As 0he higher in0ellec0ual ;uali0ies beco2e 2ore clearly 2ar/ed, 0hese 1or2s sho4 3ery sharply de1ined ou0lines, and 0here is a 0endency 0o a singular per1ec0ion o1 geo2e0rical 1igures acco2panied by an e;ually singular puri0y o1 lu2inous colour5 'u0, needless 0o say a0 0he presen0 s0age o1 hu2ani0y, 0here is a 3as0 preponderance o1 cloudy and irregularly shaped 0hough0s, 0he produc0ion o1 0he ill90rained 2inds o1 0he 2a6ori0y5 arely beau0i1ul ar0is0ic 0hough0s are also here encoun0ered, and i0 is li00le 4onder 0ha0 pain0ers 4ho ha3e caugh0, in drea2y 3ision, so2e gli2pse o1 0heir ideal, o10en 1re0 agains0 0heir incapaci0y 0o reproduce i0s glo4ing beau0y in ear0h<s dull pig2en0s5 These 0hough091or2s are buil0 ou0 o1 0he ele2en0al essence o1 0he plane, 0he 3ibra0ions o1 0he 0hough0 0hro4ing 0he ele2en0al essence in0o a corresponding shape, and 0his shape ha3ing 0he 0hough0 as i0s in1or2ing li1e5 Thus again 4e ha3e =ar0i1icial ele2en0als> crea0ed in a 4ay iden0ical 4i0h 0ha0 by 4hich 0hey co2e in0o being in 0he as0ral regions5 All 0ha0 is said in Chap0er II o1 0heir genera0ion and o1 0heir i2por0ance 2ay be repea0ed o1 0hose o1 0he 2en0al plane, 4i0h here 0he addi0ional responsibili0y on 0heir crea0ors o1 0he grea0er 1orce and per2anence belonging (Page 4! 0o 0hose o1 0his higher 4orld5 The ele2en0al essence o1 0he 2en0al plane is 1or2ed by 0he #onad in 0he s0age o1 i0s descen0 i22edia0ely preceding i0s en0rance in0o 0he as0ral 4orld, and i0 cons0i0u0es 0he second ele2en0al /ingdo2, e:is0ing on 0he 1our lo4er subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane5 The 0hree higher subdi3isions, 0he =1or2less,> are occupied by 0he 1irs0 ele2en0al /ingdo2, 0he ele2en0al essence 0here being 0hro4n by 0hough0 in0o brillian0 corusca0ions, coloured s0rea2s, and 1lashes o1 li3ing 1ire, ins0ead o1 in0o de1ini0e shapes, 0a/ing as i0

4ere i0s 1irs0 lessons in co2bined ac0ion, bu0 no0 ye0 assu2ing de1ini0e li2i0a0ions o1 1or2s5 $n 0he 2en0al plane, in bo0h i0s grea0 di3isions, e:is0 nu2berless In0elligences, 4hose lo4es0 bodies are 1or2ed o1 0he lu2inous 2a00er and ele2en0al essence o1 0ha0 plane @ Shining ones 4ho guide 0he processes o1 na0ural order, o3erloo/ing 0he hos0s o1 lo4er en0i0ies be1ore spo/en o1, and yielding sub2ission in 0heir se3eral hierarchies 0o 0heir grea0 o3erlords o1 0he se3en Ele2en0s5 )These are 0he ArEpa and Epa %e3as o1 0he Hindus and 0he 'uddhis0s, 0he =Lords o1 0he hea3enly and 0he ear0hly> o1 0he Ooroas0rians, 0he Archangels and Angels o1 0he Chris0ians and #aho2edans*5 They are, as 2ay readily be i2agined, beings o1 3as0 /no4ledge, o1 grea0 po4er, and 2os0 splendid in appearance, radian0, 1lashing crea0ures, 2yriad9hued, li/e rainbo4s o1 changing supernal colours, o1 s0a0elies0 2ien, (Page $! cal2 energy incarna0e, e2bodi2en0s o1 resis0less s0reng0h5 The descrip0ion o1 0he grea0 Chris0ian Seer leaps 0o 2ind, 4hen he 4ro0e o1 a 2igh0y angelF =A rainbo4 4as upon his head, and his 1ace 4as i2perial as i0 4ere 0he sun, and his 1ee0 as pillars o1 1ire5) Revelation, :, 1*5 =As 0he sound o1 2any 4a0ers> are 0heir 3oices, as echoes 1ro2 0he 2usic o1 0he spheres5 They guide na0ural order, and rule 0he 3as0 co2panies o1 0he ele2en0als o1 0he as0ral 4orld, so 0ha0 0heir cohor0s carry on ceaselessly 0he processes o1 na0ure 4i0h unde3ia0ing regulari0y and accuracy5 $n 0he lo4er 2en0al plane are seen 2any ChelAs a0 4or/ in 0heir 2en0al bodies, )(sually called #AyA3i Epa, or illusory body, 4hen arranged 1or independen0 1unc0ioning in 0he 2en0al 4orld5* 999 1reed 1or a 0i2e 1ro2 0heir physical 3es0ures5 +hen 0he body is 4rapped in deep sleep 0he 0rue 2an, 0he Thin/er, 2ay escape 1ro2 i0, and 4or/ un0ra22elled by i0s 4eigh0 in 0hese higher regions5 ,ro2 here he can aid

and co21or0 his 1ello42en by ac0ing direc0ly on 0heir 2inds, sugges0ing help1ul 0hough0s, pu00ing be1ore 0he2 noble ideas, 2ore e11ec0i3ely and speedily 0han he can do 4hen encased in 0he body5 He can see 0heir needs 2ore clearly and 0here1ore can supply 0he2 2ore per1ec0ly, and i0 is his highes0 pri3ilege and 6oy 0hus 0o 2inis0er 0o his s0ruggling bro0hers, 4i0hou0 0heir /no4ledge o1 his ser3ice or any ideas o1 0heirs as 0o 0he s0rong ar2 0ha0 li10s 0heir burden, or 0he so10 3oice 0ha0 4hispers solace in 0heir pain5 (nseen, unrecognised, he 4or/s, (Page %! ser3ing his ene2ies as gladly and as 1reely as his 1riends, dispensing 0o indi3iduals 0he s0rea2 o1 bene1icen0 1orces 0ha0 are poured do4n 1ro2 0he grea0 Helpers in higher spheres5 Here also are so2e0i2es seen 0he glorious 1igures o1 0he #as0ers, 0hough 1or 0he 2os0 par0 They reside on 0he highes0 le3el o1 0he =1or2less> di3ision o1 0he 2en0al plane ? and o0her .rea0 $nes 2ay also so2e0i2es co2e hi0her on so2e 2ission o1 co2passion re;uiring such lo4er 2ani1es0a0ion5 Co22unica0ion be04een in0elligences 1unc0ioning consciously on 0his plane, 4he0her hu2an or non9hu2an, 4he0her in or ou0 o1 0he body, is prac0ically ins0an0aneous, 1or i0 is 4i0h F0he =speed o1 0hough05> 'arriers o1 space ha3e here no po4er 0o di3ide, and any soul can co2e in0o 0ouch 4i0h any one by 2erely direc0ing his a00en0ion 0o hi25 No0 only is co22unica0ion 0hus s4i10, bu0 i0 is also co2ple0e, i1 0he souls are a0 abou0 0he sa2e s0age o1 e3olu0ion ? no 4ords 1e00er and obs0ruc0 0he co22union, bu0 0he 4hole 0hough0 1lashes 1ro2 0he one 0o 0he o0her, or, perhaps 2ore e:ac0ly, each sees 0he 0hough0 as concei3ed by 0he o0her5 The real barriers be04een souls are 0he di11erences o1 e3olu0ion ? 0he less e3ol3ed can /no4 only as 2uch o1 0he 2ore highly e3ol3ed as his is able 0o respond 0o ? 0he li2i0a0ion can

ob3iously be 1el0 only by 0he higher one, as 0he lesser has all 0ha0 he can con0ain5 The 2ore e3ol3ed a soul, 0he 2ore does he /no4 o1 all around hi2, 0he nearer does he approach 0o reali0ies ? bu0 0he 2en0al plane has also i0s 3eils o1 illusion, i0 2us0 be re2e2bered, 0hough 0hey be 1ar 1e4er and 0hinner 0han 0hose o1 0he as0ral and 0he physical 4orlds5 Each soul (Page &! has i0s o4n 2en0al a02osphere, and, as all i2pressions 2us0 co2e 0hrough 0his a02osphere, 0hey are all dis0or0ed and coloured5 The clearer and purer, 0he a02osphere, and 0he less i0 is coloured by 0he personali0y, 0he 1e4er are 0he illusions 0ha0 can be1all i05 The 0hree highes0 subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane are 0he habi0a0 o1 0he Thin/er hi2sel1, and he d4ells on one or o0her o1 0hese, according 0o 0he s0age o1 his e3olu0ion5 The 3as0 2a6ori0y li3e on 0he lo4es0 le3el, in 3arious s0ages o1 e3olu0ion ? a co2para0i3ely 1e4 o1 0he highly in0ellec0ual d4ell on 0he second le3el, 0he Thin/er ascending 0hi0her @ 0o use a phrase 2ore sui0able 0o 0he physical 0han 0o 0he 2en0al plane @ 4hen 0he sub0ler 2a00er o1 0ha0 region prepondera0es in hi2, and 0hus necessi0a0es 0he change ? 0here is o1 course, no =ascending,> no change o1 place, bu0 he recei3es 0he 3ibra0ions o1 0ha0 sub0ler 2a00er, being able 0o respond 0o 0he2, and he hi2sel1 is able 0o send ou0 1orces 0ha0 0hro4 i0s rare par0icles in0o 3ibra0ion5 The s0uden0 should 1a2iliarise hi2sel1 4i0h 0he 1ac0 0ha0 rising in 0he scale o1 e3olu0ion does no0 2o3e hi2 1ro2 place 0o place, bu0 renders hi2 2ore and 2ore able 0o recei3e i2pressions5 Every sphere is around us, 0he as0ral, 0he 2en0al, 0he buddhic, 0he nir3Anic, and 4orlds higher ye0, 0he li1e o1 0he supre2e .od ? 4e need no0 s0ir 0o 1ind 0he2, 1or 0hey are here? bu0 our dull unrecep0i3i0y shu0s 0he2 ou0 2ore e11ec0i3ely 0han 2illions o1 2iles o1 2ere space5

+e are (Page '! conscious only o1 0ha0 4hich a11ec0s us, 4hich s0irs us 0o responsi3e 3ibra0ion, and as 4e beco2e 2ore and 2ore recep0i3e, as 4e dra4 in0o oursel1 1iner and 1iner 2a00er, 4e co2e in0o con0ac0 4i0h sub0ler and sub0ler 4orlds5 Hence, rising 1ro2 one le3el 0o ano0her 2eans 0ha0 4e are 4ea3ing our 3es0ures o1 1iner 2a0erials and can recei3e 0hrough 0he2 0he con0ac0s o1 1iner 4orlds ? and i0 2eans 1ur0her 0ha0 in 0he Sel1 4i0hin 0hese 3es0ures di3iner po4ers are 4a/ing 1ro2 la0ency in0o ac0i3i0y, and are sending ou0 0heir sub0ler 0hrills o1 li1e5 A0 0he s0age no4 reached by 0he Thin/er, he is 1ully conscious o1 his surroundings and is in possession o1 0he 2e2ory o1 his pas05 He /no4s 0he bodies he is 4earing, 0hrough 4hich he is con0ac0ing 0he lo4er planes, and he is able 0o in1luence and guide 0he2 0o a grea0 e:0en05 He sees 0he di11icul0ies, 0he obs0acles, 0hey are approaching @ 0he resul0s o1 pas0 careless li3ing @ and he se0s hi2sel1 0o pour in0o 0he2 energies by 4hich 0hey 2ay be be00er e;uipped 1or 0heir 0as/5 His direc0ion is so2e0i2es 1el0 in 0he lo4er consciousness as an i2periously co2pelling 1orce 0ha0 4ill ha3e i0s 4ay, and 0ha0 i2pels 0o a course o1 ac0ion 1or 4hich all 0he reasons 2ay no0 be clear 0o 0he di22er 3ision caused by 0he 2en0al and as0ral gar2en0s5 #en 4ho ha3e done grea0 deeds ha3e occasionally le10 on record 0heir consciousness o1 an inner and co2pelling po4er, 4hich see2ed 0o lea3e 0he2 no choice sa3e 0o do as 0hey had done5 They 4ere 0hen ac0ing as 0he real 2an ? 0he Thin/ers, 0ha0 are 0he inner 2en, (Page (! 4ere doing 0he 4or/ consciously 0hrough 0he bodies 0ha0 0hen 4ere 1ul1illing 0heir proper 1unc0ions as 3ehicles o1 0he indi3idual5 To 0hese higher po4ers all 4ill co2e as e3olu0ion proceeds5 $n 0he 0hird le3el o1 0he upper region o1 0he 2en0al plane d4ell 0he Egos o1 0he #as0ers, and o1 0he

Ini0ia0es 4ho are Their ChelAs, 0he Thin/ers ha3ing here a preponderance o1 0he 2a00er o1 0his region in 0heir bodies5 ,ro2 0his 4orld o1 sub0les0 2en0al 1orces 0he #as0ers carry on Their bene1icen0 4or/ 1or hu2ani0y, raining do4n noble ideals, inspiring 0hough0s, de3o0ional aspira0ions, s0rea2s o1 spiri0ual and in0ellec0ual help 1or 2en5 E3ery 1orce 0here genera0ed, rays ou0 in 2yriad direc0ions, and 0he nobles0, pures0 souls ca0ch 2os0 readily 0hese help1ul in1luences5 A disco3ery 1lashes in0o 0he 2ind o1 0he pa0ien0 searcher in0o Na0ure<s secre0s ? a ne4 2elody en0rances 0he ear o1 0he grea0 2usician ? 0he ans4er 0o a long s0udied proble2 illu2ines 0he in0ellec0 o1 a lo10y philosopher ? a ne4 energy o1 hope and lo3e su11uses 0he hear0 o1 an un4earied philan0hropis05 Ye0 2en 0hin/ 0ha0 0hey are le10 uncared 1or, al0hough 0he 3ery phrases 0hey use ? =0he 0hough0 occurred 0o 2e? 0he idea ca2e 0o 2e? 0he disco3ery 1lashed on 2e J unconsciously 0es0i1y 0o 0he 0ru0h /no4n 0o 0heir inner sel3es 0hough 0he ou0er eyes be blind5 Le0 us no4 0urn 0o 0he s0udy o1 0he Thin/er and his 3es0ures as 0hey are 1ound in 2en on ear0h5 The body o1 0he consciousness, condi0ioning i0 in 0he 1our lo4er subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane @ 0he 2en0al body, (Page ")! as 4e 0er2 i0 @ is 1or2ed o1 co2bina0ions o1 0he 2a00er o1 0hese subdi3isions5 The Thin/er, 0he indi3idual, Hu2an Soul @ 1or2ed in 0he 4ay described in 0he la00er par0 o1 0his chap0er @ 4hen he is co2ing in0o incarna0ion, 1irs0 radia0es 1or0h so2e o1 his energy in 3ibra0ions 0ha0 a00rac0 round hi2, and clo0he hi2 in, 2a00er dra4n 1ro2 0he 1our lo4er subdi3isions o1 his o4n plane5 According 0o 0he na0ure o1 0he 3ibra0ions are 0he /inds o1 2a00er 0hey a00rac0 ? 0he 1iner /inds ans4er 0he s4i10er 3ibra0ions and 0a/e 1or2 under 0heir i2pulse ? 0he coarser /inds si2ilarly ans4er 0he slo4er ones ? 6us0 as a 4ire 4ill sy2pa0he0ically sound ou0 a

no0e @ i.e5, a gi3en nu2ber o1 3ibra0ions @ co2ing 1ro2 a 4ire si2ilar in 4eigh0 and 0ension 0o i0sel1, bu0 4ill re2ain du2b a2id a chorus o1 no0es 1ro2 4ires dissi2ilar 0o i0sel1 in 0hese respec0s, so do 0he di11eren0 /inds o1 2a00er assor0 0he2sel3es in ans4er 0o di11eren0 /inds o1 3ibra0ions5 E:ac0ly according 0o 0he 3ibra0ions sen0 ou0 by 0he Thin/er 4ill be 0he na0ure o1 0he 2en0al body 0ha0 he 0hus dra4s around hi2, and 0his 2en0al body is 4ha0 is called 0he lo4er 2ind, 0he lo4er #anas, because i0 is 0he Thin/er clo0hed in 0he 2a00er o1 0he lo4er subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane and condi0ioned by i0 in his 1ur0her 4or/ing5 None o1 his energies 4hich are 0oo sub0le 0o 2o3e 0his 2a00er, 0oo s4i10 1or i0s response, can e:press 0he2sel3es 0hrough i0 ? he is 0here1ore li2i0ed by i0, condi0ioned by i0, res0ric0ed by i0 in his e:pression o1 hi2sel15 I0 is 0he 1irs0 o1 his prison9houses during his incarna0e li1e, and 4hile his energies are ac0ing (Page " * 4i0hin i0 he is largely shu0 o11 1ro2 his o4n higher 4orld, 1or his a00en0ion is 4i0h 0he ou0going energies and his li1e is 0hro4n 4i0h 0he2 in0o 0he 2en0al body, o10en spo/en as a 3es0ure, or shea0h, or 3ehicle @ any e:pression 4ill ser3e 4hich conno0es 0he idea 0ha0 0he Thin/er is no0 0he 2en0al body, bu0 1or2ed i0 and uses i0 in order 0o e:press as 2uch o1 hi2sel1 as he can in 0he lo4er 2en0al region5 I0 2us0 no0 be 1orgo00en 0ha0 his energies, s0ill pulsing ou04ards, dra4 round hi2 also 0he coarser 2a00er o1 0he as0ral plane as his as0ral body ? and during his incarna0e li1e 0he energies 0ha0 e:press 0he2sel3es 0hrough 0he lo4er /inds o1 2en0al 2a00er are so readily changed by i0 in0o 0he slo4er 3ibra0ions 0ha0 are responded 0o by as0ral 2a00er 0ha0 0he 04o bodies are con0inually 3ibra0ing 0oge0her, and beco2e 3ery closely in0er4o3en ? 0he coarser 0he /inds o1 2a00er buil0 in0o 0he 2en0al body, 0he 2ore in0i2a0e beco2es 0his union, so 0ha0 0he 04o bodies are so2e0i2es classed 0oge0her and e3en 0a/en as one5) Thus 0he Theosophis0 4ill

spea/ o1 !A2a #anas, 2eaning 0he 2ind as 4or/ing in and 4i0h 0he desire na0ure, a11ec0ing and a11ec0ed by 0he ani2al na0ure5 The &edAn0in classes 0he 04o 0oge0her, and spea/s o1 0he Sel1 as 4or/ing in 0he #ano2aya/osha, 0he shea0h co2posed o1 0he lo4er 2ind, e2o0ions, and passions5 The European psychologis0 2a/es =1eelings> one sec0ion o1 his 0ripar0i0e di3ision o1 =2ind>, and includes under 1eelings bo0h e2o0ions and sensa0ions5* +hen 4e co2e 0o s0udy eincarna0ion 4e shall 1ind 0his 1ac0 assu2ing 3i0al i2por0ance5 According 0o 0he s0age o1 e3olu0ion reached by (Page ""! 0he 2an 4ill be 0he 0ype o1 2en0al body he 1or2s on his 4ay 0o beco2e again incarna0e, and 4e 2ay s0udy, as 4e did 4i0h 0he as0ral body, 0he respec0i3e 2en0al bodies o1 0hree 0ypes o1 2en @ a* an unde3eloped 2an ? b* an a3erage 2an ? c* a spiri0ually ad3anced 2an5 a* In 0he unde3eloped 2an 0he 2en0al body is bu0 li00le percep0ible, a s2all a2oun0 o1 unorganised 2en0al 2a00er, chie1ly 1ro2 0he lo4es0 subdi3isions o1 0he plane, being all 0ha0 represen0s i05 This is played on al2os0 en0irely 1ro2 0he lo4er bodies, being se0 3ibra0ing 1eebly by 0he as0ral s0or2s raised by 0he con0ac0s 4i0h 2a0erial ob6ec0s 0hrough 0he sense organs5 E:cep0 4hen s0i2ula0ed by 0hese as0ral 3ibra0ions i0 re2ains al2os0 ;uiescen0, and e3en under 0heir i2pulses i0s responses are sluggish5 No de1ini0e ac0i3i0y is genera0ed 1ro2 4i0hin, 0hese blo4s 1ro2 0he ou0er 4orld being necessary 0o arouse any dis0inc0 response5 The 2ore 3iolen0 0he blo4s, 0he be00er 1or 0he progress o1 0he 2an, 1or each responsi3e 3ibra0ion aids in 0he e2bryonic de3elop2en0 o1 0he 2en0al body5 io0ous pleasure, anger, rage, pain, 0error, all 0hese passions, causing 4hirl4inds in 0he as0ral body, a4a/en 1ain0 3ibra0ions in 0he 2en0al, and gradually

0hese 3ibra0ions, s0irring in0o co22encing ac0i3i0y 0he 2en0al consciousness, cause i0 0o add so2e0hing o1 i0s o4n 0o 0he i2pressions 2ade on i0 1ro2 4i0hou05 +e ha3e seen 0ha0 0he 2en0al body is so closely 2ingled 4i0h 0he as0ral 0ha0 0hey ac0 as a single body, bu0 0he da4ning 2en0al 1acul0ies add 0o 0he as0ral passions a cer0ain (Page "#! s0reng0h and ;uali0y no0 apparen0 in 0he2 4hen 0hey 4or/ as purely ani2al ;uali0ies5 The i2pressions 2ade on 0he 2en0al body are 2ore per2anen0 0han 0hose 2ade on 0he as0ral, and 0hey are consciously reproduced by i05 Here 2e2ory and 0he organ o1 i2agina0ion begin, and 0he la00er gradually 2oulds i0sel1, 0he i2ages 1ro2 0he ou0er 4orld 4or/ing on 0he 2a00er o1 0he 2en0al body and 1or2ing i0s 2a0erials in0o 0heir o4n li/eness5 These i2ages, born o1 0he con0ac0s o1 0he senses, dra4 round 0he2sel3es 0he coarses0 2en0al 2a00er? 0he da4ning po4ers o1 consciousness reproduce 0hese i2ages, and 0hus accu2ula0e a s0ore o1 pic0ures 0ha0 begin 0o s0i2ula0e ac0ion ini0ia0ed 1ro2 4i0hin, 1ro2 0he 4ish 0o e:perience again 0hrough 0he ou0er organs 0he 3ibra0ions 0ha0 4ere 1ound pleasan0, and 0o a3oid 0hose produc0i3e o1 pain5 The 2en0al body 0hen begins 0o s0i2ula0e 0he as0ral, and 0o arouse in i0 0he desires 0ha0, in 0he ani2al, slu2ber un0il a4a/ened by a physical s0i2ulus ? hence 4e see in 0he unde3eloped 2an a persis0en0 pursui0 o1 sense9gra0i1ica0ion ne3er 1ound in 0he lo4er ani2als, a lus0, a cruel0y, a calcula0ion, 0o 4hich 0hey are s0rangers5 The da4ning po4ers o1 0he 2ind, yo/ed 0o 0he ser3ice o1 0he senses, 2a/e o1 2an a 1ar 2ore dangerous and sa3age bru0e 0han any ani2al, and 0he s0ronger and 2ore sub0le 1orces inheren0 in 0he 2en0al9 spiri0ual 2a00er lend 0o 0he passion9na0ure an energy and a /eenness 0ha0 4e do no0 1ind in 0he ani2al 4orld5 'u0 0hese 3ery e:cesses lead 0o 0heir o4n correc0ion by 0he su11erings 4hich 0hey cause, (Page

"4! and 0hese resul0an0 e:periences play upon 0he consciousness and se0 up ne4 i2ages on 4hich 0he i2agina0ion 4or/s5 These s0i2ula0e 0he consciousness 0o resis0 2any o1 0he 3ibra0ions 0ha0 reach i0 by 4ay o1 0he as0ral body 1ro2 0he e:0ernal 4orld, and 0o e:ercise i0s 3oli0ion in holding 0he passions bac/ ins0ead o1 gi3ing 0he2 1ree rein5 Such resis0an0 3ibra0ions are se0 up in, and a00rac0 0o4ards, 0he 2en0al body, 1iner co2bina0ions o1 2ind9s0u11 and 0end also 0o e:pel 1ro2 i0 0he coarser co2bina0ions 0ha0 3ibra0e responsi3ely 0o 0he passional no0es se0 up in 0he as0ral body ? by 0his s0ruggle be04een 0he 3ibra0ions se0 up by passion9i2ages and 0he 3ibra0ions se0 up by 0he i2agina0i3e reproduc0ion o1 pas0 e:periences, 0he 2en0al body gro4s, begins 0o de3elop a de1ini0e organisa0ion, and 0o e:ercise 2ore and 2ore ini0ia0i3e as regards e:0ernal ac0i3i0ies5 +hile 0he ear0h li1e is spen0 ga0hering e:periences, 0he in0er2edia0e li1e is spen0 assi2ila0ing 0he2, as 4e shall see in de0ail in 0he 1ollo4ing chap0er, so 0ha0 in each re0urn 0o ear0h 0he Thin/er has an increased s0oc/ o1 1acul0ies 0o 0a/e shape as his 2en0al body5 Thus 0he unde3eloped 2an, 4hose 2ind is 0he sla3e o1 his passions, gro4s in0o 0he a3erage 2an, 4hose 2ind is a ba00leground in 4hich passions and 2en0al po4ers 4age 4ar 4i0h 3arying success, abou0 balanced in 0heir 1orces, bu0 4ho is gradually gaining 0he 2as0ery o3er his lo4er na0ure5 )b* In 0he a3erage 2an, 0he 2en0al body is 2uch increased in siBe, sho4s a cer0ain a2oun0 o1 organisa0ion, and con0ains a 1air propor0ion o1 2a00er (Page "$! dra4n 1ro2 0he second, 0hird, and 1our0h subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane5 The general la4 4hich regula0es all 0he building up and 2odi1ying o1 0he 2en0al body 2ay here be 1i0ly s0udied, 0hough i0 is 0he sa2e principle already seen 4or/ing in 0he lo4er real2s o1 0he as0ral and physical 4orlds5

E:ercise increases, disuse a0rophies and 1inally des0roys5 E3ery 3ibra0ion se0 up in 0he 2en0al body causes changes in i0s cons0i0uen0s, 0hro4ing ou0 o1 i0, in 0he par0 a11ec0ed, 0he 2a00er 0ha0 canno0 3ibra0e sy2pa0he0ically, and replacing i0 by sui0able 2a0erials dra4n 1ro2 0he prac0ically illi2i0able s0ore around5 The 2ore a series o1 3ibra0ions is repea0ed, 0he 2ore does 0he par0 a11ec0ed by 0he2 increase in de3elop2en0 ? hence, i0 2ay be no0ed in passing, 0he in6ury done 0o 0he 2en0al body by o3er9specialisa0ion o1 2en0al energies5 Such 2is0a/en direc0ion o1 0hese po4ers causes a lopsided de3elop2en0 o1 0he 2en0al body ? i0 beco2es propor0iona0ely o3er de3eloped in 0he region in 4hich 0hese 1orces are con0inually playing and propor0iona0ely unde3eloped in o0her par0s, perhaps e;ually i2por0an05 A har2onious and propor0iona0e all9 round de3elop2en0 is 0he ob6ec0 0o be sough0, and 1or 0his 4e need a cal2 sel19analysis and a de1ini0e direc0ion o1 2eans 0o ends5 A /no4ledge o1 0his la4, 1ur0her e:plains cer0ain 1a2iliar e:periences, and a11ords a sure hope o1 progress5 +hen a ne4 s0udy is co22enced, or a change in 1a3our o1 high 2orali0y is ini0ia0ed, 0he early s0ages are 1ound 0o be 1raugh0 4i0h di11icul0ies ? so2e0i2es 0he e11or0 is e3en abandoned because 0he (Page "%! obs0acles in 0he 4ay o1 i0s success appear 0o be insur2oun0able5 A0 0he beginning o1 any ne4 2en0al under0a/ing, 0he 4hole au0o2a0is2 o1 0he 2en0al body opposes i0 ? 0he 2a0erials habi0ua0ed 0o 3ibra0e in a par0icular 4ay, canno0 acco22oda0e 0he2sel3es 0o 0he ne4 i2pulses, and 0he early s0age consis0s chie1ly o1 sending ou0 0hrills o1 1orce 4hich are 1rus0ra0ed, so 1ar as se00ing up 3ibra0ions in 0he 2en0al body are concerned, bu0 4hich are 0he necessary preli2inary 0o any such sy2pa0he0ic 3ibra0ions, as 0hey sha/e ou0 o1 0he body 0he old re1rac0ory 2a0erials and dra4 in0o i0 0he sy2pa0he0ic /inds5

%uring 0his process, 0he 2an is no0 conscious o1 any progress? he is conscious only o1 0he 1rus0ra0ion o1 his e11or0s and o1 0he dull resis0ance he encoun0ers5 Presen0ly, i1 he persis0s, as 0he ne4ly a00rac0ed 2a0erials begin 0o 1unc0ion, he succeeds be00er in his a00e2p0s, and a0 las0, 4hen all 0he old 2a0erials are e:pelled and 0he ne4 are 4or/ing, he 1inds hi2sel1 succeeding 4i0hou0 an e11or0, and his ob6ec0 is acco2plished5 The cri0ical 0i2e is during 0he 1irs0 s0age ? bu0 i1 he 0rus0 in 0he la4, as sure in i0s 4or/ing as e3ery o0her la4 in Na0ure, and persis0en0ly repea0 his e11or0s, he must succeed ? and a /no4ledge o1 0his 1ac0 2ay cheer hi2 4hen o0her4ise he 4ould be sin/ing in despair5 In 0his 4ay, 0hen, 0he a3erage 2an 2ay 4or/ on, 1inding 4i0h 6oy 0ha0 as he s0eadily resis0s 0he pro2p0ings o1 0he lo4er na0ure he is conscious 0hey are losing 0heir po4er o3er hi2, 1or he is e:pelling 1ro2 his 2en0al body all 0he 2a0erials 0ha0 are capable o1 being 0hro4n (Page "&! in0o sy2pa0he0ic 3ibra0ions5 Thus 0he 2en0al body gradually co2es 0o be co2posed o1 0he 1iner cons0i0uen0s o1 0he 1our lo4er subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane, un0il i0 has beco2e radian0 and e:;uisi0ely beau0i1ul 1or2 4hich is 0he 2en0al body o1 0he @ ) c * Spiri0ually de3eloped 2an5 ,ro2 0his body all 0he coarser co2bina0ions ha3e been eli2ina0ed, so 0ha0 0he ob6ec0s o1 0he senses no longer 1ind in i0, or in 0he as0ral body connec0ed 4i0h i0, 2a0erials 0ha0 respond sy2pa0he0ically 0o 0heir 3ibra0ions5 I0 con0ains only 0he 1iner co2bina0ions belonging 0o each o1 0he 1our subdi3isions o1 0he lo4er 2en0al 4orld, and o1 0hese again 0he 2a0erials o1 0he 0hird and 1our0h sub9planes 3ery 2uch predo2ina0e in i0s co2posi0ion o3er 0he 2a0erials o1 0he second and 1irs0, 2a/ing i0 responsi3e 0o all 0he higher 4or/ings o1 0he in0ellec0, 0o 0he delica0e con0ac0s o1 0he higher ar0s, 0o all 0he pure 0hrills o1 lo10ier e2o0ions5

Such a body enables 0he Thin/er 4ho is clo0hed in i0 0o e:press hi2sel1 2uch 2ore 1ully in 0he lo4er 2en0al region and in 0he as0ral and physical 4orlds ? i0s 2a0erials are capable o1 a 1ar 4ider range o1 responsi3e 3ibra0ions, and 0he i2pulses 1ro2 a lo10ier real2 2ould i0 in0o nobler and sub0ler organisa0ion5 Such a body is rapidly beco2ing ready 0o reproduce e3ery i2pulse 1ro2 0he Thin/er 4hich is capable o1 e:pression on 0he lo4er subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane ? i0 is gro4ing in0o a per1ec0 ins0ru2en0 1or ac0i3i0ies in 0his lo4er 2en0al 4orld5 (Page "'! A clear unders0anding o1 0he na0ure o1 0he 2en0al body 4ould 2uch 2odi1y 2odern educa0ion, and 4ould 2a/e i0 1ar 2ore ser3iceable 0o 0he Thin/er 0han i0 is a0 presen05 The general charac0eris0ics o1 0his body depend on 0he pas0 li3es o1 0he Thin/er on ear0h, as 4ill be 0horoughly unders0ood 4hen 4e ha3e s0udied eincarna0ion and !ar2a5 The body is cons0i0u0ed on 0he 2en0al plane, and i0s 2a0erials depend on 0he ;uali0ies 0ha0 0he Thin/er has garnered 4i0hin hi2sel1 as 0he resul0s o1 his pas0 e:periences5 All 0ha0 educa0ion can do is 0o pro3ide such e:0ernal s0i2uli as shall arouse and encourage 0he gro40h o1 0he use1ul 1acul0ies he already possesses, and s0un0 and help in 0he eradica0ion o1 0hose 0ha0 are undesirable5 The dra4ing ou0 o1 0hese inborn 1acul0ies, and no0 0he cra22ing o1 0he 2ind 4i0h 1ac0s, is 0he ob6ec0 o1 0rue educa0ion5 Nor need 2e2ory be cul0i3a0ed as a separa0e 1acul0y, 1or 2e2ory depends on a00en0ion @ 0ha0 is on 0he s0eady concen0ra0ion o1 0he 2ind on 0he sub6ec0 s0udied @ and on 0he na0ural a11ini0y be04een 0he sub6ec0 and 0he 2ind5 I1 0he sub6ec0 be li/ed @ 0ha0 is, i1 0he 2ind has a capaci0y 1or i0 @ 2e2ory 4ill no0 1ail, pro3ided due a00en0ion be paid5 There1ore educa0ion should cul0i3a0e 0he habi0 o1 s0eady concen0ra0ion, o1 sus0ained a00en0ion, and should be direc0ed according 0o 0he inborn 1acul0ies o1 0he pupil5

Le0 us no4 pass in0o 0he =1or2less> di3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane, 0he region 4hich is 2an<s 0rue ho2e during 0he cycle o1 his reincarna0ions, in0o 4hich (Page "(! he is born, a baby soul, an in1an0 Ego, an e2bryonic indi3iduali0y, 4hen he begins his purely hu2an e3olu0ion5) See Chap0ers &II and &III, on = eincarna0ion>*5 The ou0line o1 0his Ego, 0he Thin/er, is o3al in shape, and hence H5P5 'la3a0s/y spea/s o1 0his body o1 #anas 4hich endures 0hroughou0 all his incarna0ions as 0he Auric Egg5 ,or2ed o1 0he 2a00er o1 0he 0hree highes0 subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane, i0 is e:;uisi0ely 1ine, a 1il2 o1 rares0 sub0le0y, e3en a0 i0s 1irs0 incep0ion ? and, as i0 de3elops, i0 beco2es a radian0 ob6ec0 o1 supernal glory and beau0y, 0he shining $ne, as i0 has been ap0ly na2ed5 ) This is 0he AugPides o1 0he Neo9Pla0onis0s, 0he =spiri0ual body> o1 S05 Paul*5 +ha0 is 0his Thin/erL He is 0he di3ine Sel1, as already said, li2i0ed, or indi3idualised, by 0his sub0le body dra4n 1ro2 0he 2a0erials o1 0he =1or2less> region o1 0he 2en0al plane5 )The Sel1, 4or/ing in 0he &ignyAna2aya/osha, 0he shea0h o1 discri2ina0i3e /no4ledge, according 0o 0he &edAn0ic classi1ica0ion*5 This 2a00er @ dra4n around a ray o1 0he Sel1, a li3ing bea2 o1 0he one Ligh0 and Li1e o1 0he uni3erse @ shu0s o11 0his ray 1ro2 i0s Source, so 1ar as 0he e:0ernal 4orld is concerned, encloses i0 4i0hin a 1il2y shell o1 i0sel1, and so 2a/es i0 =an indi3idual5> The li1e is 0he Li1e o1 0he L$.$S, bu0 all 0he po4ers o1 0ha0 Li1e are lying la0en0, concealed ? e3ery0hing is 0here po0en0ially, ger2inally, as 0he 0ree is hidden 4i0hin 0he 0iny ger2 in 0he seed5 This seed is dropped in0o 0he (Page #)! soil o1 hu2an li1e 0ha0 i0s la0en0 1orces 2ay be ;uic/ened in0o ac0i3i0y by 0he sun o1 6oy and 0he rain o1 0ears, and he 1ed by 0he 6uices o1 0he li1e9soil 0ha0 4e call e:perience, un0il 0he ger2 gro4s in0o a 2igh0y 0ree, 0he i2age o1 i0s genera0ing Sire5 Hu2an e3olu0ion is 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he Thin/er? he 0a/es on bodies on 0he

lo4er 2en0al and as0ral, and 0he physical planes, 4ears 0hen 0hrough ear0hly, as0ral, lo4er 2en0al li1e, dropping 0he2 successi3ely a0 0he regular s0ages o1 0his li1e9cycle as he passes 1ro2 4orld 0o 4orld, bu0 e3er s0oring up 4i0hin hi2sel1 0he 1rui0s he has ga0hered by 0heir use on each plane5 A0 1irs0, as li00le conscious as a baby<s ear0hly body, he al2os0 slep0 0hrough li1e a10er li1e, 0ill 0he e:periences playing on hi2 1ro2 4i0hou0 a4a/ened so2e o1 his la0en0 1orces in0o ac0i3i0y? bu0 gradually he assu2ed 2ore and 2ore par0 in 0he direc0ion o1 his li1e, un0il, 4i0h 2anhood reached, he 0oo/ his li1e in0o his o4n hands, and an e3er9increasing con0rol o3er his 1u0ure des0iny5 The gro40h o1 0he per2anen0 body 4hich, 4i0h 0he di3ine consciousness, 1or2s 0he Thin/er is e:0re2ely slo45 I0s 0echnical na2e is 0he causal body, because he ga0hers up 4i0hin i0 0he resul0s o1 all e:periences, and 0hese ac0 as causes, 2oulding 1u0ure li3es5 I0 is 0he only per2anen0 one a2ong 0he bodies during incarna0ion, 0he 2en0al, 0he as0ral, and physical bodies being recons0i0u0ed 1or each 1resh li1e ? as each perishes in 0urn, i0 hands on i0s har3es0 0o 0he one abo3e i0, and 0hus all 0he har3es0s are 1inally s0ored in 0he per2anen0 body ? 4hen 0he (Page # ! Thin/er re0urns 0o incarna0ion he sends ou0 his energies, cons0i0u0ed o1 0hese har3es0s, on each successi3e plane, and 0hus dra4s round hi2 a ane4 body a10er body sui0able 0o his pas05 The gro40h o1 0he causal body i0sel1, as said, is 3ery slo4, 1or i0 can 3ibra0e only in ans4er 0o i2pulses 0ha0 can be e:pressed in 0he 3ery sub0le 2a00er o1 4hich i0 is co2posed, 0hus 4ea3ing 0he2 in0o 0he 0e:0ure o1 i0s being5 Hence 0he passions, 4hich play so large a par0 in 0he early s0ages o1 hu2an e3olu0ion, canno0 direc0ly a11ec0 i0s gro40h5 The Thin/er can 4or/ in0o hi2sel1 only 0he e:periences 0ha0 can be reproduced in 0he 3ibra0ions o1 0he causal body, and

0hese 2us0 belong 0o 0he 2en0al region, and be highly in0ellec0ual or lo10ily 2oral in 0heir charac0er ? o0her 4ise i0s sub0le 2a00er can gi3e no sy2pa0he0ic 3ibra0ion in ans4er5 A 3ery li00le re1lec0ion 4ill con3ince any one ho4 li00le 2a0erial, sui0able 1or 0he gro40h o1 0his lo10y body, he a11ords by his daily li1e ? hence 0he slo4ness o1 e3olu0ion, 0he li00le progress 2ade5 The Thin/er should ha3e 2ore o1 hi2sel1 0o pu0 ou0 in each successi3e li1e, and, 4hen 0his is 0he case, e3olu0ion goes s4i10ly 1or4ard5 Persis0ence in e3il courses reac0s in a /ind o1 indirec0 4ay on 0he causal body, and does 2ore har2 0han 0he 2ere re0arda0ion o1 gro40h ? i0 see2s a10er a long 0i2e 0o cause a cer0ain incapaci0y 0o respond 0o 0he 3ibra0ions se0 up by 0he opposi0e good, and 0hus 0o delay gro40h 1or a considerable period a10er 0he e3il has been renounced5 %irec0ly 0o in6ure 0he causal body, e3il o1 a highly in0ellec0ual and (Page #"! re1ined /ind is necessary, 0he =spiri0ual e3il> 2en0ioned in 0he 3arious Scrip0ures o1 0he 4orld5 This is 1or0una0ely rare, rare as spiri0ual good, and 1ound only a2ong 0he highly progressed, 4he0her 0hey be 1ollo4ing 0he igh09hand or 0he Le109hand Pa0h5 )The igh09hand Pa0h is 0ha0 4hich leads 0o di3ine 2anhood, 0o Adep0ship used in 0he ser3ice o1 0he 4orlds5 The Le109hand Pa0h is 0ha0 4hich also leads 0o Adep0ship, bu0 0o Adep0ship 0ha0 is used 0o 1rus0ra0e 0he progress o1 e3olu0ion and is 0urned 0o sel1ish indi3idual ends5 They are so2e0i2es called 0he +hi0e and 'lac/ Pa0hs respec0i3ely5* The habi0a0 o1 0he Thin/er, o1 0he E0ernal #an, is on 0he 1i10h subplane, 0he lo4es0 le3el o1 0he =1or2less> region o1 0he 2en0al plane5 The grea0 2asses o1 2an/ind are here, scarce ye0 a4a/e, s0ill in 0he in1ancy o1 0heir li1e5 The Thin/er de3elops consciousness slo4ly, as his energies, playing on 0he lo4er planes, 0here ga0her e:perience, 4hich is indra4n 4i0h 0hese energies as 0hey re0urn 0o hi2

0reasure9laden 4i0h 0he har3es0 o1 li1e5 This e0ernal #an, 0he indi3idualised Sel1, is 0he ac0or in e3ery body 0ha0 he 4ears ? i0 is his presence 0ha0 gi3es 0he 1eeling o1 = I = ali/e 0o body and 2ind, 0he = I = being 0ha0 4hich is sel19 conscious and 4hich, by illusion, iden0i1ies i0sel1 4i0h 0ha0 3ehicle in 4hich i0 is 2os0 ac0i3ely energising5 To 0he 2an o1 0he senses 0he = I = is 0he physical body and 0he desire na0ure ? he dra4s 1ro2 0hese his en6oy2en0, and he 0hin/s o1 0hese as hi2sel1, 1or his li1e is in 0he25 To 0he scholar 0he = I = is 0he 2ind, 1or in i0s e:ercise lies his 6oy and 0herein his li1e is concen0ra0ed5 (Page ##* ,e4 can rise 0o 0he abs0rac0 heigh0s o1 spiri0ual philosophy, and 1eel 0his E0ernal #an as = I =, 4i0h 2e2ory ranging bac/ o3er pas0 li3es and hopes ranging 1or4ard o3er 1u0ure bir0hs5 The physiologis0s 0ell us 0ha0 i1 4e cu0 0he 1inger 4e do no0 really 1eel 0he pain 0here 4here 0he blood is 1lo4ing, bu0 0ha0 pain is 1el0 in 0he brain, and is by i2agina0ion 0hro4n ou04ards 0o 0he place o1 0he in6ury ? 0he 1eeling o1 pain in the finger is, 0hey say an illusion ? i0 is pu0 by i2agina0ion a0 0he poin0 o1 con0ac0 4i0h 0he ob6ec0 causing 0he in6ury ? so also 4ill a 2an 1eel pain in an a2pu0a0ed li2b, or ra0her in 0he space 0he li2b used 0o occupy5 Si2ilarly does 0he one = I =, 0he Inner #an, 1eel su11ering and 6oy in 0he shea0hs 4hich en4rap hi2, a0 0he poin0s o1 con0ac0 4i0h 0he e:0ernal 4orld, and 1eels 0he shea0h 0o be hi2sel1, /no4ing no0 0ha0 0his 1eeling is an illusion, and 0ha0 he is 0he sole ac0or and e:periencer in each shea0h5 Le0 us no4 consider, in 0his ligh0, 0he rela0ions be04een 0he higher and lo4er 2ind and 0heir ac0ion on 0he brain5 The 2ind, #anas, 0he Thin/er, is one, and is 0he Sel1 in 0he causal body? i0 is 0he source o1 innu2erable energies, o1 3ibra0ions o1 innu2erable /inds5 These i0 sends ou0, raying ou04ards 1ro2 i0sel15 The sub0les0 and 1ines0 o1 0hese are e:pressed in 0he 2a00er o1 0he causal body, 4hich alone is 1ine enough 0o respond 0o 0he2 ? 0hey 1or2 4ha0 4e call 0he Pure

eason, 4hose 0hough0s are abs0rac0, 4hose 2e0hod o1 gaining /no4ledge is in0ui0ion ? i0s 3ery =na0ure is /no4ledge,> and i0 recognises 0ru0h a0 sigh0 as congruous 4i0h i0sel15 (Page #4! Less sub0le 3ibra0ions pass ou04ards, a00rac0ing 0he 2a00er o1 0he lo4er 2en0al region, and 0hese are 0he Lo4er #anas, or lo4er 2ind @ 0he coarser energies o1 0he higher e:pressed in denser 2a00er ? 0hese 4e call 0he in0ellec0, co2prising reason, 6udge2en0, i2agina0ion, co2parison, and 0he o0her 2en0al 1acul0ies ? i0s 0hough0s are concre0e, and i0s 2e0hod is logic ? i0 argues, i0 reasons, i0 in1ers5 These 3ibra0ions, ac0ing 0hrough as0ral 2a00er on 0he e0heric brain, and by 0ha0 on 0he dense physical brain, se0 up 3ibra0ions 0herein, 4hich are 0he hea3y and slo4 reproduc0ions o1 0he2sel3es @ hea3y and slo4, because 0he energies lose 2uch o1 0heir s4i10ness in 2o3ing 0he hea3ier 2a00er5 This 1eebleness o1 response 4hen a 3ibra0ion is ini0ia0ed in a rare 2ediu2 and 0hen passes in0o a dense one is 1a2iliar 0o e3ery s0uden0 o1 physics5 S0ri/e a bell in air and i0 sounds clearly ? s0ri/e i0 in hydrogen, and le0 0he hydrogen 3ibra0ions ha3e 0o se0 up 0he a02ospheric 4a3es, and ho4 1ain0 0he resul05 E;ually 1eeble are 0he 4or/ings o1 0he brain in response 0o 0he s4i10 and sub0le i2pac0s o1 0he 2ind ? ye0 0ha0 is all 0ha0 0he 3as0 2a6ori0y /no4 as 0heir =consciousness5> The i22ense i2por0ance o1 0he 2en0al 4or/ings o1 0his =consciousness> is due 0o 0he 1ac0 0ha0 i0 is 0he only 2ediu2 4hereby 0he Thin/er can ga0her 0he har3es0 o1 e:perience by 4hich he gro4s5 +hile i0 is do2ina0ed by 0he passions i0 runs rio0, and he is le10 unnourished and 0here1ore unable 0o de3elop ? 4hile i0 is occupied 4holly in 2en0al ac0i3i0ies concerned 4i0h 0he ou0er 4orld, i0 can arouse only his lo4er energies? (Page #$! only as he is able 0o i2press on i0 0he 0rue ob6ec0 o1 i0s li1e, does i0 co22ence 0o 1ul1il i0s 2os0

3aluable 1unc0ions o1 ga0hering 4ha0 4ill arouse and nourish his higher energies5 As 0he Thin/er de3elops he beco2es 2ore and 2ore conscious o1 his o4n inheren0 po4ers, and also o1 0he 4or/ings o1 his energies on 0he lo4er planes, o1 0he bodies 4hich 0hose energies ha3e dra4n around hi25 He a0 las0 begins 0o 0ry 0o in1luence 0he2, using his 2e2ory o1 0he pas0 0o guide his 4ill, and 0hese i2pressions 4e call =conscience> 4hen 0hey deal 4i0h 2orals and =1lashes o1 in0ui0ion = 4hen 0hey enligh0en 0he in0ellec05 +hen 0hese i2pressions are con0inuous enough 0o be nor2al, 4e spea/ o1 0heir aggrega0e as =genius5> The higher e3olu0ion o1 0he Thin/er is 2ar/ed by his increasing con0rol o3er his lo4er 3ehicles, by 0heir increasing suscep0ibili0y 0o his in1luence, and 0heir increasing con0ribu0ions 0o gro40h5 Those 4ho 4ould delibera0ely aid in 0his e3olu0ion 2ay do so by a care1ul 0raining o1 0he lo4er 2ind and o1 0he 2oral charac0er, by s0eady and 4ell direc0ed e11or05 The habi0 o1 ;uie0, sus0ained, and se;uen0ial 0hough0, direc0ed 0o non94orldly sub6ec0s, o1 2edi0a0ion, o1 s0udy, de3elops 0he 2ind9body and renders i0 a be00er ins0ru2en0 ? 0he e11or0 0o cul0i3a0e abs0rac0 0hin/ing is also use1ul, as 0his raises 0he lo4er 2ind 0o4ards 0he higher, and dra4s in0o i0 0he sub0les0 2a0erials o1 0he lo4er 2en0al plane5 In 0hese and cogna0e 4ays all 2ay ac0i3ely co9opera0e in 0heir o4n higher e3olu0ion, each s0ep 1or4ard 2a/ing 0he (Page #%! succeeding s0eps 2ore rapid5 No e11or0, no0 e3en 0he s2alles0, is los0, bu0 is 1ollo4ed by i0s 1ull e11ec0, and e3ery con0ribu0ion ga0hered and handed in4ards is s0ored in 0he 0reasure9 house o1 0he causal body 1or 1u0ure use5 Thus e3olu0ion, ho4e3er slo4 and hal0ing, is ye0 e3er on4ards, and 0he di3ine Li1e, e3er un1olding in e3ery soul, slo4ly subdues all 0hings 0o i0sel15 (Page #&!

CHAPTER . /E.ACHAN The 4ord %e3achan is 0he 0heosophical na2e 1or hea3en, and, li0erally 0ransla0ed, 2eans 0he shining land, or 0he Land o1 0he .ods5 ) %e3as0han, 0he place o1 0he .ods, is 0he Sans/ri0 e;ui3alen05 I0 is 0he S3arga o1 0he Hindus ? 0he Su/hA3a0i o1 0he 'uddhis0s ? 0he Hea3en o1 0he Ooroas0rians and Chris0ians, and o1 0he less 2a0erialised a2ong 0he #oha22edans*5 I0 is a specially guarded par0 o1 0he 2en0al plane, 4hence all sorro4 and all e3il are e:cluded by 0he ac0ion o1 0he grea0 spiri0ual In0elligences 4ho superin0end hu2an e3olu0ion ? and i0 is inhabi0ed by hu2an beings 4ho ha3e cas0 o11 0heir physical and as0ral bodies, and 4ho pass in0o i0 4hen 0heir s0ay in !A2alo/a is co2ple0ed5 The de3achanic li1e consis0s o1 04o s0ages, o1 4hich 0he 1irs0 is passed in 0he 1our lo4er subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al plane, in 4hich 0he Thin/er s0ill 4ears 0he 2en0al body and is condi0ioned by i0, being e2ployed in assi2ila0ing 0he 2a0erials ga0hered by i0 during 0he ear0h9li1e 1ro2 4hich he has 6us0 e2erged5 The second s0age is spen0 in 0he =1or2less 4orld,> 0he Thin/er escaping 1ro2 0he 2en0al body, and li3ing in his o4n unencu2bered (Page #'! li1e in 0he 1ull 2easure o1 0he sel19consciousness and /no4ledge 0o 4hich he has a00ained5 The 0o0al leng0h o1 0i2e spen0 in %e3achan depends upon 0he a2oun0 o1 2a0erial 1or 0he de3achanic li1e 4hich 0he soul has brough0 4i0h i0 1ro2 i0s li1e on ear0h5 The har3es0 o1 0he 1rui0 1or consu2p0ion and assi2ila0ion in %e3achan consis0s o1 all 0he pure 0hough0s and e2o0ions genera0ed during ear0h9li1e, all 0he in0ellec0ual and 2oral e11or0s and aspira0ions, all 0he 2e2ories o1 use1ul 4or/ and plans 1or hu2an ser3ice @ e3ery0hing 4hich is capable o1 being 4or/ed in0o 2en0al and 2oral 1acul0y, 0hus assis0ing in 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he soul5

No0 one is los0, ho4e3er 1eeble, ho4e3er 1lee0ing ? bu0 sel1ish ani2al passions canno0 en0er, 0here being no 2a0erial in 4hich 0hey can be e:pressed5 Nor does all 0he e3il in 0he pas0 li1e, 0hough i0 2ay largely prepondera0e o3er 0he good, pre3en0 0he 1ull reaping o1 4ha0e3er scan0 har3es0 o1 good 0here 2ay ha3e been ? 0he scan0iness o1 0he har3es0 2ay render 0he de3achanic li1e 3ery brie1, bu0 0he 2os0 depra3ed, i1 he has had any 1ain0 longings a10er 0he righ0, any s0irrings o1 0enderness, 2us0 ha3e a period o1 de3achanic li1e in 4hich 0he seed o1 good 2ay pu0 1or0h i0s 0ender shoo0s, in 4hich 0he spar/ o1 good 2ay be gen0ly 1anned in0o a 0iny 1la2e5 In 0he pas0, 4hen 2en li3ed 4i0h 0heir hear0s largely 1i:ed on hea3en and direc0ed 0heir li3es 4i0h a 3ie4 0o en6oying i0s bliss, 0he period spen0 in %e3achan 4as 3ery long, las0ing so2e0i2es 1or 2any 0housands o1 years ? a0 0he presen0 0i2e, 2en<s 2inds (Page #(! being so 2uch 2ore cen0red on ear0h, and so 1e4 o1 0heir 0hough0s co2para0i3ely being direc0ed 0o4ards 0he higher li1e, 0heir de3achanic periods are correspondingly shor0ened5 Si2ilarly, 0he 0i2e spen0 in 0he higher and lo4er regions o1 0he 2en0al plane ) Called 0echnically 0he ArEpa and Epa %e3achan @ e:is0ing on 0he arEpa and rEpa le3els o1 0he 2en0al plane * respec0i3ely is propor0iona0e 0o 0he a2oun0 o1 0hough0 genera0ed se3erally in 0he 2en0al and causal bodies ? All 0he 0hough0s belonging 0o 0he personal sel1, 0o 0he li1e 6us0 closed @ 4i0h all i0s a2bi0ions, in0eres0s, lo3es, hopes, and 1ears @ all 0hese ha3e 0heir 1rui0ion in 0he %e3achan 4here 1or2s are 1ound ? 4hile 0hose belonging 0o 0he higher 2ind, 0o 0he regions o1 abs0rac0, i2personal 0hin/ing, ha3e 0o be 4or/ed ou0 in 0he =1or2less> de3achanic region5 The 2a6ori0y o1 people only 6us0 en0er 0ha0 lo10y region 0o pass s4i10ly ou0 again ? so2e spend 0here a large por0ion o1 0heir de3achanic e:is0ence ? a 1e4 spend 0here al2os0 0he 4hole5

Ere en0ering in0o any de0ails le0 us 0ry 0o grasp so2e o1 0he leading ideas 4hich go3ern 0he de3achanic li1e, 1or i0 is so di11eren0 1ro2 physical li1e 0ha0 any descrip0ion o1 i0 is ap0 0o 2islead by i0s 3ery s0rangeness5 People realise so li00le o1 0heir 2en0al li1e, e3en as led in 0he body, 0ha0 4hen 0hey are presen0ed 4i0h a pic0ure o1 2en0al li1e ou0 o1 0he body 0hey lose all sense o1 reali0y, and 1eel as 0hough 0hey had passed in0o a 4orld o1 drea25 The 1irs0 0hing 0o grasp is 0ha0 2en0al li1e is 1ar 2ore in0ense, 3i3id, and nearer 0o reali0y 0han (Page 4)! 0he li1e o1 0he senses5 E3ery0hing 4e see and 0ouch and hear and 0as0e and handle do4n here is 04o re2o3es 1ar0her 1ro2 0he reali0y 0han e3ery0hing 4e con0ac0 in %e3achan5 +e do no0 e3en see 0hings as 0hey are, bu0 0he 0hings 0ha0 4e see do4n here ha3e 04o 2ore 3eils o1 illusion en3eloping 0he25 $ur sense o1 reali0y here is an en0ire delusion ? 4e /no4 no0hing o1 0hings, o1 people, as 0hey are ? all 0ha0 4e /no4 o1 0he2 are 0he i2pressions 0hey 2a/e on our senses, and 0he conclusions, o10en erroneous, 4hich our reason deduces 1ro2 0he aggrega0e o1 0hese i2pressions5 .e0 and pu0 side by side 0he ideas o1 a 2an held by his 1a0her, his closes0 1riend, 0he girl 4ho adores hi2, his ri3al in business, his deadlies0 ene2y, and a casual ac;uain0ance, and see ho4 incongruous 0he pic0ures5 Each can only gi3e 0he i2pressions 2ade on his o4n 2ind, and ho4 1ar are 0hey 1ro2 0he reali0y o1 4ha0 0he 2an is, seen by 0he eyes 0ha0 pierces all 3eils and behold 0he 4hole 2an5 +e /no4 o1 each o1 our 1riends 0he i2pressions 0hey 2a/e on us, and 0hese are s0ric0ly li2i0ed by our capaci0y 0o recei3e ? a child 2ay ha3e as his 1a0her a grea0 s0a0es2an o1 lo10y purpose and i2perial ai2s, bu0 0ha0 guide o1 na0ion<s des0inies is 0o hi2 only his 2erries0 play 1ello4, his 2os0 en0icing s0ory0eller5 +e li3e in 0he 2ids0 o1 illusions, bu0 4e ha3e 0he 1eeling o1 reali0y, and 0his yields us con0en05 In

%e3achan 4e shall also be surrounded by illusions @ 0hough, as said, 04o re2o3es nearer 0o reali0y @ and 0here also 4e shall ha3e a si2ilar 1eeling o1 reali0y 4hich 4ill yield us con0en05 (Page 4 ! The illusions o1 ear0h, 0hough lessened, are no0 escaped 1ro2 in 0he lo4er hea3ens, 0hough con0ac0 is 2ore real and 2ore i22edia0e5 ,or i0 2us0 ne3er be 1orgo00en 0ha0 0hese hea3ens are par0 o1 a grea0 e3olu0ionary sche2e, and, un0il 2an has 1ound 0he real Sel1, his o4n unreali0y 2a/es hi2 sub6ec0 0o illusions5 $ne 0hing ho4e3er, 4hich produces 0he 1eeling o1 reali0y in ear0h9li1e and o1 unreali0y 4hen 4e s0udy %e3achan, is 0ha0 4e loo/ a0 ear0h9li1e 1ro2 4i0hin, under 0he 1ull s4ay o1 i0s illusions, 4hile 4e con0e2pla0e %e3achan 1ro2 ou0side, 1ree 1or 0he 0i2e 1ro2 i0s 3eil o1 #AyA5 In %e3achan 0he process is re3ersed, and i0s inhabi0an0s 1eel 0heir o4n li1e 0o be 0he real one and loo/ on 0he ear0h9li1e as 1ull o1 0he 2os0 pa0en0 illusions and 2isconcep0ions5 $n 0he 4hole, 0hey are nearer 0o 0he 0ru0h 0han 0he physical cri0ics o1 0heir hea3en94orld5 Ne:0, 0he Thin/er @ being clad only in 0he 2en0al body and being in 0he un0ra22elled e:ercise o1 i0s po4ers @ 2ani1es0s 0he crea0i3e na0ure o1 0hese po4ers in a 4ay and 0o an e:0en0 0ha0 do4n here 4e can hardly realise5 $n ear0h a pain0er, a sculp0or, a 2usician, drea2s, drea2s o1 e:;uisi0e beau0y, crea0ing 0heir 3isions by 0he po4ers o1 0he 2ind ? bu0 4hen 0hey see/ 0o e2body 0he2 in 0he coarse 2a0erials o1 ear0h 0hey 1all 1ar shor0 o1 0he 2en0al crea0ion5 The 2arble is 0oo resis0an0 1or per1ec0 1or2, 0he pig2en0s 0o 2uddy 1or per1ec0 colour5 In hea3en, all 0hey 0hin/, is a0 once reproduced in 1or2, 1or 0he rare and sub0le 2a00er o1 0he hea3en94orld is (Page 4"! 2ind s0u11, 0he 2ediu2 in 4hich 0he 2ind nor2ally 4or/s 4hen 1ree 1ro2 passion, and i0 0a/es shape 4i0h e3ery 2en0al i2pulse5 Each

2an, 0here1ore, in a 3ery real sense, 2a/es his o4n hea3en, and 0he beau0y o1 his surroundings is de1ini0ely increased, according 0o 0he 4eal0h and energy o1 his 2ind5 As 0he soul de3elops his po4ers, his hea3en gro4s 2ore and 2ore sub0le and e:;uisi0e? all 0he li2i0a0ions in hea3en are sel19crea0ed, and hea3en e:pands and deepens 4i0h 0he e:pansion and deepening o1 0he soul5 +hile 0he soul is 4ea/ and sel1ish, narro4 and ill9de3eloped, his hea3en shares 0hese pe00inesses? bu0 i0 is al4ays 0he bes0 0ha0 is in 0he soul, ho4e3er poor 0ha0 bes0 2ay be5 As 0he 2an e3ol3es, his de3achanic li3es beco2e 1uller, richer, 2ore and 2ore real, and ad3anced souls co2e in0o e3er closer and closer con0ac0 4i0h each o0her, en6oying 4ider and deeper in0ercourse5 A li1e on ear0h, 0hin, 1eeble, 3apid, and narro4, 2en0ally and 2orally, produces a co2para0i3ely 0hin, 1eeble, 3apid and narro4 li1e in %e3achan, 4here only 0he 2en0al and 0he 2oral sur3i3e5 +e canno0 have 2ore 0han 4e are, and our har3es0 is according 0o our so4ing5 ='e no0 decei3ed? .od is no0 2oc/ed ? 1or 4ha0soe3er a 2an so4e0h, 0ha0,>9 and nei0her 2ore nor less, 9 =shall he also reap5> $ur indolence and greediness 4ould 1ain reap 4here 4e ha3e no0 so4n, bu0 in 0his uni3erse o1 la4, 0he .ood La4, 2erci1ully 6us0, brings 0o each 0he e:ac0 4ages o1 his 4or/5 The 2en0al i2pressions, or 2en0al pic0ures, 4e 2a/e (Page 4#! o1 our 1riends 4ill do2ina0e us in %e3achan5 ound each soul 0hrong 0hose he lo3ed in li1e, and e3ery i2age o1 0he lo3ed ones 0ha0 li3e in 0he hear0 beco2es a li3ing co2panion o1 0he soul in hea3en5 And 0hey are unchanged5 They 4ill be 0o us 0here as 0hey 4ere here, and no o0her4ise5 The ou0er se2blance o1 our 1riend as i0 a11ec0ed our senses, 4e 1or2 ou0 o1 2ind9s0u11 in %e3achan by 0he crea0i3e po4ers o1 0he 2ind? 4ha0 4as here a 2en0al pic0ure is

0here @ as in 0ru0h i0 4as here, al0hough 4e /ne4 i0 no0 @ an ob6ec0i3e shape in li3ing 2ind9s0u11, abiding in our o4n 2en0al a02osphere ? only 4ha0 is dull and drea2y here is 1orcibly li3ing and 3i3id 0here5 And 4i0h regard 0o 0he 0rue co22union, 0ha0 o1 0he soul 4i0h soulL Tha0 is closer, nearer, dearer 0han any0hing 4e /no4 here, 1or, as 4e ha3e seen, 0here is no barrier on 0he 2en0al plane be04een soul and soul? e:ac0ly in propor0ion 0o 0he reali0y o1 0he soul9li1e in us is 0he reali0y o1 soul9co22union 0here ? 0he 2en0al i2age o1 our 1riend is our o4n crea0ion ? his 1or2 is as 4e /ne4 and lo3ed i0 ? and his soul brea0hes 0hrough 0ha0 1or2 0o ours 6us0 0o 0he e:0en0 0ha0 his soul and ours can 0hrob in sy2pa0he0ic 3ibra0ion5 'u0 4e can ha3e no 0ouch 4i0h 0hose 4e /ne4 on ear0h i1 0he 0ies 4ere only o1 0he physical or as0ral body, or i1 0hey and 4e 4ere discordan0 in 0he inner li1e ? 0here1ore in0o our %e3achan no ene2y can en0er, 1or sy2pa0he0ic accord o1 2inds and hear0s can alone dra4 2en 0oge0her 0here5 Separa0eness o1 hear0 and 2ind 2eans separa0ion in 0he hea3enly li1e, 1or all 0ha0 is (Page 44! lo4er 0han 0he hear0 and 2ind can 1ind no 2eans o1 e:pression 0here5 +i0h 0hose 4ho are 1ar beyond us in e3olu0ion 4e co2e in0o con0ac0 6us0 as 1ar as 4e can respond 0o 0he2 ? grea0 ranges o1 0heir being 4ill s0re0ch beyond our /en, bu0 all 0ha0 4e can 0ouch is ours5 ,ur0her, 0hese grea0er ones can and do aid us in 0he hea3enly li1e, under condi0ions 4e shall s0udy presen0ly, helping us 0o gro4 0o4ards 0he2, and 0hus be able 0o recei3e 2ore and 2ore5 There is 0hen no separa0ion by space or 0i2e, bu0 0here is separa0ion by absence o1 sy2pa0hy, by lac/ o1 accord be04een hear0s and 2inds5 In hea3en 4e are 4i0h all 4ho2 4e lo3e and 4i0h all 4ho2 4e ad2ire, and 4e co22une 4i0h 0he2 0o 0he li2i0 o1 our capaci0y, or, i1 4e are 2ore ad3anced, o1 0heirs5 +e 2ee0 0he2 in 0he 1or2s 4e lo3ed on ear0h, 4i0h per1ec0 2e2ory o1 our ear0hly rela0ionships, 1or

hea3en is 0he 1lo4ering o1 all ear0h<s buds, and 0he 2arred and 1eeble lo3es o1 ear0h e:pand in0o beau0y and po4er 0here5 The co22union being direc0, no 2isunders0andings o1 4ords or 0hough0s can arise ? each sees 0he 0hough0 his 1riend crea0es, or as 2uch o1 i0 as he can respond 0o5 %e3achan, 0he hea3en94orld, is a 4orld o1 bliss, o1 6oy unspea/able5 'u0 i0 is 2uch 2ore 0han 0his, 2uch 2ore 0han a res0 1or 0he 4eary5 In %e3achan all 0ha0 4as 3aluable in 0he 2en0al and 2oral e:periences o1 0he Thin/er during 0he li1e 6us0 ended is 4or/ed ou0, 2edi0a0ed o3er, and is gradually 0rans2u0ed in0o de1ini0e 2en0al and 2oral 1acul0y, (Page 4$! in0o po4ers 4hich he 4ill 0a/e 4i0h hi2 0o his ne:0 rebir0h5 He does no0 4or/ in0o 0he 2en0al body 0he ac0ual 2e2ory o1 0he pas0, 1or 0he 2en0al body 4ill, in due course, disin0egra0e ? 0he 2e2ory o1 0he pas0 abides only in 0he Thin/er hi2sel1, 4ho has li3ed 0hrough i0 and 4ho endures5 'u0 0hese 1ac0s o1 pas0 e:periences are 4or/ed in0o 2en0al capaci0y, so 0ha0 i1 a 2an has s0udied a sub6ec0 deeply 0he e11ec0s o1 0ha0 s0udy 4ill be 0he crea0ion o1 a special 1acul0y 0o ac;uire and 2as0er 0ha0 sub6ec0 4hen i0 is 1irs0 presen0ed 0o hi2 in ano0her incarna0ion5 He 4ill be born 4i0h a special ap0i0ude 1or 0ha0 line o1 s0udy, and 4ill pic/ i0 up 4i0h grea0 1acili0y5 E3ery0hing 0hough0 upon ear0h is 0hus u0ilised in %e3achan ? e3ery aspira0ion is 4or/ed up in0o po4er ? all 1rus0ra0ed e11or0s beco2e 1acul0ies and abili0ies ? s0ruggles and de1ea0s reappear as 2a0erials 0o be 4rough0 in0o ins0ru2en0s o1 3ic0ory ? sorro4s and errors shine lu2inous as precious 2e0als 0o be 4or/ed up in0o 4ise and 4ell9direc0ed 3oli0ions5 Sche2es o1 bene1icence, 1or 4hich po4er and s/ill 0o acco2plish 4ere lac/ing in 0he pas0, are in %e3achan 4or/ed ou0 in 0hough0, ac0ed ou0, as i0 4ere, s0age by s0age, and 0he necessary po4er and s/ill are de3eloped as 1acul0ies o1 0he 2ind 0o be pu0 in0o use in

a 1u0ure li1e on ear0h, 4hen 0he cle3er and earnes0 s0uden0 shall be reborn as a genius, 4hen 0he de3o0ee shall be reborn as a sain05 Li1e 0hen, in %e3achan, is no 2ere drea2, no lo0us9land o1 purposeless idling ? i0 is 0he land in 4hich 0he 2ind and hear0 de3elop, unhindered by gross 2a00er and by 0he 0ri3ial cares, 4here 4eapons are 1orged 1or ear0h<s 1ierce ba00le1ields, and 4here 0he progress (Page 4%! o1 0he 1u0ure is secured5 +hen 0he Thin/er has consu2ed in 0he 2en0al body all 0he 1rui0s belonging 0o i0 o1 his ear0hly li1e, he sha/es i0 o11 and d4ells unencu2bered in his o4n place5 All 0he 2en0al 1acul0ies 4hich e:press 0he2sel3es on 0he lo4er le3els are dra4n 4i0hin 0he causal body @ 4i0h 0he ger2s o1 0he passional li1e 0ha0 4ere dra4n in0o 0he 2en0al body 4hen i0 le10 0he as0ral shell 0o disin0egra0e in !A2alo/a @ and 0hese beco2e la0en0 1or a 0i2e, lying 4i0hin 0he causal body, 1orces 4hich re2ain concealed 1or lac/ o1 2a0erial in 4hich 0o 2ani1es05 )The 0hough01ul s0uden0 2ay here 1ind a 1rui01ul sugges0ion on 0he proble2 o1 con0inuing consciousness a10er 0he cycle o1 0he uni3erse is 0rodden5 Le0 hi2 place Qsh3ara in 0he place o1 0he Thin/er, and le0 0he 1acul0ies 0ha0 are 0he 1rui0s o1 a li1e represen0 0he hu2an li3es 0ha0 are 0he 1rui0s o1 a (ni3erse5 He 2ay 0hen ca0ch so2e gli2pse o1 4ha0 is necessary 1or consciousness, during 0he in0er3al be04een uni3erses*5 The 2en0al body, 0he las0 o1 0he 0e2porary 3es0ures o1 0he 0rue 2an, disin0egra0es, and i0s 2a0erials re0urn 0o 0he general 2a00er o1 0he 2en0al plane, 4hence 0hey 4ere dra4n 4hen 0he Thin/er las0 descended in0o incarna0ion5 Thus 0he causal body alone re2ains, 0he recep0acle and 0reasure9house o1 all 0ha0 has been assi2ila0ed 1ro2 0he li1e 0ha0 is o3er5 The Thin/er has 1inished a round o1 his long pilgri2age and d4ells 1or a 4hile in his o4n na0i3e land5

