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ln Lhe maLLer beLween:
7&'!, 9: +!7!$&' llrsL AppllcanL
$!7&( 7&'!, 5-10* ;*$.< +!7!$&' Second AppllcanL
7&"8! (!7&+,"& llrsL 8espondenL
31%,""&(40-5 4,- )10")!+ Second 8espondenL
-0+!"5 1" 7&'!, ,))&((
8L?nLCkL SC, 8L8CL8 SC, MClu:
1. We have been appolnLed by Lhe !ohannesburg 8ar Councll Lo conducL
an enqulry lnLo charges of mlsconducL agalnsL Mr Menzl Slmelane. 1he
charges relaLe prlmarlly Lo Lhe conducL and LesLlmony of Mr Slmelane
durlng Lhe Clnwala Commlsslon of Lnqulry.
lor reasons noL relevanL
Lo Lhls rullng, our enqulry has noL yeL begun.

Mr Slmelane's conducL and LesLlmony durlng Lhe Clnwala Commlsslon has already been descrlbed
and consldered by Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal CourL, albelL ln a dlfferenL conLexL, ln uemoctotlc Alllooce v
lteslJeot of tbe kepobllc of 5ootb Aftlco ooJ Otbets 2013 (1) SA 248 (CC). Mr Slmelane was Lhe fourLh
respondenL ln LhaL case.

2. 1he Lwo appllcanLs seek access Lo Lhe enqulry, so LhaL Lhey can reporL
on Lhe proceedlngs. 8oLh of Lhem are ln Lhe buslness of publlshlng a
number of newspapers lncludlng, beLween Lhem, 1be 5ooJoy 1lmes,
1be 1lmes, 8eelJ, koppott and clty ltess. 1hese newspapers are all
publlshed ln hard copy and dlsLrlbuLed LhroughouL SouLh Afrlca. 1hey
are also publlshed on Lhe lnLerneL.
3. ln order Lo faclllLaLe Lhelr access Lo Lhe enqulry, Lhe appllcanLs seek our
permlsslon for Lwo [ournallsLs employed by each of Lhem Lo be presenL
durlng all hearlngs of Lhe enqulry. 1hey also seek permlsslon for Lhe
[ournallsLs Lo LweeL durlng Lhe hearlngs and Lo Lake phoLographs of any
of Lhe parLlclpanLs boLh before and afLer Lhe hearlngs.
4. 1he appllcanLs' poslLlon ls LhaL Lhey accepL LhaL an enqulry such as Lhe
presenL one should generally be closed Lo Lhe publlc, unless Lhe publlc
lnLeresL requlres LhaL Lhe medla be granLed access. 1hey conLend LhaL
Lhere ls overwhelmlng publlc lnLeresL ln Lhe presenL enqulry. 1hey also
conLend LhaL Lwo consLlLuLlonal provlslons, l.e. Lhe rlghL Lo freedom of
expresslon and Lhe open [usLlce prlnclple, requlre LhaL Lhe medla be
granLed access Lo Lhe proceedlngs.
3. 1he flrsL respondenL, Mr Slmelane, opposes Lhe appllcanLs' requesLs.
Pe conLends LhaL Lhe !ohannesburg 8ar (Lhe !ohannesburg SocleLy of
AdvocaLes) ls a volunLary assoclaLlon LhaL does noL exerclse a publlc
power and ls Lherefore noL open Lo publlc scruLlny. Pe also conLends
LhaL hls consLlLuLlonal rlghLs Lo dlgnlLy and prlvacy wlll be un[usLlflably
vlolaLed lf Lhe appllcanLs are granLed access Lo Lhe hearlngs.

