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American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)



# oreign E$change % Treas&ry Activities o' (&t&al Tr&st Ban) !td#

An Internship Affiliation Report Presented to the Faculty of Business Administration in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA)
S&*ervised By (S+ ,arlin Noelle -ita !amagna

S&.mitted By Rahman/ (d+ Shameem I01 23-24567-8 (a9or1 Acco&nting % inance 0ate o' S&.mission1 85th



# oreign E$change % Treas&ry Activities o' (&t&al Tr&st Ban) !td#

!etter o' Endorsement

The Internship Affiliation Report entitled : oreign E$change % Treas&ry Activities "' (&t&al Tr&st Ban) !td.; has een su mitted to the !ffice of Placement " Alumni# in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration# $a%or in Acco&nting % inance# and Faculty of Business Administration on 85th y Rahman/ (d+ Shameem I01 23-24567-8. The report has een accepted and may e presented to the Internship Defense &ommittee for e'aluation.

$(. &arlin )oelle *ita +amagna American International ,ni'ersity-Bangladesh (AI,B)

!etter o' Transmittal

./th )o'em er .012 $r. R. Tareque $oudud F&$A# Director# !ffice of Placement " Alumni (!PA)# American International ,ni'ersity-Bangladesh Banani# Dha3a-1.12 S&.1 S&.mission o' Internshi* A''iliation Re*ort (ir# I am su mitting my internship affiliation report on the topic 4Foreign 56change " Treasury Acti'ities !f $utual Trust Ban3 +td.7 to you 8ithin the gi'en time allo8ed to me y you. I tried my le'el est to participate# o ser'e and identify the Ban3ing acti'ities# specifically on the Foreign 56change " Treasury Department of $utual Trust Ban3 +td. In 9ead !ffice and ha'e 8ritten it do8n in this report from my o8n e6perience. For preparation of this report I collected as much information as possi le from the Foreign 56change " Treasury Department of the an3. During the preparation of this report I found it eneficial and 3no8ledgea le for me and 8hich 8ill definitely enhance to uild my career in the near future. I 8ant to than3 you for your support and for gi'ing me the opportunity to participate in the internship program. :ours (incerely#

Rahman# $d. (hameem ID; 10-1</=>-. $a%or in Accounting " Finance


&ompletion of anything requires supports from 'arious sources. I am 'ery much fortunate to get the sincere guidance and super'ision from a num er of persons. $y sincere gratitude goes to my uni'ersity teacher (S+ ,arlin Noelle -ita !amagna# and (d+ Shams&l Islam# S=P % >ro&* Head o' Treas&ry# for re'ie8ing the 8hole report so carefully and for gi'ing me 'alua le ad'ices and suggestions to complete the 8hole thing in a right manner. $y heartiest gratitude also goes to the (r+ Syed Ari' Ahmed# ?A=P 8ell as to other !fficers of $TB+ 9ead !ffice in Treasury Bac3 8ho ha'e een so 3ind and helpful to me during my Internship period. They helped me in e'ery possi le 8ay e'en though they used to remain usy all through the day. Their contri ution to8ards this report is 8orth than e'er. It 8as a great honor to 8or3 8ith such 3ind# hard-8or3ing and helpful officers. I am deeply inde ted to my (uper'isor (ohammad Ahsan&l Ha)im# ?" for his 8hole-hearted super'ision to me. ?ithout his supporti'e hand and recommendations# it 8ould e difficult for me to complete this Report.

Than3s for all from the core of my heart.

E$ec&tive S&mmary
The e6perience and learning I ha'e gathered from my 8hole internship program 8ith the $TB+ (9ead !ffice) 8as really important for me and I en%oyed the 8hole thing from the first day of my internship program. This internship program assisted me a lot to reali@e my further career for the coming future. Rather than dra8ing a conclusion# I 8ould li3e to say that this study 8as utterly indicati'e for me for my future career. During the long three months program# in fact most of the sections and departments ha'e een o ser'ed y me and I had acquired plenty of understandings a out those. I had a great scope to match my theoretical 3no8ledge 8ith practical an3ing 3no8ledge. I ha'e come to 3no8 that along 8ith con'entional an3ing ser'ice# the $TB+ also perform some speciali@ed financial acti'ities and &(R acti'ities for the gro8th of countryAs economy. From my understanding a out foreign e6change acti'ities# I can include se'eral acti'ities such as +& online posting# gi'e the details in the register# put I$P serial num er# gi'e online posting of imp and ill of payment and so. It has also een 8atched that the amount +& in the $TB+ (9ead !ffice) is high. $utual Trust Ban3 limited is a leading Pri'ate Third generation an3 in Bangladesh 8ith superior customer ases that are loyal# faithful# 8orthy to8ards the an3. The ser'ice pro'ided y the young energetic officials of the $utual Trust Ban3 limited is 'ery satisfactory. As a third generation $TB+ has to follo8 the rules of Bangladesh an3 despite the fact that these rules sometime restrict the foreign usiness to some e6tent. During my internship in this ranch I ha'e found its In'estment department to e 'ery efficientB therefore this department plays a ma%or role in the o'erall profita ility of the ranch and to the Ban3 as a 8hole. From the e6perience of the 8hole internship program# the $TB+ (9ead !ffice) is a nice place to 8or3 8ith its nice and co-operati'e people 8ithin it. Additionally# understanding 'arious sectors of the an3# it can e said that $TB+ plays some 'ital roles for the countryAs economy

