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2014 Registration Form

Childs Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: __________

Age: __________

Date of Birth: ___________________________________

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #s:

Home: ________________

Cell: _________________

Emergency: ________________________

Spring Soccer:

Summer Soccer:


Grade K thru 2______

Ages 11-13 ______

Grasshopper (Ages 7-9 as of April 30th) ______

Grade 3 thru 5 ______

Ages 8-10 ______

T-ball/Coach Pitch (Boys 5-7/ Girls 5-8) ______

Pee Wee (Ages 10-12 as of April 30) ______


Ages 8-14 ______


as of April 30th ______


as of April 30th______


as of April 30th______

Pop Warner Football:

Youth Lacrosse

Mites (Ages 7-9)


Pee Wee (Ages 10-12)


Pop Warner Cheer:

Boys & Girls (3rd grade & above) _____

Youth Expectations:
1. You are a member of a team. We play TEAM sports.
2. Treat others with respect. No teasing, yelling, or
3. calling names at others.
4. No foul language.
5. Show up on time and be ready to practice.
6. Listen the first time, all the time.
7. Bring the right attitude to practice.

Mitey Mite (Ages 7-9)


Pee Wee (Ages 10-12)


Parent/Guardian Expectations:
1. Encourage your youth to practice at home.
2. Assist your youth with getting to and being on time
for practices.
3. Support your youth and his/her teambe a good

I/We, the parent or guardian of the above named child hereby gives my/our permission for said child to participate in the above (checked)
program during the 2014 Season. I/We understand that all information provided is accurate. I/We will not hold the Clayton Youth
Commission, Town/Village of Clayton, TI Central School, Directors or Volunteers liable for any injuries that may occur. Also, I/We further
understand that the Clayton Youth Commission does not carry health insurance and I/We will be responsible for any and all medical bills that
may arise.

Youth Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature
- Continue on Back Side -

Please indicate below what ethnic group(s) you would consider your child part of. This is not required, but the Youth
Commission needs to report, as well as we can, the ethnic background of participants in our programs.
American Indian__ Asian__ Black or African American__
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander__ Hispanic/Latino__


Clayton Youth Commission Code of Conduct

Clayton Youth Commission is committed to providing a safe and productive environment for
childrens activities.

I ______________________, and ________________________ (parent(s)/guardian(s) and

_______________________ (child) agree to promote a safe and productive environment for all
children via our own conduct. We agree to refrain from negative and/or abusive behavior at all
Clayton Youth Commission events, including home and away activities. Negative behavior
consists of both verbal and physical actions. We agree that all participants, to include players,
officials, coaches, and spectators, are to be treated with respect.

Signature _____________________ Parent#1/Guardian #1


Signature ______________________ Parent #2/ Guardian #2


Signature ______________________ Child


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