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FuelFuel Eco-Program Eco-Program Fuel Eco-Program Fuel Eco-Program

The magazine of the networks I Le magazine des rseaux I Autumn 2013 I Automne 2013 I N5

2 12 14
A program that forms part of the Manitou group's CSR approach. Un programme qui s'inscrit dans la dmarche RSE du groupe Manitou.


Construction and reconstruction

*Tests performed by Manitou according to the internal EP-695 procedure validated by * Essais raliss par Manitou selon la procdure interne EP-695 valide par
Communication department - BP 10249 - 44158 Ancenis cedex - France +33 2 4009 1011 - -
Chief editor / Rdactrice en chef : Pascale Nol-Hudson - Editors/ Rdacteurs : Damien Cocton, Roxane Deni, Mathilde Turrou, Elise Van-Hale. Layout and design / Conception et ralisation graphique : Elure & Associs - Pictures / Crdit photos : Manitou Group - Printers / Impression : Cartoffset

Construire et reconstruire


Life of the group I Vie du groupe

I Event I vnement I Quality I Qualit

 ranois-Frdric Piffard F VP Sales & Marketing VP New Business

Happy anniversary to the Gehl skid loader! Joyeux anniversaire la chargeuse compacte Gehl !
The Gehl skid loader celebrates its 40th anniversary. This was the occasion for Manitou Americas to emphasize that the Gehl brand offers a complete range of seven radial-lifting models and three vertical-lifting models, including the V400, the largest compact loader in the world. "The Gehl brand remains loyal to its tradition of designing and manufacturing compact loaders that are strong and easy-touse", says Dan Miller, Chief Executive Ofcer of Manitou Americas and chairman of the Compact Equipment division. "Our task for the future consists of incorporating innovations and technology into our loaders, while keeping the ease of use that is now expected by our customers." Discover all products of the Gehl brand on the entirely new site dedicated to the North American markets: Particularly user-friendly and with a new look and feel,

A high-quality rst Une premire de qualit

EN Last July, the Manitou group obtained certication for the 9001 standard for its 5 French sites. This multi-site certication was a successful outcome to the signicant work done over the last few months by all of the teams. The audit, carried out by Bureau Veritas, did not nd any major or minor noncompliance. Obtaining this certicate is a rst step in the process of harmonizing and optimizing standards. FR

in brief

In a context that is both uncertain and complex, we have to redouble our dynamism and refocus our energies on the expectations of our customers. The competitors are certainly ever more numerous and the economies and usage customs are often very disparate from one region to another; but the Manitou group has a very tight-knit network of dealers who are present throughout the world and highly professional. This undeniable advantage continues to be the strength of the group and we are intent on strengthening our partnerships and our dealership presence in the months and years ahead.

the yellow brand's site promotes each of the products with the option to download photos and documentation.

One of the very rst Gehl. Un des tout premiers Gehl.

All of the company's teams are working to design, produce and supply innovative solutions adapted to each of the requirements of our customers, and it is on the ground that we can see how important this is. This proximity on the ground and close partnership with our networks is the core of our commercial policy and gives us condence in the future. Let's continue to demonstrate optimism, listening to our customers and supporting them every day!

 a chargeuse compacte Gehl fte ses L 40 ans. Loccasion pour Manitou Americas de rappeler que la marque Gehl propose une gamme complte de sept modles levage radial et de trois modles levage vertical, dont le V400, la plus grande chargeuse compacte au monde. La marque Gehl reste dle sa tradition de conception et de fabrication de chargeuses compactes rsistantes et faciles dutilisation , a dclar Dan Miller, directeur gnral de Manitou Americas et prsident de la division Compact Equipment. Notre mission pour lavenir consiste intgrer les innovations et la technologie nos chargeuses, tout en conservant la facilit dutilisation dsormais

"The Gehl skid loader celebrates its 40th anniversary."

attendue par nos clients. Dcouvrez lensemble des produits de la marque Gehl sur le tout nouveau site ddi aux marchs nordamricains: Particulirement convivial et dot dune nouvelle ergonomie, le site de la marque jaune met en avant chacun des produits avec la possibilit de tlcharger photos et documentations.

L  e groupe Manitou a obtenu en juillet dernier la certication pour la norme 9001 pour ses 5 sites franais. Cette certication multi-sites couronne de succs le travail et les efforts consquents fournis ces derniers mois par lensemble des quipes. Laudit, conduit par le Bureau Veritas, a dbouch sur aucune non-conformit majeure ou mineure. Lobtention de ce certicat reprsente une premire tape dans la dmarche dharmonisation et doptimisation des standards.


5 sites

1 certification 5 sites

I Subsidiaries I Filiales

From Linping to Shanghai De Linping Shanghai

Presented in a previous number, Manitou China moved into its new ofces last summer. Manitou China - 2679 Hechuan Road, Venture International Park, Building 2, Room 701, Minhang District, Shanghai PRC

La chargeuse compacte Gehl fte ses 40 ans.

The team at Manitou China. | Lquipe de Manitou China.

 rsente dans le numro prcdent, P Manitou China sest installe dans ses nouveaux bureaux lt dernier. Manitou China - 2679 Hechuan Road, Venture International Park, Building 2, Room 701, Minhang District, Shanghai PRC

Together for the same cause Ensemble pour la mme cause

EN To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Manitou UK, the subsidiary collected 16,000 for the "Marie Curie Cancer Care" foundation. The funds were collected thanks to numerous events organized by the subsidiary, its dealers, its customers and its suppliers. FR

I Organization I Organisation


Dans un contexte la fois incertain et  complexe, nous devons redoubler de dynamisme et recentrer nos nergies sur les attentes de nos clients. Les concurrents sont certes de plus en plus nombreux et les conomies et usages souvent trs disparates dune rgion lautre ; mais le groupe Manitou dispose dun rseau de concessionnaires la fois trs maill, prsent dans le monde entier et trs professionnel. Cet atout indniable continue faire la force du groupe et nous aurons cur de renforcer nos partenariats et notre prsence concessionnaires dans les mois et annes qui viennent. Toutes les quipes de lentreprise se mobilisent pour concevoir, produire et fournir des solutions innovantes adaptes chacun des besoins de nos clients, et cest sur le terrain que nous en mesurons toute limportance. Cette proximit avec le terrain en troite collaboration avec nos rseaux est au cur de notre politique commerciale et nous rend conants pour lavenir. Continuons faire preuve doptimisme en coutant nos clients et en les accompagnant chaque jour !

Lucas G.: change of hands! Lucas G. : changement de mains !

 Dans le cadre des 40 ans de Manitou UK, la liale a collect 16.000 pour la fondation Marie Curie Cancer Care. Les fonds ont t rcolts grce de nombreux vnements organiss par la liale, ses concessionnaires, ses clients et ses fournisseurs.

New at Manitou Southern Africa Du nouveau chez Manitou Southern Africa

EN Since July 2013, Andrew Maynard - who has replaced Bruce Rogers - has been in the Manitou Southern Africa team as National Sales Manager. FR

 Depuis juillet 2013, Andrew Maynard - qui remplace Bruce Rogers - a intgr lquipe de Manitou Southern Africa en tant que National Sales Manager.

380m of offices and 980m of new workshops

Rgis Legendre, Chief Executive Ofcer. Rgis Legendre, directeur gnral.
EN Last September, the Manitou group sold its subsidiary, Lucas G., to Rgis Legendre, who was formally manager of PU Attachments at Ancenis and before that, was VP sales for Europe. As a reminder, Lucas G. based in Vende (west of France), produces an entire range of straw balers and towed and self-propelled mixerdistributors. The company has 20 million euros in turnover, employs 150 persons and produces about 1,500 machines per year. This is an excellent challenge for Rgis, who becomes shareholder and Chief Executive Ofcer of Lucas G. We wish him good luck!

380 m de bureau et 980 m datelier neufs

and at Manitou Australia et chez Manitou Australia

EN Manitou Australia has the pleasure of announcing the appointment of Gary Walker as Customer Service Manager. FR

 Manitou Australia a le plaisir dannoncer la nomination de Gary Walker au poste de customer service manager.


 En septembre dernier, le groupe Manitou a cd sa liale Lucas G., Rgis Legendre, anciennement responsable de la PU Attachments Ancenis et auparavant directeur Europe. Pour mmoire, lentreprise Lucas G. base en Vende (ouest de la France), produit toute une gamme de pailleuses et de mlangeuses distributrices tractes et automotrices. La socit ralise 20 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires, emploie 150 personnes et produit autour de 1 500 machines par an. Beau challenge pour Rgis qui devient actionnaire et directeur gnral de Lucas G. Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance !

