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Partes del manual de Hirens Boot CD: 1. 2. 3. ". Qu es Hirens Boot CD?

Descarga y grabacin de Hirens Boot CD Arrancar la co !utadora con Hirens Boot CD Herra ientas !ara re!arar co !utadoras

Bueno a igos #a os !or la cuarta entrega de este anual de Hirens Boot CD$ y es %ue su!ongo ya &an descargado y grabado el disco$ as' co o iniciado desde el CD$ as' %ue ya &abr(n llegado al !unto en %ue a!arece la !antalla !rinci!al de arran%ue de Hirens Boot CD$ %ue es la siguiente) *ues bien co o se !ueden dar cuenta en la i agen anterior$ esa es la !antalla de bien#enida del Hirens Boot CD %ue es a ni#el de en+ inter,a- ./0D1/. 2a !ri era o!cin$ es !ara iniciar con el disco duro !rinci!al. *or otra !arte$ la segunda o!cin es !ara iniciar las &erra ientas ./0D1/ del disco 3Dos BootCD4 y la tercera o!cin es !ara iniciar la #ersin 5.ini 6indo7s 8*9. Asi is o$ co o !ueden a!reciar$ tienes la o!cin de iniciar el gestor de contrase:as$ ;on0Boot$ Dari<s$ etc. 2es e=!lico detallada ente %u !ueden &acer en cada una de las o!ciones de dic&a inter,a-) Boot ,ro Hard Dri#e) >niciar desde el disco duro !rinci!al$ donde ob#ia ente tendr(s el siste a o!erati#o instalado 3cual sea el caso$ 6indo7s ?$ 2inu= @buntu$ etctera.4 Dos BootCD) Carga el en+ en donde se encuentran todas las &erra ientas !ara %ue re!ares todo lo %ue tiene %ue #er con el ordenador. Asta o!cin es a ni#el de ./D1/. .ini 6indo7s 8*) Carga una #ersin 5 'ni a9 de 6indo7s 8* 3en la e oria BA.4 en la %ue !uedes arrancar la ayor'a de las &erra ientas !ara re!arar tu co !utadora e indiscutible ente es una de las eCores ,or as !ara res!aldar docu entos y ,ic&eros. 1,,line DEF2GGGF8*FHistaF? *ass7ord C&anger) *er ite editar y gestionar contrase:as de cual%uier #ersin de 6indo7s. @na de las &erra ientas %ue es (s !otente y +til. ;on0Boot) Herra ienta %ue nos !er ite iniciar 6indo7s sin conocer la contrase:a %ue !articular ente !ienso %ue es una de las eCores aneras de reali-ar esta o!eracin. Dari<s Boot and Du<e) Een uc&o cuidado con esta tool. /u !ro!sito es la de borrar 3irre#ersible ente4 todo el contenido de cual%uier disco duro %ue encuentre en el *C. 6indo7s .e ory Diagnostic) Hace ,alta una e=!licacin? A%u' !uedes diagnosticar si tu e oria BA. !osee sectores de,ectuosos &acindole di,erentes !ruebas rigurosas. Ad#anced Boot 1!tions) An este !unto en es!ec',ico &ay distintas ,or as de arran%ue %ue en ,uncin de tus necesidades usar(s una u otra. *uedes ,or-ar el inicio desde el disco duro con las #ersiones de 6indo7s %ue all' se indican !or !oner slo un eCe !lo. I !ues a igos$ esto es todo lo %ue tienen a su alcance$ De nue#o les co ento %ue Hirens Boot CD$ contiene &erra ientas de todo ti!o. 2a lista de &erra ientas %ue tiene la !ueden obser#ar en su !(gina o,icial. A continuacin les !resento los cinco casos co unes 3o !roble as4 %ue !ueden ser solucionadosFre!arados con &erra ientas es!ec',icas %ue #an incluidas en el !resente disco) 1. 2. 3. ". J. Al siste a o!erati#o no arranca$ o s' arranca$ !ero se reinicia$ y #uel#e a is o ciclo Al usuario &a ol#idado la contrase:a !ara acceder a 6indo7s 6indo7s est( tan in,ectado %ue es i !osible res!aldar los docu entos ,actible ente *resentas con,lictos con el &ard7are) disco duro o e orias con sectores de,ectuosos Has borrado accidental ente arc&i#os del disco duro y deseas recu!erarlos

De,initi#a ente$ Hirens Boot CD es el !a%uete de &erra ientas (s co !leto %ue e=iste &oy en d'a$ tanto as' %ue se #uel#e indis!ensable. *articular ente !ienso %ue !odr'a ser la res!uesta de ,or a concreta a la ayor'a de los !roble as %ue !resentas con 6indo7s. As!ero &aber dado la res!uesta a

todas las dudas %ue los usuarios e !lanteaban !or correo electrnico. Becordar$ de la is a anera$ %ue este anual no !retend'a e=!licar cada una de las &erra ientas sino c o &acerlo ,uncionar$ %ue es lo %ue !r(ctica ente e !lanteaban. An !r=i as o!ortunidades #er(n$ a ni#el de anuales$ c o usar ciertas &erra ientas$ as' %ue los in#ito a !lantear sus dudas !ara de ese odo !oder ir !lante(ndoles los distintos usos %ue se le !ueden dar a este !otente disco.

Hiren's BootCD 15.2

All in One Bootable CD which has all these utilities

Anti irus !ools

A ira Anti"ir Personal Kree anti0#irus and anti0s!y7are on0de and scanner$ detects and re o#es ore t&an JGGGG #iruses and troCans. Clam#in $ree Anti irus %.&'.( A ,ree anti#irus$ LD@ L*2 1!en /ource Hirus /canner. Combo$i) Designed to cleanu! al7are in,ections and restore settings odi,ied by al7are. Dr.#eb Cure*t+ Anti irus Kree standalone anti0#irus and anti0s!y7are on0 de and scanner 3do7nloadable4. ,-./ 1.%.15 Hidden ser#ices$ &idden registry$ &idden ,ile scanner$ Boot<it Detector and Be o#er. -alwareb0tes Anti1-alware 1.51.1 21311%12%124 Anti0 al7are a!!lication t&at can t&oroug&ly re o#e e#en t&e ost ad#anced al7are. /emo e $a5e Anti irus 1.32 Eool to re o#e #irusF al7are 7&ic& disguises itsel, to be an anti#irus and !roduces ,a<e alertF7arnings and urge you to !urc&ase a useless co!y o, t&e ,a<e anti#irus. /oot5it/e ealer 1.'.1 Boot<it Be#ealer is an ad#anced !atent0!ending root <it detection utility. 670bot 1 6earch 8 Destro0 1.(.2 21311%12%124 A!!lication to scan ,or s!y7are$ ad7are$ &iCac<ers and ot&er alicious so,t7are. 6u7erAntis70ware Be o#e Ad7are$ .al7are$ *arasites$ Boot<its$ /!y7are$ EroCan$ and 6or s 3do7nloadable4. !D669iller 2.3.1: Be o#e al7are belonging to t&e ,a ily Boot<it.6in32.ED// a<a Eidser#$ ED//er# and Alureon.

