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The Nifty Fifty - Joe Kusnan's Blog

Joe Kusnan's Blog

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The Nifty Fifty

The Nifty Fifty was a collection of one-decision, cant miss growth stocks that epitomized the Go-Go Years of the stock market in the late 1960s and early 1970s. At its peak in 1972, the Nifty Fifty hit a P/E ratio of 55. When the 1974 bear market arrived, they were taken out and shot. Polaroid fell 90%. Avon Products 85%. Coca-Cola lost two-thirds. What is the lesson of the Nifty Fifty? When everybody is certain of something, everybody is usually wrong. Thats why the stock market is such a tricky game. Real success requires acting against the trend easier said than done. Note the valuations of some of these stocks in 1982 compared to 1972. Coca-Cola at 8x earnings. McDonalds 9x earnings. Coca-Cola is up at least 50 fold since then. McDonaldss at least 75 fold. It just wasnt bottom fishing. The best performing Nifty Fifty stock during this period WalMart is up over 220 fold. Not bad. A list of the Nifty Fifty and where they stood 10 years later in 1982, right at the cusp of the Great Bull Market:

I am a New York area based hedge fund and private equity investor. I also participate in angel/early-stage investing and principal deals. I write about history, economics, finance, technology, education and philanthropy. Welcome to my personal blog.

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The Nifty Fifty - Joe Kusnan's Blog

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