His condi0ion as 0o consciousness depends en0irely (Page 4&! on 0he poin0 he has reached in e3olu0ion5 In his early s0ages o1 li1e he 4ill 2erely sleep, 4rapped in unconsciousness, 4hen he has los0 his 3ehicles on 0he lo4er planes5 His li1e 4ill pulse gen0ly 4i0hin hi2, assi2ila0ing any li00le resul0s 1ro2 his closed ear0h9 e:is0ence 0ha0 2ay be capable o1 en0ering in0o his subs0ance ? bu0 he 4ill ha3e no consciousness o1 his surroundings5 'u0 as he de3elops, 0his period o1 his li1e beco2es 2ore and 2ore i2por0an0, and occupies a grea0er propor0ion o1 his %e3achanic e:is0ence5 He beco2es sel19conscious, and 0hereby conscious o1 his surroundings @ o1 0he no09sel1 @ and his 2e2ory spreads be1ore hi2 0he panora2a o1 his li1e, s0re0ching bac/4ards in0o 0he ages o1 0he pas05 He sees 0he causes 0ha0 4or/ed ou0 0heir e11ec0s in 0he las0 o1 his li1e9e:periences, and s0udies 0he causes he has se0 going in 0his la0es0 incarna0ion5 He assi2ila0es and 4or/s in0o 0he 0e:0ure o1 0he causal body all 0ha0 4as nobles0 and lo10ies0 in 0he closed chap0er o1 his li1e, and by his inner ac0i3i0y he de3elops and co9ordina0es 0he 2a0erials in his causal body5 He co2es in0o direc0 con0ac0 4i0h grea0 souls, 4he0her in or ou0 o1 0he body a0 0he 0i2e, en6oys co22union 4i0h 0he2, learns 1ro2 0heir riper 4isdo2 and longer e:perience5 Each succeeding de3achanic li1e is richer and deeper ? 4i0h his e:panding capaci0y 0o recei3e, /no4ledge 1lo4s in0o hi2 in 1uller 0ides ? 2ore and 2ore he learns 0o unders0and 0he 4or/ings o1 0he la4, 0he condi0ions o1 e3olu0ionary progress, and 0hus re0urns 0o ear0h9li1e each 0i2e 4i0h grea0er /no4ledge, 2ore e11ec0i3e po4er, his 3ision o1 0he goal o1 li1e beco2ing e3er clearer and 0he 4ay 0o i0 2ore plain be1ore his 1ee05 (Page 4'! To e3ery Thin/er, ho4e3er unprogressed, 0here co2es a 2o2en0 o1 clear 3ision 4hen 0he 0i2e arri3es 1or his re0urn 0o 0he li1e o1 0he lo4er 4orlds5 ,or a 2o2en0 he sees his pas0 and 0he causes 4or/ing

1ro2 i0 in0o 0he 1u0ure, and 0he general 2ap o1 his ne:0 incarna0ion is also unrolled be1ore hi25 Then 0he clouds o1 lo4er 2a00er surge round hi2 and obscure his 3ision, and 0he cycle o1 ano0her incarna0ion begins 4i0h 0he a4a/ening o1 0he po4ers o1 0he lo4er 2ind, and 0heir dra4ing round hi2, by 0heir 3ibra0ions, 2a0erials 1ro2 0he lo4er 2en0al plane 0o 1or2 0he ne4 2en0al body 1or 0he opening chap0er o1 his li1e9his0ory5 This par0 o1 our sub6ec0, ho4e3er, belongs in i0s de0ail 0o 0he chap0ers on reincarna0ion5 +e le10 0he soul asleep, )See Chap0er III5, $n !A2alo/a, Page 7R* ha3ing sha/en o11 0he las0 re2ains o1 his as0ral body, ready 0o pass ou0 o1 !A2alo/a in0o %e3achan, ou0 o1 purga0ory in0o hea3en5 The sleeper a4a/ens 0o a sense o1 6oy unspea/able, o1 bliss i22easurable, o1 peace 0ha0 passe0h unders0anding5 So10es0 2elodies are brea0hing round hi2, 0enderes0 hues gree0 his opening eyes, 0he 3ery air see2s 2usic and colour, 0he 4hole being is su11used 4i0h ligh0 and har2ony5 Then 0hrough 0he golden haBe da4n s4ee0ly 0he 1aces lo3ed on ear0h, e0herialised in0o 0he beau0y 4hich e:presses 0heir nobles0, lo3elies0 e2o0ions, un2arred by (Page 4(! 0he 0roubles and 0he passions o1 0he lo4er 4orlds5 +ho 2ay 0ell 0he bliss o1 0ha0 a4a/ening, 0he glory o1 0ha0 1irs0 da4ning o1 0he hea3en94orldL +e 4ill no4 s0udy 0he condi0ions in de0ail o1 0he se3en subdi3isions o1 %e3achan, re2e2bering 0ha0 in 0he 1our lo4er 4e are in 0he 4orld o1 1or2, and a 4orld, 2oreo3er, in 4hich e3ery 0hough0 presen0s i0sel1 a0 once as a 1or25 This 4orld o1 1or2 belongs 0o 0he personali0y, and e3ery soul is 0here1ore surrounded by as 2uch o1 his pas0 li1e as has en0ered in0o his 2ind and can be e:pressed in pure 2ind9s0u115 The 1irs0, or lo4es0, region is 0he hea3en o1 0he leas0 progressed souls, 4hose highes0 e2o0ion on

ear0h 4as a narro4, sincere, and so2e0i2es sel1ish lo3e 1or 1a2ily and 1riends5 $r i0 2ay be 0ha0 0hey 1el0 so2e lo3ing ad2ira0ion 1or so2e one 0hey 2e0 on ear0h 4ho 4as purer and be00er 0han 0he2sel3es, or 1el0 so2e 4ish 0o lead a higher li1e, or so2e passing aspira0ion 0o4ards 2en0al and 2oral e:pansion5 There is no0 2uch 2a0erial here ou0 o1 4hich 1acul0y can be 2oulded, and 0heir li1e is bu0 3ery sligh0ly progressi3e ? 0heir 1a2ily a11ec0ions 4ill be nourished and a li00le 4idened, and 0hey 4ill be reborn a10er a 4hile 4i0h a so2e4ha0 i2pro3ed e2o0ional na0ure, 4i0h 2ore 0endency 0o recognise and respond 0o a higher ideal5 #ean4hile 0hey are en6oying all 0he happiness 0hey can recei3e? 0heir cup is bu0 a s2all one, bu0 i0 is 1illed 0o 0he bri2 4i0h bliss, and 0hey en6oy all 0ha0 0hey are able 0o concei3e o1 hea3en5 I0s puri0y, i0s har2ony, (Page $)! play on 0heir unde3eloped 1acul0ies and 4oo 0he2 0o a4a/en in0o ac0i3i0y, and 0he inner s0irrings begin 4hich 2us0 precede any 2ani1es0ed budding5 The ne:0 di3ision o1 de3achanic li1e co2prises 2en and 4o2en o1 e3ery religious 1ai0h 4hose hear0s during 0heir ear0hly li3es had 0urned 4i0h lo3ing de3o0ion 0o .od, under any na2e, under any 1or25 The 1or2 2ay ha3e been narro4, bu0 0he hear0 rose up in aspira0ion, and here 1inds 0he ob6ec0 o1 i0s lo3ing 4orship5 The concep0 o1 0he %i3ine 4hich 4as 1or2ed by 0heir 2ind 4hen on ear0h here 2ee0s 0he2 in 0he radian0 glory o1 de3achanic 2a00er, 1airer, di3iner, 0han 0heir 4ildes0 drea2s5 The %i3ine $ne li2i0s Hi2sel1 0o 2ee0 0he in0ellec0ual li2i0s o1 His 4orshipper, and in 4ha0e3er 1or2 0he 4orshipper has lo3ed and 4orshipped Hi2, in 0ha0 1or2 He re3eals Hi2sel1 0o his longing eyes, and pours ou0 on hi2 0he s4ee0ness o1 His ans4ering lo3e5 The souls are s0eeped in religious ecs0asy, 4orshipping 0he $ne under 0he 1or2s 0heir pie0y sough0 on ear0h, losing 0he2sel3es in 0he rap0ures o1 de3o0ion, in

co22union 4i0h 0he $b6ec0 0hey adore5 No one 1inds hi2sel1 a s0ranger in 0he hea3enly places, 0he %i3ine 3eiling Hi2sel1 in 0he 1a2iliar 1or25 Such souls gro4 in puri0y and in de3o0ion under 0he sun o1 0his co22union, and re0urn 0o ear0h 4i0h 0hese ;uali0ies 2uch in0ensi1ied5 Nor is all 0heir de3achanic li1e spen0 in 0his de3o0ional ecs0asy, 1or 0hey ha3e 1ull oppor0uni0ies o1 2a0uring e3ery o0her ;uali0y 0hey 2ay possess o1 hear0 and 2ind5 (Page $ ! Passing on4ards 0o 0he 0hird region, 4e co2e 0o 0hose noble and earnes0 beings 4ho 4ere de3o0ed ser3an0s o1 hu2ani0y 4hile on ear0h, and largely poured ou0 0heir lo3e 0o .od in 0he 1or2 o1 4or/s 1or 2an5 They are reaping 0he re4ard o1 0heir good deeds by de3eloping larger po4ers o1 use1ulness and increased 4isdo2 in 0heir direc0ion5 Plans o1 4ider bene1icence unroll 0he2sel3es be1ore 0he 2ind o1 0he philan0hropis0, and li/e an archi0ec0, he designs 0he 1u0ure edi1ice 4hich he 4ill build in a co2ing li1e on ear0h ? he 2a0ures 0he sche2es 4hich he 4ill 0hen 4or/ ou0 in0o ac0ions, and li/e a crea0i3e .od plans his uni3erse o1 bene3olence, 4hich shall be 2ani1es0ed in gross 2a00er 4hen 0he 0i2e is ripe5 These souls 4ill appear as 0he grea0 philan0hropis0s o1 ye0 unborn cen0uries, 4ho 4ill incarna0e on ear0h 4i0h inna0e do4er o1 unsel1ish lo3e and o1 po4er 0o achie3e5 #os0 3aried in charac0er, perhaps, o1 all 0he hea3ens is 0he 1our0h, 1or here 0he po4ers o1 0he 2os0 ad3anced souls 1ind 0heir e:ercise, so 1ar as 0hey can be e:pressed in 0he 4orld o1 1or25 Here 0he /ings o1 ar0 and o1 li0era0ure are 1ound, e:ercising all 0heir po4ers o1 1or2, o1 colour, o1 har2ony, and building grea0er 1acul0ies 4i0h 4hich 0o be reborn 4hen 0hey re0urn 0o ear0h5 Nobles0 2usic, ra3ishing beyond descrip0ion, peals 1or0h 1ro2 0he 2igh0ies0 2onarchs o1 har2ony 0ha0 0he ear0h has /no4n, as 'ee0ho3en, no longer dea1, pours ou0 his i2perial soul in s0rains o1 une:a2pled beau0y, 2a/ing e3en 0he hea3en 4orld

2ore 2elodious as (Page $"! he dra4s do4n har2onies 1ro2 higher spheres, and sends 0he2 0hrilling 0hrough 0he hea3enly places5 Here also 4e 1ind 0he 2as0ers o1 pain0ing and o1 sculp0ure, learning ne4 hues o1 colour, ne4 cur3es o1 undrea2ed beau0y5 And here also are o0hers 4ho 1ailed, 0hough grea0ly aspiring, and 4ho are here 0rans2u0ing longings in0o po4ers, and drea2s in0o 1acul0ies, 0ha0 shall be 0heirs in ano0her li1e5 Searchers in0o Na0ure are here, and 0hey are learning her hidden secre0s ? be1ore 0heir eyes are unrolling sys0e2s o1 4orlds 4i0h all 0heir hidden 2echanis2, 4o3en series o1 4or/ings o1 uni2aginable delicacy and co2ple:i0y ? 0hey shall re0urn 0o ear0h as grea0 =disco3erers,> 4i0h unerring in0ui0ions o1 0he 2ys0erious 4ays o1 Na0ure5 In 0his hea3en also are 1ound s0uden0s o1 0he deeper /no4ledge, 0he eager, re3eren0 pupils 4ho sough0 0he Teachers o1 0he race, 4ho longed 0o 1ind a Teacher, and pa0ien0ly 4or/ed a0 all 0ha0 had been gi3en ou0 by so2e one o1 0he grea0 spiri0ual #as0ers 4ho ha3e 0augh0 hu2ani0y5 Here 0heir longings 1ind 0heir 1rui0ion, and Those 0hey sough0, apparen0ly in 3ain, are no4 0heir ins0ruc0ors ? 0he eager souls drin/ in 0he hea3enly 4isdo2, and s4i10 0heir gro40h and progress as 0hey si0 a0 0heir #as0er<s 1ee05 As 0eachers and as ligh09bringers shall 0hey be born again on ear0h, born 4i0h 0he bir0h2ar/ o1 0he 0eacher<s high o11ice upon 0he25 #any a s0uden0 on ear0h, all un/no4ing o1 0hese sub0ler 4or/ings, is preparing hi2sel1 a place in 0his 1our0h hea3en, as he bends 4i0h a real de3o0ion (Page $#! o3er 0he pages o1 so2e 0eacher o1 genius, o3er 0he 0eachings o1 so2e ad3anced soul5 He is 1or2ing a lin/ be04een hi2sel1 and 0he 0eacher he lo3es and re3erences, and in 0he hea3en94orld 0ha0 soul90ie 4ill asser0 i0sel1, and dra4 0oge0her in0o co22union 0he souls i0 lin/s5 As 0he sun pours do4n i0s rays in0o 2any roo2s, and each roo2 has all i0 can con0ain o1 0he solar

bea2s, so in 0he hea3en94orld do 0hese grea0 souls shine in0o hundreds o1 2en0al i2ages o1 0he2sel3es crea0ed by 0heir pupils, 1ill 0he2 4i0h li1e, 4i0h 0heir o4n essence, so 0ha0 each s0uden0 has his 2as0er 0o 0each hi2 and ye0 shu0s ou0 none o0her 1ro2 his aid5 Thus, 1or periods long in propor0ion 0o 0he 2a0erials ga0hered 1or consu2p0ion upon ear0h, d4ell 2en in 0hese hea3en94orlds o1 1or2, 4here all good 0ha0 0he las0 personal li1e had garnered 1inds i0s 1ull 1rui0ion, i0s 1ull 4or/ing ou0 in0o 2inu0es0 de0ail5 Then as 4e ha3e seen, 4hen e3ery0hing is e:haus0ed, 4hen 0he las0 drop has been drained 1ro2 0he cup o1 6oy, 0he las0 cru2b ea0en o1 0he hea3enly 1eas0, all 0ha0 has been 4or/ed up in0o 1acul0y, 0ha0 is o1 per2anen0 3alue, is dra4n 4i0hin 0he causal body, and 0he Thin/er sha/es o11 hi2 and 0he 0hen disin0egra0ing body 0hrough 4hich he has 1ound e:pression on 0he lo4er le3els o1 0he de3achanic 4orld5 id o1 0his 2en0al body, he is in his o4n 4orld, 0o 4or/ up 4ha0e3er o1 his har3es0 can 1ind 2a0erial sui0able 1or i0 in 0ha0 high real25 A 3as0 nu2ber o1 souls 0ouch 0he lo4es0 le3el o1 0he 1or2less 4orld as i0 4ere bu0 1or a 2o2en0, (Page $4! 0a/ing brie1 re1uge 0here, since all lo4er 3ehicles ha3e 1allen a4ay5 'u0 so e2bryonic are 0hey 0ha0 0hey ha3e as ye0 no ac0i3e po4ers 0ha0 0here can 1unc0ion independen0ly, and 0hey beco2e unconscious as 0he 2en0al body slips a4ay in0o disin0egra0ion5 Then, 1or a 2o2en0, 0hey are aroused 0o consciousness, and a 1lash o1 2e2ory illu2ines 0heir pas0 and 0hey see i0s pregnan0 causes ? and a 1lash o1 1ore/no4ledge illu2ines 0heir 1u0ure, and 0hey see such e11ec0s as 4ill 4or/ ou0 in 0he co2ing li1e5 This is all 0ha0 3ery 2any are as ye0 able 0o e:perience o1 0he 1or2less 4orld5 ,or, here again, as e3er, 0he har3es0 is according 0o 0he so4ing, and ho4 should 0hey 4ho ha3e so4ed no0hing 1or 0ha0 lo10y region e:pec0 0o reap any har3es0 0hereinL 'u0 2any souls ha3e during 0heir ear0h9li1e, by deep 0hin/ing and noble li3ing, so4n 2uch seed, 0he

har3es0 o1 4hich belongs 0o 0his 1i10h de3achanic region, 0he lo4es0 o1 0he 0hree hea3ens o1 0he 1or2less 4orld5 .rea0 is no4 0heir re4ard 1or ha3ing so risen abo3e 0he bondage o1 0he 1lesh and o1 passion, and 0hey begin 0o e:perience 0he real li1e o1 2an, 0he lo10y e:is0ence o1 0he soul i0sel1, un1e00ered by 3es0ures belonging 0o 0he lo4er 4orlds5 They learn 0ru0hs by direc0 3ision, and see 0he 1unda2en0al causes o1 4hich all concre0e ob6ec0s are 0he resul0s? 0hey s0udy 0he underlying uni0ies, 4hose presence is 2ar/ed in 0he lo4er 4orlds by 0he 3arie0y o1 irrele3an0 de0ails5 Thus 0hey gain a deep /no4ledge o1 la4, and learn 0o recognise i0s changeless 4or/ings belo4 resul0s apparen0ly 0he 2os0 incongruous, (Page $$! 0hus building in0o 0he body 0ha0 endures 1ir2 unsha/able con3ic0ions, 0ha0 4ill re3eal 0he2sel3es in ear0h9li1e as deep in0ui0i3e cer0ain0ies o1 0he soul, abo3e and beyond all reasoning5 Here also 0he 2an s0udies his o4n pas0, and care1ully disen0angles 0he causes he has se0 going ? he 2ar/s 0heir in0erac0ion, 0he resul0an0s accruing 1ro2 0he2, and sees so2e0hing o1 0heir 4or/ing ou0 in 0he li3es ye0 in 0he 1u0ure5 In 0he si:0h hea3en are 2ore ad3anced souls, 4ho during ear0h9li1e had 1el0 bu0 li00le a00rac0ion 1or i0s passing sho4s, and 4ho had de3o0ed all 0heir energies 0o 0he higher in0ellec0ual and 2oral li1e5 ,or 0he2 0here is no 3eil upon 0he pas0, 0heir 2e2ory is per1ec0 and unbro/en, and 0hey plan 0he in1usion in0o 0heir ne:0 li1e o1 energies 0ha0 4ill neu0ralise 2any o1 0he 1orces 0ha0 are 4or/ing 1or hindrance, and s0reng0hen 2any o1 0hose 0ha0 are 4or/ing 1or good5 This clear 2e2ory enables 0he2 0o 1or2 de1ini0e and s0rong de0er2ina0ions as 0o ac0ions 4hich are 0o be done and ac0ions 4hich are 0o be a3oided, and 0hese 3oli0ions 0hey 4ill be able 0o i2press on 0heir lo4er 3ehicles in 0heir ne:0 bir0h, 2a/ing cer0ain classes o1 e3ils i2possible, con0rary 0o 4ha0 is 1el0 0o be 0he deepes0 na0ure, and cer0ain /inds o1 good ine3i0able,

0he irresis0ible de2ands o1 a 3oice 0ha0 4ill no0 be denied5 These souls are born in0o 0he 4orld 4i0h high and noble ;uali0ies 4hich render a base li1e i2possible, and s0a2p 0he babe 1ro2 i0s cradle as one o1 0he pioneers o1 hu2ani0y5 The 2an 4ho has a00ained 0o 0his si:0h (Page $%! hea3en sees unrolled be1ore hi2 0he 3as0 0reasures o1 0he %i3ine #ind in crea0i3e ac0i3i0y and can s0udy 0he arche0ypes o1 all 1or2s 0ha0 are being gradually e3ol3ed in 0he lo4er 4orlds5 There he 2ay ba0he hi2sel1 in 0he 1a0ho2less ocean o1 0he %i3ine +isdo2, and unra3el 0he proble2s connec0ed 4i0h 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 0hose arche0ypes, 0he par0ial good 0ha0 see2s as e3il 0o 0he li2i0ed 3ision o1 2en encased in 1lesh5 In 0his 4ider ou0loo/, pheno2ena assu2e 0heir due rela0i3e propor0ions, and he sees 0he 6us0i1ica0ion o1 0he di3ine 4ays, no longer 0o hi2 =pas0 1inding ou0> so 1ar as 0hey are concerned 4i0h 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he lo4er 4orlds5 The ;ues0ions o3er 4hich on ear0h he pondered, and 4hose ans4ers e3er eluded his eager in0ellec0, are here sol3ed by an insigh0 0ha0 pierces 0hrough pheno2enal 3eils and sees 0he connec0ing lin/s 4hich 2a/e 0he chain co2ple0e5 Here also 0he soul is in 0he i22edia0e presence o1, and in 1ull co22union 4i0h, 0he grea0er souls 0ha0 ha3e e3ol3ed in our hu2ani0y, and, escaped 1ro2 0he bonds 4hich 2a/e =0he pas0> o1 ear0h, he en6oys =0he e3er9presen0> o1 an endless and unbro/en li1e5 Those 4e spea/ o1 here as =0he 2igh0y dead> are 0here 0he glorious li3ing, and 0he soul en6oys 0he high rap0ure o1 0heir presence, and gro4s 2ore li/e 0he2 as 0heir s0rong har2ony a00unes his 3ibran0 na0ure 0o 0heir /ey5 Ye0 higher, lo3elier, glea2s 0he se3en0h hea3en, 4here #as0ers and Ini0ia0es ha3e 0heir in0ellec0ual ho2e5 No soul can d4ell 0here ere ye0 is has

passed 4hile on ear0h 0hrough 0he narro4 ga0e4ay o1 Ini0ia0ion, (Page $&! 0he s0rai0 ga0e 0ha0 =leade0h un0o li1e> unending5 ) See Chap0er GI, on =#an<s Ascen05> The Ini0ia0e has s0epped ou0 o1 0he ordinary line o1 e3olu0ion, and is 0reading a shor0er and s0eeper road 0o hu2an per1ec0ion*5 Tha0 4orld is 0he source o1 0he s0ronges0 in0ellec0ual and 2oral i2pulses 0ha0 1lo4 do4n 0o ear0h ? 0hence are poured 1or0h 0he in3igora0ing s0rea2s o1 0he lo10ies0 energy5 The in0ellec0ual li1e o1 0he 4orld has 0here i0s roo0? 0hence genius recei3es i0s pures0 inspira0ions5 To 0he souls 0ha0 d4ell 0here i0 2a00ers li00le 4he0her, a0 0he 0i2e, 0hey be or be no0 connec0ed 4i0h 0he lo4er 3ehicles ? 0hey e3er en6oy 0heir lo10y sel19 consciousness and 0heir co22union 4i0h 0hose around 0he2 ? 4he0her, 4hen =e2bodied> 0hey su11use 0heir lo4er 3ehicles 4i0h as 2uch o1 0his consciousness as 0hey can con0ain is a 2a00er 1or 0heir o4n choice @ 0hey can gi3e or 4i0hhold as 0hey 4ill5 And 2ore and 2ore 0heir 3oli0ions are guided by 0he 4ill o1 0he .rea0 $nes, 4hose 4ill is one 4i0h 0he 4ill o1 0he L$.$S, 0he 4ill 4hich see/s e3er 0he good o1 0he 4orlds5 ,or here are being eli2ina0ed 0he las0 3es0iges o1 separa0eness @ ) Aha2/Ara, 0he = I = 2a/ing principle, necessary in order 0ha0 sel1 consciousness 2ay be e3ol3ed, bu0 0ranscended 4hen i0s 4or/ is o3er* @ in all 4ho ha3e no0 ye0 reached 1inal e2ancipa0ion @ all, 0ha0 is, 4ho are no0 ye0 #as0ers @ and, as 0hese perish, 0he 4ill beco2es 2ore and 2ore har2onised 4i0h 0he 4ill 0ha0 guides 0he 4orlds5 Such is an ou0line o1 0he =se3en hea3ens> in0o one or o0her o1 4hich 2en pass in due 0i2e a10er 0he (Page $'* =change 0ha0 2en call dea0h5> ,or dea0h is only a change 0ha0 gi3es 0he soul a par0ial libera0ion, releasing hi2 1ro2 0he hea3ies0 o1 his chains5 I0 is bu0 a bir0h in0o a 4ider li1e, a re0urn a10er a brie1 e:ile on ear0h 0o 0he soul<s 0rue ho2e, a passing 1ro2 a prison in0o 0he 1reedo2 o1 0he upper air5 %ea0h is 0he grea0es0 o1

ear0h<s illusions ? 0here is no dea0h, bu0 only changes in li1e<s condi0ions5 Li1e is con0inuous, unbro/en, unbrea/able ? =unborn, e0ernal, cons0an0,> i0 perishes no0 4i0h 0he perishing o1 0he bodies 0ha0 clo0he i05 +e 2igh0 as 4ell 0hin/ 0ha0 0he s/y is 1alling 4hen a po0 is bro/en, as i2agine 0ha0 0he soul perishes 4hen 0he body 1alls 0o pieces5 ) A si2ile used in 0he Bhagavad Purna*5 The physical, as0ral and 2en0al planes are =0he 0hree 4orlds> 0hough 4hich lies 0he pilgri2age o1 0he soul, again and again repea0ed5 In 0hese 0hree 4orlds re3ol3es 0he 4heel o1 hu2an li1e, and souls are bound 0o 0ha0 4heel 0hroughou0 0heir e3olu0ion, and are carried by i0 0o each o1 0hese 4orlds in 0urn5 +e are no4 in a posi0ion 0o 0race a co2ple0e li1e9period o1 0he soul, 0he aggrega0e o1 0hese periods 2a/ing up i0s li1e, and 4e can also dis0inguish clearly 0he di11erence be04een personali0y and indi3iduali0y5 A soul 4hen i0s s0ay in 0he 1or2less 4orld o1 %e3achan is o3er, begins a ne4 li1e9period by pu00ing 1or0h 0he energies 4hich 1unc0ion in 0he 1or294orld o1 0he 2en0al plane, 0hese energies being (Page $(! 0he resul0an0 o1 0he preceding li1e9periods5 These passing ou04ards, ga0her round 0he2sel3es, 1ro2 0he 2a00er o1 0he 1our lo4er 2en0al le3els, such 2a0erials as are sui0able 1or 0heir e:pression, and 0hus 0he ne4 2en0al body 1or 0he co2ing bir0h is 1or2ed5 The 3ibra0ion o1 0hese 2en0al energies arouses 0he energies 4hich belong 0o 0he desire9na0ure, and 0hese begin 0o 3ibra0e ? as 0hey a4a/e and 0hrob, 0hey a00rac0 0o 0he2sel3es sui0able 2a0erials 1or 0heir e:pression 1ro2 0he 2a00er o1 0he as0ral 4orld, and 0hese 1or2 0he ne4 as0ral body 1or 0he approaching incarna0ion5 Thus 0he Thin/er beco2es clo0hed 4i0h his 2en0al and as0ral 3es0ures, e:ac0ly e:pressing 0he 1acul0ies e3ol3ed during 0he pas0 s0age o1 his li1e5 He is

dra4n, by 1orces 4hich 4ill be e:plained la0er, )See Chap0er &II , on J eincarna0ionJ* 0o 0he 1a2ily 4hich is 0o pro3ide hi2 4i0h a sui0able physical encase2en0, and beco2es connec0ed 4i0h 0his encase2en0 0hrough his as0ral body5 %uring prena0al li1e 0he 2en0al body beco2es in3ol3ed 4i0h 0he lo4er 3ehicles, and 0his connec0ion beco2es closer and closer 0hrough 0he early years o1 childhood, un0il a0 0he se3en0h year 0hey are as co2ple0ely in 0ouch 4i0h 0he Thin/er hi2sel1 as 0he s0age o1 e3olu0ion per2i0s5 He 0hen begins 0o sligh0ly con0rol his 3ehicles, i1 su11icien0ly ad3anced, and 4ha0 4e call conscience is his 2oni0ory 3oice5 In any case, he ga0hers e:perience 0hrough 0hese 3ehicles, and during 0he con0inuance o1 ear0h9li1e, s0ores 0he ga0hered e:perience in i0s o4n proper 3ehicle, in 0he body connec0ed 4i0h 0he (Page %)! plane 0o 4hich 0he e:perience belongs5 +hen 0he ear0h9li1e is o3er 0he physical body drops a4ay, and 4i0h i0 his po4er o1 con0ac0ing 0he physical 4orld, and his energies are 0here1ore con1ined 0o 0he as0ral and 2en0al planes5 In due course, 0he as0ral body decays, and 0he ou0goings o1 his li1e are con1ined 0o 0he 2en0al plane, 0he as0ral 1acul0ies being ga0hered up and laid by 4i0hin hi2sel1 as la0en0 energies5 $nce again, in due course, i0s assi2ila0i3e 4or/ co2ple0ed, 0he 2en0al body disin0egra0es, i0s energies in 0urn beco2ing la0en0 in 0he Thin/er, and he 4i0hdra4s his li1e en0irely in0o 0he 1or2less de3achanic 4orld, his o4n na0i3e habi0a05 Thence, all e:periences o1 his li1e period in 0he 0hree 4orlds being 0rans2u0ed in0o 1acul0ies and po4ers 1or 1u0ure use, are con0ained 4i0hin hi2sel1, he ane4 co22ences his pilgri2age and 0reads 0he cycle o1 ano0her li1e9period 4i0h increased po4er and /no4ledge5

The personali0y consis0s o1 0he 0ransi0ory 3ehicles 0hrough 4hich 0he Thin/er energises in 0he physical, as0ral, and lo4er 2en0al 4orlds, and o1 all 0he ac0i3i0ies connec0ed 4i0h 0hese5 These are bound 0oge0her by 0he lin/s o1 2e2ory caused by i2pressions 2ade on 0he 0hree lo4er bodies ? and, by 0he sel19 iden0i1ica0ion o1 0he Thin/er 4i0h his 0hree 3ehicles, 0he personal = I = is se0 up5 In 0he lo4er s0ages o1 e3olu0ion 0his = I = is in 0he physical and passional 3ehicles, in 4hich 0he grea0es0 ac0i3i0y is sho4n, la0er i0 is in 0he 2en0al 3ehicle, 4hich 0hen assu2es predo2inance5 The personali0y 4i0h i0s 0ransien0 (Page % ! 1eeling, desires, passions, 0hus 1or2s a ;uasi9 independen0 en0i0y, 0hough dra4ing all i0s energies 1ro2 0he Thin/er i0 en4raps, and as i0s ;uali1ica0ions, belonging 0o 0he lo4er 4orlds, are o10en in direc0 an0agonis2 0o 0he per2anen0 in0eres0s o1 0he =%4eller in 0he body,> con1lic0 is se0 up in 4hich 3ic0ory inclines so2e0i2es 0o 0he 0e2porary pleasure, so2e0i2es 0o 0he per2anen0 gain5 The li1e o1 0he personali0y begins 4hen 0he Thin/er 1or2s his ne4 2en0al body, and i0 endures un0il 0ha0 2en0al body disin0egra0es a0 0he close o1 i0s li1e in 0he 1or294orld o1 %e3achan5 The indi3iduali0y consis0s o1 0he Thin/er hi2sel1, 0he i22or0al 0ree 0ha0 pu0s ou0 all 0hese personali0ies as lea3es, 0o las0 0hrough 0he spring, su22er and au0u2n o1 hu2an li1e5 All 0ha0 0he lea3es 0a/e in and assi2ila0e enriches 0he sap 0ha0 courses 0hrough 0heir 3eins, and in 0he au0u2n 0his is 4i0hdra4n in0o 0he paren0 0run/, and 0he dry lea1 1alls and perishes5 The Thin/er alone li3es 1ore3er ? he is 0he 2an 1or 4ho2 =0he hour ne3er s0ri/es,> 0he e0ernal you0h 4ho as 0he Bhagavad Git has i0, pu0s on and cas0s o11 bodies as a 2an pu0s on ne4 gar2en0s and 0hro4s o11 0he old5 Each personali0y is a ne4 par0 1or 0he i22or0al Ac0or, and he 0reads 0he s0age o1 li1e o3er and o3er again, only in 0he li1e9dra2a each charac0er he assu2es is 0he child o1 0he preceding ones and 0he

1a0her o1 0hose 0o co2e, so 0ha0 0he li1e9dra2a is a con0inuous his0ory, 0he his0ory o1 0he Ac0or 4ho plays 0he successi3e par0s5 To 0he 0hree 4orlds 0ha0 4e ha3e s0udied is (Page %"! con1ined 0he li1e o1 0he Thin/er, 4hile he is 0reading 0he earlier s0ages o1 hu2an e3olu0ion5 A 0i2e 4ill co2e in 0he e3olu0ion o1 hu2ani0y 4hen i0s 1ee0 4ill en0er lo10ier real2s, and reincarna0ion 4ill be o1 0he pas05 'u0 4hile 0he 4heel o1 rebir0h and dea0h is 0urning, a 2an is bound 0hereon by desires 0ha0 per0ain 0o 0he 0hree 4orlds, his li1e is led in 0hese 0hree regions5 To 0he real2s 0ha0 lie beyond 4e no4 2ay 0urn, albei0 bu0 li00le can be said o1 0he2 0ha0 can be ei0her use1ul or in0elligible5 Such li00le as 2ay be said, ho4e3er, is necessary 1or 0he ou0lining o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo25 (Page %#! CHAPTER .I THE B0//HIC AN/ NIR.,NIC PLANES +e ha3e seen 0ha0 2an is an in0elligen0 sel19 conscious en0i0y, 0he Thin/er, clad in bodies belonging 0o 0he lo4er 2en0al, as0ral and physical planes ? 4e ha3e no4 0o s0udy 0he Spiri0 4hich is his inner2os0 Sel1, 0he source 4hence he proceeds5 This %i3ine spiri0, a ray 1ro2 0he L$.$S, par0a/ing o1 His o4n essen0ial 'eing, has 0he 0riple na0ure o1 0he L$.$S Hi2sel1, and 0he e3olu0ion o1 2an as 2an consis0s in 0he gradual 2ani1es0a0ion o1 0hese 0hree aspec0s, 0heir de3elop2en0 1ro2 la0ency in0o ac0i3i0y, 2an 0hus repea0ing in 2inia0ure 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he uni3erse5 Hence he is spo/en o1 as 0he 2icrocos2, 0he uni3erse being 0he 2acrocos2? he is called 0he 2irror o1 0he uni3erse, 0he i2age, or re1lec0ion, o1 .od ? ) =Le0 us 2a/e 2an in our i2age, a10er our li/eness5> @

Gen5 I, IS5 * @ and hence also 0he ancien0 a:io2, =As abo3e, so belo45> I0 is 0his in91olded dei0y 0ha0 is 0he guaran0ee o1 2an<s 1inal 0riu2ph ? 0his is 0he hidden 2o0i3e po4er 0ha0 2a/es e3olu0ion a0 once possible and ine3i0able, 0he up4ard9li10ing 1orce 0ha0 slo4ly o3erco2es e3ery obs0acle and e3ery di11icul0y5 I0 4as 0his Presence 0ha0 #a00he4 Arnold di2ly ( Page %4! sensed 4hen he 4ro0e o1 0he =Po4er, no0 oursel3es, 0ha0 2a/es 1or righ0eousness,> bu0 he erred in 0hin/ing =no0 oursel3es,> 1or i0 is 0he 3ery inner2os0 Sel1 o1 all @ 0ruly no0 our separa0ed sel3es, bu0 our Sel15 )"02a, 0he re1lec0ion o1 Para2A02A5* This Sel1 is 0he $ne, and hence is spo/en o1 as 0he #onad @ ) I0 is called 0he #onad, 4he0her i0 be 0he #onad o1 spiri092a00er, "02a ? or 0he #onad o1 1or2 or 0he hu2an #onad, "02a9'uddhi9#anas5 In each i0 is a uni0 and ac0s as a uni0, 4he0her 0he uni0 be one9 1aced, 04o91aced, or 0hree91aced* @ and 4e shall need 0o re2e2ber 0ha0 0his #onad is 0he ou0brea0hed li1e o1 0he L$.$S, con0aining 4i0hin i0sel1 ger2inally, or in a s0a0e o1 la0ency, all 0he di3ine po4ers and a00ribu0es5 These po4ers are brough0 in0o 2ani1es0a0ion by 0he i2pac0s arising 1ro2 con0ac0 4i0h 0he ob6ec0s o1 0he uni3erse in0o 4hich 0he #onad is 0hro4n ? 0he 1ric0ion caused by 0hese gi3es rise 0o responsi3e 0hrills 1ro2 0he li1e sub6ec0ed 0o 0heir s0i2uli, and one by one 0he energies o1 0he li1e pass 1ro2 la0ency in0o ac0i3i0y5 The hu2an #onad @ as i0 is called 1or 0he sa/e o1 dis0inc0ion @ sho4s as 4e ha3e already said, 0he 0hree aspec0s o1 %ei0y, being 0he per1ec0 i2age o1 .od, and in 0he hu2an cycle 0hese 0hree aspec0s are de3eloped one a10er 0he o0her5 These aspec0s are 0he 0hree grea0 a00ribu0es o1 0he %i3ine Li1e as 2ani1es0ed in 0he uni3erse, e:is0ence, bliss, and in0elligence @ ) Sa0chi0Ananda is o10en used in 0he Hindu Scrip0ures as 0he abs0rac0 na2e o1 'rah2an, 0he Tri2Er0i being 0he concre0e 2ani1es0a0ion o1 0hese* @0he 0hree L$.$I se3erally

sho4ing 0hese 1or0h 4i0h all 0he (Page %$! per1ec0ion possible 4i0hin 0he li2i0s o1 2ani1es0a0ion5 In 2an, 0hese aspec0s are de3eloped in 0he re3ersed order @ in0elligence, bliss, e:is0ence @ =e:is0ence> i2plying 0he 2ani1es0a0ion o1 0he di3ine po4ers5 In 0he e3olu0ion o1 2an 0ha0 4e ha3e so 1ar s0udied 4e ha3e been 4a0ching 0he de3elop2en0 o1 0he 0hird aspec0 o1 0he hidden dei0y @ 0he de3elop2en0 o1 consciousness as in0elligence5 #anas, 0he Thin/er, 0he hu2an Soul, is 0he i2age o1 0he (ni3ersal #ind, o1 0he Third L$.$S, and all his long pilgri2age on 0he 0hree lo4er planes is de3o0ed 0o 0he e3olu0ion o1 0his 0hird aspec0, 0he in0ellec0ual side o1 0he di3ine na0ure in 2an5 +hile 0his is proceeding, 4e 2ay consider 0he o0her di3ine energies as ra0her brooding o3er 0he 2an, 0he hidden source o1 his li1e, 0han as ac0i3ely de3eloping 0heir 1orces 4i0hin hi25 They play 4i0hin 0he2sel3es, un2ani1es05 S0ill, 0he prepara0ion o1 0hese 1orces 1or 2ani1es0a0ion is slo4ly proceeding? 0hey are being roused 1ro2 0ha0 un2ani1es0ed li1e 0ha0 4e spea/ o1 as la0ency by 0he e3er9increasing energy o1 0he 3ibra0ions o1 0he in0elligence, and 0he bliss9aspec0 begins 0o send ou04ards i0s 1irs0 3ibra0ions @ 1ain0 pulsings o1 i0s 2ani1es0ed li1e 0hrill 1or0h5 This bliss9aspec0 is na2ed in 0heosophical 0er2inology 'uddhi, a na2e deri3ed 1ro2 0he Sans/ri0 4ord 1or 4isdo2, and i0 belongs 0o 0he 1our0h, or buddhic plane o1 our uni3erse, 0he plane, in 4hich 0here is s0ill duali0y, bu0 4ere 0here is no separa0ion5 +ords 1ail 2e 0o con3ey 0he idea, 1or 4ords belong 0o 0he lo4er planes 4here duali0y and separa0ion are e3er (Page %%! connec0ed, ye0 so2e approach 0o 0he idea 2ay be gained5 I0 is a s0a0e in 4hich each is hi2sel1, 4i0h a clearness and 3i3id in0ensi0y 4hich canno0 be approached on lo4er planes, and ye0 in 4hich each 1eels hi2sel1 0o include all o0hers, 0o be one 4i0h 0he2,

insepara0e and inseparable5 )The reader should re1er bac/ 0o 0he In0roduc0ion, p5 RS, and reread 0he descrip0ion gi3en by Plo0inus o1 0his s0a0e, co22encingF =They li/e4ise see all 0hings5> And he should no0e 0he phrases, =Each li/e4ise is e3ery0hing,> and =In each, ho4e3er a di11eren0 ;uali0y predo2ina0es5* I0s neares0 analogy on ear0h is 0he condi0ion be04een 04o persons 4ho are uni0ed by a pure, in0ense lo3e, 4hich 2a/es 0he2 1eel as one person, causing 0he2 0o 0hin/, 1eel, ac0, li3e as one, recognising no barrier, no di11erence, no 2ine and 0hine, no separa0ion5 )I0 is 1or 0his reason 0ha0 0he bliss o1 di3ine lo3e has in 2any Scrip0ures been i2aged by 0he pro1ound lo3e o1 husband and 4i1e, as in 0he Bhagavad Purna o1 0he Hindus, 0he Song of Solomon o1 0he Hebre4s and Chris0ians5 This is also 0he lo3e o1 0he Su1i 2ys0ics, and indeed o1 all 2ys0ics5* I0 is a 1ain0 echo 1ro2 0his plane 4hich 2a/es 2en see/ happiness by union be04een 0he2sel3es and 0he ob6ec0 o1 0heir desire, no 2a00er 4ha0 0ha0 ob6ec0 2ay be5 Per1ec0 isola0ion is per1ec0 2isery ? 0o be s0ripped na/ed o1 e3ery0hing, 0o be hanging in 0he 3oid o1 space, in u00er soli0ude, no0hing any4here sa3e 0he lone indi3idual, shu0 ou0 1ro2 all, shu0 in0o 0he separa0ed sel1 @ i2agina0ion can concei3e no horror 2ore in0ense5 The an0i0hesis 0o 0his is union, and per1ec0 union is per1ec0 bliss5 As 0his bliss9aspec0 o1 0he Sel1 begins 0o send (Page %&! ou04ards i0s 3ibra0ions, 0hese 3ibra0ions, as on 0he planes belo4, dra4 round 0he2sel3es 0he 2a00er o1 0he plane on 4hich 0hey are 1unc0ioning, and 0hus is 1or2ed gradually 0he buddhic body, or bliss9body, as i0 is appropria0ely 0er2ed5 )"nanda2aya/osha, or bliss9shea0h, o1 0he &edAn0ins5 I0 is also 0he body o1 0he sun, 0he solar body, o1 4hich a li00le is said in 0he (panishads and else4here5*

The only 4ay in 4hich 0he 2an can con0ribu0e 0o 0he building o1 0his glorious 1or2 is by cul0i3a0ing pure, unsel1ish, all9e2bracing, bene1icen0 lo3e, lo3e =0ha0 see/e0h no0 i0s o4n> @ 0ha0 is, lo3e 0ha0 is nei0her par0ial, nor see/s any re0urn 1or i0s ou01lo4ing5 This spon0aneous ou0pouring o1 lo3e is 0he 2os0 2ar/ed o1 0he di3ine a00ribu0es, 0he lo3e 0ha0 gi3es e3ery0hing, 0ha0 as/s no0hing5 Pure lo3e brough0 0he uni3erse in0o being, pure lo3e 2ain0ains i0, pure lo3e dra4s i0 up4ards 0o4ards per1ec0ion, 0o4ards bliss5 And 4here3er 2an pours ou0 lo3e on all 4ho need i0, 2a/ing no di11erence, see/ing no re0urn, 1ro2 pure spon0aneous 6oy in 0he ou0pouring, 0here 0ha0 2an is de3eloping 0he bliss9aspec0 o1 0he %ei0y 4i0hin hi2, and is preparing 0ha0 body o1 beau0y and 6oy ine11able in0o 4hich 0he Thin/er 4ill rise, cas0ing a4ay 0he li2i0s o1 separa0eness, 0o 1ind hi2sel1, and ye0 one 4i0h all 0ha0 li3es5 This =0he house no0 2ade 4i0h hands, e0ernal in 0he hea3ens,> 4hereo1 4ro0e S05 Paul, 0he grea0 Chris0ian Ini0ia0e ? and he raised chari0y, pure lo3e, abo3e all o0her 3ir0ues, because by 0ha0 alone can 2an on ear0h con0ribu0e 0o 0ha0 glorious d4elling5 ,or a si2ilar reason is (Page %'! separa0eness called =0he grea0 heresy> by 0he 'uddhis0, and =union> is 0he goal o1 0he Hindu ? libera0ion is 0he escape 1ro2 0he li2i0a0ions 0ha0 /eep us apar0, and sel1ishness is 0he roo09e3il, 0he des0ruc0ion 4hereo1 is 0he des0ruc0ion o1 all pain5 The 1i10h plane, 0he Nir3Anic, is 0he plane o1 0he highes0 hu2an aspec0 o1 0he .od 4i0hin us, and 0his aspec0 is na2ed by 0heosophis0s "02A, or 0he Sel15 I0 is 0he plane o1 pure e:is0ence, o1 di3ine po4ers in 0heir 1ulles0 2ani1es0a0ion in our 1i3e1old uni3erse @ 4ha0 lies beyond on 0he si:0h and se3en0h planes is hidden in 0he uni2aginable ligh0 o1 .od5 This A02ic, or nir3Anic, consciousness, 0he consciousness belonging 0o li1e on 0he 1i10h plane, is 0he

consciousness a00ained by 0hose lo10y $nes, 0he 1irs0 1rui0s o1 hu2ani0y, 4ho ha3e already co2ple0ed 0he cycle o1 hu2an e3olu0ion, and 4ho are called #as0ers5 )!no4n as #ahA02As, grea0 Spiri0s, and Ni3an2u/0as, libera0ed souls, 4ho re2ain connec0ed 4i0h physical bodies 1or 0he helping o1 hu2ani0y5 #any o0her grea0 'eings also li3e on 0he nir3Anic plane5* They ha3e sol3ed in The2sel3es 0he proble2 o1 uni0ing 0he essence o1 indi3iduali0y 4i0h non9separa0eness, and li3e, i22or0al In0elligences, per1ec0 in 4isdo2, in bliss, in po4er5 +hen 0he hu2an #onad co2es 1or0h 1ro2 0he L$.$S, i0 is as 0hough 1ro2 0he lu2inous ocean o1 "02A a 0iny 0hread o1 ligh0 4as separa0ed o11 1ro2 0he res0 by a 1il2 o1 buddhic 2a00er, and 1ro2 0his hung a spar/ 4hich beco2es enclosed in an egg9li/e casing o1 2a00er belonging 0o 0he 1or2less le3els o1 (Page %(! 0he 2en0al plane5 =The spar/ hangs 1ro2 0he 1la2e by 0he 1ines0 0hread o1 ,oha05> ) 'oo/ o1 %Byan, S0anBa 3ii, H, ? Secre0 %oc0rine, 3ol5 I, p5 SS, 179R ed5 ? p5 97 Adyar Edi0ion* As e3olu0ion proceeds, 0his lu2inous egg gro4s larger and 2ore opalescen0, and 0he 0iny 0hread beco2es a 4ider and 4ider channel 0hrough 4hich 2ore and 2ore o1 0he A02ic li1e pours do4n5 ,inally, 0hey 2erge @ 0he 0hird 4i0h 0he second, and 0he 04ain 4i0h 0he 1irs0, as 1la2e 2erges 4i0h 1la2e and no separa0ion can be seen5 The e3olu0ion o1 0he 1our0h and 1i10h planes belongs 0o a 1u0ure period o1 our race, bu0 0hose 4ho choose 0he harder pa0h o1 s4i10er progress 2ay 0read i0 e3en no4, as 4ill be e:plained la0er5 )see Chap0er GI, on =#an<s Ascen05>* $n 0ha0 pa0h 0he bliss body is ;uic/ly e3ol3ed, and a 2an begins 0o en6oy 0he consciousness o1 0ha0 lo10ier region, and /no4s 0he bliss 4hich co2es 1ro2 0he absence o1 separa0i3e barriers, 0he 4isdo2 4hich 1lo4s in 4hen 0he li2i0s o1 0he in0ellec0 are 0ranscended5 Then is 0he 4heel escaped

1ro2 4hich binds 0he soul in 0he lo4er 4orlds, and 0hen is 0he 1irs0 1ore0as0e o1 0he liber0y 4hich is 1ound per1ec0ed on 0he nir3Anic plane5 The nir3Anic consciousness is 0he an0i0hesis o1 annihila0ion? i0 is e:is0ence raised 0o a 3i3idness and in0ensi0y inconcei3able 0o 0hose 4ho /no4 only 0he li1e o1 0he senses and 0he 2ind5 As 0he 1ar0hing rush9ligh0 0o 0he splendour o1 0he sun a0 noon, so is 0he nir3Anic 0o 0he ear0h9bound consciousness, and 0o regard i0 as an annihila0ion because 0he li2i0s o1 0he ear0hly consciousness ha3e 3anished, is as 0hough a 2an, /no4ing only 0he rush9ligh0, should say 0ha0 (Page &)! ligh0 could no0 e:is0 4i0hou0 a 4ic/ i22ersed in 0allo45 Tha0 Nir3Ana is, has been born 4i0ness 0o in 0he pas0 in 0he Scrip0ures o1 0he 4orld by Those 4ho en6oy i0 and li3e i0s glorious li1e, and is s0ill borne 4i0ness 0o by o0hers o1 our race 4ho ha3e cli2bed 0ha0 lo10y ladder o1 per1ec0ed hu2ani0y, and 4ho re2ain in 0ouch 4i0h ear0h 0ha0 0he 1ee0 o1 our ascending race 2ay 2oun0 i0s rungs un1al0eringly5 In Nir3Ana d4ell 0he 2igh0y 'eings 4ho acco2plished Their o4n hu2an e3olu0ion in pas0 uni3erses, and 4ho ca2e 1or0h 4i0h 0he L$.$S 4hen He 2ani1es0ed Hi2sel1 0o bring 0his uni3erse in0o e:is0ence5 They are His 2inis0ers in 0he ad2inis0ra0ion o1 0he 4orlds, 0he per1ec0 agen0s o1 His 4ill5 The Lords o1 all 0he hierarchies o1 0he .ods and lo4er 2inis0ran0s 0ha0 4e ha3e seen 4or/ing on 0he lo4er planes ha3e here Their abiding9place, 1or Nir3Ana is 0he hear0 o1 0he uni3erse, 4hence all i0s li1e9curren0s proceed5 Hence 0he .rea0 'rea0h co2es 1or0h, 0he li1e o1 all, and 0hi0her i0 is indra4n 4hen 0he uni3erse has reached i0s 0er25 There is 0he 'ea0i1ic &ision 1or 4hich 2ys0ics long, 0here 0he un3eiled .lory, 0he Supre2e .oal5 The 'ro0herhood o1 Hu2ani0y @ nay, 0he 'ro0herhood o1 all 0hings @ has i0s sure 1ounda0ion on 0he spiri0ual planes, 0he A02ic and buddhic, 1or here

alone is uni0y, and here alone per1ec0 sy2pa0hy is 1ound5 The in0ellec0 is 0he separa0i3e principle in 2an, 0ha0 2ar/s o11 0he = I = 1ro2 0he = no0 I ,> 0ha0 is conscious (Page & ! o1 i0sel1, and sees all else as ou0side i0sel1 and alien5 I0 is 0he co2ba0i3e, s0ruggling, sel19asser0i3e principle, and 1ro2 0he plane o1 0he in0ellec0 do4n4ards 0he 4orld presen0s a scene o1 con1lic0, bi00er in propor0ion as 0he in0ellec0 2ingles in i05 E3en 0he passion9na0ure is only spon0aneously co2ba0i3e 4hen i0 is s0irred by 0he 1eeling o1 desire and 1inds any0hing s0anding be04een i0sel1 and 0he ob6ec0 o1 i0s desires? i0 beco2es 2ore and 2ore aggressi3e as 0he 2ind inspires i0s ac0i3i0y, 1or 0hen i0 see/s 0o pro3ide 1or 0he gra0i1ica0ion o1 1u0ure desires, and 0ries 0o appropria0e 2ore and 2ore 1ro2 0he s0ores o1 Na0ure5 'u0 0he in0ellec0 is spon0aneously co2ba0i3e, i0s 3ery na0ure being 0o asser0 i0sel1 as di11eren0 1ro2 o0hers, and here 4e 1ind 0he roo0 o1 separa0eness, 0he e3er9springing source o1 di3isions a2ong 2en5 'u0 uni0y is a0 once 1el0 4hen 0he buddhic plane is reached, as 0hough 4e s0epped 1ro2 a separa0e ray, di3erging 1ro2 all o0her rays, in0o 0he sun i0sel1, 1ro2 4hich radia0e all 0he rays ali/e5 A being s0anding in 0he sun, su11used 4i0h i0s ligh0, and pouring i0 1or0h, 4ould 1eel no di11erence be04een ray and ray, bu0 4ould pour 1or0h along one as readily and easily as along ano0her5 And so 4i0h 0he 2an 4ho has once consciously a00ained 0he buddhic plane ? he feels 0he bro0herhood 0ha0 o0hers spea/ o1 as an ideal, and pours hi2sel1 ou0 in0o any one 4ho 4an0s assis0ance, gi3ing 2en0al, 2oral, (Page &"! as0ral, physical help e:ac0ly as i0 is needed5 He sees all beings as hi2sel1, and 1eels 0ha0 all he has is 0heirs as 2uch as his? nay, in 2any cases, as 2ore 0heirs 0han his, because 0heir need is grea0er, 0heir s0reng0h being less5 So do 0he elder bro0hers in a 1a2ily bear 0he 1a2ily burdens, and shield 0he li00le ones

1ro2 su11ering and pri3a0ion ? 0o 0he spiri0 o1 bro0herhood 4ea/ness is a clai2 1or help and lo3ing pro0ec0ion, no0 an oppor0uni0y 1or oppression5 'ecause They had reached 0his le3el and 2oun0ed e3en higher, 0he grea0 ,ounders o1 religions ha3e e3er been 2ar/ed by Their o3er4elling co2passion and 0enderness, 2inis0ering 0o 0he physical as 4ell as 0o 0he inner 4an0s o1 2en, 0o e3ery 2an according 0o his need5 The consciousness o1 0his inner uni0y, 0he recogni0ion o1 0he $ne Sel1 d4elling e;ually in all, is 0he one sure 1ounda0ion o1 'ro0herhood ? all else sa3e 0his is 1rangible5 This recogni0ion, 2oreo3er, is acco2panied by 0he /no4ledge 0ha0 0he s0age in e3olu0ion reached by di11eren0 hu2an and non9hu2an beings depends chie1ly on 4ha0 4e 2ay call 0heir age5 So2e began 0heir 6ourney in 0i2e 3ery 2uch la0er 0han o0hers, and, 0hough 0he po4ers in each be 0he sa2e, so2e ha3e un1olded 1ar 2ore o1 0hose po4ers 0han o0hers, si2ply because 0hey ha3e had a longer 0i2e 1or 0he process 0han 0heir younger bre0hren5 As 4ell bla2e and despise 0he seed because i0 is no0 ye0 a 1lo4er, 0he bud because i0 is no0 ye0 0he 1rui0, 0he babe because i0 is no0 ye0 0he 2an, and bla2e and despise 0he ger2inal and baby souls around us because 0hey ha3e no0 (Page &#! ye0 de3eloped 0o 0he s0age 4e oursel3es occupy5 +e do no0 bla2e oursel3es because 4e are no0 ye0 as .ods ? in 0i2e 4e shall s0and 4here our elder 'ro0hers are s0anding5 +hy should 4e bla2e 0he s0ill younger souls 4ho are no0 ye0 as 4eL The 3ery 4ord bro0herhood conno0es iden0i0y o1 blood and ine;uali0y o1 de3elop2en0 ? and i0 0here1ore represen0s e:ac0ly 0he lin/ be04een all crea0ures in 0he uni3erse @ iden0i0y o1 0he essen0ial li1e, and di11erence in 0he s0ages reached in 0he 2ani1es0a0ion o1 0ha0 li1e5

+e are one in our origin, one in 0he 2e0hod o1 our e3olu0ion, one in our goal, and 0he di11erences o1 age and s0a0ure bu0 gi3e oppor0uni0y 1or 0he gro40h o1 0he 0enderes0 and closes0 0ies5 All 0ha0 a 2an 4ould do 1or his bro0her o1 0he 1lesh, dearer 0o hi2 0han hi2sel1, is 0he 2easure o1 4ha0 he o4es 0o each 4ho shares 4i0h hi2 0he one Li1e5 #en are shu0 ou0 1ro2 0heir bro0hers< hear0s by di11erences o1 race, o1 class, o1 coun0ry ? 0he 2an 4ho is 4ise by lo3e rises abo3e all 0hese pe00y di11erences, and sees all dra4ing 0heir li1e 1ro2 0he one source, all as par0 o1 his 1a2ily5 The recogni0ion o1 0his 'ro0herhood in0ellec0ually, and 0he endea3our 0o li3e i0 prac0ically, are so s0i2ula0i3e o1 0he higher na0ure o1 2an, 0ha0 i0 4as 2ade 0he one obliga0ory ob6ec0 o1 0he Theosophical Socie0y, 0he single =ar0icle o1 belie1> 0ha0 all 4ho 4ould en0er i0s 1ello4ship 2us0 accep05 To li3e i0, e3en 0o a s2all e:0en0, cleanses 0he hear0 and puri1ies 0he 3ision ? 0o li3e i0 per1ec0ly 4ould be 0o eradica0e all s0ain o1 separa0eness, and 0o le0 0he pure (Page &4! shining o1 0he Sel1 irradia0e us, as a ligh0 0hrough 1la4less glass5 Ne3er le0 i0 be 1orgo00en 0ha0 0his 'ro0herhood is, 4he0her 2en ignore i0 or deny i05 #an<s ignorance does no0 change 0he la4s o1 na0ure, nor 3ary by one hair<s bread0h her changeless, irresis0ible 2arch5 Her la4s crush 0hose 4ho oppose 0he2, and brea/ in0o pieces e3ery0hing 4hich is no0 in har2ony 4i0h 0he25 There1ore can no na0ion endure 0ha0 ou0rages 'ro0herhood, no ci3ilisa0ion can las0 0ha0 is buil0 on i0s an0i0hesis5 +e ha3e no0 0o 2a/e bro0herhood ? i0 e:is0s5 +e ha3e 0o a00une our li3es in0o har2ony 4i0h i0, i1 4e desire 0ha0 4e and our 4or/s shall no0 perish5 I0 2ay see2 s0range 0o so2e 0ha0 0he buddhic plane @ a 0hing 0o 0he2 2is0y and unreal @ should 0hus in1luence all planes belo4 i0, and 0ha0 i0s 1orces should e3er brea/ in0o pieces all 0ha0 canno0

har2onise i0sel1 4i0h 0he2 in 0he lo4er 4orlds5 Ye0 so i0 is, 1or 0his uni3erse is an e:pression o1 spiri0ual 1orces, and 0hey are 0he guiding, 2oulding energies per3ading all 0hings, and slo4ly, surely, subduing all 0hings 0o 0he2sel3es5 Hence 0his 'ro0herhood, 4hich is a spiri0ual uni0y, is a 1ar 2ore real 0hing 0han any ou04ard organisa0ion ? i0 is a li1e and no0 a 1or2, =4isely and s4ee0ly ordering all 0hings5> I0 2ay 0a/e innu2erable 1or2s, sui0able 0o 0he 0i2es, bu0 0he li1e is one ? happy they who see its presence and make themselves the channels of its living force5 The s0uden0 has no4 be1ore hi2 0he cons0i0uen0s (Page &$! o1 0he hu2an cons0i0u0ion, and 0he regions 0o 4hich 0hese cons0i0uen0s respec0i3ely belong? so a brie1 su22ary should enable hi2 0o ha3e a clear idea o1 0his co2plica0ed 4hole5 The hu2an #onad is "02a9'uddhi9#anas, or, as so2e0i2es 0ransla0ed, 0he Spiri0, 0he Spiri0ual Soul, and Soul, o1 2an5 The 1ac0 0ha0 0hese 0hree are bu0 aspec0s o1 0he Sel1 2a/es possible 2an<s i22or0al e:is0ence, and 0hough 0hese 0hree aspec0s are 2ani1es0ed separa0ely and successi3ely, 0heir subs0an0ial uni0y renders i0 possible 1or 0he Soul 0o 2erge i0sel1 in 0he spiri0ual Soul, gi3ing 0o 0he la00er 0he precious essence o1 indi3iduali0y, and 1or 0his indi3idualised Spiri0ual Soul 0o 2erge i0sel1 in 0he Spiri0, colouring i0 @ i1 0he phrase 2ay be per2i00ed 4i0h 0he hues due 0o indi3iduali0y, 4hile lea3ing unin6ured i0s essen0ial uni0y 4i0h all o0her rays o1 0he L$.$S and 4i0h 0he L$.$S Hi2sel15 These 0hree 1or2 0he se3en0h, si:0h and 1i10h principles o1 2an, and 0he 2a0erials 4hich li2i0 and encase 0he2, i.e., 4hich 2a/e 0heir 2ani1es0a0ion and ac0i3i0y possible, are dra4n respec0i3ely 1ro2 0he 1i10h )nir3Anic*, 0he 1our0h )buddhic*, and 0he 0hird )2en0al*, planes o1 our uni3erse5 The 1i10h principle 1ur0her 0a/es

0o i0sel1 a lo4er body on 0he 2en0al plane, in order 0o co2e in0o con0ac0 4i0h 0he pheno2enal 4orlds, and 0hus in0er04ines i0sel1 4i0h 0he 1our0h principle, 0he desire9na0ure, or !A2a, belonging 0o 0he second or as0ral plane5 %escending 0o 0he 1irs0, 0he physical plane, 4e ha3e 0he 0hird, second and 1irs0 principles @ 0he specialised li1e, or PrAna ? 0he (Page &%! e0heric double, i0s 3ehicle ? 0he dense body, 4hich con0ac0s 0he coarser 2a0erials o1 0he physical 4orld5 +e ha3e already seen 0ha0 so2e0i2es PrAna is no0 regarded as a =principle,> and 0hen 0he in0er4o3en desire and 2en0al bodies 0a/e ran/ 0oge0her as !A2a #anas ? 0he pure in0ellec0 is called 0he Higher #anas, and 0he 2ind apar0 1ro2 desire Lo4er #anas5 The 2os0 con3enien0 concep0ion o1 2an is perhaps 0ha0 4hich 2os0 closely represen0s 0he 1ac0s as 0o 0he one per2anen0 li1e and 0he 3arious 1or2s in 4hich i0 4or/s and 4hich condi0ion i0s energies, causing 0he 3arie0y in 2ani1es0a0ion5 Then 4e see 0he Sel1 as 0he one Li1e, 0he source o1 all energies, and 0he 1or2s as 0he buddhic, causal, 2en0al, as0ral, and physical )e0heric and dense* bodies5 ) Linga Sharira 4as 0he na2e originally gi3en 0o 0he e0heric body, and 2us0 no0 be con1used 4i0h 0he Linga Sharira o1 Hindu philosophy5 S0hTla Sharira is 0he Sans/ri0 na2e 1or 0he dense body5* Pu00ing 0oge0her 0he 04o 4ays o1 loo/ing a0 0he sa2e 0hing, 4e 2ay cons0ruc0 a 0ableF (Page &&! PRINCIPLES Atm12 B5ddhi So56 S3i4it S3i4it5a6

Highe4 -anas H5man So56 Lo7e4 -anas

Those o8 o54 4eade4s 7ho a4e mo4e 8ami6ia4 7ith the .ed1n c6assi8ication ma9 8ind the 8o66o7ing t7o ta:6es o8 the 8o4m*side 5se8 B5ddhic :od9 Ca5sa6 :od9 -enta6 :od9 Ast4a6 :od9 Ph9sica6 :od9 Ethe4ic /ense








+1ma 2 Anima6 So56 Linga Sha4i4a = Sth>6a Sha4i4a

Ast4a6 Bod9 Ethe4ic /o5:6e /ense Bod9

= Linga Sha4i4a 7as the name o4igina669 gi?en to the ethe4ic :od9@ and m5st not :e con85sed 7ith the Linga Sha4A4a o8 Hind5 3hi6oso3h92 Sth>6a Sha4i4a is the Sans<4it name 8o4 the dense :od92

