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INTRODUCTION In the present scenario of globalization and liberalization, the intensity of competition increases day by day in all spheres

of business and the banking sector is no exception. While all the resources at the command of an organization can be imitated by the competitor to have an edge over the rivals, it is the Human Resource (HR !hich eludes the duplication due to its uni"ueness. HR is not #ust a number game, it is the sum total of the inherited intelligence, ac"uired kno!ledge, learned skill and accumulated experience over the years. $ccording to %feffer(&''( , the significance of HR as the greatest asset of an organization assumes highest importance since it constitutes the organization)s intangible, irreplaceable and inimitable resource. $s %eter *rucker points out, +,or the first time in human history, it really does matter !hether or not people learn-. .very organization needs to have !ell/trained and experienced people to perform various activities. If the current #ob occupant can meet this re"uirement, training is not important but !hen this is not the case it is necessary to raise the skills levels and increase the versatility and adoptability of employees. Inade"uate #ob performance re"uires some type of training and development efforts. $s the #obs become more complicated, the training needs also increase. In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development is not only an activity that is desirable, but also an activity that an organization must commit its resources to if it is to maintain a viable and kno!ledgeable !orkforce. $n organization !hich aspires to gro! must be in tune !ith the changing needs of the society. 0raining becomes relevant in this context since it is only through training that the gap bet!een performance of organization and the felt need of a changing society can be neutralized. 0raining reduces the gap by increasing employees) kno!ledge, skills, ability and attitude.


0raining makes a very important contribution to the development of the organizations human resources and hence to the achievement of its aims and ob#ectives. 0o achieve its purpose, training needs to be effectively managed so that the right training is given to the right people , in the right form, at the right time and at the right costs. 0 1 0alent and tenacity (strong determination R / Reinforcement (something positive is to be reinforced into memory and system $ 1 $!areness (!ith !hich it can easily take long strides of progress I 1 Interest (!hich is invariably accompanied by excitement and enthusiasm 2 1 2ovelties (the ne! things, the like of !hich !ould sustain our interest I 1 Intensity (training instilled into trainee)s mind must ac"uire experience oriented intensity 2/ 2urturing(incessant nurturing of talent 3 1 3rip (a fine grip over the situation solves multiple problems In the opinion of .d!in 4. ,lippo, training is the act of increasing the kno!ledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular #ob. Its purpose is to achieve a change in the behavior of those trained and to enable them to do their #obs better. 0raining is a process !ith clearly defined parameters !here employees are empo!ered by inviting them to make optimal use of the opportunities provided for leaning in training programmes. It is a #ourney of self/a!areness and self/discovery that leads to gro!th and development of employees and they can realize their potential and talent.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE 0e!s, 6ichael 7 and 0racey, 7.4ruce(5889


in their article +$n empirical examination

of post training on the #ob supplements for enhancing the effectiveness of Interpersonal :kills training- examined the impact of 5 post training on/the/#ob supplements to a training program focused on interpersonal skill development for ne!ly hired managers; self/coaching and up!ard feedback. <tilizing a sample of 9= trainees from => units of a national restaurant chain, the impact of these supplements !as assessed by examining post training performance across ( training conditions in a "uasi/experimental frame!ork? (& classroom training only, (5 classroom training !ith self/coaching, (@ classroom training !ith up!ard feedback, and (( classroom training !ith self/coaching and up!ard feedback. 0he results demonstrated that both supplements are useful extensions to formal classroom training for enhancing traineesA interpersonal performance. 0hese findings are discussed along !ith directions for future training effectiveness research.

Bee, Bi/Cueh and Bi, Dhia/Cing (5889

studied +0he moderating effects of teaching

method, learning style and cross/cultural differences on the relationship bet!een expatriate training and training effectiveness .0he purpose of this study !as to evaluate the moderating effects of learning/teaching fit and cross/cultural differences on the relationships bet!een expatriate training and training effectiveness. :urvey methodology !as adopted to obtain data from the opinions of expatriates in foreign companies !ithin 0ai!an and Dhina. Euantitative data analyses !ere adopted to ans!er the study research "uestions. Results of this study revealed that perceived needs for expatriate training have significant impacts on the training effectiveness of expatriates. 0he level of fit bet!een the expatriateAs learning style and the instructorAs teaching method, and the degree of

& 5

%ersonnel %sychologyF :ummer5889, Gol. H& Issue 5, p@=>/(8&, 5=p International 7ournal of Human Resource 6anagementF $pr5889, Gol. &' Issue (, pH88/H&', 58p

perceived cross/cultural differences bet!een parent country and host country could moderate the effectiveness of expatriate training. 0hese results implied that expatriates !ho perceived higher levels of fit bet!een their learning styles and instructor teaching method, perceived lo!er cross/cultural differences and perceived higher demand for training tended to achieve higher training effectiveness.

