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Gardnerian book of shadows

Gardnerian Book of Shadows


Gardnerian book of shadows

Casting the Circle................................................................................................................................. 4 Drawing Down the Moon..................................................................................................................... 5 The Charge: " ift !" the #eil".............................................................................................................$ The %nitiation........................................................................................................................................ & 'irst Degree................................................................................................................................. & %nitiation: (econd Degree............................................................................................................) %nitiation: Third Degree.............................................................................................................1* Cakes and +ine.................................................................................................................................. 12 The (abbat ,it-als..............................................................................................................................1. /o0e1ber 20e...........................................................................................................................1. 'ebr-ar3 20e............................................................................................................................. 1. Ma3 20e.................................................................................................................................... 14 4-g-st 20e................................................................................................................................ 14 5n Chants........................................................................................................................................... 1$ To 6el" the (ick................................................................................................................................. 1& The (co-rge and the 7iss................................................................................................................... 1) The 8riestess and the (word...............................................................................................................2* The +arning....................................................................................................................................... 21 5f the 5rdeal of the 4rt Magical........................................................................................................22 The 2ightfold +a3............................................................................................................................. 2. To Gain the (ight................................................................................................................................24 8ower.................................................................................................................................................. 2$ 8ro"erl3 8re"ared............................................................................................................................... 2& The Meeting Dance............................................................................................................................ 29 To ea0e the :od3..............................................................................................................................29 The +orking Tools.............................................................................................................................29 (k3clad............................................................................................................................................... 2) 4 ,e0ision of the Casting 8roced-re................................................................................................. .* The 8rose Charge.................................................................................................................................2 C472( 4/D +%/2.......................................................................................................................... .. The (abbat ,it-als...............................................................................................................................4 ("ring e;-ino<.......................................................................................................................... .4 (-11er (olstice....................................................................................................................... .4 4-t-1n 2;-ino<....................................................................................................................... .5 +inter (olstice.......................................................................................................................... .5 The 2ightfold 8ath or +a3s............................................................................................................... .& The 'irst=Degree %nitiation................................................................................................................. .9 The (econd=Degree %nitiation.............................................................................................................4* The Third=Degree %nitiation................................................................................................................42 The +itches> Chant or ,-ne...............................................................................................................44 Consecrating Tools............................................................................................................................. 44 The 5ld aws..................................................................................................................................... 45 'ootnotes................................................................................................................................... 4) The #erse Charge............................................................................................................................... 5* 2/52

Gardnerian book of shadows Casting and Charging......................................................................................................................... 5* 'or1ing the Circle..............................................................................................................................51

This is the te<t of the Gardnerian :ook of (hadows. %n one sense? this is the central sacred te<t of the +icca religion. 6owe0er? it is i1"ortant to "oint o-t that there is no >official> :ook of (hadows. T3"icall3 each co0en has a hand=written co"3 of a :ook of (hadows? so1eti1es in c3"her or code? which reflects its own "ractices and knowledge. This "artic-lar te<t is deri0ed fro1 a file "osted on the %nternet in the earl3 )*s? and ;-otes "re0io-sl3 "-blished 1aterial which was known to be in -se b3 Gardner and his gro-". The :ook of (hadows was attrib-ted b3 Gardner to an ancient? clandestine witch c-lt? which he clai1ed to ha0e been initiated into. 6owe0er? 1odern researchers ha0e concl-ded that it was co1"osed b3 Gardner. The te<t shows infl-ences fro1 2nglish and Celtic 'olk=lore? the 2nochian s3ste1 of @ohn Dee? Thele1a? the Golden Dawn? (tregaria? Tantric Aoga? the 7@# :ible and e0en 7i"ling. This 0ersion organiBes the 1aterial in chronological order and has esti1ated dates for each section? ranging fro1 1)4) to 1)$1.
Because the Book of Shadows was never formally copyrighted or even attributed to an author, its copyright status is dubious. This version was compiled by Aidan A. Kelly and was originally posted on the nternet in the mid!"#s as part of the nternet Book of Shadows material. Te$t in s%uare brackets is Kelly&s commentary.


Gardnerian book of shadows

Casting the Circle

C1)4)D %t is 1ost con0enient to 1ark the circle with chalk? "aint or otherwise? to show where it isE b-t 1arks on the car"et 1a3 be -tiliBed. '-rnit-re 1a3 be "laced to indicate the bo-nds. The onl3 circle that 1atters is the one drawn before e0er3 cere1on3 with either a d-l3 consecrated Magic (word or an 4tha1e. The circle is -s-all3 nine feet in dia1eter? -nless 1ade for so1e 0er3 s"ecial "-r"ose. There are two o-ter circles? each si< inches a"art? so the third circle has a dia1eter of ele0en feet. F1G 6a0ing chosen a "lace "ro"er? take the sickle or sci1itar of 4rt or a +itch>s 4tha1e? if tho1a3est obtain it? and stick it into the center? then take a cord? and >twere well to -se the Cable Tow for this? and loo" it o0er the %nstr-1ent? fo-r and one half feet? and so trace o-t the circ-1ference of the circle? which 1-st be traced either with the (word? or the knife with the black hilt? or it be of little a0ail? b-t e0er lea0e o"en a door towards the /orth. Make in all . circles? one within the other ? and write na1es of "ower between these. F2G 'irst draw circle with Magic (word or 4tha1e. F.G Consecrate (alt and +ater: To-ch water with 4tha1e? sa3ing? "% e<orcise thee? 5 creat-re of +ater? that tho- cast o-t fro1 Thee all the i1"-rities and -ncleannesses of the ("irits of the +orld of 8hantas1? so the3 1a3 har1 1e not? in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos." F4G To-ching (alt with 4tha1e? sa3? "The :lessings of 4radia and Cern-nnos be -"on this creat-re of (alt? and let all 1alignit3 and hindrance be cast forth hencefro1? and let all good enter herein? for witho-t Thee 1an cannot li0e? wherefore % bless thee and in0oke thee? that tho- 1a3est aid 1e." F5G Then "-t the (alt into the water. F$G ("rinkle with e<orcised water. F&G ight candlesE sa3? "% e<orcise thee? 5 Creat-re of 'ire? that e0er3 kind of 8hantas1 1a3 retire fro1 thee? and be -nable to har1 or decei0e in an3 wa3? in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos." F9G Ca-tion initiate Cif an3DE warn co1"anionsE enter circle and close doors with . "entagra1s. F)G 8roclai1 obHect of working F1*G Circ-1a1b-late . ti1es or 1ore before co11encing work. F11G (-11on: "% s-11on? stir? and Call thee -"? tho- Might3 5nes of the 2ast? (o-th? +est? and /orth." (al-te and draw "entacle with Magic (word or 4tha1e? the first stroke being fro1 the to" down to the left.


Gardnerian book of shadows

Drawing Down the Moon

C1)4)D 6igh 8riestess stands in front of 4ltar? ass-1es Goddess "osition Car1s crossedD. Mag-s? kneeling in front of her? draws "entacle on her bod3 with 8hall-s=headed +and? in0okes? "% %n0oke and beseech Thee? 5 1ight3 Mother of all life and fertilit3. :3 seed and root? b3 ste1 and b-d? b3 leaf and flower and fr-it? b3 ife and o0e? do % in0oke Thee to descend into the bod3 of th3 ser0ant and 6igh 8riestess Fna1eG." The Moon ha0ing been drawn down? i.e.? link established? Mag-s and other 1en gi0e 'i0efold 7iss: Ckissing feetD ":lessed be th3 feet? that ha0e bro-ght thee in these wa3s"E Ckissing kneesD ":lessed be th3 knees? that shall kneel at the sacred altar"E Ckissing wo1bD ":lessed be th3 wo1b? witho-t which we wo-ld not be"E Ckissing breastsD ":lessed be th3 breasts? for1ed in bea-t3 and in strength"E Ckissing li"sD ":lessed be th3 li"s? that shall s"eak the sacred na1es." +o1en all bow. %f there be an initiation? then at this ti1e the Mag-s and the 6igh 8riestess in Goddess "osition C4r1s CrossedD sa3s the Charge while the %nitiate stands o-tside the circle.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Charge: "Lift Up the Veil"

C1)4)D Mag-s: " isten to the words of the Great 1other? who of old was also called a1ong 1en 4rte1is? 4starte? Dione? Mel-sine? 4"hrodite? Cerridwen? Diana? 4rianrhod? :ride? and b3 1an3 other na1es." 6igh 8riestess: "4t 1ine 4ltars the 3o-th of acedae1on in ("arta 1ade d-e sacrifice. +hene0er 3e ha0e need of an3thing? once in the 1onth? and better it be when the 1oon is f-ll? 3e shall asse1ble in so1e secret "lace and adore the s"irit of Me who a1 I-een of all +itcheries and 1agics. There 3e shall asse1ble? 3e who are fain to learn all sorcer3? 3et ha0e not won its dee"est secrets. To these will % teach things that are 3et -nknown. 4nd 3e shall be free fro1 sla0er3? and as a sign that 3e be reall3 free? 3e shall be naked in 3o-r rites? both 1en and wo1en? and 3e shall dance? sing? feast? 1ake 1-sic? and lo0e? all in 13 "raise. There is a (ecret Door that % ha0e 1ade to establish the wa3 to taste e0en on earth the eli<ir of i11ortalit3. (a3? > et ecstas3 be 1ine? and Ho3 on earth e0en to 1e? To Me?> 'or % a1 a gracio-s Goddess. % gi0e -ni1aginable Ho3s on earth? certaint3? not faith? while in lifeJ 4nd -"on death? "eace -n-tterable? rest? and ecstas3? nor do % de1and a-ght in sacrifice." Mag-s: "6ear 3e the words of the (tar Goddess." 6igh 8riestess: "% lo0e 3o-: % 3earn for 3o-: "ale or "-r"le? 0eiled or 0ol-"t-o-s. % who a1 all "leas-re? and "-r"le and dr-nkenness of the inner1ost senses? desire 3o-. 8-t on the wings? aro-se the coiled s"lendor within 3o-. Co1e -nto 1e? for % a1 the fla1e that b-rns in the heart of e0er3 1an? and the core of e0er3 (tar. et it be 3o-r in1ost di0ine self who art lost in the constant ra"t-re of infinite Ho3. et the rit-als be rightl3 "erfor1ed with Ho3 and bea-t3. ,e1e1ber that all acts of lo0e and "leas-re are 13 rit-als. (o let there be bea-t3 and strength? lea"ing la-ghter? force and fire b3 within 3o-. 4nd if tho- sa3est? >% ha0e Ho-rne3ed -nto thee? and it a0ailed 1e not?> rather shalt tho- sa3? >% called -"on thee? and % waited "atientl3? and o? tho- wast with 1e fro1 the beginning?> for the3 that e0er desired 1e shall e0er attain 1e? e0en to the end of all desire. This 1-ch of the rites 1-st e0er be "erfor1ed to "re"are for an3 initiation? whether of one degree or of all three.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Initiation
First Degree
C1)4)D Mag-s lea0es circle b3 the doorwa3? goes to 8ost-lant? and sa3s? "(ince there is no other brother here? % 1-st be th3 s"onsor? as well as "riest. % a1 abo-t to gi0e 3o- a warning. %f 3o- are still of the sa1e 1ind? answer it with these words: >8erfect o0e and 8erfect Tr-st.>" 8lacing the "oint of the sword to the 8ost-lant>s breast? he sa3s? "5 tho- who standeth on the threshold between the "leasant world of 1en and the do1ains of the Dread ords of the 5-ter ("aces? hast tho- the co-rage to 1ake the 4ssa3K 'or % tell thee 0eril3? it were better to r-sh on 13 wea"on and "erish 1iserabl3 than to 1ake the atte1"t with fear in th3 heart." 8ost-lant: "% ha0e two 8asswords: 8erfect o0e and 8erfect Tr-st." Mag-s dro"s the sword "oint? sa3ing? "4ll who a""roach with "erfect lo0e and "erfect tr-st are do-bl3 welco1e." Going aro-nd behind her? he blindfolds her? then "-tting his left ar1 aro-nd her waist and his right ar1 aro-nd her neck? he "-lls her head back? sa3s? "% gi0e 3o- the .rd "assword? a 7iss to "ass thro-gh this dread Door?" and "-shes her forward with his bod3? thro-gh the doorwa3 and into the circle. 5nce inside? he releases her sa3ing? "This is the wa3 all are first bro-ght into the circle." Mag-s closes the doorwa3 b3 drawing the "oint of the sword across it three ti1es? Hoining all three circles? sa3ing? "4gla? 4Both? 4donai?" then drawing three "entacles to seal it. Mag-s g-ides 8ost-lant to so-th of altar? and whis"ers? "/ow there is the 5rdeal." Taking a short "iece of cord fro1 the altar? he ties it aro-nd her right ankle? sa3ing? "'eet neither bo-nd nor free." Taking a longer cord? he ties her hands together behind her back? then "-lls the1 -"? so that the ar1s for1 a triangle? and ties the cord aro-nd her neck? lea0ing the end dangling down in front as a Cable Tow. +ith the Cable Tow in his left hand and the sword in his right hand? the Mag-s leads her s-nwise aro-nd the circle to the east? where he sal-tes with the sword and "roclai1s? "Take heed? 5 ords of the +atchtowers of the 2ast? Cna1eD? "ro"erl3 "re"ared? will be 1ade a 8riestess and a +itch." Mag-s leads her si1ilarl3 to the so-th? west? and north? 1aking the "rocla1ation at each ;-arter. /e<t? clas"ing 8ost-lant aro-nd the waist with his left ar1? and holding the sword erect in his right hand? he 1akes her circ-1a1b-late three ti1es aro-nd the circle with a half=r-nning? half=dancing ste". 6e halts her at the so-th of the altar? and strikes ele0en knells on the bell. 6e then kneels at her feet? sa3ing? "%n other religions the "ost-lant kneels? as the 8riests clai1 s-"re1e "ower? b-t in the 4rt Magical? we are ta-ght to be h-1ble? so we kneel to welco1e the1 and sa3: ":lessed be th3 feet that ha0e bro-ght thee in these wa3s." C6e kisses her feet.D ":lessed be th3 knees that shall kneel at the sacred altar." C6e kisses her knees.D ":lessed be th3 wo1b? witho-t which we wo-ld not be." C6e kisses her 5rgan of Generation.D ":lessed b3 th3 breasts? for1ed in bea-t3 and in strength." C6e kisses her breasts.D ":lessed be th3 li"s? which shall -tter the sacred na1es." C6e kisses her li"s.D Take 1eas-re th-s: height? aro-nd forehead? across the heart? and across the genitals. Mag-s sa3s? ":e "leased to kneel?" and hel"s her kneel before the altar. 6e ties the end of the Cable Tow to a ring in the altar? so that the "ost-lant is bent shar"l3 forward? with her head al1ost to-ching the floor. 6e also ties her feet together with the short cord. Mag-s strikes three knells on the bell and sa3s? "4rt read3 to swear that tho- wilt alwa3s be tr-e to the 4rtK" +itch: "% a1." &/52

Gardnerian book of shadows Mag-s strikes se0en knells on the bell and sa3s? ":efore 3e are sworn? art willing to "ass the ordeal and be "-rifiedK" +itch: "% a1." Mag-s strikes ele0en knells on the bell? takes the sco-rge fro1 the altar? and gi0es a series of three? se0en? nine? and 21 strokes with the sco-rge across the "ost-lant>s b-ttocks. Mag-s sa3s? "Ae ha0e bra0el3 "assed the test. 4rt alwa3s read3 to hel"? "rotect? and defend th3 :rothers and (isters of the 4rtK" +itch: "% a1." Mag-s: "4rt ar1edK" +itch: "+ith a knife in 13 hair." Mag-s: "Then on that knife wilt tho- swear absol-te secrec3K" +itch: "% will." Mag-s: "Then sa3 after 1e. >%? Cna1eD? in the "resence of the Might3 5nes? do of 13 own will and accord? 1ost sole1nl3 swear that % will e0er kee" secret and ne0er re0eal the secrets of the 4rt? e<ce"t it be to a "ro"er "erson? "ro"erl3 "re"ared? within a circle s-ch as % a1 now in. 4ll this % swear b3 13 ho"es of a f-t-re life? 1indf-l that 13 1eas-re has been taken? and 1a3 13 wea"ons t-rn against 1e if % break this 13 sole1n oath.>" Mag-s now -nbinds her feet? -nties the Cable Tow fro1 the altar? re1o0es the blindfold? and hel"s her -" to her feet. Mag-s sa3s? "% hereb3 sign thee with the tri"le sign. "% consecrate thee with oil." C6e anoints her with oil on the wo1b? the right breast? the left breast? and the wo1b again.D "% consecrate thee with wine." C6e anoints her with wine in the sa1e "attern.D "% consecrate thee with 13 li"s" Che kisses her in the sa1e "atternD? "8riestess and +itch." Mag-s now -nbinds her hands and re1o0es the last cord? sa3ing? "/ow % 8resent to thee the +orking Tools of a +itch. "'irst the Magic (word. +ith this? as with the 4tha1e? tho- canst for1 all Magic Circles? do1inate? s-bd-e? and "-nish all rebellio-s ("irits and De1ons? and e0en "ers-ade the 4ngels and Geni-ses. +ith this in 3o-r hand 3o- are the r-ler of the Circle. F6ere "kiss" 1eans that the initiate kisses the tool? and the Mag-s then kisses the +itch being initiated.G "/e<t % "resent the 4tha1e. This is the tr-e +itch>s wea"on and has all the "owers of the Magic (word FkissG. "/e<t % "resent the +hite=6andled 7nife. %ts -se is to for1 all instr-1ents -sed in the 4rt. %t can onl3 be "ro"erl3 -sed within a Magic Circle F7issG. "/e<t % "resent the +and. %ts -se is to call -" and control certain 4ngels and geni-ses? to who1 it wo-ld not be 1ete to -se the Magic (word F7issG. "/e<t % "resent the "entacles. These are for the "-r"ose of calling -" a""ro"riate ("irits F7issG. "/e<t % "resent the Censer of %ncense. This is -sed to enco-rage and welco1e Good ("irits and to banish 20il ("irits.FkissG "/e<t % "resent the sco-rge. This is a sign of "ower and do1ination. %t is also to ca-se s-ffering and "-rification? for it is written? to learn 3o- 1-st s-ffer and be "-rified. 4rt willing to s-ffer to learnK" 9/52

