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Audit Engagement Letter


Md.Belal Hossain

Manageing Director Farid Group


Post code
Dear Sir,


We are pleased to accept the instruction to act as auditor for your co pany !arid "roup and are #riting to confir the ter s of our appoint ent. $he purpose of this letter, together #ith the attached ter s and conditions, is to set out our ter s for carrying out the #or% and to clarify our respecti&e responsi'ilities. We are 'ound 'y the ethical guidelines of your co pany. Terms of engagement (nce it has 'een agreed, this letter #ill re ain effecti&e until it is replaced. We shall 'e grateful if you could confir your agree ent to the ter s of this letter 'y signing the enclosed copy and returning it to us i ediately. $he "eneral $er s for )udit of *D +nterprises and (rganisations adopted 'y the ,nstitute for the )ccountancy Profession in *angladesh. Computaton of Payment $he audit fee can also 'e a fi-ed fee agreed 'efore co ence ent of audit. .nless other#ise agreed, our fees #ill 'e 'illed at appropriate inter&als during the course of the audit and #ill 'e due on presentation. (ur ter s relating to pay ent of a ounts in&oiced are strictly 30 days net. Pro pt pay ent discounts ay only 'e ta%en if #e recei&e the pay ent #ithin 14 days of the date of issue of any in&oice. ,nterest #ill 'e charged on all o&erdue de'ts. We ha&e the follo#ing pay ent proposals/ a. 500 t% per hour of #or% or '. 120000 $% for a onth ight 'e ta%en under negotiation.

(ther pay ent procedures

Responsibilities: (f course )uditing is a challanging tas% and it #ould not 'e possi'le for us to gi&e you a actual )udit 0eport if you not help us and if #e do not perfor our responsi'ilities properly. Managements Responsibilities: We thin% #e ha&e follo#ing responsi'ilities/ i. )s directors you are responsi'le for pro&iding assistance to our audit group 'y gi&ing the the necessary infor ations. ii. iii. i&. )s the )udit is on 1ash Manage ent you ha&e to pro&ide us all the past cash records of the fir . )nd you ha&e to ensure the pre&ious 'ills and sales reports of the fir . $he directors are responsi'le for %eeping proper 'oo%s of cash that disclose #ith reasona'le accuracy at any ti e the financial position of the co pany and ena'le the to ensure that the financial state ents co ply #ith the 1o panies )cts 1224 3ou are also responsi'le for safeguarding the assets of the co pany and hence for ta%ing reasona'le steps for the pre&ention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Our Responsibility: i. ii. iii. We ha&e a professional duty to report if the cashiers do not co ply in any aterial respect #ith State ents 1ash Manage ent ,t is our responsi'ility to find out the irregularities and fraud or any other ista%es inside the organi4ation. (ur professional responsi'ilities also include/ o Stating in our report a description of the directors5 responsi'ilities for the cashiers, #here the cashes or acco panying infor ation do not include such description6 and o 0eporting to you on a ti ely 'asis in respect of any issues, such as aterial #ea%nesses in your cash anage ent syste , #hich #e feel need to 'e 'rought to your attention.

Confirmation Please contact the undersigned if you ha&e any 7uestions concerning the contents of this engage ent letter. We re7uest that you sign this engage ent letter, #hich has 'een dra#n up in t#o copies, to sho# that you confir and consent to this agree ent. We #ish in particular to dra# your attention to the description in the "eneral $er s of the responsi'ilities of the anage ent and the auditor in the audit engage ent. 3ours sincerely Md. $are% 0ah an 1hartered )ccountants Rahman Audits

