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Written by: Joseph B. DiGiorgio, Ph.D. Dr. DiGiorgio conducts semin rs on re!uest. "##$%&'"( )** +opyrighted m teri l. +ont ct Dr. DiGiorgio

,nsul ting m teri ls within tr nsformers nd rel ted e!uipment bre - down to liber te g ses within the unit. *he distribution of these g ses c n be rel ted to the type of electric l f ult nd the r te of g s gener tion c n indic te the se.erity of the f ult. *he identity of the g ses being gener ted by p rticul r unit c n be .ery useful inform tion in ny pre.ent ti.e m inten nce progr m. *his techni!ue is being used !uite successfully throughout the world. *his p per de ls with the b sics underlying this techni!ue nd de ls only with those insul ting fluids of miner l oil origin. /b.ious d. nt ges th t f ult g s n lyses c n pro.ide re: ". 0d. nce w rning of de.eloping f ults &. Determining the improper use of units (. 1t tus chec-s on new nd rep ired units 2. +on.enient scheduling of rep irs 3. 4onitoring of units under o.erlo d *he following sections will de l with the origins of the f ult g ses, methods for their detection, interpret tion of the results, nd philosophies on the use of this techni!ue. 1ome limit tions nd consider tions th t should be -ept in mind concerning the use of this techni!ue will lso be discussed. 5in lly n ppendi6 cont ining some ctu l c se histories will be co.ered. Fault Gases *he c uses of f ult g ses c n be di.ided into three c tegories7 coron or p rti l disch rge, pyrolysis or therm l he ting, nd rcing. *hese three c tegories differ m inly in the intensity of energy th t is dissip ted per unit time per unit .olume by the f ult. *he most se.ere intensity of energy dissip tion occurs with rcing, less with he ting, nd le st with coron . )orthern *echnology 8 *esting
9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

0 p rti l list of f ult g ses th t c n be found within unit re shown in the following three groups: ". =ydroc rbons nd hydrogen 4eth ne >th ne >thylene 0cetylene =ydrogen +=2 +&=$ +&=2 +&=& =& &. + rbon o6ides + rbon mono6ide + rbon dio6ide +/ +/& (. )on%f ult g ses )itrogen /6ygen )& /&

*hese g ses will ccumul te in the oil, s well s in the g s bl n-et of those units with he dsp ce, s result of . rious f ults. *heir distribution will be effected by the n ture of the insul ting m teri ls in.ol.ed in the f ult nd the n ture of the f ult itself. *he m ?or :minor; f ult g ses c n be c tegori@ed s follows by the type of m teri l th t is in.ol.ed nd the type of f ult present: ". +oron . /il b. +ellulose &. Pyrolysis . /il Aow temper ture +=2 , +&=$ =& =& , +/ , +/&

=igh temper ture +&=2 , =& : +=2 , +&=$ ; b. +ellulose Aow temper ture +/& : +/ ;

=igh temper ture +/ : +/& ; (. 0rcing =&, +&=& :+=2, +&=$, +&=2;

4iner l oil insul ting fluids re composed essenti lly of s tur ted hydroc rbons c lled p r ffins, whose gener l molecul r formul is +n=&nB& with n in the r nge of &' to 2'. *he cellulosic insul tion m teri l is polymeric subst nce whose gener l molecul r formul is C+"&="2/2:/=;$Dn with n in the r nge of ('' to <3'.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

*he structur l formul of the miner l oil nd those of the hydroc rbons nd hydrogen f ult g ses re shown in 5igure ". Figure 1. 1tructure of insul ting oil nd f ult g ses.

4iner l /il




4eth ne


>th ne




0cetylene + rbon Dio6ide + rbon 4ono6ide /6ygen )itrogen

+&=& +/& +/ /& )&

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

5igures &, (, 2, nd 3 illustr te the processes occurring with coron , pyrolysis, nd rcing in oil nd pyrolysis of cellulose respecti.ely. *ypic l f ult g s distributions re lso shown. Figure 2. +oron in /il Figure 3. Pyrolysis in /il