Ta.le o' ,ontent

Chapters Particulars Page no Acknowledgement Chapter-1 Introduction.. (1-4) 1.1 Rationale. 1.2 Background. 1...1Third generation pri'ate commercial an3. 1....$anagement 9ierarchy. 1...2Cision. 1...=$ission. 1.2 ! %ecti'es. 1.2.1Broad o %ecti'e. 1.2..(pecific ! %ecti'e. ,ha*ter 8- Activities Underta)en@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++(7-5) ..1 ?or3 Related. 1.2.1 Treasury !peration 1.... Foreign 56change D ..1...1 $y Acti'ities in Foreign 56change Department. ... !rgani@ation 8ide. ....1 Treasury !peration. ..2 !thers. ,ha*ter A- ,hallenges and Pro*osed ,o&rse o' action 'or Im*rovement@@@(23-2A) 2.1 Pro lems Identified in the !rgani@ation. 2.1.1 +imitations Faced y $e. 2.1.. +imitations ! ser'ed in the !rgani@ation. 2.. Proposed &ourse of Action. 2...1 $ismatches 8ith $y Academic Preparation. 2.2 (ome Recommendations. 2.= Rele'ance of the Academic Preparation. ,ha*ter 6- !essons !earned 'rom the Internshi* Program@@@@@@(26-2B) = Implications to organi@ation.

=.1. $ulti-dimensional Tas3 Accomplishment. =.1.1Ad%ustment 8ith the ?or3 Place and (ociali@ation. =.1..5nhancement of &ommunication (3ill. =..Familiari@ation 8ith &orporate &ulture. =.2$oti'ation of the 5mployee 8ithin the !rgani@ation. =.=Implications to ,ni'ersityAs Internship Program.

,ha*ter 7- Name o' ,ha*ter@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++++(2C-83) >.1 (ummary. >..Recommendations for future strategic actions. >.2!ther Recommendations. Re'erence@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(82)

oreign E$change % Treas&ry Activities o' (&t&al Tr&st Ban) !td+ (Head "''ice)

,ha*ter "ne

2+2 Rationale
As a mandatory part of BBA program# all the students ha'e to complete a course under an intern program in any organi@ation 8ith the intention of acquiring practical 3no8ledge. Theoretical 3no8ledge is not enough for a usiness student. There is a gap et8een the academicals and practical 3no8ledge. To le'erage this gap our intern program is asically launched so that 8e can ridge the gap $utual Trust Ban3 limited is a leading Pri'ate Third generation an3 in Bangladesh 8ith superior customer ases that are loyal# faithful# 8orthy to8ards the an3 .promptly $TB+ offers students the perfect opportunity to gain on-the-%o e6perience and corporate 3no8-ho8 y supporting and guiding them during their intern program in the an3. Through intern# 8e ecome a8are of organi@ational culture and learn ho8 to sho8 professional e6cellence to a great e6tent. This learning 8ill help us 8hen 8e 8ill finally enter our practical field. For the completion of this report I ha'e to do internship in : oreign E$change % Treas&ry de*artment "' (&t&al Tr&st Ban) !td+(Head "''ice); I am conducting my internship as a intern. !'er here and as a intern I am learning many foreign e6change " treasury operation 3no8-ho8 8hich 8ill help in my future carrier. In my report I 8ill descri e 8hat I learned from $utual Trust Ban3 and ho8 I can utili@e this learning in the an3ing sector of my imminent corporate life.


2+8 Bac)gro&nd
The &ompany 8as incorporated on (eptem er ./# 1/// under the &ompanies Act 1//= as a pu lic company limited y shares for carrying out all 3inds of an3ing acti'ities 8ith Authori@ed &apital of T3. 2E#00#000#000 di'ided into 2E#000#000 ordinary shares of T3.100 each. The &ompany 8as also issued &ertificate for &ommencement of Business on the same day and 8as granted license on !cto er 0># 1/// y Bangladesh Ban3 under the Ban3ing &ompanies Act 1//1 and started its an3ing operation on !cto er .=# 1///. The an3 conducts all types of commercial an3ing acti'ities including foreign e6change usiness and other financial ser'ices. During the first t8o years of operations# the an3Fs main focus 8as on the deli'ery of personali@ed customer ser'ices and e6pansion of its clientele ase. As en'isaged in the $emorandum of Association and as licensed y Bangladesh Ban3 under the pro'isions of the Ban3ing &ompanies Act 1//1# the &ompany started its an3ing operation and entitled to carry out the follo8ing types of an3ing usiness;

2+ All types of commercial an3ing acti'ities including $oney $ar3et operations. 8+ In'estment in $erchant Ban3ing acti'ities. A+ In'estment in &ompany acti'ities. 6+ Financiers# Promoters# &apitalists etc. 7+ Financial Intermediary (er'ices. The &ompany (Ban3) operates financial acti'ities through its 9ead !ffice situated at Dha3a and EE ranches. The Ban3 carries out international usiness through a Glo al )et8or3 of Foreign &orrespondent Ban3s.



