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Civil Procedure Review

I. Jurisdiction 1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction 2. Personal Jurisdiction 3. Due Process 4. Service o Process !"otice# 5. Venue $. %e&oval '. (aiver

II. Erie

III. Joinder

IV. Res Judicata

1. Joinder o )lai&s Per&issive Joinder o Parties )o&*ulsor+ Joinder o Parties

1. Res Judicata !)lai& Preclusion#

2. )ounterclai& )rossclai& 3rd Part+ )lai&s

2. )ollateral /sto**el !,ssue Preclusion#

3. ,ntervention ,nter*leader !"ot on -inal# )lass .ction

3. Parties (0o is subject to clai& or issue *reclusion1



I. Jurisdiction Checklist

,s 20ere Subject Matter Jurisdiction1 4nited States )onstitution9 .rticle ,,,: -ederal )ourts .re )ourts o Limited Jurisdiction:

1 Federal Question 18 U.S.C. 1!!1

2 Diversit+ 13 4.S.). 51332

3 .liena6e 13 4.S.). 51333

4 .d&iralt+ 13 4.S.). 51333

5 Dis*utes 7et8een States9 )ounsels9 and .&bassadors

Federal Question "asics# $8 U.S.C. 1!!1

Does t0e clai& arise under t0e constitution9 treaties9 or la8s o t0e 4.S.1 ,s t0e co&*laint 8ell *lead1 /.6.9 does ";2 *lead *ossible de enses as basis or -<1 %e&e&ber9 "; = .&ount li&it: )an 0ave SMJ over a =1 dis*ute. -ederal Jurisdiction &a+ be exclusive to ederal court !e.6.9 *atent or co*+ri60t clai&s#> or -ederal Jurisdiction &a+ be concurrent 8it0 state court jurisdiction !e.6.9 civil ri60ts or ederal e&*lo+&ent liabilit+ act !-/?.# clai&s#9 subject to t0e ri60t o removal. Federal Question Flow Chart Ces Does t0e @As 8ell *leaded co&*laint alle6e an eD*ress or i&*lied ederal cause o action1 "o


Does t0e @As 8ell *leaded co&*laint alle6e a state la8 cause o action in 80ic0 ederal la8 is an essential ele&ent1

Does t0e ederal la8 t0at is an ele&ent aut0oriBe a *rivate ri60t o action1 DonAt rel+ too &uc0 on t0is. , derived t0is rule ro& S%ith v. &ansas Cit' (itle and )errell *ow v. (ho%+son. .ronovsE+ sa+s t0e );. are still s*lit and t0e S) 0as not ruled. So9 in so&e circuits t0is 8ould 8orE but donAt treat it as a 0ard and ast rule.


Ces 20ere is -<J 210313019.doc

20ere is "; -<J. -2-

Is (here Su45ect )atter Jurisdiction6 4nited States )onstitution9 .rticle ,,,: -ederal )ourts .re )ourts o Limited Jurisdiction:

1 -ederal <uestion 13 4.S.). 51331

2 *iversit' 18 U.S.C. 1!!$

3 .liena6e 13 4.S.). 51333

4 .d&iralt+ 13 4.S.). 51333

5 Dis*utes 7et8een States9 )ounsels9 and .&bassadors


1# C-)P2E(E/ESS: Diversit+ &ust be complete. 20ere cannot be an+one on t0e le t o t0e FvG and t0e ri60t. .ll @As &ust be di erent ro& all As. 2# *1(E: Diversit+ is calculated as o t0e date the action was instituted. 3# CI(I.E/S0IP !Domicile# a# PERSONS: (0ere +ou 8ere born and continues t0rou60 +our li e unless: i# Cou *0+sicall+ c0an6e +our state> and ii# Cou 0ave t0e intention o re&ainin6 in t0e ne8 state or t0e inde inite uture. iii# , *erson 0as &ulti*le 0o&es in di erent states9 looE o t0at *ersonAs center of gravity b+ looEin6 at: !1# (0ere does t0e *erson live1 !2# (0ere is t0e a&il+1 !3# (0ere does t0e *erson *a+ taDes1 !4# (0ere does t0at *erson 8orE1 !5# (0ere are t0e cars licensed1 !$# (0ere does t0e *erson vote1 b# CORPORATIONS:: /ver+ cor*oration 0as t8o do&iciles: i# state o incor*oration> and ii# its *rinci*le *lace o business !usuall+ 80ere t0e cor*orate 0eadHuarters is located. 28o tests or *rinci*le *lace o business: !1# "erve )enter 2est I *lace 80ere cor*orate decisions are &ade> or !2# Muscle !Pluralit+# 2est - *lace 80ere t0e cor*oration does &ost o its &anu acturin6 or service *rovidin6. c# UNINCORPORATED Associations !e.6.9 labor unions9 *artners0i*s#: )u&ulate do&iciliar+ state o eac0 &e&ber. So9 a national labor union liEe t0e 2ea&sters could never *ass t0e ederal diversit+ test because it 0as &e&bers in all 50 states. d# PARTIES IN REPRESENTATIVE ACTIONS !e.6.9 re*resentative o a c0ild9 *robate9 or derivative actions or class action suits: i# )lassical %ule or Derivative .ctions J )lass .ctions: diversit+ is based on t0e citiBens0i* o t0e representative. ii# Modern %ule or Probate and .ll ;t0ers: diversit+ is based on t0e citiBens0i* o t0e represented party. 4# 1)-U/( I/ C-/(R-VERS,# &ust be over ='590009 exclusive of interest and costs but inclusive o *unitive da&a6es. 5# 133RE31(I-/ RU2ES: a# Sin6le Parties can a66re6ate all clai&s9 even i unrelated. b# Multi*le Parties: no a66re6ation unless t0e clai&s are joint9 suc0 as undivided interest clai&s !i.e.9 As jointl+ liable#> @As alle6ation o a&ount su ices unless dis*roved as a legal certainty9 injunctions s0ould be Huanti ied in = value to &eet t0e jurisdictional reHuire&ent. 210313019.doc -3-

Is (here Su45ect )atter Jurisdiction6 Su++le%ental Jurisdiction Created 4' Judicial Inter+retation and Codi9ied in $8 U.S.C. 1!78