I0 4ill be seen 0ha0 0he di11erence is 2erely a ;ues0ion o1 na2es, and 0ha0 0he si:0h, 1i10h, 1our0h, and 0hird =principles> are 2erely "02A 4or/ing in 0he 'uddhic, causal, 2en0al and as0ral bodies, 4hile 0he second and 1irs0 =principles = are 0he 04o lo4es0 bodies 0he2sel3es5 This sudden change in 0he 2e0hod o1 na2ing is ap0 0o cause con1usion in 0he 2ind o1 0he s0uden0, and as H5P5 'la3a0s/y, our re3ered 0eacher, e:pressed 2uch dissa0is1ac0ion 4i0h 0he 0hen curren0 no2encla0ure as con1used and 2isleading, and desired o0hers and 2ysel1 0o 0ry and i2pro3e i0, 0he abo3e na2es, as descrip0i3e, si2ple, and represen0ing 0he 1ac0s, are here adop0ed5 The 3arious sub0le bodies o1 2an 0ha0 4e ha3e no4 s0udied 1or2 in 0heir aggrega0e 4ha0 is usually called 0he =aura> o1 0he hu2an being5 This aura has 0he appearance o1 an egg9shaped lu2inous cloud, in 0he 2ids0 o1 4hich is 0he dense physical body, and 1ro2 i0s appearance i0 has o10en been spo/en o1 as 0hough i0 4ere no0hing 2ore 0han such a cloud5 +ha0 is usually called 0he aura is 2erely such par0s o1 0he sub0le bodies as e:0end beyond 0he periphery o1 0he dense physical body ? each body is co2ple0e (Page &'! in i0sel1, and in0erpene0ra0es 0hose 0ha0 are coarser 0han i0sel1 ? i0 is larger or s2aller according 0o i0s de3elop2en0, and all 0ha0 par0 o1 i0 0ha0 o3erlaps 0he sur1ace o1 0he dense body is 0er2ed 0he aura5 The aura is 0hus co2posed o1 0he o3erlapping por0ions o1 0he e0heric double, 0he desire body, 0he 2en0al body, 0he causal body, and in

rare cases 0he buddhic body, illu2ina0ed by 0he "02ic radiance5 I0 is so2e0i2es dull, coarse and dingy ? so2e0i2es 2agni1icen0ly radian0 in siBe, ligh0, and colour ? i0 depends en0irely on 0he s0age o1 e3olu0ion reached by 0he 2an, on 0he de3elop2en0 o1 his di11eren0 bodies, on 0he 2oral and 2en0al charac0er he has e3ol3ed5 All his 3arying passions, desires, and 0hough0s are herein 4ri00en in 1or2, in colour, in ligh0, so 0ha0 =he 0ha0 runs 2ay read = i1 he has eyes 1or such scrip05 Charac0er is s0a2ped 0hereon as 4ell as 1lee0ing changes, and no decep0ion is 0here possible as in 0he 2as/ 4e call 0he physical body5 The increase in siBe and beau0y o1 0he aura is 0he un2is0a/able 2ar/ o1 0he 2an<s progress, and 0ells o1 0he gro40h and puri1ica0ion o1 0he Thin/er and his 3ehicles5 (Page &(! CHAPTER REINCARNATION +e are no4 in a posi0ion 0o s0udy one o1 0he pi3o0al doc0rines o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo2, 0he doc0rine o1 reincarna0ion5 $ur 3ie4 o1 i0 4ill be clearer and 2ore in congrui0y 4i0h na0ural order, i1 4e loo/ a0 i0 as uni3ersal in principle, and 0hen consider 0he special case o1 0he reincarna0ion o1 0he hu2an soul5 In s0udying i0, 0his special case is generally 4renched 1ro2 i0s place in na0ural order, and is considered as a disloca0ed 1rag2en0, grea0ly 0o i0s de0ri2en05 ,or all e3olu0ion consis0s o1 an e3ol3ing li1e, passing 1ro2 1or2 0o 1or2 as i0 e3ol3es, and s0oring up in i0sel1 0he e:periences gained 0hrough 0he 1or2s ? 0he reincarna0ion o1 0he hu2an soul is no0 0he in0roduc0ion o1 a ne4 principle in0o e3olu0ion, bu0 0he adap0a0ion o1 0he uni3ersal principle 0o 2ee0 0he condi0ions rendered necessary by 0he indi3idualisa0ion o1 0he con0inuously e3ol3ing li1e5 .II

#r5 La1cadio Hearn ) =#r5 Hearn has los0 his 4ay in e:pressing @ bu0 no0, I 0hin/, in his inner 3ie4 @ in par0 o1 his e:posi0ion o1 0he 'uddhis0 s0a0e2en0 o1 0his doc0rine, and his use o1 0he 4ord =Ego> 4ill 2islead 0he reader o1 his 3ery in0eres0ing chap0er on 0his sub6ec0, i1 0he dis0inc0ion be04een real and illusory ego is no0 readily /ep0 in 2ind5>* has pu0 0his poin0 4ell in considering 0he bearing o1 0he idea o1 0he pre9e:is0ence on 0he scien0i1ic 0hough0 o1 0he +es05 He says F 9 (Page ')! =+i0h 0he accep0ance o1 0he doc0rine o1 e3olu0ion, old 1or2s o1 0hough0 cru2bled ? ne4 ideas e3ery4here arose 0o 0a/e 0he place o1 4orn9ou0 dog2as ? and 4e no4 ha3e 0he spec0acle o1 a general in0ellec0ual 2o3e2en0 in direc0ions s0rangely parallel 4i0h $rien0al philosophy5 The unpreceden0ed rapidi0y and 2ul0i1or2i0y o1 scien0i1ic progress during 0he las0 1i10y years could no0 ha3e 1ailed 0o pro3o/e an e;ually unpreceden0ed in0ellec0ual ;uic/ening a2ong 0he non9 scien0i1ic5 = =Tha0 0he highes0 and 2os0 co2ple: organis2s ha3e been de3eloped 1ro2 0he lo4es0 and si2ples0 ? 0ha0 a single physical basis o1 li1e is 0he subs0ance o1 0he 4hole li3ing 4orld ? 0ha0 no line o1 separa0ion can be dra4n be04een 0he ani2al and 3ege0able ? 0ha0 0he di11erence be04een li1e and non9li1e is only a di11erence o1 degree, no0 o1 /ind ? 0ha0 2a00er is no0 less inco2prehensible 0han 2ind, 4hile bo0h are bu0 3arying 2ani1es0a0ions o1 one and 0he sa2e un/no4n reali0y @ 0hese ha3e already beco2e 0he co22onplaces o1 0he ne4 philosophy5> =A10er 0he 1irs0 recogni0ion e3en by 0heology o1 physical e3olu0ion, i0 4as easy 0o predic0 0ha0 0he recogni0ion o1 psychical e3olu0ion could no0 be inde1ini0ely delayed ? 1or 0he barrier erec0ed by old dog2a 0o /eep 2en 1ro2 loo/ing bac/4ard had been bro/en do4n5 And 0oday 1or 0he s0uden0 o1 scien0i1ic psychology 0he idea o1 pre9e:is0ence passes ou0 o1 0he

real2 o1 0heory in0o 0he real2 o1 1ac0, pro3ing 0he 'uddhis0 e:plana0ion o1 0he uni3ersal 2ys0ery ;ui0e as plausible as any o0her5> =None bu0 3ery has0y 0hin/ers,< 4ro0e 0he la0e Pro1essor Hu:ley, U4ill re6ec0 i0 on 0he ground o1 inheren0 absurdi0y5 Li/e 0he doc0rine o1 e3olu0ion i0sel1, 0ha0 o1 0rans2igra0ion has i0s roo0s in 0he 4orld o1 reali0y ? and i0 2ay clai2 such suppor0 as 0he grea0 argu2en0 1ro2 analogy is capable o1 supplying5> ) Evolution and Ethics, p5 S1, ed5 179V @ !okoro "ints and Echoes of #apanese $nner %ife, by La1cadio Hearn, pp5 IR89R9 london, 179S*5> (Page ' ! Le0 us consider 0he #onad o1 1or2, "02a9 'uddhi5 In 0his #onad, 0he ou0brea0hed li1e o1 0he L$.$S, lie hidden all 0he di3ine po4ers, bu0, as 4e ha3e seen, 0hey are la0en0, no0 2ani1es0 and 1unc0ioning5 They are 0o be gradually aroused by e:0ernal i2pac0s, i0 being o1 0he 3ery na0ure o1 li1e 0o 3ibra0e in ans4er 0o 3ibra0ions 0ha0 play upon i05 As all possibili0ies o1 3ibra0ions e:is0 in 0he #onad, any 3ibra0ion 0ouching i0 4ill arouse i0s corresponding 3ibra0ory po4ers, and in 0his 4ay one 1orce a10er ano0her 4ill pass 1ro2 0he la0en0 0o 0he ac0i3e s0a0e5 ),ro2 0he s0a0ic 0o 0he /ine0ic condi0ion, 0he physicis0 4ould say5* Herein lies 0he secre0 o1 e3olu0ion ? 0he en3iron2en0 ac0s on 0he 1or2 o1 0he li3ing crea0ure @ and all 0hings, be i0 re2e2bered, li3e @ and 0his ac0ion, 0rans2i00ed 0hrough 0he en3eloping 1or2 0o 0he li1e, 0he #onad, 4i0hin i0, arouses responsi3e 3ibra0ions 4hich 0hrill ou04ards 1ro2 0he #onad 0hrough 0he 1or2, 0hro4ing i0s par0icles, in 0urn, in0o 3ibra0ions, and rearranging 0he2 in0o a shape corresponding, or adap0ed, 0o 0he ini0ial i2pac05 This is 0he ac0ion and reac0ion be04een 0he en3iron2en0 and 0he organis2, 4hich ha3e been recognised by all biologis0s, and 4hich are considered by so2e as gi3ing a su11icien0 2echanical e:plana0ion

o1 e3olu0ion5 Their pa0ien0 and care1ul obser3a0ion o1 0hese ac0ions and reac0ions yields, ho4e3er, no e:plana0ion 4hy 0he organis2 should 0hus reac0 0o s0i2uli, and 0he Ancien0 +isdo2 is needed 0o un3eil 0he secre0 o1 e3olu0ion, by poin0ing 0o 0he Sel1 in 0he hear0 o1 all (Page '"! 1or2s, 0he hidden 2ainspring o1 all 0he 2o3e2en0s o1 na0ure5 Ha3ing grasped 0his 1unda2en0al idea o1 a li1e con0aining 0he possibili0y o1 responding 0o e3ery 3ibra0ion 0ha0 can reach i0 1ro2 0he e:0ernal uni3erse, 0he ac0ual response being gradually dra4n 1or0h by 0he play upon i0 o1 e:0ernal 1orces, 0he ne:0 1unda2en0al idea 0o be grasped is 0ha0 o1 0he con0inui0y o1 li1e and 1or2s5 ,or2s 0rans2i0 0heir peculiari0ies 0o o0her 1or2s 0ha0 proceed 1ro2 0he2, 0hese o0her 1or2s being par0 o1 0heir o4n subs0ance, separa0ed o11 0o lead an independen0 e:is0ence5 'y 1ission, by budding, by e:0rusion o1 ger2s, by de3elop2en0 o1 0he o11spring 4i0hin 0he 2a0ernal 4o2b, a physical con0inui0y is preser3ed, e3ery ne4 1or2 being deri3ed 1ro2 a preceding 1or2 and reproducing i0s charac0eris0ics5 ) The s0uden0 2igh0 4isely 1a2iliarise hi2sel1 4i0h 0he researches o1 +eiss2an on 0he con0inui0y o1 ger29 plas25* Science groups 0hese 1ac0s under 0he na2e o1 0he la4 o1 heredi0y, and i0s obser3a0ions on 0he 0rans2ission o1 1or2 are 4or0hy o1 a00en0ion, and are illu2ina0i3e o1 0he 4or/ings o1 Na0ure in 0he pheno2enal 4orld5 'u0 i0 2us0 be re2e2bered 0ha0 i0 applies only 0o 0he building o1 0he physical body, in0o 4hich en0er 0he 2a0erials pro3ided by 0he paren0s5 Her 2ore hidden 4or/ings, 0hose 4or/ings o1 li1e 4i0hou0 4hich 1or2 could no0 be, ha3e recei3ed no a00en0ion, no0 being suscep0ible o1 physical obser3a0ion, and 0his gap can only be 1illed by 0he 0eachings o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo2, gi3en by Those 4ho

o1 old (Page '#! used superphysical po4ers o1 obser3a0ion, and 3eri1iable gradually by e3ery pupil 4ho s0udies pa0ien0ly in Their schools5 There is con0inui0y o1 li1e as 4ell as con0inui0y o1 1or2, and i0 is 0he con0inuing li1e @ 4i0h e3er 2ore and 2ore o1 i0s la0en0 energies rendered ac0i3e by 0he s0i2uli recei3ed 0hrough successi3e 1or2s @ 4hich resu2es in0o i0sel1 0he e:periences ob0ained by i0s incasings in 1or2 ? 1or 4hen 0he 1or2 perishes, 0he li1e has 0he record o1 0hose e:periences in 0he increased energies aroused by 0he2, and is ready 0o pour i0sel1 in0o 0he ne4 1or2s deri3ed 1ro2 0he old, carrying 4i0h i0 0his accu2ula0ed s0ore5 +hile i0 4as in 0he pre3ious 1or2, i0 played 0hrough i0, adap0ing i0 0o e:press each ne4ly a4a/ened energy? 0he 1or2 hands on 0hese adap0a0ions, in4rough0 in0o i0s subs0ance, 0o 0he separa0ed par0 o1 i0sel1 0ha0 4e spea/ o1 as i0s o11spring, 4hich, beings o1 i0s subs0ance, 2us0 needs ha3e 0he peculiari0ies o1 0ha0 subs0ance? 0he li1e pours i0sel1 in0o 0ha0 o11spring 4i0h all i0s a4a/ened po4ers, and 2oulds i0 ye0 1ur0her ? and so on and on5 #odern science is pro3ing 2ore and 2ore clearly 0ha0 heredi0y plays an e3er9decreasing par0 in 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he higher crea0ures, 0ha0 2en0al and 2oral ;uali0ies are no0 0rans2i00ed 1ro2 paren0s 0o o11spring, and 0ha0 0he higher ;uali0ies 0he 2ore pa0en0 is 0his 1ac0 U 0he child o1 0he genius is o1090i2es a dol0? co22onplace paren0s gi3e bir0h 0o a genius5 A con0inuing subs0ra0u2 0here 2us0 be, in 4hich 2en0al and 2oral ;uali0ies inhere, in order 0ha0 0hey 2ay increase, else 4ould Na0ure, in (Page '4! 0his 2os0 i2por0an0 depar02en0 o1 her 4or/, sho4 erra0ic uncaused produc0ion ins0ead o1 orderly con0inui0y5 $n 0his science is du2b, bu0 0he Ancien0 +isdo2 0eaches 0ha0 0his con0inuing subs0ra0u2 is 0he #onad, 4hich is 0he recep0acle o1 all resul0s, 0he

s0orehouse in 4hich all e:periences are garnered as increasingly ac0i3e po4ers5 These 04o principles 1ir2ly grasped @ o1 0he #onad 4i0h po0en0iali0ies beco2ing po4ers, and o1 0he con0inui0y o1 0he li1e 1or2 @ 4e can proceed 0o 0he con0inui0y o1 li1e and 1or2 @ 4e can proceed 0o s0udy 0heir 4or/ing ou0 in de0ail, and 4e shall 1ind 0ha0 0hey sol3e 2any o1 0he perple:ing proble2s o1 2odern science, as 4ell as 0he ye0 2ore hear09searching proble2s con1ron0ed by 0he philan0hropis0 and 0he sage5 Le0 us s0ar0 by considering 0he 2onad as i0 is 1irs0 sub6ec0ed 0o 0he i2pac0s 1ro2 0he 1or2less le3els o1 0he 2en0al plane, 0he 3ery beginning o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 1or25 I0s 1irs0 1ain0 responsi3e 0hrillings dra4 round i0 so2e o1 0he 2a00er o1 0ha0 plane, and 4e ha3e 0he gradual e3olu0ion o1 0he 1irs0 ele2en0al /ingdo2, already 2en0ioned5 )See chap0er I&, on =The #en0al Plane>*5 The grea0 1unda2en0al 0ypes o1 0he #onad are se3en in nu2ber, so2e0i2es i2aged as li/e 0he se3en colours o1 0he solar spec0ru2, deri3ed 1ro2 0he 0hree pri2ary5 )=As abo3e, so belo45> +e ins0inc0i3ely re2e2ber 0he 0hree L$.$I and 0he se3en pri2e3al Sons o1 0he ,ire ? in Chris0ian Sy2bolis2, 0he Trini0y and 0he =Se3en Spiri0s 0ha0 are be1ore 0he 0hrone> ? or in Ooroas0rian, Ahura2aBda and 0he se3en A2eshaspen0as5* (Page '$! Each o1 0hese 0ypes has i0s o4n colouring o1 charac0eris0ics, and 0his colouring persis0s 0hroughou0 0he aeonian cycle o1 i0s e3olu0ion, a11ec0ing all 0he series o1 li3ing 0hings 0ha0 are ani2a0ed by i05 No4 begins 0he process o1 subdi3ision in each o1 0hese 0ypes, 0ha0 4ill be carried on, subdi3iding and e3er subdi3iding, un0il 0he indi3idual is reached5 The curren0s se0 up by 0he co22encing ou04ard9going energies o1 0he #onad @ 0o 1ollo4 one

line o1 e3olu0ion 4ill su11ice ? 0he o0her si: are li/e un0o i0 in principle @ ha3e bu0 brie1 1or29li1e, ye0 4ha0e3er e:perience can be gained 0hrough 0he2 is represen0ed by an increasedly responsi3e li1e in 0he #onad 4ho is 0heir source and cause ? as 0his responsi3e li1e consis0s o1 3ibra0ions 0ha0 are o10en incongruous 4i0h each o0her, a 0endency 0o4ards separa0ion is se0 up 4i0hin 0he #onad, 0he har2oniously 3ibra0ing 1orces grouping 0he2sel3es 0oge0her 1or, as i0 4ere, concer0ed ac0ion, un0il 3arious sub9#onads, i1 0he epi0he0 2ay 1or a 2o2en0 be allo4ed, are 1or2ed, ali/e in 0heir 2ain charac0eris0ics, bu0 di11ering in de0ails, li/e shades o1 0he sa2e colour5 These beco2e, by i2pac0s 1ro2 0he lo4er le3els o1 0he 2en0al plane, 0he #onads o1 0he second ele2en0al /ingdo2, belonging 0o 0he 1or2 region o1 0ha0 plane, and 0he process con0inues, 0he #onad e3er adding 0o i0s po4er 0o respond, each #onad being 0he inspiring li1e o1 coun0less 1or2s, 0hrough 4hich i0 recei3es 3ibra0ions, and, as 0he 1or2s disin0egra0e, cons0an0ly 3i3i1ying ne4 1or2s ? 0he process o1 subdi3ision also con0inues 1ro2 0he cause already described5 (Page '%! Each #onad 0hus con0inually incarna0es i0sel1 in 1or2s, and garners 4i0hin i0sel1 as a4a/ened po4ers all 0he resul0s ob0ained 0hrough 0he 1or2s i0 ani2a0es5 +e 2ay 4ell regard 0hese #onads as 0he souls o1 groups o1 1or2s? and as e3olu0ion proceeds, 0hese 1or2s sho4 2ore and 2ore a00ribu0es, 0he a00ribu0es being 0he po4ers o1 0he 2onadic group9soul 2ani1es0ed 0hrough 0he 1or2s in 4hich i0 is incarna0ed5 The innu2erable sub9#onads o1 0his second ele2en0al /ingdo2 presen0ly reach a s0age o1 e3olu0ion a0 4hich 0hey begin 0o respond 0o 0he 3ibra0ions o1 as0ral 2a00er, and 0hey begin 0o ac0 on 0he as0ral plane, beco2ing 0he #onads o1 0he 0hird ele2en0al /ingdo2, and repea0ing in 0his grosser 4orld

all 0he processes already acco2plished on 0he 2en0al plane5 They beco2e 2ore and 2ore nu2erous as 2onadic group9souls, sho4ing 2ore and 2ore di3ersi0y in de0ail, 0he nu2ber o1 1or2s ani2a0ed by each beco2ing less as 0he specialised charac0eris0ics beco2e 2ore and 2ore 2ar/ed5 #ean4hile, i0 2ay be said in passing, 0he e3er91lo4ing s0rea2 o1 li1e 1ro2 0he L$.$S supplies ne4 #onads o1 1or2 on 0he higher le3els, so 0ha0 0he e3olu0ion proceeds con0inuously, and as 0he 2ore9e3ol3ed #onads incarna0e in 0he lo4er 4orlds 0heir place is 0a/en by 0he ne4ly e2erged #onads in 0he higher5 'y 0his e3er9repea0ed process o1 0he reincarna0ion o1 0he #onads, or #onadic group9soul, in 0he as0ral 4orld, 0heir e3olu0ion proceeds, un0il 0hey are ready 0o respond 0o 0he i2pac0s upon 0he2 1ro2 physical 2a00er5 +hen 4e re2e2ber 0ha0 0he ul0i2a0e a0o2s o1 each plane ha3e 0heir sphere94alls co2posed o1 0he coarses0 2a00er o1 0he plane i22edia0ely abo3e i0, i0 is easy 0o see ho4 0he #onads beco2e responsi3e 0o i2pac0s 1ro2 one plane a10er ano0her5 (Page '&! +hen, in 0he 1irs0 ele2en0al /ingdo2, 0he #onad had beco2e accus0o2ed 0o 0hrill responsi3ely 0o 0he i2pac0s o1 2a00er o1 0ha0 plane, i0 4ould soon begin 0o ans4er 0o 3ibra0ions recei3ed through the coarsest forms of that matter 1ro2 0he 2a00er o1 0he plane ne:0 belo45 So, in i0s coa0ings o1 2a00er 0ha0 4ere 0he 1or2s co2posed o1 0he coarses0 2a0erials o1 0he 2a0erial plane, i0 4ould beco2e suscep0ible 0o 3ibra0ions o1 as0ral a0o2ic 2a00er ? and, 4hen incarna0ed in 1or2s o1 0he coarses0 as0ral 2a00er, i0 4ould si2ilarly beco2e responsi3e 0o a0o2ic physical e0her, 0he sphere94alls o1 4hich are cons0i0u0ed o1 0he grosses0 as0ral 2a0erials5 Thus 0he #onad 2ay be regarded as reaching 0he physical plane ? and 0here i0 begins, or, 2ore accura0ely, all 0hese 2onadic group9souls begin,

0o incarna0e 0he2sel3es in 1il2y physical 1or2s, 0he e0heric doubles o1 0he 1u0ure dense 2inerals o1 0he physical 4orld5 In0o 0hese 1il2y 1or2s 0he na0ure9spiri0s build 0he denser physical 2a0erials, and 0hus 2inerals o1 all /inds are 1or2ed, 0he 2os0 rigid 3ehicles in 4hich 0he e3ol3ing li1e in9closes i0sel1, and 0hrough 4hich 0he leas0 o1 i0s po4ers can e:press 0he2sel3es5 Each 2onadic group9soul has i0s o4n 2ineral e:pressions, 0he 2ineral 1or2s in 4hich i0 is incarna0ed, and 0he specialisa0ion has no4 reached a high degree5 These #onadic group9souls are so2e0i2es called in 0heir (Page ''! 0o0ali0y 0he 2ineral #onad or 0he #onad incarna0ing in 0he 2ineral /ingdo25 ,ro2 0his 0i2e 1or4ard 0he a4a/ened energies o1 0he #onad play a less passi3e par0 in e3olu0ion5 They begin 0o see/ e:pression ac0i3ely 0o so2e e:0en0 4hen once aroused in0o 1unc0ioning, and 0o e:ercise a dis0inc0ly 2oulding in1luence o3er 0he 1or2s in 4hich 0hey are i2prisoned5 As 0hey beco2e 0oo ac0i3e 1or 0heir 2ineral e2bodi2en0, 0he beginnings o1 0he 2ore plas0ic 1or2s o1 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2 2ani1es0 0he2sel3es, 0he na0ure9spiri0s aiding 0his e3olu0ion 0hroughou0 0he physical /ingdo2s5 In 0he 2ineral /ingdo2 0here had already been sho4n a 0endency 0o4ards 0he de1ini0e organisa0ion o1 1or2, 0he laying do4n o1 cer0ain lines ) The a:es o1 gro40h 4hich de0er2ine 1or25 They appear de1ini0ely in crys0als * along 4hich 0he gro40h proceeded5 This 0endency go3erns hence1or0h all 0he building o1 1or2s, and is 0he cause o1 0he e:;uisi0e sy22e0ry o1 na0ural ob6ec0s, 4i0h 4hich e3ery obser3er is 1a2iliar5 The 2onadic group9souls in 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2 undergo di3ision and subdi3ision 4i0h increasing rapidi0y, in conse;uence o1 0he s0ill grea0er 3arie0y o1 i2pac0s 0o 4hich 0hey are sub6ec0ed, 0he e3olu0ion o1 1a2ilies, genera, and species being due 0o 0his in3isible subdi3ision5

+hen any genus, 4i0h i0s generic 2onadic group9soul, is sub6ec0ed 0o 3ery 3arying condi0ions, i.e5, 4hen 0he 1or2s connec0ed 4i0h i0 recei3e 3ery di11eren0 i2pac0s, a 1resh 0endency 0o subdi3ide is se0 up in 0he #onad, and 3arious species are e3ol3ed, (Page '(! each ha3ing i0s o4n speci1ic group9soul5 +hen Na0ure is le10 0o her o4n 4or/ing 0he process is slo4, al0hough 0he na0ure9spiri0s do 2uch 0o4ards 0he di11eren0ia0ion o1 species ? bu0 4hen 2an has been e3ol3ed, and 4hen he begins his ar0i1icial sys0e2s o1 cul0i3a0ion, encouraging 0he play o1 one se0 o1 1orces, 4arding o11 ano0her, 0hen 0his di11eren0ia0ion can be brough0 abou0 4i0h considerable rapidi0y, and speci1ic di11erences are readily e3ol3ed5 So long as ac0ual di3ision has no0 0a/en place in 0he 2onadic group9soul, 0he sub6ec0ion o1 0he 1or2s 0o si2ilar in1luences 2ay again eradica0e 0he separa0i3e 0endency, bu0 4hen 0ha0 di3ision is co2ple0ed 0he ne4 species are de1ini0ely and 1ir2ly es0ablished , and are ready 0o send ou0 o11shoo0s o1 0heir o4n5 In so2e o1 0he longer9li3ed 2e2bers o1 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2 0he ele2en0 o1 personali0y begins 0o 2ani1es0 i0sel1, 0he s0abili0y o1 0he organis2 rendering possible 0his 1oreshado4ing o1 indi3iduali0y5 +i0h a 0ree, li3ing 1or scores o1 years, 0he recurrence o1 si2ilar condi0ions causing si2ilar i2pac0s, 0he seasons e3er re0urning year a10er year, 0he consecu0i3e 2o0ions caused by 0he2, 0he rising o1 0he sap, 0he pu00ing 1or0h o1 lea3es, 0he 0ouches o1 0he 4ind, o1 0he sunbea2s, o1 0he rain @ all 0hese ou0er in1luences 4i0h 0heir rhy0h2ical progression @ se0 up responsi3e 0hrillings in 0he 2onadic group9soul, and, as 0he se;uence i2presses i0sel1 by con0inual repe0i0ion, 0he recurrence o1 one leads 0o 0he di2 e:pec0a0ion o1 i0s o109repea0ed successor5 Na0ure e3ol3es no ;uali0y suddenly, and 0hese are 0he 1irs0 1ain0 (Page ()! adu2bra0ions o1 4ha0 4ill la0er be 2e2ory and an0icipa0ion5

In 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2 also appear 0he 1oreshado4ings o1 sensa0ion, e3ol3ing in i0s higher 2e2bers 0o 4ha0 0he +es0ern psychologis0 4ould 0er2 =2assi3e> sensa0ions o1 pleasure and disco21or05 )The =2assi3e> sensa0ion is one 0ha0 per3ades 0he organis2 and is no0 1el0 especially in any one par0 2ore 0han in o0hers5 I0 is 0he an0i0hesis o1 0he =acu0e5>* I0 2us0 be re2e2bered 0ha0 0he #onad has dra4n round i0sel1 2a0erials o1 0he planes 0hrough 4hich i0 has descended, and hence is able 0o con0ac0 i2pac0s, 1ro2 0hose planes, 0he s0ronges0 and 0hose 2os0 nearly allied 0o 0he grosses0 1or2s o1 2a00er being 0he 1irs0 0o 2a/e 0he2sel3es 1el05 Sunshine and 0he chill o1 i0s absence a0 las0 i2press 0he2sel3es on 0he 2onadic consciousness ? and i0s as0ral coa0ing, 0hro4n in0o 1ain0 3ibra0ions, gi3es rise 0o 0he sligh0 2assi3e /ind o1 sensa0ion spo/en o15 ain and drough0 a11ec0ing 0he 2echanical cons0i0u0ion o1 0he 1or2, and i0s po4er 0o con3ey 3ibra0ions 0o 0he ensouling #onad @ are ano0her o1 0he =pairs o1 opposi0es,> 0he play o1 4hich arouses 0he recogni0ion o1 di11erence, 4hich is 0he roo0 ali/e o1 all sensa0ion, and la0er o1 all 0hough05 Thus by 0heir repea0ed plan09 reincarna0ions 0he 2onadic group9souls in 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2 e3ol3e, un0il 0hose 0ha0 ensoul 0he highes0 2e2bers o1 0he /ingdo2 are ready 1or 0he ne:0 s0ep5 This s0ep carries 0he2 in0o 0he ani2al /ingdo2, and here 0hey slo4ly e3ol3e in 0heir physical and as0ral 3ehicles a 3ery dis0inc0 personali0y5 The ani2al, (Page ( ! being 1ree 0o 2o3e abou0, sub6ec0s i0sel1 0o a grea0er 3arie0y o1 condi0ions 0han can be e:perienced by 0he plan0, roo0ed 0o a single spo0, and 0his 3arie0y, as e3er, pro2o0es di11eren0ia0ion5 The 2onadic group9soul, ho4e3er, 4hich ani2a0es a nu2ber o1 4ild ani2als o1 0he sa2e species or subspecies, 4hile i0 recei3es a grea0 3arie0y o1

i2pac0s, since 0hey are 1or 0he 2os0 par0 repea0ed con0inually and are shared by all 0he 2e2bers o1 0he group, di11eren0ia0es bu0 slo4ly5 These i2pac0s aid in 0he de3elop2en0 o1 0he physical and as0ral bodies, and 0hrough 0he2 0he 2onadic group9soul ga0hers 2uch e:perience5 +hen 0he 1or2 o1 a 2e2ber o1 0he group perishes, 0he e:perience ga0hered 0hrough 0ha0 1or2 is accu2ula0ed in 0he 2onadic group9soul, and 2ay be said 0o colour i0 ? 0he sligh0ly increased li1e o1 0he 2onadic group9soul, poured in0o all 0he 1or2s 4hich co2pose i0s group, shares a2ong all 0he e:periences o1 0he perished 1or2, and in 0his 4ay con0inually repea0ed e:periences, s0ored up in 0he 2onadic group9soul, appear as ins0inc0s, =accu2ula0ed heredi0ary e:periences> in 0he ne4 1or2s5 Coun0less birds ha3ing 1allen a prey 0o ha4/s, chic/s 6us0 ou0 o1 0he egg 4ill co4er a0 0he approach o1 one o1 0he heredi0ary ene2ies, 1or 0he li1e 0ha0 is incarna0ed in 0he2 /no4s 0he danger, and 0he inna0e ins0inc0 is 0he e:pression o1 i0s /no4ledge5 In 0his 4ay are 1or2ed 0he 4onder1ul ins0inc0s 0ha0 guard ani2als 1ro2 innu2erable habi0ual perils, 4hile a ne4 danger 1inds 0he2 unprepared and only be4ilders 0he25 (Page ("! As ani2als co2e under 0he in1luence o1 2an, 0he 2onadic group9souls e3ol3es 4i0h grea0ly increased rapidi0y, and, 1ro2 causes si2ilar 0o 0hose 4hich a11ec0 plan0s under do2es0ica0ion, subdi3ision o1 0he incarna0ing li1e is 2ore readily brough0 abou05 Personali0y e3ol3es and beco2es 2ore and 2ore s0rongly 2ar/ed ? in 0he earlier s0ages i0 2ay al2os0 be said 0o be co2pound @ a 4hole 1loc/ o1 4ild crea0ures 4ill ac0 as 0hough 2o3ed by a single personali0y, so co2ple0ely are 0he 1or2s do2ina0ed by 0he co22on soul, i0, in 0urn, being a11ec0ed by 0he i2pulse 1ro2 0he e:0ernal 4orld5

%o2es0ica0ed ani2als o1 0he higher 0ypes, 0he elephan0s, 0he horse, 0he ca0, 0he dog, sho4 a 2ore indi3idualised personali0y @ 04o dogs, 1or ins0ance, 2ay ac0 3ery di11eren0ly under 0he i2pac0 o1 0he sa2e circu2s0ances5 The 2onadic group9soul incarna0es in a decreasing nu2ber o1 1or2s as i0 gradually approaches 0he poin0 a0 4hich co2ple0e indi3idualisa0ion 4ill be reached5 The desire9body, or !A2ic 3ehicle, beco2es considerably de3eloped, and persis0s 1or so2e 0i2e a10er 0he dea0h o1 0he physical body, leading an independen0 e:is0ence in !A2alo/a5 A0 las0 0he decreasing nu2ber o1 1or2s ani2a0ed by a 2onadic group9soul co2es do4n 0o uni0y, and i0 ani2a0es a succession o1 single 1or2s @ a condi0ion di11ering 1ro2 hu2an reincarna0ion only by 0he absence o1 #anas, 4i0h i0s causal and 2en0al bodies5 The 2en0al 2a00er brough0 do4n by 0he 2onadic group9souls begins 0o be suscep0ible 0o i2pac0s 1ro2 0he 2en0al plane, and 0he ani2al is 0hen ready 0o recei3e 0he 0hird grea0 (Page (#! ou0pouring o1 0he li1e o1 0he L$.$S @ 0he 0abernacle is ready 1or 0he recep0ion o1 0he hu2an #onad5 The hu2an #onad is, as 4e ha3e seen, 0riple in i0s na0ure, i0s 0hree aspec0s being deno2ina0ed, respec0i3ely, 0he Spiri0, 0he spiri0ual Soul, and 0he hu2an Soul, "02a9'uddhi9#anas5 %oub0less, in 0he course o1 eons o1 e3olu0ion, 0he up4ardly e3ol3ing #onad o1 1or2 2igh0 ha3e un1olded #anas by progressi3e gro40h, bu0 bo0h in 0he hu2an race in 0he pas0, and in 0he ani2als o1 0he presen0, such has no0 been 0he course o1 Na0ure5 +hen 0he house 4as ready 0he 0enan0 4as sen0 do4n ? 1ro2 0he higher planes o1 being 0he A02ic li1e descended, 3eiling i0sel1 in 'uddhi, as a golden 0hread ? and i0s 0hird aspec0, #anas, sho4ing i0sel1 in 0he higher le3els o1 0he 1or2less 4orld o1 0he 2en0al plane, ger2inal #anas 4i0hin 0he 1or2 4as 1ruc0i1ied, and 0he e2bryonic causal body 4as 1or2ed by 0he

union5 This is 0he indi3idualisa0ion o1 0he spiri0, 0he incasing o1 i0 in 1or2, and 0his spiri0 incased in 0he causal body is 0he soul, 0he indi3idual, 0he real 2an5 This is his bir0h hour? 1or 0hough his essence be e0ernal, unborn and undying, his bir0h in 0i2e as an indi3idual is de1ini0e5 ,ur0her, 0his ou0poured li1e reaches 0he e3ol3ing 1or2s no0 direc0ly, bu0 by in0er2ediaries5 The hu2an race ha3ing a00ained 0he poin0 o1 recep0i3i0y, cer0ain grea0 $nes, called Sons o1 #ind @ )#anasapu0ra is 0he 0echnical na2e, being 2erely 0he Sans/ri0 1or Sons o1 #ind5* @ cas0 in0o 2en 0he 2onadic spar/ o1 "02a9 'uddhi9#anas, needed (Page (4! 1or 0he 1or2a0ion o1 0he e2bryonic soul5 And so2e o1 0hese grea0 $nes ac0ually incarna0ed in hu2an 1or2s, in order 0o beco2e 0he guides and 0eachers o1 in1an0 hu2ani0y5 These Sons o1 #ind had co2ple0ed Their o4n in0ellec0ual e3olu0ion in o0her 4orlds, and ca2e 0o 0his younger 4orld, our ear0h, 1or 0he purpose o1 0hus aiding in 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he hu2an race5 They are in 0ru0h, 0he spiri0ual 1a0hers o1 0he bul/ o1 our hu2ani0y5 $0her in0elligences o1 2uch lo4er grade, 2en 4ho had e3ol3ed in preceding cycles in ano0her 4orld, incarna0ed a2ong 0he descendan0s o1 0he race 0ha0 recei3ed i0s in1an0 souls in 0he 4ay 6us0 described5 As 0his race e3ol3ed, 0he hu2an 0abernacles i2pro3ed, and 2yriads o1 souls 0ha0 4ere a4ai0ing 0he oppor0uni0y o1 incarna0ion, 0ha0 0hey 2igh0 con0inue 0heir e3olu0ion, 0oo/ bir0h a2ong i0s children5 These par0ially e3ol3ed souls are also spo/en o1 in 0he ancien0 records as Sons o1 #ind, 1or 0hey 4ere possessed o1 2ind, al0hough co2para0i3ely i0 4as bu0 li00le de3eloped @ childish souls 4e 2ay call 0he2, in dis0inguish2en0 1ro2 0he e2bryonic souls o1 0he bul/ o1 hu2ani0y, and 0he 2a0ure souls o1 0he grea0 Teachers5

These child9souls, by reason o1 0heir 2ore e3ol3ed in0elligence, 1or2ed 0he leading 0ypes o1 0he ancien0 4orld, 0he classes higher in 2en0ali0y, and 0here1ore in 0he po4er o1 ac;uiring /no4ledge, 0ha0 do2ina0ed 0he 2asses o1 less de3eloped 2en in an0i;ui0y5 And 0hus arose, in our 4orld, 0he enor2ous di11erences in 2en0al and 2oral capaci0y 4hich separa0e 0he 2os0 highly e3ol3ed 1ro2 0he leas0 (Page ($! e3ol3ed races, and 4hich, e3en 4i0hin 0he li2i0s o1 single race, separa0e 0he lo10y philosophic 0hin/er 1ro2 0he 4ell9nigh ani2al 0ype o1 0he 2os0 depra3ed o1 his o4n na0ion5 These di11erences are bu0 di11erences o1 0he s0age o1 e3olu0ion, o1 0he age o1 0he soul, and 0hey ha3e been 1ound 0o e:is0 0hroughou0 0he 4hole o1 his0ory o1 hu2ani0y on 0his globe5 .o bac/ as 1ar as 4e 2ay in his0oric records, and 4e 2ay 1ind lo10y in0elligence and debased ignorance side by side, and 0he occul0 records, carrying us bac/4ards, 0ell a si2ilar s0ory o1 0he early 2illennia o1 hu2ani0y5 Nor should 0his dis0ress us, as 0hough so2e had been unduly 1a3oured and o0hers unduly burdened 1or 0he s0ruggle o1 li1e5 The lo10ies0 soul had i0s childhood and i0s in1ancy, albei0 in pre3ious 4orlds, 4here o0her souls 4ere as high abo3e i0 as o0hers are belo4 i0 no4 ? 0he lo4es0 soul shall cli2b 0o 4here our highes0 are s0anding, and souls ye0 unborn shall occupy i0s presen0 place in e3olu0ion5 Things see2 un6us0 because 4e 4rench our 4orld ou0 o1 i0s place in e3olu0ion, and se0 i0 apar0 in isola0ion, 4i0h no 1orerunners and no successors5 I0 is our ignorance 0ha0 sees 0he in6us0ice ? 0he 4ays o1 Na0ure are e;ual, and she brings 0o all her children in1ancy, childhood, and 2anhood5 Nor hers 0he 1aul0 i1 our 1olly de2ands 0ha0 all souls shall occupy 0he sa2e s0age o1 e3olu0ion a0 0he sa2e 0i2e, and cries =(n6us0W> i1 0he de2and be no0 1ul1illed5 +e shall bes0 unders0and 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he soul, i1 4e 0a/e i0 up a0 0he poin0 4here 4e le10 i0, 4hen ani2al92an 4as ready 0o recei3e, and did (Page

(%! recei3e, 0he e2bryonic soul5 To a3oid a possible 2isapprehension, i0 2ay be 4ell 0o say 0ha0 0here 4ere no0 hence1or0h 04o #onads in 2an @ 0he one 0ha0 had buil0 0he hu2an 0abernacle, and 0he one 0ha0 descended in0o 0ha0 0abernacle, and 4hose lo4es0 aspec0 4as 0he hu2an soul5 To borro4 a si2ile again 1ro2 H5 P5 'la3a0s/y, as 04o rays o1 0he sun 2ay pass 0hrough a hole in a shu00er, and 2ingling 0oge0her 1or2 bu0 one ray 0hough 0hey had been 04ain, so is i0 4i0h 0hese rays 1ro2 0he Supre2e Sun, 0he di3ine Lord o1 our uni3erse5 The second ray, as i0 en0ered in0o 0he hu2an 0abernacle, blended 4i0h 0he 1irs0, 2erely adding 0o i0 1resh energy and brilliance, and 0he hu2an #onad, as a unit, began i0s 2igh0y 0as/ o1 un1olding 0he higher po4ers in 2an o1 0ha0 di3ine Li1e 4hence i0 ca2e5 The e2bryonic soul, 0he Thin/er, had a0 0he beginning 1or i0s e2bryonic 2en0al body 0he 2ind9s0u11 en3elope 0ha0 0he #onad o1 1or2 had brough0 4i0h i0, bu0 had no0 ye0 organised in0o any possibili0y o1 1unc0ioning5 I0 4as 0he 2ere ger2 o1 a 2en0al body, a00ached 0o a 2ere ger2 o1 a causal body, and 1or 2any a li1e 0he s0rong desire9na0ure had i0s 4ill 4i0h 0he soul, 4hirling i0 along 0he road o1 i0s o4n passions and appe0i0es, and dashing up agains0 i0 all 0he 1urious 4a3es o1 i0s o4n uncon0rolled ani2ali0y5 epulsi3e as 0his early li1e o1 0he soul 2ay a0 1irs0 see2 0o so2e 4hen loo/ed a0 1ro2 0he higher s0age 0ha0 4e ha3e no4 a00ained, i0 4as a necessary one 1or 0he ger2ina0ion o1 0he seeds o1 2ind5 ecogni0ion o1 di11erence, 0he percep0ion 0ha0 one 0hing is di11eren0 (Page (&! 1ro2 ano0her, is a preli2inary essen0ial 0o 0hin/ing a0 all5 And, in order 0o a4a/en 0his percep0ion in 0he as ye0 un0hin/ing soul, s0rong and 3iolen0 con0ras0s had 0o s0ri/e upon i0, so as 0o 1orce di11erences upon i0 @ blo4 a10er blo4 o1 rio0ous pleasure, blo4 a10er blo4 o1 crushing pain5

The e:0ernal 4orld ha22ered on 0he soul 0hrough 0he desire na0ure, 0ill percep0ions began 0o be slo4ly 2ade, and, a10er coun0less repe0i0ions, 0o be regis0ered5 The li00le gains 2ade in each li1e 4ere s0ored up by 0he Thin/er, as 4e ha3e already seen, and 0hus slo4 progress 4as 2ade5 Slo4 progress, indeed, 1or scarcely any0hing 4as thought, and hence scarcely any0hing 4as done in 0he 4ay o1 organising 0he 2en0al body5 No0 un0il 2any percep0ions had been regis0ered in i0 as 2en0al i2ages 4as 0here any 2a0erial on 4hich 2en0al ac0ion, ini0ia0ed 1ro2 4i0hin, could be based ? 0his 4ould begin 4hen 04o or 2ore o1 0hese 2en0al i2ages 4ere dra4n 0oge0her, and so2e in1erence, ho4e3er ele2en0ary, 4as 2ade 1ro2 0he25 Tha0 in1erence 4as 0he beginning o1 reasoning, 0he ger2 o1 all 0he sys0e2s o1 logic 4hich 0he in0ellec0 o1 2an has since e3ol3ed or assi2ila0ed5 These in1erences 4ould a0 1irs0 all be 2ade in 0he ser3ice o1 0he desire9na0ure, 1or 0he increasing o1 pleasure, 0he lessening o1 pain ? bu0 each one 4ould increase 0he ac0i3i0y o1 0he 2en0al body, and 4ould s0i2ula0e i0 in0o 2ore ready 1unc0ioning5 I0 4ill readily be seen 0ha0 a0 0his period o1 his in1ancy 2an had no /no4ledge o1 good or o1 e3il? (Page ('! righ0 and 4rong 1or hi2 had no e:is0ence5 The righ0 is 0ha0 4hich is in accordance 4i0h 0he di3ine 4ill, 4hich helps 1or4ard 0he progress o1 0he soul, 4hich 0ends 0o 0he s0reng0hening o1 0he higher na0ure o1 2an and 0o 0he 0raining and sub6uga0ion o1 0he lo4er, 0he 4rong is 0ha0 4hich re0ards e3olu0ion, 4hich re0ains 0he soul in 0he lo4er s0ages a10er he has learned 0he lessons 0hey ha3e 0o 0each, 4hich 0ends 0o 0he 2as0ery o1 0he lo4er na0ure o3er 0he higher, and assi2ila0es 2an 0o 0he bru0e he should be ou0gro4ing ins0ead o1 0o 0he .od he should be e3ol3ing5 Ere 2an could /no4 4ha0 4as righ0, he had 0o learn 0he e:is0ence o1 0he la4, and 0his he could only learn by 1ollo4ing all 0ha0 a00rac0ed hi2 in 0he ou0er

4orld, by grasping e3ery desirable ob6ec0, and 0hen by learning 1ro2 e:perience, s4ee0 or bi00er, 4he0her his deligh0 4as in har2ony or in con1lic0 4i0h 0he la45 Le0 us 0a/e an ob3ious e:a2ple, 0he 0a/ing o1 pleasan0 1ood, and see ho4 in1an0 2an 2igh0 learn 0here1ro2 0he presence o1 a na0ural la45 A0 0he 1irs0 0a/ing, his hunger 4as appeased, his 0as0e 4as gra0i1ied, and only pleasure resul0ed 1ro2 0he e:perience, 1or his ac0ion 4as in har2ony 4i0h la45 $n ano0her occasion, desiring 0o increase pleasure, he a0e o3er2uch and su11ered in conse;uence, 1or he 0ransgressed agains0 0he la45 A con1using e:perience 0o 0he da4ning in0elligence, ho4 0he pleasurable beca2e pain1ul by e:cess5 $3er and o3er again he 4ould be led by desire in0o e:cess, and each 0i2e he 4ould e:perience 0he pain1ul conse;uences, un0il a0 las0 he learned 2odera0ion, (Page ((! i.e5, he learned 0o con1or2 his bodily ac0s in 0his respec0 0o physical la4? 1or he 1ound 0ha0 0here 4ere condi0ions 4hich a11ec0ed hi2 and 4hich he could no0 con0rol, and 0ha0 only by obser3ing 0he2 could physical happiness be insured5 Si2ilar e:periences 1lo4ed in upon hi2 0hrough all 0he bodily organs, 4i0h unde3ia0ing regulari0y ? his ou0rushing desires brough0 hi2 pleasure or pain 6us0 as 0hey 4or/ed 4i0h 0he la4s o1 Na0ure or agains0 0he2, and, as e:perience increased, i0 began 0o guide his s0eps, 0o in1luence his choice, I0 4as no0 as 0hough he had 0o begin his e:perience ane4 4i0h e3ery li1e, 1or on each ne4 bir0h he brough0 4i0h hi2 2en0al 1acul0ies a li00le increased, and e3er9accu2ula0ing s0ore5 I ha3e said 0ha0 0he gro40h in 0hese early days 4as 3ery slo4, 1or 0here 4as bu0 0he da4ning o1 2en0al ac0ion, and 4hen 0he 2an le10 his physical body a0 dea0h he passed 2os0 o1 his 0i2e in !A2alo/a, sleeping 0hrough a brie1 de3achanic period o1 unconscious assi2ila0ion o1 any 2inu0e 2en0al e:perience no0 ye0 su11icien0ly de3eloped 1or 0he ac0i3e hea3enly li1e 0ha0 lay be1ore hi2 a10er 2any days5

S0ill, 0he enduring causal body 4as 0here, 0o be 0he recep0acle o1 his ;uali0ies, and 0o carry 0he2 on 1or 1ur0her de3elop2en0 in0o his ne:0 li1e on ear0h5 The par0 played by 0he 2onadic group9soul in 0he earlier s0ages o1 e3olu0ion is played in 2an by 0he causal body, and i0 is 0his con0inuing en0i0y 4ho, in all cases, 2a/es e3olu0ion possible5 +i0hou0 hi2, 0he accu2ula0ion o1 2en0al and 2oral e:periences, sho4n as (Page "))! 1acul0ies, 4ould be as i2possible as 4ould be 0he accu2ula0ion o1 physical e:periences, sho4n as racial and 1a2ily charac0eris0ics 4i0hou0 0he con0inui0y o1 physical plas25 Souls 4i0hou0 a pas0 behind 0he2, springing suddenly in0o e:is0ence, ou0 o1 no0hing, 4i0h 2ar/ed 2en0al and 2oral peculiari0ies, are a concep0ion as 2ons0rous as 4ould be 0he corresponding concep0ion o1 babies suddenly appearing 1ro2 no4here, unrela0ed 0o anybody, bu0 sho4ing 2ar/ed racial and 1a2ily 0ypes5 Nei0her 2an nor his physical 3ehicle is uncaused, or caused by 0he direc0 po4er o1 0he L$.$S ? here, as in so 2any o0her cases, 0he in3isible 0hings are clearly seen by 0heir analogy 4i0h 0he 3isible, 0he 3isible being, in 3ery 0ru0h, no0hing 2ore 0han 0he i2ages, 0he re1lec0ions, o1 0hings unseen5 +i0hou0 a con0inui0y in 0he physical plas2, 0here 4ould be no 2eans 1or 0he e3olu0ion o1 physical peculiari0ies ? 4i0hou0 0he con0inui0y o1 0he in0elligence, 0here 4ould be no 2eans 1or 0he e3olu0ion o1 2en0al and 2oral ;uali0ies5 In bo0h cases, 4i0hou0 con0inui0y, e3olu0ion 4ould be s0opped a0 i0s 1irs0 s0age, and 0he 4orld 4ould be a chaos o1 in1ini0e and isola0ed beginnings ins0ead o1 a cos2os con0inually beco2ing5 +e 2us0 no0 o2i0 0o no0ice 0ha0 in 0hese early days 2uch 3arie0y is caused in 0he 0ype and in 0he na0ure o1 indi3idual progress by 0he en3iron2en0 4hich surrounds 0he indi3idual5 (l0i2a0ely all 0he souls ha3e 0o de3elop all 0heir po4ers, bu0 0he order in 4hich 0hese

po4ers are de3eloped depends (Page ") ! on 0he circu2s0ances a2id 4hich 0he soul is placed5 Cli2a0e, 0he 1er0ili0y or s0erili0y o1 na0ure, 0he li1e o1 0he 2oun0ain or o1 0he plain, o1 0he inland 1ores0 or 0he ocean shore @ 0hese 0hings and coun0less o0hers 4ill call in0o ac0i3i0y one se0 or ano0her o1 0he a4a/ening 2en0al energies5 A li1e o1 e:0re2e hardship, o1 ceaseless s0ruggle 4i0h na0ure, 4ill de3elop 3ery di11eren0 po4ers 1ro2 0hose e3ol3ed a2id 0he lu:urian0 plen0y o1 a 0ropical island ? bo0h se0s o1 po4ers are needed, 1or 0he soul is 0o con;uer e3ery region o1 na0ure, bu0 s0ri/ing di11erences 2ay 0hus be e3ol3ed e3en in souls o1 0he sa2e age, and one 2ay appear 0o be 2ore ad3anced 0han 0he o0her, according as 0he obser3er es0i2a0es 2os0 highly 0he 2ore =prac0ical> or 0he 2ore =con0e2pla0i3e> po4ers o1 0he soul, 0he ac0i3e ou04ard9 going energies, or 0he ;uie0 in4ard90urned 2using 1acul0ies5 The per1ec0ed soul possesses all, bu0 0he soul in 0he 2a/ing 2us0 de3elop 0he2 successi3ely, and 0hus arises ano0her cause o1 0he i22ense 3arie0y 1ound a2ong hu2an beings5 ,or again, i0 2us0 be re2e2bered 0ha0 hu2an e3olu0ion is indi3idual5 In a group in1or2ed by a single 2onadic group9soul 0he sa2e ins0inc0s 4ill be 1ound in all, 1or 0he recep0acle o1 0he e:periences is 0ha0 2onadic group9 soul, and i0 pours i0s li1e in0o all 1or2s dependen0 upon i05 'u0 each 2an has his o4n physical 3ehicle and one only a0 a 0i2e, and 0he recep0acle o1 all e:periences is 0he causal body, 4hich pours i0s li1e in0o i0s one physical 3ehicle, and can a11ec0 no o0her physical 3ehicle, being connec0ed (Page ")"! 4i0h none o0her5 Hence 4e 1ind di11erences separa0ing indi3idual 2en grea0er, 0han 0he e3er separa0ed, closely allied ani2als, and hence also 0he e3olu0ion o1 ;uali0ies canno0 be s0udied in 2en in 0he 2ass, bu0 only in 0he con0inuing indi3idual5 The lac/ o1 po4er 0o 2a/e such a

s0udy lea3es science unable 0o e:plain 4hy so2e 2en 0o4er abo3e 0heir 1ello4s, in0ellec0ual and 2oral gian0s, unable 0o 0race 0he in0ellec0ual e3olu0ion o1 a Shan/arAchArya or a Py0hagoras, 0he 2oral e3olu0ion o1 a 'uddha or o1 a Chris05 Le0 us no4 consider 0he 1ac0ors in reincarna0ion, as a clear unders0anding o1 0hese is necessary 1or 0he e:plana0ion o1 so2e o1 0he di11icul0ies @ such as 0he alleged loss o1 2e2ory @ 4hich are 1el0 by 0hose un1a2iliar 4i0h 0he idea5 +e ha3e seen 0ha0 2an, during his passage 0hrough physical dea0h, !A2alo/a and %e3achan, loses one a10er 0he o0her, his 3arious bodies, 0he physical, 0he as0ral, and 0he 2en0al5 These are all disin0egra0ed, and 0heir par0icles re2i: 4i0h 0he 2a0erials o1 0heir se3eral planes5 The connec0ion o1 0he 2an 4i0h 0he physical 3ehicle is en0irely bro/en o11 and done 4i0h ? bu0 0he as0ral and 2en0al bodies hand on 0o 0he 2an hi2sel1, 0o 0he Thin/er, 0he ger2s o1 0he 1acul0ies and ;uali0ies resul0ing 1ro2 0he ac0i3i0ies o1 0he ear0h9li1e, and 0hese are s0ored 4i0hin 0he causal body, 0he seeds o1 his ne:0 as0ral and 2en0al bodies5 A0 0his s0age, 0hen, only 0he 2an hi2sel1 is le10, 0he labourer 4ho has brough0 his har3es0 ho2e, and has li3ed upon i0 0ill i0 is all 4or/ed up in0o hi2sel15 The da4n o1 a (Page ")#! ne4 li1e begins, and he 2us0 go 1or0h again 0o his labour un0il 0he e3en5 The ne4 li1e begins by 0he 3i3i1ying o1 0he 2en0al ger2s, and 0hey dra4 upon 0he 2a0erials o1 0he lo4er 2en0al le3els, 0ill a 2en0al body has gro4n up 1ro2 0he2 0ha0 represen0s e:ac0ly 0he 2en0al s0age o1 0he 2an, e:pressing all his 2en0al 1acul0ies as organs ? 0he e:periences o1 0he pas0 do no0 e:is0 as 2en0al i2ages in 0his ne4 body? as 2en0al i2ages 0hey perished 4hen 0he old 2ind9body perished, and only 0heir essence, 0heir e11ec0s on 1acul0y, re2ain ? 0hey 4ere 0he 1ood o1 0he 2ind, 0he 2a0erials 4hich i0 4o3e in0o po4ers, and

in 0he ne4 body 0hey reappear as po4ers, 0hey de0er2ine i0s 2a0erials, and 0hey 1or2 i0s organs5 +hen 0he 2an, 0he Thin/er, has 0hus clo0hed hi2sel1 4i0h a ne4 body 1or his co2ing li1e on 0he lo4er 2en0al le3els, he proceeds, by 3i3i1ying 0he as0ral ger2s, 0o pro3ide hi2sel1 4i0h an as0ral body 1or his li1e on 0he as0ral plane5 This, again, e:ac0ly represen0s his desire9 na0ure, 1ai0h1ully reproducing 0he ;uali0ies he e3ol3ed in 0he pas0, as 0he seed reproduces i0s paren0 0ree5 Thus 0he 2an s0ands, 1ully e;uipped 1or his ne:0 incarna0ion, 0he only 2e2ory o1 0hese e3en0s o1 his pas0 being in 0he causal body, in his o4n enduring 1or2, 0he one body 0ha0 passes on 1ro2 li1e 0o li1e5 #ean4hile, ac0ion e:0ernal 0o hi2sel1 is being 0a/en 0o pro3ide hi2 4i0h a physical body sui0able 1or 0he e:pression o1 his ;uali0ies5 In pas0 li3es he has 2ade 0ies 4i0h, con0rac0ed liabili0ies 0o4ards, o0her hu2an beings, and so2e o1 0hese 4ill par0ly (Page ")4! de0er2ine his place o1 bir0h and his 1a2ily5 @ ) This and 0he 1ollo4ing causes de0er2ining 0he ou04ard circu2s0ances o1 0he ne4 li1e 4ill be 1ully e:plained in Chap0er IG, on =!ar2a>5* He has been a source o1 happiness or o1 unhappiness 0o o0hers ? 0his is a 1ac0or in de0er2ining 0he condi0ions o1 his co2ing li1e5 His desire9na0ure is 4ell disciplined, or unregula0ed and rio0ous ? 0his 4ill be 0a/en in0o accoun0 in 0he physical heredi0y o1 0he ne4 body5 He has cul0i3a0ed cer0ain 2en0al po4ers, such as 0he ar0is0ic ? 0his 2us0 be considered, as here again physical heredi0y is an i2por0an0 1ac0or 4here delicacy o1 ner3ous organisa0ion and 0ac0ile sensibili0y are re;uired5 And so on, in endless 3arie0y5 The 2an 2ay, cer0ainly 4ill, ha3e in hi2 2any incongruous charac0eris0ics, so 0ha0 only so2e can 1ind e:pression in any one body 0ha0 could be pro3ided, and a group o1 his po4ers sui0able 1or si2ul0aneous e:pression 2us0

be selec0ed5 All 0his is done by cer0ain 2igh0y spiri0ual In0elligences,) Spo/en o1 by H5P5'la3a0s/y in 0he Secret &octrine. They are 0he Lipi/a, 0he !eepers o1 0he /Ar2ic records, and 0he #ahArA6as, 4ho direc0 0he prac0ical 4or/ing ou0 o1 0he decrees o1 0he Lipi/a5* 9 o10en spo/en o1 as 0he Lords o1 !ar2a, because i0 is 0heir 1unc0ion 0o superin0end 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 causes con0inually se0 going by 0hough0s, desires, and ac0ions5 They hold 0he 0hreads o1 des0iny 4hich each 2an has 4o3en, and guide 0he reincarna0ing 2an 0o 0he en3iron2en0 de0er2ined by his pas0, unconsciously sel19chosen 0hrough his pas0 li1e5(Page ")$! The race, 0he na0ion, 0he 1a2ily, being 0hus de0er2ined, 4ha0 2ay be called 0he 2ould o1 0he physical body @ sui0able 1or 0he e:pression o1 0he 2an<s ;uali0ies, and 1or 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 0he causes he has se0 going @ is gi3en by 0hese grea0 $nes, and 0he ne4 e0heric double, a copy o1 0his, is buil0 4i0hin 0he 2o0her<s 4o2b by 0he agency o1 an ele2en0al, 0he 0hough0 o1 0he !Dr2ic Lords being i0s 2o0i3e po4er5 The dense body is buil0 in0o 0he e0heric double 2olecule by 2olecule, 1ollo4ing i0 e:ac0ly, and here physical heredi0y has 1ull s4ay in 0he 2a0erials pro3ided5 ,ur0her, 0he 0hough0s and passions o1 surrounding people, especially o1 0he con0inually presen0 1a0her and 2o0her, in1luence 0he building ele2en0al in i0s 4or/, 0he indi3iduals 4i0h 4ho2 0he incarna0ing 2an had 1or2ed 0ies in 0he pas0 0hus a11ec0ing 0he physical condi0ions gro4ing up 1or his ne4 li1e on ear0h5 A0 a 3ery early s0age 0he ne4 as0ral body co2es in0o connec0ion 4i0h 0he ne4 e0heric double, and e:ercises considerable in1luence o3er i0s 1or2a0ion, and 0hrough i0 0he 2en0al body 4or/s upon 0he ner3ous organisa0ion, preparing i0 0o beco2e a sui0able ins0ru2en0 1or i0s o4n e:pression in 0he 1u0ure5 This in1luence co22enced in an0e na0al li1e @ so 0ha0 4hen a

child is born i0s brain91or2a0ion re3eals 0he e:0en0 and balance o1 i0s 2en0al and 2oral ;uali0ies @ is con0inued a10er bir0h, and 0his building o1 brain and ner3es, and 0heir correla0ion 0o 0he as0ral and 2en0al bodies, go on 0ill 0he se3en0h year o1 childhood, a0 4hich age 0he connec0ion be04een 0he 2an and his physical (Page ")%! 3ehicle is co2ple0e, and he 2ay be said 0o 4or/ 0hrough i0 hence1or0h 2ore 0han upon i05 (p 0o 0his age, 0he consciousness o1 0he Thin/er is 2ore upon 0he as0ral plane 0han upon 0he physical, and 0his is o10en e3idenced by 0he play o1 psychic 1acul0ies in young children5 They see in3isible co2rades and 1airy landscapes, hear 3oices inaudible 0o 0heir elders, ca0ch char2ing and delica0e 1ancies 1ro2 0he as0ral 4orld5 These pheno2ena generally 3anish as 0he Thin/er begins 0o 4or/ e11ec0i3ely 0hrough 0he physical 3ehicle, and 0he drea2y child beco2es 0he co22onplace boy or girl, o10en0i2es 2uch 0o 0he relie1 o1 0he be4ildered paren0s, ignoran0 o1 0he cause o1 0heir child<s =;ueerness5> #os0 children ha3e a0 leas0 a 0ouch o1 0his =;ueerness,> bu0 0hey ;uic/ly learn 0o hide a4ay 0heir 1ancies and 3isions 1ro2 0heir unsy2pa0he0ic elders, 1ear1ul o1 bla2e 1or =0elling s0ories,> or o1 4ha0 0he child dreads 1ar 2ore @ ridicule5 I1 paren0s could see 0heir children<s brains, 3ibra0ing under an ine:0ricable 2ingling o1 physical and as0ral i2pac0s, 4hich 0he children 0he2sel3es are ;ui0e incapable o1 separa0ing, and recei3ing so2e0i2es a 0hrill @ so plas0ic are 0hey @ e3en 1ro2 0he higher regions, gi3ing a 3ision o1 e0hereal beau0y, o1 heroic achie3e2en0, 0hey 4ould be 2ore pa0ien0 4i0h, 2ore responsi3e 0o, 0he con1used pra00lings o1 0he li00le ones, 0rying 0o 0ransla0e in0o 0he di11icul0 2ediu2 o1 unaccus0o2ed 4ords 0he elusi3e 0ouches o1 4hich 0hey are conscious, and 4hich 0hey 0ry 0o ca0ch and re0ain5 eincarna0ion, belie3ed in and unders0ood, 4ould relie3e child li1e (Page ")&! o1 i0s 2os0 pa0he0ic aspec0, 0he unaided s0ruggle o1 0he soul

0o gain con0rol o3er i0s ne4 3ehicles, and 0o connec0 i0sel1 1ully 4i0h i0s denses0 body 4i0hou0 losing po4er 0o i2press 0he rarer ones in a 4ay 0ha0 4ould enable 0he2 0o con3ey 0o 0he denser 0heir o4n 2ore sub0le 3ibra0ions5 CHAPTER .III REINCARNATION CONTIN0E/ (Page ")'! The ascending s0ages o1 consciousness 0hrough 4hich 0he Thin/er passes as he reincarna0es during his long cycle o1 li3es in 0he 0hree lo4er 4orlds are clearly 2ar/ed ou0, and 0he ob3ious necessi0y 1or 2any li3es, in 4hich 0o e:perience 0he2, i1 he is 0o e3ol3e a0 all, 2ay carry 0o 0he 2ore 0hough01ul 2inds 0he cleares0 con3ic0ion o1 0he 0ru0h o1 reincarna0ion5 The 1irs0 o1 0he s0ages is 0ha0 in 4hich all 0he e:periences are sensa0ional, 0he only con0ribu0ion 2ade by 0he 2ind consis0ing o1 0he recogni0ion 0ha0 con0ac0 4i0h so2e ob6ec0 is 1ollo4ed by a sensa0ion o1 pleasure, 4hile con0ac0 4i0h o0hers is 1ollo4ed by a sensa0ion o1 pain5 These ob6ec0s 1or2 2en0al pic0ures, and 0he pic0ures soon begin 0o ac0 as a s0i2ulus 0o see/ 0he ob6ec0s associa0ed 4i0h pleasure, 4hen 0hose ob6ec0s are no0 presen0, 0he ger2s o1 2e2ory and o1 2en0al ini0ia0i3e 0hus 2a/ing 0heir appearance5 This 1irs0 rough di3ision o1 0he e:0ernal 4orld is 1ollo4ed by 0he 2ore co2ple: idea o1 0he bearing o1 ;uan0i0y on pleasure and pain, already re1erred 0o5 A0 0his s0age o1 e3olu0ion, 2e2ory is (Page ")(! 3ery shor0 li3ed, or, in o0her 4ords, 2en0al i2ages are 3ery 0ransi0ory5 The idea o1 1orecas0ing 0he 1u0ure 1ro2 0he pas0, e3en 0o 0he 2os0 rudi2en0ary e:0en0, has no0 da4ned on 0he in1an0 Thin/er, and his ac0ions are guided 1ro2 ou0side, by 0he i2pac0s 0ha0 reach hi2 1ro2 0he e:0ernal 4orld, or a0 1ur0hes0 by 0he pro2p0ings o1 his appe0i0es and passions, cra3ing gra0i1ica0ion5 He 4ill

0hro4 a4ay any0hing 1or an i22edia0e sa0is1ac0ion, ho4e3er necessary 0he 0hing 2ay be 1or his 1u0ure 4ell being? 0he need o1 0he 2o2en0 o3erpo4ers e3ery o0her considera0ion5 $1 hu2an souls in 0his e2bryonic condi0ion, nu2erous e:a2ples can be 1ound in boo/s o1 0ra3el, and 0he necessi0y 1or 2any li3es 4ill be i2pressed on 0he 2ind o1 any one 4ho s0udies 0he 2en0al condi0ion o1 0he leas0 e3ol3ed sa3ages, and co2pares i0 4i0h 0he 2en0al condi0ion o1 e3en a3erage hu2ani0y a2ong oursel3es5 Needless 0o say 0ha0 0he 2oral capaci0y is no 2ore e3ol3ed 0han 0he 2en0al? 0he idea o1 good and e3il has no0 ye0 been concei3ed5 No0 is i0 possible 0o con3ey 0o 0he ;ui0e unde3eloped 2ind e3en ele2en0ary no0ion o1 ei0her good or bad5 .ood and pleasan0 are 0o i0 in0erchangeable 0er2s, as in 0he 4ell9/no4n case o1 0he Aus0ralian sa3age 2en0ioned by Charles %ar4in5 Pressed by hunger, 0he 2an speared 0he neares0 li3ing crea0ure 0ha0 could ser3e as 1ood, and 0his happened 0o be his 4i1e? a European re2ons0ra0ed 4i0h hi2 on 0he 4ic/edness o1 his deed, bu0 1ailed 0o 2a/e any i2pression? 1or 1ro2 0he reproach 0ha0 0o ea0 his 4i1e 4as 3ery, 3ery bad he (Page " )! only deduced 0he in1erence 0ha0 0he s0ranger 0hough0 she had pro3ed nas0y o1 indiges0ible, and he pu0 hi2 righ0 by s2iling peace1ully as he pa00ed hi2sel1 a10er his 2eal, and declaring in a sa0is1ied 4ay, =She is 3ery good5> #easure in 0hough0 0he 2oral dis0ance be04een 0ha0 2an and S05 ,rancis o1 Assisi, and i0 4ill be seen 0ha0 0here 2us0 ei0her be e3olu0ion o1 souls as 0here is e3olu0ion o1 bodies, or else in 0he real2 o1 0he soul 0here 2us0 be cons0an0 2iracle, disloca0ed crea0ions5 There are 04o pa0hs along ei0her o1 4hich 2an 2ay gradually e2erge 1ro2 0his e2bryonic 2en0al condi0ion5 He 2ay be direc0ly ruled and con0rolled by 2en 1ar 2ore e3ol3ed 0han hi2sel1, or he 2ay be le10

slo4ly 0o gro4 unaided5 The la00er case 4ould i2ply 0he passage o1 uncoun0ed 2illennia, 1or, 4i0hou0 e:a2ple and 4i0hou0 discipline, le10 0o 0he changing i2pac0s o1 e:0ernal ob6ec0s, and 0o 1ric0ion 4i0h o0her 2en as unde3eloped as hi2sel1, 0he inner energies could be bu0 3ery slo4ly aroused5 As a 2a00er o1 1ac0, 2an has e3ol3ed by 0he road o1 direc0 precep0 and e:a2ple and o1 en1orced discipline5 +e ha3e already seen 0ha0 4hen 0he bul/ o1 0he a3erage hu2ani0y recei3ed 0he spar/ 4hich brough0 0he Thin/er in0o being, 0here 4ere so2e o1 0he grea0er Sons i1 #ind 4ho incarna0ed as Teachers, and 0ha0 0here 4as also a long succession o1 lesser Sons o1 #ind, a0 3arious s0ages o1 e3olu0ion, 4ho ca2e in0o incarna0ion as 0he cres094a3e o1 0he ad3ancing 0ide o1 hu2ani0y5 These ruled 0he less e3ol3ed, under 0he bene1icen0 s4ay o1 0he grea0 Teachers, and 0he co2pelled (Page " ! obedience 0o ele2en0ary rules o1 righ0 li3ing @ 3ery ele2en0ary a0 1irs0, in 0ru0h @ 2uch has0ened 0he de3elop2en0 o1 2en0al and 2oral 1acul0ies in 0he e2bryonic souls5 Apar0 1ro2 all o0her records 0he gigan0ic re2ains o1 ci3iliBa0ions 0ha0 ha3e long since disappeared @ e3idencing grea0 engineering s/ill, and in0ellec0ual concep0ions 1ar beyond any0hing possible by 0he 2ass o1 0he 0hen in1an0 hu2ani0y @ su11ice 0o pro3e 0ha0 0here 4ere presen0 on ear0h 2en 4i0h 2inds 0ha0 4ere capable o1 grea0ly planning and grea0ly e:ecu0ing5 Le0 us con0inue 0he early s0age o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 consciousness5 Sensa0ion 4as 4holly lord o1 0he 2ind, and 0he earlies0 2en0al e11or0s 4ere s0i2ula0ed by desire5 This led 0he 2an, slo4ly and clu2sily, 0o 1orecas0, 0o plan5 He began 0o recognise a de1ini0e associa0ion o1 cer0ain 2en0al i2ages, and, 4hen one appeared, 0o e:pec0 0he appearance o1 0he o0her 0ha0 had in3ariably 1ollo4ed in i0s 4a/e5 He began 0o dra4 in1erences, and e3en 0o ini0ia0e ac0ion on 0he