$TB+ is a pri'ate sector commercial an3 dedicated in the usiness line of ta3ing deposits from pu lic through its 'arious sa'ing schemes and lending the fund in 'arious sectors at a higher margin. 9o8e'er# due attention is gi'en in respect of ris3 underta3ing# ris3 hedging and if not appropriately hedged# reflection of the same in pricing. In the financing side# the an3Fs ma%or concentration is in trade finance co'ering a out .0.EEH of total financing as on :5.00< 8hich is mainly a short-term in'estment. The an3s financing concentrate in oth# 8or3ing capital finance and long-term finance. $TB+ has ma%or concentration of financing in medium and large industries. (ince the short-term finance carries lo8 ris3 compared to long-term financeB the financing strategy of $TB+ 8ill assist the an3 .?hile financing the industrial sector# the ma%or concentration of the an3 appeared to e in the te6tile and R$G sectorB oth the a o'e sectors co'er 20.E/H of the total portfolio. $TB+ also in'ol'ed in cement construction and transport sector financing. In the in'estment portfolio# $TB+ ha'e su stantial in'estment in quoted and non-quoted shares of different organi@ation including some 'ery prospecti'e financial institutions. The an3 has sho8n its acumen in reducing its e6posure from ship scrapping sector# steel re-rolling 8here the an3 had in'estment earlier. ?ith the increase in e6posure to R$G# the an3 has increased its non-funded usiness income su stantially. ?ith an age of only E years# the $TB+ has ta3en initiati'e to launch IT ased an3ing products li3e AT$ facilities# 5- an3ing etc that are praise8orthy.


ig&re 1 2 (anagement Hierarchy

Branches o' (TB!

01 0. 02 0= 0> 0< 0J 0E 0/ 10 11 1. 12 1= 1> 1< 1J 1E 1/ .0 .1 .. .2 .= .> .< .J .E ./ 20 21 2. 22 2= 2> 2< 2J 2E 2/ =0 =1 =. =2 == Agra ad Branch Alan3ar $our Branch Aman Ba@ar Branch Aganagar Branch Ba u Ba@ar Branch Brahman aria Branch Banani Branch Bashundhara Branch Bashundhara &ity Branch Bogra Branch Baridhara Branch Bel3uchi ($5K Agri Branch &DA A'enue Branch &handra Branch &o6Fs Ba@ar Branch &hittagong $edical &ollege Branch &ho3oria Branch &ha83 $oghaltuli Branch &omilla Branch Dhanmondi Branch Dholai3hal Branch Dholai3hal Branch Dhan ari ($5K Agri Branch Dhor3ora Ba@ar Branch Dagon Bhuiyan ($5K Agri Branch Dina%pur Branch Dania Branch Dil3usha Branch 5lephant Road Branch Feni Branch Ful aria Branch Gournadi Branch Gulshan Branch Ga@ipur Branch Go indagan% Branch Gafor Gaon ($5K Agri Branch 9a igon% Branch 9aidergon% ($5K Agri Branch 9asna ad ($5K Agri Branch Ish8ardi ($5K Agri Branch Loypurhat Branch Lessore Branch Lu ilee Road Branch Ihatungon% Branch => =< =J =E =/ >0 >1 >. >2 >= >> >< >J >E >/ <0 <1 <. <2 <= <> << <J <E </ J0 J1 J. J2 J= J> J< JJ JE J/ E0 E1 E. E2 E= E> E< EJ EE Iapasia Branch Iarnaphuli 5P* Branch Ihilpara Branch Iamrangirchar Branch Ia3rail Branch Iushtia Branch Ierani 9at Branch Ialigan% ($5K Agri Branch +a3sham ($5K Agri Branch )arayangan% B(&I& Branch )aogaon Branch )oria ($5K Agri Branch $adaripur Branch $ohammadpur Branch $TB &entre &orporate Branch $TB $eghna Branch $oul'i Ba@ar Branch $ymensingh Branch )arayangon% Branch )a@irhat Branch )a@umeah 9at ($5K Agri Branch !6ygen $or Branch Pa na Branch Palla i Branch Panthapath Branch Principal Branch Progati (arani Branch Raipur Branch Ra%shahi Branch Rangpur Branch Ramchandrapur Ba@ar# Agri Branch (a'ar Branch (hanir A3hra Branch (hah $o3hdum A'enue Branch (onargaon Branch (reenagar Branch (ylhet Branch (hahparan Gate Branch (yedpur ($5K Agri Branch (arulia Ba@ar ($5K Agri Branch Tongi Branch Te%gaon Branch Tha3urgaon Branch ,ttara $odel To8n Branch

2+8+8 (anagement Hierarchy


Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP)

Cice &hairman

56ecuti'e Cice President (5CP)

$anaging Director

(enior Cice President ((CP)

Deputy $anaging Director

Cice President (CP)

(enior Asst. Cice President ((ACP) Asst. Cice President (ACP)

(enior Principal !fficer ((P!)

Principal !fficer (P!)

(enior 56ecuti'e !fficer ((5!)

