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Major Construction Branch comes under the purview Construction Sub Department. The main functions of the branch are Construction of rrigation and settlement projects for the conservation! diversion & distribution of water under gravit" & lift irrigation to new and e#isting lands for cultivation b" farmers and food crop productions. n corporation of h"dro power as far as possible in the construction of irrigation and settlement projects to enhance the electrical energ" resources. of Regional Development &

PROJECT Daduru Oya

DISTRICT Kuru a!a"a#Pu$$a"a%


PROJECT DURATIO N 200'#2012 200+#2012 2006#2017

Ra%(u))a Oya Da% Sa,-$y a d .a$-r R-/0ur1-/ P"a 2 ! Pr03-1$ U%a Oya D05 S$r-a% D-8-"0*%- $ Pr03-1$ R- A5a) 2 ! Pr03-1$ E%-r!- 1y N0r$;-r R-108-ry Pr03-1$

A%*ara A urada*ura4P0"0 aru5a4Tr2 1 0%a"--4Pu$$a"a%4Kuru a!a"a4Ma $a"-4Ha%(a $0$a Badu""a4 M0 ara!a"a

2'00 1+16

97'2:' Va8u 2ya 4K2"2 01;1;2 Va8u 2ya4 Ba$$21a"0a4 A%*ara4 Tr2 10%a"-2190 112:1+

2011#201' 200'#2011 2010#2011

I 0rd-r $0 ad%2 2/$-r $;- 0 !02 ! %a30r 10 /$ru1$20 *r03-1$/ 4 Pr03-1$ d2r-1$0r</ a d C;2-, R-/2d- $ E !2 --r</ O,,21- ;a8- (-- -/$a("2/;-d 2 Daduru Oya a d Ra%(u))a Oya = U%a Oya *r03-1$/ r-/*-1$28-"y: Ad%2 2/$ra$20 0, $;- a"" 0$;-r *r03-1$/ $;a$ 10%- u d-r $;- *ur82-5 0, Ma30r C0 /$ru1$20 Bra 1;4 ar- d0 - (y $;- r-/*-1$28- R-!20 a" D2r-1$0r/ a d D282/20 a" Irr2!a$20 E !2 --r/:

Deduru $"a %roject


The river Deduru $"a is the fourth largest river in the countr" flowing through &and"! Matale! &urunegala and %uttalam Districts. The river originates from the 'estern slopes of the &and" Matale hills. Catchments area of the river is ()(* s+.,m. -nnual discharge of the river is more than .*** MCM. -bout /*0 of the Deduru $"a catchment area comes under intermediate 1one and rest of the area in mountainous region falls under mid countr" wet 1one. The annual precipitation in the basin varies from ..** mm in the coastal region to ()** mm in mountainous region. Deduru $"a basin receives about 2*0 of the annual rainfall during inter monsoon months 3March! -pril! $ctober and 4ovember5! about 620 during South7'est monsoon months 3Ma" to September5! while remaining .20 during 4orth7'est monsoon months 3December to 8ebruar"5. The major tributaries of the Deduru $"a namel" Ratwila 9la! Di, $"a and &ospothu $"a in the upper reaches of the basin and &imbulwana $"a! :a,watuna $"a and Maguru $"a in the middle reaches of the basin confluence with the river upstream of the proposed dam site! while the other tributaries namel" &olamunu $"a! Thalagalla 9lla meet the river downstream of the proposed dam site. Deduru $"a and Mee $"a are two adjacent river basins located in the 4orth 'estern %rovince. More than ;* percent of the water resource in the water deficit Mee $"a basin is utili1ed for cultivation. But in the Deduru $"a basin much of the water resource has not "et been utili1ed. <ands in the Deduru $"a basin are almost developed and lands in the Mee $"a basin "et to be developed. Therefore it is planned to e#ploit the Deduru $"a water resources in improving the cropping intensit" of e#isting agricultural lands under minor irrigation schemes and to develop new lands in the Mee $"a and the Deduru $"a basins in view of enhancing productivit".


The proposed dam site is located about 6** meters upstream of the e#isting Ridi Bendi 9lla anicut and the proposed reservoir will interrupt a net catchment area of .=** s+.,ms. The %roject envisages construction of a >2 MCM reservoir across the Deduru $"a. Total Estimated Cost Catchments Area Storage ca acit! T! e o$ %am &ength o$ %am ()ll S) l! &e*el - Rs. 6200 Mn - 1400 Sq. Km "# MCM

- Earth $ill - 2.4 'm - "0 m. MS& - 2000 ha - Concrete, Radial gated -0. /0s0. - 44 'm - 22 'm - 1111# h.a - 62 7 - Rs. 28.0 Mn

&and in)ndated S ill+a! T! e

&ength o$ the &e$t 1an' canal &ength o$ the Right 1an' canal Total e3tend o$ &ands to 4e c)lti*ated 5*erall 6h!sical 6rogress at the end o$ 2011 5*erall (inancial 6rogress at the end o$ 2011 &and 9nn)ndation area

