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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD

6133301 ",33407 "

February 22, 2014

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Hulday by fax,
Tel Aviv Council Members by email
RE: Repeat false Freedom of Information responses by Tel
Aviv Municipality ongoing fraud and violations of the
Human Rights of the homeless
Dear Mayor Ron Hulday and Council Members:
Linked below are:
My original Freedom of Information request, pertaining to
records of authorization of the flyers, which were distributed by
Municipality personnel in the OccupyTLV camp, and falsely
represented as Demolition Decrees. [1]
False Freedom of Information response by the Municipality,
which failed to be designated as a Freedom of Information
response, and failed to provide the requested records. [2]
My repeat Freedom of Information request, indicating the
false nature of the original response. [3]
Repeat false Freedom of Information response by the
Municipality, which again failed to be designated as a Freedom of
Information response, and again failed to provide the requested
records. [4]
The repeat false responses, like the failure to respond at all on
other Freedom of Information requests, indicate that that this is
not a case of human error, but wrongful intent. With it, conduct of
the Tel Aviv Municipality and its Legal Department should be
deemed fraud and ongoing disregard of the law.
Conduct of the Tel Aviv Municipality is inconsistent with civilized
society, and the underlying conduct serious violations of the
Human Rights of the homeless.

Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights
Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010
Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United
States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal
profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights
Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013
Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the
note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme
Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
[1] 13-12-25 Request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (Israel) on
Municipality of Tel Aviv, in re: Authorization of flyers, characterized as Eviction
Decrees or Demolition Decrees
[2] 14-01-12 OccupyTLV: Tel Aviv Municipality false Freedom of Information
response in re: authorization of flyers, falsely represented as "Decrees"
[3] 14-01-16 OccupyTLV: Reply on false FOIA response in re: authorization of
flyers, falsely represented as "Decrees"
[4] 14-01-26 OccupyTLV: False Tel Aviv Municipality repeat Freedom of
Information response, in re: Flyers, falsely represented as "Decrees"


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