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THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.


A THINKstrategies
Whitepaper for CXOs

The Integration Implications of the
Internet of Things in a Connected World:
Why Application and Data Integration is Even
More Important, and Why it Demands a More
Modern Approach

Sponsored by SnapLogic

White Paper

The Integration Implications of the Internet of Things
in a Connected World

THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.2

!"#$%&'(# *%++,-.
1he world ls becomlng lncreaslngly connecLed vla Lhe 'cloud' and Lhrough Lhe exploslon of moblle
devlces and remoLely accesslble ob[ecLs, ranglng from household appllances Lo lndusLrlal
ln Loday's lncreaslngly moblle, soclal and 'on-demand' world, lmmedlaLe access Lo Llmely
lnformaLlon ls essenLlal Lo qulckly respond Lo changlng cusLomer needs, wldenlng compeLlLlve
LhreaLs, and new markeL openlngs.
CapLurlng Lhe daLa belng generaLed from Lhls rapldly expandlng unlverse of endpolnLs and pulllng
LhaL daLa LogeLher Lo opLlmlze buslness operaLlons and caplLallze on new markeL opporLunlLles has
become a key '8lg uaLa' challenge.
ln Lhe same way LradlLlonal enLerprlse appllcaLlons and daLa cenLer sysLems have fallen shorL ln
meeLlng Lhese new demands, LradlLlonal appllcaLlon and daLa lnLegraLlon Lechnology ls belng
challenged Lo keep pace wlLh Loday's changlng buslness requlremenLs.
1he promlse of Lhe 'lnLerneL of 1hlngs', comblned wlLh Lhe growlng demand for more efflclenL and
seamless buslness processes, are drlvlng escalaLlng demands for more flexlble, powerful and cosL-
effecLlve lnLegraLlon capablllLles.
1PlnksLraLegles belleves a new seL of lnLegraLlon plaLforms and Lools are necessary Lo saLlsfy Lhese
escalaLlng needs. 1hls whlLepaper wlll explaln how a new generaLlon cloud-based lnLegraLlon
soluLlons LhaL can address boLh slmple and complex enLerprlse l1 requlremenLs can flll Lhls vold,
and make lL posslble Lo reap Lhe buslness beneflLs of Loday's connecLed world.
/#,0%-'12 &3# 45&#1&',6 7+8,$& 59 &3# 71&#-1#& 59 :3'120
Cne of Lhe hoLLesL Lechnology Loplcs of 2014 ls Lhe 'lnLerneL of 1hlngs' (lo1) whlch suggesLs we are
enLerlng a new era ln whlch nearly every ob[ecL can be connecLed LogeLher Lo enable companles
and consumers Lo more easlly monlLor, measure and manage Lhelr buslness processes and personal
llves respecLlvely.
1he lo1 ldea has evolved from Lhe more lndusLrlal concepL of machlne-Lo-machlne (M2M)
communlcaLlons, whlch was prlmarlly focused on commerclal deploymenLs of remoLe sensors
almed aL lmprovlng loglsLlcs and oLher aspecLs of Lhelr operaLlons.
1he lo1 ls becomlng a reallLy because of advancemenLs ln nanoLechnology LhaL have made lL more
economlcally feaslble Lo embed remoLe sensors ln nearly everyLhlng. A wlder range of
communlcaLlons frequencles has made lL easler Lo connecL Lhese sensors Lo cenLrallzed sysLems.
And a rapldly expandlng array of cloud servlces ls also maklng lL easler and more cosL-efflclenL Lo
collecL, sLore, collaLe and share Lhe daLa belng generaLed by Lhe sensors so lL can be employed Lo
make beLLer buslness declslons and Lake approprlaLe corporaLe acLlons.
1he 'consumerlzaLlon of l1' has also conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe popularlzaLlon of Lhe lo1 ldea. As
'prosumers' become more aware of Lhe poLenLlal beneflLs of geospaLlal servlces offered by Lhelr
moblle devlces, Lhey become more recepLlve Lo applylng Lhe same capablllLles Lo oLher aspecLs of
Lhelr buslness operaLlons.
1he confluence of Lhese Lechnologlcal Lrends now makes lL posslble Lo leverage connecLed ob[ecLs
and devlces Lo beLLer undersLand Lhelr movemenL and behavlor so as Lo lmprove Lhelr operaLlng
efflclency and creaLe new markeL opporLunlLles.