6. 1he second respondenL, Lhe 8ar Councll, has Laken a poslLlon LhaL lL
admlLs ls aL odds wlLh lLs prevlous poslLlon whlch assumed LhaL all lLs
processes were closed Lo Lhe publlc. 1he 8ar Councll conLends LhaL all
lLs enqulrles should henceforLh be open Lo Lhe medla, unless Lhe facLs
of a parLlcular maLLer [usLlfy Lhe enqulry belng closed.
7. We are Lherefore requlred Lo rule as Lo wheLher Lhe appllcanLs oughL
Lo be granLed access Lo Lhe proceedlngs ln Lhls enqulry. ln comlng Lo a
concluslon LhaL ls consLlLuLlonally valld, we musL conslder Lhe lmpacL,
ln Lhe presenL conLexL, of Lhe rlghLs guaranLeed ln secLlons 10 (dlgnlLy),
14 (prlvacy) and 16 (freedom of expresslon) of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon. We
musL also conslder Lhe naLure of Lhe funcLlons of Lhe !ohannesburg 8ar
ln our presenL consLlLuLlonal dlspensaLlon.
)=>?@A@B@A=>CD EAFG@?
8. Mr Slmelane has a consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo have hls dlgnlLy respecLed and
proLecLed. Pe also has a consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo prlvacy. 1he appllcanLs
en[oy a consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo freedom of expresslon LhaL poLenLlally
could clash wlLh one or boLh of Mr Slmelane's rlghLs.
9. 1he consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo dlgnlLy proLecLs boLh Lhe lndlvldual's rlghL Lo
repuLaLlon and hls or her rlghL Lo a sense of self-worLh.
A vlolaLlon of
elLher aspecL of Lhls rlghL ls acLlonable aL common law.
10. llrsL, a newspaper publlshlng a defamaLory allegaLlon abouL a person,
Lhereby damaglng Lhe person's repuLaLlon, would be llable for damages
unless lL could prove one or more of Lhe defences recognlsed ln our law

le koox v uey 2011 (3) SA 274 (CC) aL 319l-C, par. [138]

of defamaLlon, namely: LruLh ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL, falr commenL on a
maLLer of publlc lnLeresL, quallfled prlvllege or reasonable publlcaLlon.
11. lssues of repuLaLlon aslde, a clalm for lmpalrmenL of a person's sense
of self-worLh comprlses boLh a sub[ecLlve and an ob[ecLlve elemenL. A
person who alleges LhaL he or she has been lnsulLed wlll have Lo prove
boLh LhaL Lhe lnsulL was ln facL felL and LhaL a reasonable person would
feel lnsulLed by Lhe same conducL.

12. 8y conLrasL, Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo prlvacy proLecLs Lhe personal
space from publlc lnLruslon. 1he rlghL becomes mote loteose tbe
closet lt moves to tbe lotlmote petsoool spbete of tbe llfe of bomoo
beloqs, ooJ less loteose os lt moves owoy ftom tbot cote."
ln an earller
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal CourL sLaLed: ltlvocy ls ockoowleJqeJ lo tbe
ttoly petsoool teolm, bot os o petsoo moves loto commoool telotloos
ooJ octlvltles socb os bosloess ooJ soclol lotetoctloo, tbe scope of
petsoool spoce sbtloks occotJloqly."
13. 1he consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo freedom of expresslon lmposes boLh rlghLs
and obllgaLlons on Lhe medla.
1he medla are Lhus proLecLed ln Lhe
performance of Lhelr obllgaLlons Lo socleLy. As ptlmoty oqeots of tbe
Jlssemlootloo of lofotmotloo ooJ lJeos, tbey ote loevltobly, exttemely
powetfol lostltotloos lo o Jemoctocy ooJ tbey bove o coostltotloool
Joty to oct wltb vlqoot, cootoqe, loteqtlty ooJ tespooslblllty. 1be
moooet lo wblcb tbe meJlo cotty oot tbelt coostltotloool mooJote wlll

le koox v uey 2011 (3) SA 274 (CC) aL 3218, par. [143]
lovestlqotloq ultectotote. 5etloos cooomlc Offeoces v nyooJol Motot ulsttlbotots (lty) ltJ 2001 (1)
SA 343 (CC) aL 337l, par. [18]
8etostelo v 8estet NO 1996 (2) SA 731 (CC) aL 789A, par. [67]
kbomolo v nolomlso 2002 (3) SA 401 (CC) aL 4178, par. [22]