- 2000ha. in :ari!a ola, ;ane+atta and Maho < Mas otha %.S.%i*ision

3. PROJECT BENEFITS - Irrigation 3.1 LB Main Canal

-ugmentation of irrigation tan,s through a networ, of canal s"stem to (=** ha of padd" lands under minor irrigation s"stems and to develop )** ha of new lands in initials reaches of the proposed <B main canal for $8C cultivation under lift irrigation in Deduru $"a left ban,. Cope with water scarcit" under small tan,s is to improve cropping intensit" up to (.*. 3.2 Ri i B!n i Ela" Magalla #!#a -ugment irrigation water supplies to e#isting agriculture lands under Ridi Bendi 9lla ? Magalla Reservoir S"stem and provision of irrigation water to )** ha of stage ( area of the Magalla Reservoir scheme b" e#tending the e#isting right ban, canal s"stem. 3.3 RB Tran$ %a$in Canal -ugmentation of nginimiti"a Reservoir suppl"ing water to 6>.2 ha of e#isting agriculture lands under major?medium irrigation scheme in lower Mi $"a basin b" diverting water from proposed Deduru $"a Reservoir via a trans7basin diversion canal to nginimiti"a Reservoir. -ugment irrigation water supplies to .*** ha of e#isting agricultural lands under minor irrigation s"stems along the trans7basin diversion canal of the Deduru $"a reservoir. %roviding irrigation water to 6=** ha. of new and e#sisting lands agriculture lands under major?medium irrigation scheme in the Mi $"a basin. via a trans7basin diversion to nginimiti"a Reservoir.
3.& Po#!r '!n!ration( Drin)ing *at!r + Floo Control

:"dropower station of ..2 M' 36 units of *.2 M' capacit"5 will be located just downstream of the reservoir using irrigation and environmental release from the proposed reservoir. Suppl" drin,ing water to 2*!*** families in &urunegala and %uttalam Districts. mprove drin,ing water +ualit"! recharge @round 'ater -+uifers 7 mprove water table! 9nhance Micro Climate conditions. Regulate river flow in rain" seasons and minimi1e flood ris, and river ban, erosion at the lower reaches of the river.

3., E-ono.i-( So-ial + In/ra$tr0-t0r!

ncreases @ross Domestic %roduction. mprove livelihood practices? living standards? prevent "outh unrest. Rural development towards reduction of demographic transition. 4ew ? additional rural road networ, will be provided for lin,ing villages.

.2!*** farmer families will directl" be benefited b" the project while over 2*!*** families will indirectl" be benefited b" getting drin,ing water and gaining new emplo"ment opportunities etc.

3.1Ot2!r B!n!/it$ a5 -t the Spillwa" and the Bund construction sites! there are more than .2* s,illed and uns,illed laborers are engaged in different activities. These laborers are from nearb" villages and earn .(!*** to .2!*** rupees per month. The project is spending nearl" (.* Million rupees per month to pa" their wages and thus enhances the personal income level. b5 Aehicle owners living in the area got opportunit" to deplo" their small dump truc,s and tractors at the wor, site and thus enhances the personal income level. c5 More than .2!*** of students from Schools! Technical Colleges and Bniversities visited to the %roject site and gained ,nowledge about the rrigation Development %roject activities. d5 <arge number of trainees! from Bniversities and Technical colleges! in various disciplines gained opportunit" to develop their s,ills b" contributing to the project activities. e5 - few emplo"ment opportunities have been provided to +ualified personnel for performing tas, base duties in the wor, categories of 9ngineer! 9ngineering -ssistant! Draughtsman! Management -ssistant and Supervisor.


Progr!$$ 05 to 2611
Finan-ial P29$i-al ,7 8 ,& 8

nitial wor,s of the project was started in "ear (**2 with the activities related to land ac+uisition & resettlements. Construction wor,s in Deduru $"a Reservoir %roject was started in (**> and overall ph"sical progress of about )60 is acheived. /*0 of the Bund earthwor, is completed! /60 of the construction of <B & RB sluice /*0 completed. Construction of Spill 'a" started in (*.. and about =20 is completed. There are three R9Cs offices! R93:ead wor,s5! R9 3<B canal5 and R9 3RB Canal5! which are functioning under the %roject Director to carr" out construction wor,s. n addition to the permanent staff! 9ngineers! 9ngineering -ssistants! draughtsman and wor, supervisors are engaged on contract basis. Dear Total 9#penditure 3Rs. Millions5 =.; .2.* .)*.( ==>.. 2;.( .>;./ .).).6. 3:76.;1 (**) (**) (**> (**; (**/ (*.* (*.. Total

Bri!/ Not! on Con$tr0-tion A-ti<iti!$

Construction activities at the :ead 'or,s have been carried out on direct labour basis. Construction activities such as structures 3Bridges! Troughs etc5 under the main canal wor, have been carried out b" private contractors. rrigation Department has purchased *= truc,s! o( <oaders! o( D; Do1ers. *( 9#cavators! *2 Double cabs to deplo"ed at the site. 'ide varieties of vehicles and machineries have been hired from the suppliers at approved ratesE total number of hired machines is around .**.
Construction of reservoir 3earth dam5 was started in (**> and sheduled to be completed in (*.(. Construction of the left Ban, Main Canal and the canal sluice were started in (**; and construction wor, for the first =* ,m length of the canal completed b" the end of (*...

Construction of a Causewa" across the river! downstream of the Dam! had been completed b" the end of (**/ and was ceremoniall" opened b" the former 3onora%l! Mini$t!r Mr. Ra=a5a)$!.

Construction of the Right Ban, Main Canal was started b" the 3onara%l! Mini$t!r Mr. Siri5ala D! Sil<a in june! (*.* and =*0 of the wor, completed at the end of (*.. wor,s in progress. Construction of the Spill wa" across the river has been started in (**/ and concrete wor, is in progress.

&.1 T"pe

PRO'RESS OF CONSTRUCTION OF BUND 7 :omogenous 9arth 8ill 7 (=** m 7 /.2 Mn /* 0 >)(.=Mn E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million@


9stimated Cost

%h"sical %rogress at the end of December (*..7 9#penditure at the end of December (*.. 7

2661 .(.>

2667 .2*

266: (.=

2616 66*

2611 22.>

Total >)(.=

Construction of the Dam was started in (**>. - Core trench was e#cavated along the dam a#is up to the bed roc, level! removed e#isting sand" soil and bac, filled with high cla" soil. 8ractured ? weathered 1ones detected in the bed roc, were grouted with pressuri1ed cement mi#ture.