=& +'& +' +=2 +&=$ +&=2 +&=&

99E " " $ " '." '.&

=& +'& +' +=2 +&=$ +&=2 +&=&

"$E tr ce tr ce "$ $ 2" tr ce

Figure 4. 0rcing in /il

Figure 5. Pyrolysis of +ellulose

=& +'& +' +=2 +&=2 +&=&

(#E & 2 "' $ (3

=& +'& +' +=2 +&=2 +&=&

#E &3 3' 9 2 '.(

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

*he solubilities of the f ult g ses in miner l oil s well s their temper ture dependence re lso import nt f ctors for consider tion in f ult g s n lyses. * ble " lists the s tur tion solubilities for the f ult g ses. ,t should be noted th t there is lmost two orders of m gnitude difference. Table 1.1olubility of G ses in *r nsformer /il. 1t tic >!uilibrium t <$' mm =g nd &3o+. =ydrogen )itrogen + rbon mono6ide /6ygen 4eth ne + rbon dio6ide >th ne >thylene 0cetylene < E by .olume 9.$ E #E "$ E (' E "&' E &9' E &9' E 2'' E

between the le st soluble :hydrogen; nd the most soluble : cetylene; g s. *he m ?ority of g ses th t re indic ti.e of f ults re lso those th t re in gener l the more soluble in the oil. When r tes of g s gener tion re being followed it is import nt to t -e into ccount the solubilities of these g ses s function of the oil temper ture :5ig. $;. /.er temper ture r nge of ' to 9'o+ some g ses incre se in solubility up to <#E while others decre se their solubility up to $$E.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

Figure 6. Fel ti.e 1olubilities s 5unction of *emper ture.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

Methods of Fault Gas Detection *hree methods will be discussed nd their d. nt ges nd dis d. nt ges will be comp red. *he first method nd prob bly the most widely used techni!ue t the present time is the one th t determines the tot l combustible g ses : *+G ; th t re present in the g s bo.e the oil. *he m ?or d. nt ge of the *+G method comp red to the others th t will be co.ered is th t it is f st nd pplic ble to use in the field. ,n f ct it c n be used to continuously monitor unit., there re number of dis d. nt ges to the *+G method. 0lthough it detects the combustible f ult g ses :hydrogen, c rbon mono6ide, meth ne, eth ne, ethylene, nd cetylene;, it does not detect the noncombustible ones :c rbon dio6ide, nitrogen, nd o6ygen;. *his method is only pplic ble to those units th t h .e g s bl n-et nd not to the completely oil%filled units of the conser. tor type. 1ince most f ults occur under the surf ce of the oil, the g ses must first s tur te the oil nd diffuse to the surf ce before ccumul ting in the g s bl n-et bo.e the oil. *hese processes t -e time, which del ys the e rly detection of the f ult. *he m ?or dis d. nt ge of the *+G method is th t it only single . lue for the percent ge of combustible g ses but does not identify which g ses re ctu lly present. ,t is this l tter inform tion th t is most useful in determining the type of f ult th t h s occurred. *he second method for the detection of f ult g ses is the g s bl n-et n lysis in which s mple of the g s in the sp ce bo.e the oil is n ly@ed for its composition. *his method detects ll of the indi.idu l components7, it is lso not pplic ble to the oil%filled conser. tor type units nd it lso suffers from the dis d. nt ge th t the g ses must first diffuse into the g s bl n-et. ,n ddition, this method is not t present best done in the field. 0 properly e!uipped l bor tory is preferred for the re!uired sep r tion, identific tion, nd !u ntit ti.e determin tion of these g ses t the p rt per million le.el. *he third nd most inform ti.e method for the detection of f ult g ses is the dissol.ed g s n lysis : DG0 ; techni!ue. ,n this method s mple of the oil is t -en from the unit nd the dissol.ed g ses re e6tr cted. *hen the e6tr cted g ses re sep r ted, identified, nd !u ntit ti.ely determined. 0t present this entire techni!ue is best done in the l bor tory since it re!uires precision oper tions. 1ince this method uses n oil s mple it is pplic ble to ll type units nd li-e the g s bl n-et method it detects ll the indi.idu l components. *he m in d. nt ge of the DG0 techni!ue is th t it detects the g ses in the oil ph se the e rliest possible detection of n incipient f ult. *his d. nt ge lone outweighs ny dis d. nt ges of this techni!ue.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

