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English A nonstop flight Departure Prepaid freight shipping advice note

French un vol sans escale dpart fret prpay embarquement Note des conseils

German ein Nonstop-Flug Abfahrt fracht Versand Schein

Spanish un vuelo sin escala Salida Flete prepagado embarque Notificacin

agreed departure dpart convenue agreed tare Air waybill tare convenu lettre de transport arien

vereinbarten Abreisetag Salida acordada vereinbart Tara Luftfrachtbrief tara acordada carta de ruta area

Reference for the bill of lading/air waybill Consignment note lettre de voiture Frachtbrief (waybill) carta de porte

In the case of transport by rail, the consignment note accepted All-up weight du poids tout-up Fluggewicht an der Grenz Peso todo junto en la frontera

at the border la frontire average survey enqute moyen backed note Barrel Note soutenu baril

durchschnittliche Umfrage promedio encuesta gesichert Note Fass Chargennummer Frachtbrief unter Deck nota respaldada barril Nmero de lote factura de embarque debajo de cubierta

Batch number numro de lot Bill of lading Below deck connaissement sous le pont

Berth mooring couchette amarrage Anlegeplatz Liegepltze muelle amarres bill of entry Rechnung fr die Einreise declaracin de importacin Bordkarte tarjeta de embarque almacn de depsito almacn

boarding card carte d'embarquement

bonded warehouse entrept de stockage Zolllager warehouse entrept Lager

border bulk cargo



Fronteras carga de mercancas

marchandises en vrac Schttgut

In the case of a ship carrying a bulk cargo of oil. By mail Par courrier Per E-mail Pappschachtel Por correo. caja de cartn.

cardboard box bote en carton

Three articles, put up in a set in a cardboard box for retail sale, consisting of. Load chargement Last carga.

Cargo insurance frais d'assurance Versicherungsgebhr seguro de carga. Shippers may obtain Cargo Insurance to cover risks of physical loss of a shipment. Freight plane Fret arien Luftfracht Flete areo.

In order to ship air freight on a freighter/passenger plane you must be a known. Sea transport navigation Versand transporte martimo.

In sea transport and long-distance shipping, Carriage forward Goods returned carriage forward will not be accepted. Carriage paid (CPT) Porte pagado hasta punto de destino. Porte debido.

CPT carriage paid to agreed place of destination. certificate of origin certificat d'origine Ursprungszeugnis CIF value (Cost, Insurance, Freight) The dumping margin established, expressed as a percentage of the total cif value at Community frontier level, duty unpaid, is 4.8 %. Clearance agent agent de ddouanement Abfertigung Agent agente de aduanas. Clearance certifcate certificado de pago. Certificado de origen.

When you receive your clearance certificate, if you find that certain work periods were not taken into account, In bond en depsito.

Goods may be entered for consumption, entered for warehouse at the port of arrival, or they may be transported in-bond to another port. In Bulk en gros a granel.

In the case of products sold in bulk, Inch Landed terms aterrizaje discharging permit Lorry Lot Luggage Moorage pouce zoll termes dbarqu pulgada. landete Begriffe Trminos de

permis de dcharge Entladen Erlaubnis poids lourd (truck) Lot bagage mouillage Lastwagen Menge Gepck Anlegeplatz

permiso de descarga. camion. lote. equipaje. amarre.

The harbour provides moorage to both leisure yachts and the local fishing fleet. Net weight on arrival On board On deck Poids Net l'arrive bord sur le pont Reingewicht bei der Ankunft an Bord auf Deck Zollrechnung Peso neto. A la llegada. a bordo. en cubierta. factura aduanera.

Customs invoice facture douanire

The shipper ensures that the merchandise contains a correct customs invoice for import into other countries. Customs officer agent des douanes Zollbeamte agente de aduanas.

Delivered at frontier (DAF) The load is delivers for the exporter in the limit of border with the import country. Delivered duty paid (DDP) basis, which means that all customs, import and sales taxes or charges are included in the price. Free on board (FOB) means that the risks of damage to or loss of the goods are transferred to the buyer at the point where the goods are on board the ship.

Statistics on the trading of goods are valued on a fob (free on board) basis for dispatches/exports and on a cif basis (cost, insurance, and freight ) for arrivals/imports. duty-free en franchise de droits quai lieu de livraison zollfrei dock libre de impuestos. muelle.

Dock - quay wharf Place of delivery to charter a ship

Ort der Lieferung Lugar de entrega. alquilar un barco.

To charter in a ship" means to rent it with a crew provided by the charterer. To clear the goods despacho de mercancas en aduana.

The DEQ term requires the buyer to clear the goods for import and to pay for all formalities, duties, taxes and other charges upon import. Full container load (FCL) Servicio de carga de contenedor.

As one of the largest Ocean Freight service providers for Full Container Load (FCL) and Lessthan-Container Load (LCL) shipments, we currently handle in excess. Forwarding agent empresa de transporte.

Always require your forwarding agent to put his pricing and his promises in writing. forwarder's receipt recibo del cargamento del expedidor.

Hence, commercial invoice data, transport data (e.g. forwarders cargo receipt or advance shipment notice), insurance and certificate data must all be found to be. Gross weight High seas to rent a car storage costs To Store poids brut haute mer Bruttogewicht hoher see Peso bruto. alta mar. ein Auto mieten Lagerkosten speichern Staukosten alquiler de coche. costes de almacenamiento. almacenar. gastos de estiba.

louer une voiture les cots de stockage stocker

Stowage charges les frais d'arrimage

Waybill - consignment note lettre de voiture Frachtbrief carta de porte. Air waybill for one of the deliveries made by Imperial Armour.

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