Pro%l!.$ En-o0nt!r! ?Da.@

'hen e#cavating the core trench! ban,s were collapsed and e#tra wor, had to be carried out for removing the soil. During rain" season water collected in to the trench and a huge e#pense had to be incurred to pump out water. Cla" soil has been ta,en from the selected borrow areas in the private lands after pa"ing compensation for the ownership. <and owners are reluctant to allow their lands to be used as borrow areas until compensations are paid.


Co.5l!t! in 266:
T"pe 7Concrete 7Rs. .).6 Mn

9stimated Cost

9#penditure at the end of December (*.. 7Rs. .=.( Mn. %h"sical %rogress at the end of December (*.. 7.**0

E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million$@ 2661 *.. 2667 2.* 266: ;./ 2616 *.( 2611 7 Total .=.(

Causewa" had been constructed across the Deduru $"a! downstream of the spillwa"! with concrete piers and precast concrete beams. The causewa" lin,s two villages on the left & the right ban,s of the river and reduces the travel distance b" *> ,m.


9stimated Cost T"pe

F ..** million

7 Radial @ated ? Concrete Structure F *; 4os! Si1e F ;.=mG;.(m

Radial @ates

Huantit" of concrete

F (>!***m6

8lood Discharge capacit" F 62** m6?sec Silt @ates :"dro %ower F *( 4os F ..2 M'

9#penditure at the end of (*.. F >...(2 Mn %h"sical %rogress at the end of (*.. 7 =20 E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million@ 2661 7 2667 7 266: (>.* 2616 (*>.=2 2611 =>).; Total >...(2

@eological investigation for the bed roc, up to )* meters depth had been completed and found fresh roc, at the deep la"ers. 'eathered portions found on the bed roc, surface ? out crops were bro,en and removed. 8ractured 1ones found in the upper la"ers were grouted with pressuri1ed cement mi#ture. - Coffer dam had been constructed! around the basement of the spillwa"! with waste cla" material and blasted roc,s in order to divert river flow. Two large stores and one office were constructed with the available materials near the spill site. $ut of 6.!(..m6 of concrete wor,! ()2=6 m6 concrete 3including power house construction5 had been done in the spillwa" b" the end of (*...

&.&PRO'RESS OF CONSTRUCTION OF LB SLUICE T! e %ischarge Estimated Cost - Concrete To+er=%o)4le 1arrel - 2#0 C)sec - 1" million - Rs. 22."2 Mn

E3 endit)re at the end o$ %ecem4er 2011

6h!sical 6rogress at the end o$ %ecem4er 2011 - 827 E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million$@ 2661 *.. 2667 ...* 266: 2.( 2616 .2.( 2611 ..(2 Total 6(.>6

Construction of <B Sluice completed up to the roof level. Sluice gates and the other necessar" fillings completed.

&.;PRO'RESS OF CONSTRUCTION OF RB SLUICE T! e %ischarge - Concrete To+er=%o)4le 1arrel - 200 C)sec - 20.4 Mn

Estimated Cost

E3 endit)re at the end o$ %ecem4er 2011 - 1..28 Mn 6h!sical 6rogress at the end o$ %ecem4er 2011 - 827

E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million$@ 2661 7 2667 ... 266: *.. 2616 .=.= 2611 (.)/ Total .;.(/

Construction of RB Sluice started in (*.* and it has been completed up to the roof level now.

&.,PRO'RESS OF CONSTRUCTION OF LB MAIN CANAL Total <ength F == ,m F (2* cusec

Design Discharge

9stimated cost up to == ,m section 7 Rs. ;/2.*.Mn 9#penditure at the end of (*.. F =.2.(; Mn %h"sical %rogress F )*0

;*0 of earth was has been completed in the first =. ,m length of the <BMC. Construction of the structures are in progress.

E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million@ -?6-&6).@ 2661 7 2667 =..) 266: /=.;; 2616 .=(./ 2611 .62./ Total 2.(;

Total estimated +uantit" for earth wor, and structures are given in the table below with the wor, done up to end of December (*... Description 9arth wor,s Cutting 3C*** m65 8illing 3C*** m65 Structures 34os5 Completed n progress Total 1,, )) 66 :: ;/. =>2 ;=6 =() 9stimated 'or, done

$ut of // structures! )) are completed as given in the table below. LBMC- Bri!/ $0..ar9 o/ t2! -o.5l!t! Str0-t0r!$ Bridge ./ $ver crossing *( Total no of structures 7 )) Bnder crossing .= Causewa" / 8oot Bridge / Regulator = Bathing steps /

'ater resources in the Deduru $"a is planned to divert along the left ban, of the river through the <BMC to augment irrigation water suppl" to (=** ha. of e#isting padd" lands under minor irrigation s"stems and to develop )** ha of new lands in initial reaches of the canal.The canal crosses 66 no. of sub catchments in the Deduru $"a basin! fulfill water re+uirements for cultivation in view of increasing crop intensit"! and ultimatel" confluences with the &olomunu $"a! which is a major tributar" of the Deduru $"a! at the tail end of the canal.

Eart2 *or) A ?Dir!-t La%o0r@

The whole canal path is divided into pac,ages. 9ach ,ilometer length is considered as one pac,age or one wor, site 3a wor, site is considered as one accounting unit5. There are nine wor, sites at the :ead wor,s of the reservoir and therefore the .st pac,age of the <BMC 3or the .st ,ilometer of the <BMC5 is numbered as the .*th pac,age of the project or as wor, site 4o. *. of the <BMC. Two permanent 9ngineering -ssistants are responsible for the construction wor, of the <BMC in ,ilometer vice and four number of wor, supervises are emplo"ed under them.

