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Int. J. Management and Enterprise Development, Vol. 3, No.

3, 2006

Porters value chain model for assessing the impact of the internet for environmental gains Nazim U. Ahmed and Sushil K. Sharma*
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management Ball State Uni ersity Mun!ie" IN #$%&'" USA ()mail* nahmed+, ()mail* ssharma+, *-orresponding author
Abstract: .he re olutionary potential of the internet promises to transform e!onomi! and en ironmental gains. By redu!ing the amount of energy and materials !onsumed ,y ,usiness" the internet stands to re olutionise the relation ,et/een e!onomi! gro/th and the en ironment. .he internet is impro ing the !apa,ility to understand the s!ien!e of en ironmental degradation and !ommuni!ate that 0no/ledge to pu,li! and pri ate de!ision ma0ers. It also helps de!rease resour!e /aste and asso!iated pollution ,y impro ing the effi!ien!y of e!onomi! a!ti ity and pro ides impro ed sensors and instantaneous tele!ommuni!ations lin0s to !ontrol pollution spillo ers" ,etter manage shared resour!es and redu!e /aste. .his paper e1amines the impa!t and potential of internet),ased te!hnologies in the performan!e of important information and !ommuni!ation fun!tions for resol ing the en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model. Managerial impli!ations of using the internet for en ironmental gains for SM(s are also dis!ussed. Keywords: internet4 digital te!hnologies4 en ironment4 2orter3s alue !hain model. Reference to this paper should ,e made as follo/s* Ahmed" N.U. and Sharma" S.K. 56&&'7 82orter3s alue !hain model for assessing the impa!t of the internet for en ironmental gains3" Int. J. Management and Enterprise Development" 9ol. %" No. %" pp.6$:;6<=. Biographical notes: Dr. Nazim U. Ahmed is a 2rofessor of Information Systems and Operations Management at Ball State Uni ersity" Mun!ie" Indiana" USA. >is resear!h interests in!lude en ironmental management" total ?uality management" produ!ti ity impro ement" supply)!hain issues and e)!ommer!e. >e has pu,lished arti!les in International Journal of Produ tion !esear "" Journal of #perations Management" Journal of $usiness !esear "" %ransportation !esear "" International Journal of #perations and Produ tion Management" Information and Management" Information !esour e Management" Management De isions" Produ tion and Inventor& Management" Journal of t"e ' adem& of t"e Mar(eting ) ien e" International Journal of Poli & and Information" *omputers and Industrial Engineering and other @ournals. Dr. Sushil K. Sharma is an Asso!iate 2rofessor of Information Systems and Operations Management" at Ball State Uni ersity" Mun!ie" Indiana" USA. -o)author of t/o te1t,oo0s and !o)editor of four edited ,oo0s" Dr. Sharma3s resear!h !ontri,utions ha e appeared in many peer)re ie/ed national and international @ournals" !onferen!es and seminar pro!eedings. Dr. Sharma3s primary tea!hing and resear!h interests are in e)!ommer!e" information systems -opyright A 6&&' Inders!ien!e (nterprises Btd.

Porter+s value "ain model se!urity" (C2 systems" data,ase management systems and 0no/ledge
management. Dr. Sharma has /ide !onsulting e1perien!e in information


systems and e)!ommer!e and has ser ed as ad isor and !onsultant to se eral go ernment and pri ate organisations in!luding Dorld Ban0)funded pro@e!ts.


Studying natural en ironment is al/ays a !omple1 e1er!ise ,e!ause natural en ironment is produ!ed ,y !om,ined intera!tions among geologi!al" hydrologi!al" ,iologi!al and human so!ial systems and is therefore one of the most !omple1 systems. .he !omple1ity of issues in ol ed in understanding the impa!t of the industrialised /orld on the en ironment re?uires an interdis!iplinary approa!h. Eor e1ample4 e!osystem and natural resour!e management in ol es integrating s!ientifi! 0no/ledge of e!ologi!al relationships /ithin a ,roader poli!y and e!onomi! frame/or0. .ransportation issues often !arry important impli!ations for the en ironment 5Anderson and Bateman" 6&&&7. In this study" /e are e1amining the impa!t and potential of internet),ased te!hnologies in the performan!e of important information and !ommuni!ation fun!tions for resol ing the en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model. Internet),ased te!hnologies offer the potential to impro e pollution pre ention and en ironmental monitoring4 for instan!e" the !apa,ilities and limitations of satellite and other remote sensing systems to s!an e!osystems and enhan!e the effe!ti eness of monitoring large tra!ts of land 5Benedi!0" F<<F7. Internet and related information te!hnologies help to !apture pro!ess and transmit information /ith far more ease and effi!ien!y than in the past4 they !an play a role at ea!h point of this pro!ess" impro ing ,oth the ?uantity and ?uality of s!ientifi! understanding a,out pressing en ironmental pro,lems 5Dodson" F<<=4 Stari0 and Mar!us" 6&&&7. .he internet" has also pro ed alua,le in allo/ing multiple resear!hers to a!!ess and pro!ess data simultaneously thus multiplying the analysis !apa,ility. .he >uman Genome 2ro@e!t demonstrated this !apa!ity through immediate online pu,li!ation" ma0ing the !ode results a aila,le to all s!ientists o er the internet 5Bentley" F<<'7. .hus" the internet pro ides numerous a enues for !olle!ting" distri,uting and analysing en ironmental information" ma0ing it a aila,le to greater num,ers of resear!hers" redu!ing redundan!y and in!reasing our !apa!ity to understand the !omple1 glo,al e!osystem. .he graphi!al !apa,ilities of the internet help poli!yma0ers and others to 8see3 and understand the sour!es of en ironmental degradation. Images" su!h as the 8ozone hole3 or the impa!ts on agri!ulture of a dou,ling of glo,al temperature" are ,e!oming in!reasingly a aila,le on the /e,. Eurthermore" an O(-D study indi!ates that generalised use of internet retailing !ould eliminate the need for F6.=H of retail),uilding spa!e" sa ing the energy and materials needed to ,uild" operate and maintain ,uildings 5O(-D" F<<<7 and produ!t deli ery from e)tailers" !ontrary to !ommon opinion" may use #&H to <&H less fuel than if !ustomers dri e their !ars to the mall 5Comm" F<<<7. U2S e1pe!ts to impro e on these num,ers ,y using the internet to fill /hat /ould other/ise ,e empty tru!0s as they ma0e the return trip from a deli ery. Added ,enefits from these efforts are redu!ed traffi! !ongestion" air pollution and fuel use. ( en larger gains !an ,e had /ith produ!ts that !an ,e digitised and deli ered entirely online" li0e soft/are" musi!"