1ai0h o1 0hese in1erences @ a grea0 ad3ance5 And he began also 0o hesi0a0e no4 and again 0o 1ollo4 0he 3ehe2en0 pro2p0ings o1 desire, 4hen he 1ound, o3er and o3er again, 0ha0 0he gra0i1ica0ion de2anded 4as associa0ed in his 2ind 4i0h 0he subse;uen0 happening o1 su11ering5 This ac0ion 4as 2uch ;uic/ened by 0he pressure upon hi2 o1 3erbally e:pressed la4s? he 4as 1orbidden 0o seiBe cer0ain gra0i1ica0ions, and 4as 0old 0ha0 su11ering 4ould 1ollo4 disobedience5 +hen he had seiBed 0he deligh09gi3ing ob6ec0 and 1ound 0he su11ering 1ollo4 upon (Page " "! pleasure, 0he 1ul1illed declara0ion 2ade a 1ar s0ronger i2pression on his 2ind 0han 4ould ha3e been 2ade by 0he une:pec0ed @ and 0here1ore 0o hi2 1or0ui0ous @ happening o1 0he sa2e 0hing un 1ore0old5 Thus con1lic0 con0inually arose be04een 2e2ory and desire, and 0he 2ind gre4 2ore ac0i3e by 0he con1lic0, and 4as s0irred in0o li3elier 1unc0ioning5 The con1lic0, in 1ac0, 2ar/ed 0he 0ransi0ion 0o 0he second grea0 s0age5 Here began 0o sho4 i0sel1 0he ger2 o1 4ill5 %esire and 4ill guide a 2an<s ac0ions, and 4ill has e3en been de1ined as 0he desire 4hich e2erges 0riu2phan0 1ro2 0he con0es0 o1 desires5 'u0 0his is a crude and super1icial 3ie4, e:plaining no0hing5 %esire is 0he ou0going energy o1 0he Thin/er, de0er2ined in i0s direc0ion by 0he a00rac0ion o1 e:0ernal ob6ec0s5 +ill is 0he ou0going energy o1 0he Thin/er, de0er2ined in i0s direc0ion by 0he conclusions dra4n by 0he reason, 1ro2 pas0 e:periences, or by 0he direc0 in0ui0ion o1 0he Thin/er hi2sel15 $0her4ise pu0F desire is guided 1ro2 4i0hou0 @ 4ill 1ro2 4i0hin5 A0 0he beginning o1 2an<s e3olu0ion, desire has co2ple0e so3ereign0y, and hurries hi2 hi0her and 0hi0her? in 0he 2iddle o1 his e3olu0ion, desire and 4ill are in con0inual con1lic0, and 3ic0ory lies so2e0i2es 4i0h 0he one, so2e0i2es 4i0h 0he o0her? a0 0he end o1 his e3olu0ion desire has died, and 4ill rules 4i0h unopposed, unchallenged s4ay5

(n0il 0he Thin/er, is su11icien0ly de3eloped 0o see direc0ly, 4ill is guided by hi2 0hrough 0he reason? and as 0he reason can dra4 i0s conclusions only 1ro2 i0s s0oc/ o1 2en0al )Page I1R* i2ages @ i0s e:periences @ and 0ha0 s0oc/ is li2i0ed, 0he 4ill cons0an0ly co22ands 2is0a/en ac0ions5 The su11ering 4hich 1lo4s 1ro2 0hese 2is0a/en ac0ions increases 0he s0oc/ o1 2en0al i2ages, and 0hus gi3es 0he reason an increased s0ore 1ro2 4hich 0o dra4 i0s conclusions5 Thus progress is 2ade and 4isdo2 is born5 %esire o10en 2i:es i0sel1 up 4i0h 4ill, so 0ha0 4ha0 appears 0o be de0er2ined 1ro2 4i0hin is really largely pro2p0ed by 0he cra3ings o1 0he lo4er na0ure 1or ob6ec0s 4hich a11ord i0 gra0i1ica0ion5 Ins0ead o1 an open con1lic0 be04een 0he 04o, 0he lo4er sub0ly insinua0es i0sel1 in0o 0he curren0 o1 0he higher and 0urns i0s course aside5 %e1ea0ed in 0he open 1ield, 0he desire o1 0he personali0y 0hus conspire agains0 0heir con;ueror, and o10en 4in by guile 4ha0 0hey 1ailed 0o 4in by 1orce5 %uring 0he 4hole o1 0his second grea0 s0age, in 4hich 0he 1acul0ies o1 0he lo4er 2ind are in 1ull course o1 e3olu0ion, con1lic0 is 0he nor2al condi0ion, con1lic0 be04een 0he rule o1 sensa0ions and 0he rule o1 reason5 The proble2 0o be sol3ed in hu2ani0y is 0he pu00ing an end 0o con1lic0 4hile preser3ing 0he 1reedo2 o1 0he 4ill? 0o de0er2ine 0he 4ill ine3i0ably 0o 0he bes0, 4hile ye0 lea3ing 0ha0 bes0 as a 2a00er o1 choice5 The bes0 is 0o be chosen, bu0 by a sel19ini0ia0ed 3oli0ion, 0ha0 shall co2e 4i0h all 0he cer0ain0y o1 a 1oreordained necessi0y5 The cer0ain0y o1 a co2pelling la4 is 0o be ob0ained 1ro2 coun0less 4ills, each one le10 1ree 0o de0er2ine i0s o4n course5 The solu0ion o1 0ha0 proble2 is si2ple 4hen i0 is /no4n, (Page " 4! 0hough 0he con0radic0ion loo/s irreconcilable 4hen 1irs0 presen0ed5 Le0 2an be le10 1ree 0o choose his o4n ac0ions, bu0 le0 e3ery ac0ion bring abou0 an ine3i0able resul0? le0 hi2 run loose a2id all ob6ec0s o1 desire and seiBe 4ha0e3er he 4ill, bu0 le0 hi2 ha3e all 0he resul0s o1 his choice, be

0hey deligh01ul or grie3ous5 Presen0ly he 4ill 1reely re6ec0 0he ob6ec0s 4hose possession ul0i2a0ely causes hi2 pain? he 4ill no longer desire 0he2 4hen he has e:perienced 0o 0he 1ull 0ha0 0heir possession ends in sorro45 Le0 hi2 s0ruggle 0o hold 0he pleasure and a3oid 0he pain, he 4ill none 0he less be ground be04een 0he s0ones o1 la4, and 0he lesson 4ill be repea0ed any nu2ber o1 0i2es 1ound necessary? reincarna0ion o11ers us 2any li3es as are needed by 0he 2os0 sluggish learner5 Slo4ly desire 1or an ob6ec0 0ha0 brings su11ering in i0s 0rain 4ill die, and 4hen 0he 0hing o11ers i0sel1 in all i0s a00rac0i3e gla2our i0 4ill be re6ec0ed, no0 by co2pulsion bu0 by 1ree choice5 I0 is no longer desirable, i0 has los0 i0s po4er5 Thus 4i0h 0hing a10er 0hing? choice 2ore and 2ore runs in har2ony 4i0h la45 =There are 2any roads o1 error? 0he road o1 0ru0h is one>? 4hen all 0he pa0hs o1 error ha3e been 0rodden, 4hen all ha3e been 1ound 0o end in su11ering, 0he choice 0o 4al/ in 0he 4ay o1 0ru0h is uns4er3ing, because based on /no4ledge5 The lo4er /ingdo2s 4or/ har2oniously, co2pelled by la4? 2an<s /ingdo2 is a chaos o1 con1lic0ing 4ills, 1igh0ing agains0, rebelling agains0 la4? presen0ly 0here e3ol3es 1ro2 i0 a nobler uni0y, a har2onious choice o1 3olun0ary (Page " $! obedience, an obedience 0ha0, being 3olun0ary, based on /no4ledge and on 2e2ory o1 0he resul0s o1 disobedience, is s0able and can be dra4n aside by no 0e2p0a0ion5 Ignoran0, ine:perienced, 2an 4ould al4ays ha3e been in danger o1 1alling? as a .od, /no4ing good and e3il by e:perience, his choice o1 0he good is raised 1ore3er beyond possibili0y o1 change5 +ill in 0he do2ain o1 2orali0y is generally en0i0led conscience, and i0 is sub6ec0 0o 0he sa2e di11icul0ies in 0his do2ain as in i0s o0her ac0i3i0ies5 So long as ac0ions are in ;ues0ion 4hich ha3e been done o3er and o3er again, o1 4hich 0he conse;uences are 1a2iliar ei0her 0o

0he reason or 0o 0he Thin/er hi2sel1, 0he conscience spea/s ;uic/ly and 1ir2ly5 'u0 4hen un1a2iliar proble2s arise as 0o 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 4hich e:perience is silen0, conscience canno0 spea/ 4i0h cer0ain0y? i0 has bu0 a hesi0a0ing ans4er 1ro2 0he reason, 4hich can dra4 only a doub01ul in1erence, and 0he Thin/er canno0 spea/ i1 his e:perience does no0 include 0he circu2s0ances 0ha0 ha3e no4 arisen5 Hence conscience o10en decides 4rongly? 0ha0 is, 0he 4ill, 1ailing clear direc0ion 1ro2 ei0her 0he reason or 0he in0ui0ion, guides ac0ion a2iss5 Nor can 4e lea3e ou0 o1 considera0ion 0he in1luences 4hich play upon 0he 2ind 1ro2 4i0hou0, 1ro2 0he 0hough091or2s o1 o0hers, o1 1riends, o1 0he 1a2ily, o1 0he co22uni0y, o1 0he na0ion5 )Chap0er 11, =The As0ral Plane5>* These all surround and pene0ra0e 0he 2ind 4i0h 0heir o4n a02osphere, dis0or0ing 0he appearance o1 e3ery0hing, and (Page " %! 0hro4ing all 0hings our o1 propor0ion5 Thus in1luenced, 0he reason o10en does no0 e3en 6udge cal2ly 1ro2 i0s o4n e:perience, bu0 dra4s 1alse conclusions as i0 s0udies i0s 2a0erials 0hrough a dis0or0ing 2ediu25 The e3olu0ion o1 2oral 1acul0ies is 3ery largely s0i2ula0ed by 0he a11ec0ions, ani2al and sel1ish as 0hese are during 0he in1ancy o1 0he Thin/er5 The la4s o1 2orali0y are laid do4n by 0he enligh0ened reason, discerning 0he la4s by 4hich Na0ure 2o3es, and bringing hu2an conduc0 in0o consonance 4i0h 0he %i3ine +ill5 'u0 0he i2pulse 0o obey 0hese la4s, 4hen no ou0er 1orce co2pels, has i0s roo0s in lo3e, in 0ha0 hidden di3ini0y in 2an 4hich see/s 0o pour i0sel1 ou0 0o gi3e i0sel1 0o o0hers5 #orali0y begins in 0he in1an0 Thin/er 4hen he is 1irs0 2o3ed by lo3e 0o 4i1e, 0o child, 0o 1riend, 0o do so2e ac0ion 0ha0 ser3es 0he lo3ed one 4i0hou0 any 0hough0 o1 gain 0o hi2sel1 0hereby5 I0 is 0he 1irs0 con;ues0 o3er 0he lo4er na0ure, 0he co2ple0e sub6uga0ion o1 4hich is 0he achie3e2en0 o1 2oral per1ec0ion5

Hence 0he i2por0ance o1 ne3er /illing ou0 or s0ri3ing 0o 4ea/en, 0he a11ec0ion, as is done in 2any o1 0he lo4er /inds o1 occul0is25 Ho4e3er i2pure and gross 0he a11ec0ions 2ay be, 0hey o11er possibili0ies o1 2oral e3olu0ion 1ro2 4hich 0he cold9hear0ed and sel19 isola0ed ha3e shu0 0he2sel3es ou05 I0 is an easier 0as/ 0o puri1y 0han 0o crea0e lo3e, and 0his is 4hy =0he sinners> ha3e been said by grea0 Teachers 0o be nearer 0o 0he /ingdo2 o1 hea3en 0han 0he Pharisees and Scribes5 The 0hird grea0 s0age o1 consciousness sees (Page " &! 0he de3elop2en0 o1 0he higher in0ellec0ual po4ers? 0he 2ind no longer d4ells en0irely on 2en0al i2ages ob0ained 1ro2 sensa0ions, no longer reasons on purely concre0e ob6ec0s, nor is concerned 4i0h 0he a00ribu0es 4hich di11eren0ia0e one 1ro2 ano0her5 The Thin/er ha3ing learned clearly 0o discri2ina0e be04een ob6ec0s by d4elling upon 0heir unli/enesses, no4 begins 0o group 0he2 0oge0her by so2e a00ribu0e 4hich appears in a nu2ber o1 ob6ec0s o0her4ise dissi2ilar and 2a/es a lin/ be04een 0he25 He dra4s ou0, abs0rac0s, his co22on a00ribu0e, and se0s all ob6ec0s 0ha0 posses i0, apar0 1ro2 0he res0 4hich are 4i0hou0 i0? and in 0his 4ay he e3ol3es 0he po4er o1 recognising iden0i0y a2id di3ersi0y, a s0ep 0o4ard 0he 2uch la0er recogni0ion o1 0he $ne underlying 0he 2an, he 0hus classi1ies all 0ha0 is around hi2, de3eloping 0he syn0he0ic 1acul0y, and learning 0o cons0ruc0 as 4ell as analyse5 Presen0ly he 0a/es ano0her s0ep, and concei3es o1 0he co22on proper0y as an idea, apar0 1ro2 all 0he ob6ec0s in 4hich i0 appears, and 0hus cons0ruc0s a higher /ind o1 2en0al i2age o1 a concre0e ob6ec0 @ 0he i2age o1 an idea 0ha0 has no pheno2enal e:is0ence in 0he 4orlds o1 1or2, bu0 4hich e:is0s on 0he higher le3els o1 0he 2en0al plane, and a11ords 2a0erial on 4hich 0he Thin/er hi2sel1 can 4or/5 The lo4er 2ind reaches 0he abs0rac0 idea by reason, and in 0hus doing acco2plishes i0s lo10ies0 1ligh0,

0ouching 0he 0hreshold o1 0he 1or2less 4orld, and di2ly seeing 0ha0 4hich lies beyond5 The Thin/er sees 0hese ideas, and li3es a2ong 0he2 (Page " '! habi0ually, and 4hen 0he po4er o1 abs0rac0 reasoning is de3eloped and e:ercised 0he Thin/er is beco2ing e11ec0i3e in his o4n 4orld, and is beginning his li1e o1 ac0i3e 1unc0ioning in his o4n sphere5 Such 2en care li00le 1or 0he li1e o1 0he senses, care li00le 1or e:0ernal obser3a0ion, or 1or 2en0al applica0ion 0o i2ages o1 e:0ernal ob6ec0s? 0heir po4ers are indra4n, and no longer rush ou04ards in 0he search 1or sa0is1ac0ion5 They d4ell cal2ly 4i0hin 0he2sel3es, engrossed 4i0h 0he proble2s o1 philosophy, 4i0h 0he deepes0 aspec0s o1 li1e and 0hough0, see/ing 0o unders0and causes ra0her 0han 0roubling 0he2sel3es 4i0h e11ec0s, and approaching nearer and nearer 0o 0he recogni0ion o1 0he $ne 0ha0 underlies all 0he di3ersi0ies o1 e:0ernal Na0ure5 In 0he 1our0h s0age o1 consciousness 0ha0 $ne is seen, and 4i0h 0he 0ranscending 0he barrier se0 up by 0he in0ellec0 0he consciousness spreads ou0 0o e2brace 0he 4orld, seeing all 0hings in i0sel1 and as par0s o1 i0sel1, and seeing i0sel1 as a ray o1 0he L$.$S, and 0here1ore as one 4i0h Hi25 +here is 0hen 0he Thin/erL He has beco2e Consciousness, and, 4hile 0he spiri0ual Soul can a0 4ill use any o1 his lo4er 3ehicles, he is no longer li2i0ed 0o 0heir use, nor needs 0he2 1or 0his 1ull and conscious li1e5 Then is co2pulsory reincarna0ion o3er and 0he 2an has des0royed dea0h? he has 3erily achie3ed i22or0ali0y5 Then has he beco2e =a pillar in 0he 0e2ple o1 .od and shall go ou0 no 2ore5> To co2ple0e 0his par0 o1 our s0udy, 4e need 0o unders0and 0he successi3e ;uic/enings o1 0he 3ehicles o1 (Page " (! consciousness, 0he bringing 0he2 one by one in0o ac0i3i0y as 0he har2onious ins0ru2en0s o1 0he hu2an Soul5

+e ha3e seen 0ha0 1ro2 0he 3ery beginning o1 his separa0e li1e 0he Thin/er has possessed coa0ings o1 2en0al, as0ral, e0heric, and dense physical 2a00er5 These 1or2 0he 2edia by 4hich his li1e 3ibra0es ou04ards, 0he bridge o1 consciousness, as 4e 2ay call i0, along 4hich all i2pulses 1ro2 0he Thin/er 2ay reach 0he dense physical body, all i2pac0s 1ro2 0he ou0er 4orld 2ay reach hi25 'u0 0his general use o1 0he successi3e bodies as par0s o1 a connec0ed 4hole is a 3ery di11eren0 0hing 1ro2 0he ;uic/ening o1 each in 0urn 0o ser3e as a dis0inc0 3ehicle o1 consciousness, independen0ly o1 0hose belo4 i0, and i0 is 0his ;uic/ening o1 0he 3ehicles 0ha0 4e ha3e no4 0o consider5 The lo4es0 3ehicle, 0he dense physical body, is 0he 1irs0 one 0o be brough0 in0o har2onious 4or/ing order? 0he brain and 0he ner3ous sys0e2 ha3e 0o be elabora0ed and 0o be rendered delica0ely responsi3e 0o e3ery 0hrill 4hich is 4i0hin 0heir ga2u0 o1 3ibra0ory po4er5 In 0he early s0ages, 4hile 0he physical dense body is co2posed o1 0he grosser /inds o1 2a00er, 0his ga2u0 is e:0re2ely li2i0ed, and 0he physical organ o1 0he 2ind can respond only 0o 0he slo4es0 3ibra0ions sen0 do4n5 I0 ans4ers 1ar 2ore pro2p0ly, as is na0ural, 0o 0he i2pac0s 1ro2 0he e:0ernal 4orld caused by ob6ec0s si2ilar in 2a0erials 0o i0sel15 I0s ;uic/ening as a 3ehicle o1 consciousness consis0s in i0s being 2ade responsi3e 0o 0he 3ibra0ions (Page "")! 0ha0 are ini0ia0ed 1ro2 4i0hin, and 0he rapidi0y o1 0his ;uic/ening depends on 0he co9opera0ion o1 0he lo4er na0ure 4i0h 0he higher, i0s loyal subordina0ion o1 i0sel1 in 0he ser3ice o1 i0s inner ruler5 +hen a10er 2any, 2any li1e9periods, i0 da4ns upon 0he lo4er na0ure 0ha0 i0 e:is0s 1or 0he sa/e o1 0he soul, 0ha0 all i0s 3alue depends on 0he help i0 can bring 0o 0he soul, 0ha0 i0 can 4in i22or0ali0y only by 2erging i0sel1 in 0he soul, 0hen i0s e3olu0ion proceeds in gian0 s0rides5 'e1ore 0his, 0he e3olu0ion has been

unconscious? a0 1irs0, 0he gra0i1ica0ion o1 0he lo4er na0ure 4as 0he ob6ec0 o1 li1e, and, 4hile 0his 4as a necessary preli2inary 1or calling ou0 0he energies o1 0he Thin/er, i0 did no0hing direc0ly 0o render 0he body a 3ehicle o1 consciousness? 0he direc0 4or/ing upon i0 begins 4hen 0he li1e o1 0he 2an es0ablishes i0s cen0re in 0he 2en0al body, and 4hen 0hough0 co22ences 0o do2ina0e sensa0ion5 The e:ercise o1 0he 2en0al po4ers 4or/s on 0he brain and 0he ner3ous sys0e2, and 0he coarser 2a0erials are gradually e:pelled 0o 2a/e roo2 1or 0he 1iner, 4hich can 3ibra0e in unison 4i0h 0he 0hough09 3ibra0ions sen0 0o 0he25 The brain beco2es 1iner in cons0i0u0ion, and increases by e3er 2ore co2plica0ed con3olu0ions 0he a2oun0 o1 sur1ace a3ailable 1or 0he coa0ing o1 ner3ous 2a00er adap0ed 0o respond 0o 0hough093ibra0ions5 The ner3ous sys0e2 beco2es 2ore delica0ely balanced, 2ore sensi0i3e, 2ore ali3e 0o e3ery 0hrill o1 2en0al ac0i3i0y5 And 4hen 0he recogni0ion o1 i0s 1unc0ion as an ins0ru2en0 o1 0he Soul, spo/en o1 abo3e, has co2e, 0hen ac0i3e co9opera0ion in per1or2ing (Page "" ! 0his 1unc0ion se0s in5 The personali0y begins delibera0ely 0o discipline i0sel1, and 0o se0 0he per2anen0 in0eres0s o1 0he i22or0al indi3idual abo3e i0s o4n 0ransien0 gra0i1ica0ions5 I0 yields up 0he 0i2e 0ha0 2igh0 be spen0 in 0he pursui0 o1 lo4er pleasures 0o 0he e3olu0ion o1 2en0al po4ers? day by day 0i2e is se0 apar0 1or serious s0udy? 0he brain is gladly surrendered 0o recei3e i2pac0s 1ro2 4i0hin ins0ead o1 1ro2 4i0hou0, is 0rained 0o ans4er 0o consecu0i3e 0hin/ing, and is 0augh0 0o re1rain 1ro2 0hro4ing up i0s o4n useless dis6oin0ed i2ages, 2ade by pas0 i2pressions5 I0 is 0augh0 0o re2ain a0 res0 4hen i0 is no0 4an0ed by i0s 2as0er? 0o ans4er, no0 0o ini0ia0e 3ibra0ions5 )$ne o1 0he signs 0ha0 i0 is being acco2plished is 0he cessa0ion o1 0he con1used 6u2ble o1 1rag2en0ary i2ages 4hich are se0 up during sleep by 0he independen0 ac0i3i0y o1 0he physical brain5 +hen 0he

brain is co2ing under con0rol 0his /ind o1 drea2 is 3ery seldo2 e:perienced5* ,ur0her, so2e discre0ion and discri2ina0ion 4ill be used as 0o 0he 1ood9s0u11s 4hich supply physical 2a0erials 0o 0he brain5 The use o1 0he coarser /inds 4ill be discon0inued, such as ani2al 1lesh and blood and alcohol, and pure 1ood 4ill build up a pure body5 .radually 0he lo4er 3ibra0ions 4ill 1ind no 2a0erials capable o1 responding 0o 0he2, and 0he physical body 0hus beco2es 2ore and 2ore en0irely a 3ehicle o1 consciousness, delica0ely responsi3e 0o all 0he 0hrills o1 0hough0 and /eenly sensi0i3e 0o 0he 3ibra0ions sen0 ou04ards by 0he Thin/er5 The e0heric double so closely 1ollo4s 0he cons0i0u0ion o1 0he dense body 0ha0 i0 is no0 (Page """! necessary 0o s0udy separa0ely i0s puri1ica0ion and ;uic/ening? i0 does no0 nor2ally ser3e as a separa0e 3ehicle o1 consciousness, bu0 4or/s synchronously 4i0h i0s dense par0ner, and 4hen separa0ed 1ro2 i0 ei0her by acciden0 or by dea0h, i0 responds 3ery 1eebly 0o 0he 3ibra0ions ini0ia0ed 1ro2 4i0hin5 I0 1unc0ion in 0ru0h is no0 0o ser3e as a 3ehicle o1 2en0al9consciousness, bu0 as a 3ehicle o1 PrAna, o1 specialised li1e91orce, and i0s disloca0ion 1ro2 0he denser par0icles 0o 4hich i0 con3eys 0he li1e9curren0s is 0here1ore dis0urbing and 2ischie3ous5 The as0ral body is 0he second 3ehicle o1 consciousness 0o be 3i3i1ied, and 4e ha3e already seen 0he changes 0hrough 4hich i0 passes as i0 beco2es organised 1or 0he 4or/5 )see Chap0er II, =The As0ral Plane>5*5 +hen i0 is 0horoughly organised, 0he consciousness 4hich has hi0her0o 4or/ed 4i0hin i0, i2prisoned by i0, 4hen in sleep i0 has le10 0he physical body and is dri10ing abou0 in 0he as0ral 4orld, begins no0 only 0o recei3e 0he i2pressions 0hrough i0 o1 as0ral ob6ec0s 0ha0 1or2 0he so9called drea29consciousness, bu0 also 0o percei3e as0ral ob6ec0s by i0s senses @ 0ha0

is, begins 0o rela0e 0he i2pressions recei3ed 0o 0he ob6ec0s 4hich gi3e rise 0o 0hose i2pressions5 These percep0ions are a0 1irs0 con1used, 6us0 as are 0he percep0ions a0 1irs0 2ade by 0he 2ind 0hrough a ne4 physical baby9body, and 0hey ha3e 0o be correc0ed by e:perience in 0he one case as in 0he o0her5 The Thin/er has gradually 0o disco3er 0he ne4 po4ers 4hich he can use 0hrough 0his sub0ler 3ehicle, and by 4hich he can con0rol 0he (Page ""#! as0ral ele2en0s and de1end hi2sel1 agains0 as0ral dangers5 He is no0 le10 alone 0o 1ace 0his ne4 4orld unaided, bu0 is 0augh0 and helped and @ un0il he can guard hi2sel1 @ pro0ec0ed by 0hose 4ho are 2ore e:perienced 0han hi2sel1 in 0he 4ays o1 0he as0ral 4orld5 .radually 0he ne4 3ehicle o1 consciousness co2es co2ple0ely under his con0rol, and li1e on 0he as0ral plane is as na0ural and as 1a2iliar as li1e on 0he physical5 The 0hird 3ehicle o1 consciousness, 0he 2en0al body, is rarely, i1 e3er, 3i3i1ied 1or independen0 ac0ion 4i0hou0 0he direc0 ins0ruc0ion o1 a 0eacher, and i0s 1unc0ioning belongs 0o 0he li1e o1 0he disciple a0 0he presen0 s0age o1 hu2an e3olu0ion5 )See Chap0er GI, =#an<s Ascen0>*5 As 4e ha3e already seen, i0 is rearranged 1or separa0e 1unc0ioning )See Chap0er I&, =The #en0al Plane>*, on 0he 2en0al plane, and here again e:perience and 0raining are needed ere i0 co2es 1ully under i0s o4ner<s con0rol5 A 1ac0 @ co22on 0o all 0hese 0hree 3ehicles o1 consciousness, bu0 2ore ap0 0o 2islead perhaps in 0he sub0ler 0han in 0he denser, because i0 is generally 1orgo00en in 0heir case, 4hile i0 is so ob3ious 0ha0 i0 is re2e2bered in 0he denser @ is 0ha0 0hey are sub6ec0 0o e3olu0ion, and 0ha0 4i0h 0heir higher e3olu0ion 0heir po4ers 0o recei3e and 0o respond 0o 3ibra0ions increase5 Ho4 2any 2ore shades o1 a colour are seen by a 0rained eye 0han by an un0rained5 Ho4 2any o3er0ones are heard by a 0rained ear, 4here 0he un0rained hears only 0he single 1unda2en0al no0e5 As

0he physical senses gro4 (Page ""4! 2ore /een 0he 4orld beco2es 1uller and 1uller, and 4here 0he peasan0 is conscious only his 1urro4 and his plough, 0he cul0ured 2ind is conscious o1 hedgero4 1lo4er and ;ui3ering aspen, o1 rap0urous 2elody do4n9dropping 1ro2 0he s/ylar/ and 0he 4hirring o1 0iny 4ings 0hrough 0he ad6oining 4ood, o1 0he scudding o1 rabbi0s under 0he curled 1ronds o1 0he brac/en, and 0he s;uirrels playing 4i0h each o0her 0hrough 0he branches o1 0he beeches, o1 all 0he gracious 2o3e2en0s o1 4ild 0hings, o1 all 0he 1ragran0 odours o1 1iled and 4oodland, o1 all 0he changing glories o1 0he cloud91lec/ed s/y, and o1 all 0he chasing ligh0s and shado4s on 0he hills5 'o0h 0he peasan0 and 0he cul0ured ha3e eyes, bo0h ha3e brains, bu0 o1 4ha0 di11ering po4ers o1 obser3a0ion, o1 4ha0 di11ering po4ers 0o recei3e i2pressions5 Thus also in o0her 4orlds5 As 0he as 0he as0ral and 2en0al bodies begin 0o 1unc0ion as separa0e 3ehicles o1 consciousness, 0hey are in, as i0 4ere, 0he peasan0 s0age o1 recep0i3i0y, and only 1rag2en0s o1 0he as0ral and 2en0al 4orlds, 4i0h 0heir s0range and elusi3e pheno2ena, 2a/e 0heir 4ay in0o consciousness? bu0 0hey e3ol3e rapidly, e2bracing 2ore and 2ore, and con3eying 0o consciousness a 2ore and 2ore accura0e re1lec0ion o1 i0s en3iron2en05 Here, as e3ery4here else, 4e ha3e 0o re2e2ber 0ha0 our /no4ledge is no0 0he li2i0 o1 Na0ure<s po4ers, and 0ha0 in 0he as0ral and 2en0al 4orlds, as in 0he physical, 4e are s0ill children, pic/ing up a 1e4 shells cas0 up by 0he 4a3es, 4hile 0he 0reasures hid in 0he ocean are s0ill une:plored5 (Page ""$! The ;uic/ening o1 0he causal body as a 3ehicle o1 consciousness 1ollo4s in due course 0he ;uic/ening o1 0he 2en0al body, and opens up 0o a 2an a ye0 2ore 2ar3elous s0a0e o1 consciousness, s0re0ching bac/4ards in0o an illi2i0able pas0, on4ards in0o 0he reaches o1 0he 1u0ure5 Then 0he Thin/er no0 only possesses 0he 2e2ory o1 his o4n pas0 and can 0race

his gro40h 0hrough 0he long succession o1 his incarna0e and e:carna0e li3es, bu0 he can also roa2 a0 4ill 0hrough 0he s0oried pas0 o1 0he ear0h, and learn 0he 4eigh0y lessons o1 4orld9e:perience, s0udying 0he hidden la4s 0ha0 guide e3olu0ion and 0he deep secre0s o1 li1e hidden in 0he boso2 o1 Na0ure5 In 0ha0 lo10y 3ehicle o1 consciousness he can each 0he 3eiled Isis, and li10 a corner o1 her do4n9 dropped 3eil? 1or 0here he can 1ace her eyes 4i0hou0 being blinded by her ligh0ening glances, and he can see in 0he radiance 0ha0 1lo4s 1ro2 her 0he causes o1 0he 4orld<s sorro4 and i0s ending, 4i0h hear0 pi0i1ul and co2passiona0e, bu0 no longer 4rung 4i0h helpless pain5 S0reng0h and cal2 and 4isdo2 co2e 0o 0hose 4ho are using 0he causal body as a 3ehicle o1 consciousness, and 4ho behold 4i0h opened eyes 0he glory o1 0he .ood la45 +hen 0he buddhic body is ;uic/ened as a 3ehicle o1 consciousness 0he 2an en0ers in0o 0he bliss o1 non9separa0eness, and /no4s in 1ull and 3i3id realisa0ion his uni0y 4i0h all 0ha0 is5 As 0he predo2inan0 ele2en0 o1 consciousness in 0he causal body is /no4ledge, and ul0i2a0ely 4isdo2, so 0he predo2inan0 ele2en0 o1 consciousness in 0he buddhic body is bliss and lo3e5 (Page ""%! The sereni0y o1 4isdo2 chie1ly 2ar/s 0he one, 4hile 0he 0enderes0 co2passion s0rea2s 1or0h ine:haus0ibly 1ro2 0he o0her? 4hen 0o 0hese is added 0he godli/e and unru11led s0reng0h 0ha0 2ar/s 0he 1unc0ioning o1 "02a, 0hen hu2ani0y is cro4ned 4i0h di3ini0y, and 0he .od92an is 2ani1es0 in all 0he pleni0ude o1 his po4er, o1 his 4isdo2, o1 his lo3e5 The handing do4n 0o 0he lo4er 3ehicles o1 such par0 o1 0he consciousness belonging 0o 0he higher as 0hey are able 0o recei3e does no0 i22edia0ely 1ollo4 on 0he successi3e ;uic/ening o1 0he 3ehicles5 In 0his 2a00er indi3iduals di11er 3ery 4idely, according 0o 0heir

circu2s0ances and 0heir 4or/, 1or 0his ;uic/ening o1 0he 3ehicles abo3e 0he physical rarely occurs 0ill proba0ionary discipleship is reached, ) See Chap0er GI, =#an<s Ascen0>*, and 0hen 0he du0ies 0o be discharged depend on 0he needs o1 0he 0i2e5 The disciple, and e3en 0he aspiran0 1or discipleship, is 0augh0 0o hold all his po4ers en0irely 1or 0he ser3ice o1 0he 4orld, and 0he sharing o1 0he lo4er consciousness in 0he /no4ledge o1 0he higher is 1or 0he 2os0 par0 de0er2ined by 0he needs o1 0he 4or/ in 4hich 0he disciple is engaged5 I0 is necessary 0ha0 0he disciple should ha3e 0he 1ull use o1 his 3ehicles o1 consciousness on 0he higher planes, as 2uch o1 his 4or/ can be acco2plished only in 0he2? bu0 0he con3eying o1 /no4ledge o1 0ha0 4or/ 0o 0he physical 3ehicle, 4hich is in no 4ay concerned in i0, is a 2a00er o1 no i2por0ance and 0he con3eyance or non9 con3eyance is generally de0er2ined by 0he e11ec0 0ha0 0he one course or 0he o0her 4ould ha3e (Page ""&! on 0he e11iciency o1 his 4or/ on 0he physical plane5 The s0rain on 0he physical body 4hen 0he higher consciousness co2pels i0 0o 3ibra0e responsi3ely is 3ery grea0, a0 0he presen0 s0age o1 e3olu0ion, and unless 0he e:0ernal circu2s0ances are 3ery 1a3ourable 0his s0rain is ap0 0o cause ner3ous dis0urbance, hyper9 sensi0i3eness 4i0h i0s a00endan0 e3ils5 Hence 2os0 o1 0hose 4ho are in 1ull possession o1 0he ;uic/ened higher 3ehicles o1 consciousness, and 4hose 2os0 i2por0an0 4or/ is done ou0 o1 0he body, re2ain apar0 1ro2 0he busy haun0s o1 2en, i1 0hey desire 0o 0hro4 do4n in0o 0he physical consciousness 0he /no4ledge 0hey use on 0he higher planes, 0hus preser3ing 0he sensi0i3e physical 3ehicle 1ro2 0he rough usage and cla2our o1 ordinary li1e5 The 2ain prepara0ion 0o be 2ade 1or recei3ing in 0he physical 3ehicle 0he 3ibra0ions o1 0he higher consciousness areF i0s puri1ica0ion 1ro2 grosser 2a0erials by pure 1ood and pure li1e? 0he en0ire

sub6uga0ion o1 0he passions, and 0he cul0i3a0ion o1 an e3en, balanced 0e2per and 2ind, una11ec0ed by 0he 0ur2oil and 3icissi0udes o1 e:0ernal li1e ? 0he habi0 o1 ;uie0 2edi0a0ion on lo10y 0opics, 0urning 0he 2ind a4ay 1ro2 0he ob6ec0s o1 0he senses, and 1ro2 0he 2en0al i2ages arising 1ro2 0he2, and 1i:ing i0 on higher 0hings ? 0he cessa0ion o1 hurry, especially o1 0ha0 res0less, e:ci0able hurry o1 0he 2ind, 4hich /eeps 0he brain con0inually a0 4or/ and 1lying 1ro2 one sub6ec0 0o ano0her ? 0he genuine lo3e 1or 0he 0hings o1 0he higher 4orld, 0ha0 2a/es 0he2 2ore a00rac0i3e 0han 0he ob6ec0s o1 0he lo4er, so 0ha0 0he 2ind (Page ""'! res0s con0en0edly in 0heir co2panionship as in 0ha0 o1 a 4ell9 lo3ed 1riend5 In 1ac0, 0he prepara0ions are 2uch 0he sa2e as 0hose necessary 1or 0he conscious separa0ion o1 =soul> 1ro2 =body> and 0hose 4ere else4here s0a0ed by 2e as 1ollo4sF The s0uden0 @ =#us0 begin by prac0ising e:0re2e 0e2perance in all 0hings, cul0i3a0ing an e;uable and serene s0a0e o1 2ind, his li1e 2us0 be clean and his 0hough0s pure, his body held in s0ric0 sub6ec0ion 0o 0he soul, and his 2ind 0rained 0o occupy i0sel1 4i0h noble and lo10y 0he2es? he 2us0 habi0ually prac0ise co2passion, sy2pa0hy, help1ulness 0o o0hers, 4i0h indi11erence 0o 0roubles and pleasures a11ec0ing hi2sel1, and he 2us0 cul0i3a0e courage, s0ead1as0ness, and de3o0ion5 In 1ac0, he 2us0 li3e 0he religion and e0hics 0ha0 o0her people 1or 0he 2os0 par0 only 0al/5 Ha3ing by perse3ering prac0ice learned 0o con0rol his 2ind 0o so2e e:0en0 so 0ha0 he is able 0o /eep i0 1i:ed on one line o1 0hough0 1or so2e li00le 0i2e, he

2us0 begin i0s 2ore rigid 0raining, by a daily prac0ice o1 concen0ra0ion on so2e di11icul0 or abs0rac0 sub6ec0, or on so2e lo10y ob6ec0 o1 de3o0ion? 0his concen0ra0ion 2eans 0he 1ir2 1i:ing o1 0he 2ind on one single poin0, 4i0hou0 4andering, and 4i0hou0 yielding 0o any dis0rac0ion caused by e:0ernal ob6ec0s, by 0he ac0i3i0y o1 0he senses, or by 0ha0 o1 0he 2ind i0sel15 I0 2us0 be braced up 0o an uns4er3ing s0eadiness and 1i:i0y, un0il gradually i0 4ill learn so 0o 4i0hdra4 i0s a00en0ion 1or2 0he ou0er 4orld and 1ro2 0he body 0ha0 0he senses 4ill re2ain ;uie0 and s0ill, 4hile 0he 2ind is in0ensely ali3e 4i0h all i0s energies dra4n in4ards 0o be launched a0 a single poin0 o1 0hough0, 0he highes0 0o 4hich i0 can a00ain5 +hen i0 is able 0o hold i0sel1 0hus 4i0h co2para0i3e ease i0 is ready 1or a 1ur0her s0ep, and by a s0rong bu0 cal2 e11or0 o1 0he 4ill i0 can 0hro4 i0sel1 beyond 0he highes0 0hough0 i0 can reach while working in the physical 'rain, and in 0he e11or0 4ill rise and uni0e i0sel1 4i0h 0he higher consciousness and 1ind i0sel1 1ree o1 0he body5 +hen 0his is done 0here is no sense o1 sleep or drea2 nor any loss o1 consciousness? 0he 2an 1inds hi2sel1 (Page ""(! ou0side his body, bu0 as 0hough he 2erely slipped o11 a 4eigh0y encu2brance, nor as 0hough he had los0 any par0 o1 hi2sel1? he is no0 really =dise2bodied>, bu0 had risen ou0 o1 0he gross body Uin a body o1 ligh0< 4hich obeys his sligh0es0 0hough0 and ser3es as a beau0i1ul and per1ec0 ins0ru2en0 1or carrying ou0 his 4ill5 In 0his he is 1ree o1 0he sub0le 4orlds, bu0 4ill need 0o 0rain his

1acul0ies long and care1ully 1or reliable 4or/ under 0he ne4 condi0ions5 =,reedo2 1ro2 0he body 2ay be ob0ained in o0her 4ays? by 0he rap0 in0ensi0y o1 de3o0ion or by special 2e0hods 0ha0 2ay be i2par0ed by a grea0 0eacher 0o his disciple5 +ha0e3er 0he 4ay, 0he end is 0he sa2e @ 0he se00ing 1ree o1 0he soul in 1ull consciousness, able 0o e:a2ine i0s ne4 surroundings in regions beyond 0he 0reading o1 0he 1lesh o1 0he 2an o1 1lesh5 A0 4ill i0 can re0urn 0o 0he body and re9en0er i0, and under 0hese circu2s0ances i0 can i2press on 0he brain92ind, and 0hus re0ain 4hile in 0he body, 0he 2e2ory o1 0he e:periences i0 has undergone5> B (onditions of life after death) Nine0een0h Cen0ury o1 No35 179S C Those 4ho ha3e grasped 0he 2ain ideas s/e0ched in 0he 1oregoing pages 4ill 1eel 0ha0 0hese ideas are in 0he2sel3es 0he s0ronges0 proo1 0ha0 reincarna0ion is a 1ac0 in na0ure5 I0 is necessary in order 0ha0 0he 3as0 e3olu0ion i2plied in 0he phrase, = 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he soul,> 2ay be acco2plished5 The only al0erna0i3e @ pu00ing aside 1or 0he 2o2en0 0he 2a0erialis0ic idea 0ha0 0he soul is only 0he aggrega0e o1 0he 3ibra0ions o1 a par0icular /ind o1 physical 2a00er @ is 0ha0 each soul is a ne4 crea0ion, 2ade 4hen a babe is born, and s0a2ped 4i0h 3ir0uous or 4i0h 3icious 0endencies, endo4ed 4i0h abili0y or 4i0h s0upidi0y, by 0he arbi0rary 4hi2 o1 0he crea0i3e po4er5 As 0he #uha22adan 4ould say, his 1a0e is hung round his (Page "#)! nec/ a0 bir0h, 1or a 2an<s 1a0e depends on his charac0er and his surroundings, and a ne4ly crea0ed soul 1lung in0o 0he 4orld 2us0 be doo2ed 0o happiness or 2isery according 0o 0he circu2s0ances en3ironing hi2 and 0he charac0er s0a2ped upon hi25 Predes0ina0ion in i0s 2os0 o11ensi3e

1or2 is 0he al0erna0i3e o1 reincarna0ion5 Ins0ead o1 loo/ing on 2en as slo4ly e3ol3ing, so 0ha0 0he bru0al sa3age o1 0oday 4ill in 0i2e e3ol3e 0he nobles0 ;uali0ies o1 sain0 and hero, and 0hus, seeing in 0he 4orld a 4isely planned and 4isely direc0ed process o1 gro40h, 4e shall be obliged 0o see in i0 a chaos o1 2os0 un6us0ly 0rea0ed sen0ien0 beings, a4arded happiness or 2isery, /no4ledge or ignorance, 3ir0ue or 3ice, 4eal0h or po3er0y, genius or idiocy, by an arbi0rary e:0ernal 4ill, unguided by ei0her 6us0ice or 2ercy @ a 3eri0able pande2oniu2, irra0ional and un2eaning5 And 0his chaos is supposed 0o be 0he higher par0 o1 0he cos2os, in 0he lo4er regions o1 4hich are 2ani1es0ed all 0he orderly and beau0i1ul 4or/ings o1 a la4 0ha0 e3er e3ol3es higher and 2ore co2ple: 1or2 1ro2 0he lo4er and 0he si2pler, 0ha0 ob3iously =2a/es 1or righ0eousness,> 1or har2ony and 1or beau0y5 I1 i0 be ad2i00ed 0ha0 0he soul o1 0he sa3age is des0ined 0o li3e and e3ol3e, and 0ha0 he is no0 doo2ed 1or e0erni0y 0o his presen0 in1an0 s0a0e, bu0 0ha0 his e3olu0ion 4ill 0a/e place a10er dea0h and in o0her 4orlds, 0hen 0he principle o1 soul9e3olu0ion is conceded, and 0he ;ues0ion o1 0he place o1 e3olu0ion alone re2ains5 +ere all souls on ear0h a0 0he sa2e s0age o1 e3olu0ion, 2uch 2igh0 be said 1or 0he con0en0ion (Page "# ! 0ha0 1ur0her 4orlds are needed 1or 0he e3olu0ion o1 souls beyond 0he in1an0 s0age5 'u0 4e ha3e around us souls 0ha0 are 1ar ad3anced, and 0ha0 4ere born 4i0h noble 2en0al and 2oral ;uali0ies5 'u0 pari0y o1 reasoning, 4e 2us0 suppose 0he2 0o ha3e been e3ol3ed in o0her 4orlds ere 0heir one bir0h in 0his, and 4e canno0 bu0 4onder 4hy an ear0h 0ha0 o11ers 3aried condi0ions, 1i0 1or li00le9 de3eloped and also 1or ad3anced souls, should be paid only one 1lying 3isi0 by souls a0 e3ery s0age o1 de3elop2en0, all 0he res0 o1 0heir e3olu0ion being carried on in 4orlds si2ilar 0o 0his, e;ually able 0o a11ord all 0he condi0ions needed 0o e3ol3e 0he souls o1 di11eren0

s0ages o1 e3olu0ion, as 4e 1ind 0he2 0o be 4hen 0hey are born here5 The Ancien0 +isdo2 0eaches, indeed, 0ha0 0he soul progresses 0hrough 2any 4orlds, bu0 i0 also 0eaches 0ha0 he is born in each o1 0hese 4orlds o3er and o3er again, un0il he has co2ple0ed 0he e3olu0ion possible in 0ha0 4orld5 The 4orlds 0he2sel3es, according 0o i0s 0eaching, 1or2 an e3olu0ionary chain, and each plays i0s o4n par0 as a 1ield 1or cer0ain s0ages o1 e3olu0ion5 $ur o4n 4orld o11ers a 1ield sui0able 1or 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he 2ineral, 3ege0able, ani2al and hu2an /ingdo2s, and 0here1ore collec0i3e or indi3idual reincarna0ion goes on upon i0 in all 0hese /ingdo2s5 Truly, 1ur0her e3olu0ion lies be1ore us in o0her 4orlds, bu0 in 0he di3ine order 0hey are no0 open 0o us un0il 4e ha3e learned and 2as0ered 0he lessons o1 our o4n 4orld has 0o 0each5 There are 2any lines o1 0hough0 0ha0 lead us 0o 0he (Page "#"! sa2e goal o1 reincarna0ion, as 4e s0udy 0he 4orld around us5 The i22ense di11erences 0ha0 separa0e 2an 1ro2 2an ha3e already been no0iced as i2plying an e3olu0ionary pas0 behind each soul? and a00en0ion has been dra4n 0o 0hese di11eren0ia0ing 0he indi3idual reincarna0ion o1 2en @ all o1 4ho2 belong 0o a single species @ 1ro2 0he reincarna0ion o1 2onadic group9souls in 0he lo4er /ingdo2s5 The co2para0i3ely s2all di11erences 0ha0 separa0e 0he physical bodies o1 2en, all being e:0ernally recognisable as 2en, should be con0ras0ed 4i0h 0he i22ense di11erences 0ha0 separa0e 0he lo4es0 sa3age and 0he nobles0 hu2an 0ype in 2en0al and 2oral capaci0ies5 Sa3ages are o10en splendid in physical de3elop2en0 and 4i0h large cranial con0en0s, bu0 ho4 di11eren0 0heir 2inds 1ro2 0ha0 o1 a philosopher or sain0W I1 high 2en0al and 2oral ;uali0ies are regarded as 0he accu2ula0ed resul0s o1 ci3ilised li3ing, 0hen 4e are con1ron0ed 4i0h 0he 1ac0 0ha0 0he ables0 2en o1 0he presen0 are o3er90opped by 0he in0ellec0ual gian0s

o1 0he pas0, and 0ha0 none o1 our o4n day reaches 0he 2oral al0i0ude o1 so2e his0orical sain0s5 ,ur0her, 4e ha3e 0o consider 0ha0 genius has nei0her paren0 nor child? 0ha0 i0 appears suddenly and no0 as 0he ape: o1 a gradually i2pro3ing 1a2ily, and is i0sel1 generally s0erile, or, i1 a child be born 0o i0, i0 is a child o1 0he body, no0 o1 0he 2ind5 S0ill 2ore signi1ican0ly, a 2usical genius is 1or 0he 2os0 par0 born in a 2usical 1a2ily, because 0ha0 1or2 o1 genius needs 1or i0s 2ani1es0a0ion a ner3ous (Page "##! organisa0ion o1 a peculiar /ind, and ner3ous organisa0ion 1alls under 0he la4 o1 heredi0y5 'u0 ho4 o10en in such a 1a2ily i0s ob6ec0 see2s o3er 4hen i0 has pro3ided a body 1or a genius, and i0 0hen 1lic/ers ou0 and 3anishes in a 1e4 genera0ions in0o 0he obscuri0y o1 a3erage hu2ani0y5 +here are 0he descendan0s o1 'ach, o1 'ee0ho3en, o1 #oBar0, o1 #endelssohn, e;ual 0o 0heir siresL Truly genius does no0 descend 1ro2 1a0her 0o son, li/e 0he 1a2ily 0ypes o1 0he S0uar0 and 0he 'ourbon5 $n 4ha0 ground, sa3e 0ha0 or reincarna0ion, can 0he =in1an0 prodigy> be accoun0ed 1orL Ta/e as an ins0ance 0he case o1 0he child 4ho beca2e %r5 Young, 0he disco3erer o1 0he undula0ory 0heory o1 ligh0, a 2an 4hose grea0ness is scarcely ye0 su11icien0ly 4idely recognised5 As a child o1 04o he could read =4i0h considerable 1luency>, and be1ore he 4as 1our he had read 0hrough 0he 'ible 04ice? a0 se3en he began ari0h2e0ic, and 2as0ered +al/ingha2<s *utor+s Assistant be1ore he had reached 0he 2iddle o1 i0 under his 0u0or, and a 1e4 years la0er 4e 1ind hi2 2as0ering, 4hile a0 school, La0in, .ree/, Hebre4, 2a0he2a0ics, boo/9/eeping, ,rench, I0alian, 0urning and 0elescope9 2a/ing and deligh0ing in $rien0al li0era0ure5 A0 1our0een he 4as 0o be placed under pri3a0e 0ui0ion 4i0h a boy a year and a hal1 younger, bu0, 0he 0u0or 1irs0 engaged 1ailing 0o arri3e, Young 0augh0 0he o0her boy5 )%ife of &r. *homas ,oung, by .5 Peacoc/,

%5%5*5 Sir +illia2 o4an Ha2il0on sho4ed po4er e3en 2ore precocious5 He began 0o learn Hebre4 4hen he 4as barely 0hree, (Page "#4! and =a0 0he age o1 se3en he 4as pronounced by one o1 0he ,ello4s o1 Trini0y College, %ublin, 0o ha3e sho4n a grea0er /no4ledge o1 0he language 0han 2any candida0es 1or a 1ello4ship5 A0 0he age o1 0hir0een he had ac;uired considerable /no4ledge o1 a0 leas0 0hir0een languages5 A2ong 0hese, besides 0he classical and 0he 2odern European languages, 4ere included Persian, Arabic, Sans/ri0, Hindus0ani, and e3en #alayX55 He 4ro0e, a0 0he age o1 1our0een, a co2pli2en0ary le00er 0o 0he Persian A2bassador, 4ho happened 0o 3isi0 %ublin? and 0he la00er said 0ha0 he had no0 0hough0 0here 4as a 2an in 'ri0ain 4ho could ha3e 4ri00en such a docu2en0 in 0he Persian language5 A rela0i3e o1 his saysF =I re2e2ber hi2 a li00le boy o1 si:, 4hen he 4ould ans4er a di11icul0 2a0he2a0ical ;ues0ion, and run o11 gaily 0o his li00le car05 A0 04el3e he engaged Colburn, 0he A2erican Ucalcula0ing boy,< 4ho 4as 0hen being e:hibi0ed as a curiosi0y in %ublin, and he had no0 al4ays 0he 4ors0 o1 0he encoun0er5> +hen he 4as eigh0een, %r5 'rin/ley ) oyal As0rono2er o1 Ireland* said o1 hi2 in 17IRF =This young 2an, I do no0 say will 'e, bu0 is, 0he 1irs0 2a0he2a0ician o1 his age5> =A0 college his career 4as perhaps une:a2pled5 A2ong a nu2ber o1 co2pe0i0ors o1 2ore 0han ordinary 2eri0, he 4as 1irs0 in e3ery sub6ec0, and a0 e3ery e:a2ina0ion5 )Nor0h 'ri0ish e3ie4, Sep0e2ber 17SS*5 Le0 0he 0hough01ul s0uden0 co2pare 0hese boys 4i0h a se2i9idio0, or e3en 4i0h an a3erage lad, no0e ho4, s0ar0ing 4i0h 0hese ad3an0ages, 0hey beco2e leaders (Page "#$! o1 0hough0, and 0hen as/ hi2sel1 4he0her such souls ha3e no pas0 behind 0he25 ,a2ily li/enesses are generally e:plained as being due 0o 0he =la4 o1 heredi0y,> bu0 di11erences in 2en0al and in 2oral

charac0er are con0inually 1ound 4i0hin a 1a2ily circle, and 0hese are le10 une:plained5 eincarna0ion e:plains 0he li/enesses by 0he 1ac0 0ha0 a soul in 0a/ing bir0h is direc0ed 0o a 1a2ily 4hich pro3ides by i0s physical heredi0y a body sui0able 0o e:press his charac0eris0ics? and i0 e:plains 0he unli/enesses by a00aching 0he 2en0al and 2oral charac0er 0o 0he indi3idual hi2sel1, 4hile sho4ing 0ha0 0ies se0 up in 0he pas0 ha3e led hi2 0o 0a/e bir0h in connec0ion 4i0h so2e o0her indi3idual o1 0ha0 1a2ily5 )See Chap0er IG, on =!ar2a>*5 A =2a00er o1 signi1icance in connec0ion 4i0h 04ins is 0ha0 during in1ancy 0hey 4ill o10en be indis0inguishable 1ro2 each o0her, e3en 0o 0he /een eye o1 0he 2o0her and o1 nurse? 4hereas, la0er in li1e, 4hen #anas has been 4or/ing on his physical encase2en0, he 4ill ha3e so 2odi1ied i0 0ha0 0he physical li/eness lessens and 0he di11erences o1 charac0er s0a2p 0he2sel3es on 0he 2obile 1ea0ures5> B eincarna0ion by Annie 'esan0, Page SVC Physical li/eness 4i0h 2en0al and 2oral unli/eness see2s 0o i2ply 0he 2ee0ing o1 04o di11eren0 lines o1 causa0ion5 The s0ri/ing dissi2ilari0y 1ound 0o e:is0 be04een people o1 abou0 e;ual in0ellec0ual po4er in assi2ila0ing par0icular /inds o1 /no4ledge is ano0her =poin0er> 0o reincarna0ion5 A 0ru0h is recognised a0 once (Page "#%! by one, 4hile 0he o0her 1ails 0o grasp i0 e3en a10er long and care1ul obser3a0ion5 Ye0 0he 3ery opposi0e 2ay be 0he case 4hen ano0her 0ru0h is presen0ed 0o 0he2, and i0 2ay be seen by 0he second and 2issed by 0he 1irs05 =T4o s0uden0s are a00rac0ed 0o Theosophy and begin 0o s0udy i0, a0 a year<s end one is 1a2iliar 4i0h i0s 2ain concep0ions and can apply 0he2, 4hile 0he o0her is s0ruggling in a 2aBe5 To 0he one each principle see2ed 1a2iliar on presen0a0ion ? 0o 0he o0her ne4, unin0elligible, s0range5 The belie3er in reincarna0ion unders0ands 0ha0 0he 0eaching is old 0o 0he one, and ne4 0o 0he o0her? one

learns ;uic/ly 'ecause he remem'ers, he is bu0 reco3ering pas0 /no4ledge? 0he o0her learns slo4ly because his e:perience has no0 included 0hese 0ru0hs o1 na0ure, and he is ac;uiring 0he2 0oil 1ully 1or 0he 1irs0 0i2e5B Reincarnation by annie 'esan0, Page S8C > So also ordinary in0ui0ion is =2erely recogni0ion o1 a 1ac0 1a2iliar in a pas0 li1e, 0hough 2e0 4i0h 1or 0he 1irs0 0i2e in 0he presen0,> ano0her sign o1 0he road along 4hich 0he indi3idual has 0ra3eled in 0he pas05 The 2ain di11icul0y 4i0h 2any people in 0he recep0ion o1 0he doc0rine o1 reincarna0ion is 0heir o4n absence o1 2e2ory o1 0heir pas05 Ye0 0hey are e3ery day 1a2iliar 4i0h 0he 1ac0 0ha0 0hey ha3e 1orgo00en 3ery 2uch e3en o1 0heir li3es in 0heir presen0 bodies, and 0ha0 0he early years o1 childhood are blurred and 0hose o1 in1ancy a blan/5 They 2us0 also /no4 0ha0 e3en0s o1 0he pas0 4hich ha3e en0irely slipped ou0 o1 0heir nor2al consciousness are ye0 (Page "#&! hidden a4ay in dar/ ca3es o1 2e2ory and ban be brough0 ou0 again 3i3idly in so2e 1or2s o1 disease or under 0he in1luence o1 2es2eris25 A dying 2an has been /no4n 0o spea/ a language heard only in in1ancy, and un/no4n 0o hi2 during a long li1e? in deliriu2, e3en0s long 1orgo00en ha3e presen0ed 0he2sel3es 3i3idly 0o 0he consciousness5 No0hing is really 1orgo00en? bu0 2uch is hidden ou0 o1 sigh0 o1 0he li2i0ed 3ision o1 our 4a/ing consciousness, 0he 2os0 li2i0ed 1or2 o1 our consciousness, al0hough 0he only consciousness recognised by 0he 3as0 2a6ori0y5 Nus0 as 2e2ory o1 so2e o1 0he presen0 li1e is in9dra4n beyond 0he reach o1 0his 4a/ing consciousness, and 2a/es i0sel1 /no4n again only 4hen 0he brain is hypersensi0i3e and 0hus able 0o respond 0o 3ibra0ions 0ha0 usually bea0 agains0 i0 unheeded, so is 0he 2e2ory o1 0he pas0 li3es s0ored up our o1 reach o1 0he physical consciousness5 I0 is all 4i0h 0he Thin/er, 4ho alone persis0s 1ro2 li1e 0o li1e? he has 0he 4hole boo/ o1 2e2ory 4i0hin his reach, 1or he is 0he

only = I = 0ha0 has passed 0hrough all 0he e:periences recorded 0herein5 #oreo3er, he can i2press his o4n 2e2ories o1 0he pas0 on his physical 3ehicle, as soon as i0 has been su11icien0ly puri1ied 0o ans4er his s4i10 and sub0le 3ibra0ions, and 0hen 0he 2an o1 1lesh can share his /no4ledge o1 0he s0oried pas05 The di11icul0y o1 2e2ory does no0 lie in 1orge01ulness, 1or 0he lo4er 3ehicle, 0he physical body, has ne3er passed 0hrough 0he pre3ious li3es o1 i0s o4ner? i0 lies in 0he absorp0ion o1 0he presen0 body in i0s presen0 en3iron2en0, in i0s (Page "#'! coarse unresponsi3eness 0o 0he delica0e 0hrills in 4hich alone 0he soul can spea/5 Those 4ho 4ould re2e2ber 0he pas0 2us0 no0 ha3e 0heir in0eres0s cen0red in 0he presen0, and 0hey 2us0 puri1y and re1ine 0he body 0ill i0 is able 0o recei3e i2pressions 1ro2 0he sub0ler spheres5 #e2ory o1 0heir o4n pas0 li3es, ho4e3er, is possessed by a considerable nu2ber o1 people 4ho ha3e achie3ed 0he necessary sensi0i3eness o1 0he physical organis2, and 0o 0hese o1 course, reincarna0ion is no longer a 0heory, bu0 has beco2e a 2a00er o1 personal /no4ledge5 They ha3e learned ho4 2uch richer li1e beco2es 4hen 2e2ories o1 pas0 li3es pou0 in0o i0, 4hen 0he 1riends o1 0his brie1 day are 1ound 0o be 0he 1riends o1 0he long9ago, and old re2e2brances s0reng0hen 0he 0ies o1 0he 1lee0ing presen05 Li1e gains securi0y and digni0y 4hen i0 is seen 4i0h a long 3is0a behind i0, and 4hen 0he lo3es o1 old reappear in 0he lo3es o1 0oday5 %ea0h 1ades in0o i0s proper place as a 2ere inciden0 in li1e, a change 1ro2 one scene 0o ano0her, li/e a 6ourney 0ha0 separa0es bodies bu0 canno0 sunder 1riend 1ro2 1riend5 The lin/s o1 0he presen0 are 1ound 0o be par0 o1 a golden chain 0ha0 s0re0ches bac/4ards, and 0he 1u0ure can be 1aced 4i0h a glad securi0y in 0he 0hough0 0ha0 0hese lin/s 4ill endure 0hrough days 0o co2e, and 1or2 par0 o1 0ha0 unbro/en chain5

No4 and 0hen 4e 1ind children 4ho ha3e brough0 o3er a 2e2ory o1 0heir i22edia0e pas0, 1or 0he 2os0 par0 4hen 0hey ha3e died in childhood and are reborn al2os0 i22edia0ely5 In 0he +es0 such cases (Page "#(! are rarer 0han in 0he Eas0, because in 0he +es0 0he 1irs0 4ords o1 such a child 4ould be 2e0 4i0h disbelie1, and he 4ould ;uic/ly lose 1ai0h in his o4n 2e2ories5 In 0he Eas0, 4here belie1 in reincarna0ion is al2os0 uni3ersal, 0he child<s re2e2brances are lis0ened 0o, and 4here 0he oppor0uni0y ser3es 0hey ha3e been 3eri1ied5 There is ano0her i2por0an0 poin0 4i0h respec0 0o 2e2ory 0ha0 4ill repay considera0ion5 The 2e2ory o1 pas0 events re2ains, as 4e ha3e seen, 4i0h 0he Thin/er only, bu0 0he resul0s o1 0hose e3en0s e2bodied in faculties are a0 0he ser3ice o1 0he lo4er 2an5 I1 0he 4hole o1 0hese pas0 e3en0s 4ere 0hro4n do4n in0o 0he physical brain, a 3as0 2ass o1 e:periences in no classi1ied order, 4i0hou0 arrange2en0, 0he 2an could no0 be guided by 0he ou0 co2e o1 0he pas0, nor u0ilise i0 1or presen0 help5 Co2pelled 0o 2a/e a choice be04een 04o lines o1 ac0ion, he 4ould ha3e 0o pic/, ou0 o1 0he un9arranged 1ac0s 1ro2 his pas0, e3en0s si2ilar in charac0er, 0race ou0 0heir resul0s, and a10er long and 4eary s0udy arri3e a0 so2e conclusion @ a conclusion 3ery li/ely 0o be 3i0ia0ed by 0he o3erloo/ing o1 so2e i2por0an0 1ac0or, and reached long a10er 0he need 1or decision had passed5 All 0he e3en0s, 0ri3ial and i2por0an0, o1 so2e hundreds o1 li3es 4ould 1or2 a ra0her un4ieldy and chao0ic 2ass 1or re1erence in an e2ergency 0ha0 de2anded a s4i10 ac0ion5 The 1ar 2ore e11ec0i3e plan o1 Na0ure lea3es 0o 0he Thin/er 0he 2e2ory o1 0he e3en0s, pro3ides a long period o1 e:carna0e e:is0ence 1or 0he 2en0al body, during 4hich all e3en0s are 0abula0ed and co2pared and 0heir resul0s are classi1ied? 0hen 0hese

resul0s are e2bodied as 1acul0ies, and 0hese 1acul0ies 1or2 0he ne:0 2en0al body o1 0he Thin/er5 In 0his 4ay, 0he enlarged and i2pro3ed 1acul0ies are a3ailable 1or i22edia0e use, and, 0he 1acul0ies o1 0he pas0 being in 0he2, a decision can be co2e 0o, in accordance 4i0h 0hose resul0s and 4i0hou0 any delay5 The clear ;uic/ insigh0 and pro2p0 6udg2en0 are no0hing else 0han 0he ou0co2e o1 pas0 e:periences, 2oulded in0o an e11ec0i3e 1or2 1or use? 0hey are surely 2ore use1ul ins0ru2en0s 0han 4ould be a 2ass o1 unassi2ila0ed e:periences, ou0 o1 4hich 0he rele3an0 ones 4ould ha3e 0o be selec0ed and co2pared, and 1ro2 4hich in1erences 4ould ha3e 0o be dra4n, on each separa0e occasion on 4hich a choice arises5 ,ro2 all 0hese lines o1 0hough0, ho4e3er, 0he 2ind 0urns bac/ 0o res0 on 0he 1unda2en0al necessi0y 1or reincarna0ion i1 li1e is 0o be 2ade in0elligible, and i1 in6us0ice and cruel0y are no0 0o 2oc/ 0he helplessness o1 2an5 +i0h reincarna0ion 2an is a digni1ied, i22or0al being, e3ol3ing 0o4ards a di3inely glorious end? 4i0hou0 i0, he is a 0ossing s0ra4 on 0he s0rea2 o1 chance circu2s0ances , irresponsible 1or his charac0er, 1or his ac0ions, 1or his des0iny5 +i0h i0, he 2ay loo/ 1or4ard 4i0h 1earless hope, ho4e3er lo4 in 0he scale o1 e3olu0ion he 2ay be 0oday, 1or he is on 0he ladder 0o di3ini0y, and 0he cli2bing 0o i0s su22i0 is only a ;ues0ion o1 0i2e? 4i0hou0 i0, he has no reasonable ground o1 assurance as 0o progress in 0he 1u0ure, nor indeed any reasonable ground (Page "4 * o1 assurance in a 1u0ure a0 all5 +hy should a crea0ure 4i0hou0 a pas0 loo/ 1or4ard 0o a 1u0ureLHe 2ay be a 2ere bubble on 0he ocean o1 0i2e5 ,lung in0o 0he 4orld 1ro2 non9en0i0y, 4i0h ;uali0ies o1 good or e3il, a00ached 0o hi2 4i0hou0 reason or deser0, 4hy should he s0ri3e 0o 2a/e 0he bes0 o1 0he2L +ill no0 his 1u0ure, i1 he ha3e one, be as isola0ed, as uncaused, as unrela0ed as his presen0L In dropping reincarna0ion 1ro2 i0s belie1s, 0he 2odern 4orld has depri3ed .od o1

