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Event: ... ---II(~etroTransit Police - JTTF)
Type of event: Interview .

Date: July 30, 2003

Special Access Issues: None

ii~ll Law Enforcement'Privacy

Prepared by: Peter Rundlet

Team Number: 6
Location: FBI, Washington Field Office ji !
Participants - Non-Commission: Bob/Si~tQh, A~si:~tant General Counsel

Participants - Commission: Peter Rk1f~t imd IfnCI;l Cole

:':' ," ,: .....
ft~aduated With a four-year degree in Criminal Justice from

Florida International University. During and aftet co1l6ge he worked for the FBI as a Clerk in
both the Miami Field Office ~d at!QJ~tico. He ~tarted with the FBI in 1974 and worked as a

Clerk until September, 198FI' ;' ;' istarted wi\J, the Metro Transit Police ("Metro" or
"MTP") in September, 19$'1 and.bas/been in the M\:rP's Detective Bureau for the past 10 years.
In July, 2002,1 l§tartedkQ~ing over to work at the\F on a part-time (approximately
60%) basis and started working full time with the Ji;TF in JUfY,2003. His former MTP
colleague was on the JTTF for the/previous 5 years.Dreports to the Deputy Chief at MTP,
who is "sometimes" the Captain of the eID [Criminal Investigations Division?]. The MTP is

only a block away from thtiWF(). ,

Work Duties/JTj:'F Function. While working on a part-time basis and awaiting his

security clearancesj fwould "help out" with domestic terrorism (DT) duties, following
up on calls regarding s~spicious packages, collecting intell (specific~llY taking pictures). He also
will help the MTP (which only has 10 detectives) if they get too busy, ..His role on the JTTF is
"multi-faceted." "The MTP puts us here as a liaison - they want me to give information to them
[the MTP]." ~elieves the JTTF was formed in the WFO in 1997.'c=:rdicated that the

JTTFworks with 20 different agencies and that most agency members are "seasoned law
enforcement officers." The variety of agency reps available make it possible for the JTTF to

49/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
.: ',:,::,:, ::, ", ",

. , ... ". , ,

work in a "great" way - toefficientl y ~ett9'the 19h~\persml:D indicated that he "always

wanted to be at the FBI" and that he)irealiy.:,e,i1joYs"\b~ing
there. His sense was that the JTTF
functions very well. He said that-the pritn~ b~efit~\ofthe JT:rF wasthat people are there in
one place "ready to respond ~,9:~yt~g.:th~t comes u~.';'DS'~d that "we get intell from
police departments" in the.:metropolitan area an:tl else~here "to help us act proactively." With
respect to pursuing lea~sD:indi~l~edthat '~e pair\up together;"'~~'.leastone [FBI] agent and
. ,'.~.. ~ ,

one officer on a case.' We assist the/agents - i~ only hay~ another body." "They might send 3, 4,
5, or 10 us depeI;ldi~gupon the sit~ati<?'~." if ~~
......_ ....
~~~s not useFISA~::or ':ntle III s~arches. H'e has no involve~'~~,tWith the NJTTF
and he believes that the MTP q6es not have a/inember oft 'the NJTTF. Most days, he comes first
to the FBI, checks in, and theri' goei! to the Mfp to check\iri. Then he returns to 'th,eFBI.
Although thelength of his term is/open, it is,~ minimum Mthree years. It is clear ;0 him that he
as at the FBI to get whatev'~r info he can to assist the Metro system,
Over timel ~xpec~$that the JTfF memberswillvdevelop" their own cases~_1_-.J

was not aware of whether any;bftheir cases!;havedevelopeq i~to Preliminary Inquiries.


Information Shari~gmata.1 i~ndicatedthat it 'ra~ "doubtful" that the MTP would

have any information in a database that the FBI would want tp ~p. His supervisor at the MTP
has a Top Secret security tlearanceDthinks that the MTP does not have a STU phone, but
because the MTP is a blq~k away, he can walk information o~'fr.:, teceived a password to
the Automated Case Support (ACS) system "a week ago" and that he goes to other agents for
help with ACS. In the/past, the JTTF worked with an Informat~onResearch Specialist (IRS), but
,.: :
"he hasn't been here [lately]." The IRS does a lot of "minor" work on the computer, but he is
: ':
"very helpful." The/IRS "gathers intell from other agencies." T~e IRS is in training and he sits
,.: ~,

with the JTTF. Th¢ IRS generates a report listing what everyone'does and what events are
: ~
coming up and then he faxes them out to member agencies on a weekly basis. The reports are
not classified. The IRS compiles
: .
the information in the report by reviewing the internet and "

checking on events with the Council of Governments in the metroarea. The reports are more of
a "heads up" than an intelligence report.
~as no interaction with the CIA, NSA, or DIA representatives. When he was asked
whether and how he was informed about the recent threat to airlinesDsaid that the
information came from DRS to the JTTF and that it was put on the "Read Board" - a clipboard


in the office where information is occasionally posted. 0 said each agency representative
will make a copy of the report and take a "tear line" over to their home agencies·:Dsaid that
the Park Police, the Capitol Police, the Federal Protective Service, and the DC MPD provide "a
lot ofintelligence." ...
'_--IIlsaid that intell is also shared during the Squad meet0gs every
Monday and that they receive text messages over Nextel.

JTTF structure. Th:~reare "20 of us [agency representatives]." T4~re are two squad
supervisors. Some members ··t.o DT, some do IT (international terrorism).) lunderstanding
is that the division was randomly done, for administrative convenience. :They all sit in the same
~ i ...:
area and they also sit next to th:¢ members of the National Capital Respd~se Squad (which deals
. \ : ,: .:

with chemicals and bombs). ..

Training. Dteceived\his initial training at the Northern :Virginia Criminal Justice

Academy, which was used by marly agencies in the kea. He went £~ Investigator School there.
Every year he has had in-~'¢rviceretraining, particulkly legal trai~i£g - getting updates on new
laws in the tri-state jurisdicii.~n. H~\ said that some local and oth~~\aw enforcement agencies
send officials to get "terrorism Class~s" at a "place in Pennsylva~·a."
\~. . .' .'

Databases. D~aid thathe\has access toi"anything{at the FBI, although he is still

waiting for ACS access. H'~specifically mentioned NelS an4 the Washington Area Law
Enforcement System (WAL~S), ~hich\s the Metrbpolitan "iblice Department's system, which
has certain information on indiYid~'~ls,including license plAi~einformation. He said that most
people do not have a long-on m....
to WA~t:S.
.... \.
He ihdicateqlthat he can MTP for
! :',:
records, if necessary.

Metro Transit Police. CJp.dica~ed that th~fe is a Lieutenant Leslie Campbell who is
in charge of Terrorist issues for the MTP
and thatthatis
: ; ,::'
all he does. His position was
established since 9111. He said that has chemical detectors on some Metros. He was
not sure who started the program. .. .

Resources. Dindi(;!lt~~that "right'.~~~ we have everything we need; Ican't ask for

anything else." :~.
9/11 Law Enforcement. Privacy


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