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Por t f ol i o Book + John T Su t t o n

Por t f ol i o Book + John T Su t t o n

Spring + 2012 + Undergraduate Year

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Repetition makes right: For these line exercises I used a Strathmore 400 Series Drawing Paper Pad and C.H Hanson wide rule soft tip pencil for more control and a thicker line. Careful spacing and letting were considered.

Pencil Line Studies: Vertical, Mixed, and Roman Pages

An exercise in precision, patients and dedication. Each figure necessitated including gradations strokes, finely angled top, bottom, left and right accents. Every feature was affixed into the page by every movement of my hand. One perfect page was the culmination of the experience gained from one hundred previous pages.

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GRA 122 + Graphic Design Principles II

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Photography: I attempt to see the world in order to capture moments, then through editing design them into something special. Photo-manipulation is an unique new for digital art that I thoroughly enjoy.

Valentines Day Heart Collage

A place to sit with someone special. This was my motif for this project. We were instructed to create a Valentines using a known photographer or designer as inspiration. I choose Adrian Brannan, a graduate of the Glasgow School of Art. Through this technique of photomontage, when viewed from a far, is a landscape of color and shapes.

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GRA 112 + Graphic Histor y II

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Early Letterform Studies: These by hand creations introduced me to the objects and shapes inside letterform, how it serves its a functions to communicate and how one letter relates to those next to it; the white space between.

HEAO Letterform Design

An early study of basic typeface form and function. Beginning with the letter H, we study the unique shapes present within H E A O. From there we look at letting, kerning, and a paragraphs rag. We were guided into looking carefully at typography from both an overall perspective and at the micro level to see small details.

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GRA 122 + Graphic Design Principles II

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Deconstruction: And then reconstruction into something entirely new. I tr uly enjoyed this project. Seeing the letter form I created being manipulated into a new shape and form.

Letterform Divisions

Creating a visual system is a process of encoding and decoding packaged messages of information. In this visual system, I have created my own language through the use of letterform divisions. The goal was to subdivide a letter into sections based on a system of dividing lines. The end result bared resemblance to an alien alphabet.

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GRA 122 + Graphic Design Principles II

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3D Black and White Interaction

Production: I had a ver y complex initial idea, but t h r o u g h t h e g ui d a n c e of Michelle Fehler I was able to discover a much simpler design. The cast shadow is accurate to within 3mm of the measurement.

Design is elegant. Through design we solve problems efficiently while producing a quality result. This project was solved by a etching the black on white interaction on to a piece of glass (25cm, 15cm, 5cm) in order to cast a precise shadow to those measurements to the millimeter. Problems generate a environment for design solutions.

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GRA 122 + Graphic Design Principles II

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Master of Visual Communication Design (MVCD 3+) Poster Submission

Motivation and Design: I w a nte d ea c h of t h e s e p os ter s to reflec t an impor tant lessons from my first two semesters of the undergraduate program. Typography, color and imager y.

I entered the ASU design program with the intention of passing the milestone. Yet when I discovered the 3+ graduate program, I knew it was for me. I already had an undergraduate degree from the University of Portland in Organizational Communication (Visual Comm focus). Challenging, yet always rewarding, MVCD is my quest.

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Page 22 Created with the hope of joining the MVCD 3+

Summer + 2012 + Master of Visual Communication Design

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Proximity: Various design element s on t he page influence b ot h eac h other and the overall layout. T hes e simple exercises developed that concept into nine frame progression of tension.

Studying Tension, Dots and Space

This exercise began the summer MVCD 3 + graduate boot camp extravaganza. During this course we worked through a collection of assignments from both the first and second year of the undergraduate design program. One of the first projects, we studied how tension between objects influence the direction the viewers eye follows.

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GRA 590 + MVCD Summer Design Studio II

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Texture and intuition: Each of these were considered when placing both dots and lines in order to resemble the coke can. I also tried to express the fizziness of soda products through the size and proximity of dot and line.

Image Tension Study and Illustration, Coke-Cola Can

A touch of the creative. The assignment involved using only lines and dots to represent the most basic of shapes to recreate an image through tension. Both logic and intuition were needed to affix each line or dot into its proper place. While representational of the actual image, abstraction is imploded to create a dynamisms by design.

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GRA 590 + MVCD Summer Design Studio II

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Repetition and Logic: In contrast to the coke can, the launchpads construction is very grid based through the channels the button placement creates. These two illustrations show each side of the design spectrum.

