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, JURY TRIAL DEMANDED Defendant. C.A. No. _________

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiff Exe !a"e, LLC file# it# Co$%laint fo" Patent Inf"in&e$ent a&ain#t Defendant No"d#t"o$, In ., alle&in&, 'a#ed on No"d#t"o$(# )no!led&e of it# a tion# and t*e a tion# of ot*e"#, and 'a#ed on Exe !a"e(# info"$ation and 'elief a# to all ot*e" $atte"#. PARTIES 1. Exe !a"e, LLC i# a li$ited lia'ilit+ o$%an+ o"&ani,ed -nde" t*e la!# of t*e

Co$$on!ealt* of .i"&inia, *avin& it# %"in i%al offi e# at /001 So-t* 2effe"#on St"eet 31145, 6all# C*-" *, .i"&inia 44101. 4. On info"$ation and 'elief, Defendant No"d#t"o$, In . i# a Wa#*in&ton

o"%o"ation !it* a %la e of '-#ine## lo ated at 1718 Sixt* Aven-e, Seattle, Wa#*in&ton 9:111. No"d#t"o$, In . an 'e #e"ved !it* %"o e## via it# "e&i#te"ed a&ent, Ro'e"t ;. Sa"i, 1811 8t* Aven-e, S-ite 811, Seattle, Wa#*in&ton 9:111. JURISDICTION AND VENUE /. T*i# i# an a tion fo" inf"in&e$ent of a <nited State# %atent a"i#in& -nde" /5

<.S.C. == 481, 4:1, 4:0, 4:5, a$on& ot*e"#. T*i# Co-"t *a# #-'>e t $atte" >-"i#di tion of t*e a tion -nde" 4: <.S.C. = 1//1 and = 1//:?a@.


.en-e i# %"o%e" in t*i# di#t"i t -nde" 4: <.S.C. == 1/91 and 1011?'@. <%on

info"$ation and 'elief, No"d#t"o$ "e eive# #e"vi e of %"o e## in t*i# di#t"i t, No"d#t"o$ *a# t"an#a ted '-#ine## in t*i# di#t"i t, and No"d#t"o$ *a# di"e tl+ and indi"e tl+ o$$itted a t# of %atent inf"in&e$ent in t*i# di#t"i t. 5. No"d#t"o$ i# #-'>e t to t*i# Co-"t(# #%e ifi and &ene"al %e"#onal >-"i#di tion

-nde" d-e %"o e## and t*e Dela!a"e Lon& A"$ Stat-te d-e at lea#t to No"d#t"o$(# "e eivin& #e"vi e of %"o e## and #-'#tantial '-#ine## in t*i# di#t"i t, in l-din&A ?i@ at lea#t a %o"tion of t*e inf"in&e$ent# alle&ed *e"einB and ?ii@ "e&-la"l+ doin& o" #oli itin& '-#ine##, en&a&in& in ot*e" %e"#i#tent o-"#e# of ond- t, and de"ivin& #-'#tantial "even-e f"o$ &ood# and #e"vi e# %"ovided to individ-al# in Dela!a"e. COUNT I INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 6,216,139 7. On A%"il 11, 4111, t*e <nited State# Patent and T"ade$a") Offi e ?CPTOD@ d-l+

and le&all+ i##-ed <nited State# Patent No. 7,417,1/9 ?Ct*e 1/9 %atentD@, titled CInte&"ated Dialo& ;ox fo" Ra%idl+ Alte"in& P"e#entation of Pa"a$et"i Text Data O'>e t# on a Co$%-te" Di#%la+,D invented '+ Ro'e"t Li#to-. 8. Exe !a"e i# t*e o!ne" of t*e 1/9 %atent !it* all #-'#tantive "i&*t# in and to t*at

%atent, in l-din& t*e #ole and ex l-#ive "i&*t to %"o#e -te t*i# a tion and enfo" e t*e 1/9 %atent a&ain#t inf"in&e"#, and to olle t da$a&e# fo" all "elevant ti$e#. :. No"d#t"o$ *a# noti e of it# inf"in&e$ent of t*e 1/9 %atent at lea#t f"o$ t*e filin&

and #e"vi e date# of t*i# Co$%laint. 9. No"d#t"o$, alone, o" !it* one o" $o"e of it# -#to$e"#, #-%%lie"#, and di#t"i'-to"#

di"e tl+ ?lite"all+ and -nde" t*e do t"ine of eE-ivalent#@ and indi"e tl+ inf"in&ed ?-nde" ind- ed and ont"i'-to"+ inf"in&e$ent@ one o" $o"e lai$# of t*e 1/9 %atent in t*i# di#t"i t and in t*e 4