N.,. '"med and ).-. )"arma

entertainment" and some !onsulting ser i!es 5Dired" F<<<7. Along this line (gghead Soft/are has !losed all physi!al stores and mo ed to a !ompletely online ,usiness model 5Bi,ert and Ci,audo" F<<'7. .he internet helps in produ!t life !y!le through impro ed supply !hain management. By using the internet to integrate !ustomers" manufa!turers and suppliers" /asteful o er produ!tion and spoilage !an ,e largely eliminated 5Sie0man" F<<<7. An (rnst and Ioung study estimates that internet appli!ations !ould redu!e in entories ,y 6=H to %=H" /hile IBM estimates the sa ings !ould ,e as high as =&H 5Comm" F<<<7. All of these study indi!ate that the internet !ould pro e an important inno ation for redu!ing en ironmental degradation. .he internet has also helped redu!e en ironmental impa!ts in agri!ulture" /ater pollution et . .he internet has ser ed as an important inno ation in fa!ilitating /hat is !alled 8pre!ision farming methods3 that dramati!ally lo/er the amount of inputs needed for any gi en !rop 5-hong et al." 6&&=7. .here are not many arti!les in !urrent literature dealing spe!ifi!ally /ith the internet
and natural en ironment. >o/e er" there are a lot of arti!les dealing /ith different

aspe!ts of en ironment from a/areness to ,enefits" to strategy implementation and so on" /hi!h !an ,e impa!ted ,y the internet. One of the ?uestions of the past de!ade is ho/ indi idual en ironmental !on!erns shape !orporate en ironmental a!tions 5A ila" F<<%4 Stari0" F<<=4 Bansal and Coth" 6&&&7. Bansal and Coth 56&&&7 mentioned that personal !on!ern and alues !ould affe!t a firm3s en ironmental efforts in important /ays. Eirst" alues and !on!ern !an help de!ision ma0ers dis!riminate" identify" and prioritise 5Dutton" F<<$7. Se!ond" en ironmental !on!erns /ill indu!e some indi iduals to !hampion e!o)initiati es 5Anderson and Bateman" 6&&&4 Ba/ren!e and Morell" F<<=7. .hird" a firm3s top management /ill ,e more proa!ti e in their en ironmental effort if their alue systems refle!t en ironmental !on!erns 5Dutton and Ashford" F<<%7. (n ironmental de!ision)ma0ing is also dependent on !on!erns of e1ternal sta0eholders su!h as !ustomers and suppliers 5Johnson" F<<:7. It is logi!al that the internet !an ,e used effe!ti ely to !on ey rele ant information to different sta0eholder group /hi!h in turn /ill ma0e them more understanding of the need for sustaina,ility. 2ositi e e!onomi! impa!ts of en ironmental strategies are dis!ussed ,y 2orter and 9an der Binde 5F<<=7 and -ordano 5F<<%7. 2orter and 9an der Binde suggested that ,y reengineering the produ!tion pro!ess" firms !ould redu!e en ironmental impa!ts and simultaneously redu!e the !ost of inputs and /aste disposal. -ordano 5F<<%7 proposed that re enues !ould ,e in!reased through green mar0eting" sale of /aste produ!ts and outsour!ing a firm3s en ironmental e1pertise. Additionally" there are suggestions in the literature that e!o)initiati es /ill impro e !orporate image 5>art" F<<=4 Cusso and Eouts" F<<$7. >ere /e !an also use the internet to ma0e ,usiness pro!esses reengineering" mar0eting and other fun!tions more en ironmentally friendly. Despite the potentially important role that the internet is playing in impro ing en ironmental a!ti ities at a ma!ro le el" little resear!h has ,een performed to date that e1amines the fa!tors that affe!t en ironmental supply !hain management at a mi!ro le el. .his paper e1amines the impa!t and potential of internet),ased te!hnologies in the performan!e of important information and !ommuni!ation fun!tions for resol ing the en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model. .he intent of this paper is to e1amine the internet as a !ommuni!ation and information dissemination tool for resol ing en ironmental issues at a ma!ro and a mi!ro le el" and identify the e!o issues and e!o !riteria using 2orter3s alue !hain model.

Porter+s value "ain model

Impact and uses of internet!based technologies at macro level

6:F Internet),ased te!hnologies are pro iding fast" easy and !ost)effe!ti e means through
/hi!h to a!!ess" use" !reate and disseminate information. ()mail" /hi!h 0no/s no geographi! ,oundaries" pro ides a !ost)effe!ti e method of !ommuni!ation /ith other

similar organisations and indi iduals. ()mail also pro ides a means of dire!t a!!ess to
go ernment representati es. Bistser s" /hi!h are fo!us group dis!ussions disseminated ia e)mail" pro ide opportunities for indi iduals to @oin in !on ersations a,out timely"

fo!used topi!s. Organisational /e,pages pro ide me!hanisms through /hi!h en ironmental organisations !an afforda,ly disseminate information a,out themsel es to a large" geographi!ally dispersed audien!e. Additionally" there is mu!h useful information and data on the /e, to further grassroots en ironmental a!ti ists3 !auses" /hi!h ha e ne er ,efore ,een freely and easily a!!essi,le. .he a,ility to transport !omputer files o er the internet allo/s for rapid distri,ution of timely information. .he internet also pro ides a!!ess to free do/nloada,le soft/are.
.he internet is a uni?ue medium ,e!ause of its speed" lo/ !ost" easy !apa!ity for

for/arding messages and unlimited !apa!ity 5Erantzi!h" F<<<7. .he arious interest groups !an easily !on erse /ith ea!h other and present their !olle!ti e oi!e to national and international organisations to further their en ironmental !auses. Neigh,ourhood organisations !an use internet),ased te!hnologies to !ommuni!ate effe!ti ely /ithin their o/n !ommunities and a!ross neigh,ourhoods to ,uild and e1pand their intra!ommunity and inter!ommunity po/er ,ase 5-raig" F<<:7. Internet te!hnologies fa!ilitate a shift from representati e demo!ra!y to a more dire!t demo!ra!y" as the te!hnology pro ides
the a,ility for /ide range parti!ipation ,y people outside e1isting po/er stru!tures