4ethods of ,nterpret tion *he most import nt spect of f ult g s n lysis is t -ing the d t th t h s been gener ted nd correctly di gnosing the f ult th t is gener ting the g ses th t h .e been detected. l methods th t re currently in use will be co.ered. /ne of the e rliest methods is th t of Dornenburg( in which two r tios of g ses re plotted on log%log 6es :5ig. <;. *he re in which the plotted point f lls is indic ti.e of the type of f ult th t h s de.eloped. Figure 7. DGrnenburg Plot.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

*he +entr l >lectric Gener ting Bo rd : +>GB ; of Gre t Brit in h s been using method de.eloped by Fogers2 in which the m gnitudes of four r tios of g ses re used to gener te four digit code s shown in * ble &. *he code number th t is gener ted c n be rel ted to di gnostic interpret tion s shown in * ble (. Table 2. +. >. G. B. 5 ult G s F tios.2 F0*,/ F0)G> H '." I '." J " K"J( K( J" K" J" K"J( K( J '.3 K '.3 J ( K( +/D> 3 ' " & ' " ' " & ' " & ' 3 C D! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " )orm l P rti l disch rge 1light o.erhe ting J "3'o+ 1light o.erhe ting "3' % &''o+ 1light o.erhe ting &'' % (''o+ Gener l conductor o.erhe ting Winding circul ting currents +ore nd t n- circul ting currents, o.erhe ted ?oints 5l, no power follow through Table 3. +. >. G. B. Di gnostics. D"#G$ %"%


",& ' ' ",& " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' 3 " ' ' " ' " ' & ' '




' ",& ",& 0rc, with power follow through ' & ' ' & +ontinuous sp r-ing to flo ting potenti l

",& P rti l disch rge with tr c-ing :note +/; =igher th n norm l temper ture in insul tion

+/& / +/ I ""

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

* ble 2 shows the guidelines de.eloped t + liforni 1t te Lni.ersity%1 cr mento in cooper tion with P cific G s 8 >lectric +omp ny to indic te the norm l nd bnorm l le.els of the indi.idu l g ses. Table 4. +. 1. L. 1. Guidelines.< G s =ydrogen 4eth ne >th ne >thylene 0cetylene + rbon mono6ide + rbon dio6ide )itrogen /6ygen )orm l :J; 0bnorm l :I; ,nterpret tion "3' ppm &3 "' &' "3 3'' "',''' " to "' E "''' ppm 9' (3 "3' <' "''' "3,''' ).0. +oron , 0rcing 1p r-ing Aoc l o.erhe ting 1e.ere o.erhe ting 0rcing 1e.ere o.erhe ting 1e.ere o.erhe ting ).0. ).0. ).0.

'.& to (.3E ).0. '.3 E

*ot l +ombustibles '.'( E

+urrently )orthern *echnology 8 *esting is using the following fl g points for the . rious f ult g ses shown below in * ble 3. Table 5. ). *. *. 5l gpoints G s =ydrogen 4eth ne >th ne >thylene 0cetylene 5l gpoint :I; "3'' ppm 9' (3 "3' <

+ rbon mono6ide "''' + rbon dio6ide "','''

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

5in lly log rithmic nomogr ph method de.eloped by 4r. J. /. +hurch of the L. 1. Bure u of Fecl m tion will be discussed. *he b sic principles re illustr ted in 5igure 9. *he sliding log rithmic sc les nd their rel ti.e positions re b sed on d t origin lly published by Dornenburg nd 1trittm tter. 3 *he slope of the line between the tie%points on d? cent .ertic l sc les is indic ti.e of the type of f ult in the unit. > ch .ertic l sc le h s threshold . lue l beled with n rrow. 5or the slope of line to be considered signific nt, t le st one of the two tie%points should lie bo.e threshold . lue. ,f neither tie%point lies bo.e threshold . lue then the f ult indic tion of th t slope is not considered signific nt. *he ppendi6 cont ins full si@e .ersion of this nomogr ph.