<nited State# '+, a$on& ot*e" !a+#, $a)in&, *avin& $ade, #ellin&, offe"in& fo" #ale, -#in&, o" i$%o"tin& %"od- t# t*at fo"$at and "efo"$at ta'-la" di#%la+# of "e o"d#, %a"a$ete"#, and text data o'>e t# -nde" it# *tt%AFF#*"d#t"o$. o$F and *tt%AFF#*"d#t"o$. o$F Fno"d#t"o$G "a ) !e'#ite# ?*e"einafte", CA -#ed P"od- t#D@.1 11. No"d#t"o$ #%e ifi all+ intended to ind- e inf"in&e$ent of t*e 1/9 %atent '+ ont"a t-al "elation#*i%# !it* ot*e"#, to a-#e it#

ta)in& a tive #te%#, di"e tl+ o" t*"o-&*

-#to$e"#, #-%%lie"#, and di#t"i'-to"# to $a)e, -#e, #ell, offe" fo" #ale, i$%o"t, o" ot*e"!i#e %"ovide t*e A -#ed P"od- t# in a $anne" t*at di"e tl+ inf"in&ed one o" $o"e lai$# of t*e 1/9 %atent. No"d#t"o$(# #%e ifi intent i# #*o!n '+, fo" exa$%le, it# adve"ti#in&, advi#in&,

on#-ltin&, in#t"- tin&, &-idin&, o" di"e tin& it# -#to$e"#, #-%%lie"#, and di#t"i'-to"# *o! to $a)e, -#e, #ell, offe" to #ell, o" i$%o"t t*e A -#ed P"od- t# in a di"e tl+ inf"in&in& $anne". No"d#t"o$ *a# #-ffi ientl+ detailed )no!led&e of t*e a tivitie# of it# -#to$e"#, #-%%lie"#, and di#t"i'-to"# #in e at lea#t t*e filin& of t*i# Co$%laint. 11. No"d#t"o$ #%e ifi all+ intended to ont"i'-te to t*e inf"in&e$ent of one o" $o"e

lai$# of t*e 1/9 %atent '+ de#i&nin& o" $a)in& #oft!a"e o$%onent# of t*e A -#ed P"od- t# t*at a"e e#%e iall+ de#i&ned o" $ade fo" -#e !it* o$%-te" #+#te$# and ot*e" $o'ile o" #tati devi e# o" #+#te$# in an inf"in&in& $anne". To t*e extent No"d#t"o$ did not %"ovide t*e#e o$%-te" #+#te$# and devi e#, it too) a tive #te%#, di"e tl+ o" t*"o-&* ont"a t-al "elation#*i%#, to a-#e di"e t inf"in&e$ent '+ it# -#to$e"#, #-%%lie"#, and di#t"i'-to"# f"o$ it# adve"ti#in&, advi#in&, on#-ltin&, in#t"- tin&, &-idin&, o" di"e tin& it# -#to$e"#, #-%%lie"#, and di#t"i'-to"#

Exe !a"e a -#e# No"d#t"o$ of %a#t, %"e#ent, and f-t-"e inf"in&e$ent of t*e 1/9 %atent. All alle&ation# of inf"in&e$ent o" a t# leadin& to inf"in&e$ent a"e $ade in t*e %a#t ten#e, "at*e" t*an al#o in t*e %"e#ent and f-t-"e ten#e, #t"i tl+ fo" #i$%li it+(# #a)e. /

*o! to inte&"ate #- * o$%-te" #+#te$# and devi e# !it* t*e A -#ed P"od- t#. No"d#t"o$ *ad )no!led&e of it# ont"i'-to"+ inf"in&e$ent #in e at lea#t t*e filin& of t*i# Co$%laint. 14. T*e A -#ed P"od- t# *a# *a"d!a"e o" #oft!a"e o$%onent# t*at a"e e#%e iall+

de#i&ned and ada%ted fo" -#e !it* #- * ot*e" o$%-te" #+#te$# and devi e# in a""+in& o-t t*e fo"$attin& and "efo"$attin& ta'-la" di#%la+# of "e o"d#, %a"a$ete"#, and text data o'>e t#, a# #een '+ *o! %"o$inentl+ t*e#e f-n tion# a"e %"o$oted '+ No"d#t"o$ on it# !e'#ite# and in it# $a")etin& lite"at-"e. T*e#e o$%onent# in t*e A -#ed P"od- t# on#tit-te a $ate"ial %a"t of t*e invention of one o" $o"e a##e"ted lai$# of t*e 1/9 %atent and a"e not #ta%le a"ti le# of o$$e" e #-ita'le fo" #-'#tantial nonGinf"in&in& -#e#. T*e#e di#tin t and #e%a"ate o$%onent# a"e -#ed onl+ to %e"fo"$ t*e fo"$attin& and "efo"$attin& f-n tionalit+ and not an+ ot*e" f-n tionalit+. 1/. Exe !a"e *a# 'een, i# 'ein&, and !ill ontin-e to 'e da$a&ed '+ No"d#t"o$(#

