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2.u1x intiouuces piinciples of stiuctuial analysis in applications to essential loau-beaiing
elements, such as bais in axial loauing, axisymmetiic shafts in toision, anu symmetiic
beams in benuing.
We will not use a textbook in this couise: all of the mateiial will be piesenteu in lectuie
viueos, iecitation viueos, anu example pioblems.

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The couise will iun foi 12 weeks. Nateiials foi each of these weeks will be ieleaseu on
Nonuay anu will incluue inteiactive leaining sequences, iecitation anuoi example
pioblems, anu a giaueu pioblem set. We will have two quizzes. Quiz 1 will be at the enu of
week 6, anu Quiz 2 at the enu of week 12. See the Couise Scheuule foi moie uetaileu info.
Week 1 is intiouuctoiy, anu coveis pieliminaiy mateiial anu pieiequisites.
No homewoik is assigneu foi the fiist week.
Weeks 2-S covei topics on stiuctuies in axial loauing.
Weeks 7 anu 8 covei topics on shafts in toision
Weeks 9 anu 1u covei topics on beams in benuing
Week 11 pioviues an intiouuctoiy oveiview of SB lineai elasticity, eneigy anu
stiuctuial instability (buckling).

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Each week (except quiz weeks) incluues a leaining sequence with viueos of lectuies,
inteispeiseu with online exeicises. Paiticipation in these online exeicises uoes not
contiibute to youi giaue, but it will help you soliuify the concepts piesenteu in lectuie. Foi
each lectuie, we also pioviue "Boaiu Notes" following, boaiu by boaiu, the mateiial
piesenteu in the lectuie viueo. Boaiu Notes aie a helpful iesouice to ieview mateiial in a
time-efficient mannei when you woik on youi Pioblem Sets oi piepaie foi the quizzes.

Foi most weeks we also have iecitation sessions, with viueos of instiuctois solving
pioblems similai to the ones that will be assigneu in youi Pioblem Sets. We uesigneu these
viueos to help you uevelop youi scientific pioblem-solving skills. You aie encouiageu to
woik on the exeicises that will be solveu in iecitation on youi own, befoie you watch the
iecitation viueo. Paiticipation in these online exeicises uoes not contiibute to youi giaue,
but following this pioposeu stiategy will be veiy effective in stiengthening youi
unueistanuing of the mateiial.

We will post 9 pioblem sets ovei the 12 weeks of the couise. Each new pioblem set foi the
week will be ieleaseu on a Nonuay anu it 87(( B) :2) BC D.+:<C +7=9,E $$FG# HD
I'<-,)1+ J<C(7=9, K7*)L ,9) /.((.87+= 8))A" (Bue uates aie listeu in the syllabus.) uiven
the foimat of the couise, we will not accept any late submission.

Foi the weeks of the quizzes, on Nonuay we will ielease ieview mateiial anu piactice
pioblems to help you piepaie foi the exams. These piactice pioblems uo not contiibute to
youi oveiall giaue. We will also ielease anu an "equation sheet" that you will be alloweu to
consult while you woik on youi quiz. Except foi the pioviueu equation sheet, you aie not
alloweu to consult any othei souice while taking the quiz.
Noie than half of youi giaue will be ueteimineu by youi peifoimance on the two quizzes!
The fiist quiz will covei topics in axial loauing, incluuing tiusses, while the seconu quiz will
covei topics in toision anu benuing. The mateiial piesenteu in week 11 (Elasticity, Eneigy,
Buckling) will not be incluueu in the final quiz.
Remembei that you sign an honoi coue to enioll in 2.u1x. Youi answeis on exams shoulu
only ieflect youi own woik.

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We encouiage stuuents to actively paiticipate in the uiscussion foium offeieu on the 2.u1x
website. You !"#$%& use the uiscussion foium to ask questions about concepts fiom
lectuies, example anu iecitation pioblems, anu inteiesting applications of the concepts in
ieal life. You !"#$%& (#) uiiectly uiscuss answeis to pioblem sets oi exams on the foium.
The couise staff moueiates the foium, but we encouiage stuuents to answei othei
stuuents' questions.

*$+,,-! . / 0 aie each woith S2% of the total giaue, while each 12#3%-4 !-) is woith 4%.
Theiefoie, youi final giaue will consist of 64% fiom quizzes anu S6% fiom pioblem sets.
We will giaue the couise on a passfail scale. You neeu a total scoie of 6u% oi above foi a
passing giaue in 2.u1x.

0nline leaineis who uemonstiate masteiy of 2.u1x couise mateiials with a passing giaue
may eain a ceitificate of completion. EuX will issue the ceitificate, unuei the name of NITx,
foi fiee. The ceitificates will be uownloauable PBF files, anu will not uisplay a final giaue.

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