His 6us0ice and has bere10 2an o1 his securi0y? he 2ay be =luc/y> or =unluc/y> bu0 0he s0reng0h and digni0y con1erred by reliance on a changeless la4 are ren0 a4ay 1ro2 hi2, and he is le10 0ossing helplessly on an un9na3igable ocean o1 li1e5 (Page "4"! +AR-A Ha3ing 0raced 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he soul by 0he 4ay o1 reincarna0ion, 4e are no4 in a posi0ion 0o s0udy 0he grea0 la4 o1 causa0ion under 4hich rebir0hs are carried on, 0he la4 4hich is na2ed !ar2a5 !ar2a is a Sans/ri0 4ord, li0erally 2eaning =ac0ion>? as all ac0ions are e11ec0s 1lo4ing 1ro2 preceding causes, and as each e11ec0 beco2es a cause o1 1u0ure e11ec0s, 0his idea o1 cause and e11ec0 is an essen0ial par0 o1 0he idea o1 ac0ion, and 0he 4ord ac0ion, or /ar2a, is 0here1ore used 1or causa0ion, or 1or 0he unbro/en lin/ed series o1 causes and e11ec0s 0ha0 2a/e up all hu2an ac0i3i0y5 Hence 0he phrase is so2e0i2es used o1 an e3en0, =This is 2y /ar2a,> i5e5, =This e3en0 is 0he e11ec0 o1 a cause se0 going by 2e in 0he pas05> No one li1e is isola0edW I0 is 0he child o1 all 0he li3es be1ore i0, 0he paren0 o1 all 0he li3es 0ha0 1ollo4 i0, in 0he 0o0al aggrega0e o1 0he li3es 0ha0 2a/e up 0he con0inuing e:is0ence o1 0he indi3idual5 There is no such 0hing as >chance> or as =acciden0>? e3ery e3en0 is lin/ed 0o a preceding cause, 0o a 1ollo4ing e11ec0? all 0hough0s, deeds, circu2s0ances are causally rela0ed 0o 0he pas0 and 4ill causally in1luence 0he 1u0ure? as our ignorance (Page "4#! shrouds 1ro2 our 3ision ali/e 0he pas0 and 0he 1u0ure, e3en0s o10en appear 0o us 0o co2e suddenly 1ro2 0he 3oid, 0o be =acciden0al,> bu0 0his appearance is illusory and is due en0irely 0o our lac/ o1 /no4ledge5 Nus0 as 0he sa3age, ignoran0 o1 0he la4s o1 0he physical uni3erse, regards physical e3en0s as uncaused, and 0he resul0s o1 un/no4n physical la4s as =2iracles>? so do 2any, ignoran0 o1 2oral and 2en0al la4s, regard 2oral and

2en0al e3en0s as uncaused, and 0he resul0s o1 un/no4n 2oral and 2en0al la4s as good and bad =luc/5> +hen a0 1irs0 0his idea o1 in3iolable, i22u0able la4 is a real2 hi0her0o 3aguely ascribed 0o chance da4ns upon 0he 2ind, i0 is ap0 0o resul0 in a sense o1 helplessness, al2os0 o1 2oral and 2en0al paralysis5 #an see2s 0o be held in 0he grip o1 an iron des0iny, and 0he resigned =/is2e0> o1 0he #osle2 appears 0o be 0he only philosophical u00erance5 Nus0 so 2igh0 0he sa3age 1eel 4hen 0he idea o1 physical la4 1irs0 da4ns on his s0ar0led in0elligence, and he learns 0ha0 e3ery 2o3e2en0 o1 his body, e3ery 2o3e2en0 in e:0ernal na0ure, is carried on under i22u0able la4s5 .radually he learns 0ha0 na0ural la4s only lay do4n condi0ions under 4hich all 4or/ings 2us0 be carried on, bu0 do no0 prescribe 0he 4or/ings? so 0ha0 2an re2ains e3er 1ree a0 0he cen0re, 4hile li2i0ed in his e:0ernal ac0i3i0ies by 0he condi0ions o1 0he plane on 4hich 0hose ac0i3i0ies are carried on5 He learns 1ur0her 0ha0 4hile 0he condi0ions 2as0er hi2, cons0an0ly 1rus0ra0ing his s0renuous e11or0s, so long as he is ignoran0 o1 0he2, or, /no4ing 0he2, (Page "44! 1igh0s agains0 0he2, he 2as0ers 0he2 and 0hey beco2e his ser3an0s and helpers 4hen he unders0ands 0he2, /no4s 0heir direc0ions, and calcula0es 0heir 1orces5 In 0ru0h science is possible only on 0he physical plane because i0s la4s are in3iolable, i22u0able5 +ere 0here no such 0hings as na0ural la4s, 0here could be no sciences5 An in3es0iga0or 2a/es a nu2ber o1 e:peri2en0s, and 1ro2 0he resul0s o1 0hese he learns ho4 Na0ure 4or/s? /no4ing 0his, he can calcula0e ho4 0o bring abou0 a cer0ain desired resul0, and i1 he 1ail in achie3ing 0ha0 resul0 he /no4s 0ha0 he has o2i00ed so2e necessary condi0ion @ ei0her his /no4ledge is i2per1ec0, or he has 2ade a 2iscalcula0ion5 He re3ie4s his /no4ledge, re3ises his 2e0hods, recas0s his calcula0ions, 4i0h a serene and co2ple0e cer0ain0y 0ha0 i1 he as/ his ;ues0ion righ0ly

Na0ure 4ill ans4er hi2 4i0h un3arying precision5 Hydrogen and o:ygen 4ill no0 gi3e hi2 4a0er 0oday and prussic acid 0o2orro4? 1ire 4ill no0 burn hi2 0oday and 1reeBe hi2 0o2orro45 I1 4a0er be a 1luid 0oday and a solid 0o2orro4, i0 is because 0he condi0ions surrounding i0 ha3e been al0ered, and 0he reins0a0e2en0 o1 0he original condi0ions 4ill bring abou0 0he original resul05 E3ery ne4 piece o1 in1or2a0ion abou0 0he la4s o1 Na0ure is no0 a 1resh res0ric0ion bu0 a 1resh po4er, 1or all 0hese energies o1 Na0ure beco2e 1orces 4hich he can use in propor0ion as he unders0ands 0he25 Hence 0he saying 0ha0 =/no4ledge is po4er,> 1or e:ac0ly in propor0ion 0o his /no4ledge (Page "4$! can he u0ilise 0hese 1orces? by selec0ing 0hose 4i0h 4hich he 4ill 4or/, by balancing one agains0 ano0her, by neu0ralising opposing energies 0ha0 4ould in0er1ere 4i0h his ob6ec0, he can calcula0e be1orehand 0he resul0, and bring abou0 4ha0 he prede0er2ines5 (nders0anding and 2anipula0ing causes, he can predic0 e11ec0s, and 0hus 0he 3ery rigidi0y o1 na0ure 4hich see2ed a0 1irs0 0o paralyse hu2an ac0ion can be used 0o produce and in1ini0e 3arie0y o1 resul0s5 Per1ec0 rigidi0y in each separa0e 1orce 2a/es possible per1ec0 1le:ibili0y in 0heir co2bina0ions5 ,or 0he 1orces being o1 e3ery /ind, 2o3ing in e3ery direc0ion, and each being calculable, a selec0ion can be 2ade and 0he selec0ed 1orces so co2bined as 0o yield any desired resul05 The ob6ec0 0o be gained being de0er2ined, i0 can be in1allibly ob0ained by a care1ul balancing o1 1orces in 0he co2bina0ion pu0 0oge0her as a cause5 'u0, be i0 re2e2bered, /no4ledge is re;uisi0e 0hus 0o guide e3en0s, 0o bring abou0 desired resul0s5 The ignoran0 2an s0u2bles helplessly along, s0ri/ing hi2sel1 agains0 0he i22u0able la4s and seeing his e11or0s 1ail, 4hile 0he 2an o1 /no4ledge 4al/s s0eadily 1or4ard, 1oreseeing, causing, pre3en0ing, ad6us0ing, and bringing abou0 0ha0 a0 4hich he ai2s, no0 because he is luc/y bu0 because

he unders0ands5 The one is 0he 0oy, 0he sla3e o1 Na0ure, 4hirled along by her 1orcesF 0he o0her is her 2as0er, using her energies 0o carry hi2 on4ards in 0he direc0ion chosen by his 4ill5 Tha0 4hich is 0rue o1 0he physical real2 o1 la4 is (Page "4%! 0rue o1 0he 2oral and 2en0al 4orlds, e;ually real2s o1 la45 Here also 0he ignoran0 is a sla3e, 0he sage is a 2onarch? here also 0he in3iolabili0y, 0he i22u0abili0y, 0ha0 4ere regarded as paralysing, are 1ound 0o be 0he necessary condi0ions o1 sure progress and o1 clear9sigh0ed direc0ion o1 0he 1u0ure5 #an can beco2e 0he 2as0er o1 his des0iny only because 0ha0 des0iny lies in a real2 o1 la4, 4here /no4ledge can build up 0he science o1 0he soul and place in 0he hands o1 2an 0he po4er o1 con0rolling his 1u0ure @ o1 choosing ali/e his 1u0ure charac0er and his 1u0ure circu2s0ances5The /no4ledge o1 /ar2a 0ha0 0hrea0ened 0o paralyse, beco2es an inspiring, a suppor0ing, an upli10ing 1orce5 !ar2a is 0hen, 0he la4 o1 causa0ion, 0he la4 o1 cause and e11ec05 I0 4as pu0 poin0edly by 0he Chris0ian Ini0ia0e, S5 Paul F ='e no0 decei3ed, .od is no0 2oc/edF 1or 4ha0soe3er a 2an so4e0h 0ha0 shall he also reap5>)Galatians vi -*5 #an is con0inually sending ou0 1orces on all 0he planes on 4hich he 1unc0ions? 0hese 1orces @ 0he2sel3es in ;uan0i0y and ;uali0y 0he e11ec0s o1 his pas0 ac0i3i0ies @ are causes 4hich he se0s going in each 4orld he inhabi0s? 0hey bring abou0 cer0ain de1ini0e e11ec0s bo0h on hi2sel1 and on o0hers, and as 0hese causes radia0e 1or0h 1ro2 hi2sel1 as cen0re o3er 0he 4hole 1ield o1 his ac0i3i0y, he is responsible 1or 0he resul0s 0hey bring abou05 As a 2agne0 has i0s =2agne0ic 1ield,> an area 4i0hin 4hich all i0s 1orces play, larger or s2aller according 0o i0s s0reng0h, so has e3ery 2an a 1ield o1 in1luence (Page "4&! 4i0hin 4hich play 0he 1orces he e2i0s, and 0hese 1orces 4or/ in cur3es 0ha0 re0urn 0o

0heir 1or0h9sender, 0ha0 re9en0er 0he cen0re 4hence 0hey e2erged5 As 0he sub6ec0 is a 3ery co2plica0ed one, 4e 4ill sub9 di3ide i0, and 0hen s0udy 0he subdi3isions one by one5 Three classes o1 energies are sen0 1or0h by 2an in his ordinary li1e, belonging respec0i3ely 0o 0he 0hree 4orlds 0ha0 he inhabi0s? 2en0al energies on 0he 2en0al plane, gi3ing rise 0o 0he causes 4e call 0hough0s? desire energies on 0he as0ral plane, gi3ing rise 0o 0hose 4e call desires? physical energies aroused by 0hese, and 4or/ing on 0he physical plane, gi3ing rise 0o 0he causes 4e call ac0ion5 +e ha3e 0o s0udy each o1 0hese in i0s 4or/ings, and 0o unders0and 0he class o1 e11ec0s 0o 4hich each gi3es rise, i1 4e 4ish 0o 0race in0elligen0ly 0he par0 0ha0 each plays in 0he perple:ed and co2plica0ed co2bina0ions 4e se0 up, called in 0heir 0o0ali0y =our !ar2a5> +hen a 2an, ad3ancing 2ore s4i10ly 0han his 1ello4s, gains 0he abili0y 0o 1unc0ion on higher planes, he 0hen beco2es 0he cen0re o1 higher 1orces, bu0 1or 0he presen0 4e 2ay lea3e 0hese ou0 o1 accoun0 and con1ine oursel3es 0o ordinary hu2ani0y, 0reading 0he cycle o1 reincarna0ion in 0he 0hree 4orlds5 In s0udying 0hese 0hree classes o1 energies 4e shall ha3e 0o dis0inguish be04een 0heir e11ec0 on 0he 2an 4ho genera0es 0he2 and 0heir e11ec0 on o0hers 4ho co2e 4i0hin 0he 1ield o1 his in1luence? 1or a lac/ (Page "4'! o1 unders0anding on 0his poin0 o10en lea3es 0he s0uden0 in a slough o1 hopeless be4ilder2en05 Then 4e 2us0 re2e2ber 0ha0 e3ery 1orce 4or/s on i0s o4n plane and reac0s on 0he planes belo4 i0 in propor0ion 0o i0s in0ensi0y, 0he plane on 4hich i0 is genera0ed gi3es i0 i0s special charac0eris0ics, and in i0s reac0ion on lo4er planes i0 se0s up 3ibra0ions in 0heir 1iner or coarser 2a0erials according 0o i0s o4n original na0ure5The 2o0i3e 4hich genera0es 0he ac0i3i0y de0er2ines 0he plane 0o 4hich 0he 1orce belongs5

Ne:0 i0 4ill be necessary 0o dis0inguish be04een ripe /ar2a, ready 0o sho4 i0sel1 as ine3i0able e3en0s in 0he presen0 li1e? 0he /ar2a o1 charac0er, sho4ing i0sel1 in 0endencies 0ha0 are 0he ou0co2e o1 accu2ula0ed e:periences, and 0ha0 are capable o1 being 2odi1ied in 0he presen0 li1e by 0he sa2e po4er )0he Ego* 0ha0 crea0ed 0he2 in 0he pas0? 0he /ar2a 0ha0 is no4 2a/ing, and 4ill gi3e rise 0o 1u0ure e3en0s and 1u0ure charac0er5 ) These di3isions are 1a2iliar 0o 0he s0uden0 as PrDrabdha )co22enced, 0o be 4or/ed ou0 in 0he li1e*? Sanchi0a )accu2ula0ed*, a par0 o1 4hich is seen in 0he 0endencies, !riya2Dna, )in course o1 2a/ing*5 ,ur0her, 4e ha3e 0o realise 0ha0 4hile a 2an 2a/es his o4n indi3idual /ar2a he also connec0s hi2sel1 0hereby 4i0h o0hers, 0hus beco2ing a 2e2ber o1 3arious groups @ 1a2ily, na0ional, racial @ and as a 2e2ber he shares in 0he collec0i3e /ar2a o1 each o1 0hese groups5 I0 4ill be seen 0ha0 0he s0udy o1 /ar2a is one (Page "4(! o1 2uch co2ple:i0y? ho4e3er, by grasping 0he 2ain principles o1 i0s 4or/ing as se0 ou0 abo3e, a coheren0 idea o1 i0s general bearing 2ay be ob0ained 4i0hou0 2uch di11icul0y, and i0s de0ails can be s0udied a0 leisure as oppor0uni0y o11ers5 Abo3e all, le0 i0 ne3er be 1orgo00en, 4he0her de0ails are unders0ood or no0, 0ha0 each 2an 2a/es his o4n /ar2a, crea0ing ali/e his o4n capaci0ies and his o4n li2i0a0ions? and 0ha0 4or/ing a0 any 0i2e 4i0h 0hese sel19crea0ed capaci0ies, and 4i0hin 0hese sel19crea0ed li2i0a0ions, he is s0ill hi2sel1, 0he li3ing soul, and can s0reng0hen or 4ea/en his capaci0ies, enlarge or con0rac0 his li2i0a0ions5 The chains 0ha0 bind hi2 are o1 his o4n 1orging, and he can 1ile 0he2 a4ay or ri3e0 0he2 2ore s0rongly? 0he house he li3es in is o1 his o4n building, and he can i2pro3e i0, le0 i0 de0eriora0e, or rebuild i0, as he 4ill5 +e are e3er 4or/ing in plas0ic clay and can shape i0 0o our 1ancy, bu0 0he clay hardens and

beco2es as iron, re0aining 0he shape 4e ga3e i05 A pro3erb 1ro2 0he "itopadesha runs, as 0ransla0ed by Sir Ed4in ArnoldF =Loo/W The clay dries in0o iron, bu0 0he po00er 2oulds 0he clay? %es0iny 0oday is 0he 2as0er @ #an 4as 2as0er yes0erday5 = Thus 4e are all 2as0ers o1 our 0o2orro4s, ho4e3er 2uch 4e are ha2pered 0oday by 0he resul0s o1 our yes0erdays5 Le0 us no4 0a/e in order 0he di3isions already se0 ou0 under 4hich /ar2a 2ay be s0udied5 Three classes o1 causes, 4i0h 0heir e11ec0s on 0heir (Page "$)! crea0or and on 0hose he in1luences5The 1irs0 o1 0hese classes is co2posed o1 our 0hough0s5 Though0 is 0he 2os0 po0en0 1ac0or in 0he crea0ion o1 hu2an /ar2a, 1or in 0hough0 0he energies o1 0he SEL, are 4or/ing in 2en0al 2a00er, 0he 2a00er 4hich, in i0s 1iner /inds, 1or2s 0he indi3idual 3ehicle, and e3en in i0s coarser /inds responds s4i10ly 0o e3ery 3ibra0ion o1 sel19consciousness5 The 3ibra0ions 4hich 4e call 0hough0, 0he i22edia0e ac0i3i0y o1 0he Thin/er, gi3e rise 0o 1or2s o1 2ind9s0u11, or 2en0al i2ages, 4hich shape and 2ould his 2en0al body, as 4e ha3e already seen? e3ery 0hough0 2odi1ies 0his 2en0al body, and 0he 2en0al 1acul0ies in each successi3e li1e are 2ade by 0he 0hin/ings o1 0he pre3ious li3es5 A 2an can ha3e no 0hough09po4er, no 2en0al abili0y, 0ha0 he has no0 hi2sel1 crea0ed by pa0ien0ly repea0ed 0hin/ings? on 0he o0her hand, no 2en0al i2age 0ha0 he has 0hus crea0ed is los0, bu0 re2ains as 2a0erial 1or 1acul0y, and 0he aggrega0e o1 any group o1 2en0al i2ages is buil0 in0o a 1acul0y 4hich gro4s s0ronger 4i0h e3ery addi0ional 0hin/ing, or crea0ion o1 a 2en0al i2age, o1 0he sa2e /ind5

!no4ing 0his la4, 0he 2an can gradually 2a/e 1or hi2sel1 0he 2en0al charac0er he desires 0o possess and he can do i0 as de1ini0ely and as cer0ainly as a bric/layer can build a 4all5 %ea0h does no0 s0op his 4or/, bu0 by se00ing hi2 1ree 1ro2 0he encu2brance o1 0he body 1acili0a0es 0he process o1 4or/ing up his 2en0al i2ages in0o 0he de1ini0e organ 4e call a 1acul0y, and he brings 0his bac/ 4i0h hi2 0o his ne:0 bir0h on 0he physical plane, par0 o1 0he brain (Page "$ ! o1 0he ne4 body being 2oulded so as 0o ser3e as 0he organ o1 0his 1acul0y, in a 4ay 0o be e:plained presen0ly5 All 0hese 1acul0ies 0oge0her 1or2 0he 2en0al body 1or his opening li1e on ear0h, and his brain and ner3ous sys0e2 are shaped 0o gi3e his 2en0al body e:pression on 0he physical plane5 Thus 0he 2en0al i2ages crea0ed in one li1e appear as 2en0al charac0eris0ics and 0endencies in ano0her, and 1or 0his reason i0 is 4ri00en in one o1 0he (panishadsF ./an is a creature of reflection0 that which he reflects on in this life he 'ecomes the same hereafter.1 )ChhDndogyopanishad I&, :i3,1*5 Such is 0he la4, and i0 places 0he building o1 our 2en0al charac0er en0irely in our o4n hands? i1 4e build 4ell, ours 0he ad3an0age and 0he credi0? i1 4e build badly, ours 0he loss and bla2e5 #en0al charac0er, 0hen, is a case o1 indi3idual /ar2a in i0s ac0ion on 0he indi3idual 4ho genera0es i05 This sa2e 2an 0ha0 4e are considering, ho4e3er, a11ec0s o0her by his 0hough0s5 ,or 0hese 2en0al i2ages 0ha0 1or2 his o4n 2en0al body se0 up 3ibra0ions, 0hus reproducing 0he2sel3es in secondary 1or2s5 These generally, being 2ingled 4i0h desire, 0a/e up so2e as0ral 2a00er, and I ha3e 0here1ore else4here )see !arma, page IH 9 Theosophical #anual No5 I&* called 0hese secondary 0hough091or2s @ as0ro92en0al i2ages5 Such 1or2s lea3e 0heir crea0or and lead a ;uasi9independen0 li1e @ s0ill /eeping up a 2agne0ic 0ie 4i0h 0heir progeni0or5

They co2e in0o con0ac0 4i0h and a11ec0 o0hers, in 0his 4ay se00ing up /ar2ic lin/s be04een 0hese (Page "$"! o0hers and hi2sel1? 0hus 0hey largely in1luence his 1u0ure en3iron2en05 In such 1ashion are 2ade 0he 0ies 4hich dra4 people 0oge0her 1or good or e3il in la0er li3es? 4hich surround us 4i0h rela0i3es, 1riends, and ene2ies? 4hich bring across our pa0h helpers and hinderers, people 4ho bene1i0 and 4ho in6ure us, people 4ho lo3e us 4i0hou0 our 4inning in 0his li1e, and 4ho ha0e us 0hough in 0his li1e 4e ha3e done no0hing 0o deser3e 0heir ha0red5 S0udying 0he resul0s, 4e grasp a grea0 principle @ 0ha0 4hile our 0hough0s produce our 2en0al and 2oral charac0er in 0heir ac0ion on oursel3es, 0hey help 0o de0er2ine our hu2an associa0es in 0he 1u0ure by 0heir e11ec0s on o0hers5 The second grea0 class o1 energies is co2posed o1 our desires @ our ou09goings a10er ob6ec0s 0ha0 a00rac0 us in 0he e:0ernal 4orldF as a 2en0al ele2en0 al4ays en0ers in0o 0hese in 2an, 4e 2ay e:0end 0he 0er2 =2en0al i2ages = 0o include 0he2, al0hough 0hey e:press 0he2sel3es chie1ly in as0ral 2a00er5 These in 0heir ac0ion on 0heir progeni0or 2ould and 1or2 his body o1 desire, or as0ral body, shape his 1a0e 4hen he passes in0o !D2alo/a a10er dea0h, and de0er2ine 0he na0ure o1 his as0ral body in his ne:0 rebir0h5 +hen 0he desires are bes0ial, drun/en, cruel, unclean, 0hey are 0he 1rui01ul causes o1 congeni0al diseases, o1 4ea/ and diseased brains, gi3ing rise 0o epilepsy, ca0alepsy, and ner3ous diseases o1 all /inds, o1 physical 2al1or2a0ions and de1or2i0ies, and, in e:0re2e cases, o1 2ons0rosi0ies5 'es0ial appe0i0es o1 an abnor2al /ind or in0ensi0y 2ay se0 up (Page "$#! lin/s in 0he as0ral 4orld 4hich 1or a 0i2e chain 0he Egos, clo0hed in as0ral bodies shaped by 0hese appe0i0es, 0o 0he as0ral bodies o1 ani2als 0o 4hich 0hese appe0i0es properly belong, 0hus delaying 0heir reincarna0ion? 4here 0his 1a0e is escaped, 0he bes0ially shaped as0ral

body 4ill so2e0i2es i2press i0s charac0eris0ics on 0he 1or2ing physical body o1 0he babe during an0e na0al li1e, and produce 0he se2i9hu2an horrors 0ha0 are occasionally born5 %esires @ because 0hey are ou0going energies 0ha0 a00ach 0he2sel3es 0o ob6ec0s @ al4ays a00rac0 0he 2an 0o4ards an en3iron2en0 in 4hich 0hey 2ay be gra0i1ied5 %esires 1or ear0hly 0hings, lin/ing 0he soul 0o 0he ou0er 4orld, dra4 hi2 0o4ards 0he place 4here 0he ob6ec0s o1 desire are 2os0 readily ob0ainable, and 0here1ore i0 is said 0ha0 a 2an is born according 0o his desires5 ) See 'rihadDranya/opanishad,I&,i3, H,8,and con0e:0*5 They are one o1 0he causes 0ha0 de0er2ine 0he place o1 rebir0h5 The as0ro92en0al i2ages caused by desires a11ec0 o0hers as do 0hose genera0ed by 0hough0s5 They, 0here1ore, also lin/ us 4i0h o0her souls, and o10en by 0he s0ronges0 0ies o1 lo3e and ha0red, 1or a0 0he presen0 s0age o1 hu2an e3olu0ion an ordinary 2an<s desires are generally s0ronger and 2ore sus0ained 0han his 0hough0s5 They 0hus play a grea0 par0 in de0er2ining his hu2an surroundings in 1u0ure li3es, and 2ay bring in0o 0hose li3es persons and in1luences o1 4hose connec0ion 4i0h hi2sel1 he is 0o0ally unconscious5 Suppose a 2an by sending ou0 a 0hough0 o1 bi00er ha0red and re3enge has helped 0o 1or2 in (Page "$4* ano0her 0he i2pulse 4hich resul0s in a 2urder? 0he crea0or o1 0ha0 0hough0 is lin/ed by his /ar2a 0o 0he co22i00er o1 0he cri2e, al0hough 0hey ha3e ne3er 2e0 on 0he physical plane, and 0he 4rong he has done 0o hi2, by helping 0o i2pel hi2 0o a cri2e , 4ill co2e bac/ as an in6ury in 0he in1lic0ion o1 4hich 0he 4hilho2 cri2inal 4ill play his par05 #any a =bol0 1ro2 0he blue> 0ha0 is 1el0 is u00erly undeser3ed is 0he e11ec0 o1 such a cause, and 0he soul 0hereby learns and regis0ers a lesson 4hile 0he lo4er consciousness is 4ri0hing under a sense o1 in6us0ice5

No0hing can s0ri/e a 2an 0ha0 he has no0 deser3ed, bu0 his absence o1 2e2ory does no0 cause a 1ailure in 0he 4or/ing o1 0he la45 +e 0hus learn 0ha0 our desires in 0heir ac0ion on oursel3es produce our desire9na0ure, and 0hrough i0 largely a11ec0 our physical bodies in our ne:0 bir0h? 0ha0 0hey play a grea0 par0 in de0er2ining 0he place o1 rebir0h? and by 0heir e11ec0 on o0hers 0hey help 0o dra4 around us our hu2an associa0es in 1u0ure li3es5 The 0hird grea0 class o1 energies, appearing on 0he physical plane as ac0ions, genera0e 2uch /ar2a by 0heir e11ec0s on o0hers, bu0 only sligh0ly a11ec0 direc0ly 0he Inner #an5 They are e11ec0s o1 his pas0 0hin/ings and desires, and 0he /ar2a 0hey represen0 is 1or 0he 2os0 par0 e:haus0ed in 0heir happening5 Indirec0ly 0hey a11ec0 hi2 in propor0ion as he is 2o3ed by 0he2 0o 1resh 0hough0s and desires or e2o0ions, bu0 0he genera0ing 1orce lies in 0hese and no0 in 0he ac0ions 0he2sel3es5 Again, i1 ac0ions are o10en repea0ed, 0hey se0 up a habi0 o1 0he body (Page "$$! 4hich ac0s as a li2i0a0ion 0o 0he e:pression o1 0he Ego in 0he ou0er 4orld? 0his, ho4e3er, perishes 4i0h 0he body, 0hus li2i0ing 0he /ar2a o1 0he ac0ion 0o a single li1e so 1ar as i0s e11ec0 on 0he soul is concerned5 'u0 i0 1ar o0her4ise 4hen 4e co2e 0o s0udy 0he e11ec0s o1 ac0ions on o0hers, 0he happiness or unhappiness caused by 0hese, and 0he in1luence e:ercised by 0hese as e:a2ples5They lin/ us 0o o0hers by 0his in1luence and are 0hus a 0hird 1ac0or in de0er2ining our 1u0ure hu2an associa0es, 4hile 0hey are 0he chie1 1ac0or in de0er2ining 4ha0 2ay be called our non9hu2an en3iron2en05 'roadly spea/ing, 0he 1a3ourable or un1a3ourable na0ure o1 0he physical surroundings in0o 4hich 4e are born depends on 0he e11ec0 o1 our pre3ious ac0ions in spreading happiness or unhappiness a2ong o0her people5 The physical resul0s on o0hers o1 ac0ions on 0he physical plane 4or/ ou0 /ar2ically in repaying 0o 0he ac0or good or bad surroundings in a 1u0ure li1e5

I1 he has 2ade people physically happy, by sacri1icing 4eal0h or 0i2e or 0rouble, 0his ac0ion /ar2ically brings hi2 1a3ourable physical circu2s0ances conduci3e 0o physical happiness5 I1 he has caused people 4ide9spread physical 2isery, he 4ill reap /ar2ically 1ro2 his ac0ion 4re0ched physical circu2s0ances conduci3e 0o physical su11ering5 And 0his is so, 4ha0e3er 2ay ha3e been his 2o0i3e in ei0her case @ a 1ac0 4hich leads us 0o consider 0he la4 0ha0 F E3ery 1orce 4or/s on i0s o4n plane5 I1 a 2an so4s happiness 1or o0hers on 0he physical plane, (Page "$%! he 4ill reap condi0ions 1a3ourable 0o happiness 1or hi2sel1 on 0ha0 plane, and his 2o0i3e in so4ing i0 does no0 a11ec0 0he resul0 5 A 2an 2igh0 so4 4hea0 4i0h 0he ob6ec0 o1 specula0ing 4i0h i0 0o ruin his neighbour, bu0 his bad 2o0i3e 4ould no0 2a/e 0he 4hea0 grains gro4 up as dandelions5 #o0i3e is a 2en0al or as0ral 1orce, according as i0 arises 1ro2 4ill or desire, and i0 reac0s on 2oral and 2en0al charac0er or on 0he desire9na0ure se3erally5 The causing o1 physical happiness by an ac0ion is a physical 1orce and 4or/s on 0he physical plane5 ='y his ac0ions> 2an a11ec0s his neighbours on 0he physical plane? he spreads happiness around hi2 or he causes dis0ress, increasing or di2inishing 0he su2 o1 hu2an 4el1are5 This increase or di2inu0ion o1 happiness 2ay be due 0o 3ery di11eren0 2o0i3es @ good, bad, or 2i:ed5 A 2an 2ay do an ac0 0ha0 gi3es 4idespread en6oy2en0 1ro2 sheer bene3olence, 1ro2 a longing 0o gi3e happiness 0o his 1ello4 crea0ures5 Le0 us say 0ha0 1ro2 such a 2o0i3e he presen0s a par/ 0o a 0o4n 1or 0he 1ree use o1 i0s inhabi0an0s? ano0her 2ay do a si2ilar ac0 1ro2 2ere os0en0a0ion, 1ro2 desire 0o a00rac0 a00en0ion 1ro2 0hose 4ho can bes0o4 social honours )say, he 2igh0 gi3e i0 as purchase92oney 1or a 0i0le*? a 0hird 2ay gi3e a par/ 1ro2 2i:ed 2o0i3es, par0ly unsel1ish, par0ly sel1ish5 The

2o0i3es 4ill se3erally a11ec0 0hese 0hree 2en<s charac0ers in 0heir 1u0ure incarna0ions, 1or i2pro3e2en0, 1or degrada0ion, 1or s2all resul0s5 'u0 0he e11ec0 o1 0he ac0ion is causing happiness 0o large nu2bers o1 people does no0 depend on 0he 2o0i3e o1 0he gi3er? (Page "$&! 0he people en6oy 0he par/ e;ually, no 2a00er 4ha0 2ay ha3e pro2p0ed i0s gi10, and 0his en6oy2en0, due 0o 0he ac0ion o1 0he gi3er, es0ablishes 1or hi2 a /ar2ic clai2 on Na0ure, a deb0 due 0o hi2 0ha0 4ill be scrupulously paid5 He 4ill recei3e a physically co21or0able or lu:urious en3iron2en0, as he has gi3en 4idespread physical en6oy2en0, and his sacri1ice o1 physical 4eal0h 4ill bring hi2 his due re4ard, 0he /ar2ic 1rui0 o1 his ac0ion5 This is his righ05 'u0 0he use he 2a/es o1 his posi0ion, 0he happiness he deri3es 1ro2 his 4eal0h and his surroundings, 4ill depend chie1ly on his charac0er, and here again 0he 6us0 re4ard accrues 0o hi2, each seed bearing i0s appropria0e har3es05 )see !arma, Pages HY 0o H1* Truly, 0he 4ays o1 !ar2a are e;ual5 I0 does no0 4i0hhold 1ro2 0he bad 2an 0he resul0 4hich 6us0ly 1ollo4s 1ro2 an ac0ion 4hich spreads happiness, and i0 also deals ou0 0o hi2 0he de0eriora0ed charac0er earned by his bad 2o0i3e, so 0ha0 in 0he 2ids0 o1 4eal0h he 4ill re2ain discon0en0ed and unhappy5 Nor can 0he good 2an escape physical su11ering i1 he cause physical 2isery by 2is0a/en ac0ions done 1ro2 good 2o0i3e? 0he 2isery he caused 4ill bring hi2 2isery in his physical surroundings, bu0 his good 2o0i3e, i2pro3ing his charac0er, 4ill gi3e hi2 a source o1 perennial happiness 4i0hin hi2sel1, and he 4ill be pa0ien0 and con0en0ed a2id his 0roubles5 #any a puBBle 2aybe ans4ered by applying 0hese principles 0o 0he 1ac0s 4e see around us5 These respec0i3e e11ec0s o1 2o0i3e and o1 0he (Page "$'! resul0s )or 1rui0s* o1 ac0ions are due 0o 0he 1ac0 0ha0 each 1orce has 0he charac0eris0ics o1 0he

plane on 4hich i0 4as genera0ed, and 0he higher 0he plane 0he 2ore po0en0 and 0he 2ore persis0en0 0he 1orce5 Hence 2o0i3e is 1ar 2ore i2por0an0 0han ac0ion, and a 2is0a/en ac0ion done 4i0h a good 2o0i3e is produc0i3e o1 2ore good 0o 0he doer 0han a 4ell9 chosen ac0ion done 4i0h a bad 2o0i3e5 The 2o0i3e, reac0ing on 0he charac0er, gi3es rise 0o a long series o1 e11ec0s, 1or 0he 1u0ure ac0ions guided by 0ha0 charac0er 4ill all be in1luenced by i0s i2pro3e2en0 or i0s de0eriora0ion U 4hereas 0he ac0ion, bringing on i0s doer physical happiness or unhappiness, according 0o i0s resul0s on o0hers, has in i0 no genera0ing 1orce, bu0 is e:haus0ed in i0s resul0s5 I1 be4ildered as 0o 0he pa0h o1 righ0 ac0ion by a con1lic0 o1 apparen0 du0ies, 0he /no4er o1 /ar2a diligen0ly 0ries 0o choose 0he bes0 pa0h, using his reason and 6udg2en0 0o 0he u02os0? he is scrupulously care1ul abou0 his 2o0i3e, eli2ina0ing sel1ish considera0ions and puri1ying his hear0? 0hen he ac0s 1earlessly, and i1 his ac0ion 0urn ou0 0o be a blunder he 4illingly accep0s 0he su11ering 4hich resul0s 1ro2 his 2is0a/e as a lesson 4hich 4ill be use1ul in 0he 1u0ure5 #ean4hile, his high 2o0i3e has ennobled his charac0er 1or all 0i2e 0o co2e5 This general principle 0ha0 0he 1orce belongs 0o 0he plane on 4hich i0 is genera0ed is one o1 1ar9 reaching i2por05 I1 i0 (Page "%)! be libera0ed 4i0h 0he 2o0i3e o1 gaining physical ob6ec0s, i0 4or/s on 0he physical plane and a00aches 0he ac0or 0o 0ha0 plane5 I1 i0 ai2 a0 de3achanic ob6ec0s, i0 4or/s on 0he de3achanic plane and a00aches 0he ac0or 0here0o5 I1 i0 ha3e no 2o0i3e sa3e 0he di3ine ser3ice, i0 is se0 1ree on 0he spiri0ual plane, and 0here1ore canno0 a00ach 0he indi3idual, since 0he individual is as/ing 1or no0hing5 The Th4ee +inds o8 +a4ma ipe !ar2a is 0ha0 4hich is ready 1or reaping and 4hich is 0here1ore ine3i0able5 $u0 o1 all 0he /ar2a o1 0he pas0 0here is a cer0ain a2oun0 4hich can

be e:haus0ed 4i0hin 0he li2i0s o1 a single li1e? 0here are so2e /inds o1 /ar2a 0ha0 are so incongruous 0ha0 0hey could no0 be 4or/ed ou0 in a single physical body, bu0 4ould re;uire 3ery di11eren0 0ypes o1 body 1or 0heir e:pression? 0here are liabili0ies con0rac0ed 0o4ards o0her souls, and all 0hese souls 4ill no0 be in incarna0ion a0 0he sa2e 0i2e? 0here is /ar2a 0ha0 2us0 be 4or/ed ou0 in so2e par0icular na0ion or par0icular social posi0ion, 4hile 0he sa2e 2an has o0her /ar2a 0ha0 needs an en0irely di11eren0 en3iron2en05 Par0 only, 0here1ore, o1 his 0o0al /ar2a can be 4or/ed ou0 in a gi3en li1e, and 0his par0 is selec0ed by 0he .rea0 Lords o1 !ar2a @ o1 4ho2 so2e0hing 4ill presen0ly be said @ and 0he soul is guided 0o incarna0e in a 1a2ily, a na0ion, a place, a body, sui0able 1or 0he e:haus0ion o1 0ha0 aggrega0e o1 causes 4hich can be 4or/ed ou0 0oge0her5 This aggrega0e o1 causes 1i:es 0he leng0h o1 0ha0 par0icular li1e? gi3es 0o 0he body i0s charac0eris0ics, i0s po4ers, and i0s li2i0a0ions? brings in0o con0ac0 4i0h 0he 2an 0he souls incarna0ed 4i0hin 0ha0 li1e9period 0o 4ho2 he has con0rac0ed (Page "%)! obliga0ions, surrounding hi2 4i0h rela0i3es, 1riends, and ene2ies? 2ar/s ou0 0he social condi0ions in0o 4hich he is born, 4i0h 0heir acco2panying ad3an0ages and disad3an0ages? selec0s 0he 2en0al energies he can sho4 1or0h by 2oulding 0he organisa0ion o1 0he brain and ner3ous sys0e2 4i0h 4hich he has 0o 4or/? pu0s 0oge0her 0he causes 0ha0 resul0 in 0roubles and 6oys in his ou0er career and 0ha0 can be brough0 in0o a single li1e5 All 0his is 0he =ripe /ar2a,> and 0his can be s/e0ched ou0 in a horoscope cas0 by a co2pe0en0 as0rologer5 In all 0his 0he 2an has no po4er o1 choice? all is 1i:ed by 0he choices he has 2ade in 0he pas0, and he 2us0 discharge 0o 0he u00er2os0 1ar0hing 0he liabili0ies he has con0rac0ed5 The physical, as0ral and 2en0al bodies 4hich 0he soul 0a/es on 1or a ne4 li1e9period are, as 4e

ha3e seen, 0he direc0 resul0 o1 his pas0, and 0hey 1or2 a 2os0 i2por0an0 par0 o1 0his ripe /ar2a5 They li2i0 0he soul on e3ery side, and his pas0 rises up in 6udg2en0 agains0 hi2, 2ar/ing ou0 0he li2i0a0ions 4hich he has 2ade 1or hi2sel15 Cheer1ully 0o accep0 0hese, and diligen0ly 0o 4or/ a0 0heir i2pro3e2en0, is 0he par0 o1 0he 4ise 2an, 1or he canno0 escape 1ro2 0he25 There is ano0her /ind o1 ripe /ar2a 0ha0 is o1 3ery serious i2por0ance @ 0ha0 o1 ine3i0able ac0ions5 E3ery ac0ion is 0he 1inal e:pression o1 a series o1 0hough0s? 0o borro4 an illus0ra0ion 1ro2 che2is0ry, 4e ob0ain a sa0ura0ed solu0ion o1 0hough0 by adding 0hough0 a10er 0hough0 o1 0he sa2e /ind, un0il ano0her 0hough0 @ or e3en an i2pulse, a 3ibra0ion, 1ro2 (Page "% ! 4i0hou0 @ 4ill produce 0he solidi1ica0ion o1 0he 4hole? 0he ac0ion 4hich e:presses 0he 0hough0s5 I1 4e persis0en0ly rei0era0e 0hough0s o1 0he sa2e /ind, say o1 re3enge, 4e a0 las0 reach 0he poin0 o1 sa0ura0ion, and any i2pulse 4ill solidi1y 0hese in0o ac0ion and a cri2e resul0s5 $r 4e 2ay ha3e persis0en0ly rei0era0ed 0hough0s o1 help 0o ano0her 0o 0he poin0 o1 sa0ura0ion, and 4hen 0he s0i2ulus o1 oppor0uni0y 0ouches us 0hey crys0allise ou0 as an ac0 o1 herois25 A 2an 2ay bring o3er 4i0h hi2 so2e ripe /ar2a o1 0his /ind, and 0he 1irs0 3ibra0ion 0ha0 0ouches such a 2ass o1 0hough0s ready 0o solidi1y in0o ac0ion 4ill hurry hi2 4i0hou0 his rene4ed 3oli0ion, unconsciously, in0o 0he co22ission o1 0he ac05 He canno0 s0op 0o 0hin/? he is in 0he condi0ion in 4hich 0he 1irs0 3ibra0ion o1 0he 2ind causes ac0ion? poised on 0he 3ery poin0 o1 balancing, 0he sligh0es0 i2pulse sends hi2 o3er5 (nder 0hese circu2s0ances a 2an 4ill 2ar3el a0 his o4n co22ission o1 so2e cri2e, or a0 his o4n per1or2ance o1 so2e subli2e ac0 o1 sel19de3o0ion5 He saysF = I did i0 4i0hou0 0hin/ing,> un/no4ing 0ha0 he had 0hough0 so o10en 0ha0 he had 2ade 0ha0 ac0ion ine3i0able5 +hen a 2an has 4illed 0o do an ac0 2any 0i2es, he a0 las0 1i:es

his 4ill irre3ocably, and i0 is only a ;ues0ion o1 oppor0uni0y 4hen he 4ill ac05 So long he can 0hin/, his 1reedo2 o1 choice re2ains, 1or he can se0 0he ne4 0hough agains0 0he old and gradually 4ear i0 ou0 by 0he rei0era0ion o1 opposing 0hough0s? bu0 4hen 0he ne:0 0hrill o1 0he soul in response 0o a s0i2ulus 2eans ac0ion, 0he po4er o1 choice is e:haus0ed5 (Page "%"! Herein lies 0he solu0ion o1 0he old proble2 o1 necessi0y and 1ree 4ill? 2an by 0he e:ercise o1 1ree 4ill gradually crea0es necessi0ies 1or hi2sel1, and be04een 0he 04o e:0re2es lie all 0he co2bina0ions o1 1ree 4ill and necessi0y 4hich 2a/e 0he s0ruggles 4i0hin oursel3es o1 4hich 4e are conscious5 +e are con0inually 2a/ing habi0s by 0he repe0i0ions o1 purposi3e ac0ions guided by 0he 4ill? 0hen 0he habi0 beco2es a li2i0a0ion, and 4e per1or2 0he ac0ion au0o2a0ically5 Perhaps 4e are 0hen dri3en 0o 0he conclusion 0ha0 0he habi0 is a bad one, and 4e begin laboriously 0o un2a/e i0 by 0hough0s o1 0he opposi0e /ind, and, a10er 2any an ine3i0able lapse in0o i0, 0he ne4 0hough09curren0 0urns 0he s0rea2, and 4e regain our 1ull 1reedo2, o10en again gradually 0o 2a/e ano0her 1e00er5 So old 0hough091or2s persis0 and li2i0 our 0hin/ing capaci0y, sho4ing as indi3idual and as na0ional pre6udices5 The 2a6ori0y do no0 /no4 0ha0 0hey are 0hus li2i0ed, and go on serenely in 0heir chains, ignoran0 o1 0heir bondage? 0hose 4ho learn 0he 0ru0h abou0 0heir o4n na0ure beco2e 1ree5 The cons0i0u0ion o1 our brain and ner3ous sys0e2 is one o1 0he 2os0 2ar/ed necessi0ies in li1e? 0hese 4e ha3e 2ade ine3i0able by our pas0 0hin/ings, and 0hey no4 li2i0 us and 4e o10en cha1e agains0 0he25 They can be i2pro3ed slo4ly and gradually? 0he li2i0s can be e:panded, bu0 0hey canno0 be suddenly 0ranscended5

Ano0her 1or2 o1 0his ripe /ar2a is 4here so2e pas0 e3il90hin/ing has 2ade a crus0 o1 e3il habi0s around a 2an 4hich i2prisons hi2 and 2a/es an (Page "%#! e3il li1e? 0he ac0ions are 0he ine3i0able ou0co2e o1 his pas0, as 6us0 e:plained, and 0hey ha3e been held o3er, e3en 0hrough se3eral li3es, in conse;uence o1 0hose li3es no0 o11ering oppor0uni0ies 1or 0heir 2ani1es0a0ion5 #ean4hile 0he soul has been gro4ing and has been de3eloping noble ;uali0ies5 In one li1e 0his crus0 o1 pas0 e3il is 0hro4n ou0 by oppor0uni0y, and because o1 0his 0he soul canno0 sho4 his la0er de3elop2en0? li/e a chic/en ready 0o be ha0ched, he is hidden 4i0hin 0he i2prisoning shell, and only 0he shell is 3isible 0o 0he e:0ernal eye5 A10er a 0i2e 0ha0 /ar2a is e:haus0ed, and so2e apparen0ly 1or0ui0ous e3en0 @ a 4ord 1ro2 a grea0 Teacher, a boo/, a lec0ure @ brea/s 0he shell and 0he souls co2es 1or0h 1ree5 These are 0he rare, sudden, bu0 per2anen0 =con3ersions,> 0he =2iracles o1 di3ine grace,> o1 4hich 4e hear? all per1ec0ly in0elligible 0o 0he /no4er o1 /ar2a, and 1elling 4i0hin 0he real2 o1 0he la45 The accu2ula0ed /ar2a 0ha0 sho4s i0sel1 as charac0er is, unli/e 0he ripe, al4ays sub6ec0 0o 2odi1ica0ions5 I0 2ay be said 0o consis0 o1 0endencies, s0rong or 4ea/, according 0o 0he 0hough091orce 0ha0 has gone 0o 0heir 2a/ing, and 0hese can be 1ur0her s0reng0hened or 4ea/ened by 1resh s0rea2s o1 0hough091orce sen0 0o 4or/ 4i0h or agains0 0he25 I1 4e 1ind in oursel3es 0endencies o1 4hich 4e disappro3e, 4e can se0 oursel3es 0o 4or/ 0o eli2ina0e 0he2? o10en 4e 1ail 0o 4i0hs0and 0e2p0a0ion, o3erborne by 0he s0rong ou09rushing s0rea2 o1 desire, bu0 0he longer 4e can hold ou0 agains0 i0, e3en 0hough (Page "%4! 4e 1ail in 0he end, 0he nearer are 4e 0o o3erco2ing i05 E3ery such 1ailure is a s0ep 0o4ards success, 1or 0he resis0ance 4ears a4ay par0 o1 0he energy, and 0here is less o1 i0 a3ailable 1or 0he 1u0ure5

The /ar2a 4hich is in 0he course o1 2a/ing has been already s0udied5 Co66ecti?e +a4ma +hen a group o1 people is considered /ar2ically, 0he play o1 /ar2ic 1orces upon each 2e2ber o1 0he group in0roduces a ne4 1ac0or in0o 0he /ar2a o1 0he indi3idual5 +e /no4 0ha0 4hen a nu2ber o1 1orces play on a poin0, 0he 2o0ion o1 0he poin0 is no0 in 0he direc0ion o1 any one o1 0hese 1orces, bu0 in 0he direc0ion 4hich is 0he resul0 o1 0heir co2bina0ion5 So 0he /ar2a o1 a group is 0he resul0an0 o1 0he in0erac0ing 1orces o1 0he indi3iduals co2posing i0, and all 0he indi3iduals are carried along in 0he direc0ion o1 0ha0 resul0an05 An Ego is dra4n by his indi3idual /ar2a in0o a 1a2ily, ha3ing se0 up in pre3ious li3es 0ies 4hich closely connec0 hi2 4i0h so2e o1 0he o0her Egos co2posing i0? 0he 1a2ily has inheri0ed proper0y 1ro2 a grand1a0her 4ho is 4eal0hy? an heir 0urns up, descended 1ro2 0he grand1a0her<s elder bro0her, 4ho had been supposed 0o ha3e died childless, and 0he 4eal0h passes 0o hi2 and lea3es 0he 1a0her o1 0he 1a2ily hea3ily indeb0ed? i0 is ;ui0e possible 0ha0 our Ego had had no connec0ion in 0he pas0 4i0h 0his heir, 0o 4ho2 in pas0 li3es 0he 1a0her had con0rac0ed so2e obliga0ion 4hich has resul0ed in 0his ca0as0rophe, and ye0 he is 0hrea0ened 4i0h su11ering by his ac0ion, being in3ol3ed 4i0h 1a2ily /ar2a5 I1, in his o4n indi3idual pas0, 0here 4as a 4rong9doing 4hich can be e:haus0ed by su11ering caused by 0he 1a2ily /ar2a, he is le10 in3ol3ed in i0? i1 no0, he is by so2e =un1oreseen circu2s0ances> li10ed ou0 o1 i0, perchance by so2e bene3olen0 s0ranger 4ho 1eels an i2pulse 0o adop0 and educa0e hi2, 0he s0ranger being one 4ho in 0he pas0 4as his deb0or5

Ye0 2ore clearly does 0his co2e ou0, in 0he 4or/ing o1 such 0hings as rail4ay acciden0s, ship4rec/s, 1loods, cyclones, e0c5 A 0rain is 4rec/ed, 0he ca0as0rophe being i22edia0ely due 0o 0he ac0ion o1 0he dri3ers, 0he guards, 0he rail4ay direc0ors, 0he 2a/ers or e2ployees o1 0ha0 line, 4ho 0hin/ing 0he2sel3es 4ronged, send clus0ering 0hough0s o1 discon0en0 and anger agains0 i0 as a 4hole5 Those 4ho ha3e in 0heir accu2ula0ed /ar2a @ bu0 no0 necessarily in 0heir ripe /ar2a @ 0he deb0 o1 a li1e suddenly cu0 shor0, 2ay be allo4ed 0o dri10 in0o 0his acciden0 and pay 0heir deb0? ano0her, in0ending 0o go by 0he 0rain, bu0 4i0h no such deb0 in his pas0, is =pro3iden0ially> sa3ed by being la0e 1or i05 Collec0i3e /ar2a 2ay 0hro4 a 2an in0o 0he 0roubles conse;uen0 on his na0ion going 0o 4ar, and here again he 2ay discharge his deb0s o1 his pas0 no0 necessarily 4i0hin 0he ripe /ar2a o1 his 0hen li1e5 In no case can a 2an su11er 0ha0 4hich he has no0 deser3ed, bu0, i1 an un1oreseen oppor0uni0y should arise 0o discharge a pas0 obliga0ion, i0 is 4ell 0o pay i0 and be rid o1 i0 1or e3er2ore5 The =Lords o1 !ar2a> are 0he grea0 spiri0ual (Page "%%! In0elligences 4ho /eep 0he /ar2ic ecords and ad6us0 0he co2plica0ed 4or/ings o1 /ar2ic la45 They are described by H5P5 'la3a0s/y in The Secre0 %oc0rine as 0he Lipi/a, 0he ecorders o1 !ar2a, and 0he #ahDrD6as )The #ahDde3as, or Cha0urde3as o1 0he Hindus* @ and Their hos0s, 4ho are =0he agen0s o1 !ar2a upon ear0h5> The Lipi/a are They 4ho /no4 0he /ar2ic record o1 e3ery 2an, and 4ho 4i0h o2niscien0 4isdo2 selec0 and co2bine por0ions o1 0ha0 record 0o 1or2 0he plan o1 a single li1e? They gi3e 0he =idea> o1 0he physical body 4hich is 0o be 0he gar2en0 o1 0he reincarna0ing soul, e:pressing his capaci0ies and his li2i0a0ions? 0his is 0a/en by 0he #ahDrD6as and 4or/ed in0o a de0ailed 2odel, 4hich is co22i00ed 0o one o1 Their in1erior agen0s 0o be copied? 0his copy is 0he

e0heric double , 0he 2a0ri: o1 0he dense body, 0he 2a0erials 1or 0hese being dra4n 1ro2 0he 2o0her and sub6ec0 0o physical heredi0y5 The race, 0he coun0ry, 0he paren0s, are chosen 1or 0heir capaci0y 0o pro3ide sui0able 2a0erials 1or 0he physical body o1 0he inco2ing Ego, and sui0able surroundings 1or his early li1e5 The physical heredi0y o1 0he 1a2ily a11ords cer0ain 0ypes and has e3ol3ed cer0ain peculiari0ies o1 2a0erial co2bina0ions? heredi0ary diseases, heredi0ary 1inenesses o1 ner3ous organisa0ion, i2ply de1ini0e co2bina0ions o1 physical 2a00er, capable o1 0rans2ission5 An Ego 4ho has e3ol3ed peculiari0ies in his 2en0al and as0ral bodies, needing special physical peculiari0ies 1or 0heir e:pression, is guided 0o paren0s 4hose (Page "%&! physical heredi0y enables 0he2 0o 2ee0 0hese re;uire2en0s5 Thus an Ego 4i0h high ar0is0ic 1acul0ies de3o0ed 0o 2usic 4ould be guided 0o 0a/e his physical body in a 2usical 1a2ily, in 4hich 0he 2a0erials supplied 1or building 0he e0heric double and 0he dense body 4ould ha3e been 2ade ready 0o adap0 0he2sel3es 0o his needs, and 0he heredi0ary 0ype o1 ner3ous sys0e2 4ould 1urnish 0he delica0e appara0us necessary 1or 0he e:pression o1 his 1acul0ies5 An Ego o1 3ery e3il 0ype 4ould be guided 0o a coarse and 3icious 1a2ily, 4hose bodies 4ere buil0 o1 0he coarses0 co2bina0ions, such as 4ould 2a/e a body able 0o respond 0o 0he i2pulses 1ro2 his 2en0al and as0ral bodies5 An Ego 4ho had allo4ed his as0ral body and lo4er 2ind 0o lead hi2 in0o e:cesses, and had yielded 0o drun/enness, 1or ins0ance, 4ould be led 0o incarna0e in a 1a2ily 4hose ner3ous sys0e2s 4ere 4ea/ened by e:cess, and 4ould be born 1ro2 drun/en paren0s, 4ho 4ould supply diseased 2a0erials 1or his physical en3elope5 The guidance o1 0he Lords o1 !ar2a 0hus ad6us0 2eans 0o ends, and insures 0he doing o1 6us0ice? 0he Ego brings 4i0h hi2 his /ar2ic

possessions o1 1acul0ies and desires, and he recei3es a physical body sui0ed 0o be 0heir 3ehicle5 As 0he soul 2us0 re0urn 0o ear0h un0il he has discharged all his liabili0ies, 0hus e:haus0ing all his indi3idual /ar2a, and as in each li1e 0hough0s and desires genera0e 1resh /ar2a, 0he ;ues0ion 2ay arise in 0he 2ind F =Ho4 can 0his cons0an0ly rene4ing bond be pu0 an end 0o L Ho4 can 0he soul a00ain his (Page "%'! libera0ionL> Thus 4e co2e 0o 0he =ending o1 /ar2a,> and ha3e 0o in3es0iga0e ho4 0his 2ay be5 The binding ele2en0 in /ar2a is 0he 1irs0 0hing 0o be clearly grasped5 The ou04ard going energy o1 0he soul a00aches i0sel1 0o so2e ob6ec0, and 0he soul is dra4n bac/ by 0his 0ie 0o 0he place 4here 0ha0 a00ach2en0 2ay be realised by union 4i0h 0he ob6ec0 o1 desire, so long as 0he soul a00aches hi2sel1 0o any ob6ec0, he 2us0 be dra4n 0o 0he place 4here 0ha0 ob6ec0 can be en6oyed5 .ood /ar2a binds 0he soul as 2uch as does bad, 1or any desire, 4he0her 1or ob6ec0s here or in %e3achan, 2us0 dra4 0he soul 0o 0he place o1 gra0i1ica0ion5 Ac0ion is pro2p0ed by desire, an ac0 is done no0 1or 0he sa/e o1 doing 0he ac0, bu0 1or 0he sa/e o1 ob0aining by 0he ac0 so2e0hing 0ha0 is desired, o1 ac;uiring i0s resul0s, or, as i0 is 0echnically called, o1 en6oying i0s 1rui05 #en 4or/, no0 because 0hey 4an0 0o dig, or build, or 4ea3e, bu0 because 0hey 4an0 0he 1rui0s o1 digging, building, and 4ea3ing, in 0he shape o1 2oney or o1 goods5 A barris0er pleads, no0 because he 4an0s 0o se0 1or0h 0he dry de0ails o1 a case, bu0 because he 4an0s 4eal0h and 1a2e, and ran/5#en around us are labouring 1or so2e0hing, and 0he spur 0o 0heir ac0i3i0y lies in 0he 1rui0 i0 brings 0he2 and no0 in 0he labour5 %esire 1or 0he 1rui0 o1 ac0ion 2o3es 0he2 0o ac0i3i0y, and en6oy2en0 o1 0ha0 1rui0 re4ards 0heir e:er0ions5 %esire is, 0hen , 0he binding ele2en0 in /ar2a, and

4hen 0he soul no longer desires any ob6ec0 in ear0h or in hea3en, his 0ie 0o 0he 4heel o1 reincarna0ion (Page "%(! 0ha0 0urns in 0he 0hree 4orlds is bro/en5 Ac0ion i0sel1 has no po4er 0o hold 0he soul, 1or 4i0h 0he co2ple0ion o1 0he ac0ion i0 slips in0o 0he pas05 'u0 0he e3er9rene4ed desire 1or 1rui0 cons0an0ly spurs 0he soul in0o 1resh ac0i3i0ies, and 0hus ne4 chains are con0inually being 1orged5 Nor should 4e 1eel any regre0 4hen 4e see 2en cons0an0ly dri3en 0o ac0ion by 0he 4hip o1 desire, 1or desire o3erco2es slo0h, laBiness, iner0ia @ )0he s0uden0 4ill re2e2ber 0ha0 0hese sho4 0he do2inance o1 0he 0D2asic guna, and 4hile i0 is do2inan0 2en do no0 e2erge 1ro2 0he lo4es0 o1 0he 0hree s0ages o1 0heir e3olu0ion* @ and pro2p0s 2en 0o 0he ac0i3i0y 0ha0 yields 0he2 e:perience5 No0e 0he sa3age, idly doBing on 0he grass? he is 2o3ed 0o ac0i3i0y by hunger, 0he desire 1or 1ood,, and is dri3en 0o e:er0 pa0ience, s/ill, and endurance 0o gra0i1y his desire5 Thus he de3elops 2en0al ;uali0ies, bu0 4hen his hunger is sa0is1ied he sin/s again in0o a doBing ani2al5 Ho4 en0irely ha3e 2en0al ;uali0ies been e3ol3ed by 0he pro2p0ings o1 desire, and ho4 use1ul ha3e pro3ed desires 1or 1a2e, 1or pos0hu2ous reno4n5 (n0il 2an is approaching di3ini0y he needs 0he urgings o1 desires, and 0he desires si2ply gro4 purer and less sel1ish as he cli2bs up4ards5 'u0 none 0he less desires bind hi2 0o rebir0h, and i1 he 4ould be 1ree he 2us0 des0roy 0he25 +hen a 2an begins 0o long 1or libera0ion, he is 0augh0 0o prac0ise =renuncia0ion o1 0he 1rui0s o1 ac0ion>? 0ha0 is, he gradually eradica0es in hi2sel1 0he 4ish 0o possess any ob6ec0? he a0 1irs0 3olun0arily and (Page "&)! delibera0ely denies hi2sel1 0he ob6ec0, and 0hus habi0ua0es hi2sel1 0o do con0en0edly 4i0hou0 i0? a10er a 0i2e he no longer 2isses i0, and he 1inds 0he desire 1or i0 is disappearing 1ro2 his 2ind5 A0 0his s0age he is 3ery care1ul no0 0o neglec0 any 4or/ 4hich is du0y because he has beco2e indi11eren0 0o 0he resul0s i0 brings 0o hi2,

and he 0rains hi2sel1 in discharging e3ery du0y 4i0h earnes0 a00en0ion, 4hile re2aining en0irely indi11eren0 0o 0he 1rui0s i0 brings 1or0h5+hen he a00ains per1ec0ion in 0his, and nei0her desires nor disli/es any ob6ec0, he ceases 0o genera0e /ar2a? ceasing 0o as/ any0hing 1ro2 0he ear0h or 1ro2 %e3achan, he is no0 dra4n 0o ei0her? he 4an0s no0hing 0ha0 ei0her can gi3e hi2, and all lin/s be04een hi2sel1 and 0he2 are bro/en o115 This is 0he ceasing o1 indi3idual /ar2a, so 1ar as 0he genera0ion o1 ne4 /ar2a is concerned5 'u0 0he soul has 0o ge0 rid o1 old chains as 4ell as 0o cease 1ro2 0he 1orging o1 ne4, and 0hese old chains 2us0 be ei0her allo4ed 0o 4ear ou0 gradually or 2us0 be bro/en delibera0ely5 ,or 0his brea/ing, /no4ledge is necessary, a /no4ledge 4hich can loo/ bac/ in0o 0he pas0, and see 0he causes 0here se0 going, causes 4hich are 4or/ing ou0 0heir e11ec0s in 0he presen05 Le0 us suppose 0ha0 a person, 0hus loo/ing bac/4ard o3er his pas0 li3es, sees cer0ain causes 4hich 4ill bring abou0 an e3en0 4hich is s0ill in 0he 1u0ure? le0 us suppose 1ur0her 0ha0 0hese causes are 0hough0s o1 ha0red 1or an in6ury in1lic0ed on hi2sel1, and 0ha0 0hey 4ill cause su11ering a year hence (Page "& ! 0o 0he 4rong9doer? such a person can in0roduce a ne4 cause 0o in0er2ingle 4i0h 0he causes 4or/ing 1ro2 0he pas0, and he 2ay coun0erac0 0he2 4i0h s0rong 0hough0s o1 lo3e and good4ill 0ha0 4ill e:haus0 0he2, and 4ill 0hus pre3en0 0heir bringing abou0 0he o0her4ise ine3i0able e3en0, 4hich 4ould, in i0s 0urn, ha3e genera0ed ne4 /ar2ic 0rouble5 Thus he 2ay neu0ralise 1orces co2ing ou0 o1 0he pas0 by sending agains0 0he2 1orces e;ual and opposi0e, and 2ay in 0his 4ay =burn up his /ar2a by /no4ledge5> In si2ilar 1ashion he 2ay bring 0o an end /ar2a genera0ed in his presen0 li1e 0ha0 4ould nor2ally 4or/ ou0 in 1u0ure li3es5 Again, he 2ay be ha2pered by liabili0ies con0rac0ed 0o o0her souls in 0he pas0, 4rongs he has

done 0o 0he2, du0ies he o4es 0he25 'y 0he use o1 his /no4ledge he can 1ind 0hose souls, 4he0her in 0his 4orld or in ei0her o1 0he o0her 04o, and see/ oppor0uni0ies o1 ser3ing 0he25 There 2ay a soul incarna0ed during his o4n li1e9period 0o 4ho2 he o4es so2e /ar2ic deb0? he 2ay see/ ou0 0ha0 soul and pay his deb0, 0hus se00ing hi2sel1 1ree 1ro2 a 0ie 4hich, le10 0o 0he course o1 e3en0s, 4ould ha3e necessi0a0ed his o4n reincarna0ion, or 4ould ha3e ha2pered hi2 in a 1u0ure li1e5 S0range and puBBling lines o1 ac0ion adop0ed by occul0is0s ha3e so2e0i2es 0his e:plana0ion @ 0he 2an o1 /no4ledge en0ers in0o close rela0ions 4i0h so2e person 4ho is considered by 0he ignoran0 bys0anders and cri0ics 0o be ;ui0e ou0side 0he co2panionships 0ha0 are 1i00ing 1or hi2? bu0 0ha0 occul0is0 is ;uie0ly 4or/ing ou0 a /ar2ic (Page "&"! obliga0ion 4hich 4ould o0her4ise ha2per and re0ard his progress5 Those 4ho do no0 possess /no4ledge enough 0o re3ie4 0heir pas0 li3es 2ay ye0 e:haus0 2any causes 0ha0 0hey ha3e se0 going in 0he presen0 li1e? 0hey can care1ully go o3er all 0ha0 0hey can re2e2ber, and no0e 4here 0hey ha3e 4ronged any or 4here any has 4ronged 0he2, e:haus0ing 0he 1irs0 cases by pouring ou0 0hough0s o1 lo3e and ser3ice, and per1or2ing ac0s o1 ser3ice 0o 0he in6ured person, 4here possible on 0he physical plane also? and in 0he second cases sending 1or0h 0hough0s o1 pardon and good 4ill5 Thus 0hey di2inish 0heir /ar2ic liabili0ies and bring near 0he day o1 libera0ion5 (nconsciously, pious people 4ho obey 0he precep0 o1 all grea0 Teachers o1 religion 0o re0urn good 1or e3il are e:haus0ing /ar2a genera0ed in 0he presen0 0ha0 4ould o0her4ise 4or/ ou0 in 0he 1u0ure5 No one can 4ea3e 4i0h 0he2 a bond o1 ha0red i1 0hey re1use 0o con0ribu0e any s0ands o1 ha0red 0o 0he 4ea3ing, and persis0en0ly neu0ralise e3ery 1orce o1 ha0red 4i0h one o1 lo3e5 Le0 a soul radia0e in e3ery direc0ion lo3e and

co2passion, and 0hough0s o1 ha0red can 1ind no0hing 0o 4hich 0hey can a00ach 0he2sel3es5 =The Prince o1 0his 4orld co2e0h and ha0h no0hing in 2e5> All grea0 Teachers /ne4 0he la4 and based on i0 Their precep0s, and 0hose 4ho 0hrough re3erence and de3o0ion 0o The2 obey Their direc0ions pro1i0 under 0he la4, al0hough 0hey /no4 no0hing o1 0he de0ails o1 i0s 4or/ing5 An ignoran0 2an 4ho carries ou0 1ai0h1ully 0he ins0ruc0ions gi3en hi2 by (Page "&#! a scien0is0 can ob0ain resul0s by his 4or/ing 4i0h 0he la4s o1 Na0ure, despi0e his ignorance o1 0he2, and 0he sa2e principle holds good in 4orlds beyond 0he physical5 #any 4ho ha3e no0 0i2e 0o s0udy, and per1orce accep0 on 0he au0hori0y o1 e:per0s rules 4hich guide 0heir daily conduc0 in li1e, 2ay 0hus unconsciously be discharging 0heir /ar2ic liabili0ies5 In coun0ries 4here reincarna0ion and /ar2a are 0a/en 1or gran0ed by e3ery peasan0 and labourer, 0he belie1 spreads a cer0ain ;uie0 accep0ance o1 ine3i0able 0roubles 0ha0 conduces 2uch 0o 0he cal2 and con0en02en0 o1 ordinary li1e5 A 2an o3er4hel2ed by 2is1or0unes rails nei0her agains0 .od nor agains0 his neighbours, bu0 regards his 0roubles as 0he resul0s o1 his o4n pas0 2is0a/es and ill9doings5 He accep0s 0he2 resignedly and 2a/es 0he bes0 o1 0he2, and 0hus escapes 2uch o1 0he 4orry and an:ie0y 4i0h 4hich 0hose 4ho /no4 no0 0he la4 aggra3a0e 0roubles already su11icien0ly hea3y5 He realises 0ha0 his 1u0ure li3es depend on his o4n e:er0ions, and 0ha0 0he la4 4hich brings hi2 pain 4ill bring hi2 6us0 6oy as ine3i0ably i1 he so4s 0he seed o1 good5 Hence a cer0ain pa0ience and a philosophic 3ie4 o1 li1e, 0ending direc0ly 0o social s0abili0y and 0o general con0en02en05 The poor and ignoran0 do no0 s0udy pro1ound and de0ailed 2e0aphysics, bu0 0hey grasp 0horoughly 0hese si2ple principles @ 0ha0 e3ery 2an is

reborn on ear0h 0i2e a10er 0i2e, and 0ha0 each successi3e li1e is 2oulded by 0hose 0ha0 precede i05 To 0he2 rebir0h is as sure (Page "&4! and as ine3i0able as 0he rising and se00ing o1 0he sun? i0 is par0 o1 0he course o1 na0ure, agains0 4hich i0 is idle 0o repine or 0o rebel5 +hen Theosophy has res0ored 0hese ancien0 0ru0hs 0o 0heir righ01ul place in 4es0ern 0hough0, 0hey 4ill gradually 4or/ 0heir 4ay a2ong all classes o1 socie0y in Chris0endo2, spreading unders0anding o1 0he na0ure o1 li1e and accep0ance o1 0he resul0 o1 0he pas05 Then 0oo 4ill 3anish 0he res0less discon0en0 4hich arises chie1ly 1ro2 0he i2pa0ien0 and hopeless 1eeling 0ha0 li1e is unin0elligible, un6us0, and un2anageable, and i0 4ill be replaced by 0he ;uie0 s0reng0h and pa0ience 4hich co2e 1ro2 an illu2ined in0ellec0 and a /no4ledge o1 0he la4, and 4hich charac0erise 0he reasoned and balanced ac0i3i0y o1 0hose 4ho 1eel 0ha0 0hey are building 1or e0erni0y5(Page "&$! CHAPTER THE LAW OF SACRIFICE The s0udy o1 0he La4 o1 Sacri1ice 1ollo4s na0urally on 0he s0udy o1 0he La4 o1 !ar2a, and 0he unders0anding o1 0he 1or2er, i0 4as once re2ar/ed by a #as0er, is as necessary 1or 0he 4orld as 0he unders0anding o1 0he la00er5 'y an ac0 o1 Sel19sacri1ice 0he L$.$S beca2e 2ani1es0 1or 0he e2ana0ion o1 0he uni3erse, by sacri1ice 0he uni3erse is 2ain0ained, and by sacri1ice 2an reaches per1ec0ion5 )The Hindu 4ill re2e2ber 0he opening 4ords o1 0he Brihad2ranyakopanishad, 0ha0 0he da4n is in sacri1ice? 0he Ooroas0rian 4ill recall ho4 Ahura #aBda ca2e 1or0h 1ro2 an ac0 o1 sacri1ice? 0he Chris0ian 4ill 0hin/ o1 0he La2b @ 0he sy2bol o1 0he L$.$S @ slain 1ro2 0he 1ounda0ion o1 0he 4orld5* Hence e3ery religion 0ha0 springs 1ro2 Ancien0 +isdo2 has sacri1ice as a cen0ral D