inf"in&in& ond- t. No"d#t"o$ i# lia'le to Exe !a"e fo" da$a&e# in an a$o-nt t*at adeE-atel+ o$%en#ate# Exe !a"e fo" No"d#t"o$(# inf"in&e$ent. ;+ la!, t*i# a$o-nt i# no le## t*an a "ea#ona'le "o+alt+ fo" No"d#t"o$(# and it# -#to$e"#(, #-%%lie"#(, and di#t"i'-to"#( -#e of it# A -#ed P"od- t#, to&et*e" !it* inte"e#t and o#t# a# fixed '+ t*i# Co-"t -nde" /5 <.S.C. = 4:0. JURY DEMAND Exe !a"e "eE-e#t# a >-"+ t"ial fo" t*e lai$# a##e"ted in t*i# Co$%laint. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Exe !a"e "eE-e#t# t*i# Co-"t to find in it# favo", a&ain#t No"d#t"o$, and t*at t*i# Co-"t &"ant Exe !a"e t*e follo!in& "elief. a. 2-d&$ent t*at No"d#t"o$ di"e tl+ inf"in&ed of one o" $o"e lai$# of t*e 1/9

%atent, eit*e" lite"all+ o" -nde" t*e do t"ine of eE-ivalent#, o" t*at No"d#t"o$, alone o" in

o$'ination !it* ot*e"#, indi"e tl+ inf"in&ed one o" $o"e lai$# of t*e 1/9 %atent, eit*e" ont"i'-to"il+ o" '+ ind- ed inf"in&e$entB '. A %e"$anent in>-n tion en>oinin& No"d#t"o$, it# offi e"#, di"e to"#, a&ent#,

#e"vant#, affiliate#, e$%lo+ee#, divi#ion#, '"an *e#, #-'#idia"ie#, %a"ent#, and all ot*e"# a tin& to&et*e" !it* No"d#t"o$ f"o$ di"e tl+ inf"in&in&, inf"in&e$ent of t*e 1/9 %atentB . 2-d&$ent t*at No"d#t"o$ a o-nt fo" and %a+ to Exe !a"e all da$a&e# and o#t# ont"i'-to"il+ inf"in&in&, o" ind- in&

t*at Exe !a"e in -""ed f"o$ No"d#t"o$(# di"e t o" indi"e t inf"in&in& a tivitie# and ond- t de# "i'ed in t*i# Co$%laintB d. da$a&e# 2-d&$ent t*at t*i# Co-"t &"ant Exe !a"e it# %"eG and %o#tG>-d&$ent inte"e#t on it# a-#ed '+ No"d#t"o$(# di"e tl+ and indi"e tl+ inf"in&in& a tivitie# and ond- t

de# "i'ed in t*i# Co$%laintB e. 2-d&$ent t*at t*i# Co-"t de la"e t*i# an ex e%tional a#e and a!a"d Exe !a"e it#

"ea#ona'le atto"ne+#( fee# and o#t# -nde" /5 <.S.C. = 4:5B and f. %"o%e". 2-d&$ent t*at t*i# Co-"t &"ant all additional "elief t*at t*i# Co-"t dee$# >-#t and

DatedA 6e'"-a"+ 41, 4110 O6 CO<NSELA Ha *a"ia* S. Ia""in&ton Matt*e! 2. Antonelli La""+ D. T*o$%#on, 2". Pete" 2. Co" o"an, III ANTONELLI, IARRINJTON K TIOMPSON LLP 0411 Mont"o#e ;lvd., Ste. 0/1 Io-#ton, TX 88117 ?81/@ 5:1G/111 ,a La*tla!fi"$. o$ $attLa*tla!fi"$. o$ la""+La*tla!fi"$. o$ %eteLa*tla!fi"$. o$

;AMARD, P.A. /s/ Stephen B. Brauerman Ri *a"d D. Ni") ?")1944@ Ste%*en ;. ;"a-e"$an ?#'0954@ .ane##a R. Ti"adente# ?vt5/9:@ Sa"a E. ;-##ie"e ?#'5845@ 444 Dela!a"e Aven-e, S-ite 911 Wil$in&ton, DE 19:11 ?/14@ 755G5111 ")i")L'a+a"dla!. o$ #'"a-e"$anL'a+a"dla!. o$ vti"adente#L'a+a"dla!. o$ #'-##ie"eL'a+a"dla!. o$ Atto"ne+# fo" Plaintiff Exe !a"e, LLC

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