Audit Acceptance Letter

Md.Belal Hossain

Manageing Director

Farid Group

Post code


With regards to our pre&ious discussion, held on 8anuary, 01 , 2013, and in response to your re7uest for audit in letter no 9!arid "rou:p. We are pleased to infor you that your proposal for +-ternal )uditing on Cash Management has 'een appro&ed 'y our auditing co ittee and our co pany #ill 'e carrying out the audit for the financial year 2012;2013. We #ill 'e auditing the financial state ents of your co pany, #ith the ain o'<ecti&e of reaching an opinion #hich #ill 'e in accordance #ith the ,nternational Standards of )ccounting;)uditing. =o#e&er, it is li%ely that so e of the infor ation ay 'e left undisco&ered, and for that #e e-pect full co>operation fro your staff, e-perts and internal auditors. )part fro analy4ing and gi&ing an un'iased opinion, #e e-pect to pro&ide assistance in areas #here #e find aterial #ea%nesses in your accounting syste . ?indly re&ie# the ter s and conditions attached #ith this letter #hich #ill ser&e as a 'inding audit contract 'et#een us. , re7uest you to sign the docu ent and ail a copy 'ac% to us on our co pany address. ,f you ha&e any 7ueries, please feel free to contact our representati&es. We here at 0ah an )udit #ould li%e to than% you for choosing our fir 5s ser&ices and loo% for#ard to #or%ing #ith you. Sincerely 3ours, Md. $are% 0ah an 0ah an )udit !ir 5@;A 8orpu%urpara, $ha%ur Para co illa.

AU !T CO" UCTE A" PREPARE #$: Rahman Audit %irm !or

Farid Group
Audit Area: Cash Management
Date of )udit/ 15, 8anuary to 15 !e'ruary Date of report/ 20 !e'ruary Date of !inal 0eport/ 24 !e'ruary


4. ).D,$ $+)M M+M*+0S Bead )uditor )ssistant )uditors Md. $are% 0ah an Sudipta She%har Masud )la Senior 1hartered )ccountants 0ah an )udit !ir 1hartered )ccountants 0ah an )udit !ir

5. 1B,+C$ P+0S(CC+B Ca e
1. Md.*elal =ossain

2. 0a<i' Mah ud 3. )r<u 4. Dipan%or Shaha

$itle Managing Director 1hair an ). ". M =ead )ccountant

Depart ent >> >> "eneral )ccounts

About %arid 'roup

Farid Group a l adi!" rop a!d ! # $a!u%ac#uri!" co$pa!& i! Ba!"lad '(I# (a' ) ! $a!u%ac#uri!" *E +** rop 'i!c 1,-./0 (a1 ) ! l adi!" #( local $ark # a!d 2por#i!" our produc#' 3i#( 4apa! ' a!d G r$a!& T c(!olo"& 3i#(ou# a!& co$plai!/ Da& )& da& ! 3 produc#' ar ) i!" i!clud d 3i#( (i"( r # c(!olo"&/ No3 i# i' Ma!u%ac#uri!" a!d L adi!" #( local $ark # 3i#( our *E rop +** rop +Da! li! Rop +N&lo! $ul#i%ila$ !# rop +4u# rop +#ir cord rop +N&lo! $ul#i%ila$ !# ! # a!d *E #3i! ! #/ I! 1,-. #( co$pa!& '#ar# d i#' 'lo3 '# p )& $a!u%ac#uri!" 1555k"+da& %or #( #i$ ) i!" !o3 our $a!u%ac#uri!" capaci#& (a' r ac( d #o 6555 k"+da&/ Group ) li 1 ' i! cu'#o$ r7' 'a#i'%ac#io! a!d 'i!c ri#& o% 855 #rai! d 3ork r' a!d 85 2p ri !c d $plo& ' (a' r ac( d #( co$pa!& i! #oda&7' po'i#io!/ T( co$pa!& i' C r#i%i d )& ISO 9,551+:555; %or i#7' <uali#& $a!a" $ !# '&'# $/

T( ir $ai! produc#' ar Rop - 9**+*E+Da! li! +N&lo! $ul#i%ila$ !#+#ir cord+=u# a!d l ad; For Fi'(i!", Mari! a!d Co!'#ruc#io! u' / N&lo! $ul#i%ila$ !# ! #-For Fi'(i!" o!l&/ *E #3i! ' ! #For F !ci!"+A"ro '(ad +Co!'#ruc#io!+*oul#r&+Bird pro# c#i!"+Fi'( ri ' %ar$/

%arid 'roup in a #eries Clients information 1o pany Ca e Bocation/ =ead (ffice 1o pany $ype Producing Cu 'er of Wor%ers (fficals/ Wor%ers/ , port; +-port 1ontract =otline %arif 'roup 1o illa, *angladesh 1o illa *isic ,ndustrial )rea 0ope Manufacturing !ir A ,te s
85 855