Red ribbon cut at Manitou Polska Ruban rouge coup chez Manitou Polska

Last 20 June, there was a party atmosphere in the brand new premises of the Manitou Polska subsidiary. And for good reason: the Polish team celebrated their inauguration in the presence of Marcel Braud, chairman of the board of directors of the group. The subsidiary has acquired 1,300m, with 980m of workshops. Located near the airport and the various main roads, the subsidiary is intended to become a real training center for central and eastern Europe. "We are relatively optimistic about the market prospects, particularly for the agricultural sector, says Wojciech Rzewuski, managing director of

Manitou Polska. The telescopic truck is still a relatively new concept in a non-saturated market.

Ofcially cutting the ribbon. From left to right: Jean Rouault (VP Sales Northern Europe), Franois Piffard (VP Sales & Marketing), Marcel Braud (Chairman of the board), Wojciech Rzewuski (Managing Director, Manitou Polska). Coupure ofcielle du ruban. De g. dr. : Jean Rouault (VP Sales Northern Europe), Franois Piffard (VP Sales & Marketing), Marcel Braud (Prsident du conseil d'administration), Wojciech Rzewuski (managing director, Manitou Polska).

General Meeting Assemble Gnrale

New members joined the board of directors at the general meeting of 28 June 2013. Marcel-Claude Braud and Agns MichelSegalen now respectively replace Serge Ghysdael and Dominique Bamas.

L  e 20 juin dernier, lambiance tait la fte dans les tout nouveaux locaux de la liale Manitou Polska. Et pour cause, lquipe polonaise ftait leur inauguration en prsence de Marcel Braud, Prsident du conseil d'administration du groupe. Ce sont plus de 1300 m, avec 980m datelier, dont la liale a fait lacquisition. Situe prs de laroport et des diffrents axes routiers, la liale a pour objectif de devenir

un vrai centre de formation pour lEurope centrale et orientale. Nous sommes relativement optimistes sur les perspectives de march, particulirement pour lagricole, prcise Wojciech Rzewuski, responsable de Manitou Polska. Le chariot tlescopique est encore un concept relativement nouveau sur un march non-satur.

 Le conseil d'administration a accueilli 2 nouveaux membres lors de l'assemble gnrale du 28 juin 2013. Marcel-Claude Braud et Agns Michel-Segalen remplacent respectivement Serge Ghysdael et Dominique Bamas.

2 3

New I Nouveauts
I Products I Produits

Networks I Rseaux

EMA II: New on the industrial market EMA II : du nouveau sur le march industriel
EN Amongst its range of lift trucks dedicated to industrial markets, the Manitou group has introduced its brand-new range of EMA II articulated trucks; a complete range of seven models that combine ease of use and efciency, to optimize storage capacity, particularly in conned warehouses. "The articulation concept in the EMA II range, and its ability to move in narrow aisles, means that we can support our customers in optimizing their storage zones. By reducing the width Supporting of their aisles, they can increase their customers in optimizing high storage capacity by 45%. The EMA II is therefore the ideal solution, their storage zones.

I Portrait

EN Transport Equipment Sales, Inc. (TES), located in South Kearney in New Jersey (USA), has been a Manitou dealership since 1995. After selling cranes and trailers, TES extended its eet of machines to the all-terrain market. "In the middle of the 1990s, I started to be really taken with Manitou products and our proximity to the city of New York very quickly facilitated the success of the MRT rotative trucks", says Pete Smeretsky, manager of TES, Inc. The nancial and practical aspects are both sizable arguments, according to Pete Smeretsky. Indeed, less expensive than hiring a crane and compact enough to t into conned spaces, the MRT is the ideal machine for building sites in the Big Apple.


"The MRTs turn a lot of heads when they are working."

due to its compact design and lifting height", says Louise Laumet, Marketing Manager for the industrial market.

Accompagner nos clients dans loptimisation de leur zone de stockage.

les troites nous permettent daccompagner nos clients dans loptimisation de leur zone de stockage. En rduisant la largeur de leurs alles, ils peuvent augmenter de 45% leur capacit de stockage en hauteur. LEMA II est alors la solution idale grce sa compacit et sa hauteur de leve , argumente Louise Laumet, Industrial Markets Marketing Manager pour le march industriel.


Parmi son offre de chariots lvateurs  ddis aux marchs industriels, le groupe Manitou a lanc sa toute nouvelle gamme de chariots articuls EMA II ; une gamme complte de sept modles qui allient simplicit dutilisation et efcacit an doptimiser la capacit de stockage, particulirement dans des entrepts exigus. Le concept darticulation de la gamme EMAII et sa capacit voluer dans des al-

Transport  Equipment Sales, Inc. (TES), situ South Kearney dans le New Jersey (USA), est concessionnaire Manitou depuis 1995. Aprs le commerce de grues et de remorques, TES a tendu sa otte de machines au march du tout-terrain. Au milieu des annes 90, jai tout de suite t emball par les produits Manitou, et notre proximit avec la ville de New York a trs vite facilit le succs des chariots rotatifs MRT , dclare Pete Smeretsky, directeur de TES, Inc.

Les aspects nancier et pratique sont 2 arguments de taille selon Pete Smeretsky. En effet, moins chre la location quune grue et assez compacte pour se loger dans les endroits exigus, la MRT est la machine idale pour les chantiers de la grosse pomme.

Les MRT font tourner beaucoup de ttes quand elles sont luvre.

I Americas
Pete Smeretsky.

I Services

Manitou Finance
EN Last 29 April, the rst Manitou Finance Belgium commercial training day took place in Brussels (Belgium). Objective: strengthen the relationship with large accounts and update the sales techniques of the Manitou Finance dealers. This training course was followed by roll-out at the European level: in April at Manitou Nordics in May at Manitou Polska, and in June at Manitou Italia... FR

The MI arrives in Australia Le MI arrive en Australie

EN After a European launch in 2012 and a launch in France in 2013, the new addition to the Manitou range of industrial forklift trucks, the MI, is now available in Australia. "Nowadays, customers expect more than just the acquisition of a machine. This is why we are offering a material-handling solution to the production and logistical constraints of our customers", says Stuart Walker, Managing Director, Manitou Australia. This launch took advantage of a training course prepared by the Industrial Markets Focus Team (IMFT).


Aprs un lancement europen en 2012, en  France en 2013, le nouveau-n de la gamme de chariots industriels Manitou, le MI, a fait son entre sur le sol australien. Aujourdhui, un client attend plus que lacquisition dune machine. Cest pourquoi nous proposons une solution de manutention qui rponde aux contraintes de production et de logistique de nos clients , afrme Stuart Walker, Managing Director, Manitou Australia. Ce lancement a bnci dune formation prpare par la focus team marchs industriels (IMFT).

Summer training Cours dt

I Services

Maintenance offers some news! I Offres de maintenance : du nouveau !


3 new maintenance contract offers.

 e 29 avril dernier a eu lieu Bruxelles L (Bel gique) la premire journe de for ma tion commerciale Manitou Finance Belgium. Objectif : renforcer la relation avec les grands comptes et remettre jour les techniques de vente des concessionnaires Manitou Finance. Cette formation a t suivie d'un dploiement au niveau europen : en avril chez Manitou Nordics, en mai chez Manitou Polska, en juin chez Manitou Italia...

FR  Last April, Manitou made 3 new mainteEn avril dernier, Manitou mettait disponance contract offers available to its dealers: sition de ses concessionnaires 3 nouvelles Initial service and Advanced service (preventive offres de contrats de maintenance : Initial maintenance of equipservice et Advanced service (mainment) and Excellence 3 nouvelles offres tenance prventive du matriel) et service (Full service for Excellence service (Full service pour de contrats de the industrial market). le march industriel). Ct concesmaintenance. On the dealership side: sionnaire : garder le contact avec keep contact with cusson client pendant toute la dure tomers throughout the duration of the contract. du contrat. Ct Manitou : gnrer de lactiOn the Manitou side: generate additional busivit supplmentaire pour le Centre de Pices ness for the Manitou Spare Parts Center. de Rechange Manitou. More information concerning these 3 offers Plus dinformations concernant ces 3 offres can be found on sur le site

MLT 840 "best telescopic forklift truck 2013" in Australia MLT 840 Meilleur The MTs surf the Internet chariot tlescopique Les MT surfent sur le net 2013 en Australie

in brief

I Attachments I Accessoires

A tailored offer Une offre sur mesure

A partner of the In Vivo group for many years, Manitou wished to enhance its commercial services by offering personalized support: a special brochure highlighting our knowledge of the sector, the breadth of our range and our know-how, product focus through targeted monthly special offers, With 270 cooperative members, In Vivo is the n 1 French group for buying, selling and services in the agricultural world. The Industrial Markets Large Accounts team supports them locally to promote the Manitou Industries offer to their 360 French sites, and why not internationally in future? Watch this space!