5Grossman" F<<=7. .o understand the signifi!an!e of the impa!t of internet),ased te!hnologies on the information fun!tions of grassroots en ironmental @usti!e initiati es" t/o guiding !on!epts are suggested" ,orro/ed respe!ti ely from the fields of so!iology and politi!al s!ien!e. Eirst" the internet ,rea0s the insiderKoutsider di!hotomy as related to the flo/ of information. .raditionally" insiders su!h as go ernment offi!ials ha e had pri ileged a!!ess to !ertain 0inds of information and do not see0 information and ad i!e from !itizen for arious de!ision)ma0ing related to en ironmental !on!erns 5-hatman" F<<'7. .he internet appears to ,e ,rea0ing do/n this traditional insiderKoutsider di!hotomy and politi!al empo/erment" and ma0es it possi,le for !itizens to parti!ipate in en ironment)related poli!y ma0ing. .he internet is !hanging the flo/ of politi!al information and there,y !hanging the pattern of politi!al parti!ipation 5>ill and >ughes" F<<:7. Se!ondly" the internet allo/s dire!t !ommuni!ation" ,ypassing many information intermediaries and also su,stantially redu!es the !ost of !ommuni!ating through spa!e and time" allo/ing for greater organisation around shared interests" and allo/ing for a more heterogeneous ,ase of parti!ipants in politi!al pro!esses 52ier!e et al." F<<67. Using the internet" the media" opposition politi!ians" en ironmental entities" indi idual !itizens"
!ommunity groups and other nongo ernmental organisations" !an easily o,tain ast

?uantities of data on en ironmental results. Su,standard performan!e ,y go ernments or

!ompanies is easier to spot. .ransparen!y may also smo0e out !ases /here spe!ial interests distort the poli!y pro!ess. 2o/er" in the form of the a,ility to !reate and

disseminate information" has ,een gi en to relati ely po/erless segments of so!iety through the use of internet),ased te!hnologies 5Lel/eitro" F<<:7.

N.,. '"med and ).-. )"arma

Using the internet to !onne!t satellite imaging and glo,al positioning systems to digital !ontrollers on farm tra!tors and har esters allo/s the pre!ise appli!ations of fertilisers and pesti!ides to lo!al !onditions in the fields. .he result is higher yields" ?uality and profits and at the same time mu!h lo/er en ironmental impa!ts. Similarly" the forestry giant Deyerhaeuser is using digital maps and satellite imagery to !lassify forest type" age and health 5>orrigan et al." F<<:7. .his information is deli ered to field !re/s o er the internet through handheld de i!es and laptop !omputers. .he te!hnologies allo/ forest managers to e1tra!t ma1imum alue from pre!ious natural resour!es /hile redu!ing the en ironmental damage. .he arious impa!ts of the internet to resol e en ironmental issues at the ma!ro le el are sho/n in Eigure F. Eigure F indi!ates ho/ internet),ased te!hnologies ha e ,een helping to impro e en ironmentalism through arious means at a ma!ro le el.
"igure 1 .he impa!t of internet),ased te!hnologies to en ironmentalism at ma!ro le el

#ommunication medium
Internet),ased te!hnologies are pro iding
fast" easy" and !ost)effe!ti e means through /hi!h to a!!ess" use" !reate" and disseminate information using e)mail" listser s" /e,sites and other /e,),ased

$reater policy transparency and comparative analysis

Using internet" the media" opposition politi!ians" en ironmental entities" indi idual !itizens" !ommunity groups and other non)go ernmental organisations" !an easily o,tain ast ?uantities of data on en ironmental results. Su,)standard performan!e ,y go ernments or !ompanies is easier to spot. Internet helps to pro ide more data dri en de!ision)ma0ing.

%ematerialisation& the substitution of physical materials with information

.he su,stitution of ,oo0s" periodi!als" s t e r e o s " i d e o r e ! o r d e rs " ! am e r as " telephones" and ans/ering ma!hines and many other information oriented produ!ts ,y interest),ased digital produ!ts.


.he impa!t of internet),ased te!hnologies to en ironmentalism at ma!ro le el

Integration and coordination with governments& suppliers& customers& and competitors

Internet te!hnology is integrating and !oordinating a!ti ities
of go ernments" suppliers" !ustomers and other !ompetitors

Political empowerment through internet technologies

Internet is helping !itizen parti!ipation through !ommunity organisations as a !olle!ti e oi!e to lo!al go ernments. Neigh,ourhood organisations !an use internet),ased te!hnologies to !ommuni!ate effe!ti ely /ithin their o/n !ommunities and a!ross neigh,ourhoods to ,uild and e1pand their intra)!ommunity and inter)!ommunity po/er ,ase for en ironmental !on!erns.

for en ironmental gains.


(he Porters value chain model

Internet)dri en" /e,),ased te!hnologies ha e a tremendous impa!t on pro!urement" manufa!turing" and distri,ution to signifi!antly !ompress time and redu!e !osts throughout the supply !hain 5Ben@amin and Digand" F<<=7. .o ,etter understand the impa!t" /e ha e mapped the en ironmental issues on 2orter3s alue !hain model. In the later se!tion" /e ha e mapped the impa!t of the internet on these en ironmental issues 52orter and Miller" F<:=7. Our identifi!ation of en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model are detailed in .a,le F.

Porter+s value "ain model (able 1 Identifi!ation of en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model
Primar& a tivities Environmental issues E o.performan e riteria

'. riteria In),ound logisti!s Ceturna,le !ontainers 2er!entage of returna,le !ontainers -ost of returning the !ontainers Amount of pollution due to non)returna,le !ontainers (ffi!ient transport route Bess polluta,le transport mode Darehousing and storage spa!e re?uirements Supplier relation Boad)distan!e Amount of fuel !onsumption Amount of pollution generated in transport mode Amount of fuel !onsumption Amount of storage spa!e needed to per unit of output 2er!entage of outputs using JI. Num,er of suppliers /ho has en ironmental programme Num,er of supplier ISO F#&&& !ertified Num,er of suppliers on JI. Operations 2rodu!t Ser i!e life 2er!entage of output re!y!led 2er!entage of output reused Amount of /aste generated per hour of use De!i,el of noise Amount of to1i!ity .ime to degrade Amount of ra/ material needed 2ro!ess Amount of energy needed per unit of output Amount of pollution generated per unit of output 2er!entage of produ!tion related /aste re!y!led 2er!entage redu!tion in produ!tion related /aste Material Amount of hazardous material 2er!entage of su,stitution for hazardous material Out,ound logisti!s Storage and /arehousing 2a!0aging Darehousing !ost per unit of output shipped 2ound of material used in pa!0aging 2er!entage of degrada,le material in pa!0aging 2er!entage of pa!0aging re!y!la,le Shipping Boad)distan!e Euel !onsumption per mile per item 2er!entage su,stitution of hazardous material Darehousing !ost per unit of output shipped 2ound of material used in pa!0aging 2er!entage of pa!0aging re!y!la,le Euel !onsumption per mile per item Amount of pollution generated per unit of output Amount of energy needed per unit of output Num,er of suppliers /ho has en ironmental programmes Num,er of suppliers on JI. Ser i!e life 2er!entage of output re!y!led .ime to degrade Amount of ra/ material needed Amount of fuel !onsumption Amount of fuel !onsumption 2er!entage of output using JI. 2er!entage of returna,le !ontainers