Bac5u7 !ools
CloneDis5 1.&.( All in one tool ,or .BB$ *artition$ Dis<$ H.6are Dis< i ages # d<F# =F#&d$ and uc& ore. COP;/.D-A Build%1: A Eool ,or a<ing co!ies o, &ard dis<s 7it& bad sectors. Co70#i7e 1.1< Co!y old &ard dri#e to a ne7 &ard dri#e by co!ying t&e entire contents o, one dri#e to anot&er$ Co!y6i!e can also &el! !re#ent

con,idential or !ri#ate data ,ro being reco#ered$ by securely 7i!ing t&e contents o, a dri#e. Dis5*ma=e 1.( Creates and 7rites dis< i ages ,iles to &ard and ,lo!!y dis<s. Dri e*ma=e >-? 2.<2 Bac<u! any dri#eF!artition to an i age ,ile$ e#en i, t&e dri#e is currently in use$ a #ery good ,ree7are alternati#e to L&ost F Acronis Dri e 6na76hot 1.<% Creates an e=act Dis< > age o, your syste into a ,ile 7&ile 7indo7s is running. $astCo70 2.11 E&e Kastest Co!yFDelete /o,t7are on 6indo7s. ,<? ,host < ?inu) %.:<a A &ard dis< and !artition i aging and cloning tool si ilar to Dorton L&ost. ,*ma=e> 2.%.1' > age8 is used to bac<u!Frestore 6>. i ages ,or 6indo7s 8*FHista and 6indo7s ?. *ma=e $or Dos 2.'5 Quic<ly$ easily$ and reliably create a co !lete i age bac<u! o, all t&e data located on your &ard dri#e$ bac<u!s ade to CDFDHDFBD are bootable. *ma=e $or #indows 2.'5 Bac<u! and restore utility t&at creates a sna!s&ot o, a selected !artition or #olu e$ and sa#es it to dis<$ or burns it directly to ost DHDMB6MB0B0B6 or CD0BFB6 dri#es. *m=Burn 2.5.'.% 2ig&t7eig&t CDFDHDFHD DHDFBlu0ray burning a!!lication$ su!!orts B>D$ C@A$ D>$ DHD$ L>$ >.L$ >/1$ .D/$ DBL and *D>$ Ability to build DHDFHDFBD Hideo discs ,ro a H>DA1NE/FHHDHDNE/FBDAHFBD.H ,older$ @nicode ,olderF,ile na es 3,or erly DHD Decry!ter4. *n@ra/ecorder %.5: An 1!en source CDFDHD burning so,t7are$ also createFburn .iso i ages. -acrium /e@lect <.2.:''5 Create co !lete bac<u!s o, your dis< !artitions$ including o!erating syste $ installed !rogra s and all your settings. OD*A %.:.< 1!en Dis< > ager in a Duts&ell is si ilar to Dri#e /na!s&ot 7&ic& su!!orts bac<ing u! 7indo7s 7&ile you are using it. Partition *ma=e 1 Part*ma=e %.(.& /u!!orted ,ilesyste includes A=t2$ A=t3$ Beiser,s$ HK/$ H*K/$ OK/$ 8,s$ @K/$ Kat1P$ Kat32 and DEK/. Partition 6a in= <.%% A tool to bac<u!Frestore !artitions 3/a#e*art.e=e4. /e=Ba5 1.% A lig&t07eig&t and si !le utility to create bac<u!s o, 6indo7s registry ,iles. /aw Co70 1.2 @se,ul tool to trans,er t&e data directly ,ro a ,aulty dri#e to anot&er dri#e$ built in data reco#ery ,unction 7&ic& 7ill also atte !t to reco#er data ,ro bad sectors. 6hadowCo70 2.%% Co!y all your ,iles and entire syste 0 e#en i, t&ey are loc<ed by 6indo7s. 6el@*ma=e 1.2.1.&2 Create i age ,iles o, any ounted or un ounted &ard dis< !artition. 6ea=ate Disc#iBard 11.3:2( Bac<u! dri#eF!artition to an i age ,ile$ ,or /eagate o7ners 3*o7ered by Acronis Erue> age4 !eraCo70 2.12 EeraCo!y is a co !act !rogra designed to co!y and o#e ,iles at t&e a=i u !ossible s!eed$ !ro#iding t&e user a lot o, ,eatures includes !ause$ resu e$ auto s&utdo7n$ #eri,y$ error reco#ery and unicode

su!!ort. #hit6o@t $ile 67litter <.5a A / all Kile /!lit F Ooin Eool. >>Clone %.53.% E&e si !le 7ay to clone a 6indo7s dis< to anot&er dis<$ it a<es a sel,0bootable clone o, 6indo7s syste dis<.

B*O6 C C-O6 !ools

Award D-* Con@i=uration Dtilit0 2.<: D.> Con,iguration utility ,or odi,yingF#ie7ing t&e .>DK contents. +B*O6 :.2% A !o7er,ull utility ,or bios and c os. B*O6 Crac5er 5.% B>1/ !ass7ord re o#er 3c os!7d4. B*O6 Dtilit0 1.:5.% B>1/ >n,or ations$ !ass7ord$ bee! codes and ore. C-O6 %.&: C.1/ /a#e F Bestore Eool. D*69-AA< A !o7er,ul all in one utility. 9ill C-O6 A tiny utility to 7i!e c os. Dni$lash 1.<% B>1/ ,las& utility.

Browsers C $ile -ana=ers

'1Ei7 &.22 Kile arc&i#er 7it& a &ig& co !ression ratio /u!!orts ?-$ ABO$ BQ>*2$ CAB$ CH.$ C*>1$ DAB$ D.L$ KAE$ LQ$ LQ>*$ HK/$ >.A$ >.L$ >/1$ 2QH$ 2Q.A$ .BB$ ./>$ D/>/$ DEK/$ BAB$ B*.$ EAB$ @DK$ HHD$ 6>.$ 8AB$ 8Q$ Q>* and Q ,or ats. Bul5 /ename Dtilit0 2.'.1.2 Bena e ulti!le ,iles$ c&ange ti esta !s and rena e using A8>K data 7it& t&e clic< o, a button. Dos Command Center 5.1 Classic dos0based ,ile anager. Dos Aa i=ator (.<.% Dos Kile .anager$ Dorton Co ander clone but &as uc& ore ,eatures. .as0DHA 1.1 L@> Eool to create and e=tract @HA Arc&i#es. . er0thin= 1.21 @ltra ,ast ,ileF,older searc& tool 7it& ,t!F&tt! ser#er. .)7lore2@s 1.%3b L@> e=!lorer tool ,or accessing linu= e=t2 and e=t3 ,ilesyste s under 7indo7s. .)t2.)7lore 2.2.'1 A=!lore e=t2Fe=t3Fe=t" dis<F!artition$ can also be used to #ie7 and co!y dis< and ,ile syste i ages. $ile -a en :.5 An ad#anced Dos ,ile anager 7it& &ig& s!eed *C0to0*C ,ile trans,ers #ia serial or !arallel cable. $ile #iBard 1.:5 A ,ile anager 0 colored ,iles$ drag and dro! co!y$ o#e$ delete etc. $ast?0n) 2.% Dos ,ile anager 7it& *c to *c ,ile trans,er ca!ability. Hash-0$iles 1.&% Calculate .DJF/HA1FCBC32 &as&es o, your ,iles. -ini #indows >7 *ortable 6indo7s 8! t&at runs ,ro CDF@/BFBa Dri#e to re!airFreco#er dead 7indo7s o!erating syste . >t &as 2AD and 62AD 36ireless4 Det7or< includes 3GG 6iKiFAt&ernet card dri#ers and can also be custo i-ed easily to add your o7n dri#ers in HBCDRDri#ers ,older. Added so e @/B 3.G and /AEAF/C/>F/A/ /torage dri#ers$ Dyna ic dis< /!annedF/tri!edF.irroredFBA>D0J Holu e su!!ort$ *DK *rinter and HB/F6/H scri!ting su!!ort. /u!!orted <eyboard layouts are) @nited /tates$