Towards greater recognition Vers plus de reconnaissance

FR  EN Manitou is offering, as standard, the Manitou propose en srie le systme de reconnaissance daccessoires (E-Reco) sur attachment-recognition system (E-Reco) ses gammes de chariots tlescopiques roon its new-generation ranges of rotative tatifs de nouvelle gnration, MRT EASY telescopic trucks MRT EASY and MRT et MRT PRIVILEGE +, prsentes la PRIVILEGE +, presented at BAUMA last BAUMA en avril derApril. The system uses nier. Le systme utilise RFID radio-identication la technologie de radiotechnology, very widely identication RFID, trs used in industry and voReal-time calculation largement utilise dans lume retailing. This autoof the load chart. les secteurs industriels nomous technique can et ceux de la grande recover and record data Calcul en temps rel consommation. Ce procremotely. The machine d autonome permet la detects the attachment de labaque de charge. rcupration et la mmoat the head of the boom, risation de donnes distance. La machine analyses its data and directly proposes the dtecte laccessoire en tte de che, anacorresponding working conguration. This lyse ses donnes et propose directement technology can calculate the load chart in lenveloppe de travail correspondante. real time. Cette technologie propose en temps rel le calcul de labaque de charge.

Markets les accompagne au plus prs pour promouvoir loffre Manitou Industries auprs de leurs 360 sites franais, et pourquoi pas linternational dans un deuxime temps A suivre de prs !

This summer, the team at Manitou Americas organized 3 "product" training sessions for its American and Canadian dealers. These training courses, which took place in Waco (Texas), Madison (South Dakota) and West Bend (Wisconsin) were intended to present the latest Gehl, Manitou, Mustang machines and Edge attachments. The training course covered practice as well as theory. The participants were able to try our machines as well as competitor models, over an obstacle course.


Cet t, lquipe de Manitou Americas  a organis 3 sessions de formation produits pour ses concessionnaires amricains et canadiens. Ces formations qui ont eu lieu Waco (Texas), Madison (Dakota du sud) et West Bend (Wisconsin) avaient pour but de prsenter les dernires machines Gehl, Manitou, Mustang et et les accessoires Edge. Au programme, de la thorie mais aussi de la pratique. Les participants ont pu essayer nos machines ainsi que les modles concurrents lors dune course dobstacles.

Happy anniversary
EN Schrage Brothers, located in Mount Calvary (Wisconsin, USA), recently celebrated its 100th anniversary as a Gehl dealer. An event marking it as the oldest Gehl dealership! FR

EN Launched at Bauma 2013, the range of medium-height telescopic trucks benets from dedicated visibility on the Internet. Click on and discover the three new models dedicated to construction: MT 835, MT 1035 and MT 1335. FR

EN Who still doubted the success of the MLT 840? Certainly not the Australian magazine "Power farming", which voted it "best telescopic truck 2013". A ne reward for this compendium of innovations, a real driver of protability for farmers. FR

L  ance la Bauma 2013, la gamme des chariots tlescopiques de moyenne hauteur prote dune visibilit ddie sur le net. Cliquez sur et dcouvrez les trois nouveaux modles ddis la construction : MT 835, MT 1035 et MT 1335.

 ui doutait encore du succs de la MLT 840? Q Trs certainement pas le journal australien Power farming qui la lue Meilleur chariot tlescopique 2013. Une belle rcompense pour ce concentr dinnovations, vritable vecteur de rentabilit pour lexploitant agricole.

Partenaire du groupe In Vivo depuis de  nombreuses annes, Manitou a souhait renforcer son offre commerciale en leur proposant un accompagnement personnalis: brochure spciale mettant en avant notre connaissance de la lire, la largeur de notre gamme et nos savoir-faire, focus produits travers des promotions mensuelles cibles, Avec 270 coopratives socitaires, In Vivo est le premier groupe franais dachats, de ventes et de services dans lunivers agricole. Lquipe Grands Comptes Industrial

 chrage Brothers, situ S Mount Calvary (Wisconsin, USA), a rcemment ft son 100e anniversaire en tant que concessionnaire Gehl. Un vnement qui fait de lui le plus ancien concessionnaire Gehl!
 en Koshatka, zone manager and the members of the Schrage Brothers family. K Ken Koshatka, responsable de zone et les membres de la famille Schrage Brothers.

4 5

Networks I Rseaux
I Southern Europe I Europe du Sud

Networks I Rseaux
I Middle East / Pacific / Africa I Moyen-Orient / Pacifique / Afrique

Congratulations! Flicitations !
EN ITN Group, a Serbian dealership who specialize in agricultural equipment, received the "Best in Agrobusiness" prize during the international agriculture exhibition that took place in Novi Sad last May. As one piece of good news is often followed by another, this was also the occasion when the 1st MLT 625 was sold on the Serbian market! FR

From Manitou to Mantractor De Manitou Mantractor

EN Bruce Rogers, former sales manager at Manitou Southern Africa, created his own Manitou dealership last June. Mantractor opened its doors in the province of Mpumalanga in South Africa. His knowledge of products and the market will provide great advantages in starting his business. We wish him good luck. FR

TN Group, concessionnaire serbe I spcialis dans lquipement agricole, a reu le prix Best in Agrobusiness pendant le salon international de lagriculture qui a eu lieu Novi Sad en mai dernier. Une bonne nouvelle narrivant jamais seule, ce fut aussi loccasion de vendre la 1re MLT 625 sur le march serbe !

The MLT 840 captivated Italian farmers

EN More than 30 farmers, members of the APIMA (Italian farmers' association) visited the production site at Castelfranco. This was the opportunity for them to discover the Manitou range of agricultural products and particularly the MLT 840!

La MLT 840 sduit les agriculteurs italiens


EN This summer, Manitou Australia organized a grand treasure hunt amongst its dealers: nd and photograph the oldest Manitou machine in Oceania! With a prize of AUD $2,500, there were many hunters. Bravo to Bob Vermeeren for having found the MB20 C truck imported in 1974 and still working. All lovers of old forklift trucks can nd the photos on FR

 ruce Rogers, ancien B responsable des ventes de Manitou Southern Africa, vient de crer sa propre concession Manitou en juin dernier. Mantractor a ouvert ses portes dans la province de Mpumalanga en Afrique du Sud. Sa connaissance des produits et du march seront des atouts prcieux pour dmarrer son activit. Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance.

Ready to take off? Pars pour le dcollage ?

EN From 2 May to 15 December 2013, French sales managers and Manitou Finance have been organizing an incentive operation intended for the French sales network. The objective: maximize the sales of machines and familiarize the network with new nancing offers. To take part, nothing is easier! Each registered seller collects "miles" by entering their purchase orders on the site for the D 2013 operation ( The best "Products and Services" and "Manitou Finance" sellers will take off for a journey in February 2014. May the best persons win! FR

deurs Produits et Services et Manitou Finance senvoleront pour un voyage en fvrier 2014. Que les meilleurs gagnent !

 lus de 30 exploitants agricoles, membres de P lAPIMA (association italienne dagriculteurs), ont visit le site de production de Castelfranco. Ce fut loccasion pour eux de dcouvrir la gamme de produits agricoles Manitou et en particulier la MLT 840 !


Yes, our dealers are very strong! To prove this, last May, the Sicilian company Edilmacchine Srl., organized open days known as "Very strong days"! In the sun-drenched city of Palermo, customers and prospects were able to discover Manitou and Gehl products and services in a friendly atmosphere that was strongly appreciated!