N.,. '"med and ).-. )"arma (able 1 Identifi!ation of en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model 5!ontinued7
Primar& a tivities Environmental issues E o.performan e riteria Mar0eting and sales -ommuni!ation of en ironmentally friendly produ!t offerings 2er!entage of total ad ertising e1penditure for en ironmentally friendly produ!ts 2er!entage gro/th of sales of en ironmentally friendly produ!t 2er!entage of mar0et resear!h dollars en ironmentally friendly produ!ts 9alue added ser i!e in the en ironmental area .otal dollar amount of en ironmental alue added ser i!e pro ided Num,er of !ustomers pro ided /ith en ironmental alue added ser i!es Num,er of en ironmental alue added offerings Ser i!e (n ironmental a/areness and audit Num,er of !ustomers on en ironmental audit programmes 2er!entage of !ustomers on re!y!ling programme 2rodu!t ta0e ,a!0 2er!entage of produ!t ta0e),a!0 2er!entage of !ustomers on ta0e),a!0 programme -ost per unit of produ!t ta0e),a!0 )upport a tivities 2ro!urement (n ironmental pur!hasing Num,er of suppliers /ho has en ironmental programme Num,er of supplier ISO F#&&& !ertified Num,er of suppliers on JI. >uman resour!e de elopment (n ironmental training and a/areness (n ironmental audit 2er!entage of employees trained in en ironmental programme 2er!entage of employees parti!ipating in en ironmental programmes Num,er of employees trained in en ironmental audit Num,er of employees parti!ipating in en ironmental audit .e!hnologi!al de elopment Daste redu!tion te!hnology Num,er of units or plants using /aste redu!tion te!hnology 2er!entage !hange in /aste redu!tion in last fi e years Ce!y!ling te!hnology (nergy redu!tion te!hnology Num,er of plants or units using re!y!ling 2er!entage of output re!y!led 2er!entage of units or plants using energy redu!tion te!hnology 2er!entage of total energy redu!tion in last fi e years 2er!entage of total energy redu!tion in last fi e years Num,er of suppliers /ho has en ironmental programmes Num,er of suppliers on JI. 2er!entage of employees parti!ipating in en ironmental programmes Num,er of employees parti!ipating in en ironmental audit 2er!entage !hange in /aste redu!tion in last fi e years 2er!entage of output re!y!led 2er!entage of produ!t ta0e),a!0 2er!entage of !ustomers on re!y!ling programme .otal dollar amount of en ironmental alue added ser i!e pro ided '. riteria 2er!entage of total ad ertising e1penditure for en ironmentally friendly produ!ts

Porter+s value "ain model (able 1 Identifi!ation of en ironmental issues using 2orter3s alue !hain model 5!ontinued7
)upport a tivities Environmental issues Ceuse te!hnology E o.performan e riteria 2er!entage of outputs ,eing reused Num,er of produ!ts in the reuse programme Infrastru!ture (n ironmental poli!y Num,er of en ironmental initiati es and initiati es in last three years Num,er of in!enti e s!hemes for en ironmental leadership Ere?uen!y of en ironmental audits (n ironmental !ommuni!ation 2resen!e of an en ironmental /e,site Ere?uen!y of up)dates 2er!entage of employees using en ironmental /e,site '. riteria Num,er of produ!ts in the reuse programme Num,er of in!enti e s!hemes for en ironmental leadership Ere?uen!y of en ironmental audits 2er!entage of employees using en ironmental /e,site

(!o)!riteria are en ironmental performan!e !riteria that !an ,e used to tra!0 the impa!t of en ironmental strategies or de!isions in the alue !hain. Eor e1ample" for in,ound)logisti!s" one of the /ays to a!hie e en ironmental effi!ien!y is to use returna,le !ontainers. Se eral !riteria su!h as the per!entage of returna,le !ontainers" !ost of returna,le !ontainers" amount of pollution redu!tion ,y returna,le !ontainers et ." !an ,e used as e!o)!riteria. Among se eral e!o)!riteria" /hi!h !an ,e used to tra!0 impa!t of a strategy or de!isions" some !ould ,e more important than others. Eor effi!ien!y and simpli!ity one !an use one or some ,ut not all of the e!o)!riteria. .hese are !alled A)!riteria. Eor the en ironmental strategy of using returna,le !ontainers" the A)!riteria !an ,e a per!entage of returna,le !ontainers.

Impact of internet technologies at micro level

/.0 In1ound logisti 2 effi ient transport and logisti management

Internet),ased te!hnologies /ill enormously help the en ironment industry impro e its alue !hain ,y !on eying real)time information to ensure a produ!t3s timely arri al. Information in!lude ra/ materials to manufa!turers" goods to distri,utors" produ!ts to retailers and pur!hases to !ustomers. Cetailers" !ustomers" suppliers and manufa!turers !an no/ ha e immediate a!!ess to their supply !hain information to tra!0 alua,le shipping information 5Cayport and S io0la" F<<'7. Ceal)time information a aila,le to manufa!turers and retailers /ill help them to manage their transportation and logisti!s resour!es more effe!ti ely. .his /ould not only help for effi!ient transport routes and less polluta,le transport mode ,ut help to manage /arehousing and storage spa!e re?uirement /ith ,etter effi!ien!ies. (ffi!ient pa!0age deli ery ,y tru!0 may repla!e at least in part ineffi!ient personal dri ing to malls" supermar0ets" ,oo0stores and the li0e. .he transportation se!tor is responsi,le for a,out one)third of US energy !onsumption today. .he internet holds the prospe!t of redu!ing transportation energy intensity ,y repla!ing some !ommuting /ith tele!ommuting4 repla!ing some shopping /ith teleshopping4 repla!ing some air tra el /ith tele!onferen!ing4 ena,ling digital transmission or e)materialisation of a ariety of