1 -ederal <uestion 13 4.S.). 51331

2 Diversit+ 13 4.S.). 51332

2a Su++le%ental !Pendant J .ncillar+# 18 U.S.C. 1!78

3 .liena6e 13 4.S.). 51333

4 .d&iralt+ 13 4.S.). 51333

5 Dis*utes 7et8een States9 )ounsels9 and .&bassadors


1# Pendant : 1ncillar' Jurisdiction: United )ine ;orkers v. 3i44s I state tort clai& added to ederal e&*lo+&ent Huestion. Su*re&e )ourt ruled t0at ederal court could assu&e jurisdiction over state clai& because t0e+ all e&anated ro& t0e sa&e set o acts. 20is rulin69 called t0e pendant doctrine9 eD*anded t0e de inition o case and controversy under .rticle ,,,. a# Ancillary claims doctrine allo8ed @As to brin6 a case and allo8ed As to assert jurisdictionall+ insu icient co&*ulsor+ counter-clai&s9 cross-clai&s9 and 3rd *art+ clai&s. 2# 1!78: . ter so&e restrictions in -wens and Finle'9 )on6ress codi ied 3i44s in 513$'. a# 1!78<a=: Matters ori6inatin6 ro& a common nucleus of operative facts are no8 considered *art o t0e sa&e case or controvers+ or .rticle ,,, *ur*oses. b# 1!78<4=: )odi ies &ro>er but rejects Finle'. limits reach of jurisdiction only in diversity only cases K eDercise o jurisdiction &ust be consistent 8L51332 !diversit+ statute# i# "o su**le&ental jurisdiction> &ust 0ave inde*endent jurisdiction clai&s 4' a>ainst &ade *arties b+: Remember,or!"#$%b& applies '(L)*ersons if !1# %ule 14 !,&*leader# diversity is the sole basis for being in !2# %ule 19 !)o&*ulsor+ Joinder o Parties# federal court* !3# %ule 20 !Per&issive Joinder o Parties# !4# %ule 24 !,ntervention# c# 1!78<c= K 6ives )t discretion to 0ear cases !liEe 3i44s K but not clear 80et0er list is illustrative or eD0austive# i# Sa+s t0at t0e )t &a+ decline to eDercise j i : !1# )lai& raises a novel or co&*leD issue o state la8 !2# 20e clai& substantiall+ *redo&inates over t0e clai&!s# over 80ic0 t0e dc 0as ori6inal jurisdiction !3# 20e )ourt 0as dis&issed all clai&s over 80ic0 it 0as ori6inal jurisdiction !4# ,n eDce*tional circu&stances I ot0er reasons 1!78<d= K Statute o ?i&itations 8ill be tolled so lon6 as ederal court is 0earin6 t0e clai&9 t0en M 30 da+s to ile state clai& !unless State allo8s




Su++le%ental Jurisdiction Flowchart 18 U.S.C. 1!78

Sa&e case or controvers+1

"o "o SMJ

20is is a basic reHuire&ent o 513$'!a#.

Ces -ederal <uestion or Diversit+1 -ed. <ues. SM J

513$'!b# li&itation does not apply to +ed ,ues.

Diversit+ ;nl+ )lai& b+ @ or 1 SM J Part+ added under 80at %ule1 $?<@=9 23 20e literal lan6ua6e o 513$' lets t0e clai& in. 7ut t0e le6islative 0istor+ indicates t0at )on6ress 8ants t0e clai& to sta+ out. 20e )ourts o .**eal are s*lit. 20e Su*re&e )ourt 6ranted certiorari in 20009 Justice ;A)onnor recused9 and t0e re&ainin6 justices s*lit 4-4 in Free v. 144ott 2a4.B Inc. 14 19 $? < = 24 20is is t0e 513$'!b# li&itation. 513$'!b# li&itation does not apply to claims brought by *

"o SMJ

(R-U"2E A



C-/S(I(U(I-/12 "1SES#
1C(0 1)E/*)E/( *UE PR-CESS REQUIRE)E/( /otice 1nd -++ortunit' to "e 0eard 1R(IC2E IVB 1# FU22 F1I(0 : CRE*I( C21USE Full Faith and Credit ;ill "e 3iven in Each State

S(1(U(-R, "1SIS
State Federal 2on> 1r% Rule C<k=<$= Statute Can Restrict Constitutional Personal Jurisdiction But Cannot Expand

%ule 4 !a-e9 09 n# Reasonably 2alculated 9nder the 2ircumstances to :ive (otice )ullane v. Central 0anover "ank

-raditional .ases of /ersonal Jurisdiction

Consent ED+ress: Carnival Cruise 2ines I%+lied: 0ess v. Pawloski ;aiver: Insurance Cor+ o9 Ireland Contract 0 Agent Appoint ent 0 S!o"s up to #itigate *o%icile 3ordon v. Steele: 1id at 2ollege )illiken: 3) Domicile 4erved in 2' Ph'sical Presence in State 2a6 Jurisdiction ?ivesN "urnha% v. Su+erior Court
5x67usband 4erved 3hile 8isiting 1ids

)odern "asis o9 Personal Jurisdiction

&ust 0ave su99icient %ini%u% contacts 8it0in t0e oru& state suc0 t0at &aintenance o t0e suit does not o99end traditional notions o 9air +la' and su4stantial 5ustice.
International Shoe Co. v. ;ashin>ton

S U FF I C I E / ( ) I / I ) U ) C - /( 1C( S <C1PFI=
1. 2.

F 1IR P 2 1,


S U " S( 1 / ( I 1 2 J U S( I C E <"2I) FE;=

Cause o9 1ction: (0ere did t0e cause o action arise1 1ctivities: ScrutiniBe t0ese activities in t0e oru& state:
a. S+ste&atic J )ontinuous O $eneral Jurisdiction b. S*oradic O Speci%ic Jurisdiction c. Direct vs. ,ndirect d. Dan6erous activit+1 Pur+ose9ul 1vaile%ent: Pas *ur*ose ull+ availed itsel o t0e bene its J *rotections o oru&As la8s1 0anson v. *enkla. Foreseea4ilit': )ould oresee or eD*ect bein6 0aled into court1 ;orld ;ide Volkswa>en Initiate: Did initiate contact 8it0 oru& state1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $. '.

"urden on the Parties: /cono&ic9 ti&e9 relative burdens. 2aw: (0at oru&As la81 Interest o9 the State: in *rovidin6 a oru& or J *rotectin6 its
citiBens. )ulti+licit' o9 Suits: (ill t0e+ all be resolved1

3. 4. 5.

Foru%: .lternative oru& available1 -air J convenient1 Evidence: (0ere is t0e bulE o t0e evidence1 ;itnesses: (0ere are t0e 8itnesses1



VE/UE# Underl'in> Policies# Judicial E99icienc'> 2i%it Foru% Sho++in>> Convenience o9 Parties Possi'le Exa (uestions

Venue Rules: 23 4.S.). 51391 Venue in diversit' cases. 1. 2. 1!E1<a=.

