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Das Geheimnis der Runen The secret of the runes

by Guido von List 1914

fa F

ur U

thurs Th

os A (O)

rit R

ka K

hag H

not N

is I

ar A

sol S

tyr T

bar B


man ! (" # $ ")

yr (

%h )

t&o boun' tog%th%r by la&

g%* gi +




turn foot* thr%% foot




ruoth -ross

fir% &hisk

h%a' of +%r%on


.%r .al%* sinist%r* a bar sinist%r

u..%r .al% rom.u

lo&%r .al% rom.u

'%/t%r f%ss fra-t%' b%,%ll%'

sinist%r f%ss fra-t%' s0uar%

'o&n&ar' fra-t%' bar sinist%r

'%/t%r b%n' fra-t%'

.%r b%n' &ith -ount%r .il%

&ith -ount%r .il% b%n'

&ith -ount%r &%'g% b%n'

0uart%rly .%r s0uar%

0uart%rly .%r &a,y

fyrfos* or s&astika

-ross gringol

t s0uar% -ross

-ross .ot%nt

1%rusal%m -ross

arro& -ross

-ross boton2%

-ross fl%ury

-ross molin%

-on-%al%' fyrfos

!alt%s% -ross

-ross of 3yrmont


flamboyant trifoil


flamboyant 0ua'rafoil

4%hm% star ros% (.%ntagram) saint 5ath%rin%6s &h%%l (ruoth -ross)

4%hm% -ross

fyrog%* TA3IS* TAB4 A 74A8RATA &ith th% thr%% gr%at lights

8%'i-ation to Fri%'ri-h 9anni%-k Th% -ont%nt of your l%tt%r '%light%' m% ,%ry mu-h: 9hat you ha,% r%'is-o,%r%' an' brought to light is of th% gr%at%st int%r%st; << 9hat%,%r offi-ial s-i%n-% says about it is unim.ortant; As 8o-tor Alfr%' Russ%l< 9alla-% says* s-i%n-% al&ays o..os%s th% 'is-o,%ry of n%& truths* an' it is &rong %,%ry tim%: << Th% tru% s-holar may say this as &%ll: Br=nn" > No,%mb%r ?@AB Fri%'ri-h 9anni%-k !3;

To the right honourable Herr Friedrich Wanniec ! "ost honourable sir and friend! "ost honourable sir and friend# $ notified you early in %ovember 19&' that during the months that my eyes (ere bandaged due to the cataract o)eration# it (ould be im)ossible to begin to (or mentally on my intended unravelling of the secret of the runes# but at that time ** )reviously un)erceived la(s of generation and evolution belonging to our +ryan )eo)le# of its emotion# intellect# s)eech# and (riting# came to me, When $ re)orted this to you# you (ere gracious enough to congratulate me by letter on these discoveries, $t is from this letter that $ )ermitted myself to e-tract an im)ortant sentence to

serve as a (ord of dedication for this boo and at the same time as an introduction for the entire series of (or s containing my further investigative discoveries, +bove all# $ have your encouraging interest to than # honourable sir and friend# that $ can give myself over to research and am able to dedicate myself to these almost unlimited areas of interest, $f $ may be allo(ed# let me dedicate this first )ublication in the series of my research results to you# most honourable sir and friend# as one of your farsighted (or s (hich has gro(n to maturity, $n highest a))reciation# .our constant admirer# Guido von List,

/) until no(# much too little attention has been )aid to the scri)t of our Germanic ancestors ** the runes, This is because everyone has begun from the false and baseless assum)tion that the Germanic )eo)les had no scri)t of any ind# and that even their (riting signs# the runes# had been im)erfectly )atterned after the Latin uncial scri)t, +ll this is s)ite of the fact that $ulius 0aesar clearly re)orted on the account boo s of the Helfetsen 1not Helvetier2 and their (riting# (hich (as su))osed to be com)arable to the Gree scri)t, Without attem)ting to give evidence here of the great anti3uity of the runes# (hich have doubtlessly been found on bron4e artefacts and )ottery shards# it must be mentioned at this time that the runic futhar h 15 runic +602 1the designation futhar h is based on the first seven runes# namely # or 7 it is for this reason that the )ro)er name is not futhar ** as it is generally and incorrectly (ritten ** but futhar h# (ith the h at the end7 for more about the basis of this# see the Guido von List Library number 8# The )rimal language of the +ryan Germanic )eo)le and their mystery language2 consisted of si-teen symbols in ancient times, +ccording to the 9dda# in the Wotan:s Runic Wisdom# it consisted of eighteen such signs, With these symbols anything could be (ritten# because the Teuton did not no( v or ( or -# nor 4# nor 3u, +nd neither did he no( c# d# nor ), ; (as rendered by f 1Fator 5 father27 v and ( originated from u# uu# uo# or ou7 - from s or gs7 4 (as )robably )ronounced# but it (as (ritten (ith s, Wu originated from ui or gui# c from ts# d from th 1thorn2, < develo)ed from b# until later it obtained its o(n rune# as did other sounds (hich gradually received their s)ecial runes# so that soon they numbered over thirty,

$f you (ish to trace the linguistic stems bac to the root (ords of the )rimal German language# and then follo( these bac into the seed (ords and )rimal (ords of the original +ryan language# you must al(ays (rite the stem (ords in runes ** or at least have this means of (riting in front of you, $n this (ay you may find the correct root# and in this endeavour the name of the rune itself (ill be an im)ortant aid, +ctually each rune has# similar to the Gree al)habet# a certain s)ecial name# (hich is at the same time the bearer of the root (ord as (ell as the bud (ord and )rimal (ord, Here it should be noted that the runic names are unisyllabic (ords# and are therefore root (ords# bud (ords and )rimal (ords, To this rule only the runes hagal seeming ** e-ce)tions, # gibor and othil ma e **

6ecause the runes have )articular names and these names are unisyllabic (ords# it is self evident that the runes ** in distant days of yore ** had the function of a syllabic scri)t# actually a hierogly)hic system, This is because )rimal +ryan# li e every )rimal language# (as unisyllabic# and only in later times (as it contracted to an al)habetic scri)t# (hen the structure of the language )roved the hierogly)hic or syllabic scri)t to be too cumbersome, %o( that the runes have been recognised as (ord symbols of the )rehistoric age# the 3uestion as to the abode of the other (ord symbols not contained in the runic futhar h becomes 3uite conse3uential, 9ven if a symbolic (ord scri)t (ere e-tremely )oor# (hich the scri)t of the +ryan language (as not# it (ould need to ma e use of many more signs than the mere thirty scri)t gly)hs, $n fact# the +ryan scri)t )rescribed many hundreds of symbols# and an e-ceeding number of (ritten signs# as the basis of a highly elaborate# (onderfully systematic and organically constructed hierogly)hic structure# (hose e-istence no one before today has considered, +s unbelievable as it may sound# these ancient hierogly)hs# rooted far bac in the )re 0hristian )rimeval age of Teutondom and even +ryandom# stand in full bloom today, They )ursue their o(n science# (hich is still )ractised today# and their o(n art# both of (hich have their o(n )articular la(s and stylistic tendencies, This system has a rich literature as (ell# but (ithout ** and this is the tragicomic as)ect ** (ithout the guardians and conservators of this art and science having any idea (hat it is they are cultivating and develo)ing! 1For more details as to this= Guido von List Library number ># The )ictogra)hic scri)t of the +ryan Germanic )eo)le= +ryan Germanic hierogly)hics,2 6ecause there (ere# and still are# many hundreds of runic symbols# their e-act number has still not been finally determined, Ho(ever# out of this mass only about thirty came into use as letters in the sense of our modern (riting symbols, ?o at this time# t(o main grou)s result from these scri)t symbols# the letter runes and the hierogly)h runes# both of (hich (ere )reserved in

their uni3ue (ays# and both of (hich (ent along their o(n s)ecial )aths of develo)ment after the se)aration had been com)leted, +ll of these symbols (ere runes# but today only the letter runes carry that designation# (hile the hierogly)h runes from this )oint for(ard (ere not recognised as actual scri)t symbols, 6ecause of this differentiation they (ill be referred to as holy signs or hierogly)hs from no( on, $t may be noted that the (ord hierogly)h (as already im)ortant in early +ryan as hiroglif 1concerning the )rimitive +ryan (ord hiroglif# see further details belo(2 and it already had its meaning before the Gree language ever e-isted, The letter runes# (hich# for the sa e of brevity# shall henceforth be referred to sim)ly as runes# halted their develo)ment and retained not only their sim)le linear forms# but also their unisyllabic names, @n the other hand# the holy signs (ere continuously develo)ed on the basis of their old linear forms and (ere eventually formed into refined and richly constructed ornamentation, They also under(ent many alterations in their nomenclature as the conce)ts (hich they symbolised# and still symbolise today# (ere e-)anded and )erfected along (ith the language, The mythic lay Wotan:s runic (isdom of the 9dda no(s the eighteen runes as scri)t symbols7 ho(ever# they still )reserve their heritage as holy signs in the same sense as the later magical characters or s)irit sigils 1not s)irit seals!2, Here# the inter)retation of that magical song is offered# that on its basis the true runic secret can be further unravelled, %o other lay of the 9dda gives such clear insight into the original +ryan )hiloso)hy concerning the relationshi) of s)irit to body# of the %ordic God to the +ll ** and through +ryandom brings forth so meaningfully into consciousness the recognition of the bifidic biune dyad in the microcosm and the macrocosm ** as does the Lay of the High @ne and Wotan:s runic (isdom included in it# verses 1A9*18>, The )er)etually and )rogressively evolving ego al(ays remains through the eternal alteration# from arising# to being# and through this to )assing into nonbeing# (hich leads to a ne( arising into future being7 and it is in such an eternal evolutionary alteration that Wotan# li e the +ll# and also every individual# eternally remains, This ego is indivisibly bound to the s)iritual and )hysical# to the bifidic biune dyad# and is constant and immutable, $n this (ay# the Lay of the High @ne )ortrays Wotan in an e-alted mysticism# as the mirror image of the +ll# as (ell as of the individual, Wotan lives in the human body in order to go under7 he consecrated himself to himself# and he consecrates himself to )assing a(ay in order to rise ane(, The nearer he feels himself coming to the moment of his )assing a(ay to(ards ne( arising ** his death ** the clearer the no(ledge gro(s in him that the secret of life is an eternal arising and )assing a(ay# an eternal return# a life of continuous birth and death, This no(ledge only com)letely comes to

him at the moment of the t(ilight# (hen he sin s into the <rimeval out of (hich he (ill arise again, $n the moment of t(ilight 1death2 he gives one of his eyes as a )ledge for higher no(ledge, Ho(ever# this one eye remains his )ro)erty even though it has been )a(ned, $t is recovered after his return out of the <rimeval# at his rebirth# for it is actually his body# (hile his other eye# (hich he has retained# is his s)irit, The )hysical eye 1actually the body itself2 that he had only tem)orarily given u) ** but (hich remained his o(n )ro)erty ** reunifies itself in the moment of its return out of the <rimeval ** u)on rebirth ** (ith his other s)iritual eye 1his s)irit2, Ho(ever# the )rimal no(ledge created out of "ime:s Well remains his )ro)erty# the )ro)erty of the +ll7 it is the sum of the e-)erience of thousands of generations# (hich is )reserved and transmitted by means of (riting, Thus Wotan:s no(ledge is e-alted in death7 he enriches it (ith the draught from "ime:s )rimal (ell# as (ell as (ith the ;olva of the dead and "ime:s head 1"ime 5 memory# no(ledge7 )rimal (ell 5 the mystery of the +ll +rising# +ll 6eing and +ll <assing a(ay to(ard ne( arising7 the ;olva of the dead 5 the 9arth Goddess# Death Goddess# (ho )reserves the soulless bodies in the cemeteries# (hile the disembodied s)irits go to ;alhalla or to Hel7 "ime:s head 5 the head no(ledge# that is# the )rimal no(ledge of arising# being# and )assing a(ay to ne( arising of all things7 these are the three levels through (hich Wotan became (ise# that is# attained +ll Bno(ledge# and (ent through the mystery to true no(ledge27 he only a))ears to divide himself from the )hysical (orld ** to (hich he also belongs in a))arent )hysical nonbeing ** for he truly forms the biune dyad as that (hich is s)iritual and that (hich is )hysical# the indivisible biunity, He cannot divide his o(n day life from his night life 1death2, Ho(ever# in the night life ** in a))arent nonbeing ** he (ins the no(ledge of his eternal life, This guides him in eternal change through the transformations from arising through being to(ard )assing a(ay for a ne( arising throughout all eternity, 6y recognising that he becomes (ise# and by means of his o(n life# (hich (as consecrated to death# he found the no(ledge of the (orld:s fate# the solution of the riddle of the (orld# (hich he# eternally# (ill never ma e no(n to a (oman or girl, +nd so he is himself# Wotan# and simultaneously the +ll# as certainly as every ego is also a nonego# or +ll, Thus each individual ego# each )erson# ma es the same transformations for itself through the same levels of )erce)tion by (hich the understanding and deliverance of every individual is assessed as the s)iritual treasure 1and not as dead cognitive memories2, He does not lose it even in death# and he brings it bac again (hen he returns to the (orld of men in his ne-t incarnation, 1We call this s)iritual treasure# (hich the reborn )erson brings into the (orld# natural gifts# talents or born genius7 he has a more agile s)irit# (hich com)rehends everything faster and easier than others# others (ho are animated by a less agile s)irit# and this heightened agility is Cust that s)iritual treasure2, For these reasons each individual ego has 1for itself!2 its o(n conce)tion of the s)iritual circumference of the idea behind these terms# according to its o(n s)iritual treasure, Therefore# among millions of living )ersons# no t(o

individuals can be found (hose conce)tions of divinity are e-actly the same ** in s)ite of all dogmatic doctrines ** and so too# no t(o individuals are found (ho have the same conce)tual understanding of the s)iritual essence of a language and its (ords ** both in its details and collectively, $f such is still the case today# in s)ite of the fact that other languages have not attained the richness of our language# ho( much more must this have been true in )rimeval days (hen the vocabulary (as still a small and insufficient one# and (hen the seers and (ise men had to (ring ideas symbolising e-)ressions out of the still limited language in order to set similar conce)tions free# as they themselves conceived them in their s)iritual visionD They (ere forced to su))ort their s)eech (ith )hysical motions ** the later magical gestures ** and to enforce it (ith certain symbolic signs# (hich (ere thought of as (his)ering# 1raunend2# that is# conveyors of meaning# and so they (ere called runes 1Runen2, The mysticism of Wotan:s runic science says all this in the 9ddic Lay of the High @ne# (hich )ortrays Wotan:s sacrificial death# and (hich reminds us of the mystery of Golgotha in more than one res)ect, +t first# the lay introduces Wotan himself s)ea ing# after (hich the s ald# (ho conceived the lay# becomes the s)ea er and the song is ended, Ho(ever# the lay begins thus= I kno& ho& I hung on th% &in'-ol' tr%% nin% %t%rnal nights* &oun'%' by th% s.%ar -ons%-rat%' to 9otan I -ons%-rat%' mys%lf to mys%lf << on that tr%%* &hi-h hi'%s from %,%ry on% th% st%a' from &hi-h its roots gro&; Th%y off%r%' m% n%ith%r br%a' nor m%a'C th%n I b%nt mys%lf 'o&n .%%ringC &ith a lam%nting shout th% runes b%-am% kno&n to m%* until I sank 'o&n from th% tr%%;