@nited ;ingdo $ @/ D#ora<$ Arabic$ Eur<is& Q$ Eur<is& K$ /7iss Ler an$ /7iss Krenc&$ /7edis&$ /uo i Kinnis&$ /!anis&$ /lo#enian$ /lo#a<$ Bussian$ *ortuguese$ *olis&$ Dor#egian Dors<e$ Det&erlands Dutc&$ 2atin A erican$ >taly$ >celandic$ Hungarian$ Hebre7$ Ler any$ Ler an /7it-erland 2u=e bourg$ Krancais Ca#ier AQABEI$ Den ar< Daenis&$ Bulgarian *&onetic$ Bulgarian$ Bra-il *ortuguese$ Bra-il A=tended *ortuguese and Belgiu . O7era #eb Browser 12.%2 1ne o, t&e ,astest$ s allest and s artest ,ull0 ,eatured 7eb bro7ser 7it& an e ail client. 6earch-0$iles 2.:% Alternati#e to S/earc& Kor Kiles And KoldersS odule o, 6indo7s M Du!licates /earc&. !or Browser 2.2.:& /ur, t&e internet anony ously t&roug& encry!tion$ e#en &tt!s sites can be bro7sed sa,ely 7&ere it is bloc<ed by your local >/*. !otal Commander 3.%1 A ,ile anager si ilar to t&e 6indo7s A=!lorer ,eatures side0by0side ,ile0bro7sing !anes$ built0in KE*$ arc&i#e anage ent$ ,ile searc&Fco !areFsync&roni-e and ore. "ol5o Commander <.&& Dos Kile .anager 7it& 2ongKileDa eFnt,s su!!ort 3/i ilar to Dorton Co ander4. #in-er=e 2.12.<.% Di,,erencing and erging tool 7&ic& can co !are bot& ,olders and ,iles$ !resenting di,,erences in a #isual te=t ,or at t&at is easy to understand and &andle.

All Dsers !em7 Cleaner 1.2 Clean all users te ! ,olders$ un7anted 7indo7s ,iles ,ro an o,,line installation. A!$ Cleaner :.%.%.2 A !ersonal and easy0to0use te ! ,ile re o#al so,t7are to clean all user te ! ,olders$ Oa#a cac&e$ 1!eraF.o-illa bro7ser cac&e$ coo<ies$ &istory$ do7nload &istory$ sa#ed !ass7ords etc. CCleaner :.2:.132: Cra! Cleaner is a ,ree7are syste o!ti i-ation and !ri#acy tool. CleanD7+ <.5.2 Be o#es Cun< ,iles ,ro all user !ro,iles t&at accu ulate o#er ti e and litter your &ard dri#e. Clone670 2.(: Du!licate ,ile cleanu! tool$ can o!tionaly create &ardlin<s to sa#e s!ace. Data 6hredder 1.% A tool to Arase dis< and ,iles 3also 7i!e ,ree s!ace4 securely. Delete Doctor 2.2 Delete Kiles t&at are &ard to delete$ 1!tion to delete on reboot or #ia @DC Da e. Du7licate $ile $inder :.5 /cans and identi,y du!licate ,iles$ it co !ares t&e based on byte ,or byte co !arison ensures 1GGT accuracy. -cA@ee /emo al !ool (.%.152.% .cA,ee Consu er *roduct Be o#al Eool re o#es all 2GGJ 0 2G12 #ersions o, .cA,ee !roducts. -0Dninstaller 1.'< Alternati#e to t&e standard add F re o#e control !anel odule. Aorton /emo al !ool 2%.%.%.21 /y DBE uninstalls ost Dorton AntiHirus$ Dorton >nternet /ecurity$ Dorton 3PG$ and Dorton /yste 6or<s e#en 7&en t&e uninstaller ,ails to re o#e t&e .

PC Decra7i@ier 2.2.3 Be o#es un7anted !reinstalledFbundled so,t7are ,ro 6indo7s 8*FHistaF? t&at usually co es 7it& H*FDellFAcer etc ac&ines. Print $lush 1.: Clean t&e !rint s!ool it restarts t&e !rint s!ooler and deletes Cun< !rint ,iles. /e o Dninstaller 1.&: Be o#e unnecessary ,iles and registry entries le,t be&ind by inco !lete !rogra uninstallation routines. 67ace-on=er 1.< ;ee!ing trac< o, t&e ,ree s!ace on your co !uter. 67ace6ni@@er 1.1.2.% Kind lost s!ace on your dis<s t&e easy 7ay. #inDir6tat A dis< usage statistics #ie7er and cleanu! tool ,or 6indo7s.

De ice Dri er !ools

:DP Chi7 12.%& E&is tool 7ill &el! you to ,ind rig&t dri#ers ,or your de#ices and do7nload t&e latest de#ice dri#ers 7it& ,e7 si !le clic<s. De ice Doctor 2.1 /cans t&e &ard7are and c&ec<s to see i, t&ere are ne7 dri#er u!dates a#ailable$ also c&ec<s ,or t&e unidenti,ied de#ices. Double Dri er <.1 Dri#er Bac<u! and Bestore tool. PC* :2 6ni@@er 1.< 21311%12%124 De#ice in,or ation tool 7&ic& is si ilar to un<no7n de#ices. /emo e Aon Present Dri ers Auto atically re o#e all non0 !resentFdisconnected de#ices ,ro a 6indo7s and can o,ten be use,ul to !re#ent isbe&a#ingFunnecessary dri#ers ,ro being loaded$ cleanu! dri#ers 7&en you re!laced ot&erboard or used bac<u! i age o, di,,erent &ard7are. 6mart Dri er Bac5u7 2.12 Aasy bac<u! o, your 6indo7s de#ice dri#ers 3also 7or<s ,ro *A4. Dn5nownDe ices 1.<.2% 21311%12%124 Hel!s you ,ind 7&at t&ose un<no7n de#ices in De#ice .anager really are. D6BDe iew 2.1( Hie7F@ninstall all installedFconnected @/B de#ices on your syste .

.ditors C "iewers
Atlantis #ord Processor 1.(.5.5 Co !act$ ,ast0loading$ but still !o7er,ul and e,,icient$ !er,ect co !anion ,or a 7ide range o, your 7ord !rocessing tas<s$ su!!orts BEK$ ./ 6ord D1C P.GFUJFU?F2GGGF8*F2GG3 and D1C8. H)D 1.'.'.% He= Aditor !ro#ides tools to ins!ect and edit ,iles$ ain e ory$ dis<sFdis< i ages. *r@an"iew <.:: A ,ree > age Hie7erFAditorFCon#erter and 1!ti i-er. Aote7adFF (.2 A te=t editor and source code editor su!!orts @nicode ,iles$ Begular e=!ression ,ind and re!lace 3also in ,iles4$ tabbed editing$ /ynta= &ig&lig&ting and Drag0and0dro!. Photo$iltre (.5.: A co !lete i age retouc&ing !rogra 3.ini *&otos&o!4 allo7s you to do si !le or ad#anced adCust ents to an i age and a!!ly a #ast range o, ,ilters on it.

Picture "iewer 1.&< *icture #ie7er ,or dos$ su!!orts ore t&en "G ,ilety!es. Guic5"iew Pro 2.53 .o#ie #ie7er ,or dos$ su!!orts any ,or at including di#=. 67read:2 1.13 .ini A=cel 7it& all o, t&e basic ,eatures o, a s!reads&eet !rogra . Bun acros$ dra7 obCects$ generate c&arts$ calculate ,unctions and ,or ulas$ reads and 7rites =ls$ cs#$ te=t$ and !=l ,or ats. 6umatraPD$ 1.1 A ,ree$ o!en source$ lig&t7eig&t *DK Beader ,or .icroso,t 6indo7s.