Image Tension Study and Illustration, Ableton Live Launchpad

In both of this image reconstructions the line and dot tension images reflect the logic of repetitious elements in order to invite the comparison of how each element relates to the one next to it, and also to the overall image composition. Applying fundamental studies to instructional assignments is an rewarding experience.

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GRA 590 + MVCD Summer Design Studio II

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Whats at Your Fingertips: A Look Inside a Computer Mouse

Top cover Illumination circuit board Command input circuit board Laser housing Illumination gel padding Tracking laser Scroll wheel Bottom housing Screw

D evil i n the d etail s: Finding the right line weight for each of the pieces of the mouse took time and prints. Also setting up a clear labeling was impor tant to in system creation.

Exploded Diagram Illustration

Attention to details is king. Design is meant to be well produced and thought out. An exploded diagram is where details and the overall are both very important to consider. Each piece of this puzzle is a result of the previous pieces construction; One step leads to the other. Once put together, this completes the puzzle.

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GRA 590 + Summer MVCD 3+ Design Studio II

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Fall + 2012 + Master of Visual Communicat ion Design

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visual symphony

Te a m w o r k: T h o u g h c o lla b o r at io n o u r g r o u p d eve l o p e d t h e color s to reflec t our p e r s o nali t ie s, t h e forms to represent symphony, and the t y p o g r a p hy to s y n c .

Team Identity: Visual Symphony

A team of talented designers, Visual Symphony was developed during the Fall 2012 semester by David Rose, Jennifer Testamarck, Wendy Ho, and myself. We viewed ourselves as creating rhythm through our design, each of us contributing different talents that helped our group achieve a growing harmony throughout the semester.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio I

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Anticipate. Immunize. Defend.

anti virus your digital defender.

Home Update History Settings

scan options:
quick full

Scan now anti virus tip:

Do not open any files attached to an email from an unknown or suspicious source and update your anti virus software regularly.

anti virus status firewall status

11/10/12 11/13/12 11/13/12




Anti Virus
Anticipate. Immunize. Defend.

Anticipate. Immunize. Defend.

anti virus
your digitial defender

spyware status

Consider running a virus scan.

Virus definitions may be out of date.

need help
check our website.

anti virus your digital defender.

Anticipate. Immunize. Defend.



Combined Meaning: Utilizing the strong forms of the AkzidenzGrotesk typeface, this anti virus system is imbued with boldness and an implied safety.

Letter + Number Combination Project

Knowing how to utilize the shapes and features of each letterform opens the door to new design possibilities. Interesting combinations of letters and numbers reveal hidden messages that can act as a surprise inside logos. I created an anti virus company logo that gave the user a clear picture of what could be affecting your computer.

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GRA 321 + Technology for Design I

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Website Layout - A Micro Look

Organic Information: My inspiration for this project comes from a ver y naturally flowing progression of people and event s through careful use of line and circles to connect each.

50 Years of Phoenix Zoo History, Website Hierarchy

Website Layout - A Detailed Micro Look

Designed to show how each attraction, animal, place, or person relates to each other and how that interaction fits into the entire view of Phoenix Zoo history. Most of all this needed to be a very interactive display for an audience of all ages. Accessibility and fuctionality went hand in hand with engaging users to major zoo events.

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GRA 321 + Technology for Design I

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Website Layout - A Micro Look

Website Layout - A Micro Look

Website Layout - A Detailed Micro Look

Website Layout - A Detailed Micro Look

Website Layout - A Micro Look

Website Layout and Details

Interaction: The display invites viewers of all ages to learn about the Zoo through a natural progression of time. By utilizing horitzonal webpage design, this principle is conveyed.
Website Layout - A Detailed Micro Look

Above all else, the large scale interactive display needed to be functionally fun. Scrolling horizontally allowed for more of the screen to be viewed and accessed by more people of all ages. Simply by dragging the screen with your hand led the audience through 50 years of Phoenix Zoo history and featured all major events and people.

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GRA 321 + Technology for Design I

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A Typeface Shoot Out: Trajan Pro vs. Comic Sans, I used both in the creation of this short animation. This is an classic western cowboy story I tell. Yet the type characters come to life.

Flip-Book and Digital Video

Its all in their eyes. So much emotion is conveyed through facial expressions, particularly the eyes. Stories are told through the way one person looks at the other. I utilized this in the creation of my short video about the wild west, typeface, and difficult responsibilities. A very fun and rewarding project.

