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Assessment of Sleep Patterns

It is not enough to ask, Did you sleep well last night? A nurse must inquire if the client has had difficulty falling asleep, e periences early awakening without the a!ility to return to sleep, and feels well rested in the morning" #urther, the nurse should ask if the client feels fatigued and sleepy during the day" $uestions for the nurse to ask include% &ow long does it take you to fall asleep at night? Do you awaken during the night? If yes, how many times in a typical night? If you do awaken at night, can you get !ack to sleep? Do you feel well rested in the morning? Do you ha'e enough energy to perform your task during the day? Do you find yourself nodding off or sleeping during classes or meeting or while watching () or mo'ies? *ow ask yourself these questions and place answers in the portfolio" +'aluate with the client whether there ha'e !een any en'ironmental changes associated with the !edroom or household that could !e influencing changes in sleep cycle" $uestions to ask are% &a'e you changed where you sleep? &a'e there !een any changes in your household that could affect your sleeping? &a'e there !een any changes in your en'ironment ,neigh!ors, traffic- that could affect your sleeping?

Determine whether there ha'e !een any emotional stressors that could !e contri!uting to an ina!ility to sleep" A question for the nurse to ask is% Do you find yourself awake at night worrying a!out a pro!lem or an upcoming acti'ity?

. /omplete and place in portfolio folder" #risch, *" /", 0 #risch, 1" +" ,2332-" (he client with disorders of self4regulation" In Psychiatric and 5ental &ealth *ursing, 2nd ed" P"673" Delmar% Australia"


(echniques of Sleep &ygiene

:estrict !ed and !edroom to sleep and se ual acti'ities" Do not read, watch tele'ision, or do other acti'ities in !ed" If sleepless, do not lie in !ed for hours staring at the walls or clock" If you do not fall asleep after ;8 or 23 minutes, it is !est to get up and do something quiet until you !ecome drowsy" (ry to get up at the same time each day, regardless of when you went to !ed" (his will help esta!lish a sleep4wake rhythm" + ercise each day, prefera!ly in late afternoon" 5ake sure the !edroom is quiet, dark and comforta!le in temperature ,<=8#-" A light snack may help, possi!le with warm milk" A hea'y meal will not help" If gastroesophageal reflu ,an occasional cause of insomnia- has !een diagnosed, ne'er eat within 7 hours of sleeping" A'oid day4time napping" /affeine in the e'ening distur!s sleep, e'en if you do not think so> Alcohol causes fragmented sleep, especially if consumed immediately !efore sleep !ut also earlier in the day" ?tili@e acti'ities such as warm !ath, massage, her!al tea, a light snack, soft music etc" that promote sleep" Schedule time to wind down and rela !efore !ed" A'oid worrying a!out trying to sleep" If your alarm clockAs ticking keep you awake at night, get a quieter one" Position the clock so that you cannot see it" It is sometimes possi!le to !reak the cycle of insomnia !y deli!erately staying awake for an entire night"

If your !ed partner distracts you, consider mo'ing to another !edroom or sofa for a few nights" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Diehl, (" S, 0 Cold!erg, D" ,2336-" Sleep disorders" In Psychiatric *ursing made Incredi!ly +asy" ,p" 238-, 1ippincott Eilliams 0 Eilkins% Philadelphia"


#risch, *" /", 0 #risch, 1" +" ,2332-" (he client with disorders of self4regulation" In Psychiatric and 5ental &ealth *ursing, 2 nd ed" P" 62=" Delmar% Alustralia" Gohnson, S" 1" ,;FFH-" ;, 2, 7As (herapistAs Cuide to /linical Inter'ention" Academic Press% *ew Iork"


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