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RESEARCH New Phytol.

(2000), 146, 47–57

Physiological impacts of Mg deficiency in

Pinus radiata : growth and photosynthesis

W I L L I A M L A I N G"*, D E N N I S G R E ER # , O S B E R T S UN $ ,
P E T E R B E E TS % , A L I S O N L O W E%    T I M P A Y N%
"The Horticultural and Food Research Institute of New Zealand, Private Bag 92169,
Auckland, New Zealand
#The Horticultural and Food Research Institute of New Zealand, Private Bag 11030,
Palmerston North, New Zealand
$The New Zealand Forest Research Institute, PO Box 29237, Christchurch, New Zealand
%The New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua, New Zealand
Received 23 July 1999 ; accepted 15 December 1999

This paper reports the effects of nutrient magnesium (Mg) concentrations on the growth and photosynthetic
physiology of clonal Pinus radiata from four female parents (families) known to differ in their tolerance to Mg
deficiency and in their needle Mg concentrations. Plants were grown in flowing nutrient solutions with 2 mg l−"
(control) and 0.8 mg l−" (low) Mg. Plant growth, needle Mg concentration, photosynthesis, chlorophyll
fluorescence and carotenoid pigment content were measured. At low Mg, needle Mg concentration was about half
that of control plants, height growth was reduced 15–25%, and the needles showed strong visual characteristics
of Mg deficiency. Photosynthesis was also halved, and was associated with closure of the stomata under low Mg
and with reductions in the residual conductance. In needles from plants grown at low Mg, photochemical yield
was reduced both in the light and in the dark, and was strongly dependent on needle Mg concentrations below a
threshold concentration of 0.02–0.025% (d. wt basis). The electron transport rate (ETR) at saturating photon flux
density in low-Mg-grown needles was reduced to about half that of their Mg controls, but the photon efficiency
of ETR was unaffected by the Mg concentration the plants were grown in. Photosynthetic quenching was
markedly reduced and non-photosynthetic quenching was increased following growth in low Mg. Growth under
low Mg also increased levels of zeaxanthin. Although family differences in growth and photosynthetic physiology
were present, few familyiMg interactions were significant. We conclude that Mg deficiency probably affects
growth through severe reductions in photosynthesis.

Key words : Pinus radiata, magnesium, growth, photosynthesis, photochemical quenching, non-photochemical

thought to be caused by magnesium deficiency

(Forest Research Institute, 1991 ; Beets et al., 1993).
Pinus radiata, an economically important forest tree The symptoms of UMCY include the yellowing of
species in New Zealand, is subject to a physio- needles in the central portion of the upper crown
logical disorder called upper mid-crown yellowing while needles in the lower portion of the tree remain
(UMCY). UMCY, a form of crown dieback, is green (Forest Research Institute, 1991). The yellow-
ing is first seen in older needles, with loss of needles
*Author for correspondence (tel j64 9 8154200 ; fax j64 9
leading to a thinning of the upper mid-crown. The
8154202 ; e-mail wlaing! needles can initially develop small yellow or orange
Abbreviations : ETR, electron transport rate ; Ft, fluorescence spots, which extend and merge, beginning from the
during illumination ; F , initial fluorescence after dark ; F , initial
! !
fluorescence after far-red illumination ; Fm, maximum fluorescence
needle tip. Orange deposits form under the en-
after dark ; Fm, maximum fluorescence during illumination ; Fv, Fm dodermis. New needles can either be healthy, show
– F ; Fv, Fm – Ft ; Fv\Fm, intrinsic efficiency of photosystem II in pale and dark green bands, or in severe cases are
dark ; Fv\Fm, efficiency of photosystem II during illumination ;
NPQ, non-photochemical quenching ; PFD, photon flux density ;
yellow and stunted. One-yr-old foliage from affected
PSII, photosystem II ; qp, photochemical quenching. trees shows reduced Mg and calcium concentrations
48 RESEARCH W. Laing et al.