bove o slqolflcoot lmpoct oo tbe Jevelopmeot of oot Jemoctotlc

14. 1he medla have Lhe rlghL generally Lo reporL on courL proceedlngs. lL ls
LrlLe LhaL [ournallsLs have Lhe rlghL Lo slL ln courL durlng proceedlngs
and Lo reporL Lhereon, unless Lhe clrcumsLances requlre LhaL Lhey be
ordered Lo leave. 1hls ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe prlnclple of open [usLlce.
8adlo and Lelevlslon [ournallsLs, however, wlll have Lo apply Lo courL for
permlsslon Lo broadcasL from lnslde Lhe courL durlng Lhe proceedlngs.
13. ln 5A8c v Null
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal CourL (by ma[orlLy) descrlbed Lhe
poslLlon Lhus:
jJ1] lt sboolJ be temembeteJ, bowevet, tbot opeo jostlce ls
obsetveJ lo tbe otJlooty cootse lo tbot tbe pobllc ls oble to
otteoJ oll beotloqs. 1be ptess ote olso eotltleJ to be tbete, ooJ
ote oble to tepott os exteoslvely os tbey wlsb, ooJ tbey Jo so. ."
jJ2] cootts sboolJ lo ptloclple welcome pobllc exposote of tbelt
wotk lo tbe cootttoom, sobject, of cootse, to tbelt obllqotloo to
eosote tbot ptoceeJloqs ote folt. 1be foooJotloool coostltotloool
voloes of occoootoblllty, tespooslveoess ooJ opeooess opply to
tbe fooctlooloq of tbe joJlcloty os mocb os to tbe otbet btoocbes
of qovetomeot. 1bese voloes ooJetplo botb tbe tlqbt to o folt
ttlol ooJ tbe tlqbt to o pobllc beotloq (le tbe ptloclple of opeo
cootttooms). 1be pobllc ls eotltleJ to koow exoctly bow tbe
IoJlcloty wotks ooJ to be teossoteJ tbot lt olwoys fooctloos

kbomolo v nolomlso 2002 (3) SA 401 (CC) aL 417L-l, par. [24]
5ootb Aftlcoo 8tooJcostloq cotpototloo ltJ v Notloool ultectot of lobllc ltosecotloos 2007 (1) SA
323 (CC) aL 338L - 3398, paras [31] - [32]

wltblo tbe tetms of tbe low ooJ occotJloq to tlme-booooteJ
stooJotJs of loJepeoJeoce, loteqtlty, lmpottlollty ooJ foltoess."
16. Powever, ln loJepeoJeot Newspopets
Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal CourL (also by
ma[orlLy) cauLloned:
j45] . lt moy be oJJeJ tbot tbe tlqbt to oo opeo coott beotloq
ooJ tbe tlqbt to tepott oo lt Jo oot ootomotlcolly meoo tbot
coott ptoceeJloqs most oecessotlly be opeo lo oll cltcomstooces.
1bete moy be lostooces wbete tbe lotetests of jostlce lo o coott
beotloq Jlctote tbot otol evlJeoce of o mloot ot of cettolo closses
of tope sotvlvots ot cooflJeotlol motetlol teloteJ to pollce ctlme
lovestlqotloo metboJs ot to ootloool secotlty be beotJ lo
cometo. lo eocb cose, tbe coott wlll bove to welqb tbe
competloq tlqbts ot lotetests cotefolly wltb tbe vlew to eosotloq
tbot tbe llmltotloo lt ploces oo opeo jostlce ls ptopetly tolloteJ
ooJ ptopottlooote to tbe eoJ lt seeks to ottolo. lo tbe eoJ, tbe
cootoots of oot coostltotloool tlqbts ote sbopeJ by tbe jostlfloble
llmltotloo tbot tbe cootext pteseots ooJ tbe low petmlts."
17. 8ecenLly, Lhe medla were granLed access by Lhe norLh CauLeng Plgh
CourL Lo reporL on Lhe proceedlngs of Lhe dlsclpllnary enqulry lnsLlLuLed
by Lhe naLlonal rosecuLlng AuLhorlLy (Lhe nA") lnLo Lhe conducL of
lLs Lhen employee, Ms Clynnls 8reyLenbach.
unllke Lhe appllcaLlon
before us, Lhe nA opposed Lhe granLlng of access, desplLe a rullng by
Lhe presldlng offlcer of Lhe enqulry, granLlng medla access, whlle Ms

loJepeoJeot Newspopets (lty) ltJ v Mlolstet fot lotelllqeoce 5etvlces. lo te Mosetlbo v lteslJeot of
tbe kepobllc of 5ootb Aftlco 2008 (3) SA 31 (CC) aL 308-u, par [43] (fooLnoLe omlLLed, our emphasls)
MeJlo 24 llmlteJ v Notloool ultectot of lobllc ltosecotloos, lecttoolc MeJlo Netwotk llmlteJ v
Notloool ltosecotloq Aotbotlty [2012] !CL 29172 (Cn) (Case nos: 41336/2012 and 41304/2012)