Con$tr0-tion M!t2o -ccording to the flat plan! construction is started with jungle clearing and stripping. -s per the details given in the wor, plan! e#cavation wor, was started. -t the beginning! first bo# 3trench5 of the canal was e#cavated up to the re+uired depth and then slopes were constructed. 6m wide berm was constructed at where the depth of cut is higher. 'hen e#cavated earth was not sufficient for the filling wor, in a particular wor, site an e#tra earth +uantit" has to be borrowed from a specified borrow area.

En-o0nt!r! Pro%l!.
'hile constructing the left ban, main Canal of the Deduru $"a Reservoir project the following problems were uncounted and the solutions were given as follows. Non a<aila%ilit9 o/ $oil /or /illing$ -ccording to the soil reports! which had been prepared earlier! /* percent of e#cavated soil could be used for bund filling wor, of the <BMC. But unfortunatel" ver" little +uantit" of soil was suitable for using as filling material. Therefore! we used this soil to fill the canal ban,s up to the full suppl" depth and above of that 3free board5 were filled with sand" soil 3available5. 9arth was borrowed from near locations in order to maintain the e#penses within the approved rate limits. E>-!$$i<! Mat!rial -s per the approved estimate the ma#imum haul distance was given as ..* ,m. But the canal path was traveled across a developed area. Therefore! it is ver" difficult to find an area to dispose waste without e#ceeding the given haul distance. Considering the re+uirement of villages and %radesi"a Sabha! a decision was ta,en to construct pla"grounds at suitable location! schools using the balance e#cavated earth. Considering the suitabilit" of material! an elevated road wa" was constructed on R?B side of the canal.

Un!>5!-t! Ro-) 'hile e#cavating the canal une#pected hard roc,s and boulders were found. But it was not mentioned in the soil investigation reports. -dditional arrangements! such as air compressors! boulder brea,ers! blasting

material and s,illed labour had to be deplo"ed for removing heard roc,s without e#ceeding the approved amount of estimate. Soil Ero$ion on -anal $lo5!$ " B!r.$ $wing to the characteristics of soil in this area! during rain" seasons! high soil erosion was possible on the slopes. -s a remedial measure full turfing on the slopes was done and found it as a successful solution.

&.1 Con$tr0-tion o/ Rig2t Ban) Tran$ Ba$in Canal

'ater resources in the Deduru $"a basin is planned to divert towards the water deficit Mee $"a basin through the Right Ban, Trans basin canal. Right Ban, Trans basin canal crosses the ridge of two adjoining river basins! Deduru o"a and Mee $"a! to conve" water to nginimiti"a reservoir in order to cope with water scarcit" in the Mee $"a basin! in the %uttalam District. n addition to fulfill water re+uirement in the Mee $"a basin the canal will augment water resources in )* minor tan,s which are located along the canal trace. -bout .*** acres of e#isting padd" fields under these minor tan,s will gain benefits. &ength o$ the R1 Trans 4asin canal Canal 4ed +idth -&ining Canal0 (lo+ rate Estimated cost > 22 'm

- *aries $rom 4.# m to #.# m

> 200 c)sec -..#" c)mec0 > #00 Mn > #1".22 Mn - 407 E>5!n it0r! ?R$. Million@

E3 endit)re at the end o$ 2011

6h!sical 6rogress at the end o$ 2011

2661 7

2667 7

266: 7

2616 )2./.

2611 =2..=.

Total 2.>.6(

Three major water conve"ing structures 3troughs5 are encounters with the canal path! at three locations! at where the canal crosses *6 local streams! &on $"a! Thalagalla 9la and %achchala 9la. -ppro#imate length and the cost of each structure would be .>2 meters and Rs.((2 million respectivel". Construction wor,s of above three Trough structures started in (*.. and about )*0 of the wor, has been completed and planned to complete this "ear.

9levation difference between the head7end and the tail7end of the canal is limited owing to the full suppl" level 38S<5 of the nginimiti"a reservoir and the operation level of the Deduru $"a reservoir and thus permits to trace the canal path with mild gradient. Mild gradient of the canal reduces the water conve"ing efficienc". n7order to minimi1e the effect of the mild gradient and ma#imi1e the water conve"ance efficienc" the following proposals were incorporated at the design stage. %rovision of concrete lining along the entire canal path! 9nrooting the canal path! with three major tan,s &irindigolla! Randenigama and :indogama! in view of reducing frictional losses.
The Right ban, Trans Basin Canal travels across a ridge area! which seperate the two river basins! the Deduru $"a basin and the mee $"a basin! in the &otawehera D.S.Division. The canal needs to be cut up to the depth of .*7.) m for about ( ,m length to conve" water across the ridge area. -t present people living in this ridge area suffer water scarecit". The" fulfill drin,ing water re+uirement with the aid of deep wells. -fter e#cavating the canal there will be a tendenc" to percolate ground water towards the canal! deplete ground water table and thus aggravate the water scarecit" further. To mitigate this problem a suitable water suppl"ing methodolog" need to be incorperated before commencement of the canal e#cavation wor,. nvestigation along the canal path has alread" been completed. Documents preperation for land ac+uisition! surve"ing of the canal path! design and estimation wor, for the canal and the canal structures are in progress. Design wor, for the entire canal path is completed and preparation of estimates up to (> th ,m is completed. Construction wor,s is in progress up to (2th ,m 3:indogama Tan,5.

Total estimated +uantit" up to nginimiti"a tan, is given in the table below.