compared with healthy needles, and potassium Schreiber et al., 1995). Using fluorescence, it is
concentrations can be high. No other nutrients possible to measure photochemical yield under
appear to be markedly different, and no Ca deficiency ambient light as well as under totally relaxed
symptoms have been noted (Beets & Jokela, 1994). dark conditions. Fluorescence quenching can be
The most favoured hypothesis is that UMCY is a partitioned into photochemical (qp) and non-
result of nutritional imbalance, caused by Mg photochemical (NPQ) quenching (Demmig-Adams
deficiency and K excess (Beets & Jokela, 1994). & Adams, 1992), providing information about re-
Antagonism between Mg and cations such as K has action centre activity and the protective mechanisms
been observed in plants (Mengel & Kirby, 1978 ; of photosynthesis.
Diem & Godbold, 1993), although the reasons for The aim of this work was to induce Mg deficiency
this are unclear (Sun & Payn, 1999). There is also a in clones of P. radiata derived from parents
significant genetic component to the disorder. In the expressing different susceptibilities to UMCY, and
field, the severity of the symptoms of UMCY varied to measure growth, photosynthesis, fluorescence and
significantly with clone, with a broad sense estimate pigment contents of the plants. The objectives were
of heritability of 59% (Beets & Jokela, 1994). It to develop a physiological understanding of the
appears that the supply of Mg is the overriding photosynthetic processes that occur during devel-
factor in development of symptoms of UMCY, with opment of Mg deficiency, and to examine genetic
K excess assuming greater importance when plants variation. We were especially interested in how low-
are under Mg stress. The response of UMCY in P. Mg-grown plants handled excess light energy.
radiata to Mg fertilizer is variable and depends on
environmental conditions (Payn et al., 1995) which
might reflect long lag periods between fertilizer   
application and large tree responses. Magnesium
deficiency in pines also results in a reduction in Plant material and growth conditions
allocation of carbohydrate to the roots (Payn et al., Seed of Pinus radiata L. was collected from four
1995), resulting in increased shoot : root ratios (Sun open-pollinated female parents grown at the Puruki
& Payn, 1999) exacerbating the problem of Mg trial site near Rotorua, New Zealand (Beets &
supply and therefore preventing or slowing a Brownlie, 1987). These parents were selected from a
fertilizer response. larger population of trees as examples of the four
Magnesium is an essential cellular constituent extremes of different combinations of either high or
(Marschner, 1983, 1995). Many metabolic processes low foliar Mg concentration with either high or low
are directly affected by Mg, including enzymatic needle chlorosis (UMCY rating : see Forest Research
reactions that depend on the presence of Mg (e.g. the Institute, 1991 ; Table 1). Seedlings were raised from
enzymes of photosynthesis, ATPases, kinases, cellu- the four female parents. Four seedlings were ran-
lar pH control ; Mengel & Kirby, 1978 ; Marschner, domly selected from each parent for propagation of
1983, 1995 ; Wyn Jones & Pollard, 1983). In addition, fascicle cuttings. These four seedlings from the same
the chlorophyll molecule forms a complex with Mg female parent are called a family in this paper, each
(Wyn Jones & Pollard, 1983). Magnesium deficiency family thus having four half-siblings. Multiple
in plants often results in ultrastructural changes fascicle cuttings were taken from the 16 genotypes.
(Fink, 1993 ; Puech & Mehne-Jakobs, 1997), es- At mid-winter 1997, when the plants were 15–18 cm
pecially in the chloroplast, well before visible foliage high, they were lifted, the roots rinsed with distilled
symptoms are obvious. This is accompanied by water, then transplanted individually into 4 l pots
impairment of photosynthesis (Fischer & Bremer, filled with perlite and placed in a glasshouse. Eight
1993 ; Sun & Payn, 1999). These symptoms include fascicle cuttings of similar height from each genotype
build-up of starch in the chloroplast, perhaps
because of collapse of the phloem cells preventing
translocation (Puech & Mehne-Jakobs, 1997). Pot- Table 1. Degree of yellowing (UMCY) and foliar
assium has been implicated in cellular osmotic magnesium concentration of the mature Pinus radiata
regulation, and also has a function in maintaining female parent trees from the Puruki trial site
protein conformation and enzyme activity (Flowers
& Lauchli, 1983 ; Wyn Jones & Pollard, 1983). Family UMCY Foliar Mg
(female parent) value* (% d. wt)
Chlorophyll fluorescence has been frequently used
as an indicator of stress in plants (e.g. Demmig- 2 1 0n11
Adams & Adams, 1992 ; Greer & Laing, 1992 ; Greer 7 7 0n05
et al., 1993 ; Schreiber et al., 1995 ; Greer, 1998). 16 3 0n06
23 8 0n09
The photochemical yield is a direct measure of the
efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) and is correlated
*Increasing UMCY values (1–8) relate to increasing
with the photon efficiency of oxygen evolution severity of UMCY yellowing symptoms observed in the
in photosynthesis (Bjo$ rkman & Demmig, 1987 ; upper crown (Beets & Jokela, 1994).
RESEARCH Magnesium deficiency in Pinus radiata 49