4o!man, 7ill and Wilson, 7ohn %(5889

investigated the experiences of managers !ho

under!ent a training needs analysis (02$ !ithin a large bus transport company It compares their perceptions of the 02$ process !ith t!o external groups of training managers and training consultants. Recommendations are made to address and reconcile the differing interpretations and misunderstandings !hich occur bet!een the different groups about 02$. *esignImethodologyIapproach / 0he approach uses "ualitative grounded theory to identify the main perspectives about the purpose of training needs analysis. ,indings / 0he findings are that business needs are the main focus of the 02$. 0he various actors in the 02$ process should be a!are of their part in the process. Bine managers should receive instruction in 02$. JriginalityIvalue / 0he article addresses the similarities and differences !hich are found among training managers, training consultants, and managers !ho !ere recipients of training needs analysis. Baff 6ichael (5889

did study on .lastic Training *ollars his article reports on the

findings from .xpertus and 0rainingIndustry.DJ6 titled KTraining .fficiency? Jptimizing DostsK regarding the issues about training such as budgeting and ho! training effectiveness is measured. It stated that training leaders are being asked to do more !ith the same budget, by far the greatest demand on the department. 6ean!hile, fe! organizations report using methods other than LirkpatrickAs levels and volume participation surveys, !hile learning professionals emphasize the necessity of using financial measures to gauge the value of training.
@ ( Industrial M Dommercial 0rainingF 5889, Gol. (8 Issue &, p@9/(&, (p, & chart, & diagram, &graph. 0N*F 6ay5889, Gol. H5 Issue >, p&8/&&, 5p, & graph, & color

Donstantine Lontoghiorghes (588&


made an exploratory study to identify the key

factors !ithin and outside the training context that could affect training effectiveness. 0he most important variables that !ere found to facilitate trainee learning and training transfer are? measurement of trainee kno!ledge before and immediately after trainingF supervisory support and encouragement for the application of ne! skills and kno!ledgeF intrinsic re!ards for applying ne!ly learned skills and kno!ledgeF a participativeIsociotechnical organisation that is characterised by a high degree of employee involvementF and, a continuous learning environment that encourages fre"uent participation in multiskill training and retraining programs. Herron Dolin and 4raiden, %aul 6 (588H

in their paper +$ methodology for developing

sustainable "uantifiable productivity improvement in manufacturing companies- have described a model !hich has been developed to direct and generate productivity improvement in a group of manufacturing companies. 0he companies are of all sizes including :mall and 6edium .nterprises (:6.s and form a cross/section of industries and abilities !ith regard to manufacturing. 0here is a !ide range of manufacturing efficiency improvement methods available to the companies, such as 7ust in 0ime (7I0 , or a range of lean manufacturing tools. 0he selection of appropriate tools for manufacturing improvement, together !ith their applicability, incorporation and acceptance !ithin operations is a ma#or problem for many companies. $ methodology has therefore been developed !hich consists of three clearly defined steps, starting !ith a %roductivity Needs Analysis (%2$ , !hich gives an overvie! of the current manufacturing condition of the company, identifies the key productivity measures for the plant and forms the basis for a detailed study of production efficiency. 0he plant processes and problems are defined and are associated !ith the appropriate tools and metrics in a 6anufacturing Needs Analysis (62$ , !hich generates an initial &/year improvement plan for a particular manufacturing unit. 0he output from the procedure is obtained as a numerical ranking. In order to ensure that the tools !hich are found to be efficacious are fully embedded !ithin the company, the %2$ and 62$ are combined
> H I70*, *ecember 588&, Golume > Issue (, %age 5(9/5H8. International 7ournal of %roduction .conomics 2ov588H, Gol. &8( Issue &, p&(@/&>@,&&p.