+fter further e-)lanatory stro)hes= Nin% mighty songs I l%arn%' from th% gr%at son of Bal% Thorn* B%stla6s sir%C I 'rank a m%asur% of th% &on'rous m%a'* &ith th% Soul Stirr%r6s 'ro.s I &as sho&%r%'; B%for% long I bar% fruit* an' thro,% full &%ll* I gr%& an' &a/%' in &is'omC &or' follo&ing &or'* I foun' m% &or's*

'%%' follo&ing '%%'* I &rought '%%'s; (ou &ill s%%k hi''%n Run%s an' int%r.r%t%' signs* many symbols of might an' .o&%r* by th% gr%at Sing%r .aint%'* by th% high 3o&%rs fashion%'* %ngra,%' by th% Utt%r%r of th% +o's; O'in %ngra,%' for th% +o's* 8aDn %ngra,%' for )l,%s* 8,alin th% 8alli%r for '&arfs* All 9is% for th% +iants* an' I* of mys%lf* %ngra,%' som% for th% sons of m%n; 8o you kno& ho& to &rit%E 8o you kno& ho& to r%a'E 8o you kno& ho& to .aintE 8o you kno& ho& to .ro,%E 8o you kno& ho& to askE 8o you kno& ho& to off%rE 8o you kno& ho& to s%n'E 8o you kno& ho& to s.%n'E B%tt%r ask for too littl% than off%r too mu-h* lik% th% gift shoul' b% th% boonC b%tt%r not to s%n' than to o,%rs.%n'; Thus O'in %ngra,%' b%for% th% &orl' b%gan; Th%n h% ros% from th% '%%.* an' -am% again;

the song )resents characterisations of the eighteen runes (ith mystical inter)retations, When these stro)hes are )aired (ith the names of the runes# they enlighten us in a very s)ecial (ay# and essentially )rovide the solution of the secret of the runes, The follo(ing verses )recede that characterisation of the runes# after (hich the s ald goes immediately to the actual runic songs= B%for% th% -r%ation of th% &orl' &as 9otan6s kno&l%'g%C &hith%r h% -am%* thith%r h% r%turnsC no& I kno& th% songs as no oth%r man* an' as no .rin-%ly &oman;

fa 5 fire generation# fire borer# livestoc # )ro)erty# to gro(# to (ander# to destroy# to shred, Th% first .romis%s to h%l. h%l.fully

in th% struggl% an' in mis%ry an' in %,%ry 'iffi-ulty;

The root (ord fa# (hich is symbolised as the )rimordial (ord in this rune# is the conce)tual foundation of arising# being 1doing# (or ing# ruling2# and of )assing a(ay to ne( arising ** and so of the transitoriness of all e-istence and therefore of the stability of the ego in constant transformation, This rune conceals# therefore# the s aldic solace that true (isdom only lives for the evolution of the future# (hile only the fool mourns over decay= Generate your luc and you (ill have it!

ur 5 the )rimordial# eternity# )rimal fire# )rimal light# )rimal bull# )rimal generation# aurochs# resurrection# life after death, I l%arn%' anoth%r* &hi-h .%o.l% us% &ho &ant to b% 'o-tors;

The basis of all manifestation is the <rimeval, Whoever is able to recognise the cause of an event# to him the )henomenon itself does not seem to be an insoluble )u44le ** be this fortunate or unfortunate ** and therefore he is able to banish misfortune or increase luc # but also to recognise false evil and false luc as such, Therefore= Bno( yourself# then you (ill no( all!

thurs 5 thunder# thunderbolt# lightning flash# thorn, A thir' I kno&* &hi-h is goo' to m%* as a f%tt%r for my %n%mi%s; I 'ull th% s&or's of my o..on%ntsC n%ith%r &%a.on nor '%f%n-% &ill h%l. him;

The thorn of death is that (hich Wotan )ut the disobedient ;al yrie# 6rEnnhilde# into a death slee) 1com)are ?lee)ing 6eauty# and so on2# but in contrast to this it is also the thorn of life 1)hallus2# (ith (hich death is con3uered by rebirth, This threatening sign surely dulls the o))osing (ea)on of the one going to his death# as (ell as the force of the )o(ers of death#

through a constant rene(al of life in rebirth, Therefore= <reserve your ego!

os 5 Gods# mouth# arising# ash# ashes, A fourth still I kno&* &h%n som%on% thro&s my arms an' l%gs into f%tt%rs" as soon as I sing it* I -an go forth* from my f%%t fall th% f%tt%rs* th% has. falls from my han's;

The mouth# the )o(er of s)eech! ?)iritual )o(er (or ing through s)eech 1)o(er of suggestion2 bursts )hysical fetters and gives freedom# it itself con3uers all con3uerors# (ho only gain advantages through )hysical force# and it destroys all tyranny, 1$n the struggle for e-istence# the fol (ho al(ays remain lasting (inners are those (ho develo) themselves (ith the )reservation of their moral force, With the disa))earance of morality# higher s)iritual and intellectual ran is also lost# as history ** the final Cudgement ** (ill )rove,2 Therefore= .our s)iritual force ma es you free!

rit 5 cosmic la(# rat# red# (heel# rod# right# and so on, A fifth I h%ar'* if from a ha..y flight a shot fli%s into th% hostC ho&%,%r s&iftly it fli%s* I &ill for-% it to sto. if I -an only -at-h it &ith my gaF%;

The thrice hallo(ed 0osmic La(# the solar (heel# the )rimal fire itself! The e-alted intros)ective a(areness or subCectivity of the +ryans (as their consciousness of their o(n godliness# for internity is Cust being (ith one:s self# and to be (ith one:s self is to be (ith the %ordic God, +s long as a )eo)le )ossesses uns)oiled their entire original internity as a natural )eo)le 1the )eo)le as a natural )eo)le is not being in a savage condition# for uncivilised savages live in the bondage of the most horrible shamanism7 the )eo)le as a natural )eo)le# on the contrary# sti)ulates a high level of culture# yet free from any ind of false so)histication2# it also has no cause to (orshi) an e-ternal divinity# for an e-ternal divine service bound by ceremony is only

made obvious (hen one is not able to find the %ordic God in one:s o(n innermost being# and begins to see this outside his ego and outside the (orld ** u) there in the starry heaven, The less internal the )erson is# the more out(ard his life becomes, The more a )eo)le loses its internity# the more )om)ous and ceremonialised its out(ard manifestations become ** in the character of its government# la(# and cult 1all of (hich (ill begin to emerge as se)arate ideas2, 6ut they should remain one in the no(ledge= What $ believe is (hat $ no(# and so $ also live it out, For this reason# the +ryan divine internity is also the basis for a )roud disdain for death among the +ryans and for their limitless trust in the %ordic God and in the self# (hich e-)resses itself gloriously in the )rimal la( of the +ryans and (hich has the fifth rune as its symbolic (ord sign, Therefore# this rune says= $ am my right 1rod2# this right is indestructible# therefore $ am myself indestructible# because $ am my right,

a 5 bold# none# and so on, A si/th is min%* if a man hurts m% &ith th% root of a strang% tr%%C th% ruin h% thr%at%n%' m% &ith 'o%s not hurt m% but -onsum%s him;

The (orld tree .ggdrasill 1for the inter)retation of the conce)t of .ggdrasill# see belo(2 serves in the narro(er sense as the +ryan tribal tree# beside (hich the tribal trees of foreign races are seen as foreign trees,

The runic conce)t haun# unna 1maid# for e-am)le# in the name +delgunde2 demonstrates the feminine )rinci)le in the +ll in a )urely se-ual sense, The tribe# the race# is to be )urely )reserved7 it may not be defiled by the roots of the foreign tree, $f it (ere nevertheless to ha))en# ho(ever# such (ould be of

little use to the foreign trees# because its foreign scion (ould gro( to become its raging foe, Therefore= .our blood# your highest )ossession,

hagal 5 the +ll Hedge# to enclose7 hail# to destroy, A s%,%nth I kno&* if I s%% a fir% high aroun' th% housing of m%nC ho&%,%r &il'ly it may burn* I &ill bring it to r%st &ith taming magi-al songs; (Fir% magi-* still .ra-tis%' to'ay as fir% %,o-ations;)

Hagal ** intros)ective a(areness# the consciousness to bear his %ordic God (ith all his 3ualities (ithin himself# )roduces a high self confidence in the )o(er of the )ersonal s)irit (hich besto(s magical )o(er# a magical )o(er (hich d(ells (ithin all )ersons# and a )o(er (hich can )ersuade a strong s)irit to believe in it (ithout any doubt, 0hrist# (ho (as one of these rare )ersons ** as (as Wotan ** said= ;erily# verily $ say to you# if someone (ere to say to this stone= move yourself a(ay! ** and he believes in it ** then this stone (ould lift itself a(ay and fly into the sea, 1"ar # F$='A,2 6orne by this consciousness (hich has no doubt inherent# the chosen one controls the )hysical and s)iritual realms# (hich he contains com)rehensively# and thereby he feels himself to be +ll <o(erful, Therefore= Harbour the +ll in yourself# and you (ill control the +ll!

not 5 need# %orn# com)ulsion of fate, An %ighth I ha,%* sur%ly for all most n%%'ful to us%" &h%r%,%r 'is-or' gro&s among h%ro%s* sin-% I kno& ho& to s%ttl% it 0ui-kly;

The need rune blooms on the nail of the %orn! This is not need 1distress2 in the modern sense of the (ord# but rather the com)ulsion of fate ** that the %orns fi- according to )rimal la(s, With this# the organic causality of all )henomena is to be understood, Whoever is able to gras) the )rimal cause of

a )henomenon# and (hoever gains no(ledge of organically la(ful evolution and the )henomena arising from it# is also able to Cudge their conse3uences Cust as they are beginning to ferment, Therefore# he commands no(ledge of the future and also understands ho( to settle all strife through the constraint of the clearly recognised (ay of fate, Therefore= /se you your fate# do not strive against it!

is 5 ice# iron, A ninth I gras.* &h%n for m% n%%' aris%s to .rot%-t my shi. on th% o-%an" th%n I &ill still th% storm on th% rising s%a an' -alm th% s&%ll of th% &a,%s;

Through the consciousness# (hich has no doubt inherent# of )ersonal s)iritual )o(er the (aves are bound ** made to free4e ** they stiffen as if ice, 6ut not only the (aves# all of life is obedient to the com)elling (ill, 0ountless e-am)les of the +gis shield 1related to the +egis hCGlmer# the helm of a(e or terror# )art of the %ibelungen treasure (on by ?igurdhr2 of Wotan# such as the Gorgon:s head of the +thenians# the +gis helm# all the (ay do(n to the hunting lore and )ractise of causing an animal to free4e 1the magic of ma ing something free4e in hunting lore and )ractise is substantiated as hy)nosis2# and modern hy)nosis# are all based on the hy)notic )o(er of forceful (ill of the s)irit symbolised by this ninth rune, Therefore= Win )o(er over yourself and you (ill have )o(er over everything in the s)iritual and )hysical (orlds that strives against you,

ar 5 sun# )rimal fire# +ryans# nobles# and so on, I us% th% t%nth* &h%n through th% air ghostly ri'ing &om%n fly" &h%n I b%gin that magi-* th%y &ill far% -onfus%' in form an' %ffort;

The +r# the )rimal fire# the sun# the light# (ill destroy s)iritual as (ell as )hysical dar ness# doubt# and uncertainty, $n the sign of the +r the +ryans **

the sons of the sun ** founded their la(# the )rimal la( of the +ryans# of (hich the eagle 1+ar2 is the hierogly)h, $t sacrifices itself# as it consecrates itself in a flaming death# in order to be reborn, For this reason it (as called the fanis 1fan 5 generation# as 5 arising# beginning7 therefore= fanis 5 the beginning of generation through rebirth7 fanis later became the )hoeni-# and thus is the )hoeni- e-)lained7 com)are Wotan:s rune song= $ no( that $ hung on a (ind cold tree2 and later )hoeni-, Therefore it is read as a symbolic hierogly)h (hen an eagle is laid on the funeral )yre of a celebrated hero to indicate that the dead hero reCuvenatingly )re)ares himself in death for rebirth in order to strive for a still more glorious future life in human form in s)ite of all the restrictions of the )o(ers of dar ness ** all of (hich crumble before the +r= Res)ect the )rimal fire!

sol 5 sun# salvation# victory# column# school# and so on, An %l%,%nth still I also kno& in th% fight* &h%n I l%a' th% '%ar on%" I sing it into th% shi%l' an' h% is ,i-torious in battl%* h% far%s hal% hith%r an' hal% hom% again* h% r%mains hal% %,%ry&h%r%; (U.on this is bas%' th% Art of 3assau* th% -ity r%no&n%' for th% .ra-tis% of magi- in th% mi''l% ag%s* of making fast* of in,uln%rability against any blo&* stab* or shot;)

?al and sig! ** salvation and victory 1Heil und ?ieg2, This millenia old +ryan greeting and battlecry is also again found in a variant form in the (ides)read call of ins)iration= alaf sal fena! 1+ll solar salvation to him (ho is conscious of )o(er# that is# able to re)roduce!2 This has become symbolised by the eleventh sign of the futhar h as the sig rune 1victory rune2= The creative s)irit must con3uer!

tyr 5 animal# and so on7 THr# the ?un God and ?(ord God7 Tiu# Iio# Iiu# Ieus7 to generate# to turn# to conceal7 thus Tarn a))e# the ca) of concealment# and so on, A t&%lfth I ha,%" if on a tr%% th%r% hangs a man throttl%' u. on high*

th%n I &rit% som% run%s an' th% man -limbs 'o&n an' talks to m%;

The reborn Wotan# that is# the rene(ed Wotan (ho has climbed do(n from the (orld tree after his self sacrifice# as (ell as the rene(ed fanis 1)hoeni-2# (hich flies u) out of the ashes# is )ersonified in the young ?un God and ?(ord God# THr, +ccording to the rule of mysticism# every magical belief moves )arallel to mythology# in that the mythic )attern is ado)ted in analogies to human earthly )rocesses# in order to reach results similar to those given in the myths, While esotericism on the basis of the (ell* no(n bifidic biune dyad recognises the mystic one in the mystic many ** and therein it sees the fate of the +ll and hence of every individual ** in eternal change from )assing a(ay to rebirth, +s Wotan returned after his self sacrifice ** (hich is to be understood not merely as his death# but rather as his (hole life ** in a rene(ed body# so also does every single )erson return after every life in human form (ith a rene(ed body through a rebirth ** (hich is e3ually a self sacrifice, For this reason# tar means to generate# to live# and to )ass a(ay ** and therefore THr is the reborn young sun, ?o too is the t(elfth rune at the same time a victory rune# and hence it is carved into s(ord blades and s)earheads as a sign to give victory, $t shall be said= Fear not death ** it cannot ill you!

bar 5 birth# song fol song# fol # German# bier# and so on, A thirt%%nth I nam%* I s.rinkl% th% son of a nobl% in th% &at%r of lif%C &h%n h% go%s into battl%* h% -annot fall* no s&or' may strik% him to th% groun';