Manitou Australia a organis cet t une  grande chasse au trsor auprs de ses concessionnaires : trouver et photographier la plus ancienne machine Manitou en Ocanie ! Avec une rcompense de 2 500$ australiens, les chasseurs ont t nombreux. Bravo Bob Vermeeren pour avoir dnich le chariot MB20 C import en 1974 et toujours

en tat de marche. Pour tous les amateurs danciens chariots lvateurs, retrouvez les photos sur


I Northern Europe I Europe du Nord

A muscular event Un vnement muscl

EN In Kiev (Ukraine), our dealer Astra caused a sensation at the big agricultural fair in May 2013. For their Astra Show 2013, Jacky Merle - a Manitou demonstrator - gave a strength demonstration using an MLT 735 T LSU in front of hundreds of fascinated visitors. The show came to a beautiful ending with a muscular number. FR

Cration : lecamlon - Crdits photos : Thinkstock

Les responsables commerciaux franais et  Manitou Finance organisent du 2 mai au 15 dcembre 2013 une opration dincentive destination du rseau commercial France. Lobjectif : maximiser les ventes de machines et familiariser le rseau avec les offres de nancement. Pour y participer, rien de plus simple! Chaque vendeur inscrit cumule des miles en saisissant ses bons de commande sur le site de lopration D 2013 ( Les meilleurs ven


O  ui, ils sont trs forts nos concessionnaires ! Pour preuve la socit sicilienne Edilmacchine Srl., qui a organis, en mai dernier, des journes portes ouvertes baptises Very strong days ! Cest sous le fort soleil de Palerme, que clients et prospects ont pu dcouvrir les produits et services Manitou et Gehl, dans une ambiance conviviale, fortement apprcie !

Bargains corner Le coin des bonnes affaires

After the success of the Manitou Service campaign in 2011 amongst Australian customers, Manitou Australia has carried out a new campaign in partnership with its three main dealers: NTP Forklifts, LiftRite and Tutt Bryant Equipment. This operation, valid until September, was intended to offer more than 2,000 customers a reduced package for maintaining their MT or MLT telescopic trucks, as well as to inform them about the obligations for annual inspections and regular maintenance, via the TELESAFE program.

The key to the elds La cl des champs

FR  EN May 2013 Manitou Polska, with the Mai 2013 Manitou Polska, avec laide prcieuse de ses concessionnaires, a organis precious help of its dealers, organized a un vnement itinrant travers toute tour throughout Poland to present the la Pologne pour prsenter les machines Manitou and Mustang machines. 12 stages: Manitou et Mustang. 12 tapes : chacune each punctuated by demonstrations and rythme par des dmonstrations et des competitions, all in a friendly atmosphere. In concours, le tout dans une contact with more than 400 atmosphre chaleureuse. Au customers, this tour conrmed contact de plus de 400 clients, the new requirements of the ce tour conrme les nouveaux Polish agricultural market and besoins du march agricole the importance of the specics polonais et limportance de la of machines appropriate to spcicit des machines en adthese requirements. "Polish 400 clients quation avec ces besoins. Les farms currently require very fermes polonaises d'aujourd'hui specic machines. Average exigent des machines bien spciques. Les machines can no longer be a solution for machines standard ne peuvent plus tre everyone", says Wojciech Mankiewicz, Area une solution pour tout le monde souligne Sales Manager Manitou Polska. Wojciech Mankiewicz, Area Sales Manager Manitou Polska.

A reduced-price offer for the maintenance of their telescopic trucks.

F  ace au succs remport par la Campagne Service Manitou en 2011 auprs des clients australiens, Manitou Australia a ralis une nouvelle campagne en collaboration avec ses trois principaux concessionnaires : NTP Forklifts, LiftRite et Tutt Bryant Equipment. Cette opration, valable jusqu septembre, avait pour but de proposer plus de 2 000 clients, une offre prix rduit pour la maintenance de leurs chariots tlescopiques MT ou MLT, en les sensibilisant galement aux obligations dinspections annuelles et maintenances rgulires, via le programme TELESAFE.

Une offre prix rduit pour la maintenance de leurs chariots tlescopiques

A Kiev (en Ukraine), notre concessionnaire  Astra a fait sensation lors de la grande foire agricole, en mai 2013. Pour leur Astra Show 2013, Jacky Merle - dmonstrateur Manitou a ralis une dmonstration de force sur une MLT 735 T LSU devant des centaines de visiteurs enchants. Le spectacle sest achev en beaut avec un numro muscl.
 Winners of the TV program "Ukraine's got talent".
Photo taken during a machine demonstration. Please do not reproduce. Photo prise dans un contexte de dmonstration machine. Ne pas reproduire la gure.



Vainqueurs de lmission lUkraine a un incroyable talent .

6 7

Customers I Clients
I They talk about it I Ils en parlent

1970s, Australian version Annes 70, version australienne

As part of its advertising, Manitou Australia is going back in time with stories about the sale of the rst trucks of the Manitou brand on Australian soil. The focus is on Graeme Saunders, who worked as a construction engineer for an industrial and agricultural machines company. Convinced by the concept of the all-terrain masted truck, he has more than once contributed to selling trucks. This was the case in the 1970s in a brick factory. The owner showed me a large stack of bricks on pallets behind the factory that you couldnt get at, and said that he had a customer who wanted them urgently. Problem was, he would have to get his workers to spend days and days carrying them out to the main yard by hand and restack them so they could deliver the bricks says Graeme Saunders. I asked him if we were able to get them out with the Manitou, would he purchase the forklift. No sooner said than done! This sale was completed by the bank on that very day.

A natural choice Un choix naturel

An English company, specialists in road surfacing Derbyshire Aggregates , has again chosen Manitou products with an order for 8 new MSI 30T. Compact, strong and easy to handle, these trucks meet this company's material handling requirements, letting it optimize its processes and storage to best meet the demands of its customers. "Synonymous with quality and strength, a Manitou product, and particularly the MSI 30T, was a natural choice for us. This masted truck has good ground clearance and is easy to use, which are essential factors for working on our site", says Adrian Fewings, manager of Derbyshire Aggregates.

"These trucks optimize processes and storage to best respond to the demands of its customers."

Customers I Clients
I Joint interview I Interview croise
Interview with Svetlana Myachina, Manitou products manager at the dealership Mirovaya Technika Ltd.

"Manitou is the formidable combination of quality and professionalism."

Svetlana, how long have you been working at Mirovaya Technika? I have been working at Mirovaya Technika since 2004. I began in an area that was very distant from sales and telescopics. One year after my arrival, I was offered the job of manager of Manitou products. Back then, Russian farmers had almost no knowledge of telescopic trucks, just like me! We learned together. Mirovaya Technika was the rst Manitou dealership in Russia to present the brand to customers in the agricultural market. This was one heck of a challenge, starting from scratch, because farmers are pretty conservative concerning their equipment. But Manitou is the number 1 weapon for convincing them! Mirovaya Technika is the leader in Manitou sales in Russia. Your work is one of the keys to this success. What is your secret? Yes, we are proud of this and we are trying to remain on course. There are three ways of promoting Manitou: demo, demo and demo! Manitou is a fantastic combination of quality and professionalism: no other brand comes anywhere near the Manitou demonstrators and presenters. Without forgetting a corporate culture that makes you feel that you are a member of the Manitou family and gives help and support it is a winning combination every time. You have visited the Manitou production site at Ancenis. How did you nd it? Yes, I've been to the site numerous times and it's always a pleasure. When I came with customers to visit the workshops, I was always very proud of the brand that I was going to present. They were quickly impressed with the high-technology and the atmosphere. There's no doubt that, thanks to that, contracts were signed.

Which machines are most popular with customers? And what are the projections for the Russian market? To speak about the most popular agricultural models in Russia, we need to differentiate regions and applications. The best sellers are the MLT 735 T LSU and the MLT 735 120 LSU. They represent 85% of our sales in the agricultural sector. The market for telescopic trucks in Russia is immense. Manitou's future as the number 1 brand in the country is very promising as long as the quality and reliability of the machines remain at the same level.

conservateurs au sujet de leurs quipements mais Manitou est larme numro 1 pour faire fondre le cur des agriculteurs !


 ne socit anglaise spcialiste du revU tement, Derbyshire Aggregates, a renouvel son choix pour les produits Manitou en commandant 8 nouveaux MSI 30T. Compacts, solides et maniables, ces chariots rpondent aux besoins de manutention de cette socit et permettent galement dop-

timiser ses processus et son stockage pour mieux rpondre aux demandes de ses clients. Synonyme de qualit et de robustesse, notre choix pour un produit Manitou et en particulier pour le MSI 30T sest fait tout naturellement. Ce chariot mt a une bonne garde au sol et est facile dutilisa-

Ces chariots permettent d'optimiser ses processus et son stockage pour mieux rpondre aux demandes de ses clients.
tion, lments indispensables pour travailler sur notre site , commente Adrian Fewings, directeur de Derbyshire Aggregates.