*oth , porter and +-porter


Audit &ummary
Farid Group

*S1,1 ,ndustrial )rea 1o illa We ha&e audited the acco panying *alance sheet of !orid "roup Bi ited, *S1,1 ,ndustrial )rea, 1o illa, *angladesh as at 8une <anuary 0D, 2014. and the related Manufacturing, $rading, Profit E Boss )ccount for the year ended on that date. $he preparation of these state ent is the responsi'ility of the anage ent of the co pany. (ur responsi'ility is to e-press an independent opinion on these financial state ents 'ased on our audit. $his audit is conducted in accordance #ith *angladesh Standards on )uditing F*S)G. $hose standards 0e7uired that #e plan and perfor the audit to o'tain reasona'le assurance a'out #hether the financial state ents are free of aterial isstate ent. )n audit includes e-a ining, on a test 'asis, e&idence supporting the a ounts and disclosures in the financial state ents. )n audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant esti ates ade 'y anage ent, as #ell as e&aluation the o&erall financial state ent presentation. We 'elie&e that our audit pro&ides a reasona'le 'asis for our opinion.


$he audit e&aluated the ade7uacy of controls and processes to achie&e %ey 'usiness o'<ecti&es as it related to cashiers recei&ing pay ents. !ollo#ing are the condition and related control assess ent FSatisfactory, Ceeds , pro&e ent, .nsatisfactoryG and a su ary of good and #ea% controls noted in the audit. We ha&e ro&ided our o'ser&ations in t#o portions/

Obser*ation+,Obser*ation on the controll on cash 'ood Controls Daily cash receipts are stored in a loc%ed safe in the ain cash office. ?eys to the cash office safe are aintained on the cashiers5 #rist or in a loc%ed dra#er. ) 'onded courier ser&ice pic%s of daily cash receipts e&eryday for the co pany 'an%

.ea/ Controls Daily cash receipts in one office are deposited #ee%ly instead of daily. 1ash on hand #as ini al. 1ash collection goals #ere 'elo# esta'lished thresholds for the last three 7uarters. 1ash office e ployees #ere not %no#ledgea'le of point of ser&ice procedures for atte pting to collect a ounts due on the date of ser&ice. $here #ere no controls in place to ensure cashiers atte pted to collected pay ent #hen ser&ices #ere pro&ided.


#usiness Ob0ecti*e Safeguard cash collections Ma%e ti ely deposits of daily collections Ma-i i4e point of ser&ice collections 'y cashiers

Control Assessment &atisfactory "eeds !mpro*ement Unsatisfactory


Follo3i!" i' a #a)l d #aili!" all #( o)' r1a#io!' %ro$ #( audi# alo!" 3i#( $a!a" $ !#@' ac#io! pla! #o addr '' #( ' i''u '/

Obser*ation &UMMAR$ $here #ere no controls in place to ensure cashiers atte pted to collected pay ent #hen ser&ices #ere pro&ided. )dditionally, 1ash collection goals #ere 'elo# esta'lished thresholds for the last three 7uarters. 1ash office e ployees #ere not %no#ledgea'le of point of ser&ice procedures for atte pting to collect a ounts due on the date of ser&ice. Recommendation De&elop and i ple ent procedures to educate cashiers of point of ser&ice cash collections. Docu ent procedures in #ritten policies and procedures and a%e accessi'le to all cash collection e ployees. Monitor cash collection results to identify #here targeted training is necessary. Action Plan Estimated Completion 123,131,-4 ate 1ash anage ent generally agrees #ith ,nternal )udit5s findings. We ha&e de&eloped and appro&ed policies and procedures to pro&ide guideline for our cashier5s to collect. We ha&e 'egun training at each location #hich is scheduled to 'e co pleted 'y 2A.02.2014. We #ill onitor cash collection results and pro&ided targeted training to those indi&iduals not eeting esta'lished guidelines. Person Responsible Md/ Tar k Ra($a!

8orpu%urpar, $ha%urpara, 1o ills

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