$n the bar rune the s)iritual life in the +ll# the eternal life in (hich human life bet(een birth and death means but one day# stands in contrast to this day in the life in human form# (hich goes from bar 1birth2 through bar 1life as a song2 to bar 1bier# death2# and (hich is sanctified and charmed by the (ater of life in the ba)tism, This 1day in the2 life is bounded by birth and death# and even if destiny has not at once a))ointed a s(ord death for the bairn ** he is still e-)osed to this and many another danger, For in s)ite of the determination and dis)ensation of destiny# dar chance 1chance! ** actually there is no such thing as chance# for all events (ithout e-ce)tion are in the great (eb of fate ** as (ar) and (oof ** all (ell ordered# but (hat concerns

(oof# the cross (eave# is even for clairvoyants only visible (ith difficulty7 the recognisable straight (ar) of the effects of earlier causes# effects that are al(ays in turn other causes that trigger coming effects ** (hich again form causes that trigger effects# in an unending genetic series ** is visible and calculable to seers and initiates7 ho(ever# it is difficult to tell ahead of time the effects of the (oof of the fate of other egos or (hole grou)s of them# and to tell (hen they (ill touch# cross# or other(ise influence our (oof of fate7 these (or on our (oof of fate ** (hich is com)arable to the (oof in a fabric# li e the (oof or cross (eave in such a fabric# and because these incalculable influences often suddenly and une-)ectedly disturb our o(n (oof of fate# these are called chance# (ithout# ho(ever# having considered a chance occurrence as something irregular or la(less ** that cannot be! ** but )erha)s as something incalculable7 the oldest +ryan mystics already recognised this# and therefore )ortrayed the rulers of fate# the three %orns# as (eavers of fate# (ho out of the (ar) and (oof (eave the raiment of time# that is# fate2 rules# based on the free (ill of men# and it is against such a maleficent degree of chance that the sacred blessing is su))osed to (or , The Germanic )eo)le did not recognise any blind faith, They did believe in a )redestination in the greatest sense# but they intuitively sa( that many restrictions 1chance accidents!2 stand in the (ay of the com)letion and fulfilment of )redestination in order to fulfil and steel )ersonal )o(er, Without these accidents# for e-am)le# every )ine tree (ould have to be strictly symmetrical in all its )arts7 one (ould have to be the same as the ne-t# (hile in fact no t(o can be found that are e-actly ali e# and so too it (ould have to be in human life7 all (ithout difference# uniform and e3ual, For this reason the ne(born should be consecrated (ith the (ater of life 1for this reason also the church# in a clear reference to the (ater of life# is su))osed to use as ba)tismal (ater so called living (ater# that is# s)ring or flo(ing (ater# and reCects standing (ater from )onds or la es2 against im)ending accidents, Therefore= .our life stands in the hand of the %ordic God7 trust it in you!

laf 5 )rimal la(# sea# life# do(nfall# defeat, A fourt%%nth I sing to th% gath%r%' folk by naming th% 'i,in% nam%sC of all th% +o's an' )l,%n kin' I kno& as &%ll as any;

The intuitive no(ledge of the organic essence of the +ll# and therefore of the la(s of nature# forms the unsha eable foundation of +ryan sacred teachings or e-oteric +ryan religion# (hich (as able to encom)ass and

com)rehend the +ll# and therefore also the individual in its arising# (or ing# and )assing a(ay to ne( arising, ?uch esoteric no(ledge (as communicated to the fol in symbolically formulated myths# for the naJve )o)ular eye# unaccustomed to such dee) vision and clairvoyance# could no more see the )rimal la( than the )hysical eye can see the (hole ocean# or the unschooled inner# s)iritual eye the endlessness of life in the +ll, Therefore the fourteenth rune says= First learn to steer# than dare the sea Courney!

man 5 moon# to mother# to increase7 em)ty or dead, A fift%%nth I t%ll* &hi-h Folk Stirr%r th% '&arf sang b%for% th% 'oors of 'ay to th% +o's for str%ngth* to th% )l,%s for might* to mys%lf to -l%ar my min';

$n another sense# as in that of the (ell no(n fol tale# The man in the moon reveals himself in the fifteenth rune as a sanctified sign of the )ro)agation of the human race, The )rimal (ord ma is the hallmar of feminine generation ** mothering ** Cust as the )rimal (ord fa is that of the masculine, Therefore# (e have here "ater# mother# Cust as there (e have Fater# father, The moon mythically mystically serves as the magical ring Drau)nir# Dri))er# from (hich every ninth night an e3ually heavy ring dri)s 1se)arates itself2# and (hich (as burned (ith 6aldr7 that is# %anna# the mother of his children# (as burned at the same time as 6aldr, +ccording to mythicomystical rules# ho(ever# nights al(ays mean months# and so the nine nights mentioned above indicate the time of )regnancy, While the conce)ts of man# maiden# mother# husband# (ife# marriage# menstruation# and so on# and so forth# are rooted in the )rimal (ord ma 1Cust li e the conce)t moon# (ith (hich they are all internally connected conce)tually2# they nevertheless symbolise individual conce)ts reconnected into an a))arent unity according to the )rinci)le of the multiune multifidic multi)licity, ?o too is the conce)tual (ord for this unity rooted in the )rimal (ord ma and e-)ressed manas or menis # that is= man 1der "ensch2, Therefore ** as a conce)t of unification ** the (ord der "ensch# man# is only of one gender 1masculine2# (hile the derogatory conce)t belongs to the third stage as a neuter# das "ensch# slut# to (hich (e (ill return later, The fifteenth rune encom)asses both the e-oteric and esoteric conce)t of the high mystery of humanity and reaches its 4enith in the (arning= 6e a man!

yr 5 iris# bo(# rainbo(# ye( (ood bo(# error# anger# and so on, A si/t%%nth I s.%ak to a -oy mai'%n to g%t m% goo'n%ss an' lu-k" that -hang%s an' turns th% &ish%s an' min' of th% s&an &hit% arm%' b%auty;

The yr rune is the inverted man rune# and as it designates the bo(# so too does it )resent the (a-ing and (aning moon in contrast to the full moon of the man rune# and so in the first instance it refers to the mutability of the moon# in the second instance as the error rune ** referring to the lunarli e mutability of the feminine essence# )ortrayed in later verses of the Lay of the High @ne in the follo(ing (ay= Do not trust the true (ords of a maid# do not trust the (oman:s true (ords# her heart (as sha)ed on a s)inning (heel= the feminine heart is the home of fic leness, The yr rune or error rune# (hich causes confusion# (hether through the e-citement of the )assions in love# in )lay# in drin 1into-ication2# or through )rete-ts of s)eech 1so)histry2 or by (hatever other means (ill )erha)s con3uer resistance through confusion, 6ut the success of a victory gained by such means is Cust as illusory as the victory itself ** for it brings anger# (ild rage# and ultimately madness, The yr rune or error rune therefore also contrasts (ith the os rune 1see above2# since it tries to force the con3uest of an o))onent (ith mere )rete-t instead of (ith real reasons, Therefore it teaches= Thin about the end!

eh 5 marriage# la(# horse# court# and so on, A s%,%nt%%nth h%l.s m% &ith a lo,%ly mai'* so that sh% &ill n%,%r b% abl% to l%a,% m%;

The seventeenth# or eh rune# )lays off against the si-teenth, While that

one (arns against frivolous transitory love affairs# the marriage rune confirms the conce)t of lasting love on the basis of marriage as the legal bond bet(een man and (oman, This is symbolically indicated by a later eh rune in that the laf rune 1see above2 is doubled in it 1= K 5 =2# therefore symbolically saying= t(o bound together by the )rimal la( of life! "arriage is the basis of the fol # and therefore eh is again the conce)t of la(# for# according to an ancient legal formula# marriage is the ra( root# that is# the ra( root of the continuance of Teutondom, Therefore= "arriage is the ra( root of the +ryans! 6et(een the seventeenth and eighteenth rune the s ald included the follo(ing verse= Th%s% songs &ill b%* to you* Stray Sing%r* for a long tim% &%ll nigh unl%arnabl%" r%Goi-%* if you %/.%ri%n-% th%mC tak% not%* if you l%arn th%m* us% th%m* if you un'%rstan' th%m;

+fter this interlude stro)he# he begins (ith the mysterious eighteenth rune (hich follo(s as he again lets Wotan himself s)ea =



fyrfos 5 s(asti a,

Th% %ight%%nth I &ill %t%rnally n%,%r t%ll to a &oman or mai'" it forms th% b%st %n' to th% lays << &hi-h only on% of all kno&s* %/-%.t for th% la'y &ho %mbra-%s m% in marriag% or &ho is also a sist%r to m%; (9otan6s &if% Frigga is at th% sam% tim% his sist%r* a .roof that in anti0uity in-%stuous marriag%s* of &hi-h th%r% ar% num%rous %/am.l%s in mythology an' history* &%r% -ommon;)

$n this eighteenth song# the s ald again recedes from vie(7 he lets Wotan sing and s)ea in order to indicate that this highest no(ledge of the )rimal generation of the +ll can be no(n and com)rehended uni3uely and alone by the nu)tually bound divinities of the biune bifidic dyad of united s)iritual

and )hysical )o(er# and that only these# uni3uely and alone# understand the thrice high holy secret of constant generation# constant life# and uninterru)ted recurrence# and are able to )erceive the mysterious 1eighteenth2 rune of these, Ho(ever# certainly (orthy of note is the fact that the eighteenth rune (hich is actually )resent is a ** doubtlessly intentionally incom)lete ** fyrfos# and that it har ens bac to this sign in both name and meaning ** (ithout# nevertheless# e-hausting it, $n this the intention of the s alds to guard vigilantly the fyrfos as their e-clusive innermost secret# and as the sigil of that secret# can be seen, @nly after yielding to certain )ressures did they reveal another sign (hich )artially re)laced the fyrfos, This sign# (hich can to a certain e-tent be seen as a substitute eighteenth rune# is=

ge 5 gift# giver# the %ordic God# earth7 death# and so on, Gibor altar is still contained in the )lace name Gibraltar# a name for (hich the derivation from +rabic gibil tari is as im)ossible as it can be7 Gib1o2raltar (as a tem)le site consecrated to the %ordic God# the +ll 6egetter by the ;andals at the southern e-treme of ?)ain2 ** the %ordic God# the +ll 6egetter! ** the %ordic God is the giver# and the earth receives his gifts, 6ut the earth is not only the receiver# she is also in turn a giver, The )rimal (ord is gi# or ge7 in it lies the idea of arising 1to give2# but it also indicates being# in the idea of the gift# and )assing a(ay to ne( arising# in the idea of going, This )rimal (ord gi or ge can no( be connected to other )rimal and root (ords# a fe( e-am)les of (hich follo(, $n connection (ith the )rimal (ord fa as= gifa# gefa# gea# geo# it indicates the gift begetting earth# and (ith bar or bor# burn# s)ring# the gift burn the %ordic God, +s gigeur 1the gift goes bac to the <rimeval2# in Gigur# the gift destroying frost giant# (ho becomes a )ersonification of death and later of the devil# a))ears to be named, 6y the idea (ord gigas 1gigeas= the gift goes out of the mouth# out of the source2 the fiddle 1Geige2 is understood, This is the old s aldic magical instrument of a(a ening (hich introduced the song# and since song 1bar2 also means life# the fiddle (as one of the many ideogra)hs 1hierogly)hs# symbols2 of rebirth# and it is for this reason that it is often found in graves as a sacred gift, Therefore it is not necessarily so that the dead man in (hose grave a fiddle is found (as a fiddle )layer, Flutes and fiddles enticed )eo)le to dance# to the e-citement of love# and (ere therefore banned by the church ** (ith its ascetic tem)erament ** because they served as magical instruments to arouse the human fyr# fire# of love, ?o the church re)laced the Wotanic symbol of a(a ening (ith the 0hristian symbol of a(a ening# the trum)et of

Cudgement, The )ersonal names Gereon and Gertrut are rooted in the )rimal (ord ge# meaning rebirth# and the hierogly)h of this# the Head of Gereon# a))ears as an e3uilateral triangle made of three human )rofiles,

6ut this Gereon is# in turn# the %ordic God incarnate in the +ll as the +ll ?)irit# World ?)irit or Human ?)irit, +nd for this reason the meaning of the ge rune is closest to that of the fyrfos, The difference bet(een the t(o inter)retations lies in the fact that the idea of the ge rune or gibor rune see s e-oterically to a))roach the com)rehension of the idea of the divine from belo( u)(ard ** in a certain sense from the level of humanity out(ard ** (hile the e-)lanation of the fyrfos see s no(ledge of the %ordic God esoterically in the innermost level of man himself ** and finds it, Thus it is no(n# as the s)irit of humanity# to be unified (ith the %ordic God from the stand)oint of the conce)t of the bifidic biune dyad# and it (ill attain certain no(ledge from inside out# as (ell as to(ard the inside from the outside, Here again the e-oteric and the esoteric are clearly distinguished# and the fyrfos is recognised as an e-oteric secret sign of high holiness# (hich is re)resented e-oterically by the ge rune, ?o# (hile the e-oteric doctrine teaches that man emerged from the %ordic God and (ill return to the %ordic God# the esoteric doctrine no(s the invisible cohesion of man and divinity as the bifidic biune dyad ** and so it can be consciously said= "an ** be one (ith the %ordic God! Thus in the 9ddic song Wotan:s runic (isdom the s ald inter)reted the individual runes ** in concealed forms ** and im)lied the magical songs or invocatory formulas connected to them# (ithout actually communicating them ** thus )reserving the s aldic secret ** but he revealed enough that their sense can be rediscovered, He could confidently conclude the Wotan:s runic (isdom= No& ha,% I %n'%' th% high song h%r% in th% hall of th% High On%* n%%'ful to th% %arthly* not to th% +iants; Hail to him* &ho t%a-h%s it: Hail to him &ho l%arns it: Of th% sal,ation* all you list%n%rs* mak% goo' us%:

With this# the s aldic rune )oem and its inter)retation# it has been

)roven that the runes (ere more than our letters today# more even than mere syllable signs or (ord signs# that is# they (ere holy signs or magical characters, They (ere# in a certain (ay of thin ing# something similar to the s)irit sigils 1not s)irit seals!2 of later times# (hich )layed a cons)icuous role in the notorious hellish conCuration of Doctor Lohann Faust, +ctually they (ere nothing less than collectors for the )ur)ose of autosuggestion# media for concentrated thought and intensive meditation, The characterisation as holy signs is therefore fully Custified# as is the other name runes# that is# the ro(ning 1(his)ering2 ones# the secretly s)ea ing ones, @nly after these beginnings did those runes# and a number of others that the Wotan:s runic (isdom does not name# gradually shrivel u) into letters in our sense of the (ord ** that is# into em)ty# inarticulate )honetic signs, The great# still uncounted# mass of the other holy signs or hierogly)hs# (hich (ere not sim)lified into insubstantial )honetic signs# but (hich (ere rather ** as has already been stated ** often develo)ed (ith ongoing elaboration into the most elegant ornamental motifs (ith the characteristic )reservation of the basic lines of their )rimary forms# and (hich also e-)anded their names and symbolic values# formed the +ryan system of hierogly)hs or )ictogra)hs# (hich remained a secret of the s alds=