Svetlana Myachina.

Mirovaya Technika Ltd is the rst Manitou dealership in Russia and has worked with Manitou Vostok from its origin.

de Svetlana Myachina, responsable des produits Manitou chez le concessionnaire Mirovaya Technika Ltd.
Mirovaya Technika Ltd est le premier conces sionnaire Manitou en Russie et travaille avec Manitou Vostok depuis ses dbuts.

Mirovaya Technika est leader des ventes Manitou en Russie. Votre travail est une des cls de ce succs. Quel est votre secret? Oui, nous sommes ers et essayons de maintenir le cap. Il y a trois faons de promouvoir Manitou : dmo, dmo et dmo ! Manitou cest la formidable combinaison de la qualit et du professionnalisme : aucune autre marque narrive la cheville des dmonstrateurs et animateurs Manitou. Sans oublier une culture dentreprise qui vous fait vous sentir membre de la famille Manitou et vous apporte aide et soutien cest une combinaison gagnante tous les coups. Vous avez visit le site de production Manitou Ancenis, comment lavez-vous trouv ? Oui, je suis alle sur le site de nombreuses reprises et cest toujours un plaisir. Quand je suis venue avec des clients pour visiter les ateliers, jtais trs re de la marque que jallais prsenter. Ils ont vite t impressionns par la haute technologie et lambiance. Il ny a aucun doute que grce a, des contrats ont t signs. Quelles sont les machines les plus populaires auprs des clients ? Et quelles sont les projections sur le march russe ? Pour parler des modles agricoles les plus populaires en Russie, il faut diffrencier les rgions et les applications. Les meilleures ventes enregistres concernent les MLT 735 T LSU et les MLT 735 120 LSU. Elles reprsentent 85% de nos ventes dans le secteur agricole. Le march du chariot tlescopique en Russie est immense. Lavenir de Manitou en tant que marque numro 1 dans le pays est trs prometteur aussi longtemps que la qualit et la abilit des machines se maintiendront au mme niveau.

Manitou, cest la formidable combinaison de la qualit et du professionnalisme.

Svetlana, depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous chez Mirovaya Technika ? Je travaille chez Mirovaya Technika depuis 2004. Jai commenc dans un domaine bien loign de celui de la vente et des tlescopiques. Un an aprs mon arrive, on ma propos le poste de responsable des produits Manitou. A cette poque, les agriculteurs russes connaissaient peine les chariots tlescopiques, tout comme moi ! Nous avons appris ensemble. Mirovaya Technika a t le premier concessionnaire Manitou en Russie prsenter la marque aux clients du march agricole. Ce fut un sacr challenge de partir de zro, les agriculteurs taient assez

Asbury Park is being rebuilt Asbury Park se reconstruit

After hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast in 2012, the coastline of New Jersey was devastated and a lot of buildings suffered damages. All-Tech, Inc., one of the premiere framing contractors on the coast was a natural choice for framing contractor to build 2,500 units throughout the Asbury Park community, very impacted by the hurricane. Working with TES, Inc. dealer, All-Tech, Inc. has many Manitou units working on its twelve active jobsites (MRT 2540, MT 10055 and MT 1740). The MRT are great machines, said Pedro Loureiro, Director of Production and Quality for All-Tech, Inc. They save us time and money and get to the heights we need on small, cramped jobsites. In the New Jersey area, cranes can only be rented for eight hours per day. With the rental of the MRT units from TES, Inc. however, the machine remains on site and can be operated up to ten hours per day if needed. We have been using the MRTs for at least a decade, said Jalsa Urubshurow, CEO of All-Tech, Inc. They are instrumental in the success we have achieved in New Jersey and New York. In addition to renting the MRT units, All-Tech has recently purchased their own MRT 2540!

 sbury Park construction site. A Chantier dAsbury Park.

Dans le cadre de sa communication,  Manitou Australia remonte le temps avec des rcits sur les ventes des premiers chariots de marque Manitou sur le sol australien. A lhonneur Graeme Saunders qui travaillait comme ingnieur travaux pour une entreprise de machines industrielles et agricoles. Convaincu par le concept du chariot mt tout terrain, il a plus dune fois contribu la vente dun chariot. Cest le cas dans les annes 70 dans une usine de briques. Le patron ma alors montr des piles de briques sur palettes derrire lusine, trs difciles daccs, puis il a expliqu quun de ses clients en avait besoin trs rapidement. Le problme, cest quil aurait fallu que ses employs passent des jours et des jours dplacer les briques la main, pour quil puisse ensuite les livrer son client , raconte Graeme Saunders. Je lui ai demand : si nous arrivons les sortir avec le Manitou, est-ce que vous achterez le chariot lvateur ? . Aussitt dit, aussitt fait ! Lhistoire de cette vente sest termine la banque le jour-mme.
The MB3TC, champion in its category. Le MB3TC champion de sa catgorie.

Suite  au passage de louragan Sandy en 2012, la cte nord-est des tats-Unis a t fortement touche dtruisant ou dtriorant de nombreux logements, entreprises et infrastructures. All-Tech, Inc., une des plus grandes entreprises de charpente mtallique de la cte, assure la construction de 2 500 logements dans la ville dAsbury Park (New Jersey), trs endommage par cette catastrophe. En collaboration avec le concessionnaire TES, Inc., All-Tech, Inc utilise de nombreuses machines Manitou (MRT 2540, MT 10055 et MT 1740). Les MRT sont de trs bonnes machines , a dclar Pedro Loureiro, directeur de production et qualit chez All-Tech, Inc. Elles nous font gagner du temps et de l'argent et nous permettent de travailler en hauteur sur des chantiers petits et exigus. Dans le New Jersey, les grues ne peuvent pas tre loues plus de huit heures par jour or en louant des MRT TES, Inc. les machines peuvent rester sur le site et tre utilises jusqu 10 heures par jour si besoin. Nous utilisons des MRT depuis plus de dix ans a dclar Jalsa Urubshurow, directeur gnral dAll Tech, Inc. On leur doit notre succs dans les tats de New York et du New Jersey . En plus de la location, All Tech a rcemment fait lacquisition dune MRT 2540 !

Interview with Larisa Kornilova, Sales director at Eurodon


Larisa, can you briey tell us about your company? The Eurodon group is the number 1 producer of turkeys in Russia. The holding company also includes a duck farm, a construction company and factories producing sandwich panels, metal structures and performing galvanization. We therefore have a great need for material handling equipment. Currently, we have 10 Manitou machines: one 150 ATJ, three MLT 625 -75H, two MLT 731 T, two MLT 735 T, and two MHT 860. Why did you choose Manitou? We like to work with the leaders, but you can see other brands on our sites. Before buying, our technical experts carry out a market study and examine the technical specics.

Two years ago, we met the team from Mirovaya Technika. The experts from Mirtech gave a demonstration of Manitou equipment in our factories and we had the opportunity of going to Ancenis to see the production line. The quality of the equipment and the dealer's work conrmed our decision to choose Manitou. Can your Manitou machines handle the workload? How do you use them? Our company is growing very quickly, which is why all our equipment is used intensively. Manitou telescopic trucks work continuously in various sectors (cleaning, loading manure, handling cages,). This is why reliability and ease of use of machines are essential. What would you like from Manitou in future? We want Manitou to remain leader and keep its quality at the highest level!

100% satised! 100% satisfaits !

Were 100% Satised. Kyle Hawthorne of Altus Sand & Gravel (Oklahoma, USA) has only good things to say about his Gehl RT210 Track Loader. It runs smooth and does everything we ask it to do so were happy with it. The company had a RT210 on rent from Kirby-Smith Machinery in Oklahoma City, and after seeing how it ran, they decided to buy a new one for their eet. I did my research and priced everyone, Hawthorne noted. The product you could get for the price beat everybody else.

Larisa Kornilova. 

chenille RT210 Gehl. Elle roule bien et rpond tous nos besoins. Nous sommes ravis. Aprs avoir constat son efcacit, la socit qui louait la machine Gehl auprs du concessionnaire Kirby Smith Machinery, a dcid den faire lacquisition. Aprs diverses recherches et demandes de devis, le rapport qualit/prix de ce produit surpassait tous les autres , afrme Kyle Hawthorne.



de Larisa Kornilova, directrice commerciale chez Eurodon.