(enior !fficer


Lunior !fficer

Asst. !fficer

(anagement Str&ct&re (Head "''ice)


Cice &hairman

$anaging Director

Deputy $anaging Director

&redit ((5CP)

Internatio nal Division


General Administra tion (SAVP)


!" (EVP)



Marketing & Developmen t (EVP)








&''I(E" &''I(E"





ig&re 1 8 (anagement Str&ct&re(Head o''ice)

2+8+A =ision
The 'ision of $utual Trust Ban3 is ased on a philosophy 3no8n as $TB2C. They are ; 1. !ne of the est performing an3s in Bangladesh. .. The an3 of &hoice. 2. A truly 8orld class an3.

2+8+6 (ission
$TB+ aspire to e one of the most admired an3s in the nation and e recogni@ed as an inno'ati'e and client focused company# ena le y cutting-edge technology# a dynamic 8or3force and 8ide array of financial products and ser'ices.

2+A ".9ectives
2+A+2 Broad o.9ective
The o %ecti'e of this report is to get a good understanding of o'erall process of Foreign " Treasury trade department of $utual Trust Ban3 +imited.

2+A+8 S*eci'ic ".9ective

To 3no8 a out +&. To find out the strengths# 8ea3nesses# opportunities and threats of Foreign Trade and Foreign 56change of Bangladesh. To 3no8 ill of payment. . To relate the theoretical learning 8ith the real life situation. The general o %ecti'e of this report is to fulfill the requirement of internship report. !'erall 3no8ledge a out treasury department. To 3no8 ho8 to e6change currency To 3no8 ho8 Bangladesh an3 controlled the foreign trading system.


,ha*ter 8
Activities Underta)en

8+2 Eor) Related

I started my internship program in $utual Trust Ban3 +imited# 9ead !ffice on .>th August# .012. As my topic of internship report is Foreign 56change " Treasury Procedures of $utual Trust Ban3 +imited# 9ead !ffice. I am going to descri e a out Foreign 56change " Treasury department. I had plenty of opportunity to 8or3 and understand the sectors of Foreign e6change " Treasury department. The 8or3s that I learned are; 9o8 to prepare FddKdd 9o8 to do ledger update. 9o8 to prepare memo 8ith the help of statement. 9o8 to do reconciliation.

8+2+2 Treas&ry "*eration

Foreign e6change dealings# money mar3et operations# asset lia ility management and other fi6ed income products constitute the primary function of the treasury di'ision of the an3. Treasury operation had long een considered as an important a'enue for income generation purpose 8ithin the head office. ,ncertainty in glo al economy as 8ell as introduction of floating e6change rate# treasury operation no8 is not considered as a most si@ea le " significant income source as in past it 8as considered. 5fficiency Treasury management offers e6citing profit potential in 'olatile time 8hen other mar3er are unsta le and insecure. $TB+ has got a 'ery efficient manpo8er to run a local money mar3et as 8ell as foreign currency mar3et in product 8ay. Treasury operation of the an3 includes foreign e6change dealings# money mar3et operations# assets lia ility management and other fi6ed income products. Assets +ia ility &ommittee (A+&!) guided an3As cash flo8 and treasury operations. The dealing room in engaged for efficient functioning in the foreign e6change mar3et to hedge the foreign e6change ris3 and to manage the dealing room 8ith fairness# transparency and discipline 8ithin the tolerance. The gro8th of Treasury !peration 8as a out 20.2/H.


8+2+8 oreign E$change

Foreign 56change means e6change of foreign currency et8een t8o countries. If 8e consider 4Foreign 56change7 as a su %ect# then it means all 3inds of transaction related to foreign currency. In other 8ords# foreign e6change deals 8ith foreign financial transactions. The Foreign Trade and foreign e6change are categori@ed as follo8s;

Foreign Remittance Import 56port

8+2+8+2 (y Activities in oreign E$change 0e*artment

Foreign e6change department is one of the most important departments of $utual Trust Ban3 +imited. Basically an3 pro'ides their foreign ser'ices to the customer through this

department. 2) Foreign e6change is the heart of Ban3ing. 9ere +& opening procedure occurs. I ha'e arranged the files according to the in'oice amount# filled the I$P form. (u mitted the +& form on the online 8e site of Bangladesh Ban3. (u mitted the +& Authori@ation form on the online 8e site of Bangladesh Ban3. (u mitted the I$P form on the online 8e site of Bangladesh Ban3. I ha'e su mitted the ill of payment on the online 8e site of Bangladesh Ban3. (end the FDD and P! letter to the applicant.

I ha'e 8ritten the applicant name# eneficiary# +DBP# +& no# date# Calue# Tenor# +ia ility# (ender an3 into the top of the +& file.

Gi'e register entry of the +& files. Iept record of the register entries into e6cels.