were selected for the Mg nutrition experiment. but randomly from troughs. These needles were also
Throughout the entire growth period a fan operated evaluated for photosynthetic fluorescence photon
to aid cooling when the temperature was over 21mC, flux density (PFD) response curves.
and throughout the three summer months evap- The height of each plant was measured every 2 wk.
orative cooling was also deployed. Each plant was visually assessed for the degree of
chlorosis of the entire plant after 5 months, on a scale
of 1–5, where 1 l 0 to 20% of needles chlorotic ;
Trial design 5 l 80 to 100% needles chlorotic.
The glasshouse trial was laid out as a completely Photosynthesis and leaf conductance. Rates of photo-
randomized design with a split-plot treatment struc- synthesis (A), stomatal conductance to diffusion of
ture. The main plot consisted of two troughs with water vapour (gsw) and intercellular CO concen-
flowing nutrient solution, each trough containing a #
tration (Ci) were measured with a portable photo-
single individual of the 16 genotypes belonging to synthesis system (LI-6400, LI-COR Inc., Lincoln,
the four half-sibling families (four clones per family). NE, USA) on every plant after 5 months in the
Each of two Mg treatments, control (2.0 mg l−") and glasshouse. The measurements were made on six
low (0.8 mg l−") were randomly allocated to two main attached needles per plant developed after the
plot replicates. The four half-sibling families made treatment began. During measurements, tempera-
up the subplot treatment. Therefore each subplot ture and reference CO concentration in the leaf
treatment can be considered as replicated twice (one #
cuvette were maintained at 25mC and 350 ppm,
in each trough) within the main plot. All plants respectively. Irradiance (PFD, 400–700 nm) was
belonging to a given family were raised from cuttings maintained at 1500 µmol m−# s−" using a red LED
of the same half-sibling seedlings, hence the eight light source (LI-6400–02). Needle surface area for
subplots were genetically identical. This plot struc- measurements of A was determined following the
ture meant that family and Mg main effect means method described by Beets (1977). Leaf conductance
were based on 16 (from four half-siblings) and 32 was partitioned into stomatal (gsc) and non-stomatal
pine seedlings, respectively. or residual conductance (grc) to diffusion of CO
according to Farquhar & Sharkey (1982).
Flowing nutrient solution treatments Fluorescence. Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured
Plants were grown in a flowing hydroponic system of at 5 months in the glasshouse on attached needles
complete essential nutrients (based on that of that had developed since the imposition of the
Ingestad & A/ gren, 1988, modified by adjusting the K Mg treatments using either a PAM-2000 or a
concentration to 20 mg l−" and the N concentration MINIPAM (Waltz, Effeltrich, Germany) fluori-
to 100 mg l−" ; Sun & Payn, 1999). The nutrient meter (measuring light 0.6 kHz at 0.5 µmol m−# s−",
solutions were contained in 200 l tanks and pumped saturating light 8000 µmol m−# s−" for 0.8 s).
around the troughs through a spray nozzle to deliver Fluorescence was measured on a bundle of needles
solution to each pot for 1 h each day. that created an ‘ artificial leaf ’ completely occupying
Nutrient solutions were sampled weekly and the measuring area of the fluorescence instrument.
analysed using standard procedures (Nicholson, Light response curves of fluorescence were measured
1984) to determine the concentration of Mg, pH and on a subset of 39 plants pre-adapted to the dark for
conductivity. Concentrated ammonia solution, nu- 30 min before measurements using an external
trient stock solutions and distilled water were added actinic light (Greer, 1998). Fluorescence yield of
fortnightly in order to maintain pH between 4 and 6 every plant was surveyed at midday under natural
and to bring nutrient concentrations back to the set solar irradiance, and correction was made for the
concentration and volume. effect of incident PFD on yield using a general linear
model statistical analysis of the relationship between
fluorescence yield and PFD. A similar survey was
Physiological measurements also carried out in the dark at 22 : 00 hours. In the
PFD response curves, electron transport rate (ETR),
Nutrition, height growth and chlorosis. Foliage sam- qp and NPQ were calculated according to Bilger &
ples were taken from plants after 5 months in the Bjo$ rkman (1990).
glasshouse under the two Mg treatments when the
fully expanded stem needles had developed since the Carotenoid pigment analysis. Three youngest mature
treatments were applied. Foliage samples were dried fascicles, each with three to four needles after 5
at 70mC and analysed for K, Ca and Mg by atomic months in the glasshouse, were randomly selected
spectrophotometry, after digestion in nitric\ from 48 plants from both Mg concentrations and all
perchloric acids (Nicholson, 1984). These samples four families, placed in a cryotube and immediately
were a subset of 56 plants selected representatively frozen, and stored in liquid nitrogen for later
from the four families and two Mg concentrations, analysis. These samples were weighed, ground to a
50 RESEARCH W. Laing et al.