Larisa, pouvez-vous nous dire quelques mots au sujet de votre socit ? Le groupe Eurodon est premier producteur de dindes en Russie. La holding compte aussi un levage de canards, une socit de construction, des usines de production de panneaux sandwiches, de structures mtalliques et de galvanisation. Nous avons donc un fort besoin en matriel de manutention. Aujourdhui, nous possdons 10 machines Manitou : une 150 ATJ, trois MLT 625 -75H, deux MLT 731 T, deux MLT 735 T, et deux MHT 860.

 Nous sommes 100% satisfaits ! . Kyle Hawthorne qui travaille chez Altus Sand & Gravel (Oklahoma, USA) ne tarit pas dloges au sujet de sa chargeuse sur

Pourquoi avez-vous choisi Manitou ? Nous aimons travailler avec les leaders mais sur nos sites, vous pourrez voir dautres marques. Avant dacheter, nos experts techniques ralisent une tude de march et examinent les spcicits techniques. Il y a deux ans, nous avons rencontr lquipe de Mirovaya Technika. Les experts de Mirtech nous ont fait une dmonstration des quipements Manitou dans nos usines et nous avons eu la chance daller Ancenis pour dcouvrir la ligne de production. La qualit de lquipement et le travail du concessionnaire nous ont conforts dans notre dcision de choisir Manitou.

Vos machines Manitou supportent-elles la charge de travail ? Quelles sont vos utilisations? Notre socit grandit trs vite, cest pourquoi tous nos quipements connaissent un usage intensif. Les chariots tlescopiques Manitou travaillent en continu dans diffrents secteurs (nettoyage, chargement du fumier, manutention des cages). Cest la raison pour laquelle la abilit et la facilit dutilisation des machines sont indispensables. Que souhaitez-vous Manitou pour le futur? Nous souhaitons que Manitou reste leader et maintienne sa qualit au top niveau !

8 9

Applications I Applications

Applications I Applications

Slatevale chooses Manitou Slatevale en pince pour Manitou

An English company specialising in tyres, Slatevale, is delighted with its Manitou MI 35D with a 4.50m triplex mast tted with a tyre clamp, an ideal machine for lifting large and heavy loads, while still being compact and easy to handle.

A mammoth task Un travail de titan

FR  EN Giglio island (Italy), Monday 16 September. Ile du Giglio (Italie), lundi 16 septembre. Plusieurs mois aprs le naufrage du Costa Several months after the Costa Concordia ran Concordia, sa coque a d tre redresse pour aground, its hull had to be righted so that the que lpave de 114 000 tonnes soit remor114,000 tonne wreck could be towed to the que vers le continent et dmantele. Une continent and dismantled. This was a perilous opration prilleuse qui sest droule en operation that took place in several phases. Our plusieurs phases. Notre client customer Tecnonaval was Tecnonaval tait sur le chanon the site with Manitous tier avec des Manitou pour to help with constructing aider la construction de the otation tanks. Installed caissons. Installs le long de alongside the submerged la partie merge du navire, part of the ship and lled et remplis deau, ils ont aid with water, they helped to renouer le paquebot. reoat the liner. 1 14 000 tonnes

First MLT in Brazil Premire MLT au Brsil

EN The telescopic truck is beginning to appear in Brazil, particularly in the agricultural market. The rst of Manitou's customers, Mr Iris Olimpio Basso from the Basso group, bought a MLT X-845 Premium last June. He says that their operations were facilitated by its agility and versatility. FR

I Out of the ordinary I Insolite

Already a fan Dj fan

EN Keenly interested in his Manitou pallet truck, 6-year-old Tho never leaves it even when having a nap! FR

1 14,000 tonnes

 ocit anglaise spcialiste du pneu, SlateS vale est ravie de son Manitou MI 35D avec un mt triplex de 4,50m quip dune pince pneu, machine idale pour soulever de lourdes charges et de grandes dimensions tout en tant compact et maniable.

 e chariot tlescopique commence faire L son apparition au Brsil, notamment sur le march agricole. Le premier client Manitou, M. Iris Olimpio Basso du groupe Basso, a achet une MLT X-845 Premium en juin dernier. Son agilit et sa polyvalence ont permis de faciliter les oprations selon ses dires.

 assionn par son transpalette Manitou, P Tho, 6 ans, ne le quitte plus mme pour sa sieste!

In an ideal position Aux premires loges

"A Manitou MT 1740 was on site to help to assemble the structure that hosted Vladimir Putin and the spectators."
EN Last 6 October, Russia received the Sotchi Olympic ame in Red Square in Moscow. A few days before this, a Manitou MT 1740 was on site to help to assemble the structure that hosted Vladimir Putin and the spectators. After 65,000km of national relay, the ame will reach Sotchi on 7 February for the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics. FR

EN A Gehl 5240E mini-loader dressed entirely in pink appeared last April in the United States. Resulting from a wish to please the young daughter of someone who has been a customer for three years, this unique machine became a means of educating the public about breast cancer and was used for fundraising for the American Cancer Society. FR

 e 6 octobre dernier, la Russie a accueilli la L amme olympique de Sotchi sur la place Rouge de Moscou. Quelques jours plus tt, cest un Manitou MT 1740 qui tait sur place pour aider au montage de la structure qui a accueilli Vladimir Poutine et les spectateurs. Aprs 65 000 km de relais national, la amme arrivera Sotchi Un Manitou MT 1740 le 7 fvrier pour la tait sur place pour aider crmonie douverture des Jeux Olympiques au montage de la structure dhiver 2014. qui a accueilli Vladimir Poutine

 ne mini chargeuse Gehl 5240E toute de U rose vtue a vu le jour en avril dernier aux Etats-Unis. Partie du souhait de faire plaisir la petite lle dun client de trois ans, cette machine unique est devenue un moyen de sensibiliser le public au cancer du sein et a permis de collecter des fonds remis lAmerican Cancer Society.

et les spectateurs.

The RT 210 impresses La RT 210 fait un carton

Last spring, Manitou Southern Africa had the opportunity of presenting the Gehl RT series to the international group Mondi, specialist in manufacturing paper and packaging. This meeting concluded with the sale of 8 RT 210s, a versatile model with numerous attachments, used in particular for reghting.

A faultless test Un essai sans ppin

EN The tree nursery company "Ppinires des Pays de la Loire (49)", which already uses an MLT 627 and an MSI 25, tested, in collaboration with the dealership Clnet Manutention, the power and performance of the MLT 840 for digging up trees with their tree transplanter. FR

 es ppinires des Pays de la Loire (49), dj L utilisatrices dune MLT 627 et dun MSI 25, ont test en collaboration avec le concessionnaire Clnet Manutention, la puissance et les performances de la MLT 840 pour dterrer les arbres avec leur transplanteuse.

An improvised rescue Un dpannage improvis

EN Last June, at the Demoagro agricultural demonstration in the province of Burgos (Spain), an ambulance got stuck in the mud. A Manitou truck driven by Joao Hebil, Managing Director at Manitou Ibrica came and hauled it out, so that it could continue its journey. FR

 n juin dernier, lors de la dmonstration agriE cole Demoagro dans la province de Burgos (Espagne), une ambulance est reste enlise dans la boue. Un chariot Manitou conduit par Joao Hebil, Managing Director chez Manitou Ibrica, est venu la secourir lui permettant ainsi de reprendre sa route.

 u printemps dernier, Manitou Southern A Africa a eu loccasion de prsenter la srie Gehl RT au groupe international Mondi, spcialis dans la fabrication demballages et de papiers. Cette rencontre sest conclue par la vente de 8 RT 210, un modle polyvalent qui avec ses nombreux accessoires, sert notamment la lutte contre les incendies.

10 11

Around the world I Aux 4 coins du monde

Around the world I Aux 4 coins du monde

I Nordic Countries and Baltic Countries I Pays Nordiques et Pays Baltes

Aera profile Manitou Nordics:


they must be cold, no? Never! Manitou Nordics : froid, eux ? Jamais !
Snow clearing operations for the MLT 735-120LSU. Oprations de dneigement pour la MLT 735-120LSU. The Manitou Nordics team. From left to right: Ilmars Nartish (Managing director), Martins Pakalns (IMH/CE Sales manager) and Raimonds Erbss (Spare part sales manager). Lquipe de Manitou Nordics. De gauche droite : Ilmars Nartish (Managing director), Martins Pakalns (IMH/CE Sales manager) et Raimonds Erbss (Spare part sales manager).