(rans9er o Venue: 23 4.S.). 51404 Federal Courts /EVER trans9er to State Courts. 4se -") in suc0 case. State Courts /EVER trans9er to 9ederal Courts or to di99erent States. 4se -") in suc0 case. 1C?C "alancin> (est )onvenience o *arties J 8itnesses M ,nterests o justice &ust substantially outweigh @As interest in c0oice o oru&. Choice o9 2aw# *iversit' Cases -nl' ?a8s o t0e trans errin6 state a**l+ unless venue 8as i&*ro*er9 in 80ic0 case receivin6 )ourt a**lies itAs o8n la8s. Venue EDa% (ricks 2rans errin6 )ourt can onl+ send a case to a court 80ere t0e Faction could 0ave been co&&enced or initiated.G 20ere ore9 t0e receivin6 )ourt ust !a&e all )9 even i t0e trans errin6 )ourt doesnAt:. 1. 2. 3. Subject Matter Jurisdiction Personal Jurisdiction Venue

-oru& Non Con&eniens Pu4lic vs. Private Factors F "alancin> (est Private Interest Factors 1. .ccess to sources o *roo 2. .bilit+ to co&*el attendance o 8itnesses 3. )onvenience to voluntar+ 8itnesses 4. Di erence in substantive la8 t0at 8ill be a**lied in ne8 oru& is not decisive in dis&issin6 on 6rounds o -")9 but could be relevant i t0e la8 in t0e alternative oru& 8ere co&*letel+ inadeHuate. Pi+er. Pu4lic Interest Factors 1. ?ocal interest in 0avin6 dis*utes resolved locall+ 2. )ourt con6estion 3. -a&iliarit+ 8it0 la8 4. .voidin6 unnecessar+ c0oice o la8 *roble&s 5. Jur+ dut+ burden on citiBens in a 3eneral Rule -") is tou60 on @As9 es*eciall+ in li60t o statutes o li&itation and Pers. Juris. )ourts Eno8 t0is and 8onAt 6rant -") unless: 1. 2. 3. 20ere is an alternative oru&> 8aives statute o li&itations de ense> consents to jurisdiction in alternative oru&. -'-


.n+ dist. 80ere an+ resides9 i all As reside in t0e sa&e state. .n+ dist. (0ere a substantial *art o t0e controverted events occurred or 80ere t0e dis*uted *ro*ert+ is located. )an 0ave venue in &ulti*le locations. (0ere an+ is subject to PJ onl+ i no venue available under !1# or !2# above. Venue in all other cases. 1!E1<4=.

1. 2. 3.

Sa&e as in diversit+ cases9 above. Sa&e as in diversit+ cases9 above. (0ere an+ can be found onl+ i no venue available under !1# or !2# above. Di erent lan6ua6e9 but *robabl+ &eans sa&e t0in6. Venue o cor+orate As 1!E1<c=.

1. 2.

.n+80ere cor*. is subject to PJ. .nal+Be as i ed 6ovAt is se*arate state. Venue or aliens 23 4.S.). 1!E1<d=.


.n+ alien9 incl. alien cor*s.9 can be sued in an+ district.


Re%oval# $8 U.S.C. 1CC1 S2.2/ )ourt 4. 5. $. State to -ederal ;"?C> .?? As &ust consent> ;%,Q,".? As onl+> no counterclai& As (o Removal for ;n64tate Defendants in Diversity6'nly 2ases -ederal <uestion )lai&s Pass 20rou60 -ederal <uestion -ilter 23 4.S.). 51331 1. 2. 3. -/D/%.? )ourt )o&*letel+ Discretionary Must 0ave been Huali ied to 6rant ori6inal jurisdiction. Ma+ 6rant su**le&ental jurisdiction as lon6 as at least one se*arate and inde*endent ederal clai& eli6ible or re&oval.

"on- -ederal <uestion )lai&s Pass 20rou60 Su**le&ental Jurisdiction -ilter 23 4.S.). 513$' Sa&e )ase or "o )o&&on "ucleus o Meets Su**le&ental Jurisdiction %eHuire&ents under 513$'1 Ces "o

Federal Question Flow Chart Ces Does t0e @As 8ell *leaded co&*laint alle6e an eD*ress or i&*lied ederal cause o action1


Does t0e @As 8ell *leaded co&*laint alle6e a state la8 cause o action in 80ic0 ederal la8 is an essential ele&ent1

Does t0e ederal la8 t0at is an ele&ent aut0oriBe a *rivate ri60t o action1


Ces 20ere is -<J 210313019.doc 20ere is "; -<J.

1CC1<a= Court )a' EDercise or *ecline Per 1uthorit' 3ranted under 1!78<c=

"ot Part o Sa&e )onstitutional )ase Se*arate J ,nde*endent )lai&1


1CC1<a= Court )ust 0ear

1CC1<c= Court )a' &ee+ -r Court )a' Re%and




(0at Ma+ "/V/% 7e (aived1

(0at Ma+ 7e (aived1

)onsolidation o De enses %ules 12!6# and 12!0#

SMJ ,s . )onstitutional ,ssue and )annot 7e (aived. Parties to an .ction Ma+ "/V/% )onsent to (aiver o SMJ

Personal Jurisdiction "otice Service o Process Venue


- 10 -

Erie *octrine Flowchart 20e discoura6e&ent o oru& s0o**in6 and avoidance o ineHuitable ad&inistration o t0e la8s ,s state la8 substantive L blacE letter la81 Fed Rule on Point6 !looE at t8in ai&s o /rie be ore decidin6# C/S C/S 0anna 0oldin> .**l+ -ed %ule i itAs valid. Possibl+L"o !Qre+ .rea# "'rd (est ,s state rule bound u* 8it0 !i&*le&entin6 o # state created ri60tsJ obli6ations1 Does it re6ulate *ri&ar+ be0avior1 C State la8 " %ule o or& J &ode. "121/CE Do 7;2P


0anna *icta .nal+Be in li60t o t8in ai&s o /rie. 1. -oru& S0o**in61 2. ,neHuitable ad&in. o t0e la8s1 C State la8 " -ed la8

State la8 a**lies ! L /rie J %D.#

Valid i reasonable *erson 8ould consider it *rocedural

Fed. Countervailin> Interests <9or 9ed law= !al8a+s 0ave uni or&it+9 but 8eaE on its o8n. .yrd 8as jud6eLjur+ relations0i* 80ic0 out8ei60ed outco&e deter&inac+#

-utco%e deter%inative test <9or state law= , outco&e 8ould be di erent de*endin6 on 80ic0 la8 a**lies !i.e. statute o li&itations is ver+ deter&inative i its run in state and not ed#


