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Duration and Effect

Duration and Effect

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Duration of Penalties
8ecluslon erpeLua 20 years and 1 day Lo 40 years
8ecluslon 1emporal 12 years and 1 day Lo 20 years
rlslon Mayor and 1emporary
6 years and 1 day Lo 12 years
rlslon correcclonal,
Suspenslon and desuerro
6 monLhs and 1 day Lo 6 years
ArresLo mayor 1 monLh and 1 day Lo 6 monLhs
ArresLo menor 1 day Lo 30 days
8ond Lo keep Lhe eace 1he bond shall be requlred Lo
cover such perlod as Lhe courL
may deLermlne
! 8ecluslon erpeLua
(ArL 27,8C)
! enalLy: 20 years and
one day Lo 40 years"
! lmposed by Lhe 8evlsed
enal Code
! Aer 30 years, prlsoner
may be el l gl bl e for
! WlLh accessory penalues
Llfe lmprlsonmenL
lmposed by Speclal
no denlLe exLenL of
no accessory
Reclusion Perpetua vs Life Imprisonment
! banlshmenL or prohlbluon from resldlng ln Lhe
acLual resldence of accused
-wlLhln Lhe radlus of 23 kM

! does noL consuLuLe lmprlsonmenL
! noneLheless a deprlvauon of llberLy. [eople v. ulonlsla
8asLasa, C.8. no. 32792, 2 lebruary 1979]
Uy Chin Hua v Dinglasan
uy Chln Pua, peuuoner
8afael ulnglasan, !udge of Lhe CourL of llrsL
lnsLance of Manlla, respondenL
! euuoner charged wlLh auempLed brlbery Lo 2
! euuoner prayed LhaL Lhe respondenL [udge be
ordered Lo refraln from furLher proceedlng on Lhe
ground LhaL he has no [urlsdlcuon over Lhe case
Uy Chin Hua v Dinglasan
ConsummaLed crlme of brlbery - arresLo mayor ln
lLs medlum and maxlmum perlods (ArL 210,212 8C)

AuempLed crlme of brlbery - 2 degrees lower
-- culprlL shall be
banlshed from hls resldence for noL less Lhan 6
monLhs buL noL more Lhan 4 years and 2 monLhs
uy Chln Pua v ulnglasan
lSSuL: WheLher or noL Lhe Cll has [urlsdlcuon over Lhe case
8epubllc AcL no. 296 Sec 44
CourLs of llrsL lnsLance shall have orlglnal [urlsdlcuon ln
all crlmlnal cases ln whlch Lhe penalLy provlded by law ls
'4-,'&()4"). for more Lhan 6 monLhs, or a ne of more
Lhan Lwo hundred pesos.
Uy Chin Hua v Dinglasan
Sec 87
!usuces of Lhe peace and [usuces of munlclpal courLs and
charLered clues shall have orlglnal [urlsdlcuon over oenses
ln whlch Lhe penalLy provlded by law ln '4-,'&()4"). for noL
more Lhan 6 monLhs, or a ne of noL more Lhan Lwo hundred
pesos, or boLh such ne and lmprlsonmenL

uy Chln Pua v ulnglasan
1he CourL of llrsL lnsLance has no !urlsdlcuon

no [usucauon for dlsregardlng Lhe scale of penalues
ln ArL 71 of Lhe 8C and noL applylng desuerro Lo Lhe
oense charged
Uy Chin Hua vs Dinglasan
uesuerro ls noL a hlgher oense Lhan
arresLo mayor
! ArresLo mayor: lmprlsonmenL
! uesuerro: banlshmenL from
Severlues of Lhe Lwo may noL be [udged
based on durauon buL by Lhe degree of
deprlvauon of llberLy
uy Chln Pua v ulnglasan
1here exlsLs a gap ln Lhe law as Lo whlch courL shall have
orlglnal [urlsdlcuon over oenses penallzed wlLh
1he courL musL ll Lhls gap so by reasonable
lnLerpreLauon of Lhe exlsung law.

Uy Chin Hua vs Dinglasan
! leglslaLure has placed arresLo mayor under Lhe
[urlsdlcuon of Lhe [usuce of Lhe peace and
munlclpal courLs
! desuerro below arresLo mayor as lower penalLy ln
Arucle 71 of Lhe 8C
! desuerro also under Lhe [urlsdlcuon of [usuce of
Lhe peace and munlclpal courLs and noL under
LhaL of courLs of rsL lnsLance.
! 1he wrlL of prohlbluon was lssued.
uy Chln Pua v ulnglasan
! ArL 71, 8C

1. ueaLh,
2. 8ecluslon perpeLua,
3. 8ecluslon Lemporal,
4. rlslon mayor,

3. rlslon correcclonal,
6. ArresLo mayor,
7. uesuerro,
8. ArresLo menor,
9. ubllc censure,
10. llne
CraduaLed scales. -
1he courLs, ln applylng such lower or hlgher penalLy,
shall observe Lhe followlng graduaLed scales:
Accessory enalues
Arucle 41. 8C --8ecluslon perpeLua and recluslon
Lemporal, 1helr accessory penalues. - 1he penalues of
recluslon perpeLua and recluslon Lemporal shall carry
wlLh Lhem LhaL of clvll lnLerdlcuon for llfe or durlng Lhe
perlod of Lhe senLence as Lhe case may be, and LhaL of
perpeLual absoluLe dlsquallcauon whlch Lhe oender
shall suer even Lhough pardoned as Lo Lhe prlnclpal
penalLy, unless Lhe same shall have been expressly
remlued ln Lhe pardon.
erpeLual AbsoluLe ulsquallcauon
! LecLs on publlc omce
1. 1he deprlvauon of Lhe publlc omces and
employmenLs whlch Lhe oender may have held
even lf conferred by popular elecuon.

