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Branch: English Subject: Language Arts Topic: Child abuse Prepared by: Enio Doka To: Ketjana Kamberi


Something about child abuse Physical abuse Emotional-verbal abuse Sexual abuse Child abuse in families What you have to do if you suspect child abuse of any kind

Child abuse is harm to, or neglect of, a child b another !erson, "hether adult or child# Child abuse ha!!ens in all cultural, ethnic, and income grou!s# Child abuse can be !h sical, emotional - $erbal, se%ual or through neglect# &buse ma cause serious injur to the child and ma e$en result in death# 'igns of !ossible abuse include:

Physical Abuse (ne%!lained or re!eated injuries such as "elts, bruises, or burns# )njuries that are in the sha!e of an object *belt buc+le, electric cord, etc#, )njuries not li+el to ha!!en gi$en the age or abilit of the child# -or e%am!le, bro+en bones in a child too oung to "al+ or climb# .isagreement bet"een the child/s and the !arent/s e%!lanation of the injur # (nreasonable e%!lanation of the injur # 0b$ious neglect of the child *dirt , undernourished, ina!!ro!riate clothes for the "eather, lac+ of medical or dental care,# -earful beha$ior# Emotional - Verbal Abuse &ggressi$e or "ithdra"n beha$ior# 'h ing a"a from !h sical contact "ith !arents or adults# &fraid to go home# Sexual Abuse Child tells ou he1she "as se%uall mistreated# Child has !h sical signs such as: o difficult in "al+ing or sitting# o stained or blood under"ear# o genital or rectal !ain, itching, s"elling, redness, or discharge o bruises or other injuries in the genital or rectal area# Child has beha$ioral and emotional signs such as: o difficult eating or slee!ing# o soiling or "etting !ants or bed after being !ott trained# o acting li+e a much ounger child# o e%cessi$e cr ing or sadness# o "ithdra"ing from acti$ities and others# o tal+ing about or acting out se%ual acts be ond normal se% !la for age#

&buse can ha!!en in an famil , regardless of an s!ecial characteristics# 2o"e$er, in dealing "ith !arents, be a"are of characteristics of families in "hich abuse ma be more li+el :

-amilies "ho are isolated and ha$e no friends, relati$es, church or other su!!ort s stems# 3arents "ho tell ou the "ere abused as children# -amilies "ho are often in crisis *ha$e mone !roblems, mo$e often,#

3arents "ho abuse drugs or alcohol# 3arents "ho are $er critical of their child# 3arents "ho are $er rigid in disci!lining their child# 3arents "ho sho" too much or too little concern for their child# 3arents "ho feel the ha$e a difficult child# 3arents "ho are under a lot of stress#

)f ou sus!ect child abuse of an +ind, ou should:

Ta+e the child to a 4uiet, !ri$ate area# 5entl encourage the child to gi$e ou enough information to e$aluate "hether abuse ma ha$e occurred# 6emain calm so as not to u!set the child# )f the child re$eals the abuse, reassure him1her that ou belie$e him1her, that he1she is right to tell ou, and that he1she is not bad# Tell the child ou are going to tal+ to !ersons "ho can hel! him1her# 6eturn the child to the grou! *if a!!ro!riate,# 6ecord all information# )mmediatel re!ort the sus!ected abuse to the !ro!er local authorities# )n most states, re!orting sus!ected abuse is re4uired b la"#

)f ou em!lo other !ro$iders or acce!t $olunteers to hel! ou care for the children in our facilit , ou should chec+ their bac+ground for a !ast histor of child abuse or other criminal acti$it # Contact our local !olice de!artment# 7an states re4uire that child care !ro$iders ha$e bac+ground and criminal histor chec+s# .ealing "ith child abuse is emotionall difficult for a !ro$ider# &s a child care !ro$ider, ou should get training in recogni8ing and re!orting child abuse before ou are confronted "ith a sus!ected case# )f ou sus!ect a case of child abuse, ou ma need to see+ su!!ort from our local health de!artment, child su!!ort ser$ices de!artment, or other sources "ithin our area#

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