8+8 "rganiFation <ide

8+8+2 Treas&ry "*eration Treas&ry .ill (t-.ill) and Treas&ry .ond (t-.ond)1 These t8o items are
go'ernment securities# go'ernment orro8 from an3s and other non an3ing financial institutions y selling these securities to the an3s and other non an3ing financial institutions. Go'ernment does this orro8ing y Bangladesh Ban3 as Bangladesh Ban3 is the an3 of the go'ernment. (o in this report go'ernment and Bangladesh Ban3 (BB) is synonymous. Treasury ill is the security 8hich has got maturities less than or equal to one year or it is a securities for short term period. The return from t- ill is in discount asis that means tills are sold at lo8er price than face 'alue and upon maturity in'estor gets the face 'alue. T- ond is the security 8hich has got maturity more than one year. The return from tond is the semiannual interest. !n maturity the in'estor of t- ond gets the face 'alue. The t- ill and t- ond in'estment is considered to e ris3 free in'estment as return from this in'estment is almost certain. In true sense t8o ris3s in'ol'ed in t- ill and t- ond in'estment these t8o are so'ereign ris3 and inflation ris3.

(TB Treas&ry1 $TB+ treasury is di'ided into three office-Front office# Bac3 office#
$id !ffice.

ront o''ice1 The tas3 of treasury front office is to manage fund. Front office deal in
foreign e6change (FM) mar3et li3e spot currency dealing# cross currency dealing# (8ap# corporate dealing. Front office also deals in money mar3et li3e call# term# repo# re'erse

repo# trading of go'ernment securities etc. Front office also does the 'ital tas3 of maintaining &RR and (+R on daily asis. &onducting PD related dealings li3e BID# R5P!# and Re'erse R5P! liquidity support acti'ities# (pecial R5P! etc. Buying and selling go'ernment securities to the an3# insurance companies# indi'iduals etc are also the tas3s of front office. Identify demand and supply of $$ (money mar3et) as 8ell as Page-7 FM and &ontact different counterparty. Front office also analy@e latest financial ne8s li3e $$# Go't. securities# FM and any ne8s related to local and or glo al economy and pass the information to treasury. Preparing asset lia ility gap on monthly asis# identify the gap and reporting are also the tas3 of front office. The head of treasury is the in-charge of treasury front office. The reporting oss of head of treasury is the $D sir.

Treas&ry Bac) o''ice %Treas&ry mid o''ice1 The function of treasury ac3
office is to settlement. (ettlement of all deals such as ,(DKBDT# &ross currency and other deals and ad'ising ,(DKBDT or cross currency dealers of any position discrepancy are the tas3s of treasury ac3 office. !ther main tas3s are monitoring foreign currency alance in different )ostro account and fund transfer from )ostro account to )ostro account. $onitoring foreign currency )ostro reconciliation# monitoring BB F& clearing account reconciliation are the tas3s of treasury ac3 office. The in charge of treasury ac3 office is the second man of the treasury. The reporting oss of ac3 office in-charge is &F!. This is the la8 defined y the Bangladesh Ban3 to ensure transparency in treasury department.The 8or3 of treasury mid office is to minimi@e the ris3 or ris3 management function. The in-charge of treasury mid office is the second man of the treasury.

A!," (eeting1 The 9ead of treasury is a mem er of A+&!. A+&! meeting holds
e'ery month. 9ead of treasury is the con'ener of A+&! meeting. In this meeting an3s asset lia ility position# total deposit# relati'e position in the an3ing industry is e'aluated and future fund requirements is forecasted# and fund management policy is defined.

Treas&ry Per'ormance o' (TB!1 $utual Trust Ban3 Treasury performance is

'ery good# ho8e'er eing a PD# $TB is no8 in a difficult situation as it has to purchase t- ill and t- ond regularly from the go'ernment. Total in'estment in t- ill and t- ond is T3.120 crore roughly. The return from t- ill and t- ond is roughly /H and cost of fund is 1..>Hroughly so there is a net loss in in'estment in t- ill and t- ond. (o Being a PD is Page-8

not ad'antageous for $TB at this moment. 9o8e'er it is eing forecasted that it 8ill e eneficial in future if economic condition of the country impro'es. $TB en%oy a special facility from BB in the form of repo. ?hen $TB fall in Fund crisis it can get fund y selling the ills onds e6cess to the 12H (+R from BB. The condition is that $TB 8ill purchase ac3 these ills and onds from Bangladesh Ban3 in the ne6t day. This is called the Repurchase Agreement. Another special liquidity support that $TB en%oyed from BB is that BB gi'es liquidity support for e'ery ne8 issue of ills and onds for up to si6ty days.

8+A "thers
There are some other documents# 8hich are also attached# 8ith the shipping documents li3e pac3ing list# pre-shipment inspection certificate etc. These documents are also 'erified carefully efore lodgment. 9o8 to 8rite &D. 9o8 to do print in $TB+ paper.


,ha*ter A
,hallenges and Pro*osed ,o&rse o' action 'or Im*rovement

A+2 Pro.lems Identi'ied in the "rganiFation

There 8ere some constraints or limitation inside the organi@ation and they could e categori@ed as; N +imitations faced y me N +imitations of the organi@ation

A+2+2 !imitations aced .y (e

?hile 8or3ing in the $TB+# sometimes this place seemed to me as 'ery challenging place to 8or3 for me. I e6perienced the reality of current challenge of the present %o mar3et 8hich mo'es on more intensely due to the increasing competition. These parts of the report 8ill emphasis on the factors of challenges faced in the organi@ation. N $TB+ is a ig organi@ation in general term and there are lots to e considered to study their foreign e6change acti'ities thoroughly. 9o8e'er# pic3ing all the aspects of their o'erall acti'ities and co'ering e'erything precisely 8as a real challenge for this report. N Regular interaction 8ith the officials 8as the pre-condition of getting 'arious. As the an3 officials 8ere usy in their o8n role# it 8as difficult to discuss 8ith them a out 'arious important things.