0eaching, and so2e o1 0he pro1oundes0 0ru0hs o1 occul0is2 are roo0ed in 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice5 An a00e2p0 0o grasp, ho4e3er 1eebly, 0he na0ure o1 0he sacri1ice o1 0he L$.$S 2ay pre3en0 us 1ro2 1alling in0o 0he 3ery general 2is0a/e 0ha0 sacri1ice is an essen0ially pain1ul 0hing? 4hereas 0he 3ery essence o1 sacri1ice is a 3olun0ary and glad pouring 1or0h o1 li1e 0ha0 o0hers 2ay share in i0? and pain (Page "&%! only arises 4hen 0here is discord in 0he na0ure o1 0he sacri1icer, be04een 0he higher 4hose 6oy is in gi3ing and 0he lo4er 4hose sa0is1ac0ion lies in grasping and holding5I0 is 0ha0 discord alone 0ha0 in0roduces 0he ele2en0 o1 pain, and in 0he supre2e Per1ec0ion, in 0he L$.$S, no discord could arise? 0he $ne is 0he per1ec0 chord o1 'eing, o1 in1ini0e 2elodious concords, all 0uned 0o a single no0e, in 4hich Li1e and +isdo2 and 'liss are blended in0o one /eyno0e o1 E:is0ence5 The sacri1ice o1 0he L$.$S lay in His 3olun0arily circu2scribing His in1ini0e li1e in order 0ha0 He 2igh0 2ani1es05 Sy2bolically, in 0he in1ini0e ocean o1 ligh0, 4i0h cen0re e3ery4here and 4i0h circu21erence no4here, 0here arises a 1ull9orbed sphere o1 li3ing ligh0, a L$.$S, and 0he sur1ace o1 0ha0 sphere is His 4ill 0o li2i0 Hi2sel1 0ha0 He 2ay beco2e 2ani1es0, His 3eil ) This is 0he Sel19li2i0ing po4er o1 0he L$.$S, His #DyD, 0he li2i0ing principle by 4hich all 1or2s are brough0 1or0h5 His Li1e appears as =Spiri0,> His #DyD as =#a00er,> and 0hese are ne3er dis6oined during 2ani1es0a0ion5*in 4hich He incloses Hi2sel1 0ha0 4i0hin i0 a uni3erse 2ay 0a/e 1or25 Tha0 1or 4hich 0he sacri1ice is 2ade is no0 ye0 in e:is0ence? i0s 1u0ure being lies in 0he =0hough0> o1 0he L$.$S alone? 0o hi2 i0 o4es i0s concep0ion and 4ill o4n i0s 2ani1old li1e5 %i3ersi0y could no0 arise in 0he =par0less 'rah2an> sa3e 1or 0his 3olun0ary sacri1ice o1 %ei0y 0a/ing on Hi2sel1 1or2 in order 0o e2ana0e 2yriad 1or2s, each do4ered 4i0h a spar/ o1 His li1e and 0here1ore 4i0h 0he po4er e3ol3ing in0o His i2age5 (Page

"&&! =The pri2al sacri1ice 0ha0 causes 0he bir0h o1 beings is na2ed ac0ion )/ar2a*,> i0 is said ) Bhagavad G3t, 3iii,R5*, and 0his co2ing 1or0h in0o ac0i3i0y 1ro2 0he bliss o1 per1ec0 repose o1 sel19e:is0ence has e3er been recognised as 0he sacri1ice o1 0he L$.$S5 Tha0 sacri1ice con0inues 0hroughou0 0he 0er2 o1 0he uni3erse, 1or 0he li1e o1 0he L$.$S is 0he sole suppor0 o1 e3ery separa0ed = li1e = and He li2i0s His li1e in each o1 0he 2yriad 1or2s 0o 4hich He gi3es bir0h, bearing all 0he res0rain0s and li2i0a0ions i2plied in each 1or25 ,ro2 any one o1 0hese He could burs0 1or0h a0 any 2o2en0, 0he in1ini0e Lord, 1illing 0he uni3erse 4i0h His glory? bu0 only by subli2e pa0ience and slo4 and gradual e:pansion can each 1or2 be led up4ard un0il i0 beco2es a sel19dependen0 cen0re o1 boundless po4er li/e Hi2sel15 There1ore does He cabin Hi2sel1 in 1or2s, and bear all i2per1ec0ion 0ill per1ec0ion is a00ained, and His crea0ure is li/e un0o Hi2sel1 and one 4i0h Hi2, bu0 4i0h i0s o4n 0hread o1 2e2ory5 Thus 0his pouring ou0 o1 His li1e in0o 1or2s is par0 o1 0he original sacri1ice, and has in i0 0he bliss o1 0he e0ernal ,a0her sending 1or0h His o11spring as separa0ed li3es, 0ha0 each 2ay e3ol3e an iden0i0y 0ha0 shall ne3er perish, and yield i0s o4n no0e blended 4i0h all o0hers 0o s4ell 0he e0ernal song o1 bliss, in0elligence and li1e5 This 2ar/s 0he essen0ial na0ure o1 sacri1ice5 +ha0e3er o0her ele2en0s 2ay beco2e 2i:ed 4i0h 0he cen0ral idea? i0 is 0he 3olun0ary pouring ou0 o1 li1e 0ha0 o0hers 2ay par0a/e o1 i0, 0o bring o0hers in0o li1e and 0o (Page "&'! sus0ain 0he2 in i0 0ill 0hey beco2e sel19 dependen0, and 0his is bu0 one e:pression o1 di3ine 6oy5 There is al4ays 6oy in 0he e:ercise o1 ac0i3i0y 4hich is 0he e:pression o1 0he po4er o1 0he ac0or? 0he bird 0a/es 6oy in 0he ou0pouring o1 song, and ;ui3ers 4i0h 0he 2ere rap0ure o1 singing? 0he pain0er re6oices in 0he crea0ion o1 his genius, in 0he pu00ing in0o 1or2 o1 his idea? 0he essen0ial ac0i3i0y o1 0he di3ine li1e 2us0 lie in gi3ing, 1or

0here is no0hing higher 0han i0sel1 1ro2 4hich i0 can recei3e? i1 i0 is 0o be ac0i3e a0 all @ and 2ani1es0ed li1e is ac0i3e 2o0ion @ i0 2us0 pour i0sel1 ou05 Hence 0he sign o1 0he spiri0 is gi3ing, 1or spiri0 is 0he ac0i3e di3ine li1e in e3ery 1or25 'u0 0he essen0ial ac0i3i0y o1 2a00er, on 0he o0her hand, lies in recei3ing? by recei3ing li1e9i2pulses i0 is organised in0o 1or2s? by recei3ing 0he2 0hese are 2ain0ained? on 0heir 4i0hdra4al 0hey 1all 0o pieces5 All i0s ac0i3i0y is o1 0his na0ure o1 recei3ing, and only by recei3ing can i0 endure as a 1or25 There1ore i0 is al4ays grasping, clinging, see/ing 0o hold 1or i0s o4n? 0he persis0ence o1 0he 1or2 depends on i0s grasping and re0en0i3e po4er, and i0 4ill 0here1ore see/ 0o dra4 in0o i0sel1 all i0 can, and 4ill grudge e3ery 1rac0ion 4i0h 4hich i0 par0s5 I0s 6oy 4ill be in seiBing and holding? 0o i0 gi3ing is li/e cour0ing dea0h5 I0 is 3ery easy 1ro2 0his s0andpoin0, 0o see ho4 0he no0ion arose 0ha0 sacri1ice 4as su11ering5 +hile 0he di3ine li1e 1ound i0s deligh0 in e:ercising i0s ac0i3i0y o1 gi3ing, and e3en 4hen e2bodied in 1or2 cared no0 i1 0he 1or2 perished by 0he gi3ing, (Page "&(! /no4ing i0 0o be only i0s passing e:pression and 0he 2eans o1 i0s separa0ed gro40h? 0he 1or2 4hich 1el0 i0s li1e91orces pouring a4ay 1ro2 i0 cried ou0 in anguish, and sough0 0o e:ercise i0s ac0i3i0y in holding, 0hus resis0ing 0he ou04ard 1lo45 The sacri1ice di2inished 0he li1e9energies 0he 1or2 clai2ed as i0s o4n? or e3en en0irely drained 0he2 a4ay, lea3ing 0he 1or2 0o perish5 In 0he lo4er 4orld o1 1or2 0his 4as 0he only aspec0 o1 sacri1ice cognisable, and 0he 1or2 1ound i0sel1 dri3en 0o slaugh0er, and cried ou0 in 1ear and agony5 +ha0 4onder 0ha0 2en, blinded by 1or2, iden0i1ied sacri1ice 4i0h 0he agonising 1or2 ins0ead o1 4i0h 0he 1ree li1e 0ha0 ga3e i0sel1, crying gladly F>LoW I co2e 0o do 0hy 4ill, $ .od? I a2 con0en0 0o do i05> +ha0 4onder 0ha0 2en @ conscious o1 a higher and a lo4er na0ure, and o10

iden0i1ying 0heir sel19consciousness 2ore 4i0h 0he lo4er 0han 4i0h 0he higher @ 1el0 0he s0ruggle o1 0he lo4er na0ure, 0he 1or2, as 0heir o4n s0ruggles, and 1el0 0ha0 they 4ere accep0ing su11ering in resigna0ion 0o a higher 4ill, and regarded sacri1ice as 0ha0 de3ou0 and resigned accep0ance o1 pain5 No0 un0il 2an iden0i1ies hi2sel1 4i0h 0he li1e ins0ead o1 4i0h 0he 1or2 can 0he ele2en0 o1 pain in sacri1ice be go00en rid o15 In a per1ec0ly har2onised en0i0y, pain canno0 be, 1or 0he 1or2 is 0hen 0he per1ec0 3ehicle o1 0he li1e, recei3ing or surrendering 4i0h ready accord5 +i0h 0he ceasing o1 s0ruggle co2es 0he ceasing o1 pain5 ,or su11ering arises 1ro2 6ar, 1ro2 1ric0ion, 1ro2 an0agonis0ic 2o3e2en0s, and 4here 0he 4hole na0ure 4or/s in per1ec0 har2ony (Page "')! 0he condi0ions 0ha0 gi3e rise 0o su11ering are no0 presen05 The la4 o1 sacri1ice being 0hus 0he la4 o1 li1e 9 e3olu0ion in 0he uni3erse, 4e 1ind e3ery s0ep in 0he ladder is acco2plished by sacri1ice @ 0he li1e pouring i0sel1 ou0 0o 0a/e bir0h in a higher 1or2, 4hile 0he 1or2 0ha0 con0ained i0 perishes5 Those 4ho loo/ only a0 0he perishing 1or2s see Na0ure as a 3as0 charnel house? 4hile 0hose 4ho see 0he dea0hless soul escaping 0o 0a/e ne4 and higher 1or2 hear e3er 0he 6oyous song o1 bir0h 1ro2 0he up4ard springing li1e5 The #onad in 0he 2ineral /ingdo2 e3ol3es by 0he brea/ing up o1 i0s 1or2s 1or 0he produc0ion and suppor0 o1 plan0s5 #inerals are disin0egra0ed 0ha0 plan09 1or2s 2ay be buil0 ou0 o1 0heir 2a0erials? 0he plan0 dra4s 1ro2 0he soil i0s nu0ri0i3e cons0i0uen0s, brea/s 0he2 up, and incorpora0es 0he2 in0o i0s o4n subs0ance5 The 2ineral 1or2s perish 0ha0 0he plan0 1or2s 2ay gro4, and 0his la4 o1 sacri1ice s0a2ped on 0he 2ineral /ingdo2 is 0he la4 o1 e3olu0ion o1 li1e and 1or25 The li1e passes on4ard and 0he #onad e3ol3es 0o produce 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2, 0he perishing o1 0he lo4er 1or2 being 0he condi0ion 1or 0he appearing and 0he suppor0 o1 0he higher5

The s0ory is repea0ed in 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2, 1or i0s 1or2s in 0urn are sacri1iced in order 0ha0 ani2al 1or2s 2ay be produced and 2ay gro4? on e3ery side grasses, grains, 0rees perish 1or 0he sus0enance o1 ani2al bodies? 0heir 0issues are disin0egra0ed 0ha0 0he 2a0erials co2prising 0he2 2ay be assi2ila0ed by (Page "' ! 0he ani2al and build up i0s body5 Again 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice is s0a2ped on 0he 4orld, 0his 0i2e on 0he 3ege0able /ingdo2? i0s li1e e3ol3es 4hile i0s 1or2s perish? 0he #onad e3ol3es 0o produce 0he ani2al /ingdo2, and 0he 3ege0able is o11ered up 0ha0 0he ani2al 1or2s 2ay be brough0 1or0h and 2ain0ained5 So 1ar 0he idea o1 pain has scarcely connec0ed i0sel1 4i0h 0ha0 o1 sacri1ice, 1or, as 4e ha3e seen in 0he course o1 our s0udies, 0he as0ral bodies o1 plan0s are no0 su11icien0ly organised 0o gi3e rise 0o any acu0e sensa0ions ei0her o1 pleasure or o1 pain5 'u0 as 4e consider 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice in i0s 4or/ing in 0he ani2al /ingdo2, 4e canno0 a3oid 0he recogni0ion o1 0he pain 0here in3ol3ed in 0he brea/ing up o1 1or2s5 I0 is 0rue 0ha0 0he a2oun0 o1 pain caused by 0he preying o1 one ani2al upon ano0her in =0he s0a0e o1 na0ure = is co2para0i3ely 0ri3ial in each case, bu0 s0ill so2e pain occurs5 I0 is also 0rue 0ha0 2an, in 0he par0 he has played in helping 0o e3ol3e ani2als, has 2uch aggra3a0ed 0he a2oun0 o1 pain, and has s0reng0hened ins0ead o1 di2inishing 0he preda0ory ins0inc0s o1 carni3orous ani2als? s0ill, he did no0 i2plan0 0hose ins0inc0s, 0hough he 0oo/ ad3an0age o1 0he2 1or his o4n purposes, and innu2erable 3arie0ies o1 ani2als, 4i0h 0he e3olu0ion o1 4hich 2an has had direc0ly no0hing 0o do, prey upon each o0her, 0he 1or2s being sacri1iced 0o 0he suppor0 o1 o0her 1or2s, as in 0he 2ineral and 3ege0able /ingdo2s5 The s0ruggle 1or e:is0ence 4en0 on long be1ore 2an appeared on 0he scene, and accelera0ed 0he e3olu0ion ali/e o1 li1e and o1 1or2s, 4hile 0he pains

(Page "'"! acco2panying 0he des0ruc0ion o1 1or2s began 0he long 0as/ o1 i2pressing on 0he e3ol3ing #onad 0he 0ransi0ory na0ure o1 all 1or2s, and 0he di11erence be04een 0he 1or2s 0ha0 perished and 0he li1e 0ha0 persis0ed 5 The lo4er na0ure o1 2an 4as e3ol3ed under 0he sa2e la4 o1 sacri1ice as ruled in 0he lo4er /ingdo2s5 'u0 0he ou0pouring o1 di3ine Li1e 4hich ga3e 0he hu2an #onad ca2e a change in 0he 4ay in 4hich 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice 4or/ed as 0he la4 o1 li1e5 In 2an 4as 0o be de3eloped 0he 4ill, 0he sel192o3ing, sel19 ini0ia0ed energy, and 0he co2pulsion 4hich 1orced 0he lo4er /ingdo2s along 0he pa0h o1 e3olu0ion could no0 0here1ore be e2ployed in his case, 4i0hou0 paralysing 0he gro40h o1 0his ne4 and essen0ial po4er5 No 2ineral, no plan0, no ani2al 4as as/ed 0o accep0 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice as a 3olun0arily chosen la4 o1 li1e5 I0 4as i2posed upon 0he2 1ro2 4i0hou0, and i0 1orced 0heir gro40h by a necessi0y 1ro2 4hich 0hey could no0 escape5 #an 4as 0o ha3e 0he 1reedo2 o1 choice necessary 1or 0he gro40h o1 a discri2ina0i3e and sel19conscious in0elligence, and 0he ;ues0ion arose F =Ho4 can 0his crea0ure be le10 1ree 0o choose, and ye0 learn 0o choose 0o 1ollo4 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice, 4hile ye0 he is a sensi0i3e organis2, shrin/ing 1ro2 pain, and pain is ine3i0able in 0he brea/ing up o1 sen0ien0 1or2sL> %oub0less eons o1 e:perience, s0udied by a crea0ure beco2ing e3er 2ore in0elligen0, 2igh0 ha3e 1inally led 2an 0o disco3er 0ha0 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice is 0he 1unda2en0al la4 o1 li1e? bu0 in 0his, as in so 2uch else, he 4as no0 le10 0o his o4n unassis0ed e11or0s5 (Page "'#! %i3ine Teachers 4ere 0here a0 0he side o1 2an in his in1ancy, and 0hey au0hori0a0i3ely proclai2ed 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice, and incorpora0ed i0 in a 2os0 ele2en0ary 1or2 in 0he religions by 4hich They 0rained 0he da4ning in0elligence o1 2an5

I0 4ould ha3e been useless 0o ha3e suddenly de2anded 1ro2 0hese child9souls 0ha0 0hey should surrender 4i0hou0 re0urn 4ha0 see2ed 0o 0he2 0o be 0he 2os0 desirable ob6ec0s, 0he ob6ec0s on 0he possession o1 4hich 0heir li1e in 1or2 depended5 They 2us0 be led along a pa0h 4hich 4ould lead gradually 0o 0he heigh0s o1 3olun0ary sel19sacri1ice5 To 0his end 0hey 4ere 1irs0 0augh0 0ha0 0hey 4ere no0 isola0ed uni0s, bu0 4ere par0s o1 a larger 4hole, and 0ha0 0heir li3es 4ere lin/ed 0o o0her li3es bo0h abo3e and belo4 0he25 Their physical li3es 4ere suppor0ed by lo4er li3es, by 0he ear0h? by plan0s, 0hey consu2ed 0hese, and in 0hus doing 0hey con0rac0ed a deb0 4hich 0hey 4ere bound 0o pay, Li3ing on 0he sacri1iced li3es o1 o0hers, 0hey 2us0 sacri1ice in 0urn so2e0hing 4hich should suppor0 o0her li3es, 0hey 2us0 nourish e3en as 0hey 4ere nourished, 0a/ing 0he 1rui0s produced by 0he ac0i3i0y o1 0he as0ral en0i0ies 0ha0 guide physical Na0ure, 0hey 2us0 recrui0 0he e:pended 1orces by sui0able o11erings5 Hence ha3e arisen all 0he sacri1ices 0o 0hese 1orces @ as science calls 0he2 @ 0o 0hese in0elligences guiding physical order, as religions ha3e al4ays 0augh05 As 1ire ;uic/ly disin0egra0ed 0he dense physical, i0 ;uic/ly res0ored 0he e0heric par0icles o1 0he burn0 o11erings 0o 0he e0hers? 0hus 0he as0ral par0icles 4ere easily (Page "'4! se0 1ree 0o be assi2ila0ed by 0he as0ral en0i0ies concerned 4i0h 0he 1er0ili0y o1 0he ear0h and 0he gro40h o1 plan0s5 Thus 0he 4heel o1 produc0ion 4as /ep0 0urning, and 2an learned 0ha0 he 4as cons0an0ly incurring deb0s 0o Na0ure 4hich he 2us0 as cons0an0ly discharge5 Thus 0he sense o1 obliga0ion 4as i2plan0ed and nur0ured in his 2ind, and 0he du0y 0ha0 he o4ed 0o 0he 4hole, 0o 0he nourishing 2o0her Na0ure, beca2e i2pressed on his 0hough05 I0 is 0rue 0ha0 0his sense o1 obliga0ion 4as closely connec0ed 4i0h 0he idea 0ha0 i0s discharge 4as necessary 1or his o4n 4el1are, and 0ha0

0he 4ish 0o con0inue 0o prosper 2o3ed hi2 0o 0he pay2en0 o1 his deb05 He 4as bu0 a child9soul, learning his 1irs0 lessons, and 0his lesson o1 0he in0erdependence o1 li3es, o1 0he li1e o1 each depending on 0he sacri1ice o1 o0hers, 4as o1 3i0al i2por0ance 0o his gro40h5 No0 ye0 could he 1eel 0he di3ine 6oy o1 gi3ing? 0he reluc0ance o1 0he 1or2 0o surrender augh0 0ha0 nourished i0 had 1irs0 0o be o3erco2e, and sacri1ice beca2e iden0i1ied 4i0h 0his surrender o1 so2e0hing 3alued, a surrender 2ade 1ro2 a sense o1 obliga0ion and 0he desire 0o con0inue prosperous5 The ne:0 lesson re2o3ed 0he re4ard o1 sacri1ice 0o a region beyond 0he physical 4orld5 ,irs0, by a sacri1ice o1 2a0erial goods, 2a0erial 4el1are 4as 0o be secured5 Then 0he sacri1ice o1 2a0erial goods 4as 0o bring en6oy2en0 in hea3en, on 0he o0her side o1 dea0h5 The re4ard o1 0he sacri1icer 4as o1 a higher /ind, and he learned 0ha0 0he rela0i3ely per2anen0 2igh0 be secured by 0he sacri1ice o1 0he (Page "'$! rela0i3ely 0ransien0 @ a lesson 0ha0 4as i2por0an0 as leading 0o discri2ina0i3e /no4ledge5The clinging o1 0he 1or2 0o physical ob6ec0s 4as e:changed 1or a clinging 0o hea3enly 6oys5 In all e:o0eric religions 4e 1ind 0his educa0i3e process resor0ed 0o by 0he +ise $nes @ 0oo 4ise 0o e:pec0 child9souls 0he 3ir0ue o1 unre4arded herois2, and con0en0, 4i0h a subli2e pa0ience, 0o coa: 0heir 4ay4ard charges slo4ly along a pa0h4ay 0ha0 4as a 0horny and a s0ony one 0o 0he lo4er na0ure5 .radually 2en 4ere induced 0o sub6uga0e 0he body, 0o o3erco2e i0s slo0h by 0he regular daily per1or2ance o1 religious ri0es, o10en burdenso2e in 0heir na0ure, and 0o regula0e i0s ac0i3i0ies by direc0ing 0he2 in0o use1ul channels? 0hey 4ere 0rained 0o con;uer 0he 1or2 and 0o hold i0 in sub6ec0ion 0o 0he li1e, and 0o accus0o2 0he body 0o yield i0sel1 0o 4or/s o1 goodness and chari0y in obedience 0o 0he de2ands o1 0he 2ind, e3en 4hile 0ha0 2ind 4as chie1ly s0i2ula0ed by a desire 0o en6oy re4ard in hea3en5

+e can see a2ong 0he Hindus, 0he Persians, 0he Chinese, ho4 2en 4ere 0augh0 0o recognise 0heir 2ani1old obliga0ions? 0o 2a/e 0he body yield du0i1ul sacri1ice o1 obedience and re3erence 0o ances0ors, 0o paren0s, 0o elders? 0o bes0o4 chari0y 4i0h cour0esy? and 0o sho4 /indness 0o all5 Slo4ly 2en 4ere helped 0o e3ol3e bo0h herois2 and sel19sacri1ice 0o a high degree, as 4i0ness 0he 2ar0yrs 4ho 6oy1ully 1lung 0heir bodies 0o 0or0ure and dea0h ra0her 0han deny 0heir 1ai0h or be 1alse 0o 0heir creed5 They loo/ed indeed 1or a =cro4n o1 glory> in hea3en as a reco2pense 1or 0he (Page "'%! sacri1ice o1 0he physical 1or2, bu0 i0 4as 2uch 0o ha3e o3erco2e 0he clinging 0o 0he physical 1or2, and 0o ha3e 2ade 0he in3isible 4orld so real 0ha0 i0 ou04eighed 0he 3isible5 The ne:0 s0ep 4as achie3ed 4hen 0he sense o1 du0y 4as de1ini0ely es0ablished? 4hen 0he sacri1ice o1 0he lo4er 0o 0he higher 4as seen 0o be =righ0,> apar0 1ro2 all ;ues0ion o1 a re4ard 0o be recei3ed in ano0her 4orld? 4hen 0he obliga0ion o4ed by 0he par0 0o 0he 4hole 4as recognised, and 0he yielding o1 ser3ice by 0he 1or2 0ha0 e:is0ed by 0he ser3ice o1 o0hers 4as 1el0 0o be 6us0ly due 4i0hou0 any clai2 0o 4ages being es0ablished 0hereby5 Then 2an began 0o percei3e 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice as 0he la4 o1 li1e, and 3olun0arily 0o associa0e hi2sel1 4i0h i0? and he began 0o learn 0o dis6oin hi2sel1 in idea 1ro2 0he 1or2 he d4el0 in and 0o iden0i1y hi2sel1 4i0h 0he e3ol3ing li1e5 This gradually led hi2 0o 1eel a cer0ain indi11erence 0o all 0he ac0i3i0ies o1 1or2, sa3e as 0hey consis0ed in =du0ies 0ha0 ough0 0o be done,> and 0o regard all o1 0he2 as 2ere channels 1or 0he li1e9 ac0i3i0ies 0ha0 4ere due 0o 0he 4orld, and no0 as ac0i3i0ies per1or2ed by hi2 4i0h any desire 1or 0heir resul0s5 Thus he reached 0he poin0 already no0ed, 4hen /ar2a a00rac0ing hi2 0o 0he 0hree 4orlds ceased 0o be genera0ed, and he 0urned 0he 4heel o1 e:is0ence

because i0 ough0 0o be 0urned, and no0 because i0s re3olu0ion brough0 any desirable ob6ec0 0o hi2sel15 The 1ull recogni0ion o1 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice, ho4e3er, li10s 2an beyond 0he 2en0al plane @ (Page "'&! 4hereon du0y is recognised as du0y, as =4ha0 ough0 0o be done because i0 is o4ed> @ 0o 0ha0 higher plane o1 'uddhi 4here all sel3es are 1el0 as one, and 4here all ac0i3i0ies are poured ou0 1or 0he use o1 all, and no0 1or 0he gain o1 a separa0ed sel15 $nly on 0ha0 plane is 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice 1el0 as a 6oy1ul pri3ilege, ins0ead o1 only recognised in0ellec0ually as 0rue and 6us05 $n 0he buddhic plane 2an clearly sees 0ha0 li1e is one, 0ha0 i0 s0rea2s ou0 perpe0ually as 0he 1ree ou0pouring o1 0he lo3e o1 0he L$.$S, 0ha0 li1e holding i0sel1 separa0e is a poor and a 2ean 0hing a0 bes0, and an ungra0e1ul one 0o boo05 There 0he 4hole hear0 rushes up4ards 0o 0he L$.$S in one s0rong surge o1 lo3e and 4orship, and gi3es i0sel1 in 6oy1ulles0 sel19surrender 0o be a channel o1 His li1e and lo3e 0o 0he 4orld5 To be a carrier o1 His ligh0, a 2essenger o1 His co2passion, a 4or/er in His real2 @ 0ha0 appears as 0he only li1e 4or0h li3ing? 0o has0en e3olu0ion, 0o ser3e 0he .ood La4, 0o li10 par0 o1 0he hea3y burden o1 0he 4orld @ 0ha0 see2s 0o be 0he 3ery gladness o1 0he Lord Hi2sel15 ,ro2 0his plane only can a 2an ac0 as one o1 0he Sa3iours o1 0he 4orld, because on i0 he is one 4i0h 0he sel3es o1 all5 Iden0i1ied 4i0h hu2ani0y 4here i0 is one, his s0reng0h, his lo3e, his li1e can 1lo4 do4n4ards in0o any or in0o e3ery separa0ed sel15 He has beco2e a spiri0ual 1orce, and 0he a3ailable spiri0ual energy o1 0he 4orld9sys0e2 is increased by pouring in0o i0 o1 his li1e5 The 1orces he used 0o e:pend on 0he physical , as0ral, and 2en0al planes, see/ing 0hings 1or his separa0ed sel1, are no4 all ga0hered (Page "''! up in one ac0 o1 sacri1ice, and, 0rans2u0ed 0hereby in0o spiri0ual energy, 0hey pour do4n upon 0he 4orld as spiri0ual li1e5

This 0rans2u0a0ion is 4rough0 by 0he 2o0i3e 4hich de0er2ines 0he plane on 4hich 0he energy is se0 1ree5 I1 a 2an<s 2o0i3e be 0he gain o1 physical ob6ec0s, 0he energy libera0ed 4or/s only on 0he physical plane? i1 he desire as0ral ob6ec0s, he libera0es energy on 0he as0ral plane? i1 he see/ 2en0al 6oys, his energy 1unc0ions on 0he 2en0al plane? bu0 i1 he sacri1ice hi2sel1 0o be a channel o1 0he L$.$S, he libera0es energy on 0he spiri0ual plane, and i0 4or/s e3ery4here 4i0h 0he po0ency and /eenness o1 a spiri0ual 1orce5 ,or such a 2an, ac0ion and inac0ion are 0he sa2e? 1or he does e3ery0hing 4hile doing no0hing, he does no0hing 4hile doing e3ery0hing5 ,or hi2, high and lo4, grea0 and s2all are 0he sa2e? he 1ills any place 0ha0 needs 1illing, and 0he L$.$S is ali/e in e3ery place and in e3ery ac0ion5 He can 1lo4 in0o any 1or2, he can 4or/ along any line, he /no4s no0 any longer choice or di11erence? his li1e by sacri1ice has been 2ade one 4i0h 0he li1e o1 0he L$.$S @ he sees .od in e3ery0hing and e3ery0hing in .od5 Ho4 0hen can place or 1or2 2a/e 0o hi2 any di11erenceL He no longer iden0i1ies hi2sel1 4i0h 1or2, bu0 is sel19conscious Li1e5 =Ha3ing no0hing, he possesse0h all 0hings = as/ing 1or no0hing, e3ery0hing 1lo4s in0o hi25 His li1e is bliss, 1or he is one 4i0h his Lord, 4ho is 'ea0i0ude? and, using 1or2 1or ser3ice 4i0hou0 a00ach2en0 0o i0, =he has pu0 and end 0o pain5> Those 4ho grasp so2e0hing o1 0he 4onder1ul (Page "'(! possibili0ies 4hich open ou0 be1ore us as 4e 3olun0arily associa0e oursel3es 4i0h 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice 4ill 4ish 0o begin 0ha0 3olun0ary associa0ion long ere 0hey can rise 0o 0he heigh0s 6us0 di2ly s/e0ched5 Li/e o0her deep spiri0ual 0ru0hs, i0 is e2inen0ly prac0ical in i0s applica0ion 0o daily li1e, and none 4ho 1eel i0s beau0y need 0o hesi0a0e 0o begin 0o 4or/ 4i0h i05 +hen a 2an resol3es 0o begin 0he prac0ice o1 sacri1ice, he 4ill 0rain hi2sel1 0o open e3ery day 4i0h

an ac0 o1 sacri1ice, 0he o11ering o1 hi2sel1, ere 0he day<s 4or/ begins, 0o Hi2 0o 4ho2 he gi3es his li1e? his 1irs0 4a/ing 0hough0 4ill be 0his dedica0ion o1 all his po4er 0o his Lord5 Then each 0hough0, each 4ord, each ac0ion in daily li1e 4ill be done as a sacri1ice @ no0 1or i0s 1rui0, no0 e3en as du0y, bu0 as 0he 4ay in 4hich, a0 0he 2o2en0, his Lord can be ser3ed5 All 0ha0 co2es 4ill be accep0ed as 0he e:pression o1 His 4ill? 6oys, 0roubles, an:ie0ies, successes, 1ailures, all 0o hi2 are 4elco2e as 2ar/ing ou0 his pa0h o1 ser3ice? he 4ill 0a/e each happily as i0 co2es and o11er i0 as a sacri1ice? he 4ill loose each happily as i0 goes, since i0s going sho4s 0ha0 his Lord has no longer need 1or i05 Any po4ers he has he gladly uses 1or ser3ice? 4hen 0hey 1ail hi2, he 0a/es 0heir 1ailure 4i0h happy e;uani2i0y? since 0hey are no longer a3ailable he canno0 gi3e 0he25 E3en su11ering 0ha0 springs 1ro2 pas0 causes no0 ye0 e:haus0ed can be changed in0o a 3olun0ary sacri1ice by 4elco2ing i0? 0a/ing possession o1 i0 by 4illing i0, a 2an 2ay o11er i0 as a gi10, changing i0 by 0his 2o0i3e in0o a spiri0ual 1orce5 E3ery hu2an li1e (Page "()! o11ers coun0less oppor0uni0ies 1or 0his prac0ice o1 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice, and e3ery hu2an li1e beco2es a po4er as 0hese oppor0uni0ies are seiBed and u0ilised5 +i0hou0 any e:pansion o1 his 4a/ing consciousness, a 2an 2ay 0hus beco2e a 4or/er on 0he spiri0ual planes, libera0ing energy 0here 4hich pours do4n in0o 0he lo4er 4orlds5 His sel19surrender here in 0he lo4er consciousness, i2prisoned as i0 is in 0he body, calls ou0 responsi3e 0hrills o1 li1e 1ro2 0he buddhic aspec0 o1 0he #onad 4hich is his 0rue Sel1, and has0ens 0he 0i2e 4hen 0ha0 #onad shall beco2e 0he spiri0ual Ego, sel192o3ed and ruling all his 3ehicles, using each o1 0he2 a0 4ill as needed 1or 0he 4or/ 0ha0 is 0o be done5

In no 4ay can progress be 2ade so rapidly, and 0he 2ani1es0a0ion o1 all 0he po4ers la0en0 in 0he #onad be brough0 abou0 so ;uic/ly, as by 0he unders0anding and 0he prac0ice o1 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice5 There1ore i0 4as called by a #as0er, =The La4 o1 e3olu0ion 1or 2an5> I0 has indeed pro1ounder and 2ore 2ys0ic aspec0s 0han any 0ouched on here, bu0 0hese 4ill un3eil 0he2sel3es 4i0hou0 4ords 0o 0he pa0ien0 and lo3ing hear0 4hose li1e is all a sacri1icial o11ering5 There are 0hings 0ha0 are heard only in 0he s0illness? 0here are 0eachings 0ha0 can be u00ered only by =The &oice o1 0he Silence5> A2ong 0hese are 0he deeper 0ru0hs roo0ed in 0he la4 o1 sacri1ice5 (Page "( ! CHAPTER -ANES ASCENT So s0upendous is 0he ascen0 up 4hich so2e 2en ha3e cli2bed, and so2e are cli2bing, 0ha0 4hen 4e scan i0 by an e11or0 o1 0he i2agina0ion 4e are ap0 0o recoil, 4earied in 0hough0 by 0he 2ere idea o1 0ha0 long 6ourney5 ,ro2 0he e2bryonic soul o1 0he lo4es0 sa3age 0o 0he libera0ed and 0riu2phan0 per1ec0ed spiri0ual soul o1 0he di3ine 2an @ i0 see2s scarcely credible 0ha0 0he one can con0ain in i0 all 0ha0 is e:pressed in 0he o0her, and 0ha0 0he di11erence is bu0 a di11erence in e3olu0ion, 0ha0 one is only a0 0he beginning and 0he o0her a0 0he end o1 2an<s ascen05 'elo4 0he one s0re0ch 0he long ran/s o1 0he sub9hu2an @ 0he ani2als, 3ege0ables, 2inerals, ele2en0al essences? abo3e 0he o0her s0re0ch 0he in1ini0e grada0ions o1 0he superhu2an @ 0he Chohans, #anus, 'uddhas, 'uilders, Lipi/as? 4ho 2ay na2e or nu2ber 0he hos0s o1 0he 2igh0y $nesL Loo/ed a0 0hus, as a s0age in a ye0 3as0er li1e, 0he 2any s0eps 4i0hin 0he hu2an /ingdo2 shrin/ in0o a narro4er co2pass, and 2an<s ascen0 is seen as co2prising bu0 one grade in e3olu0ion in 0he lin/ed li3es 0ha0 s0re0ch 1ro2 0he ele2en0al essence on4ards 0o 0he 2ani1es0ed .od5 DI

+e ha3e 0raced 2an<s ascen0 1ro2 0he appearance (Page "("! o1 0he e2bryonic soul 0o 0he s0a0e o1 0he spiri0ually ad3anced, 0hrough 0he s0ages o1 e3ol3ing consciousness 1ro2 0he li1e o1 sensa0ion 0o 0he li1e o1 0hough05 +e ha3e seen hi2 re0read 0he cycle o1 bir0h and dea0h in 0he 0hree 4orlds, each 4orld yielding hi2 i0s har3es0 and o11ering hi2 oppor0uni0ies 1or progress5 +e are no4 in a posi0ion 0o 1ollo4 hi2 in0o 0he 1inal s0ages o1 his hu2an e3olu0ion, s0ages 0ha0 lie in 0he 1u0ure 1or 0he 3as0 bul/ o1 our hu2ani0y, bu0 0ha0 ha3e already been 0rodden by i0s eldes0 children, and 0ha0 re being 0rodden by a slender nu2ber o1 2en and 4o2en in our o4n day5 These s0ages ha3e been classi1ied under 04o headings @ 0he 1irs0 are spo/en o1 as cons0i0u0ing =0he proba0ionary Pa0h,> 4hile 0he la0er ones are included in =0he Pa0h proper> or = 0he Pa0h o1 discipleship5> +e 4ill 0a/e 0he2 in 0heir na0ural order5 As a 2an<s in0ellec0ual, 2oral, and spiri0ual na0ure de3elops, he beco2es 2ore and 2ore conscious o1 0he purpose o1 hu2an li1e, and 2ore and 2ore eager 0o acco2plish 0ha0 purpose in his o4n person5 epea0ed longings 1or ear0hly 6oys, 1ollo4ed by 1ull possession and by subse;uen0 4eariness, ha3e gradually 0augh0 hi2 0he 0ransien0 and unsa0is1ac0ory na0ure o1 ear0h<s bes0 gi10s? so o10en has he s0ri3en 1or, gained, e2ployed, been sa0ia0ed, and 1inally nausea0ed, 0ha0 he 0urns a4ay discon0en0ed 1ro2 all 0ha0 ear0h can o11er5 =+ha0 do0h i0 pro1i0L> sighs 0he 4earied soulF =All is 3ani0y and 3e:a0ion5 Hundreds, yea, 0housands o1 0i2es ha3e I possessed, and 1inally ha3e 1ound disappoin02en0 e3en in possession5> (Page "(#! =These 6oys are illusions, as bubbles on a s0rea2, 1airy9coloured, rainbo49hued, bu0 burs0ing a0 a 0ouch5 I a2 a0hirs0 1or reali0ies? I ha3e had enough o1 shado4s? I pan0 1or 0he e0ernal and 0he 0rue, 1or

1reedo2 1ro2 0he li2i0a0ions 0ha0 he2 2e in, 0ha0 /eep 2e prisoner a2id 0hese changing sho4s5> This 1irs0 cry o1 0he soul 1or libera0ion is 0he resul0 o1 0he realisa0ion 0ha0, 4ere 0his ear0h all 0ha0 poe0s ha3e drea2ed i0, 4ere e3ery e3il s4ep0 a4ay, e3ery sorro4 pu0 an end 0o , e3ery 6oy in0ensi1ied, e3ery beau0y enhanced, 4ere e3ery0hing raised 0o i0s poin0 o1 per1ec0ion, he 4ould s0ill be a4eary o1 i0, 4ould 0urn 1ro2 i0 3oid o1 desire5 I0 has beco2e 0o hi2 a prison, and, le0 i0 be decora0ed as i0 2ay, he pan0s 1or 0he 1ree and li2i0less air beyond i0s inclosing 4alls5 Nor is hea3en 2ore a00rac0i3e 0o hi2 0han ear0h? o1 0ha0 0oo he is a4eary? i0s 6oys ha3e los0 0heir a00rac0i3eness, e3en i0s in0ellec0ual and e2o0ional deligh0s no longer sa0is1y5 They also =co2e and go, i2per2anen0> li/e 0he con0ac0s o1 0he senses? 0hey are li2i0ed, 0ransien0, unsa0is1ying5 He is 0ired o1 0he changing? 1ro2 3ery 4eariness he cries ou0 1or liber0y5 So2e0i2es 0his realisa0ion o1 0he 4or0hlessness o1 ear0h and hea3en is a0 1irs0 bu0 a 1lash in consciousness, and 0he e:0ernal 4orlds reasser0 0heir e2pire and 0he gla2our o1 0heir illusi3e 6oys again laps 0he soul in0o con0en05 So2e li3es e3en 2ay pass, 1ull o1 noble 4or/ and unsel1ish achie3e2en0, o1 pure 0hough0s and lo10y deeds, ere 0his realisa0ion o1 0he e2p0iness o1 all 0ha0 is pheno2enal beco2es 0he (Page "(4! per2anen0 a00i0ude o1 0he soul5 'u0 sooner or la0er 0he soul once and 1or e3er brea/s 4i0h ear0h and hea3en as inco2pe0en0 0o sa0is1y his needs, and 0his de1ini0e 0urning a4ay 1ro2 0he 0ransi0ory, 0his de1ini0e 4ill 0o reach 0he e0ernal, is 0he ga0e4ay 0o 0he proba0ionary Pa0h5 The soul s0eps o11 0he high4ay o1 e3olu0ion 0o breas0 0he s0eeper cli2b up 0he 2oun0ain side, resolu0e 0o escape 1ro2 0he bondage o1 ear0hly and hea3enly li3es, and 0o reach 0he 1reedo2 o1 0he upper air5

The 4or/ 4hich has 0o be acco2plished by 0he 2an 4ho en0ers on 0he proba0ionary Pa0h is en0irely 2en0al and 2oral? he has 0o bring hi2sel1 up 0o 0he poin0 a0 4hich he 4ill 1i0 0o =2ee0 his #as0er 1ace 0o 1ace> F bu0 he 3ery 4ords =his #as0er> need e:plana0ion5 There are cer0ain grea0 'eings belonging 0o our race 4ho ha3e co2ple0ed Their hu2an e3olu0ion, and 0o 4ho2 allusion has already been 2ade as cons0i0u0ing a 'ro0herhood, and as guiding and 1or4arding 0he de3elop2en0 o1 0he race5 These .rea0 $nes, 0he #as0ers, 3olun0arily incarna0e in hu2an bodies on order 0o 1or2 0he connec0ing lin/ be04een hu2an and superhu2an beings, and They per2i0 0hose 4ho 1ul1il cer0ain condi0ions 0o beco2e Their disciples, 4i0h 0he ob6ec0 o1 has0ening 0heir e3olu0ion and 0hus ;uali1ying 0he2sel3es 0o en0er 0he grea0 'ro0herhood, and 0o assis0 in i0s glorious and bene1icen0 4or/ 1or 2an5 The #as0ers e3er 4a0ch 0he race, and 2ar/ any 4ho by 0he prac0ice o1 3ir0ue, by unsel1ish labour 1or hu2an good, by in0ellec0ual e11or0 0urned 0o 0he (Page "($! ser3ice o1 2an, by sincere de3o0ion, pie0y, and puri0y, dra4 ahead o1 0he 2ass o1 0heir 1ello4s, and render 0he2sel3es capable o1 recei3ing spiri0ual assis0ance beyond 0ha0 shed do4n on 2an/ind as a 4hole5 I1 an indi3idual is 0o recei3e special help he 2us0 sho4 special recep0i3i0y5 ,or 0he #as0ers are 0he dis0ribu0ors o1 0he spiri0ual energies 0ha0 help on hu2an e3olu0ion, and 0he use o1 0hese 1or 0he s4i10er gro40h o1 a single soul is only per2i00ed 4hen 0ha0 soul sho4s a capaci0y 1or rapid progress and can 0hus be ;uic/ly 1i00ed 0o beco2e a helper o1 0he race, re0urning 0o i0 0he aid 0ha0 had been a11orded 0o hi2sel15 +hen a 2an, by his o4n e11or0s, u0ilising 0o 0he 1ull all 0he general help co2ing 0o hi2 0hrough religion and philosophy, has s0ruggled on4ards 0o 0he 1ron0 o1 0he ad3ancing hu2an 4a3e and 4hen he sho4s a lo3ing, sel1less, help1ul na0ure, 0hen he

beco2es a special ob6ec0 o1 a00en0ion 0o 0he 4a0ch1ul .uardians o1 0he race, and oppor0uni0ies are pu0 in his 4ay 0o 0es0 his s0reng0h and call 1or0h his in0ui0ion5In propor0ion as he success1ully uses 0hese, he is ye0 1ur0her helped, and gli2pses are a11orded 0o hi2 o1 0he 0rue li1e, un0il 0he unsa0is1ac0ory and unreal na0ure o1 2undane e:is0ence presses 2ore and 2ore on 0he soul, 4i0h 0he resul0 already 2en0ioned @ 0he 4eariness 4hich 2a/es hi2 long 1or 1reedo2 and brings hi2 0o 0he ga0e4ay o1 0he proba0ionary Pa0h5 His en0rance on his Pa0h places hi2 in 0he posi0ion o1 a disciple or chelA, on proba0ion, and so2e one #as0er 0a/es hi2 under His care, recognising (Page "(%! hi2 as a 2an 4ho has s0epped ou0 o1 0he high4ay o1 e3olu0ion, and see/s 0he Teacher 4ho shall guide his s0eps along 0he s0eep and narro4 pa0h 4hich leads 0o libera0ion5 Tha0 Teacher is a4ai0ing hi2 a0 0he 3ery en0rance o1 0he Pa0h, and e3en 0hough 0he neophy0e /no4s no0 his Teacher, his Teacher /no4s hi2, sees his e11or0s, direc0s his s0eps, leads hi2 in0o 0he condi0ions 0ha0 bes0 subser3e his progress, 4a0ching o3er hi2 4i0h 0he 0ender solici0ude o1 a 2o0her, and 4i0h 0he 4isdo2 born o1 per1ec0 insigh05 The road 2ay see2 lonely and dar/, and 0he young disciple 2ay 1ancy hi2sel1 deser0ed, bu0 a =1riend 4ho s0ic/e0h closer 0han a bro0her> is e3er a0 hand, and 0he help 4i0hheld 1ro2 0he senses is gi3en 0o 0he soul5 There are 1our de1ini0e =;uali1ica0ions> 0ha0 0he proba0ionary chelAD 2us0 se0 hi2sel1 0o ac;uire, 0ha0 are by 0he 4isdo2 o1 0he grea0 'ro0herhood laid do4n as 0he condi0ions o1 1ull discipleship5 They are no0 as/ed 1or in per1ec0ion, bu0 0hey 2us0 be s0ri3en 1or and par0ially possessed ere Ini0ia0ion is per2i00ed5The 1irs0 o1 0hese is 0he discri2ina0ion be04een 0he real and 0he unreal 4hich has been already da4ning on 0he 2ind o1 0he pupil, and 4hich dre4 hi2 0o 0he Pa0h on 4hich he is no4 en0ered? 0he dis0inc0ions gro4s clear and sharply

de1ined in his 2ind, and gradually 1rees hi2 0o a grea0 e:0en0 1ro2 0he 1e00ers 4hich bind hi2, 1or 0he second ;uali1ica0ion, indi11erence 0o e:0ernal 0hings, co2es na0urally in 0he 4a/e o1 discri2ina0ion, 1ro2 0he clear percep0ion o1 0heir 4or0hlessness5 (Page "(&! He learns 0ha0 0he 4eariness 4hich 0oo/ all 0he sa3our ou0 o1 li1e 4as due 0o 0he disappoin02en0s cons0an0ly arising 1ro2 his search 1or sa0is1ac0ion in 0he unreal, 4hen only 0he real can con0en0 0he soul? 0ha0 all 1or2s are unreal and 4i0hou0 s0abili0y, changing e3er under 0he i2pulses o1 li1e, and 0ha0 no0hing is real bu0 0he one Li1e 0ha0 4e see/ 1or and lo3e unconsciously under i0s 2any 3eils5 This discri2ina0ion is 2uch s0i2ula0ed by 0he rapidly changing circu2s0ances in0o 4hich a disciple is generally 0hro4n, 4i0h 0he 3ie4 o1 pressing on hi2 s0rongly 0he ins0abili0y o1 all e:0ernal 0hings5 The li3es o1 a disciple are generally li3es o1 s0or2 and s0ress, in order 0ha0 0he ;uali0ies 4hich are nor2ally e3ol3ed in a long succession o1 li3es in 0he 0hree 4orlds 2ay in hi2 be 1orced in0o s4i10 gro40h and ;uic/ly brough0 0o per1ec0ion5 As he al0erna0es rapidly 1ro2 6oy 0o sorro4, 1ro2 peace 0o s0or2, 1ro2 res0 0o 0oil, he learns 0o see in 0he changes 0he unreal 1or2s, and 0o 1eel 0hrough all a s0eady unchanging li1e5 He gro4s indi11eren0 0o 0he presence or 0he absence or 0he absence o1 0hings 0ha0 0hus co2e and go, and 2ore and 2ore he 1i:es his gaBe on 0he changeless reali0y 0ha0 is e3er presen05 +hile he is 0hus gaining in insigh0 and s0abili0y he 4or/s also a0 0he de3elop2en0 o1 0he 0hird ;uali1ica0ion @ 0he si: 2en0al a00ribu0es 0ha0 are de2anded 1ro2 hi2 ere he 2ay en0er on 0he Pa0h i0sel15 He need no0 possess 0he2 all per1ec0ly, bu0 he 2us0 ha3e 0he2 all par0ially presen0 a0 leas0 ere he 4ill be per2i00ed 0o pass on4ard5

,irs0 he 2us0 (Page "('! gain con0rol o3er his 0hough0s, 0he progeny o1 0he res0less, unruly 2ind, hard 0o curb as 0he 4ind5 ) Bhagavad Git, 3i5 RV*5 S0eady, daily prac0ice in 2edi0a0ion, in concen0ra0ion, had begun 0o reduce 0his 2en0al rebel 0o order ere he en0ered on 0he proba0ionary Pa0h, and 0he disciple no4 4or/s 4i0h concen0ra0ed energy 0o co2ple0e 0he 0as/, /no4ing 0ha0 0he grea0 increase in 0hough0 po4er 0ha0 4ill acco2pany his rapid gro40h 4ill pro3e a danger bo0h 0o o0hers and 0o hi2sel1 unless 0he de3eloping 1orce be 0horoughly under his con0rol5 'e00er gi3e a child dyna2i0e as a play0hing, 0han place 0he crea0i3e po4ers o1 0hough0 in 0he hands o1 0he sel1ish and a2bi0ious5 Secondly, 0he young chela 2us0 add ou04ard sel19con0rol 0o inner, and 2us0 rule his speech and his ac0ions as rigidly as he rules his 0hough0s5 As 0he 2ind obeys 0he soul, so 2us0 0he lo4er na0ure obey 0he 2ind5 The use1ulness o1 0he disciple in 0he ou0er 4orld depends as 2uch on 0he pure and noble e:a2ple se0 by his 3isible li1e, as his use1ulness in 0he inner 4orld depends on 0he s0eadiness and s0reng0h o1 his 0hough0s5 $10en is a good 4or/ 2arred by carelessness in 0his lo4er par0 o1 hu2an ac0i3i0y, and 0he aspiran0 is bidden s0ri3e 0o4ards an ideal per1ec0 in e3ery par0, in order 0ha0 he 2ay no0 la0er, 4hen 0reading 0he Pa0h, s0u2ble in his o4n 4al/ and cause 0he ene2y 0o blasphe2e5 As already said, per1ec0ion in any0hing is no0 de2anded a0 0his s0age, bu0 0he 4ise pupil s0ri3es 0o4ards per1ec0ion, /no4ing 0ha0 a0 his bes0 he is (Page "((! s0ill 1ar a4ay 1ro2 his ideal5 Thirdly, 0he candida0e 1or 1ull discipleship see/s 0o build in0o hi2sel1 0he subli2e and 1ar9reaching 3ir0ue o1 0olerance @ 0he ;uie0 accep0ance o1 each 2an, each 1or2 o1 e:is0ence, as i0 is, 4i0hou0 de2and 0ha0 i0 should be so2e0hing o0her shaped 2ore 0o his o4n li/ing5 'eginning 0o realise 0ha0 0he one Li1e 0a/es on

coun0less li2i0a0ions, each righ0 in i0s o4n place and 0i2es, he accep0s each li2i0ed e:pression o1 0ha0 Li1e 4i0hou0 4ishing 0o 0rans1or2 i0 in0o so2e0hing else? he learns 0o re3ere 0he 4isdo2 4hich planned 0his 4orld and 4hich guides i0, and 0o 3ie4 4i0h 4ide9eyed sereni0y 0he i2per1ec0 par0s as 0hey slo4ly 4or/ ou0 0heir par0ial li3es5 The drun/ard, learning his alphabe0 o1 0he su11ering caused by 0he do2inance o1 0he lo4er na0ure, is doing as use1ully in his o4n s0age as is 0he sain0 in his, co2ple0ing his las0 lesson in ear0h<s school, and no 2ore can 6us0ly be de2anded 1ro2 ei0her 0han he is able 0o per1or25 $ne is in 0he /indergar0en s0age, learning by ob6ec09lessons, 4hile 0he o0her is gradua0ing, ready 0o lea3e his uni3ersi0y? bo0h are righ0 1or 0heir age and 0heir place, and should be helped and sy2pa0hised 4i0h in their place. This is one o1 0he lessons o1 4ha0 is /no4n in occul0is2 as =0olerance5> ,our0hly 2us0 be de3eloped endurance, 0he endurance 0ha0 cheer1ully bears all and resen0s no0hing, going s0raigh0 on4ards uns4er3ingly 0o 0he goal5 No0hing can co2e 0o hi2 bu0 by 0he La4, and he /no4s 0he La4 is good5 He unders0ands 0ha0 0he roc/y pa0h4ay 0ha0 leads up 0he 2oun0ain9side s0raigh0 0o 0he su22i0 (Page #))! canno0 be as easy 0o his 1ee0 as 0he 4ell9bea0en 4inding high4ay5 He realises 0ha0 he is paying in a 1e4 shor0 li3es all 0he /ar2ic obliga0ions accu2ula0ed during his pas0, and 0ha0 0he pay2en0s 2us0 be correspondingly hea3y5 The 3ery s0ruggle in0o 4hich he is plunged de3elop in hi2 0he 1i10h a00ribu0e, 1ai0h @ 1ai0h in his #as0er and in hi2sel1, a serene s0rong con1idence 0ha0 is unsha/eable5 He learns 0o 0rus0 in 0he 4isdo2, 0he lo3e, 0he po4er o1 his #as0er, and he is beginning 0o realise @ no0 only 0o say he belie3es in @ 0he %i3ini0y 4i0hin his o4n hear0, able 0o subdue all 0hings 0o Hi2sel15 The las0 2en0al re;uisi0e, balance, e;uilibriu2,

gro4s up 0o so2e e:0en0 4i0hou0 conscious e11or0 during 0he s0ri3ing a10er 0he preceding 1i3e5 The 3ery se00ing o1 0he 4ill 0o 0read 0he Pa0h is a sign 0ha0 0he higher na0ure is opening ou0, and 0ha0 0he e:0ernal 4orld is de1ini0ely relega0ed 0o a lo4er place5 The con0inuous e11or0s 0o lead 0he li1e o1 discipleship disen0angle 0he soul 1ro2 any re2aining 0ies 0ha0 2ay /ni0 i0 0o 0he 4orld o1 sense, 1or 0he 4i0hdra4al o1 0he soul<s a00en0ion 1ro2 lo4er ob6ec0s gradually e:haus0s 0he a00rac0i3e po4er o1 0hose ob6ec0s5 They =0urn a4ay 1ro2 an abs0e2ious d4eller in 0he body,> ) 'haga3ad .i0A, ii, H95* and soon lose all po4er 0o dis0urb 0his balance5 Thus he learns 0o 2o3e a2id 0he2 undis0urbed, nei0her see/ing nor re6ec0ing any5 He also learns 0o balance a2id 2en0al 0roubles o1 e3ery /ind, a2id al0erna0ions o1 2en0al 6oy and 2en0al pain, 0his balance being 1ur0her 0augh0 by (Page #) ! 0he s4i10 changes already spo/en o1 0hrough 4hich his li1e is guided by 0he e3er94a0ch1ul care o1 his #as0er5 These si: 2en0al a00ribu0es being in so2e 2easure a00ained, 0he proba0ionary chelAD needs 1ur0her bu0 0he 1our0h ;uali1ica0ion, 0he deep in0ense longing 1or libera0ion, 0ha0 yearning o1 0he soul 0o4ards union 4i0h dei0y 0ha0 is 0he pro2ise o1 i0s o4n 1ul1ill2en05 This adds 0he las0 0ouch 0o his readiness 0o en0er in0o 1ull discipleship, 1or, once 0ha0 longing has de1ini0ely asser0ed i0sel1, i0 can ne3er again be eradica0ed, and 0he soul 0ha0 has 1el0 i0 can ne3er again ;uench his 0hirs0 a0 ear0hly 1oun0ains? 0heir 4a0ers 4ill e3er 0as0e 1la0 and 3apid 4hen he sips 0he2, so 0ha0 he 4ill 0urn a4ay 4i0h e3er9deepening longing 1or 0he 0rue 4a0er o1 li1e5 A0 0his s0age he is =0he 2an ready 1or Ini0ia0ion,> ready 0o de1ini0ely =en0er 0he s0rea2> 0ha0 cu0s hi2 o11 1ore3er 1ro2 0he in0eres0s o1 ear0hly li1e sa3e as he can ser3e his #as0er in 0he2 and help 1or4ard 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he race5 Hence1or0h his li1e is no0 0o be 0he li1e o1 separa0eness? i0 is 0o be o11ered up

on 0he al0ar o1 hu2ani0y, a glad sacri1ice o1 all he is, 0o be used 1or 0he co22on good5

The st5dent 7i66 :e g6ad to ha?e the technica6 names o8 th SANS+RIT (5sed :9 Hind5s!