Figure &. Aog rithmic )omogr ph.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

,t should be pointed out th t ll of the bo.e methods re const ntly being re.ised nd upd ted s more nd more useful b c-ground inform tion is g ined. Testing 'hiloso(hies Depending on their needs, customers c n m -e . rious uses of f ult g s n lyses nd . riety of methods re undoubtedly in use tod y. Westinghouse$ recommends the routine use of *+G to monitor units nd depending on the . lues obt ined further ction such s DG0 n lysis m y be recommended :* ble $;. Table 6. 5re!uency of *esting :Westinghouse;.$ ". &. (. 2. *+G ' % '." Mery low, no further ction. E *+G " % & E *+G ( % 3 E Aow, monitor *+G monthly. 4oder te, conduct DG0, e. cu te unit, purge with nitrogen, nd monitor e.ery two wee-s.

*+G 3 A rge, conduct DG0, e. cu te unit, purge with nitrogen, monitor d ily. ,f r te incre ses E remo.e from nd correct f ult.

*he +.>.G.B. h s rigorous schedule of testing ll their units using the DG0 techni!ue e6clusi.ely :* ble <;.2 Table 7. 5re!uency of *esting :+.>.G.B.;2 ". 0ll new units before nd fter f ctory tests. &. 0ll new 2'' 8 &3' NM tr nsmission units on first commission, e.ery three months for first ye r, then ye rly. (. 0ll gener tion units ('' 4M0 monthly. 2. When bnorm l result is obt ined, fre!uency of testing is d?usted consistent with se.erity of the indic ted f ult.

*he P cific G s 8 >lectric +omp ny< long with number of our other clients h .e been con.inced of the d. nt ge of routinely s mpling ll of their units .i the DG0 techni!ue nd they h .e st rted such progr m. *hey s mple ll of their units t le st twice ye rly. *he . rious g ses in e ch unit re monitored nd de.i tions from the b seline est blished for e ch p rticul r unit re indic ti.e of the type nd se.erity of de.eloping f ults.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

)i*itations and Considerations ,t h s to be recogni@ed th t conditions within tr nsformer re not homogeneous nd the system is t true e!uilibrium. *emper ture nd pressure gr dients s well s different types of flow ch r cteristics contribute to the ll comple6ity of the system. With these limit tions one would not e6pect duplic te s mples to gree better th n to bout ten percent nd in some c ses the greement m y be poorer. 0 unit with n cti.e f ult gener tes g ses t r tes consider bly gre ter th n one undergoing norm l ging. We h .e obser.ed wide . ri tions in duplic te s mples from units with cti.e f ults nd it w s thus pp rent th t the system w s f r from homogeneous. Lnder such conditions perh ps it is more me ningful to loo- t trends r ther th n bsolute . lues of indi.idu l g ses. ,n contr st, duplic te s mples from units without cti.e f ults h .e shown more consistent greement. *here h .e been efforts m de to rel te the r te of gener tion of g s with the se.erity of de.eloping f ult. *he .olume of the system h s to be considered when t l-ing bout r tes of g s e.olution. *he g ses re reported in terms of concentr tion :e.g.ppm; nd the tot l g s gener ted by f ult will be dependent on the tot l .olume of the system when c lcul ted from the concentr tions th t were determined. 5or e6 mple if two units, one with sm ll tot l .olume nd the other with l rge tot l .olume of oil, re sub?ected to e!u lly se.ere f ults th t gener te the s me mounts of g ses, the concentr tion of these g ses in the sm ller unit will be higher th n the s me g ses in the l rger unit. *o determine r tes of g s gener tion it is necess ry to collect s mples t different times. )orm l ging of the insul ting oil will gi.e rise to slow ccumul tion of g ses semi nnu l s mpling period. 0 moder te ccumul tion of g ses monthly inter. l c n indic te n incipient f ult, while r pid ccumul tion :i.e. "'E per month; of g ses is indic tion of n cti.e f ult. 0 number of our customers who h .e pplied FogersO method for n ly@ing their d t h .e informed us th t they seldom if see Pnorm lP unit. ,t is well to remember th t this method w s de.eloped for use within the +.>.G.B. system nd their norm m y not be the s me s for nother oper ting system. /ne problem th t rises in using this method is th t no signific nce is gi.en to the m gnitude of the numbers used to c lcul te the r tio nd then to gener te the code digit. *hus when the numbers re sm ll, fluctu tions in the . lues c n c use .ery l rge ch nge in the r tio nd hence the gener ted digit. *he nomogr phic method described e rlier in essence is the s me type of n lysis s th t of Fogers but the imposition of the threshold . lues limits the signific nce of the results when the indi.idu l . lues re sm ll. 0nother consider tion th t c nnot be stressed enough is the -nowledge of the p st history of unit nd the oper ting philosophies of the customer. /ften we h .e been consulted reg rding cert in results th t were indic ti.e of f ult only to find th t when the history of the unit w s re.e led the results could be r tion li@ed by p st occurrence nd were not the result of continuing f ult. 1ome clients h .e to oper te their units t or bo.e r ted c p cities while others m y be more conser. ti.e in their oper tion. Lnder these different oper ting conditions, g s e.olution from Pnorm lP ging of the insul ting fluid will be gre ter in the former c se th n in th t of the l tter c se. 5in lly it should be -ept in mind th t when f ult is indic ted there re other techni!ues th t c n be brought to be r on the problem to ssist in the interpret tion. 5or inst nce if rcing is indic ted then n lysis of the fluid for tr ce mounts of met ls dispersed in the fluid c n be indic ti.e of the loc tion of the f ult within the unit. *he presence of luminum c n indic te rcing ne r the bushings or windings, copper c n come from the )orthern *echnology 8 *esting
9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

