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A. Introduction a. Background Background consist of topic sentence not only deductive but also inductive that support problem, completely with data-data expecially evidence based, and level of urgency this topic. In this journal have high urgency that is using hallucination integrative treatment which integrates psychoeducation, medication, B!, coping training, family treatment, and rehabilitation to out patient settings and stay with their families that increase every year. Because the shift to outpatient treatment has increased the burden of family caregivers. But in this journal not explain detail , how many improvement people that have schi"ophrenia and how many people care in outpatient setting# !his journal can describe data evidence based practice by consensus that what is the optimal treatment programme to halusination. And the researches found combinations of medication and psychososial treatment appear significantly more effective than monotherapies. b. $urpose !he purpose consist of expectation for the riset. !he purpose can describe two definition% general and particular. In this journal have two criteria of purpose. In general the purpose of this journal is to achieve goal from &voices clinic'that the result can reduce in the burden of voices, and control over voice for patients with residual auditory hallucinations. !he particular purpose is (I! can effect)son *uality of life and social functioning and its cost effectiveness.

B. +iscussion a. $aper identity ,. !he author journal - .ack A. .enner , /okko .. 0ienhuis, +urk 1iersma, and 2erard van de 1illige. 3. 4olume - ,55-,67 5. $ublisher - 8chi"ophrenia bulletin . 6. 9eywords - randomi"ed controlled trial , cognitive behavior therapy, coping , schi"ophrenia , hallucinations, integrative treatment , family treatment b. Analysis the content of this journal is a research which compare the treatmen conditions between routin care :; < as control patients and (I! as experimental patients. =xperimental patients were given (I! for > months and ; during the follow up period. (I! patients didn)t receive the usual ; during the experimental period , elements of ; , such as outreach were part of (I! . !o compare the treatment conditions , caregivers were advised to offer and e*ual number of contacts and total contact time to patients in the control and experimental groups and to involve the families of both groups as in treatment. !he ; provide psychiatric , social, and financial management % psychoeducation% supportive and job counseling % home visits and around the-clock ambulatory crisis intervention. !he (I! program uses multiple modalities to maximi"e control of persistent hallucinations. !his journal said that inclusion criteria for the study were ,. 8uffering from auditory hallucination for more than 3 years after ade*uate treatment

3. A







schi"ophrenia , schi"oaffective, or psychotic disorder not otherwise specified :0?8< 5. /ormer use of at least two antipsychotic drugs in ade*uate doses for an ade*uate period of time according to the +$A)s guidelines 6. 0o previous B! treatment for auditory hallucinations 7. 0o current abuse of psychoactive drugs or alcohol @. =stimates IA B CD . losing a. onclusion onclusion consist of summary from the result that match with purpose. onclusion can answer hypothesis and found new fact during the research. In this journal have criteria like it, it)is show that the result compared ; with (I! is improved significantly more on subjective burden of voices :Improvement in fre*uencyEduration, control, and negative content of the voices< and psychopathology, anciety and depression reduction occurred after (I!, and the patient can use coping strategies. b. ;ecommendation In this journal have suggest to direction that match with the result for development knowledge and practice.In this journal suggestion formed solving problem and countinue research, this is copy from journal &generali"ed improvements in subjective burden and psychiatric symptoms might be seen as a recommendation for its implementation as a regular treatment for chronic psychotic patients with auditory hallucinations'. 8upport for this recommendation could be found in the results of (I! on *uality of life and social functioning and its cost effectiveness.

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