3 questions for Ilmars Nartish 3 questions Ilmars Nartish

EN What kind of market is it? The Nordics region is composed of 8 different countries and we can easily imagine the constraints, due to the long distances and extreme meteorological conditions. The temperatures (high as well as very low), as well as the rate of humidity and salt content, are the main difculties to consider when offering our equipment to customers. Our dealerships must therefore be fully trained at the technical level to be able to deal with any possible technical question in the very shortest time. What is more, the great distances from the north to the south are an additional challenge in terms of service and delivery of spare parts and machines. The quality of after-sales service and parts delivery is therefore an essential factor in succeeding in the Nordic countries and I must recognize that all dealers in the Manitou group have high-level technical expertise and a good stock of spare parts.

"The quality of after-sales service and parts delivery is an essential factor in succeeding in the Nordic countries."
Ilmars Nartish, Managing  Director, Manitou Nordics Ilmars Nartish, Managing Director, Manitou Nordics


What is the potential? The market for telescopics can be considered as very mature in the Nordic countries, with the construction sector bringing in the most business. However, we have good sales potential in the New Business sector, such as oil and gas, mines, ports or the environment, where the concept of telescopics remains to be discovered and promoted. Another potential market in the short term is that developing sales of articulated loaders. More and more customers are discovering their advantages compared to skid-steers. What are the main qualities for working in these countries? Without doubt, the two values of "accountability" and "customer centricity". As we say in the North: "a handshake is a handshake!" And this is the case at various levels of cooperation, whether in delivering machines to the dealer, servicing or supplying spare parts. Other essential qualities are anticipation and teamwork, particularly for New Business, where customers are placing their trust in us, and for dealers, in nding appropriate technical solutions.



Surface area / Supercie 175,000 km / 175000 km



Gert Laursen

(ESTONIE, LETTONIE, LITUANIE) Population / Population 6,826,000 inhabitants / 6 826 000 habitants

De quel type de le plus apporteur daffaires. Cependant, march sagit-il ? nous avons de beaux potentiels de vente La rgion Nordics dans le secteur du New Business, tels que est constitue de 8 le secteur du gaz et du ptrole, les mines, pays diffrents et les ports, ou lenvironnement, o le concept on peut facilement du tlescopique reste encore dcouvrir et imaginer quelles en sont les contraintes, en promouvoir. Un autre march potentiel raison des longues distances et des condibrve chance est celui du dveloppement tions mtorologiques extrmes. Les temdes ventes de chargeuses articules, de plus pratures (leves et aussi trs basses), en plus de clients en dcouvrant les avanmais aussi le taux dhumidit et de teneur tages en alternative aux skid-steers. en sel, sont les principales difcults prendre en compte quand La qualit du service aprs-vente nous proposons nos matriels et la livraison des pices sont aux clients. Nos concessionnaires un facteur essentiel pour russir doivent de ce fait tre parfaitedans les pays nordiques. ment forms sur le plan technique pour parer toute question techQuelles sont les principales qualits pour nique possible dans le plus court dlai travailler dans ces pays ? possible. De plus, les grandes distances du Sans aucun doute, les deux valeurs que Nord au Sud sont un challenge supplmennous nommons accountability et custaire en termes de service et de livraison tomer centricity , ou plus simplement tre des pices de rechange et des machines. able et au service du client. Comme on dit La qualit du service aprs-vente et la livraidans le Nord : une poigne de main est son des pices sont donc un facteur essenune poigne de main ! . Et cela diffrents tiel pour russir dans les pays nordiques et niveaux de coopration, que ce soit pour la je dois reconnatre que tous les concessionlivraison de machines au concessionnaire naires du groupe Manitou ont une expertise ou dans le service et la fourniture de pices technique de haut niveau et possdent un de rechange. Dautres qualits essentielles bon stock de pices de rechange. sont lanticipation et le travail dquipe, particulirement pour le New Business, o Quel est le potentiel ? les clients nous font conance ainsi quaux Le march du tlescopique peut tre consiconcessionnaires, pour trouver les solutions dr comme trs mature dans les pays Nortechniques adquates. diques, le secteur de la construction tant


(DANEMARK, FINLANDE, ISLANDE, NORVGE ET SUDE) Population / Population 25 million inhabitants / 25 millions dhabitants Surface area / Supercie 3,700,000 km / 3 700 000 km

EN Known above all for their harsh climate during a night lasting two thirds of the winter, the Nordic and Baltic countries, which are present in many industries, have also incorporated machines in the colors of Manitou, Gehl and Mustang into their enchanting landscapes. A vast region including eight countries, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the three Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the region covered by the subsidiary Manitou Nordics must take into

account both distances and the climate. And, as the manager of the subsidiary, Ilmars Nartish explains, everything relies on taking these two major constraints into account.

S  urtout connus pour leur rude climat plongeant dans la nuit les deux tiers de lhiver, les pays nordiques et baltes prsents dans de nombreuses industries, ont aussi intgr dans leurs paysages friques, des machines aux couleurs Manitou, Gehl et Mustang.

Vaste territoire comprenant huit pays, le Danemark, lIslande, la Finlande, la Norvge, la Sude et les trois pays baltes, lEstonie, la Lettonie et la Lituanie, la rgion couverte par la liale Manitou Nordics doit tenir compte la fois des distances et du climat. Et comme lexplique Ilmars Nartish, responsable de la liale, tout repose sur la prise en compte de ces deux contraintes majeures.

On the dealer side Du ct des concessionnaires

Intrac wants to increase its ties with Manitou Group Intrac veut renforcer les liens avec Manitou Group
EN In 2000, the partnership between Intrac and the Manitou Group began, in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In 2008, Intrac extended its territory by setting up a subsidiary in Poland. Intrac has 20 sales and services points across Poland and the Baltic countries. Since 2000, Intrac has sold more than 1.000 new Manitou telescopic trucks in its commercial zone. Carl Leijonhielm, Chief Executive and coowner of Intrac since 1998, sees Manitou as a major partner. "We consider the partnership with Manitou as the key to our success. Over the years, Manitou has played a crucial role in positioning Intrac among the market leaders in lifting equipment in the Baltic countries and Poland. We are now very enthusiastic about the idea of extending the market beyond telescopic trucks." For Intrac the speed of communication ows

Carl  Leijonhielm, Chief Executive of Intrac Group AB. Carl Leijonhielm, Directeur Gnral dIntrac, Group AB.

A trusted relationship I Une relation de conance

EN The Sandholt estate uses the MLT 840 for loading maize and cereals, maintaining buildings and trimming hedges. Located in Funen in Denmark, the property has nearly 500 hectares used for agriculture and forestry and 1,600m of housing. "I use my Manitou machine every day. You can imagine how important it is for me to rely on an efcient, comfortable and reliable machine! And should anything happen, I know that I can count on an outstanding service." Harald Kirketerp-Mller, owner of the estate. FR

Le domaine de Sandholt utilise la MLT 840 pour  le chargement du mas et des crales, lentretien des btiments ou encore llagage des haies. Situe Funen au Danemark, la proprit compte prs de 500 hectares utiliss pour lagriculture et la sylviculture et 1 600 m dhabitation. "J'utilise mon Manitou tous les jours. Vous pouvez certainement imaginer combien il est important pour moi de pouvoir compter sur une machine efciente, confortable et able! Et s'il arrive quoi que ce soit, je sais que je peux compter sur un service irrprochable". Harald Kirketerp-Mller, propritaire du domaine.

Gert Laursen

On the customers side Du ct des clients

Harald Kirketerp-Mller and his son Mads Christian, with their brand-new MLT 840, bought from the dealer Scantruck. Harald Kirketerp-Mller et son ls Mads Christian, avec leur toute nouvelle MLT 840, achete auprs du concessionnaire Scantruck.

between Manitou, Intrac and the customer is essential. "The Manitou group's ofces in Warsaw and Riga represent a real advantage for us, adds Carl Leijonhielm. The responsiveness and support of professionals who are close to our companies gives us help that is essential for our customers. Manitou is essential to our success", he says, "and I am convinced that we can contribute to the success of Manitou thanks to our sound market position, which now extends beyond Manitou's traditional product lines. It is a genuine partnership where both parties respect each other and provide each other with the keys to success."


