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M.B.S. (Improvement Review Committee) First Term Final Examination 1996 Mana ement Co!rse " #1$ (Comp!

!ter %ppli&ation in Mana ement) F!ll Mar's #( Time ) *rs. (%ll +!estions are o, e+!al val!e. Mar's ,or ea&* +!estions are iven on t*e ri *t mar %nswer an- ,o!r o, t*e ,ollowin ) 1. a. .*at is a &omp!ter/ .rite 0own t*e spe&ial ,eat!res o, &omp!ters. 1. State t*e ma2or appli&ations o, &omp!ter in B!siness an0 In0!str-. 3. a. 4es&ri1e t*e 0i,,erent t-pes o, &omp!ter. 1. S*ow t*e ,!n&tions o, a &omp!ter wit* t*e *elp o, a 0ia ram. &. En!merate 0i,,erent elements o, mi&ro&omp!ter. ). a. .*at is operatin s-stem/ 1. 4is&!ss t*e ,!n&tions o, 5peratin S-stem. &. .rite 0own t*e &omman0s to 0o t*e ,ollowin in 45S6 I. To *ave a list o, all ,iles an0 0ire&tories in 0rive %6 II. To &op- t*e ,iles TEST.45C o, t*e 0ire&tor- M557 in 0rive C6 to a ,lopp- 0is'ette in 0rive %6 III. To &reate t*e 0ire&tor- 88 in 0rive %6 0. State t*e meanin o, t*e ,ollowin 6 I) 9.T8T II) C9. III) ///.9 I:) C9.C5M #. a. .*at is .or0 pro&essin / .*at are t*e a0vanta es o, .or0 pro&essin over t-pe writin / 1. Mention t*e &omman0s to move &!rsor in a 0o&!ment. &. State t*e steps to 0o t*e ,ollowin s in .or0 ;er,e&t6 I. To set le,t mar in at 1.$ in&*es an0 ri *t mar in at 1 in&* in t*e 0o&!ment. II. To 1ol0 t*e wor0 <Comp!ter= in t*e 0o&!ment. III. To &reate t*e *ea0er <Islami& >niversit-= at ever- pa e in a 0o&!ment. I:. To sear&* t*e wor0 <45S= an0 repla&e it wit* t*e wor0 <.I745.S= in t*e w*ole 0o&!ment. $. a. .*at is Sprea0 S*eet %nal-sis/ .*at are t*e ,!n&tions o, ?ot!s 1@3@)/ 1. State t*e &omman0s to 0o t*e ,ollowin s in ?ot!s 1@3@)6 I. to &*oose a men! II. to ma'e entries in a &ell III. to &op- t*e &ontents o, a ran e o, &ells I:. to ,reeAe t*e &ells to t*e le,t o, t*e &ell pointerBs &!rrent position :. to ali n a ran e o, la1el at ri *t :I. to sort 0ata o, a ran e o, &ells in as&en0in or0er. 6. a. .*at 0o -o! mean 1- 4ata Base Mana ement S-stem/ State its appli&ations in B!siness. 1. Explain t*e terms6 (i) Fiel0C (ii) Re&or0C (iii) FileC (iv) 4ata1ase. &. State t*e steps to &reate a 0ata str!&t!re. 9999999999

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# 6

# 3 #


K ) L) eemv Ges wk !"# KwcDUvii c$%vb ee&viwj wjL| K wew(b) c$Kvii KwcDUvii e*+bv `v,| ) L) w-.i mv&v/ GKwU KwcDUvii wew(b) Kv/+01i e*+bv `v,| " 1v20v KwcDUvii wew(b) Dcv`vbjv we3vwi# Ki| ) K AcviwUs wm51 wK? ) L) AcviwUs wm51i Kv/+vej6 Avjv-bv Ki| " (2si!6 Ask `7e) ) K ) L) " ) ,9v:+ c$mwms wK? Uv2c iv2wUs Gi ;-9 ,9v:+ c$mwms Gi mywe%vjv wK wK? Kvm+i 1y(1<Ui K1v=jv DjL Ki| (2si!6 Ask `7e)

(evsjv Abyev`) KwcDUvi wK? KwcDUvii wekl ewkwj wjL|





K ;3c$: k6U Gvbvjv2wmm wK? ;jvUvm 1?'?4 Gi Kv/+vej6jv wK ) wK? L) (2si!6 Ask `7e) K ) L) " ) :vUve! 1vb!1<U wm51 ej# wK eyA? eemv9 Gi c$9v" evLv Ki| wel9jv evLv KiB K) wCDE L) ;iK:+E ") Cv2jE F) :vUve! GKwU :vUv 57vK-vi #i6 Kivi c`Gcjv e*+bv Ki|


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