$ile60stems !ools
Alternate6tream"iew 1.:2 Hie7FCo!yFDelete &idden DEK/ Alternate Data /trea s. .ditB*A* 1.%1 Adit boot.ini on DEK/ *artition. .)t2@sd %.51 2inu= e=t2Fe=t3 ,ile syste dri#er 7&ic& su!!orts read and 7rite su!!ort in .ini=!. $ilemon '.%< .onitors and dis!lays ,ile syste acti#ity on a syste in real0 ti e. *mDis5 1.(.% CreateF ount #irtual &ard dis<$ ,lo!!y or CDFDHD dri#es using i age ,iles or syste e ory. Hunction 1.%< CreateFHie7FDelete 6indo7s CunctionFre!arse !oints on an DEK/ dri#e. Aew6*D <.1% @tility t&at c&anges t&e security >D 3/>D4 ,or 6indo7s DE$ 2GGG and 8*. A!$6 Access 2.2 /et DEK/ !er issions recursi#ely and ,ull access rig&ts to a ,olderF,ile o7ner. A!$6 Dos :.%2 Bead0only access nt,s !artitions ,ro Dos. A!$6<Dos 1.& Bead and 7rite nt,s !artitions ,ro Dos. A!$6?in5s"iew 1.%' Hie7 list o, all sy bolic lin<s$ Cunctions and t&eir target !at&s. "irtual $lo770 Dri e 2.1 Anables you to create and ount a #irtual ,lo!!y dri#e on your DEF2GGGF8*FHista.

Hard Dis5 !ools

Acti e 9ill Dis5 <.1.2:&: /ecurely o#er7rites and destroys all data on !&ysical dri#e. Cr0stalDis5*n@o <.%.1 HDD &ealt& onitoring utility$ dis!lays basic HDD in,or ation$ onitors /...A.B.E. #alues and dis< te !erature. Dari5's Boot and Au5e 2DBAA4 1.%.' Co !letely deletes t&e contents o, any &ard dis< it can detect. D/e italiBe 1.2 Be!airs bad sectors 3!&ysical de,ects4 on &ard dri#es by generating a s!ecial se%uence o, &ig& and lo7 signals around t&e !&ysically da aged area. Dis5"iew 2.< Hie7 gra!&ical a! o, your dis<$ allo7ing you to c&ec< 7&ere a ,ile is located or$ by clic<ing on a cluster$ seeing 7&ic& ,ile occu!ies it.

Dis5#i7e 1.2 /ecurely erases t&e contents o, a dis< re!lacing it 7it& rando data or lea#ing t&e dri#e co !letely blan<. .)cel6tor's .6!est <.5% A=cel/tor &ard dis< diagnostic utility. $uIitsu HDD Dia=nostic !ool '.%% C&ec< >DA dri#es ,or !ossible de,ectsF!roble s. $uIitsu *D. ?ow ?e el $ormat 1.% 2o7 2e#el Kor at Eool ,or KuCitsu Dri#es. ,atewa0 ,w6can 5.12 Late7ay &ard dri#e diagnostic utility. Hard Dis5 6entinel 1.%%.5 Hard Dis< &ealt&$ !er,or ance and te !erature onitoring tool. HD!une 2.55 HD Eune is a &ard dis< &ealt&$ benc& ar<ing$ error scanner and in,or ation tool. HDA!2 <.&B1 E&e ain ,unction is testing and re!air 3regenerates4 bad sectors ,or detected de#ices. A ,ree7are alternati#e o, HDD Begenerator. HDD Ca7acit0 /estore 1.2 E&is tool allo7s you to restore ,actory ca!acity o, any &ard dri#e. it does not read ,ro or 7rite to t&e user data area or !er,or any <ind o, ,or atting$ only alters HDD ,ir 7are 3H*A and DC1 settings4. HDD .rase <.% /ecure erase using a s!ecial ,eature built into ost ne7er &ard dri#es. HDD ?ow ?e el $ormat !ool 2.:( 2o70le#el ,or at tool ,or /0AEA 3/AEA4$ >DA 3A0>DA4$ /C/>$ @/B$ Klas& Cards and K>BA6>BA e=ternal dri#e enclosures. HDD 6can :.: HDD/can is a 2o70le#el HDD diagnostic tool$ it scans sur,ace ,ind bad sectors etc. *B- Hitachi Dri e $itness !est <.1( Quic<ly and reliably tests /C/>$ >DA and /AEA dri#es. *B- Hitachi $eature !ool 2.15 Allo7s you to control so e o, t&e ,eatures o, t&e t&e HDD. -a)tor amset utilit0 <.% @tility ,or c&anging Acoustic .anage ent on t&e &ard dri#es. -a)tor ?ow ?e el $ormatter 1.1 .a=torSs 2o7 2e#el Kor at @tility 7or<s on any &arddri#e. -a)tor Power-a) <.2: Designed to !er,or diagnostic readF7rite #eri,ications on .a=torFQuantu &ard dri#es. -HDD <.( *recise diagnostic o, t&e ec&anical !art o, a dri#e$ !er,or 2o70le#el ,or at$ Bad /ector /e!air$ access ra7 sectors$ anage /...A.B.E. 3/.ABE4 and ot&er dri#e !ara eters suc& as acoustic anage ent$ security$ Host *rotected Area$ etc. 6amsun= Dis5 Dia=nose 26HD*A,4 1.23 Diagnose t&e dis< 7&en sus!ected to &a#e ,ailures. 6amsun= .6!OO? :.%1 Dri#e Diagnostic$ Auto atic Acoustic .anage ent$ AnableFDisable /.ABE etc. 6amsun= HDD Dtilit02HD!*?4 2.1% E&e Dri#e Diagnostic @tility. 6ea!ools @or Dos L@> 2.23 Ee=t 1.1G #ersions to test /eagate or .a=tor *arallel AEA 3*AEA and >DA4 and /erial AEA 3/AEA4 inter,ace disc dri#es. 6martDD- 2.%% Hard Dis< Dri#e /...A.B.E. Hie7er. !oshiba Hard Dis5 Dia=nostic 2.%%b Eos&iba &ard dri#e diagnostic utility.

"ictoria :.::e and :.52rus a ,ree7are !rogra ,or lo70le#el HDD diagnostics. "ictoria <.<( @ni#ersal !rogra ,or testing storage de#ices "i"ard 1.% HDD lo70le#el diagnostics$ /ur,ace test 7it& re a!$ /.ABE0 attributes etc. #DClear 1.:% BestoreFArases t&e dri#e bac< to a ,actory condition. #D*D?.: 1.%5 .odi,ies t&e be&a#ior o, a 6estern Digital Lreen dri#e to 7ait longer be,ore !ositioning t&e &eads in t&eir !ar< !osition and turning o,, unnecessary electronics. #estern Di=ital Dia=nostics 2D?,D*A,4 5.1& Quic<ly and e,,iciently #eri,y t&e status o, t&e dri#e. #estern Di=ital Data ?i@e=uard !ools 1.2< *er,or dri#e identi,ication$ diagnostics$ and re!airs on ost 6D dri#es