White Paper

The Integration Implications of the Internet of Things
in a Connected World

THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.3

CarLner predlcLs Lhe lo1 wlll equal approxlmaLely 26 bllllon connecLed ob[ecLs by 2020, noL
lncludlng Cs, LableLs and smarLphones whlch wlll subsLanLlally lncrease Lhe lo1 unlverse.
represenLs a 30x lncrease over Lhe populaLlon of connecLed ob[ecLs ln 2009. CarLner belleves lo1
producL and servlce suppllers wlll generaLe over $300 bllllon lncremenLal revenue Lhrough 2020,
and Lhe lo1 phenomenon wlll creaLe $1.9 Lrllllon worldwlde ln new economlc value across a varleLy
of lndusLrles.
When you add ln all Lhe moblle devlces aL our dlsposal, Clsco SysLems predlcLs Lhere wlll be over 30
bllllon connecLed ob[ecLs worldwlde ln 2020.

Mcklnsey forecasLs even greaLer economlc value from Loday's lo1 lnlLlaLlves, predlcLlng lL wlll have
an economlc lmpacL of up Lo $6.2 Lrllllon annually by 2023.
As Lhe followlng flgure from Lhe same
reporL lllusLraLes, Mcklnsey also belleves Lhe lo1 wlll produce slx Lypes of daLa LhaL wlll provlde
lnformaLlon and analysls and promoLe auLomaLlon and conLrol.

Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020, December 12,
2013 press release,
Cisco Systems Internet of Everything Value Index 2013,
The Internet of Things, The McKinsey Quarterly, March 2010 | byMichael Chui, Markus Lffler, and Roger

White Paper

The Integration Implications of the Internet of Things
in a Connected World

THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.4

;#. <886'$,&'51 ,1= >,&, 71&#2-,&'51 ?3,66#12#0 '1 :5=,.@0 A-,(#B C#D E5-6=
ulllng LogeLher daLa from an assorLmenL of sofLware appllcaLlons, sysLems and sources has never
been easy. Whlle a new generaLlon of cloud-based lnLegraLlon Lools has made Lhls process less
palnful and expenslve, conLendlng wlLh Lhe exploslve growLh ln Als, sofLware as a servlce (SaaS)
appllcaLlons, soclal daLa and oLher endpolnLs ln Lhe new world of Lhe lnLerneL of 1hlngs
exponenLlally compounds Lhe lnLegraLlon challenge.
noL only does an organlzaLlon have Lo deploy more connecLors Lo collecL Lhe daLa, lL musL also
lmplemenL more flexlble and lnLelllgenL lnLegraLlon soluLlons Lo asslmllaLe a more dlverse array of
daLa flows so Lhey can be uLlllzed Lo supporL a wlder array of buslness appllcaLlons. 1hls means
merglng daLa collecLed from a broader populaLlon of ob[ecLs and devlces wlLh crlLlcal daLa capLured
from lndlvldual cusLomers and prospecLs.
And, ulLlmaLely boLh buslness users and l1 organlzaLlon allke need Lo be able Lo dynamlcally
assemble real-Llme daLa lnLo LrusLed vlews of Lhe 'LruLh' regardlng operaLlons, cusLomers and
opporLunlLles Lo sLreamllne buslness processes, lmprove quallLy of servlces and caplLallze on new
revenue sLreams ln a more proflLable fashlon.
1hls lnLegraLlon lmperaLlve ls clearly lllusLraLed by Lhe emerglng daLa challenges assoclaLed wlLh's Lhree areas of prlmary focus:
Sales Cloud
MarkeLlng Cloud
Servlce Cloud
!"#$% '#()*+ 1he maln use cases for Lhe Sales Cloud ensure Lhe sales Leam has a slngle cusLomer
vlew and processes such as Lhe opporLunlLy-Lo-order workflow are sLreamllned so LhaL you have
beLLer allgnmenL beLween fronL offlce and back-offlce operaLlons. ln some cases, Lhls means Lhe
lnlLlal C8M Lo C8M mlgraLlon from a legacy sysLem llke Slebel Lo 8uL mlgraLlon, and
speclflcally manual daLa loadlng, ls noL really lnLegraLlon. 1he lnLegraLlon process beglns wlLh Lhe
synchronlzaLlon of Lhe accounL lnformaLlon, buL also requlres beLLer access Lo flnanclal sysLems Lo
ensure allgnmenL across sales and flnance where Lhe masLer daLa ls Lyplcally housed.
Cloud mlgraLlon and lnLegraLlon processes can be compllcaLed even furLher when an organlzaLlon
decldes Lo also move Lo a Cloud-based flnanclal managemenL sysLem such as lnLaacL, neLSulLe, or
llnanclallorce. now, mlsslon crlLlcal L8 daLa musL be moved from legacy sysLems powered by
SA, Cracle L8S, MlcrosofL uynamlcs Ax, eLc. 1ruly achlevlng Lhe slngle cusLomer vlew across all of
Lhese sysLems and ensurlng LhaL your sales Leam ls hlghly producLlve and Salesforce ls well adopLed
ls easler sald Lhan done. 8elng able Lo Lackle Lhe mulLl-faceLed lnLegraLlon challenge aL cloud speed
ls Lhe key drlver Lo C8M success.
,"-.$/012 '#()*+ 1he MarkeLlng Cloud represenLs a fundamenLal shlfL Lo a more dynamlc, dlglLal
markeLlng approach LhaL ls drlven by a deeper seL of analyLlcs from mulLlple channels. CeneraLlng,
collaLlng and lnLerpreLlng real-Llme daLa from varlous markeLlng programs can produce valuable
lnslghLs abouL cusLomer preferences based on Lhelr prlorlLles and buylng behavlor. 1racklng Lhls
behavlor, measurlng lLs lmpacL and monlLorlng how lL ls affecLed by varlous markeLlng campalgns
and Lrlggers ls essenLlal Lo wln and reLaln cusLomers. unlfled appllcaLlon, process and daLa
lnLegraLlon ls crlLlcal Lo Lurn sub[ecLlve markeLlng ldeas lnLo sclenLlflc markeLlng Lechnlques LhaL
can produce quanLlflable resulLs.