/ntil no(# no one had thought to deci)her or read them# because no one recognised these (idely dis)arate signs as hierogly)hs, First it (ould also do (ell to ascertain (here those ** until no( silent or in the best case misinter)reted ** holy signs or hierogly)hs are to be found# this in order to )rove the conte-t of the s)ecial formations of individual signs 1corres)onding to the ind of the areas in (hich they are found2# and finally to establish through their names the )rimal (ord forms and ideas that they re)resent# and from these to form a basis for their deci)herment and reading, Ho(ever# to no( the areas in (hich these signs are found# that is# to find the arts and sciences (hich su))orted these signs and (hich still su))ort them# some other information must be obtained, The old tri)artite division of the +ryans# (hich doubtlessly has its origin in the intuitive recognition of the evolutionary la(s of nature# and (hose im)etus is surely to be sought in the observation of evolution according to natural la(s ** from the seed through the bloom to the fruit containing another seed ** became the essential im)erative of the +ryans and of the Teutonic )eo)les (ho emerged from them# including the Germans, Therefore# (e find in all institutions of the +ryan )eo)les# in their religions# mythologies# social levels 1)rovider class# teacher class# soldier class2 as (ell as in their language 1the )rimal +ryan2# this ideological classification# (hich# as already mentioned# actually distinguishes verbal conce)ts into three levels= 1, arising ', being# doing# ruling# (or ing# and A, )assing a(ay to ne( beginning so that every ernel (ord# )rimal (ord# root (ord or stem (ord has a conce)t in each of these levels, 6ut each individual level again brea s do(n into trilevel sublevels (ith the same tendency# and each of these do the same# and so forth# so that every root (ord and every stem (ord demonstrates at least three# but usually many more# conce)tual values increasing in this threefold )rogression, 9ven modern High German is subCect to this )rimal evolutionary la( of the +ryan and Germanic languages# (hich came about

before these (as any grammar# and (hich therefore cannot be determined by grammatical rules ** although s)elling rules endeavour to obscure these levels of meaning in order to )revent misunderstandings that could arise from the confusion of the conce)ts, To give an e-am)le of this from %e( High German# refer to the (ord Rauh 1ra(2 or Rauch 1rough2# (hich in its arising level means to be ra( or rough in contrast to being smooth7 through the figure of s)eech# to (or something out of the ra( or rough# it is attributed to the first level# for e-am)le# rough materials or ra( materials# rough and ready# and so on, $n the second level# that of being or governing# it indicates la( and Custice as in rau grave 1Rauch Graf2# rau hen 1Rauch Huhn2# rau tenth 1Rauch Iehnt2# and so on, $n the third level of )assing a(ay to a ne( beginning# the (ord is characterised by the figure of s)eech to go u) in smo e 1Rauch27 this means the smo e of fire# fog or frost as a sign of destruction, The ne(er rules of s)elling no( divide these three ideas by the (ay they are (ritten= 1, Rauh 1rough# ra(2 ', Rau 1rau2 A, Rauch 1ree # smo e2 @ther e-am)les are the (ord Rad 1(heel2# that is similarly bro en u) in the orthogra)hy and indicates= 1, Rath 1rede# council2# as a title and descri)tion of activity as that (hich furthers things ', Rad 1(heel2# the turning# rate# increase# and A, Ratte 1rat2# the destructive animal + no less interesting e-am)le is the (ord Hund 1hound2 (ith its many attendant conce)ts, The arising level also means the all inclusive or basic# so that (e have a Hund 1also Hunt27 the car on four rollers used to haul ore in the mines 19nglish= hutch27 a measure of cut )eat 1t(enty Hunde of )eat ma e a load27 a measure of grain7 a measurement of the field 1big enough to so( a Hund of grain27 the name of the founder of a house or dynasty 1Fidei Bommis2# for e-am)le# the Hounds of BEnring7 a sign of honour in hierogly)hs# the red hound for the establishment of a la(, $n the being level the term Hund 1hound2 indicates the (ell no(n mammal, $n the )assing a(ay to ne( arising level the (ord Hund 1hound2 includes the conce)ts of sto))age# rot# destruction# death7 com)are the hound on the (him 1(him beam# Go))elhund2# the dragging bra e7 an instrument of torture used to dislocate the Coints7 a devil:s mas 1(ith names such as hell hound# sun hound# moon dog7 a Cudicial sign of humiliation 1hound dog in the )assing a(ay level means to come do(n 1herunter 1hunter2 ommen2# to decay!7 therefore# condemned men bore a mangy dog to the )lace of e-ecution as a characterising symbol7 later this symbolism (as e-)anded= thieves carried a bitch to the gallo(s# and

she (as hung beside the thief7 the bitch and the thief (ere both called Te(e 1bitch2# that (as clear7 disturbers of the )eace carried a setter 16rac e2 to the scaffold ** 6rac e is identical (ith brea er# as a )eace brea er or la( brea er7 the red hound means# in the third stage# decayed Custice in contrast to the first stage as foundation of Custice or codification of la(2# as a term of insult 1dog as an insulting name has nothing to do (ith the 3uadru)ed7 it indicates a violent# des)icable )erson (ho (ants to bring everything do(n 1herunter 1hunter2# com)are Hund2# to decay2 as (ell as a )roverb 1to go to the dogs 1+uf den Hund ommen2 also has nothing to do (ith our )et# unless it means it is a less valuable draft animal than the horse# but rather also refers to do(nfall 1Herunter ommen 1Hunter ommen2 into )overty and decay2, These e-am)les# (hich could be e-)anded into the hundreds# )rove that even the modern German language is subCect to the original la( of tri)artition# even if modern s)elling rules ** for reasons of clarity of meaning ** ma e the effort to distinguish the conce)ts through orthogra)hic conventions, 6ut if one ta es these modern (ords bac to their stem (ords# one (ill recognise this tri)artition at once# es)ecially (hen one (rites the root (ords and )rimal (ords ** as mentioned at the beginning ** in runes# or at least ee)s this mode of (riting firmly in mind, During the course of this discussion t(o (ords (ere used# and (e referred to the fact that (e (ould discuss their three levelled inter)retation= the Gree (ord hierogly)h and the %ordic (ord .ggdrasill, +t that time# it (as noted that the Gree (ord corres)onded to the original +ryan (ord hiroglif or iroglif, 6oth (ords can be used as e-am)les of the tri)artition of conce)ts, The (ord hierogly)h a))ears in the old +ryan language# as already mentioned# as hiroglif or iroglif# and may be divided into three root (ords# ir# og# and lif# (hich are based on the three )rimal (ords ar# ag and laf, These root (ords have the follo(ing three levelled meaning= 1, +rising stage= ir 5 beginning og 5 to eye# see# regard lif 5 to slee)7 concealed life ', 6eing stage= ir 5 to contain an arc# in a circle# iris og 5 to )rofit# increase lif 5 to live A, <assing a(ay stage= ir 5 error# confusion og 5 to se)arate 1schneiden 1orlog 5 (ar= as the decider 19ntscheider2 lif 5 to conclude7 certainty (ithout doubt

@ut of this# the three levels of inter)retation for the (ord hiroglif result as follo(s= 1, First stage= the beginning is regarded in the concealed mind ', ?econd stage= the 1 no(ledge2 contained 1in the sign2 increases the living 1 no(ledge2 A, Third stage= confusion cuts off certainty# that is# (hatever is fi-ed by (riting can no longer be confused The Gree inter)retation from hiero 5 holy and gly)ht# gly)ho 5 cut into stone is insufficient, 9ven if hiero meaning holy is covered 3uite (ell by hiro having to do (ith the beginning# the second half is (rong# because hierogly)hs (ere far more often (ritten or )ainted than carved into stone, 6ut if one (anted to have gly)ho stand for s)iritually dee)ened# and thereby recognise the sense of sacrally dee)ened# then such an inter)retative s)eculation (ould come 3uite close to the old +ryan conce)t, $n a similar fashion the (ord .ggrasill is divided into three root (ords# ig# dra and sil# (hich result in the follo(ing three levelled meaning= 1, $ ig 5 $ as sha)er# generator# )roducer# consecration dra 5 turning generation 1trifos2# generation of fire sil 1sal2 5 salvation ', $$ ig 5 1uig# (ig2 struggle 1;i ing2 dra 5 to drag# carry sil 5 la(# )illar 1?Mule2 A, $$$ ig 5 terror# death dra 5 to destroy 1dragon2 sil 14il2 5 aim# end @ut of this# three levels of inter)retation of the (ord .ggdrasill 1$gdrasil2 result as follo(s= 1, First= $# generating salvation in the )rimal fire 1/rfyr2! 1com)are the burning thorn bush in the bible# 9-odus $$$='2 ', ?econd= Warrior of the la(# (ar tree# (ar horse A, Third= +im of terror or destruction# the tree of terror This e-)lains much that is other(ise not com)rehensible# es)ecially the incorrect inter)retation of the name as horse of terror, The (orld ash tree $gdrasil is

the tree of life of +ryan humanity# their sacred fire# their original salvation 1com)are the burning thorn bush2, $t is# ho(ever# thought of as living# therefore e-isting and governing# and for this reason it is the (arrior 1(ar bearer2 ** gra)hically# the (ar horse of humanity, /ltimately it (ill be the tree of terror# by (hich humanity (ill )ass a(ay, 6ut it is also the (ind cold tree about (hich Wotan sings in the rune song, For this reason# the designation (orld ash tree is also meaningful# for ash is +s 55 the first man# the )rimal father of humanity (ho bore the same name 1the )rimal mother (as called 9mbla# that is# alder tree2 and manas # menis 1"ensch 5 man 1human2 ** has its origins here, Ho(ever# as man signifies the generative# sha)ing one in the first stage# and in the second stage humanity is indicated as living and e-isting# so in the third stage the ruined individual ** no longer (orthy of being called human= das "ensch# slut# is scornfully named, +s in and of itself indicates= 1, the beginning of humanity# figuratively the )rimal father ', the ash# and A, the ashes and from that= asceticism 1+s ese2# destruction of re)roduction, "anas or mona is therefore the mon # a (ord that (e also have in +ryan as (ell as in Latin 1"@%+0H;?2# for surely even Latin is derived from +ryan, 9ven though these fe(# and only briefly s etched# e-am)les should be sufficient to indicate the tri)artition of all conce)ts in the +ryan system and their netli e inter(eaving# nevertheless another e-am)le should be ta en into closer consideration in order to ta e u) the thread again and s)in it out further, +lready above mention (as made of the tri)artition of the fol into )rovider class# teacher class and soldier class, $n this regard it should be remembered that Tacitus and <linius# and to some e-tent the Gree travelling scholar of the fourth century 6,0, ** <ytheas ** all already had made mention of a tri)artition of Germanic society# (hich according to their documents consisted of three tribes **

$ngaevons $rminons $staevons

+ccording to Tacitus# the earthbound God Tuisco 1THr# Iio# the generator2 had a son "annus 1"enas # man2 (ho generated three sons# namely=


$rmin $stvo

(ho are su))osed to be the tribal fathers in the familiar three levels of conce)tual meaning=

$ngvo 1ing*fo2 5 112 )er)etuator# maintainer# 1'2 the young (anderer# and# 1A2 the one (ho decides in court, $rmin 5 112 1'2 1A2 $stvo 1ist*fo2 1from this )robably comes the Hungarian man:s name $stvan for ?te)hen2 5 112 the generator# (ho generates in death# the returning one# the one to be reborn# 1'2 the continuously e-isting one# and# 1A2 the one (ho goes into dar ness# submersion, The ending *ons in the three tribal names means on three levels=

1, the ancestors# the )rimal origin7 ', to (ander7 and A, to change# transformation# rotation, Therefore the tribal name $ngaevons means= 1, the ones (ho came forth out of ancestral origin# ', the (andering young descendants# (anderers# Wandals 1;andals2# and A, the alteration through the Cudgement of fate, The tribal name $rminons means= 1, the ones (ho came forth out of the ancestral origins of the solar man# ', the (andering governors# solar Cudges# ?emanes 1not ?emnones2# and A, conclusion of o)inion by a turn of fate, The tribal name $staevons indicates=

1, the ones reborn out of the realm of the ancestors# ', the ones constantly (andering# and A, the ones (ho )ass a(ay through a conse3uence of fate, +ccording to tri)artition# the first level of conce)tual meaning serves as the general designation for the $ngaevons# the second for the $rminons# and the third for the $staevons, 6ut all three designations have their s)ecial uses according to the rules of the trifidic triune triad# for all three are really but one# that is# the (hole indivisible Germanic )eo)le, +ll of this is based on the fact that all +ryans or Teutons felt themselves to be one fol , @n account of this# every individual# be he freeman or ing# had to belong to the )rovider class in order to )revent this class# as the main class# from being devalued, 9veryone had# therefore# to be a farmer# that is# $ng*fo ** an original maintainer and )er)etuator of the ancestors, The second class (as the intellectually advanced# the intelligentsia# the rules# the teaching class# to (hich the s alds# the high nobility# and the ings 1)rinces# counts# and so on2 belongs ** (ithout ceasing to be farmers, $t has already been said above that +r means the sun and the la( of the sun# and the eagle is its symbol and hierogly)h, Therefore a member of the second class (as called an +rman or $rmin# namely a sun man# ?eman, 1Tacitus mutilates this (ord in ?emnones# Cust as# for e-am)le# $ulius 0aesar confused and made incom)rehensible the fol name Helfesen or Helfetsen as Helvetians7 the same is true for all Germanic fol names and )lace names in Roman or Gree (ritings# and it (ould be a (elcome tas for someone to set these names aright and thereby ma e them s)ea 7 for names al(ays say something# they are not em)ty shells (hen they are correctly reconstructed7 and that shall and must ha))en!2 The ?emans (ere the men of no(ledge 1Wissenden2# and from them emerged the s alds ** the )riests of Wotan 1Guido von List# @f the German Wotanic )riesthood# The t(entieth century 16erlin2 4# numbers '*> 11N9A2 ** or# better said# their core grou) (as the s alds# (ho# as )riests and teachers# (ere also the Cudges ** for in those times e-oteric +ryan religion (as simultaneously science and la(, @ne believed (hat one ne( ** or at least intuitively recognised# and lived accordingly, ?ince the ?emans# $rminons# ? alds and so on (ere one and the same (ith the scholars# artists# and so on# the second class is the teacher class ** in s)ite of the fact that it too belonged to the farmer class ** and is to be recognised as the root area of the activation of the +ryan s)iritual (or , Therefore# all original lines of the collective arts and sciences are to be derived from it, Ho(ever# the s alds must remain the central focus in (hich all the diverse s)ecial manifestations of the hierogly)hics can be unified, The third class# the soldier class# the $staevons# (ho are those (ho )ass a(ay due to a conse3uence of fate ** is in no (ay that (hich (e today understand as the military ** for all members of the fol (ere res)onsible for the common defence ** but rather they (ere the great mass of sur)lus )o)ulace (ho had to migrate in order to establish ne( states, There (as no )ersonal o(nershi) of land and soil# only familial estates ** the elder