- 11 -

III. Joinder

Joinder o9 Clai%s !* 2. 3. 3 Sentences at &ost on eDa&: ;n federal practice a < can join any claims he or she has against the * ,n a state ollo8in6 t0e -%)P9 a @ can join an+ clai&s 0e or s0e 0as a6ainst t0e because t0ose are t0e -ederal %ules. , state R ollo8s t0e &ore traditional rule o de&andin6 a transactional relationship9 use act anal+sis to s0o8 t0at all Per%issive Joinder o9 Parties# $ Pron> (est 1 S at &ost on eDa&. 2J; M )< O Per&issive Part+ Joinder 1. 2. )lai&s or de enses ste& ro& t0e sa&e transaction> ."D 20ere is a common =uestion of law or fact bindin6 t0e *arties. Co%+ulsor' Joinder o9 Parties Rule 1E<a= 1. (0o is necessar+ and s0ould be joined i *ossible1 a. (ill *arties be injured b+ ailure to join outsider1 b. (ill outsiders be *rejudiced b+ result1 /Da& 2i*: Probabl+ onl+ situation in 80ic0 outsider is not co&*ulsor+ is tort action. Joint tort easors are ";2 co&*ulsor+> @ &a+ onl+ 8ant or need to sue t0e ric0 . 2. )an +ou join t0e outsider1 , not9 80+ not1 /Da& 2i*: looE outN %eason could be SMJ andLor PJ. , so9 be read+ to *er or& t0e entire anal+sis. , canAt join t0is 6u+> 80at do , do no81 a. 12!b#!'# dis&issal or ailure to join and indis*ensable *art+> ;% b. Rule 1E<4= )ourt can 6rant discretionar+ relie and *robabl+ 8ill to avoid dis&issal. - 12 -



Joinder- Big Picture

>ust satisfy both +R2/ and 4> Jx*
FRCP Su45ect )atter JD 1331- Federal Questions Parties 1CB 1E
- District courts sha have ori!ina "# arisin! un$er the Constitution etc. "ote: t0is is not eDclusive JR &Arising 'nder( -n or$er to invo(e 'e$era court .uris$iction the 'e$era issue must )e a su''icient or centra &art o' the $is&ute.
;ell Pleaded Co%+laint RuleF -or a liti6ant to invoEe ederal Huestion jur. ,t is necessar+ bot0 t0at t0e case Farise underG t0e constitution or so&e ot0er as*ect o ederal la8 and t0at t0is act a**ear on t0e ace o a 8ell *leaded co&*laint. , a substantial issue is not raised as a le6iti&ate *art o t0e *lainti s o8n clai& or relie t0ere is no ederal Huestion jurisdiction under t0e statute. ,ssue t0at t0e D raises in t0e ans8er or t0at t0e *lainti antici*ates are irrelevant or jurisdictional *ur*oses.


Joinder by
;r Clai%s 18 <a= . *art+ assertin6 a clai& to relie as an ori6inal clai&9 counterclai&9 crossclai&9 or t0ird-*art+ clai&9 %a' join9 as &an+ clai&s as t0e *art+ 0as a6ainst an o**osin6 *art+. Parties $? <a= 20!a# Per&issive Joinder. .ll *ersons %a' join in one action as +lainti99s i t0e+ assert an+ ri60t to relie T arisin6 out o t0e sa&e transaction9 occurrence9 or series o transactions or occurrences and i an+ co&&on Huestion o la8 or act co&&on to all t0ese *ersons 8ill arise in t0e action. .ll *ersons %a' be joined in one action as de9endants i t0ere is asserted a6ainst t0e& an+ ri60t to relie T arisin6 out o t0e sa&e transaction9 occurrence9 or series o transactions or occurrences and i an+ co&&on Huestion o la8 or act co&&on to all t0ese *ersons 8ill arise in t0e action. 20!b# Se*arate 2rials. 20e court &a+ &aEe suc0 orders as 8ill *revent a *art+ ro& bein6 e&barrassed9 dela+ed9 or *ut to eD*ense b+ t0e inclusion o a *art+ a6ainst 80o& t0e *art+ asserts no clai& and 80o asserts no clai& a6ainst t0e *art+9 and &a+ order se*arate trials or &aEe ot0er orders to *revent dela+ or *rejudice.

Joinder by
Clai%s 1! <aB 4B >= !a# )o&*ulsor+ )ounterclai&s - . *leadin6 shall state as a counterclai& an+ clai& it 0as a6ainst an+ o**osin6 *art+B i9 it arises out o t0e transaction or occurrence t0at is t0e subject &atter o t0e o**osin6 *art+Us clai& and does not reHuire or its adjudication t0e *resence o t0ird *arties o 80o& t0e court cannot acHuire jurisdiction. 7ut T !see eDce*tion#.

1332- Diversity and $ Amount $75,000.01 minimum & COMPLETE Diversity

.&ount clai&ed in 6ood ait0 is relevant9 not a&ount t0e court a8ards9 4"?/SS to a le6al certaint+ cannot recover ='5E. )lai& &ust eDceed '59000 not actual a8ard.


13 !"u##lemental J$ (0ere D) 0as ori6inal JD9 t0e+ s0all 0ave su**. JD over all ot0er clai&s t0at are related to t0e ori6inal clai& 80en t0e+ are *art o t0e sa&e clai& or controvers+.

14!a# (0en De endant Ma+ 7rin6 in 20ird Part+. .t an+ ti&e a ter co&&ence&ent o t0e action a de endin6 *art+9 as a t0ird-*art+ *lainti 9 &a+ cause a su&&ons and co&*laint to be served u*on a *erson not a *art+ to t0e action 80o is or &a+ be liable to t0e t0ird-*art+ *lainti or all or *art o t0e *lainti Us clai& a6ainst t0e t0ird*art+ *lainti . 14!b# (0en Plainti Ma+ 7rin6 in 20ird Part+. (0en a counterclai& is asserted a6ainst a *lainti 9 t0e *lainti &a+ cause a t0ird *art+ to be brou60t in under circu&stances 80ic0 under t0is rule 8ould entitle a de endant to do so. 19!a# Persons to be Joined i -easible. . *erson 80o is subject to service o *rocess and 80ose joinder 8ill not de*rive t0e court o jurisdiction over t0e subject &atter o t0e action shall be joined as a *art+ in t0e action i9 !1# in t0e *ersonUs absence co&*lete relie cannot be accorded a&on6 t0ose alread+ *arties9 or !2# t0e *erson clai&s an interest relatin6 to t0e subject o t0e action and is so situated t0at t0e dis*osition o t0e action in t0e *ersonUs absence &a+ : !i# as a *ractical &atter i&*air or i&*ede t0e *ersonUs abilit+ to *rotect t0at interest or !ii# leave an+ o t0e *ersons alread+ *arties subject to a substantial risE o incurrin6 double9 &ulti*le9 or ot0er8ise inconsistent obli6ations b+ reason o t0e clai&ed interest.