fine powder in liquid nitrogen using a mortar and Plants grown in low-Mg conditions had about half
pestle, and then half their weight of dry polyvinyl the concentration of Mg in their needles compared
poly pyrrolidone was added and the powders mixed with the plants grown in normal Mg (Table 3). The
by further grinding. Ten volumes of extraction levels of Ca were reduced by c. 30% through growth
buffer (100 mM Hepes, 2 mM EDTA, 2 mM in low Mg, but K was unaffected. There was also a
EGTA, 10 mM DTT, 0.1% (w\v) PEG 6000, 1% significant family effect on Mg and Ca concen-
(v\v) Tween 20 pH 7.5) were added per g f. wt trations. Family 7 was lowest in Mg at each Mg
needle, and the mixture ground to ensure complete growth concentration.
extraction. Sufficient acetone was added to a 200 µl Visual assessment (chlorosis score, Table 3)
aliquot of this uncentrifuged mix to bring it to 85% showed significant differences between families and
(v\v) acetone (Thayer & Bjorkman, 1990) and the between control and low Mg. Chlorosis was an
sample was mixed and centrifuged. A 25 µl aliquot of excellent predictor of Mg concentration, with a
the supernatant was separated on an HPLC column calculated r# value of 0.72 (n l 56) from regression
to measure carotenoid pigments (Gilmore & Yama- on individual plants (using integer scores, data not
moto, 1991). Absorbance on the column eluate was shown). When the same relationship was plotted
monitored at 440 nm as described by Laing et al. between the mean score for families and needle Mg
(1995). concentrations, an essentially straight line was
observed (r# l 0.96, n l 8, data not shown).
Statistical analysis. Plant heights were analysed by Magnesium and Ca concentrations were also corre-
fitting linear regression slopes to each individual lated (r# l 0.52, n l 55).
plant after the fifth measurement, by which time
growth was increasing linearly with time. These
slopes, as well as other measures, were analysed by Photosynthetic gas exchange and conductance
the GLM procedure (SAS, 1989) for a completely
All three variables relating to gas exchange were
randomized design with the split-plot treatment
affected by the Mg treatment, and differed signif-
structure as described earlier. Strictly, there were
icantly between the four families (Table 4). Family 7
only two replicates for each Mgifamily mean,
showed the lowest photosynthesis rate. The reduc-
although each subplot was in two ‘ quasi-exper-
tions in photosynthetic rate were associated with the
imental units ’, one in each trough. The two troughs
reduction of both gsc and grc in Mg-deficient plants.
were connected together for practical convenience,
and in controlled environments it was unlikely that
these troughs were more similar than those between
main-plot replicates. The variation would have come
mainly from variable plant response. However, in In the light, photochemical yield was significantly
the analysis we assumed two replicates, with main reduced (average 11%) by low Mg nutrition (Table
plot and subplot errors of 2 and 18 df, respectively. 5). Differences between families were also significant
Where only a subsample of plants was measured, (both P 0.0001), as was the interaction between
plants were randomly selected with the restriction family and Mg nutrition. However this interaction
that similar numbers of each family and each Mg had little effect on the ability to discriminate tolerant
level were represented. Where overall F tests and intolerant genotypes. This interaction was
indicated significance in the family effects or caused because, while family 7 always had the lowest
Mgifamily interactions, means separation tests yield, this was especially so in low Mg. These
were carried out using the LSD (5%). changes in yield were generated from marked
changes in Ft with both Mg and family. However, Ft
was little affected by Mg, and was similar over the
four families (data not shown).
Fluorescence during the day was also significantly
Height growth, mineral nutrition and needle chlorosis
affected by the incident irradiance (data not shown).
The growth curve of plant heights showed an initial When fluorescence yield during the day (corrected
lag, followed by a linear increase with time (Fig. 1). for the incident PFD using a linear model) was
The lag was still apparent when the data were plotted compared with needle Mg concentration, there was
on a log scale (data not shown). Linear regressions of an initial rapid increase in yield with small changes
the increase in plant height with time were calculated in Mg concentration at around 0.01–0.02% Mg (Fig.
for each individual plant over the linear growth 2). However, 0.025% Mg photochemical yield was
period, and analysis of slopes showed a significant essentially independent of needle Mg content.
effect of Mg and family but no significant interaction The intrinsic photochemical yield in the dark was
between these two factors (Table 2). Families 7 and also significantly affected by Mg treatment, family
16 grew the slowest at both Mg concentrations, with and by the interaction between these two effects (P
low Mg slowing height growth by 15–25%. 0.0003, Table 5). F was unaffected by any of these
RESEARCH Magnesium deficiency in Pinus radiata 51