-B/ 2-aster Boot /ecord4 !ools

Bella"ista 1.1.%.'1 Kor erly BCD Aditor 7it& lots o, o!tions to con,igure 6indo7s ,or a de#elo!er. Boot Partition 2.(% Add *artition in t&e 6indo7s DEF2GGGF8* .ulti0boot loader. Boot$i) Dtilit0 Bun t&is utility i, you get S>n#alid syste dis<S essage. Boot6ect (.%.( Boot /ector .ani!ulation Eool$ E&is tool re!laces Ki=KAE.e=e and Ki=DEK/.e=e. Boot*C. 2%12.%&.2% A boot sector ani!ulation utility to edit .BBF*BBFBCD. Dis5-an <.2 All in one tool ,or c os$ bios$ bootrecord and ore. $b*nst 1.( A tool to create uni#ersal ,las& boot dis< t&at boots ,ro all co !uters. ,rub<Dos installer 1.1 An uni#ersal boot loader LB@B ,or D1/ LB2DB installer. =rub<dos 2%1211%1%2 An uni#ersal boot loader based on LD@ LB@B$ can boot o,, D1/F2>D@8 or #ia 6indo7s boot anagerFsyslinu=Flilo or ,ro .BBFCD$ builtin B>1/ dis< e ulation. HDHac5er 1.< 2oadF/a#eFHie7 .BB and Boot/ector ,ro a !&ysicalFlogical dri#e. isolinu) <.%5 A boot loader ,or 2inu=Fi3VP t&at o!erates o,, >/1 UPPGFAl Eorito CD0B1.s in Sno e ulationS ode. -B/#iBard :.%.': Directly u!date and odi,y t&e .aster Boot Becord. -br$i) 1.: Bac<u!$ restore and ,i= t&e boot code in t&e .BB. -B/ Dtilit0 1.%5 .ani!ulate a dri#eSs aster boot record 3.BB4 #ia t&e co and line. -B/#or5 1.%3 A utility to !er,or so e co on and unco on .BB ,unctions. -B/!ool 2.:.2%% Bac<u!$ #eri,y$ restore$ edit$ re,res&$ re o#e$ dis!lay$ re0 7rite and ore. -B/ 6A". C /.6!O/. 2.1 Boot/a#e and BootBest tools to sa#e F restore .BB. -emDis5 <.%5 Allo7 booting legacy o!erating syste s$ ,lo!!y i ages$

&ard dis< i ages and so e >/1 i ages. P?oP Boot -ana=er 5.%.1< Boot di,,erent o!erating syste s &arddis<$ ,lo!!y$ CDFDHD or ,ro @/B$ it can boot ,ro an @/BFCDFDHD e#en 7it&out B>1/ su!!ort. /-Pre7D6B 2.1.(2% *artition and ,or at your @/B dri#e and a<e it bootable. 6mart Boot -ana=er :.'.1 A ulti boot anager. >O6? 1.1.5 A gra!&ical boot anager t&at su!!orts ulti0booting o, #arious o!erating syste s.

-s Dos !ools
1:&< $irewire 6u77ort 13U" Kire7ire Dri#ers ,or Dos. A6D6!e9 D6B Dri er : A/@/ @/B CD0B1. De#ice Dri#er Hersion 1.GG. Dos tools Collection o, dos utilities ?-dec.e=e e=tract.e=e !<-i!.e=e !<un-i!.e=e l&a.e=e g-i!.e=e u&arcd.e=e i gA=trc.e=e =co!y.e=e dis<co! ,dis<.e=e ,dis<2.e=e ,dis<3.e=e l,.e=e del!art.e=e 7i! -a!.co ,or deltree.e=e ,ind.e=e &e=.e=e debug.e=e s!lit.e=e e .e=e s artdr#.e=e = sds<.e=e <iller.e=e s&are.e=e scandis<.e=e guest.e=e dos<ey.e=e duse.e=e o#e.e=e set#er.e=e inters#r.e=e interln<.e=e loadlin.e=e l,ndos.e=e dosl, and ore. *nterln5 su77ort at CO-1C?P!1 Access anot&er co !uter ,ro C1.F2*E !ort. 6C6* 6u77ort /C/> Dri#ers ,or Dos. 6A!A 6u77ort /AEA Dri#er 3gcdro .sys4 and O.icron O.B3P1 3=cdro .sys4 ,or Dos. Dni ersal D6B Dri er 2 *anasonic #2.2G A/*> .anager ,or @/B ass storage. D6B CD1/om Dri er 1 /tandard usbNcd.sys dri#er ,or cd dri#e.

Aetwor5 !ools
An=r0 *P 6canner 2.21 /can >* addresses in any range as 7ell as any t&eir !orts. Com7lete *nternet /e7air 1.:.1.1:15 All in one tool to re!air co on internet connection issues$ it atte !ts to re!air e#eryt&ing internet related on a 6indo7s syste . CurrPorts 2.%2 Dis!lays t&e list o, all currently o!ened EC* and @D* !orts on your co !uter. Aetwor5 Password /eco er0 1.:2 Beco#er 6indo7s 8*FHista net7or< !ass7ords F Credentials ,ile. Pu!!; %.(21t%12 *uEEI Eray is a ,ree and o!en source ter inal e ulator a!!lication 7&ic& can act as a client ,or t&e //H and Eelnet. 6o@tPer@ect Aetwor5 6canner 5.<.' .ulti0t&readed >*$ DetB>1/ and /D.* scanner 7it& a odern inter,ace and any ad#anced ,eatures.

6mart6ni@@ 1.&5 Det7or< onitoring utility t&at allo7s you to ca!ture EC*F>* !ac<ets t&at !ass t&roug& your net7or< ada!ter. !CP"iew :.%5 2ists EC* and @D* end!oints$ including t&e 2ocalFBe ote addresses o, EC* connections. !$t7d:2 <.% E,t!d32 is ,or Eri#ial Kile Erans,er *rotocol 3EKE*4 client$ including DHC*$ EKE*$ /DE* and /yslog ser#ers$ can also be used ,or *8A boot. #in6CP <.:.& A ,ree and o!en source /KE*FKE* client to secure ,ile trans,er bet7een a local and a re ote co !uter. #i@i*n@o"iew 1.%5 6ireless net7or<s in,or ation including Det7or< Da e 3//>D4$ .AC Address$ *HI Ey!e 3VG2.11g or VG2.11n4$ B//>$ /ignal Quality$ Kre%uency$ C&annel Du ber$ .a=i u /!eed$ Co !any Da e$ Bouter Da eF.odel and ore. #irelessAet"iew 1.<1 6ireless Det Hie7 onitors t&e acti#ity o, 7ireless net7or<s around you. >P !CPC*P /e7air 1.% Be!air your 6indo7s 8* 6insoc< and EC*F>* registry errors.

De@ra==ler 2.11.5(% De,rag your entire &ard dri#e or indi#idual ,iles. -0De@ra= <.:.1 Kree dis< de,rag ent and o!ti i-e utility 3,or erly O<De,rag4 ,or 6indo7s 2GGGF2GG3F8*FHistaF6indo7s ?. A! /e=istr0 O7timiBer 1.1I Begistry 1!ti i-ation ,or 6indo7s DEF2GGGF2GG3F8*FHista. Pa=eD@r= 2.:2 /yste ,ile De,rag enter Kor DEF2<F8*.