Gardnerian book of shadows +itch: "% a1."F7issG Mag-s: "/e<t? and lastl3 % "resent the Cords. The3 are of -se to bind the sigils in the 4rt? the 1aterial basis? and to enforce th3 will. 4lso the3 are necessar3 in the oath. % (al-te thee in the na1e of 4radia and Cern-nnos? /ewl3 1ade 8riestess and +itch." Mag-s strikes se0en knells on the bell and kisses +itch again? then circ-1a1b-lates with her? "roclai1ing to the fo-r ;-arters? "6ear? 3e Might3 5nes? Cna1eD hath been consecrated 8riestess and +itch of the Gods." C/ote? if cere1on3 ends here? close circle with "% thank 3e for attending? and % dis1iss 3e to 3o-r "leasant abodes. 6ail and farewell." %f not? go to ne<t degree.D

Initiation: Second Degree

Mag-s binds +itch as before? b-t does not blindfold her? and circ-1a1b-lates with her? "roclai1s to the fo-r ;-arters? "6ear? 3e Might3 5nes? Cna1eD? a d-l3 consecrated 8riestess and +itch? is now "ro"erl3 "re"ared to be 1ade a 6igh 8riestess and +itch I-een." Mag-s now leads her thrice aro-nd the circle with the half=r-nning? half=dancing ste"? halts so-th of the altar? has the +itch kneel? and ties her down to the altar as before. Mag-s: "To attain this s-bli1e degree? it is necessar3 to s-ffer and be "-rified. 4rt read3 to s-ffer to earnK" 8riestess +itch: "% a1." Mag-s: "% "re"are thee to take the great oath." 6e strikes three knells on the bell? and again gi0es the series of three? se0en? nine? and 21 strokes with the sco-rge as before. Mag-s: "% now gi0e thee a new na1e: LLLLLLL. FkissG Mag-s: ",e"eat th3 new na1e after 1e? %? Cna1eD? swear -"on 13 1other>s wo1b and b3 1ine 6onor a1ong 1en and a1ong 13 brothers and sisters of the 4rt? that % will ne0er re0eal to an3 at all an3 of the secrets of the 4rt? e<ce"t it be to a worth3 "erson? "ro"erl3 "re"ared? in the center of a Magic Circle? s-ch as % a1 now in. This % swear b3 13 ho"es of (al0ation? 13 "ast li0es? and 13 ho"es of f-t-re ones to co1e? and % de0ote 13self to -tter destr-ction if % break this 13 sole1n oath." Mag-s kneels? "lacing left hand -nder her knees and right hand on her head? th-s for1ing 1agic link. Mag-s: "% hereb3 will all 13 "ower into 3o-." +ills. Mag-s now -nties her feet? -nties the Cable Tow fro1 the altar? and hel"s the +itch to her feet. Mag-s: "% hereb3 sign and consecrate 3o- with the great Magic (ign. ,e1e1ber how it is for1ed and 3o- will alwa3s recogniBe it. "% consecrate thee with oil." C6e anoints her with oil on her wo1b? right breast? left hi"? right hi"? left breast? and wo1b again? th-s tracing a "oint=down "entacle.D "% consecrate thee with wine." C6e anoints her with wine in the sa1e "attern.D "% consecrate thee with 13 li"s" Che kisses her in the sa1e "atternD? "6igh 8riestess and +itch I-een." Mag-s now -nbinds +itch>s hands and re1o0es the cord? sa3ing? "/ewl3 1ade 6igh 8riestess and +itch I-een" FkissG "3o- will now -se the working tools in t-rn. )/52

Gardnerian book of shadows 'irst? the Magic (wordE with it 3o- will scribe the Magic Circle FkissG "(econdl3? the 4tha1e" C'or1 CircleD FkissG "Thirdl3? the +hite 6andled 7nife" C-seD FkissG "'o-rthl3? the +and" C+a0e to 4 I-artersD FkissG "'ifthl3? the 8entacle" C(how to 4 I-artersD FkissG "(i<thl3? the Censer of %ncense" CCircle? censeD FkissG "(e0enthl3? the cordsE bind 1e as % bo-nd 3o-." +itch binds Mag-s and ties hi1 to 4ltar. Mag-s: " earn? in +itchcraft? tho- 1-st e0er ret-rn tri"le. 4s % sco-rged thee? so tho- 1-st sco-rge 1e? b-t tri"le. (o where 3o- recei0ed .? ret-rn )E where 3o- recei0ed &? ret-rn 21E where 3orecei0ed )? ret-rn 2&E where 3o- recei0ed 21? ret-rn $.." +itch sco-rges Mag-s as instr-cted? 12* strokes total. Mag-s: "Tho- hast obe3ed the aw. :-t 1ark well? when tho- recei0est good? so e;-all3 art bo-nd to ret-rn good threefold." +itch now -nbinds Mag-s and hel"s hi1 to his feet. Mag-s? taking the new %nitiate b3 the hand and holding the 4tha1e in the other? "asses once ro-nd the Circle? "roclai1ing at the 'o-r I-arters? "6ear? Ae Might3 5nes? Cna1eD hath been d-l3 consecrated 6igh 8riestess and +itch I-een." C/ote? if cere1on3 ends here? close circle with "6ail and farewell." %f not go to ne<t degree.D

Initiation: Third Degree

Mag-s: "2re we "roceed with this s-bli1e degree? % 1-st beg "-rification at th3 hands." 6igh 8riestess binds Mag-s and ties hi1 down to the altar. (he circ-1a1b-lates three ti1es? and sco-rges Mag-s with three? se0en? nine? and 21 strokes. (he then -nbinds hi1 and hel"s hi1 to his feet. Mag-s now binds the 6igh 8riestess and ties her down to the altar. 6e circ-1a1b-lates? "roclai1ing to the fo-r ;-arters? "6ear? 3e 1ight3 5nes? the twice consecrate and 6ol3 Cna1eD? 6igh 8riestess and +itch I-een? is "ro"erl3 "re"ared and will now "roceed to erect the (acred 4ltar." Mag-s sco-rges 6igh 8riestess with three? se0en? nine? and 21 strokes. Cakes and wine 1a3 now be taken Fsee "Cakes and +ine"G. Mag-s: "/ow % 1-st re0eal to 3o- a great M3ster3." FkissG. /ote: if 6igh 8riestess has "erfor1ed this rite before? o1it these words. 6igh 8riestess ass-1es 5siris "osition. Mag-s: "4ssist 1e to erect the 4ncient 4ltar? at which in da3s "ast all worshi""ed? the Great 4ltar of all things. 'or in the old ti1es a wo1an was the 4ltar. Th-s was the altar 1ade and so "laced F8riestess lies down in s-ch a wa3 that her 0agina is a""ro<i1atel3 at the center of the circleG? and the sacred "lace was the "oint within the center of the circle? as we of old ti1es ha0e been ta-ght? that the "oint within the center is the origin of all things. Therefore sho-ld we adore it." FkissG "Therefore? who1 we adore? we also in0oke? b3 the "ower of the lifted lance." %n0okes. "5 circle of stars FkissG? whereof o-r 'ather is b-t the 3o-nger brother FkissG? "Mar0el be3ond i1agination? so-l of infinite s"ace? before who1 ti1e is asha1ed? the 1ind bewildered and -nderstanding dark? not -nto thee 1a3 we attain -nless thine i1age be of lo0e FkissG. "Therefore? b3 seed and root? and ste1 and b-d and leaf and flower and fr-it do we in0oke thee? 5? 1*/52

Gardnerian book of shadows I-een of s"ace? 5 dew of light? 5 contin-o-s one of the 6ea0ens FkissG. " et it be e0er th-s? that 1en s"eak not of Thee as one? b-t as none? and let the1 not s"eak of thee at all? since tho- art contin-o-s? for tho- art the "oint within the circle FkissG? which we adore FkissG? the fo-nt of life witho-t which we wo-ld not be FkissG. "4nd in this wa3 tr-l3 are erected the 6ol3 Twin 8illars :oaB and @oachi1 Fkisses breastsG. %n bea-t3 and strength were the3 erected? to the wonder and glor3 of all 1en." C2ightfold 7iss: . "oints? i"s? 2 :reasts and back to li"sE 5 "ointsD "5 (ecrets of secrets that art hidden in the being of all li0es. /ot thee do we adore? for that which adoreth is also tho-. Tho- art that and That a1 % FkissG. "% a1 the fla1e that b-rns in e0er3 1an? and in the core of e0er3 star FkissG. "% a1 ife and the gi0er of ife? 3et therefore is the knowledge of 1e the 7nowledge of Death FkissG. "% a1 alone? the ord within o-rsel0es whose na1e is M3ster3 of M3steries FkissG. "Make o"en the "ath of intelligence between -s. 'or these tr-l3 are the 5 "oints of fellowshi" Fon the right a""ears an ill-1inated diagra1 of the "oint=-" triangle abo0e the "entacle? the s31bol for the third degreeG? feet to feet? knee to knee? groin to groin? breast to breast? ar1s aro-nd back? li"s to li"s? b3 the Great and 6ol3 /a1es 4bracadabra? 4radia? and Cern-nnos. Mag-s and 6igh 8riestess: "2nco-rage o-r hearts? et th3 ight cr3stalliBe itself in o-r blood? f-lfilling -s of ,es-rrection? for there is no "art of -s that is not of the Gods." C2<change /a1es.D Closing the Circle 6igh 8riestess Circ-1a1b-lates? "roclai1ing? "The twice consecrate 6igh 8riestess greets 3e Might3 5nes? and dis1isseth 3e to 3o-r "leasant abodes. 6ail and 'arewell." (he draws the banishing "entacle at each ;-arter.


Gardnerian book of shadows

Cakes and Wine

C1)4)D Mag-s kneels? fills C-"? offers to +itch Fshe is seated on the altar? holding her atha1eE 8riest kneels before her? holding -" the c-"G. +itch? holding 4tha1e between "al1s? "laces "oint in c-". Mag-s: "4s the 4tha1e is the Male? so the C-" is the fe1aleE so? conHoined? the3 bring blessedness." +itch la3s aside 4tha1e? takes C-" in both hands? drinks and gi0es drink. Mag-s 6olds 8aten to +itch? who blesses with 4tha1e? then eats and gi0es to 2at. %t is said that in olden da3s ale or 1ead was often -sed instead of wine. %t is said that s"irits or an3thing can be -sed so long as it has life.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Sa

at !it"als

#o$e% er &$e
+alk or slow dance? Mag-s leading 6igh 8riestess? both carr3ing 8hallic wand or broo1? "eo"le with torches or candles. +itch chant or song: "2ko? eko? 4Barak 2ko? eko? Mo1elak :aBabi lacha bachabe a1ac cahi achababe 7arrell3os a1ac la1ac :achal3as cabahag3 sabal3os :ar3olos agoB atha cab3olas (a1ahac atha fa1olas 6-rrah3aJ" 'or1 circle. 6igh 8riestess ass-1es Goddess "osition. Mag-s gi0es her 'i0efold 7iss and is sco-rged. 4ll are "-rified Fthat is? bo-nd and sco-rged with fort3 strokes? as in the initiation rit-alsG. Mag-s ass-1es God "osition. 6igh 8riestess in0okes with 4tha1e: "Dread ord of the shadows? god of life and the gi0er of life. Aet is the knowledge of thee the knowledge of death. 5"en wide? % "ra3 thee? th3 gates thro-gh which all 1-st "ass. et o-r dear ones who ha0e gone before? ret-rn this night to 1ake 1err3 with -s. 4nd when o-r ti1e co1es? as it 1-st? 5 tho- the co1forter? the consoler? the gi0er of "eace and rest? we will enter th3 real1s gladl3 and -nafraid? for we know that when rested and refreshed a1ong o-r dear ones? we shall be born again b3 th3 grace and the grace of the Great Mother. et it be in the sa1e "lace and the sa1e ti1e as o-r belo0ed ones? and 1a3 we 1eet and know? and lo0e the1 again. Descend? we "ra3 thee? -"on th3 ser0ant and 8riest Cna1eD." 6igh 8riestess gi0es 'i0efold 7iss to Mag-s. %nitiations if an3E all others are "-rified. C/ote: Co-"les 1a3 "-rif3 each other if the3 will.D Cakes and +ine. The Great ,ite if "ossible? either in token or tr-l3. Dis1iss Fthe g-ardians? and close down the 1agic circleE the "eo"le then sta3 toG feast and dance.

Fe r"ar' &$e
4fter -s-al o"ening? all are do-bl3 "-rified Fthat is? with eight3 strokesG. Dance ro-nd o-tside circle? 6igh 8riestess with sword girded on and drawn? 8hallic wand in left hand. 2nter circle. Mag-s ass-1es God "osition. 6igh 8riestess gi0es 'i0efold 7iss? in0okes: "Dread ord of death and ,es-rrection? life and the gi0er of life? ord within o-rsel0es? whose na1e is M3ster3 of M3steries? enco-rage o-r hearts. et 1./52

Gardnerian book of shadows the light cr3staliBe in o-r blood? f-lfilling -s of res-rrection? for there is no "art of -s that is not of the gods. Descend? we "ra3 thee? -"on this th3 ser0ant and 8riest Cna1eD." 4ll sho-ld be "-rified in sacrifice before hi1. 6e then "-rifies the 6igh 8riestess with his own hands? and others if he will. Cakes and wine. Great ,ite if "ossible? in token or real. Ga1es and dance as the "eo"le will. Dis1iss Fthe g-ardians? and close down the 1agic circleE the "eo"le then sta3 toG feast and dance.

Ma' &$e
%f "ossible ride "oles? broo1s? etc. 6igh 8riestess leading? ;-ick dance ste"? singing "5 do not tell the "riests of o-r arts. 'or the3 wo-ld call it sin? 'or we will be in the woods all night 4conH-ring conH-ring s-11er in. 4nd we bring 3o- good news b3 word of 1o-th. 'or wo1en? cattle? and corn: The s-n is co1ing -" fro1 the so-th?+ith oak and ash? and thorn." Meeting dance if "ossible. 'or1 circle as -s-al? and "-rif3. 6igh 8riestess ass-1es Goddess "ositionE officers all gi0e her the fi0efold kiss. (he "-rifies all. 6igh 8riestess again ass-1es Goddess "osition. Mag-s in0okes? draws down 1oon? "% in0oke thee and call -"on thee? 5 1ight3 Mother of -s all? bringer of all fr-itf-lness? :3 seed and root? b3 ste1 and b-d? b3 leaf and flower and fr-it? b3 life and lo0e? do we in0oke thee? to descend -"on the bod3 of th3 ser0ant and 8riestess here." Mag-s gi0es 'i0efold 7iss to 6igh 8riestess. 4ll sho-ld be "-rified in sacrifice before her? and she sho-ld "-rif3 Mag-s and so1e others with her own hands. Cakes and wine. Ga1es. Great ,ite if "ossible? in token or tr-l3. Dis1iss Fthe g-ardians? and close down the 1agic circleE the "eo"le then sta3 toG feast and dance.

("g"st &$e
%f "ossible? ride "oles? broo1sticks? etc. Meeting Dance if "ossible Fthe do-ble=s"iral dance described in +itchcraft Toda3? ". 1$&G. 'or1 circle. 8-rif3.


Gardnerian book of shadows 6igh 8riestess stands in "entacle "osition. Mag-s in0okes her: "5 1ight3 Mother of -s all? Mother of all fr-itf-lness? gi0e -s fr-it and grain? flocks and herds and children to the tribe that we be 1ight3? b3 th3 ros3 lo0e? do tho- descend -"on th3 ser0ant and 8riestess Cna1eD here." Mag-s gi0es 'i0efold 7iss to 6igh 8riestess. Candle ga1e: (eated? the 1en for1 a circle? "assing a lighted candle fro1 hand to hand "deosil". The wo1en for1 circle o-tside? tr3ing to blow it o-t o0er their sho-lders. +hoe0er>s hand it is in when it is blown o-t is . ti1es "-rified b3 whoe0er blew it o-t? gi0ing fi0efold 7iss in ret-rn. This ga1e 1a3 go on as long as the "eo"le like. Cakes and wine? and an3 other ga1es 3o- like. Dis1iss Fthe g-ardians? and close down the 1agic circleE the "eo"le then sta3 toG feast and dance.


Gardnerian book of shadows

)n Chants
C1)5.D 5f old there were 1an3 chants and songs -sed es"eciall3 in the Dances. Man3 of these ha0e been forgotten b3 -s here? b-t we know that the3 -sed cries of %4! which see1s 1-chl3 like the cries 2#5 or 2#562 of the ancients. M-ch de"endeth on the "ron-nciation if this be so. %n 13 3o-th? when % heard %4! it see1ed to be 42%5!? or rather? 44422%5555!!. This 1a3 be b-t the nat-ral wa3 to "rolong it to 1ake it fit for a call? b-t it s-ggests that these be "ossibl3 the initials of an in0ocation as 4gla is said to be? and of sooth >tis said that the whole 6ebrew al"habet is said to be s-ch? and for this reason is recited as a 1ost "owerf-l char1? b-t at least this is certain? these cries d-ring the dances do ha0e "rofo-nd effect? as % 13self ha0e seen. 5ther calls are %265!4 and 262%2E also 6o 6o 6o %se %se %se. %25 #25 #25 #25 #25# 5,5# 5# 5#5#5 1a3 be a s"ell b-t is 1ore likel3 to be a call. >Tis like the 2#52 2#52 of the Greeks and the "6ea0e hoJ" of sailors. "21en hetan" and "4b h-r? ab h-s" see1 callsE as "6orse and hattock? horse and go? horse and 8ellatis? ho? ho? hoJ" "Tho-t? to-t a to-t to-t? thro-gho-t and abo-t" and ",ent-1 tor1ent-1" are "robabl3 1is"rono-nced atte1"ts at a forgotten for1-la? tho-gh the3 1a3 ha0e been in0ented b3 so1e -nfort-nate being tort-red? to e0ade telling the real for1-la.


