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Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years Please read instructions at the end of this

application form before completin it A. YOUR ORGANISATION 1. Name of organisation Including acronym or abbreviation (if any) 2. When was your organisation estab ishe!" Including month and year #. $u name of %onta%t &erson Including title (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Rev) '. $u &osta a!!ress of organisation (. $u &hysi%a a!!ress of organisation (if different from postal address) ). Te e&hone number Including country and city codes *. $a+ number (if applicable) Including country and city codes ,. -mai .s Most contact from Feed the Minds will be through email /. Website (if applicable) 10. 1ain aims an! ob2e%ti3es of your organisation a! "hat does your or anisation e#ist to achieve$

b! "ho are the %ey tar et roups you &or% &ith$

c! 'ision, mission or values statement (if applicable!

11. What ma2or &ro2e%ts ha3e been %arrie! out by your organisation in the ast two years" )ear Project title *ud et in +*P

Source of fundin

February 2 !2

Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years 12. 4as your organisation ha! &re3ious fun!ing from $ee! the 1in!s" If yes" please give details including dates" amount of funding" pro#ect title and reference number (if applicable) 1#. 4ow !oes your organisation fun! its a%ti3ities" $lease include other donors and local contribution (if applicable) 1'. What is the annua turno3er of your organisation in 5G67" -+%hange Rate 51 8 Year 5 5 1(. What is the stru%ture of your organisation" $lease describe the management structure including information on the governing/trustee body (if applicable)" and number of staff% $lease include gender brea&down 1). 4ow wou ! you !es%ribe your organisation" (please tic& all relevant bo'es) Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Community-based organisation (CBO) Annua turno3er

Other (please specify) 1*. $aith9basis - In what ways" if any" is your organisation lin&ed with local churches or other faith(based organisations) e%g% religious leaders on your board of trustees" wor&ing with churches in delivering your programmes" receiving support from religious institutions" or religious principles influencing your wor&%

1,. 7 ease su&& y !etai s of two e+terna referees e%g% other/previous donors" director of a partner organisation% $lease ensure that these people are not directly connected with your organisation but are able to give an independent reference% First referee Name Organisation :ob tit e -mai 7hone number Including country and city codes 4ow !oes this &erson ;now your organisation" 4ow ong ha3e they ;nown you for" 2 February 2 !2 Second referee

Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years

Section * should not e#ceed , pa es Please type if possible- if hand&ritten ensure you provide sufficient details
6. 7RO7OS-< 7RO:-=T A77>I=ATION 1. Tit e of &ro2e%t - *he title should tell the focus of the pro#ect% $lease &eep it brief and simple%

2. Area of im& ementation a! .ame of country, district or villa es

b! /#plain &hy this area &as selected

#. Summary of the &ro2e%t in ess than 100 wor!s ( $lease e'plain the main features of your pro#ect

'. 7ro2e%t framewor; a? 7ro2e%t aim - +hat is the overall change to which this pro#ect will contribute)

b? 7ro2e%t ob2e%ti3es - +hat are the intended achievements or outputs of this pro#ect) 1 2 ! "

%? 7ro2e%t out%omes - +hat will be the changes you e'pect to see ta&ing place for individuals" communities and organisations) 1 2 ! "

February 2 !2

Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years !? 7ro2e%t a%ti3ities $lease list the activities that will ta&e place in order to meet the ob#ectives and indicate when they will ta&e place Timetab e A%ti3ities

(. 1etho!o ogy an! a&&roa%h a! "hat methodolo y or approach &ill you be usin $

b! "hat e#pertise does your or anisation have$

c! "hat evidence do you have that this &ill &or%$

d! 0o& does your project support the development of literacy s%ills$ ,ee Feed the Minds -iteracy $olicy

). I!entifi%ation of the nee! a! "hat needs assessment have you carried out$

b! "hen &as this completed$

c! "ho participated$

d! "hat &ere the findin s and results$


February 2 !2

Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years *. 6enefi%iaries a! Please describe the intended beneficiaries of this project

b! Please specify numbers of those directly involved in project activities and those &ho &ill benefit indirectly as a result of the project "omen 1irect 2ndirect "omen 3en 3en ,. Wi other organisations be in3o 3e! in this &ro2e%t" If yes@ how"

/. 4ow wi the im&a%t of the &ro2e%t be sustaine!" .'plain how the pro#ect or its impact will continue after the funding period has ended%