windings, nd iron c n come from the core nd the shell of the unit. *hese three met ls re considered to be those th t comprise the m ?or construction of unit. /ther met ls such s tin, le d, @inc, nd re minor components nd their presence c n indic te the in.ol.ement of such things s connectors nd solder ?oints. Conclusion *he technology presently e6ists nd is being used to detect nd determine f ult g ses below the p rt per million le.el. there is still much room for impro.ement in the techni!ue, especi lly in de.eloping the methods of interpreting the results nd correl ting them with incipient f ults. ,t is lso import nt to re li@e th t e.en though there is further need for impro.ement in the techni!ue, the n lysis of dissol.ed f ult g ses represents pr ctic l nd effecti.e method for the detection of incipient f ults nd the determin tion of their se.erity. ,n ddition to utility comp nies, m ny industries nd inst ll tions th t h .e on%site tr nsformers re recogni@ing th t the techni!ue of dissol.ed f ult g s n lysis is n e6tremely useful, if not essenti l, p rt of well de.eloped pre.ent ti.e m inten nce progr m.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

#((endi+ " , Case -istories *his section will some n lyses long with the indic ted di gnosis nd post%mortem findings. M lues with n steris- :Q; e6ceed the +1L1 guideline . lues discussed e rlier.

Case " =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l

3/$/<2 2#3 ppm <299 &### &2(9Q &<$Q & 9<,29' "<<3Q &#(

3/&9/<2 9' ppm #3$" &#3& &29'Q (&$Q '

"/"$/<$ &" ppm 23(# #"< #9 &( '

Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting nd sp r-ing not cellulose. )omogr ph: =e ting *his unit h d no history of ny problem nd w s scheduled to h ndle n o.erlo d while tr nsmission line w s reconductored., prior to the o.erlo ding, n oil s mple w s sub?ected to DG0 nd g ses were found th t indic ted se.ere he ting with no in.ol.ement of cellulose. *his w s confirmed s p rtly destroyed no%lo d t p ch nger cont ct th t would h .e f iled in shortly, e.en without n o.erlo d. 5urther in.estig tion of the other ele.en units t this site showed th t ll h d undersi@ed cont cts, which were subse!uently repl ced.

""",&"' <<,3<' $"#Q &$9 &2 "3# 9.(2E

"'.(&E "&.<3E

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

Case "" =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l

&/&</<3 &(" ppm "'2( &"#2 3392Q "<&$Q ' <","32 (##<Q ' 9.3#E

Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting nd sp r-ing not cellulose. )omogr ph: =e ting *his unit w s found to h .e defecti.e core ground str p th t e6hibited signs of se.ere he ting nd it w s rep ired before it p rted.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

Case """ =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l

</&(/<2 "&< ppm "#2< &'&2 (& ' 9"Q <9,99< &2 ' 9.("E

9/"</<2 & ppm """# "(& ' ' ' "$,'&' < ' ".<(E

Di gnosis: 0rcing not cellulose. )omogr ph: 0rcing *his unit w s found to h .e rcing between the t n- nd high .olt ge le d. *he le d w s simply reformed in nother direction nd the problem w s sol.ed. 1imil r other units t the s me site lso h d the s me problem of improper inst ll tion.