Gardnerian book of shadows

To *elp the Sick

C1)5.D F1G 20er re1e1ber the "ro1ise of the goddess? "'or ecstas3 is 1ine and Ho3 on earth" so let there e0er be Ho3 in 3o-r heart. Greet "eo"le with Ho3? be glad to see the1. %f ti1es be hard? think? "%t 1ight ha0e been worse. % at least ha0e known the Ho3s of the (abbath? and % will know the1 again." Think of the grande-r? bea-t3? and 8oetr3 of the rites? of the lo0ed ones 3o- 1eet thro-gh the1. %f 3o- dwell on this inner Ho3? 3o-r health will be better. Ao- 1-st tr3 to banish all fear? for it will reall3 to-ch 3o-. %t 1a3 h-rt 3o-r bod3? b-t 3o-r so-l is be3ond it all. F2G 4nd e0er re1e1ber? that if 3o- hel" others it 1akes 3o- forget 3o-r own woes. 4nd if another be in "ain? do what 3o- 1a3 to distract his attention fro1 it. Do not sa3 "Ao- ha0e no "ain?" b-t if 3o- 1a3? ad1inister the dr-gs which sooth as well as those that c-re. :-t e0er stri0e to 1ake the1 belie0e the3 are getting better. %nstall into the1 ha""3 tho-ghts. %f 3o- can onl3 get this into his inner 1ind so that it be alwa3s belie0ed. F.G To this end it is not wrong to let "eo"le think that we of the c-lt ha0e 1ore "ower than we ha0e. 'or the tr-th is that if the3 belie0e we ha0e 1ore "ower than we reall3 "ossess? we do reall3 "ossess these "owers? inso1-ch we can do good to the1. F4G Ao- 1-st tr3 to find o-t abo-t "eo"le. %f 3o- tell a slightl3 sick 1an? "Ao- are looking better. Ao- will soon be well?" he will feel better? b-t if he is reall3 ill? or in "ain? his 7nowledge that he is in "ain will ca-se hi1 to do-bt 3o-r words in f-t-re. :-t if 3o- gi0e hi1 one of the dr-gs and then sa3? "The "ain is growing less. (oon it will be gone?" beca-se the "ain goes? the ne<t ti1e 3o- sa3? "The "ain is going?" he will belie0e 3o- and the "ain will reall3 get less. :-t 3o- 1-st e0er sa3 so with con0iction? and this con0iction 1-st co1e fro1 3o-r belie0ing it 3o-rself? beca-se 3o3o-rself know that if 3o- can fi< his 1ind so that he belie0es 3o-? it is tr-e. F5G >Tis often better to look e<actl3 between their e3es? looking as if 3o-r e3es "ierced their heads? o"ening 3o-r e3es as wide as 3o- 1a3 and ne0er blink. This contin-ed gaBing oft ca-ses the "atient to grow slee"3. %f the3 show signs of this? sa3 "Ao- are growing slee"3. Ao- will slee"? 3o- are tired. (lee". Ao-r e3es grow tired. (lee"." %f the3 close their e3es? sa3 "Ao-r e3es close? 3o- are tired? 3o- cannot o"en 3o-r e3es." %f the3 cannot? sa3 "Ao-r ar1s are tired? 3o- cannot raise the1." %f the3 cannot? sa3 "% a1 1aster of 3o-r 1ind. Ao- 1-st e0er belie0e what % tell 3o-. +hen % look like this into 3o-r e3es 3o- will slee" and be s-bHect to 13 will?" then tell the1 the3 will slee" and wake -" refreshed? feeling better. Contin-e this with soothing and healing dr-gs? and tr3 to inf-se into the1 the feeling of ecstas3 that 3o- feel at the (abbath. The3 cannot feel it in f-ll? b-t 3o- can co11and the1 to feel what is in 3o-r own 1ind? and tr3 to concentrate on this ecstas3. % f 3o- 1a3 safel3 tell that 3o- are of the C-lt? 3o-r task 1a3 be easier. 4nd it were well to co11and the1 to know it onl3 with their slee"ing 1ind? and forget it? or to be at least -nable to tell an3one abo-t it when awake. 4 good wa3 is to co11and the1 that? if the3 are e0er ;-estioned abo-t +itchcraft or +itches? to i11ediatel3 fall aslee". F$G 20er re1e1ber if te1"ted to ad1it or boast of belonging to the c-lt 3o- be endangering 3o-r brothers? for tho-gh now the fires of "ersec-tion 1a3 ha0e died down? who knows when the3 1a3 be re0i0edK Man3 "riests ha0e knowledge of o-r secrets? and the3 well know that? tho-gh 1-ch religio-s bigotr3 has cal1ed down? 1an3 "eo"le wo-ld wish to Hoin o-r c-lt. 4nd if the tr-th were known of its Ho3s? the Ch-rches wo-ld lose "ower? so if we take 1an3 recr-its? we 1a3 loose the fires of "ersec-tion against -s a gain. (o e0er kee" the secrets. F&G Think Ho3? think lo0e? tr3 to hel" others and bring Ho3 into their li0es. Children are nat-rall3 1&/52

Gardnerian book of shadows easier to infl-ence than grown "eo"le. 20er stri0e to work thro-gh "eo"le>s e<isting beliefs. 'or instance? 1ore than half of the world belie0e in a1-lets. 4n ordinar3 stone is not an a1-let b-t if it hath a nat-ral hole in it? it 1-st be so1ething -n-s-al? so if the "atient hath this belief gi0e hi1 one. :-t first carr3 it ne<t 3o-r skin for a few da3s? forcing 3o-r will into it? to c-re "ain? to feel s safe? or against their "artic-lar fear? and this a1-let 1a3 kee" i1"osing 3o-r will when 3o- are absent. The 1asters of talis1ans knew this f-ll well when the3 sa3 the3 1-st be 1ade in a circle? to a0oid distraction? b3 so1eone whose 1ind is on the s-bHect of the work. F9G :-t kee" 3o-r own 1ind ha""3. ,e1e1ber the +ords of the Goddess: "% gi0e -ni1aginable Ho3s on 2arth? certaint3? not faith? while in life? and -"on death? "eace -n-tterable? rest? and ecstas3? and the "ro1ise that 3o- will ret-rn again." %n the old da3s 1an3 of -s went to the fla1es la-ghing and singing? and so we 1a3 again. +e 1a3 ha0e Ho3 in life and bea-t3? and "eace and Death and the "ro1ise of ret-rn. F)G The :ible s"eaks sooth? "4 1err3 heart doeth good like a 1edicine b-t a broken s"irit breaketh the bones." :-t 3o- 1a3 not ha0e a 1err3 heart. 8erchance 3o- were born -nder an e0il star. % think that the effects of the stars are o0eresti1ated? b-t 3o- cannot 1ake a 1err3 heart to order? 3o- sa3. :-t 3o- can? in the C-ltE there be secret "rocesses b3 which 3o-r will and i1agination 1a3 be infl-enced. This "rocess also affects the bod3? and brings it to Ho3. Ao-r bod3 is ha""3? so 3o-r 1ind is ha""3 . Ao- are well beca-se 3o- are ha""3? and 3o- are ha""3 beca-se 3o- are well. F1*G 8ra3er 1a3 be -sed with good res-lt if the "atient belie0es it can and will work. Man3 belie0e it can? b-t do not belie0e their God or saint will hel". 8ra3ers to the Goddess hel"? es"eciall3 the 41althean 6orn 8ra3er? as it ca-ses sti1-lation to the bod3 as well as to the 1ind.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Sco"rge and the +iss,

C1)5.D F1G %n0ocation C'eet? knees? and wrists sho-ld be tightl3 bo-nd to retard blood.D (co-rge 4* or 1ore? to 1ake skin tingle? then sa3? in0oking Goddess? 6ail? 4radia? fro1 the 41althean horn 8o-r forth th3 store of o0e. % lowl3 bend :efore TheeJ % in0oke thee at the end +hen other Gods are fallen and "-t to scorn. Th3 foot is to 13 li"sJ M3 sighs inborn ,ise? to-ch? c-rl abo-t th3 heart. Then s"end? 8itif-l o0e? lo0eliest 8it3? descend 4nd bring 1e l-ck who a1 lonel3 and forlorn. 4sk the Goddess to hel" 3o- to obtain 3o-r desires? then (co-rge again to bind the s"ell. This be "owerf-l in ill l-ck and for sickness. %t 1-st be said in a Circle? and 3o- 1-st be "ro"erl3 "re"ared and well "-rified? both before and after sa3ing? to bind the s"ell. :efore starting 3o- 1-st 1ake a 0er3 clear "ict-re in 3o-r 1ind of what 3o- wish. Make 3o-rself see the wish obtained. :e s-re in 3o-r own 1ind e<actl3 what it is and how it is to be f-lfilled. This s"ell is the one that was ta-ght to 1e long ago and % ha0e fo-nd it works? b-t % don>t think there is an3 s"ecial 0irt-e in these words. 4n3 others can be s-bstit-ted "ro0ided the3 ask the goddess>s Cor gods>D hel"? and sa3 clearl3 what 3o- wish and 3ofor1 the clear 1ental i1ageE and if it doesn>t work at first? kee" on tr3ing till it works. Ao-r hel"er? who wields the sco-rge? 1-st know what 3o- wish? and also for1 the 1ental i1age. 4nd at first at an3 rate? it will be better for 3o- to work the s"ell? then for the girl to take 3o-r "lace and work it alsoE 3o- sco-rge her. Don>t tr3 an3thing diffic-lt at first? and do it at least once a week till it works. Ao- ha0e to get into s31"ath3 with each other? before an3thing ha""ens? and reg-lar working hel"s this. 5f s"ells? the e<act words 1atter little if the intent be clear and 3o- raise the tr-e "ower? and s-fficient thereof. 4lwa3s in rh31e the3 are. There is so1ething ;-eer abo-t rh31e. % ha0e tried? and the sa1e see1 to lose their "ower if 3o- 1iss the rh31e. 4lso in rh31e? the words see1 to sa3 the1sel0es. Ao- do not ha0e to "a-se and think: "+hat co1es ne<tK" Doing this takes awa3 1-ch of 3o-r intent. F2G 5rder and disci"line 1-st be ke"t. 4 6igh 8riest or 8riestess 1a3 and sho-ld "-nish all fa-lts to this end? and all of the C-lt 1-st acce"t s-ch corrections willingl3. 4ll are brothers and sisters? for this reason: that e0en the 6igh 8riestess 1-st s-b1it to the sco-rge. 2ach fa-lt sho-ld be corrected se"aratel3. The 8riest or 8riestess 1-st be "ro"erl3 "re"ared and call the c-l"rit to trial. The3 1-st be "re"ared as for initiation and kneel? be told their fa-lt and sentence "rono-nced. 8-nish1ent sho-ld be the sco-rge? followed b3 a forfeit s-ch as se0eral fi0efold kisses or so1ething of this nat-re. The c-l"rit 1-st acknowledge the H-stice of the "-nish1ent b3 kissing hands and sco-rge on recei0ing sentence and again when thanking for "-nish1ent recei0ed. 1 F.G The sco-rgings are .? &? ) Cthrice threeD? and 21 Cthrice se0enD 4* in all. %t is not 1eet to 1ake offerings Fsco-rgingsG of less than two score to the Goddess? for here be a 13ster3. The fort-nate n-1bers be: . and 5. 'or three added to two Cthe 8erfect Co-"leD be fi0e. 4nd three and fi0e be eightE eight and fi0e be thirteenE thirteen and eight be twent3=one. The 'i0efold 7iss is called 5? b-t there are 9 kisses? for there be 2 feet and 2 knees and genitals and 2 breasts and the li"s. 4nd 5 ti1es 9 be two score. 4lso? fort-nate n-1bers be .? &? 9? and 21? which total 4*? or two score. 'or each 1an and wo1an hath ten fingers and ten toes? so each totals a score. 4nd a "erfect co-"le be two score. (o a lesser n-1ber wo-ld not be "erfect "ra3er. %f 1ore are re;-ired 1ake it a "erfect n-1ber? as fo-r score or si< score. 4lso there be 2ight 2le1ental +ea"ons. 1)/52

Gardnerian book of shadows F4G To 1ake the anointing oint1ent? take so1e glaBed "ans filled half f-ll with grease or oli0e oil. 8-t in one sweet 1int? 1arHora1 in another? gro-nd th31e in a .rd? and it 3o- 1a3 ha0e it? "atcho-li? dried lea0es "o-nded. 8lace "ans in hot water bath. (tir and cook for se0eral ho-rs? then "o-t into linen bags? and s;-eeBe grease thro-gh into "ans again? and fill -" with fresh lea0es. 4fter doing this se0eral ti1es? the grease will be highl3 "erf-1ed. Then 1i< all together and store in a well=corked Har. 4noint behind ears? throat? ar1"its? breasts? and wo1b. 4lso? for all cere1onies where the feet are kissed? the3 sho-ld also be anointed.

The -riestess and the Sword

C1)5.D %t is said? "+hen a wo1an takes the 1ain "art in worshi" of the Male God? she 1-st be girt with a sword." /ote. This hath been e<"lained as 1eaning that a 1an sho-ld be Mag-s re"resenting the God? b-t if no one of s-fficient rank and knowledge be "resent? a wo1an ar1ed as a 1an 1a3 take his "lace. The sheath sho-ld be worn in a belt. (he sho-ld carr3 the sword in hand? b-t if she has to -se her hands? she sho-ld sheath the sword. 4n3 other wo1an in the circle while this worshi" is "erfor1ed shall be sword in hand. Those o-tside the circle onl3 ha0e the atha1e. 4 wo1an 1a3 i1"ersonate either the God or the Goddess? b-t a 1an 1a3 onl3 i1"ersonate the God.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Warning
C1)5.D 7ee" this book in 3o-r own hand of write. et brothers and (isters co"3 what the3 will? b-t ne0er let this book o-t of 3o-r hands? and ne0er kee" the writings of another? for if it be fo-nd in their hand of write? the3 1a3 well be taken and tort-red. 2ach sho-ld g-ard his own writings and destro3 the1 whene0er danger threatens. earn as 1-ch as 3o- 1a3 b3 heart? and when the danger is "ast? rewrite 3o-r book. 'or this reason? if an3 die? destro3 their book if the3 ha0e not been able to? for? if it be fo-nd nd? >tis clear "roof against the1. "Ae 1a3 not be a +itch alone"E so all their friends be in danger of the tort-re. (o destro3 e0er3thing not necessar3. %f 3o-r book be fo-nd on 3o-? >tis clear "roof against 3o-. Ao- 1a3 be tort-red. 7ee" all tho-ght of the c-lt fro1 3o-r 1ind. (a3 3o- had bad drea1s? that a De0il ca-sed 3o- to write this witho-t 3o-r knowledge. Think to 3o-rself? "% 7now /othing. % ,e1e1ber nothing. % ha0e forgotten all." Dri0e this into 3o-r 1ind. %f the tort-re be too great to bear? sa3? "% will confess. % cannot bear this tor1ent. +hat do 3o- want 1e to sa3K Tell 1e and % will sa3 it." %f the3 tr3 to 1ake 3o- talk of the broth ? do not? b-t if the3 tr3 to 1ake 3o- s"eak of i1"ossibilities? s-ch as fl3ing thro-gh the air? consorting with the De0il? sacrificing children? or eating 1en>s flesh? sa3? "% had an e0il drea1. % was not 13self. % was craBed." /ot all Magistrates are bad. %f there be an e<c-se? the3 1a3 show 3o- 1erc3. %f 3o- ha0e confessed a-ght? den3 it afterwards. (a3 3o- babbled -nder the tort-reE 3o- knew not what 3o- did or said. %f 3o- be conde1ned? fear not. The :rotherhood is "owerf-l. The3 1a3 hel" 3o- to esca"e if 3o- are steadfast. %f 3o- betra3 a-ght? there is no ho"e for 3o-? in this life? or in that which is to co1e. :-t? >tis s-re? that if steadfast 3o- go to the "3re? dr-gs will reach 3o-. Ao- will feel na-ght? and 3o- go b-t to Death and what lies be3ond? the ecstas3 of the Goddess. The sa1e with the working Tools. et the1 be as ordinar3 things that an3one 1a3 ha0e in their ho1es. The 8entacles shall be of wa< that the3 1a3 be 1elted or broken at once. 6a0e no sword -nless 3o-r rank allows 3o- one. 6a0e no na1es or signs on an3thing. +rite the1 on in ink before consecrating the1 and wash it off at once when finished. /e0er boast? ne0er threaten? ne0er sa3 3o- wish ill to an3one. %f an3 s"eak of the craft? sa3? "("eak not to 1e of s-ch? it frightens 1e? >tis e0il l-ck to s"eak of it."


Gardnerian book of shadows

)f the )rdeal of the (rt Magical

C1)5.D earn of the s"irit that goeth with b-rdens that ha0e not hono-r? for >tis the s"irit that stoo"eth the sho-lders and not the weight. 4r1o-r is hea03? 3et it is a "ro-d b-rden and a 1an standeth -"right in it. i1iting and constraining an3 of the senses ser0es to increase the concentration of another. (h-tting the e3es aids the hearing. (o the binding of the initiate>s hands increases the 1ental "erce"tion? while the sco-rge increaseth the inner 0ision. (o the initiate goeth thro-gh it "ro-dl3? like a "rincess? knowing it b-t ser0es to increase her glor3. :-t this can onl3 be done b3 the aid of another intelligence and in a circle? to "re0ent the "ower th-s generated being lost. 8riests atte1"t to do the sa1e with their sco-rgings and 1ortifications of the flesh. :-t lacking the aid of bonds and their attention being distracted b3 their sco-rging the1sel0es and what little "ower the3 do "rod-ce being dissi"ated? as the3 do not -s-all3 work within a circle? it is little wonder that the3 oft fail. Monks and her1its do better? as the3 are a"t to work in tin3 cells and co0es? which in so1e wa3 act as circles. The 7nights of the Te1"le? who -sed 1-t-all3 to sco-rge each other in an octagon? did better stillE b-t the3 a""arentl3 did not know the 0irt-e of bonds and did e0il? 1an to 1an. :-t "erha"s so1e did knowK +hat of the Ch-rch>s charge that the3 wore girdles or cordsK


Gardnerian book of shadows

The &ightfold Wa',

C1)5.D 2ightfold 8ath or +a3s to the Centre. 1 Meditation or Concentration. This in "ractice 1eans for1ing a 1ental i1age of what is desired? and forcing 3o-rself to see that it is f-lfilled? with the fierce belief and knowledge that it can and will be f-lfilled? and that 3o- will go on willing till 3o- force it to be f-lfilled. Called for short? "%ntent" 2 Trance? "roHection of the 4stral. . ,ites? Chants? ("ells? ,-nes? Char1s? etc. 4 %ncense? Dr-gs? +ine? etc.? whate0er is -sed to release the ("irit. C/ote. 5ne 1-st be 0er3 caref-l abo-t this. %ncense is -s-all3 har1less? b-t 3o- 1-st be caref-l. %f it has bad aftereffects? red-ce the a1o-nt -sed? or the d-ration of the ti1e it is inhaled. Dr-gs are 0er3 dangero-s if taken to e<cess? b-t it 1-st be re1e1bered that there are dr-gs that are absol-tel3 har1less? tho-gh "eo"le talk of the1 with bated breath? b-t 6e1" is es"eciall3 dangero-s? beca-se it -nlocks the inner e3e swiftl3 an d easil3? so one is te1"ted to -se it 1ore and 1ore. %f it is -sed at all? it 1-st be with the strictest "reca-tions? to see that the "erson who -ses it has no control o0er the s-""l3. This sho-ld be doled o-t b3 so1e res"onsible "erson? and the s-""l3 strictl3 li1ited.D 5 The Dance? and kindred "ractices. $ :lood control Cthe CordsD? :reath Control? and kindred "ractices. & The (co-rge. 9 The Great ,ite. These are all the wa3s. Ao- 1a3 co1bine 1an3 of the1 into the one e<"eri1ent? the 1ore the better. The 'i0e 2ssentials: 1. The 1ost i1"ortant is "%ntention": 3o- 1-st know that 3o- can and will s-cceedE it is essential in e0er3 o"eration. 2. 8re"aration. CAo- 1-st be "ro"erl3 "re"ared according to the r-les of the 4rtE otherwise 3o- will ne0er s-cceed.D .. The Circle 1-st be "ro"erl3 for1ed and "-rified. 4. Ao- all 1-st be "ro"erl3 "-rified? se0eral ti1es if necessar3? and this "-rification sho-ld be re"eated se0eral ti1es d-ring the rite. 5. Ao- 1-st ha0e "ro"erl3 consecrated tools. These fi0e essentials and 2ight 8aths or +a3s cannot all be co1bined in one rite. Meditation and dancing do not co1bine well? b-t for1ing the 1ental i1age and the dance 1a3 be well co1bined with Chants. ("ells? etc.? co1bined with sco-rging and /o. $? followed b3 /o. 9? for1 a s"lendid co1bination. Meditation? following sco-rging? co1bined with /os. . and 4 and 5? are also 0er3 Good. 'or short c-ts concentration? /os. 5? $? &? and 9 are e<cellent.