Other !ools
Calcute 11.5.2' A co !act scienti,ic ta!e calculator 7it& any ,eatures. Don't 6lee7 2.32 Ee !orarily sus!end !o7er anage ent and !re#ent syste s&utdo7n$ /tandby$ Hibernate$ Eurn 1,, and Bestart. $i) A!?D/ is missin= Ki= SDE2DB is issing$ *ress any <ey to restartS ,or 6indo7s 8!. HBCD CustomiBer :.% HBCDCusto i-er.e=e is a L@> tool to create custo iso i ages o, HirenSs BootCD. HBCD Pro=ram ?auncher :.2 HirenSs BootCD *rogra launc&er 3HBCD.enu.e=e and HBCD.enu.cs#4 can be used to launc& all t&ese !rogra s ,ro @/BFCD. -ouse .mulator 2.2 Iou can use your <eyboard nu !ad as a ouse$ #ery use,ul i, your ouse bro<en or i, you are &a#ing @/B dri#er !roble s. A! (.) @ast installer >nstall 6indo7s HistaF? directly to &ard dri#eFusb e=tenal dri#e. On16creen 9e0board A utility t&at dis!lays a #irtual <eyboard on t&e co !uter screen t&at allo7s !eo!le 7it& obility i !air ents to ty!e data by using a !ointing de#ice or Coystic<. Parted -a=ic 2%1211%11% 2inu= based rescue en#iron ent 7it& lots o,

a!!lications to anage !artitions$ bac<u! and reco#ery suc& as L*arted$ *arted$ *artition > age$ EestDis<$ *arti age$ Eruecry!t$ Clone-illa$ L"2$ Kire,o=$ Cla AH$ L/ artControl$ /i !leBurn$ dd$ ddrescue$ 7it& e=tensi#e collection o, ,ile syste tools are also included$ su!!orts t&e ,ollo7ing) btr,s$ e=t2$ e=t3$ e=t"$ ,at1P$ ,at32$ &,s$ &,sM$ C,s$ linu=0s7a!$ nt,s$ reiser,s$ reiser"$ and =,s. Dni ersal !CPC*P Aetwor5 (.5 ./D1/ Det7or< Client to connect #ia EC*F>* to a .icroso,t based net7or<. E&e net7or< can eit&er be a !eer0to0 !eer or a ser#er based net7or<$ it contains UV di,,erent net7or< card dri#ers. #inA!6etu7 2.:.1.% >nstall 6indo7s 2<F8*F2GG3FHistaF?FV =VPF=P" ,ro @/BFCD under *AF2i#e8!$ allo7s you to a!!ly t7ea<s and c&oose dri#eletter ,or t&e ne7 6indo7s installation.

Partition !ools
e>tended $dis5 %.&.: 8KD>/; allo7s easy !artition creation and edition. $at:2 $ormatter ,D* 1.%1 6indo7s 8* cannot ,or at a #olu e bigger t&an 32LB 7it& KAE32. ,Parted Partition .ditor %.1<.% Create$ co!y$ !aste$ delete$ &ide$ resi-e or o#e !artitions 7it&out losing data$ a good ,ree7are alternati#e to *artition .agic. -ount Dri es 1.1 Auto .ount Dri#es can be used to ount un ountedF&idden dri#es. Partition !able .ditor 3.% *artition Eable and Boot Becord Aditor. Partition #iBard Home .dition '.% Kree *artition .agic Alternati#e$ *artition Besi-eF.o#eFCo!yFCreateFDeleteFKor atFCon#ert$ A=!lore$ etc. /anish Partition -ana=er 2.<< A boot anager and &ard dis< !artitioner. 6mart $dis5 2.%5 A si !le &arddis< !artition anager. 6Pecial $dis5 2%%%.%: /*KD>/; is a !artition tool. 6u7er $dis5 1.% Create$ delete$ ,or at !artitions dri#es 7it&out destroying data. !he Partition /esiBer 1.:.< .o#e and resi-e your !artitions in one ste!. D6B $ormat !ool Kor atF a<e bootable any @/B ,las& dri#e to KAE$ KAE32$ or DEK/ !artition. "olume 6erial Aumber Chan=er 1.2 Allo7 you to c&ange t&e dri#eSs serial nu ber on KAE$ KAE32 and DEK/ ,ile syste s.

PasswordC9e0 !ools
A!AP#D 1.2 Hard Dis< *ass7ord @tility. Autolo=on :.%1 Anables you to easily con,igure 6indo7sS built0in autologon ec&anis $ so you donSt &a#e to 7ait on t&e login screen. B*O6 -aster Password ,enerator Collection o, !ass7ord generator tools to reset B>1/ *o7er on *ass7ord F Ad inistrator !ass7ord on Acer$ Co !a%$ Dell$ KuCitsu /ie ens$ /ony$ He7lett *ac<ard$ *&oeni=$ /a sung and ot&er generic brand 2a!to!s. BulletsPass"iew 1.25 Be#eal t&e !ass7ords stored be&ind t&e bullet

3asteris<4 c&aracters in 6indo7s F >A 3@!dated Asteris< 2ogger4. Clear?oc5 1.<.% 2oc< your des<to! 7it& a trans!arent layer$ allo7ing you to see 7&at is &a!!ening on your des<to! and at t&e sa e ti e !re#ent access to t&e co !uter 7it&out t&e !ro!er !ass7ord. Content Ad isor Password /emo er 1.%1 >t Be o#es Content Ad#isor *ass7ord ,ro >nternet A=!lorer. Dialu7ass :.1( Kind and e=tract @serna e$ *ass7ord$ and Do ain o, Dial@!FBA/FH*D net7or<ing in 6indo7s. 9on1Boot 1.% By!ass 2ogin *ass7ord o, 6indo7s 332bit$ any !ass7ord4 and 2inu= login as <on0usr. ?icenseCrawler 1.11.2:& Kind t&e license <eys and serial nu bers o, your !rogra s. -ail Pass"iew 1.'3 Beco#ers ail !ass7ords o, 1utloo< A=!ress$ ./ 1utloo<$ >ncredi.ail$ Audora$ etc. -essenPass 1.<2 A !ass7ord reco#ery tool t&at re#eals t&e !ass7ords o, se#eral instant essangers. A!P#D @tility to reset 7indo7s ntF2GGGF=! ad inistratorFuser !ass7ord. A!P#.dit %.: *ass7ord editor ,or 6indo7s DE based syste s to c&ange or re o#e !ass7ords ,or local syste accounts. O@@line A! Password Chan=er 2%111%5111 @tility to resetFunloc< 7indo7s DEF2GGGF8*FHistaF? ad inistratorFuser !ass7ord. Password /enew 1.1 @tility to setFreset 7indo7s DEF2GGGF8*FHistaF? 332bit only4 !ass7ords. Produ9e0 1.5< Beco#ers lost t&e !roduct <ey o, your 6indo7sF1,,ice. P6! 2Outloo54 Password /eco er0 1.1( *st*ass7ord is a s all utility t&at reco#ers lost !ass7ord o, 1utloo< .*/E 3*ersonal Kolders4 ,ile. /outer *PCPasswords E&e co !lete list o, De,ault Bouter *ass7ords and De,ault Bouter >* Addresses$ can be use,ul i, you &a#e is!laced t&e anual or lost your router !ass7ord. 6ni@@Pass 1.1: A !ass7ord onitoring tool t&at listens to your net7or<$ ca!ture t&e !ass7ords t&at !ass t&roug& your net7or< ada!ter$ it 7or<s on *1*3$ >.A*"$ /.E*$ KE*$ and HEE* !rotocols and reco#ers lost 6ebFKE*FA ail !ass7ords. #ebBrowserPass"iew 1.:% Allo7s you to #ie7 t&e user na es and !ass7ords stored by .o-illa Kire,o=$ 1!era$ /a,ari$ Loogle C&ro e and >nternet e=!lorer 6eb bro7sers. #indows,ate 1.1 AnablesFDisables 6indo7s logon !ass7ord #alidation. #indows Product 9e0 D7date !ool 1.' E&is tool is ,ro icroso,t to c&ange t&e <ey o, illegalF!irated installed 8! to legit =! <eys ,ro t&e stic<er on t&e *C$ e#en i, it is oe and not retailFcor!orate. #ireless9e0"iew 1.5( Beco#ers all 7ireless net7or< <eys 36A*F6*A4 stored in your co !uter by 6QC 6ireless Qero Con,iguration. >P 9e0 /eader 2.' Can decode t&e 8*0<ey on 2ocal or Be ote syste s.