60 60
Family 2 Family 7
50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10
Plant height (cm)

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
60 60
Family 16 Family 23
50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Time (d) Time (d)
Fig. 1. Mean height growth of Pinus radiata seedlings for each family after application of two different Mg
concentrations. Squares with continuous line, control (2 mg l−") Mg ; triangles with broken line, low Mg (0.8
mg l−"). Height growth rates were calculated from regressions over the part of the curve where a linear increase
in height with time occurred (continuous line).

Table 2. Effect of magnesium concentration and family Table 3. Effects of magnesium supply and family on
on the mean height growth rate of seedlings over the mineral concentration after 5 months’ growth
linear period of growth
Growth Chlorosis Mg Ca K
Rate of increase in height (mg l−") score (mg g−") (mg g−") (mg g−")
Main effect (cm d−")
Mg 0n8 4n09 0n193 0n880 8n33
0n8 0n252 2n0 1n69 0n393 1n21 8n46
2n0 0n327 P 0n001 0n05 0n013 ns
P 0n005 Family
Family 2 2n44a 0n313a 1n19a 8n40a
2 0n320a 7 3n50b 0n220b 0n98b 8n54a
7 0n275b 16 3n16c 0n313a 0n92b 8n38a
16 0n242b 23 2n47a 0n325a 1n09ab 8n27a
23 0n320a
Mineral concentrations are expressed on a dry weight
Mean values were calculated from slopes of the linear part basis. Chlorosis was visually assessed as described in the
of the relationship between height and time for individual Materials and Methods section. Data represent the least
plants (see Fig. 1). Data represent the least squares mean squares mean (based on a subsample of 56 plants for Mg
using all 128 plants. For Mg means, the P value represents measurements and all 128 plants for chlorosis assess-
the statistical significance of the difference of the means. ments). The Mgifamily interaction was not significant
For the family means, values within a column with the in either case. For Mg means, the P value represents the
same letter are not significantly different (P 0n005). statistical significance of the difference of the means. For
family means, values within a column are not significantly
different (P 0n05) if they share a common letter.
factors, and yield changes were driven by changes in
Fm, a similar result to that observed in the light. A actual photochemical yield in the light (Fig. 2),
plot of intrinsic yield versus Mg content (data not except with higher values of yield for any Mg
shown) showed a very similar relationship to the content.
52 RESEARCH W. Laing et al.

Table 4. Effects of Mg supply and family on photosynthetic rates (A), stomatal conductance (gsc), and residual
conductance (grc) to diffusion of CO in four famillies of Pinus radiata known to differ in susceptibility to UMCY
Main A gsc grc
effect (µmol m−# s−") (mmol m−# s−") (mmol m−# s−")

0n8 mg l−" 2n12 33 8n2
2n0 mg l−" 4n86 78 18
P 0n059 0n005 0n09
2 3n94ab 60n3 17n5a
7 2n46c 44n2b 9n9b
16 4n18a 65n5a 17n8
23 3n40b 48n8b 13n9a

Data represent the least squares means measuring all 128 plants. For Mg means, the P value represents the statistical
significance of the difference of the means. For family means, values within columns with the same letter are not
significantly different from each other (P 0n05).