9arth 'or, C0tting C666 .3 *7.*.=>2 ,m up to &iridigalla wewa ...627.2.62 ,m to Randenigama wewa .).627(=.>(2 ,m Randenigama wewa up to :indogamawewa (2.2(276).* ,m :indogama wewa to nginimiti"a wewa Total Filling C666 .3 6 =)6.>/ ) (*.== )2 >6.=) /2 3ar Ro-) C666 .3 .=.6) .).)/ .>.2) So/t Ro-) C666 .3 =..). =>..( 6*.*/ Canal Lining ?.@ /62= 6.2(.) ;*>).6 No. o/ Str0-t0r!$ 62 > 6(

.. ..*2 >





2 ;;7.1&





9arth wor, and the construction of structures along RB main canal is in progress and summar" details with the estimated +uantit" are given in the table below.

E$! total B0antit9 an -on$tr0-tion 5rogr!$$ 05 to 31$t D!-. 2611

tem 4o Description Total B0antit9 E$! *. 9arth 'or, ncluding e#cavation of soft Roc, Cutting I*** m6 8illing I*** m6 *( *6 :ard Roc, 9#cavation I*** m6 Canal lining 3m5 Completed n %rogress 66.2!*** 22;!>2* .;*!*** (=>)* .;.> (26) >6.!);* =2.!*=6 .6)* *or) on!

-warded but not Started Total *= Structure 34os5 Completed n %rogress -warded but not Started Total /=

6** &,;3

.* .* .. 31

-s e#plained under the %ara /.(! non availabilit" of suitable soil for filling sections and e#cess amount of earth for waste are the main difficult" encounter during construction of RB main canal. Decomposed roc, and the hard roc, found in man" places along the canal and the e#pected output could not obtain due to the une#pected material and hence the e#cavation cost was increased.

&.7 Magalla

RB E>t!n$ion Canal

9#isting Right Ban, canal of Maggalla 'ewa in 4i,awerati"a is proposed to e#tend up to &adigawa wewa under this project. Total length of the Magalla RB e#tension is /.( ,m. ).>>2 ,m up to 4ammuwawa wewa and it will be /.( ,m up to ,adigawa wewa . 8low rate F 2* cusec <and ac+uisition F surve"s under section completed.

%reparation of estimates completed for > ,m 3up to 4ammuwawa wewa5 and construction wor,s started in (*.. and about =*0 wor,s completed. Total 9#penditure at the end of December (*.. is given in the table below. (*.. 9#penditure 3Rs. Millions5 2*.>)

&.:BRANC3 CANALS There are four branch canals along <B main canal and nvestigation Surve"s are in progress as given below. Branch Canal *.J F <ength of this canal is .( ,m F <and ac+uisition maps prepared for first 6 ,m and Surve"s completed for 2 ,m. Canal trace finali1ed for balance > ,m and surve"ing & leveling to be done. Branch Canal *(J F <ength of this canal is =.2 ,m. Canal trace finali1ed and surve"ing & leveling to be done. Branch Canal *6J F <ength of this canal is >.2 ,m. Canal trace finali1ed and surve"ing & leveling to be done. Branch Canal *=J F <ength of this canal is *.>.2 ,m. F <and ac+uisition maps prepared and send for <and Ministr". Canal trace finali1ed and surve"ing & leveling done.


12.1 Cash flow problems

Dela" in land ac+uisition and pa"ing compensation 3$nce head wor,s are completed the reservoir cannot be filled until compensations are paid for the inundated lands5. Rain" weather Shortage of Technical Staff Shortage of s,illed & uns,illed labour 7 poor attendance during cultivation seasons ? attractive pa"ments at other major project 3total labour strength re+uired is over 2**5. 8or the bund earth filling re+uirement was about ..* million. Borrow areas were located inside the tan, bed. But due to dela" in pa"ing compensation land owners objected to enter their lands. Dela" in other related organi1ations?departments. mpressed dela". machineries. Cash flow was not smooth & several occasions machines owners removed their

%revail weather conditions. $nl" about .2* K (** da"s can be wor,ed fruitfull".

3. Da% Sa,-$y a d .a$-r R-/0ur1-/ P"a

2 ! Pr03-1$
2 ! Pr03-1$ ar-

T;- 0(3-1$28-/ 0, $;- Da% Sa,-$y a d .a$-r R-/0ur1-/ P"a


-/$a("2/; "0 !#$-r% /u/$a2 a("- arra !-%- $/ ,0r 0*-ra$20 a d %a2 $- a 10, "ar!- da%/@ 2%*r08- 5a$-r r-/0ur1-/ *"a 2 !: T;-r- ar- ,0ur 10%*0 - $/ $0 $;- *r03-1$:


T;- ,2r/$ 10%*0 - $ 2/ ,0r da% /a,-$y a d 0*-ra$20 a" -,,212- 1y 2%*r08-%- $: T;2/ 10%*0 - $ 52"" - ;a 1- *u("21 /a,-$y 0, 72 /-"-1$-d ;2!; r2/) "ar!- da%/4 2%*r08- 0*-ra$20 a" -,,212- 1y 0, 60 da%/ >2 1"ud2 ! $;- 72 da%/?4 a d -/$a("2/; /u/$a2 a("- 2 /$2$u$20 a" arra !-%- $/ ,0r da% /a,-$y %a a!-%- $ a d O*-ra$20 a d Ma2 $- a 1- >O=M?: T;- /u(10%*0 - $/ 52"" 2 1"ud-: >2? r-%-d2a" 50r)/ ,0r 72 ;2!; r2/) da%/@ >22? *r082/20 0, (a/21 /a,-$y ,a12"2$2-/ ,0r 60 "ar!- da%/@ >222? $ra2 2 ! ,0r /$r- !$;- 2 ! da%#05 2 !

