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In a business Pavan, Kalyan, Madhu invested Rs.38,000, Rs.40,000 and Rs. 42,000 respectively. Find the share ! Pavan in the t tal pr !it ! Rs.24,000. a" #$00 b" 8000 c" 8400 d" 8$00 In a business P, %, R invested Rs.18,000, Rs.28,000 and Rs.$4,000 respectively. Find the di!!erence bet&een the share ! P and R in the t tal pr !it ! Rs.1,8#,000. a" 1#000 b" #8200 c" $1200 d" 1#000 'hree pers ns Ka(ala, )i(ala and Rani shared pr !its in the rati Rs.2800 ( re than Ka(ala then !ind the share ! )i(ala. a" 4200 b" #000 c" 1400 ! 3 * 4 * +. I! Rani received d" +$00




, hn, Peter and -athie .hared pr !its in the rati 12 * 1+ * 20. I! the share ! Peter is Rs.1, 20,000 then !ind the t tal pr !it. a" 3,#$,000 b" 8,000 c" 1,20,000 d" /$,000 Mahesh, .uresh and Pra0ash shared pr !its in the rati ! / * 8 * +. I! the t tal pr !it is Rs.2, 8$,000 then !ind the di!!erence bet&een the shares ! Mahesh and Pra0ash. a" 13,000 b" +2,000 c" 3/,000 d" 4/,000 1, 2, - as partners started a business. 1 c ntributes Rs.32, 000 ! r 4 ( nths, 2 c ntributes Rs.+1,000 ! r 3 ( nths and - c ntributes Rs.2#,000 ! r + ( nths. I! the t tal pr !it be Rs.1,24,800 then !ind the share ! 2. a" 38,400 b" 40,+00 c" 4+,/00 d" 4+,$00 P, %, R entered int a partnership. P c ntributes Rs.#2,000 ! r 4 ( nths, % c ntributes Rs.3$,000 ! r 8 ( nths and R c ntributes Rs.+#,$00 ! r + ( nths. 'he share ! R in the t tal pr !it is Rs.1,44,000. Find the t tal pr !it. a" 4,32,000 b" 2,88,000 c" 1,44,000 d" +,#$,000 I! the invest(ents ! Ra( and Rahi( in a business are in the rati ! 3 * 2 and the peri ds ! their invest(ents in the rati ! 4 * + then in &hich rati sh uld be the pr !it is divided bet&een the(. a" $*+ b" 1+*8 c" +*$ d" 3*10 1, 2 and - hired a 3eep ! r Rs.+20 and they used it ! r # * 8 * 11 h urs respectively. Find the char4e paid by 2. a" 140 b" 1$0 c" 220 d" 180






10. 3 (il0 (en 1, 2, - rented a pasture. 15s / c &s 4ra6ed ! r 8 ( nths, 25s 2+ c &s 4ra6ed ! r 2 ( nths and -5s 20 c &s ! r 8 ( nths. I! 15s share ! rent &as Rs.+40 then !ind the t tal rent7 a" 3#+ b" 1200 c" 211+ d" 1+ 11. 13ay started a business &ith a capital ! Rs.1,20,000. 1!ter 4 ( nths .u3ay 3 ined hi( &ith a capital ! Rs.2,00,000. 1t the end ! the year they 4 t Rs.38,000 as a pr !it. Find the share ! .u3ay in this pr !it. a" 18000 b" 20000 c" 2+000 d" 24000 12. Pratap started a business &ith Rs.30,000. 1!ter certain ( nths Pranay 3 ined hi( &ith Rs.4+,000. 1t the end ! the year, they shared the pr !its in the rati ! 4 * +. 1!ter h & (any ( nths Pranay 3 ined in the business. a" 2 b" 10 c" 3 d" 8 13. 1 and 2 entered int a partnership &ith Rs.20,000 and Rs.2+,000 respectively. 1!ter 3 ( nths 1 invested Rs.+000 ( re. Find the share ! 1 in the annual pr !it ! Rs.1,1#,000. a" +#000 b" #+000 c" $0000 d" 8 ne 14. 1 and 2 entered int a partnership &ith Rs.12,000 and Rs.18,000 respectively. 1!ter 3 ( nths 1 invested Rs.4,000 ( re 2 &ithdre& Rs.2,000. Find the share ! 2 in the pr !it ! 1,0+,000. a" +0,000 b" 40,000 c" 4+,000 d" ++,000 1+. 1 and 2 entered int a partnership &ith Rs.80,000 and Rs.+0,000 respectively. 1!ter 4 ( nths they invested Rs.10,000 each. Find the di!!erence bet&een their shares in the annual pr !it ! Rs.2,+8,000. a" 1,+$,000 b" 1,02,000 c"+4000 d" $4000 1$. 1 and 2 started a business &ith Rs.10 and Rs.1+ la0hs respectively. 1!ter 2 years 1 invested Rs.2.+ la0hs and a!ter ne9t $ ( nths 2 &ithdre& Rs.2.+ la0hs. 'hey shared the pr !it ! Rs.30.3 la0hs at the end ! +th year. Find the di!!erence bet&een their shares. a" 2.# la0hs b" 3.+ la0hs c" 2.$ la0hs d"2.4 la0hs


