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Lower limb anatomy flashcards | Quizlet

Lower limb anatomy

Created by jonathanoishi

52 terms

Flex hip

iliopsoas (Rami L1-L3) rectus femoris (L2-L4) sartorius (L2-L4) hamstrings (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris) (L4-S3) gracilis (L2-L4) gluteus medius (L4-S1) gluteus minimus (L4-S1) gluteus medius (L4-S1) gluteus minimus (L4-S1) obturator internus (L2-L4) gemelli (L2-L4) piriformis (ventral rami S1 and S2) adductor muscles of medial thigh: pectineus (L2-L4) adductor longus and brevis and magnus (L2-L4) gracilis (L2-L4) hamstrings (L4-S3) gracilis (L2-L4) sartorius(L2-L4) quadriceps femoris (L2-L4) semitendinosus (L4-S3) semimembranosus (L4-S3) biceps femoris (L4-S3) gastrocnemius (L4-S3) soleus (L4-S2) tibialis posterior (L4-S2) flexor digirorum longus (L4-S2) flexor hallucis longus (L4-S2)

extend hip

abducts hip rotate hip medially rotate hip laterally

adduct hip

flex knee

extend knee rotate knee medially rotate knee laterally plantarflexion of ankle



Lower limb anatomy flashcards | Quizlet

dorsiflexion of ankle

tibialis anterior (L4-S2) extensor digitorum longus (L4-S3) extensor hallucis longus (L4-S3) fibularis tertius (L4-S3) fibularis longus and brevis and tertius (L4S3) Can still evert foot if there is damage to superficial fibular nerve or deep fibular nerve but can not if there is damage to common fibular nerve tibialis anterior and posterior (L4-S3) Can invert foot if there is damage singularly to tibial nerve or deep fibular nerve but not if there is damage to sciatic nerve interossei (L4-S3) lumbricals (L4-S3) extensor digirotrum longus and brevis (L4S3) dorsal interossei (L4-S3) plantar interossei (L4-S3) flexor digitorum longus and brevis (L4-S3) exttensor digitorum longus and brevis (L4S3) - gluteus medius and minimus - piriformis - obturator internus - gemelli superior and inferior - Vastus lateralis - Psoas major - Iliacus - pectineus - lateral aspect of thigh - L2-3 - entrapment -> meralgia paresthetica - anterior thigh - L2-3 - medial aspect of leg and ankle and foot - L3-4 - medial aspect of thigh



MTP flex MTP extend MTP abduction MTP adduction IP flexion IP extension Muscles attached to greater trochanter

Muscles attached to lesser trochanter

Lateral femoral cutaneous n.

Anterior femoral cutaneous n. Saphenous nerve (cutaneous nerve from femoral nerve) cutaneous branch of obturator nerve


Lower limb anatomy flashcards | Quizlet

Deep fibular nerve (cutaneous branch) superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve (cutaneous)

- web between great and second toes - L4-5 - distal third of anterior foot and dorsum of foot and toes except web between great and second toes - L4-S1 - lateral side of leg and foot - S1-2 - posterior thigh - S1-S3 - lateral thigh - L2-3 - posterior leg and lateral aspect of leg and foot - L4-S2 - medial 3.5 of the sole of the foot - L4,5 - lateral 1.5 of the sole of the foot - S1,2 (Tiny Dogs Are Not Hunters) From superior to inferior - Tibialis posterior - flexor Digitorum longus - posterior tibial Artery - tibial Nerve - flexor Hallucis longus - comes from tibial nerve - heel of foot - S1,2 - sartorius - gracilis - semitendinosus - occurs predominantly in younger adults and adolescents who are involved in sports - hamstring muscles (adductor magnus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris) avulse the ischial tuberosity - iliopsoas may avulse the lesser trochanter - sartorius muscle may avulse the ASIS

Sural nerve (cutaneous) Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Sural cutaneous branches (tibial and common fibular n) Medial plantar nerve (cutaneous) Lateral plantar nerve (cutaneous) Tarsal tunnel

Medial calcaneal cutaneous

Pes anserinus (goose foot)

avulsion of the ischial tuberosity

avulsion of the lesser trochanter avulsion of the anterior superior iliac spine



Lower limb anatomy flashcards | Quizlet

Osgood-schlatter disease

- partial avulsion of the tibial tuberosity from the epiphyseal plate by patellar tendon - inflammation of the patellar tendon and the surrounding soft tissue - fibularis brevis can avulse the tuberosity - L5-S2 - no/weakened gluteus maximus - have trouble laterally rotating and abducting the thigh - have trouble climbing stairs and standing from a sitting position - rectus femoris may avulse the AIIS - test the integrity of L3-4 - test integrity of S1-S2 - base= inguinal ligament medial border= adductor longus lateral border= sartorius floor= iliopsoas and pectineus roog= fascia lata and cribiform fascia apex= continuous with adductor canal - contents: femoral nerve, artery, vein, lymphatics - artery, vein, and lymphatics are wrapped in femoral sheath - femoral canal contains deep inguinal lymph node in the femoral ring - opening in fascia lata: saphenous opening> great saphenous vein joins the femoral vein - abdominal content pass through the femoral ring into the femoral canal through the saphenous opening - aberrant obturator artery is in danger from hernia or its repair - obturator nerve can be compressed by a tumor or by pregnancy - leads to weakened adduction - weakness in gluteus medius and minimus leading to weakened abduction - hip falls on opposite side of the affected side

avulsion of the 5th metatarsal tuberosity Injury of the inferior gluteal nerve

avulsion of the anterior inferior illiac spine Patellar reflex test Achilles tendon reflex test Femoral triangle

Femoral hernia

Obturator nerve compression

trendelenburg sign



Lower limb anatomy flashcards | Quizlet

Muscles that medial plantar nerve innervates Flexor digitorum longus/ flexor digitorum brevis

- Abductor hallulcis, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum brevis, 1st lumbrical - flexor digitorum longus attaches to the plantar base on the distal phalanx; flexes phalanges at all phalangeal and metaphalangeal joints and inverts foot - flexor digitorum brevis attaches to the middle phalanges; flexes the PIP joints


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