Gardnerian book of shadows

To .ain the Sight

C1)5.D F1G This co1eth to different "eo"le in di0erse wa3s. >Tis seldo1 it co1eth nat-rall3? b-t it can be ind-ced in 1an3 wa3s. Dee" and "rolonged 1editation 1a3 do it? b-t onl3 if 3o- be a nat-ral? and -s-all3 "rolonged fasting was also necessar3. 5f old 1onks and n-ns obtained 0isions b3 long 0igils? co1bined with fasting? flagellation till the blood ca1e? and other 1ortifications of the flesh? and so -ndo-btedl3 had 0isions. %n the 2ast it is tried with 0ario-s tort-res? at the sa1e ti1e sitting in cra1"ed "ost-res? which retard the flow of blood? and these tor1ents? long and contin-ed? gi0e good res-lts. :-t in the 4rt we are ta-ght an easier wa3 to intensif3 the i1agination? at the sa1e ti1e controlling the blood s-""l3? and this 1a3 best be done b3 -sing the rit-al. F2G %ncense is also good to "ro"itiate the ("irits? b-t also to ind-ce rela<ation and to hel" to b-ild -" the at1os"here which is necessar3 to s-ggestibilit3. C'or o-r h-1an e3es are so blind to what reall3 is? that it is often necessar3 to s-ggest that it is there? before we 1a3 see it? as we 1a3 "oint o-t to another so1ething at a distance before the3 1a3 see it the1sel0es. G-1 1astic? aro1atic r-sh roots? cinna1on bark? 1-sk? H-ni"er? sandalwood? and a1bergris in co1bination are all good? b-t "atcho-li is best of all. 4nd if 3o- 1a3 ha0e he1"? >tis better still? b-t be 0er3 caref-l of this. F.G The circle being for1ed? all "ro"erl3 "re"ared? and the ,ites done? and all "-rified? the as"irant sho-ld warlock and take his t-tor ro-nd the circle? sal-ting the Might3 5nes? and in0oke the1 to aid the o"eration. Then both dance ro-nd till gidd3? in0oking or -sing chants. (co-rge. Then the T-tor sho-ld warlock 0er3 tightl3? b-t not so to ca-se disco1fort? b-t eno-gh to retard the blood slightl3. 4gain the3 sho-ld dance ro-nd? chanting? then sco-rge with light? stead3? 1onotono-s? slow strokes. %t is 0er3 good that the "-"il 1a3 see the1 co1ing Cthis 1a3 be arranged fro1 "osition? or if a big 1irror is a0ailable? this can be -sed with e<cellent effectD as this has the effect of "asses? and hel"s greatl3 to sti1-late the i1agination? and it is i1"ortant that the3 be not hard? the obHect being not to do 1ore than draw the blood to that "art and so awa3 fro1 the brain. This with the tight warlocking? which sho-ld be warricked? slows down the circ-lation of the blood? and the "asses soon ind-ce a drowsiness and a st-"or. The t-tor sho-ld watch for this. 4s soon as the as"irant slee"s? the sco-rging sho-ld cease. The t-tor sho-ld also watch that the "-"il beco1e not cold? and if the3 str-ggle or beco1e distressed? the3 sho-ld be at once awakened. C/ote: if it cannot be arranged for the "-"il to see? the wand 1a3 be -sed? for a ti1e? then ret-rn to sco-rging.D F4G Do not be disco-raged if no res-lts co1e after two or three atte1"ts. %t will co1e? when both are in the right state. +hen 3o- get so1e res-lt? then res-lts will co1e 1ore ;-ickl3. (oon so1e of the rit-al 1a3 be shortened? b-t ne0er neglect to in0oke the Goddess? and the Might3 5nes? or to for1 the Circle and do e0er3thing rightl3. 4nd for good and clear res-lts? it is e0er better to do too 1-ch rit-al than too little. F5G %t hath been fo-nd that this "ractice doth often ca-se a fondness between as"irant and t-tor? and >tis a ca-se of better res-lts if this be so. %f for an3 reason it is -ndesirable that there be an3 great fondness between as"irant and t-tor? this 1a3 be easil3 a0oided? b3 both "arties fro1 the onset fir1l3 resol0ing in their 1inds that if an3 doth ens-e? it shall be that of brother and sister or "arent and child. 4nd it is for this reason that a 1an 1a3 onl3 be ta-ght b3 a wo1an and a wo1an b3 a 1an? and that 1an and 1an? and wo1an and wo1an? sho-ld ne0er atte1"t these "ractices together. 4nd 1a3 all the C-rses of the Might3 5nes be on an3 who 1ake the atte1"t. 2 F$G ,e1e1ber? the Circle? "ro"erl3 constr-cted? is e0er necessar3 to "re0ent the "ower released fro1 being dissi"ated. %t is also a barrier against an3 dist-rbances of 1ischie0o-s forces? for to 24/52

Gardnerian book of shadows obtain good res-lts 3o- 1-st be free fro1 all dist-rbances. ,e1e1ber that darkness? "oints of light glea1ing a1id the s-rro-nding dark? incense? and the stead3 "asses b3 a white ar1 are not stage effects. The3 are the 1echanical i1"le1ents which start the s-ggestions? which later -nlocks the knowledge that it is "ossible to obtain the di0ine ecstas3? and so attain knowledge and co11-nion with the Di0ine Goddess. +hen once 3o- ha0e attained this? ,it-al is not needed? as 3o- 1a3 attain the state of ecstas3 at will? b-t till then? or if 3o- ha0ing attained this 3o-rself? and wish to bring a co1"anion to this state of Ho3? rit-al is best.


Gardnerian book of shadows

C1)5.D 8ower is latent in the bod3 and 1a3 be drawn o-t and -sed in 0ario-s wa3s b3 the skilled. :-t -nless confined in a circle it will be swiftl3 dissi"ated. 6ence the i1"ortance of a "ro"erl3 constr-cted circle. 8ower see1s to e<-de fro1 the bod3 0ia the skin and "ossibl3 fro1 the orifices of the bod3E hence 3o- sho-ld be "ro"erl3 "re"ared. The slightest dirt s"oils e0er3thing? which shows the i1"ortance of thoro-gh cleanliness. The attit-de of 1ind has great effect? so onl3 work with a s"irit of re0erence. 4 little wine taken and re"eated d-ring the cere1on3? if necessar3? hel"s to "rod-ce "ower. 5ther strong drinks or dr-gs 1a3 be -sed? b-t it is necessar3 to be 0er3 1oderate? for if 3o- are conf-sed? e0en slightl3? 3o- cannot control the "ower 3o- e0oke. The si1"lest wa3 is b3 dancing and singing 1onotono-s chants? slowl3 at first and grad-all3 ;-ickening the te1"o -ntil giddiness ens-es. Then the calls 1a3 be -sed? or e0en wild and 1eaningless shrieking "rod-ces "ower. :-t this 1ethod infla1es the 1ind and renders it diffic-lt to control the "ower? tho-gh control 1a3 be gained thro-gh "ractice. The sco-rge is a far better wa3? for it sti1-lates and e<cites both bod3 and so-l? 3et one e easil3 retains control. The Great ,ite is far the best. %t releases enor1o-s "ower? b-t the conditions and circ-1stances 1ake it diffic-lt for the 1ind to 1aintain control at first. %t is again a 1atter of "ractice and the nat-ral strength of the o"erator>s will and? in a lesser degree? of those of his assistants. %f? as of old? there were 1an3 trained assistants "resent and all wills "ro"erl3 att-ned? wonders occ-rred. (orcerers chiefl3 -sed the blood sacrificeE and while we hold this to be e0il? we cannot den3 that this 1ethod is 0er3 efficient. 8ower flashes forth fro1 newl3 shed blood? instead of e<-ding slowl3 as b3 o-r 1ethod. The 0icti1>s terror and ang-ish add keenness? and e0en ;-ite a s1all ani1al can 3ield enor1o-s "ower. The great diffic-lt3 is in the h-1an 1ind controlling the "ower of the lower ani1al 1ind. :-t sorcerers clai1 the3 ha0e 1ethods for effecting this and that the diffic-lt3 disa""ears the higher her the ani1al -sed? and when the 0icti1 is h-1an disa""ears entirel3. CThe "ractice is an abo1ination b-t it is so.D 8riests know this wellE and b3 their a-to=da=fN? with the 0icti1s> "ain and terror Cthe fires acting 1-ch the sa1e as circlesD? obtained 1-ch "ower. 5f old the 'lagellants certainl3 e0oked "ower? b-t thro-gh not being confined in a circle 1-ch was lost. The a1o-nt of "ower raised was so great and contin-o-s that an3one with knowledge co-ld direct and -se itE and it is 1ost "robable that the classical and heathen sacrifices were -sed in the sa1e wa3. There are whis"ers that when the h-1an 0icti1 was a willing sacrifice? with his 1ind directed on the Great +ork and with highl3 skilled assistants? wonders ens-ed b-t of this % wo-ld not s"eak.


Gardnerian book of shadows

-roperl' -repared,
C1)5.D /aked? b-t sandals Cnot shoesD 1a3 be worn. 'or initiation? tie hands behind back? "-ll -" to s1all of back? and tie ends in front of throat? lea0ing a cable=tow to lead b3? hanging down in front. C4r1s th-s for1 a triangle at back.D +hen initiate is kneeling at altar? the cable=tow is tied to a ring in the altar. 4 short cord is tied like a garter ro-nd the initiate>s left leg abo0e the knee? with ends t-cked in. 4nother is tied ro-nd right ankle and ends t-cked in so as to be o-t of the wa3 while 1o0 ing abo-t. These cords are -sed to tie feet together while initiate is kneeling at the altar and 1-st be long eno-gh to do this fir1l3. 7nees 1-st also be fir1l3 tied. This 1-st be caref-ll3 done. %f the as"irant co1"lains of "ain? the bonds 1-st be loosened slightl3E alwa3s re1e1ber the obHect is to retard the blood flow eno-gh to ind-ce a trance state. This in0ol0es slight disco1fort? b-t great disco1fort "re0ents the trance stateE so it is best to s"end so1e little ti1e loosening a nd tightening the bonds -ntil the3 are H-st right. The as"irant alone can tell 3o- when this is so. This? of co-rse? does not a""l3 to the initiation? as then no trance is desiredE b-t for the "-r"ose of rit-al it is good that the initiates be bo-nd fir1l3 eno-gh to feel the3 are absol-tel3 hel"less b-t witho-t disco1fort.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Meeting Dance,

C1)5.D The Maiden sho-ld lead. 4 1an sho-ld "lace both hands on her waist? standing behind her? and alternate 1en and wo1en sho-ld do the sa1e? the Maiden leading and the3 dance following her. (he at last leads the1 into a right=hand s"iral. +hen the center is reached Cand this had better be 1arked b3 a stoneD? she s-ddenl3 t-rns and dances back? kissing each 1an as she co1es to hi1. 4ll 1en and wo1en t-rn likewise and dance back? 1en kissing girls and girls kissing 1en. 4ll in ti1e to 1-sic? it is a 1err3 ga1e? b-t 1-st be "racticed to be done well. /ote? the 1-sicians sho-ld watch the dancers and 1ake the 1-sic fast or slow as is best. 'or the beginners it sho-ld be slow? or there will be conf-sion. %t is 1ost e<cellent to get "eo"le to know each other at big gatherings.

To Lea$e the /od',

C1)5.D >Tis not wise to stri0e to get o-t of 3o-r bod3 -ntil 3o- ha0e thoro-ghl3 gained the (ight. The sa1e rit-al as to gain the (ight 1a3 be -sed? b-t ha0e a co1fortable co-ch. 7neel so that 3o- ha0e 3o-r thigh? bell3? and chest well s-""orted? the ar1s strained forward and bo-nd one on each side? so that there is a decided feeling of being "-lled forward. 4s the trance is ind-ced? 3o- sho-ld feel a stri0ing to "-sh 3o-rself o-t of the to" of 3o-r head. The sco-rge sho-ld be gi0en a dragging action? as if to dri0e or drag 3o- o-t. :oth wills sho-ld be thoro-ghl3 in t-ne? kee"ing a constant and e;-al strain. +hen trance co1es? 3o-r t-tor 1a3 hel" 3o- b3 softl3 calling 3o-r na1e. Ao- will "robabl3 feel 3o-rself drawn o-t of 3o-r bod3 as if thro-gh a narrow o"ening? and find 3o-rself standing beside 3o-r t-tor? looking at the bod3 on the co-ch. (tri0e to co11-nicate with 3o-r t-tor firstE if the3 ha0e the (ight the3 will "robabl3 see 3o-. Go not far afield at first? and >ti s better to ha0e one who is -sed to lea0ing the bod3 with 3o-. 4 note: +hen? ha0ing s-cceeded in lea0ing the bod3? 3odesire to ret-rn? in order to ca-se the s"irit bod3 and the 1aterial bod3 to coincide? T6%/7 5' A5!, '22T. This will ca-se the ret-rn to take "lace.

The Working Tools

C1)5.D There are no 1agical s-""l3 sho"s? so -nless 3o- are l-ck3 eno-gh to be gi0en or sold tools? a "oor witch 1-st e<te1"oriBe. :-t when 1ade 3o- sho-ld be able to borrow or obtain an 4tha1e. (o ha0ing 1ade 3o-r circle? erect an altar. 4n3 s1all table or chest will do. There 1-st be fire on it Ca candle will s-fficeD and 3o-r book. 'or good res-lts incense is best if 3o- can get it? b-t coals in a chafing dish b-rning sweet=s1elling herbs will do. 4 c-" if 3o- wo-ld ha0e cakes and wine? and a "latter with the signs drawn into the sa1e in ink? showing a "entacle. 4 sco-rge is easil3 1ade Cnote? the sco-rge has eight tails and fi0e knots in each tailD. Get a white=hilted knife and a wand Ca sword is not necessar3D. C-t the 1arks with 4tha1e. 8-rif3 e0er3thing? then consecrate 3o-r tools in "ro"er for1 and e0er be "ro"erl3 "re"ared. :-t e0er re1e1ber? 1agical o"erations are -seless -nless the 1ind can be bro-ght to the "ro"er attit-de? ke3ed to the -t1ost "itch. 4ffir1ations 1-st be 1ade clearl3? and the 1ind sho-ld be infla1ed with desire. +ith this frenB3 of will? 3o- 1a3 do as 1-ch with si1"le tools as with the 1ost co1"lete set. :-t good and es"eciall3 ancient tools ha0e their own a-ra. The3 do hel" to bring abo-t that re0erential s"irit? the desire to learn and de0elo" 29/52

Gardnerian book of shadows 3o-r "owers. 'or this reason witches e0er tr3 to obtain tools fro1 sorcerers? who? being skilled 1en? 1ake good tools and consecrate the1 well? gi0ing the1 1ight3 "ower. :-t a great witch>s tools also gain 1-ch "owerE and 3o- sho-ld e0er stri0e to 1ake an3 tools 3o- 1an-fact-re of the finest 1aterials 3o- can obtain? to the end that the3 1a3 absorb 3o-r "ower the 1ore easil3. 4nd of co-rse if 3o- 1a3 inherit or obtain another witch>s tools? "ower will flow fro1 the1. %t is an old belief that the best s-bstances for 1aking tools are those that ha0e once had life in the1? as o""osed to artificial s-bstances. Th-s wood or i0or3 is better for a wand than 1etal? which is 1ore a""ro"riate for kni0es or swords. #irgin "arch1ent is better than 1an-fact-red "a"er for talis1ans? etc. 4nd things which ha0e been 1ade b3 hand are good? beca-se there is life in the1.