governed it for his clan# the members of (hich only had rights of usage over it, $f their number became too great for the o(nershi) of land# then the sur)lus (ould have to migrate 1hel fesen2 ** never to return, They elected a du e 15 (ar leader2# and he searched for land, ?ince such migratory e-)editions ** or colonisation efforts ** (ere carried out com)letely according to 0osmic La(# the )o(er of the +ryans to found and maintain state structures# recognised by all historians in all times and )laces# is evident, Throughout the (hole (orld (e find these +ryan foundations (hich are testified to in historical as (ell as continuing fol names# land names and )lace names of +ryan state establishments ** reaching all the (ay bac into )rehistoric times, 6ecause the s alds# as the scientists# maintained language# art# and science# they (ere also )rimarily concerned (ith scientifically directing the transition from Wotanism to 0hristianity 1concerning this see my essay From Wotanism into 0hristianity# in the (ee ly The German 16erlin2# 1# number 1A 119&427 com)are also my essay@f the German Wotanic )riesthood# The t(entieth century 16erlin2 4# numbers '*> 11N9A22# and to )re)are the (ay for a )eaceful blending of the t(o religions, 6ut this effort (as soon disturbed as the second violent )eriod of 0hristianisation bro e forth under bloody Barl the Great 10harlemagne2 ** the ?laughterer of the ?a-ons, $n s)ite of the fact that the s alds (ere )ersecuted and scorned# they collected themselves together and secretly too the German faith and the German la( in a concealed manner into the underground lore of the fem 1five2 fingers of the s(ord:s hilt ** and thus arose the band of the Holy ;ehme, @ut of the s aldic order the "innesinger order later emerged# as did the German builders: guild and the German heraldic guild, From all this# in broad branchings# s)rang the Cudicial sciences# )oetic arts# linguistic sciences# gra)hic arts# and so on, 6ecause the s alds# as )oets and singers# (ere also the maintainers and formulators of language ** and because it (as necessary for them to )reserve in strict secrecy the Wotanism that they too (ith them underground into their underground lore 1in order not to be )ersecuted as )agans and heretics2# they had to use the threefold inter)retation of (ords to have their messages delivered ** even by messengers ** (ithout these or other noninitiates being able to understand the correct inter)retation, Through steady s ilful )ractice they reached such refinement in this double*edged ty)e of )oetry# called underground lore or concealed sense# that one and the same te-t could conceal t(o com)letely different messages# (hose obvious sense 1understood by everyone2 (ould actually be secondary# (hile the concealed sense (ould contain the only real# secret message for the men of no(ledge, Ho(ever# not all (ords in such messages served the concealed sense# but rather only single (ords among them, These (ere distinguished by their initial sounds 1alliteration2# and (ere therefore called code(ords or )ass(ords, %o(# these code(ords e-)lained the accom)anying te-t in a com)letely different direction ** usually in the e-act o))osite direction from the a))arent meaning

** and in this (ay they e-)lain many medieval )oems that are other(ise incom)rehensible, $n this hidden Wotanism (e can# ho(ever# understand the cause of the strictly guarded guild secret of the minnesinger order# the heraldic guild# the German builders: guild# the ;ehme# and other bodies that emerged from it, $n addition# (e can understand the formal richness of their customs of initiation# advancement# and internal association in this (ay, Ho(ever# in a very notable (ay# their secret symbology# (hich they fi-ed in the holy signs as hierogly)hs and the li e# according to underground lore or concealed sense# gave a double secret meaning, The inter)retation of these hierogly)hs is also t(ofold# and if one (ill# threefold# as in the follo(ing= 1, The inter)retation for the common# unitiated fol # (hich is evident in the )ortrayal ** (hether in s)eech# (riting# )ictures# or scul)ture 1or even in custom and gesture2 ** is the same7 for e-am)le# a lion# a fo-# a bear# a greeting# and so on, ', The lo(er symbolism or the e-oteric# (hich is usually e-)ressed in the ecclesiastical clerical understanding or in commonly no(n# easily understood corres)ondences# and (hich in any event (as created for the )ur)ose of being offered to the lo(er grades of the guild 1a))rentices# Courneymen# and so on2 as the lesser light, This is done in order to test their trust(orthiness and secretiveness# before the com)lete great secret or the greater light can be given to them in the higher grades 1elder Courneymen# master# herald# royal herald# and so on2, $n this e-oteric level# for e-am)le# the lion indicates the lion that goes about loo ing for the one he (ill devour# or courage# royal essence# and so on7 the fo- )oints to cunning and craft7 the bear to strength# and so on7 the handsha e greeting 1gri)2 has its secret characteristic by (hich one is able to recognise the one (ho is being greeted# (hether he is a Fello( or not# and if so# to (hat degree he belongs, The )ass(ord (ould then aurally strengthen the im)ression gained from his gri) and facial characteristics, A, The high symbolism of the esoteric# the great secret of underground lore# the full light# )roceeds from a )urely +rmanic )ers)ective# and inter)rets only abstract conce)ts of theoso)hical meta)hysical content, $t has the ultimate aim to )rovide a basis for that (hich (as in the beginning blended (ith the full light# but it is to be introduced (ith gro(ing intuitive no(ledge# gradually dis)ensing (ith all symbolic aids and finally being able to base itself on its o(n intellectual conce)tualisation, @nly then (ill the hierogly)hs be alive# as they ma e clearly e-)ressed conce)tual inter)retations )erce)tible from flat com)arisons, @n this esoteric level# the e-am)les of hierogly)hs already introduced may be rendered in the follo(ing (ay= lion 5 life# la(# light# sun7 fo- 5 generation 1fas# voss27 also the greeting increased in meaning and even became more secret ** for )recaution (as necessary, +lso the code(ords of greeting and )ass(ords received another meaning from (hat they had in the second degree,

$f the essence and origin of the +ryan hierogly)hics are no( clear# then too their branchings in various areas of use are easy to )rove ** areas in (hich use (as made of them# and areas in (hich use is still made today, Ho(ever# it must be said right from the beginning that the usual inter)retations today# (ithout e-ce)tion# are relevant to the second degree ** on the e-oteric level, This is because the third degree of inter)retation ** on the esoteric level ** has been lost, 6ut it should also be noted here that this loss is only a))arent, The ey to the deci)hering of the secret lies in the language (hich (e still s)ea today# and in the tri)artite nature of the (ord conce)ts, $n the course of this study# it (as discovered that the s aldic guild unites (ithin itself the origins of all arts and sciences (hich are even today in full bloom# and that the s alds (ere active ** already in distant anti3uity in considerably )re 0hristian times ** as )oets and singers# as heralds 1)ainters2# as master builders 1scul)tors# stone masons# car)enters2# as )hiloso)hers and theoso)hists ** as (ell as Cudges, They founded and refined their symbolism and hierogly)hics in these branches of arts# sciences and crafts# and ultimately in the 0hristian era they handed do(n their arts and crafts through various develo)ments# (hich had been ta en into underground lore along hidden (ays# to the guild leagues of sciences (hich had gro(n out of them, Through the struggles against the church 1(itchcraft trials# )ersecutions of heretics# u)heavels during the reformations2 as (ell as through other u)heavals in the Holy Roman em)ire of the German nation the maCority of traditions in those bodies (ere lost# and only dis)arate remnants of misunderstood formal odds and ends have been )artially )reserved to the )resent day# (hile the soul ** the inner life ** has disa))eared, The same is true of freemasonry# (hich originated from the stonemasons: guilds, @nly in the still flo(ering art and science of our ancient +ryan# indigenous heraldry# or science of coats of arms# have +ryan hierogly)hics been )reserved, 6ut today even heralds no( only the e-oteric readings of their hierogly)hics, They call them secret figures and heraldic devices (ithout having a notion of their esoteric legibility, "edieval and early medieval buildings of Romanes3ue ** or# better said# old ?a-on or old Germanic and Gothic ** styles form a further area of discovery, $n these buildings# hierogly)hs (ere elaborated into e-tremely high artistic develo)ments# so that those structures s)ea # (hen the hierogly)hics are read, +nd they can convey sur)rising results 1com)are Guido von List# The symbolic )ictorial (or s at the giant altar of the church of ?te)hen at ;ienna# Laufer:s general art chronicle# 1NN9# numbers 9*117 even if this (or still seems uncertain and tentative ** since at that time a com)lete understanding and correct use of the ey (as not yet available to me ** nevertheless it )rovides a more or less correct reading ** at the time more sensed than clearly recognised ** of the hierogly)hs# and (as only in need of a clear foundation and minor rectifications2, The revived contem)orary Gothic style# ho(ever# had no notion of hierogly)hs in its

tracery# (hich is only stylised decoration# and (hich therefore degenerated inter misunderstood forms and symmetries, %o less often do these symbols find their (ay into s)ea ing records# into legal anti3uities and )ieces of (isdom# into fol customs# fol beliefs and )roverbs# then into alchemy and medicine# into astronomy# astrology# and into all disci)lines related to the mystical endeavours of anti3uity and the middle ages ** right on u) to the )resent day, That many of these signs (ere even# so to s)ea # )o)ularised in the most everyday utilitarian obCects and even determined the forms of such things is certainly conceivable (ith such a (ides)read tradition, Here# for e-am)le# (e only have to mention the forms and names of our breads and ba ed goods, $n brief# it is not easy to find an area in the life of the German fol (hich these hierogly)hs# holy signs# and symbols do not illuminate, Ho(ever# for )resent )ur)oses# only heraldry# German architecture# and legal symbolism (ill be considered, $n the symbolism of heraldry all the runes are abundantly met (ith in the heraldic figures, They form the dividing lines of heraldic devices, 6ecause they (ere )ainted on shields and (ere calculated to have a certain effect at a distance# the heralds tinctured the bac ground beside the runic lines (ith contrasting colours, The colours used also had a definite meaning# and (ere again de)endent u)on the rune, The heralds learned to see the runes and to bla4on the shields according to the surfaces defined by the runic lines# and therein lies the confusion, For e-am)le# they bla4on a coat of arms (ith the fa rune= )er )ale# sinister a bar sinister=

similarly (ith a gibor rune= u))er )ale rom)u# lo(er )ale rom)u=

de-ter or sinister fess fracted# bevelled or s3uare=

do(n(ard fracted bar sinister=

de-ter bend fracted=

and so on# and so forth# according to the )ortrayal and )osition of the rune, + coat of arms (ith the thurs rune= )er bend (ith counter )ile=

(ith counter )ile# or (ith counter (edge bend=

and so on# (hereby the first t(o indicate the u)standing thorn# and therefore arising of life 1)hallus2# and the last one indicates the sun en thorn# or the death thorn 1com)are 6rEnnhilde# ?lee)ing 6eauty2, The holy signs 1The esoteric meaning of religious symbols by Guido von List# Gnosis 1;ienna2# 1# number 18 1December# 19&A2 (ere develo)ed in even more interesting (ays, $n the first )lace# (e must discuss the fyrfos 1flyfot2=

(hich# as soon as the bordering line of the tinctured fields a))eared# (as bla4oned by the herald as 3uarterly )er s3uare or 3uarterly )er (avy=

and so on, Later# as the figures (ere being e-ecuted in )ainted surfaces 1and no longer only in linear fashion2# the fyrfos (as also being )ortrayed as a coloured figure (ith linear outlines# and (as called the s(asti a 1Ha en reu42,

6ecause the fyrfos# even under the codename s(asti a# (as still the heathen cross# and thus could bring a herald under sus)icion of heresy# the greatest care (as ta en to conceal its hoo s as much as )ossible in order to ma e it a))ear more li e the 0hristian cross, $n this (ay the many so called heraldic crosses originated# such as# among others# the gringoly 1ser)ent headed2 cross=

the t*s3uare cross=

the Lerusalem cross=

the arro( )oint cross=

the bononOe cross=

the fleury 1Deutscher Ritterorden# Order of the Teutonic Knights2 cross =

the moline cross=

the bough gable# the mill s)indle cross# and so on, @ne of the most significant concealments of the fyrfos is )robably the so called "altese cross=

(hich a))ears to be made u) of t(o o))osed s(asti as in linear fashion=

(hich no( form the (ell no(n eight )ointed figure that is )ainted a different colour on the inside 1from the field on the outside2# and so it too on the a))earance of an inde)endent figure7 ho(ever# this (as only intended to feign such a sign, This sign (as called 6a)homet or the tal ing head and (as used as evidence for heresy in the Tem)lar trials# and as one of the grounds for the condemnation 11A1A2 of the Tem)lar @rder, $t (as# ho(ever# nothing

but their s)ea ing head sign 1that is# main sign in the sense of the third esoteric secret degree of the Wise mentioned above2, The Bnights of "alta and the Bnights of ?aint Lohn# (ho today still use the same cross# (ere only able to avoid a fate similar to that of the Tem)lars by means of heavy sacrifices, 6ut the @rder of Teutonic Bnights also uses the German +rmanist s(asti a in the cross fleury still concealed in the ancient and honoured fyrfos ** (hich is discernible to the Wise, + further very interesting e-am)le of a hidden s(asti a is offered by the crest of the lo(er ?a-on to(n 6ad <yrmont am @sning near the <orta West)halia# (ell no(n for its mineral (aters=

$t contains t(o s(asti as e-ecuted on a flat surface, These crosses are su)erim)osed in such a (ay that# of the underlying cross# only the (edge sha)ed )arts of the arms and the s)reading hoo s can be )erceived# so that in its entirety it gives an im)ression similar to the cross moline, The ordinances in heraldry# that is# )eo)le# animals# utilitarian obCects# and so on# are also hierogly)hs li e countless other heraldic devices ** (hich cannot be discussed in detail here ** and as such are only legible according to the third esoteric degree of underground lore or the great secret, Follo(ing (hat has been said above# these al(ays have a concealed sense and never signify that (hich is re)resented as such, Therefore# in the s)ringtime of heraldry# (hen underground lore (as still active# these )ortrayals never a))ear formed in a naturalistic (ay# but rather are al(ays treated ornamentally in the style so characteristic of the old coats of arms, The )icture# be it an eagle# a lily# a fire dog 15 andiron2# fire goat 1Fyrboc 2# or (hatever# never signifies Cust the obCect itself but rather the hierogly)h derived from this obCect7 and it is this# too# that the artistic ornamental elaborations are su))osed to indicate, +n instructive e-am)le is offered by the heraldic eagle# about (hich it has already been stated above (hy it is the hierogly)h or device of +ryandom and of the later German em)ire# a hierogly)h (hich (as already being borne by the +ryans in +sia# for e-am)le# 0yrus the +rchaemenian# as (ell as the <haraohs# the Gree s# and the Romans, $t symbolised the )o(er of the state and (as naturally one headed, When it occurred to the )a)acy to free itself from the )o(er of the state# thus beginning the investiture contest# the German ing )ut the double headed eagle on the im)erial coat of arms and thereby said that he (as lord of both forms of la(# of the secular la( of the state as (ell as of ecclesiastical

