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The purpose of this policy is to provide NALIS employees with guidance that will maintain an environment within NALIS property and events that minimizes the risk and threat of violence.

The National Library and Information System Authority NALIS! maintains a zero tolerance regarding violence in the workplace. "iolent behaviour of any kind or threats of violence either implied or direct# are prohibited at NALIS properties# properties occupied by NALIS and at location$events where NALIS% staff may be engaged. An employee who e&hibits violent behaviour shall be sub'ect to disciplinary action up to and not e&cluding dismissal and may be sub'ect to criminal prosecution. "iolent threats or actions by a non(employee may result in criminal prosecution. NALIS will investigate all complaints filed and will also investigate any possible violation of this policy of which it is made aware. )etaliation against a person who makes a complaint regarding violent behaviour or threats of violence made to him$her is prohibited.

NALIS *uman )esource +anagement ,ivision shall be responsible for ensuring that all employees# including +anagers and Supervisors are provided training and instruction on general workplace security practices. DEFINITIONS: Workplace: NALIS properties# properties occupied by NALIS and at location$events where NALIS% staff may be engaged.
Workplace Violence.ehaviour in which an employee# former employee# patron or visitor to a workplace inflicts or threatens to inflict damage to property# harm# in'ury or death to others at the workplace. Threat: The implication or e&pression of intent to inflict physical harm or actions that a reasonable person would interpret as a threat to physical safety or property.


+aking others afraid or fearful through threatening behaviour. Zero-toleranceA standard that establishes that any behaviour# implied or actual# that violates the policy will not be tolerated. Assault: The threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. Court Order: An order by a /ourt that specifies and$or restricts the behaviour of an individual. /ourt 0rders may be issued in matters involving domestic violence# stalking or harassment.

"iolence in the workplace may include# but is not limited to the following list of prohibited behaviours directed at or by a co(worker# supervisor or member of the public1. ,irect threats or physical intimidation. 2. Implications or suggestions of violence. 3. Stalking. 4. 5ossession of weapons of any kind on NALIS property# including parking lots# other e&terior premises or while engaged in activities for NALIS in other locations# or at NALIS(sponsored events# unless such possession or use is a re6uirement of the 'ob. 7. Assault of any form. 8. 5hysical restraint or confinement. 9. ,angerous or threatening horseplay. :. Loud# disruptive or angry behaviour or language that is clearly not part of the typical work environment. ;. .latant or intentional disregard for the safety or well(being of others. 1<. /ommission of a violent crime on a property occupied by NALIS. 11. Any other act that a reasonable person would perceive as constituting a threat of violence.



An employee who is the victim of violence# or believes that he$she has been threatened with violence# or witnesses an act or threat of violence towards anyone else shall-( In an emergency situation the employee shall contact Security and may take whatever emergency steps are available and appropriate to protect him$her from immediate harm# such as leaving the area.

If the situation is not one of immediate danger# inform the /orporate Security +anager and report issue to the immediate supervisor or manager as soon as possible.

An employee who has reason to perceive he$she or others may be a victim of violence sometime in the future# at the workplace or as a direct result of their employment with NALIS# shall inform the immediate Supervisor# verbally and in writing# for appropriate action to be taken. The supervisor shall inform his$her ,ivisional$,epartmental *ead or reporting officer and copy the ,irector of *uman )esources# the /orporate Security +anager.

An employee who has signed and filed a protection order shall immediately supply the signed order to his$her supervisor. The supervisor shall provide copies to the ,irector# *uman )esources +anagement and /orporate Security +anager.

An act of violence or threat will be investigated immediately in order to protect employees from danger# unnecessary an&iety concerning their welfare# and the loss of productivity. The employee%s ,ivisional$,epartmental *ead shall initiate an investigation into potential violation of work rules$policies. Simultaneously# the ,ivisional$,epartmental *ead shall refer the matter to the ,irector# *uman )esource +anagement# /orporate Security +anager and$or the 5olice. 5rocedures for investigating incidents of workplace violence include "isit the scene of an incident as soon as possible. Interview in'ured and threatened employees and witnesses. =&amine the workplace for security risk factors associated with the incident# including any reports of inappropriate behaviour by the perpetrator. ,etermine the cause of the incident.

Take mitigating action to prevent the incident from recurring. )ecord the findings and mitigating actions taken.

In appropriate circumstances# NALIS will inform the reporting individual of the result of the investigation. To the e&tent possible# NALIS will maintain the confidentiality of the reporting employee and the investigation# but may need to disclose results in appropriate circumstances> for e&ample# in order to protect individual safety.

Incidents which threaten the security of employees shall be mitigated as soon as possible following their discovery. +itigating actions include Notification of police when a criminal act has occurred. 5rovision of emergency medical care in event of any violence set upon employees. 5ost(event trauma counselling for those employees desiring such assistance. Assurance that incidents are handled in accordance with the "iolence in the ?orkplace 5olicy and 5rocedures. )e6uesting the employee to file for a protection order as appropriate. =nsure that employees who have returned to work following rehabilitation are not at risk of relapse. =nsure that any needed changes to security measures# such as access control# have been made.

TRAINING: Training on 'ob specific workplace security practices shall be provided to All current employees when the policy is first implemented. All newly hired employees# supervisors and managers or employees given new 'ob assignments for which specific workplace security training for that 'ob assignment has not previously been provided. Affected employees whenever management is made aware of a new or previously unrecognized hazard.

?orkplace security training includes# but is not limited to the following 5reventive measures to reduce the threat of workplace violence# including procedure for reporting workplace security hazards.

+ethods to diffuse hostile or threatening situations. =scape Techni6ues. =&planation of the "iolence in the ?orkplace 5olicy and 5rocedures.

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