N A company should o ey its policy and therefore# $TB+ has to maintain the secure and restricted internal en'ironment for the safety of the company. Getting access to the people is a matter of maintaining great precaution for their safety# and hence# there 8ill e many restrictions for a student or intern for getting to them as an outsider. Therefore# there 8as no certainty of gaining all the important information required for this report. 5'en# some important 8as totally restricted due to the suspicion of security reach. Page-10 N A study on li3e this topic may ta3e significant amount of time 8here this internship had to e accomplished 8ithin limited three months of time as required y the uni'ersity. The uni'ersity requires ample amount of 8or3 8ithin such a short time and this 8as a great challenge for me and pro'iding 8ith all required information 8as impossi le in some e6tents.

A+2+8 !imitations ".served in the "rganiFation

N The an3ing system seemed to me as 'ery traditional and moderni@ation 8as hardly o ser'ed. N Despite the good an3ing ser'ice# sometimes customer ser'ice 8as not up to the le'el to some e6tents. +ac3 of research# sur'ey and feed ac3 system 8ith the customers is ig factor in the an3. N As part of modern an3ing# their AT$ ooth ser'ice is not to the e6pected le'el yet. N &ompared to other competitors their products and ser'ice 8as not that competiti'e and for this they might face liquidity in future due to 8ithdra8 of their significant amount of money. N 5mployeeAs satisfaction is one of the most crucial factors in an organi@ation. 9o8e'er# it has een o ser'ed that the salary 8as not to satisfactory le'el after inter'ie8ing some staffs. And also they feel that num ers of employees are not enough.

N 5mployees of the an3 use Flora Ban3 .000 soft8are for all 3inds of acti'ity. But it 8as not open for me for the security purpose. Also for some technical pro lem of this soft8are# customer had to 8ait for some time.


A+8 Pro*osed ,o&rse o' Action

The main o %ecti'e of an internship program is to ma3e the ridge et8een the theoretical 3no8ledge and implication of it in the practical professional life. There are num er of courses ha'e een underta3en during my BBA program in AI,B and I ha'e chosen finance and accounting as ma%or ecause of great importance of this field in the current professional life. )e'ertheless# all the courses I ha'e underta3en might not match precisely in the practical field and I ha'e come across a num ers of rele'ance and mismatches during pursuing my internship program.

A+8+2 (ismatches <ith (y Academic Pre*aration

In many cases# I ha'e e6perienced mismatch 8ith my academic courses 8hile I 8as doing internship program. This is not al8ays possi le for the uni'ersity to pro'ide the practical 3no8ledge and there are only a fe8 courses those focus on an3ing acti'ities. In my BBA course I had to gain 3no8ledge in 'arious accounting# udgeting and less 3no8ledge in roader aspects in finance# randing# mar3eting# promoting#

distri uting 8here 'ery fe8 of them deeply focuses on an3ing acti'ities. Also# the uni'ersity al8ays emphasis on the theoretical 3no8ledge and I had not much scopes for gaining much practical 3no8ledge on an3ing acti'ities.

A+A Some Recommendations

To pro'ide a student 8ith more practical 3no8ledge# a uni'ersity could pro'ide 8ith some practical 3no8ledge 8ith some precise and specific courses or training 8hich 8ill e more effecti'e for the student for hisKher professional life.


A+6 Relevance o' the Academic Pre*aration (Ban)ing Sector)

Despite many mismatches 8ith my academic preparation# I found some courses those

8ere really useful as I needed the theoretical 3no8ledge of those course 8hile I 8as doing the internship program on an3ing acti'ities of the (LIB+. From all the courses fe8 could e mentioned and they are; N inancial (ar)ets and Instit&tions1 This course 8as asically a out 'arious characteristics of financial institutions and mar3et including an3s. I found this course useful for the internship program# as I ha'e acquired 3no8ledge a out ho8 a financial institution. N Ban) &nd (anagement1 This course pro'ided me 8ith the 3no8ledge on the

financial management of a an3 to protect a an3 from an3 liquidity and failure. N Investment and Port'olio (anagement1 A an3 al8ays focuses on in'estment fund management. I gain not only the 3no8ledge a out in'estment management of a an3 ut also on mar3et settings# industry analysis# and company. 1) Proper guidance needed to select perfect organi@ation for internship. .) Faculties can share practical e6ample in the conte6t of our o8n economy.

2) (end student on field in different financial organi@ation =) $a3e student familiar 8ith some usiness related soft8are use and its implication. >) $a3e student familiar 8ith different practical Ban3ing documentation process. Page-13

,ha*ter 6
!essons !earned 'rom the Internshi* Program

6 Im*lications to organiFation
6+2+ (&lti-dimensional Tas) Accom*lishment
It is required that an intern 8ill deal 8ith 'arious sectors and departments of an organi@ation. The 'ariety of tas3 I ha'e performed in the Branch 8as not of the same tasteB ho8e'er# I felt that I ha'e achie'ed some more dimensions 8hile I 8as studying on the 'arious sectors of the organi@ation. These multi-dimensional pieces of 8or3 could e 'alua le for my career ahead of me.

