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Sub-ledgers are nothing but Accounts payable, accounts receivables, bank account s, fixed assets accounts in SAP.

All the vendors are part of accounts payable and hence considered as sub-ledger accounts in SAP. Similarly part all the customers are part of accounts receivable and hence consi dered as sub-ledger accounts in SAP.

But, ultimately, you need to prepare a TRAIL BALANCE, and prepare a balance shee t and profit and loss account for your organization. Just entering the entries i n sub-ledger accounts, you cannot make a trail balance. You need to linke this t o your General ledger Accounting. The link between your Sub-Ledger and General L edger is Reconciliation Account. To simplify, you need to assign a reconciliatio n account in customer or vendor master. This is a must. Otherwise, all your bala nces are out. When you assign a reconciliation account to vendor or customer mas ter, when any entries are being posted to them, paralelly a shadow entry (in sim ple words) will get posted to reconciliation account and make your TRAIL BALANCE equal.

Note: Trail balance is nothing but a postion statement of the balances of your a ccount on a particular date.

Please let me know if you need further clarification.

The concept of vendor subsidiary ledger comes from Accounts Payable ( AP ) Modul e.

Ex: There is a GL Account "Sundry Creditors" in your GL a/c List. This particula r GL account shows the balance of all Vendor a/c which which your company operat es. So In your balance sheet, TB and other financial statements only the cumulat ive balance of all Vendors would be displayed.

If I ask what could be the break up of my Sundry creditors by Vendor wise, then I have to go to Accounts Payable sub mobule which is a sub ledger to your GL Mod ule.

In Accounts Payable ( Sub ledger) you will find the break up by each vendor wise ............

so in the above concept we can understadnd Vendor subsidiary ledger as each vend or a/c in AP.

Average User Rating (0 ratings) Correct Answer Re: difference between recon and subledger accounts Ravi Sankar Venna Diamond Ravi Sankar Venna Feb 11, 2009 6:33 PM (in response to vinay k) Hello,

Sub-ledgers are nothing but Accounts payable, accounts receivables, bank acc ounts, fixed assets accounts in SAP.

All the vendors are part of accounts payable and hence considered as sub-led ger accounts in SAP. Similarly part all the customers are part of accounts receivable and hence c onsidered as sub-ledger accounts in SAP.

But, ultimately, you need to prepare a TRAIL BALANCE, and prepare a balance sheet and profit and loss account for your organization. Just entering the entri es in sub-ledger accounts, you cannot make a trail balance. You need to linke th is to your General ledger Accounting. The link between your Sub-Ledger and Gener al Ledger is Reconciliation Account. To simplify, you need to assign a reconcili ation account in customer or vendor master. This is a must. Otherwise, all your balances are out. When you assign a reconciliation account to vendor or customer master, when any entries are being posted to them, paralelly a shadow entry (in simple words) will get posted to reconciliation account and make your TRAIL BAL ANCE equal.

Note: Trail balance is nothing but a postion statement of the balances of yo ur account on a particular date.

Please let me know if you need further clarification.


Ravi Report Abuse Like (1) Re: difference between recon and subledger accounts

vinay k Steel vinay k Feb 11, 2009 6:50 PM (in response to Ravi Sankar Venna) Hi Ravi shankar,

Thanks for teh reply, much of my doubt is clear now,

i understand from your explanation that:

for trial balance purposes we use Recon account for a group of vendors,

but how does the system know how much to pay to a vendor, because in ven dor master, i am not giving , a seperate GL account for that vendor, then how do es the system know the amount for a specific vendor.

Thanks for your time. Report Abuse Like (0) Re: difference between recon and subledger accounts Ravi Sankar Venna Diamond Ravi Sankar Venna Feb 11, 2009 7:00 PM (in response to vinay k) Hi,

When you are posting to a vendor, then entries will go and sit in ve ndor account. You can view the vendor balances in transaction code FBL1N. Parall elly, what system will do it will post to a reconciliation account which is atta ched to a vendor.

Let us take a business scenario, you do not have any foreign vendors and all are local vendors, hence you have created a single reconciliation accou nt 200000 and attached this to all vendors. ==================================================================== =====

Vendor 1 - Balance - GBP 10 Vendor 2 - Balance - GBP 20 Vendor 3 - Balance - GBP 30

At the same time if you see the balance of GL Account 200000 in FS10 N - it will be 60 (10 + 20 + 30)

Let us take another example, you have foreign vendors as well as loc al vendors. Reconciliation account for local vendors is 200000 and foreign vendo rs it is 210000 ==================================================================== ======

Vendor 1 - Assigned with reconciliation account 200000 - Balance - G BP 15 Vendor 2 - Assigned with reconciliation account 200000 - Balance - G BP 25 Vendor 3 - Assigned with reconciliation account 200000 - Balance - G BP 10

At the same time if you see the balance of GL Account 200000 in FS10 N - it will be 50 (15 + 25 + 10)

Vendor 4 - Assigned with reconciliation account 210000 - Balance - G BP 32 Vendor 5 - Assigned with reconciliation account 210000 - Balance - G BP 22

If you see the balance of GL Account 210000 in FS10N - it will be 54 (32 + 22)

Meaning that whatever is being posted to Sub-Ledger Accounts (for ex amples vendors or customers) will always be in sync with General Ledger Accounti ng with the help of RECONCILIATION ACCOUNT.

Hope this example clear your doubts.



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