+ea Party in interest* one ,ho ,i )ene'it 'rom action, one ,ho has a su)stantia interest. ;ri6inal clai&s: clai&s b+ As a6ainst As. )ounterclai&s: &ade b+ As a6ainst As9 it is an inde*endent cause o action. )ross-clai&s: clai&s bet8een co-*arties. 3rd Parties: a *art+ brou60t into t0e action b+ a current . 3rd Part+ clai&s: clai& b+ actin6 as 3rd Part+ 9 to join a 3rd *art+.

!b# Per&issive )ounterclai&s. . *leadin6 %a' state as a counterclai& an+ clai& a6ainst an o**osin6 *art+ not arisin6 out o t0e transaction or occurrence t0at is t0e subject &atter o t0e o**osin6 *art+Us clai&. !6# )ross-clai& .6ainst )o-Part+. . *leadin6 %a' state as a cross-clai& an+ clai& b+ one *art+ a6ainst a co-*art+ arisin6 out o t0e transaction or occurrence t0at is t0e subject &atter eit0er o t0e ori6inal action or o a counterclai& t0erein or relatin6 to an+ *ro*ert+ t0at is t0e subject &atter o t0e ori6inal action.

Diversit+ &ust eDist at t0e ti&e t0e co&*laint is iled 8it0 t0e clerE. ,t need not eDist at t0e ti&e o trial or 80en t0e cause o action arose % & ainti'' can o'ten cure the ac( o' $iversity &ro) em )y $ismissin! non$iverse &arties.

/R)/P2- 80en t0e+ ori6inal clai& arises S;?/?C under 51332 t0e D) (,?? ";2 0ave JD over clai%s %ade 4' Gs a6ainst *ersons under %4?/ 149 199 209 or 24. see 513$'!b#
The DC may a so $ec ine su&&. "# i'* 1# . novel or co&*leD state la8 issue 2# )lai& do&inates t0e clai& 80ic0 ori6inal JD 8as based. 3# Dc 0as dis&issed clai&s under D)As ori6inal JD. 4# ;t0er co&*ellin6 reasons.

)errell *ow*. co&*laint alle6in6 a violation o a ederal statute in a state cause o action9 80en con6ress 0as deter&ined t0at t0ere s0ould be no *rivate9 ederal9 cause o action or t0e violation does not state a clai& Farisin6 underG t0e )onstitution or ?a8s o t0e 4nited States.

19!b# Deter&ination b+ )ourt (0enever Joinder "ot -easible. , a *erson as described in subdivision !a#!1# - !2# 0ereo cannot be &ade a *art+9 t0e court s0all deter&ine 80et0er t0e action s0ould *roceed a&on6 t0e *arties be ore it9 or s0ould be dis&issed9 t0e absent *erson bein6 t0us re6arded as indis*ensable. (he 9actors to 4e considered 4' the court include: irst9 to 80at eDtent a jud6&ent rendered in t0e *ersonUs absence &i60t be *rejudicial to t0e *erson or t0ose alread+ *arties> second9 t0e eDtent to 80ic09 b+ *rotective *rovisions in t0e jud6&ent9 b+ t0e s0a*in6 o relie 9 or ot0er &easures9 t0e *rejudice can be lessened or avoided> t0ird9 80et0er a jud6&ent rendered in t0e *ersonUs absence 8ill be adeHuate> ourt09 80et0er t0e *lainti 8ill 0ave an adeHuate re&ed+ i t0e action is dis&issed or nonjoinder.

;ri6inal )lai& )ounter )lai& )ross )lai& 3rd *art+ )lai& )lai& b+ 3rd P

- 13 !rd Part'


Counterclai%sB Crossclai%sB and !rd Part' Clai%s <I%+leader= Counterclai%s 1. 2. Co%+ulsor': %ule 13!a#> use it or lose it. 4nderl+in6 *olic+ concerns: e icienc+ and econo&+. . counter clai& is co&*ulsor+ i it Farises out of the same transaction or occurrenceG t0at is t0e subject &atter o t0e As clai& !counterclai& &ust be *leaded# C Part (ransaction : -ccurrence (est to de ine 80en a clai& or counterclai& arises ro& t0e sa&e transaction: ! ro& Plant v. "laHer Financial Services# State )ourts 8ill usuall+ res*ect %ule 13!a#> but it is not 6uaranteed. ,.e.9 i +ou ail to *ursue +our co&*ulsor+ counterclai& in ederal )ourt9 state )ourt 8ill *robabl+ not allo8 a ne8 suit on t0e sa&e acts. a. .re t0e issues o act and la8 raised b+ t0e clai& and counterclai& lar6el+ t0e sa&e1 b. (ould res judicata bar a subseHuent suit on As clai& absent t0e co&*ulsor+ counterclai& rule1 c. (ill substantiall+ t0e sa&e evidence su**ort or re ute As clai& as 8ell as As counterclai&1 d. ,s t0ere an+ lo6ical relation bet8een t0e clai& and t0e counterclai&1 Per%issive: %ule 13!b#> ever+t0in6 else. EDa% (i+: %ule 13 *rett+ &uc0 allo8s a to counterclai& a6ainst a @ or an+t0in6 0e 8ants. %e&e&ber Pu6sle+ said t0e title F*lainti G doesnAt &ean sHuat in 2ort la8> it just &eans +ou iled irst. *iversit' 1ctions: , +our co&*ulsor+ counterclai& under %ule 13!a# is could not be *lead alone !V='5E or no diversit+#9 invoEe 513$' Su**le&ental Jurisdiction and be sure to use t0e buBB8ords: a* 2ommon (ucleus of +acts b* 4ame 2ase or 2ontroversy CrossFClai%s Rule 1!<>= < vs. = !* Always /ermissive 2. )an invoEe 513$' i clai& 8onAt stand alone. 3. EDa% (i+: (0en in doubt9 eDa&ine 2ransaction J ;ccurrence> itAs *rett+ &uc0 t0e basis o ever+t0in6 in )ivPro9 so i +ouAre blanEin6 out9 start 8ritin6 about 2J;. !rd Part' Clai%s <I%+leader= Rule 1C 1. 1ddin> /ew Parties: 20eoreticall+9 an in inite nu&ber o *arties &a+ be added to t0e action9 ro& retailer to &anu acturer9 to eac0-andever+ su**lier involved alon6 t0e 8a+. 2. EDa% (i+: %e&e&ber t0at ever+ *art+ added &eans +ou &ust establis0 *ersonal jurisdiction over all t0ese *arties. 7i6 eDa& *oints 0ere. 3. )an invoEe 513$' i clai& 8onAt stand alone. 4. 3rd *art+ As counterclai&in6 bacE 8ill *robabl+ be co&*ulsor+ because *er&issive counterclai&s are usuall+ transactionall+ related and t0ere ore ";2 subject to su**le&ental jurisdiction. 5. Rule 1C<a= 1%end%ent: ori6inal @ &a+ a&end co&*laint to directl+ assert clai& a6ainst ne8l+ i&*leaded 3rd *art+ . $. &ro>er Rule: ;ri6inal @ cannot assert su**le&ental 513$' clai& a6ainst *arties brou60t under %ule 14 !t0ird *art+ *ractice#> %ule 19 J 20 !7asic Joinder %ules#> and %ule 24 !,ntervention#. ,t does ";2 sa+ an+t0in6 about %ule 13 !counterclai& and cross-clai&#. '. Dra8 a *icture> itAs t0e onl+ 8a+ to i6ure t0is cra* out.

