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COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiff Data Carriers, LLC alleges t e follo!ing for its "o#$laint against Defendant Sall% Bea&t% S&$$l% LLC. THE PARTIES '. Plaintiff is a Dela!are li#ited lia(ilit% "o#$an% aving a $rin"i$al $la"e of

(&siness at )*+, -ennett Pi.e, S&ite /,', 0il#ington, Dela!are '12*34+*'2. +. Defendant is a li#ited lia(ilit% "o#$an% organi5ed &nder t e la!s of t e State of

Dela!are !it a $rin"i$al offi"e at ,**' Colorado Bo&levard, Denton, Te6as 37+'*. Defendant #a% (e served !it $ro"ess via its registered agent T e Cor$oration Tr&st Co#$an%, '+*1 8range Street, 0il#ington, Dela!are '12*'. JURISDICTION AND VENUE ,. T is is a $atent infringe#ent a"tion. T e Co&rt as s&(9e"t #atter 9&risdi"tion

$&rs&ant to +2 U.S.C. :: ',,' and ',,2. ). T e Co&rt as $ersonal 9&risdi"tion over Defendant, (e"a&se Defendant "ond&"ts

(&siness in t is 9&risdi"tion, in"l&ding (% offering and $ro#oting $rod&"ts for sale via t e

internet, ! i" is a""essi(le to and a""essed (% residents of t is Distri"t. T e Co&rt also as $ersonal 9&risdi"tion over Defendant, (e"a&se it is a Dela!are "or$oration. /. ;en&e is $ro$er in t is Distri"t $&rs&ant to +2 U.S.C. :: ',1'<(=4<"= and ')**<(=,

(e"a&se Defendant resides in t is distri"t and s&(stantial a"ts of infringe#ent ave o""&rred in t is Distri"t. COUNT ONE INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 5,388,198 7. Plaintiff is t e o!ner (% assign#ent of United States Patent No. /,,22,'12 <t e

>?'12 $atent@=, entitled >Proa"tive Presentation of A&to#ating Aeat&res to a Co#$&ter User.@ T e a$$li"ation for t e ?'12 $atent !as filed on A$ril '7, '11+. T e $atent iss&ed on Ae(r&ar% 3, '11/ and !as originall% assigned to S%#ante" Cor$oration. A tr&e and "orre"t "o$% of t e ?'12 Patent is atta" ed as E6 i(it A ereto. 3. Plaintiff olds t e e6"l&sive rig t to ta.e all a"tions, in"l&ding t e filing of t is

$atent infringe#ent la!s&it, ne"essar% to enfor"e its rig ts to t e ?'12 Patent. Plaintiff also as t e rig t to re"over all da#ages for $ast, $resent, and f&t&re infringe#ent of t e ?'12 Patent and to see. in9&n"tive relief as a$$ro$riate &nder t e la!. 2. Defendant as dire"tl% infringed, eit er literall% or (% eB&ivalents, one or #ore

"lai#s of t e ?'12 Patent, in"l&ding at least Clai# /, (% &sing t e "lai#ed #et od in o$erating t e !e(site !!!.sall%(ea&t%."o# in a !a% t at a&to#ati"all% intervenes in a "&sto#er or $otential "&sto#er?s &se of t e !e(site to s&ggest or $resent feat&res (ased on infor#ation on t e &se of t e s%ste#, in"l&ding (&t not li#ited to a&to"o#$lete feat&res. 0 ile a &ser is a""essing t e !e(site, Defendant "ontin&o&sl% #onitors and "o#$ares &ser #ani$&lations and $rogra# "onte6t !it feat&re te#$lates stored in #e#or% and $resents a&to#ating feat&res if a #at" is fo&nd. +


Defendant?s o$eration of its !e(site in t e a(ove4des"ri(ed #anner in t e United

States is !it o&t t e $er#ission of Plaintiff and "onstit&tes infringe#ent &nder ,/ U.S.C. : +3' for ! i" Defendant is lia(le. '*. As a res&lt of Defendant?s infringe#ent, Plaintiff as (een da#aged #onetaril%

and is entitled to adeB&ate "o#$ensation of no less t an a reasona(le ro%alt% $&rs&ant to ,/ U.S.C. : +2). JURY DEMAND Plaintiff reB&ests a 9&r% on all iss&es so tria(le. PRAYER 0CEREA8RE, Plaintiff res$e"tf&ll% reB&ests t at t e Co&rtD A. ?'12 PatentE B. A!ard Plaintiff da#ages for Defendant?s infringe#ent in an a#o&nt to (e Enter 9&dg#ent t at Defendant as infringed, eit er literall% or (% eB&ivalents, t e

deter#ined at trial, in"l&ding en an"ed da#ages, "osts, and $re and $ost49&dg#ent interestE and C. A!ard an% ot er relief dee#ed 9&st and $ro$er. BAYARD, P.A. IsI Ri" ard D. -ir. <r.*1++= Ri" ard D. -ir. <r.*1++= Ste$ en B. Bra&er#an <s()1/+= ;anessa R. Tiradentes <vt/,12= Sara E. B&ssiere <s(/3+/= +++ Dela!are Aven&e, S&ite 1** 0il#ington, DE '12*' <,*+= 7//4/***!."o# s(ra&er#anH(a%ardla!."o# vtiradentesH(a%ardla!."o# s(&ssiereH(a%ardla!."o# Attorneys for Plaintiff Data Carriers, LLC

Ae(r&ar% /, +*') 8A C8UNSELD Pa&l ;. Stor# Sara F. Pa6son GARDERE 0YNNE SE0ELL LLP '7*' El# Street, S&ite ,*** Dallas, Te6as 3/+*' <+')= 1114,*** $vstor#Hgardere."o# s$a6sonHgardere."o#

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