8reyLenbach supporLed Lhe requesL of Lhe medla Lo be presenL aL Lhe
enqulry and Lo record and vldeoLape Lhe proceedlngs.
18. ln comlng Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe medla oughL Lo be granLed access
Lo Lhe proceedlngs of Lhe dlsclpllnary enqulry, Lhe CourL consldered Lhe
naLure and funcLlons of Lhe nA and Lhe naLure of Lhe enqulry lLself:
jJ5] 1be coostltotloool ootote of tbe NlA ooJ lts fooctloos bove
two lmpottoot coosepoeoces fot potposes of tbls cose.
1. 1be poestloo of wbetbet tbe NlA ot ooy membet bos octeJ
lo bteocb of lts coostltotloool mooJote, ooJ speclflcolly lts
Joty to ptosecote wltboot feot, fovoot ot ptejoJlce, ls o
mottet of lobeteot ooJ ctltlcol pobllc lotetest ooJ lmpott.
2. 1be NlA ls sobject to tbe coostltotloool ptloclples of
ttoospoteocy ooJ occoootoblllty to tbe pobllc lt setves. 1bls
meoos tbot tbe coostltotloool lmpetotlve of opeo jostlce
most opply lo cltcomstooces wbete tbls poestloo ls
jJ6] 1be Jlsclpllooty ptoceeJloqs lo tbls mottet coooot be
JesctlbeJ os ptlvote ot otJlooty. Clveo tbe olleqotloos of
cottoptloo, mlsmoooqemeot ooJ polltlcol lotetfeteoce setloos
coostltotloool lssoes otlse, ooJ tbe pobllcs tlqbt to be lofotmeJ
ooJet tbese cltcomstooces ote ooJeoloble."

19. Should Lhe poslLlon be any dlfferenL when lL comes Lo Lhe medla's rlghL
generally Lo reporL on proceedlngs of dlsclpllnary enqulrles lnsLlLuLed
by Lhe 8ar Councll? lor Lhe reasons LhaL follow, we Lhlnk noL.
20. Mr Slmelane polnLs ouL LhaL Lhe !ohannesburg SocleLy of AdvocaLes ls a
volunLary assoclaLlon and LhaL Lhose who [oln lL are sub[ecL Lo lLs rules.
Pe ls, of course, rlghL ln Lhls regard. Powever, ln our vlew, lL does noL
follow LhaL, because Lhe rules of Lhe 8ar do noL expressly provlde for lLs
dlsclpllnary enqulrles Lo be open Lo Lhe medla, Lhe medla should be
barred from reporLlng on Lhe proceedlngs.
21. Accordlng Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe SocleLy, lLs ob[ecLs are, amongsL
oLhers, Lhe ptotectloo of tbe lotetests of tbe 8ot of tbe ulvlsloo ooJ of
membets ooJ popll membets lo tbelt ptofessloool copoclty",
sopetvlsloo of tbe cooJoct of membets ooJ of popll membets",
cooslJetotloo ooJ ptomotloo of lmptovemeots lo tbe teocbloq ooJ
ptoctlce of tbe low ooJ lo tbe oJmlolsttotloo of jostlce"
and Lhe
moloteoooce of tbe tole of low".