3. 4. 5.


- 14 -

J-I/*ER *I13R1)S

Rule 1!<a= Co%+ulsor' Counterclai%

Rule 1!<4= Per%issive Counterclai%

"e6li6ence or 2ort )o&*ulsor+ )ounterclai& or "e6li6ence or 2ort

"e6li6ence or 2ort Per&issive )ounterclai& or "e6li6ence or 2ort

. counter clai& is co&*ulsor+ i it Farises out of the same transaction or occurrenceG t0at is t0e subject &atter o t0e As clai& !counterclai& &ust be *leaded# C Part (est to de ine 80en a clai& or counterclai& arises ro& t0e sa&e transaction: ! ro& Plant v. "laHer Financial Services# 1# .re t0e issues o act and la8 raised b+ t0e clai& and counterclai& lar6el+ t0e sa&e1 2# (ould res judicata bar a subseHuent suit on As clai& absent t0e co&*ulsor+ counterclai& rule1 3# (ill substantiall+ t0e sa&e evidence su**ort or re ute As clai& as 8ell as As counterclai&1 4# ,s t0ere an+ lo6ical relation bet8een t0e clai& and t0e counterclai&1 Rule 1!<>= Crossclai%s Crossclai% or Product ?iabilit+ /Distin6 )o- !Part+ to ;ri6inal .ction#

"e6li6ence or 2ort "e6li6ence or 2ort


- 15 -

J-I/*ER *I13R1)S

Rule 1!<h= Joinder o9 1dditional Parties to Crossclai%s or Counterclai%s "e6li6ence or 2ort "e6li6ence or 2ort Crossclai%

Rule 1C<a= S1 I 1ddin> (hird Part' *e9endant

"e6li6ence or 2ort

!3rd Part+ #

/Distin6 )o- !Part+ to ;ri6inal .ction# Joinder o .dditional Parties !"ot ,n ;ri6inal .ction#

)ontribution or ,nde&nit+ )lai&

3rd Part+

,n t0is eDa&*le9 an ori6inal crossclai&s a6ainst anot0er ori6inal ."D joins a 3rd *art+ as 8ell.

3rd Part+ !"e8l+ Joined#


- 1$ -

J-I/*ER *I13R1)S

Rule 1C<a= S7 I (P* Can 1ssert Clai% 1>ainst !3rd Part+ # )ontri bution or ,nde& nit+ )lai&

Rule 1C<a= S8 I Can 1ssert Clai% 1>ainst (P* !3rd Part+ #

"e6li6ence or 2ort

"e6li6ence or 2ort

%eHuires sa&e 2ransaction or ;ccurrence as As clai& a6ainst 3rd Part+

)ounterclai& 3rd Part+ %eHuires sa&e 2ransaction or ;ccurrence as As clai& a6ainst 3rd Part+ 3rd Part+

2PD M4S2 assert all de enses available under %ule 12 and counterclai&s and crossclai&s under %ule 13.


)r os sc lai & - 1' -

J-I/*ER *I13R1)S

Rule 1C<a= SE I (P* Joinin> 1nother (hird Part' *e9endant !3 Part+ #


Rule 18<a= Joinder o9 Clai%s

"e6li6ence or 2ort

"e6li6ence or 2ort 7reac0 o )ontract

)ontribution or ,nde&nit+ )lai&

3rd Part+ )ontribution or ,nde&nit+ )lai&

3rd Part+


- 13 -

J-I/*ER -F P1R(IES *I13R1)S

Rule $?<a= S1 Joinder o9 Parties F Gs

Rule $?<a= S$ Joinder o9 Parties I Gs

"e6li6ence or 2ort

"e6li6ence or 2ort

)o -

"e6li6ence or 2ort

"e6li6ence or 2ort


Per%issive Joinder o9 Parties# $ Pron> (est 1 S at &ost on eDa&. 2; M )< O Per&issive Part+ Joinder )lai&s or de enses ste& ro& t0e sa&e transaction> ."D 20ere is a common =uestion of law or fact bindin6 t0e *arties.

Per%issive Joinder o9 Parties# $ Pron> (est 1 S at &ost on eDa&. 2; M )< O Per&issive Part+ Joinder )lai&s or de enses ste& ro& t0e sa&e transaction> ."D 20ere is a common =uestion of law or fact bindin6 t0e *arties.


- 19 -

Inter+leader Rule $$B $8 U.S.C. 1!!J L,ou all 9i>ure out who I need to +a' i9 I a% lia4le <which I %a' not 4e=M

Inter+leader "asics *e9ined: ,nter*leader is an eHuit+ device desi6ned to *rotect *ersons in *ossession o *ro*ert+ ! sta?eholders# t0e o8ners0i* o 80ic0 is or &a+ be clai&ed b+ &ore t0an one *art+. ,t is a device to resolve at one ti&e t0e clai&s o &an+ *ersons to one *iece o *ro*ert+ or su& o &one+9 suc0 as a banE account clai&ed b+ &ore t0an one *erson. Polic' -45ective: So t0at t0e staEe0older 8ill not 0ave to *a+ t0e sa&e clai& t8ice. Practical 1++lication: ,nter*leader is a As tool to join all clai&ants at once> but &a+ be e&*lo+ed b+ a t0rou60 use o cross-clai& W%ule 13!6#X9 co&*ulsor+ counterclai& W%ule 13!a#X9 or *er&issive counterclai& W%ule 13!b#X.

Issue Su'+ect ,atter Jurisdiction - Diversity - Amount Personal Jurisdiction and Ser&ice o% process Venue

$8 U.S.C. 1!!J )ini%al diversit'> deter&ined bet8een clai&ants. !.t least 2 clai&ants diverse# =J?? in controvers+ "ation8ide service o *rocess %esidence o one or &ore clai&ants

Rule $$ Co%+lete diversit'> staEe0older on one side and clai&ants on t0e ot0er =8JB???M /eed +ersonal JurisdictionK service under %ule 4 %esidence o an+ clai&ants !i all ro& one state#> district 80ere dis*ute arose> district 80ere *ro*ert+ is> district 80ere an+ clai&ant ound i no ot0er basis or venue ;nl+ basis is *rovision in 23 4S) 52233 or sta+ F80ere necessar+ in aid o . . . jurisdictionG De*osit controverted *ro*ert+ 8it0 t0e )ourt.