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GRA 422 + Motion and Interaction Design

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Space: The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations...

Film Introduction Redesign

Many of the morals and values present throughout the Star Trek franchise align very close to my own. I wanted to redesign an the Star Trek Generations film introduction. These videos pushed my knowledge of film editing and effect creation, but were always enjoyable to work on.

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GRA 422 + Motion and Interaction Design

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Visualization: This form of musical expression tries to match what the sounds is doing and it has always been very interesting to see. While creating this I tried to match beat and rhythm.

Personal Intro and Outro Bumpers

One of the most identity infused projects of the year, our personal intro and outro bumpers spoke to who we are as designers as well as people. These were to be placed before and after each of the videos during the semester and needed to reflect ourselves. A very exciting project that introduced most of us to Premier and After Effects.

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GRA 422 + Motion and Interaction Design

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Information Display: Much can be interpreted by the viewer as they watching a video with fast motion. I count on this while each state changes color with the music synced up to it.

2012 Republican Primary by State, Stop Motion Video

Our task was to create a short video that encapsulated the core concept of an infographic project created in another class. I wanted to represent every state in this video and how they voted in the 2012 republican primaries in a informative, fun and energetic way. The music from this piece reflects the Republican Grand Old Party feeling.

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GRA 422 + Motion and Interaction Design

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Information Display: Much can be interpreted by the viewer as they watching a video with fast motion. I count on this while each state changes color with the music synced up to it.

2012 United States Republican Primaries Infographic

The inspiration for the pervious stop motion video, each dot represents how every United States county voted and who they voted for in the 2012 Republican Primaries. Subdivided by state and month, all counties are represent on a single piece of paper. With a glance, much is understood.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio I

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Spring + 2013 + Master of Visual Communication Design

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CAsh Donations, End Disasters.

Sending monetary aid immediately gives relief workers the flexibility to purchase what is needed.

CAsh Donations, End Disasters.

Sending monetary aid immediately gives relief workers the flexibility to purchase what is needed.

CAsh Donations, End Disasters.

Sending monetary aid immediately gives relief workers the flexibility to purchase what is needed.

CAsh Donations, End Disasters.

Sending monetary aid immediately gives relief workers the flexibility to purchase what is needed.

A Call to Ac tion: By visually showing those suffering and through the very wishful slogan, my hop e is t hat my designs would inspire someone to send aid to those who need it.

PSaid Poster Design Contest

A very emotional project. With so much bad happening around the world, what are those who need aid suppose to do? A question that PSaid want to answer by sending monetary aid in the place of cumbersome supplies. Cash donations allow relief workers the flexibility they need to purchase what is need. Designed for others in need of aid.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio II

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Your A-Okay Wireless Router comes packaged in a re-ply cardboard container and uses all available inside space to achieve sustainability.

Each item is protected by form-fitting the surrounding cardboard to contain your new wireless technology safely and efficently.

To get started remove all items from the box, then begin to connect the power (included) and internet cables (not included).

Once all cables are connected, plug in the USB drive to your computer and press the center green button to connect to the internet.

Young Package Competition, A-Okay Wireless Router

The Basic Necessities: Anyone looking needing to set up their wireless net work through this r o u te r w o ul d have n o problem. T he single but ton pres s does all t he wor k for t hem.
When the antenna and center reset button are green, everything is A-Okay with your router and you can connect to the internet. If the internet seems too slow or isnt working the center button and antenna will turn red. Simply press the button to fix your connection.

Simplicity is the best start. This is the driving force behind my wireless router design. Made for those who want their technology to just work. A similar button placed on two devices make for simple set up, usage and monitoring. Another interesting problem that required complexity to be striped away and allow basic functionality to just work.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio II

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Grand Central Terminal fell into disrepair, threatened several times with demolition. Is eaquassi oditiunt alist pro delitiore nos eatio es renet etur sum eati sam fuga. Icabo ectur, volorepratet vitaquodi (1) debit in recto

Threatened several times with demolition. Is eaquassi oditiunt alist pro delitiore nos eatio es renet etur sum eati sam fuga (4). Icabo. Ectur, volorepratet vitaquodi debit in recto illuptia nonsequas res corrum vendic tet, idunt. Sant, qui blam etur, sinvenis (5) ent quissi sim quia