22. 1he powers and duLles of Lhe 8ar Councll are seL ouL ln clause 18 of Lhe
SocleLy's ConsLlLuLlon. AmongsL oLhers, Lhe 8ar Councll has Lhe power
Lo tepteseot tbe membets of tbe 5oclety lo ooy mottet of qeoetol
cooceto to tbe 5oclety, to exetclse coottol ovet oll membets lo mottets
offectloq tbelt ptofessloool stotos, tlqbts, ptlvlleqes ooJ cooJoct ooJ

coostltotloo of tbe Ioboooesbotq 5oclety of AJvocotes (updaLed CcLober 2013), clause 3(a)
Clause 3(b)
Clause 3(c)
Clause 3(e)

sobject to tbe ptovlsloos of tbls coostltotloo, to toke socb octloo os lt
Jeems flt",
sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon to molotolo
Jlsclplloe omooq membets ooJ to ptesctlbe ooJ eofotce sooctloos fot
bteocbes of Jlsclplloe",
and Lo Jo oll socb otbet (tbloqs) os moy, lo lts
oploloo, fottbet tbe objects of tbe 5oclety ot ote oecessoty fot ot
loclJeotol to tbe cottyloq oot of tbose objects ot tbe obove-meotlooeJ

23. Clause 22 of Lhe SocleLy's ConsLlLuLlon deals wlLh dlsclpllne. lL provldes
ln relevanL parL LhaL:
(o) 1be 8ot cooocll sboll eopolte loto tbe ptofessloool cooJoct
of ooy membet ot popll membet wbeoevet lt ls lo tbe
oploloo of tbe 8ot cooocll Jeslteoble to Jo so. 1be 8ot
cooocll moy Jeleqote tbe ofotesolJ fooctloos to ooy ooe
ot mote membets of tbe 5oclety wbetbet ot oot socb
membets ote membets of tbe 8ot cooocll. 1be membet ot
membets to wbom tbe fooctloos bove beeo JeleqoteJ
sboll be obllqeJ to tepott tbe tesolts of socb eopolty ooJ
ooy tecommeoJotloos wblcb moy be moJe to tbe 8ot
(b) 1be ptoceJote to be followeJ lo socb lovestlqotloo sboll lo
eocb cose, be JetetmloeJ by tbe 8ot cooocll ot tbe
membet ot membets cooJoctloq tbe lopolty, lo

Clause 18(l)(c)
Clause 18(l)(l)
Clause 18(l)(L)

occotJooce wltb tbe ootote of tbe mottet to be
lovestlqoteJ." . (our emphasls)
24. ln our vlew, Lhe !ohannesburg SocleLy of AdvocaLes ls much more Lhan
an ordlnary volunLary assoclaLlon. lLs members perform an essenLlal
role ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce, lnLeracLlng wlLh members of Lhe
publlc and Lhe [udlclary ln all Lhe courLs on a dally basls. CenLral Lo Lhe
ob[ecLs of Lhe SocleLy are Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhe pracLlce of law and
Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce, and Lhe malnLenance of Lhe rule of law.
1here can be no doubL LhaL Lhe SocleLy and lLs members have a very
publlc proflle.
23. lL ls cerLalnly ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL LhaL Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe SocleLy
dlsclpllnes lLs members ls noL shrouded ln secrecy. All advocaLes and,
ln parLlcular, members of Lhe SocleLy, are expecLed Lo be commlLLed Lo
Lhe hlghesL eLhlcal sLandards. 1he rules of Lhe SocleLy are dlrecLed aL
malnLalnlng Lhese sLandards. 1he publlc has a rlghL Lo expecL LhaL Lhe
SocleLy wlll noL falLer ln holdlng lLs members Lo accounL when Lhey are
accused of Lransgresslng lLs rules. 1he process musL be LransparenL. lf
lL ls noL, consplracy Lheorles wlll Lhrlve.
26. lor an assoclaLlon LhaL ls commlLed Lo Lhe malnLenance of Lhe rule of
law and Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce, lL ls also ln Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe
SocleLy LhaL lL be seen Lo hold lLs members Lo accounL. 1o do Lhls, Lhe
SocleLy musL acL LransparenLly when lL dlsclpllnes lLs members.
27. Clause 22(b) of Lhe SocleLy's ConsLlLuLlon empowers us Lo deLermlne
Lhe procedure Lo be followed ln Lhls dlsclpllnary enqulry. We musL acL
ln accordance wlLh Lhe naLure of Lhe maLLer Lo be lnvesLlgaLed. 1here

ls noLhlng ln clause 22(b) LhaL prohlblLs us from allowlng Lhe medla Lo
aLLend Lhe hearlng and Lo reporL Lhereon.
28. 1he facL LhaL Lhe SocleLy ls a volunLary assoclaLlon does noL mean LhaL
lL ls lmmune from Lhe reach of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe counLry. SecLlon
16, whlch guaranLees lotet ollos Lhe medla Lhe freedom Lo recelve and
lmparL lnformaLlon or ldeas, ls of dlrecL horlzonLal appllcaLlon.