la(, The eagle maiden of the crest of the city of %uremberg only has meaning (hen it is addressed by its old name# that is# (i)are ** (hich (ould sound li e (eibaar 1eagle (oman2 today# but (hich is )reserved in the (ord Weberin 1Weberin ** female (eaver 5 Webarin 5 Wibarin 5 Weibaarin7 in Listian code# eagle (oman2, $t signifies the female (eaver of fate# the %orn# after (hich %uremberg is named# and so it s)ea s as does every ** genuine! ** old crest, Wibare# the (eaver# is# ho(ever# at the same time the +r ona 1?un Lady2 as (ell as the /r ona 1<rimal Lady# or <rimal "other# or +ncestral Lady2, ?o in turn it is the (hite lady about (hich so many castles and )alaces re)ort and (hich is also at home in the castle of %uremberg, +lso the saga of the (hite lady# or the ancestral lady# belongs to the realm of hierogly)hics# for she is found at )laces of )rimeval origins 1birth2# but never at )laces of rule or governance 1of life2, $n any case# all sagas# fol tales and myths according to the third esoteric secret level have s)ecial meaning (ith regard to the )lace to (hich they are connected# and they also (or to e-)lain the )lace names themselves 1for more details on this# see ;ienna and its Leo)oldsberg# by the author of this treatise# in The develo)ment 1;ienna2# '# number 1 119&427 a re)ort on the concealed sense and other concealed sense )laces as (ell as on the concealed s aldom at the locations of )re 0hristian tem)le sites2# and contribute in a com)letely une-)ected (ay to(ard the illumination of the )rimeval history of +ryandom over the (hole (orld# not only in central 9uro)e, The scul)tures on Romanes3ue 1or# better said# old ?a-on or early Germanic2 and early Gothic cathedrals and secular buildings ** (hich had been u) to no( )u44ling ** find their ey in the symbolism of the German building lodges and in this system of hierogly)hs 1see note above2, These figures (ere continuously being )erfected into a richly articulated ornament right u) until the late Gothic and transitional style# and they are even still recognisable in isolation during the early renaissance7 but later they are lost trac of com)letely ** (hich ha))ened in conCunction (ith the decay of the German building lodges, 6ut even in the traditions of architecture# the main holy signs# that is# the trifos=

or vilfos=

1actually (illfol2# the fyrfos=

1fylfot# s(asti a2# and the ruoth cross=

or (heel cross 1Rad reu42# also called the (his =

ta e on very im)ortant meanings in all sorts of ornamentation used in the construction of tracery and rose (indo(s7 the first as the flamboyant trifoil=

the second as the flamboyant 3uadrafoil=

and the third as the ?aint 0atherine:s (heel=

The other Gothic hierogly)hs are too numerous to count# but (herever one loo s# these (ill be found in a very s)ecial arrangement ** )roclaiming the great secret of underground lore to the Wise, The trifoil as the vilfos=

indicates the (ill to generate# (ith references to the creation of the (orld as (ell as to the activisation of life, The flamboyant 3uadrafoil=

as the s(asti a=

ho(ever# signifies the all encom)assing cross# from haag 1to2 hedge 1in2, The name s(asti a=

is Cust a code(ord for hag cross7 it symbolises the %ordic God in the +ll as (ell as in every ego# as a haag 1see hagal above2, The (heel cross=

(hich a))ears in a hidden form as the ?aint 0atherine:s (heel=

)oints to the Cudgement of the (orld at the end of time# and so the flags during the <easants: War 11>'>2 had (heels on them 1the little (heel flags2 ** the )easants (anted to hold court over their o))ressors! The five angled star# the ;ehme star# Truthenfuss 1truh 5 turn# fuss 5 foot2=

is the hierogly)h of revolving or turning generation# of rebirth ** one of the most im)ortant articles of faith in the +ryan religion, $n its e-oteric inter)retation# this sign sim)ly says= return# and (as therefore a favourite sign used at hostels and inns# in order to convey the meaning= (hoever is a guest here should come again, Thus these hierogly)hs are easily carried over into the highest theoso)hical and meta)hysical realms of ideal conce)tion# all according to their functions and dis)ositions# for they e-ist in the s)here of everyday life in order to transfigure this life# in order to sho( that ideal striving and real struggle actually flo( into one another as the great mystical biune bifidic dyad,

$t (ill already have been noticed that (hen the main or )rimeval holy signs (ere named= vilfos=


and ruoth cross or (heel cross=

they also had other names# for e-am)le# vilfos# fourfos# (his # and even further designations such as trifos# turnfos# three foot# tris elion# four foot# and so on, $t can be seen that in order to conceal the esoterically indicated (ill# the insignificant many 1viel2 (as im)osed in order to veil the esoteric tri 1three2 1turning# of the turning of the earth and stars# of the (hirl(ind# of the storm# and so on2# and at the same time mystically to indicate the number three# as (ell as the number four for fyr, This hidden fyr occurs to an uncommon e-tent in architecture# for e-am)le# in 3uartering 1;ierung# the intersection of nave and transe)ts2# in the guide or slide 1FEhrung2# in the s3uare 1;ierege2 1fyroge 5 fire eye 5 the %ordic God:s eye2, The last of these earned an im)ortant meaning in secret rituals under the code name T+<$? 1a car)et2 and also T+6;L+ P;+DR+T+=

(hich symbolises arising# e-isting# and )assing a(ay to a ne( arising, The corner diagonal to that of the middle lam) of e-istence had no light# for it indicated the northern side# the dar ness of cor)oreal nonbeing# (hich (as follo(ed by the ne( light in the east# the coming rebirth# the ne( light of arising, +round this T+<$?# (ith its three lights in the east# south# and (est# and its mystical dar ness in the north# the Fello(s of the builders: lodges made their symbolic migrations through the life of the immortal ego# of the s)iritual ego# (hose (ays lead them through countless births and an untold number of lives in human form# to(ard an e3ual number of deaths# and through these into the dar ness of the <rimeval# in order to attain to ne( arising through many rebirths# to rene(ed life in rene(ed human bodies, These migrations of the immortal ego are# ho(ever# intended to indicate not a circular develo)ment# but rather a continuous rising ** li e a s)iral staircase ** in order to a))roach the final aim of the highest )erfection# of a similitude to the %ordic God# and ultimately to full union (ith the %ordic God in this s)iral form, +ll hierogly)hs (hich indicate the ste)ladder )oint to this end# but ** and this is the im)ortant thing ** but (ithout ever losing the real roc solid foundation (hich lies firmly established in the recognised indivisibility of the )hysical from the s)iritual# and in the ac no(ledged biune bifidic dyad, $t is in this that the main strength of the ** indestructible! ** +ryan religion lies, While the +ryan $ndian 6uddhist ac no(ledges only the s)iritual and disdains the )hysical 1and so by maintaining his ethnic individuality has lost his )olitical freedom2# and (hile# on the other hand# the "editerranean +ryans 1Gree s and Romans2 ac no(ledged only the )hysical# thereby 3uic ly attaining a high culture and status as (orld )o(ers# but ** see note above ** through damage to their moral force lost the culture they had attained# and disa))eared (ithout a trace7 the central 9uro)ean +ryans ** the Teutonic )eo)les# including the Germans ** by recognising the biune bifidic dyad cultivated the s)iritual and )hysical as inse)arable and coe3ual ** and so they )reserved not only their ethnic individuality# but their national freedom as (ell, $n )ossession of both of these# they (ere also able to hold on to their original +ryan +rmanendom as a )riestly class in contrast to all other )eo)les of the earth, $n the symbolism of German administration of Custice# a great number of such holy signs# symbols# and hierogly)hs are once more found= ho(ever# in a much more lively variety of forms than in )ainting 1heraldry2 or in scul)ture 1architecture2, This is because they served in matters of la( as s)ea ing attestations 1as verbal and truthful signs2# and as such (ere )laced in o))osition to the statements of (itnesses and the living evidence, Therefore they (ere neither )ainted nor chiselled not symbolised in any other (ay# but a))eared in their natural state and therefore attained a very note(orthy meaning in their symbolic hierogly)hic inter)retations, $n the administration of Custice# too# the old +ryan tri)artition is naturally found again as= 1, arising# or la( 10osmic La(2

', the e-isting# ruling 1Custice2# and A, the )assing a(ay to rene(ed arising 1the court2, 6ecause la( and Custice culminate in the decisive )ronouncement of the court 1and# conse3uently# as the third level# this )rovided the final result2 the holy sign of the court (as the ruoth cross# rod cross# or ro(el 1(heel2 cross#

(hich (as therefore also no(n as the ;ehme cross=

consisting of a fyrfos (hose hoo s (ere bent in the circular sha)e of a (heel rim, +s the ;ehme cross# it a))ears engraved on the blade of the great ;ehme s(ord as an e3uilateral cross enclosed by a circle, +t the cross )oint# the letter ; a))ears# and furthermore# in the 3uadrants bet(een the arms# the letters ?,?,G,G, (ere engraved, These letters )robably dis)laced the formerly used runes and # (hich signified= ;ehme# and the old )ass(ords= string# stone# grass# branch# that is# (hite 5 la(7 bric 5 secret7 rage 5 thunder 5 doing 5 +r 5 right doing7 greyen 5 to u)hold7 that is= Through la( and underground lore# right doing is u)held, $n abbreviated form this is ?,?, and G,G, $n underground lore or 0osmic La(# all this signifies= )resent in the hidden# (hich e-oterically refers to the (atchfulness of the ;ehme# esoterically to the omniscience of the %ordic God as the highest Cudge, For this reason the ruoth cross (as the symbol of the court# and it is for this reason that the crucifi- on the bench of the modern Cudge should be seen ** not as a symbol of religion ** but rather as a substitute for the ruoth cross, Wherever the (ords Rothen reu4 1red cross2# Rothenburg 1red castle2# or even roth 1red2# Rad 1(heel2# Ratt 1rat2# and so on# occur in )lace names# there is (here there (as at one time mar ed steads of the ;ehme# as# for e-am)le# near Hochroderd in the ;iennese (oods, +ll red crosses that stand in lonely forests (ere at one time $rminsuls or Roland columns# that is# mar

columns# (hich designate such mar ed steads 1for basic information about this# that is# concerning the tem)le site# the holy stones# and mar ed steads at the red cross# see my essay <rehistoric constructions in southern 6ohemia# in Heimdall 16erlin2 N# numbers 11*1A 119&A22# and all red courts (ere at one time the )ro)erty of the Wise of the ;ehme 1for e-am)le# the red court in the eighth )arish in ;ienna# at one time the to(n of Lose)hstadt2, Therefore s)ea ing attestations (ere ** as has been said ** o))osed to the living (itnesses# and both (ere therefore considered as e3ual in German la(, They (ere conse3uently memorial mar s or to ens for the recollection of an original act7 they (ere therefore )ictorial signs# and hence hierogly)hs, ?uch living images include the coif and breast# dogs# roosters# chic ens# geese# and so on7 s)ea ing images include eggs# cheese# oats# grains# and so on7 (hile memorials 1also thought of as s)ea ing2 such as stones# hills# graves# trees# stra(# t(igs# helmets# shields# lances# a-es and s)urs# memorial coins# gloves# and so on# are (ell no(n, "ountains# hilloc s# columns# rivers and broo s served as halls ** li e(ise s)ea ing attestations ** and it is from these that (e get hall mountains# rivers# forests# and fields, These halls are not only borders# but also holy# and conse3uently also the target# the final goal,

The stra( )ulled from the field and handed over to the ne( o(ner (as the s)ea ing attestation of transfer 1renunciation2 or a )ro)erty, Hal is that (hich is hale and holy, The one leaving the land therefore gave over the )ro)erty (ith all that (as hale and holy still attached to it, $n the dra(ing of stra(s# the longer stra( decides the lot ** as the greater boon 1Heil2, 9ven today (e say= He dre( the shorter one# (hen one has bad luc , ?imilarly# the staff 1sta*fa# standing2 of steady generation# that is# life continuously rene(ing itself# is a much used hierogly)h, $n the hand of the Cudge it is the (ise staff ** the guiding staff (hich guides the la( ** and so it is therefore (hite in colour# because (hite 1(it# (yd2 as a colour means la(, +s a red staff ** in the criminal court ** it is the staff of Custice 1right staff2# for red as a colour means Custice 1right# ruoth2, $t is for this reason that the e-ecutioner (ears a red coat, For the condemned the staff is bro en# that is# life is bro en# Cust as he has bro en the la(# and is therefore called a la(brea er, The staff of the ing is of gold, Gold as ore designates the descendants7 the ing )reserves living Custice for the future, The royal staff is called the sce)tre# (hich# as sci)an or sce)an# means the sha)er of Custice 1therefore those (ho occu)ied the courts (ere called the sce)han 5 ?chQffen# magistrate# Curyman# as sha)ers or creators of Custice# and not something li e the ?chQ)fer ** ladle# scoo)er ** as in di))ing (ater from a (ell,

The bisho):s staff# crosier# is called the croo ed staff, Ho(ever# being bent# croo ed# or turned means an inverted life# that is# my ingdom is not of this earth7 the bisho) should# according to this hierogly)h# have no )o(er in secular Custice, $n the investiture contest it (as decided other(ise# ho(ever, The hand is the sign of o(nershi)# but also of )ersonal freedom, The unfree man might neither give nor ta e by his o(n hand# but rather only by the hand of the magistrate7 only the freedman had the )o(er of his o(n hand, @nly he# as a genuine )ro)erty holder might ta e something a(ay by his o(n hand, From this idea come the e-)ressions to )romise by mouth and hand# and the magistrate shall manage the residents, The bond 1Handfeste# that is# something fi-ed by hand2 is a document or letter ratified by a seal and signature, The dead hand ** of the unfree man ** is one that can neither give nor ta e, The modern conce)t of dead hand# referring to clerics# is not relevant here, The ;ehmic magistrate dis)osed (ith his left hand, +gain (e are dealing (ith concealed sense or underground lore# for Ling 1left2 5 head7 he managed 1behandelte2 and he maintained 1behau)tete2 the sentence that he sha)ed, The im)erial )rinces at the $m)erial Diet dis)osed (ith the right hand, Hand cla))ing (as ** and is still today ** a sign of a))roval, The investiture of royal Curisdiction (ithout a retinue u)on a man (as carried out by the one being invested neeling (hile holding his flat right hand in the flat right hand of the ing, This (as a ceremonial handsha e, To get to the u))er hand means to go to a higher court, + cho))ed off hand or an a- on )laces or on government buildings hierogly)hically indicates munici)al Curisdiction or baronial Curisdiction, The hand (ith a s(ord is the hierogly)hic sign of Curisdiction# designating the su)reme censure or the highest Curisdiction# and also the seat of government 1the %ational House in ;ienna2, The gloved hand indicates the )rotective Curisdiction# the civil court, From this (e get the hand to en 1Handmal2 as the sign of the court at a border stead 1"alstatt# be this no( a stone# a )illar# or (hatever ind of mar 1"al4eichen2, + bloody hand ta es no inheritance# that is# (hoever sullied his hands (ith human blood (ould lose his inheritance, +ccording to tribal la( it fell to his ne-t of in, 6ut also no Cudge (ho Cudges (ith a bloody hand# that is# (ho e-erts ca)ital )unishment# may ta e 1confiscate2 the )ro)erty of the

condemned man from his heirs, Therefore= + life for a life# the )ro)erty remains to the heirs# only the horse# harness# gear and coinage belongs to the magistrate# and (hatever is above the belt to the bailiff and that belo( the belt to the hangman,