SAN 4 -0-0+SHA

The man is then the A/HI+ARI %uring 0he years spen0 in e3ol3ing 0he 1our ;uali1ica0ions, 0he proba0ionary chelAD 4ill ha3e been ad3ancing in 2any o0her respec0s5 He 4ill ha3e been recei3ing 1ro2 his #as0er 2uch 0eaching, 0eaching usually i2par0ed during 0he deep sleep o1 0he body? 0he soul, clad in 0he 4ell9organised as0ral body, 4ill (Page #)"! ha3e beco2e used 0o i0 as a 3ehicle o1 consciousness, and 4ill ha3e been dra4n 0o his #as0er @ 0o recei3e ins0ruc0ion and spiri0ual illu2ina0ion5 He 4ill 1ur0her ha3e been 0rained in 2edi0a0ion, and 0his e11ec0i3e prac0ice ou0side 0he physical body 4ill ha3e ;uic/ened and brough0 in0o ac0i3e e:ercise 2any o1 0he higher po4ers? during such 2edi0a0ion he 4ill ha3e reached higher regions o1 being, learning 2ore o1 0he li1e o1 0he 2en0al plane5 He 4ill ha3e been 0augh0 0o use his increasing po4ers in hu2an ser3ice, and during 2any o1 0he hours o1 sleep 1or 0he body he 4ill ha3e been 4or/ing diligen0ly on 0he as0ral plane, aiding 0he souls 0ha0 ha3e passed on 0o i0 by dea0h, co21or0ing 0he 3ic0i2s o1 acciden0s, 0eaching any less ins0ruc0ed 0han hi2sel1, and in coun0less 4ays helping 0hose 4ho needed i0, 0hus in (Page #)#! hu2ble 1ashion aiding 0he bene1icen0 4or/ o1 0he #as0ers, and being associa0ed 4i0h Their subli2e 'ro0herhood as a co9labourer in a ho4e3er 2odes0 and lo4ly degree5 Ei0her on 0he proba0ionary Pa0h or la0er, 0he chelAD is o11ered 0he pri3ilege o1 per1or2ing one o1 0hose ac0s o1 renuncia0ion 4hich 2ar/ 0he s4i10er ascen0 o1 2an5 He is allo4ed =0o renounce %e3achan,> 0ha0 is, 0o resign 0he glorious li1e in 0he hea3enly places

0ha0 a4ai0s hi2 on his libera0ion 1ro2 0he physical 4orld, 0he li1e 4hich in his case 4ould 2os0ly be spen0 in 0he 2iddle arTpa 4orld in 0he co2pany o1 0he #as0ers, and in all 0he subli2e 6oys o1 0he pures0 4isdo2 and lo3e5 I1 he renounce 0his 1rui0 o1 his noble and de3o0ed li1e, 0he spiri0ual 1orces 0ha0 4ould ha3e been e:pended in his %e3achan are se0 1ree 1or 0he general ser3ice o1 0he 4orld, and he hi2sel1 re2ains in 0he as0ral region 0o a4ai0 a speedy rebir0h upon ear0h5 His #as0er in 0his case selec0s and presides o3er his reincarna0ion, guiding hi2 0o 0a/e bir0h a2id condi0ions conduci3e 0o his use1ulness in 0he 4orld, sui0able 1or his 1ur0her progress and 1or 0he 4or/ re;uired a0 his hands5 He has reached 0he s0age a0 4hich e3ery indi3idual in0eres0 is subordina0ed 0o 0he di3ine 4or/, and in 4hich his 4ill is 1i:ed 0o ser3e in 4ha0e3er 4ay 2ay be re;uired o1 hi25 He 0here1ore, gladly surrenders hi2sel1 in0o 0he hands he 0rus0s, accep0ing 4illingly and 6oy1ully 0he place in 0he 4orld in 4hich he can bes0 render ser3ice, and per1or2 his share o1 0he glorious 4or/ (Page #)4! o1 aiding 0he e3olu0ion o1 hu2ani0y5 'lessed is 0he 1a2ily in0o 4hich a child is born 0enan0ed by such a soul, a soul 0ha0 brings 4i0h hi2 0he benedic0ion o1 0he #as0er and is e3er 4a0ched and guided, e3ery possible assis0ance being gi3en hi2 0o bring his lo4er 3ehicles ;uic/ly under con0rol5 $ccasionally, bu0 rarely a chelA 2ay reincarna0e in a body 0ha0 has passed 0hrough in1ancy and e:0re2e you0h as 0he 0abernacle o1 a less progressed Ego? 4hen an Ego co2es 0o 0he ear0h 1or a 3ery brie1 li1e9period, say 1or so2e 1i10een or 04en0y years, he 4ill be lea3ing his body a0 0he 0i2e o1 da4ning 2anhood, 4hen i0 has passed 0hrough 0he 0i2e o1 early 0raining and is rapidly beco2ing an e11ec0i3e 3ehicle 1or 0he soul5 I1 such a body be a 3ery good one, and so2e chelA be a4ai0ing a sui0able reincarna0ion, i0 4ill o10en be 4a0ched during i0s 0enancy by 0he Ego 1or

4ho2 i0 4as originally buil0, 4i0h 0he 3ie4 o1 u0ilising i0 4hen he has done 4i0h i0? 4hen 0he li1e9period o1 0ha0 Ego is co2ple0ed, and he passes ou0 o1 0he body in0o !D2alo/a on his 4ay 0o %e3achan, his cas09o11 body 4ill be 0a/en possession o1 by 0he 4ai0ing chelA , a ne4 0enan0 4ill en0er 0he deser0ed house, and 0he apparen0ly dead body 4ill re3i3e5 Such cases are unusual, bu0 are no0 un/no4n 0o occul0is0s, and so2e re1erences 0o 0he2 2ay be 1ound in occul0 boo/s5 +he0her 0he incarna0ion be nor2al or abnor2al, 0he progress o1 0he soul, o1 0he chelA hi2sel1, con0inues, and 0he period already spo/en o1 is reached 4hen he is =ready 1or Ini0ia0ion>? 0hrough 0ha0 (Page #)$! ga0e4ay o1 Ini0ia0ion he en0ers, as a de1ini0ely accep0ed chelA , on 0he Pa0h5 This Pa0h consis0s o1 1our dis0inc0 s0ages, and 0he en0rance in0o each is guarded by an Ini0ia0ion5 Each Ini0ia0ion is acco2panied by an e:pansion o1 consciousness 4hich gi3es 4ha0 is called =0he /ey 0o /no4ledge> belonging 0o 0he s0age 0o 4hich i0 ad2i0s, and 0his /ey o1 /no4ledge is also a /ey o1 po4er, 1or 0ruly is /no4ledge po4er in all 0he real2s o1 Na0ure5 +hen 0he chelA has en0ered 0he Pa0h he beco2es 4ha0 has been called =0he houseless 2an,> )The Hindus call 0his s0age 0ha0 o1 Pari3ra6a/a, 0he 4anderer? 0he 'uddhis0 calls i0 0ha0 o1 Sro0Dpa00i, he 4ho has reached 0he s0rea25 The chelA is 0hus designa0ed a10er his 1irs0 Ini0ia0ion and be1ore his second5* 1or he longer loo/s on ear0h s 0his ho2e @ he has no abiding9place here, 0o hi2 all places are 4elco2e 4herein he can ser3e his #as0er5 +hile he is on 0his s0age o1 0he Pa0h 0here are 0hree hindrances 0o progress, 0echnically called =1e00ers,> 4hich he has 0o ge0 rid o1, and no4 @ as he is rapidly 0o per1ec0 hi2sel1 @ i0 is de2anded 1ro2 hi2 0ha0 he shall en0irely eradica0e 1aul0s o1 charac0er, and per1or2 co2ple0ely 0he 0as/s belonging 0o his condi0ion5 The 0hree 1e00ers 0ha0 he 2us0 loose 1ro2 his li2bs ere

he can pass 0he second Ini0ia0ion areF 0he illusion o1 0he personal sel1, doub0, and supers0i0ion5 The personal sel1 2us0 be 1el0 in consciousness as an illusion, and 2us0 lose 1ore3er i0s po4er 0o i2pose i0sel1 on 0he soul as a reali0y5 He 2us0 1eel hi2sel1 one 4i0h all, all 2us0 li3e and brea0he in hi2 and he in all5 (Page #)%! %oub0 2us0 be des0royed, bu0 by /no4ledge, no0 by crushing ou0? he 2us0 /no4 reincarna0ion and /ar2a and 0he e:is0ence o1 0he #as0ers as 1ac0s? no0 accep0ing 0he2 as in0ellec0ually necessary, bu0 /no4ing 0he2 as 1ac0s in Na0ure 0ha0 he has hi2sel1 3eri1ied, so 0ha0 no doub0 on 0hese heads can e3er again rise in his 2ind5 Supers0i0ion is escaped as 0he 2an rises in0o a /no4ledge o1 reali0ies, and o1 0he proper place o1 ri0es and cere2onies in 0he co2pany o1 Na0ure? he learns 0o use e3ery 2eans and 0o be bound by none5 +hen 0he chelA has cas0 o11 0hese 1e00ers @ so2e0i2es 0he 0as/ occupies se3eral li3es, so2e0i2es i0 is achie3ed in par0 o1 a single li1e @ he 1inds 0he second Ini0ia0ion open 0o hi2, 4i0h i0s ne4 =/ey o1 /no4ledge> and i0s 4idened horiBon5 The chelA no4 sees be1ore hi2 a s4i10ly shor0ening span o1 co2pulsory li1e on ear0h, 1or 4hen he has reached 0his s0age he 2us0 pass 0hrough his 0hird and 1our0h Ini0ia0ions in his presen0 li1e or in 0he ne:05 )The chelA on 0he second s0age o1 0he pa0h is 1or 0he Hindu 0he !u0icha/a, 0he 2an 4ho builds a hu0? he has reached a place o1 peace5 ,or 0he 'uddhis0 he is 0he Sa/ridDgD2in, 0he 2an 4ho recei3es bir0h bu0 once 2ore5* In 0his s0age he has 0o bring in0o 1ull 4or/ing order 0he inner 1acul0ies, 0hose belonging 0o 0he sub0le bodies, 1or he needs 0he2 1or his ser3ice in 0he higher real2s o1 being5 I1 he has de3eloped 0he2 pre3iously, 0his s0age 2ay be a 3ery brie1 one, bu0 he 2ay pass 0hrough 0he ga0e4ay o1 dea0h once 2ore ere he is ready 0o recei3e his 0hird Ini0ia0ion, (Page #)&! 0o beco2e =0he S4an,> 0he indi3idual 4ho soars in0o 0he

e2pyrean, 0ha0 4ondrous 'ird o1 Li1e 4hereo1 so 2any legends are rela0ed5 ) The Hindu calls hi2 0he Para2aha2sa, beyond 0he = I =? 0he 'uddhis0 na2es hi2 0he Arha0, 0he 4or0hy5* $n 0his 0hird s0age o1 0he Pa0h 0he chelA cas0s o11 0he 1our0h and 1i10h 1e00ers, 0hose o1 desire and a3ersion? he sees 0he $ne sel1 in all, and 0he ou0er 3eil can no longer blind hi2, 4he0her i0 be 1air or 1oul5 He loo/s on all 4i0h an e;ual eye? 0ha0 1air bud o1 0olerance 0ha0 he cherished on 0he proba0ionary Pa0h no4 1lo4ers ou0 in0o an all9e2bracing lo3e 0ha0 4raps e3ery0hing 4i0hin i0s 0ender e2brace5 He is =0he 1riend o1 e3ery crea0ure,> 0he =lo3er o1 all 0ha0 li3es> in a 4orld 4here all 0hings li3e5 As a li3ing e2bodi2en0 o1 di3ine lo3e, he passes s4i10ly on4ards 0o 0he 1our0h Ini0ia0ion, 0ha0 ad2i0s hi2 0o 0he las0 s0age o1 0he Pa0h, 4here he is =beyond 0he Indi3idual,> 0he 4or0hy , 0he 3enerable5 ) The Ha2sa, he 4ho realises =I a2 THAT,> in 0he Hindu 0er2s? 0he AnDgD2in, 0he 2an 4ho recei3es bir0h no 2ore, in 0he 'uddhis05*Here he re2ains a0 his 4ill, cas0ing o11 0he las0 1ine 1e00ers 0ha0 s0ill bind hi2 4i0h 0hreads ho4e3er 1ragile, and /eep hi2 bac/ 1ro2 libera0ion5 He 0hro4s o11 all clinging 0o li1e in 1or2, and 0hen all longing 1or 1or2less li1e? 0hese are 0he chains and he 2us0 be chainless? he 2ay 2o3e 0hrough 0he 0hree 4orlds, bu0 no0 a shred o1 0heirs 2us0 ha3e po4er 0o hold hi2? 0he splendours o1 0he =1or2less 4orld> 2us0 char2 hi2 no 2ore 0han 0he concre0e glories o1 0he 4orlds o1 1or25(Page #)'! Then @ 2igh0ies0 o1 all achie3e2en0s @ he cas0s o11 0he las0 1e00er o1 separa0eness, 0he =I =e3er 2a/ing 1acul0y @)Aha2/Dra, generally gi3en as #Dna, pride, since pride is 0he sub0les0 2ani1es0a0ion on 0he =I> as dis0inc0 1ro2 o0hers5* @ 4hich realises i0sel1 as apar0 1ro2 o0hers, 1or he d4ells on 0he plane o1 uni0y in his 4a/ing consciousness, on 0he buddhic plane 4here 0he Sel1 o1 all is /no4n and realised as one5 This 1acul0y

4as born 4i0h 0he soul, is 0he essence o1 indi3iduali0y, and i0 persis0s 0ill all 0ha0 is 3aluable in i0 is 4or/ed in0o 0he #onad, and i0 can be dropped on 0he 0hreshold o1 libera0ion, lea3ing i0s priceless resul0 0o 0he #onad, 0ha0 sense o1 indi3idual iden0i0y 4hich is so pure and 1ine 0ha0 i0 does no0 2ar 0he consciousness o1 oneness5 Easily 0hen drops a4ay any0hing 0ha0 could respond 0o ru11ling con0ac0s, and 0he chelA s0ands robed in 0ha0 glorious 3es0ure o1 unchanging peace 0ha0 naugh0 can 2ar5 And 0he cas0ing a4ay o1 0ha0 sa2e =I9 2a/ing> 1acul0y has cleared a4ay 1ro2 0he spiri0ual 3ision 0he las0 clouds 0ha0 could di2 i0s piercing insigh0, and in 0he realisa0ion o1 uni0y, ignorance @ )A3idyD, 0he 1irs0 illusion and 0he las0, 0ha0 4hich 2a/es 0he separa0ed 4orlds @ 0he 1irs0 o1 0he NidDnas @ and 0ha0 4hich drops o11 4hen libera0ion is a00ained5* @ 0he li2i0a0ion 0ha0 gi3es bir0h 0o all separa0eness @ 1alls a4ay, and 0he 2an is per1ec0, is 1ree5 Then has co2e 0he ending o1 0he Pa0h, and 0he ending o1 0he Pa0h is 0he 0hreshold 0o Nir3Dna5 In0o 0ha0 2ar3ellous s0a0e o1 consciousness 0he (Page #)(! chelA has been 4on0 0o pass ou0 o1 0he body 4hile he has been 0ra3ersing 0he 1inal s0age o1 0he Pa0h? no4, 4hen he crosses 0he 0hreshold, 0he nir3Dnic consciousness beco2es his nor2al consciousness, 1or Nir3Dna is 0he ho2e o1 0he libera0ed Sel15 )The Ni3an2u/0a, 0he libera0ed li1e, o1 0he Hindu? 0he Ase/ha, he 4ho has no 2ore 0o learn, o1 0he 'uddhis05* He has co2ple0ed 2an<s ascen0, he 0ouches 0he li2i0 o1 hu2ani0y? abo3e hi2 0here s0re0ch hos0s o1 2igh0y 'eings, bu0 0hey are superhu2an? 0he cruci1i:ion in 1lesh is o3er, 0he hour o1 libera0ion has s0ruc/, and 0he 0riu2phan0 =I0 is 1inishedW> rings 1ro2 0he con;ueror<s lips5 SeeW @ he has crossed 0he 0hreshold, he has 3anished in0o 0he ligh0 nir3Dnic, ano0her son o1 ear0h has con;uered dea0h5 +ha0 2ys0eries are 3eiled by 0ha0 ligh0 supernal 4e /no4 no0? di2ly 4e 1eel 0ha0 0he Supre2e

Sel1 is 1ound, 0ha0 lo3er and 'elo3ed are one5 The long search is o3er, 0he 0hirs0 o1 0he hear0 is ;uenched 1ore3er, he has en0ered in0o 0he 6oy o1 his Lord5 'u0 has ear0h los0 her child, is hu2ani0y bere10 o1 her 0riu2phan0 sonL NayW He has co2e 1or0h 1ro2 0he boso2 o1 0he ligh0, and He s0ande0h again on 0he 0hreshold o1 Nir3Dna, Hi2sel1 see2ing 0he 3ery e2bodi2en0 o1 0ha0 ligh0, glorious beyond all 0elling, a 2ani1es0ed Son o1 .od5 'u0 no4 His 1ace is 0urned 0o ear0h, His eyes bea2 4i0h di3ines0 co2passion on 0he 4andering sons o1 2en, His bre0hren a10er 0he 1lesh? He canno0 lea3e 0he2 co21or0less, sca00ered as sheep 4i0hou0 a shepherd5 Clo0hed in 0he 2a6es0y o1 a 2igh0y renuncia0ion, glorious 4i0h 0he (Page # )! s0reng0h o1 per1ec0 4isdo2 and =po4er o1 an endless li1e,> He re0urns 0o ear0h 0o bless and guide hu2ani0y, #as0er o1 +isdo2, /ingly Teacher, di3ine #an5 e0urning 0hus 0o ear0h, 0he #as0er de3o0es Hi2sel1 0o 0he ser3ice o1 hu2ani0y 4i0h 2igh0ier 1orces a0 His co22and 0han He 4ielded 4hile He 0rod 0he Pa0h o1 discipleship? He has dedica0ed Hi2sel1 0o 0he helping o1 2an, and He bends all 0he subli2e po4ers 0ha0 He holds 0o 0he ;uic/ening o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 0he 4orld5 He pays 0o 0hose 4ho are approaching 0he Pa0h 0he deb0 He con0rac0ed in 0he days o1 His o4n chelDship, guiding, helping, 0eaching 0he2 as He 4as guided, helped, and 0augh0 be1ore5 Such are 0he s0ages o1 2an<s ascen0, 1ro2 0he lo4es0 sa3agery 0o 0he di3ine 2anhood5 To such goal is hu2ani0y cli2bing, 0o such glory shall 0he race a00ain5 (Page # ! CHAPTER B0IL/INF A COS-OS I0 is no0 possible, a0 our presen0 s0age o1 e3olu0ion, 0o do 2ore 0han roughly indica0e a 1e4 poin0s DII

in 0he 3as0 ou0line o1 0he /os2ic sche2e in 4hich our globe plays a par05 'y = a /os2os = is here 2ean0 a sys0e2 4hich see2s, 1ro2 ou0 s0andpoin0, 0o be co2ple0e in i0sel1, arising 1ro2 a single L$.$S, and sus0ained by His Li1e5 Such a sys0e2 is our solar sys0e2, and 0he physical sun 2ay be considered 0o be 0he lo4es0 2ani1es0a0ion o1 0he L$.$S 4hen ac0ing as 0he cen0re o1 His /os2os? e3ery 1or2 is indeed one o1 His concre0e 2ani1es0a0ions, bu0 0he sun is His lo4es0 2ani1es0a0ion as 0he li1e9gi3ing, in3igora0ing, all9 per3ading, all con0rolling, regula0i3e, coordina0ing, cen0ral po4er5 Says an occul0 co22en0ary F =STrya )0he sun*, in i0s 3isible re1lec0ion, e:hibi0s 0he 1irs0 or lo4es0 s0a0e o1 0he se3en0h, 0he highes0 s0a0e o1 0he (ni3ersal P ESENCE, 0he pure o1 0he pure, 0he 1irs0 2ani1es0ed 'rea0h o1 0he e3er un2ani1es0ed SAT )'e9ness*5 All 0he cen0ral physical or ob6ec0i3e Suns are in 0heir subs0ance 0he lo4es0 s0a0e o1 0he 1irs0 Principle o1 0he ' EATH, )Secre0 %oc0rine? I, RRY, Adyar Ed5*, are in shor0, 0he lo4es0 s0a0e o1 0he =Physical 'ody> o1 0he L$.$S5> All physical 1orces and energies are bu0 0rans2u0a0ions o1 0he li1e poured 1or0h by 0he sun, 0he Lord ( Page# "! and .i3er o1 li1e 0o his sys0e25 Hence in 2any ancien0 religions 0he sun s0ood as 0he sy2bol o1 0he Supre2e .od @ 0he sy2bol, in 0ru0h, 0he leas0 liable 0o 2iscons0ruc0ion by 0he ignoran05 #r5 Sinne00 4ell says F =The solar sys0e2 is indeed an area o1 Na0ure including 2ore 0han any bu0 0he 3ery highes0 beings 4ho2 our hu2ani0y is capable o1 de3eloping are in posi0ion 0o

in3es0iga0e5 Theore0ically 4e 2ay 1eel sure @ as 4e loo/ up in0o 0he hea3ens a0 nigh0 @ 0ha0 0he 4hole solar sys0e2 i0sel1 is bu0 a drop in 0he ocean o1 0he /os2os, bu0 0ha0 drop is in i0s 0urn an ocean 1ro2 0he poin0 o1 3ie4 o1 0he consciousness o1 such hal19 de3eloped beings 4i0hin i0 as oursel3es, and 4e can only hope a0 presen0 0o ac;uire 3ague and shado4y concep0ions o1 i0s origin and cons0i0u0ion5 Shado4y, ho4e3er, 0hough 0hese 2ay be, 0hey enable us 0o assign 0he subordina0e plane0ary series, in 4hich our o4n e3olu0ion is carried on, 0o i0s proper place in 0he sys0e2 o1 4hich i0 is a par0, or a0 all e3en0s 0o ge0 a broad idea o1 0he rela0i3e 2agni0ude o1 0he 4hole sys0e2, o1 our plane0ary chain, o1 0he 4orld in 4hich 4e are a0 presen0 1unc0ioning, and o1 0he respec0i3e periods o1 e3olu0ion in 4hich as hu2an beings 4e are in0eres0ed5 = ,or in 0ru0h 4e canno0 grasp our o4n posi0ion in0ellec0ually 4i0hou0 so2e idea @ ho4e3er 3ague i0 2ay be @ o1 our rela0ion 0o 0he 4hole? and 4hile so2e s0uden0 are con0en0 0o 4or/ 4i0hin 0heir o4n sphere o1 du0y and 0o lea3e 0he 4ider reaches o1 li1e un0il 0hey are called 0o 1unc0ion in 0he2, o0hers 1eel 0he need o1 a 1ar9reaching sche2e in 4hich 0hey ha3e 0heir place, and 0a/e an in0ellec0ual deligh0 in soaring up4ards 0o ob0ain a bird<s9eye 3ie4 o1 0he 4hole 1ield o1 e3olu0ion5 This need has been (Page # #! recognised and 2e0 by 0he spiri0ual .uardians o1 hu2ani0y in 0he 2agni1icen0 delinea0ion o1 0he /os2os 1ro2 0he s0andpoin0 o1 0he occul0is0 0raced by 0heir pupil and 2essenger, H5P5'la3a0s/y, in *he Secret &octrine, a 4or/ 0ha0 4ill beco2e e3er 2ore and 2ore enligh0ening as s0uden0s o1 0he Ancien0 +isdo2 0he2sel3es e:plore and 2as0er 0he lo4er le3els o1 our e3ol3ing 4orld5

The appearance o1 0he L$.$S, 4e are 0old, is 0he herald o1 0he bir0h9hour o1 our /os2os5 =+hen He is 2ani1es0, all is 2ani1es0ed a10er Hi2? by His 2ani1es0a0ion 0his All beco2es 2ani1es05> )#unda/opanishad, II, ii, 1Y*5 +i0h Hi2sel1 He brings 0he 1rui0s o1 a pas0 /os2os @ 0he 2igh0y spiri0ual In0elligences 4ho are 0o be His co9 4or/ers and agen0s in 0he uni3erse no4 0o be buil05 Highes0 o1 0hese are =0he Se3en,> o10en The2sel3es spo/en o1 as Logoi, since each in His place is 0he cen0re o1 a dis0inc0 depar02en0 in 0he /os2os, as 0he L$.$S is 0he cen0re o1 0he 4hole5 The co22en0ary be1ore ;uo0ed saysF The se3en 'eings in 0he Sun are 0he Se3en Holy $nes, Sel19born 1ro2 0he inheren0 po4er in 0he 2a0ri: o1 #o0her9 subs0ance XThe energy 1ro2 4hich 0hey sprang in0o conscious e:is0ence in e3ery Sun is 4ha0 so2e people call &ishnu, 4hich is 0he 'rea0h o1 0he Absolu0eness5 +e call i0 0he one 2ani1es0ed Li1e @ i0sel1 a re1lec0ion o1 0he Absolu0e5 )Secre0 %oc0rine, I , RR1, Adyar ed5* This =one 2ani1es0ed Li1e> is 0he L$.$S, 0he 2ani1es0ed .od5 (Page # 4! ,ro2 0his pri2ary di3ision our /os2os 0a/es i0s se3en1old charac0er, and all subse;uen0 di3isions in 0heir descending order reproduce 0his se3en9/eyed scale5 (nder each o1 0he se3en secondary Logoi co2e 0he descending hierarchies o1 In0elligences 0ha0 1or2 0he go3erning body o1 His /ingdo2 5 A2ong These 4e hear o1 0he Lipi/a, 4ho are 0he ecorders o1 0he /ar2a o1 0ha0 /ingdo2 and o1 all en0i0ies 0herein? o1 0he #ahDrD6as or %e3arD6as, 4ho superin0end 0he 4or/ing ou0 o1 /ar2ic la4? and o1 0he 3as0 hos0s o1 0he 'uilders, 4ho shape and 1ashion all

1or2s a10er 0he Ideas 0ha0 d4ell in 0he 0reasure9house o1 0he L$.$S, in 0he (ni3ersal #ind, and 0ha0 pass 1ro2 Hi2 0o 0he Se3en, each o1 4ho2 plans ou0 His o4n real2 under 0ha0 supre2e direc0ion and all9inspiring li1e, gi3ing 0o i0, a0 0he sa2e 0i2e, His o4n indi3idual colouring5 H5 P5 'la3a0s/y calls 0hese Se3en eal2s 0ha0 2a/e up 0he solar sys0e2s 0he se3en Laya cen0res? she says F The se3en Laya cen0res are 0he se3en Oero poin0s, using 0he 0er2 Oero in 0he sa2e sense 0ha0 che2is0s do, 0o indica0e a poin0 a0 4hich, in Eso0ericis2, 0he scale o1 rec/oning o1 di11eren0ia0ion begins5 ,ro2 0he Cen0res @ beyond 4hich Eso0eric philosophy allo4s us 0o percei3e 0he di2 2e0aphysical ou0lines o1 0he =Se3en Sons> o1 Li1e and Ligh0, 0he se3en Logoi o1 0he Her2e0ic and all o0her philosophies @ begins 0he di11eren0ia0ion o1 0he ele2en0s 4hich en0er in0o 0he cons0i0u0ion o1 our Solar Sys0e25 )Secre0 %oc0rine, I , 19H, Adyar Ed5* This real2 is a plane0ary e3olu0ion o1 a s0upendous charac0er, 0he 1ield in 4hich are li3ed ou0 0he s0ages o1 li1e o1 4hich a physical plane0, such as &enus, is bu0 a 0ranscien0 e2bodi2en05 +e 2ay spea/ o1 0he E3ol3er and uler o1 0his real2 as a plane0ary (Page # $! Logos, so as 0o a3oid con1usion5 He dra4s 1ro2 0he 2a00er o1 0he solar sys0e2, ou0poured 1ro2 0he cen0ral L$.$S Hi2sel1, 0he crude 2a0erials He re;uires, and elabora0es 0he2 by His o4n li1e9energies, each plane0ary Logos 0hus specialising 0he 2a00er o1 His real2 1ro2 a co22on s0oc/5 )See in chap0er I, on =The Physical Plane> 0he s0a0e2en0 on 0he e3olu0ion o1 2a00er5* The a0o2ic s0a0e in each o1 0he se3en planes o1 His /ingdo2 being iden0ical 4i0h 0he 2a00er o1 a sub9plane o1 0he 4hole solar sys0e2, con0inui0y is 0hus es0ablished 0hroughou0 0he 4hole5 As H5 P5

'la3a0s/y re2ar/s, a0o2s change =0heir co2bining e;ui3alen0s on e3ery plane0,> 0he a0o2s 0he2sel3es being iden0ical, bu0 0heir co2bina0ions di11ering5 She goes on F 9 =No0 alone 0he ele2en0s o1 our plane0, bu0 e3en 0hose o1 all i0s sis0ers in 0he solar sys0e2, di11er as 4idely 1ro2 each o0her in 0heir co2bina0ions, as 1ro2 0he cos2ic ele2en0s beyond our solar li2i0sX Each a0o2 has se3en planes o1 being, or e:is0ence, 4e are 0augh05 ) Secre0 %oc0rine, &olu2e1, pages 1SS and18V, o1 0he 179R edi0ion or &olu2e 1, 199, page IYH, o1 0he Adyar edi0ion5* The sub9planes, as 4e ha3e been calling 0he2, o1 each grea0 plane5 $n 0he 0hree lo4er planes o1 His e3ol3ing real2 0he plane0ary Logos es0ablishes se3en globes or 4orlds, 4hich 1or con3enience< sa/e, 1ollo4ing 0he recei3ed no2encla0ure, 4e 4ill call globes A,',C,%,E,,,.5 These are 0he Se3en s2all 4heels re3ol3ing, one gi3ing bir0h 0o 0he o0her spo/en o1 in S0anBa 3i, o1 0he 'oo/ o1 %ByanF He builds 0he2 in 0he li/eness o1 0he older 4heels, placing 0he2 on 0he i2perishable cen0res5 )Secre0 %oc0rine, &olu2e 1, page SV, o1 0he 179R edi0ion or &olu2e 1, page IV9, o1 0he Adyar edi0ion5* (Page # %! I2perishable, since each 4heel no0 only gi3es bir0h 0o i0s successor, bu0 is also i0sel1 reincarna0ed a0 0he sa2e cen0re, as 4e shall see5 These globes 2ay be 1igured as disposed in 0hree pairs on 0he arc o1 an ellipse, 4i0h 0he 2iddle globe a0 0he 2id92os0 and lo4es0 poin0? 1or 0he 2os0 par0 globes A and . @ 0he 1irs0 and se3en0h @ are on 0he ArTpa le3els o1 0he 2en0al plane? globes ' and , @ 0he second and

si:0h @ are on 0he rEpa le3els? globes C and E @ 0he 0hird and 1i10h @ are on 0he as0ral plane? globe % @ 0he 1our0h @ is on 0he physical plane5 These globes are spo/en o1 by H5 P5 'la3a0s/y as =gradua0ed on 0he 1our lo4er planes o1 0he 4orld o1 1or2a0ion,>) Secre0 %oc0rine, &olu2e 1, page II1, o1 0he179R edi0ion or &olu2e 1, page IV9, o1 0he Adyar edi0ion9 0he no0e is i2por0an0, 0ha0 0he arche0ypal 4orld is no0 0he 4orld as i0 e:is0ed in 0he 2ind o1 0he plane0ary Logos, bu0 0he 1irs0 2odel 4hich 4as 2ade5* i.e. 0he physical and as0ral planes, and 0he 04o subdi3isions o1 0he 2en0al )rEpa and arEpa*5 They 2ay be 1igured F 9 as

(Page # &! This is 0he 0ypical arrange2en0, bu0 i0 is 2odi1ied a0 cer0ain s0ages o1 e3olu0ion5 These se3en globes 1or2 a plane0ary ring or chain, and @ i1 1or a 2o2en0 4e regard 0he plane0ary chain as a whole, as, so 0o say, an en0i0y, a plane0ary li1e or indi3idual @ 0ha0 chain passes 0hrough 0he se3en globes as a 4hole 1or2 i0s plane0ary body, and 0his plane0ary body disin0egra0es and is re1or2ed se3en 0i2es during 0he plane0ary li1e5 The plane0ary chain has se3en incarna0ions, and 0he resul0s ob0ained in one are handed on 0o 0he ne:05 Every such chain of worlds is the progeny and creation

of another lower and dead chain 4 its reincarnation so to say. )Secre0 %oc0rine, &olu2e 1, page 18S, o1 0he 179R Edi0ion or &olu2e 1, page IY8, o1 0he Adyar Edi0ion5* These se3en incarna0ions )0echnically called =2an3an0aras>* 2a/e up =0he plane0ary e3olu0ion,> 0he real2 o1 0he plane0ary Logos5 As 0here are se3en plane0ary Logoi, i0 4ill be seen 0ha0 se3en o1 0hese plane0ary e3olu0ions, each dis0inc0 1ro2 0he o0hers, 2a/e up 0he solar sys0e25 )#r5 Sinne00 calls 0hese =se3en sche2es o1 e3olu0ion>*5 In an occul0 co22en0ary 0his co2ing 1or0h o1 0he se3en Logoi 1ro2 0he one, and o1 0he se3en successi3e chains o1 se3en globes each, is describedF 5rom one light seven lights6 from each of the seven seven times seven. ) Secre0 %oc0rine, &olu2e1, page 1V8, o1 0he 179R Edi0ion or &olu2e 1, page 17Y, o1 0he Adyar edi0ion5* Ta/ing up 0he incarna0ions o1 0he chain, 0he (Page # '! 2an3an0aras, 4e learn 0ha0 0hese also are sub9di3isible in0o se3en s0ages? a 4a3e o1 li1e 1ro2 0he plane0ary Logos is sen0 round 0he chain, and se3en o1 0hese grea0 li1e94a3es, each one 0echnically spo/en o1 as =a round,> co2ple0e a single 2an3an0ara5 Each globe has 0hus se3en periods o1 ac0i3i0y during a 2an3an0ara, each in 0urn beco2ing 0he 1ield o1 0he e3ol3ing li1e5 Loo/ing a0 a single globe 4e 1ind 0ha0 during 0he period o1 i0s ac0i3i0y se3en roo09races o1 a hu2ani0y e3ol3e on i0, 0oge0her 4i0h si: o0her non9hu2an /ingdo2s in0erdependen0 on each o0her5 As 0hese se3en /ingdo2s con0ain 1or2s a0 all s0ages o1 e3olu0ion, as all ha3e higher reaches s0re0ching be1ore 0he2, 0he e3ol3ing 1or2s o1 one globe pass 0o ano0her 0o carry on 0heir gro40h 4hen 0he period o1 ac0i3i0y o1 0he 1or2er globe co2es 0o an end, and go on 9 1ro2 globe 0o globe 0o 0he end o1 0ha0 round? 0hey 1ur0her

pursue 0heir course round a10er round 0o 0he close o1 0he se3en rounds or 2an3an0ara a10er 2an3an0ara 0ill 0he end o1 reincarna0ions o1 0heir plane0ary chain is reached, 4hen 0he resul0s o1 0ha0 plane0ary e3olu0ion are ga0hered up by 0he plane0ary Logos5 Needless 0o say 0ha0 scarcely any0hing o1 0his e3olu0ion is /no4n 0o us? only 0he salien0 poin0s in 0he s0upendous 4hole ha3e been indica0ed by 0he Teachers5 E3en 4hen 4e co2e 0o 0he plane0ary e3olu0ion in 4hich our o4n 4orld is a s0age, 4e /no4 no0hing o1 0he processes 0hrough 4hich i0s se3en globes (Page # (! e3ol3ed during i0s 1irs0 04o 2an3an0aras? and o1 i0s 0hird 2an3an0ara 4e only /no4 0ha0 0he globe 4hich is no4 our 2oon 4as globe % o1 0ha0 plane0ary chain5 This 1ac0, ho4e3er, 2ay help us 0o realise 2ore clearly 4ha0 is 2ean0 by 0hese successi3e reincarna0ions o1 a plane0ary chain5 The se3en globes 4hich 1or2ed 0he lunar chain passed in due course 0hrough 0heir se3en1old e3olu0ion? se3en 0i2es 0he li1e94a3e, 0he 'rea0h o1 0he plane0ary Logos, s4ep0 round 0he chain, ;uic/ening in 0urn each globe in0o li1e5 I0 is as 0hough 0ha0 Logos in guiding His /ingdo2 0urned His a00en0ion 1irs0 0o globe A, and 0hereon brough0 in0o successi3e e:is0ence 0he innu2erable 1or2s 0ha0 in 0heir 0o0ali0y 2a/e up a 4orld? 4hen e3olu0ion had been carried 0o a cer0ain poin0, He 0urned His a00en0ion 0o globe ', and globe A slo4ly san/ in0o a peace1ul sleep5 Thus 0he li1e 4a3e 4as carried 1ro2 globe 0o globe, un0il one round o1 0he circle 4as co2ple0ed by globe . 1inishing i0s e3olu0ion? 0hen 0here succeeded a period o1 res0, )0echnically called a pralaya*, during 4hich 0he e:0ernal e3olu0ionary ac0i3i0y ceased5 A0 0he close o1 0his period, e:0ernal e3olu0ion reco22enced, s0ar0ing on i0s second round and beginning as be1ore on globe A5 The process is repea0ed si: 0i2es, bu0 4hen 0he se3en0h, 0he las0

round, is reached, 0here is a change5 .lobe A, ha3ing acco2plished i0s se3en0h li1e9period, gradually disin0egra0es, and 0he i2perishable laya cen0re s0a0e super3enes? 1ro2 0ha0, a0 0he da4n o1 0he succeeding 2an3an0ara a ne4 globe A (Page #")! is e3ol3ed @ li/e a ne4 body @ in 4hich 0he =principles> o1 0he preceding plane0 A 0a/e up 0heir abode5 This phrase is only in0ended 0o con3ey 0he idea o1 a rela0ion be04een globe A o1 0he 1irs0 2an3an0ara and globe A o1 0he second, 0he na0ure o1 0ha0 connec0ion re2ains hidden5 $1 0he connec0ion be04een globe % o1 0he lunar 2an3an0ara @ our 2oon @ and globe % o1 0he 0errene 2an3an0ara @ our ear0h @ 4e /no4 li00le 2ore, and #r5 Sinne00 has gi3en a con3enien0 su22ary o1 0he slender /no4ledge 4e possess in *he system to which we 'elong5 He saysF9 The ne4 ear0h nebula 4as de3eloped round a cen0re bearing pre00y 2uch 0he sa2e rela0ion 0o 0he dying plane0 0ha0 0he cen0res o1 0he ear0h and 2oon bear 0o one ano0her a0 presen05 'u0 in 0he nebulous condi0ion 0his aggrega0ion o1 2a00er occupied an enor2ously grea0er 3olu2e 0han 0he solid 2a00er o1 0he ear0h no4 occupies5 I0 s0re0ched ou0 in all direc0ions so as 0o include 0he old plane0 in i0s 1iery e2brace5 The 0e2pera0ure o1 0he ne4 nebula appears 0o be considerable higher 0han any 0e2pera0ures 4e are ac;uain0ed 4i0h, and by 0his 2eans 0he old plane0 4as super1icially hea0ed a1resh in such a 2anner 0ha0 all a02osphere, 4a0er, and 3ola0ilisable 2a00er upon i0 4as brough0 in0o 0he gaseous condi0ion and so beca2e a2enable 0o 0he ne4 cen0re o1 a00rac0ion se0 up a0 0he cen0re o1 0he ne4 nebula5

In 0his 4ay 0he air and seas o1 0he old plane0 4ere dra4n o3er in0o 0he cons0i0u0ion o1 0he ne4 one, and 0hus i0 is 0ha0 0he 2oon in i0s presen0 s0a0e is an arid, glaring 2ass, dry and cloudless, no longer habi0able, and no longer re;uired 1or 0he habi0a0ion o1 any physical beings5 +hen 0he presen0 2an3an0ara is nearly o3er, during 0he se3en0h round, i0s disin0egra0ion 4ill be co2ple0ed and 0he 2a00er 4hich i0 s0ill holds 0oge0her 4ill resol3e in0o 2e0eoric dus05 )$p 5ci05, Page 19* In 0he 0hird 3olu2e o1 The Secre0 %oc0rine, in 4hich are prin0ed so2e o1 0he oral 0eachings gi3en by H5P5'la3a0s/y 0o her 2ore ad3anced pupils, i0 is s0a0edF A0 0he beginning o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 our globe, 0he 2oon 4as 2uch nearer 0o 0he ear0h, and larger 0han i0 is no45 I0 has re0rea0ed 1ro2 us, and shrun/ 2uch in siBe5 )The 2oon ga3e all her principles 0o 0he ear0h5* A ne4 2oon 4ill appear during 0he se3en0h round, and our 2oon 4ill 1inally disin0egra0e and disappear5 )$p5 Ci05 III, HSI, 179R Ed5* E3olu0ion during 0he lunar 2an3an0ara produced se3en classes o1 beings, 0echnically called ,a0hers, or Pi0ris, since i0 4as 0hey 4ho genera0ed 0he beings o1 0he 0errene 2an3an0ara5 These are 0he Lunar Pi0ris o1 0he Secret &octrine5 #ore de3eloped 0han 0hese 4ere 04o o0her classes @ 3ariously called Solar Pi0ris, #en, Lo4er %hyDnis @ 0oo 1ar ad3anced 0o en0er on 0he 0errene e3olu0ion in i0s early s0ages, bu0 re;uiring 0he aid o1 la0er physical condi0ions 1or 0heir 1u0ure gro40h5 The higher o1 0hese 04o classes consis0ed o1 indi3idualised ani2al9li/e beings, crea0ures 4i0h

e2bryonic souls, i.e. 0hey had de3eloped 0he causal body? 0he second 4ere approaching i0s 1or2a0ion5 Lunar Pi0ris, 0he 1irs0 class, 4ere a0 0he beginning o1 0ha0 approach sho4ing 2en0ali0y, 4hile 0he second and 0hird had only de3eloped 0he /D2ic principle5 These se3en classes o1 Lunar Pi0ris 4ere 0he produc0 0he lunar chain handed on 1or 1ur0her de3elop2en0 0o 0he 0errene, 0he 1our0h reincarna0ion o1 0he plane0ary chain5 (Page #" ! As #onads @ 4i0h 0he 2en0al principle presen0 in 0he 1irs0, 0he /D2ic principle de3eloped in 0he second and 0hird classes, 0his ger2inal in 0he 1our0h, only approaching 0he ger2 s0age in 0he s0ill less de3eloped 1i10h, and i2percep0ible in 0he si:0h and se3en0h @ 0hese en0i0ies en0ered 0he ear0h9 chain, 0o ensoul 0he ele2en0al essence and 0he 1or2s shaped by 0he 'uilders5 ) H5P5'la3a0s/y, in 0he Secre0 %oc0rine, does no0 include 0hose 4ho2 #r5 Sinne00 calls 1irs0 @ and second9class Pi0ris in 0he =2onads 1ro2 0he lunar chain> F she 0a/es 0he2 apar0 as =2en,> as =%hyDn Chohans5> Co2pare &olu2e 1, pages 198, IY8 and I11 o1 0he 179R edi0ion? &olu2e 1, pages II8, IRS and IR9 o1 0he Adyar edi0ion* The no2encla0ure adop0ed by 2e is 0ha0 o1 0he Secret &octrine. In 0he 3aluable paper by #rs5 Sinne00 and #r5 Sco009Ellio0 on 0he %unar Pitris, H5P5'5<s =Lo4er %hyanis,> 0ha0 incarna0e in 0he 0hird and 1our0h rounds, are 0a/en as 0he 1irs0 and second classes o1 Lunar Pi0ris? 0heir 0hird class is 0here1ore H5P5'5<s 1irs0 class, 0heir 1our0h class her second and so on5 There is no di11erence in 0he s0a0e2en0 o1 1ac0s, only in no2encla0ure, bu0 0his di11erence o1 no2encla0ure 2ay 2islead 0he s0uden0 i1 i0 be no0 e:plained5 As I a2 using H5P5'<s no2encla0ure, 2y 1ello49s0uden0s o1 0he London Lodge and readers o1 0heir =Transac0ion> 4ill need 0o re2e2ber 0ha0 2y 1irs0 is 0heir 0hird, and so on se;uen0ially5 The ='uilders> is a na2e including innu2erable In0elligences, hierarchies o1 beings o1

gradua0ed consciousness and po4er, 4ho on each plane carry ou0 0he ac0ual building o1 1or2s5 The higher (Page #"#! direc0 and con0rol, 4hile 0he lo4er 1ashion 0he 2a0erials a10er 0he 2odels pro3ided5 And no4 appears 0he use o1 0he successi3e globes o1 0he plane0ary chain5 .lobe A is 0he arche0ypal 4orld, on 4hich are buil0 0he 2odels o1 0he 1or2s 0ha0 are 0o be elabora0ed during 0he round? 1ro2 0he 2ind o1 0he plane0ary Logos 0he highes0 'uilders 0a/e 0he arche0ypal Ideas, and guide 0he 'uilders on 0he arTpa le3els as 0hey 1ashion 0he arche0ypal 1or2s 1or 0he round5 $n globe ' 0hese 1or2s are reproduced in 3aried shapes in 2en0al 2a00er by a lo4er ran/ o1 'uilders, and are e3ol3ed slo4ly along di11eren0 lines, un0il 0hey are ready 0o recei3e an in1il0ra0ion o1 denser 2a00er? 0hen 0he 'uilders in as0ral 2a00er 0a/e up 0he 0as/, and on globe C 1ashion as0ral 1or2s, 4i0h de0ails 2ore 4or/ed ou0? 4hen 0he 1or2s ha3e been e3ol3ed as 1ar as 0he as0ral condi0ions per2i0, 0he 'uilders o1 globe % 0a/e up 0he 0as/ o1 1or29shaping on 0he physical plane, and 0he lo4es0 /inds o1 2a00er are 0hus 1ashioned in0o appropria0e 0ypes, and 0he 1or2s reach 0heir denses0 and 2os0 co2ple0e condi0ion5 ,ro2 0his 2iddle poin0 on4ards 0he na0ure o1 0he e3olu0ion so2e 4ha0 changes? hi0her0o 0he grea0es0 a00en0ion had been direc0ed 0o 0he building o1 0he 1or2? on 0he ascending arc 0he chie1 a00en0ion is direc0ed 0o using 0he 1or2 as a 3ehicle o1 0he e3ol3ing li1e and on 0he second hal1 o1 0he e3olu0ion on globe %, and on globes E and , 0he consciousness e:presses i0sel1 1irs0 on 0he physical and 0hen on 0he as0ral and lo4er 2en0al planes 0hrough 0he e;ui3alen0s o1 0he 1or2s elabora0ed on 0he descending arc5(Page #"4! $n 0he descending arc 0he 2onad i2presses i0sel1 as bes0 i0 2ay on 0he e3ol3ing 1or2s,

and 0hese i2pressions, and so on? on 0he ascending arc 0he #onad e:presses i0sel1 through 0he 1or2s as 0heir inner ruler5 $n globe . 0he per1ec0ion o1 0he round is reached, 0he #onad inhabi0ing and using as i0s 3ehicles 0he arche0ypal 1or2s o1 globe A5 %uring all 0hese s0ages 0he Lunar Pi0ris ha3e ac0ed as 0he souls o1 0he 1or2s, brooding o3er 0he2, la0er inhabi0ing 0he25 I0 is on 0he 1irs09class Pi0ris 0ha0 0he hea3ies0 burden o1 0he 4or/ 1alls during 0he 1irs0 0hree rounds5 The second and 0hird9class Pi0ris 1lo4 in0o 0he 1or2s 4or/ed up by 0he 1irs0? 0he 1irs0 prepare 0hese 1or2s by ensouling 0he2 1or a 0i2e and 0hen pass on, lea3ing 0he2 1or 0he 0enancy o1 0he second and 0hird classes5 'y 0he end o1 0he 1irs0 round 0he arche0ypal 1or2s o1 0he 2ineral 4ould ha3e been brough0 do4n, 0o be elabora0ed 0hrough 0he succeeding rounds, 0ill 0hey reach 0heir denses0 s0a0e in 0he 2iddle o1 0he 1our0h round5 =,ire> is 0he =ele2en0> o1 0his 1irs0 round5 In 0he second round 0he 1irs09class Pi0ris con0inue 0heir hu2an e3olu0ion, only 0ouching 0he lo4er s0ages as 0he hu2an 1oe0us s0ill 0ouches 0he2 0oday, 4hile 0he second9class, a0 0he close o1 0he round, ha3e reached 0he incipien0 hu2an s0age5 The grea0 4or/ o1 0he round is bringing do4n 0he arche0ypal 1or2s o1 3ege0able li1e, 4hich 4ill reach 0heir per1ec0ion in 0he 1i10h round5 =Air> is 0he second round =ele2en0>5 (Page #"$! In 0he 0hird round 0he 1irs09class Pi0ris beco2es de1ini0ely hu2an in 1or2? 0hough 0he body is 6elly9li/e and gigan0ic, i0 is ye0, on globe %, co2pac0 enough 0o begin 0o s0and uprigh0? he is ape9li/e and is co3ered 4i0h hairy bris0les5 The 0hird9class Pi0ris reach 0he incipien0 hu2an s0age5 Second class solar Pi0ris 2a/e 0heir 1irs0 appearance on globe % in 0his round, and 0a/e 0he lead in hu2an e3olu0ion5 The arche0ypal 1or2s o1 ani2als are brough0 do4n 0o be elabora0ed in0o per1ec0ion by 0he end o1 0he si:0h round, and =4a0er> is 0he charac0eris0ic =ele2en05>

The 1our0h round, 0he 2iddle one o1 0he se3en 0ha0 2a/e up 0he 0errene 2an3an0ara, is dis0inguished by bringing 0o globe A 0he arche0ypal 1or2s o1 hu2ani0y, 0his round being as dis0inc0i3ely hu2an as i0s predecessors 4ere respec0i3ely ani2al, 3ege0able, and 2ineral5 No0 ill 0he se3en0h round 4ill 0hese 1or2s be 1ully realised by hu2ani0y, bu0 0he possibili0ies o1 0he hu2an 1or2 are 2ani1es0ed in 0he arche0ypes in 0he 1our0h5 JEar0h> is 0he =ele2en0> o1 0his round, 0he denses0, 0he 2os0 2a0erial5 The 1irs09class solar Pi0ris 2ay be said 0o ho3er round globe % 2ore or less in 0his round during i0s early s0ages o1 ac0i3i0y, bu0 0hey do no0 de1ini0ely incarna0e un0il a10er 0he 0hird grea0 ou09pouring o1 li1e 1ro2 0he plane0ary Logos in 0he 2iddle o1 0he 0hird race, and 0hen only slo4ly, 0he nu2ber increasing as 0he race progresses, and 2ul0i0udes incarna0ing in 0he early 1our0h race5 The e3olu0ion o1 hu2ani0y on our ear0h, globe %, o11ers in a s0rongly 2ar/ed 1or2 0he con0inual se3en1old di3ersi0y already o10en alluded 0o5 Se3en races o1 2en had already sho4n 0he2sel3es in 0he 0hird round, and in 0he 1our0h 0hese 1unda2en0al di3isions beca2e 3ery clear on globe C, 4here se3en races, each 4i0h sub9races e3ol3ed5 $n globe % hu2ani0y begins 4i0h a ,irs0 ace @ usually called a oo0 ace @ a0 se3en di11eren0 poin0s, =se3en o1 0he2, each on his lo05> )'oo/ o1 %Byan )S0anBas o1 %Byan, RF 1R*5 @ Secret &octrine, &olu2e I, page 17, o1 0he 179R, edi0ion@ &olu2e R, page I9, o1 0he Adyar edi0ion5* These se3en 0ypes side by side, no0 successi3e @ 2a/e up 0he 1irs0 roo09race, and each again has i0s o4n se3en sub9races5 ,ro2 0he 1irs0 roo09 race @ 6elly9li/e a2orphous crea0ures @ e3ol3es 0he second roo09race 4i0h 1or2s o1 2ore de1ini0e consis0ency, and 1ro2 i0 0he 0hird, ape9li/e crea0ures 0ha0 beco2e clu2sy gigan0ic 2en5 In 0he 2iddle o1 0he e3olu0ion o1 0his 0hird roo09race, called 0he Le2urian,

0here co2e 0o ear0h @ 1ro2 ano0her plane0ary chain, 0ha0 o1 &enus, 2uch 1ar0her ad3anced in i0s e3olu0ion @ 2e2bers o1 i0s highly e3ol3ed hu2ani0y, glorious 'eings, o10en spo/en o1 as Sons o1 ,ire, 1ro2 Their radian0 appearance, a lo10y order a2ong 0he Sons o1 #ind5 )#anasapu0ra5 This 3as0 hierarchy o1 sel19 conscious in0elligences e2braces 2any orders5* They 0a/e up Their abode on ear0h, as 0he %i3ine Teachers o1 0he young hu2ani0y, so2e o1 0he2 ac0ing as channels 1or 0he 0hird ou0pouring and pro6ec0ing in0o ani2al 2an 0he spar/ o1 2onadic li1e 4hich 1or2s 0he causal body5 Thus 0he 1irs0, second, and 0hird classes o1 Lunar Pi0ris beco2e indi3idualised @ 0he 3as0 (Page #"&! bul/ o1 hu2ani0y5 The 04o classes o1 solar Pi0ris, already indi3idualised @ 0he 1irs0 ere lea3ing 0he lunar chain and 0he second la0er @ 1or2 04o lo4 orders o1 0he Sons o1 #ind? 0he second incarna0e in 0he 0hird race a0 i0s 2iddle poin0, and 0he 1irs0 co2e in la0er, 1or 0he 2os0 par0 in 0he 1our0h race, 0he A0lan0ean5 The 1i10h, or Aryan race, no4 leading hu2an e3olu0ion, 4as e3ol3ed 1ro2 0he 1i10h sub9race o1 0he A0lan0ean, 0he 2os0 pro2ising 1a2ilies being in Cen0ral Asia, and 0he ne4 race90ype e3ol3ed, under 0he direc0 superin0endence o1 a .rea0 'eing, 0echnically called a #anu5 E2erging 1ro2 Cen0ral Asia 0he 1irs0 sub9race se00led in India, sou0h o1 0he Hi2alDyas, and in 0heir 1our orders o1 0eachers, 4arriors, 2erchan0s, and 4or/2en, ) 'rDh2anas, !sha00riyas, &aishyas and Shudras * beca2e 0he do2inan0 race in 0he 3as0 Indian peninsula, con;uering 0he 1our0h9race and 0hird9race na0ions 4ho 0hen inhabi0ed i05 A0 0he end o1 0he se3en0h race o1 0he se3en0h round, i.e. a0 0he close o1 our 0errene 2an3an0ara, our chain 4ill hand on 0o i0s successor 0he 1rui0s o1 i0s li1e? 0hese 1rui0s 4ill be 0he per1ec0ed di3ine 2en, 'uddhas, #anus, Chohans, #as0ers, ready 0o 0a/e up 4or/ o1 guiding e3olu0ion under 0he direc0ion o1

0he plane0ary Logos, 4i0h hos0s o1 less e3ol3ed en0i0ies o1 e3ery grade o1 consciousness, 4ho s0ill need physical e:perience 1or 0he per1ec0ing o1 0heir di3ine possibili0ies5 The 1i10h, si:0h, and se3en0h (Page #"'! 2an3an0aras o1 our chain are s0ill in 0he 4o2b o1 0he 1u0ure a10er 0his 1our0h one has closed, and 0hen 0he plane0ary Logos 4ill ga0her up in0o Hi2sel1 all 0he 1rui0s o1 e3olu0ion, and 4i0h his children en0er on a period o1 res0 and bliss5 $1 0ha0 high s0a0e 4e canno0 spea/? ho4 a0 0his s0age o1 our e3olu0ion could 4e drea2 o1 i0s uni2aginable glory? only 4e di2ly /no4 0ha0 our glad spiri0s shall =en0er in0o 0he 6oy o1 0he Lord,> and, res0ing in Hi2, shall see s0re0ching be1ore 0he2 boundless ranges o1 subli2e li1e and lo3e, heigh0s and dep0hs o1 po4er and 6oy, li2i0less as 0he $ne E:is0ence, ine:haus0able as 0he $ne 0ha0 Is5 PEACE TO ALL BEINFS )N$TE9 A0 0he beginning o1 0he original prin0, 0here is in0roduc0ion e:plaining 0he underlying uni0y o1 all religions5 #any readers 2igh0 1ind i0 di11icul0 0o unders0and 0er2s in 3arious religions5 So 0his sec0ion is gi3en belo4 in case anybody 4an0s 0o read5 * INTRO/0CTION THE 0NITY 0N/ERLYINF ALL RELIFIONS igh0 0hough0 is necessary 0o righ0 conduc0, righ0 unders0anding 0o righ0 li3ing, and 0he %i3ine +isdo2 @ 4he0her called by i0s ancien0 Sans/ri0 na2e o1 'rah2a &idyD, or i0s 2odern .ree/ na2e o1 Theosophia, Theosophy @ co2es 0o 0he 4orld as a0 once an ade;ua0e philosophy and an all9e2bracing religion and e0hic5 I0 4as once said o1 0he Chris0ian Scrip0ures by a de3o0ee 0ha0 0hey con0ained shallo4s in

4hich a child could 4ade and dep0hs in 4hich a gian0 2us0 s4i25 A si2ilar s0a0e2en0 2igh0 be 2ade o1 Theosophy, 1or so2e o1 i0s 0eachings are so si2ple and so prac0ical 0ha0 any person o1 a3erage in0elligence can unders0and and 1ollo4 0he2, 4hile o0hers are so lo10y, so pro1ound, 0ha0 0he ables0 s0rains his in0ellec0 0o con0ain 0he2 and sin/s e:haus0ed in 0he e11or05 In 0he presen0 3olu2e an a00e2p0 4ill be 2ade 0o place Theosophy be1ore 0he reader si2ply and clearly, in a 4ay 4hich shall con3ey (Page "! i0s general
principles and 0ru0hs as 1or2ing a coheren0 concep0ion o1 0he uni3erse, and shall gi3e such de0ail as is necessary 1or 0he unders0anding o1 0heir rela0ions 0o each o0her5 An ele2en0ary 0e:0boo/ canno0 pre0end 0o gi3e 0he 1ullness o1 /no4ledge 0ha0 2ay be ob0ained 1ro2 abs0ruser 4or/s, bu0 i0 should lea3e 0he s0uden0 4i0h clear 1unda2en0al ideas on his sub6ec0, 4i0h 2uch indeed 0o add by 1u0ure s0udy bu0 4i0h li00le 0o unlearn5 In0o 0he ou0line gi3en by such a boo/ 0he s0uden0 should be able 0o pain0 0he de0ails o1 1ur0her research5

I0 is ad2i00ed on all hands 0ha0 a sur3ey o1 0he grea0 religions o1 0he 4orld sho4s 0ha0 0hey hold in co22on 2any religious, e0hical, and philosophical ideas5 'u0 4hile 0he 1ac0 is uni3ersally gran0ed, 0he e:plana0ion o1 0he 1ac0 is a 2a00er o1 dispu0e5 So2e allege 0ha0 religions ha3e gro4n up on 0he soil o1 hu2an ignorance 0illed by 0he i2agina0ion, and ha3e been gradually elabora0ed 1ro2 crude 1or2s o1 ani2is2 and 1e0ishis2? 0heir li/enesses are re1erred 0o uni3ersal na0ural pheno2ena i2per1ec0ly obser3ed and 1anci1ully e:plained, solar and s0ar 4orship being 0he uni3ersal /ey 1or one school, phallic 4orship 0he e;ually uni3ersal /ey 1or ano0her ? 1ear, desire, ignorance, and 4onder led 0he sa3age 0o personi1y 0he po4ers o1 na0ure, and pries0s played upon his 0errors and his hopes, his 2is0y 1ancies, and his be4ildered ;ues0ionings ? 2y0hs beca2e scrip0ures and sy2bols 1ac0s, and 0heir basis 4as uni3ersal 0he li/eness o1 0he produc0s 4as ine3i0able5 (Page #! Thus spea/ 0he doc0ors o1 =Co2para0i3e #y0hology,> and plain people

are silenced bu0 no0 con3inced under 0he rain o1 proo1s ? 0hey canno0 deny 0he li/enesses, bu0 0hey di2ly 1eel F Are all 2an<s deares0 hopes and lo10y i2aginings no0hing 2ore 0han 0he ou0co2e o1 sa3age 1ancies and o1 groping ignoranceL Ha3e 0he grea0 leaders o1 0he race, 0he 2ar0yrs and heroes o1 hu2ani0y, li3ed, 4rough0, su11ered and died deluded, 1or 0he 2ere personi1ica0ions o1 as0rono2ical 1ac0s and 1or 0he draped obsceni0ies o1 barbariansL The second e:plana0ion o1 0he co22on proper0y in 0he religions o1 0he 4orld asser0s 0he e:is0ence o1 an original 0eaching in 0he cus0ody o1 a 'ro0herhood o1 grea0 spiri0ual Teachers, 4ho @ The2sel3es 0he ou0co2e o1 pas0 cycles o1 e3olu0ion @ ac0ed as 0he ins0ruc0ors and guides o1 0he child9 hu2ani0y o1 our plane0, i2par0ing 0o i0s races and na0ions in 0urn 0he 1unda2en0al 0ru0hs o1 religion in 0he 1or2 2os0 adap0ed 0o 0he idiosyncrasies o1 0he recipien0s5 According 0o 0his 3ie4, 0he ,ounders o1 0he grea0 religions are 2e2bers o1 0he one 'ro0herhood, and 4ere aided in Their 2ission by 2any o0her 2e2bers, lo4er in degree 0han The2sel3es, Ini0ia0es and disciples o1 3arious grades, e2inen0 in spiri0ual insigh0, in philosophical /no4ledge, or in puri0y o1 e0hical 4isdo25 These guided 0he in1an0 na0ions, ga3e 0he2 0heir poli0y, enac0ed 0heir la4s, ruled 0he2 as /ings, 0augh0 0he2 as philosophers, guided 0he2 as pries0s ? all 0he na0ions o1 an0i;ui0y loo/ed bac/ 0o such 2igh0y 2en, de2igods, and heroes, (Page 4! and 0hey le10
0heir 0races in li0era0ure, in archi0ec0ure, in legisla0ion5

Tha0 such 2en li3ed i0 see2s di11icul0 0o deny in 0he 1ace o1 uni3ersal 0radi0ion, o1 s0ill e:is0ing Scrip0ures, and o1 prehis0oric re2ains 1or 0he 2os0 par0 no4 in ruins, 0o say no0hing o1 o0her 0es0i2ony 4hich 0he ignoran0 4ould re6ec05 The sacred boo/s o1 0he Eas0 are 0he bes0 e3idence 1or 0he grea0ness o1 0heir au0hors, 1or 4ho in la0er days or in 2odern 0i2es can e3en approach 0he spiri0ual subli2i0y o1 0heir religious 0hough0, 0he in0ellec0ual splendour o1 0heir philosophy,

0he bread0h and puri0y o1 0heir e0hicL And 4hen 4e 1ind 0ha0 0hese boo/s con0ain 0eachings abou0 .od, 2an, and 0he uni3erse iden0ical in subs0ance under 2uch 3arie0y o1 ou0er appearance, i0 does no0 see2 unreasonable 0o re1er 0o 0he2 0o a cen0ral pri2ary body o1 doc0rine5 To 0ha0 body 4e gi3e 0he na2e %i3ine +isdo2, in i0s .ree/ 1or2 F THE$S$PHY5 As 0he origin and basis o1 all religions, i0 canno0 be 0he an0agonis0 o1 any F i0 is indeed 0heir puri1ier, re3ealing 0he 3aluable inner 2eaning o1 2uch 0ha0 has beco2e 2ischie3ous in i0s e:0ernal presen0a0ion by 0he per3erseness o1 ignorance and 0he accre0ions o1 supers0i0ion ? bu0 i0 recognises and de1ends i0sel1 in each, and see/s in each 0o un3eil i0s hidden 4isdo25 No 2an in beco2ing a Theosophis0 need cease 0o be a Chris0ian, a 'uddhis0, a Hindu ? he 4ill bu0 ac;uire a deeper insigh0 in0o his o4n 1ai0h, a 1ir2er hold on i0s spiri0ual 0ru0hs, a broader unders0anding o1 i0s sacred 0eachings5 As Theosophy (Page $! o1 old ga3e bir0h 0o religions, so in 2odern 0i2es does i0
6us0i1y and de1end 0he25 I0 is 0he roc/ 4hence all o1 0he2 4ere he4n, 0he hole o1 0he pi0 4hence all 4ere dug5 I0 6us0i1ies a0 0he bar o1

in0ellec0ual cri0icis2 0he deepes0 longings and e2o0ions o1 0he hu2an hear0 F i0 3eri1ies our hopes 1or 2an ? i0 gi3es us bac/ ennobled our 1ai0h in .od5 The 0ru0h o1 0his s0a0e2en0 beco2es 2ore and 2ore apparen0 as 4e s0udy 0he 3arious 4orld9 Scrip0ures, and bu0 a 1e4 selec0ions 1ro2 0he 4eal0h o1 2a0erial a3ailable 4ill be su11icien0 0o es0ablish 0he 1ac0, and 0o guide 0he s0uden0 in his search 1or 1ur0her 3eri1ica0ion5 The 2ain spiri0ual 3eri0ies o1 religion 2ay be su22arised 0husF 1* $ne e0ernal, in1ini0e, incognisable real E:is0ence5 I* ,ro2 THAT 0he 2ani1es0ed .od, un1olding 1ro2 uni0y 0o duali0y 0o 0rini0y5 R* ,ro2 0he 2ani1es0ed Trini0y 2any spiri0ual In0elligences, guiding cos2ic order5

V* #an a re1lec0ion o1 0he 2ani1es0ed .od and 0here1ore a 0rini0y 1unda2en0ally, his inner and real Sel1 being e0ernal, one 4i0h 0he Sel1 o1 0he uni3erse5 H* His e3olu0ion by repea0ed incarna0ions, in0o 4hich he is dra4n by desire, and 1ro2 4hich he is se0 1ree by /no4ledge and sacri1ice, beco2ing di3ine in po0ency as he had e3er been di3ine in la0ency5 China 4hich is no4 a 1ossilised ci3ilisa0ion, 4as peopled in old days by 0he Turanians, 0he 1our0h subdi3ision o1 0he grea0 ,our0h ace, 0he race 4hich inhabi0ed 0he los0 con0inen0 o1 A0lan0is, and spread i0s (Page %! o11shoo0s o3er 0he 4orld5 The #ongolians, 0he las0
subdi3ision o1 0ha0 sa2e race, la0er rein1orced i0s popula0ion, so 0ha0 in China 4e ha3e 0radi0ions 1ro2 ancien0 days, preceding 0he se00le2en0 o1 0he ,i10h, or Cryan race in India5 In 0he Ching

Chang Ching, or Classic o1 Puri0y, 4e ha3e a 1rag2en0 o1 an ancien0 scrip0ure o1 singular beau0y, brea0hing ou0 0he spiri0 o1 res01ulness and peace so charac0eris0ic o1 0he =original 0eaching5> #r5 Legge says in 0he in0roduc0ory no0e 0o his 0ransla0ion B The Sacred 'oo/s o1 0he Eas0C 0ha0 0he 0rea0ise @ =Is a00ribu0ed 0o !o YZan )or "s7an*, a TDois0 o1 0he +Z dynas0y )A.&. 888988-*, 4ho is 1abled 0o ha3e a00ained 0o 0he s0a0e o1 an I22or0al, and is generally so deno2ina0ed5 He is represen0ed as a 4or/er o1 2iracles ? as addic0ed 0o in0e2perance, and 3ery eccen0ric in his 4ays5 +hen ship4rec/ed on one occasion, he e2erged 1ro2 benea0h 0he 4a0er 4i0h his clo0hes un4e0, and 4al/ed 1reely on 0he sur1ace5 ,inally he ascended 0o 0he s/y in brigh0 day5 All 0hese accoun0s 2ay sa1ely be pu0 do4n as 0he 1ig2en0s o1 la0er 0i2e5> Such s0ories are repea0edly 0old o1 Ini0ia0es o1 3arious degrees, and are by no 2eans necessarily =1ig2en0s,> bu0 4e are 2ore in0eres0ed in !o YZan<s o4n accoun0 o1 0he boo/5

=+hen I ob0ained 0he 0rue TDo, I reci0ed 0his Ching [boo/\ 0en 0housand 0i2es5 I0 is 4ha0 0he Spiri0s o1 hea3en prac0ise and had no0 been co22unica0ed 0o scholars o1 0his lo4er 4orld5 I go0 i1 1ro2 0he %i3ine uler o1 0he Eas0ern H4a ? he recei3ed i0 1ro2 0he %i3ine uler o1 0he .olden .a0e ? he recei3ed i0 1ro2 0he oyal92o0her o1 0he +es05 No4 0he =%i3ine (Page &! uler o1 0he .olden .a0e,>
4as 0he 0i0le held by 0he Ini0ia0e 4ho ruled 0he Tol0ec e2pire in A0lan0is, and i0s use sugges0s 0ha0 0he Classic o1 Puri0y 4as brough0 0hence 0o China 4hen 0he Turanians separa0ed o11 1ro2 0he Tol0ecs5 The idea is s0reng0hened by 0he con0en0s o1 0he brie1 0rea0ise, 4hich deals 4i0h TDo @ li0erally =0he +ay< @ 0he na2e by 4hich 0he $ne eali0y is indica0ed in 0he ancien0 Turanian and #ongolian religion5 +e readF

=The .rea0 TDo has no bodily 1or2, bu0 I0 produced and nourishes hea3en and ear0h5 The .rea0 TDo has no passions, bu0 I0 causes 0he sun and 0he 2oon 0o re3ol3e as 0hey do5 The .rea0 TDo has no na2e, bu0 I0 e11ec0s 0he gro40h and 2ain0enance o1 all 0hings5 )i,1* This is 0he 2ani1es0ed .od as uni0y, bu0 duali0y super3enesF No4 0he TDo )shows itself in two forms*, 0he Pure and 0he Turbid, and has )two conditions of* #o0ion and es0, Hea3en is pure and ear0h is 0urbid ? hea3en 2o3es and 0he ear0h is a0 res0 5 The 2asculine is pure and 0he 1e2inine is 0urbid ? 0he 2asculine 2o3es and 0he 1e2inine is s0ill5 The radical )Purity* descended, and 0he )0urbid* issue 1lo4ed abroad, and 0hus all 0hings 4ere produced )$ 8*5

This passage is par0icularly in0eres0ing 1ro2 0he allusion 0o 0he ac0i3e and recep0i3e sides o1 Na0ure, 0he dis0inc0ion be04een Spiri0, 0he genera0or, and #a00er, 0he nourisher, so 1a2iliar in la0er 4ri0ings5 In 0he *2o *e (hing 0he 0eaching as 0o 0he (n2ani1es0ed and 0he #ani1es0ed co2es ou0 3ery plainly5 =The TDo 0ha0 can be 0rodden is no0 0he enduring and unchanging TDo5(Page '! The na2e 0ha0 can be na2ed is no0 0he enduring
and unchanging na2e5 Ha3ing no na2e, i0 is 0he $rigina0or o1 hea3en and ear0h, ha3ing a na2e, i0 is 0he #o0her o1 all 0hingsX(nder 0hese 04o aspec0s i0 is really 0he sa2e ? bu0 as de3elop2en0 0a/es place i0 recei3es 0he di11eren0 na2es5 Toge0her 4e call 0he2 0he #ys0ery )i : 8 ;*5 =

S0uden0s o1 0he !abalah 4ill be re2inded o1 one o1 0he %i3ine Na2es, =0he Concealed #ys0ery5> AgainF =There 4as so2e0hing unde1ined and co2ple0e, co2ing in0o e:is0ence be1ore hea3en and ear0h5 Ho4 s0ill i0 4as and 1or2less, s0anding alone and undergoing no change, reaching e3ery4here and in no danger )o1 being e:haus0ed*5 I0 2ay be regarded as 0he #o0her o1 all 0hings5 I do no0 /no4 i0s na2e, and I gi3e i0 0he designa0ion o1 0he TDo5 #a/ing an e11or0 0o gi3e i0 a na2e, I call i0 0he .rea05 .rea0, i0 passes on ) in cons0an0 1lo4*5 Passing on, i0 beco2es re2o0e5 Ha3ing beco2e re2o0e, i0 re0urns )<<v :9=*5 = &ery in0eres0ing i0 is 0o see here 0he idea o1 0he 1or0hgoing and 0he re0urning o1 0he $ne Li1e, so 1a2iliar 0o us in 0he Hindu Li0era0ure5 ,a2iliar see2s 0he 3erse F =All 0hings under hea3en sprang 1ro2 I0 as e:is0en0 )and named* ? 0ha0

e:is0ence sprang 1ro2 I0 as non9e:is0en0 )and not named> )<l 8*>5 Tha0 a (ni3erse 2igh0 beco2e, 0he (n2ani1es0 2us0 gi3e 1or0h 0he $ne 1ro2 4ho2 duali0y and 0rini0y proceed F =The TDo produced $ne ? $ne produced T4o ? T4o produced Three ? Three produced all 0hings5 All 0hings lea3e behind 0he2 0he $bscuri0y )out of which they have come*, and go 1or4ard 0o e2brace 0he 'righ0ness )in0o 4hich 0hey ha3e e2erged*, 4hile 0hey are har2onised by 0he 'rea0h o1 3acancy )<lii :*5> (Page (! ='rea0h o1 Space> 4ould be a happier 0ransla0ion5 Since all is produced 1ro2 I0, I0 e:is0s in all F =All per3ading is 0he .rea0 TDo5 I0 2ay be 1ound on 0he le10 hand and on 0he righ0 XI0 clo0hes all 0hings as 4i0h a gar2en0, and 2a/es no assu2p0ion o1 being 0heir lord ? 9 I0 2ay be na2ed in 0he s2alles0 0hings5 All 0hings re0urn )0o 0heir roo0 and disappear*, and do no0 /no4 0ha0 i0 is I0 4hich presides o3er 0heir doing so @ I0 2ay be na2ed in 0he grea0es0 0hings )<<<iv : 8 *5> Ch4ang9Be )fourth century B(* in his presen0a0ion o1 0he ancien0 0eachings, re1ers 0o 0he spiri0ual In0elligences co2ing 1ro2 0he TDoF =I0 has I0s roo0 and ground )o1 e:is0ence* in I0sel15 'e1ore 0here 4ere hea3en and ear0h, 1ro2 o1 old, 0here I0 4as securely e:is0ing5 ,ro2 I0 ca2e 0he 2ys0erious e:is0ence o1 spiri0s, 1ro2 I0 0he 2ys0erious e:is0ence o1 .od )Bk. vi Pt. $ Sec. vi ->5>

A nu2ber o1 0he na2es o1 0hese In0elligences 1ollo4, bu0 such beings are so 4ell /no4n 0o play a grea0 par0 in 0he Chinese religion 0ha0 4e need no0 2ul0iply ;uo0a0ions abou0 0he25 #an is regarded as a 0rini0y, TDois2, says #r5 Legge, recognising in hi2 0he spiri0, 0he 2ind, and 0he body5 This di3ision co2es ou0 clearly in 0he ]Classic o1 Puri0y, in 0he 0eaching 0ha0 2an 2us0 ge0 rid o1 desire 0o reach union 4i0h 0he $ne F No4 0he spiri0 o1 2an lo3es puri0y, bu0 his 2ind dis0urbs i05 The 2ind o1 2an lo3es s0illness, bu0 his desires dra4 i0 a4ay5 I1 he could al4ays send his desires a4ay, his 2ind o1 i0sel1 4ould be s0ill5 Le0 his 2ind be 2ade clean, and his spiri0 o1 i0sel1 beco2es pure X5The reason 4hy 2en are no0 able (Page )! 0o a00ain 0o 0his is because 0heir
2inds ha3e no0 been cleansed, and 0heir desires ha3e no0 been sen0 a4ay5 I1 one is able 0o send 0he desires a4ay, 4hen he 0hen loo/s a0 his 2ind i0 is no longer hisF 4hen he loo/s ou0 a0 his body i0 is no longer his ? and 4hen he loo/s 1ar0her o11 a0 e:0ernal 0hings, 0hey are 0hings 4hich he has no0hing 0o do 4i0h 55)i = ;*5

Then, a10er gi3ing 0he s0ages o1 indra4ing 0o =0he condi0ion o1 per1ec0 s0illness,> i0 is as/ed F =In 0ha0 condi0ion o1 res0 independen0ly o1 place, ho4 can any desire ariseL And 4hen no desire any longer arises 0here is 0he 0rue s0illness and res05 Tha0 0rue )stillness* beco2es )a* cons0an0 ;uali0y, and responds 0o e:0ernal 0hings )without error* ? yea, 0ha0 0rue and cons0an0 ;uali0y holds possession o1 0he na0ure5 In such cons0an0 response and cons0an0 s0illness 0here is cons0an0 puri0y and res05 He 4ho has 0his absolu0e puri0y en0ers gradually in0o 0he )inspiration of the * True TDo )i ?*5> The supplied 4ords =inspira0ion o1> ra0her cloud 0han elucida0e 0he 2eaning, 1or en0ering in0o 0he TDo is congruous 4i0h 0he 4hole idea and 4i0h o0her

Scrip0ures5 $n pu00ing a4ay o1 desire is laid 2uch s0ress in TDois2 ? a co22en0a0or on 0he Classic o1 Puri0y re2ar/s 0ha0 unders0anding 0he TDo depends on absolu0e puri0y, and The ac;uiring 0he Absolu0e Puri0y depends en0irely on 0he pu00ing a4ay o1 %esire, 4hich is 0he urgen0 prac0ical lesson o1 0he Trea0ise5 The TDo Teh Ching says F Al4ays 4i0hou0 desire 4e 2us0 be 1ound, I1 i0s deep 2ys0ery 4e 4ould sound? 'u0 i1 desire al4ays 4i0hin us be, I0s ou0er 1ringe is all 0ha0 4e shall see5) i, R* (Page ! eincarna0ion does no0 see2 0o be so dis0inc0ly 0augh0 as 2igh0 ha3e been e:pec0ed, al0hough passages are 1ound 4hich i2ply 0ha0 0he 2ain idea 4as 0a/en 1or gran0ed and 0ha0 0he en0i0y 4as considered as ranging 0hrough ani2al as 4ell as hu2an bir0hs5 Thus 4e ha3e 1ro2 Ch4ang9Be 0he ;uain0 and 4ise s0ory o1 a dying 2an, 0o 4ho2 his 1riend said F =.rea0 indeed is 0he Crea0orW +ha0 4ill He no4 2a/e you 0o beco2eL +here 4ill He 0a/e you 0oL +ill he 2a/e you 0he li3er o1 a ra0 or 0he ar2 o1 an insec0L SBelai replied, =+here3er a paren0 0ells a son 0o go, eas0, 4es0, sou0h or nor0h, he si2ply 1ollo4s 0he co22and XHere no4 is a grea0 1ounder, cas0ing his 2e0al5 I1 0he 2e0al 4ere 0o leap up )in the pot* and say, UI 2us0 be 2ade in0o a )sword like the * #oysh,< 0he grea0 1ounder 4ould be sure 0o regard i0 as uncanny5 So again, 4hen a 1or2 is being 1ashioned in 0he 2ould o1 0he