White Paper

The Integration Implications of the Internet of Things
in a Connected World

THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.5

!$-304$ '#()*+ CrganlzaLlons of all slzes across nearly every lndusLry are recognlzlng LhaL properly
supporLlng Lhelr cusLomers ls crlLlcal Lo long-Lerm success ln Loday's 'subscrlpLlon economy'.
rovldlng quallLy servlces can ensure cusLomer saLlsfacLlon, reduce churn, lncrease Lhe llfeLlme
value of Lhe cusLomer and encourage cross-sales opporLunlLles and referrals. 1hls ls Lhe premlse
whlch has drlven Lhe growLh of's Servlce Cloud. And, once agaln, pulllng LogeLher
Lhe daLa generaLed from an organlzaLlon's helpdesk operaLlon wlLh LhaL gaLhered from lLs C8M,
markeLlng auLomaLlon and flnanclal sysLems wlll glve an organlzaLlon valuable lnformaLlon abouL
Lhe needs of lndlvldual cusLomers and unlque lnslghL lnLo poLenLlal new markeL opporLunlLles. A
growlng number of Cloud/SofLware-as-a-Servlce (SaaS) players, such as Servlcenow, are also
focuslng on Lhe servlce managemenL space, compoundlng Lhe need for powerful and proven cloud
servlce lnLegraLlon requlremenLs.
ulllng all Lhese pleces LogeLher, along wlLh a myrlad of connecLed ob[ecLs and devlces, ls Lhe key
challenge faclng organlzaLlons of all slzes across varlous lndusLrles Loday.
C#D 71&#2-,&'51 :5560 F :#$31'G%#0 &5 <==-#00 :5=,.@0 A%0'1#00 C##=0
MeeLlng Lhe escalaLlng lnLegraLlon needs of Loday's connecLed world ls no small Lask.
ln Lhe pasL, daLa and appllcaLlon lnLegraLlon prlmarlly enLalled Lylng LogeLher relaLlvely sLaLlc
appllcaLlons, sysLems and daLa sources wlLhln LradlLlonal daLa cenLers and deparLmenLs. Cver Llme,
Lhls envlronmenL became more heLerogeneous, buL Lhe responslblllLy of pulllng LogeLher Lhe pleces
was sLlll conflned Lo Lhe l1/sofLware lndusLry players provldlng Lhe sysLems and appllcaLlons drlvlng
buslness operaLlons. now, Lhe sofLware world ls belng Lled LogeLher by appllcaLlon programmlng
lnLerfaces (Als).
ln Lhe brave, new world of Lhe lnLerneL of 1hlngs, a broader seL of companles are becomlng
engaged ln Lhe lnLegraLlon process. lor lnsLance, accordlng Lo !ohn aul Macuuffle, dlrecLor of Lhe
Mack lnsLlLuLe's rogram on vehlcle and MoblllLy lnnovaLlon (vMl), Lhe auLomoblle ls
experlenclng lLs flrsL fundamenLal deslgn change slnce Lhe laLe 1920s as lL becomes more sofLware
drlven and archlLecLed Lo conslsL of wlder seL of lndependenLly developed sysLems.
As Marc
Andreessen famously noLed, sofLware ls eaLlng Lhe world"
, and Lhls creaLes Lhe need for a new
level of lnLegraLlon LhaL hasn'L been requlred ln Lhe pasL.
1he lncreaslng prevalence of cloud-based appllcaLlons ls drlvlng Lhe need Lo address new
mulLldlmenslonal lnLegraLlon challenges of Loday's connecLed world. Cloud-orlenLed lnLegraLlon
soluLlons promlse slmpler connecLlvlLy beLween cloud appllcaLlons and daLa sources. 1hey can also
focus on Lhe appllcaLlon lnLegraLlon lssues assoclaLed wlLh enLerprlse appllcaLlon lnLegraLlon (LAl)
and servlce-orlenLed archlLecLure (SCA) lnLegraLlon Loollng Lo pull LogeLher on-premlse appllcaLlons
ln real-Llme aL relaLlvely smaller volumes. Cloud lnLegraLlon soluLlons can also address daLa-cenLrlc
exLracL, Lransform and load (L1L) requlremenLs Lo bulld and malnLaln enLerprlse daLa warehouses
(LuW) and run large baLches of daLa.

