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Environmental Sustainability in the EU Europe faces the similar aspects of environmental sustainability that is similar to other countries.

Bringing initiative action that improves people lives now and in the future while living on renewable resources without endangering the existing supportive ecosystem. This means a societal an economical integration of ideology and methodology. The European Union EU! is a progressive and continuing process of integrating policies that reflect economic growth" social integrity and health environment. This means protecting the earth while promoting economic growth. The policies set forth by the EU made in consideration of the citi#ens and their living standards. The current EU policy has four priorities$ they are climate change" nature and biodiversity" environment and health %uality of life!" natural resources and waste. &limate change is an immediate and future concern with the EU's initiative being to prevent the temperature rising by two degrees$ this means that by ()*) a reduction in greenhouse admissions by +*, worldwide is necessary to meet this goal. The agricultural communities of the EU are at ris- without progressive steps towards climate change. The EU see-s to become a low carbon society by using energy.efficient appliances" reducing heating and cooling re%uirements in buildings and using bio mass" wind and solar for (+, of their electricity. By ()+(" the EU is planning to switch to cleaner fuel in accordance with the +//0 1yoto 2rotocol. The EU countries development a emissions trading plan that involves ++"))) plants in the EU. 3ue to the &4( emissions that are emitted into the astrosphere the governments now allocates &4( emissions" when a plant emits less they sell their surplus allowances to other business. This is an innovated plan because it means companies will invest more in technology that reduces emissions and become an environment friendly plant.

The preserving of biodiversity within the EU borders includes the 5abitats 3irective and the 6ild Birds 3irective. The 5abitats 3irective protects plants and animals and their natural habitats using the 7atura ())) networ- land owners and elected representatives to monitor the protected areas. The 6ild Birds 3irective is the protected areas for endangered and migratory species. This protects birds' nests" eggs and limited hunters from further eliminating birds into extinction. 2ollution is a concern globally" which can increase healthcare cost which would reduce productivity in various sectors that contribute to the economy. The EU developed 8E9&5 this is the registration" evaluation and authori#ation of chemicals. 2roducers and importers of the chemicals must register the substances the information of their ingredients" uses" and the safety handling of the chemicals. The provision of 8E9&5 means a high safety standard has to be met and contributes to a safe and healthy environment.

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