C1)5.D %t is i1"ortant to work naked fro1 the start? so it beco1eth as second nat-re? and no tho-ght of "% ha0e no clothes" shall e0er intr-de and take 3o-r attention fro1 the work. 4lso? 3o-r skin being so acc-sto1ed to -nconfine1ent? when "ower is gi0en off the flow is 1ore eas3 and reg-lar. 4lso? when dancing 3o- are free and -nconfined. . . . 4nd the greatest of all? the to-ch of the bod3 of 3o-r belo0ed thrills 3o-r in1ost so-l? and so 3o-r bod3 gi0es o-t its -t1ost "owerE and then it is 1ost i1"ortant of all that there is not the slightest thing to di0ert the attention? for then the 1ind 1-st seiBe and 1old the "ower generated? and redirect it to the desired end with all the force and frenB3 of the i1agination. %t has been said that no real knowledge 1a3 be gained o-r wa3? that o-r "ractices are s-ch that the3 can onl3 lead to l-stE b-t this is not reall3 so. 5-r ai1 is to gain the inner sight? and we do it the 1ost nat-ral and eas3 wa3. 5-r o""onents> ai1 is e0er to "re0ent 1an and wo1an fro1 lo0ing? thinking that e0er3thing that hel"s or e0en "er1its the1 to lo0e is wicked and 0ile. To -s it is nat-ral? and if it aids the Great +ork it is good. >Tis tr-e that a co-"le b-rning with a frenB3 for knowledge 1a3 go straight to their goal? b-t the a0erage co-"le ha0e not this fire. +e show the1 the wa3? o-r s3ste1 of "ro"s and aids Ci.e.? 1agic rit-alD. 4 co-"le working with nothing b-t l-st will ne0er attain in an3 caseE b-t a co-"le who lo0e each other dearl3 sho-ld alread3 be slee"ing together? and the first frenB3 of lo0e will ha0e "assed? and their so-ls will alread3 be in s31"ath3. %f the first ti1e or two the3 do sta3 a while to worshi" 4"hrod ite? >tis onl3 a da3 or two lost? and the intense "leas-re the3 obtain onl3 leads the1 again to the 13steries of 6er1es? their so-ls 1ore att-ned to the great search. 5nce the3 ha0e "ierced the 0eil the3 will not look back. This rite 1a3 be -sed as the greatest of 1agics if it be done with both "artners fir1l3 fi<ing their 1inds on the obHect and not thinking of se< at all. That is? 3o- 1-st so fir1l3 fi< 3o-r 1ind on 3o-r obHect that se< and all else are na-ght. Ao- infla1e 3o-r will to s-ch an e<tent that 3o- 1a3 create a strain on the astral s-ch that e0ents ha""en.


Gardnerian book of shadows

( !e$ision of the Casting -roced"re

C1)5&D 4 F1G Mag-s consecrates salt and water. F2G 6igh 8riestess kneels at 4ltar? takes -" (word? sa3s? "% conH-re thee? 5 (word of (teel? to ser0e 1e as a defence in all Magical 5"erations. G-ard 1e at all ti1es against 1ine ene1ies? both 0isible and in0isible. Grant that % 1a3 obtain what % desire in all things wherein % 1a3 -se Thee? +herefore do % bless Thee and in0oke Thee in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos." Gi0es (word to Mag-s. F.G Mag-s kneeling hands her 0essel of consecrated +ater and 4s"ergill-1. 6e Casts the Circle? three circles? on the lines 1arked o-t? starting at the 2ast and ret-rning to the 2ast. 6igh 8riestess follows? 4s"erging Circle Cs"rinkling it to "-rif3 itD and all "resent and finall3 herself. Then she goes ro-nd again censing it. C20er3one in the circle 1-st be s"rinkled and censed.D (he ret-rns 0essel? etc.? to Mag-s? who "laces the1 on altar? or con0enient "lace? and hands her (word FhandwrittenG. F4G (he walks slowl3 ro-nd Circle? sa3ing? "% conH-re Thee? 5 Circle of ("ace? that tho- be a :o-ndar3 and a 8rotection and a 1eeting "lace between the world of Men and that of the Dread ords of the 5!T2, (84C2(? that Tho- be cleansed? 8-rified? and strengthened to be a G-ardian and a 8rotection that shall "reser0e and contain T64T 85+2, which we so earnestl3 desire to raise within th3 bo-nds this night? wherefore do % bless thee and entreat thee to aid 1e in the endea0or? in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-n nos." 6ands sword to Mag-s FhandwrittenG. F5G Mag-s then s-11ons the Might3 5nes as -s-al. F$G 6igh 8riestess stands in front of 4ltar Cwhich 1a3 be "-shed back for thisD. 6igh 8riestess ass-1es Goddess "osition Car1s crossedD. Mag-s kneeling in front of her? draws "entacle on her bod3 with 8hall-s=headed +and? %n0okes CDrawing down the MoonD? "% %n0oke and beseech Thee? 5 1ight3 M5T62, of all life and fertilit3. >:3 seed and root? b3 ste1 and b-d? b3 leaf and flower and fr-it? b3 ife and o0e? do % in0oke Thee> to descend into the bod3 of th3 ser0ant and 6igh 8riestess Cna1eD." CThe Moon ha0 ing been drawn down? i.e.? link established? Mag-s and all 1ale officers gi0e fi0efold kissE all others bow.D F&G 6igh 8riestess in Goddess "osition sa3s? ar1s crossed? "Mother? Darkso1e and Di0ine?Mine the (co-rge and Mine the 7iss?The 'i0e="oint (tar of o0e and :lissE 6ere % charge 3e in this (ign. C5"ens o-t 4r1s to "entacle "ositionD :ow before 13 ("irit bright C4ll bowD 4"hrodite? 4rianrhod? o0er of the 6orned God? I-een of +itcher3 and /ight. Diana? :rigid? Mel-sine? 41 % na1ed of old b3 1en? 4rte1is and Cerridwen? 6ell>s dark 1istress? 6ea0en>s I-een. Ae who ask of 1e a boon? Meet 3e in so1e hidden shade? ead 13 dance in greenwood glade :3 the light of the f-ll 1oon. Dance abo-t 1ine altar stone? +ork 13 hol3 1agistr3? Ae who are fain of sorcer3? % bring 3e secrets 3et -nknown. /o 1ore shall 3e know sla0er3 who tread 13 ro-nd the (abbat night. Co1e 3e all naked to the rite .*/52 4,2 8!,%'%2D

Gardnerian book of shadows %n sign that 3e are tr-l3 free. 7ee" 3e 13 13steries in 1irth? 6eart Hoined to heart and li" to li". 'i0e are the "oints of fellowshi" That bring 3e ecstas3 on 2arth. /o other law b-t lo0e % knowE :3 na-ght b-t lo0e 1a3 % be known? 4nd all that li0eth is 13 own: 'ro1 1e the3 co1e? to 1e the3 go.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The -rose Charge

C1)5&D T62 C64,G2? to be read while the initiate stands? "ro"erl3 "re"ared before the Circle. FMag-sG: isten to the words of the Great 1other? who was of old also called a1ong 1en? 4rte1is? 4starte? Dione? Mel-sine? 4"hrodite? Cerridwen? Diana? 4rianrhod? :ride? and b3 1an3 other na1es. F6igh 8riestessG: "4t 1ine 4ltars the 3o-th of acedae1on in ("arta 1ade d-e sacrifice. +hene0er 3e ha0e need of an3thing? once in the 1onth? and better it be when the 1oon is f-ll. Then 3e shall asse1ble in so1e secret "lace and adore the s"irit of Me who a1 I-een of all +itcheries. There 3e shall asse1ble? 3e who are fain to learn all sorcer3? 3et who ha0e not won its dee"est secrets. To these will % teach things that are 3et -nknown. 4nd 3e shall be free fro1 sla0er3? and as a sign that 3e be reall3 fre e? 3e shall be naked in 3o-r rites? and 3e shall dance? sing? feast? 1ake 1-sic? and lo0e? all in 13 "raise.> "'or 1ine is the ecstas3 of the ("irit? and 1ine is also Ho3 on earth. 'or 13 aw is o0e -nto all beings. "7ee" "-re 3o-r highest ideals. (tri0e e0er towards it. et na-ght sto" 3o- or t-rn 3o- aside. "'or 1ine is the secret which o"ens -"on the door of 3o-thE and 1ine is the c-" of the +ine of ife: and the Ca-ldron of Cerridwen? which is the 6ol3 Grail of %11ortalit3. "% a1 the Gracio-s Goddess who gi0es the gift of @o3 -nto the heart of Man. "!"on 2arth % gi0e the knowledge of the ("irit 2ternal? and be3ond death % gi0e "eace and freedo1? and re-nion with those who ha0e gone before. /or do % de1and a-ght in sacrifice? for behold? % a1 the Mother of all things? and 13 lo0e is "o-red o-t -"on earth." FMag-sG: 6ear 3e the words of the (tar Goddess? (he in the d-st of whose feet are the hosts of 6ea0en? whose bod3 encircleth the -ni0erse. F6igh 8riestessG: "% who a1 the bea-t3 of the green earthE and the +hite Moon a1ongst the (tarsE and the 13ster3 of the +atersE and the desire of the heart of 1an. % call -nto th3 so-l: arise and co1e -nto 1e. "'or % a1 the (o-l of nat-re who gi0eth life to the !ni0erseE >'ro1 1e all things "roceedE and -nto 1e? all things 1-st ret-rn.> :elo0ed of the Gods and 1en? thine in1ost di0ine self shall be enfolded in the ra"t-res of the infinite. " et 13 worshi" be within the heart that reHoiceth? for behold: all acts of lo0e and "leas-re are 13 rit-alsE and therefore let there be :ea-t3 and (trength? 8ower and Co1"assion? 6ono-r and 6-1ilit3? Mirth and re0erence within 3o-. "4nd tho- who thinkest to seek 1e? know that th3 seeking and 3earning shall a0ail thee not -nless thoknow the 13ster3? that if that which tho- seekest tho- findest not within thee? tho- wilt ne0er find it witho-t thee? for beholdE % ha0e been with thee fro1 the beginning? and % a1 that which is attained at the end of desire."


Gardnerian book of shadows

C(+&S (#D WI#&

C1)5&D 6igh 8riestess seated on 4ltar? God "osition. Mag-s? kneeling? kisses her feet? then knees? bows with head below her knees? e<tends ar1s along her thighs? and adores. Mag-s fills c-" and offers it to 6igh 8riestess? who? holding 4tha1e between "al1s? "laces "oint in c-". Mag-s sa3s: "4s the 4tha1e is the 1ale? so the c-" is the fe1ale? and conHoined the3 bring blessedness." 6igh 8riestess la3s 4tha1e aside? and takes C-" and drinks? gi0es C-" to ser0er? who "-ts a little in each glass. Mag-s "resents 8entacle with cakes to 6igh 8riestess? sa3ing? "5h I-een 1ost secret? bless this food -nto o-r bodies? bestowing health? wealth? strength? Ho3 and "eace? and that f-lfill1ent of lo0e that is "er"et-al ha""iness". 6igh 8riestess blesses the1 with 4tha1e? takes Cake and eats? while the Mag-s gi0es her the C-" again and kisses knees and adores. 4ll sit as +itches? and in0ite 6igh 8riestess to Hoin the1.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Sa

at !it"als

Spring e0"ino1
The s31bol of the wheel sho-ld be "laced on the altar -"right? decked with flowers? flanked with b-rning candles. The Ca-ldron? containing s"irits? is in the east. Mag-s in west? 6igh 8riestess in east with 8hallic wand or "inecone=ti""ed wand? or broo1stick? or riding "ole? broo1 -"wards. 6igh 8riestess lights Ca-ldron? sa3ing? "+e kindle fire this da3J %n the "resence of the 6ol3 5nes:+itho-t 1alice? witho-t Healo-s3? witho-t en03. +itho-t fear of a-ght beneath the s-n.:-t the 6igh Gods. Thee we in0oke: 5 light of life::e tho- a bright fla1e before -s: :e tho- a g-iding star abo0e -s::e tho- a s1ooth "ath beneath -sE 7indle tho- in o-r hearts within?4 fla1e of lo0e for o-r neighbor? To o-r foes? to o-r friends? to o-r kindred all:To all 1en on this broad 2arth. 5 1ercif-l son of Cerridwen? 'ro1 the lowest thing that li0eth To the na1e that is highest of all." 6igh 8riestess draw "entacle -"on Mag-s with wand? kiss? gi0es it to hi1. 6e does likewise. The3 lead the dance ro-nd the circle? all co-"les lea"ing b-rning fire. The last co-"le as the fire goes o-t sho-ld be well="-rified three ti1es? and each sho-ld gi0e 'i0efold 7iss to all of o""osite se<. Cakes and wine. %f the "eo"le will? the Ca-ldron dance can be done again? 1an3 ti1es? or other ga1es can be "la3ed.

S"%%er Solstice
'or1 circle. %n0oke? 8-rif3. Ca-ldron is "laced before altar filled with water? wreathed with s-11er flowers. The "eo"le? 1en and wo1en alternatel3? stand ro-nd circle. 6igh 8riestess stands in north? before Ca-ldron? holding raised wand? which sho-ld be 8hallic or ti""ed with a "inecone Cancientl3 the th3rs-sD or a riding "ole or a broo1stick? in0okes the s-n. "Great 5ne of 6ea0en? 8ower of the (-n? we in0oke thee in thine ancient na1es? Michael? :alin? 4rth-r? -gh? 6erne. Co1e again? as of old? into this th3 land. ift -" th3 shining s"ear of light to "rotect -s. 8-t to flight the "owers of darkness? gi0e -s fair woodlands and green fields? blosso1ing orchards and r i"ening corn. :ring -s to stand -"on th3 hill of 0ision? and show -s the "ath to the lo0el3 real1s of the gods." 6igh 8riestess draws in0oking "entacle on Mag-s with wand. Mag-s co1es forward s-nwise and takes wand with kiss? "l-nges wand into Ca-ldron and holds it -"right? sa3ing? "The s"ear to the Ca-ldron? the lance to the Grail? s"irit to flesh? 1an to wo1an? s-n to earth." 6e sal-tes 6igh 8riestess o0er Ca-ldron? then reHoins "eo"le? still bearing wand. 6igh 8riestess takes as"ergill-1? stands b3 Ca-ldron? sa3s? "Dance 3e abo-t the Ca-ldron of Cerridwen the Goddess? and be 3e blessed with the to-ch of this consecrated water? e0en as the s-n? the lord of light? arri0eth in his strength in the sign of the waters of life." .4/52

Gardnerian book of shadows The "eo"le dance s-nwise abo-t the altar and Ca-ldron? led b3 Mag-s bearing wand. 6igh 8riestess s"rinkles the1 lightl3 as the3 "ass her. ,it-al of cakes and wine. 4n3 other dances? rites? or ga1es as the 8riestess and "eo"le wish.

("t"%n &0"ino1
The altar sho-ld be decorated with s31bols of a-t-1n? "ine cones? oak s"rigs? acorns? or ears of corn? and sho-ld ha0e fire or b-rning incense on it as -s-al. 4fter -s-al "-rification? the "eo"le stand ro-nd? 1en and wo1en alternatel3. Mag-s at west of altar in God "osition. 6igh 8riestess stands at east of altar? facing hi1? and reads the incantation. "'arewell? 5 (-n? e0er ret-rning light. The hidden god? who e0er 3et re1ains. 6e de"arts to the land of 3o-th? thro-gh the gates of death? to dwell enthroned? the H-dge of gods and 1an. The horned leader of the hosts of air. Aet? e0en as stand -nseen abo-t the circle the for1s of the Might3 ords of the 5-ter ("aces?. (o dwelleth he? >the lord within o-rsel0es>. (o dwelleth he within the secret seed? the seed of new rea"ed grain? the seed of flesh? hidden in the earth? the 1ar0ello-s seed of the stars. >%n hi1 is life? and life is the light of 1en F@ohn 1:4G?> that which was ne0er born and ne0er dies. Therefore the +icca wee" not? b-t reHoice." The 6igh 8riestess goes to the Mag-s with a kiss. 6e la3s aside 4tha1e and sco-rge? and kisses her. The 6igh 8riestess hands hi1 her wand? which sho-ld be 8hallic? or a branch ti""ed with a "inecone? 5r a riding "ole? or a broo1stick Cancientl3 the th3rs-sD. The3 lead the dance? she with a s3str-1 or rattle? he with wand? the "eo"le falling in behind the1? dancing three ti1es ro-nd the altar. Then the candle ga1e is "la3ed. Cakes and wine. Great ,ite if "ossible. Dances and ga1es.

Winter Solstice
'or1 circle in -s-al 1anner? in0oking the Might3 5nes. The Ca-ldron of Cerridwen is "laced in the circle at the so-th wreathed with holl3? i03? and 1istletoe? with fire lighted within it. There sho-ld be no other light e<ce"t for the candles on the altar and abo-t the circle. 4fter all are "-rified? the Moon sho-ld be drawn down. Then the 6igh 8riestess stands behind the Ca-ldron in "entacle "osition? s31boliBing the rebirth of the s-n. The "eo"le? 1an and wo1an alternatel3? stand ro-nd the circle. The Mag-s stands facing the 6igh 8riestess with a b-ndle of torches? or candles? and the book of words of the incantation. 5ne of the officers stands beside hi1 with a lighted candle? so that he 1a3 ha0e light to read b3. The "eo"le begin to slowl3 1o0e ro-nd the circle s-nwise. 4s each "asses hi1 the Mag-s lights his candle or torch fro1 the fire in the Ca-ldron? which 1a3 be si1"l3 a candle? till all ha0e lighted candles or torches. Then the "eo"le dance ro-nd slowl3 as he reads the incantation. C4 real fire 1-st now be kindled in the Ca-ldron.D .5/52

Gardnerian book of shadows I-een of the Moon? I-een of the (-n. I-een of the 6ea0ens? I-een of the (tars. I-een of the +aters? I-een of the 2arth. +ho ordained to -s the child of "ro1ise: %t is the Great Mother who gi0es birth to hi1? 6e is the ord of ife who is born again? Darkness and tears are set behind?4nd the star of g-idance co1es -" earl3. Golden s-n of hill and 1o-ntain ill-1ine the land? ill-1ine the world? ill-1ine the seas? ill-1ine the ri0ers?Grief be laid? and Ho3 be raised. :lessed be the Great Mother? +itho-t beginning? witho-t ending? To e0erlasting? to eternit3? % 5. 20ohe? :lessed be." The dance co11ences slowl3? in rh3th1 with the chant? all taking -" the call "%. 5. :lessed be." The 8riestess Hoins dance and leads the1 with a ;-icker rh3th1. The ca-ldron with b-rning fire is "-shed so that the dancers lea" or ste" o0er it? in co-"les. +hiche0er co-"le is "assing it as it goes o-t? sho-ld be well="-rified? three ti1es each? and 1a3 "a3 an3 a1-sing forfeit as the 6igh 8riestess 1a3 ordain. (o1eti1es the ca-ldron is relighted se0eral ti1es for this "-r"ose.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The &ightfold -ath or Wa's,

C1)5&D 1. Meditation or concentration? act-all3 b3 the fir1 knowledge that 3o- can and will s-cceed == for1ing a clear "ict-re in 3o-r 1ind or 3o-r re;-ire1ents. 2. Trance states? Clair0o3ance? 8roHection of the 4stral etc. .. Dr-gs? +ine? %ncense. 4. Dance? 8erfor1ing ,ites with a "-r"ose. 5. Chants? ("ells etc. $. :lood control CCords etcD? :reath control. &. (co-rge 9. The Great ,ite /.:. The great thing is to co1bine as 1an3 of these "aths into the one o"eration. /o 1 1-st be in all == for if 3o- ha0e no clear "ict-re of what 3o- wish and no certaint3 3o- will not s-cceed == >tis -seless. /o 2 can be co1bined with this easil3. /os .? 4? and 5 are all good "reli1inaries= also $ and &E b-t /o . is dangero-s and therefore if "ossible sho-ld be a0oided? e<ce"t for incense? which is har1less if too 1-ch is not -sed. The best co1bination is /os. 1? 4? 5 and &? for s1all "-r"oses? with no 9 if great force is necessar3. 4lso a co1bination of 1? $ and & is good if 1ore can not be doneE this if "ro"erl3 "erfor1ed leads to /o. 2.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The First2Degree Initiation

