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Elexis 2013

Using the decade old election system old collect votes from the citizens is no longer considered efficient due to the various recurring errors. So time has arrived that the paper based primordial voting system hich has already proven itself an inefficient and slo procedure is changed immediately. !he system that is being follo ed currently" from data collection procedure to counting of the votes is a manual process. #ere e are proposing an automated electronic voting system. $t starts ith automated registration system that ill provide the secured database of the voter%s information. &oter details ill be stored against their voter 'id in the main database. !he election authority is authorized to access the details but they aren%t authorized for modifying or changing the details but they aren%t authorized for modifying or changing the details. (odification of the voter%s information re)uired the election id card of the particular voter to be produced. So the system ill help to minimize the corruption done by others" and hopefully corruption may be diminished at some point of time. $n this system &oter ill select his*her preferable candidate. !he registration of the candidates ill be done slo ely by the administrators by collecting valid information about the candidates and ill be stored in the database. Each vote ac)uired by a candidate ill be incremented to his*her total and ill be reflected bac+ in the database.

$n ,Elexis 2013- a voter can use his.her voting right ithout difficulty. #e.She has to fill a registration form to register himself.herself. /ll the entries are chec+ed by the 0/!/1/SE hich has already all information about the voter. $2 all the entries are correct then a USE3 $0 and 4/SS5630 is given to the voter" by using that $0 and 4/SS5630 he.she can use his.her vote. $f conditions are rong then that entry ill be discarded.

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

Goals of the proposed system

1. Planned approach towards working ! !he or+ing in the organization ill be planned and organized. !he data ill be stored properly in data stores. !his ill help in retrieval of information as ell as its storage.


"ccuracy ! !he level of accuracy in the proposed system ill be higher. /ll
operation ould be done correctly and it ensures that hatever information is coming from the centre is accurate.

3. Relia#ility ! !he reliability of the proposed system ill be high due to the above stated reasons. !he reason for the increased reliability of the system is that no there ould be proper storage of information.

7. No Redundancy ! $n the proposed system utmost care ould be that no information is repeated any here" in storage or other ise. !his ould assure economic use of storage space and consistency in the data stored.

8. Immediate retrie$al of information ! !he main ob9ective of proposed system is to provide for a )uic+ and efficient retrieval of information.

:. Immediate storage of information ! $n manual system there are many problems to store the largest amount of information.

;. %asy to Operate ! !he system should be easy to operate and should be such that it can be developed ithin a short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user.

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

$. /dministrator a. <andidate 3egistration b. &oter 3egistration c. 0ata (anipulation d. &ie 3esult e. =enerate 3eport <andidate a. &ie 4opulation 0etails b. &ie 3esult &oter a. &ie <andidate 0etails b. <ast &ote c. &ie 3esult

$$. $$$.

a. <andidate 3egistration !he re)uired information of the candidates ill be entered in the database by the administrator. !he necessary identifications are re)uired to be produced by the candidates. b. &oter 3egistration !he re)uired information of the voters ill be entered in the database by the administrator. !he necessary identifications are re)uired to be produced by the voters. c. 0ata (anipulation $n this section" the administrator can update the existing information of the candidates and the voters. !his can only be permitted if the relevant 0ocument of the candidates or the voters are produced. d. &ie 3esult !he voting result ill be displayed. e. =enerate 3eport 3eports on the votes castled are generated

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

'%"(I)I*IT+ (TUD+
0epending on the results of the initial investigation the survey is no expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. ,2E/S$1$>$!? S!U0?- is a test of system proposal according to its or+ability" impact of the organization" ability to meet needs and effective use of the resources. $t focused on these ma9or )uestions@ 1. 5hat are the user%s demonstrable needs and ho does a candidate system meet themA 2. 5hat resources are available for given candidate systemA 3. 5hat are the li+ely impacts of the candidate system on the organizationA 7. 5hether it is orth to solve the problemA 0uring feasibility analysis for this pro9ect" follo ing primary areas of interest are to considered. $nvestigation and generating ideas about a ne system does this Eight steps involved in the feasibility analysis are@ 2orm a pro9ect team and appoint a pro9ect leader. 4repare system flo charts. Enumerate potential proposed system. 0efine and evaluate performance and cost effective of each proposed system. 5eight system performance and cost data. Select the bestBproposed system. 4repare and report final pro9ect directive to management.

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013 Technical 'easi#ility / study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. !his evaluation determines eather the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not. <an the or+ of the pro9ect to done ith current e)uipment existing soft are technology and available personalA <an the system be upgrade if developedA $f ne technology is needed then hat can be developedA !his is concerned ith specifying e)uipment and soft are that ill successfully satisfy the user re)uirement. !he technical needs of the system may include@

'ront!end and #ack end selection

/n important issue for the development of a pro9ect is the selection of suitable frontBend and bac+Bend. 5hen e decided to develop the pro9ect e ent through an extensive study to determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as ell as helps in development of the pro9ect. the aspects of our study

included the follo ing factors. 'ront!end selection

1. $t must have a =U$ that assists employees that are not from $! 1ac+ground. 2. Scalability and extensibility. 3. 2lexibility. 7. 3obustness. 8. /ccording to the organization re)uirement and the culture. :. (ust provide excellent reporting features ith good printing support. ;. 4latform independent. C. Easy to debug and maintain. D. Event driven programming facility.