The Promise and Challenge of Integrating IT into the Auto Industry, Knowledge @ Wharton, January
22, 2014.
Why Software is Eating the World, The Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2011

White Paper

The Integration Implications of the Internet of Things
in a Connected World

THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.6

:3# *1,8H52'$ 71&#2-,&'51 ?65%=I <==-#00'12 &3# J71&#2-,&5-@0 >'6#++,K
1he SnapLoglc lnLegraLlon Cloud and lLs 'Snap' connecLors overcome Lhe lnLegraLor's ullemma" of
belng forced Lo choose one lnLegraLlon Lool over anoLher Lo cover a varleLy of use cases.
1he SnapLoglc lnLegraLlon Cloud conslsLs of a mulLl-LenanL execuLlon neLwork, called Snaplex, a
mulLl-LenanL ueslgner, Manager and uashboard, and more Lhan 160 pre-bullL lnLegraLlons, called
Snaps. Snaplex ls bullL on a scale-ouL execuLlon neLwork LhaL can elLher run ln Lhe cloud or behlnd
Lhe flrewall. 1he elasLlc archlLecLure makes Snaplex more scalable and flexlble. 1he plaLform can
handle real-Llme and baLch-orlenLed appllcaLlon and daLa lnLegraLlon requlremenLs, raLher Lhan
belng relegaLed Lo [usL one use-case or Lhe oLher llke prevlous lnLegraLlon soluLlons.
1he SnapLoglc lnLegraLlon Cloud ls able Lo address a broader seL of requlremenLs because lL does
noL sLore or cache daLa. lnsLead, daLa ls sLreamed beLween appllcaLlons, daLabases, flles, and oLher
daLa sources vla Snaplex. 1he Snaplex can operaLe ln Lhe cloud or behlnd Lhe flrewall dependlng on
an organlzaLlon's sysLem, sofLware and daLa requlremenLs.
Snaplex can dynamlcally scale ln Lhe cloud ln response Lo Lhe volume of daLa belng loaded and
Lransformed. 1hls also permlLs Lhe Snaplex Lo mlnlmlze laLency lssues assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
lnLegraLlon process.
1he SnapLoglc lnLegraLlon Cloud offers a more modern and elasLlc plaLform LhaL can acceleraLe Lhe
deploymenL process and Llme-Lo-value. lLs flexlble deslgn enables cusLomers Lo scale Lo meeL a
varleLy of on-premlse and cloud-orlenLed needs, whlch ls parLlcularly lmporLanL ln Loday's
connecLed world.
*%++,-. F ?51$6%0'510
1he promlse of Lhe lnLerneL of 1hlngs ls capLurlng Lhe lmaglnaLlon of Lhe markeLplace and qulckly
becomlng Lhe focal polnL of many corporaLe Lechnology and lnnovaLlon lnlLlaLlves. 1he concepL of a
world fllled wlLh connecLed devlces and oLher ob[ecLs con[ures up counLless use cases and new
buslness opporLunlLles.
Powever, fulfllllng Lhe lo1 promlse depends on deploylng a new generaLlon of daLa lnLegraLlon
Lools LhaL are more powerful, flexlble and economlcal Lhan LradlLlonal, legacy plaLforms and
soluLlons. 1he lo1 world wlll conslsL of many more lnLegraLlon polnLs, sharlng lnformaLlon aL many
more levels. unless Lhe daLa capLured aL Lhe endpolnLs can be reLrleved, collaLed and shared ln a
Llmely and cosL-effecLlve manner, Lhe purpose of uslng connecLed devlces and ob[ecLs Lo opLlmlze
performance, ensure quallLy and caplLallze on new opporLunlLles wlll be losL.
lorLunaLely, companles llke SnapLoglc are developlng a new generaLlon of cloud-based lnLegraLlon
plaLforms and connecLors LhaL are perfecLly sulLed Lo meeL Lhese escalaLlng needs. 8y deploylng
Lhese new lnLegraLlon Lechnologles, organlzaLlons ln any lndusLry can aLLaln Lhe buslness beneflLs
of Lhe lo1 promlse and achleve a compeLlLlve advanLage ln Lhelr respecLlve markeLs.