!ith a Training Needs Analysis (02$ . 0he paper describes the approach and the results obtained from &> companies plus an identified exemplar, 2issan 6otor 6anufacturing <L Btd. (26<L . Reed, 7ac"ueline and Gakola, 6aria (588H

in their research sets out to examine ho!

the process for developing a training needs analysis tool could influence organizational change. *esignImethodologyIapproach / 0he organization that is the sub#ect of this research is a large, complex health system !hich is in transition from a traditional bureaucratic, hierarchy !ith a command and control management style to a more participative, people centred approach. $ processual, organisation development, action research/based approach to the development of a training needs analysis process !as taken in the study so that the changes desired in the organisation could be modelled in the first instance and secondly, in order to learn and understand more about !hat !orks and does not in order to continuously develop and progress the change agenda. In order to do this a parallel structure !as established through !hich to progress the process !hich !as tracked in an action research process. In addition, a series of intervie!s !ere conducted !ith top and senior management in order to ascertain their vie!s about the process, its necessity, roles in relation to it, its potential benefits and ho! to introduce the process across the organisation. ,indings / $ number of key points emerged from the research? first, the culture and change issues arising during the development of the learning and development needs analysis process !ere very significant. :econd, the development and piloting of the needs analysis process needed to be approached as a change management process. 0hird, linking the needs analysis process !ith existing organizational processes !as a key factor in the success of the process and created a strategic dimension. ,inally, in a large, complex organisation a balance must be struck bet!een standardization and customization of the needs analysis process to allo! for the different structures, subcultures and levels of readiness in the organization.
= 7ournal of Jrganizational Dhange 6anagementF 588H, Gol. &' Issue @, p@'@/(8=, &>p.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 0he study is entitled as +.mployees attitude to!ards training and its impact on their post training behavior in banking sector-. OBJECTIVES &. 0o examine the attitude of employees on various aspects of training viz. management)s attitude, selection process, "uality of training, impact on individuals, impact on productivity and post training assessment. 5. 0o determine the association bet!een the personal factors of the employees and their attitude. @. 0o ascertain the impact of attitudinal factors on the transfer of learning in banking sector. HYPOTHESES H&? 0he attitude of employees is influenced by various aspects of training. H5 : 0here is association bet!een the personal factors of the employees and their attitude. H@? 0he attitudinal factors have impact on transfer of learning. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 0o achieve the ob#ectives of the study the follo!ing procedure !ill be follo!ed. .mpirical method of research !ill be used to study employees attitude to!ards training and its impact on their post training behavior in banking sector-.

Empirical R ! arc" 0his research relies on experience and observation !ithout due regard for system and theory. It is data/ based research that gives conclusions, !hich are capable of being verified by observation or experiment. It can also be called as experimental type of research. In such a research it is necessary to get facts firsthand, at their source, and actively to go about doing certain things to stimulate the production of desired information. In such a research, the researcher provides !ith !orking hypothesis or guess as to the probable results. 0hen enough facts (data are !orked out to prove or disprove the hypothesis. .xperimental designs are set up !hich manipulate the persons or the materials concerned so as to bring forth the desired information. :uch research is thus characterized by the experimenter)s control over the variables under study and his deliberate manipulation of one of them to study its effects. .mpirical research is appropriate !hen proof is sought that certain variables affect other variables in some !ay. .vidence gathered through experiments or empirical studies is today considered to be the most po!erful support possible for a given hypothesis. Sampl D !i#$

Jut of a universe size of >8 banks (approximately !ith &,>88 employees in *elhi, 3urgaon and 2oida, the researcher plans to randomly select 5( banks. 0herefore, a total :ample size of about 5(8 employees from 5( banks !ill be taken for the study. Representative sample !ill be such !hich !ill give a true and unbiased picture of the population. <tmost care !ill be taken to make sure that there is insignificant sampling error and the results of the sample study can be applied, in general, for the universe !ith a reasonable level of confidence.

Da%a C&ll c%i&$

$ t!o/pronged approach of data collection !ill be undertaken, primary and secondary data collection. %rimary data !ill be collected using structured "uestionnaires. $ccording to the re"uirement of the study a "uestionnaire !ill be designed for primary data collection. 0he "uestionnaire !ill have closed/ ended "uestions. 0he closed ended "uestions !ill have multiple options and various measurement and scaling techni"ues for each "uestion, such as Bikert scale, rating method and ranking method for effective data collection method. :econdary data !ill be collected from #ournals, business magazines, business ne!spapers, !ebsites and statistical organizations.