Process !ools
De7endenc0 #al5er 2.2 C&ec<s ,or issingFin#alid D22F odulesF,unctions ,or any e=eFdllFoc=Fsys.

*B Process -ana=er 1.%< A little !rocess anager ,or U=F2<$ s&o7s dll in,o etc. O7ened$iles"iew 1.52 Hie7 o!enedFloc<ed ,iles in your syste $ s&aring #iolation issues. Poc5et 9illBo) 2.%.%.&'3 Can be used to get rid o, ,iles t&at stubbornly re,use to allo7 you to delete t&e . Process .)7lorer 15.2: /&o7s you in,or ation about 7&ic& &andles and D22s !rocesses &a#e o!ened or loaded. Process -onitor :.%: .onitor real0ti e ,ile syste $ Begistry and !rocessFt&read acti#ity$ E&is tool re!laces Kile on and Beg on. ProcessActi it0"iew 1.12 Detailed !rocess access in,or ation readF7riteFo!ened ,iles etc. /9ill 21311%12%124 B;ill Cust <ills al7are !rocesses$ i !orts a Begistry ,ile t&at re o#es incorrect ,ile associations and ,i=es !olicies t&at sto! us ,ro using certain tools. /unAsDate 1.11 Allo7s you to run a !rogra in t&e date and ti e t&at you s!eci,y. Dnloc5er 1.&.1 E&is tool can delete ,ileF,older 7&en you get t&is essage 0 Cannot delete ,ile) Access is denied$ E&e ,ile is in use by anot&er !rogra etc.

/eco er0 !ools

Data/escue DD 1.% DrDD is a dis< i ager intended ,or data reco#ery and bac<u! o, !artially corru!ted storage de#ices$ t&e ain ad#antages are Bange /election and Co!y Bac<7ard Direction. Dis5Di==er %.3.:.1'( @ndelete and reco#er lost !&otos$ #ideos$ usic$ docu ents and ot&er ,or ats ,ro your &ard dri#e$ e ory cards and @/B ,las& dri#es. Dis5,enius :.2 Bestore deleted !artition$ Bebuild .BB$ Bebuild !artition table$ Beco#er ,iles$ Bestore ,or atted !artition$ Bac<u! ,iles by !artition$ Dis< clone$ Bac<u! !artition table$ CreateFDeleteFKor at *artitions etc. *soBuster :.% CDFDHDFBlu0ray and Dis< > age Kile data reco#ery tool t&at can read and e=tract ,iles$ trac<s and sessions ,ro CD0i$ HCD$ /HCD$ CD0 B1.$ CD0B1. 8A$ DHD$ DHCD BD and HD DHD and ot&er edia as 7ell as a 7ide #ariety o, dis< i age ,or ats$ it also &as retry0 ec&anis s ,or da aged CDFDHD. Partition $ind and -ount 2.:1 *artition Kind and .ount so,t7are is designed to ,ind lost or deleted !artitions. Partition/eco er0 1.% A ,ree7are tool to reco#er accidentally deleted !artitions. Photo/ec (.1<b Eool to Beco#er Kile and !ictures ,ro DosF6indo7sF2inu=. /ecu a 1.<:.(2: Bestore deleted ,iles ,ro Hard Dri#e$ Digital Ca era .e ory Card$ usb !3 !layer etc. /estoration :.2.1: A tool to reco#er deleted ,iles. 6hadow.)7lorer %.3 /&ado7 A=!lorer allo7s you to bro7se t&e s&ado7 co!ies created by t&e 6indo7s Holu e /&ado7 Co!y /er#ice and retrie#e

older #ersions ,ro ,iles you accidentally deleted or altered. 6mart Partition /eco er0 :.: Kind 2ost DEK/ !artitions and restore t&e bac<. 6o@tPer@ect $ile /eco er0 1.2 Bestore accidentally deleted ,iles ,ro &ard dri#e$ @/B ,las& dri#es$ CK and /D e ory cards. !estDis5 (.1<b Eool to c&ec< and undelete !artition ,ro DosF6indo7sF2inu=. !r*D $ile *denti@ier 2.1% Alternati#e o, @nC&< and KileC&< to reco#er ,ilety!e ,ro t&e ,ile content. Dnsto77able Co7ier 5.2 Allo7s you to co!y ,iles ,ro dis<s 7it& !roble s suc& as bad sectors$ scratc&es or t&at Cust gi#e errors 7&en reading data.

/e=istr0 !ools
./DA! 1.1I E&e A ergency Beco#ery @tility DE Begistry Bac<u! and Bestore ,or 6indo7s DEF2GGGF2GG3F8*. $i) HDC Ki= t&e Hard Dri#e Controller 7&en re!lacing your ot&erboard on an 8* syste . ,lar0 /e=istr0 /e7air :.:.%.352 An ad#anced registry cleaner t&at allo7s you to sa,ely scan$ clean$ and re!air registry !roble s. /e=$romA77 1.2: .onitorsFe=!orts t&e Begistry c&anges ade by t&e selected a!!lication. /e=istr0 .ditor P. %.&c Aasy editing o, re ote registry &i#es and user !ro,iles. /e=istr0 /estore #iBard 1.%.< Bestores a corru!ted syste registry ,ro 8! /yste Bestore. /e=mon '.%< A onitoring utility t&at 7ill s&o7 you 7&ic& a!!lications are accessing your Begistry. /e=6canner 1.&% Eool to ,indFsearc& in t&e Begistry o, 6indo7s. /e=6hot 1.3.2 A registry co !are utility t&at allo7s you to %uic<ly ta<e a sna!s&ot o, your registry and t&en co !are it 7it& a second one 0 done a,ter doing syste c&anges or installing a ne7 so,t7are !roduct. /e=istr0 "iewer <.2 Begistry Hie7erFAditor ,or 6inU=F.eFDEF2;F8*.

/emote Control !ools

!eam"iewer '.%.1<5(: Access any re ote co !uter #ia >nternet Cust li<e sitting in ,ront o, it$ e#en t&roug& ,ire7alls$ also included #ersion P.G.1G"P2 ,or .ini8!. !i=ht"AC 2.5.2 Cross0!lat,or Be ote Des<to! /o,t7are to #ie7Fcontrol re ote !c 7it& ouse and <eyboard.

6ecurit0 C .ncr07tion !ools

Dis5Cr07tor %.& Hig& s!eed dis< encry!tion tool to encry!t all dis<F!artitions$ including t&e syste !artition encry!tion su!!ort.

.nc$6 1.'.< E&is s&ould be used ,or secure online ,ile bac<u! ser#ices suc& as Loogle Dri#e$ Dro!bo= and /ugarsync as t&e encry!tion do not occu!y a ,i=ed si-e containers and bac<u! !rogra s can co!y encry!ted ,iles and can be accessed ,ro linu=$ i*&oneFi1/ and android using Bo=Cry!tor and Cry!tonite. $reeO!$. 5.21 Kree$ o!en source$ on0t&e0,ly trans!arent dis< encry!tion !rogra . !rueCr07t '.1a 1n0t&e0,ly 2inu=F6indo7s dis< encry!tion tool$ can create a #irtual encry!ted dis< 7it&in a ,ile and ount it as a real dis<$ can also encry!t an entire HDDF*artitionF@/B Dri#e.