6+2+2Ad9&stment <ith the Eor) Place and SocialiFation1

!rgani@ational sociali@ation means the ad%ustment of the s3ill# academic 3no8ledge and eha'ior 8ith the 8or3ing en'ironment in the 8or3ing place. ?hile I 8as performing my internship program 8ithin the an3# I 8as eing treated as an employee li3e others in the organi@ation. I got sufficient assistance from the 8or3ing people in terms of acquiring enough idea a out their 8or3ing strategy. This enhanced my 3no8ledge# s3ill and the po8er of implementing of my academic 3no8ledge in a 8or3place. I elie'e this is much quite important and also the 8hole program made me ready for starting my professional career in the same en'ironment.

6+2+8Enhancement o' ,omm&nication S)ill1

As a fully customer oriented organi@ation# the $TB+ operates great customer ser'ice 8here the communication s3ill is one of the fundamental factors. Treating e'ery customer in an3As customi@ed unique 8ay is a challenging thing as I o ser'ed 8hile

8or3ing 8ith the staffs of the ranch. I ha'e achie'ed significant amount of 3no8ledge a out customer ser'ice and I ha'e reali@ed that great communication s3ill is the fundamental requirement of ser'ing the customers 8ith great ser'ice. Page-1

6+8 amiliariFation <ith ,or*orate ,&lt&re1

It is required that a 8or3place could ha'e people from different cultural ac3 ground 8ithin it. It 8as not the e6ception 8hile I 8as 8or3ing in $TB+ (9ead !ffice). $i6ing 8ith the culture of the organi@ation and coping up 8ith the people from different ac3ground really equipped me 8ith 3no8ledge of 8or3place di'ersity. I ha'e also o ser'ed the customers from different cultures are eing ser'ed y the an3 and gained the s3ill of maintaining a unique culture regardless possessing different cultural ac3grounds y the people. Additionally# the corporate culture of the $TB+ (9ead !ffice) 8as really friendly and cooperati'e for me during my 8hole internship program.

6+A(otivation o' the Em*loyee <ithin the "rganiFation1

Besides doing my program# the an3 pro'ided me some compensational enefits and I felt more courage for performing my study. I found that this is an effecti'e 8ay adopted y an organi@ation to moti'ate its people 8hether they could e interns or staff of it.

6+6Im*lications to UniversityGs Internshi* Program1

This internship is a part of our BBA program. AI,B has gi'en us this opportunity to ha'e a practical %o e6perience efore getting into a permanent %o as a full time employee. Internship helps us to learn lots of things 8hich 8ill e 'ery effecti'e for the near future. From uni'ersityAs internship program I ha'e learned; 1)I learned ho8 to follo8 super'isor instructions strictly. ).9o8 to gi'e a companyAs portfolio in the report.

2)9o8 to present 8or3 e6perience in the report. =)&o-operati'e education e6perience. >)&oncern for integrating e6periences and e6ternal e6periences. <).Imaintain strict discipline in my uni'ersity that helps me to maintain an3As discipline.

Besides learning from the organi@ation and the uni'ersity I ha'e also learned some other things 8hich are 'ery essential for me. 1. Increased trust# confidence and professionalism. .. Impro'ed su %ect area and discipline 3no8ledge. 2. Increasing superiority. =. De'eloping s3ills and competencies. >. 5thics# Beha'ior# Rules and Regulation# 5fficiency.


FDDO Foreign Demand Draft. DDODemand Draft. P!OPayment !rder. +&O+etter of &redit. FDB&OForeign Documentary Bill Purchase. FDO Foreign Drafts. I$POImport Form 00(I$P form)


,ha*ter 7
Name o' ,ha*ter 7

The e6perience and learning I ha'e gathered from my 8hole internship program 8ith the $TB+ (9ead !ffice) 8as really important for me and I en%oyed the 8hole thing from the first day of my internship program. This internship program assisted me a lot to reali@e my further career for the coming future. Rather than dra8ing a conclusion# I 8ould li3e to say that this study 8as utterly indicati'e for me for my future career. During the long three months program# in fact most of the sections and departments ha'e een o ser'ed y me and I had acquired plenty of understandings a out those. I had a great scope to match my theoretical 3no8ledge 8ith practical an3ing 3no8ledge. I ha'e come to 3no8 that along 8ith con'entional an3ing ser'ice# the $TB+ also performs some speciali@ed financial acti'ities and &(R acti'ities for the gro8th of countryAs economy. From my understanding a out foreign e6change acti'ities# I can include se'eral acti'ities such as ho8 to prepare FddKdd# ho8 to do ledger update #ho8 to prepare memo 8ith help of statement .ho8 to do reconciliation. I learn 8hat is )!(TR! account# and C!(TR! account # ho8 to 8rite &D. 9o8 to do print in $TB+ paper. $utual Trust Ban3 limited is a leading Pri'ate Third generation an3 in Bangladesh 8ith superior customer ases that are loyal# faithful# 8orthy to8ards the an3. The ser'ice pro'ided y the young energetic officials of the $utual Trust Ban3 limited is 'ery

satisfactory. As a third generation $TB+ has to follo8 the rules of Bangladesh an3 despite the fact that these rules sometime restrict the foreign usiness to some e6tent. During my internship in this ranch I ha'e found its In'estment department to e 'ery efficientB therefore this department plays a ma%or role in the o'erall profita ility of the ranch and to the Ban3 as a 8hole. From the e6perience of the 8hole internship program# the $TB+ (9ead !ffice) is a nice place to 8or3 8ith its nice and co-operati'e people 8ithin it. Additionally# understanding 'arious sectors of the an3# it can e said that $TB+ plays some 'ital roles for the countryAs economy.