Da%a A$al'!i! *ata analysis !ill be done using suitable statistical techni"ues viz., average, standard deviation, etc. :%:: soft!are !ill be used for efficient and effective data analysis. *ata !ill be depicted in the form of tables, charts and graph. Limi%a%i&$! &( %" S%)*' 0he present study !ill be conducted by an individual scholar and therefore, it !ould be completed under certain constraints in terms of availability of time, available financial resources, universe and sample of the proposed study. 0he results of this study may not be generalized for all the regions as it is restricted to 2DR only.


4I4BIJ3R$%HC &. Robbins. %. :tephen +Jrganizational 4ehavior-, %rentice Hall Jf India %rivate Bimited, 2e! *elhi/&&888&, .leventh .dition 588>. 5. %rasad B.6 +Jrganizational 4ehavior-, :ultan Dhand M :ons .ducational %ublishers, 2e! *elhi/&&8885, .dition5888. @. Reddy *r. 4.Rathan, +.ffective Human Resource 0raining and *evelopment :trategy-, Himalaya %ublishing house, :econd revised and enlarged edition 588=. (. $ragon, :.$ 4arba $.I. and R. :anzvalle, +.ffects of training on business resultsinternational 7ournal Jf HR6, &((H , 588@. >. 4hushan, C.L.-0raining and human resources development/$n experience in symbiosis-, in Human Resources *evelopment, .d, 0G Rao, L.L. Germa, $nil L. Lhandel!al and .. $braham, Ra!at %ublications,2e! *elhi,&''=. H. 6onnapa, $run and :aiyadain :. 6irza, +%ersonnal management-, 0ata

6c3ra!/Hill %ublishing Do., Btd., 2e! *elhi,&''H. =. Lothari D.R, +Research 6ethodology/6ethods and 0echni"ues-, 2e! $ge International (% Btd., %ublishers, 2e! *elhi, :econd Revised .dition588(. 9. 4hudh!ar, %a!an +*etermination of HR6 %olicies and practices in India 1 $n empirical study-, 3lobal 4usiness revie!, &(5 5888. '. Lhand!al, $nil L. +HR* in banks 1 some critical issues-, in HR* in banking sector, .d. $nil L. Lhand!al, Jxford and I4H %ublishing Do., 2e! *elhi.,&''9. &8. %ersonnel %sychologyF :ummer5889, Gol. H& Issue 5


&&. &5. &@. &(. &>. &H. &=. &9. &'. 58. 5&. 55. 5@. 5(. 5>.

International 7ournal of Human Resource 6anagementF $pr5889, Gol. &' Issue (. Industrial M Dommercial 0rainingF 5889, Gol. (8 Issue &. 0N*F 6ay5889, Gol. H5 Issue >. I70*, *ecember 588&, Golume > Issue (. International 7ournal of %roduction .conomics 2ov588H, Gol. &8( Issue &. 7ournal of Jrganizational Dhange 6anagementF 588H, Gol. &' Issue @. 7ournal of .uropean Industrial 0rainingF 5889, Gol. @5 Issue &. 7ournal of 6anagement *evelopmentF 588=, Gol. 5H Issue '. 7ournal of %sychologyF 7an588=, Gol. &(& Issue &. International 7ournal of 0raining M *evelopmentF 7un588H, Gol. &8 Issue 5. %ersonnel Revie!F 588H, Gol. @> Issue &. Human Resource *evelopment EuarterlyF :pring588=, Gol. &9 Issue &. International 7ournal of 0raining M *evelopmentF 6ar588=, Gol. && Issue &. 7ournal of .uropean Industrial 0rainingF 588>, Gol. 5' Issue 9. Industrial 6arketing 6anagementF Jct588(, Gol. @@ Issue =.


5H. 5=. 59. 5'. @8. @&. @5. @@.

I... 0ransactions on .ngineering 6anagementF $ug588>, Gol. >5 Issue @. Beadership .xcellenceF 6ay588>, Gol. 55 Issue >. Dommunications of the $D6F 7an588>, Gol. (9 Issue &. 7ournal of %ersonal :elling M :ales 6anagementF ,all588@, Gol. 5@ Issue (. Human Resource *evelopment EuarterlyF Winter588@, Gol. &( Issue (. %harmaceutical .xecutiveF 2ov588@, Gol. 5@ Issue &&. :ales M 6arketing 6anagementF $pr588(, Gol. &>H Issue (. Human Resource 6anagementF :ummerI,all588(, Gol. (@ Issue 5I@.


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