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Hilti Entwic lung Ele trower !

euge "m#H $ereich $efestigungstechni

Hilti HIT-RE 500 for use with Large Anchor Diameters up to M80

von: Datum: Seite:

DMPg 30.05.2001 1/3

Hilti HIT-RE 500

%se of Hilti HIT-RE 500 In&ection A'hesi(e for Large Anchors up to Diameter M80 In general)
Due to the excellent bonding per ormance the lo! "hrin#age the good per ormance in diamond cored hole" the convenient !or#ing time and the out"tanding handling behaviour regarding di"pen"ing orce$ di"pen"ing "peed %&'()* 500 in+ection adhe"ive can be u"ed or a"tening o large element" li#e threaded rod" up to "i,e M-0 or e.uivalent large diameter rebar". During %&'()* 500 development the /0 1nchor" have te"ted anchor rod" in the range o M- up to M23 and rebar" in the range o - till 30 mm. /a"ed on the bond "trength re"ult" o the"e te"t" !e can give the ollo!ing de"ign recommendation"$ !hich i" (ali' for anchor si!es of larger than M*+ , re#ar -0 up to M80 or e.uivalent rebar "i,e. 4or "i,e" M- till M35 and rebar - till 30 mm the %ilti technical data publi"hed in %ilti .a"tening Technolog6 Manual 7.TM8$ i""ue 2001 or in the %&D0 de"ign program are deci"ive.

Design recommen'ation)
/a"ed on the "tate o the art anchor de"ign 3 chec#" have to be made or ten"ile re"i"tance a" !ell a" 2 chec#" or "hear re"i"tance: /R' 0 min1 /R'2p3 /R'2c3 /R'2s 4 /5' 6R' 0 min1 6R'2c3 6R'2s 4 65' 1" nominal anchorage 'epth !e recommend hnom 9 5 x 9 5 x nominal diameter o a"tening element. 4or anchor" mainl6 de"igned a" "hear connector" the min. allo!able anchorage depth i" hmin 9 2 x $ to avoid pr6(out ailure". 78 Anchor pull-out 'esign resistance /R'2p

'he anchor pull(out de"ign re"i"tance can be calculated b6 /R'2p 0 x x he x d x



9 nominal diameter o a"tening element 7%1S M23: 9 23 mm8 7)ebar 50: 9 50 mm8 9 3$13 he 9 e ective anchorage depth ' 0 recommen'e' 'esign #on' strength 0 *25 /,mm9 for anchor si!es larger than M*+ up to M80 or concrete "trength o ;20/25 till ;50/20 / 3.000 till 2.000 p"i 'emp < :."at 9 ad+u"tment actor"


Hilti Entwic lung Ele trower !euge "m#H $ereich $efestigungstechni

Hilti HIT-RE 500 for use with Large Anchor Diameters up to M80

von: Datum: Seite:

DMPg 30.05.2001 2/3

'he recommended de"ign bond "trength i" valid or the above mentioned range o concrete "trength. 'he ad+u"tment actor" or !ater "aturated concrete :."at and ba"e material temperature 'emp mu"t be u"ed rom the .TM$ i""ue 2001


Hilti Entwic lung Ele trower !euge "m#H $ereich $efestigungstechni

Hilti HIT-RE 500 for use with Large Anchor Diameters up to M80

von: Datum: Seite:

DMPg 30.05.2001 3/3


:oncrete failure 'esign resistance /R'2c2 6R'2c

'he concrete ailure de"ign re"i"tance or ten"ile and "hear "hould be calculated u"ing the ;;(Method 7:oncrete :apacit6 Method8. 'hi" method cover" the in luence o concrete "trength$ anchorage depth$ anchor "pacing and edge di"tance. 1" orientation or minimum and critical anchor "pacing and edge in luence u"e the rule" publi"hed in the .TM$ i""ue 2001: "pacing: "min 9 0$5 x hnom " "cr$> 9 2$0 x hnom edge di"tance: cmin 9 0$5 x hnom c ccr$> 9 1$0 x hnom Plea"e contact the DS group o the /0 1nchor" or de"ign a""i"tance.

*8 5teel 'esign resistance /R'2s2 6R'2s :e recommend to u"e the de"ign method" and "a et6 actor" publi"hed in the 4'M$ i""ue 2001.

5etting con'itions)
)egarding annular space #etween fastening element an' #ase material !e recommend the rule: D ; -mm 'o D ; 70mm 'o 9 bore hole diameter %1S: D 9 9 nominal diameter o a"tening element )ebar: D 9 e ective maximum diameter over rip" o the rebar 'hi" mean" the bore hole diameter "hould be in a range o 3 to 10 mm bigger than the nominal diameter o the threaded rod or the e ective maximum diameter over rip" o the rebar :ith thi" rule a "tandard %ilti diamond core bit "hould al!a6" match.

:e hope the"e de"ign rule" or large a"tening element" "et !ith %ilti %&'()* 500 in+ection mortar enable" 6ou or proper anchor de"ign and .uali ied "upport o 6our cu"tomer".


%ilti Development 1nchor" %. ?inter


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