Feruntur molector sitatus cietur? Aximus, cora sam quia si aut qui num rectias delenderum consed el erio. Quid Et ducius acea dolorib eruntem quo bea corepra con nis dolendicatio etur, asi temolen temquam si officabo. Ciminullibus dolorer itinciatiur, ommollori tempedia nos sitaeperum fugitas dolupti bustenis archil enissec vollo eratquamusae poribus daeprem facerum a volent. Otatio magnamuscia consequam excerum quam quid que venecus rendit que quam rerume dusdaer iorerum nem voluptatesto quasitate sunt voluptur, natis dendit alicil ipsaped que res ea et acient dent fugiae quiae volut odit hit placia sum fugita vollo imus rest, erovidel molupta epraeptur as re lantinc iiscia pro quis dic to modi ut vent eos illupta spelisciate renis con nemporerum ligenditae natecus, et ut volorro rporibuscim fugiant, comnihitios dolor andi quos explitis enturibus, simaxim aut que con rem ut laccus. Orendeni te res vendebis ipsam, accatem faccust quo dolores et latus sequo incilicia non ere, suntio verferit, sae volescid que nectium a dolo duntemp oreptatecusa nis imaiore caerro bea voluptatendi con siminit exerchi litaturio qui dolorem cuptiorios eatis quam, nis essustianto con cust, odit et int hariandist am nobit esenten daectiunt lacitatia verum ad molorepudam aut qui con culparum volut doleseq uatem. Et hiliti

illuptia nonsequas res corrum vendic tet, idunt. Sant, qui blam etur, sinvenis ent quissi sim quia vella veliquam labo. Iqui quidel imus reni dia as re, id quas endunti orerior ernam (2), si conse volupta corum et hillendesci rest volupta tecuptas dolorec taspernat. Faceper chillup tureptius, cor mi, eumque res andic tore por modipsam, sum et lit et doluptat. Or sequi dicia ea quas sum (3), qui cus aritatat volenderunt pa acit ipsum dolore pa aute


Rail travel declined sharply, and Grand Central Terminal fell into disrepair, threatened several times with demolition. Is eaquassi oditiunt alist pro delitiore nos eatio es renet etur sum eati sam fuga. Icabo. Ectur, volorepratet vitaquodi debit in recto illuptia nonsequas res corrum vendic tet, idunt. Sant, qui blam etur, sinvenis ent quissi sim quia vella veliquam labo. Iqui quidel imus reni dia as re, id quas endunti orerior ernam, si conse volupta corum et hillendesci rest volupta tecuptas dolorec taspernat. Faceper chillup tureptius, cor mi, eumque res andic tore por modipsam, sum et lit et doluptat. Or sequi dicia ea

Grand Central Terminal fell into disrepair, threatened several times with demolition. Is eaquassi oditiunt alist pro delitiore nos eatio es renet etur sum eati sam fuga. Icabo. Ectur, volorepratet vitaquodi debit in recto illuptia nonsequas res corrum vendic tet, idunt (8). Sant, qui blam etur, sinvenis ent quissi sim quia vella veliquam labo. Iqui quidel imus reni dia as re, id quas endunti orerior ernam, si conse volupta corum et hillendesci rest volupta tecuptas dolorec taspernat (9). Faceper chillup tureptius, cor mi, eumque res andic tore por modipsam, sum et lit et doluptat. Or sequi dicia ea quas sum, qui cus aritatat volenderunt pa acit ipsum dolore pa aute
9 8

Pamphlet Design: Grand Central Station Turns One Hundred

The Big Picture: Is really comprised of smaller details. Those delicate features are found in the t ype size, ker ning, and layout all create that overall aesthetic of graphic design quality.

Story telling doesnt just involve images and text. Where something is placed on the page also can influence how and what story is being told. In this pamphlet design, one hundred year of Grand Central Terminal history are presented in only a few spreads. A layouts purpose is to correctly display story information through reasoning.

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GRA 322 + Technology for Design II

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Book Cover Redesign

Inference through design fiction: The creation of a theme through proper use of type and images communicates a strong sense of the subject mater ial t hat c an b e found inside the book.