29. ln our vlew, Lhe consLlLuLlonal lmperaLlve of open [usLlce ls appllcable
Lo dlsclpllnary enqulrles of Lhe 8ar Councll.
30. We Lherefore conclude LhaL Lhe defaulL poslLlon concernlng dlsclpllnary
enqulrles of Lhe 8ar Councll musL be LhaL Lhe press ls enLlLled Lo aLLend
Lhe proceedlngs and Lo reporL Lhereon, unless Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe
parLlcular case [usLlfy a denlal of access.
31. Mr Slmelane ls well known Lo Lhe publlc. Pls publlc proflle has been
enhanced by Lhe medla coverage of hls Lenure as ulrecLor Ceneral of
Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce and ConsLlLuLlonal uevelopmenL and laLer as
naLlonal ulrecLor of ubllc rosecuLlons. 1he varlous courL cases ln
whlch he has been lnvolved have also been covered exLenslvely ln Lhe
medla, ln parLlcular hls evldence Lo Lhe Clnwala Commlsslon and Lhe
subsequenL flndlngs and recommendaLlons of Lhe Commlsslon.
32. As we noLed above, Mr Slmelane's conducL and LesLlmony durlng Lhe
Clnwala Commlsslon was consldered by Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal CourL ln Lhe

kbomolo v nolomlso 2002 (3) SA 401 (CC) aL 420C-l, par. [33]

uemoctotlc Alllooce maLLer.
Mr Slmelane's role ln Lhe Commlsslon ls
now a maLLer of publlc record. lL ls qulLe posslble LhaL Lhe lasL word ln
Lhls regard has noL yeL been wrlLLen. We shall have Lo hear more abouL
LhaL. lL ls noL ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL LhaL Lhe publlc record be lnaccuraLe
or lncompleLe. lndeed, Lhe conLrary ls Lrue.
33. 1he maln LhrusL of Lhe charges agalnsL Mr Slmelane ln Lhls enqulry ls
agaln on hls conducL and LesLlmony durlng Lhe Clnwala Commlsslon. lL
would be sLreLchlng credullLy Lo suggesL LhaL Lhe publlc lnLeresL does
noL requlre our proceedlngs Lo be open.
34. Mr Slmelane argues LhaL hls consLlLuLlonal rlghLs Lo dlgnlLy and prlvacy
wlll be un[usLlflably vlolaLed lf Lhe medla ls granLed access Lo reporL on
Lhe enqulry and LhaL, accordlngly, Lhe appllcanLs' consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo
freedom of expresslon oughL Lo be denled. We do noL agree.
33. llrsL, Lhe charges agalnsL Mr Slmelane have no bearlng on hls prlvacy.
1hey concern hls conducL and LesLlmony ln Lhe publlc sphere.
36. Second, lL ls noL ob[ecLlvely reasonable for a member of Lhe SocleLy Lo
feel lnsulLed by Lhe press reporLlng on Lhe proceedlngs of an enqulry by
fellow advocaLes lnLo hls or her publlc conducL. lf, ln Lhe course of Lhe
reporLlng, Lhe press were Lo publlsh defamaLory allegaLlons concernlng
Mr Slmelane, he would have Lhe rlghL Lo sue for damages.
37. Cn Lhe one hand, Mr Slmelane would have us deny Lhe appllcanLs Lhelr
consLlLuLlonal rlghL Lo freedom of expresslon. lf we were Lo do so, Lhe
publlc would, aL Lhe end of Lhls enqulry, have no lnslghL lnLo how we

uemoctotlc Alllooce v lteslJeot of tbe kepobllc of 5ootb Aftlco ooJ Otbets 2013 (1) SA 248 (CC).