Fluorescence was also used to analyse the utiliz-

Table 5. Fluorescence yield in the light and in the dark
ation of light energy by the needles at the two Mg
Yield concentrations. The response of fluorescence yield,
Mg qp, NPQ and ETR to incident PFD are shown for
Family (mg l−") Light values Dark Values one family in Fig. 3. At both Mg concentrations, the
photochemical yield decreased curvilinearly with
2 0n8 0n680a 0n799a
7 0n8 0n568b 0n746b
increasing PFD, but for the low-Mg-grown plants
16 0n8 0n653c 0n803a yield was always lower than for the control Mg-
23 0n8 0n651c 0n798a grown plants. By contrast, ETR increased in a
2 2n0 0n740d 0n836c curvilinear fashion with increasing PFD, with simi-
7 2n0 0n705e 0n821c lar initial slopes at low PFD between plants from the
16 2n0 0n734d 0n835c
23 2n0 0n732d 0n835c
two Mg concentrations. However, the low-Mg-
grown plants had lower maximal ETRs than the
Photochemical yield (l Fv\Fm l (FmkF \Fm) was deter- control Mg-grown plants and were evidently satu-
! rated at PFDs c. 1000 µmol m−# s−" where, for the
minated in the dark at approx. 22 : 00 hours and during the
day at approx. 12 : 00 hours. Values are the least squares control Mg-grown plants, ETR was apparently not
means (based on one measurement from all 128 plants for saturated at 2200 µmol m−# s−". Partitioning of
night measurements, two measurements per plant for all
plants for 1 d). In the analysis of yield values measured
fluorescence quenching between qp and NPQ showed
during the day, light levels were included as a covariate. that the PSII reaction centres of the control Mg-
Values within columns with the same letter are not grown needles were relatively resistant to closure
significantly different from each other (P 0n05). with increasing PFD (80% open at 2200 µmol m−#
s−") while needles of the low-Mg-grown plants were
significantly more susceptible (50% open at 2200
µmol m−# s−"). In keeping with the higher ETR and
0.80 qp in the control Mg-grown needles, NPQ increased
proportionally less in control Mg-grown needles
Fluorescence yield

than in the low-Mg-grown needles. Thus, in needles
0.70 of plants from both Mg concentrations the PFD-
dependent decline in photochemical yield was at-
0.65 Family 2 tributable both to some reaction centre closure and
Family 7 to increased non-radiative heat dissipation, but the
0.60 Family 16
Family 23
effects were markedly greater in the low-Mg-grown
0.55 needles.
When these parameters are analysed for all the
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 families and Mg concentrations, similar trends are
Needle Mg (mg g–1 d. wt) observed (Tables 6 and 7). In the case of ETR, the
Fig. 2. Relationship between photochemical yield and response is curvilinear, saturating at high PFD, and
needle Mg content in Pinus radiata. Needle Mg was a simple hyperbolic two-parameter curve was fitted
measured independently of fluorescence, and fluorescence to the data as
was corrected for the incident photon flux density (PFD)
as described in the text. ETR l ETRmaxiTanh(PFDiα\ETRmax)
RESEARCH Magnesium deficiency in Pinus radiata 53


(a) (b)
0.7 400



ETR (µmol m–2 s–1)





0.0 0

(c) (d)

0.6 2





0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000

PFD (µmol m–2 s–1)
Fig. 3. Response of photochemical yield (a), electron transport rate (ETR) (b), photochemical quenching (qp)
(c) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) (d) to photon flux density (PFD) for Pinus radiata needles from
plants of family 16 grown at 2 and 0.8 mg l−" Mg. Fluorescence was measured and the parameters calculated
as described in the text. Open symbols, 0.8 mg l−" ; closed symbols, 2 mg l−" Mg. The continuous lines in the
ETR panel are the fitted curve described in the text. The other continuous lines are arbitrary best-fit curves
to the data.

One parameter, α, or the initial slope of the and the fitted parameters compared statistically.
response curve, corresponds to the photon efficiency Least-square means of the data are shown in Table
of electron transport. The second parameter, 6. There was a strong and very significant effect of
ETRmax, is the maximum rate of electron transport growth Mg on ETRmax, while there were significant
at saturating light. Both these parameters were differences between families for ETRmax, with family
calculated for all plants using non-linear regression, 7 having a lower ETRmax than the others. However,
54 RESEARCH W. Laing et al.