Statutor+ aut0orit+ or injunctions !23 4S) 523$1#

-o" to In&o.e/ staEe0older invoEes and is called

Post a bond 8it0 t0e )ourt to cover value o controverted *ro*ert+.


- 20 -

Intervention Rule $C Remember, you /J over all the LI wasnGt invitedB 4ut I need a% co%in> an'wa'M claimants in order for Rule @@ interpleader to wor?A Rule $C<a=# Intervention o9 Ri>ht .uto&atic9 uncontestable ri60t i : 1. 4nconditional %i60t Qranted b+ -ederal Statute> ;% 2. .**licant 0as interest in transaction or *ro*ert+ M dis*osition 8ill i&*air 0is interest - no eDistin6 *art+ can adeHuatel+ re*resent 0is interest Rule $C<4=# Per%issive Intervention .t discretion o )ourt i : 1. )onditional %i60t Qranted b+ Statute> ;% 2. )o&&on <uestion o ?a8 or -act> ;% 3. 2i%ited Pur+ose Intervention: )ourts &+ 6rant intervention or li&ited *ur*oses9 suc0 as contestin6 sco*e o *rotective orders and con identialit+ a6ree&ents. /Da&*le: /nviron&ental ?a8+ers intervene to contest ;il )o. settle&ent a6ree&ent orderin6 destruction o discover+ docu&ents 80ic0 &a+ s0o8 broader *attern o abuse contrar+ to *ublic *olic+.


- 21 -

Rule $C<4N=# 2i%ited Pur+ose Intervention Judicial /D*ansion o %ule 24!b#: Intervention Flowchart 1. 2i%ited Pur+ose Intervention: )ourts &+ 6rant intervention or li&ited *ur*oses9 suc0 as contestin6 sco*e o *rotective orders and con identialit+ a6ree&ents. Step 0/ a6ree&ent orderin6 destruction o discover+ docu&ents 80ic0 2. EDa%+le: /nviron&ental la8+ers intervene to contest ;il )o. settle&ent S(1(U(-R, 1/12,SIS &a+ s0o8 broader *attern o abuse9 su**ression o 80ic0 ar6uabl+ 8ould be contrar+ to *ublic *olic+. Ces

Does a -ederal Statute 6rant unconditional ri60t o intervention1

)US( Qrant 20is is %ule 24!a#.

Does a -ederal Statute 6rant conditional ri60t o intervention1


)1, Qrant 20is is %ule 24!b# 2ourt will consider delay or prejudice to original parties.

Step 1/ C1/G( S-)E-/E E2SE *- I(6 ,s t0ere a *art+ to t0e case 80o 8ill adeHuatel+ re*resent t0e a**licantAs le6iti&ate interest in t0e controverted &atter1 !2an an existing party cover your ass1 #


)US( Qrant 20is is %ule 24!a#.

Step )/ C-/SI*ER1(I-/S -F JU*ICI12 EFFICIE/C, 1/* PU"2IC P-2IC,.

,s t0ere: . common =uestion o la8 or act1 210313019.doc - or . limited purpose t0at 8ould serve *ublic *olic+1


)1, Qrant 20is is %ule 24!b# 2ourt will consider delay or prejudice to original parties.

- 22 -


- 23 -

Class 1ctions Rule $!# L;e ;ere 1ll Screwed -verAM

$!<1= C21SS PREREQUISI(ES <CE/ C (1"=

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $. '.

C21SS: is rou60l+ de inable and is a &e&ber> EC-/-),: Judicial /cono&+ is Served> /U)ER-US: Potential As too nu&erous or joinder> C-))-/ 2E312 (0E-R,: )lai&s 0ave a )o&&on le6al
t0eor+ or arise out o t0e sa&e transaction or occurrence>

JURIS*IC(I-/ Federal Question: "or&al %ule .**lies

*iversit': )lass action is a representative action. Diversit+ is based on t0e re*resentative. Just &aEe sure +ou *icE a ro& anot0er state. .&ount in )ontrovers+ cannot be aggregated. , itAs classi ied as a 23!b#!2# injunctive clai&9 +ou 8ould value t0e injunction and t0at could 6et +ou over t0e ='5E ;r +ou could ile it in state court. 7ut in a 23!b#!3# case +ouAd 0ave a bi6 *roble& i +our individual clai&s 8ere not eac0 over t0e ='5E reHuire&ent. Personal Jurisdiction: "ot t0e Shoe9 *enkla9 V; test. -ocuses &ostl+ on notice. -or 23!b#!3# damages case9 reHuires: .deHuate re*resentative "otice %i60t to o*t out. "ot reHuired or 23!b#!1# or !2# cases. Su++le%ental Jurisdiction: ,n diversit+ cases 8ill run into t0e S%ith I )errell *roble&. See lo8c0art or su**le&ental jurisdiction9 supra.

(,PIC12: )lai& o na&ed &ust be 2+*ical o t0e class> 1*EQU1C, -F REPRESE/(1(I-/: "a&ed *arties &ust
.deHuatel+ re*resent t0e class> " RU2E $!<"=: .ction &ust all 8it0in one o t0ree cate6ories o -ed %ule 23!b# ,denti iable )lass "a&ed s !or s# are &e&bers o t0e class "u&erosit+ )o&&onalit+ 2+*icalit+ .deHuac+ o %e*resentation