N.,. '"med and ).-. )"arma

goods that are today shipped ,y tru!0" train and plane" in!luding formerly printed material" soft/are" !onstru!tion materials" and the li0e4 impro ing the effi!ien!y of the supply !hain and in!reasing the !apa!ity utilisation of the entire transportation system. As traditional manufa!turing and !ommer!ial !ompanies put their supply !hain on the internet" and redu!e in entories" o erprodu!tion" unne!essary !apital pur!hases" paper transa!tions" mista0en orders" and the li0e" they a!hie e greater output /ith less energy !onsumption. .hese things /ill ha e a larger en ironmental ,enefit than pollution pre ention" espe!ially in the energy)intensi e manufa!turing se!tor. .he internet allo/s astly superior supply !hain management" /hi!h !an dramati!ally redu!e in entories" impro e fore!asting" and eliminate mista0es and /asted produ!tion. .his /ould impro e !apa!ity utilisation" and holds the potential for in!reased material reuse. A oiding o erprodu!tion" /aste" and mista0es" and fostering material reuse" !an ha e disproportionately large energy and en ironmental impa!ts. De,),ased te!hnologies ena,le ,uyer and supplier to operate more effi!iently" as a result of isi,ility of orders throughout the entire distri,ution net/or0. .ransa!tional outsour!ing for transportation" /arehousing" pa!0aging" and related a!ti ities is ,eing repla!ed ,y net/or0 outsour!ing" /here these indi idual fun!tions are managed integrally ,y a third)party pro ider. Also" the Bogisti!s Management module helps !ompanies transport goods more effi!iently ,e!ause suppliers and !ustomers !onfigure optimal tru!0load and deli ery s!hedules. .his redu!es /asted tru!0 5or other !arrier7 spa!e" /asted time" and fuel mileage due to ineffi!ient routing.

P o r t e r + s v a l u e " a i n m o d e l

/.0.2 !elatio ns"ips

/.0.0 3are"ousing and storage spa e re4uirements

.he internet),ased te!hnologies /ill enormously help the !ompanies impro e its alue !hain ,y !on eying real)time information to !ustomers" suppliers and manufa!turers. .his /ould help !ompanies to a!!urately predi!t !onsumer demands and that /ill result into a redu!tion of e1!ess in entories at the retail le el ,y replenishing them on a @ust)in)time ,asis. .his !ould de!rease the spa!e needed to store e1!ess in entories" there,y minimising the en ironmental impa!ts of /arehousing* the !onsumption of open spa!es ,y /arehouses4 the materials used to ,uild them4 and the energy needed for heating" !ooling and lighting 5Stein and S/eat" F<<:4 Basile" F<<:7. .he internet ma0es mass !ustomisation possi,le ,e!ause it fa!ilitates information e1!hange ,et/een !ompanies and indi idual !ustomers. .he internet and inno ati e produ!tion te!hnologies are helping !ompanies to manufa!ture produ!ts spe!ifi!ally designed for indi idual !onsumers. -ustomisation ena,les produ!ers to manufa!ture the produ!ts that are needed ,y !ustomers thus redu!ing produ!t /aste or slashing in entories ,y redu!ing sto!0piles of soon)to),e o,soles!ent e?uipment and ma!hines 5Mathieson" F<<:7. Eor e1ample4 e),oo0 or pu,lishing on demand may eliminate the /aste thus sa ing on paper and redu!ing printing and storage !osts 5Basile" F<<:7. Mass !ustomisation !ould ha e profound en ironmental ,enefits for redu!ing the energy and

Internet te!hnology has ena,led a firm to ,egin to e1tend the !on!ept of its alue !hain to in!lude all of the firm3s suppliers and ,usiness partners into a single /e,. .his ena,les
!ompanies to /or0 dire!tly /ith !ompanies around the /orld. One)to)one ,uyer)supplier

relationships are ?ui!0ly ,eing repla!ed ,y interenterprise !olla,oration ena,led ,y horizontal and erti!al mar0etpla!es. Defined produ!ts and ser i!es are gi ing /ay to
dynami!" !ustomer)!onfigura,le offerings" /here produ!ts and ser i!es related to those

produ!ts are ,undled to meet the uni?ue re?uirements of indi idual !ustomers. In addition to effi!iently ,alan!ing demand 5orders7 /ith supply 5a aila,ility and !apa!ity7" effe!ti e demand and supply planning signifi!antly impa!ts the ,ottom line. Optimisation of the planning pro!ess !an dri e re enue gro/th" redu!e in entory in estment" and lo/er operating !osts.

/.2 #perations
.hrough mass !ustomisation" manufa!turers !an formulate produ!ts spe!ifi!ally for indi idual !ustomers* detergents that fit the !leaning needs of parti!ular /or0pla!es4 pesti!ides that fit the inse!t population of spe!ifi! lo!alities" la/n)!are produ!ts that fit the nutritional needs of uni?ue lands!apes4 and !osmeti!s and personal hygiene produ!ts formulated to a oid a parti!ular allergen or e1posure to a parti!ular !hemi!al or !hemi!als 5S!hafer" F<<$7.

Effi ient produ t, pro esses and te "nolog&2 e.materialisation

Many of the materials su!h as ne/spapers" ,oo0s" di!tionaries and en!y!lopedias" periodi!als" stereos" ideo re!orders" !ameras" telephones" and ans/ering ma!hines" are produ!ts designed to manipulate" store and transmit information. Similarly" many of our institutions" from the post offi!e to the lo!al ,an0" !onsume energy and materials ,y o!!upying stru!tures that e1ist mainly to pro!ess information. As a te!hnology for manipulating" storing and transmitting information" the internet !an perform many of the same fun!tions as these material o,@e!ts" and in some !ases mu!h more ?ui!0ly and !on eniently. .his su,stitution of ,its and ,ytes for physi!al goods has ,een !alled 8dematerialisation3. Dematerialisation through the internet helps not only to assimilate and !ommuni!ate information" and !ondu!t finan!ial transa!tions online" ,ut also has
the potential to dramati!ally redu!e the ra/ materials used in the produ!tion of goods"

the energy !onsumed in manufa!turing" and the solid /aste generated ,y ,usinesses and !onsumers. Eor e1ample" the manufa!ture of film" pro!essing !hemi!als" and photographi! paper is a signifi!ant sour!e of emissions of to1i! !hemi!als su!h as methylene !hloride" methanol" a!etone" toluene" !hromium" selenium" and methyl ethyl 0etone 5US)(2A" F<<#7. Digital photography a oids the ma@or en ironmental impa!ts of film manufa!turing and photo pro!essing. Ee/ !ompanies offer !ustomers to re!ei e and store pi!tures ele!troni!ally" thus" ena,les ,road distri,ution /ithout any material re?uired. Einan!ial transa!tions performed ia the /e, re?uire far fe/er material resour!es and none of the energy in ol ed in mo ing information stored on paper to and from the home or offi!e. It is estimated that ele!troni! ,illing sa es appro1imately =& to $= !ents per ,ill in en elopes and postage" and another MF in handling !osts.

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.he internet is helping !ompanies and organisations to redu!e energy !osts and Greenhouse Gas 5G>G7 emissions ,y pro iding them /ith tools and strategies that !an
impro e the en ironment" /hile in!reasing profits and produ!ti ity. ()materialisation of

paper alone holds the prospe!t of !utting energy !onsumption ,y a,out &.6=H of total industrial energy use. By 6&F&" e)materialisation of paper" !onstru!tion" and other a!ti ities !ould redu!e US industrial energy and G>G emissions ,y more than F.=H 5Comm et al." 6&&%4 Comm" F<<<7.