"uch else could be said concerning the hand# handsha e# and other hand signs# but this should suffice, The hat (as the hierogly)h of )rotection# and gro(ing out of this# of the lord:s Custice, $n obviously meant shelter 1die Hut# shelter2 and guardian 1die HEtung# guarding2, +t the enfeoffment the liege and the vassal (ould gras) each other:s hands inside a hat, This signified that the vassal (as under the shelter 1die Hut2 and )rotection of the liege# but also that the vassal (as ready to aid the liege if he needed it, The hat on a )ole 1Gessler:s hat2 is a sign of sovereignty7 the village mayor (ho came to the auction of a ban ru)t farmer:s )ro)erty entered the barnyard and stuc his (al ing stic 1staff 5 life2 in the ground in the middle of the yard and cla))ed his hat over it, With this action he had ta en )ossession of the farm# by right of his )o(er, Women s(ore by hair and breast= $r rise das sol sin ir trou(e# that is# her hair 1risan 5 that (hich gro(s2# that is# her coif# shall be her troth 1faithfulness2, The breast is the sign of nourishment# of (et nursing# of mothering# of "inne 1"inne# "enne# "Mnne# "anne# "oraminne# "iromanne# "eremenne# and the rest 5 the (oman (ho nourishes# the (et nurse2, "inne is memory, This is (hy hair and breast is in the saying= Remember the one (ho gro(s ** as a mother of future generations it is her duty to be mindful of# and to stand by# truth# Custice# and +r,

Female breasts also mean the same thing in heraldry and architectural

symbolism# for e-am)le# (ith the Wibare 1ar*(ife# see above2# the s)hin-# and so on,

Here it should still be remembered (hat (as said above about the hound as a symbol of Custice as (ell as a chivalric sign of shame in order to sho( ho( all three levels of the conce)ts mesh# and ho( one and the same hierogly)h can be ** according to their arrangement ** a sign of honour or shame, This has only no( been made com)rehensible, Ho(ever# there also e-isted yet another foundation of concealed sense to (hich the reader:s attention can only no( be dra(n# because this rule (ill only be com)rehensible from the hair and breast e-am)le, +bove it (as said that concealed sense secretly indicates the hidden meaning of (ords on some other level of inter)retation# in (hich the Wise had to be able to recognise the concealed right sense ** but (hen the )rofane hearer )erceived and inter)reted the (ord it (as only com)rehensible according to the listener:s level of understanding, Thus there came about many double meanings= +r 1sun2 and +ar 1eagle27 fos 1fot# as in fylfot2 and Fuss 1foot27 fos 1fot# as in fylfot2 and Fuchs 1fo-27 life and lion# birth and bear# 6ra e 1setter2 and 6recher 1brea er# la( brea er2# and so on# are all to some certain e-tent direct concealments# (hile the e-am)les hair and breast are no(n as indirect concealments, %o(# indirect concealments are based on a trans)osition of conce)ts# such as tress or loc for hair# that is# the collective for the singular7 such as breast for the conce)t of motherhood# that is# the means for the end, They stand# therefore# des)ite the )oetic veiling# in very close associations of meaning (ith the intended inter)retations, For us# the difficulty of inter)retation comes in because (e have to loo for this far off from the modern or usual meaning of the (ords# and often only after many detours can (e recognise the inter)retation ** if ever found ** as being one very close to (hat (e sought, $n this regard# it should also be )ointed out that the inter)retation of a (ord in its concealed sense is never valid as a model for all other cases# but rather each one must be solves inde)endently# even if the solution of one case can be of use as an analogy, The rules valid for such variations Cust have to be found, Their causes may be discovered in local linguistic customs from the time )eriod in (hich they originated and in other circumstances7 ho(ever# in this regard# it may also be noted that even today hard and fast rules (ithout e-ce)tion are difficult to find, This is because these variations demand free room to )lay and not narro( limitations, These (ere living (ord )ictures sha)ed from the living language# and (ere felt to be such, This feeling has been lost through overuse, 9ven today# there is a similar situation (ith double entendres and (ord)lays (hich (ill surely become incom)rehensible to later generations for (hom the conte-ts (ill have become 3uite strange, $n this regard# it must be e-)ressly noted that concealed sense or underground lore is in no (ay com)arable to such (ord)lays, + further condition for the correct understanding of these holy signs#

runes# symbols and hierogly)hs ** and one (hich may never be ignored ** lies in the clear com)rehension of )re 0hristian ethics# as (ell as )re 0hristian morals, @ne can never forget that Wotanism gre( out of the intuitive recognition of evolutionary la(s in natural life# out of the )rimal la(s of nature# and that the e-oteric +ryan religion formed by Wotanism s)read a teaching and conducted a mode of living based on the la(s of evolution, $t set for itself a final goal of bringing into being a noble race# (hose destiny it (as to be to educate itself and the rest of humanity as to the actual tas of human beings, This tas consisted of the e-tension of the (or of the %ordic God according to the intention of these la(s ** that is# to further the constant )rocess of generation founded on the la(s of evolution, $n the recognition of the multiune multifidic multi)licity of the +ll and in the recognition of the eternity of the ego as an individual# (hich (as recognised in all its countless )ree-istences and )oste-istences as immortality# the individual con3uered the fear of death and led the consciousness of the fol # borne along by such a teaching# on another and a far more certain )ath(ay to(ard a disdain for bodily death, This led to s)iritual as (ell as )hysical heroism# to +rmanism# and to their being the teachers of all other )eo)les, +nother religious system came and fought against Wotanism in that it disdained the )hysical and only recognised the s)iritual# and ignorantly (anted to inhibit the )rocess of evolution# )rocesses that e-ist ** and are therefore desired by the %ordic God ** the incontrovertible )rimal la(s of nature, They intended to overcome the fear of death# by denying the )ree-istences and )oste-istences of individual selves in )hysical being# and in its )lace taught an eternal s)iritual life divorced from the )hysical (orld, This doctrine (ould ** if it could (in lasting influence# (hich a))ears out of the 3uestion ** destroy the noble race as (ell as heroism in the s)iritual and )hysical realms# and in its )lace breed a )o)ulation of slaves (ho (ould be forced to degenerate into the most dull (itted shamanism ** belo( even the cultural level of the +ustralian +borigines ** that is# if the (ill of the %ordic God# (hich e-)resses itself )rogrammatically in the immutable la(s of nature# (ould ever allo( such a thing, %o(# because men of our contem)orary age are caught u) in the ascetic vie( of a lifedenying religious system# but in s)ite of this cannot deny the )rimal la(s of nature# a distorted morality had to be develo)ed# (hich s)reads hy)ocritical a))earances over hidden actions, This has brought to a head all those out(ard forms of modern life# (hose vacuousness and corru)tion are no( beginning to disgust us, From the side of this false morality there develo)ed that (hich the early medieval Germanic fol still called situlih that is# true (isdom, This old (ord has been (ea ened to sittlich 1moral# ethical# customary2 in our modern language# and )reserved (ith a com)letely altered meaning# (hich roughly translates as immoral, This teaching# (hich accorded (ith the la(s of nature# (as o)enly distrusted as a se-ual religion, $t hardly needs to be es)ecially )ointed out (hat a healing )o(er Cust this distrusted se-ual morality can e-ercise today# and (hat it (ill e-ercise in s)ite of everything# for the )rimal la(s of nature are the divine

la( of )rimeval evolution# they are the (ill of the %ordic God# and therefore cannot be denied in the long run, $t is# ho(ever# )recisely from the stand)oint of this )o(erful morality 1the true (isdom of Wotanism2 that the holy signs and hierogly)hs must be e-amined# for Wotanism lifted (omen to the level of Goddesses# and lifted the )rocreative act 1fyrfos# fa rune # ge rune # thurs rune # and so on2 to a sacrament# (hile later cultural )eriods ** (hich in a self satisfied manner fancied themselves to be e-alted over the )revious ones ** set about to ta e a(ay the divine status from (omen# to degrade them to )rostitutes# and to )rofane the creative act of generation as a sim)le vice, For only a fe( inde)endent thin ers and their students has it become )ossible to renounce the learned moral theory# (ith all its hy)ocritical asceticism# and all its conventional )oliceli e vie(s that hem in all free thought# and to recognise in the old +ryan se-ual morality the truly traditional and true (isdom ** (hich must and (ill lead our fol to salvation, Therefore# it is only those (ho (ill understand and value (hat is to follo(# (hile the others# according to their inclinations# may be horrified, +rising# being# )assing a(ay to rene(ed arising is the old +ryan Germanic )rimeval three7 the fa rune o)ens and the ge rune closes the futhar h# the rune ro(, 9very e-oteric system of religion# and so too the Wotanic e-oteric +ryan religion# recognised human sacrifice as indis)ensible in a))easing the divinity, 6ut these human sacrifices are based on cannibalism# (hich is still echoed ** even if it sounds mythical 1e-actly!2 ** in all religions in the form of blood rituals, 9ven in the ?ong of the %ibelungen it is re)orted that the heroes in 9t4el:s 1+ttila:s2 burning hall 3uenched their thirst (ith the blood of their fallen comrades# and in <oor Heinrich (e get a detailed re)ort of such a blood sacrifice ** even if it is one mitigated to the level of a healing ritual, ?o (e are really not all that far a(ay from the times of cannibalism, What (e call e-ecution today is the last remnant of bloody human sacrifice 1The saga of the holy grail and its mythological origin# by Guido von List# Literary insert of the Hamburg %e(s# Lune*Luly# 1N91# numbers '8*'97 The blac "aria by Guido von List# German ne(s)a)er 1;ienna2# number R&'' 1A&th Luly# 1N912# and The association 16ern2# 'nd +)ril# 1N9A2, Later# man made the transition from cannibalism to the eating of human flesh# even if the faith still demanded human sacrifice ** )risoners of (ar# criminals# and# in the absence of these# slaves, @nly later did the re)resentative animal sacrifice# and still later the re)resentative bread sacrifice ** (hether in the form of sacrificial ca es or the host is irrelevant ** ta e its )lace, 9soteric schools already recognised at an early time 1see above2 that the entire life s)an in a human body signifies a sort of sacrifice# but only very gradually could they cause the symbols to be transformed into bloodless ones# and to rescue from that faith the )eo)le (ho (ould have been sacrificed by substituting sacrificial ca es (hich (ere formed and named after the intended victims, 9ven today during the consecration the )riest says= This is

my true blood! This is my true flesh! He has to re)eat this during each sacrificial o)eration in the most ceremonial manner in order to convince his faithful that the substitute sacrifice is the (ill of the %ordic God, $n s)ite of this there occurred as late as the seventeenth century so called blac devil:s masses# or coercive masses# (hich included actual human sacrifice 1e-am)les of e-cessively hideous blac masses# (hich )romoted the develo)ment of the most unrestrained imagination# are found in the History of "agdaleine 6avent# nun of the monastery of saint Louis of Louviers 1<aris= Lac3ues the Gentile# 18>'2# and in Drugs and )oisoners# by Doctor Legue# (ho used the records of the trial against +bbot Guibourg# a scandalous trial at the time of the Roi ?oleil Louis F$; (hich com)romised the highest aristocracy in such a (ay that it had to be hushed u) as 3uic ly as )ossible7 these e-am)les are said to be ty)ical even for later times right u) to the )resent day# as such s)a(ns of madness celebrated their orgies in the mysteries of ?atanism# and are thought to even still celebrate them2, $f such things (ere ha))ening in 0hristian ** relatively recent ** times# ho( hard might it# and must it# have been for the s alds to succeed in re)lacing bloody sacrifices (ith bloodless ones, That they (ere successful is# ho(ever# sho(n by the forms and names of bread still in use today# (hich har en bac far into the )re 0hristian ages, 6ut here it should not be thought that they had been able to su))ress bloody sacrifice com)letely# for attitudes and customs that are so dee)ly rooted only die out very slo(ly# and al(ays revive again (herever the old faith ** (ithout esoteric leadershi) ** sin s into su)erstition# sorcery# and fetishism# such as it turns out to be in (itchcraft and the lore of the (itches: ?abbath 1see my series of articles= ?)ells and belief in s)ells# German ne(s)a)er 1;ienna2# 1N9&*1N9'7 among these= The nature of (itches in number R'41 1'8th February# 1N9'2# and The method of (itches in number R'N' 1Rth +)ril# 1N9'27 the other essays are in numbers 8>A1# 88'&# 8R&A# 8NN&# 8999# R&>A# R&9A# R1N4# and R'9R2, These substitute sacrifices (ere so called sacrificial ca es or sacrificial breads# and they symbolised the human body in (hose stead they (ere brought to the %ordic Gods as sacrifice, Later other sha)es also symbolised animal bodies# and still later even symbols or holy signs of the %ordic Gods themselves by (hich the sacrificer# (ho consumed the sacrificial food# thought to sanctify himself, Here (e already have the three basic designations= bread# ca e# and loaf, 6read 1berod7 ber 5 to bear# to generate7 od 5 s)irit# intellect# (it7 therefore an artificial )roduct generated by (it and intellect2 is considered one of the first )roducts of the human gift of innovation# and certainly the first artificially )re)ared food# (hich is already indicated in the name, 0a e 1Buchen7 o 5 to )re)are7 an 5 origin7 therefore# mother ca e# to (hich the idea of birth is attached 5 symbol of the feminine2 (as already the

first re)resentative sacrificial ba ed good substituted for a (oman, Loaf# (hich in some dialects is still called lab 6rot# loaf bread 1lab 5 life# body 1Leib2 of the human# life2 is such a re)resentation# (hich is indicated by the navelli e im)ression in the middle of a ty)ical German loaf of bread such as the Baiser roll, +s a loaf# bread (as designated as being suitable as a sacrifice, %o(# ho(ever# there occurs in addition to these an absolutely incom)rehensible 3uantity of bread and )astry forms# (hich a))ear to be e-)licable only according to (hat has been said above,

The Wec en 1brea fast roll2 is the male member as the a(a ener of )rocreation# symbolically designating the man in order to substitute for him as a sacrificial offering, The 6aun4erl re)resents femininity in e-actly the same sense, The ?tangl 1salted bread stic 2 is the staff 1sta*fa7 sta 5 standing# steady7 fa 5 )rocreation7 therefore= steady )rocreation2 and designates continuous )rocreation# (hile the salt 1sal 5 salvation# hale2 stre(n and ba ed on it ma es this form of bread recognisable as a tal ing image of the constant salvation of )rocreation, The Bi)fel 1cy)hen 5 bo(ed# therefore also called HQrndel# croissant2 is the mood horn# and it has already been sho(n above ho( the moon is associated (ith femininity, The crescent moon as the Wendehorn is# ho(ever# also the rune of Freya# (ho )romotes childbirth, + s aldic circumlocution (hich e-)lains the Bi)fel and HQrndel as the golden horseshoes of Wotan:s steed (hich the luc y find in the grass is merely concealed sense# and again relates to the childbearing )rinci)le, $n the rough of life the luc y ones find the mother of their children# the one (ho )re)ares the future, The ?emmel 1se 5 sun# s)irit# soul7 mel 5 meal# to mill or marry2 is divided into five )arts# and therefore re)resents the Femstar or ;ehmstar or the (itch:s foot# the )entagram 1see above2# and symbolises rebirth, The maternal# )hysical binds 1mills or marries2 itself to the s)iritual in continual return to rebirth, The 6ret4e 1)ret4el2 1bere 5 to bear7 t4e# tse# se 5 to ma e# and therefore conducive to birth2 is in the form of the bar rune# and not# as is falsely inter)reted# in the form of a (heel, The )ret4el# also called a Fastenbret4e 1fasting )ret4el2 1fas 5 generation7 ten 5 to (ithhold2# (as therefore a symbolic# holy food# (hich )roclaimed the (arning to refrain from se-ual intercourse during )regnancy, We may not regard such symbols in a limited (ay as divine coercion or as coercion

e-ercised through religious )roscri)tions7 they (ere much more a (ell thought out and effective means of educating a naJve fol s)irit# and as such are the founding )illars of later hygienic )roscri)tions u)on (hich our society still rests today,