0r!a 2Aa$20 /@ a d >28? /$ud2-/ a d /u**"y 0, /*-12a"2A-d -Bu2*%- $:


T;- /-10 d 2/ $;- ;ydr0 %-$-0r0"0!21a" 2 ,0r%a$20 /y/$-% 2%*r08-%- $ 10%*0 - $: T;2/ 10%*0 - $ 52"" - ;a 1- 2 /$2$u$20 a" 1a*a12$y a d *;y/21a" a d a a"y$21a" 2 ,ra/$ru1$ur- ,0r %0 2$0r2 ! ;ydr0#%-$-0r0"0!21a" da$a4 d-$-1$2 ! a d ,0r-1a/$2 ! 5a$-r ;aAard/4 a d 5a$-r r-/0ur1-/ *"a 2 ! a d %a a!-%- $: T;- $;2rd 2/ $;- %u"$2 /-1$ 0ra" 5a$-r r-/0ur1-/ *"a 2 ! 10%*0 - $: T;2/ 10%*0 - $ 52"" 2%*r08- 2 /$2$u$20 a" 1a*a12$y ,0r 2 $-!ra$-d a d %u"$2#/-1$0ra" 5a$-r r-/0ur1-/ *"a 2 ! a d a//2/$ 2 /-"-1$20 a d *r20r2$2Aa$20 0, 5a$-r r-/0ur1-/ d-8-"0*%- $ 2 8-/$%- $/: C2 a""y4 $;- ,0ur$; 10%*0 - $ 52"" /u**0r$ $;- %a a!-%- $4 100rd2 a$20 4 a d %0 2$0r2 ! -,,0r$/ r-"a$-d $0 $;2/ *r03-1$:

T;- ,0""052 ! 1& N0/ ;2!;#r2/) da%/ 0u$ 0, 72 da%/ /-"-1$-d ,0r *;y/21a" r-%-d2a$20 u d-r 10%*0 - $ 1 0, $;- DS.RPP4 (-"0 !/ $0 $;- Irr2!a$20 D-*ar$%- $ a d $;Ma30r C0 /$ru1$20 Bra 1; 2 80"8-/ 2 /u*-r82/20 0, 10 /$ru1$20 50r) a d 100rd2 a$2 ! 52$; $;- Pr03-1$ Ma a!-%- $ U 2$ a d $;- r-"-8a $ R-!20 a" D2r-1$0r/ 0, Irr2!a$20 : 1: 2: 7: D: ': &: +: 6: I !2 2%2$2ya Na"a da G2r2$;a"M2 -r2ya 9: 10: 11: 12: 17: 1D: 1': 1&: U/!a"a S2ya%(a"a !a%u5a Kaudu""a T2//a5-5a R2d2ya!a%a Ta((05a )a $a"Huru"u5-5a Para)ra%a Sa%udraya

Nu5ara5-5a Ra3a !a a V- dra/a Na1;1;adu5a

Dur2 ! $;- Y-ar 2011 0u$ 0, 1& $a )/ 0 "y 17 $a )/ r-;a(2"2$a$20 /$ar$-d: A$ $;- - d 0, D-1-%(-r *r0!r-// 0, $;0/- $a )/ ar-



Para)ra%a Sa%udra Ka $;a"- Ta ) I!2 2%2$2ya Ta ) Ta((05a Ta ) U/!a"a S2ya(a"a !a%u5a Ta ) R2d2ya!a%a Ta ) Na1;1;adu5a Ta ) Nu5-ra5-5a Ta ) T2//a .-5a Huru"u .-5a M2 -r2ya .-5a

&+E D6E D'E 1+E ''E D'E 'E 1E 10E 'E 2E &E 0E

G2r2$;a"- Ta ) Kaudu""a Ta )

%ara,rama Samudra

4uwera 'ewa

Na-2-2a 0#a *!#a

4achchaduwa 'ewa

:urulu 'ewa

=. R- A5a)- 2 ! Pr03-1$
Ba1)!r0u d T;- *r03-1$ d-8-"0*%- $ 0(3-1$28- 2/ $0 ;-"* 10 ,"21$ a,,-1$-d 10%%u 2$2-/ 2 $;- N0r$; Ea/$ Pr082 1-/ a d Ad302 2 ! D2/$r21$/ $0 r-#-/$a("2/; 0, *r0du1$20 a d (a/21 10%%u 2$y /-r821-/ $;r0u!; a//2/$a 1- 52$; a!r21u"$ura" a1$282$2-/4 /%a"" /1a"- r-10 /$ru1$20 a1$282$2-/

a d $0 (u2"$ $;-2r 1a*a12$y $;r0u!; /u/$a2 a("- /012a" -10 0%21 2 $-!ra$20 : P08-r$y a d 8u" -ra(2"2$y ;a/ (-- -Fa!!-ra$-d (y $;- 10 10 1-r 0 52d05/4 50%;-ad-d ;0u/-;0"d a d 1r-a$2 ! a --d ,0r r-/$ru1$ur2 ! $;- *r03-1$ 2 0rd-r $0 10%%u 2$2-/ 2 $;- %a2 /$r-a% 0, $;- /012-$y (y 1;a !2 *-0*"-</ -%*05-r%- $: ,"21$ /2$ua$20 a d $;- /012a" d2/a("-/ ar- add-d ,0r 2 $-!ra$- $;2/ %ar!2 a"2A-d ! $;- (ur-au1ra1y $05ard/

T;-r-,0r-4 R-#a5a)- 2 ! Pr03-1$ a2%/ $0 -%*05-r $;- 10%%u 2$y (y $ra /,-rr2 ! $;*05-r a d au$;0r2$y $0 $;- (- -,212ar2-/ $;r0u!; *r082d2 ! a"" $;- -1-//ary /u**0r$ 2 1a*a12$y (u2"d2 ! a d %0(2"2A2 ! r-/0ur1-/: E//- $2a" R-;a(2"2$a$20 = I%*r08-%- $/ $0 $;- /-"-1$-d Ma30r Irr2!a$20 S1;-%-/ Pr03-1$ ;a/ 2 2$2a$-d -//- $2a" r-;a(2"2$a$20 0, Ma30r Irr2!a$20 S1;-%-/ ar- a/ ,0""05/:

A""a2 S1;-%- >Tr2 10%a"--? Ru!a% S1;-%- >Ba$$21a"0a? Pa8a$)u"a% >Va8u 2ya? Kara8a;u Dra2 a!- S1;-%- >A%*ara?