2. 1he deprlvauon of Lhe rlghL Lo voLe ln any
elecuon for any popular elecuve omce or Lo be
elecLed Lo such omce.
erpeLual AbsoluLe ulsquallcauon

3. 1he dlsquallcauon for Lhe omces or publlc
employmenLs and for Lhe exerclse of any of Lhe
rlghLs menuoned.

4. 1he loss of all rlghLs Lo reuremenL pay or oLher
penslon for any omce formerly held. [Arucle 30,
erpeLual AbsoluLe ulsquallcauon

! LecLs on publlc omce, professlon or calllng:
1. 1he deprlvauon of Lhe omce, employmenL,
professlon or calllng aecLed,

2. 1he dlsquallcauon for holdlng slmllar omces or
employmenLs elLher perpeLually or durlng Lhe
Lerm of Lhe senLence, accordlng Lo Lhe exLenL
of such dlsquallcauon. [Arucle 31, 8C]
Perpetual Absolute Disqualification
! Withholding of privilege, not denial of right
! Restrictions upon the right to suffrage and hold office is
to preserve purity of elections
Clvll lnLerdlcuon
Arucle 34,8C. Clvll lnLerdlcuon. - Clvll lnLerdlcuon
shall deprlve Lhe oender durlng Lhe ume of hls
senLence of Lhe rlghLs of parenLal auLhorlLy, or
guardlanshlp, elLher as Lo Lhe person or properLy of
any ward, of marlLal auLhorlLy, of Lhe rlghL Lo manage
hls properLy and of Lhe rlghL Lo dlspose of such
properLy by any acL or any conveyance lnLer vlvos.
LecLs of Clvll lnLerdlcuon
! deprlve Lhe oender durlng Lhe ume of hls senLence
of Lhe rlghLs
a) parenLal auLhorlLy or guardlanshlp person or
properLy of any ward
b) marlLal auLhorlLy
c) rlghL Lo manage hls properLy
d)rlghL Lo dlspose of such properLy by any acL or
any conveyance ').", 0'0(&. [8Lv. Ln. CCuL, arL. 34]
revenuve lmprlsonmenL
ArL 29. 8C. --lf Lhe deLenuon prlsoner does noL agree Lo ablde by
Lhe same dlsclpllnary rules lmposed upon convlcLed prlsoners, he
shall be credlLed ln Lhe servlce of hls senLence wlLh four-hs of Lhe
ume durlng whlch he has undergone prevenuve lmprlsonmenL.

Whenever an accused has undergone prevenuve lmprlsonmenL for a
perlod equal Lo or more Lhan Lhe posslble maxlmum lmprlsonmenL of
Lhe oense charged Lo whlch he may be senLenced and hls case ls
noL yeL LermlnaLed, he shall be released lmmedlaLely wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo Lhe conunuauon of Lhe Lrlal Lhereof or Lhe proceedlng
on appeal, lf Lhe same ls under revlew. ln case Lhe maxlmum penalLy
Lo whlch Lhe accused may be senLenced ls 8"&6",,(, he shall be
released aer LhlrLy (30) days of prevenuve lmprlsonmenL. [Arucle
29, 8C
When ls Lhe deLenuon prlsoner
enuLled Lo Lhe full credlL of hls
prevenuve lmprlsonmenL?
! lf deLenuon prlsoner agrees volunLarlly ln wrlung Lo
ablde by Lhe same dlsclpllnary rules lmposed upon
convlcLed prlsoners
When wlll he be enuLled Lo only 4/3
of hls prevenuve lmprlsonmenL?
! lf he does noL agree Lo ablde by Lhe same
dlsclpllnary rules lmposed upon convlcLed persons
Preventive Imprisonment
! Preventive imprisonment can only be credited for
sentences involving imprisonment.
8ond Lo keep Lhe peace
! erson senLenced Lo glve bond Lo keep Lhe peace musL
presenL Lwo sumclenL sureues
! ln case such oense be commlued Lhey wlll pay Lhe
amounL deLermlned by Lhe courL ln lLs [udgmenL,
! 1he courL shall deLermlne, accordlng Lo lLs dlscreuon,
Lhe perlod of durauon of Lhe bond.
! Should Lhe person senLenced fall Lo glve Lhe bond as
requlred, he shall be deLalned for a perlod whlch shall
noL case exceed slx monLhs, lf he shall have been
prosecuLed for a grave or less grave felony, and shall
noL exceed LhlrLy days, lf for a llghL felony.
?,6#$" @AB !+7
Subsldlary enalLy
! lf Lhe convlcL has no properLy wlLh whlch Lo meeL Lhe
ne, he shall be sub[ecL Lo a subsldlary personal
llablllLy aL Lhe raLe of 8.00/day, sub[ecL Lo Lhe
followlng rules:
1. lf -,'&'C) #(,,"##'()/$ or /,,"&.( and ne, he shall remaln under
connemenL unul hls ne referred ln Lhe precedlng paragraph ls
saused, buL hls subsldlary lmprlsonmenL shall noL exceed one-
Lhlrd of Lhe Lerm of Lhe senLence, and ln no case shall lL
conunue for more Lhan one year, and no fracuon or parL of a
day shall be counLed agalnsL Lhe prlsoner.

Subsidiary Penalty
! 2. When Lhe prlnclpal penalLy lmposed be only a
ne, Lhe subsldlary lmprlsonmenL shall noL exceed
slx monLhs, lf Lhe culprlL shall have been
prosecuLed for a grave or less grave felony, and
shall noL exceed een days, lf for a llghL felony.

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