7+8Recommendations 'or '&t&re strategic actions;

There are se'eral recommendations ha'e program. (ome of them mentioned elo8. 1) The communication et8een the intern and the super'isor should e quite clear and on the regular asis so that the intern has the total understanding and control o'er the entire internship program. .) The uni'ersity sometimes could ta3e initiati'e for the students 8ho often fail to get offer form the companies for internship. The uni'ersity could ma3e some reference lists 8ith ig companies and ma3e them offer its students for internship. 2) The interns could get highly moti'ated y the super'isors 8hile they 8ill e performing the internship program in some particular companies. This moti'ation 8ill dri'e the interns to get %o s from those companies. Also# the super'isors can arrange some group discussion to share the information a out companies and ma3e the interns fully understand. een reali@ed from the 8hole internship


7+A "ther Recommendations1

There are some suggestions for $TB+ so that they can impro'e their 8or3force; 1) To enhance the image of the an3# $TB+ should e engaging itself 8ith some social causes and responsi ility. .) $TB+ may appoint a change catalyst to stimulate the profita ility of the an3 8ith proper planning and controlling of the functional le'el. 2) Ban3 should introduce more retail products so that clients can choose among many options =) The an3 should go aggressi'e promotional acti'ities to get a road geographic co'erage >) $TB+ should e pro'iding easy term and condition for account opening " any transaction to customer. <) In some of the cases of general an3ing operation# customers are dissatisfied. (o# the an3er should e more careful and sincere in customer ser'ices. The head office of the $TB+ can form a committee to e'aluate the customer ser'ices.

J) The o'erall general an3ing ser'ice is sufficient enough ut I accept as true it can e etter 8ith more 8or3force and further additional ser'ice for customers.


Information collects from )!(TR! ledger. (8ift Data. Application soft8are of $TB+ treasury.

Ee.1 trust an3 .com $TB+ Annual report (.010#.011#.01.) $TBi@ monthly usiness re'ie8.



Curriculum Vitae Of MD. SHAMEEM RAHMAN

,ontact Address1


&Ko- $d. $o%i ur Rahman# GA-2.K1(=T9 F+!!R# >A) (haha%adpur# Gulshan-.# Dha3a-1.1. &ell; 01<E100.J1J# 01E2>E<E<=>

,areer ".9ective1
I 8ant to 8or3 in organi@ation 8here I can sho8 my almost performance# responsi ility sincerity# accounta ility and can pro'e my s3ill as 8ell as honesty through ser'ing the organi@ation.

Academic H&ali'ication1 A) Bachelor o' B&siness Administration (BBA)

Institution (AI,B) (u %ect :ear Result

; American International ,ni'ersity Bangladesh ; Accounting " Finance ; .010-12 ; &GPA)2.>>

B) Higher Secondary ,erti'icate (HS,) Institution ; $ilestone &ollege# ,ttara# Dha3a. Group ; Business (tudies :ear ; .00/ Result ; G.P.A-=.>0(A) ,) Secondary School ,erti'icate (SS,) Institution ; Gulshan $odel 9igh (chool Group ; Business (tudies :ear ; .00J Result ; G.P.A-2./=(A-)

Personal Interests1 Ieep interest in reading no'el# creati'e thin3ing# tra'eling# 8atching mo'ie and sports and hearing music.
Remar)s1 A self-moti'ated personal 8ith honesty# Good eha'e " Proacti'e thin3ing.

Personal 0etails 1
Full )ame

FatherFs )ame $otherFs )ame Permanent Address Date of Birth 9eight )ationality (e6 Religion $arital (tatus

; (d+ Shameem Rahman ; $d. $o%i ur Rahman ; (hahanara Begum ; Cillage; 5st Bigha# P.!- Ianchonpur# P.(- Ramgon%# Dist; +a6mipur ; =th April#1//. ; >F->P ; Bangladeshi ( y irth) ; $ale ; Islam ; ,nmarried

Blood Group

; AQ Positi'e

!ang&age Pro'iciency;
I ha'e a 'ery good command o'er 5nglish " also ha'e a good interpersonal communication s3ill oth in Bengali and 5nglish.

,om*&ter S)ills1
!perating (ystem Application Pac3age ; ?indo8s .00JKMP. ; $ ( ?ord# $ ( 56cel# $ ( Po8er Point# Ado e Photoshop# Internet Bro8sing.

$r. A dul $annan 5CP " $anager Panthapath Branch &handrashila (u'astu To8er </K1 Panthapath# Dha3a-1.0>


(d+ Shameem Rahman

0ate1 83/ 832A

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