Table 6. Effect of magnesium and family on the calculated least square mean values of parameters for the response
of the electron transport rate to photon flux density

Maximum ETR Maximum ETR

Mg α (µmol m−# s−") Family α (µmol m−# s−")

0n8 0n225 180 2 0n239ab 340a

2 0n239 417 7 0n204b 231b
P ns 0n006 16 0n234ab 349a
23 0n251a 275ab

Light curves of fluorescence versus PFD were measured as described in the text for a subset of 39 plants over the four
clones. α (the slope of the relationship when light is limiting photosynthesis) and maximum ETR (ETRmax) were
calculated by non-linear regression to a model of the form
ETR l ETRmaxitanh(PFDiα\ETRmax)
For Mg means, the P value represents the statistical significance of the difference of the means. For family means, values
within columns which have different letters are significantly different at P 0n05.

Table 7. Effect of magnesium on the quenching coefficients NPQ and qP

(mg l−") Low PFD Low PFD High PFD High PFD

0n8 0n880 0n961 0n609 2n70

2n0 0n872 0n500 0n722 1n86
P ns 0n001 0n001 0n001

Least square mean values were calculated from pine plants exposed at a light
similar to that in which they grew (low PFD : 100–500 µmol m−# s−") or at near-
saturating PFD (high PFD :  1500 µmol m−# s−"), as described in the Materials
and Methods section, on a subsample of 39 plants. There were no significant
family or Mgifamily interactions. For Mg means, the P value represents the
statistical significance of the difference of the means.

(1500 µmol m−# s−") (Table 7). When averaged

Table 8. The effect of growth at control and low
over all families (Table 7), there was a near doubling
magnesium on the xanthophyll pigment levels of pine
of NPQ at low Mg compared with control Mg at the
low PFD. On the other hand, qp was unaffected by
Mg Mg at low PFD. At high PFD, these relative
differences in NPQ were reduced while qp was
Pigment 2n0 mg l−" 0n8 mg l−" P c. 20% lower than control at low Mg.
Violaxanthin (V) 82 41 0n001
Antheraxanthin (A) 4n8 6n5 ns Carotenoid pigments
Zeaxanthin (Z) 2n9 6n8 0n0004
(ZjA)\(ZjAjV) 0n091 0n27 0n001 While most carotenoid concentrations and chloro-
phyll were reduced significantly in plants grown at
Carotenoids were separated by HPLC as described under low Mg compared with the control (data not shown),
the Materials and Methods section. Individual carotenoids
were identified by their retention time on the HPLC antheraxanthin was unaffected and zeaxanthin was
column (Laing et al., 1995). They are expressed as relative increased by growth in low Mg (Table 8). This
units normalized on a g f. wt basis (on a subsample of 48 resulted in the xanthophyll ratio (zeaxanthinj
plants). The P value represents the statistical significance antheraxanthin)\(zeaxanthinjantheraxanthinj
of the difference of the means. ns, not significant. violaxanthin) rising from 0.09 in the control plants to
0.27 in the plants grown in low Mg (Table 8).
α was not significantly affected by Mg, and only
family 7 showed a reduced α compared with the
other families. There were no significant interactions
between Mg and family in either case. This paper reports the effects of Mg nutrient solution
Quenching coefficients were also calculated at a concentrations on the growth, mineral content and
PFD close to the natural light of growth (100–500 photosynthesis of P. radiata from four female
µmol m−# s−") and also at a near-saturating PFD parents known to differ in their response to low Mg.
RESEARCH Magnesium deficiency in Pinus radiata 55