C1)5&D Draw Circle with Magic (word or 4tha1e. ("rinkle with 2<orcised +ater. Go ro-nd Circle with Magic (word or 4tha1e? (a3ing? "% conH-re thee? 5 Circle of 8ower? that thobeest as a :o-ndar3 and a 8rotection to contain the 1agic "ower which % will raise within th3 bo-nds. (o do % bless thee? in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos." Go ro-nd? sa3ing at 2ast? (o-th? +est? and /orth? "% s-11on? stir? and call thee -"? 3e Might3 5nes of the 2ast C(o-th? +est? /orthD? to witness the rites and to g-ard the circle." Mag-s draws down Moon on 6igh 8riestess. ,ead Charge? then sa3? "5 tho- who standest on the threshold between the "leasant world of 1en and the dread do1ains of the lords of the o-ter s"aces? hast tho- the co-rage to 1ake the assa3K" C8lace "oint of the Magic (word or 4tha1e to 8ost-lant>s heart.D "'or % sa3 0eril3 it were better to r-sh on 13 blade and "erish than to 1ake the atte1"t with fear in th3 heart." 8ost-lant: "% ha0e two "erfect words: "erfect lo0e? and "erfect tr-st." (a3? "4ll who ha0e are do-bl3 welco1e." 2ntering "osition: "% gi0e 3o- a third to "ass 3o- thro-gh this dread door." Gi0es it FkissG. ead 8ost-lant s-nwise to so-th of altar? and sa3? "5 tho- who hast declared intent to beco1e one of -s? hear then that which tho- 1-st know to do. (ingle is the race of 1en and of GodsE fro1 a single so-rce we both draw breath? b-t a difference of "ower in e0er3thing kee"s -s a"art? for we are as nothing? b-t the Gods sta3 fore0er. Aet we can? in greatness of 1inds? be like the Gods? tho-gh we know not to what goal b3 da3 or in the night 'ate has written that we shall r-n. :e3ond all seas and 2arth>s la st bo-ndaries? be3ond the ("ring of night and the 6ea0ens> 0ast e<"anse? there lies a 1aHest3 which is the do1ain of the Gods. Tho- who wo-ld "ass thro-gh the Gates of /ight and Da3 to that sweet "lace? which is between the worlds of 1en and the do1ains of the ords of the o-ter s"aces? know that -nless there is tr-th in th3 heart? th3 e0er3 effort is doo1ed to fail-re. 624, T62/ T62 4+: that tho- lo0est all things in nat-reE that tho- shalt s-ffer no "erson to be har1ed b3 th3 hands or in th3 1indE that tho- walkest h-1bl3 in the wa3s of 1en and the wa3s of the Gods. 4lso it is the law that content1ent tho- shalt learn? thro-gh s-ffering? and fro1 long 3ears and fro1 nobilit3 of 1ind and of "-r"ose? '5, T62 +%(2 /2#2, G,5+ 5 D. Their 1inds are no-rished b3 li0ing in the da3light of the Gods? and if a1ong the 0-lgar so1e disco0eries sho-ld arise concerning so1e 1a<i1s of th3 belief in the Gods? so do tho-? for the 1ost "art? kee" silent. 'or there is a great risk that tho- 1a3est straightwa3 0o1it -" th at which tho- hast not digested? and when so1eone shall sa3 to thee? "Tho- knowest na-ght?" and it bites thee not? then knowest tho- that tho- hast beg-n the work. 4nd as shee" do not bring their food to the she"herd to show how 1-ch the3 ha0e eaten? b-t digesting inwardl3 their "ro0ender? bear o-twardl3 wool and 1ilk? e0en so? do not tho- dis"la3 the 1a<i1s to the 0-lgar? b-t rather the works that flow when the3 are digested. /ow there is the ordeal." FThis s"eech was added after abo-t 1)$*.G Tie cord aro-nd 8ost-lant>s right ankle? lea0ing ends freeE sa3? "'eet neither bo-nd nor free." eading "ost-lant? "roclai1 at fo-r ;-arters? "Take heed? 3e ords of the +atchtowers of the 2ast C(o-th? +est? /orthD? that Cna1eD is "ro"erl3 "re"ared to be 1ade a "riestess and a witch." .9/52

Gardnerian book of shadows Three ti1es ro-nd the Circle with Dance ste" and chant. 8lace 8ost-lant in 2astE sa3? "7neel." 8ost-lant kneels. (trike ele0en knells on bellE sa3? ",ise. %n other religions the "ost-lant kneels while the "riest towers abo0e hi1? b-t in the 4rt Magical we are ta-ght to be h-1ble? and so we kneel to welco1e the1? and we sa3: ":lessed be the feet that ha0e bro-ght 3o- in these wa3s FkissGE ":lessed be the knees that shall kneel at the sacred altar FkissGE ":lessed be th3 wo1b Cor organ of generationD? witho-t which we wo-ld not be FkissGE ":lessed be th3 breasts? erected in bea-t3 and in strength FkissGE ":lessed be th3 li"s? which shall -tter the sacred na1es FkissG. ":efore 3e are sworn? art willing to "ass the ordeal and be "-rifiedK" 8ost-lant "% a1." Take 1eas-re: height Ctie knotDE aro-nd head Ctie knotDE aro-nd heart Ctie knotDE aro-nd hi"s Ctie knotD. 8rick "ost-lant>s th-1bE catch blood on 1eas-re. 8lace 1eas-re on altar. 6a0e "ost-lant kneel? tie "ost-lant>s feet together? and sec-re cable tow to altar. Three strokes on bell. (a3? "4rt read3 to swear that tho- wilt alwa3s be tr-e to the 4rtK" 8ost-lant "% a1." (trike se0en ti1es on bell and sa3? "Tho- 1-st first be "-rified." (co-rge .? &? )? 21. (a3? "Ae ha0e bra0el3 "assed the test. 4rt alwa3s read3 to hel"? "rotect? and defend th3 brothers and sisters of the 4rtK" 8ost-lant "% a1." "Then sa3 after 1e: %? Cna1eD? in the "resence of the 1ight3 ones of the o-ter s"aces? do of 13 own free will 1ost sole1nl3 swear that % will e0er kee" secret and ne0er re0eal the secrets of the 4rt? e<ce"t it be to a "ro"er "erson? "ro"erl3 "re"ared? within s-ch a circle as % a1 in now? and that % will ne0er den3 the (ecrets to s-ch a "erson if the3 be 0o-ched for b3 a brother or (ister of the 4rt. 4ll this % swear b3 13 ho"es of a f-t-re life? and 1a3 13 wea"ons t-rn against 1e if % break this 13 sole1n oath." oosen cords fro1 ankles and fro1 altar? and re1o0e blindfoldE assist to rise. "% hereb3 sign thee with the tri"le sign Fthe "oint=down triangle for1ed b3 to-ching the genitals? the right breast? the left breast? and the genitals again.G % consecrate thee with oil. % consecrate thee with wine. % consecrate thee with 13 li"s? 8riest C8riestessD and +itch." ,e1o0e Cords FkissG. "% now "resent to 3o- the working tools. 'irst the 1agic sword. +ith this? as with the atha1e? thocanst for1 all 1agic circles? do1inate? s-bd-e? and "-nish all rebellio-s s"irits and de1ons? and e0en "ers-ade angels and good s"irits. +ith this in 3o-r hand? 3o- are r-ler of the circle." FkissG "/e<t % "resent to 3o- the atha1e. This is the tr-e witches> wea"on? and has all the "owers of the 1agic sword." FkissG "/e<t % "resent the white=handled knife. %ts -se is to for1 all instr-1ents -sed in the 4rt. %t can onl3 .)/52

Gardnerian book of shadows be -sed in a 1agic circle." FkissG "/e<t % "resent the wand. %ts -se is to call -" and control certain angels and genie to who1 it wo-ld not be 1eet to -se the sword or atha1e." FkissG "/e<t % "resent the "entacle. This is for the "-r"ose of calling -" the a""ro"riate s"irits." FkissG "/e<t % "resent the censer of incense. This is -sed to enco-rage and welco1e good s"irits? and to banish e0il s"irits." FkissG "/e<t % "resent the sco-rge. This is a sign of "ower and do1ination. %t is also -sed to ca-se "-rification and enlighten1ent? for it is written? >To learn 3o- 1-st s-ffer and be "-rified.> FkissG 4rt willing to s-ffer to learnK" 8ost-lant: "% a1." "/e<t and lastl3 % "resent the cords. The3 are of -se to bind the sigils of the art? also the 1aterial basis. 4lso the3 are necessar3 in the oath." FkissG "% now sal-te 3o- in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos? /ewl3 1ade 8riestess and +itch." ead ro-nd and "roclai1 to fo-r ;-arters? "6ear? 3e Might3 5nes? Cna1eD has been consecrated a "riestess of the Goddess." /ow "resent new +itch to co0en 1e1bers. 4ll sho-ld kiss and h-g new +itch as welco1e into 1e1bershi". To close circle "roclai1 to fo-r ;-arters? "Ae Might3 5nes of the 2ast C(o-th? +est? /orthD? % thank 3o- for attending and? ere 3e de"art for 3o-r lo0el3 real1s? % sa3 hail and farewell."

The Second2Degree Initiation

C1)5&D 'or1 Circle in -s-al 1anner? in0oking the Might3 5nes at the 'o-r I-arters. The %nitiate sho-ld be "ro"erl3 "re"ared and bo-nd with the Cords. 4ll are "-rified? incl-ding %nitiate. Circle once? "roclai1ing at the 'o-r I-arters: "6ear Ae Might3 5nes? . . . C/D? a d-l3 consecrated 8riestess and +itch is now "ro"erl3 "re"ared to be 1ade a 6igh 8riest and Mag-s C6igh 8riestess and +itch I-eenD." Circle three ti1es? with dance ste" and chant. %nitiate then kneels before the 4ltar and is sec-red with the Cords. 8riestess or Mag-s: "To attain to this s-bli1e Degree it is necessar3 to s-ffer and be "-rified. 4rt willing to s-ffer to learnK" %nitiate: "% a1." 8riestess or Mag-s: "% "-rif3 thee to take this great oath rightl3". (trike three strokes -"on the bell. (co-rge .? &? )? 21. "% now gi0e thee a new na1e: . . ." FkissG ",e"eat th3 new na1e after 1e? sa3ing? >%? . . .? swear? -"on 13 1other>s wo1b and b3 1ine hono-r a1ong 1en and 13 brothers and sisters of the 4rt? that % will ne0er re0eal to an3 at all an3 of the secrets of the 4rt? e<ce"t it be to a worth3 "erson? "ro"erl3 "re"ared? in the center of a Magic Circle 4*/52

Gardnerian book of shadows s-ch as % a1 now in. This % swear b3 13 ho"es of sal0ation? 13 "ast li0es and 13 ho"es of f-t-re ones to co1e and % de0ote 13self and 13 1eas-re to -tter destr-ction if % break this 13 sole1n 5ath.>" 7neel. 8lace eft 6and -nder %nitiate>s 7nee and ,ight 6and on 6ead? th-s for1ing Magic ink? sa3ing: "% will all 13 "ower into thee." +% . oose? assist to rise. Consecrate: "% consecrate thee with oil Fon genitals? right breast? left hi"? right hi"? left breast? genitalsD? % consecrate thee with wine? % consecrate thee with 13 li"s? 6igh 8riest and Mag-s C6igh 8riestess and +itch I-eenD." oose re1aining cords. FkissG "Ao- will now -se the working tools in t-rn? "'irst the Magic (word C'or1 CircleD FkissG "(econd the 4tha1e. C'or1 CircleD FkissG "Third the +hite=6andled 7nife C-seD FkissG "'o-rth the +and. C+a0e to 4 I-artersD FkissG "'ifth the 8entacle. C(how to 4 I-artersD FkissG "(i<th the Censer. CCircle? censeD FkissG "(e0enth the Cords. C!seD FkissG "2ighth the sco-rge: for learn? in witchcraft 3o- 1-st e0er gi0e as 3o- recei0e? b-t e0er tri"le. (o where % ga0e thee .? ret-rn )E where % ga0e &? ret-rn 21E where % ga0e )? ret-rn 2&E where % ga0e 21? ret-rn $.." C!se? )? 21? 2&? $.E i.e.? 12* in all FkissGD "Tho- hast obe3ed the law. :-t 1ark well? when tho- recei0est good? so e;-all3 art bo-nd to ret-rn good threefold." The 8riestess or Mag-s is then loosed fro1 the cords and sa3s: "6a0ing learned th-s far? 3o- 1-st know wh3 the +icca are called the 6idden Children of the Goddess". Then the egend of the Goddess is either read or acted o-t. %f it is "ossible to act it o-t? the new %nitiate 1a3 take one of the "arts. 5ne of the Co0en sho-ld act as /arrator? and another as G-ardian of the 8ortal. The 8riestess? or another wo1an? 1a3 act the "art of the Goddess? and the Mag-s? or another 1an? 1a3 act the "art of the God. The 8riestess == or whoe0er is taking the "art of the Goddess == takes off her necklace and la3s it on the 4ltar. Then she goes o-tside the circle and is dressed in a 0eil and Heweller3. The Mag-s == or whoe0er is taking the "art of the God == is in0ested with a horned crown and girds on a sword? which he draws and stands in the God "osition with sword and sco-rge? b3 the altar. /arrator: "%n ancient ti1es o-r ord? the 6orned 5ne? was? as he still is? the Consoler? the Co1forterE b-t 1en knew hi1 as the Dread ord of (hadows == lonel3? stern? and hard. /ow o-r ad3 the Goddess had ne0er lo0ed? b-t she wo-ld sol0e all 13steries? e0en the 13ster3 of Death == and so she Ho-rne3ed to the /ether ands. The G-ardians of the 8ortals challenged her:" CThe 8riestess == or whoe0er is taking the "art of the Goddess == ad0ances to the side of the Circle. +hoe0er is taking the "art of the G-ardian of the 8ortal challenges her with the (word or 4tha1e.D /arrator: ">(tri" off th3 gar1ents? la3 aside th3 Hewels? for na-ght 1a3 3e bring with 3e into this o-r land>. (o she laid down her gar1ents and her Hewels and was bo-nd? as are all who enter the real1s of Death the Might3 5ne". 41/52

Gardnerian book of shadows CThe 8riestess takes off the 0eil and the Heweller3 and la3s the1 down o-tside the Circle. The G-ardian of the 8ortal binds her with the Cords and brings her inside the Circle.D /arrator: "(-ch was her bea-t3 that Death hi1self knelt and laid his sword and crown at her feet and kissed her feet." CThe Mag-s == or whoe0er is "la3ing the "art of the God == co1es forward and la3s the 6orned Crown and the (word at the 8riestess>s feet and kisses her feetD /arrator: "(a3ing? >:lessed be th3 feet that ha0e bro-ght thee in these wa3s. 4bide with 1e? b-t let 1e "lace 13 cold hand on th3 heart>. 4nd she re"lied? >% lo0e thee not. +h3 dost tho- ca-se all things that % lo0e and take delight in to fade and dieK> > ad3?> re"lied Death? >>Tis 4ge and 'ate? against which % a1 hel"less. 4ge ca-ses all things to witherE b-t when 1en die at the end of ti1e? % gi0e the1 rest and "eace and strength? so that the3 1a3 ret-rn. :-t 3o-? 3o- are lo0el3. ,et-rn notE abide with 1e.> :-t she answered? >% lo0e thee not.> Then said Death? >4n 3o- recei0e not 13 hand on 3o-r heart? 3o- 1-st recei0e Death>s sco-rge.>" CThe Mag-s rises and takes -" the (co-rge fro1 the 4ltar.D /arrator: ">%t is fate? better so?> she said? and she knelt." CThe 8riestess kneels before the altar? and the Mag-s -ses the sco-rge .? &? )? 21.D /arrator: "4nd Death sco-rged her tenderl3? and she cried? >% feel the "angs of lo0e>. 4nd Death raised her? and said? >:lessed be?> and he ga0e her the 'i0efold 7iss? sa3ing? >Th-s onl3 1a3 3oattain to Ho3 and knowledge>." CThe Mag-s raises the 8riestess? gi0es her the 'i0efold 7iss and -nties the cordsD /arrator: "4nd he ta-ght her all the M3steries and ga0e her the necklace? which is the Circle of ,ebirth." CThe Mag-s takes the 8riestess>s necklace fro1 the 4ltar and re"laces it abo-t her neck. The 8riestess takes -" the (word and the 6orned Crown fro1 the floor? where the Mag-s "laced the1? and gi0es the1 back to hi1. Then he stands as before b3 the 4ltar? in the "osition of the God? and she stands b3 his side in the "entacle "osition? as GoddessD /arrator: "4nd she ta-ght hi1 the 13ster3 of the sacred c-"? which is the ca-ldron of rebirth. The3 lo0ed and were oneE and he ta-ght her all the Magics. 'or there be three great 13steries in the life of 1an == lo0e? death? and res-rrection in a new bod3 == and 1agic controls the1 all. To f-lfill lo0e 3o1-st ret-rn at the sa1e ti1e and "lace as the lo0ed one? and 3o- 1-st 1eet and know and re1e1ber and lo0e the1 again. :-t to be reborn 3o- 1-st die and be read3 for a new bod3E to die 3o- 1-st be bornE witho-t lo0e 3o- 1a3 not be born == and these be all the 1agics. 4nd o-r Goddess e0er inclineth to lo0e and 1irth and ha""iness? and g-ardeth and cheriseth 6er hidden children in lifeE and in death she teacheth the wa3 to ha0e co11-nion? and e0en in this world (he teacheth the1 the M3ster3 of the Magic Circle? which is "laced between the worlds." The 8riestess or Mag-s then re"laces the (word? Crown? (co-rge? etc.? -"on the 4ltar? and taking the new %nitiate b3 the hand and holding the 4tha1e in the other? "asses once ro-nd the Circle? "roclai1ing at the 'o-r I-arters? "6ear? Ae Might3 5nes? . . . hath been d-l3 consecrated 6igh 8riest and Mag-s Cor 6igh 8riestess and +itch I-eenD."


