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CHOOSE Advanced Courses

Advanced Placement & On-Site Dual Enrollment

at Grady High School Vincent D. Murray, Principal Larry McCurdy, AP Coordinator Sheila Smith Oliver, AP Coordinator Guidance ! "e#ting$ %illie Vincent, AP Coordinator Lamar &oung Guidance ! On'Site Dual (nrollment$

The val ue of ap and DualEnr ol l mentCour ses

Stand out in the college admi##ion proce##. (arn academic scholarships and awards )rom college# and univer#itie#. (*perience college-level academics no+. Save time and money once you get to college, providing more #tudy option# and the opportunity to move directly into upperlevel courses in your )ield o) intere#t. (arn AP Scholar Awards, an academic di#tinction granted each Septem,er ,y the College -oard to #tudent# +ith e*emplary AP (*amination #core#.

Dual (nrollment

tial n e d i !es rams g o r P

Dual Hope t Gran

l Acce

Move On hen y !ead

Dual (nrollment cont.

!enaissance" Grady#s on-site dual enrollment program $wo applications" GA%ollege&''(org) A%%E* & Atlanta Metropolitan State %ollege application !e+uirements" ,(- GPA ./01 on the APS scale2) 3- on A%$ or 45- on SA$ .reading & math only2 All immuni6ations must 7e up-to-date( %ourses are taught 7y ad8unct pro9essors 9rom Atlanta Metropolitan State %ollege( %urrent courses are %ollege Alge7ra '''' & English %omposition ''-':''-3; however) courses will change 7ased on students# re+uests( %lasses are held during &th period in the !O$% 7uilding(

Dual (nrollment cont.

Potentially earn up to /0 college credit# and 1 )ull unit# o) high #chool credit. "uition i# )ree )or #tudent#. &ou +ill get assistance with purchasing te*t,oo2#, and AC"3SA" prep may ,e provided. Cour#e# do not count again#t the HOP( paid hour#. -eginning in 45/6 dual enrollment cour#e+or2 in core content area# +ill receive an additional +eight o) 5.7 a)ter the grade given ,y the #chool i# un'+eighted i) applica,le$ and converted to a num,er on a 8.5 #cale See Mr. &oung, guidance coun#elor, )or more in)ormation

9O% ' Lets look at AP.

A well-+uali9ied AP student must"


:ead, under#tand and interpret college'level in)ormation. ;#e and apply critical thin2ing #2ill# to #olve pro,lem#. Apply good +ritten and oral communication #2ill#. Demon#trate #ucce## in meeting the demand# o) rigorou# cour#e+or2. Demon#trate good attendance no more than < a,#ence# per #eme#ter$. Have an intere#t in attending a college or univer#ity.

!e+uirements 9or All AP %ourses"


=or each AP cour#e in +hich a #tudent i# enrolled, #3he mu#t> =ul)ill the re?uirement# o) the cour#e a# outlined in the #ylla,u# . Diligently prepare )or the AP e*amination throughout the year. Commit to ta2ing the AP e*amination in May 45/7. Maintain an un+eighted@ grade o) at lea#t A/B. Maintain a high level o) academic integrity. Demon#trate good attendance. <$en Percent .'-12 o9 the student#s 9inal unweighted grade will 7e 7ased upon the 9ul9illment o9 the re+uirements a7ove(

Ap cour ses of f er ed atGr ady

Grady High School is excited to announce that we offer 22 Advanced Placement courses.

AP Studio Art AP Mu#ic "heory AP (conomic# Micro3Macro$ AP %orld Hi#tory AP ;S Hi#tory AP (uropean Hi#tory AP ;S Government ! Politic# AP Comparative Government AP P#ychology AP (ngli#h Language ! Compo#ition //th$ AP (ngli#h Literature ! Compo#ition /4th$ AP Calculu# AAP Calculu# -C AP Stati#tic# AP Computer Science AP Spani#h Language AP =rench Language AP Latin> Vergil AP -iology AP (nvironmental Science AP Phy#ic# / AP Phy#ic# 4

T wo St eps t o Appl yGo ahead and appl y if you ar e int er est ed. Even if you t hink you don t qual if y, appl y anyway. Let s see if we can hel p you.

