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A Survey of healthy lifestyle among undergraduates of IPG Campus Perlis The objective of this survey is to find out the

status of healthy lifestyle among the second year PJ course at Campus IPG, Perlis. The sample of this survey consists of 2 respondents. !ection " of the #uestionnaire dealt $ith the demography of the respondents $hile section % contained &' statements regarding healthy lifestyle. (n 2) July 2 &*, #uestionnaires $ere distributed to 2 undergraduates of second year PJ course at Campus IPG, Perlis. Items in the #uestionnaires $ere later analy+ed to determine the fre#uency and percentage of fre#uency by using a score of & to '. The fre#uency and percentage of fre#uency as analy+ed according to the respondents, age, gender and level of education revealed that ' - of the respondents $ere male students $hile the other ' - $ere female. "nalysis also sho$ed .'- of the respondents $ere&) years old, & - $ere 2 years old and only '- $ere 2& years old. /egarding the level of education, analysis sho$ed )'- of the respondents had !P0 #ualification $hile '- of the remainder had !TP0 #ualification. Contents in section % consisted of &' statements regarding healthy lifestyle. Item & states health is important. "nalysis sho$ed *'- of the respondents strongly agree, * - agree, &'- remain neutral, & - chose to disagree $hile & - of the remainder strongly disagree. Item 2 states regular body chec12up is needed. "nalysis sho$ed * of the respondents strongly agree, 2'- agree, 2 - remain neutral, &'chose to disagree $hile & - of the remainder strongly disagree. Item * states body mass inde3 is ideal. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents agree, 2'- strongly agree, 2 - chose to disagree, &'- chose strongly disagree $hile & - of the remainder remained neutral.

Item 4 states ta1ing slimming pills pose danger to health. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents strongly agree, * - agree, 2 - remained neutral, &'- chose to disagree $hile '- of the remainder strongly disagree. Item ' states I do not smo1e. "nalysis sho$ed ''- of the respondents strongly agree, 2'- agree, &'- remain neutral and '- of the respondents chose to disagree. Item 5 states I am not easily prone to any allergies. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents strongly disagree, 2'- disagree, 2 - agree, & chose to strongly agree $hile &'- of the remainder remained neutral. Item 6 states I have never been in an abusive relationship. "nalysis sho$ed 4'- of the respondents strongly agree, * - agree and 2'remained neutral. Item . states I have not used any drugs $ithin the last * 4 - agree. There $as no indication of any scores of &, 2 and *. Item ) states I have not have five or more times of alcoholic drin1s at a sitting over the last * days. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents remained neutral, 2'- disagree, 2 - of the respondents chose to strongly disagree. &'- strongly agree $hile & - of the remainder agree. Item & states I al$ays engage in physical activity for at least half an hour every day. "nalysis sho$ed 4 - of the respondents strongly agree, 2 - agree, 2 - remained neutral and the remainder 2 - chose to disagree. Item && states I al$ays eat ' portions of fruit and vegetables a day. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents strongly agree, 2'- agree, &'remained neutral, &'- chose to disagree $hile &'- of the remainder strongly disagree. Item &2 states I seldom fall ill or sic1. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents strongly agree, 2 - agree, 2 - remained neutral, 2 - chose to disagree $hile & - of the remainder strongly disagree. days.

"nalysis sho$ed 5 - of the respondents strongly agree and the remainder

Item &* states I have eight hours of sleep every day. "nalysis sho$ed ' - of the respondents strongly disagree, 2 - disagree, & - remained neutral, & - chose to agree $hile & - of the remainder strongly agree. Item &4 states I drin1 6 to . glasses of $ater every day. "nalysis sho$ed *'- of the respondents strongly agree, * - agree, &'- remained neutral, & - chose to disagree $hile & - of the remainder strongly disagree. Item &' states I avoid having oily and greasy food in my diet. "nalysis sho$ed * - of the respondents disagree, 2'- strongly disagree, 2 remained neutral, &'- chose to agree $hile & - of the remainder strongly agree. 7rom chart & regarding item &, $hich states health is important, $e $ere able to conclude that majority of the respondents $ere a$are of their health because they agreed and strongly agreed to a score of 4 and ' respectively that good health $as of utmost important although some disagreed or remained neutral. To the latter $e assumed health $as secondary. The reason could be they put priority to important matters li1e authority, money, love and po$er. To the majority of the respondents, health $as e#uated to $ealth because they lived not for themselves but for their family, too. In comparison, items ranging from & to &', most of the respondents strongly agreed to item . $hich indicated that long2term drug usage could seriously harm their body, in particular, brain, lungs and cardiovascular system. They realised even if they $ere under peer pressure or curiosity, ta1ing illegal drugs should be shunned. "s for item &*, majority of the respondents strongly disagreed $ith the statement. The reason could be chasing deadline to complete assignments, $atching movie or chit2chatting $ith friends until $ee hours in the morning. 8ac1 of sleep and added stress e3posed oneself to greater ris1 of depression and an3iety, increased ris1 of heart disease and cancer, impaired memory, reduced immune system function, $eight gain and greater li1elihood of accidents. !o, a minimum of eight hours of sleep is needed. Therefore, $e need to set a regular bedtime sleep, learn to de2stress and e3ercise for good health.

This study sho$ed that majority of the respondents of second year PJ course in IPG Campus Perlis $ere a$are of their health status and refrained themselves from the ill2influence factors that $ould harm their health. 9o$ever, these findings $ere only true for IPG Campus Perlis,s second year PJ course undergraduates and should not be generali+ed to other IPG undergraduates in 0alaysia. The same study should be conducted $ith undergraduates from other IPGs, to see if there $ere any similarities $ith the factors that $ould influence undergraduates, choice in selecting the ans$er.

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