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Harpsichord Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

Artist/Maker: Jacob Kirkchman (1710-1792)[1] (#_note-0) Created: 17 2 Origin/ urchase: !ondon (http"##$iki%montice&&o%or'#media$iki#inde(%php#!ondon) Materia!s: maho'an)* maho'an) +eneer "imensions: ,9%, ( 92%7 ( 21,%- (./ .#, ( . 1#2 ( , in%) #ocation: 0ar&or (http"##$iki%montice&&o%or'#media$iki#inde(%php#0ar&or) ro$enance: 0e&ham 1a&&eries2 b) p3rchase to 0atricia 4% K&3'e2 'i5t to the 6Homas Je55erson 7o3ndation in 1990 Accession %um&er: 1990-1.

Harpsichord. Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc

Historica! %otes: 8n 17, * Je55erson (http"##$$$%montice&&o%or'#site#9e55erson#thomas-9e55erson-brie5-bio'raph)) ad+ised John 0aradise* an o&d 5riend 5rom :i&&iamsb3r' then in !ondon* ;to 'et Kirckman to make 5or me one o5 his best harpsichords $ith a do3b&e set o5 ke)s* and the machine on top resemb&in' a <enetian b&ind 5or 'i+in' a s$e&&%;[2] (#_note-1) 6his s3perb harpsichord* made b) the ce&ebrated !ondon maker* Jacob Kirckman (a&so spe&&ed Kirckman or Kirckmann)* $as one o5 the 5inest harpsichords a+ai&ab&e at the time% 8t $as ac=3ired 5or his o&der da3'hter* 4artha (http"##$iki%montice&&o%or'#media$iki#inde(%php #4artha_Je55erson_>ando&ph) * $hi&e she $as a st3dent at the ?bba)e de 0anthemont% @+ident&) p&eased $ith the 5irst harpsichord* a second one* made b) Joseph Kirckman* s3ccessor to Jacob and ?braham* $as ordered 5or 4aria (http"##$iki%montice&&o%or'#media$iki#inde(%php#4aria_Je55erson_@ppes) in 179,% ?&tho3'h the piano5orte $as so&id&) 'ainin' acceptance* Je55erson remained stead5ast&) &o)a& to the harpsichord d3rin' its dec&inin' pop3&arit)% He $anted* ho$e+er* to impro+e 3pon the p&3cked so3nd o5 the harpsichord% He speci5ied that 4arthaAs harpsichord $as to ha+e a patented ;Be&estina stop; b) ?dam :a&ker* a mechanism o5 re+o&+in' si&k bands that added a bo$ed-strin' so3nd* as $e&& as a <enetian s$e&& 5or crescendos%[.] (#_note-2) 6he 5amo3s Cr% Bhar&es D3rne) (172 -1,1-)* the 5amo3s or'anist and m3sica& historian* $hom Je55erson had brie5&) met ear&ier that sprin'* acted as his intermediar) $ith Jacob Kirckman% D3rne) reported that Kirckman had no ob9ection to the <enetian s$e&&* b3t $as ;a 'reat enem); to the Be&estina* be&ie+in' that ;the >esin* 3sed on the si&k thread that prod3ces the tone* not on&) c&o's the $hee&s and occasions it to be 5re=3ent&) o3t o5 order* b3t in a short time* adheres so m3ch to the strin's as to destro) the t3ne o5 the instr3ment%[-] (#_note-.) ?'ainst KirckmanAs $ishes* the Be&estina stop $as insta&&ed% Je55erson a&so $anted an e(ceptiona&&) d3rab&e harpsichord that $as eas) to t3ne and maintain% D3rne) $rote Je55erson that Kirckman reported that ;he has sent Harpsichords to e+er) part o5 the 1&obe $here the @n'&ish ha+e an) commerce* and ne+er has heard o5 the $ood-$ork 'i+in' $a)%;[/] (#_note--) ?5ter the 5ami&) ret3rned to 4ontice&&o* 4arthaAs instr3ment $as p&aced in the 0ar&or beneath the pier mirror on the so3theast $a&&% Je55erson* ad+ocatin' three ho3rs per da) o5 practice* $as a 'reat stim3&3s to his da3'hters and 'randda3'hters% 8n 1790* he reminded 4artha* ;Co not ne'&ect )o3r m3sic% 8t $i&& be a companion $hich $i&& s$eeten man) ho3rs o5 &i5e to )o3%;[ ] (#_note-/) D) 1,2/ the once priEed