10. 1onitoring an! e3a uation 3onitorin is the process of ensuring that the pro#ect meets its ob#ectives and the activities are carried out on time and within the resources available% /valuation is the process of measuring the effectiveness and impact of the pro#ect and the achievement of the intended outcomes% a! "ho &ill be responsible for monitorin and evaluation$

b! "hat specific activities &ill ta%e place to evaluate the pro ress to&ards the project outcomes$

c! 0o& &ill this information be used to benefit your or anisation and the communities you &or% &ith$

11. Is this a&& i%ation for the %ontinuation of an e+isting &ro2e%t" a! 0o& does this project build on the previous one$


b! "hat lessons learnt have been incorporated in the current proposal$

c! 2s there an evaluation report from the previous project$ ($lease do not attach" this will be re/uested if re/uired)

February 2 !2

Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years

Section 4 - All amounts should be in *ritish pounds (+*P! 5

Please provide sufficient detail on the costs associated &ith the project and ho& funds &ill be used5 "here possible brea%do&n the costs (e5 5 02' 6 A21S trainin 7 venue, spea%er fees, handouts, food!5 =. 6U<G-T 9 & ease a!! more ines as ne%essary -+%hange rate -+&en!iture items 51 8
Anti%i&ate! e+&en!iture $ee! the 1in!s Other fun!ers Awaiting res&onse . Su%%essfu 1 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & >o%a %ontribution TOTA>

& & & & & 8otal capital costs & & & & & 8otal revenue costs 898A: *;1+/8 & & & & & & & & & &


Any a!!itiona information on bu!get If your budget includes the purchase of e/uipment or other capital costs you should provide #ustification for this here% Amount sought from $ee! the 1in!s Authorise! by 5 NameB 7ositionB <ateB

1 $lease give details if you have applied for funding from other source s and are awaiting a response or successful% 2

0apital costs are costs for the purchase of goods which will outlast the length of the pro#ect% *hey are costs for things that will not be used up during the length of the pro#ect and so will provide infrastructure or e/uipment that the organisation will retain once the pro#ect has ended% .'amples include" but are not limited to" buildings" vehicles" computers" e/uipment such as printing presses" blac&boards" furniture" etc% -imited funds means that Feed the Minds is unable to fund pro#ects which include more than !12 for capital costs%
3 Revenue costs are all costs associated with the purchase of goods or services which will be consumed within the course of the pro#ect% .'amples include

staff time" administrative costs" transport" consumable materials such as paper or pens" venue hire" etc%


February 2 !2

Small Project Application Form 1,000-10,000 spread over 1-3 years 4ow !i! you fin! out about $ee! the 1in!s" (please tic& all relevant bo'es) 3nother partner 3nother donor +ebsite 4ther (please specify) Media coverage

(f you )ish to )or* in partnership )ith +eed the ,inds- please follo) these instructions. /ead our 01artnerships Criteria2 and policies and refer to www%feedtheminds%org C (f your organisation and pro3ect are eligible to apply" C 4o)nload the 5mall 1ro3ects application form for pro3ects of &1-666-&16-666 for pro3ects spread over 1-! years (old versions of forms )ill be returned) C C 4o)nload the 7arge 1ro3ects application form for pro3ects of &16-661-&2%-666 for pro3ects spread over 1-! years (old versions of forms )ill be returned) C

Complete your application in 8nglish and email it to info5feedtheminds%org or by post to Feed the Minds" $ar& $lace" !2 -awn -ane" -ondon ,+6 !7D" 7nited 8ingdom C #ou )ill receive an ac*no)ledgement email confirming that )e have received your application C #ou )ill be notified by email as to )hether or not your application has been successful C 9nsuccessful :pplications. ;he decline email )ill indicate )hy your proposal )as not successful and )here it could be improved #ou must )ait at least 12 months before reapplying% C 5uccessful :pplications. :ll partnerships are sub3ect to receipt of acceptable references and sufficient funds Once references and funds are available the first instalment )ill be paid

At $ee! the 1in!s we ha3e re%ent y %hange! the way we a%%e&t a&& i%ationsD these are now a%%e&te! on an ongoing basis throughout the year. An organisation may a&& y for either a Sma or >arge 7ro2e%t@ not both. 1lease note that +eed the ,inds receives large number of applications and is able to approve only a limited number in accordance )ith our 1artnerships Criteria- our strategic priorities and funds )e have available ;herefore- under no circumstances should you underta*e e<penses or ma*e promises to beneficiaries or partners prior to )ritten notification that your proposal has been successful and funds are available

4 5

$artners with current pro#ects should contact Feed the Minds before completing new applications% $lease note that hardcopy applications are not &ept%

February 2 !2

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