The Bringel 1little ring# crac nel2 1 ar 5 to enclose7 ringel 5 ring7 enclosed in the ring7 or also from rin 5 circle# that is# the orbit2 is the course of the sun# or life# of the eternal return, The Bra)fen# Bro))el# or Bra)fel (as the sacrificial )astry (hich (as offered and consumed in the second half of the great festival of beginnings# (hich (e call .ule# or Holy %ights, The first half of the festival# from the t(enty fourth of December to the thirtieth of December# stood for the creation of the (orld and for the )ast7 the thirty first of December (as the cleft in time# (hich divided and bound )ast and future ** the no(7 (hile the second half# from the first of Lanuary to the si-th of Lanuary# (as the celebration of the mystery of the creation of man 1generation2 and of the future, This then lined u) (ith Fasching 1fas 5 generating7 ing 5 continuous# descended from something7 see $ng*fo above2, Furthermore# the Bra)fen 1cra) 5 to tear out or to tear do(n7 fen# fe# fa 5 generation2 served as a symbol of the a(a ening of life and (as therefore the food eaten as Fasching, The Fladen 1flat ca e2 1@sterfladen# @sterflec en2 (as the 9aster )astry and the 9aster sacrifice, Fladen means )ure# and is still )reserved in the (oman:s name 9lsfleth, @stern 19aster2 1os 5 mouth# vagina7 tar 5 generating2 is the festival of the marriage of the ?un God (ith the 9arth Goddess# the festival of the regeneration of natural life7 the )ure virginal 9arth Goddess enters into the bonds of marriage (ith the ?un God ** this indicates the name and form of the Fladen, The ?trit4el or Heiligenstrit4el 1holy ?trit4el2 (as the sacrificial bread of the great festival of the dead# that today (e celebrate in 0hristian form as +ll ?ouls: or +ll Hallo(s:, $t is braided together out of three long )ieces of dough in a manner similar to braiding a )erson:s hair, The name of this sacred bread 1?tru44el# from striu4a# stra# stoh 5 em)ty# to )art (ith# to ta e a(ay7 and therefore stra(# ?troh# as the em)ty stal # from (hich (e get the cro(n of stra( as a sign of shame# the stra( maid7 but stro is also return# and therefore stra( (ido(er# grass (ido(er ** so that here (e have a )icture of death and the coming rebirth2 therefore hierogly)hically gave reassurance that (e (ill se our dead loved ones again after rebirth, $t is also for this reason that it has the symbolic tri)artition of the tressli e form, The ;ierfussel 1four footer2# a favourite .ule )astry# that is even today fre3uently chosen as a .ule tree decoration# is in the sha)e of the s(asti a formed by t(o ? sha)es cross each other# and it indicates ** even if today it is

unconscious# li e almost every other )astry sha)e and name ** the ancient holy fyrfos,

The 6eugel 1bo(ed one2 is a subordinate form and subordinate name of the Bi)fel, The "ohnbeugel 1)o))y bread2 as a .uletide food )oints to the moon and man as (ell as to "inne 5 memory, %o(# (e should also call to mind the Leb4elten 1gingerbread tent2 of the Leb uchen 1gingerbread ca e2 ** an old Germanic sacred )astry, Leb comes from the root (ord laf# from (hich the (ord Laib 1loaf2 is also derived# and no( means in the first# arising level= loving# generating# and so on7 in the second# being level or becoming level= life# body# liver# and so on7 in the third# the )assing a(ay to(ard ne( arising level= death# fermentation# curdling# and so on# from (hich (e get the lee barro( 5 grave mound or mountains of the dead, The gingerbread tent therefore also has three meanings# as can be recognised even today in the things to (hich it is dedicated, $t is a symbol of love and of symbolic declarations of love in its forms as a child in s(addling# rider# coc rider# heart# and so on# the forms of (hich are# of course# hierogly)hs, +s festival )astries# so to s)ea as )astries of life# it has the most various forms# such as fishes 1good luc fishes2# and so on# (hile it is recognised as a )astry for offerings to the dead in the sha)e of a round or rectangular 1fyroge# see above2 tent, This latter form refers to the symbolic Courneys through birth# life# dying# death and rebirth 1therefore fruit ernels and seeds are ba ed into the three corners# (hich so (ell symbolise the three great lights2, The name tenting 1Ielten 1from tent# Ielt2# that is# tel 5 generation# hence Telt 5 the generated# the earth# and Tellus# the 9arth God2# ho(ever# )oints to birth as (ell as to resurrection, $n addition to these# ho(ever# one )astry of moc ery ** of (hich many e-isted and still e-ist ** may be mentioned# (hich to some e-tent falls outside the maCority of gingerbread tentings, These are actually made in t(o colours, They are ba ed out of light yello( dough and are triangular in sha)e# bulging out li e a )illo(, They are filled (ith a dar bro(n mass of similar dough# (hich seems to (ell u) out of the light dough through a slit in the covering, This )ac age of very ancient usage is eu)hemistically called a (ind bag# but its correct name is nun:s fart, The inter)retation of the name must be more e-haustively treated= %un 1%onne2 means lonely# sterile# unfit# inCurious7 this is (hy some destructive insects are designated by this (ord, This (ord (as already )resent (hen (omen:s cloisters came into being# and so their inhabitants (ere designated by an already available (ord, The )astry and its name therefore have nothing to do (ith cloistered (omen, The modifying (ord is derived from the root (ord fas# and designates offs)ring, ?o the (hole indicates something begotten by the unfit# something airy or hollo(, The giving of such a )astry (as an e-)ression of scorn# usually directed to(ard old maids#

or )erha)s in another (ay that moc ed some disability, 0onnected to this are numerous customs )ractised on ?hrovetide Tuesdays to moc old maids7 )ractices (hich# ho(ever# betray dee) meaning, The e-)ression old furniture 1altes "Qbel2 for older# unmarried girls is not in the transferred sense borro(ed from an old )iece of domestic e3ui)ment# but rather directly= old moevel 5 meovel 5 unfit# infertile, The unmarried status for a girl (as# in that era ** a time in (hich marriage (as held in high esteem for ecological reasons ** no enviable one, ?hrovetide Tuesday (as the ?hrovetide Thing Day# a day for holding court# (hich (as originally held in bloody seriousness# and (hich only later assumed farcical characteristics in 0hristianised Germania, %umerous customs remind us of this )re 0hristian seriousness# among them also the very ancient ;iennese fol custom in (hich the old maids have to rub the to(er of saint ?te)hen:s church on ?hrovetide Tuesday, This scene forms one element in the )rogram of the different ?hrovetide )arades every year, This is again concealed sense or underground lore# and is solved according to the code (ords= old maids rubbing ?te)hen:s to(er# alte Lungfer ?te)hansturm reiben# as follo(s= mona stafa thurn ri ban# that is# unfruitful steady generation (end (a- death or ban7 (hich means= from the infertile# (ho do not live u) to their )rocreative res)onsibilities# gro(s death or curses, The contem)tuous insult in German= das "ensch 1slut2 may have such a curse to than for its origin, The unfortunate one (ho esca)ed death (as cursed and forced to do menial tas s of servitude7 de)rived of her former human value# she (as no( only an obCect ** das "ensch, With these e-am)les about runes# holy signs# symbols# hierogly)hs# and so on# neither these themselves nor even the areas in (hich they occur# have been e-hausted ** Cust thin of the thousands of )re 0hristian sayings, 6ut certainly enough has been sho(n to indicate that an uncommonly large hoard of such other(ise un)erceived mystical signs is )resent (hose meanings are relatively easy to find, 6ut it (ould have to be the subCect and tas of a great systematically arranged (or to collect all of those signs in their many interrelations# to refer to all the areas in (hich they might be discovered# to ascertain their e-act inter)retations# and only on this confirmation to re)roduce the old +ryan Germanic )icture (riting com)letely ** so that all the scattered )ictogra)hic (or s can be deci)hered (ith com)lete certainty to everyone:s satisfaction, The tas could not fall to an essay of the ind that this one re)resents, $t (as sufficient here to sho( and to confirm by means of incontrovertible )roofs 1and (e Teutons )ossess a great hoard of such evidence2 that the seven seals of the secret of the runes and holy signs have been bro en, 9merging from this secret# ho(ever# (as a direction of s)ecial interest for our )resent )ur)oses7 and ** (ith the omission of other disci)lines ** this study (as therefore devoted e-clusively to this one direction# that is# to the old +ryan (orldvie( as a foundation of the +ryan Germanic )hiloso)hy# and to the ethics and esotericism that results from this )hiloso)hy, The formation of myths# fol tales# and sagas# and of customs and )ractices# could only be

considered in )assing7 the same is true of the lore of nature# of the earth# and stars# (hile history and still other areas of no(ledge could receive no mention at all ** for even the main area itself 1des)ite all efforts at thoroughness and e-haustiveness2 could only be illuminated on the most im)ortant )oints, The )ivotal )oint of the old +ryan Germanic (orldvie( laid do(n in the runes and holy signs and of its theoso)hical meta)hysical understanding# ho(ever# rests on the clear understanding of a higher s)iritual being ** the %ordic God! that consciously and (ith intention engendered or created matter# (ith (hich it bound itself indivisibly until their )assing a(ay7 (ith matter e3ually indivisible from being ** ruling (ithin matter ** this being controls and develo)s it until matter has fulfilled the aim for (hich it (as engendered# (hereu)on it (ill again be dissolved and a higher form of being ** the %ordic God! ** (ill again be dematerialised as the <rimeval# (hich it (as before the engendering of the (orld, From this main )oint of understanding# the follo(ing )oints of no(ledge may be deduced= 1, the biune bifidic dyad 1s)irit and body27 ', the triune trfidic triad 1the <rimeval# the +ll# the <rimeval7 )ast# )resent# future7 arising# being# )assing a(ay to ne( arising27 A, the multifidic multiune multi)licity 1the ego in the +ll as +ll27 4, the divine internity7 since every ego is a )art of the %ordic God# and therefore is immortal as an individual# it conse3uently only migrates along the (ay through matter to(ard eternity through the mutation of uncounted )ree-istences# )resent e-istences# and )oste-istences7 >, the recognition of duty to hel) to develo) and )erfect the (or of the %ordic God7 8, the (ill to fulfil this duty# because the (ill of the %ordic God must be the )ersonal (ill of every ego7 and R, the act of fulfilment# through the sacrifice of one:s life, /)on this esoteric doctrine rest all e-oteric teachings7 the same a))ear set do(n in all attestations of s aldic )oetry# as (ell as in all rules of life and hierogly)hic commandments of the s aldic force of coercion 1see above2, Lust to cite one e-am)le= Wotanism assures those (ho fall in battle of a heroic heaven (ith eternal Coy in ;alhalla, Whoever (as illed in battle became one of the 9inherCar 1(arriors of ;alhalla2 ** (hich e-cluded rene(ed e-istence as a human being ** and this (as su))osed to unite the (arrior )ermanently (ith the %ordic Godhead, This is an a))arent contradiction of the esoteric

teaching ** but only an a))arent one! The Teuton (ho trusted in his esoteric faith (ent to die in battle (ith firm conviction ** (ith the )o(er of un3uestioned autosuggestion! ** that he (ould enter into ;alhalla as one of the (arriors of ;alhalla 1see above2# there to enCoy the eternal bliss of battle and love, This un3uestioning conviction ** (hether it arose from no(ledge or faith ** (or s as a )o(erful autosuggestion at the moment of death# and (here )ossible this firm s)iritual conce)tion is )romoted by the hy)notic suggestion sent from afar by a s ald# a seeress 1+lbruna2# or by his comrades in arms, This conce)tion 1see above2 (as recognised as s)iritual )rotection# (hich influenced the conduct of life in the ne-t )eriod of reincarnation in a determinative (ay# so that such a man ** as the e-)ression goes ** is born already a hero# in that he begins his ne-t human e-istence already more conscious than others# and he has himself born into a))ro)riate circumstances of life# or (hen this does not go smoothly# the unconscious )o(er ** the dar im)ulse ** manifests itself to overcome all restricting limitations in order to reach its goal, <henomena# such as# for e-am)le# a 6ismarc # (ho (as already convinced in his youth that it (as his destiny to unify Germany# are only e-)licable by means of such a su))osition, @n the other hand# the )henomena of )ersonalities such as those (ho are able to introduce their trailbla4ing thoughts to the (orld only at an advanced age# (ithout achieving success# are recognised as s)irits (ho ** only beginning to a(a en and to recognise their tas s too late ** are forced to steel their s)iritual )o(er against their ** a))arent ** failures# in order to com)lete their unfinished (or in their ne-t rebirth# or )erha)s in several rene(ed human incarnations, This is )ossible if they go into death (ith the firm conviction of the truth and necessity of their )ur)ose, $n this case# they (ill )resent themselves in their ne-t human life as figures such as that of a 6ismarc # a 0olumbus# a Luther# or many another 1only from the stand)oint of this su))osition is a )reviously incom)rehensible )assage in the bible 1"ar # F='92 e-)licable7 there 0hrist s)ea s directly of rebirth and of the victory of his idea in a rene(ed human body= "any (ill be the last# (ho are the first# and many the first# (ho are the last,2, +gain# only by means of such a su))osition is it clear (hy (e often have to loo bac centuries for the origins of ideas that have sha en the (orld# ho( they are constantly su))ressed and forgotten but again ** (ithout )erce)tible inner conte-t ** suddenly flame u) again as if born ane( to gain final victory, This esoterically e-)lains the e-oteric )romise of ;alhalla# as (ell as its fulfilment= the (arriors of ;alhalla (ho fall as sacrifices for their ideas# (hether on the battlefield# at the sta e# or by starvation ** the sacrifices of the modern e-communicant# of the boycotted heroes of the s)irit ** all find in the conviction of their martyrdom that allcon3uering bliss and in life after death that state of ha))iness (hich determines their ne-t human incarnation and (hich leads them to a rene(ed heroid career and to final victory, This is the )romised ;alhalla= heroic )rovidence in future e)ochs of life in rene(ed human bodies, Those (ho die a stra( death 1)eaceful death in bed ** see above2 go to Thrundheim to become the servants of ThSr 1Donar2, +fter (hat has already

been said# this needs no further inter)retation, Redem)tion also a(aits them in future incarnations# until they are successful in remembering the mission that has become theirs and in fulfilling their tas , Thus in the course of uncounted generations all men (ill become (arriors of ;alhalla# and their state ** (illed and )reordained by the %ordic Godhead ** of general liberty# e3uality# and fraternity (ill be reached, This is that state (hich sociologists long for and (hich socialists (ant to bring about by false means# for they are not able to com)rehend the esoteric conce)t that lies hidden in the triad= liberty# e3uality# fraternity# a conce)t (hich must first ri)en and mature in order that someday it can be )ic ed li e a fruit from the World Tree, That (hich $ have been )ermitted to offer here in a brief outline as the revealed secret of the runes# a))ears at first glance to be 3uite sur)rising# mainly due to its sim)licity, Ho(ever# it may not be overloo ed that in s)ite of this# as one )enetrates dee)er into the secret# it becomes variously interlaced by all the intert(ining and a))arently confusing lines in the (hirl of (hich one ama4ingly comes to understand the multiune multifidic multi)licity T unity of the +ll ** and the %ordic Godhead itself,

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