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Third2Degree Initiation

C1)5&D Mag-s gi0es 'i0efold 7iss. Mag-s: "2re we "roceed with this s-bli1e degree? % 1-st beg "-rification at th3 hands." 6igh 8riestess binds Mag-s and ties hi1 down to the altar. (he circ-1a1b-lates three ti1es? and sco-rges Mag-s with three? se0en? nine? and 21 strokes. (he then -nbinds hi1 and hel"s hi1 to his feet. Mag-s now binds the 6igh 8riestess and ties her down to the altar. 6e circ-1a1b-lates? "roclai1ing to the fo-r ;-arters? "6ear? 3e 1ight3 5nes? the twice consecrate and 6ol3 Cna1eD? 6igh 8riestess and +itch I-een? is "ro"erl3 "re"ared and will now "roceed to erect the (acred 4ltar." Mag-s sco-rges 6igh 8riestess with three? se0en? nine? and 21 strokes. Mag-s kisses her feet. "2re % dare "roceed with this s-bli1e degree? % 1-st again beg "-rification at th3 hands." (he binds and sco-rges hi1. /ote: if 6igh 8riestess has not "erfor1ed this rite before? he sa3s? "6ere % re0eal to 3o- a great 13ster3." F7neel and "lace co-ch in "osition so as to face north.G 4ssist 1e to b-ild 4s the Might3 5ne willed? 4n 4ltar of "raise? 'ro1 beginning of da3s? Th-s doth it lie? Twi<t the "oints of the sk3? 'or th-s it was "laced +hen the Goddess e1braced The 6orned 5ne? 6er ord? +ho ta-ght her the word? F8riestess lies down in s-ch a wa3 that her 0agina is a""ro<i1atel3 at the center of the circleG +hich ;-ickened the wo1b? 4nd con;-ered the To1b. :e th-s as of 3ore? The (hrine we adore? FkissG The feast witho-t fail? The life=gi0ing Grail? FkissG :efore it -"rear The Mirac-lo-s ("ear? 4nd in0oke in this sign The Goddess di0ine. FkissG %n0oke: "Tho- who at 1oon of night doth reign? I-een of the starr3 real1 abo0e? >/ot -nto Thee 1a3 we attain !nless Thine %1age be of o0e.> FkissG :3 1oon=ra3s sil0er shaft of "ower? :3 green leaf breaking fro1 the b-d? :3 seed that s"ringeth into flower? :3 life that co-rseth in the blood. FkissG :3 r-shing wind and lea"ing fla1e? :3 flowing water and green earth? 8o-r -s the wine of o-r desire 'ro1 o-t Th3 Ca-ldron of ,ebirth. FkissG 6ere 1a3 we see in 0ision clear The (ecret (trange -n0eiled at length? The wondro-s Twin=8illars rear 2rect in :ea-t3 and in (trength. Fkiss breastsG 4ltar of M3steries 1anifold? The (acred Circle>s central "oint? Th-s do % sign thee as of old? +ith kisses of 13 li"s anoint. C2ightfold 7iss: . "oints? i"s? 2 :reasts and back to li"s? O 5 "oints .? with oil? wine? O kissesD 5"en for 1e the (ecret +a3? The "athwa3 of intelligence? :etween the Gates of /ight and Da3? :e3ond the bo-nds of ti1e and sense.


Gardnerian book of shadows :ehold the M3ster3 aright? The 'i0e Tr-e 8oints of 'ellowshi"? 6ere where the ance and Grail -nite? 4nd feet and knees and breast and li"s." Mag-s and 6igh 8riestess: "2nco-rage o-r hearts? et th3 ight cr3stalliBe itself in o-r blood? f-lfilling -s of ,es-rrection? for there is no "art of -s that is not of the Gods." C2<change /a1es.D


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Witches3 Chant or !"ne

C1)5&D Darkso1e night and (hining Moon? 2ast? then (o-th? then +est? then /orth? 6arken to the +itches ,-ne: 6ere co1e % to call thee forth. 2arth and +ater? 4ir and 'ire? +and and 8entacle and (word? +ork 3e -nto 13 desire? 6arken 3e -nto 13 word. Cords and Censer? (co-rge and knife? 8owers of the +itches :lade? +aken all 3e into life? Co1e 3e as the Char1 is 1ade: I-een of 6ea0en? I-een of 6ell? 6orned 6-nter of the /ight? end 3o-r "ower -nto the ("ell? +ork 13 will b3 Magic ,ite. %f chant is -sed to reinforce a work alread3 beg-n? end with this: :3 all the "ower of land and sea? b3 all the 1ight of 1oon and s-n? +hat is 13 will= "(o 1ote it be?"+hat % do sa3= "%t shall be done."

Consecrating Tools
C1)5&D C/ote: if "ossible la3 an3 new wea"on to-ching an alread3 consecrated one? (word to sword? 4tha1e to 4tha1e? etc.D F1G 8re"are Circle and "-rif3. 4ll tools 1-st be consecrated b3 a 1an and a wo1an? both as naked as drawn swordsE the3 1-st be "-rified? clean? and "ro"erl3 "re"ared. F2G 8lace tool on "entacle on altar. Mag-s s"rinkles it with salt and water. +itch "asses it thro-gh s1oke of incense? re"laces it on "entacle. To-ching with alread3 consecrated wea"on? the3 sa3 the 'irst ConH-ration. F2aG 'or sword or atha1e? sa3 "% conH-re thee? 5 (word Cor 4tha1eD of (teel? that tho- ser0est 1e for a strength and a defence in all 1agical o"erations? against all 1ine ene1ies? 0isible and in0isible? in the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos. % conH-re thee anew b3 the 6ol3 /a1es 4radia and Cern-nnos? that tho- ser0est 1e for a "rotection in all ad0ersities? so aid 1e." F2bG 'or an3 other tool? sa3? "4radia and Cern-nnos? deign to bless and to consecrate this FtoolG? that it 1a3 obtain necessar3 0irt-e thro-gh thee for all acts of lo0e and :ea-t3." F.G 4gain the3 s"rinkle and cense? and sa3 the (econd ConH-ration: F.aG 'or sword or atha1e? sa3? "% conH-re thee? 5 (word F4tha1eG of (teel? b3 the Great Gods and the Gentle Goddesses? b3 the 0irt-e of the 6ea0ens? of the (tars? of the ("irits who "reside o0er the1? that tho- 1a3est recei0e s-ch 0irt-es that % 1a3 obtain the end that % desire in all things wherein % shall -se thee? b3 the "ower of 4radia and Cern-nnos." F.bG 'or an3 other tool? sa3? "4radia and Cern-nnos? bless this instr-1ent "re"ared in thine hono-r." C'or the sco-rge or cords? add? "That it 1a3 onl3 ser0e for a good -se and end? and to th3 Glor3."D F4G 4ll instr-1ents when consecrated sho-ld be "resented to their !ser b3 gi0ing the F"oint=down 45/52

Gardnerian book of shadows triangleG sign sal-te Cif the3 are working in the 1st degree? or the sign of the higher degree if the3 are working that.D F5G Then the one who is not the owner sho-ld gi0e the 'i0efold 7iss to the owner. 'or the final kiss? the tool sho-ld be "laced between the breasts? and the two workers sho-ld e1brace for as long as the3 feel like? it being held in "lace b3 their bodies. The new owner sho-ld -se it i11ediatel3? i.e.? cast CtraceD Circle with (word or 4tha1e? wa0e wand to 4 ;-arters? c-t so1ething with white= handled knife? etc. Cords and sco-rge sho-ld be -sed at once. The tool sho-ld be ke"t in as close connection as "ossible to the naked bod3 for at least a 1onth? i.e.? ke"t -nder "illow? etc. +hen not in -se? all tools and wea"ons sho-ld be "-t awa3 in a secret "laceE and it is good that this sho-ld be near 3o-r slee"ing "lace? and that 3o- handle the1 each night before retiring. Do not allow an3one to to-ch or handle an3 of 3o-r tools -ntil the3 are thoro-ghl3 i1"regnated with 3o-r a-raE sa3? si< 1onths or as near as "ossible. :-t a co-"le working together 1a3 own the sa1e tools? which will be i1"regnated with the a-ra of both.

The )ld Laws

C1)$1D F4G The aw was 1ade and 4rdane of old. The law was 1ade for the +icca? to ad0ise and hel" in their tro-bles. The +icca sho-ld gi0e d-e worshi" to the Gods and obe3 their will? which the3 4rdane? for it was 1ade for the good of the +icca? 4s the F5G +icca>s worshi" is good for the Gods? 'or the Gods lo0e the +icca. 4s a 1an lo0eth a wo1an? b3 1astering her? so the +icca sho-ld lo0e the Gods? b3 being 1astered b3 the1. 4nd it is necessar3 that the Circle? which is the Te1"le of the Gods? sho-ld be tr-l3 cast and "-rified? that it F1*G 1a3 be a fit "lace for the Gods to enter. 4nd the +icca sho-ld be "ro"erl3 "re"ared and "-rified? to enter into the "resence of the Gods. +ith lo0e and worshi" in their hearts the3 shall raise "ower fro1 their bodies to gi0e "ower to the Gods? as has been ta-ght -s of old? F15G 'or in this wa3 onl3 1a3 1an ha0e co11-nion with the Gods? for the Gods cannot hel" 1an witho-t the hel" of 1en. F:G 4nd the 6igh 8riestess shall r-le her Co0en as re"resentati0e of the Goddess? and the 6igh 8riest shall s-""ort her as the re"resentati0e of the God? 4nd the 6igh 8riestess shall choose who1 she F2*G will? if he ha0e s-fficient rank? to be her 6igh 8riestD? 'or the God hi1self? kissed her feet in the fi0efold sal-te? la3ing his "ower at the feet of the Goddess? beca-se of her 3o-th and bea-t3? her sweetness and kindness? her wisdo1 and @-stice? her h-1ilit3 and generosit3. (o he resigned his lordshi" to her. :-t the 8riestess sho-ld F25G e0er 1ind that all "ower co1es fro1 hi1. %t is onl3 lent when it is -sed wisel3 and H-stl3. 4nd the greatest 0irt-e of a 6igh 8riestess is that she recogniBes that 3o-th is necessar3 to the re"resentati0e of the Goddess? so that she will retire gracef-ll3 in fa0o-r of a 3o-nger wo1an? (ho-ld the Co0en so decide in Co-ncil? 'or the tr-e F.*G 6igh 8riestess realiBes that gracef-ll3 s-rrendering "ride of "lace is one of the greatest of 0irt-es? and t hat thereb3 she will ret-rn to that "ride of "lace in another life? with greater "ower and bea-t3. FCG %n the da3s when +itchdo1 e<tended far? we were free and worshi""ed in 4ll their Greatest Te1"les? b-t in these -nha""3 ti1es F.5G we 1-st hold o-r sacred 13steries in secret. (o it be 4rdane? that none b-t the +icca 1a3 see o-r 13steries? for o-r ene1ies are 1an3? 4nd tort-re looseth the tong-es of 1an3. %t be 4rdane that each Co0en shall not know where the ne<t Co0en bide? or who its 1e1bers are? sa0e the 8riest and 8riestess? F4*G That there shall be no co11-nication between the1? sa0e b3 the Messenger of the Gods? or the (-11oner. 5nl3 if it be safe? 1a3 the Co0ens 1eet? in so1e safe "lace? for the great festi0als. 4nd while there? none shall sa3 whence the3 co1e? or gi0e their tr-e na1es? to the end that? if an3 are tort-red? in their agon3? 4$/52

Gardnerian book of shadows the3 can F45G not tell if the3 know not. (o it be 4rdane that no one 1a3 tell an3 not of the Craft who be of the +icca? nor gi0e an3 na1es? or where the3 bide? or in an3 wa3 tell an3thing which can betra3 an3 to o-r foes? nor 1a3 the3 tell where the Co0enstead be? or where is the Co0endo1? F5*G or where be the 1eeting s or that there ha0e been 1eetings. 4nd if an3 break these laws? e0en -nder tort-re? The C-rse of the Goddess shall be -"on the1? so the3 ne0er reborn on earth? 4nd 1a3 the3 re1ain where the3 belong? in the 6ell of the Christians. FDG et each 6igh 8riestess go0ern her Co0en with @-stice and F55G lo0e? with the hel" of the ad0ice of the elders? alwa3s heeding the ad0ice of the Messenger of the Gods? if he co1eth. (he will heed all co1"laints of brothers? and stri0e to settle all differences a1ong the1? b-t it 1-st be recogniBed that there be "eo"le who will e0er stri0e to force others to do as the3 will. F$*G The3 are not necessaril3 e0il? and the3 often do ha0e good ideas? and s-ch ideas sho-ld be talked o0er in co-ncil. 4nd if the3 will not agree with their brothers? or if the3 sa3? "% will not work -nder this 6igh 8riestess?" it hath alwa3s been the old law to be con0enient for the brethren? and to 0oid dis"-tes? an3 of the Third F$5G 1a3 clai1 to fo-nd a new Co0en beca-se the3 li0e o0er a leag-e fro1 the Co0enstead? or are abo-t to do so. 4n3one li0ing within the Co0endo1 wishing to for1 a new Co0en? to a0oid strife? shall tell the 2lders of his intention and on the instant 0oid his dwelling and re1o0e to the new Co0endo1. Me1bers of the old Co0en 1a3 Hoin the /ew one when it be for1ed? b-t if the3 do? 1-st -tterl3 0oid the old Co0en. The 2lders of the /ew and the 5ld Co0ens sho-ld 1eet in "eace and brotherl3 lo0e? to decide the new bo-ndaries. Those of the Craft who dwell o-tside both Co0endo1s 1a3 Hoin either indifferent? b-t not both? tho-gh all 1a3? if the 2lders F&5G agree? 1eet for the Great 'esti0als? if it be tr-l3 in "eace and brotherl3 lo0e. :-t s"litting the co0en oft 1eans strife? so for this reason these laws were 1ade of old? 4nd 1a3 the c-rse of the Goddess be on an3 who disregard the1. (o be it ardane. F2G %f 3o- wo-ld 7ee" a book let it be in 3o-r own hand of write. F9*G et brothers and sisters co"3 what the3 will? b-t ne0er let the book o-t of 3o-r hands? and ne0er kee" the writings of another? for if it be fo-nd in their hand of write? the3 well 1a3 be taken and enHoined. 2ach sho-ld g-ard his own writings and destro3 it whene0er danger threatens. earn as 1-ch as 3o- 1a3 b3 heart? and when danger is F95G "ast? rewrite 3o-r book an it be safe. 'or this reason? if an3 die? destro3 their book if the3 ha0e not been able to? for an it be fo-nd? >tis clear "roof against the1? 4nd o-r o""ressors well know? "Ae 1a3 not be a witch alone" (o all their kin and friends be in danger of tort-re. (o e0er destro3 an3thing not necessar3. F)*G %f 3o-r book be fo-nd on 3o-. >tis clear "roof against 3o- alone. Ao- 1a3 be enHoined. 7ee" all tho-ghts of the Craft fro1 3o-r 1ind. (a3 3ohad bad drea1sE a de0il ca-sed 3o- to write it witho-t 3o-r knowledge. Think to 3o-rself? "% know nothing. % re1e1ber nothing. % ha0e forgotten e0er3thing." Dri0e this F)5G into 3o-r 1ind. %f the tort-re be too great to bear? sa3? "% will confess. % cannot bear this tort-re. +hat do 3o- want 1e to sa3K Tell 1e and % will sa3 it." %f the3 tr3 to 1ake 3o- s"eak of the brotherhood? Do /5T? b-t if the3 tr3 to 1ake 3o- s"eak of F1**G i1"ossibilities? s-ch as fl3ing thro-gh the air? consorting with the Christian De0il? or sacrificing children? or eating 1en>s flesh? to obtain relief fro1 tort-re? sa3? "% had an e0il drea1. % was not 13self. % was craBed." /ot all Magistrates are bad. %f there F1*5G be an e<c-se the3 1a3 show 1erc3. %f 3o- ha0e confessed a-ght? den3 it afterwardsE sa3 3o- babbled -nder tort-re? 3o- knew not what 3o- did or said. %f 3o- are conde1ned? fear not. The :rotherhood is "owerf-l. The3 1a3 hel" 3o- to esca"e? if 3o- stand steadfast? b-t if 3o- betra3 a-ght? there is no ho"e for 3o-? in this F11*G life? or in that which is to co1e. :e s-re? if steadfast 3o- go to the "3re? Dwale will reach 3o-. Ao- will feel na-ght. Ao- go b-t to o Death and what lies be3ond? the ecstas3 of the Goddess. F'G >Tis "robable that before 3o- are enHoined? Dwale will reach 3o-. F115G 4lwa3s re1e1ber that Christians fear 1-ch that an3 die -nder tort-re. 4t the first sign of swoon? the3 ca-se it to be 4&/52

