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NanoMarkets Report Projects Smart Glass Sales to the Automotive Sector to Reach $3.2 Billion b 2!

Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets has published a new report, "Smart Glass Opportunities in the Automotive Industry - !"#" $overin% the market for smart %lass in the automotive se$tor& In this report the NanoMarkets says it e'pe$ts this market to rea$h ( &" billion by !"), $ompared with ("&! billion in !"#& Glen Allen# $ir%inia &'ebruar 2(# 2!")* -- Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets has published a new report, "Smart Glass Opportunities in the Automotive Industry - !"#" $overin% the market for smart %lass in the automotive se$tor& In this report the NanoMarkets says it e'pe$ts this market to rea$h ( &" billion by !"), $ompared with ("&! billion in !"#& Smart %lass sales for $ars, tru$ks and publi$ transport are $urrently dominated by ele$tro$hromi$ mirrors* a relatively mature business& +owever, the report predi$ts new revenue opportunities emer%in% for smart auto %lass from a$tive self-dimmin% windows, self-$leanin% %lass and self-repairin% %lass and espe$ially from %lass embedded with ele$troni$ and photovoltai$ $apability& ,le$tro$hromi$ mirrors a$$ount for )! per$ent of smart auto %lass revenues today, but this per$enta%e will have dropped to -. per$ent by !")& /ey fa$tors promotin% the use of smart automotive %lass in$lude enhan$ed ener%y effi$ien$y, safety, $omfort and style& 0hese fa$tors are not new to the auto industry but on%oin% te$hnolo%y improvements allow smart %lass firms to better $reate value with their produ$ts& 'or more in+ormation on the report see, http122www&nanomarkets&net2market3reports2report2smart3%lass3opportunities3in3the3automoti ve3industry3 !"#& About the report, In the report, NanoMarkets analy4es opportunities available for the followin% $ate%ories of smart auto %lass1 self-tintin% %lass 5ele$tro$hromi$, photo$hromi$, thermo$hromi$ and S678, smart priva$y %lass, smart mirrors, self-$leanin% %lass, self-healin% %lass, devi$e- embedded %lass and retrofit window film& Addressable markets dis$ussed in$lude $ars, tru$ks and various forms of publi$ transportation& 0he report in$ludes ei%ht-year fore$asts of smart auto %lass markets in volume 5s9uare meters8 and value 5( million8 terms& It also dis$usses adoption strate%ies for smart %lass by ma:or automobile2tru$k $ompanies and the smart auto %lass strate%ies of leadin% suppliers& ;irms $overed in the report in$lude1 <M, Ameri$an Glass, Apple, ASG, Audi, AutoGlass, =al$ony Systems, =AS;, =ayer, =M>, ?ardinal, ?arle', ?hameleon 6hoto$hromi$ Smart ;ilm, ?hromoGeni$s, ?ornin%, 7ow ?hemi$al, 7u6ont, ,astman ?hemi$al2Solutia, G,, Gente', Guardian, +ita$hi, +ypho 0e$hnolo%y, International 0radin%, Mer$edes, N7;OS, Neo@iew

/olon, Nissan, NSG26ilkin%ton, 6leotint, 66G, Aavenbri$k, Aesear$h ;rontiers, Saint-Gobain, Samsun%, Sa%e, S$ienstry, Southwall, Solvay, Suntek, 0oray, 0ransition >indow 0int, S>I0?+ Materials, BS e-?hromi$s, and @iew& 'rom the report, Bntil re$ently - apart from ele$tro$hromi$ mirrors - smart auto %lass $onsisted of passive selftintin% windows that ad:usted to %lare but provided no passen%er or driver $ontrol so were of limited use& 6assive self-tintin% %lass will $ontinue to sell into the auto se$tor, but NanoMarkets e'pe$ts that use of a$tive thermo$hromi$ and S67 te$hnolo%ies that provide more $ontrol will %row and self-tintin% windows will move beyond bein% :ust a desi%n feature in e'pensive $ars& As a result, the market for a$tive self-tintin% %lass2 films will rea$h around ( #! million by ! !& Automotive windows have previously added intelli%en$e with smart $oatin%s su$h as ele$tro$hromi$ or self-$leanin% materials& +owever, the latest %eneration of smart windows uses embedded ele$troni$s and photovoltai$s as well& 0his trend is enabled by new solution pro$essin% te$hni9ues and thin-film devi$es and will add to the $omfort and ener%y effi$ien$y of $ars& On-board photovoltai$ $apability $an add to fuel effi$ien$y by runnin% li%hts and air $onditionin%& >indows and sunroofs $an be$ome soft $abin li%hts at ni%ht $ontributin% to $omfort and desi%n appeal& 7evi$e-embedded auto %lass is already available and is e'pe$ted to be$ome a (<<! million market by ! !& 0he report also notes that in the past "self-$leanin%" and "self-healin%" %lass have really meant little more than short-lived wipe on $oatin%s that fa$ilitate washin% off dirt or $overin% up s$rat$hes& New developments in advan$ed materials now hint at auto %lass that a$tually selfrepairs when $ra$ked, while some %lass firms look forward to when windshields will not need wipers& As a result, the market for self-healin% and self-$leanin% %lass is e'pe$ted to rea$h almost (# ! million by ! !& About NanoMarkets, NanoMarkets tra$ks and analy4es emer%in% markets in ener%y, ele$troni$s and other area $reated by developments in advan$ed materials& 0he firm is a re$o%ni4ed leader in industry analysis and fore$asts in smart %lass and windows markets, whi$h it has been $overin% for more than five years& @isit http122www&nanomarkets&net for a full listin% of NanoMarketsC reports and other servi$es& Me-ia .ontact, Aobert Nolan NanoMarkets, D? 6O =OE <F#! Glen Allen, @A <!GF 5F!#8 )<F-!!<! robHnanomarkets&net http122www&nanomarkets&net -*nds-

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