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013 10. 2ront end must support some popular bac+ end li+e (S SE> Server. /ccording to the above stated features e selected 4#4 as the frontBend for developing our pro9ect. )ack!end selection 1. (ultiple user support. 2. Efficient data handling 3. 4roviding inherent features for security. 7. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance. 8. Stored procedures. :. 4opularity. ;. 6perating system compatible. C. Easy to install. D. &arious drivers must be available. 10. Easy to implant ith the 2rontBend /ccording to above stated features e selected (S SE> Server as the bac+end

!he technical feasibility is fre)uently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. $t is essential that the process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel ith an assessment to technical feasibility. $t centers on the existing computer system and to hat extent it can support the proposed system.

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

%conomic 'easi#ility
Economic 9ustification is generally the ,1ottom >ine- consideration for most systems. Economic 9ustification includes a broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis. $n this e eight the cost and the benefits associated ith the candidate system and if it suits and basic purpose of the organization i.e" profit ma+ing" pro9ect is ma+ing to the analysis and design phase.

!he 2inancial and the economic )uestion during the preliminary investigation are verified to estimate the follo ing@ !he cost to conduct a full system investigation !he cost of hard are and soft are for the class of application being considered. !he benefits in the form of reduced cost. !he proposed system ill give the minute information" as a result the performance is improved !his feasibility chec+s hether the system can be developed ith the available funds. !he Elexis 2013 does not re)uire enormous amount of money to be developed. !his can be done economically if planned 9udicially" so it is economically feasible. !he cost of pro9ect depends upon the number of manBhours re)uired.

Operational 'easi#ility
$t is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. !he points to be considered are 5hat changes ill be brought ith the systemA 5hat organization structures are disturbedA 5hat ne s+ills ill be re)uiresA 0o the existing staff members have these s+illsA $f not" can they be trained in due course of timeA

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013 !he system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the End users to operate it. $t only needs basic information about 5indo s platform.

(chedule feasi#ility
!ime evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of pro9ect. the time schedule re)uires for the developed of this pro9ect is very important since more development time effect machine time" cost and cause delay in the development of other systems.

!he person responsible for developing this document is the business or systems analyst. $n the large pro9ect the analyst may also have a number of people or+ing for then. !hese extra staff ould carry out the intervie s" )uestionnaires and observations needed to develop the overall specification. /n agreement bet een the t o groups is often called a ,contract-. $n this case the contract is bet een the development team" headed up by the pro9ect manager and the client * customer.

'unctional Re-uirements
3egistration of the voter is done by E>E<!$6F <6(($S$6F 62 $F0$/. E>E<!$6F <6(($S$6F 62 $F0$/ can change the information any time if re)uired. 3egistration of the voter depends upon the information filled by the user. &oter is given a uni)ue $0 and 4/SS5630. &oter can give vote after login and entering the $0 and 4/SS5630. $n the 0/!/1/SE information of every voter is stored. 0atabase sho s the information of every user.

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

1etter component design to get better performance at pea+ time. 2lexible service based architecture ill be highly desirable for future extension.

(+(T%& R%,UIR%&%NT(
#ard are 3e)uirements
o 4rocessor@ $ntel core i3"i8 or i; o 3/(@ 2=1 or higher o #00@ 800=1

Soft are 3e)uirements

o o o o 6perating system@ 5indo s G4" in; 0atabase@ SE> server 2008 !echnology@ (icrosoft &isual Studio 2010 >anguage@ <H

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

(+(T%& D%(IGN 0/!/ 2>65 0$/=3/(

/ data flo diagram I020J is a graphical representation of the ,flo - of data through an information system" modeling its process aspects. 6ften they are a preliminary step used to create an overvie of the system hich can later be elaborated. 020s can also be used for the visualizations of data processing Istructured designJ.

1. S)uare representing external entity@

2. <ircle representing process@ .

3. /rro s represents flo of data@

7. 3epresents data store@

Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

D"T" '*O. DI"GR"&

*e$el o D'D
/dmin 4ass ord

Id / password


Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013



>ogin validati on

Electio n System

3egiste r &oter

voting 3egister* un register candidate

>evel 1 020@

3egiste r &oter

&alidat e 0etails


Sharada &i+as !rust

Elexis 2013

3egister ed voters

&oterpass >ogin

>ogin &alidatio n

<andidate vote


Sharada &i+as !rust

E3 0$/=3/(

Elexis 2013

/dmin id /dKn ame

4ersonal details



$s adminKid matching A


6f ar dKi dA

#as voter KidA



4ersonal details


4ersonal details




6f voterKid A <Kname



$s matching voter Kid

$s matchin g can Kid


votepass 6f ardKi d

<andidate pass


5ard id







Sharada &i+as !rust

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