/.3 #ut1ound logisti s

Manufa!turers in est large amounts of money in the design of pa!0aging. .he en ironmental !osts of pa!0aging are enormous. .he pa!0aging results into solid /aste. Using internet for selling" and mar0eting produ!ts ma0es attra!ti e pollution)!ausing pa!0aging a less attra!ti e proposition for manufa!turers 5Dal0er" F<<<7. Moreo er" sin!e the ,a!0,one of online shopping is shipping effi!ien!y" e)!ommer!e !reates in!enti es to redu!e the size and /eight of produ!t pa!0aging. As a result" !ompanies may find it ad antageous to redu!e the ?uantity of the materials used to pa!0age their produ!ts. Many gifts !an ,e !on erted into digital gifts su!h as -hristmas !ards et . .his !an a oid a !onsidera,le amount of transportation energy !onsumption and air pollution. 2a!0aging is the single largest !ategory of muni!ipal solid /aste. Dith the ad ent of internet)dri en e)!ommer!e" ho/e er" third)party shippers ha e an in!enti e to de ise !ost)effe!ti e ta0e),a!0 systems" mean/hile e1panding their mar0et and in!reasing the effi!ien!y of their ehi!les. Moreo er" to redu!e the !osts of home deli ery and ma0e internet pur!hases !ompetiti e /ith store),ought produ!ts" !ompanies may shift to reusa,le shipping !ontainers to redu!e the !ost of !orrugated ,o1es.

/./ Mar(eting and sales2 ommuni ation of environmentall& friendl& produ t offerings
Internet resour!es in the form of /e,sites pro ide a /ealth of information and assistan!e for en ironmental a!ti ists" !ustomers and manufa!turers. .he internet helps !ompanies to offer produ!ts and ser i!es online" therefore" shopping and selling may no longer re?uire a shop or ,uildings for retail fa!ilities 5Casmusson" F<<<7. -ompanies !an use /e,sites to !ommuni!ate /ith !ustomers" suppliers" partners and /ith their employees. .his /ould redu!e the physi!al spa!e re?uirements for offi!e ,uildings" /hi!h !onsume more than %&H of our total energy and '&H of our ele!tri!ity 5Dilson et al." F<<:4 S!h/artz" F<<'4 Borsu0" F<<<7. If !ompanies put their stores on the internet using soft/are" rather than !onstru!ting ne/ retail ,uildings" that /ould sa e energy 5-ort" F<<<7. Internet)dri en e)!ommer!e has the potential to !reate a glo,al yard sale" mat!hing people3s re?uirements /orld/ide 5.urner" F<<<7. .he internet and numerous /e,sites help !ompanies find ,uyers for materials they no longer need" redu!ing /aste disposal !osts and generating re enue at the same time. Internet te!hnologies are integrated /ith the !urrent generation of -CM appli!ations to gain ,etter understanding of their !ustomers 5Nuel!h and Klein" F<<'7. Many enterprises ha e already integrated intera!ti e !ustomers3 support into their -CM strategy 5>offman and No a0" F<<'a;,7.

Porter+s value "ain model

/.5 )ervi e and support

.he internet ma0es it easier for !ompanies to !ontinue pro iding !ustomers /ith information after they ma0e a pur!hase. Dhen !ustomers ,uy ele!troni!ally" manufa!turers automati!ally !apture information su!h as home and e)mail addresses and use this data to pro ide produ!t updates and information on ne/ produ!ts. In addition to its mar0eting fun!tion" this !apa,ility !an ,e an effe!ti e tool in pro iding support and other information on safe produ!t use" produ!t re!alls" proper maintenan!e for optimal performan!e and energy effi!ien!y" and options for re!y!ling" refur,ishing" and disposal.

/.6 %e "nolog& development

.he internet appears to ,e promoting greater use of home offi!es" allo/ing tele!ommuters to spend less time at the offi!e and also spa/ning many purely home),ased ,usinesses. .his shift /ill in!rease energy !onsumption in homes" ,ut /ill li0ely sa e far greater energy in a oided offi!e ,uilding !onstru!tion and utility ,ills" as /ell as redu!ed !ommuting energy.

/.6 Pro urement

By automating and standardising pro!urement pro!esses a!ross the enterprise and transa!ting ele!troni!ally /ith suppliers" !ompanies ha e a tremendous opportunity to redu!e !osts and impro e produ!tion !y!le times. .raditionally pro!urement pro!esses are highly manual" paper),ased" and fragmented4 this !reates the opportunity for pro!ess /aste" ina!!urate order entry" and in!reased !ost through ma eri!0 ,uying. Internet),ased te!hnologies are rapidly ,eing adopted that ena,le !ompanies to not only redu!e the !osts for materials and ser i!es they pur!hase" ,ut also redu!e the operating !osts asso!iated /ith the pro!urement fun!tion itself. .hese te!hnologies also redu!e the la,our asso!iated /ith the a!?uisition pro!ess" yielding produ!ti ity gains. Business)to)Business 5B6B7 mar0etpla!es are ,eing formed to ,ring effi!ien!y and !olla,oration to entire industries.

+anagerial implications to ,+-s

.he internet is !hanging the lands!ape of !ompetition* as pri!e and lo!ation ,e!ome less important" firms /ill need to differentiate produ!ts and ser i!es on other attri,utes. 2erhaps the most signifi!ant impa!t of the in!reased use of the internet ,y mem,ers of the supply !hain is that it !an fa!ilitate !hanges in relationships along the !hain" ,oth ,et/een the manufa!turer and its supplier and the manufa!turer and its !ustomer and end)!onsumer 5Kuo et al." 6&&=7. All other impa!ts stem from this. .he internet !an fa!ilitate a !hange in the relationship ,et/een manufa!turer and end)!onsumer ,y more !losely lin0ing them through dire!t internet sales 5Kumar and Biu" 6&&#7. .he SM( se!tor is an important target for !ompetiti eness" inno ation and en ironmental poli!ies and pra!ti!es" as its size means that !olle!ti ely it !an deli er signifi!ant e!onomi!" so!ial and en ironmental ,enefits 5Simon and 2ierret" F<<:7. SM(s and !orporate /e,sites need to address multiple !onstituents using smart /e,site design. -ompanies should !onsider forming allian!es and /e, lin0s to refle!t intentions and

