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Jeremy Kuchel Cally Silvers

Title of Lesson & Date Standard(s) and Mathematical Practices

Measuring using Customary Units 11/18/13-11/20/13 List the stan ar !s" an SM#s a resse in your lesson$ 3.OA.3 Use multi%lication an ivision &ithin 100 to solve &or %ro'lems in situations involving e(ual grou%s) arrays) an measurement (uantities) e*g*) 'y using ra&ings an e(uations &ith a sym'ol +or the un,no&n num'er to re%resent the %ro'lem* 3.MD.2 Measure an estimate li(ui volumes an masses o+ o'-ects using stan ar units o+ grams !g") ,ilograms!,g") an liters !l"* . ) su'tract) multi%ly) or ivi e to solve one-ste% &or %ro'lems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same unites) e*g*) 'y using ra&ings to re%resent the %ro'lem* 3.MP.1 Ma,e sense o+ %ro'lems an %ersevere in solving them* 3.MP.3 Construct via'le arguments an criti(ue the reasoning o+ others* 3.MP.4 Mo el &ith mathematics* 3.MP. Loo, +or an ma,e use o+ structure* ! can measure using customary units o+ measurement o+ li(ui volume* ! can un erstan that customary units o+ li(ui volume share a %attern an relationshi%* ! can use %ictures to solve %ro'lems using customary units o+ li(ui volume*

Lesson O"er"ie#

/ay 1$ 0he lesson &ill 'egin &ith the stu ents receiving a %re-assessment on customary units o+ measuring li(ui volume* .+ter the assessment is given) the stu ents &ill then 'e intro uce to the customary units o+ measurement that they &ill 'e using throughout the lesson* Stu ents &ill then 'e given a emonstration o+ the i++erence in measuring &ith a gallon versus a cu%* Using rice) 1 ha several stu ents come an emonstrate ho& many cu%s &ere in a %int) %ints in a (uart) (uarts in a hal+ gallon) an hal+ gallons into gallons* .+ter this) the stu ents &ill 'e as,e to &or, at their ta'les an &ill 'e han e out a (uic, &or,sheet that allo&s them to use their %rior ,no&le ge o+ math !a ition) su'traction) multi%lication) an ivision" to ans&er the (uestions a'out li(ui volume* 0hey &ill then colla'orate &ith one another to ans&er the (uestions* 2nce they have their ans&ers) they &ill recor them on their &hite'oar to iscuss them as a class* 0he stu ents &ere then intro uce to the 345 tric,* 6hich is ra&ing out a giant letter 4) then ra&ing +our 78s insi e that) then t&o #8s insi e the 78s) an then t&o C8s insi e o+ each #* Sho&ing the re%resentation o+ gallons) to (uarts) %ints) an +inally cu%s*

Jeremy Kuchel Cally Silvers /ay 2$ 0he start o+ this ay &ill 'e a short revie& +rom the ay 'e+ore* 1 &ill hol u% a gar'age can an as, the class i+ they &oul rather +ill it u% &ith cu%s or gallons* 2+ course) they &ill 'e e9%ecte to give reasoning 'ehin their ans&er* Stu ents &ill then move into : i++erent stations to e9%lore these i++erent units o+ measure on their o&n* 0hey &ill 'e given sheets o+ %a%er to recor their in+ormation onto a+ter they com%lete the e9%loration* 0hese stations inclu e $ ho& many 1/2%ints in a cu%) cu%s in a %int) %ints in a (uart) (uarts in a hal+ gallon) an hal+ gallons in a gallon* 2nce com%lete ) stu ents return to their es,s an &e &ill have a class iscussion a'out their +in ings* .t the en o+ this lesson) &e em%hasi;e the ou'ling e++ect that ha%%ens in each o+ these units o+ measure* 0hen the 345 tric, &as sho&n on the 'oar again to rein+orce their +in ings* /ay 3$ 0he 'eginning o+ this ay is also a (uic, revie&* 0o start o++) &e as, the stu ents to e9%lain the i++erence 'et&een estimation an guessing* 0he stu ents have &or,sheets in their math &or,'oo,s to com%lete this ay* 0here are t&o short %ages on estimation that they &ill ans&er on their o&n an then iscuss &ith their ta'les) an then as a &hole class* 0his &or,sheet &ill %rom%t the stu ents to thin, a'stractly a'out estimation using customary units o+ measurement* 2nce estimation is com%lete) the stu ents &ill then nee to learn ho& to ans&er &or %ro'lems using ra&ings* 0hey &ill 'e given a han out &ith multi%le one-ste% %ro'lems in &hich they &ill have to ra& out their ans&ers in or er to solve the %ro'lem* .+ter all stu ents are one) the teacher &ill go through a +e& o+ the (uestions using the smart'oar * 2n the smart'oar &ill 'e a container an &ith that) the stu ents &ill 'e as,e ho& they solve the %ro'lem) even emonstrating their i eas on the smart'oar ) &hich &ill inevita'ility lea to class iscussion a'out the %ro'lems on the 'oar * 2nce this is com%lete ) a minister the %ost assessment) &hich has the same (uestions on it) 'ut in a i++erent +ormat* 0he only mani%ulatives 'eing use in the lesson is a cu%) %int) (uart) < gallon) an gallon containers along &ith rice an &ater* 0hese &ill give the stu ents a visual re%resentation o+ ho& much li(ui volume each container hol s in relation to one another* .long &ith these evices) the stu ents &ill also use the smart'oar to iscuss (uestions) re%resent their ans&ers) an allo& +or every stu ent in the classroom to %artici%ate in the activity* 0his &hole activity a'out measuring li(ui volume &ill +lo& %er+ectly &ith the science unit the stu ents are in uring the same &ee,) measuring mass using metric measurement* Stu ents &ill 'e reintro uce in measurement in a i++erent &ay through a i++erent +iel *