Gardnerian book of shadows sto""ed? and bla1e the tor1enters. 'or that reason? the tor1enters the1sel0es are a"t to feign to tor1ent? b-t do not? so it is best not to die at first. %f Dwale reaches 3o-? >tis a sign that 3o- ha0e a friend so1ewhere. F12*G Ao- 1a3 be hel"ed to esca"e? so des"air not. %f the worst co1es? and 3ogo to the "3re? wait till the fla1es and s1oke s"ring -"? bend 3o-r head o0er? and breath in with long breaths. Ao- choke and die swiftl3? and wake in the ar1s of the Goddess. FGG To 0oid disco0er3? let the working tools F125G be as ordinar3 things that an3 1a3 ha0e in their ho-ses. et the 8entacles be of wa<? so the3 1a3 be broken at once. 6a0e no sword -nless 3o-r rank allows 3o- one. 6a0e no na1es or signs on an3thing. +rite the na1es and signs on the1 in ink before consecrating the1 and wash it off i11ediatel3 after. Do not :igra0e the1? F1.*G lest the3 ca-se disco0er3. et the colo-r of the hilts tell which is which. F6G 20er re1e1ber? 3e are the 6idden Children of the Gods. (o ne0er do an3thing to disgrace the1. /e0er boast? /e0er threaten? /e0er sa3 3o- wo-ld wish ill to an3one. %f 3o- or an3 not in the Circle s"eak of the Craft? F1.5G sa3? "("eak not to 1e of s-ch. %t frightens 1e. >Tis e0il l-ck to s"eak of it." 'or this reason: the Christians ha0e s"ies e0er3where. These s"eak as if the3 were well affected? as if the3 wo-ld co1e to Meetings? sa3ing? "M3 1other -sed to go to worshi" the 5ld 5nes. % wo-ld that % co-ld go 13self." 4 To these e0er den3 all knowledge. F14*G :-t to others e0er sa3? ">Tis foolish 1en talk of witches fl3ing thro-gh the airE to do so the3 1-st be light as thistledown?" and "Men sa3 that witches all be bleared=e3ed old crones? so what "leas-re can there be in witch 1eetings s-ch as folk talk onK" (a3? "Man3 wise 1en now sa3 there be no s-ch creat-res." 20er F145G 1ake it a Hest? and in so1e f-t-re ti1e? "erha"s the "ersec-tion will die? and we 1a3 worshi" safel3 again. et -s all "ra3 for that ha""3 da3. F%G Ma3 the blessings of the Goddess and the God be on all who kee" these laws which are 4rdane. F@G %f the Craft hath an3 4""anage? let all brothers g-ard it? and hel" to kee" it clear and good for the Craft? and let all H-stl3 g-ard all 1onies of the Craft. :-t if so1e brothers tr-l3 wro-ght it? >tis right that the3 ha0e their "a3? an it be H-st? an this be not taking F5G 1one3 for the -se of the 4rt? b-t for good and honest work. 4nd e0en the Christians sa3? "4 labo-rer is worth3 of his hire." :-t if an3 brotherswillingl3 for the good of the craft witho-t "a3? >tis b-t to their greater hono-r. (o it be 4rdane. F7G %f there be an3 dis"-tes or ;-arrels a1ong the brethren? the F1*G 6igh 8riestess shall straight con0ene the 2lders and en;-ire into the 1atter? and the3 shall hear both sides? first alone? then together? and the3 shall decide H-stl3? not fa0o-ring the one side or the other? e0er recogniBing that there be "eo"le who can ne0er agree to work -nder others? b-t at the sa1e ti1e there be so1e "eo"le who F15G cannot r-le H-stl3. To those who e0er 1-st be chief? there is one answer? "#oid the Co0en and seek an other? or 1ake a Co0en of 3o-r own? taking with 3o- those who will to go." To those who cannot r-le H-stl3? the answer be? "Those who cannot bear 3o-r r-le will lea0e 3o-?" for none 1a3 co1e to 1eetings with those with who1 the3 are at F2*G 0arianceE so? an either cannot agree? get hence? for the Craft 1-st e0er s-r0i0e. (o it be 4rdane. F G %n the olden da3s when we had "ower? we co-ld -se o-r 4rts against an3 who ill=treated an3 of the :rotherhood? b-t in these e0il ti1es? we 1a3 not do so? for o-r ene1ies ha0e de0ised a b-rning F25G "it of e0erlasting fire? into which the3 sa3 their God casteth all the "eo"le who worshi" hi1? e<ce"t it be the 0er3 few who are released b3 their "riests> s"ells and Masses? and this be chiefl3 b3 gi0ing 1one3 and rich gifts to recei0e his fa0o-r? for their 4lther Greatest God FGreatest God of allG is e0er i n need of Mone3. F.*G :-t as o-r Gods need o-r aid to 1ake fertilit3 for 1en and cro"s? (o the God of the Christians is e0er in need of 1an>s hel" to search o-t and destro3 -s. Their "riests tell the1 that an3 who get o-r hel" or o-r c-res are da1ned to the 6ell fore0er? so 1en be 1ad for the terror of it. :-t the3 1ake 1en F.5G belie0e that the3 1a3 sca"e this hell if the3 gi0e 0icti1s to the 49/52

Gardnerian book of shadows tor1enters. (o for this reason all be fore0er s"3ing? thinking? "4n % can b-t catch one of the +icca % will sca"e this fier3 "it." :-t we ha0e o-r hidels? and 1en searching long and not finding sa3? "there be none? or if the3 be? the3 be in a far co-ntr3." F4*G :-t when one of o-r o""ressors die? or e0en be sick? e0er is the cr3? "This be +itches Malice?" and the h-nt is -" again. 4nd tho-gh the3 sla3 ten of their "eo"le to one of o-rs? still the3 care notE the3 ha0e 1an3 tho-sands? while we are few indeed. (o it is 4rdane that none shall -se the 4rt in an3 wa3 to do ill F45G to an3? howe0er1-ch the3 ha0e inH-red -s. 4nd for long we ha0e obe3ed this law? "6ar1 none" and nowti1es 1an3 belie0e we e<ist not. (o it be 4rdane that this law shall still contin-e to hel" -s in o-r "light. /o one? howe0er great an inH-r3 or inH-stice the3 recei0e? 1a3 -se the 4rt in an3 to do ill or har1 an3. F5*G :-t the3 1a3? after great cons-ltations with all? -se the 4rt to "re0ent or restrain Christians fro1 har1ing -s and others? b-t onl3 to let or constrain the1 and ne0er to "-nish? to this end. Men sa3? "(-ch an one is a 1ight3 searcher o-t and "ersec-tor of 5ld +o1en who1 he dee1eth to be +itches? F55G and none hath done hi1 (kith Fhar1G? so this be "roof the3 cannot? o r 1ore tr-l3? that there be none?" 'or all know f-ll well that so 1an3 folk ha0e died beca-se so1eone had a gr-dge against the1? or were "ersec-ted beca-se the3 had 1one3 or goods to seiBe? or beca-se the3 had none to bribe the searchers. 4nd 1an3 ha0e died F$*G beca-se the3 were scolding old wo1en? so 1-ch so that 1en now sa3 that onl3 old wo1en are witches? and this be to o-r ad0antage? and t-rns s-s"icion awa3 fro1 -s. %n 2ngland >tis now 1an3 a 3ear since a witch hath died the death? b-t an3 1is-se of the "ower 1ight raise the 8ersec-tion againE so ne0er break this law? F$5G howe0er 1-ch 3o- are te1"ted? and ne0er consent to its being broken. %f 3o- know it is being broken in the least? 3o- 1-st work strongl3 against it? and an3 6igh 8riestess or 6igh 8riest who consents to it 1-st be i11ediatel3 de"osed? for >tis the blood of the :rethren the3 endanger. Do good? an it be safe? and onl3 if F&*G it be safe? for an3 talk 1a3 endanger -s. FMG 4nd strictl3 kee" to the 5ld aw? ne0er acce"t 1one3 for the -se of the art. %t is Christian "riests and sorcerers who acce"t 1one3 for the -se of their 4rts? and the3 sell Dwale and e0il lo0e s"ells and "ardons to let 1en sca"e fro1 their sins. F&5G :e not as these. :e not as these. %f 3oacce"t not 1one3? 3o- will be free of te1"tation to -se the 4rt for e0il ca-ses. F/G Ao- 1a3 -se the 4rt for 3o-r own ad0antage? or for the ad0antage of the Craft? onl3 if 3o- be s-re 3o- har1 none. :-t e0er let the Co0en debate the 1atter at length. 5nl3 if all are satisfied that none 1a3 be har1ed F9*G 1a3 the 4rt be -sed. %f it is not "ossible to achie0e 3o-r ends one wa3 witho-t har1ing an3? "erchance the ai1 1a3 be achie0ed b3 acting in a different wa3? so as to har1 none. Ma3 the C-rse of the Goddess be on an3 who breach this law. (o it be 4redane. F5G >Tis adH-dged lawf-l an an3one need a ho-se or land? an none will F95G sell? to incline the owner>s 1ind to be willing to sell? "ro0ided it har1eth hi1 not in an3 wa3? and that the f-ll worth is "aid? witho-t haggling. /e0er bargain or chea"en an3thing which 3o- b-3 b3 the 4rt. (o it be 4rdane. F8G %t is the 5ld aw and the 1ost i1"ortant of all aws F)*G that no one 1a3 do or sa3 an3thing which will endanger an3 of the Craft? or bring the1 in contact with the law of the land? or the aw of the Ch-rch or an3 of o-r "ersec-tors. %n an3 dis"-tes between the brethren? no one 1a3 in0oke an3 laws b-t those of the Craft? or an3 Trib-nal b-t that of the 8riestess and the 8riest and the F)5G 2lders. 4nd 1a3 the C-rse of the Goddess be on an3 who so do. (o it be 4rdane. FIG %t is not forbidden to sa3 as Christians do? "There be +itchcraft in the and?" beca-se o-r o""ressors of old 1ade it 6eres3 not to belie0e in +itchcraft? and so a cri1e to den3 it? which thereb3 "-t F1**G 3o- -nder s-s"icion. :-t e0er sa3 "% know not of it here? "erchance the3 1a3 be? b-t afar off. % know not where." :-t e0er s"eak so 3o- ca-se others to do-bt the3 be as the3 are. 4lwa3s s"eak of the1 as old crones? consorting with the De0il and riding thro-gh the air. :-t e0er 4)/52

Gardnerian book of shadows sa3? ":-t how 1a3 1en ride thro-gh the air an the3 be not F1*5G as light as thistledownK" :-t the c-rse of the Goddess be on an3 who cast an3 s-s"icion on an3 of the :rotherhood? or s"eaks of an3 real 1eeting "lace? or where an3 bide. (o it be 4rdane. F,G et the Craft kee" books with the na1es of all 6erbs which are good for 1an? and all c-res? that all 1a3 learn. :-t kee" F11*G another book with all the :anes F"oisonsG and 4"ies. and let onl3 the elders and tr-stworth3 "eo"le ha0e this knowledge. (o it be 4rdane. F(G 4nd 1a3 the :lessings of the Gods be on all who kee" these aws and the C-rses of both God and Goddess be on all who break the1 (o it be 4rdane. FThe following two sections were added after 1)$*.G FTG ,e1e1ber the 4rt is the secret of the Gods and 1a3 onl3 be -sed in earnest and ne0er for show or 0ainglor3. Magicians and Christians 1a3 ta-nt -s? sa3ing? "Ao- ha0e no "ower. Do 1agic before o-r e3es. Then onl3 will we belie0e?" seeking to ca-se -s to betra3 o-r 4rt before the1. 6eed the1 not? for the 4rt is hol3? and 1a3 onl3 be -sed in need. 4nd the c-rse of the Gods be on an3 who break this law. F!G %t e0er be the wa3 with wo1en? and with 1en also? that the3 e0er seek new lo0e? nor sho-ld we re"ro0e the1 for this? b-t it 1a3 be fo-nd to disad0antage the Craft? as so 1an3 a ti1e it has ha""ened that a 6igh 8riest or 6igh 8riestess? i1"elled b3 lo0e? hath de"arted with their lo0eE that is? the3 ha0e left the co0en. /ow? if a 6igh 8riestess wishes to resign? she 1a3 do so in f-ll Co0en? and this resignation is 0alid. :-t if the3 sho-ld r-n off witho-t resigning? who 1a3 know if the3 1a3 not ret-rn w within a few 1onthsK (o the law is? if a 6igh 8riestess lea0es her co0en? b-t ret-rns within the s"ace of a 3ear and a da3? then she shall be taken back? and all shall be as before. Meanwhile? if she has a de"-t3? that de"-t3 shall act as 6igh 8riestess for as long as the 6igh 8riestess is awa3. %f she ret-rns not at the end of a 3ear and a da3? then shall the co0en elect a new 6igh 8riestess. !nless there be a good reason to the contrar3. The "erson who has done the work sho-ld rea" the benefit of the reward? Maiden and de"-t3 of the 6igh 8riestess.

KKK:4 M3 ad3 2"ona "oints o-t that this is "recisel3 what Charles Cardell had clai1edE that is? this "aragra"h is a res"onse to Cardell? and so it was "robabl3 inserted into the Craft aws after the r-n= in with the Cardells and 5li0e Green in 1)5). This again is an indication that Gardner did not "ro1-lgate the Craft aws as a doc-1ent for the :ook of (hadows -ntil abo-t 1)$*? when Mr. I was initiated.


Gardnerian book of shadows

The Verse Charge

C1)$1D % the Mother? darkso1e and di0ine? (a3 to thee? 5h children 1ine C4ll 3e asse1bled at 1ine (hrineD? Mine the sco-rge and 1ine the kiss The fi0e="oint star of lo0e and bliss 6ere % charge 3e in this sign. C4ss-1e Goddess "osition.D 4ll 3e asse1bled here tonight :ow before 13 s"irit bright 4"hrodite? 4rianrhod? o0er of the 6orned God? Might3 I-een of +itcher3 and night 4starte? 6ecate? 4shtaroth? Dione? CMorrigan? 2tain? /iseneD? Diana? :rigid? Mel-sine? 41 % na1ed of old b3 1en? 4rte1is and Cerridwen? 6ell>s dark 1istress? 6ea0en>s I-een. C+hene>er tro-ble co1es anoonD 4ll who wo-ld learn of 1e a ,-ne 5r wo-ld ask of 1e a boon? Meet 3e in so1e secret glade Dance 13 ro-nd in greenwood shade? b3 the light of the f-ll 1oon. C%n a "lace wild and loneD +ith the co1rades alone Dance abo-t 13 altar stone. +ork 13 hol3 Magistr3?Ae who are fain of sorcer3? % bring 3e secrets 3et -nknown. C+hate>er tro-bles co1e to theeD? /o 1ore shall 3e know sla0er3 +ho gi0e d-e worshi" -nto 1e? +ho tread 13 ro-nd on (abbat=night. Co1e 3e all naked to the rite? %n token 3e be tr-l3 free. % teach the 13ster3 of rebirth? 7ee" 3e 13 13steries in 1irth 6eart Hoined to heart? and li" to li"? 'i0e are the "oints of fellowshi" That bring 3e ecstas3 on 2arth. % ask no offerings? do b-t bow? /o other law b-t lo0e % know? :3 na-ght b-t lo0e % 1a3 be known? 4ll that li0eth is 1ine own 'ro1 1e the3 co1e? to 1e the3 go.

Casting and Charging

C1)$1D F1G 'or1ing Circle. ight candles. 1. Draw Circle with Magic (word or 4tha1e. 2. ("rinkle with consecrated water. .. Cense. 4. (a3? "% conH-re thee? 5 Circle of 8ower? that tho- be a :o-ndar3 and a 8rotection and a 1eeting "lace between the world of 1en and the real1s of the Might3 5nes? 4 G-ardian and a 8rotection that shall "reser0e and contain the 8ower which we shall raise within thee? +herefore do % :less and Consecrate thee." 5. (a3 "% s-11on? (tir? and Call Thee -"? Ae Might3 5nes of the C2ast? (o-th? +est? /orthD To witness the ,ites and to g-ard the Circle." F2G Closing Circle. (a3? "Might3 5nes of the C2ast? (o-th? +est? /orthD? % thank 3o- for attending? and ere 3o- de"art for 3o-r lo0el3 real1s? % sa3 6ail and 'arewell." F.G Consecration of +ater and (alt. To-ch water with 4tha1e? sa3ing? "% e<orcise thee? 5 Creat-re of +ater? that tho- cast o-t fro1 51/52

Gardnerian book of shadows thee all the i1"-rities and -ncleannesses of the s"irits of the +orld of 8hantas1? %n the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos." To-ching (alt with 4tha1e? sa3? ":lessings be -"on this creat-re of (alt. et all 1alignit3 and hindrance be cast forth hencefro1 and let all good enter herein. +herefore % bless thee that tho1a3est aid 1e? %n the na1es of 4radia and Cern-nnos." F4G Drawing Down the Moon. "% in0oke Thee and call -"on Thee? 5h Might3 Mother of -s 4ll? :ringer of all 'r-itf-lness. :3 (eed and ,oot? b3 (te1 and :-d? b3 eaf and 'lower and 'r-it? b3 ife and o0e? Do +e in0oke Thee to descend -"on the bod3 of Th3 ser0ant and 8riestess Cna1eD." 6igh 8riest and other 1en gi0e 'i0efold 7iss. +o1en all bow.

For%ing the Circle,

C1)$1D F1G M-st ha0e a 1an and a wo1an? "ro"erl3 "re"ared? i.e.? naked. F2G Mark a circle nine feet across on the floor with chalk? etc. The best wa3 is to get a string. Tie 2 loo"s fo-r foot? si< inches a"art. 8-t one loo" o0er a nail or so1ething in the center. 8-t chalk in the other and r-n it ro-nd. %f 3o- can>t 1ake 1arks on the floor? "-t f-rnit-re? etc.? ro-nd to for1 it. 6a0e a table? etc.? as an 4ltar? with all tools? etc.? on it. 6a0e a bowl of water? and so1e salt. F.G 8lace 4tha1e on the bowl of water. (a3? "% e<orcise thee? 5 creat-re of +ater? that tho- cast o-t fro1 Thee all the i1"-rities and -ncleannesses of the ("irits of the +orld of 8hantas1 in the na1e of 4radia and Cern-nnos. :-t e0er 1ind that +ater "-rifies the bod3? b-t the sco-rge "-rifies the so-l." F4G Then "lace 4tha1e on the salt. (a3? ":lessings be -"on this creat-re of (alt. et all 1alignit3 and hindrance be cast forth hencefro1? and let all good enter herein. +herefore % bless thee that tho- 1a3est aid 1e? in the na1e of 4radia and Cern-nnos. F5G Then trace Circle on the lines 3o- ha0e 1arked o-t? starting at the 2ast and ret-rning to the 2ast. C4lwa3s go ro-nd the circle with 3o-r ,ight hand to the 4ltar. /e0er go +iddershins.D Then "-t the (alt into the water. and go ro-nd the circle again? s"rinkling it to "-rif3 it. Then go ro-nd again censing it. C20er3one in the circle 1-st be s"rinkled and censed.D F$G Then go to the 2ast? (word or 4tha1e in hand. Draw an in0oking "entacle in the 4ir? starting at the to" and going to the lefthand corner? sa3ing? "% s-11on? and call thee -"? 5 Ae Might3 ones of the 2ast? to g-ard the Circle and witness o-r rites." Then holding the "oint of sword or 4tha1e -"wards? do the sa1e to the so-th? west? and north? and ret-rn to the center? to the so-th of the 4ltar. F&G Then each girl sho-ld bind her 1an? hands behind back and cable Tow to neck. 6e sho-ld kneel at altar? and be sco-rged. +hen all 1en are th-s ""-rified?" the3 "-rif3 the girls in t-rn. /o one 1a3 be in the circle witho-t being th-s "-rified. F9G Then do whate0er work wanted. F)G +hen closing the Circle? the 6igh 8riestess? or whoe0er she tells to do it? sa3ing? "6ail? 3e 1ight3 ones of the 2ast. % thank 3o- for attending? and ere 3e de"art for 3o-r lo0el3 real1s? +e sa3? 6ail and 'arewell." 52/52

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