- 24 -

RES J F E2E)E/(S Sa&e Clai%6

,ssue /ecessar+ to t0e irst Sa&e Parties1 action1 L3o 1wa'B 2eave )e 1loneB I *onGt ;ant (o (alk Sa&e Evidence1 14out It 1n'%oreAM Identical ,ssues1 Sa&e (ransaction or ;ccurrence1 $!<"= (,PES -F C21SSES Jud6e&ent on 20e Merits in t0e -irst .ction )utualit' o9 Esto++el Class *e9ined Polic' -45ective Practical 1++lication Res Judicata Collateral Esto++el !(0o or 80ic0 *arties are subject clai& or issue 23!b#!1# .void inconsistent decisions or impairment o ,n a limited fund case> i to suits brou60t Mass version o %ule 19 5oinder. !)lai& Preclusion# !,ssue Preclusion# *reclusion1 individuall+9 irst @ taEes it all. )lass .ction interests o class &e&bers. .void 0ar& to As )lass &e&bers &a+ ";2 o*t out and are *rotects ot0er @As. and absentees. 7;4"D b+ t0e 0oldin6. 23!b#!2# Protect ri60ts 80ere lar6e nu&bers o *ersons )ivil ri60ts cases. ?i&ited to In5unctive or Declarator+ %elie are a ected. "o = da&a6es )lass &e&bers &a+ ";2 o*t out 23!b#!3# )lass action or ever+one 80o 8as overc0ar6ed = )onetar' *a%a>es Judicial e icienc+ Res Judicata "asics 10 cents on ever+ can o tuna t0e+ bou60t at Must be su+erior to ot0er available &et0ods .llo8s relie 80ere individual @As could not 1. *e9inition# %J &eans +ou cannot re-liti6ate a &atter t0at +ou *reviousl+ liti6ated or could have liti6ated. %al*0As. "o one 8ould sue individuall+. 7ut econo&icall+ *ursue action : Must *resent co&&on Huestions o la8 o or action# is liEe a *oEer c0i*9 +ou onl+ 6et t8o c0oices: bet 2. )er>er "ar# 20e controverted &atter !cause it or donAt bet it. Cou canAt breaE it in as a class it 8ould &aEe sense and %al*0As act. ! Predo%inance o co&&on Huestion# )ould be onl+ e ective &et0od o deterrin6 0al and *la+ *art no8 and *art later. .dditional t0eories t0at could 0ave been *lead but 8erenAt are &er6ed into t0e irst jud6&ent and urt0er 8ould 0ave to react. be0avior o so&e As !&an+ s&all is bears cost o notice to all class &e&bers. liti6ation barred b+ %J. "otice in &e'# or& &e&bers o*t-out. 3. Clai% 9or Relie9&ust is (he So9 80atAsa2 t0e clai& or relie violations#. !cause o action#1 ,s it liti6ation to *reserve a ri60t or to re&ed+ a 8ron61 )ourts 0ave 0eld bot0 8a+s and a &inorit+ o jurisdictions still use t0e ri60t-8ron6 test. 7ut t0e &ajorit+ *osition is to ocus on t0e transaction. ;n t0e eDa&9 ocus on transaction B occurrence. , t0e clai& arises ro& t0e sa&e transaction or occurrence9 itAs *robabl+ covered b+ %J. a. EDa%+le# ,n-ot0er-8ords9 i bou60t a toaster t0at eD*loded and Eilled 0er *et i6uana9 s0eAs *robabl+ 6ot 0al a doBen t0eories o recover+ under tort and contract la8 !strict liabilit+9 8arrant+9 breac09 etc.#. 7ut all t0ose actions arise ro& t0e sa&e occurrence I t0e toaster eD*losion. Most )ourts 8ould rule t0is a sin6le cause-o -action or %J *ur*oses. 4. EDa% (i+# 7e sure to let t0e *ro essor Eno8 +ou de ined t0e cause-o -action so t0at 0e Eno8s +ou understand its central i&*ortance to t0e conce*t o res judicata. 5. Re%e%4er the Polic' Rationale# )ourts 8ill inter*ret clai&s broadly in order to encoura6e joinder and discoura6e &ulti*le liti6ation !judicial e icienc+#. 7ut )ourts 8ill inter*ret clai&s narrowly i t0e+ are concerned about t0e 0ars0ness o *reclusion and t0e burden on t0e . Collateral Esto++el "asics *e9inition# )/ &eans +ou cannot re-liti6ate an issue t0at +ou *reviousl+ liti6ated or could have liti6ated. , %J is a &eat cleaver9 lo**in6 o t0e entire clai&9 )/ is a scal*el9 severin6 onl+ t0e issues *reviousl+ adjudicated. 20ere are 3 reHuire&ents or )/: a. Sa&e ,ssue b. .ctuall+ ?iti6ated c. "ecessaril+ Decided !20is is important. 20e issue &a+ *reviousl+ 0ave been decided but 8as not necessar+ to resolution o t0at case. 2. EDa%+le: Driver . 0its Driver 79 sues 7 or ne6li6ence9 and 8ins. .ssu&e t0at t0ere 8as no co&*ulsor+ counterclai& rule9 so 7 never counterclai&ed a6ainst .. "o8 Driver 7 8ants to sue Driver . or 0is injuries. a. 7 is ";2 barred b+ res judicata because even t0ou60 0is clai& arises ro& t0e sa&e transaction J occurrence9 clai&s are s*eci ic to t0e 9 so t0at sin6le accident 6ave rise to valid clai&s or bot0 . and 7. b. 7ut 7 8ill be estopped ro& assertin6 a clai& o ne6li6ence a6ainst .. 20is is because . actually litigated and necessarily determined t0at 7 8as t0e ne6li6ent driver in t0e accident. -or *ur*oses o t0e eDa&9 donAt 8orr+ about co&*arative ne6li6ence clai&s. c. 7ut9 80at i t0e verdict in t0e irst trial ca&e in as co&*arative ne6li6ence9 bot0 drivers ne6li6ent9 no da&a6es are a8arded because t0e+ 8ere eHuall+ ne6li6ent1 So t0e jur+ sends 7 0o&e a ree &an. "o8 0e decides to sue .. 20e act t0at t0e jur+ ound 7 ne6li6ent in t0e irst case 8as ";2 necessar+ to t0eir indin6 t0at . 8as ne6li6ent9 so 7 is ";2 esto**ed ro& suin6 .. 210313019.doc - 25 i. 1++eal# ;ne 8a+ to sanit+ c0ecE +our ans8er is to looE at 80et0er t0e in action Y2 could 0ave a**ealed t0e verdict in case Y1. Pere9 7 8on t0e irst case !0e did not 0ave to *a+ .#9 so t0ere 8as not0in6 or 0i& to a**eal. So 0is issue 8as not necessaril+ decided. 1.



Do t0e issues in t0e current case ste& ro& t0e sa&e transaction or occurrence as a *reviousl+ liti6ated case1

(as t0ere a final judgment in t0e *revious case1 ES JUDICATA <C21I) !-inal &eans all ste*s in t0e adjudicationR eDce*t eDecution J a**eal.#

PREC2USI-/= F2-;C01R(
"o Jurisdiction Venue Joinder o an ,ndis*ensable Part+

(as it considered Fon t0e &eritsG1 Ces Ces 12!b#!$# De ault jud6&ent or )onsent decree Su&&ar+ jud6&ent J Directed Verdict !JM;?# Ces


(as it valid1 Pro*er court 8it0 subject &atter and *ersonal jurisdiction1 51'33 F-ull -ait0 J )reditG valid state court decisions are bindin6 in ederal court unless state court lacEed co&*etenc+.

Does 2nd .ction ,nvolve Sa&e Parties or 20ose ,n /rivity1 Ces !Privit+ reHuires a le6al relations0i* bet8een t0e *arties#

210313019.doc C21I) PREC2USI-/ /ntire clai& is *recluded9 includin6 &atters t0at 8ere or s0ould 0ave been liti6ated.

- 2$ /- C21I) PREC2USI-/ %J 8onAt a**l+ i t0e &atter 0asnAt been inall+ and validl+ decided b+ a *ro*er )ourtN


Ces "o



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