"We are now very enthusiastic about the idea of extending the market beyond telescopic trucks"

Gert Laursen

En 2000 dbutait la collaboration entre  Intrac et Manitou Group en Lituanie, Lettonie et Estonie. En 2008, Intrac tendait sa zone de collaboration en implantant une liale en Pologne. Intrac possde 20 points de ventes et services travers la Pologne et les Pays Baltes. Depuis 2000, Intrac a vendu plus de 1000 nouveaux chariots tlescopiques Manitou sur sa zone commerciale. Carl Leijonhielm, Directeur gnral et copropritaire dIntrac depuis 1998, voit Manitou comme un partenaire majeur. Nous considrons la collaboration avec Manitou comme la cl de notre succs. Au l des ans, Manitou a jou un rle primordial dans le positionnement dIntrac parmi les leaders du march du matriel de levage dans les Pays Baltes et la Pologne. Nous sommes maintenant trs enthousiastes lide dtendre le march au-del du chariot tlescopique . Pour Intrac, la rapidit

Nous sommes maintenant trs enthousiastes lide dtendre le march au-del du chariot tlescopique
des ux de communication entre Manitou, Intrac et le client est primordiale. Les bureaux locaux du groupe Manitou Varsovie et Riga reprsentent un rel avantage pour nous, ajoute Carl Leijonhielm. La ractivit et le soutien de professionnels proches de nos entreprises nous apportent une aide indispensable pour nos clients. Manitou est essentiel notre russite, prcise-t-il, et je suis convaincu que nous pouvons contribuer celle de Manitou grce notre solide positionnement sur le march, qui stend dsormais au-del des lignes de produits traditionnelles de Manitou. Cest un vrai partenariat o les deux parties se respectent mutuellement et soffrent lun lautre les cls du succs.

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Events I Evnements
I The trade show I Le salon I Strategy I Stratgie I Sponsoring

Events I Evnements

Vertikal Days
EN The annual place where professionals in the eld of lifting meet, Vertikal Days is a distillation of expertise and new features between manufacturers and customers/ users. The objective is to allow visitors to take the time to discuss and discover the lifting solutions that they need. Conferences and working meetings take place over two days. The event will take place on 14 and 15 May 2014 in England. FR
Manitou stand at Vertikal Days. I Stand Manitou aux Vertikal Days. 

R  endez-vous annuel des professionnels de llvation, les Vertikal Days sont un concentr dexpertises et de nouveauts entre constructeurs et clients-utilisateurs. Lobjectif est de permettre aux visiteurs de prendre le temps dchanger et de dcouvrir la solution dlvation dont ils ont besoin. Des confrences et des runions de travail sont proposes pendant les deux jours. Le rendez-vous est pris du 14 au 15 mai 2014 en Angleterre.

A North-American version of the "Manitour" Un Manitour version nord-amricaine

EN As part of its red strategy, the American subsidiary of the Manitou group (Manitou Americas) has innovated by introducing its Red Tour. The principle is simple: go into the eld near to customers and show them our material-handling solutions (machine plus attachments). This is the chance for operators or managers of large companies (mines, quarries, oil wells) to see the equipment in action and have discussions with Manitou's experts on the advantages and possible applications of the rotative and high-tonnage trucks, as well as specic attachments.

Focus on the image I Arrt sur image

EN From 31 May to 3 November 2013, the Manitou group associated itself with the largest outdoor photography festival in France, the "People and Nature Photography Festival at La Gacilly" (Morbihan). This free event, open to the general public, attracted more than 300,000 visitors in 2013. By loaning an all-terrain self-driven access platform, the French manufacturer was present at assembly and disassembly. The 160 ATJ allowed the organizers to install and x the 600 photograph panels that decorated the frontage and gardens of La Gacilly for more than 5 months. Its local roots and its


commitment to sustainability were factors that led to the Reference in Material-Handling choosing to be a partner in a cultural festival based on common values.

Two machines were chosen to highlight the versatility and exibility of material handling solutions from the Manitou brand: the MHT 10225 and the MRT 2540, the two largest machines in Manitou's range on the North American continent. In November, the Red Tour will continue its journey at the head ofce of the American subsidiary in West Bend, Wisconsin with a meeting of dealers.

D  u 31 mai au 3 novembre 2013, le groupe Manitou sassocie au plus grand festival Photo en plein air de France, le Festival Photo Peuples et Nature de La Gacilly (Morbihan). Cet vnement gratuit et grand public a attir plus de 300 000 visiteurs en 2013. Au travers du prt dune nacelle automotrice tout terrain, lindustriel franais est prsent lors du montage et du dmontage.

La 160 ATJ permet aux organisateurs dinstaller et de xer les quelque 600 panneaux photos qui ornent les faades et les jardins de La Gacilly pendant plus de 5 mois. Son ancrage dans un territoire local et son engagement dans le dveloppement durable participent au choix de la Rfrence de la Manutention dtre partenaire dun festival culturel porteur de valeurs communes.

2013 2013

CTT 2013

"Go into the field alongside customers."

Deux machines ont t choisies pour mettre en avant la polyvalence et la exibilit des solutions de manutention de marque Manitou : la MHT 10225 et la MRT 2540, les deux plus grandes machines de loffre Manitou sur le continent nord-amricain. En novembre, le Red Tour continuera son priple au sige de la liale amricaine West Bend, Wisconsin, avec une runion de concessionnaires.

From 4 to 8 June I Du 4 au 8 juin 2013


 ans le cadre de sa red strategy, la D liale amricaine du groupe Manitou (Manitou Americas) a innov en lanant son Red Tour. Le principe est simple: aller sur le terrain au plus prs des clients en leur prsentant nos solutions de manutention (machines + accessoires). Loccasion pour les oprateurs ou les directeurs de grandes entreprises (mines, carrires, centre ptrolier) de dcouvrir en action les quipements et changer avec les experts Manitou sur les avantages et les applications possibles des chariots rotatifs et de fort tonnage, ainsi que sur les accessoires spciques.

Exhibition dedicated to construction equipment and technologies Moscow, Russia FR Salon ddi aux technologies et quipements de construction Moscou, Russie

From 26 to 29 July I Du 26 au 29 juil. 2013
EN Agricultural, forestry and food-production fair Libramont, Belgium FR Foire agricole, forestire et agroalimentaire Libramont, Belgique
Dominique Rolland

Aller sur le terrain au plus prs des clients.

 he Red Tour team. T Lquipe du Red Tour.

3 stage of the Red Tour: the Oil & Gas exhibition (Indiana, Pennsylvania). 3e tape du Red Tour : le salon Oil & Gas (Indiana, Pennsylvanie).

They are diving in for the group! Ils se mouillent pour le groupe !
EN For the fourth consecutive year, the Manitou group was a partner of the 26th La Baule triathlon organized by Audencia*. This was the chance for employees of the head ofce and its subsidiaries to run in the group's colors. Between 14 and 15 September,

106 of them dived into the water! The program contained 3 route options: the Tri-relay for team spirit, Discovery for personal challenge and Olympic CD for the most experienced. In spite of weather that was not too good on the rst day, the mood, as usual, remained ne all weekend. After the event, the triathletes and their families met in the Manitou Group tent to exchange awards and have a buffet meal.
* Audencia is a large business school based in Nantes (France).


P  our la quatrime anne conscutive le groupe Manitou a t partenaire du 26e triathlon de la Baule organis par

Audencia*. Loccasion pour les salaris du sige et des liales de courir aux couleurs du groupe. Ils taient 106 les 14 et 15 septembre se jeter leau ! Au programme, 3 parcours possibles: le Tri-relai pour lesprit dquipe, le Dcouverte pour le challenge personnel et le CD olympic pour les plus chevronns. Malgr un temps mitig la premire journe, lhumeur de ce week-end tait comme son habitude au beau xe. Aprs leffort, les triathltes et leurs familles taient attendus dans la tente Manitou Group pour lchange des rcompenses et le buffet.
* Audencia est une grande Ecole de Commerce base Nantes (France).
The Tri-relay team. Lquipe du Tri-relai.

4 and 5 Sept. I 4 et 5 sept. 2013
EN Innovation in agriculture" exhibition Ondes, France FR Salon de linnovation en agriculture Ondes, France

JDL 2013
26 and 27 Sept. I 26 et 27 sept. 2013

Days covering lifting equipment, the lifting of persons and exceptional transport Beaune, France FR Journes du levage, de l'lvation de personnes et du transport exceptionnel Beaune, France

From 10 to 16 Nov. I Du 10 au 16 nov. 2013

The number 1 international agricultural machinery exhibition Hanover, Germany FR Premier salon international du machinisme agricole Hanovre, Allemagne

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