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Erythrocytes (RBC) Not true cells; no nucleus Specialized for O2 and CO2 transport 5.4million/mm3 in men 4.

4.8 million/mm3 in women Life span- 2! "ays# "ia$eter% &#!-&#' $icrons "u$(ell shaped to s)ueeze throu*h narro+ (lood ,essels# O-y*en and CO2 are s)ueezed out at the sa$e ti$e# .olycythe$ia% /(nor$ally hi*h RBC count (erythrocytosis) 01$ Secondary polycythe$iaco$pensatory $echanis$ of increased (lood count in ne+ en,iron$ents# /ne$ia% /(nor$ally lo+ RBC count# 22#'$ .oi3ilocytosis% a(nor$al ,ariation in shapes /nisocytosis% ,ariation on size Rouleu- for$ation% for$ation +here RBC stac3s up on top of each other due to surface tension# /**lutination% clusterin* of RBC due to anti*en reactions# /**lutino*ens- .roteins responsi(le for our (lood typin* 4e$atocrit (4C5)% 6ol 7 RBC# 8ales 92:-' ,ol7 ;e$ales <' :- ' ,ol7 5otal RBC count= Ran*e 8ale= 9#&:-' $illion>$$< Ran*e ;e$ale= 9#2:-' $illion>$$< S? e)ui,alent% !- 2 >L

Stain for RBC= Ri*hts @ie$sa stain (Ro$ano+s3y stain) 8ore eosinophillic% $ore he$o*lo(in Erythro(lasts% .recursor of Reticulocytes Reticulocytes% Aoun* RBC# Still contains nucleus# !#'#'7 @ood *au*e of (one $arro+ acti,ity# 4o+ell-Bolin (odies- s$all re$nants of RN/ filtered (y the spleen fro$ the RBC# 4e$o*lo(in @i,es acidophilic color to RBC O2 and CO2 carrier Nor$al= 2- ' *ra$s> !!$L 8ale= 9:-2 *ra$s>7 ;e$ale 2:-2 *ra$s >7 Nor$ochro$i% Nor$al he$o*lo(in 4yperchro$ic% increased he$o*lo(in 4ypochro$ic% decreased 4e$o*lo(in Classification of WBC Based on the presence of cytoplas$ic *ranules /# @ranular CBC # Neutrophils (9'-&!7) 8ore in adults 2# Basophils (!#'- #'7) <# Eosiniphils# (2-'7) B# Non *ranular CBC # 8onocytes (2- !7) 2# Ly$phocytes (2!-9!7) 8ore in infants# a# Lar*e (# 8ediu$ c# S$all

"ifferential count- counts the proportion of each CBC type in the (lood# Neutrophilia- Ele,eted neutrophil le,els# <# Neutropenia- "epressed nuetrophil le,els 9# Eosiniphilia- Ele,ated eosinophil le,els '# Basophilia- Ele,ated (asophil le,els 1# Ly$phocytosis- Ele,ated ly$phocyte le,els &# Ly$phopenia- "epressed ly$phocyte le,els D# 8onocytosis- Ele,ated 8onocyte le,els 5otal CBC count% '3- !3 per $$< Neutrophils 8ost co$$on (9!-&'7) Cith 2 or $ore nuclei EpolysF .8N G"ru$stic3 chro$oso$eH Life span= D days# ;irst CBC to respond to acute infection. Eosinophils -27 of CBC population Cith (ilo(ed nucleus Cith eosinophilic specific *ranules# Rich in 4?S5/8?NE and SERO5ON?N Basophils Least co$$on (2 7) Cith I-shaped nucleus Basophilic *ranules# Serotonin @ranules Ly$phocytes S$allest CBC 2nd $ost co$$on (2!-<'7) 5 ly$phocyteso 8e$ory cyells o /rises fro$ (one $arro+ and

proliferates in the thy$us o /cti,ates B Ly$phocytes# o CELLULAR IMMUNI ! B Ly$phocytes o "oes not pass throu*h the thy$us# .ayerFs patches# o .roduces /N5?BO"?ES o Life span= ;e+ days o "UM#RAL IMMUNI !

8onocyte Lar*est CBC 2- !7 of CBC population Cith horseshoe>I shaped nucleus# .ha*ocytic cells# @ranules rich in LASOSO8ES# (/zurophilic *ranules) .latelets S$all colorlessJ non nucleated Non-$otile cytoplas$ic fra*$ents Nor$al= 2!!3 -9!!3 > $$< 5hro$(ocytosis% ele,ated le,els 5hro$(ocytopenia% depressed le,els ;ro$ $e*a3aryocytes# 4e$opoiesis # Ly$phoid- Located spleen and Ly$ph NodesJ (and thy$us); produces ly$phocytes

2# 8yeloid- Red (one $arro+ .roduces RBCJ CBC and platelets ;etal 4e$opoiesis o Shifts fro$ one re*ion to another# o < .hases 8eso(lastic(lood islands (Aol3 Sac) 4epatic- li,er and spleen 8yeloid- (one $arro+# 5heories of (lood cell for$ation # 8onophyletic>Initarianco$$on ste$ cell (he$ocyto(last) 2# .olyphyletic>diphyletic dualistic- .ri$iti,e cell for each (lood cell type Sta*es of RBC for$ation .roerythro(lasts K Reticulocyte Erythrocyte


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