6tartu7 !ools
Autoruns 11.:< Dis!lays All t&e entries ,ro startu! ,older$ Bun$ Bun1nce$ and ot&er Begistry <eys$ A=!lorer s&ell e=tensions$toolbars$ bro7ser &el!er obCects$ 6inlogon noti,ications$ auto0start ser#ices$ /c&eduled Eas<s$ 6insoc<$ 2/A *ro#iders$ Be o#e Dri#ers and uc& ore 7&ic& &el!s to re o#e nasty s!y7areFad7are and #iruses. HiIac5!his 2.%.5b A general &o e!age &iCac<ers detector and re o#er and ore. 6er i#in 1.5% Alternati#e 6indo7s /er#icesFDri#ers Eool. 6ilent /unners /e ision (< A ,ree scri!t t&at &el!s detect s!y7are$ al7are and ad7are in t&e startu! !rocess. 6tartu7 Control Panel 2.3 A tool to edit startu! !rogra s. 6tartu7 -onitor 1.%2 >t noti,ies you 7&en any !rogra registers itsel, to run at syste startu!.

60stem *n@ormation !ools

Astra (.%1 Ad#anced /yste in,o Eool and Be!orting Assistant. Batt6tat %.&&b Battery /tatus onitor and !o7er anage ent ,ree7are ,or 6indo7s =VPF=P". Blue6creen"iew 1.<( /cans inidu ! ,iles ,or B/1D 3blue screen o, deat&4 cras& in,or ation. Browsin=Histor0"iew 1.%5 Hie7 &istory data o, >nternet A=!lorer$ .o-illa Kire,o=$ Loogle C&ro e$ and /a,ari 6eb bro7sers in one table. CPD *denti@ication utilit0 1.2% CH;C*@.A8A Detailed in,or ation on C*@. CPD1E 1.(1 >t gat&ers in,or ation on so e o, t&e ain de#ices o, your syste . C!*A CPD *n@ormation 2.' Anot&er C*@ in,or ation tool. Dri e !em7erature 1.% Hard Dis< Dri#e te !erature eter. ,PD1E %.(.5 A lig&t7eig&t utility designed to gi#e you all in,or ation about your #ideo card and L*@. H#iA$O 5.5.2 A !o7er,ul syste in,or ation utility. Aa ratil 6o@tware 60stem *n@ormation %.(%.<5 Hig&0end !ro,essional syste in,or ation tool.

PC* and A,P in@o !ool 21311%12%124 E&e *C> /yste in,or ation and A=!loration tool. PC #iBard 2%12.2.11 *C6i-ard is a !o7er,ul syste in,or ationFbenc& ar< utility designed es!ecially ,or detection o, &ard7are. 6*# 2%11.1%.2& Lat&ers detailed in,or ation about your syste !ro!erties and settings. 67ecc0 1.13.:'& An ad#anced /yste >n,or ation tool ,or your *C. 60stem Anal0ser 5.:) Hie7 e=tensi#e in,or ation about your &ard7are. 60stem .)7lorer :.&.' /&o7s detailed syste in,or ation about !rocesses$ startu!s$ >A addons$ dri#ers$ e=!lorer$ etc. 60sCh5 2.<( Kind out e=actly 7&at is under t&e &ood o, your *C. D7date Chec5er 1.%:& /cans your co !uter ,or installed so,t7are and c&ec<s ,or ne7er releases on KileHi!!o.

!estin= !ools
Bart's 6tu@@ !est 5.1.< 2ong ter &ea#y stress testing storage de#ices. CPDC"ideoCDis5 Per@ormance !est 5.' A tool to test c!u$ #ideo$ and dis<. Dis5 67eed 1.% Hard Dis< Dri#e /!eed Eesting Eool. ,old-emor0 5.%' .e ory Diagnostic Eests. H2testw 1.< C&ec< your @/B Klas& e ory cards$ internalFe=ternal &ard dri#es and net7or< dri#es ,or errors 7it& t&is tool. HDD 6can 2.3 HDD/can is a 2o70le#el HDD diagnostic tool$ it scans sur,ace ,ind bad sectors etc. *s-0?cdO9 2-onitor !est4 1.%2 Allo7s you to test CBEF2CDFEKE screens ,or dead !i=els and di,,ecti#e screens. -emtest3(F <.2% *C .e ory Eest. -em!est 1.% A .e ory Eesting Eool. Prime&5 25.11 E&is 7ill detect ,or errors in C*@ or BA. 7it&in a atter o, inutes i, an o#ercloc< is not stable$ you can run Eorture Eest 3burn0in4 o#ernig&t to ensure long0ter stability o, t&e &ard7are. 68- 6tress !est 1.&.1 C*@FHDDF.e ory benc& ar<ing and in,or ation tool$ including te !eraturesF,an s!eedsF#oltages. 60stem 67eed !est <.'3 >t tests C*@$ &arddri#e$ ect. !est Hard Dis5 Dri e 1.% A tool to test Hard Dis< Dri#e. "ideo -emor0 6tress !est 1.'.11( A tool to t&oroug&ly test your #ideo BA. ,or errors and ,aults. "ideo -emor0 6tress !est C. 1.21 Eests all #ideo BA. accessible by 320 bit C*@ address s!ace ,ro a clean en#iron ent. #indows -emor0 Dia=nostic A BA. Eest tool.

Dial a $i) %.(%.%.2< Ki= errors and !roble s 7it& C1.FActi#e8 obCect errors and issing registry entries$ Auto atic @!dates$ //2$ HEE*/$ and Cry!togra!&y ser#ice 3signingF#eri,ication4 issues$ Beinstall internet e=!lorer etc. co es 7it& t&e !olicy scanner.

Disable Autorun A s all t7ea< 7&ic& disables !rocessing o,, to !rotect your *C ,ro usb autorun #iruses. Disable Com7ress Old $iles E&is registry t7ea< is use,ul 7&en Dis< Cleanu! Eool /to!s Bes!onding 6&ile Co !ressing 1ld Kiles. .BPc$i) 1.%.%.1( Hel!,ul tool 7&en trying to re o#e #iruses$ s!y7are$ and al7are. $ile!07es-an 1.(2 Kile Ey!es .anager ,or 6indo7s to add$ edit$ and re o#e actions in t&e !ro!erties and ,lags o, eac& ,ile ty!e. *nstalledCodec 1.25 DisableFAnable >nstalled Codec dri#ers and Direct/&o7 ,ilters. 9e0!wea5 2.:.% Be a! ;eyboard 2ayout$ you can e#en custo i-e a bro<en <ey to an unused <ey. Protect a Dri e @rom Autorun "irus *rotect your !en dri#e ,ro being in,ected 7&en you !lug it in an in,ected *C. /emo e#,A 1.2 6indo7s Lenuine Ad#antage Doti,ications Be o#al tool. //! 1 /emo e /estrictions !ool :.% Be0enable CtrlMAltMDel$ Kolder 1!tions and Begistry tools etc. 6hell .)tensions -ana=er 26hell.)"iew4 1.'( An e=cellent tool to Hie7 and .anage all installed Conte=t0 enuF/&ell e=tensions. 6hell-enuAew 1.%1 Hie7FC&ange t&e list o, all enu ite s in t&e SDe7S sub enu o, 6indo7s A=!lorer. 6how Hidden De ices De#ice .anager &ides non!resent de#ices t&at are not !&ysically !resent in t&e syste $ but still &a#e con,iguration in,or ation in t&e Begistry. !wea5D* 2.1% E&is *o7erEoy gi#es you access to syste settings t&at are not e=!osed in 6indo7s 8!. Dltimate #indows !wea5er 2.2 A E7ea<@> @tility ,or t7ea<ing and o!ti i-ing 6indo7s Hista. #rite Protect D6B De ices E7ea< your *C to a<e @/B *en Dri#e$ .e ory Card or E&u b Dri#e as Bead 1nly. >71Anti670 :.&3 >t t7ea<s so e 6indo7s 8* ,unctions$ and disables so e unneeded 6indo7s ser#ices %uic<ly.
Do you have any useful freeware tools to add in this BootCD? Mail me

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