Enders Game has always served as a reminder of what can become lost in translation from the encoder to an overall audience. Transference is very difficult when two entities cannot understand each other. This lesson I will carry with me, and remember while designing. Typeface, imagery, color, and other elements convey the future.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio II

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We work in London, New York, San Francisco, Berlin and Austin. Each of our clients works directly with one or more of our partners. This reflects our conviction that great design cannot happen without passion, intelligence, and personal commitment, which is demonstrated by a portfolio of work that spans five decades. 11 Needham Road London W11 2RP T +44 (0)20 7229 3477 F +44 (0)20 7727 9932


Who we are.

The work that we do.

And why we do it.


Who we are.

The work that we do.

And why we do it.

Sundance Film Festival Promotional Posters

New York
204 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10010 T +212 683 7000 F +212 532 0181 E

Campaign and graphic identity for this year's film festival. We wanted to try a simple, modern idea that was purely visual. The hand drawn arrows capture the energy and excitement of the Festival.

San Francisco
220 Montgomery St. #865 San Francisco, CA 94104

Cass Arts Watercolour Pads Sundance Film Festival Promotional Posters

T +415 398-4063 E

1508 West Fifth Street Austin, Texas 78703 T +512 476 3076 F +512 476 5725 E


Who we are.

The work that we do.

And why we do it.


Who we are.

The work that we do.

And why we do it.

US Land Ports of Entry Signage and Graphics

Leibnizstrasse 60

New Work Museum of Arts and Design

10629 Berlin, Germany T +49 (0)30 27 87 61 - 0 F +49 (0)30 27 87 61 - 10 E

Signage and graphics for the U.S.-Canada border crossing. ...a bold and daring piece of federal design. Too daring, perhaps. The sign is being dismantled for fear that it will be a target for terrorists.

Each of our clients works directly with one or more of our partners. This reflects our conviction that great design cannot happen without passion, intelligence, and personal commitment, which is demonstrated by a portfolio of work that spans five decades.

The Playing Place Promotional Posters

Pentagram is our work, and We are Pentagram.


Matching their design: The goal of this project was to design ourselves, the presentation, and our handout as if we were visiting from our chosen company. It was an honor to think that. 602-448-1936

United Airlines First Class Seat Wirelessly Protected Cellular security alarm

Presentation and Class Handout, Looking into Pentagram

Pentagram is where ideas are shaped by everyone, and everyone is an equal member. I would love to work where big picture thinking is tempered by the reality of design problems. This presentation and handout represents the website design of Pentagram; typeface, images, and layout as well. I aspire to work with Pentagram during my career.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio II

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Rise ASU Community: We developed a poster highlighted campaign that includes over sized banner s s tr ategic ally located on ASU campuses. Additionally a website and Envite will be provided.

Martin Luther King Jr. Campaign

Team Playpen was tasked with developing a campaign for the Martin Luther King jr. Committee that would embody the essence of Dr. Kings message. Raise, Guide and Unite are simple, bold words that inspire action in the ASU community during 2013. We are very pound and excited to have won this opportunity and this contest.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio II

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touch a life. VOLUNTEER


Maricopa Integrated Healthcare System Campaign and Products

Unity through the heart: A volunteers touch is one of the most personal gestures a person can make to someone who just wants a friend to care. This is what the Heartprint communicates.

While team Playpen did not win the chance to work with the MIHS team of volunteers and doctors, we were honored to present our Heartprint design to those who we know care for the underprivileged. Our design relies on viewer investigation of the thumbprint in order to discover the subtle heart hidden within insider the lines.

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GRA 590 + Core Visual Communication Studio II

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Colophon Materials
Cover - Back Hammermill 80lb cover weight matte white paper Text Pages Hammermill 60lb text copy weight white matte paper Book Binding Padded bound with pad paper adhesive binding compound Added Binding Padded Bound with Utrecht black two inch gaffers tape

Digital Camera Canon Rebel XSi 12.2 MP with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens Programs Used Lightroom 3.2 Illustrator CS5 InDesign CS5 Photoshop CS5 Created On ASUS G75VW Windows 7, Intel Core i7, Nvidia GTX 260M Printed With Xerox 2011 iGen4 Freeflow Smart Press Version 3.03

Typography - Avenir
Cover - Heavy Type size: 13pt Letting: 19pt Kerning: manual Tracking: 75pt Title - Book Type size: 13pt Letting: 18pt Kerning: manual Tracking: 50pt Text - Book Type size: 9pt Letting: 13pt Kerning: optical Tracking: manual Subtitles - Italic Type size: 6pt Letting: 9.6pt Kerning: optical Tracking: manual

Design Program: Master of Visual Communication 3+ ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts

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