4o2b, i1 i0 4ere 0o say, UI 2us0 beco2e a 2an, I 2us0 beco2e a 2an,< 0he Crea0or 4ould be sure 0o regard i0 as uncanny5 +hen 4e once unders0and 0ha0 hea3en and ear0h are a grea0 2el0ing po0 and 0he Crea0or a grea0 1ounder, 4here can 4e 0o go 0o 0ha0 shall no0 be righ0 1or usL +e are born as 1ro2 a ;uie0 sleep and 4e die 0o a cal2 a4a/ing> )Bk. vi Pt. $ Sec. vi*5 Turning 0o 0he ,i10h, 0he Cryan ace, 4e ha3e 0he sa2e 0eachings e2bodied in 0he oldes0 and grea0es0 Cryan religion @ 0he 'rDh2anical5 The e0ernal E:is0ence is proclai2ed in 0he ChhDndogyopanishad as =$ne only, 4i0hou0 a second,> and i0 is 4ri00en F I0 4illed, I shall 2ul0iply 1or 0he sa/e o1 0he uni3erse )vi ii : =*5 The Supre2e Logos, 'rah2an, is 0hree1old @ 'eing, Consciousness, 'liss, and i0 is said F (Page "!
,ro2 This arise li1e, 2ind and all 0he senses, e0her, air, 1ire , 4a0er, ear0h 0he suppor0 o1 all ) #unda/opanishad, ii,R*5

No grander descrip0ions o1 %ei0y can be 1ound any4here 0han in 0he Hindu Scrip0ures, bu0 0hey are beco2ing so 1a2iliar 0ha0 brie1 ;uo0a0ion 4ill su11ice5 Le0 0he 1ollo4ing ser3e as speci2ens o1 0heir 4eal0h o1 ge2s F =#ani1es0, near, 2o3ing in 0he secre0 place, 0he grea0 abode, herein res0s all 0ha0 2o3es, brea0hes, and shu0s 0he eyes5 !no4 Tha0 as 0o be 4orshipped, being and non9being, 0he bes0, beyond 0he /no4ledge o1 all crea0ures5 Lu2inous, sub0ler 0han 0he sub0le, in 4hich 0he 4orlds and 0heir deniBens are in1i:ed5 Tha0, 0his i2perishable 'rah2an ? Tha0, also li1e and 3oice and 2indXIn 0he golden highes0 shea0h is

spo0less, par0less 'rah2an ? Tha0 0he pure Ligh0 o1 ligh0s, /no4n by 0he /no4ers o1 0he Sel1XTha0 dea0hless 'rah2an is be1ore, 'rah2an behind, 'rah2an 0o 0he righ0 and 0o 0he le10, belo4, abo3e, per3ading ? 0his 'rah2an 0ruly is 0he all5 This is 0he bes0 ) /undakopanishad $$ ii : 8 @ ::*5 'eyond 0he uni3erse, 'rah2an, 0he supre2e, 0he grea0, hidden in all beings according 0o 0heir bodies, 0he one 'rea0h o1 0he 4hole uni3erse, 0he Lord, 4ho2 /no4ing )men* beco2e i22or0al5 I /no4 0ha0 2igh0y Spiri0, 0he shining sun beyond dar/nessX I /no4 Hi2 0he un1ading, 0he ancien0, 0he Soul o1 all, o2nipresen0 by His na0ure, 4ho2 0he 'rah2an9/no4ers call unborn, 4ho2 0hey call e0ernal AShvet2shvataropanishad iii. - B 8:>. +hen 0here is no dar/ness, no day nor nigh0, no being nor non9being )there is* Shi3a e3en alone ? Tha0 0he indes0ruc0ible, Tha0 is 0o be 4orshipped by Sa3ri0i, 1ro2 Tha0 ca2e 1or0h 0he ancien0 4isdo25 No0 abo3e nor belo4, nor in 0he 2ids0, can He be co2prehended5 Nor is 0here any si2ili0ude 1or Hi2 4hose na2e is in1ini0e glory5 No0 4i0h 0he sigh0 is es0ablished His 1or2, none 2ay by 0he eye behold Hi2 ? 0hey 4ho (Page #! /no4 Hi2 by
0he hear0 and by 0he 2ind, d4elling in 0he hear0, beco2e i22or0al )$'id. iv :B98C*5

Tha0 2an in his inner Sel1 is one 4i0h 0he Sel1 o1 0he uni3erse @ =I a2 Tha0> @ is an idea 0ha0 so 0horoughly per3ades all Hindu 0hough0 0ha0 2an is o10en re1erred 0o as 0he =di3ine 0o4n o1 'rah2an,> B #unda/opanishad C 0he =0o4n o1 nine ga0es,> B Shvetshvataropanishad iii :;. C .od d4elling in 0he ca3i0y o1 0he hear05B Ibid5, IiC

=In one 2anner is 0o be seen )0he 'eing* 4hich canno0 be pro3ed, 4hich is e0ernal, 4i0hou0 spo0, higher 0han 0he e0her, unborn, 0he grea0 e0ernal SoulXThis grea0 unborn Soul is 0he sa2e 4hich abides as 0he in0elligen0 )soul* in all li3ing crea0ures, 0he sa2e 4hich abides as e0her in 0he hear0 ? B *he .ether in the heart1 is a mystical phrase used to indicate the Dne who is said to dwell therein.C 9 in hi2 i0 sleeps? i0 is 0he Subduer o1 all, 0he uler o1 all, 0he so3ereign Lord o1 all ? i0 does no0 beco2e grea0er by good 4or/s nor less by e3il 4or/5 I0 is 0he uler o1 all, 0he so3ereign Lord o1 all beings, 0he Preser3er o1 all beings, 0he 'ridge, 0he (pholder o1 0he 4orlds, so 0ha0 0hey 1all no0 0o ruin A Brihad2ranyakopanishad $E iv 8C 88 *rs. &r. E. RFer.> +hen .od is regarded as 0he e3ol3er o1 0he uni3erse, 0he 0hree1old charac0er co2es ou0 3ery clearly as Shi3a, &ishnu, and 'rah2D or again as &ishnu sleeping under 0he 4a0ers, 0he Lo0us springing 1ro2 Hi2, and in 0he Lo0us 'rah2D5 #an is li/e4ise 0hree1old, and in 0he #AndE/yopanishad 0he sel1 is described as condi0ioned by 0he physical body, 0he sub0le body, and 0he 2en0al body, and 0hen rising ou0 o1 all in0o (Page 4! 0he $ne =4i0hou0 duali0y5> ,ro2 0he Tri2ur0i
)Trini0y* co2e 2any .ods, connec0ed 4i0h 0he ad2inis0ra0ion o1 0he uni3erse, as 0o 4ho2 i0 is said in 0he 'rihadDranya/opanishad5

=Adore Hi2, ye .ods, a10er 4ho2 0he year by rolling days is co2ple0ed, 0he Ligh0 o1 ligh0s, as 0he I22or0al Li1e ) $E iv :G*5> I0 is hardly necessary 0o 2en0ion 0he presence in 'rAh2anis2 o1 0he 0eaching o1 reincarna0ion, since i0s 4hole philosophy o1 li1e 0urns on 0his pilgri2age o1 0he Soul 0hrough 2any bir0hs and dea0hs, and no0 a boo/ could be 0a/en up in 4hich 0his

0ru0h is no0 0a/en 1or gran0ed5 'y desires 2an is bound 0o 0his 4heel o1 change, and 0here1ore by /no4ledge, de3o0ion, and 0he des0ruc0ion o1 desires, 2an 2us0 se0 hi2sel1 1ree5 +hen 0he Soul /no4s .od i0 is libera0ed5 ) Shvet2sh $ B5* The in0ellec0 puri1ied by /no4ledge beholds Hi25 ) /und. $$$ $ B 5* !no4ledge 6oined 0o de3o0ion 1inds 0he abode o1 'rah2an5 ) /und. $$$ ii ;*5 +hoe3er /no4s 'rah2an, beco2es 'rah2an5 ) /und. $$$ ii @ * +hen desires cease 0he 2or0al beco2es i22or0al and ob0ains 'rah2an5 ) !athop. vi :;*5 'uddhis2, as i0 e:is0s in i0s nor0hern 1or2, is ;ui0e a0 one 4i0h 0he 2os0 ancien0 1ai0hs, bu0 in 0he sou0hern 1or2 i0 see2s 0o ha3e le0 slip 0he idea o1 0he Logoic Trini0y as o1 0he $ne E:is0ence 1ro2 4hich They ca2e 1or0h5 The L$.$S in His 0riple 2ani1es0a0ion is F 0he ,irs0 L$.$S, A2i0Abha, (Page $! 0he 'oundless Ligh0
? 0he Second, A3alo/i0esh3ara, or Pad2apDni ) (henresi* ? 0he Third, #an6usri @ =0he represen0a0i3e o1 crea0i3e 4isdo2, corresponding 0o 'rah2A5> ) Eitel+s Sanskrit (hinese &ictionary su' voce 5 * Chinese 'uddhis2 apparen0ly does no0 con0ain 0he idea o1 a pri2ordial E:is0ence, beyond 0he L$.$S, bu0 Nepalese 'uddhis2 pos0ula0es "di9'uddha, 1ro2 +ho2 A2i0Abha arises5 Pad2apAni is said by Ei0el 0o be 0he represen0a0i3e o1 co2passiona0e Pro3idence and 0o correspond par0ly 4i0h Shi3a, bu0 as 0he aspec0 o1 0he 'uddhis0 Trini0y 0ha0 sends 1or0h incarna0ions He appears ra0her 0o represen0 0he sa2e idea as &ishnu, 0o 4ho2 He is allied by bearing 0he Lo0us )1ire and 4a0er, or Spiri0 and #a00er as 0he pri2ary cons0i0uen0s o1 0he uni3erse*5

eincarna0ion and !ar2a are so 2uch 0he 1unda2en0als o1 'uddhis2 0ha0 i0 is hardly 4or0h 4hile 0o insis0 on 0he2 sa3e 0o no0e 0he 4ay o1 libera0ion, and 0o re2ar/ 0ha0 as 0he Lord 'uddha 4as a Hindu preaching 0o Hindus, 'rAh2anical doc0rines are 0a/en 1or gran0ed cons0an0ly in His 0eaching, as 2a00ers o1 course5 He 4as a puri1ier and a re1or2er, no0 an iconoclas0, and s0ruc/ a0 0he accre0ions due 0o ignorance, no0 a0 1unda2en0al 0ru0hs belonging 0o 0he Ancien0 +isdo25

=Those beings 4ho 4al/ in 0he 4ay o1 0he la4 0ha0 has been 4ell 0augh0, reach 0he o0her shore o1 0he grea0 sea o1 bir0h and dea0h, 0ha0 is di11icul0 0o cross5> )Hd2navarga <<i<. =-*5 %esire binds 2an, and 2us0 be go00en rid o1 F =I0 is hard 1or one 4ho is held by 0he 1e00ers o1 desire 0o (Page %! 1ree hi2sel1 o1
0he2, says 0he 'lessed $ne5 The s0ead1as0, 4ho care no0 1or 0he happiness o1 desires, cas0 0he2 o11 and do soon depar0 )0o Nir3Dna*X5#an/ind has no las0ing desires F 0hey are i2per2anen0 in 0he2 4ho e:perience 0he2 ? 1ree yoursel3es 0hen 1ro2 4ha0 canno0 las0, and abide no0 in 0he so6ourn o1 dea0h ) $'id. $i G B*5 He 4ho has des0royed desires 1or )4orldly *goods, sin1ulness, 0he bonds o1 0he eye o1 0he 1lesh, 4ho has 0orn up desire by 0he 3ery roo0, he, I declare, is a 'rDh2ana )$'id. <<<iii GB*5>

And a 'rAh2ana is a 2an =ha3ing his las0 body,> )Hdnavarga <<<iii ;:* and is de1ined as one5 =+ho, /no4ing his 1or2er abodes )e:is0ences* percei3es hea3en and hell, 0he #uni, 4ho has 1ound 0he 4ay 0o pu0 an end 0o bir0h>5 )i'id. <<<iii ??*5 In 0he e:o0eric Hebre4 Scrip0ures, 0he idea o1 a Trini0y does no0 co2e ou0 s0rongly, 0hough duali0y is apparen0, and 0he .od spo/en o1 is ob3iously 0he L$.$S, no0 0he $ne (n2ani1es0 F =I a2 0he Lord and 0here is none else5 I 1or2 0he ligh0 and crea0e dar/ness? I 2a/e peace and crea0e e3il ? I a2 0he Lord 0ha0 doe0h all 0hese 0hings5> )$s. <lvii -*

Philo, ho4e3er, has 0he doc0rine o1 0he L$.$S 3ery clearly, and i0 is 1ound in 0he ,our0h .ospel F =In 0he beginning 4as 0he +ord [Logos\ and 0he +ord 4as 4i0h .od and 0he +ord 4as .odX5All 0hings 4ere 2ade by Hi2, and 4i0hou0 Hi2 4as no0 any0hing 2ade 0ha0 4as 2ade5 ASt. #ohn i : =>5 In 0he !abalah 0he doc0rine o1 0he $ne, 0he Three, 0he Se3en, and 0hen 0he 2any, is plainly 0augh0 F (Page &! The Ancien0 o1 0he Ancien0s, 0he (n/no4n o1 0he (n/no4n, has a 1or2, ye0 also has no0 any 1or25 I0 has a 1or2 0hrough 4hich 0he uni3erse is 2ain0ained5 I0 also has no0 any 1or2, as I0 canno0 be co2prehended5 +hen I0 1irs0 0oo/ 0his 1or2 [!ether the (rown the 5irst %ogos \ I0 per2i00ed 0o proceed 1ro2 I0 nine brillian0 Ligh0s [Iisdom and the Eoice forming with !ether the *riad and then the seven lower Sephiroth\ XI0 is 0he Ancien0 o1 0he Ancien0s, 0he #ys0ery o1 0he #ys0eries, 0he (n/no4n o1 0he (n/no4n5 I0 has a 1or2 4hich apper0ains 0o I0, since I0 appears )through it* 0o us, as 0he Ancien0 #an abo3e all as 0he Ancien0 o1 0he Ancien0s, and as 0ha0 4hich 0here is 0he #os0 (n/no4n a2ong 0he (n/no4n5 'u0 under 0ha0 1or2 by 4hich I0 2a/es I0sel1 /no4n, I0 ho4e3er s0ill re2ains 0he (n/no4n A$ssac /yer+s Ja''alah from the Kohar pp. 8-;9 8-?>. #yer poin0s ou0 0ha0 0he =1or2> is =no0 U0he Ancien0 o1 0he Ancien0s,< 4ho is 0he Ain Soph5

Again F =Three Ligh0s are in 0he Holy (pper 4hich (ni0e as $ne ? and 0hey are 0he basis o1 0he Thorah, and 0his opens 0he door 0o allX5Co2e, seeW 0he 2ys0ery o1 0he 4ord5 These are 0hree degrees and each e:is0s by i0sel1, and ye0 all are $ne and are /no00ed in $ne, nor are 0hey separa0ed one 1ro2 ano0herX5Three co2e ou0 1ro2 $ne, $ne e:is0s in Three, i0 is 0he 1orce be04een T4o, T4o nourishes $ne5 $ne nourishes 2any sides, 0hus All is $ne5 )i'id. =-= =-? =-G*5 Needless 0o say 0ha0 0he Hebre4s held 0he doc0rine o1 2any .ods @ =+ho is li/e un0o Thee, $ Lord, a2ong 0he .odsL> @and o1 2ul0i0udes o1 subordina0e 2inis0ran0s, 0he >Sons o1 .od,> 0he =Angels o1 0he Lord,> 0he =Ten Angelic Hos0s5>)E<odus <v ii.* $1 0he co22ence2en0 o1 0he uni3erse 0he Oohar 0eaches F (Page '! In 0he beginning 4as 0he +ill o1 0he !ing, prior 0o any e:is0ence 4hich ca2e in0o being 0hrough e2ana0ion 1ro2 0his +ill5 I0 s/e0ched and engra3ed 0he 1or2s o1 all 0hings 0ha0 4ere 0o be 2ani1es0ed 1ro2 conceal2en0 in0o 3ie4, in 0he supre2e and daBBling ligh0 o1 0he Kuadran0 [0he Sacred Te0rac0ys\ )/yer+s Jua''alah pp. :@;9@?>. No0hing can e:is0 in 4hich 0he %ei0y is no0 i22anen0, and 4i0h regard 0o eincarna0ion i0 is 0augh0 0ha0 0he Soul is presen0 in 0he di3ine Idea ere co2ing 0o ear0h ? i1 0he Soul re2ained ;ui0e pure during i0s 0rial i0 escaped rebir0h, bu0 0his see2s 0o ha3e been only a 0heore0ical possibili0y, and i0 is saidF All souls are sub6ec0 0o re3olu0ion )2e0e2psychosis, a<leen o<gilgoolah*, bu0

2en do no0 /no4 0he 4ays o1 0he Holy $ne F blessed be I0W 0hey are ignoran0 o1 0he 4ay 0hey ha3e been 6udged in all 0i2e, and be1ore 0hey ca2e in0o 0his 4orld and 4hen 0hey ha3e ;ui00ed i0 )i'id. p. :@B*5 Traces o1 0his belie1 occur bo0h in 0he Hebre4 and Chris0ian e:o0eric Scrip0ures, as in 0he belie1 0ha0 Eli6ah 4ould re0urn, and la0er 0ha0 he had re0urned in Nohn 0he 'ap0is05 Turning 0o glance a0 Egyp0, 4e 1ind 0here 1ro2 hoaries0 an0i;ui0y i0s 1a2ous Trini0y, a, $siris9Isis as 0he dual Second L$.$S, and Horus5 The grea0 hy2n 0o A2un9 a 4ill be re2e2bered F The .ods bo4 be1ore Thy #a6es0y by e:al0ing 0he Souls o1 Tha0 4hich produce0h 0he2X5and say 0o Thee F Peace 0o all e2ana0ions 1ro2 0he unconscious 1a0her o1 0he conscious ,a0hers o1 0he .odsX55Thou Producer o1 beings, 4e adore 0he Souls 4hich e2ana0e 1ro2 Thee5 Thou bege00es0 us, $ Thou (n/no4n, and 4e gree0 Thee in 4orshipping each .od9Soul 4hich descende0h (Page (! 1ro2 Thee and
li3e0h in us )Luoted in Secret &octrine iii ;B? :B@= ed.6 v ;G= Adyar Ed.>.

The =conscious ,a0hers o1 0he .ods> are 0he L$.$I, 0he =unconscious ,a0her> is 0he $ne E:is0ence, unconscious no0 as being less bu0 as being in1ini0ely 2ore 0han 4ha0 4e call consciousness, a li2i0ed 0hing5 In 0he 1rag2en0s o1 0he Book of the &ead 4e can s0udy 0he concep0ions o1 0he reincarna0ing o1 0he hu2an Soul, o1 i0s pilgri2age 0o4ards and i0s ul0i2a0e union 4i0h 0he L$.$S5 The 1a2ous papyrus o1 =0he scribe Ani, 0riu2phan0 in peace,> is 1ull o1 0ouches 0ha0 re2ind 0he reader o1 0he Scrip0ures o1 o0her 1ai0hs ? his 6ourney 0hrough 0he under4orld, his e:pec0a0ion o1 re9

en0ering his body )0he 1or2 0a/en by reincarna0ion a2ong 0he Egyp0ians*, his iden0i1ica0ion 4i0h 0he L$.$S F Sai0h $siris Ani F I a2 0he grea0 $ne, son o1 0he grea0 $ne ? I a2 ,ire, 0he son o1 ,ire XI ha3e /ni0 0oge0her 2y bones, I ha3e 2ade 2ysel1 4hole and sound ? I ha3e beco2e young once 2ore ? I a2 $siris 0he Lord o1 e0erni0y )<liii : ; *5 In Pierre0<s recension o1 *he Book of the &ead 4e 1ind 0he s0ri/ing passageF I a2 0he being o1 2ys0erious na2es 4ho prepares 1or hi2sel1 d4ellings 1or 2illions o1 years )p. 88*5 Hear0, 0ha0 co2es0 0o 2e 1ro2 2y 2o0her, 2y hear0 necessary 0o 2y e:is0ence on ear0h XHear0, 0ha0 co2es0 0o 2e 1ro2 2y 2o0her, hear0 0ha0 is necessary 1or 2e 1or 2y 0rans1or2a0ion )pp. ::=9::;*5 In Ooroas0rianis2 4e 1ind 0he concep0ion o1 0he $ne E:is0ence, i2aged as 'oundless Space, 4hence arises 0he L$.$S, 0he crea0or AEhar2aBdF (Page ")! Supre2e in o2niscience and goodness, and unri3alled in splendor F 0he region o1 ligh0 is 0he place o1 AEhar2aBd )*he Bundahis Sacred Books of the East v = ;6 v 8*5 To hi2 in 0he Yasna, 0he chie1 li0urgy o1 0he Oara0hus0rians, ho2age is 1irs0 paid F I announce and I )4ill* co2ple0e )2y Yasna [4orship\ 0o Ahura #aBda, 0he crea0or, 0he radian0 and glorious, 0he grea0es0 and 0he bes0, 0he 2os0 beau0i1ul )L*

)0o our concep0ions*, 0he 2os0 1ir2, 0he 4ises0, and 0he one o1 all 4hose body is 2os0 per1ec0, 4ho a00ains his ends 0he 2os0 in1allibly, because o1 His righ0eous order, 0o Hi2 4ho disposes our 2inds arigh0, 4ho sends His 6oy9crea0ing grace a1ar ? 4ho 2ade us and has 1ashioned us, and 4ho has nourished and pro0ec0ed us, 4ho is 0he 2os0 boun0eous Spiri0 ASacred Books of the East <<<i pp. :@? :@G>. The 4orshipper 0hen pays ho2age 0o 0he A2eshaspends and o0her .ods, bu0 0he supre2e 2ani1es0ed .od, 0he L$.$S, is no0 here presen0ed as 0riune5 As 4i0h 0he Hebre4s, 0here 4as a 0endency in 0he e:o0eric 1ai0h 0o lose sigh0 o1 0his 1unda2en0al 0ru0h5 ,or0una0ely 4e can 0race 0he pri2i0i3e 0eaching, 0hough i0 disappeared in la0er 0i2es 1ro2 0he popular belie15 %r5 Haug, in his Essays on 0he Parsis Atranslated 'y &r. Iest and forming vol. v of *ru'ner+s Driental Series> s0a0es 0ha0 Ahura2aBda @ AEhar2aBd or HAr2aBd @ is 0he Supre2e 'eing, and 0ha0 1ro2 hi2 4ere produced @ T4o pri2e3al causes, 4hich, 0hough di11eren0 4ere uni0ed and produced 0he 4orld o1 2a0erial 0hings as 4ell as 0ha0 o1 0he spiri0 )p5 RYR*5 These 4ere called 04ins and are e3ery4here presen0, in Ahura2aBda as 4ell as in 2an5 (Page " * $ne produces reali0y, 0he o0her non9reali0y, and i0 is
0hese 4ho in la0er Ooroas0rianis2 beca2e 0he opposing Spiri0s o1 good and e3il5 In 0he earlier 0eachings 0hey e3iden0ly 1or2ed 0he Second Logos, duali0y being his charac0eris0ic 2ar/5 The =good> and =bad> are 2erely Ligh0 and %ar/ness, Spiri0 and #a00er, 0he 1unda2en0al =04ins> o1 0he (ni3erse, 0he T4o 1ro2 0he $ne5

Cri0icising 0he la0er idea, %r5 Haug says F

Such is 0he original Ooroas0rian no0ion o1 0he 04o crea0i3e Spiri0s, 4ho 1or2 only 04o par0s o1 0he %i3ine being5 'u0 in 0he course o1 0i2e 0his doc0rine o1 0he grea0 1ounder 4as changed and corrup0ed, in conse;uence o1 2isunders0andings and 1alse in0erpre0a0ions5 Spen0^2ainyush [ the .good spirit1\ 4as 0a/en as a na2e o1 Ahura2aBda Hi2sel1, and 0hen o1 course Angr^2ainyush [ the .evil spirit1\ by beco2ing en0irely separa0ed 1ro2 Ahura2aBda ? 4as regarded as 0he cons0an0 ad3ersary o1 Ahura2aBda F 0hus 0he %ualis2 o1 .od and %e3il arose )p5 IYH*5 %r5 Haug<s 3ie4 see2s 0o be suppor0ed by 0he .A0ha Ahuna3ai0i, gi3en 4i0h o0her .A0has by =0he archangels> 0o Ooroas0er or Oara0hus0ra F In 0he beginning 0here 4as a pair o1 04ins, 04o spiri0s, each o1 a peculiar ac0i3i0y ? 0hese are 0he good and 0he base X And 0hese 04o spiri0s uni0ed crea0ed 0he 1irs0 )0he 2a0erial 0hings* ? one 0he reali0y, 0he o0her 0he non9reali0y XAnd 0o succor 0his li1e )0o increase i0* Ar2ai0i ca2e 4i0h 4eal0h, 0he good and 0rue 2ind ? she, 0he e3erlas0ing one, crea0ed 0he 2a0erial 4orldX5All per1ec0 0hings are garnered up in 0he splendid residence o1 0he .ood #ind, 0he +ise and 0he igh0eous, 4ho are /no4n as 0he bes0 beings ),as. <<< = ; - :C6 &r. "aug+s translation pp.:;@9:?:>.(Page ""! Here 0he 0hree L$.$I are seen, Ahura2aBda 0he 1irs0, 0he supre2e Li1e ? in and 1ro2 hi2 0he =04ins,> 0he Second L$.$S ? 0hen Ar2ai0i 0he #ind, 0he Crea0or o1 0he (ni3erse, 0he Third L$.$S5 ) Armaiti was a first Iisdom and the Goddess of Iisdom %ater as the creator She 'ecame identified with the earth and was worshipped as the Goddess of

Earth*5 La0er #i0hra appears, and in 0he e:o0eric 1ai0h clouds 0he pri2i0i3e 0ru0h 0o so2e e:0en0 ? o1 hi2 i0 is said F +ho2 Ahura #aBda has es0ablished 0o 2ain0ain and loo/ o3er all 0his 2o3ing 4orld ? 4ho, ne3er sleeping, 4a/e1ully guards 0he crea0ion o1 #aBda )/ihir ,ast <<vii :C=0 Sacred Books of the East <viii*5 He 4as a subordina0e .od, 0he Ligh0 o1 Hea3en, as &aruna 4as 0he Hea3en i0sel1, one o1 0he grea0 ruling In0elligences5 The highes0 o1 0hese ruling In0elligences 4ere 0he si: A2eshaspends, headed by 0he .ood Though0 o1 Ahura2aBda, &ohE2an @ +ho ha3e charge o1 0he 4hole 2a0erial crea0ion )Sacred Books of the East v. p. :C note*5 eincarna0ion does no0 see2 0o be 0augh0 in 0he boo/s 4hich, so 1ar, ha3e been 0ransla0ed, and 0he belie1 is no0 curren0 a2ong 2odern Pars_s5 'u0 4e do 1ind 0he idea o1 0he Spiri0 in 2an as a spar/ 0ha0 is 0o beco2e a 1la2e and 0o be reuni0ed 0o 0he Supre2e ,ire, and 0his 2us0 i2ply a de3elop2en0 1or 4hich rebir0h is a necessi0y5 Nor 4ill Ooroas0rianis2 e3er be unders0ood un0il 4e reco3er 0he (haldean Dracles and allied 4ri0ings, 1or 0here is i0s real roo02(Page "#! Tra3elling 4es04ard 0o .reece, 4e 2ee0 4i0h 0he $rphic sys0e2, described 4i0h such abundan0 learning by .5 5S5#ead in his 4or/ Drpheus5 The Ine11able Thrice9un/no4n %ar/ness 4as 0he na2e gi3en 0o 0he $ne E:is0ence5 According 0o 0he 0heology o1 $rpheus, all 0hings origina0e 1ro2 an i22ense principle, 0o 4hich 0hrough 0he i2becili0y and po3er0y o1 hu2an concep0ion

4e gi3e a na2e, 0hough i0 is per1ec0ly ine11able, and in 0he re3eren0ial language o1 0he Egyp0ians in a thrice unknown darkness in con0e2pla0ion o1 4hich all /no4ledge is re1unded in0o ignorance )Tho2as Taylor, ;uo0ed in Drpheus page @=*5 ,ro2 0his 0he =Pri2ordial Triad,> (ni3ersal .ood, (ni3ersal Soul, (ni3ersal #ind, again 0he Logoic Trini0y5 $1 0his #r5 #ead 4ri0es F The 1irs0 Triad, 4hich is 2ani1es0able 0o in0ellec0, is bu0 a re1lec0ion o1, or subs0i0u0e 1or 0he (n2ani1es0able, and i0s hypos0ases areF )a* 0he .ood, 4hich is super9essen0ial? )b* Soul )0he +orld Soul*, 4hich is a sel192o0i3e essence? and )c* In0ellec0 )or 0he #ind*, 4hich is an i2par0ible, i22o3able essence )ibid5, p5 9V*5 A10er 0his, a series o1 e3er9descending Triads, sho4ing 0he charac0eris0ics o1 0he 1irs0 in di2inishing splendor un0il 2an is reached, 4ho @ Has in hi2 po0en0ially 0he su2 and subs0ance o1 0he uni3erseXJThe race o1 2en and gods is one APindar who was a Pythagorean Luoted 'y (lemens S0ro2. v.-C@>XThus 2an 4as called 0he 2icrocos2 or li00le 4orld, 0o dis0inguish hi2 1ro2 0he uni3erse or grea0 4orld )i'id. p. 8-:*5 He has 0he Nous, or real 2ind, 0he Logos or ra0ional par0, 0he Alogos or irra0ional par0, 0he 04o la00er again 1or2ing a Triad, and 0hus presen0ing 0he 2ore elabora0e sep0enary di3ision5 (Page "4! The 2an 4as also
regarded as ha3ing 0hree 3ehicles, 0he physical and sub0le bodies and 0he luci1or2 body or augoeides, 0ha0 F

Is 0he =causal body,> or /ar2ic 3es0ure o1 0he soul, in 4hich i0s des0iny, or ra0her all 0he seeds o1 pas0 causa0ion are

s0ored5 This is 0he =0hread9soul,> as i0 is so2e0i2es called, 0he =body> 0ha0 passes o3er 1ro2 one incarna0ion 0o ano0her ) i'id. p. 8B;*5 As 0o reincarna0ionF Toge0her 4i0h all 0he adheren0s o1 0he #ys0eries in e3ery land 0he $rphics belie3ed in reincarna0ion )i'id. p5 8@8*5 To 0his #r5 #ead brings abundan0 0es0i2ony, and he sho4s 0ha0 i0 4as 0augh0 by Pla0o, E2pedocles, Py0hagoras, and o0hers5 $nly by 3ir0ue could 2en escape 1ro2 0he li1e94heel5 Taylor in his no0es 0o 0he Select Iorks of Plotinus, ;uo0es 1ro2 %a2ascius as 0o 0he 0eachings o1 Pla0o on 0he $ne beyond 0he $ne, 0he (n2ani1es0 E:is0ence F Perhaps indeed, Pla0o leads us ine11ably 0hrough the one as a 2ediu2 0o 0he ine11able beyond the one 4hich is no4 0he sub6ec0 o1 discussion ? and 0his by an abla0ion o1 the one in 0he sa2e 2anner as he leads 0o the one by an abla0ion o1 o0her 0hingsXTha0 4hich is beyond the one is 0o be honoured in 0he 2os0 per1ec0 silenceX *he one indeed 4ills 0o be by i0sel1, bu0 4i0h no o0her ? bu0 0he un/no4n beyond the one is per1ec0ly ine11able, 4hich 4e ac/no4ledge 4e nei0her /no4, nor are ignoran0 o1, bu0 4hich has abou0 i0sel1 super9ignorance5 Hence by pro:i2i0y 0o 0his the one i0sel1 is dar/ened ? 1or being near 0o 0he i22ense principle, i1 i0 be la41ul so 0o spea/, i0 re2ains as i0 4ere in 0he ady0u2 o1 0he 0ruly 2ys0ic silenceXThe 1irs0 is abo3e the one and all things, being 2ore si2ple 0han ei0her o1 0hese )pp5RV19RVR*5(Page "$!

The Py0hagorean, Pla0onic, and Neo9 Pla0onic schools ha3e so 2any poin0s o1 con0ac0 4i0h Hindu and 'uddhis0 0hough0 0ha0 0heir issue 1ro2 0he one 1oun0ain is ob3ious5 5 .arbe, in his 4or/, %ie SD2/hya Philosophie )iii pp.B?9:C?* presen0s 2any o1 0hese poin0s, and his s0a0e2en0 2ay be su22arised as 1ollo4s F The 2os0 s0ri/ing is 0he rese2blance @ or 2ore correc0ly 0he iden0i0y @ o1 0he doc0rine o1 0he $ne and $nly in 0he (panishads and 0he Elea0ic school5 Genophanes< 0eaching o1 0he uni0y o1 .od and 0he !os2os and o1 0he changelessness o1 0he $ne, and e3en 2ore 0ha0 o1 Par2enides, 4ho held 0ha0 reali0y is ascribable only 0o 0he $ne unborn, indes0ruc0ible and o2nipresen0, 4hile all 0ha0 is 2ani1old and sub6ec0 0o change is bu0 an appearance, and 1ur0her 0ha0 'eing and Thin/ing are 0he sa2e @ 0hese doc0rines are co2ple0ely iden0ical 4i0h 0he essen0ial con0en0s o1 0he (panishads and o1 0he &edAn0ic philosophy 4hich springs 1ro2 0he25 'u0 e3en earlier s0ill 0he 3ie4 o1 Thales, 0ha0 all 0ha0 e:is0s has sprung 1ro2 +a0er, is curiously li/e 0he &aidi! doc0rine 0ha0 0he (ni3erse arose 1ro2 0he 4a0ers5 La0er on Ana:i2ander assu2ed as 0he basis )MNOP* o1 all 0hings an e0ernal, in1ini0e, and inde1ini0e Subs0ance, 1ro2 4hich all de1ini0e subs0ances proceed and in0o 4hich 0hey re0urn @ an assu2p0ion iden0ical 4i0h 0ha0 4hich lies a0 0he roo0 o1 0he SDn/hya, 3iB5, 0he Pra/`0i 1ro2 4hich 0he 4hole 2a0erial side o1 0he uni3erse e3ol3ed5 And his 1a2ous saying QMRST U NV3 )panta rhei* (Page "%! e:presses 0he charac0eris0ic 3ie4 o1 0he SAn/hya
0ha0 all 0hings are e3er changing under 0he ceaseless ac0i3i0y o1 0he 0hree gunas5 E2pedocles again 0augh0 0heories o1 0rans2igra0ion and e3olu0ion prac0ically 0he sa2e as 0hose o1 0he SAn/hyas, 4hile his 0heory 0ha0 no0hing can co2e in0o being 4hich does no0 already e:is0 is e3en 2ore closely iden0ical 4i0h a charac0eris0ically SAn/hyan doc0rine5

'o0h Ana:agoras and %e2ocri0us also presen0 se3eral poin0s o1 close agree2en0, especially

0he la00er<s 3ie4 as 0o 0he na0ure and posi0ion o1 0he .ods, and 0he sa2e applies, no0ably in so2e curious 2a00ers o1 de0ail, 0o Epicurus5 'u0 i0 is, ho4e3er, in 0he 0eachings o1 Py0hagoras 0ha0 4e 1ind 0he closes0 and 2os0 1re;uen0 iden0i0ies o1 0eachings and argu2en0a0ion, e:plained as due 0o Py0hagoras hi2sel1 ha3ing 3isi0ed India and learned his philosophy 0here, as 0radi0ion asser0s5 In la0er cen0uries 4e 1ind so2e peculiarly SAn/hyan and 'uddhis0 ideas playing a pro2inen0 par0 in .nos0ic 0hough05 The 1ollo4ing ;uo0a0ion 1ro2 Lassen, ci0ed by .arbe on p5 98, sho4s 0his 3ery clearly F 'uddhis2 in general dis0inguishes clearly be04een Spiri0 and Ligh0, and does no0 regard 0he la00er as i22a0erial ? bu0 a 3ie4 o1 Ligh0 is 1ound a2ong 0he2 4hich is closely rela0ed 0o 0ha0 o1 0he .nos0ics5 According 0o 0his, Ligh0 is 0he 2ani1es0a0ion o1 Spiri0 in 2a00er ? 0he in0elligence 0hus clo0hed in Ligh0 co2es in0o rela0ion 4i0h 2a00er, in 4hich 0he Ligh0 can be lessened and a0 las0 ;ui0e obscured, in 4hich case 0he In0elligence 1alls 1inally in0o co2ple0e unconsciousness5 $1 0he highes0 In0elligence i0 is 2ain0ained 0ha0 i0 is nei0her Ligh0 nor No09 Ligh0, nei0her %ar/ness nor No09%ar/ness, since all (Page "&! 0hose e:pressions deno0e
rela0ions o1 0he In0elligence 0o 0he Ligh0, 4hich indeed in 0he beginning 4as 1ree 1ro2 0hese connec0ions, bu0 la0er on encloses 0he In0elligence and 2edia0es i0s connec0ion 4i0h 2a00er5 I0 1ollo4s 1ro2 0his 0ha0 0he 'uddhis0 3ie4 ascribes 0o 0he highes0 In0elligence 0he po4er 0o produce ligh0 1ro2 i0sel1, and 0ha0 in 0his respec0 also 0here is an agree2en0 be04een 'uddhis2 and .nos0icis25

.arbe here poin0s ou0 0ha0, as regards 0he 1ea0ures alluded 0o, 0he agree2en0 be04een .nos0icis2 and SAn/hya is 3ery 2uch closer 0han 0ha0 4i0h

'uddhis2 ? 1or 4hile 0hese 3ie4s as 0o 0he rela0ions be04een Ligh0 and Spiri0 per0ain 0o 0he la0er phases o1 'uddhis2, and are no0 a0 all 1unda2en0al 0o, or charac0eris0ic o1 i0 as such, 0he SAn/hya 0eaches clearly and precisely 0ha0 Spiri0 is Ligh05 La0er s0ill 0he in1luence o1 0he SAn/hya 0hough0 is 3ery plainly e3iden0 in 0he Neo9Pla0onic 4ri0ers ? 4hile 0he doc0rine o1 0he L$.$S or +ord, 0hough no0 o1 SAn/hyan origin, sho4s e3en in i0s de0ails 0ha0 i0 has been deri3ed 1ro2 India, 4here 0he concep0ion o1 &Dch, 0he %i3ine +ord, plays so pro2inen0 a par0 in 0he 'rAh2anical sys0e25 Co2ing 0o 0he Chris0ian religion, con0e2poraneous 4i0h 0he .nos0ic and Neo9Pla0onic sys0e2s, 4e shall 1ind no di11icul0y in 0racing 2os0 o1 0he sa2e 1unda2en0al 0eachings 4i0h 4hich 4e ha3e no4 beco2e so 1a2iliar5 The 0hree1old L$.$S appears as 0he Trini0y ? 0he ,irs0 L$.$S, 0he 1oun0 o1 all li1e being 0he ,a0her ? 0he dual9na0ured Second L$.$S 0he Son, .od92an ? 0he Third, 0he crea0i3e #ind, 0he Holy .hos0, 4hose brooding o3er 0he 4a0ers o1 chaos brough0 1or0h 0he 4orlds5 (Page "'! Then co2es =0he se3en Spiri0s o1 .od> [Rev. iv. ?.\ and 0he hos0s archangels and angels5 $1 0he $ne E:is0ence 1ro2 4hich all co2es and in0o 4hich all re0urns, bu0 li00le is hin0ed, 0he Na0ure 0ha0 by searching canno0 be 1ound ou0 ? bu0 0he grea0 doc0ors o1 0he Church Ca0holic al4ays posi0 0he un1a0ho2able %ei0y, inco2prehensible, in1ini0e, and 0here1ore necessarily bu0 $ne and par0less5 #an is 2ade in 0he =i2age o1 .od,> [Gen. $ 8G98-\ and is conse;uen0ly 0riple in his na0ure @ Spiri0 and Soul and body, [:9*hess. E 8=W he is a =habi0a0ion o1 .od,> [Eph. $i 88\ 0he =0e2ple o1 .od,> [ $ (or. iii :G\ 0he =0e2ple o1 0he Holy .hos0,> [ $ (or. vi :@\ @ phrases 0ha0 e:ac0ly echo 0he Hindu 0eaching5 The doc0rine o1 reincarna0ion is ra0her 0a/en 1or gran0ed in 0he Xew *estament 0han dis0inc0ly 0augh0 ? 0hus Nesus spea/ing o1 Nohn 0he 'ap0is0, declares 0ha0 he is Elias =4hich 4as 1or 0o co2e5> [ /att. <i. :;\ re1erring 0o 0he

4ords o1 #alachi, = I 4ill send you Eli6ah 0he prophe0>, [ /al. $v ?\ and again, 4hen as/ed as 0o Eli6ah co2ing be1ore 0he #essiah, He ans4ered 0ha0 =Elias is co2e already and 0hey /ne4 hi2 no05> [ /att. <vii :8 \5So again 4e 1ind 0he disciples 0a/ing reincarna0ion 1or gran0ed in as/ing 4he0her blindness 1ro2 bir0h 4as a punish2en0 1or a 2an<s sin and Nesus in ans4er no0 re6ec0ing 0he possibili0y o1 an0e9na0al sin, bu0 only e:cluding i0 as causing 0he blindness in 0he special ins0ance5 [#ohn i< :9:= \ The re2ar/able phrase applied 0o =hi2 0ha0 o3erco2e0h> in Rev. iii :8, 9 (Page "(! 0ha0 he shall be =a pillar in 0he 0e2ple o1 2y .od, and he shall
go no 2ore ou0>, has been 0a/en as signi1ying escape 1ro2 rebir0h5

,ro2 0he 4ri0ings o1 so2e o1 0he Chris0ian ,a0hers a good case 2ay be 2ade our 1or a curren0 belie1 in reincarna0ion ? so2e argue 0ha0 only 0he pre9e:is0ence o1 0he Soul is 0augh0, bu0 0his 3ie4 does no0 see2 0o 2e suppor0ed by 0he e3idence5 The uni0y o1 2oral 0eaching is no0 less s0ri/ing, 0han 0he uni0y o1 0he concep0ions o1 0he uni3erse and o1 0he e:periences o1 0hose 4ho rose ou0 o1 0he prison o1 0he body in0o 0he 1reedo2 o1 0he higher spheres5 I0 is clear 0ha0 0his body o1 pri2e3al 0eaching 4as in 0he hands o1 de1ini0e cus0odians, 4ho had schools in 4hich 0hey 0augh0, disciples 4ho s0udied 0heir doc0rines5 The iden0i0y o1 0hese schools and o1 0heir discipline s0ands ou0 plainly 4hen 4e s0udy 0he 2oral 0eaching, 0he de2ands 2ade on 0he pupils, and 0he 2en0al and spiri0ual s0a0es 0o 4hich 0hey 4ere raised5 A caus0ic di3ision is 2ade in 0he TDo Teh Ching o1 0he 0ypes o1 scholars F Scholars o1 0he highes0 class 4hen 0hey hear abou0 0he TDo, earnes0ly carry i0 in0o prac0ice5 Scholars o1 0he 2iddle class, 4hen 0hey ha3e hears abou0 i0, see2 no4 0o /eep i0 and no4 0o lose i05 Scholars o1 0he lo4es0 class, 4hen 0hey ha3e heard

abou0 i0, laugh grea0ly a0 i0 )Sacred Books of the East <<<i< op. (it. <li :*5 In 0he sa2e boo/ 4e read F The sage pu0s his o4n person las0, and ye0 i0 is 1ound in 0he 1ore2os0 place? he 0rea0s his person as i1 i0 4ere 1oreign 0o hi2, and ye0 0ha0 person is preser3ed5 I0 is no0 because (Page #)! he has no personal
and pri3a0e ends 0ha0 0here1ore such ends are realisedL ) vii 8* @ He is 1ree 1ro2 sel19display, and 0here1ore he shines? 1ro2 sel19asser0ion, and 0here1ore he is dis0inguished ? 1ro2 sel19boas0ing, and 0here1ore his 2eri0 is ac/no4ledged, 1ro2 sel19co2placency, and 0here1ore he ac;uires superiori0y5 I0 is because he is 0hus 1ree 1ro2

s0ri3ing 0ha0 0here1ore no one in 0he 4orld is able 0o s0ri3e 4i0h hi2 )<<ii 8*5 There is no guil0 grea0er 0han 0o sanc0ion a2bi0ion ? no cala2i0y grea0er 0han 0o be discon0en0ed 4i0h one<s lo0 ? no 1aul0 grea0er 0han 0he 4ish 0o be ge00ing )<lvi 8*5 To 0hose 4ho are good )to me* I a2 good ? and 0o 0hose 4ho are no0 good ) to me* I a2 also good ? and 0hus all ge0 0o be good5 To 0hose 4ho are sincere )with me* I a2 sincere? and 0o 0hose 4ho are no0 sincere )with me* I a2 also sincere ? and 0hus )all* ge0 0o be sincere )<li< :*5 He 4ho has in hi2sel1 abundan0ly 0he a00ribu0es )of the *o * is li/e an in1an05 Poisonous insec0s 4ill no0 s0ing hi2 ? 1ierce beas0s 4ill no0 seiBe hi2 ? birds o1 prey 4ill no0 s0ri/e hi2 @ ) lv :*, I ha3e 0hree precious 0hings 4hich I priBe and hold 1as05 The 1irs0 is gen0leness ? 0he second is econo2y ? 0he 0hird is shrin/ing 1ro2 0a/ing precedence o1 o0hers X.en0leness is sure 0o be 3ic0orious, e3en in ba00le, and 1ir2ly 0o 2ain0ain i0s ground5 Hea3en 4ill sa3e i0s possessor, by his )very* gen0leness pro0ec0ing hi2 )l<vii 8 ;*5 A2ong 0he Hindus 0here 4ere selec0ed scholars dee2ed 4or0hy o1 special ins0ruc0ion 0o 4ho2 0he .uru i2par0ed 0he secre0 0eachings, 4hile 0he general rules o1 righ0 li3ing 2ay be ga0hered 1ro2 #anu<s Drdinances, 0he Hpanishads, 0he #ahAbhAra0a and 2any o0her 0rea0ises F

Le0 hi2 say 4ha0 is 0rue, le0 hi2 say 4ha0 is pleasing, le0 hi2 u00er no disagreeable 0ru0h, and le0 hi2 u00er no agreeable 1alsehood ? 0ha0 is 0he e0ernal la4 )/anu iv :=B*5 .i3ing no pain 0o any crea0ure, le0 hi2 slo4ly accu2ula0e spiri0ual 2eri0 )iv 8=B*5 ,or 0ha0 04ice9born 2an, by 4ho2 no0 (Page # ! 0he s2alles0 danger e3en is
caused 0o crea0ed beings, 0here 4ill be no danger 1ro2 any );uar0er* a10er he is 1reed 1ro2 his body )vi ;C>.

Le0 hi2 pa0ien0ly bear hard 4ords, le0 hi2 no0 insul0 anybody, and le0 hi2 no0 beco2e anybody<s ene2y 1or 0he sa/e o1 0his )perishable* body5 Agains0 an angry 2an le0 hi2 no0 in re0urn sho4 anger, le0 hi2 bless 4hen he is cursed )vi ;-9;B*5 ,reed 1ro2 passion, 1ear and anger, 0hin/ing on #e, 0a/ing re1uge in #e, puri1ied in 0he 1ire o1 +isdo2, 2any ha3e en0ered #y 'eing )Bhagavad Git iv :C*5 Supre2e 6oy is 1or 0he Yogi 4hose #anas is peace1ul, 4hose passion9na0ure is cal2ed, 4ho is sinless and o1 0he na0ure o1 'rah2an )iv 8-*5 He 4ho beare0h no ill94ill 0o any being, 1riendly and co2passiona0e, 4i0hou0 a00ach2en0 and egois2, balanced in pleasure and pain, and 1orgi3ing, e3er con0en0, har2onious, 4i0h 0he sel1 con0rolled, resolu0e, 4i0h #anas and 'uddhi dedica0ed 0o #e @ he, #y de3o0ee, is dear 0o #e )<ii := :;* I1 4e 0urn 0o 0he 'uddha, 4e 1ind Hi2 4i0h His Arha0s, 0o 4ho2 His secre0 0eachings 4ere gi3en ? 4hile published 4e ha3e F The 4ise 2an 0hrough earnes0ness, 3ir0ue, and puri0y 2a/es hi2sel1 an island 4hich no 1lood can sub2erge )Hd navarga iv ? *5 The 4ise 2an in 0his 4orld holds 1as0 0o 1ai0h and 4isdo2, 0hese are his grea0es0 0reasures ?

he cas0 aside all o0her riches, ) < @*5 He 4ho bears ill94ill 0o 0hose 4ho bear ill94ill can ne3er beco2e pure ? bu0 he 4ho 1eels no ill9 4ill paci1ies 0hose 4ho ha0e ? as ha0red brings 2isery 0o 2an/ind, 0he sage /no4s no ha0red )<iii :8*5 $3erco2e anger by no0 being angered ? o3erco2e e3il by good ? o3erco2e a3arice by liberali0y ? o3erco2e 1alsehoods by 0ru0h )<< :B>5 The Ooroas0rian is 0augh0 0o praise Ahura2aBda, and 0henF +ha0 is 1aires0, 4ha0 is pure, 4ha0 i22or0al, 4ha0 brillian0, all 0ha0 is good5 The good spiri0 4e honor, 0he good /ingdo2 4e honor, and 0he good la4, and 0he good 4isdo2 (Page #"! ),asna <<<vii*5 #ay 0here co2e
0o 0his d4elling con0en02en0, blessing, guilelessness, and 4isdo2 o1 0he pure ),asna li<*5 Puri0y is 0he bes0 good5 Happiness, happiness is 0o hi2 ? na2ely, 0o 0he bes0 pure in puri0y )Ashem9vohu*5 All good 0hough0s, 4ords, and 4or/s are done 4i0h /no4ledge5 All e3il 0hough0s, 4ords, and 4or/s are no0 done 4i0h /no4ledge )/ispa !umata*5 ) Selec0ed 1ro2 0he Avesta in Ancient $ranian and Koroastrian /orals, by %hun6ibhoy Na2se06i #edhora*5

The Hebre4 had his =schools o1 0he prophe0s> and his !abbalah, and in 0he e:o0eric boo/s 4e 1ind 0he accep0ed 2oral 0eachings F +ho shall ascend in0o 0he hill o1 0he Lord and 4ho shall s0and in His holy placeL He 0ha0 ha0h clean hands and a pure hear0 ? 4ho ha0h no0 li10ed up his soul un0o 3ani0y, no0 s4orn decei01ully )Ps. <<iv = ;*5 +ha0 do0h 0he Lord re;uire o1 0hee bu0 0o do 6us0ly, and 0o lo3e 2ercy, and 0o 4al/ hu2bly 4i0h 0hy .odL )#icah,3i,7*5 The lip o1 0ru0h shall be es0ablished 1or e3er ? bu0 a lying 0ongue is bu0 1or a 2o2en0 )Prov. <ii :@*5 Is no0 0his 0he 1as0 0ha0 I ha3e chosenL 0o loose

0he bands o1 4ic/edness, 0o undo 0he hea3y burdens, and 0o le0 0he oppressed go 1ree, and 0ha0 ye brea/ e3ery yo/eL Is i0 no0 0o deal 0hy bread 0o 0he hungry and 0ha0 0hou bring 0he poor 0ha0 are cas0 ou0 0o 0hy ho2eL 4hen 0hou sees0 0he na/ed 0ha0 0hou co3er hi2, and 0ha0 0hou hide no0 0hysel1 1ro2 0hine o4n 1leshL )$sa. lviii G -*5 The Chris0ian 0eacher had His secre0 ins0ruc0ions 1or His disciples, )/att. <iii :C9:-* @ and He bade 0he2F .i3e no0 0ha0 4hich is holy un0o 0he dogs, nei0her cas0 ye your pearls be1ore s4ine )/att. vii G*5 ,or public 0eaching 4e 2ay re1er 0o 0he bea0i0udes in 0he Ser2on on 0he #oun0 and 0o such (Page ##! doc0rines as F I say un0o you, lo3e your ene2ies, bless 0he2 0ha0 curse you, do good 0o 0he2 0ha0 ha0e you, and pray 1or 0he2 4hich despi0e1ully use you and persecu0e youX5'e ye 0here1ore per1ec0, e3en as your ,a0her 4hich is in hea3en is per1ec0 )/att. v ;;9;B*5 He 0ha0 1inde0h his li1e shall lose i0 ? and he 0ha0 lose0h his li1e 1or 2y sa/e shall 1ind i0 )< =@*5 +hoe3er shall hu2ble hi2sel1 as 0his li00le child, 0he sa2e is grea0es0 in 0he /ingdo2 o1 hea3en )<viii ;>5 The 1rui0 o1 0he Spiri0 is lo3e, 6oy, peace, long9su11ering, gen0leness, goodness, 1ai0h, 2ee/ness, 0e2perance ? agains0 such 0here is no la4 )Gal. v 8898=*5 Le0 us lo3e one ano0her ? 1or lo3e is o1 .od ? and e3eryone 0ha0 lo3e0h is born o1 .od and /no4e0h .od ) $ #ohn iv - *5

The school o1 0he Py0hagoras and 0hose o1 0he Neo9Pla0onis0s /ep0 up 0he 0radi0ion 1or .reece, and 4e /no4 0ha0 Py0hagoras gained so2e o1 his learning in India, 4hile Pla0o s0udied, and 4as ini0ia0ed in 0he schools o1 Egyp05 #ore precise in1or2a0ion has been published o1 0he .recian schools 0han o1 o0hers ? 0he Py0hagorean had pledged disciples as 4ell as an ou0er discipline, 0he inner circle passing 0hrough 0hree degrees during 1i3e years o1 proba0ion5 A,or de0ails see .5 5S5 #ead<s Drpheus, p5 ISR e05 Se;.>5 The ou0er discipline he describes as 1ollo4s F +e 2us0 1irs0 gi3e oursel3es up en0irely 0o .od5 +hen a 2an prays he should ne3er as/ 1or any par0icular bene1i0, 1ully con3inced 0ha0 0ha0 4ill be gi3en 4hich is righ0 and proper, and according 0o 0he 4isdo2 o1 .od and no0 0he sub6ec0 o1 our o4n sel1ish desires )&iod. Sic. i< ;:*5 'y 3ir0ue alone does 2an arri3e a0 blessedness, and 0his is 0he e:clusi3e pri3ilege o1 a ra0ional being A"ippodamus &e 5elicitate ii Drelli Dpusc. GrYcor. Sent. et /oral. $i 8B;>5 In hi2sel1, o1 his o4n na0ure, 2an is nei0her good nor happy, bu0 he 2ay beco2e so by 0he 0eaching o1 0he 0rue doc0rine (Page #4! AZT[P\]^_ `T]a QN^R]aT_ Q^S]bcVST]> 4 A"ippo i'id.> 5
The 2os0 sacred du0y is 1ilial pie0y5 =.od sho4ers his blessings on hi2 4ho honors and re3eres 0he au0hor o1 his days,> says Pa2pelus )&e Parenti'us Drelli op. (it. ii =;?*5 Ingra0i0ude 0o4ards one<s paren0s is 0he blac/es0 o1 all cri2es, 4ri0es Peric0ione ) i'id. p. =?C*, 4ho is supposed 0o ha3e been 0he 2o0her o1 Pla0o5 The cleanliness and delicacy o1 all Py0hagorean 4ri0ings 4ere re2ar/able Adlian "ist. Ear. <iv :@>5 In all 0ha0 concerns chas0i0y and 2arriage 0heir principles are o1 0he u02os0 puri0y5 E3ery4here 0he grea0 0eacher reco22ends chas0i0y and 0e2perance ? bu0 a0 0he sa2e 0i2e he direc0s 0ha0 0he 2arried should 1irs0 beco2e paren0s be1ore li3ing a li1e o1 absolu0e celibacy, in order 0ha0 children 2igh0 be born under 1a3ourable condi0ions 1or con0inuing 0he holy li1e and succession o1 0he Sacred Science A$am'lichus Eit. Pythag. and "ierocl. ap.

This is e:ceedingly in0eres0ing, 1or i0 is precisely 0he sa2e regula0ion 0ha0 is laid do4n in 0he #Ana3a %har2a ShAs0ra, 0he grea0 Indian Code5 X Adul0ery 4as 2os0 s0ernly conde2ned )$am'. i'id5*5 #oreo3er, 0he 2os0 gen0le 0rea02en0 o1 0he 4i1e by 0he husband 4as en6oined, 1or had he no0 0a/en her as his co2panion =be1ore 0he .ods>L )See %ascaul<. Kur Geschichte der Ehe 'ei den Griechen in the /em. &e l+Acad. &e Bavifre vii :C- sL.>.
Sto'. Serm. <lv :;>.

#arriage 4as no0 an ani2al union, bu0 a spiri0ual 0ie5 There1ore, in her 0urn, 0he 4i1e should lo3e her husband e3en 2ore 0han hersel1, and in all 0hings be de3o0ed and obedien05 I0 is 1ur0her in0eres0ing 0o re2ar/ 0ha0 0he 1ines0 charac0ers a2ong 4o2en 4i0h 4hich ancien0 .reece presen0s us 4ere 1or2ed in 0he school o1 Py0hagoras, and 0he sa2e is 0rue o1 0he 2en5 The au0hors o1 an0i;ui0y are agreed 0ha0 0his discipline had succeeded in producing 0he highes0 e:a2ples no0 only o1 0he pures0 chas0i0y and sen0i2en0, bu0 also a si2plici0y o1 2anners, a delicacy, and a 0as0e 1or serious pursui0s 4hich 4as unparalleled5 This is ad2i00ed e3en by Chris0ian 4ri0ers )See #ustin <<, ;*XA2ong 0he 2e2bers o1 0he school 0he idea o1 6us0ice direc0ed all 0heir ac0s, 4hile 0hey obser3ed (Page #$! 0he
s0ric0es0 0olerance and co2passion in 0heir 2u0ual rela0ionships5 ,or 6us0ice is 0he principle o1 all

3ir0ue, as Polus, )ap. Sto'. Serm. viii ed. Schow p. 8=8* 0eaches ? =<0is 6us0ice 4hich 2ain0ains peace and balance in 0he soul ? she is 0he 2o0her o1 good order in all co22uni0ies, 2a/es concord be04een husband and 4i1e, lo3e be04een 2as0er and

ser3an05< The 4ord o1 a Py0hagoreanF 4as also his bond5 And 1inally a 2an should li3e so as 0o be e3er ready 1or dea0h A "ippolytus Philos. vi>. Ai'id. p. 8G=98G->. The 0rea02en0 o1 0he 3ir0ues in 0he Neo9 Pla0onic schools is in0eres0ing, and 0he dis0inc0ion is clearly 2ade be04een 2orali0y and spiri0ual de3elop2en0, or as Plo0inus pu0 i0, =The endea3our is no0 0o be 4i0hou0 sin, bu0 0o be o1 .od5> ASelect Iorks of Plotinus trans. *homas *aylor ed. :B@? p. :: *5The lo4es0 s0age 4as beco2ing 4i0hou0 sin by ac;uiring 0he =poli0ical 3ir0ues> 4hich 2ade a 2an per1ec0 in conduc0 )0he physical and e0hical being belo4 0hese*, 0he reason con0rolling and adorning 0he irra0ional na0ure5 Abo3e 0hese 4ere 0he ca0har0ic, per0aining 0o reason alone, and 4hich libera0ed 0he Soul 1ro2 0he bonds o1 genera0ion ? 0he 0heore0ic , li10ing 0he Soul in0o 0ouch 4i0h na0ures superior 0o i0sel1?and 0he paradig2a0ic, gi3ing i0 a /no4ledge o1 0rue being F Hence he 4ho energises according 0o 0he prac0ical 3ir0ues is a worthy man? bu0 he 4ho energises according 0o 0he ca0har0ic 3ir0ues is a demoniacal man, or is also a good demon5 )A good spiri0ual in0elligence, as 0he dai2on o1 Socra0es*5 He 4ho energises according 0o 0he in0ellec0ual 3ir0ues alone is a .od5 'u0 he 4ho energises according 0o 0he paradig2a0ic 3ir0ues (Page #%! is 0he 5ather of the Gods5 AXote on $ntellectual
Prudence pp. =8?9==8>.

'y 3arious prac0ices 0he disciples 4ere 0augh0 0o escape 1ro2 0he body, and 0o rise in0o higher regions5 As grass is dra4n 1ro2 a shea0h, 0he inner 2an 4as 0o dra4 hi2sel1 1ro2 his bodily casing ) !athopanishad vi :-*5 The =body o1 ligh0> or =radian0 body> o1 0he Hindus is 0he =luci1or2 body> o1 0he Neo9 Pla0ionis0s, and in 0his 2an rises 0o 1ind 0he Sel1 F

No0 grasped by 0he eye, nor by speech, nor by 0he o0hers senses )lit. Gods*, nor by aus0eri0y, nor by religious ri0es ? by serene 4isdo2, by 0he pure essence only, do0h one see 0he par0less $ne in 2edi0a0ion5 This sub0le Sel1 is 0o be /no4n by 0he 2ind in 4hich 0he 1i3e1old li1e is sleeping5 The 2ind o1 all crea0ures is ins0inc0 4i0h [0hese\ li3es ? in 0his, puri1ied, 2ani1es0s 0he Sel1 ) /undakopanishad $$$ ii B @*5 Then alone can 2an en0er 0he region 4here separa0ion is no0, 4here =0he spheres ha3e ceased5> In .5 5S5#ead<s In0roduc0ion 0o Taylor<s Plotinus, he ;uo0es 1ro2 Plo0inus a descrip0ion o1 a sphere 4hich is e3iden0ly 0he Turaya o1 0he Hindus F They li/e4ise see all 0hings, no0 0hose 4i0h 4hich genera0ion, bu0 0hose 4i0h 4hich essence is presen05 And 0hey percei3e 0he2sel3es in o0hers5 ,or all 0hings 0here, are diaphanous? and no0hing is dar/ and resis0ing, bu0 e3ery0hing is apparen0 0o e3ery one in0ernally and 0hroughou05 ,or ligh0 e3ery4here 2ee0s 4i0h ligh0 ? since e3ery0hing con0ains all 0hings in i0sel1 and again see all 0hings in ano0her5 So 0ha0 all 0hings are e3ery4here and all is all5 Each 0hing li/e4ise is e3ery0hing5 And 0he splendor 0here is in1ini0e5 ,or e3ery0hing 0here is grea0, since e3en 0ha0 4hich is s2all is grea05 (Page #&! The sun 0oo 4hich is 0here is all
0he s0ars? and again each s0ar is 0he sun and all 0he s0ars5 In each ho4e3er, a di11eren0 proper0y predo2ina0es, bu0 a0 0he sa2e 0i2e all 0hings are 3isible in each5 #o0ion li/e4ise 0here is pure? 1or 0he 2o0ion is no0 con1ounded by a 2o3er di11eren0 1ro2 i0 )p. l<<iii*5

A descrip0ion 4hich is a 1ailure, because 0he region is one abo3e describing by 2or0al language, bu0 a descrip0ion 0ha0 could only ha3e been 4ri00en by one 4hose eyes had been opened5

A 4hole 3olu2e 2igh0 easily be 1illed 4i0h 0he si2ilari0ies be04een 0he religions o1 0he 4orld, bu0 0he abo3e i2per1ec0 s0a0e2en0 2us0 su11ice as a pre1ace 0o 0he s0udy o1 Theosophy, 0o 0ha0 4hich is a 1resh and 1uller presen02en0 0o 0he 4orld o1 0he ancien0 0ru0hs on 4hich i0 has e3er been 1ed5 all 0hese si2ilari0ies poin0 0o a single source, and 0ha0 is 0he 'ro0herhood o1 0he +hi0e Lodge, 0he Hierarchy o1 Adep0s 4ho 4a0ch o3er and guide 0he e3olu0ion o1 hu2ani0y, and 4ho ha3e preser3ed 0hese 0ru0hs uni2paired ? 1ro2 0i2e 0o 0i2e, as necessi0y arose, reasser0ing 0he2 in 0he ears o1 2en5 ,ro2 o0her 4orlds, 1ro2 earlier hu2ani0ies, They ca2e 0o help our globe, e3ol3ed by a process co2parable 0o 0ha0 no4 going on 4i0h oursel3es, and 0ha0 4ill be 2ore in0elligible 4hen 4e ha3e co2ple0ed our presen0 s0udy 0han i0 2ay no4 appear ? and They ha3e a11orded 0his help, rein1orced by 0he 1lo4er o1 our o4n hu2ani0y, 1ro2 0he earlies0 0i2es un0il 0oday5 S0ill They 0each eager pupils, sho4ing 0he pa0h and guiding 0he disciple<s s0eps ? s0ill They 2ay be reached by all 4ho see/ The2, (Page #'! bearing in 0heir
hands 0he sacri1icial 1uel o1 lo3e, o1 de3o0ion, o1 unsel1ish longing 0o /no4 in order 0o ser3e ? s0ill They carry ou0 0he ancien0 discipline, s0ill un3eil 0he ancien0 #ys0eries5 The 04o pillars o1 Their Lodge ga0e4ay are Lo3e and +isdo2, and 0hrough i0s s0raigh0 por0al can only pass 0hose 1ro2 4hose shoulders has 1allen 0he burden o1 desire and sel1ishness5

A hea3y 0as/ lies be1ore us, and beginning on 0he physical plane 4e shall cli2b slo4ly up4ards, bu0 a bird<s eye 3ie4 o1 0he grea0 s4eep o1 e3olu0ion and o1 i0s purpose 2ay help us, ere 4e begin our de0ailed s0udy in 0he 4orld 0ha0 surrounds us5 A L$.$S, ere a sys0e2 has begun 0o be, has in His 2ind 0he 4hole, e:is0ing as idea @ all 1orces, all 1or2s, all 0ha0 in due process shall e2erge in0o ob6ec0i3e li1e5 He dra4s 0he circle o1 2ani1es0a0ion 4i0hin 4hich He 4ills 0o energise, and circu2scribes Hi2sel1 0o be 0he li1e o1 His uni3erse5 As 4e 4a0ch 4e see s0ra0a appearing o1 successi3e densi0ies, 0ill se3en 3as0 regions are

apparen0, and in 0hese cen0res o1 energy appear 4hirlpools o1 2a00er 0ha0 separa0e 1ro2 each o0her, un0il 4hen 0he processes o1 separa0ion and o1 condensa0ion are o3er @ so 1ar as 4e are here concerned @ 4e see a cen0ral sun, 0he physical sy2bol o1 0he L$.$S, and se3en plane0ary chains, each chain consis0ing o1 se3en globes5 Narro4ing do4n our 3ie4 0o 0he chain o1 4hich our globe is one, 4e see li1e94a3es s4eep round i, 1or2ing 0he /ingdo2s o1 na0ure, 0he 0hree ele2en0al, 0he 2ineral, 3ege0able, ani2al, hu2an5 Narro4ing do4n our 3ie4 s0ill 1ur0her 0o our o4n globe and i0s surroundings, 4e (Page #(! 4a0ch hu2an e3olu0ion, and see
2an de3eloping sel19consciousness by a series o1 2any li1e9periods ? 0hen cen0ering on a single 2an 4e 0race his gro40h and see 0ha0 each li1e9period has a 0hree1old di3ision 0ha0 each is lin/ed 0o all li1e9periods behind i0 reaping 0heir resul0s, and 0o all li1e9periods be1ore i0 so4ing 0heir har3es0s, by a la4 0ha0 canno0 be bro/en ? 0ha0 0hus 2an 2ay cli2b up4ards 4i0h each li1e9period adding 0o his e:perience, each li1e9period li10ing hi2 higher in puri0y, in de3o0ion, in in0ellec0, in po4er o1 use1ulness, un0il a0 las0 he s0ands 4here They s0and 4ho are no4 0he Teachers, 1i0, 0o pay 0o his younger bro0hers 0he deb0 he o4es 0o The25


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