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The Legal Profession in Romania

The Romanian legal system is a civil law system and the following legal professions are practised: 1) prosecutors; 2) judges; 3) lawyers; 4) legal advisers; ) notaries pu!lic; ") judicial enforcement officers; #) cler$s of court%

The prosecution is the legal party responsi!le for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of !rea$ing the law% &n Romania' there are two categories of prosecutors: a) civil prosecutors' responsi!le for investigating and prosecuting criminal offences committed !y civilians; !) military prosecutors' responsi!le for investigating and prosecuting criminal offences committed mainly !y military personnel% The national categories of prosecutors are the following:

Prosecutor !eneral of Romania (head of the )rosecutor*s +ffice attached to the ,igh -ourt of -assation and .ustice); Chief Prosecutor (head of the /01 and the /&&-+T); hea" prosecutors (heads of the prosecutors* offices attached to courts of appeal); first prosecutors (heads of the prosecutors* offices attached to tri!unals or district courts); hea"s of section (heads of internal sections of prosecutor2s offices); hea"s of "epartment (heads of internal departments of prosecutor2s offices);

hea"s of office (heads of internal offices of prosecutor2s offices); prosecutors%

&n Romania' judges specialise in the following categories of cases:

civil and civil enforcement cases; criminal and criminal enforcement cases; commercial cases (!an$ruptcy judges); cases under family and children2s law; administrative and fiscal3financial cases; cases involving la!our disputes and social insurance; constitutional cases; military cases;

1ccording to the Romanian 4aw' the Romanian 4awyer provides for his3her clients the following servicies:

)rovides legal information and consulting regarding the client2s case 5 4egal consultant )rovides legal opionions 1ppears in the courts to assist and repre6ent the client 5 7arrister -an colla!orate with a firm to help settle legal matters 5 4egal adviser 1dvices on legali6ing and drafting agreements' !ussiness documents' contracts' official documents or other documents used !y companies or individual persons 1ppears in the courts to assist defendants who would otherswise !e unrepresented 5 /uty solicitor

The Romanian lawyer is mem!er of the following associations: Romanian 4awyer 1ssociation (8niunea 0ationala a 7arourilor din Romania) The 7ar (7arou)

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8nder the law' legal advisers may form county5level associations' !y sector or area of activity according to their professional interests' or' where applica!le' national associations' su!ject

to the law on associations and foundations% +ne of the professional associations set up in accordance with the law on associations and foundations is the 8nion of Romanian 1ssociations of 4egal 1dvisers (8--.R)% This 8nion includes all the associations of legal advisers in all counties% 4egal advisers may also form other professional associations%

&n Romania' notaries pu!lic provide the following legal services:

drawing up the necessary documents for legal and testamentary succession; concluding contracts (sales contracts' e9change contracts' maintenance contracts' donation contracts' mortgage contracts' pledge3pawn contracts' leasing contracts' rental contracts) and other acts (guarantees re:uested !y various institutions from their administrators); drawing up articles of association for companies' associations and foundations; authenticating documents; certifying signatures' signature specimens and seals; any other services provided for !y the law%

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The Romanian 0ational 8nion of .udicial ;nforcement +fficers (80;.) is a professional !ody with legal personality comprising all judicial enforcement officers% &t is responsi!le for preserving the standing and authority of the profession of judicial enforcement officer% &ts main mission is to represent and defend the professional interests of its mem!ers% .udicial enforcement officers are grouped in 1 cham!ers' each of which is attached to the relevant court of appeal%

The Romanian judicial system has several categories of cler$s of court:

hearing cler$s; statistician cler$s; research cler$s; &T cler$s; archiving cler$s; registrar cler$s%

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