T;r0u!; $;-/- Ma30r Irr2!a$20 S1;-%-/4 0$ 0 "y r-;a(2"2$a$20 2/ 10 /2d-r-d4 (u$ a"/0 $;,ar%-r/ ar- !u2d-d $05ard/ .a$-r Ma a!-%- $4 2 $r0du12 ! ;2!; y2-"d2 ! ,ar%2 ! %-$;0d0"0!2-/4 Or!a 21 ,ar%2 ! a d Va"u- add2$20 (y /;052 ! $;- r-a" 2%*a1$ 0, $;2 8-/$%- $: >I G2a $ Ta ) /0%- ,ar%-r/ !0$ %0r- $;a 260 (u/;-"/ *-r a1r- 52$; *r03-1$ 2 80"8-%- $?:

A""a2 S1;-%Ru!a% S1;-%Pa8a$$a)u"a% S$a!- 1 S$a!-11 Kara8a;u

97E &0E 99E 79E 96E

2. E%-r!- 1y N0r$;-r R-108-ry Pr03-1$

E%-r!- 1y N0r$;-r ra*2d"y r-$ur R-108-ry Pr03-1$ a2%/ $0 /u**0r$ $;- G08-r %- $G/ -,,0r$ $0 2 $;- N0r$;-r

2 $-r a""y d2/*"a1-d *-0*"- >IDP/? $0 $;-2r *"a1- 0, 0r2!2

Pr082 1- 0, a d r-/$0r- $;-2r /012a" a d -10 0%21 "2,-: T;- 1r-d2$ 52"" ;-"* ,2 a 1- a *ar$ 0, $;- G08-r %- $G/ 10/$/ a//012a$-d 52$; $;- ra*2d r-$ur 0, $;- IDP/4 "ar!-"y -$; 21 Ta%2"/4 $0 $;-2r *"a1- 0, 0r2!2 4 2 $;- N0r$;-r Pr082 1- 0, Sr2 La )a a d r-/$0r- $;-2r /012a" a d

-10 0%21 "2,-: R-;a(2"2$a$20 0, Irr2!a$20 /y/$-%/ 2/ 0 - 0, $;- %a30r *ar$ 0, $;2/ *r03-1$:

R-;a(2"2$a$20 0, Irr2!a$20 Sy/$-%/

R-;a(2"2$a$20 0, Irr2!a$20 Sy/$-%/ 52"" /u**0r$ $;- r-;a(2"2$a$20 0, /-"-1$-d da%a!-d 2rr2!a$20 /1;-%-/4 1a a"/4 a d *0 d/ $0 - a("- $;- r-$ur -- ,ar%-r/ $0 ;a8- a r-"2a("/u**"y 0 , 2rr2!a$20 "28-"2;00d/ ,0r $;- %a30r2$y 0, *-0*"- 2 $;- N0r$; $;2/ /u(#10%*0 - $ 50u"d ;-"* 2 r-/$0r2 ! a!r21u"$ur5a$-r ,0r 1r0* *r0du1$20 : G28$;a$ a!r21u"$ur- 2/ $;- %a30r /0ur1- 0,

*r0du1$20 4 5;21; 2/ 82$a" ,0r Bu21) -10 0%21 r-108-ry a d ,00d /-1ur2$y 0, $;- *-0*"-: Pr0!r-// a$ $;- - d 0, D-1 2011 Na%- 0, $;- $a ) Va8u 2ya D2/$r21$ Ma a)u"a% Pu$;u82)u"a% Sada8a )u"a% K0$;$;a )u"a% T;-8-)aadu*aa )u"a% Ar2ya%adu)u"a% Pa"aya8ad2)u"a% K2""2 01;1;2 D2/$r21$ U$$u*u"a% S-ru))a )u"a% Pu""u)u"a% Karu))a2)u"a% Ka""$2)u"a% Ka $;a )u"a%