White Paper

The Integration Implications of the Internet of Things
in a Connected World

THINKstrategies, Inc., 2014 p.7

56()/ !1"78(2049 :14;

SnapLoglc ls Lhe leader ln LlasLlc lnLegraLlon, helplng companles connecL enLerprlse appllcaLlons ln
Lhe cloud and on-premlse for lmproved buslness aglllLy and fasLer declslon maklng. WlLh Lhe award-
wlnnlng SnapLoglc lnLegraLlon Cloud, organlzaLlons can more qulckly and affordably achleve daLa
and appllcaLlon lnLegraLlon and lmprove Lhe Llmellness of Lhelr lnformaLlon flow. SnapLoglc offers a
scalable, elasLlc lnLegraLlon plaLform as a servlce (laaS) and a rlch llbrary of lnLelllgenL connecLors
called Snaps. lunded by leadlng venLure lnvesLors, lncludlng Andreessen PorowlLz and lgnlLlon
arLners, SnapLoglc ls used by promlnenL companles ln Lhe Clobal 2000. lor more lnformaLlon, go

56()/ <=:>?%/-"/$20$%9 :14;

1PlnksLraLegles, lnc. ls Lhe only sLraLeglc consulLlng servlces company focused enLlrely on helplng lLs cllenLs
caplLallze on Lhe unprecedenLed buslness opporLunlLles creaLed by Lhe Lechnology lndusLry shlfL from a
producL-cenLrlc Lo a servlces-drlven orlenLaLlon and an on-demand" dellvery model, such as Cloud
CompuLlng, SofLware-as-a-Servlce (SaaS) and Managed Servlces.
1PlnksLraLegles' mlsslon ls Lo help our cllenLs re-1Plnk Lhelr corporaLe sLraLegles, refocus Lhelr resources
and re-allgn Lhelr operaLlons Lo achleve Lhelr buslness ob[ecLlves. 1PlnksLraLegles helps enLerprlse
declslon-makers wlLh Lhelr sourclng sLraLegles, l1 soluLlons provlders wlLh Lhelr markeLlng sLraLegles, and
vCs wlLh Lhelr lnvesLmenL sLraLegles.
1PlnksLraLegles has also creaLed Lhe Cloud CompuLlng Showplace onllne dlrecLory and besL pracLlces
resource cenLer Lo help l1 and buslness declslon-makers flnd and fully leverage Loday's leadlng SaaS,
laLform-as-a-Servlce (aaS) and lnfrasLrucLure-as-a-Servlce (laaS) soluLlons. 1o learn more abouL Lhe Cloud
CompuLlng Showplace, go Lo
lor more lnformaLlon regardlng our unlque capablllLles, vlslL, or conLacL us aL

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