Students will apply online at


Students will su7mit a paper application with your signature A=D your parent#s:guardian#s signature(

>O? M?S$ DO @O$H 7y Ariday) Decem7er 3-) 3-',BBB


Acceptance may ,e granted pending a revie+ ,y a )aculty committee$ i) all application re?uirement# and the individual cour#e re?uirement# have ,een met. Application# mu#t ,e #u,mitted O=*C=E and via SCG=ED PAPE! %OP> no later than =riday, Decem,er 45, 45/6. Su,mit the #igned paper copy to Mr. VincentC# o))ice (45A$. Slide it under the door i) heC# not there. Student# mu#t remain in the cour#e )or an entire year. Dt i# e*pected that upon completion o) the cour#e the #tudent +ill ta2e the AP e*amination. D) a #tudent i# not accepted to enroll in an AP cla##, there i# a #eparate appeal proce##.

Over l oad Pr ocess

Dn any given #chool year, no #tudent may ,e enrolled in more than 6 AP cour#e#. Dn rare e*ception# #tudent# may ,e evaluated to ?uali)y )or an AP cour#e overload +aiver. Student# are deemed eligi,le )or evaluation o) an AP overload +aiver ,y meeting A** o) the )ollo+ing per?ui#ite#> /$ (ntering the //th or /4th grade 4$ Po##e## a minimum o) an un+eighted grade point average o) <4 in the #elected cour#e #$ pre're?ui#ite#3co're?ui#ite# 6$ Po##e## a PSA" minimum #core o) 77 in the #elected cour#e #$ PSA" re?uirement# 8$ Su,mit an academic overload contract that re?uire# the #ignature o) the #tudent, parent and principal. 7$ "he AP Overload Contract i# on the ,ac2 o) your Statement of Interest )orm.

Gr ades in ap cour ses: t he t en point s

School -oard policy #tate# that i) #tudent# are enrolled in an AP cour#e, then the #tudent# #hall ,e granted ten additional point# to their )inal grade. "hi# mean# that (V(:& #tudent i# e*pected to per)orm in a rigorou#, )a#t'paced learning environment. %hile #tudent# are not re?uired, all are e*pected to ta2e the corre#ponding AP e*amination.

AP 9ight
%e encourage all intere#ted #tudent# and parent# to attend AP =ight on $uesday) Decem7er '5) 3-',) at D",-pm on the Main Aloor o9 the %harles Allen @uilding. &ou +ill have a chance to vi#it each AP teacher, participate in actual AP le##on#, #pea2 +ith AP #tudent#, #ee arti)act# and le##on# )rom AP cour#e# and learn everything there i# to 2no+ a,out GradyC# a+ard'+inning AP program.

See Mr( Mc%urdy or Mr( Eincent i9 you have any +uestions:concerns(

The forms you have today

Look at the white sheet. One side is the Statement of Interest form. This is the one you must return to Mr. Vincent by Friday, 12 2! 2!1". Make sure you rank your choices by usin# numbers $e.#., 1, 2, "%&. 'O (OT )S* +,*+- M./-S000 Turn the sheet o1er in order to see the .2 O1er3oad +ontract. This is for the students who want to take more than " .2 courses. Look at the b3ue sheet. This is the Minimum 4ua3ifications for .d1anced 23acement #rid. )se it as a 5uick reference for 6re7re5uisites. (otice that it is a two7sided document. Fina33y, you ha1e a 3ist of ,e36fu3 /esources on the #reen sheet. This te33s you what is on 8rady9s website to assist you. .LL OF T,IS I(FO/M.TIO( IS O( T,* :*;SIT*< T,IS 2O:*/2OI(T = T,* FO/MS. If you ha1e a 6rob3em with techno3o#y, see Mr. Vincent for 6a6er co6ies of anythin# that is on the website.

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