1#. 1 and 2 entered int a partnership &ith Rs.2 la0hs and Rs.3.+ la0hs respectively. 1 is a sleepin4 partner. In the annual pr !it ! Rs.3,3+,000, i! 1 4 t Rs.1,00,000. then !ind the ( nthly salary ! 2. a" 4000 b"+000 c" $000 d"3000 18. In a partnership, 1 invests 1:$ ! the capital ! r 1:$ ! ti(e, 2 invests 1:3 ! the capital ! r 1:3 ! the ti(e and - the rest ! the capital ! r the &h le ti(e. Find 15s share ! the t tal pr !it ! Rs.2300. a" 100 b" 400 c" 800 d" 300 1/. 1, 2, - enters int a partnership &ith a t tal ! Rs.8200. 15s capital is Rs.1000 ( re than 25s and 2000 less than -5s. Find the share ! 2 i! the year5s pr !it is Rs.24$0 a" 420 b" +30 c" 3000 d" 8 ne 20. 3 hi0ers P, %, R start n a t ur &ith Rs.30 each and a4ree t share the e9penses e;ually. I! at the end ! the trip, P has Rs.20, % has Rs.30 and R has Rs.40 &ith the(, h & (ust they settle their acc unts7 a" R sh uld 4ive Rs.10 t P b" P sh uld 4ive Rs.10 t R c" % sh uld 4ive Rs.20 t P d" % sh uld 4ive Rs.10 t P 21. <hat a( unt ! ( ney is divided bet&een 1, 2 and - i! 2 and - t 4ether 4et Rs.100 and 1 4ets t&ice as (uch as 2 &hile - &ith 1 4ets Rs.1+07 a" +0 b" 100 c" 1+0 d" 200 22. 'he share ! 1 in a partnership is 1000 ( re than that ! 2, but capital ! 1 is invested ! r 8 ( nths &hile capital ! 2 ! r 12 ( nths. I! the share ! 1 ! the yearly pr !it is the sa(e as that ! 2, then &hat is the capital ! 17 a" 2000 b" 3000 c" 4000 d" +000 23. 1 and 2 entered int a partnership &ith Rs.$0,000 and Rs./$,000 respectively. 2 &as sleepin4 partner. 1t the end ! the year they shared the pr !it ! Rs.3,08,000 in the rati ! 3# * 40. Find the ( nthly salary ! 1. a"4000 b" +000 c" 3000 d" $000 24. 1 and 2 entered int a partnership &ith Rs.30,000 and Rs.4+,000 respectively. 1 &as active partner and had t 4et 30= ! the t tal pr !it ! r his & r0 and the rest t be divided bet&een the( in pr p rti n ! their capitals. I! 1 received Rs.28,000 at the end ! the year. Find the t tal pr !it. a" $0000 b" 20000 c" +0000 d" 40000 2+. 1, 2 and - started a business. 'he capital ! 1 is ! ur>!i!th ! as (uch as the capitals ! 2 and t 4ether and the capital ! 2 is ne>third ! (uch as the capitals ! - and 1 t 4ether. Find the share ! - in the annual pr !it ! Rs.1, 80,000. a" +2000 b" +4000 c" $+000 d" ++000 2$. 1 and 2 invest Rs.3000 and Rs.4000 in a business. 1 receives Rs.10 per ( nth ut ! the pr !it as a re(unerati n ! r runnin4 the business and the rest ! pr !it is divided in pr p rti n t the invest(ents. I! in a year, 1 t tally receives Rs.3/0 then !ind the t tal pr !it. a" $30 b" 3$0 c" #+0 d" 240 2#. 1 & r0 (an earned Rs.180 in a certain nu(ber ! days. I! his daily &a4es had been Rs.2 less, he & uld ta0e ne ( re day t earn the sa(e a( unt. Find h & (any days he & r0ed at hi4her rate. a" 18 b" 10 c" / d" $ 28. ?ivide Rs.$#1 a( n4 P, % and R such that i! their shares be increased by Rs.3, Rs.# and Rs./ respectively, the result sh uld be in the rati 1 * 2 * 3. a" 118, 220,333 b" 220,120, 331 c" 112,223,33$ d" 11+,230,34+ 2/. 1sh 0 and )a(shi start a business &ith 1sh 0 investin4 the t tal capital ! Rs.+0,000, n the c nditi n that )a(shi pays 1sh 0 interest @ 10= p.a. n his hal! ! the capital. 1sh 0 is a & r0in4 partner and receives Rs.1+00 per ( nth !r ( the t tal pr !it and any pr !it re(ainin4 is e;ually shared by b th ! the(. 1t the end ! the year, it &as ! und that the inc (e ! 1sh 0 is t&ice that ! )a(shi. Find the t tal pr !it ! r the year. a" +$,000 b" $/,000 c" 18,000 d" 33,000 30. P and % start a business investin4 Rs.24,000 and Rs.32,000 respectively. 1!ter 3 ( nths, R 3 ined investin4 Rs.40,000 and a!ter $ ( nths . 3 ined by investin4 Rs.48,000. 1!ter 8 ( nths P &ithdre& c (pletely !r ( the business. I! the pr !it earned at the end ! / ( nths is Rs.3$,000 !ind the share ! R in the pr !it. a" 12,000 b" 13,200 c" 13,+00 d" 10,000

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