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Harpsichord Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

harpsichord $as in terrib&e condition* and one 'randda3'hter stated that it $as ;an o&d instr3ment too 5ar 'one e+en to &earn on%;[7] (#_note- ) 4arthaAs harpsichord $as &e5t at 4ontice&&o a5ter Je55ersonAs death* and reported&) $as made into 53rnit3re% John :a)&es @ppes (http"##$iki%montice&&o%or'#media$iki#inde(%php #John_:a)&es_@ppes) * 4ariaAs $ido$er* ret3rned her harpsichord (3n&ocated) to 0op&ar 7orest (http"##$iki%montice&&o%or'#media$iki#inde(%php#0op&ar_7orest) in 1,20 5or 4artha and her da3'hters to en9o) there% Jacob Kirckman* the maker o5 the 5irst instr3ment* $orked 5or Hermann 6abe&* a 7&emish harpsichord maker in !ondon% ?5ter 6abe&As death* Kirckman married his $ido$ and took o+er his b3siness%[,] (#_note-7) 8n 1772 Jacob entered into a partnership $ith his nephe$* ?braham% 6he) $ere s3cceeded b) Joseph Kirckman a5ter 1790% ?&tho3'h tho3sands o5 Kirckman harpsichords $ere made* on&) abo3t 110 are kno$n% 6he harpsichord e(hibited at 4ontice&&o* inscribed ;Jacob3s Kirckman !ondini 7ecit 17 2*; is a sin'&e man3a& instr3ment%

1% # (#_re5-0) 6his artic&e is based on Ftein* Worlds (http"##$$$%montice&&o%or'#site#research-and-co&&ections#shorttit&e-&ist) * -2/% 2% # (#_re5-1) 6homas Je55erson to John 0aradise* 4a) 2/* 17, * in PTJ (http"##$$$%montice&&o%or' #site#research-and-co&&ections#short-tit&e-&ist) * 9"/79% .% # (#_re5-2) !3cia B% Ftanton* Monticello Dinner Keepskae (http"##t9porta&%montice&&o%or'#c'i-bin #0$ebrecon%c'iGDD8CH 2.2) * ?pri& 12* 1991* -% -% # (#_re5-.) Bhar&es D3rne) to Je55erson* J3ne 19* 17, * in PTJ (http"##$$$%montice&&o%or'#site#researchand-co&&ections#short-tit&e-&ist) *10"7/-7 % /% # (#_re5--) 8bid%* 7/% % # (#_re5-/) ?pri& -* 1790* in Family Letters (http"##$$$%montice&&o%or'#site#research-and-co&&ections#shorttit&e-&ist) * /1% 7% # (#_re5- ) <ir'inia >ando&ph 6rist to @&&en >ando&ph Boo&id'e* Feptember .* 1,2/% @d'ehi&&>ando&ph 0apers* (http"##ead%&ib%+ir'inia%ed3#+i+aead#p3b&ished#3+a-sc#+i30.9-9%(m&%5rame) Ini+ersit) o5 <ir'inia% ,% # (#_re5-7) 7or a 'ood acco3nt o5 KirchmanAs acti+it) and his instr3ments* see Cona&d H% Doa&ch* Makers of the Harpsichord and Clavichord 1 !"1# ! (http"##$$$%$or&dcat%or'#oc&c#101.279) (J(5ord" B&arendon 0ress* 197-)* ,--9/%

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