had arrlved aL our declslon. 1haL would consLlLuLe a LoLal denlal of Lhe
appllcanLs' consLlLuLlonal rlghL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf we were Lo allow
Lhe appllcanLs Lo aLLend Lhe proceedlngs and Lo reporL Lhereon, we
cannoL exclude Lhe posslblllLy LhaL Lhe appllcanLs mlghL noL acL as
responslbly as Lhey should and, ln dolng so, mlghL defame Mr Slmelane
ln a manner LhaL ls noL defenslble. lf LhaL were Lo occur, Mr Slmelane
would have hls remedles, lncludlng an acLlon for damages.
38. ln our vlew, Lhe poLenLlal LhreaL Lo Mr Slmelane's consLlLuLlonal rlghL
Lo dlgnlLy ls noL sufflclenL Lo [usLlfy a negaLlon of Lhe appllcanLs' rlghL Lo
freedom of expresslon. 1hls, Lherefore, ls noL a maLLer ln whlch we
would be [usLlfled ln deparLlng from Lhe defaulL poslLlon.
39. uurlng Lhe course of argumenL, we were lnformed abouL an onllne
arLlcle LhaL was wrlLLen abouL an earller hearlng ln Lhls maLLer. Llnked
Lo Lhe arLlcle ls a feaLure LhaL ls common Lo onllne arLlcles, namely Lhe
opporLunlLy for members of Lhe publlc Lo posL Lhelr own commenLs.
We were referred Lo several commenLs and, ln parLlcular, Lo one LhaL
was lnsulLlng and offenslve.
40. We were also lnformed LhaL lL ls posslble for Lhe appllcanLs Lo dlsable
Lhe commenLs faclllLy on any onllne arLlcle.
41. ln our vlew, Lhe opporLunlLy for meanlngless abuse Lo be posLed onllne
ls sufflclenL Lo warranL Lhe commenLs faclllLy belng dlsabled ln respecL
of all relevanL arLlcles.

42. We are also concerned abouL Lhe poLenLlal for publlshlng LweeLs LhaL
are defamaLory of Mr Slmelane. 1hls ls because LweeLs are ofLen senL
on Lhe spur of Lhe momenL, wlLhouL Lhe beneflL of careful LhoughL and
reflecLlon. 1he poslLlon ls furLher aggravaLed by Lhe facL LhaL LweeLs
are severely llmlLed ln Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon Lhey conLaln. 1hls
means LhaL Lhe conLexL ls ofLen losL on Lhe reader of Lhe LweeL.
43. ln our vlew, for Lhe reasons seL ouL above, we would noL be [usLlfled ln
prohlblLlng Lhe [ournallsLs who aLLend Lhe hearlngs from reporLlng by
way of LweeLs. Powever, we wlll requlre Lhose [ournallsLs Lo provlde us
wlLh Lhelr 1wlLLer ldenLlLles so LhaL Lhey can be called Lo accounL for
Lhelr LweeLs lf Lhey unlawfully defame Mr Slmelane.
44. We Lherefore make Lhe followlng rullng:
44.1. Lach of Lhe appllcanLs ls granLed permlsslon Lo send Lwo of lLs
[ournallsLs Lo be presenL aL any of Lhe hearlngs ln Lhls maLLer
and Lo reporL Lhereon, elLher ln prlnL form, onllne and/or by way
of 1wlLLer,
44.2. 1he appllcanLs are dlrecLed Lo furnlsh Lhls 1rlbunal, Lhe 8ar
Councll and Mr Slmelane, ln wrlLlng, wlLh Lhe names and Lhe
1wlLLer ldenLlLles of Lhe [ournallsLs who aLLend Lhe hearlngs,
from Llme Lo Llme, pursuanL Lo Lhe permlsslon granLed above,
44.3. 1he 1rlbunal reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revoke Lhe permlsslon granLed
above, elLher Lemporarlly or permanenLly, should clrcumsLances
so requlre,

44.4. Any arLlcle publlshed by Lhe appllcanLs onllne shall noL have a
faclllLy whlch enables members of Lhe publlc Lo posL Lhelr own
commenLs, and
44.3. 1he appllcanLs wlll be permlLLed Lo Lake phoLographs of persons
aLLendlng Lhe enqulry, elLher before or afLer any hearlng, buL
noL durlng any hearlng.
(AC? -KJ>KHRK ()
SandLon, 26 lebruary 2014

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