Pr0!r-// E 20 D0 100 100 100 6+ 9' '' +' 100 +0 6' 100



U%a Oya D05 S$r-a% D-8-"0*%- $ Pr03-1$

U%a Oya 2/ 0 - 0, $;- %a30r $r2(u$ar2-/ 0, Ma;a5-"2 Ga !a 5;21; 2/ $;- "ar!-/$ r28-r (a/2 2 Sr2 La )a: U%a Oya ,"05/ 0r$;-a/$5ard a1r0// $;- 1- $ra" ;2!;"a d/ a$ a(0u$ -"-8a$20 1000 % %/" = d2/1;ar!-/ 2 $0 Ra $a%(- r-/-r802r: U%a Oya %u"$2*ur*0/- *r03-1$ 2/ r-!20 0, Sr2 La )a: A,$-r !- -ra$2 ! -F*-1$-d $0 d28-r$ 5a$-r ,r0% U%a Oya $0 K2r2 d2 Oya $0 d-8-"0* ;ydr0*05-r a d $0 2rr2!a$- $;- dry = "-// d-8-"0*-d /0u$;-a/$-r MCM 0, 5a$-r /;a"" (- d28-r$-d a *r0*0/-d d-8-"0*%- $: T;- *r0*0/-d 1a*a12$y 0, A"2)0$a Ara r-/-r802r 2/ ar0u d &:' MCM: S2 1- $;- "05 1a*a12$y 0, *r0*0/-d A"2)0$a Ara r-/-r802r4 2$ 2/ -F*-1$-d $0 $ra /,-r 5a$-r $0 *r0*0/-d Kuda Oya r-/-r802r $;r0u!; A"2)0$a Ara R:B:M:C a/ 5-"" a/ $0 r-"-a/- 5a$-r $0 K2r2 d2 Oya 2 0rd-r $0 *21) u* a$ Ha da*a a!a"a A 21u$ a d /$0r- *ar$ 0, $;- d28-r$-d 5a$-r 2 Ha da*a a!a"a r-/-r802r 5;2"- (a"a 1- 2 %2 0r $a )/ 2 $;- r-!20 $0 (- u$2"2A-d ,0r 2rr2!a$-d a!r21u"$ur-: I, -F1-// 5a$-r 2/ a8a2"a("- a,$-r /$0r2 ! 5a$-r 2 a(08- %- $20 -d %a30r a d %2 0r $a )/4 2$ /;a"" (- a""05-d $0 ,"05 $0 K2r2 d2 Oya r-/-r802r $0 %--$ $;- - ;a 1-d dr2 )2 ! a d 2 du/$r2a" d-%a d/ 0, $;- r-!20 : Pr0*0/-d Kuda Oya r-/-r802r 2/ $0 10 /$ru1$ a1r0// Kuda Oya 5;21; 2/ a"/0 a $r2(u$ary 0, K2r2 d2 Oya 2 0rd-r $0 ,--d 2d- $2,2-d 2rr2!a("- ar-a/ 2 Kuda Oya R:B: /2d- = 2d- $2,2-d 2rr2!a("- ar-a/ 2 ad3a1- $ (a/2 /: Kuda Oya r-/-r802r R:B 1a a" 2/ "01a$-d a$ a ;2!;-r 10 $0ur 1"0/-r $0 $;- r2d!- 0, $;- Kuda Oya $0 ,--d 2d- $2,2-d 2rr2!a("- ar-a/ 2 R:B /2d- 0, Kuda Oya a d $0 Ka;a)uru""a *-""-//a a d S2 ;a"aya!a%a $a )/ 5;21; ar- "01a$-d 2 d2,,21u"$ a d dry ar-a/ 2 $;- ad3a1- $ Mau Ara a d Ma"a"a Oya (a/2 / r-/*-1$28-"y: I add2$20 $0 Kuda Oya R:B ar-a4 2$ 2/ -F*-1$-d $0 r-"-a/- 5a$-r $0 Kuda Oya 2$/-", ,r0% $;r28-r /"u21- 0, $;- *r0*0/-d Kuda Oya r-/-r802r 2 0rd-r $0 *21)u* a$ U//-""a a 21u$: R:B 1a a" 0, $;- U//-""a a 21u$ 2/ %u1; "05-r -"-8a$20 $0 Kuda Oya R:B %a2 1a a" a d 2/ *r0*0/-d $0 ,--d /-8-ra" %2 0r $a )/ = 2rr2!a("- ar-a/ 2 r2!;$ (a ) 0, Kuda Oya a d 2 T;a a%a"52"a ar-a: ;ydr0*05-r4 5a$-r 10 8-y/ $0 A"2)0$a Ara 5;21; 2/ a $r2(u$ary 0, K2r2 d2 Oya: A(0u$ 1'0 ua""y ,r0% U%a Oya $0 K2r2 d2 Oya (a/2 u d-r $;-

.a$-r $;a$ r-"-a/-d ,r0% $;- r28-r /"u21- 0, A"2)0$a Ara r-!u"a$2 ! r-/-r802r $0 K2r2 d2 Oya4 *21)u*/ a$ -F2/$2 ! Ha da*a a!a"a A 21u$: Ha da*a a!a"a a 21u$ 10 /2/$/ 0, -F2/$2 ! L:B 1a a": Ha da*a a!a"a -F2/$2 ! L:B ,--d-r 1a a" 10 8-y/ 5a$-r $0 Ha da*a a!a"a r-/-r802r: I$ 2/ -F*-1$-d $0 - ;a 1- $;- 1a*a12$y 0, -F2/$2 ! Ha da*a a!a"a R:B %a2 10 /$ru1$ a -5 L:B %a2 1a a" 2 1a a" a d

0rd-r $0 2rr2!a$- %0r- "a d/ u d-r Ha da*a a!a"a

r-/-r802r: A"/04 2$ 2/ -F*-1$-d $0 - ;a 1- $;- 1arry2 ! 1a*a12$y 0, Ha da*a a!a"a r-/-r802r: D28-r$-d U%a Oya 5a$-r 2/ *"a -d $0 (- u$2"2A-d ,0r 2rr2!a$20 d-%a d/ 0, -5 2rr2!a$20 ar-a/ 2 (0$; Ya"a = Ma;a a d 2rr2!a$20 d-%a d/ 0, -F2/$2 ! ar-a/ dur2 ! Ya"a: A"$0!-$;-r4 2$ 2/ -F*-1$-d $0 d-8-"0* '000 ;a 0, "a d/ 2 /0u$;-r *ar$/ 0, Sr2 La )a:

I Y-ar 2011 %0(2"2Aa$20 /$ar$-d a d /ur8-y2 ! a d -/$2%a$20 50r)/ /$ar$-d a d 10 $2 u-d:

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