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demonstrate a!tion 5-hong et al." 6&&=7. Eirms should get in tou!h /ith green groups" and protestors" and !olla,orate on ta!0ling issues. -ompanies should use the internet to esta,lish ,etter !ommuni!ations up and do/n their supply !hains. SM(s no/ ha e ,etter !hannels of !ommuni!ation /ith their suppliers on ingredients and pro!esses. Internet is a te!hnology that enhan!es the alue proposition offered ,y !ompanies to their !ustomers. .o a!hie e this goal" SM(s ha e to integrate the use of this te!hnology /ithin some of their ,usiness pro!esses. .hey need to perform ne/ a!ti ities" modify the e1er!ise of a!tual ones and eliminate some others. In!reased !ompetition has also resulted in a greater emphasis on differentiation and a sear!h for potential sour!es of alue)added for !onsumers. .his has led some retailers into internet shopping as dis!ussed a,o e. It has also in!reased the importan!e of ser i!e so that order)/inning !riteria are li0ely to ,e ser i!e),ased rather than produ!t),ased. O, iously" there are mar0et opportunities for SM(s manufa!turers to sell produ!t online themsel es and ,roaden their !ustomer ,ase geographi!ally. SM(s are using the internet as a medium to partner themsel es /ith glo,al as /ell as lo!al partners to deli er produ!ts and ser i!es online. SM(s manufa!turers need to ,e alert to !hanging !onsumer ,eha iours as a result of in!reased shopping online 5Gulledge and Sommer" 6&&#7. ( en /ithout selling online" effe!ti e use of the internet ,y SM(s !an pro ide a
lo/ !ost 8gate/ay3 to international mar0ets and help o er!ome many of the ,arriers

or o,sta!les to internationalisation !ommonly e1perien!ed ,y su!h firms. Eor e1ample" an internet !onne!tion !an su,stantially impro e !ommuni!ations /ith a!tual and potential !ustomers" suppliers and partners a,road4 generate a /ealth of information on mar0et trends and de elopments /orld/ide4 pro ide a 8ear)to)the)ground3 on the latest te!hnology and COD4 and !an ,e a ery po/erful international promotion and sales tool 5Bi and .an" 6&&#7. One of the fundamental impa!ts on SM(s is the need to !hange their mindset. In!reased adoption of I-. means that !ompanies ha e to a!!ept there /ill ,e greater information sharing ,et/een supply !hain partners as /ell as /ithin !ompanies. .he traditional sour!e of po/er deri ing from !ontrol of information is diminished ,y adoption of arious I-.s. .herefore" adoption of I-. is a !ompany)/ide a!ti ity that /ill re?uire full !ommitment from the !ompany3s de!ision ma0ers" /ith the support of !omprehensi e I-. plans and strategies and a !hange management plan. (n ironmental issues are not at the top of the agenda for SM(s and therefore en ironmental messages need to !learly a!!ompany other more mainstream areas of !on!ern 5Bradford" 6&&&4 (uropean -ommission" 6&&F7. Managerial impli!ations of using the internet for en ironmental gains are many folds for SM(s. .he !apa!ity of the internet to fa!ilitate allian!es irrespe!ti e of geographi!al distan!e" allo/ greater organisational possi,ilities for groups /ith limited resour!es" more e1tensi e a!!ess to /ider audien!es" and !reate ne/ forms of en ironmentalism 5Borden and >ar ey" F<<:4 Bri!0" F<<:7. .hrough /e,sites" ne/sgroups and mailing lists" people /ho are !on!erned a,out an en ironmental issue are a,le to find one another" e1!hange information and esta,lish some sort of !olle!ti e a!tion. .his !an help to remo e the sense of isolation often felt ,y those /ho see0 !hange" parti!ularly /hen !hallenging finan!ial and so!io)politi!al 8hea y/eights3 su!h as !orporations or go ernment entities. .here are indi!ations that the internet may ,e helping to !hange the ,alan!e of po/er ,et/een en ironmental groups and entities that oppose en ironmental reform" su!h as some industries and go ernment ,odies 5Lel/eitro" F<<:4 Anderson" F<<$4 (s!o,ar" F<<'7.

Porter+s value "ain model

.e!hnology su!h as the internet amplifies the opportunity for !ompanies to !olle!t"
filter and analyse huge amounts of information from numerous sour!es almost

instantaneously 5Erederi!0" F<<%7. Managers in the !ompanies !an ma0e them more a/are of arious glo,al en ironmental !on!erns and the remedies that are adopted to ta!0le those !on!erns. Eor e1ample" resear!hers !ould !ompare en ironmental messages in the online and offline !onte1ts and fo!us more on /hat the internet !an do for en ironmental groups in poor !ommunities or pro ide more information a,out online anti)en ironmental a!ti ities 5Gauntlett" F<<$4 Karliner" F<<$7. .he international !onsulting firm (rnst and Ioung predi!ts that ,y 6&F& there /ill ,e nearly F& &&& telemetri! de i!es 5meaning de i!es that transmit or re!ei e data7 for e ery person on earth. Managing !onne!ti ity on a s!ale li0e this /ill ,e too diffi!ult for humans to do on their o/n. In the future" net/or0 management /ill ,e partially delegated to soft/are programmes !alled agents that learn a,out their users and a!t autonomously on their ,ehalf. Managers may ha e to fa!e !on!erns related to personal pri a!y" ha!0ing" in!reasing net/or0 ulnera,ility" and digital terrorism. (n ironmental ,enefits !an ,e realised only /hen so!iety shifts from a traditional fo!us on personal !omputing to/ard ,roader !on!epts ,ased on adapti e" self)organising systems. But !hanges in !omputing might also ,ring humans !loser to their en ironment and ena,le them to ,etter understand and manage the natural /orld around them 5Cheingold" F<<#4 Snider" F<<=7. .here are a num,er of issues to !onsider /hen loo0ing at ho/ SM(s are moti ated to engage in en ironmentally friendly produ!tion. .hese in!lude* training4 use of I.4 net/or0ing4 assistan!e already a aila,le to SM(s o er!oming the ,arriers to inno ation and organisational issues4 and learning from past good and ,ad e1perien!es. SM(s !olle!ti ely form an important part of ,oth en ironmental and e!onomi! issues and as su!h they form a target for impro ed effi!ien!y in ,oth of these areas. .here is a need for a !lear strategy /ith respe!t to SM(s en ironmental and ,usiness performan!es" /hi!h other organisations" su!h as .rade Asso!iations" Green Business -lu,s and Cegulators !an then help to deli er. In order to ,e a,le to a!hie e su!h a strategy" there needs to ,e !learer thin0ing on the targets set for SM(s 5Biu and >e" 6&&=4 -(-OA" 6&&#7.