The parents represented the four extremes of Adams & Adams, 1992 ; Greer & Laing, 1992 ; Greer
phenotypes (Table 1) : low UMCY with high and et al., 1993 ; Schreiber et al., 1995 ; Greer, 1998).
low needle Mg (families 2 and 16), and high UMCY The photochemical yield is a direct measure of the
with high and low needle Mg (families 7 and 23). efficiency of PSII and is correlated with the photon
However, because the male parent of each seed was efficiency of oxygen evolution in photosynthesis
unknown (from open pollination), the trial was (Bjo$ rkman & Demmig, 1987 ; Schreiber et al., 1995).
established by clonally propagating randomly selec- In the current work, photochemical yield was a very
ted seedlings from each of the female parents. This sensitive indicator of Mg deficiency associated with
ensured that a wide range of genetic material was reduced height growth. On average, growth of the
represented in each family. plants under Mg deficiency reduced photochemical
One aim was to test the hypothesis that there was yield of needles by c. 8% of that of control Mg-
genetic variation in response to solution Mg con- grown needles. However, when the photochemical
centration and that this was related to the origin of yield at the ambient PFD conditions was compared
the family. In general, the results show families 7 with needle Mg concentration (Fig. 2), there were no
and 16 were the poorest performers in terms of changes in yield above Mg concentrations of 0.02–
height growth, and this was reflected in their high 0.025%. Below this concentration of Mg, photo-
chlorosis scores. However, performance related best chemical yield decreased precipitously. This shows
to the Mg concentration in the needles of the parent similarity to the growth response to Mg (data not
trees (Table 1) rather than to their recorded shown). When photochemical yield was measured at
susceptibility to UMCY. In general, interaction night, after complete re-oxidation of the PSII
between Mg treatment and family was not signif- reaction centre pool would have occurred, there were
icant, showing that poor performers at low Mg were still significant differences (5%) in intrinsic yield
also poor at control concentrations of Mg nutrition. between Mg-deficient needles and the needles with
Although growth in plant height was reduced by sufficient Mg. This suggests that some of the
only 15–25% at low Mg concentration, the con- reduction in photochemical yield attributable to Mg
centration of needle Mg was reduced by c. 50% deficiency was probably due to a permanent closure
compared with control Mg-grown plants and the of at least some PSII reaction centres and indicative
needles showed strong visual characteristics of Mg of chronic photo-inhibition (Greer & Laing, 1989).
deficiency. However, biomass might be more The dark yield values observed in Mg-sufficient
strongly reduced by Mg deficiency than plant height needles were typical of healthy leaves (Bjo$ rkman &
(T. W. Payn et al., unpublished). There appeared to Demmig, 1987).
be a threshold for needle Mg concentration of The differences between photochemical yield
0.02–0.025% d. wt below which growth was severely response to PFD of plants grown at the two Mg
reduced (data not shown). Similar growth reductions concentrations resulted in marked differences in
were observed by Sun & Payn (1999) in their studies ETR light response. However, closer analysis
with 10 different clones of P. radiata, especially at showed that the initial slope of the light response of
Mg concentrations below 1 mg l−". They also ETR (photon yield of electron transport) was
observed that marked chlorosis occurred at low Mg essentially unaffected by growth Mg (Table 6),
concentrations before there were significant reduc- similar to that reported by Mehne-Jakobs (1997). On
tions in growth. the other hand, the maximum rate of ETR in plants
Along with the reductions in height growth, grown in low Mg was reduced to c. 50% of that in
photosynthetic rates were reduced by about half by plants grown at control Mg, in agreement with the
Mg deficiency. These reductions were accompanied gas-exchange data (Table 4). These responses to Mg
by both closure of the stomata and reductions in the are in agreement with those recorded by Mehne-
residual resistance. These are comparable results to Jakobs (1997) and O. J. Sun et al. (unpublished) who
those observed in P. radiata by Sun & Payn (1999), both observed reductions in photosynthesis in plants
who found a saturating relationship between shoot grown in low Mg concentrations. Interestingly,
Mg and photosynthetic rate. At Mg concentrations family 7 with the lowest photon yield and lowest
below c. 0.06% (d. wt), photosynthesis began to ETR also had the lowest photosynthetic rate, while
become impaired. Mehne-Jakobs (1995, 1997) also family 16 with the highest photosynthetic rate had
showed strong reductions in photosynthesis in low- the highest ETR.
Mg-grown spruce seedlings, especially when needle The differences between plants grown at control
Mg was less than c. 0.04% d. wt. In addition she and low Mg in fluorescence quenching (Fig. 3)
reported a reduction in carboxylation efficiency at depended on the Mg concentration in which the
low Mg, but no change in the apparent photon yield plants were grown, and on the PFD. In ambient
of photosynthesis (as measured by the light response growth conditions (low PFD, Table 7) there were
of photosynthesis). only small differences in qp between the plants at the
Chlorophyll fluorescence has been frequently used two Mg concentrations, and qp was relatively high
as an indicator of stress in plants (e.g. Demmig- (approx. 0.88), indicating that the effects of differ-
56 RESEARCH W. Laing et al.

ences in Mg concentration on reaction centre closure evident in many of the parameters measured,
are small under these conditions. By contrast, there interaction between Mg nutrition and family was
were marked differences in NPQ, with the needles of rare in this study.
the low-Mg-grown plants having a significantly
higher capacity for non-radiative heat loss compared
with the needles on control Mg-grown plants. Thus 
the differences in photochemical yield between the
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