Case ". =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l

"/"2/<< &"< ppm &(,&(' "322 239Q "2 992Q <&,$#' &9$ "<$ #.#3E

Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting nd rcing not cellulose. )omogr ph: 0rcing *his unit w s found to h .e suffered high .olt ge le d f ilure under oil.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

Case . =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l


"'/&&/<$ "'/&&/<$:A*+;

Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting nd rcing not cellulose. )omogr ph: 0rcing *his unit h d r pidly de.eloping f ult th t resulted in n e6plosion in the t p ch nger comp rtment.

32 ppm &2$ ppm #2<2Q ppm "'(# "('( 2 ' ' 9',""& ' "'$ 9.&$E ""&& &'$# &" ' 3( #","3( 2( &"9 #.2#E (3,'$" ""3$ $33&Q (3(Q "&,##<Q "($,('< 2'$$Q 33( &'.$$E

Case ." =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne

3/"&/<$ 3'< ppm "&&& &3$& "22'Q &#<Q "< "'&,#&3 "'3(Q

Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting nd sp r-ing not cellulose. )omogr ph: =e ting *his unit w s found to h .e se.erely burned low .olt ge coils.

+ rbon 4ono6ide && *ot l "".''E

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

Case ."" =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l


Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting not cellulose.

2"$ ppm )omogr ph: =e ting nd rcing. &2&& "2,("$ 9$<Q <2Q ' 93,"2" $#3Q &'' "'.2&E Di gnosis: 1e.ere loc l o.erhe ting nd rcing not cellulose. )omogr ph: 0rcing *his is n interesting c se th t .ery dr m tic lly illustr tes the e rly detection of f ult .i the DG0 techni!ue. *his w s mobile unit th t w s being oper ted without its cooling system being turned on. Fe li@ing th t some d m ge might h .e lre dy been done to the system, s mple of oil w s collected prior to shutting down the unit. During the shut down procedure, m ?or f ult occurred l rge rc to ground. 0nother s mple w s immedi tely t -en for n lysis. *he first s mple showed nothing of ny concern7, in the .ery short time sp n of the shutdown nd occurrence of the f ult one sees the .ery l rge nd r pid incre se of the g ses indic ti.e of this type of f ult. *his unit w s found to h .e "P steel bolt to copper shunt completely burned through. *he bolt w s most li-ely se.erely he ted to the point where it p rted then rcing occurred cross this region.

Case .""" =ydrogen /6ygen + rbon Dio6ide >thylene >th ne 0cetylene )itrogen 4eth ne + rbon 4ono6ide *ot l

#/"</<$:before f ult; 2< ppm "2,'9( """( 9 ' ' 3(,9"2 "& ""3 $.#&E

#/"</<$: fter f ult; 22" ppm "(,<92 ""&( &&2Q 2(Q &$"Q 32,"&' &'<Q "$" <.'2E

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

#((endi+ "" *he following p ge is full si@e .ersion of the log rithmic nomogr ph described e rlier in this p per. Full si/e 0ersion of the )ogarith*ic $o*ogra(h.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

1eferences ". P. 1. Pugh nd =. =. W gner, *r ns. 0. ,. >. >. ,,, 9' :"#$";, p. "9#. &. J. >. 4org n, 4org n%1ch ffer Bulletin 41%&3 :"#<(;, p. 2'. (. >. Dornenburg, +. ,. G. F. >. :"#<';, P per "3 % '<. 2. F. F. Fogers, Doble public tion 2&0,+<3, 1ec. "' % &'". 3. >. Dornenburg nd W. 1trittm tter, Brown%Bo.eri Fe.. 3 % <2,p. &(9. $. P Protecti.e 4 inten nce of *r nsformers by G s%/il 0n lysisP Westinghouse Bulletin 4<&2<. <. >. J. =ub cher, P per presented t the P. +. >. 0., >. 8/. 1ection 1pring +onference, 4 rch "9 % "#, "#<$, 1 n 5r ncisco.

)orthern *echnology 8 *esting

9"2' ,ndustri l P r-w y, 1uite 9 1 cr mento, +0 #39&2 *el: :#"$; (9(%$9'' 5 6: :#"$; (9(%<<#2

DGA EXPERT SYSTEMS A leader in quality, value & experience.

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