"urther directions for resolving environmental issues

.he internet helps to ,ring !ustomers and manufa!turers !loser. Using the internet" !onsumers !an pro ide manufa!turers /ith feed,a!0 on produ!ts" pa!0aging" and deli ery systems" and demand that they implement en ironmentally sound pra!ti!es. Online !ustomers !an demand super)!on!entrated produ!ts and refills" reusa,le or re!y!la,le produ!t !ontainers" and the option to pay their ,ills ele!troni!ally. Manufa!turers !an respond ,y oluntarily instituting !odes of pra!ti!e for e)!ommer!e that prote!t the en ironment. Manufa!turers should ta0e ad antage of internet),ased te!hnologies for pro iding produ!t des!riptors that define the en ironmental !hara!teristi!s of produ!ts sold online" so that !onsumers !an s!an for ?ualities li0e energy effi!ien!y and !hemi!al !omposition. Also" the arious organisations should en!ourage ele!troni! payment of ,ills and putting manuals and forms online thus redu!ing /aste material that !an !ontri,ute to en ironment pollution. More and more !ompanies should mo e to/ard more en ironmentally sound pa!0aging designs 5e.g." lighter and thinner pa!0aging4 reusa,le pa!0aging4 pa!0aging that !ontains fe/er

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materials or more re!y!led materials4 pa!0aging that !ontains fe/er dyes and in0s7. .he go ernment agen!ies should go online and should offer more and more information ele!troni!ally through the internet. Go ernment agen!ies !ould !ondu!t their o/n ,an0ing" ,illing" and pur!hasing online" and re?uire endor ta0e),a!0 of shipping !ontainers and pa!0aging. Only /ith the use of internet),ased te!hnologies" for analysing data on transportation patterns and shipping logisti!s" produ!t design" !onsumer ,eha iour" and resour!e !onsumption /ill the go ernment ,e a,le to help design programmes and poli!ies to produ!e positi e en ironmental impa!ts.


.he gro/ing !ommer!ialisation of the Dorld Dide De, has led to the in!reased a aila,ility of !orporate information ia the internet. Dhile mu!h of the information a aila,le from these !ommer!ial sites is intended for produ!t promotion and pu,li! relations" a side)effe!t of this trend has ,een the in!reased a!!essi,ility of !orporate (n ironment" Safety and >ealth 5(SO>7 information. .he internet is reshaping manufa!turing and distri,ution systems" produ!t design" and the fundamental relationship of produ!er to !onsumer. By lin0ing the /orld together" the internet has the potential to astly impro e the effi!ien!y of !ommer!e that !ould redu!e or eliminate the need for produ!ts" for /arehouses and retail stores" and for the materials" energy" and spa!e. It !ould !ur, automo,ile use" redu!e traffi!" and ena,le ,usinesses and !onsumers to ,e sa y green shoppers. .he use of internet),ased te!hnologies for resol ing en ironmental pro,lems has ,een in!reasing as arious organisations ha e already ,een e1ploiting the internet for a!!ess" use" dissemination and !reation of information resour!es. .o date" there has not ,een any systemati! resear!h study done on the impa!t of internet),ased te!hnologies on the information and !ommuni!ation fun!tions using 2orter3s alue !hain model. .his study demonstrates ho/ the internet helps to resol e en ironment)related issues using alue)added a!ti ities of 2orter3s alue !hain model. .his study !ertainly /ould help to in!rease understanding of the role of the internet as a signifi!ant feature in information fun!tions of resol ing en ironmental issues.

Anderson" A. 5F<<$7 Media, *ulture and t"e Environment" Ne/ Jersey* Cutgers Uni ersity 2ress. Anderson" B.M. and Bateman" ..A. 56&&&7 8Indi idual en ironmental initiati e* !hampioning natural en ironmental issues in US ,usiness organizations3" ' adem& of Management Journal" 9ol. #%" No. #" pp.=#:;=$&. A ila" J.A. 5F<<%7 8Dhat is en ironmental strategy3" %"e M -inse& 7uarterl&" 9ol. #" No. F" pp.=%;'<. Bansal" 2. and Coth" K. 56&&&7 8Dhy !ompanies go green* a model of e!ologi!al responsi eness3" ' adem& of Management Journal" 9ol. #%" No. #" pp.$F$;$%'. Basile" A. 5F<<:7 8Eodor3s3" 8i1rar& Journal" 9ol. F6%" No. F6" pp.%#;%'. Benedi!0" C.(. 5F<<F7 #9one Diploma &2 Ne: Dire tions in )afeguarding t"e Planet" -am,ridge" Massa!husetts* >ar ard Uni ersity 2ress. Ben@amin" C. and Digand" C. 5F<<=7 8(le!troni! mar0ets and irtual alue !hains on the information superhigh/ay3" )loan Management !evie:" Dinter" pp.'6;$6.

Porter+s value "ain model

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6< O!to,er. Snider" J.>. 5F<<=7 8.he information superhigh/ay as en ironmental mena!e3" %"e Auturist" 9ol. 6<" No. 6" pp.F';F<. Stein" .. and S/eat" J. 5F<<:7 8Killer supply !hains3" Information:ee(" < No em,er" pp.%';#'. Stari0" M. 5F<<=7 8Cesear!h on organizations and the natural en ironment* some paths /e ha e tra eled" the UfieldV ahead3" in D. -ollins and M. Stari0 5(ds.7 !esear " in *orporate )o ial Performan e and Poli &" Green/i!h" -.* JAI 2ress" 9ol. F" pp.F;#F. Stari0" M. and Mar!us" A.A. 56&&&7 )pe ial !esear " Aorum on t"e Management of #rgani9ations in t"e Natural Environment2 ' Aield Emerging from Multiple Pat"s, :it" man& *"allenges '"ead" 9ol. #%" No. #" pp.=%<;=#$. .urner" C. 5F<<<7 8Dinning ,id3" Mone&" 9ol. 6:" No. %" pp.6&F;6&%. United States (n ironmental 2rote!tion Agen!y 5US)(2A7 5F<<#7 )ustaina1le Industr&2 P"ase I !eport" Offi!e of 2oli!y 2lanning and ( aluation. Dal0er" B. 5F<<<7 8Dhi!h /ay to ,ill your !ustomers* ,y mail or ele!troni! deli ery" or ,othT3" Dire t Mar(eting" 9ol. 'F" No. F&" pp.##;#$. Dilson" A. et al. 5F<<:7 ;reen Development2 Integrating E olog& and !eal Estate" Ne/ Ior0* John Diley and Sons" p.$. Dired 5F<<<7 MP3 *utting into Musi )alesC 6# Mar!h" http*KK///./ired.!omKne/sK,usinessK &"F%'$"F:'<%"&&.html Lel/eitro" J. 5F<<:7 8.he politi!ization of en ironmental organizations through the internet3" %"e Information )o iet&" 9ol. F#" pp.#=;='.

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