!nte$ratin$ %eso&rces and Ma'in$ (onnections

Jeremy Kuchel Cally Silvers Addressin$ a )road %an$e /iscuss any a a%tations you %lanne or ma e on the s%ot to su%%ort stu ents &ho are &or,ing 'elo& of Learners or a'ove gra e level) stu ent &ith isa'ilities or stu ents &ho are =nglish language learners an ho& that im%acte their learning in the lesson$ 1n this lesson) stu ents shoul 'e monitore throughout the lesson to ma,e sure they un erstan the ne& conce%ts o+ measurement* 1+ a stu ent is not gras%ing the conce%t) they &ill 'e given more han son attention &ith the actual units o+ measurement* 0his &ill allo& the stu ent to hol an +eel the amounts o+ li(ui volume that each container is a'le to hol * Stu ents &ho still o not gras% the conce%t &ill 'e given %lenty o+ time through multi%le re%etition o+ similar lessons in science as &ell* >or stu ents that are ahea o+ the curve) they &ill 'e as,e to hel% others in their near vicinity) allo&ing those stu ents to utili;e their ,no&le ge to hel% others* Just li,e &hat &as state a'ove) &e hel%e stu ents &ho i n8t seem to un erstan on the s%ot* 0his &as a'le to ha%%en 'ecause &e ha three classroom teachers* 0here &as al&ays someone to hel% i+ a stu ent nee e it) or i+ a grou% o+ stu ents nee e e9tra hel% at a station* 1* 6as your lesson e++ective an i the stu ents un erstan &hat you &ere teaching? 6hy/&hy not? /ay 1$ 2riginally) this lesson &as to ta,e u% only one ay* 0he stu ents i n8t un erstan &hat &e &ere teaching right a&ay) an &e ha too much %lanne +or one lesson* 1 thin, that &hat &e accom%lishe in the +irst ay &as e++ective though* 1t &as a great intro uction to customary units o+ volume an +un to have an activity on the car%et +or the stu ents to &atch* 0he visual ai s really ma e a i++erence in the stu ents un erstan ing &hat &e &ere teaching* .lthough they may not have gras%e the &hole conce%t right a&ay) they i ,no& &hat &e &ere teaching them* /ay 2$ 0his ay &as much more success+ul 'ecause it &as han s on* 0hey &ere a'le to %hysically see each o+ these conversions one themselves* 0his really connecte the t&o ays together +or them* 0hey &ere a'out to see the ou'ling e++ect 'y e9%loring them on their o&n* 1t &as +un to &atch them connect the ots* /ay 3$ 1 on8t thin, the thir ay &as as e++ective* 0hey stu ents seeme less engage ) &hich &as most li,ely 'ecause they &ere oing &or,sheets* 1 thin, there &ere stu ents &ho i n8t un erstan the ra&ing mo els +or the &or %ro'lems using customary units o+ measure* >or those &ho i un erstan it) the conce%t &as rein+orce +or them*

%eflection on St&dent Learnin$ and Teacher Practice

Jeremy Kuchel Cally Silvers 2* Com%are/contrast metho s o+ &hat you i &ith ho& Jones e9%lains metho s !content methods Chapters 7-17)* Jones says that volume shoul n8t 'e taught to stu ents until :th gra e* Jones also says to intro uce volume &ith soli s* 2ur lesson &as on li(ui volume) an &e use &ater* 6e i things a lot i++erent than Jones e9%lains is the 'est* 3* 6hat &ere the strengths o+ your lesson? 6hy? 6hat changes/im%rovements &oul you ma,e to the lesson? 6hy? /ay 1$ 0he main strength o+ this lesson &as the emonstration* 1 really en-oye the stu ent8s enthusiasm an e9citement a'out &atching a emo on the car%et* Some changes or im%rovements 1 &oul have ma e &oul 'e in sho&ing the results o+ the emonstration* .+ter the stu ents measure ho& many cu%s &ere in a %int) &e shoul have &ritten it on the 'oar * 1 &oul o this so that the stu ent8s &oul n8t +orget &hat &e ha -ust iscovere ) they coul loo, at our ata* /ay 2$ 0he secon ay &as much 'etter* 0he stu ents really en-oye the han s on activity an it &as goo team &or, 'uil ing* 1 thin, the ,i s really got a lot +rom the han s on e9%erience an it hel%e them gras% li(ui volume more* .n im%rovement +or this ay &oul 'e to have a 'etter e'rie+ing %erio a+ter the stations* /ay 3$ 0he last ay o+ our lesson &as a goo rein+orcement o+ the %revious t&o* 0he strength o+ this ay &as going over the i++erent units o+ volume again an ma,ing sure they un erstoo * . change that shoul have 'een ma e &as the %ost assessment* 0he stu ents &ere con+use 'y the +ormatting* 1 trie to ma,e the same (uestions) 'ut in a i++erent +ormat) an they &ere con+use 'y the chart 1 ma e* @* 6hat i you learning +rom this e9%erience a'out teaching mathematics? /ay 1$ 4eorgia came an o'serve this lesson an ha a +e& suggestions +or ho& Jeremy an 1 coul e9%an on the conce%t* 0his trans+orme our lesson an turne it into a mini unit* 1 learne that it8s o,ay to not com%lete your lesson %lan as long as the stu ents un erstan the conce%t* 0his &as my secon time teaching the &hole class a lesson) an 1 +eel li,e 1 gaine more con+i ence* /ay 2 A 3$ 2verall) in teaching mathematics) 1 learne that 1 can al&ays im%rove* Bot every stu ent is going to un erstan it all at the same time* .n it never hurts to go over the conce%t time an time again*

Jeremy Kuchel Cally Silvers

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